October/November 2014 - Portland Lace Society


October/November 2014 - Portland Lace Society
Portland Lace Society
Est .1971
Visit o ur Websit e: www. port la ndl acesociet y.com
Oct /No v 20 14
Beverly Davis
32697 S Meridian Rd
Woodburn, OR 97071
Visit our Website: www.portlandlacesociety.com
Vice President:
Jackie Nissen
3121 Juniper Dr
Newberg, OR 97132
Sherri Campbell
930 NW Natio Parkway K3
Portland, OR 97209
Jean Reeves
1359 S Ginger Ct
Cornelius, OR 97113
Janet Brand
6205 SW 172nd Ave
Beaverton, OR 97007
C.J. David
2624 SE Chestnut St.
Milwaukie, OR 97267
Jean Reeves
Kathy Hensel
Oct/Nov 2014
OR Country Lacemakers DEMO Sat & Sun - Oregon Flock & Fiber
Lynda Libby class
Portland Lace Society Meeting
Lace Class—Maria Provencher at Jackie Nissen’s House
LACE DAY! Sellwood Center 10:00 to 2:00
DEMO-Champoeg Harvest Day 1:00 to 4:00 pm
Lace Class-Maria Provencher at Jackie Nissen’s House
Lynda Libby
Lynda Libby
Oregon Trail Lacemakers
DEMO-Time Traverers; Market Faire & Ball - Costume of any Era
Lynda LIbby
Lace Class in Tillamook led by Alice Howell
Oregon Country Lacemakers
Lynda Libby
Portland Lace Society - Voting for Slate of Officers
Lynda Libby
Oregon Trail Lacemakers
Lynda Libby
Lynda Libby
Oregon Country Lacemakers
Lynda Libby
Portland Lace Society - Installation of Officers and Potluck
Newberg and Friends
Opal Shimmen
LPS Lace Day in Kent, WA
Newberg & Friends
Jackie Nissen
Newsletter items for next edition due before 15th of the month
Details for Calendar Items:
Mondays - Lace at Lynda Libby’s from 10:00 am to Noon.
First Sat. of the month -Bellevue, WA Bobbin Lace Group back at Crossroads Mall 10:00 - 2:00.
2nd Mon of the month - Newberg (and Friends) meet from 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
2nd Sat of the month - Willamette Heritage Center Mill building 2nd Floor Open Space 10 am to noon.
3rd Sat of the Month - Oregon Trail Lacemakers of Eugene meeting is 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Last Sat of the month - Oregon Country Lacemakers (OCL) meet at 111 NE 3rd St., McMinnville, OR
Looking Ahead:
Oct 4, 2014
Oct 25, 2014
Jun 18-21 2015
Annual Lace Day at Sellwood Community Center
LPS Lace Day 525 4th Ave N, Kent, WA
NW Lace Conference, Newberg, OR
Our meetings are the 1st Thurs. of the month, 10:00-12:00, at the Sellwood Community Center
located on the corner of 15th and Spokane St. in Sellwood.
Minutes—August 2014—no meeting.
Minutes 9/4/14 Continued ——
Minutes September 4, 2014
Jackie reported on the 2015 NW Conference. We
have received the Scissors from Australia. The little
covers will be drilled so that a ribbon or fob can be
attached so you don’t lose your cover. We can do the
tatted fobs with beads. The pattern will be shared and
all that can will be encouraged to help make them.
Remember that we need lots of butterflies. Especially
bobbin lace ones. We have many tatted items already. Check out the web site and keep up with the
latest as things are added there. We will contact a
Barbershop Group for possible entertainment in addition to the Ukulele Group.
Meeting was called to order by President Beverly Davis who
introduced us to a new member Kaleesa Thanasouk who
wants to learn several types of lace and also how to add the
purl to her knitting skills.
Jean Reeves announced that Sandra called with the message that Dorothy Glovka has passed away. We will sign a
card next meeting to let her husband know we enjoyed having her in our group.
Informal treasurer’s report for April beginning balance of
$35,544 and ending balance of $35,143. Jan also reported
that there are two options for filing our non-profit status and
will have more information for next meeting so we can decide
which method to use. 501 C3 would give us the ability to give
receipts for donations.
