4 MB Biuletyn 4/2015
4 MB Biuletyn 4/2015
Poznań University of Economics and Business No. 4 (2015/2016) December 2015 Editor-in-chief Sylwia Jurga Edited by Grzegorz Lemański Graphic design Izabela Jasiczak English translation by Wenesa Synowiec Photographs PUEB Archive, Fotogenika.pl Print and typesetting Przedsiębiorstwo poligraficzno-usługowe „Multigraf” S.C. R. Ellert, J. Tomczuk Table of contents UNIVERSITY LIFE 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2015 at the Poznan University of Economics and Business.............................................................. Professors’ office at PUEB............................................................................................................................... The third edition of the “WRACAM” grant program............................................................................. Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for a student of PUEB............. ”Nasze Dobre Wielkopolskie” gala at PUEB............................................................................................. Higher scores for articles published in PUEB journals......................................................................... Best undergraduate, graduate and doctoral theses awarded.......................................................... Research grant for our PhD student.......................................................................................................... The best paper of a PhD student at PUEB................................................................................................ New international journal RELIEF............................................................................................................... Four PUEB scientists in the Committee on Financial Sciences......................................................... Santa Claus Dance Marathon....................................................................................................................... Poznan Volunteer of the Year 2015 is a PUEB student......................................................................... The best research paper on capital market............................................................................................. PUEB students visit the European Parliament........................................................................................ PUEB scientists completed their terms of office in PKA’s Section for Social Science in the scope of Economics............................................................................................................................. Meeting of the Business Council of the Faculty of Management................................................... Students at Poznan International Fair....................................................................................................... Scientists from the Donetsk National University visited PUEB........................................................ Visit of the Kazakh university representative......................................................................................... The success of MBA Poznań-Atlanta.......................................................................................................... 2 4 4 4 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 THE GALLERY OF PUEB RECTORS 14 INTERVIEW 16 • First scientific articles of young economists........................................................................................... 16 OUR ALUMNI 18 • PUEB is an incubator of CEOs....................................................................................................................... 18 • Index of success ............................................................................................................................................... 19 ISSN 2450-1166 Circulation 100 copies Publisher Poznań University of Economics and Business al. Niepodległości 10 61-875 Poznań phone: 61 856 90 00 www.ue.poznan.pl/en © Copyright by Poznań University of Economics and Business Poznań 2015 PUEB IN THE MEDIA 20 • Our experts in the media............................................................................................................................... 20 • Media monitoring – December 2015........................................................................................................ 22 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE 2015 at the Poznan University of Economics and Business It was definitely a good year for our University. Strong position of PUEB has been confirmed by numerous rankings assessing the quality of education at Polish and foreign institutions of higher education. Our greatest success was the fact that we moved up to 4 palmes league in the Eduniversal ranking and it gave us the title of “TOP business school with significant international influence” which is granted to only 200 world’s best universities. What is more, 19 study programs conducted at PUEB were listed in ”Eduniversal Ranking of the best Master & MBA.” We are the only Polish school with such a result. Additionally, the Poznan Univer- 2 sity of Economics and Business was given a prestigious award granted by international web portal StudyPortals. We were appreciated by international