MPScapades: Spring 2014 - Mercyhurst Preparatory School
MPScapades: Spring 2014 - Mercyhurst Preparatory School
A MAGAZINE FOR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS OF MERCYHURST PREP In this issue: Introducing your 2013 Laker Legends, pg. 5 A NEW way to find your classmates, pg.3 Going back to your Mercyhurst Seminary/MPS roots, pg. 9 SPRING 2014 A Sponsored Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy 2 to interact and collaborate with others regardless of gender. Coeducational learning builds confidence and introduces a wider variety of ideas and opinions. MPS graduates are socially well-adjusted and better prepared to excel in post-secondary education and, ultimately, the workforce. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper with her MPS graduate sons (l to r): James Razanauskas ’01, Ed Razanauskas III ’94, and Phillip Razanauskas ’97. A Sponsored Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy B ecoming president of Mercyhurst Preparatory School has given me new insights and renewed appreciation of the profound influence the MPS experience has on its graduates. “Unparalleled Preparation for Life” – timeless words reflect what has always described Mercyhurst Prep. This vision created by the Sisters of Mercy in 1926 has not changed over times. Our outstanding faculty and staff continues to ensure that every student acquires the educational and personal tools needed to thrive in the real world beyond high school. This means equipping students with the skills to adapt to our ever-changing world. No wonder that our forebears wisely transitioned MPS from all-girls to coeducational a few years after I graduated – thankfully, my three sons were able to attend! The Sisters wanted MPS to prepare students for real world situations by learning how Diversity and real world experiences do not end with gender – this year, 93 international students attend MPS from countries around the globe including Korea, Spain, Rwanda, Belize, Russia and China. Our international students provide a rich world view and multi-cultural experience for the entire MPS family. Our students also represent diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Thanks to generous corporate and individual support, MPS offered over $710,000 in scholarships and financial aid this year. Our Mercyhurst education is life-changing and we want to make it available to as many deserving students as we can. Not only is MPS the exclusive Catholic coeducational high school in our region, it is the only International Baccalaureate (IB) World School with its challenging curriculum designed to create lifelong learners. IB diplomas and courses are valued by universities world-wide and often translate into college credits. Unparalleled preparation for life also means the latest in technology. MPS is currently in the second year of the Bill & Audrey Hirt Education &Technology Initiative. Each freshman receives an iPad that stays with him or her all four years and beyond. Our teachers and students are creating and accomplishing amazing work with this cutting edge educational tool inside and outside the classroom. The investment that parents make in a Mercyhurst education is more valuable than ever, paying huge dividends with 100% college and university acceptance of MPS graduating seniors, many with generous college scholarships. Award winning visual and performing arts, speech and debate, and sports round the experience of a Mercyhurst Laker. Every year our students compete at the highest level in the three “A’s” – academics, arts and athletics. Going to state championships is a regular MPS event. Mercyhurst provides incredible opportunities for service learning, extracurricular activities and a wonderful social life. Friendships made here last a lifetime – my own class of 1969 reunites from across the country every 5 years and recently established our own named scholarship. A half dozen of my classmates remain my best friends today. In this issue you will read about an alumna who has returned to volunteer and work at MPS, paying it forward with her special talents. We who are employed at MPS see our work as a ministry. We have the distinct honor of witnessing daily Catholic faith formation of our students in word and action. Before our very eyes, our students grow and mature within the values of the Mercy Charism – compassionate service, hospitality, justice, presence, and respect for the dignity of all persons. Unparalleled preparation for life and the Mercy Charisms – these core values never change. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper, ’71 MPS President Unparalleled Preparation For Life • 3 CONTENTS A NEW ALUMNI DIRECTORY IS IN THE WORKS! 2 President’s Letter 5-8 Laker Legends Scholarship Gala Recap 13 Upcoming Reunions 14-23 Class Notes 24 & 28 Alumni Spotlights MPS has contracted with PCI: not the big company to publish a new, accurate and comprehensive directory. The directory will include a listing of graduates, their spouses, children, degree information, job title and company and a history of our school including photographs. The hardbound alumni book will be listed in four sections: Alphabetically (by student and married names), Geographically (city and state), Occupation, and Class Year. Purchasing a directory is a great way for you to reconnect with old friends and classmates and see the career paths they have taken. This is also a very powerful business and networking resource. A print version, CD version and a combination of a print and searchable CD version of the directory will be offered. It is important that you respond when you receive a post card in the mail, an email message or a phone call in regard to the MPS directory. This is NOT a fundraiser for Mercyhurst Prep; however, there are costs involved with PCI in undertaking this project including printing and mailing, so please keep that in mind. Many alums were disappointed that they did not purchase the last directory since they saw the value of this tool after the fact. Please take a moment to respond when you receive a card, email or phone call in regard to the new MPS Alumni Directory. Thank you. Cover photo: Jessica Horan-Kunco ’89 was honored with the Distinguished Alumni Award for Career at the 2013 Laker Legends Scholarship Gala. Editor Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer ’71 Photography Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer and Tina Piano Espin ’87 Contributing Writers Mary Ellen Dahlkemper, George Blakeslee, Natalie Dwyer-Haller ’70, Dan Perfetto ’92, and Lisa Nietupski Graphic Designer Michele A. Martin MPScapades is published two times a year for the Mercyhurst Prep community. We welcome your articles, suggestions and comments. Please direct your correspondence to its editor, Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer at 814-824-2067 or Mercyhurst Preparatory School 538 East Grandview Blvd. Erie, PA 16504-2697 Volume 33, Number 1 SPRING 2014 4 From the Desk of the Alumni President, Natalie Dwyer-Haller ‘70 The Golden Anniversary Luncheon was held on August 26 at the Erie Yacht Club, honoring Mercyhurst Seminary graduates from 1963 and earlier. More than 80 alumnae attended, including Margaret McMahon ’33 who was celebrating the 80th anniversary of her graduation! Fourteen Natalie Dwyer-Haller members of the Class of 1963 attended as the newest honorees. The number may not sound large but considering there were only 22 in that graduating class, two of whom are deceased, that was an impressive turnout! Well over 200 alumni, administrators, faculty, parents and friends of MPS were on hand for an incredible evening at the Laker Legends Scholarship Gala on October 4 at the Ambassador Banquet Hall. The Alumni Association welcomed its first two honorary alumni, Sister Maura Smith, RSM, and Sister Mary Ann Bader, RSM, and presented Alumni Association awards to Jessica Horan-Kunco ’89 (Distinguished Alumni Award for Career), Caitlin Welsh ’97 (Young Alumni Award) and MPS faculty member Carla Betti (Mercy Award). The MPS administration honored Rev. Dr. Donald Baxter, Jr. and U.S. Magistrate Judge Susan Paradise Baxter (Laker Legends Philanthropy Award) and Jovan Johnson ’02 (Laker Legends Sports Award). (See the related story on the next page, page 5). Host couples were alums Dan ’78 and Annette ’81 Cullen and MPS parents John and Barbara Weber, parents of Max ’12, Jacob ’15, Kyle ’15 and Nicholas ’15 (yes, triplets!). Brian Sheridan ’83 and Proud Laker grandfather/supporter Brady Louis served as co-emcees for the event, which included music provided by Nick Nasibyan ’12, a creative iPad video produced by Caleb Payne ’13, a silent auction, a live auction with Tim Rocco, and a delicious