DEMO—not listed on our demo page - the Antique Appraisal
and show at Hwy 18, Willamette Heritage Museum in
McMinnville wants us back for the day. Time is 10 am to 4
pm. Come a little early to set up
Marilyn Charles reported that we have been invited to Flock
and Fiber again. September 27 and 28 9:00 to 4:00. We
voted to be on the lawn weather permitting. Marilyn will let
them know.
Pauline informed that Vashon Island is giving a Rug Hooking
class on the same weekend as Flock & Fiber. It runs Thursday through Sunday. Check their web site if interested.
Clara Foster (former member) brought in some items she
donated for our Lace Day this year.
Beverly has been researching some options for our Lace Day
in the future as we seem to be outgrowing our present location. She brought a detailed map and information on the Milwaukie Center at 5440 SE Kellogg Cr Dr, Milwaukie, OR
97222. Also she is getting more information on the Milwaukie Covenant Church which is very close to the Milwaukie
Center. Both centrally located considering we are drawing
from Washington and all the way down to the Salem area.
Milwaukie Center requires a $300 deposit and that goes
against the $75 per hour cost of rental. The church pricing/
availability is not confirmed yet. It was decided to get the
information on that space as well before voting on the options.
Shelly was able to find a contact for Patrick Davis who
we noticed had many tatting items in the State Fair.
We will try and get him involved in our group. His tatting was very nice.
Meeting was adjourned and Jackie showed how to
frame our crafted items.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Reeves, Secretary
After Meeting Activities Schedule
October 2nd - Last minute planning for Lace Day.
November 6th - Finishing butterfly pincushions.
December 4th - Potluck
The nominating committee presents the following people for the upcoming PLS elections. These are for a 2year position.
President - Beverly Davis
At IOLI Convention we were fortunate to sit at the same table
with the editors of Lace Express. They were gracious
enough to give us some of their publications to bring home to
our Library.
Vice President - Jackie Nissen
Secretary - Shelley Heringer
Treasurer - Pauline Zietz
Remember the Lace Class at Jackie’s Oct. 3,5,6. Cost $65.
If you want to take the class, sign-up form is in newsletter
and will be repeated next time.
IOLI gave us some preprinted cards to hand out at our
Demo’s. Pauline will print out address labels and put on
them with our Portland Lace Society info on it.
Roseground - Portland Lace Society
Voting will take place at our November meeting and
installation of officers at the December meeting.
Nominating committee:
Lynda Libby, Shelley Herringer, Marilyn Charles
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This and That
WEB SITE - portlandlacesociety.com
Any questions, pictures of your work etc. can be sent
to Kathy Hensel for posting. kathyhensel@yahoo.com
DEMO Opportunities:
Contact Sherri Campbell 971-271-7664 or
Shirley McDaniel 503-662-3538.
Be sure to check our web page and please contribute
finished items for the Gallery. We want a variety of
items to show the world what we do.
Remember to check out the Conference web page. A
link is on our home page. Lynda Libby has put up
many of the butterflies we have turned in to Alice.
Please keep them coming and she will put up more.
Remember to ask if we are welcome at some of the
places you go.
——————————————————————————-Seen at the Oregon State Fair—
Seen at the Yamhill County Fair—July 30 through
August 2nd
Sep 13 - Hwy 18 - Treasures in the Attic
Sep 27-28 Flock & Fiber, Canby, OR Sat 9-5 Sun 9-4
Oct 4—Champoeg Harvest Day 1-4 pm
Oct 18-Time Travels’ Faire– 10am –5pm Costume any Era
120 East Main St, Hillsboro, OR
Alice and Shelley having a
good time and Susan
making more bookmarks.
Opal’s Teapot was a
favorite. Not just
here but at the State
Fair as well.
Maybe I should join
the Red Hat Ladies.
This got blue and
best of class at State
Fair too.
Shirley’s little Schneeberger doily made off with a
blue ribbon both here
and at the State Fair.
We had a great time at the DEMO both days.
Roseground - Portland Lace Society
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Keep making butterflies—many are needed to put on the
rainbow centerpieces and just to generally spread
around. Big, small, medium. Any lace, but especially
bobbin lace ones. Just keep them coming. Give them to
Jackie reports we have scissors now for our goodie bags
and we will need to make fobs so wind your shuttles and
be prepared when she gives out the pattern to tat with
some beads.
As you can see, Butterflies were well
represented in Austrailia at OIDFA—
you will recognize some of these as we
have seen them before here, but now
they have flown to Australia and back.
Well traveled little
winged creatures.