students who visited us under the Erasmus+ program. Our University got 9.5 points out of 10 and won the Outstanding International Student Satisfaction Award 2015. We are still highly valued by PhD students, as evidenced by this year’s eight edition of the Competition for the most PhD Student-Friendly School PRODOK 2015, organized by the National Representation of Doctoral Students. What’s more, we joined the elite group of 10 universities that received the title of Startup Friendly. We want our University to grow dynamically, keep up with market changes, and give students both theoretical and practical preparation for their future careers. For this purpose, we established the Convention composed of eminent representatives of state and local authorities, as well as business practitioners. PUEB Convention is a body whose tasks include, among others, expressing opinions on the directions of University’s development, undertaking initiatives for development of student internships, seeking solutions promoting employment of PUEB graduates, supporting University’s competitiveness and promoting it in the country and abroad. The past year was important for the academic community also due to official opening ot the Educational Center of Electronic Services - a 21st century building equipped with modern devices. Additionally, seven specialized research labs were created at our University under the “Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Research PUEB- InnoUEP.” Thanks to modern research infrastructure, PUEB is currently one of the institutions with the best scientific facilities. Year 2015 saw the end of one of the biggest projects in the University’s history - ”Human Resources for the Economy.” Its aim was to make PUEB graduates more attractive for employers in the dynamically changing labour market by making the employers more involved in the educational process. In 2015, we were again able to organize many interesting events and invite many eminent guests. We were visited by, among others, a member of the Monetary Policy Council member - prof. dr hab. Jerzy Hausner, former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion - dr László Andor, Director of the United Nations and Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Wojciech Ponikiewski, and the Ambassador of Ireland - Gerard Keown. We are still the best ”runner” among Polish universities and therefore we organized next editions of Volksvagen Run Economics Five and Enea 5K March. In 2015, for the first time we organized an unusual sporting event - Collegium Altum Tower Run. The winner run 400 stairs in 1,5 min. Year 2016 will be special for the academic community of PUEB as we will be celebrating the 90th anniversary of the foundation of our school. Main anniversary events are scheduled for May 2016. 3 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Professors’ office at PUEB The authorities of the Poznan University of Economics and Business decided to express their appreciation for retired professors who spent many years at the University. So-called professors’ room has been designed especially for them. A renovated, spacious room is equipped with the necessary appliances and fully adapted to the needs of professors. There is also a phone line and Internet access. - The Poznan University of Economics is an institution that cares about staying in touch with its former employees. I believe that this initiative will help to establish and maintain contacts with the academic community - wrote Rector of PUEB, prof. dr hab. Marian Gorynia, in his letter to professors. The idea of professors’ room came up when a room like this was arranged on the 16th floor of the Collegium Altum. However, that it was still necessary to create better working conditions for the retired professors. After two years of renovation and preparation, room 522 of Collegium Altum became one of the professors’ rooms. The invitations have been sent to five professors. The feedback is very positive. If space allows, in the future we would like to arrange more rooms of this type - explains dr inż. Krzysztof Czajkowski, PUEB Chancellor. The third edition of the “WRACAM” grant program Winners of the third edition of PUEB grant program “WRACAM” were determined on 17 December 2015. The competition was addressed to people returning to their scientific work after a long child care leave. The 2015 winner was dr Anna MatysekJędrych, from the Department of International Competitiveness (Faculty of International Economy), who scored 54,5 points (out of 60). Her project, Institutional determinants of ”Nasze Dobre Wielkopolskie” gala at PUEB A formal gala of the "Nasze Dobre Wielkopolskie" plebiscite was held in the premises of the Poznan University of Economics and Business on 11 December 2015. Twenty-six products were presented in the second edition of this plebiscite organized by Glos Wielkopolski. The poll was divided into two categories: "Food" and "Industry and Technology". In the "Food" category, the brown quality mark went to "Musztarda Sarepska" made by Pegaz, while silver to fragile ham by Waldi. A golden quality mark was awarded to Szajek’s Polish sausage. In the category "Industry and Technology," brown quality mark was given to curtains of the company Haft, silver – to energyefficient prefabricated