dinner prepared and served by the Ambassador staff. The success of the evening was attributable not only to the support of those in attendance and the generosity of sponsors and those who donated auction items, but also to the incredible effort put forth by the Gala Committee headed by Tina Piano Espin ’87, including alums Dan Cullen ’78, Dave Geiger ’87, Marcia Gensheimer ’71, Kim Hill ’76, Bill Lillis, Jr., ’99 and Emily Mosco ’00, and parents Karen Beardsley-Petit, Teresa Corso and Barbara Weber. Our hats of off to you, Tina, and to your committee, for putting on a tremendously successful gala! Alumni turned out in great numbers for the annual Black Friday Bash held on November 29 at Calamari’s. A good time was had by all, especially those who left with door prizes, many of which were donated by Dan Cullen ’78. Ken Regenor ’81 won the 50-50 and graciously donated his proceeds to the Alumni Association! We welcomed many members of the Class of 2008 who held their five-year reunion in the upstairs room at Calamari’s while also spending time and enjoying delicious food with the larger group. Thanks again to Calamari owners Jay Honard ‘86 and Marcie Honard who always go above and beyond for MPS. March marks the beginning of terms for newly elected members of the Alumni Association Board of Governors Suzette (“Sue”) Marofsky Quinn ’83 and Emily Schultz ’12. We thank Sr. Joan McCabe, RSM ’51 and Ken Regenor ’81, whose terms expired, as well as immediate past president Pat Genung ’67, for their years of service on the Board. We are always looking for enthusiastic alums to become involved either as board members or members of one of our committees. If you would like information about becoming involved, please contact Marcia Gensheimer at Natalie Dwyer-Haller, ‘70 Alumni President 5 INTRODUCING YOUR 2013 Laker Legends Mercyhurst Preparatory School and the Alumni Board of Governors hosted the Laker Legends Scholarship Gala on October 4th at the Ambassador Crystal Ballroom. The event recognizes outstanding alumni and friends of MPS who have in some way made a contribution, not necessarily monetary, to Mercyhurst Prep through their career or service. Recipients are nominated by their peers. Investment Committee. She is a member of the City of Erie Aggregate Pension Board, the Officers and Employees Pension Board, the City of Erie Audit Committee, the City of Erie Finance Committee, and St. Luke School and Parish. Distinguished Alumni Career Award Jessica Horan-Kunco graduated from Mercyhurst Preparatory School in 1989. She earned her undergraduate degree as a political science major in 1993 from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and received a Master of Science degree in organizational leadership from Mercyhurst University this past May. She was the founding member of the Anti-Graffiti Task Force and Skate Erie Association, where she served as treasurer. Additionally, she volunteers for the Crohn’s Colitis Foundation Walk and Day of Caring. She received the Bradley Foulk Public Service Award from GECAC and the Outstanding Commitment Award from Parade Street Community Center in 2011. Jessica was the recipient of the Generation E Award from the Young Erie Professionals and was named one of the Women Making History Dynamic Dozen by Mercy Center for Women in 2008. In addition to her City Council duties, Jessica assists in the operation of her family business, Kunco Landscape, Inc., and also finds time to work part-time as a bookkeeper for Mercy Terrace Apartments. She worked as special events coordinator for MPS during the 2011-12 school year. When asked how her Mercyhurst Prep education and experience affected her life, Jessica responded, “I have felt strongly connected to MPS since my days as a student. As an adult, I have continued to feel the circle of support from the Mercyhurst community that surrounds me. The positive atmosphere of encouragement and acceptance is a blessing in our community. I am proud to be a Mercyhurst Prep alumna and can’t wait for my children to experience the Laker way in the near future.” Horan-Kunco began her tenure on Erie City Council in 2004 and is currently serving her third consecutive term as an elected official. She is responsible for passing laws and ordinances, working on creating initiatives and programs, reviewing city finances, adopting the city budget, responding to citizen concerns and calls, and serving as a liaison to city departments, boards and authorities. She served as Council President in 2011 with additional duties that included setting agendas, assigning liaison duties to council members, acting as liaison to government offices and planning and conducting study sessions. Currently, Jessica serves as chairwoman of both Erie Area Council of Governments and the City of Erie Pictured here are sons Adam and Jeremy, husband Ron, Jessica and daughter Rachel. 6 She stated, “Because my time at Mercyhurst Prep has changed my life in so many ways over the years, it’s extremely difficult to limit a response to a few sentences. However, I should include the three major ‘life changers’ that come to mind immediately. First, I would be remiss if I did not mention Sister Maura Smith, RSM and Sister Bertha Michalik, RSM, two important mentors who relayed many insightful thoughts to me, especially MPS social studies chair, Carla R. Betti, early in my career. Sister Maura, who received the Mercy Award for demonstrating influenced me in so many ways, always an exemplary commitment to the school told me to “never forget that they are mission. Carla is pictured here with family just kids.” Along with much other members l to r: (front) Lauren Skrypzak important advice, Sister Bertha shared ’11, (back) Carrie Skrypzak-Post ’99, how important it is to “always be Stephen Skrypzak ‘85, Jay Skrypzak ‘83, Tony Oprendek, Carla R. Betti, Kathy Betti patient with your students,” no matter Skrypzak and Morgan E. Jacox. Missing what. Those are just two women in the from photo was Linda Kuzma Skrypzak ’85. MPS community who taught me a lot about how we should treat each other. There have been many others. Mercy Award Although Ms. Betti is not an MPS Second, since a number of my graduate, she has spent all 36 years of her teaching experience at Mercyhurst colleagues and I began our careers here at a young age, we had the Prep, sharing her talents in the social extraordinary benefit of watching studies department and positively each other grow up along with all the affecting the lives of numerous students we’ve taught. We still share students. She graduated from Niagara stories about working and playing University with a B.A. in secondary together in the early days. Although education/social studies and a our lives change, we still maintain Master’s Equivalency from the State of a unique bond that I treasure. I’ve Pennsylvania. learned so much from them as well. Carla completed Project TEACH, a Finally, and certainly the most three-year professional development program for American History teachers important to me, are the many MPS that included travel to historical sites in students who’ve taught me a few lessons themselves over the years. Pennsylvania. She also attended the Taft Institute for Teachers and the Mercy They are by far the most important reason that MPS has changed my life. Leadership Institute. I can’t imagine being able to teach so long without having absorbed some Foreign travels have included Ireland, of the energy, emotion, excitement, England, USSR, Germany and Italy. exuberance and especially the desire to Twice named recipient of the MPS keep learning that MPS students offer Outstanding Service Award, Carla is a member of the National Honor Society and instill in me. I admit that I always want summer to continue, but after for High School Teachers and a former meeting my new students each year, Academic Challenge Coach. I always looking forward to growing with them again.” Carla was honored as a 2009 Golden Apple Award winner. She has been an advisor for the Women in Motion Club at MPS and is the school representative for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Caitlin Welsh (third from left in back row) received the Young Alumni Award for exhibiting leadership in her personal, professional, and volunteer accomplishments and also for her involvement with Mercyhurst Preparatory School. Family members in the photo include (front): Ellie Welsh, (back): Tim Welsh, Mary Anne Flecken Welsh ’69, Caitlin, Ashley Hughes Welsh ’93, Christine Welsh Blake ’69 and Adam Welsh ’94. Young Alumni Award Caitlin Welsh graduated from Mercyhurst Prep in 1997 and earned a B.A. with a major in foreign affairs and a minor in French from the University of Virginia in 2001. She pursued a Master of Public Administration and graduated from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs in 2009. She currently serves as the Foreign Affairs Officer at the United States Department of State, Secretary of State’s Office of Global Food Security. Caitlin assists in the coordination of all aspects of U.S. diplomacy related to global food security and nutrition, particularly in African countries. Her portfolio covers the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future, as well as global food security initiatives of the G-8 and G-20. In 2012, Caitlin helped ensure that the United States fulfilled President Obama’s commitment at the 2009 G-8 Summit – to mobilize over $3.7 billion toward global food security over three years. She also assisted in the launch of a new global initiative, the G-8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. 