School News - Sacred Heart Girls` College
School News - Sacred Heart Girls` College
Sacred Heart Girls’ College Manawa Tapu Excellent Education That Embraces Gospel Values New Plymouth T E R M 1 NEWSLETTER A P R I L 2 0 1 6 DATES TO REMEMBER Mon 2nd May: First day of Term 2 Tues 10th May: Cross Country Kia ora whanau Sat 14th & Sun 15th May: O’Shea Shield In recent times we have all been subject to publicity regarding two law changes, The Health and Safety at Work Act, and the Vulnerable Children’s Act. Both Acts have required changes to our Health and Safety policy and procedures, under NAG 5 of the Education Act. The new Vulnerable Children’s Act requires us by law to adopt a Child Protection Policy. You will find a draft Child Protection Policy, as recommended by the New Zealand School Trustees Association, on our website. We are obliged to consult on this draft policy prior to its implementation on 1 July 2016. Under the Vulnerable Children’s Act the Board of Trustees has delegated me with the responsibility of safety checking all individuals whose contact with students may be regular and/or overnight, and when that contact takes place without a parent or guardian present. We are currently safety checking volunteer sports coaches. We appreciate the time and expertise volunteer coaches bring to the college in assisting with the coaching of teams and do not wish to inconvenience nor offend you when we request Police Vetting. Monday 16th May: School closed Thursday 19th May: Victoria Uni visit SHGC Friday 27th May: Year 12 & 13 Study Day Saturday 28th May: Year 13 Ball Monday 30th May: Open afternoon Tuesday 31st May: Talent night Friday 3rd June: Sacred Heart Feast Day Mission Cup & Te Toa Monday 6th June: Queen’s Birthday TERMS 2016 Term 2 Mon 2 May — Fri 8 July Term 3 Mon 25 July — Fri 23 Sept Term 4 Mon 10 Oct — Wed 14 Dec Last week we held GEMS interviews. I have had some excellent feedback regarding the positive manner with students, teachers and whanau engaged in these conferences. GEMS is an opportunity for students, families and the college to come together to assist in each student’s growth as a person. Goals should now be firmly set and each student is fortunate in having a united team supporting them in achieving, what should be, their personal excellence. Setting annual goals narrows down what we hope to achieve. Sacred Heart as an institution has annual goals, and our staff and I do too. Having goals written down aides us in keeping our eye firmly set on our vision, so that we don’t deviate and lose direction. Our goals are aspirational, that means we want to be working really hard at aspiring to achieve them, but we will only get there if we break them down into manageable chunks and chip away at them consistently throughout the whole year. Sometimes we hit barriers, or speed bumps, and we can be deterred from reaching our goals, or perhaps we need to take another route to achieving them. And that’s OK too. Our students have a wide support network around them, and those of us who have been around for a while know that occasionally our disappointments, hurtful as they are at the time, are our moments of greatest learning and self-discovery – and allow for us to build the resilience we require to manage in the big wide world. P.O Box 3241 • New Plymouth • NZ. Phone 06 758 5023 • Fax 06 758 0126 • PAGE 2 School News Principal’s Peace Cont. Throughout Term 1 we have had the pleasure in sharing with you Manawa Mission. Our shared vision for Manawa Mission has been ‘Living the Mission through Ako, Manaakitanga and Wāhine Toa’. If each one of us is taking every opportunity to learn, respecting and loving one another, and respecting and loving ourselves, then we are certain that we will be living in accordance with our HEART values. It has been a pleasure to reward students who have been living witness to our Mission, and we look forward to beginning Term 2 with an opportunity to do much more of the same. Recently, the sports department have been issuing Sacred Heart apparel. We are fortunate to have such lovely, warm items of clothing to wear to our sports fixtures. I know that I feel really warm and cozy in my hoodie and jacket when I head off to winter sports. I’d like to remind you that these items of clothing are for wearing at sports and leisure, and that they are not school uniform. At school, students are to wear their school jerseys and/or blazers when it is cold, and they are welcome