houses by Brzechwa. The golden quality mark was awarded to washing-up liquid "Giguś" from the Mini Max. There was also another award, Glos Wielkopolski quality mark, and this went to rye bread from a bakery in Zębowo. The head juror of the plebiscite was Adam Pawlowski, editor-in-chief of Glos Wielkopolski. Other members of the jury included dr hab. Cezary Kochalski, Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development, Antoni Malinowski, Director of Polskapresse Advertising Office, Poznan branch, Piotr Poplawski, Regional Director of BGZ BNP Paribas Bank in Poznan, Dorota Kina, Deputy Governor of Wielkopolska, and Krzysztof Stawowy, a representative of the marketing division in Glos Wielkopolski. Picture by Glos Wielkopolski the effectiveness of macro-prudential policy - theoretical and empirical study, will be implemented for 17 months and its budget is 15,000 PLN. The next edition of the program will be announced in September 2016. Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for a student of PUEB The Minister of Science and Higher Education awarded scholarships to 744 Polish students for their outstand- 4 ing achievements. One of the winners is Bartosz Nożewski, a fifth-year student of Management at the Poznan University of Economics and Business. The value of each scholarship is 15,000 PLN. 5 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Higher scores for articles published in PUEB journals The Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced the latest list of scientific journals for 2015. In addition to the updated list of titles, the list also contains the number of points that can be obtained from a publication in a given journal. For a publication in the Economics and Business Review (previously, Poznań University of Economics Review), author will receive 15 points (previously, 7); for the Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia – 10 points (previously, 6 ); and for Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, published by AMU and PUEB - 11 opoints (previously, 7). A full list of scientific journals for 2015: Best undergraduate, graduate and doctoral theses awarded Winners of the competitions for the best undergraduate, master’s and doctoral theses, organized by the Foundation of the Poznan University of Economics and Business, have been determined. The number of submissions that entered the competition for the best Bachelor’s thesis written and defended in the academic year 2014/2015 was 36. The Jury was composed of dr hab. Andrzej Przymeński (head juror), dr hab. Janusz Kraśniak, dr hab. Wiesław Łuczyński, dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Walczak and dr hab. inż. Magdalena Ankiel. Criteria taken into account included substantive content (importance of subject, originality and innovation, methodological accuracy, independence in expressing opinions, ability to determine the thesis’ objectives) and formal matters (structure, 6 language accuracy, technical quality, selection and use of sources, adequacy of illustrations, charts and schemes, etc.). The winners received cash prizes – 2,000 PLN for the first place, 1,500 PLN for the second place (ex aequo) 1500zł, 1,500 PLN for the second place (ex aequo), and 1,000 PLN for the third place. Thirty-nine theses entered the competition in the Master’s thesis category. The submitted dissertations were evaluated by the following jurors: prof. dr hab. Henryk Mruk (head juror), dr hab. Aleksander Grzelak, dr hab. inż. Jacek Łuczak, dr hab. Zygmunt Waśkowski and dr hab. Justyna Rój. The winners were determined based on the same criteria as for the Bachelor’s thesis category. The victors also received cash prizes – 3,000 PLN for first place, 2,500 PLN for second place and 2,000 PLN for third. In the doctoral thesis category, the jury assessed 10 dissertations. Members of the jury were prof. dr hab. Ryszard Barczyk (head juror), prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Sipińska-Gołembska, prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Rutkowski, prof. dr hab. Jan Sikora, and dr hab. Piotr Maćkowiak. The best dissertations were selected on the basis of following criteria: scientific value, originality of the research problem, importance for business practice, knowledge of world literature on a given subject and formal elements of the dissertation. The prizes were as follows: first place – 5,000 PLN, second place – 4,000 PLN and 3,000 PLN for the third place. The award ceremony will take place during the VIII PUEB Days gala. 7 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Research grant for our PhD student Mgr Marcin Flotyński, a PhD student of the Department of Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, won a research grant in the competition organized by NBP. The competition has been organized for the seventh time. Its aim is to promote research and scientific works focused on issues that are of key importance for NBP – macroeconomic stability, financial stability and quantitative research methods. In the latter area, the jury decided to honor mgr Marcin Flotyński from the Poznan University of Economics and Business, who investigated the subject of “Liquidity standards of Basel vs. profitability and valuation of banks in the euro area”. The application has been chosen out