7 Before joining the State Department, Caitlin worked at the U.S. African Development Foundation, where she managed the $6m Nigeria grants portfolio, the foundation’s largest. She was a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco and speaks Arabic and French. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church who also has a thriving dermatology practice, is a member of the MPS board of trustees. He serves as chairman of the advancement committee and chairs the campaign to build the MPS Technology Endowment. She received a U.S. government Presidential Management Fellowship in 2009-2011 and a full-tuition fellowship to Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs in 2008-2009. Caitlin is a member of the Board of Directors of the Washington Area Community Fund, a nonprofit community development loan fund whose mission is to empower underserved communities and individuals in the DC metropolitan area by providing access to capital and technical assistance, small businesses, childcare centers, affordable housing developers, and community organizations. While speaking about her Mercyhurst Prep experience, this International Baccalaureate Diploma holder said, “Some of my teachers regularly challenged the way students thought and the things we held to be true. They taught us about their own experiences outside this city, state, and country – which made us want to explore our world and push our limits – and helped keep us grounded at the same time. In addition, the International Baccalaureate program helped prepare me to study global issues in college and graduate school.” Laker Legend Philanthropy Award Even with very busy professional lives this Erie couple always finds time to help their children’s alma mater. The Honorable Susan Paradise Baxter and Rev. Dr. Donald Baxter, Jr. are this year’s recipients of the Laker Legends Philanthropy Award. Emily Baxter ’07 is pictured here with her parents Rev. Dr. Donald Baxter and Hon. Susan Paradise Baxter, who received the Laker Legend Philanthropy Award for representing the true spirit of philanthropy in their support of the MPS vision and the Mercy charism to the benefit of our students and community. Jovon Johnson ‘02 The Baxters are Marked by Pride & Spirit as proud parents of MPS graduates Emily 07 and Eddie ‘11. While their children attended MPS, the Baxters generously helped in many ways but were especially active in their support of the arts. Susan and Don both served as theater boosters, filling roles as needed from working with costumes and manning the concession stands to helping build sets. Susan, a federal magistrate judge for the western district of Pennsylvania, served 2 years as booster club president. With Eddie and Emily well on their way to successful higher education and careers, the Baxters support of the school continues and in many ways has increased. Both have helped to host MPS open houses answering questions of potential new MPS families. Susan has served as a guest speaker relating her very positive experiences and helping to encourage parents to consider an outstanding MPS education for their children. Don, a minister at Laker Legend Sports Award While at Mercyhurst Prep, Jovon Johnson was the all-time scoring leader in football with 17 TDs, 4 PATs, and 106 points. After high school graduation, Jovon attended the University of Iowa, majoring in health and sports administration, and graduated in 2006. Currently, he is a professional athlete with the Canadian Winnipeg Blue Bombers football team in Manitoba. Jovon has been named an NFL, CFL 4-year All Star player. He is the first defensive back to win Defensive Player of the Year for his team and also the Canadian Football League. He holds the punt return and most interceptions records for the Blue Bombers. Jovon has “paid it forward” by starting a scholarship fund at the University of Manitoba. He has also helped coach football at MPS and hosted a camp in Erie and in Manitoba. In addition he 8 donated to breast cancer awareness and a children’s hospital. In reference to his MPS education, Jovon stated, “First, let me say there is a wide range of people who have helped me get through the trials and tribulations as a student. I’d like to take a moment to thank them - Mrs. Ennis, Mr. Bengel, Mr. Curtin, Mr. Cancilla, Father Mike, Ms. Betti, Mr. Perfetto, Mrs. Potthoff, Ms. Aste, Mrs. Dworakowski, and Mrs. DiTullio just to name a few. There are many others in case I forgot a few. MPS prepared me for (life) after football, although I am still playing. I have my own business (retail sales), two youth football camps and a college degree.” Honorary Alumni For the first time, the Alumni Association awarded honorary alumni status to individuals who are not alumni of Mercyhurst Seminary or Mercyhurst Prep, in recognition of their proven friendship and service to the school. Sister Maura Smith, Principal 1978-1987 During the administration of Sister Maura, who had long been considered an innovator in Mercy Catholic education, several new programs were initiated. In 1985 Mercyhurst Prep became the first, and remains the only, International Baccalaureate World School in northwestern Pennsylvania. She was instrumental in launching the MPS crew team, the only internationally competitive high school crew team in area, which will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2014. There is even a crew boat named the Sister Maura! Sister Maura is an avid sports fan and regularly follows MPS athletic competitions. She is proud to say that in 1986 during her tenure, the girls AAA basketball team, coached by implemented in 2004 for eighth grade students recommended by their schools, enabling grade school students to take and earn credit for high school science, algebra and language classes at MPS. In 2006, Sister Mary Ann traveled to Dublin, Ireland, the birthplace of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy, to join with Mercy educators from all over the world for the first ever Mercy education conference of its kind. Sr. Maura Smith and Sr. Mary Ann Bader display their honorary Alumni awards. Mr. Bill Bengel, captured the first ever state championship for any Erie girls team when MPS won the state title in 1986. She was on board from the very beginning of the Mercy Secondary Education Association, keeping Mercyhurst Prep among those Sisters of Mercy schools throughout the country that collaborated in the field of Catholic Mercy education. Campus ministry holds a very prominent place at MPS. This, too, was founded by Sister Maura. It is plain to see that her influence remains strong today at the school. At the 2007 dedication of the newly renovated science wing named in her honor, she said, “You will recall the song I Left My Heart In San Francisco…well, I left my heart at Mercyhurst Prep.” For your strong and steady support of all that is MPS, we are most grateful and we thank her for all she has been to MPS. Sister Mary Ann Bader, President 2002-2013 The beginning of Sister Mary Ann’s tenure at MPS coincided with the inauguration of a $3,000,000 capital campaign that attained its goal in 2006. The monies raised provided a $1,000,000 endowment for scholarships, a $1,000,000 endowment for salaries, a newly renovated science wing and a new heating system. With Sister Mary Ann at the helm, the McAuley Scholars program was In 2009, Sister Mary Ann engaged in discussions with Pennsylvania International Academy that culminated in an affiliation with PIA and has led to an increase in the MPS international student population to its current level of more than 90 students. During Sister Mary Ann’s eleven years as president, MPS has seen a marked increase in the amounts awarded annually for scholarships and financial aid. In 2012, with the generous support of Betsy and Bill Vorsheck, MPS was able to provide one-to-one iPad deployment for every student and teacher in the building. This cuttingedge technology has kept MPS at the forefront of Catholic education in Erie as its only co-ed Catholic School. It was Sister Mary Ann’s love of the school and its Mission that was the driving force of all her decisions during her time at MPS. She is thrilled to be named an honorary alumna and we are thrilled to bestow that status upon her. Editor’s note: Since leaving the office of president at Mercyhurst Prep, Sr. Mary Ann has concentrated on improving her health and I’m happy to report that she has made great strides toward that end. Sr. Mary Ann accepted a new position on January 1 as Sisters Services Coordinator of the Sisters of Mercy in Erie. This was previously two positions (motherhouse coordinator and local leader) that were combined into one. We wish her continued good health and guidance and blessings in her new position. 