to wear a jacket, but it is to be removed when inside our warm classrooms. When we wear school uniform well it demonstrates that we are proud of who we are, exemplifying the Manawa Mission disposition of Wāhine Toa. The same is true after school and on the weekends when students wear SHGC logoed tops and hoodies. If students wear these publicly in their own time, then they automatically become representatives of Sacred Heart and our Mission. There are staff changes planned for Term 2. Mrs Cath Leger is taking a year’s refreshment leave – and she certainly deserves a rest after working tirelessly for the college continuously for the past 20 years! Cath and her husband, Keith, are off overseas for an amazing adventure, and we wish them all the very best. Mrs Jan Carnachan is also going overseas with her husband, Gary. They are going to be away for all of Term 2 and we look forward to Jan re-joining us at the start of Term 3. Mrs Barbara Costelloe becomes Acting Deputy Principal, Ms Kim Goodey takes the position of Acting Head of Faculty, Mathematics, and Mrs Amanda Brown will step into the position of Year 13 Dean. Thank you to Barbara, Kim and Amanda for being prepared take on these leadership positions. We are fortunate to have two experienced teachers of Mathematics join the faculty and know that they will be embraced by our college community. Mrs Amaia Sasia-Villegas will join us for one year and Mrs Rachel Neild will join us for all of Term 2. We celebrate ANZAC Day on the second Monday of the school holidays. It is important that we stop and remember those who have gone before us, those brave men and women who literally gave their lives for our freedom. There will be a Sacred Heart contingent marching at the Dawn Parade. I’d like to invite students to join with us in remembering the ANZACs. Please gather in formal school uniform at the clock tower on Devon Street at 5.45am on Monday the 25th of April. Lest we forget. Titiro ki te kanohi o atawhai Ko tatou te kanohi o atawhai See the face of mercy Be the face of mercy Paula Wells Principal Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 3 School News Board of Trustees Sacred Heart Girls’ College New Plymouth Board of Trustees—Casual Vacancy for an elected Trustee The Board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection. We are pleased to announce Mr Warwick Foy has been appointed Parent Representative which was accepted and ratified at the March BOT Meeting. Chairperson Board of Trustees Sacred Heart Girls’ College Manawa Tapu Board of Trustees Election 2016 Nominations are invited for the election of 5 parent representatives to the Board of Trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon on Friday 20 May 2016 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate’s statement. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidate’s names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on Friday 3 June 2016. Mrs Denise Stachurski Returning Officer Current Board of Trustees Members Stephen Hill Ryan Brown Geoff Genner Suluama Feaunati Warwick Foy Jacinta Hurley Robyn Walker Margaret Chylek-Peters Paula Wells Stacey Forbes-Ireland Janaya Horgan Denise Stachurski Hope Chairperson/Parent Representative Deputy Chairperson/Parent Representative Parent Representative Parent Representative Parent Representative Proprietor’s Representative Proprietor’s Representative Proprietor’s Representative Principal Staff Representative Student Representative Secretary Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 4 School News Catholic Chapter Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, is the climax of the Church’s life, marking Christ’s victory over sin and death. The season of Easter extends for fifty days after Easter Sunday, closing with Pentecost Sunday. In the early Church, this period was a time of catechesis for the newly baptised. Called mystagogy (‘reflection on the mysteries’), this catechesis led the baptised to a deeper understanding of what it meant to be the light of Christ to the world. For all of us, it is a time to reflect on the missionary significance of our baptism and how we live it in our lives with our brothers and sisters, especially those in need. There continues to be great interest in the Jubilee Year of Mercy throughout the Catholic world and recently the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand have produced a pastoral letter on mercy. The Bishops state that “as a way of