of dozens submissions from all over the country. The best paper of a PhD student at PUEB Nearly 90 presentations concerning chemistry and biotechnology were given during national conference ”Little Big Science.” Representatives of the Poznan University of Economics and Business were also among the speakers. The “Little Big Science” conference has been organized for the second time. Its purpose is to exchange experiences and good practices between young representatives of the scientific community, and to emphasize the important role of doctoral students in the development of Polish science. Our university was represented by Sylwia Nowak, a PhD student from the Department of Commodity Science. She presented the results of her empirical research during a lecture entitled “Effects of a topical treatment of psoriasis after using an extract from Kalanchoe daigremontiana.” The work was enthusiastically welcomed by the scientific community, which declared this paper the best among nearly thirty submitted in the category “Biotechnology and medical science”. Four PUEB scientists in the Committee on Financial Sciences PUEB scientists have been appointed members of the Committee on Financial Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Nominations were announced during the first meeting of the Committee which was held in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The Committee on Financial Sciences was appointed four years ago and is composed of renowned specialists dealing with issues associated with finance. The main task of the Committee is to undertake initiatives and actions for development of financial sciences and for integration of scientists from all over the country. The Committee has just begun its four-year term of office. The Poznan University of Economics and Business is going to be represented by: – prof. dr hab. Wiesława PrzybylskaKapuścińska from the Department of Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, – prof. dr hab. Alfred Janc from the Department of Money and Banking, – prof. dr hab. Jan Szambelańczyk from the Department of Labour and Social Policy – dr hab. Jacek Lisowski from the Department of Insurance. Santa Claus Dance Marathon Several hours of vigorous dancing, gymnastics and a lot of fun – this briefly describes the Santa Claus Dance Marathon organized by Fitness Dance AZS UEP section. Over 20 people showed up in the Department of Physical Education and Sports at PUEB to be swept away by dancing madness. The event started at 6 PM with Zumba – an innovative dancing style combining fitness and gymnastics. In addition, the participants had a chance to dance to more classical rhythms – hip-hop and Latin American salsa. New international journal RELIEF The new year will bring us a new journal, published at our University - ”Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française.” It is a result of cooperation between the Poznan University of Economics and French Association Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française – an elite international association of 8 French-speaking specialists from various fields of economics. Our University has become ALIEF’s partner thanks to efforts of dr hab. Krzysztof Malaga and high notes received by the STUDIA OECONOMICA POSNANIENSIA journal. The Scientific Committee of the journal is composed of AIELF mem- bers and prof. Marian Gorynia, prof. Marek Ratajczak and prof. Jean-Christophe Poutineau from the Poznan University of Economics and Business. The editor-in-chief is prof. Bernard Landais while prof. Krzysztof Malaga will act as his deputy. 9 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE Poznan Volunteer of the Year 2015 is a PUEB student PUEB students visit the European Parliament Students of the Poznan University of Economics and Business are known not only for their scientific activity but also for their good hearts. The latest proof for that is the fact that our student, Magdalena Szczepaniak, was elected the Poznan Volunteer of the Year 2015. During the seminar and study trip, organized by the staff of the Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Industry, students of the Faculty of Economics had a chance to participate in numerous seminars, meet with MEPs and visit a building of the European Parliament. Magdalena Szczepaniak is a secondyear student of Social Policy and a member of the Student Scientific Association “Intersophia”. She is also a volunteer in Hospicjum Paulim, an institution taking care of patients with cancer. Competition for the title of the Poznan Volunteer of the Year has been organized for the sixteenth time. Its aim is to promote voluntary work and to reward individuals, groups and organizations who have demonstrated outstanding activity in this field. The winners have been determined by a jury composed of representatives of the Centre for Senior Initiatives, the Metropolitan Curia and the media, as well as last year’s Volunteers of the Year. The winners in each category received cash prizes in the amount of 4,000 zł gross, an occasional check, a statuette and a congratulatory letter. Forty-two students, supervised by researchers from the Department of Macroeconomics and Agricultural Industry, visited the capital of Belgium and the heart of the European Union. During this six-day trip, the