9 Sisters who attended the Foundation Day celebration included (seated l to r): Sr. Catherine Edward Delaney, Sr. Rita Kartavich, Sr. Pierre Dembinski; (middle): Sr. M. Matthew Baltus, Sr. Maria Lucia Serrano, Sr. Bernadette Bell, Sr. Phyllis Marie McDonald, Sr. Edith Langiotti, Sr. Patricia Whalen and Sr. Rita Panciera; (back): Sr. Rita Brocke, Sr. Michele Marie Schroeck, Sr. Mary Ann Bader, Sr. Lisa Mary McCarthy, Sr. M. Felice Duska, Sr. M. Mark McCarthy, Sr. Joan McCabe, Sr. Domenica DeLeo, Sr. Kathleen Ann Kolb FOUNDATION DAY Our Mercyhurst Prep administration, faculty and staff celebrated Foundation Day along with the local Sisters of Mercy on December 12th at the high school. Foundation Day commemorates the founding of the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland in 1831 by Catherine McAuley. The foundation celebration included visiting with the sisters, a performance by the MPS Show Choir, and a special sit-down luncheon served by our National Honor Society students. The sisters were delighted with their gift of a money card to be used toward the purchase of a porch glider for the Motherhouse. Foundation Day makes us aware of the foresight of the Sisters of Mercy who carried the ministry to America and spread their charism - compassionate presence, justice, service, hospitality and concern for the dignity of all persons - worldwide within their numerous ministries. Mercyhurst Preparatory School was founded in 1926 as Mercyhurst Seminary by the Sisters of Mercy. Additional local Mercy Ministries include Mercy Center of the Arts, Mercy Center for Women, Mercy Hilltop Center, Mercy Terrace Apartments, and the House of Mercy. Erie is fortunate to have so much contact with the Sisters of Mercy and it is impressive to know that the mission that began with Catherine McAuley in 1831 is not only thriving but touches people around the world. COMING IN MAY… The Show Some Alumni Love Campaign If you have a special place in your heart for Mercyhurst Prep/Mercyhurst Seminary, please take a moment right now and send an email to: with the words “Alumni Love” on the subject line. Include your name and mailing address and we will enter you in a drawing for an alumni merchandise prize package. Four winners will be chosen. Then, in May, watch out for some special messages from MPS students and some of your favorite faculty members! Thank you for showing some Alumni Love! 10 50 years: Then & Now The Mercyhurst Preparatory School building that opened in the 1963-1964 school year is celebrating its 50th year. Members of the class of 1967 were freshmen and have the distinction of being the first class to spend all four years of their high school career in this building. Graduate Nicholas Nasibyan performed an original composition on the piano. Abby Hakel played the violin to “Jesse’s Waltz.” CONCERT HONORED MEMORY OF JESSE EDWARDS-BOROWICZ A concert honored the musical life of Jesse Edwards-Borowicz on February 16 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie. Jesse, a member of the class of 2016, passed away unexpectedly last spring. The concert was given by the members of the piano studio where he belonged and studied under Linda Kobler. There was no admission charge but donations were accepted and directed toward a fund to purchase a piano for the MPS music department. In addition to the pianists participating in the concert, there were several guest artists. The concert included the premiere of a work for violin and piano, written in remembrance of Jesse by Nick Nasibyan ‘12. Nick is an MPS alum who is currently a music composition major at Mercyhurst University. About $2400 towards a new piano was raised at the concert. A new piano costs about $8000, so there is still a need. If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Lisa Nietupski at lznietupski@mpslakers. com or 814-824-2408. 11 BLACK FRIDAY BASH! Our annual Black Friday Bash is always a fun night out for just gathering with friends from MPS or celebrating a landmark reunion. Thank you to alumnus Jay Honard ‘86 and Marci Honard for hosting our alumni at Calamari’s. Contact Tina Piano Espin ‘87 at 814-824-2161 or for additional information. PLEASE NOTE: In order to help reduce waste, you are receiving one issue of MPScapades per household. If you would like an additional issue, please contact the alumni office at 814-824-2067 or email PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND US YOUR UPDATED CONTACT INFORMATION IF YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES. EMAIL: mgensheimer@ with “ALUMNI” as the subject line OR CALL: 814-824-2067 OR USE FACEBOOK: Send a message through Mercyhurst Preparatory School or Marcia Gensheimer ALUMNI WELCOME: DAILY MASS Mass is celebrated every morning from 7:45-8:05 in the chapel. Parents, students, faculty, alumni and staff are always welcome. 12 Golden Anniversary CLASS REUNIONS Joan MacKenzie Eastman, Mary Ree Theuerkauf Travers, Mary Lou Ritter Wieczorek and Annette Straub Bailey from the class of 1951. Erie’s WICU reporter Paul Wagner interviewed Margaret McMahon ’33 who had the honor of celebrating her 80th high school class reunion at the Golden Anniversary. Classmates from 1953 met up at the Golden Anniversary: Mary Lou Miller Scully, Joan Hartman Koppelman and Alberta Hain Jobczynski. Members of the class of 1963 were our special honorees for the Golden Anniversary Luncheon. Seated l to r are: Kate Weber, Hollis Heidt McGuire, Mikey Crotty Martin and Christine Pontoriero; (back): Mary Whalen Whitney, Kitty Seigel Hurlburt, Connie Fuhrman Haibach, Jane O’Brien Bauschard, Kathy Kosmala Nichols, Diane Trocki Turner, Carol Dwyer Simmons, Carleen Maya Eden, Mariette Hanhouser McCarthy, and Mary Jo Roll Poole. Jeannie Jackson McGinley, Patty Przychozien Pedano and Mary Ellen Dymski Brown from the class of 1958. 13 CELEBRATING CLASS REUNIONS REUNIONS 2013-2014 If your year of graduation ends in a “4” or a “9” this is an anniversary year for your class but any year could be a “reunion” year! Class officers typically plan reunions, but anyone is encouraged to gather a group and plan a gathering. If you have questions, please contact Marcia Gensheimer at or call 814-824-2067. UPCOMING REUNIONS 2013 – 2014 Class of 1964 – 50th Reunion Friday, August 15 – Golden Anniversary Luncheon at Erie Yacht Club 12:15 p.m. Sponsored by Mary Ellen Dahlkemper Class of 2003: Here is a large group of some of members of the class of 2003 celebrating their 10th reunion over Thanksgiving vacation. The Class of 2003 celebrated their ten year reunion on Friday November 29, 2013 at 21 La Rue Dix in downtown Erie. They had 56 people in attendance, which included 38 alumni and 16 spouses and significant others. Everyone enjoyed the chance to reminisce, catch up, eat, drink, and have some laughs. Attendees shared news about people’s jobs, marriages, children, travels, and more. They honored deceased classmates Jason Albert, Jon Billingsley, and Jeremy Quezada. They had a raffle of items that included MPS apparel and we even got in a circle and sang the Our Father for old times’ sake! Class of 1969 – 45th Reunion Friday, August 8 – “Girls Only” at Neddy Dwyer Lehrian’s home, Sat., August 9 – Bliss Room of the Erie Yacht Club Class of 1974 – 40th Reunion Plans are in the works for the weekend of May 16-17 Contact Janice Kubinski at or Sue DiPlacido Shickler at Class of 1999 – 15th Reunion Class of 1999 15 year Reunion When: Saturday, August 30th 3 pm Where: Picnicana – Summit Township Picnic Grove located on the west side of Old French Road Details: Kids are welcome to attend the reunion; Dinner and drinks will be provided; Cost is currently TBD Email: Emily Hartwig-Wachter if you are interested in attending: Some members of the MPS office staff celebrating St. Valentine’s day. Amy DeMauri Chiodo, Katie Arnson, Christy Goodrich and Steve Fabin enjoy spending time together. 