life, mercy directs our outlooks and our expectations, reflecting a particular view of the world and other people.” “The merciful do not minimise wrongdoing.” Rather the merciful “seek to understand before judging, and, whenever possible, are ready to excuse.” “The strength of gentleness empowers the merciful.” The bishops state that mercy is a personal choice, but it is not an easy one. They note that “the merciful are people in touch with their own weakness and therefore they do not expect perfection in others.” Our theme for the year, “Merciful like the Father” is continuing to provide us with the opportunity to develop and practise a merciful attitude in our relationships with others. We believe in the power of love seen in the Risen Christ, so we see him in each other and as we see, we have a change of heart, and our change of heart leads us to visit, to feed and to clothe the least of those we live with. Titiro ki te kanohi o atawhai Ko tatou te kanohi o atawhai See the face of mercy Be the face of mercy Catherine Landrigan Director of Religious Studies Catholic Parish Logo Competition WIN $100 Centre City Voucher by designing the new logo for the Catholic Parish of New Plymouth. This logo will be used on stationery, letterheads, signage, certificates, website and banners, so consideration needs to be given to this. Entries can be sent to the Parish office by 30 April 2016, so use the school holidays to put your design skills to the test. Remember, this logo is for the new “Catholic Parish of New Plymouth”, and may include the words or any other symbols you feel appropriate. Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 5 School News Health & Safety Update Building The new entrance into the main office and management area of the school for visitors and parents has been made accessible. The crucifix and cedar cladding gives a very welcoming appearance as you come into the school gates. As the fencing has been removed, we have a limited amount of car parks that are now available for school visitors or parents for school related business or appointments. For health and safety reasons we continue to appreciate parents dropping and collecting students before and after school from Paynters Ave and not driving into the school grounds. We remind our community this entrance is not to be used by students, they are still required to access the main office and management area via the quad/library corridor. The student entrance is part of stage 2 that is currently under construction. The PTFA meet every 2nd Monday of the month, 7pm in the School Boardroom Joining the PTFA is a great way to meet other parents; find out what's happening at the school and contribute to the wellbeing of the students by fundraising once or twice a year. Come along to our next meeting May 9th and see if you would like to be a part of the PTFA. Any queries contact: Cushla Coleman (secretary) 027 5099 765 Winners of the SHGC Stage Challenge Easter Raffle The Schofer family, Rachel Greenlar, Ashley May and Louise Ternouth Congratulations and thank you to everyone for your support. Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 6 School News Speech Finals—Tuesday 6th April Following weeks of preparation, the school speech finals were held Tuesday 5 April in the Performing Arts Centre. There were many outstanding performances and the high standard of speaking augurs well for the future of public speaking in the college. Congratulations to all students who delivered their speeches. Thank you in particular to the teachers and parents who helped to prepare the finalists, to Jenna Barrett who was the MC for the evening and to our judge Mrs Margaret Crawford. The list of finalists and first place getters is as follows: Year Level Finalists First Place YEAR 9 India Ralph Carina Flannagan Baillie Kronfeld India Ralph Year 10 Cherry Symonds Eugénie Chylek- Peters Nina Brown Eugénie Chylek- Peters Year 11 Louise Van den Tillaart Katelin Gallagher Elizabeth Mosquera Laura Griffiths Laura Griffiths Year 12 Bohen Pescini Nadège McSweeney-Novak Pennymay Symonds Nadège McSweeney-Novak Year 13 Grace MacKenzie Kate Byrne Margaret Wells Kate Byrne Margaret Wells AGE QUOD AGIS Whatever you do, do to the best of your ability I o Mahi Katoa, Mahia Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 7 School News O’Shea Shield Saturday 14th May and Sunday 15th May 2016 Part of hosting this prestigious competition is providing hospitality for our