participants attended four meetings devoted mainly to assessment of new financial perspective for years 2014–2020 in the area of common agricultural policy. At these meetings, students of Agricultural Industry and Bio-business specializations presented their papers which were later discussed by all participants. The effect of the trip is deeper cooperation which is going to result in publication of a thematic monograph. The best research paper on capital market A research paper entitled The dynamics of liquidity in periods of significant changes in stock prices took second place in the competition for the best research paper concerning issues of capital market. The author of the paper is dr hab. Barbara Będowska-Sójka from the Department of Econometrics at PUEB. The competition was one of the elements of the IV Congress of Capital Market that took place in early December in the Warsaw Stock Exchange building. The main idea behind the Congress is promotion of expert knowledge of Polish capital market in terms of changes on interna- 10 tional markets and preparation of key projects for development of scientific staff and academic community. The meeting is a chance to confront theoretical knowledge with the practice dominating on the capital market. Because of the high quality of submitted papers, the jury, composed of representatives of the Faculty of Management of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Warsaw University of Life Sciences, decided to award as many as eight monographs. 11 UNIVERSITY LIFE UNIVERSITY LIFE PUEB scientists completed their terms of office in PKA’s Section for Social Science in the scope of Economics Prof. dr. hab. Wanda Gaczek and dr hab. Wiesław Ciechomski completed their terms of office in the Section for Social Science in the scope of Economics, which is part of the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA). The Committee’s task is to ensure and improve the quality of education and to make sure that the quality standards developed for higher education are met. These tasks are performed by carrying out an obligatory program and institutional assessments and express- ing opinions on applications for granting permissions to conduct studies. During their four-year terms of office, the two PUEB scientists visited over 50 universities and prepared reviews of more than 20 applications for the proposed fields of study. Meeting of the Business Council of the Faculty of Management The “Business idea” competition, dual studies in cooperation with Lidl Poland or partnership with Franklin Templeton Investments - these are just some of the topics discussed at the meeting of the Business Council at the Faculty of Management. The Business Council was established at the Faculty of Management in April 2014 to adapt the Faculty’s educational offer to the needs of the local labor market. The members’ tasks include expressing opinions on study programs, creating new fields of study and specializations, and cooperation with the representatives of companies in terms of improvement of educational offer. So far, the effect of current activities of the Business Council is the ability to launch dual studies at PUEB, based on cooperation with Lidl Poland. The idea behind this form of study is to raise practical value of the program with help from the company. So, students receive not only theoretical knowledge but also a huge amount of practical skills. Issues discussed during the meeting of the Business Council included organization of the “Business idea” competition and cooperation with Franklin Templeton Investments. The highlight of the meeting, however, was that prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Krzakiewicz signed the agreement with Lidl Poland to establish a program called “Lidl Spring Academy of Management”. Students at Poznan International Fair Prof. dr hab. Henryka Mruka chose for his students an unusual way to pass his classes XYZ. The students had to read their papers in the hall of Poznan International Fair, in front of jury. This innovative formula is 12 a result of cooperation between the Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, Poznan International Fair and the scientific circles. With this form, students have the opportunity to learn practical issues related to the trade sector and to confront their knowledge with specialists in this field. – It is a great honor and a very interesting experience to meet with students – said Jan Studencki, a representative of PCEI and a member of the jury. Scientists from the Donetsk National University visited PUEB The aim of the meeting was to deepen cooperation between both universities. The Ukrainian school was represented by its Vice-Rector for Research and Educational Work and International Relations, prof. Tetyana Orekhova, and a coordinator from the International Office, Maksym Prykhnenko. During their two-day stay, the Ukrainian scientists met with PUEB authorities to talk about student and academic teacher exchange programs under a bilateral agreement and the Erasmus+ program, but also joint research projects and Double Diploma program. One of the subjects was also functioning of the Student Parliament. The visit was concluded with a lecture given by prof. Tetyana Orekhova, entitled Current problems of Ukraine: regional