14 CLASS NOTES: 1950 S Sr. Mary Felice Duska, RMS ’52 was named the 2013 Woman Religious of the Year by the Serra Club. She is the manager of Mercy Terrace Apartments in Erie. Joan Szymanski Mancuso ’52 has been instrumental in helping to restore the Fort LeBoeuf Museum, which was closed in 2010 due to budget cuts. The museum is located in Waterford, PA., and plans are to reopen it sometime in 2014. Big news, little moments or just a friendly hello…we would like to hear from you. Email Janet Liebler Plavcan ’57 and husband John celebrated their 50th anniversary on Thanksgiving Day. They treated themselves to a cruise in late October. 1960 S Annmarie Bernadowicz George, Ph.D. ’62 has been selected to serve as the chairwoman of the Daemen College Alumni Board of Governors for a two-year term. Sr. Charlene Schaaf, CDP ’68 recently celebrated her 40th anniversary as a Sister of the Divine Providence. She currently lives in Erie while taking care of her mother and works as a part-time chaplain at Hamot UPMC. She also directs the choir at St. Lawrence Parish in Albion, PA, and teaches music at the Inner-city Neighborhood Art House. Corrine Flower Holmes ’69 decided to teach a fifth grade talented and gifted class one day a week instead of retiring this year. Sisters Barbara Heibel Nason and Marilyn Heibel outside the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. Marilyn Heibel ’57 and her sister, Barbara Heibel Nason ’61 took a Baltic cruise in August. They visited Berlin, Germany; Helsinki, Finland; St. Petersburg, Russia; Estonia; Stockholm, Sweden; Copenhagen, Denmark; and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Denise Illig Robison ’57 received the Legacy Award from the Niagara League for promoting Commodore Oliver Perry’s Niagara for three decades. 1970 S Janice DiLuzio ’71 is a Psychological Services Associate-Mental Health and pre-doctoral intern at Warren State Hospital in N. Warren, PA. In addition, she is completing her Ph. D. in Counseling Psychology from Gannon University and will graduate sometime this year. Bishop Cynthia Bolden Gardner ’74 has authored several books including the more recent release of CrumbSnatchers and Echoes of Unrequited Love. You can find more information at www. and Rebecca Martin ’78 was appointed CEO of Pittsburgh’s North Regional Chamber of Commerce. Paul Smith ‘78 lives in Montclair NJ with his wife, costume designer Chelsea Harriman. Their daughter Mabel is a freshman at McGIll University in Montreal, and their son Hudson is a Junior at Montclair HS. Paul works in New York City as editorial director for the cable TV channel BBC America. He has written theme songs and music for shows on A&E, Nickelodeon, MTV and the Disney Channel. He recently broke his 23-year moratorium on acting when he appeared in the short film “Two Grown Men,” written and directed by his friend Bruce Bernstein. You can find it on YouTube. Paul’s the one with no hair! 1980 S Greg Guelcher ’81 was promoted to full professor of history at Morningside College in Iowa. John Schultz ’81 is the chief executive officer of New River Health Association in Charleston, West Virginia. He previously served as the CEO of Community Health Net in Erie for eight years. Bill Doupe ’84 has been instrumental in helping to organize a non-profit called Winds of Change, Inc. It is an environmental charity that constructs accessible pathways with a focus on the disabled. A conceptual plan calls for replacing the existing boardwalk at Asbury Woods in Erie with a new boardwalk and an enlarged teaching deck. 15 Jodi Staniunas-Hopper ’85 recently had a one-woman show, “Concealed/ Revealed” at Mercyhurst University, where she is head of the graphic design department. The show featured her signature Luchadora masks, altered wedding wear and photographs. Chip Dufala ’89 was the Keynote speaker at the 2013 Commitment to Erie Award ceremony held in September. As executive vice president, services, at Erie Insurance, Chip is responsible for sustaining and improving the company’s commitment to services. 1990 S Ruth Thompson Carroll ’90 is the owner of Rosebud Flower Shop and also Anna’s Shelter, both in Erie. Melissa Helsley Melfi ’91 acquired ownership of Motordrome Speedway in Smithton, PA with co-owner Todd Melfei. The Speedway is 30 minutes southeast of Pittsburgh. Denise Golino Kitchen ‘91 has joined Morris Coupling Company as human resources manager. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Gannon University and a master’s degree in human resources and employee relations from Pennsylvania State University. Most recently, she was employed as human resources administrator for Erie Bronze and Aluminum. material to X-Ray Crystallography, he confirmed a process involved in Parkinson’s disease. He then assembled a team of scientists from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the Hartwell Center for Bioinformatics, Cornell University, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Dundee, Scotland. The resulting scientific paper, entitled Structure of HHARI, a RING-IBR-RING Ubiquitin Ligase was published in the journal Structure. David’s paper has already been the basis for research by other teams looking into the mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease. Kelly Heekin ’98 is a somatic psychotherapist trainee at The Center for Somatic Psychotherapy in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is working on a masters in counseling psychology with a concentration in somatic psychology toward the goal of becoming a marriage and family therapist with a focus on children and children’s issues. Jackie Kozak Thiel ‘98 has been named the sustainability coordinator by Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii. As an island state, Hawaii presents different sustainability challenges. Plans are in the works that will be presented to President Obama within the next year. Thiel stated, “This is about celebrating the fusion of our multicultural cuisine with things we can grow here that truly nourish us.” Nicky Oleski Lavery ’98 and husband Jason are the owners of Lavery Brewing Company at 128 West 12th Street in Erie. The brewpub offers a limited menu. Emily Matson and husband Emily Matson ’99 married Ryan Onderko on the beach in Negril, Jamaica in June. Travis Matson ’03, brother of the bride, and his wife Sarah Crandall Matson ‘04 traveled to Jamaica for wedding. Emily is a graduate of LaRoche College in Pittsburgh and is an anchor and reporter for WICU 12News. Her husband is a police officer for the city of Erie. Anjeli Jana ‘92 writes in Splash, a Los Angeles paper, and also participated in November as Miss India USA during the Miss Asia USA pageant in West Hollywood, LA. Here is a link to her published features in Splash Magazine: David M. Duda, Ph.D., ’95 noticed something very interesting in one of the molecular structures he was studying to probe the causes of cancer. After splicing the gene, cloning the DNA sequence and subjecting the Kate Neubert-Lechner ’98 has returned to Erie after living in New York City and Pittsburgh. She works as a wish coordinator for Make-aWish Foundation and teaches musical theatre, acting and dance at Erie Dance Conservatory and Triple Threat Studio, which is owned by alumna Rachel Sherr Rudd ’97. She also teaches private voice lessons. Kate recently starred in the Erie Playhouse production of “Mary Poppins” expertly playing the lead. She has two daughters Laila and Mira. Jackie Kozak Theil is second from left. Jason Fidorra ’99, an avid outdoorsman and world traveler, was recently interviewed by Outside Magazine ( for a story about how to incorporate birding in your next adventure. 16 Penny Wiggers Shaut ’99 has her own business, Penny Shaut Photography in McKean, PA. Visit for more information. 