Laws and plans for accessibility of public buildings in Italy. - Polis-ubd
Laws and plans for accessibility of public buildings in Italy. - Polis-ubd
POLIS/BAS International Conference Universal Design of Buildings:Tools and Policy 16 & 17 November 2006 Brugge/Gits, Belgium Laws and plans for accessibility of public buildings in Italy. Architetto, Certified Professional Ergonomist (Eur-Erg) Milano – Italy – e-mail: 1 “The benefits procured by a « Universal Building Design » will not be measured only in term of advantages and benefits for persons with disabilities, but in terms of general effects on a wider category of users” (POLIS vision). 2 3 Italy, Barrier free design:legislation framework [RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS- regulation] Circolare n. 425 del Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici del 20 01 1967 art. 6. Aspetti qualitativi. Barriere architettoniche. [SOCIAL BUILDINGS-regulation] Circolare del Ministero di Lavori Pubblici n.4809 del 19 06 1968 “Norme per assicurare l’utilizzazione degli edifici sociali da parte di minorati fisici e per migliorarne la godibilità generale”. 4 [SOCIAL BUILDINGS-law] D.L. 30 01 1971, n. 5. “Norme per assicurare l’utilizzazione degli edifici sociali da parte di minorati fisici e per migliorarne la godibilità generale”. art.27 della legge del 30 03 1971 n.118, Conversione in legge del D.L: 30 01 1971, n. 5 [SOCIAL BUILDINGS and transports-law] D.P.R. 384 del 27 04 1978, Regolamento di attuazione dell’art. 27 della legge 30 031971, n. 118, a favore di mutilati e invalidi civili, in materia di barriere architettoniche e trasporti pubblici 5 EDIFICI - SPAZI PRIVATI APERTI AL PUBBLICO Legge quadro 104/92 Legge R. Lombardia 6/89 PUBBLICI (D.P.R. 384/78) D.P.R. 503/96 L. 41/86 Legge quadro 104/92 L. R. Lombardia 6/89 PRIVATI L.13/89 L. R. Lombardia 6/89 Prescrizioni tecniche D.M.236/1989 e all. L.R. 6/1989 6 Law 13/89: 3 degrees of accessibility Accessibility, the complete use of the built environment immediately Visitability, the possibility to access the living areas and at least one bathroom in each building unit Adaptability, or postponed accessibility, the possibility to change the space at a low cost to make it accessible throughout if the need arises in future. 7 LEGISLATION FRAMWORK: STRENGHTNESS at national level • Using laws as a useful tool for a wider environmental usability and social inclusion • activating a planning process which gradually leads to full usability of the building, in order to increase everyone’s quality of life. 8 LEGISLATION FRAMWORK: STRENGHTNESS at regional level The law in the Region of Lombardia and Veneto, in particular: • provides for external experts to sit on the planning permission committees • provides for certain sums to be put to one side to make all public buildings and spaces accessible. 9 MOCA, Barcelona 10 LEGISLATION FRAMWORK: WEAKNESS • lack of accessible planning criteria incorporated into general building regulations; • limited possibility for municipal administrations to conduct checks ; • lack of technical requirements on signs for improving orientation of people with visual or cognitive disabilities, particularly in the case of danger and fire 11 PEBA (Plans for the Elimination of the Architectural Barriers): METODOLOGY AND CRITERIA. • analysis of municipal situations; • collection of personal details on weak individuals, possible preferential routes, both for vehicles and pedestrians, location of the building and the route within the territory and with regard to town plans; • analysis of the buildings and routes, with detailed census of architectural and location barriers found 12 Spinea PEBA, Region Veneto, Fonte: Studio Maurizio, 2005 13 Rimini PEBA, Region Emilia Romagna, Project Fonte:Studio Studio ADR, ADR, 2004 2004 14 Rimini PEBA, Region Emilia Romagna, Project Fonte:Studio StudioADR, ADR,2004 2004 15 Rimini PEBA, Region Emilia Romagna, Fonte:Studio ADR, 2004 16 PEBA: SOME EXAMPLES. Saronno (Milan), 1996-2006 30 buildings with various functions: 18 schools, 7 social and leisure centres, 1 health centre, 1 library, 1 theatre, 1 sports complex, the municipal building all the city routes 17 Saronno PEBA, Regione Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 18 Saronno PEBA, Regione Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 19 Saronno PEBA, Regione Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 20 Saronno PEBA, Regione Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 21 Saronno PEBA, Regione Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 22 Saronno PEBA, Regione Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 23 Saronno PEBA, Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 24 Saronno PEBA, Lombardia, Studio Steffan- Fantini, 1996 25 26 Saronno PEBA, the Bascapè secondary school, 2006 27 Saronno PEBA, the Bascapè secondary school, 2006 28 Saronno PEBA, the leisure center, 2006 29 Saronno PEBA, Corso Italia, 1997 30 Saronno PEBA, Via Volonterio, 2006 31 D.U.C. – Parma, Emilia Romagna. Fonte: Fantini 32 Sporting hotel – Trento, Trentino . Fonte: Fantini 33 Venice PEBA –Veneto, Studio Maurizio, 2004 34 Venice PEBA –Veneto, Studio Maurizio, 2004 35 CONCLUSION • each public building must be linked by a protected and accessible network, so extension of the PEBA to public routes is an important element of the legislative framework. • The regulations could be a valid means of support for achieving greater social inclusion and usability of the environment by everyone 36 CONCLUSION • The buildings should be accessible, but also easily recognisable and not provide further elements of disorientation or potential danger. 37 38 39 CONCLUSION All public administrations should understand the importance of making their cities accessible: • through preparation of programmatic plans for public buildings, and for pedestrian routes, • with progressive continuation of works • with constant maintenance of attention to detail. 40 Thank you for your attention! Architetto, Certified Professional Ergonomist (Eur-Erg) Milano – Italy – e-mail: 41