policy and competitiveness. Visit of the Kazakh university representative A representative of the Almaty Management University in Kazakhstan, Małgorzata Woch, came to visit our university and talk with its authorities about cooperation in the field of student exchange and a launch of double diplomas program. The main subject of the meeting was to deepen cooperation and establish a stronger scientific relationship in the field of managerial education. The Almaty Management University is the oldest and most prestigious school of economics in Kazakhstan and currently educates 3200 students. The success of MBA Poznań-Atlanta Perspektywy magazine published their ranking of the best Masters of Business Administration programs in Poland. MBA Poznań – Atlanta program conducted at PUEB took high 7th place. The jury, composed of the eminent representatives of science and business, prepared the ranking based on seven main criteria including the importance and prestige of a program, preferences of employers, opinions of graduates and students of the program, the quality of teaching staff, substantive content of the curriculum, and facilities supporting the educational process. Our program scored highly in the most important categories – substantive content and quality of teaching staff. The jury especially appreciated the fact that many practitioners are willing to share their long professional experience during classes conducted at our University. MBA Poznań – Atlanta program was launched in 1995 as a result of cooperation between the Poznan University of Economics and Business and Georgia State University in Atlanta. So far, the program has nearly 600 graduates who now occupy executive positions in the major companies from financial and automotive industry and from FMCG sector. 13 THE GALLERY OF PUEB RECTORS THE GALLERY OF PUEB RECTORS Prof. zw. dr Florian Barciński After graduation from the Faculty of Law and Economics at the Poznan University, he became a lecturer at the Higher School of Commerce in Poznan. Unfortunately, the war interrupted his scientific work. In 1940, he was sent to prison camp in Lublin where he spent five years. After the end of World War II, he came back to HSC and a year later he was appointed an associate professor of then the Academy of Commerce. In addition to his work in the Higher School of Economics, professor Barcinski was active in national scientific institutions. He was a member of, among others the Scientific Council of the Institute of Geography (Polish Academy of Sciences), Main Council of the Ministry of Education and a Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Western Institute. In recognition of his overall work, the Academy awarded him a doctor honoris causa degree. 1949–1951 14 Doc. dr Mieczysław Fleszar Following his graduation from Master studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, dr Fleszar started his journalistic activity. As a student, he had already worked for Gazeta Polska and, after the war, for Głos Ludowy. He returned to his scientific career in 1949 and defended his doctoral thesis at the School of Planning and Statistics in Warsaw. The Minister of Science and Higher Education appointed dr Fleszar the Rector of the Higher School of Economics when he was only 30. During his term of office the private Academy of Commerce was transformed into state Higher School of Economics. This was only a beginning of changes in the organizational structure. Some time later, independent Faculty of Commodity Science was established, full time and extramural studies were launched and the Extramural Studies were created. Dr Fleszar was also the initiator of profound and radical changes in study programs. 1951–1954 15 INTERVIEW INTERVIEW First scientific articles of young economists - an interview with Jakub Sawulski, editor-in-chief of “Challenger – Magazine of Young Economists” and Students, who promised to finance first two issues. It would be very difficult without his help. Our thanks are also due to the Division of Student Affairs staff, head of the Marketing Division, Mrs. Iwona Cieślik, and to all researchers for their time and scientific supervision of all articles. How did the academic community react to the first issue? The first issue is out. How did you come up with the idea to start this magazine? I came up with this idea exactly a year ago. Back then, I asked a few outstanding students to write some articles to the Forward Magazine which is published by the University of Lodz. We thought that it would be an interesting idea to start and run our own magazine at PUEB. The students wrote articles, we set up a profile in the social media and this is how it started. Running a magazine in a paper version is not easy. Have you received any financial support from the University authorities? We owe a lot to dr. hab. Jacek Mizerka, Vice-Rector for Education 16 In my opinion, the reaction was enthusiastic. First copies were published in May 2015 and they went like hot cakes. Also our website and the social media profile has risen a lot of interest. Our work has been appreciated by the PUEB researchers who sent their congratulations. I am sure that there are few people at PUEB who haven’t heard about ”Challenger”. Could you briefly describe what is its subject matter and where