2000 S Joshua Bengel ’00 married Karen Cusimano ’07 on October 6, 2012. Josh is working as a PC consultant at UPMC Hamot. Karen is a physician’s assistant at Your Pediatric Connection/ UPMC Hamot. John is the son of former teacher, coach and assistant principal Bill Bengel (Jill). The Mosco/Merski wedding party L to r: Jerry Cusimano Paula Bauda, Karen Cusimano Bengel, Josh Bengel, Jill Bengel and William (Bill) Bengel. Jeremi Leasure ’00 is the director of Northern California’s premier biomechanics lab, on the St. Mary’s Medical Center Campus in San Francisco, California. Under his direction, the Taylor Collaboration was formed as a nonprofit consortium of clinicians and engineers. He also serves as faculty for the SF Orthopaedic Residency Program and Stanford University Neurosrugery/Spine Fellowship Program. His lab specializes in working with entrepreneurs and healthcare professionals on the design, development, and safety testing of medical devices. Jeremi attributes Mercyhurst Prep with giving him the fundamental technical skills he needed to succeed in college and helping him choose his path as a mechanical engineer. Emily Mosco ’00 married Robert (Bob) Merski in November. Attendants included Angela Merski Stankiewiz ’95 and Rebecca Merski Hill ‘00, sisters of the groom. Serving as groomsmen were Gregory Merski ’99 and Douglas Merski ‘02, brothers of the groom. Emily holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Spanish and a master’s degree in intelligence studies from Mercyhurst University. She also holds a Juris Doctor degree from the Penn State Dickinson School of Law. Emily is an attorney with the Vendetti & Vendetti law firm. She is an assistant public defender for the County of Erie and a member of the adjunct faculty at Mercyhurst University. Her husband holds a bachelor’s degree in education and religious studies from Mercyhurst University. He is a special education teacher at East High School and a member of Erie City Council. Amy Bauschard ’01 has been named director of the Mercy Center of the Arts. She is the director of Mercyhurst University’s Carpe Diem Academy and adjunct instructor of early childhood education. She earned a master’s in curriculum and instruction with principal certification and a reading specialist certificate. She has more than six years of teaching at the early childhood level. Nick Adams ‘01 (right) pictured with Art Martone ‘80. Nick Adams ’01 assumed the role of Fiyero in the North American tour of “Wicked.” Nick adds this to his repertoire of Broadway Shows including “A Chorus Line,”“Chicago,” “La Cage aux Folles,”“Guys & Dolls,” “The Pirate Queen,” and “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” 17 Brian Donovan ’01 is the snow sports operations manager at Peek’n Peak Resort and Spa in Findley Lake, NY. He holds the highest certification available to teach adults and children from the Professional Ski Instructors of America and the American Association of Snowboard Instructors. Brian is a member of the AASI Eastern Division Examiner Training Squad and was among the top instructors in the country to be invited to try out for the PSIA-AASI National Team. Amanda Tech Hurd ’01 has been named director of development for Saint Mary’s Home of Erie. She previously worked as fundraising director for the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and as a fundraiser for WQLN television. In addition, she volunteers at the Erie Playhouse. Erik Reitinger ’01 participated in the Ironman World Championship Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii this past fall. He finished 270th among all men in the triathlon and 77th in his age division. He operates a training facility for triathletes – TriBy3 Performance Coaching in Brooklyn, NY. Drew Harris ’02 married Valerie Carroll in June at the Harris residence overlooking Lake Erie. Tim Barry ’03 and Steve Walkiewicz ’03 served as best men. Other attendants included Katie Sherwin ’02 and Jamie Miller ’02. Drew completed his BA in peace and conflict studies at Colgate University and earned an MS in organizational leadership at Mercyhurst University. He is pursuing his doctorate in social science at Syracuse University with a focus on civic engagement and higher education. He is currently working as a program coordinator at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY. His wife is employed as a fourth-grade teacher in Sherburne, NY. She earned a BS in elementary and special education and an MS in literary education from Syracuse University. Jovon Jonson ’02 placed first on the Canadian Football League’s Winnipeg Blue Bombers all-time punt return yardage list with 2769 yards. He just completed his sixth season as a defensive back and was named by MPS 2014 Laker Legend in sports. Maggie McNamara Schmid ’02 is an associate in the health law practice of Donoghue Barrett & Singal, P.C. in Boston. MA. She is a graduate of The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. Maggie is a member of both the Boston and Pennsylvania Bar Associations. Taylor Baker Rogan ’03 is a first-year fellow in the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Related Disorders (LEND) Center at the University of Pittsburgh; a program of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. On an unrelated note, she appeared in the final episode of The Joe Schmo Show (Spike TV) dressed as Lady Liberty, describing the experience as “crazy surreal!” Her husband, Chase Rogan starred on the show this past spring as well. Karli Hurst ’03 married Daniel Becker on October 20. Danielle Snow ’03 served as a bridesmaid. Karli is a graduate of Daemen College and is employed as a private duty nurse. Her husband is a graduate of Penn State Behrend . He is employed at Key Bank in Cleveland, OH, and is also a member of the Air Force Reserves. Brittany Erb ‘04 received a bachelor’s in biology in 2008, and a master’s in education in 2010 from Mercyhurst University. She has been teaching 5th and 6th grade science at St. George School for three years. She recently received the Golden Apple Award. Claire Natale ’04 worked as a voice actor for the ADR loop group on The Michael J Fox show’s sixth episode. Alexa Richards ‘04 married Benjamin Frazier in June. Taylor Baker Rogan ’03 served as matron of honor. Lexi earned a bachelor’s degree in corporate communications from the College of Charleston in South Carolina. She is a senior coordinator in marketing and communications with Treliant Risk Advisors in Washington, D.C. Her husband earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in global logistics and transportation from the College of Charleston in South Carolina. He is an assistant project manager for Shirley Contracting in Washington, D.C. They reside in northern Virginia. Liesel Wagner ’04 completed her master’s degree in Spanish linguistics and pedagogy at Middlebury College. She previously taught at MPS and has studied in Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain and Argentina. Liesel currently teaches both pre-IB and IB classes in Virginia. Karli Hurst Becker (right) and her dad, Tim Hurst. Tim is our 9th grade guidance counselor. 18 Laura K. Godlewski ’05 is working in the Investment Office at Notre Dame for McDowell grad, Erie native and Chief Investment Officer, Scott Malpass. She works as an investment accountant and is engaged in the construction of business intelligence analysis for the investment team. She has been with the university since March of 2012 and previously worked for the public accounting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP in Chicago and Boston. Tracey Lucas ’06 accepted a new position as an account executive for Strauss Media Strategies in Washington, DC. Veronica Joy ’07, a music teacher at the Robert Benjamin Wiley School, came back to MPS with her glee club. She and students visited Mr. Art Martone’s class to learn some songs and dance steps from our high school Show Choir. Veronica Joy is on the far right. Gabriella Bensur ’08, IB Diploma recipient and Cornell University graduate, has accepted an offer from White and Case LLP, currently ranked as the number two global law firm. Gabriella will work in the White and Case corporate office in New York City next summer. She plans to join the firm after graduation and the completion of a successful internship. Gabriella is currently in 2nd year Law at Cornell Law School and had the great honor of being selected for the Cornell Law Review this past spring. She is a contributor to the Legal Information Institute’s Supreme Court Bulletin, an officer for the Cornell Law School Association, President of the Italian American Law Student Association and founder of the Saint Thomas Moore Catholic Society at Cornell Law School, currently serving as Co-President. She was selected to compete in Chicago in March with Cornell’s Alternative Dispute Resolution team and is also an active participant in Cornell’s Moot Court. In addition to her studies and extracurricular activities, she is a member of the Cornell Annual Fund management team and continues to write prose and poetry, which has have been published in several national works. Lindsey Cox ’08 was hired as assistant director of alumni relations and annual giving at Mercyhurst University, where she is completing her master’s degree. Lauren Frey ’08, a second year speech pathology graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, is the recipient of this year’s Department of Communication Science and Disorders Lisa Levy Memorial Award. This award recognizes outstanding clinical performance, personal qualities and