guests and visitors. The PTFA are kindly organising morning and afternoon teas for this event. Families will be asked to help provide baking for the O’Shea weekend. The PTFA would also appreciate any volunteers who can help with organising morning and afternoon teas as part of the hospitality team for our visitors. Even if you can only volunteer for a short time during the weekend, it would be much appreciated. Many hands make light work! If you can assist at any time over this weekend, please contact: Cushla Coleman (secretary) 027 5099 765 REMINDER OF IMPORTANT DATES Monday 16th May—School will be closed in observance of O’Shea Shield hosting on 14th & 15th May. Monday 13th June—School is not open for instruction due to Staff Restorative Practices Professional Development. Year 12 & Year 13 Study Days —Friday 27th May, Friday 1st July, Friday 26th August "A special thanks to TIL Freight for their ongoing support with pick up and delivery of our honey during our annual Year 7 Camp fundraising. Truly outstanding!!" "Yummy honey from Eltham Apiaries is available over the winter by contacting Ross Howarth This is a fundraiser for Year 7 camp. 1kg pot is $14. " Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 8 School News Music Youth Orchestra At a Youth Orchestra concert last Friday night Lucy Fastier was awarded the Registered Music Teachers (Taranaki branch) Junior Piano Award for 2015. This is on top of the 3 cups she won at the end of last year at the Hawera competitions. Lucy Fastier Strike Percussion! This very talented group of drummers performed recently at SHGC, and ran a workshop for our music and percussion students. It was a treat to have these internationally acclaimed musicians performing and talking to the students about life as a musician. Musical events abound next term with plenty to keep everyone entertained! 7th May @ 7.30pm in the Theatre Royal: A concert by the NP Orchestra along with pianist Flavio Villani. There may be one or two tickets left – see Mrs Hunter. Wednesday 18th May @ Toptown Cinema, several music students will be attending the screening of the New York Met Opera production of The Pearl Fishers. Friday 20th May is the Taranaki Secondary Schools Orchestra Day. All instrumental students are welcome to attend, either as players or as an audience for an early afternoon concert. Friday 17th June is the Taranaki Regional Finals for the Chamber Music competition, featuring Frances Chow. Tuesday 21st June is both the KidsSing and BigSing competitions. These will be held at the NPGHS Hall, featuring both the Trebles and the Tenners. Saturday 25th June is the RockQuest Final at the TSB Showplace. SHGC will be represented by several students. Entries also close in June for the next song writing competitions for the year. These are open for students from Years 9 – 13, with the Caritas competition also open to Year 7 & 8 students. See Mrs Hunter if you want more information on any of these events. Don’t miss out! Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 9 School News Congratulations Laura Griffiths was announced last Thursday, at a big event in Hamilton, as the overall winner of the Play it Strange – Get Connected Song writing competition. (This is after winning the regional competition earlier in the year.) As part of her prize she was able to record the song at The Porch Studio in Hamilton. This is open to secondary students of all ages so this was a great achievement. Well done Laura! Airbands What a night we had! Airbands took place on the 21st of March for the 6th time! Thankfully it is still such a huge success with many people involved! We had a large range of lip syncing performances, and an amazing turn out. Thankfully enough, we were able to raise $1,500 for Caritas! Congratulations to Constance for taking out first place with her Phantom of the Opera performance, The Spice Girls for coming second and to Allie g in da house for taking out third place! We hope those of you who auditioned will be a part of the great night again next year. Thanks once again to those who made this event possible, to TSH for the sounds and lighting and to the students, staff and parents that came along. We hope you enjoyed your night! Airbands winner: Constance Jones pictured with Mrs Wells, who took top honours with her artistic, rousing performance ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ Year 11 Research Year 11 Research—Mt Taranaki and Waiwhakaiho River mouth. Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 10 Sports News Sports Contact There are many girls from our school who achieve some fantastic results in their chosen sports however these results are not always relayed to the Sports Department. We want to be able to acknowledge these achievements in the school newsletter, social media or in assemblies and need everyone’s help to ensure we don’t miss anyone out. Please let Miss Nicola Watson, the Sports Coordinator, know by emailing her at , leaving a note with the details on it at the sports office or messaging through the Facebook page SHGC Manawa New Plymouth. TSSSA Athletics There was a change of venue this year due to the Inglewood track upgrade, so we headed to Hawera to the grass track. Top 3 placings for SHGC girls were: Carla Hill Tessa Honeyfield Hannah O'Connor 1st Junior Girls’ Discus, 2nd Junior Girls Shot Put 2nd Intermediate Girls’ 800m, 3rd Intermediate Girls 1500m 1st Intermediate Girls’ 3000m (New record), 1st Intermediate Girls 1500m Awesome work girls. From this event Hannah O’Connor was selected to represent Taranaki at the NISS Track and Field Championships. TSSSA Rogaine What an awesome evening as always with all of our 45 students who took part giving it their all and enjoying themselves. Top 3 placings were: Senior Girls’ Intermediate Girls’ Junior Girls’ Nathalie Jacquemard and Casey Vink 3rd Claudia Harrop and Tayla Simpson 2nd Yannika Harrop and Jorja Simpson 1st and Bronte Hill, Isla Vink, Tessa Honeyfield and Caitlyn Moeller 3rd TSSSA Dressage Our team of Karis Spurway, Georgia Croton, Grace McGrath and Holly Kemsley headed down to Hawera to compete in the TSSSA Dressage. The girls did very well and came 2nd overall and showed great sportsmanship! They all had individual placings in their classes as well: Georgia Croton was placed 1st Karis Spurway was placed 2nd and 3rd Grace McGrath was placed 4th Holly Kemsley received two 4ths Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 11 Sports News TSSSA Orienteering This event was held at Pukekura Park and all SHGC girls who took part placed. It was a great night for the event. Junior Champ Singles - 1st Jorja Simpson and 2nd Anna Waayer Junior Champ Pairs - 1st Frances Chow/Teri McKenzie Intermediate Champ Singles - 1st Tayla Simpson Intermediate Girls Pairs - 2nd Mackenzie Gardner/Keeley Luckin and 3rd Jacqueline Cawley/Carla Hill Rock Climbing Congratulations Ariana Van Lith for being selected into the 2016 NZ Development Squad for Rock Climbing. Awesome achievement Ariana and good luck for NZ team selection. Rowing—Maadi Cup The team of 5 girls Georgia Keech, Jamie Williams, Karlia Haskell, Finn Whalen and Paris Polson headed down to Twizel for a great week of racing. Results for finals were: U17 Single A Final Georgia Keech (Bronze medal) U18 Double B Final Jamie Williams and Georgia Keech placed 5th, placing them 13th in New Zealand. U18 Novice Double B Final Finn Whalen and Paris Polson placed 5th, with a ranking of 13th in New Zealand. Well done girls, hope you all enjoyed your week down in Twizel, the results show the hard work you put in over the season. Now it’s time for a much deserved rest. Georgia Keech North Island School Athletics Congratulations to Hannah O'Connor who competed at the North Island Secondary School Athletics Championships in Auckland for Taranaki. Hannah won the Intermediate Girls’ 3000m in 9.36 breaking the old record by 23 seconds, and the Intermediate Girls’ 1500m in 4.32.22, a Personal Best. Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 12 Sports News BMX Nationals Well done to Sophie Kerrisk and Samantha Fieldes who competed at the BMX Nationals at Pukekohe over Easter weekend. Sophie finished NZ#3 in the 16 year age group for girls and NZ#2 out of 15 girls for points series. Samantha finished NZ#10 in the 13 year age group for girls and NZ#4 out of 13 girls for point series. Awesome results girls. NZSS Canoe Polo Nationals Our Senior Canoe Polo team (Talitha van Lith (c), Emma Brown, Katey Miller, Janaya Horgan, Ariana van Lith, and Nina Brown) travelled to Palmerston North over the weekend for the NZSS Canoe Polo Nationals. This year, for the first time a SHGC team qualified for this event (they gained a wildcard in 2015). The quality and quantity of entries for their grade this year was a huge step up on last year, with teams from South Island also attending. We had lots of hard fought close games with the team coming seventh overall - very proud of our girls. A huge thank you to the girls for their amazing attitude, which was commented on by organisers and referees of the event. Also a big thanks to Bronnie van Lith for coaching and the Harvey family for coaching and hosting, your help is much appreciated. Amanda Brown TiC Canoe Polo Waka Ama Congratulations to Kato Dentith for making the plate final of the single Waka Ama at NZSS Nationals in Rotorua last week. Awesome Result Kato. We have set up specific Facebook page for the PE/SPORTS Department called SHGC Manawa New Plymouth. Please add us as a friend so we can keep you in the loop on what’s happening in this area of the school. Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 13 Sports News Artistic Skating Niamh Quinn and Olivia Bernet travelled to Rotorua to represent New Plymouth at the Northern Area Championships for Artistic Skating. Niamh placed 1st Preliminary Figures, 1st Intermediate Creative Solo Dance and 2nd Elementary Solo Dance. Olivia placed 1st in Novice Freeskating and 3rd in Novice Figures. From left: Niamh Quinn & Olivia Bernet Basketball Representatives Congratulations to Alix Blyde, Mariska Ludlow, Jana Niedermayr, Caitlin O'Connell, Tiaan Owen, Emily Poole, Raquel Sampson and Gemma Walsh for making the Taranaki Basketball U15 Squad. Good luck for final team selection. Congratulations to Lania Hancock, Madeleine Poole and Emma O'Connell for making the Taranaki U17 Basketball Team! Touch Rugby Alix Blyde attended the 2016 Touch New Zealand Junior Nationals at North Hagley Park in Christchurch. Congratulations to Alix who was identified as a player in the pathways programme and has been selected into the 2016 Touch New Zealand Pathways Development Academy, which is to be held in Rotorua in September this year. Good Luck Hannah! Hannah O’Connor has been selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Cross Country Team which travels to Budapest, Hungary for the World Schools’ Cross Country Championships. This event takes place 21-26 April 2016. The team left for London on Wednesday 13th April, then travel on to Hungary. Hannah who has just turned 15 years of age, will be competing in the Open Age Race, which is for up to 18 year olds. Best of luck Hannah—do to the best of your ability! Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 14 Sports News Rose Recipients From left back row: Cassie Wilson, Mrs Wells, Jenna Barrett From left front row: Hannah O’Connor, Ariana Kereopa, Aimee Daniels, Laura Griffiths, Sasha Reid These girls received roses for National titles in the following events: Surf Life Saving Nationals Jenna Barrett and Aimee Daniels—Gold in U19 Tube Rescue Hannah O’Connor—Gold U16, U19 and Open 2km Beach Run Sasha Reid—Gold U16 Tube Rescue Cassie Wilson and Ariana Kereopa—Gold U19 Double Ski Music Laura Griffiths—National winner of Play it Strange—Get Connected Song Writing Competition Taranaki Netball Representatives YEAR 7 SQUAD YEAR 9 TEAM U15 TEAM Tiana Capper Briar Dravitzki Zoe Hall Charlotte Lobb Tayla Macleod Lillian Syrus Symonn Wallacehoskin Alix Blyde Caitlin O’Connell Karis Spurway Tiaan Owen Lania Hancock Bronte Hill Raquel Sampson Ally Te Pau Konui Isla Vink Non-travelling reserves Charly Burnett Valendra Nicholas YEAR 8 TEAM U17 TEAM Amelita Peters Penny Johnson Madeleine Poole Cora Van den Bos Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 15 School News Gateway We currently have 10 students attending Gateway/ Pathways work experience at The Warehouse and Rebel Sports. All of these students are working with a service IQ provider to gain credits in Level 2 and 3 retailing. The students are enjoying their work placement and here are some of their comments: ‘Good learning experience’, ‘Enjoy, it’s interesting’, ‘Lots of diversity’, ’Staff are pretty positive’, ‘Treated fairly’. Kaitlin Franklyn and Renee Ekdahl with Kerry from The Warehouse. Kerry is fantastic with the girls. Year 13 students working hard on GEMS day. Anela Hori, Abby Carruthers, Savannah O’Loughlin and Anna Lacey working with Lara Tyson to complete retail standards. Well done ladies, we are impressed at your dedication to success. Thank you to Rebel Sports and Briscoes for giving the girls an opportunity for an internship. Year 7 & Year 13 Teddy Bears’ Picnic Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together PAGE 16 School News Hope Excellence Acceptance Respect Together
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