should we look for it? Our goal is to run a magazine on economics, social and economy matters. We let students decide on the topics of their articles. Thanks to that, there is a little something for everyone – both for students and researchers. Copies of the magazine are free and can be obtained at PUEB. You will always find them on the holders in Building A and in Collegium Altum. How does the ”Challenger” fit into university publishing market? Are there any other magazines with a similar subject area? I believe that the ”Challenger” is unique in its own way. If I were to indicate a magazine dealing with similar matters, I would mention the ”Balance”, published by the members of Student Scientific Association Pecunia Moderna. However, there are a few significant differences when it comes to the subject and publishing frequency. The unique feature of our magazine is that everyone can participate; no exceptions. I think that there is enough room for both magazines. In some way, we complement each other. What does the publishing process look like? What is the path from an idea to print? Students send us subject proposals via email. We verify these proposals and assess their substantive level. After a suggestion has been accepted, a student starts writing the article under the scientific supervision of one of PUEB researchers. At the end, we receive the final version and verify it. From this moment, it takes about two months for the magazine to be published as there is also a lot of graphic work, printing and promotion. It has been six months since the first issue was released. Is this a standard publishing cycle? Can we expect higher publishing frequency in the future? We planned to publish the ”Challenger” twice a year. Typesetting takes a lot of time and we all also have other responsibilities. Additionally, we think that the substantive value of the content is of the utmost importance and present frequency allows us to develop the details both in terms of substantive content and graphics. Was it difficult to encourage students to write scientific articles? Absolutely not! We had no problems with collecting articles for the first issue and I can already tell that we also won’t have any with the second and even third edition. At first, we mostly counted on the members of the ”Challenger - Forum of Young Economists” - an organization founded specifically for the needs of the magazine. Today, we receive proposals from students of all faculties. Are you planning on developing the ”Challenger - Forum of Young Economists” organization in other directions than just creating the magazine? It is developing already! One of our ideas is to organize meetings called Challenger Talks and modeled on famous TED talks. These meetings will give students an opportunity to, among others, present their ideas on ”How to establish Polish global companies” and to share their views on pre-election political scene. However, preparing the magazine, activity of the social media profile and running the Blog of Young Economists are still going to be fundamental for us. What are the New Year’s resolutions for your organization and the magazine? The biggest challenge will be to continue issuing the magazine. The ”protected period” during which publication was funded in whole by the University has come to an end. Our goal is to find sponsors who will financially support the magazine. I hope that the success of the first two issues will encourage them to invest in the magazine. We would also like to expand in the social media and encourage new readers to visit the Blog of Young Economists. We want it to become a real forum for exchanging thoughts between young people interested in economics. Grzegorz Lemański Members of the ”Challenger – Forum of Young Economists” organization: Jakub Sawulski (supervisor) Adam Lubiński (president) Monika Kruk (vice-president) Krzysztof Piętka (treasurer) Mariusz Gawron Wiktor Jackowiak Paula Marciniszyn Maciej Pawłowski Marcin Skrobek Waldemar Smulkowski Wojciech Świder Tomasz Mirowski (designer) Jan Nalepa (IT specialist) 17 OUR ALUMNI The Poznan University of Economics and Business is once again in the top ten in the national ranking indicating schools completed by heads of the largest Polish companies. In this year’s ranking, which was based on analyzes of the careers of nearly 490 CEOs from the List 2000 of Rzeczpospolita, PUEB took ninth place. As many as 3.27% of heads of firms taken into account are graduates of PUEB (an increase from last year’s 3.13%). The first three places are occupied by technical universities. The authors underline, however, that this will change in favor of universities offering economic fields of study. INDEX OF SUCCESS PUEB is an incubator of CEOs Name: Marek Gawęcki Faculty/field of study/specialization: Faculty of Management/ Management/Trade and Marketing Place of work/position: Dassault Systemes Austria GmbH, Vienna, Austria, Senior Global Sales Operations Manager, Value Solutions Channel Contact me: marek.gawecki@3ds.com I chose to study at PUEB because... My sister went there. I liked the things she told me about her studies and I decided to follow in her footsteps. My best memory from the student days is... My thesis supervisor prof. dr. hab. Henryk Mruk. His lectures were very interesting and they