Keep looking here for more things you can do related to NW Conference. I know there are many
things planned. Let Jackie know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc.
October 4, 2014 - 10am to 2pm
Sellwood Community Center
located on the corner of 15th and Spokane St. in Sellwood
Come for fun—come to shop—come to talk—come to make lace—come for lunch.
Vendors - Maria Provencher - Hensel Productions - April Lind - Nancy Evans (more?)
Coffee provided. Bring goodies. Sandwiches provided with $5 suggested donation.
Door prizes (want great stuff? Donate something.) Raffle Items Consignment Table
Expert lace makers be prepared to help the newbie's both with bobbin lace and tatting.
We hope to have an extra room so there is more space to set up and make lace.
Come at 9:00am if you can help set up - Actual opening at 10:00am
Roseground - Portland Lace Society
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October 4th is Lace Day. The Friday 3rd, Sunday 5th and Monday the 6th around this will be
a lace class with Maria Provencher who is also a vendor at Lace Day.
Class is 9:30 to 4:30 at Jackie Nissen’s house at 3121 Juniper Dr, Newberg, OR 97132. You
can contact Jackie by e-mail jackienissen@comcast.net or call her at 503-538-8407.
Coffee and Tea provided. Bring your own lunch. Of course it is always acceptable to bring
goodies to share with everyone.
Class choices are Basic Bruge or Advanced Schneeberger. Sign-up form below.
Maria Provencher Class
October 3rd (Friday), 5th (Sunday and 6th (Monday)
Hours 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Name: ________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________
Price: $65 check payable to PLS
I’ll take Basic Bruge _________
Advanced Schneeberger ____________
Class to be held at the home of Jackie Nissen
3121 Juniper Dr
Newberg, OR 97132
Send Payment to:
Beverly Davis
32697 S Meridian Rd
Woodburn, OR 97071
Phone: 971-404-8275
Bring your own lunch
Coffee and Tea provided
MEMBERSHIP FORM - Dues run from January 1st to December 31st
Dues = $20 Annual
PLEASE return this form with your payment: _____ New _____ Renewal
NAME: ___________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ E-MAIL: ____________________
__________________________________________________________ Send Payment to:
Jean Reeves
__________________________________________________________ 1359 S. Ginger Ct
Cornelius, OR 97113
Newsletter choice:
Delivered by e-mail _____ Snail mail _____ Both _____
Dues paid at Lace Day will extend through the next year until December of 2015
Roseground - Portland Lace Society
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OIDFA began with a meet and greet of the tutors on Sunday evening. The Pacific NW was represented
during pre-Congress classes by Jackie Nissen, Lynda Libby and Elena Dickson of PLS and Lori Ferguson
and Darlene Ihrig from Washington. Registration was early on Monday, with classes to follow. The organizing committee did a wonderful job organizing classes, meals and sleeping accommodations in a boarding school. The class days were filled with early morning classes, midmorning tea, late morning classes,
lunch, afternoon classes, and to finish the day, we had afternoon tea. Classes went well and were enjoyed. There was a combination of Bobbin and Needle Lace classes.
On Thursday afternoon, Lynda, Elena, and I went to the Congress site at the University of Adelaide to set up our U.S. exhibit and
Elena’s tutor exhibit. Kudos to our Portland Lace Society for their wonderful contributions of lace to the U. S exhibit. The butterflies
soared on the back panel under the USA sign. The U.S. attendees took turns at the booth and I know I had many wonderful comments on the exhibit.
Friday morning was the official opening followed later in the day with a lecture. Attendees were free to look at exhibits and visit vendors. (I must admit about midmorning I was looking for that midmorning tea and pastries..) Saturday was set up for the craft crawl and
other excursions. The craft crawl went around Adelaide to visit exhibits that had been set up off site. The day ended with a 5 star banquet. Many who attended said it was the best they had ever had. On Sunday we attended two lectures, got our last bit of shopping
done, visited exhibits, and attended the closing. The Slovenia group ended the Congress with a beautiful slide show of their country.
Those interested in Idrija should seriously consider attending this Congress in 2016. One of the tours will include the town of Idrija as
well as many other beautiful places to see.
This is a needle lace called Cordonnecot. Developed
by Bridget Fairchild. It represents a Sea slug that is
found on the Great Barrier Reef. Jackie
USA was well represented with lace for display
Jean Reeves
1359 S Ginger Ct
Cornelius, OR 97113