left a lasting impression. Another thing is the time I spent living in a dormitory – Atol. It was a source of many wonderful memories and long-term friendships. Skills gained at PUEB allow me to... Thanks to Double Dimploma program, I had a chance to study in Freiberg, Germany, for 1.5 years. It gave me additional experience and made me feel more confident when it comes to the German language. Thanks to this, I have already been working in Vienna for 12 years. For me, an important thing is Pareto pronciple saying that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. I think it applies both to professional and personal life. In five years, I would like to… Many of the initiatives that we have undertaken in our company are rather medium-term initiatives. I hope they will give the expected results in 3-5 years. Besides, PUEB, currently number one school of economics in Poland, uses our software „Perfect Shelf” in its cloud. It is used in the Consumer Research Lab and allows to simulate store environment and testing packagings in various configurations of shelves. I believe this is the beginning of fruitful cooperation. Outside of work, I like... Spending time with my son, walking my dogs and travelling to European cities. Professional advice for the students of PUEB An old proverb says that you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew. You need to keep your ambitions high. If you are persistent, you will gain extra strength in a proper time. 18 19 PUEB IN THE MEDIA PUEB IN THE MEDIA Our experts in the media lll-treatment of foreigners is bad for the image of the city - What I like the most is that almost everything is at your fingertips. It is not Warsaw where everything is far away and getting somewhere takes a lot of time. In addition, Poznan offers many cultural activities, for example numerous theaters, opera, philharmonic and the Musical Theater which is now being rebuilt. All this guarantees a high cultural level. There are also concerts of various music genres. There is a little something for everyone.-he added. Christmas shopping frenzy can really drain our pockets. Therefore, December is a great harvest period for quasi-banks. In Radio Merkury, dr Krzysztof Waliszewski from the Department of Money and Banking warns us against running into debts - The loan needs to be paid back with interest. It is not difficult to fall into a debt spiral. Our scientist points out that the market for such services has sealed and since this year is under the control of the Commission for Banking Supervision. 20 In the opinion of PUEB expert, information about beatings of foreigners is a serious threat to the image of the city on a national scale. - Such events are very quickly caught by the media. It is of course important, but we must remember that negative feedback can automatically transfer into other spheres of city functioning. A few unpleasant events can thus create the impression that people habitually commit attacks on foreigners - says dr. hab. Magdalena Florek from the Department of Trade and Marketing. - I think that promoting Poznan as an open city is quite risky. It only takes one incident to tear down the whole concept - she added. Change of tax-free allowance Local governments may painfully feel the increase in the tax-free amount that is going to take place on 1 January 2016. The amount is expected to rise from just over 3,000 PLN to 8,000 PLN. For cities it will mean a significant reduction in revenues from personal income tax. Poznan can lose up to 175 million PLN. During a morning conversation “Jest taka sprawa” in Radio Merkury, dr Tomasz Bojkowski from the Department of Public Finance said- In my opinion, the city of Poznan is not able to find nearly 200 million PLN in its financial plan in such a short time. This is a huge amount and a huge gap. Local governments should be compensated. What’s next for the Old Brewery? dr hab. J. Trębecki dr K. Waliszewski Lend your money and lose your friend dr hab. M. Florek Which Polish city offers the best conditions to live and work? According to Social Diagnosis 2015. The conditions and quality of life of Poles published by the Council for Social Monitoring, this city is Poznan. Although I live in Suchy Las, many aspects of my life are connected with the city. How is life here? With the exception of many communication problems caused by numerous investments, repairs and modernizations, it’s pretty great. - said prof. dr. hab. Marian Gorynia, PUEB Rector. dr T. Bojkowski Bojkowski prof. dr drT. hab. M. Gorynia Poznań is the best city The Old Brewery has been sold to a German investor. According to our expert, the new owner will primarily strive to make a profit from this investment. - The new owner will definitely go for commercialization. If it is done by an investment fund, the only fundamental objective of the fund is to generate profit - said dr hab. Jacek Trębecki (Department of Economic Journalism and Public Relations) in an interview for Radio Merkury - I’m afraid that in such a commercial dimension, there will be not much room left for cultural activity. 21 PUEB IN THE MEDIA Media monitoring – December 2015 e 49(7.23%) 79 (11.65%) d 30 (4.42%) c b a 520 (76.7%) Press 22 Internet Radio TV 23 PUEB IN THE MEDIA 24
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