leadership among students. As part of this honor, Lauren’s name will be added to a plaque in the reception area of the main office of the Department, she will receive a monetary award, and she will also be invited to participate in the Honors Convocation at the University of Pittsburgh. Andy Rettger ’08 received UPMC Hamot’s Guardian Angel award. He was nominated by two fellow nurses for outstanding service, and a monetary donation was made in his name to the Hamot patient care services. Sarah Srnka ’08 exchanged wedding vows with Christopher McDonald in May. Bridesmaids included Alison Vanwinkle ’08, Nicole Campbell ’08, and Julia DeLuca ’08. The best man was Steven Srnka ’03, brother of the bride. Sarah earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Gannon University. She is employed as an export compliance specialist at Logistics Plus. Her husband earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from Saint Vincent College, Latrobe. He is the director of operations and merchandising with the Erie SeaWolves. John Storey ’08 is an equity capital markets analyst at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management in NYC. He earned a bachelor of business administration in finance from Villanova University in 2012. Maria Rita Vento ’08 is attending law school at American University and is the 2013 recipient of the Chief Justice Samuel J. Roberts scholarship. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2012 with Bachelor of Arts and Science degrees in political science and Italian studies. Chawn McCowien ’09 wed Amanda Harrison last May. Chawn is attending the Pennsylvania Gunsmith Academy of Pittsburgh and is employed by Victory Security Services. His wife is a student at Bradford Medical School and is employed as a medical assistant. Kirsten Olowinski ’09 claimed the MVP award for her pro basketball league in Portugal this season. She closed her college career with a Miami of Ohio record of 1,154 rebounds, the second-highest total in Mid-American Conference history, and finished ninth on Miami’s scoring list with 1,311 career points. Elizabeth Dolan ’10 made the Dean’s List at Gannon University for three years. She currently attends the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science. 19 Colleen is on the left. Colleen McClung ’10, past recipient of the Katie Sheriff Scholarship, returned to Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL for her senior year, where she has been on the Dean’s List all four years. She served as team captain of the varsity sailing team which ranked 12th in the nation. She is completing her environmental studies degree with a dual minor in Spanish and coastal management. Colleen also serves as vice president of the StudentAthlete Advisory Committee, a group of representatives from each athletic team that work year round to help give back to their surrounding community. She travels for school regattas and also sails Snipes, traveling all around Florida competing on available weekends. She competed in both the 2013 Snipe Florida State Junior Championships and Snipe Women’s Nationals. She hopes to continue sailing after graduation and may be accepting an offer to work on one of the Hawaiian islands with nesting shore birds. Emily Olszewski ‘10 is a junior at Catawba College in Salisbury, NC, where she is working toward a BFA in theater arts and a minor degree in musical theater. She has been on the Dean’s List for four semesters. Last September, she was selected to participate in Catawba College and God’s Appointed People Gospel Choir, which performed at the Democratic National Convention, singing: “You’re All I Need to Get By” with American Idol runner up Jessica Sanchez. Emily has appeared in two major theater productions in the role of Mary Jane Wilks in a Catawba original production of “Huck Finn” and as Susanna Walcott in the spring production of “The Crucible. “ In April, she was inducted into the National Theatre Honor Society: Alpha Psi Omega, an American recognition honor society for participants in collegiate theatre. Her first performance and her love of theater began on the Mercyhurst stage 13 years ago (at the age of 8) in the All-School Summer Musical Production of “The Music Man.” This summer, she returned to the Erie stage in the role of Dorothy in the 13th Annual All-School Summer Musical Production of “The Wizard of Oz.” Julia Yurkovic ‘11 is majoring in neuroscience and psychology at the University of Rochester. Andy Pregler ’11 is a contributing writer for Stadium Journey Magazine. Jonny DiPrinzio ’12 worked as a narrator aboard the Lady Kate tour boat on Lake Erie this past summer. Lauren Elia ’12, a Providence College sophomore, was named to the Big East preseason all-conference second team. Emily Schultz ’12 came back to talk with Athena Club members (formally Ophelia club) on January 15. She spoke about how we, ourselves determine our self-worth and the three Rs of participating in a safe social environment: Respect for yourself, Respect for others, and taking Responsibility for your actions. Micala Migneault ’10 recently selected her first ship assignment at a ship selection ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. She will graduate from the Academy in May as a surface warfare officer and is scheduled to report to the USS Carl Vinson in San Diego, CA. Emily Olszewski playing the part of Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz”. 20 Gannon Dance Team members Michen Dugan and Chelsea Cox. Chelsea Cox ’13 and Michen Dugan ’13 tried out for the Gannon University Dance Team in the fall. They were two of only four freshmen who made the team. They perform at the men’s and women’s basketball games during halftime. They have also performed at the Woman’s Expo for Teens at the Convention Center and have danced at the Bayhawks’ and Eriesistable’s games. Ellie Hill ’13 is pictured fourth from the left. The photo was taken at the Head of the Charles. Maggie Cavanaugh ’13 (Villanova) and Ellie Hill (Boston College) rowed as novice members of their respective college teams. Corrine Kickel ’12 is a sophomore at Canisius College and is a varsity eight rower. Her team placed fourth among the colleges at the Head of the Charles Regatta. Chelsea Czerwinski ’13 was named Newcomer of the Year in women’s tennis at Penn State Behrend. She was also named to the first team. Sarah Kupniewski ’13 was awarded the Natalie Pacileo Fortuna Memorial Scholarship. Sarah Kaiser ’13, a Cleveland State freshman soccer player, was named the Horizon League women’s soccer offensive player in September. Sympathy The Mercyhurst Prep community of alumni, students, faculty, staff and parents extends sympathy to the following members of our extended family: ALUMNI: Mary Alice Griffin Kern ‘31 Margaret Quinn Dwyer ‘38 Katrina Quinn Weschler ‘40 Sally E. Quinn ‘43 Mary S. Schultz Blakeslee ‘44 Maryann Held Young ‘46 Helen Eleanor Sulkowski Sokolowski ‘46 Elinor Strohm Matts ‘47 HUSBAND OF: Sr. Donna Marie Orton, RSM ‘49 Virginia Arbuckle Gilmore ‘52 Linda J. Samick O’Connor ‘72 Norma Nientimp Desser ‘55 Elizabeth Mulkie Nelson ‘74 Cynthia Barbaro Candau ‘80 Mary Jo Koziorowski Justka ‘75 MOTHER OF: Mary Beth Weiner Thom ‘75 Brian P. Sweeney ‘81 Jennifer Robin Singer ‘92 Nicholas W. Estes ‘10 Carol Dwyer Simmons ’63, Maureen Quinn Dwyer ’65, Natalie Dwyer-Haller ’70 and Sheila Dwyer-Grove ‘75 21 Roberta Glowacki Palmisano ‘65 Anne Sitter Markowitz ‘98 June Spader Klins ‘69 Jeremy Hoover ’09 and Daniel Hoover ‘10 Leah Stifinger Woytek ‘69 Dr. Kathleen Fearn ‘70 Evelyn Bogdanski DePalma ‘71 DAUGHTER OF: Karen Pietrzak Powell ‘83 Rochelle Rautine Rasberry ’71 and Rebecca Rautine Savo ‘75 SON OF: Elizabeth (Betsy) Piotrowski ’72, Krista Piotrowski Gray ’76 and Kara Piotrowski Britt ’83 Julie Hermen Vanwinkle ‘81 Mary Young Lubowicki ‘73 Christina LaJohn ‘77 Anne Poux ‘79 Jeanne Wurst Kidder ‘56 SISTER OF: Mary Quinn Scolio ’45 and Frances Quinn Buseck ‘48 Patty Przychodzien Pedano ‘58 Michael Matczak ’90, Renee Matczak Trost ’91, Kelly Matczak ’95, Lee Matczak ‘99 Marilyn Mango Blocher ’60 and Carolyn Mango Kacprowicz ’67 Christopher Hay ‘06 Emily Schmitt ‘08 STEP-MOTHER OF: June Tullio Pintea ’61 and Marilyn Tullio Krahe ‘69 FATHER OF: Roberta Glowacki Palmisano ‘65 Eileen Olevnik Rappaport ’65, Elaine Olevnik Frank ’67 and Jan Olevnik Alexiou ‘71 Barbara Radov ‘73 Carolyn Rowinski ’73 and Kathleen Rowinski Driggers ‘75 Janice Kubinski ‘74 Karen Bukowski ‘75 Mary Ann Baer Noel ’84, Mark Baer ’87, Sean Baer ’99 and Maureen Baer Parker ’03 Denise Golino Kitchen ’91 and Danielle Golino ‘92 Dana Desser ’94 and Edward Desser ‘97 If you send us the birth notices, we will send your baby a special MPS tee. Email Margaret “Peggy” Quinn Kelsey ‘47 Tracie Alexander Maurer ‘81 David R. McCandless and Daniel C. McCandless ‘04 Big news, little moments or just a friendly hello…we would like to hear from you. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Julie Samick VanVolkenburg ’70, Chris Samick ’86 and Rebecca Samick Hilling ’89 Anne Weiner ’67, Cathleen Weiner Cubberly ’70, and Nancy Weiner ‘78 Mariah Zielinski Scott ‘03 BROTHER OF: Roberta Glowacki Palmisano ‘65 Timothy Sweeney ’79 and Michele Sweeney ‘80 Noelle Estes ‘15 OTHER: Sylvia Swartzfager, former Mercyhurst Prep math teacher Carolyn Neuburger Gott, former MPS cafeteria manager Stella Rounsley SISTERS OF MERCY: Sr. Donna Marie Orton, RSM ‘49 Sister Jeannette Mary Denslinger, RSM Correction: We apologize for the error in our last issue and provide the correct information below. Bob Rounsley ’99 and wife Gera on the April birth of Stella J. 22 Kristen Hiegel Wieczorek ’02 and husband Ron on the February birth of their first child, Cornelia Grace. Tammy Rettger ’02 on the October birth of Noah. Molly Shea Robbin ’95 and husband Matthew on the December birth of Evelyn (Evie) Grace Matt Fabian, Annie Schleicher Fabian with their daughter Jane Anne at the fountain in Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C., where they live. Christopher Campbell 02’ and wife Sarah on the October 2012 birth of son Scott Dana Campbell. Annie Schleicher ’89 and husband Matt Fabian on the March 2013 birth of their first child, Jane Anne. (a note from Anne: “Interestingly, when I met Matt I found out that he had served in Armenia in the Peace Corps with fellow MPS grad Michelle Gallagher ’90. I served in Mongolia at the same time that Michelle was in Armenia and we would email each other. What a small world indeed!” Kenny Rettger ’00 and wife Jessica on the May birth of Christopher Robert. He joins big sister Ariel. Kenny ran the “Beast on the Bay” marathon this summer. Ryan Corle ’03 and wife Sara on the October birth of their first child, Georgiana Kay. Jeremy DiTullio ’95 and wife Amy on the September birth of Dominic. He joins big sisters Mariela (6) and Nora (4). Travis Matson ’03 and Sarah Crandall Matson ’04 on the September birth of Jack Thomas. He joins big brother Brody. 23 Francesca Fetzner Price ’05 and husband John Dylan on the October birth of Leo Edward. He joins big brothers Isaac (2) and Connor (5). Our Girls Tennis Team claimed the PIAA State AA Championship for the second year in a row. Pictured here are (front): Alex Baldwin ’17, Alex Feretti ’15, Sophia DiNicola ’17, Ruth Golden ’17; (back): alumna and Coach Kelly Erven Maslar, Caitlyn Schultz ’16, Brittany McBride ’14, Katie Elia ’14, Taylor Levinson ’15, Nicole Freeman ’16, Audrey Bell ’16, Lauren Petrella ’15, Alice Squeglia’15, and Maura Chrostowski ’14. Kayla Ferrare ’06 on the March birth of Carter Michael Ferrare. Our Speech & Debate team has had an amazing year thus far. Compared with most competitors, the MPS group is small but mighty with high placement and trophies being the norm. We have had district champion qualifiers in the National Catholic Forensic League Grand National Tournament, placement in the Laird Lewis National Lincoln Douglas Debate Invitational Challenge, and even participants in the octofinal rounds in Original Oratory at the Harvard Speech and Debate Tournament. Pictured here are (front): Libby Federici ’15, Annabelle Nietupski ’17 and Jacob Barilla ’17; (back): Dan Fitzgerald ’15, David DeFelice ’15 and Alex Kruszewski ’15. 24 MPS Alumni Spotlight Celebrating 70 years of Memories of the Mercyhurst Seminary Class of 1944 By George Blakeslee My mother Mary Schultz Blakeslee, Class of 1944, Mercyhurst Seminary, was one of the 5 remaining living graduates of the class, prior to passing away on September 3, 2013. She was also the second oldest contributor to the most recent 2013 Mercyhurst Prep Annual Fund Drive. She attended Villa Elementary for 8 years, and after graduation, enrolled at Mercyhurst, even though the vast majority of her classmates enrolled at Villa Maria Academy. At both schools, she participated in piano performance, riding exhibitions and interscholastic competition in basketball and field hockey. She matriculated at Trinity College in Washington D.C., where she studied for 3 years, prior to leaving to marry Jerome “Bus’’ Blakeslee and raise 5 children, who provided her with 9 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Mary supported many local nonprofits and volunteered considerable time in support of charitable activities, including the start-up of the original “Festival of Trees.” She was a loyal, active supporter of Mercyhurst Prep for her entire life, and she would have truly enjoyed celebrating her 70th graduation anniversary. President Dahlkemper reviews memorabilia from the class of 1944. She is pictured with George Blakeskee, whose mother passed away last fall. boarded several girls who resided in outlying areas. The four principal members of the faculty at that time were Reverend Sisters of Mercy Jean Marie, Gabriel, Mary Francis and Martine (who all wore full habit), along with a few full- and part-time lay faculty. Unique Focus of Mercyhurst Seminary in Its Early Years The faculty clearly recognized the need to instill social graces and some knowledge of homemaking in their Mercyhurst Seminary, the predecessor students, but from the earliest days, to Mercyhurst Prep, was founded in the goal of the education provided the same year as the College, 1926. was to prepare young women for The Class of 1944 began with 19 ladies, college & post-secondary education, graduating 18. The four classes of and professions in the work force. the Seminary were accommodated Surviving class members Jeanne entirely within 4-5 classrooms and Boes Morehouse, Jeanne Massucci Dworakowski with the MPS umbrella. additional spaceMrs. on Paula the western end "shines" Doyle, Shirley Howland Youngbird of the first floor of Old Main at the and Carolyn Brock Minton all recall College. At that time, the Seminary the strong emphasis placed on academics and career preparation. All 4 ladies, along with my mother, felt they experienced the most important formative years of their lives at the Seminary. As Jean Boes Morehouse explained to me, the Sisters of Mercy emphasized that each student was an individual with obligations and responsibilities, while also possessing the aptitude, dignity, rights and freedom to pursue their own course in life, including higher education & professional work. Twelve of the 18 graduates attended college, matriculating at the University of Texas, University of Michigan, Syracuse University, Grove City College, Trinity College (D.C.), Westminster College, Mercyhurst, McGill University in Montreal, Mt. Mercy and Lake Erie College. Some of the ladies also acquired graduate level degrees. While all the girls married and most had children, the majority worked at least part-time in careers such as business ownership & management, counseling, teaching, nursing, art, language translation, writing, and speech therapy. That these ladies experienced the success they did was quite an accomplishment, for except during the war years when there was a shortage of men in the labor force, women faced considerable discrimination securing work, particularly if they had an employed husband. Attending Mercyhurst in the 1940s While several of the girls came from well-to-do families, others did not, and so it was a real sacrifice to send a child to the Seminary during 25 25 Spring Play The Music Man Every year the Mercyhurst Seminary junior class honored the senior class by hosting a tea. Mary Schultz is seated in the front, fourth from the left. those tough economic times. For such a small school, my Mother’s scrapbook indicated a wide variety of educational, cultural, social and athletic activities at the school, and everyone participated in some fashion. At the time, the Catholic girls high schools in Erie fielded an athletic team in basketball, but for field hockey, Mercyhurst had to travel to Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh to compete with their local private schools. There were regular formal teas held in downtown clubs, and the look of the day was sweaters, jackets, turned out collars on the blouse or shirt, pleated skirts, loafers and bobby socks. At school, the girls normally wore the navy blue top and skirt uniform, with white blouse, which was standard from the 1920s into the early 1970s. While life at school may have seemed like a bowl of cherries, life in the country and the world, with the Great Depression gradually winding down and Second World War raging, was no picnic. Students experienced the loss of loved ones and friends, and waited anxiously for boyfriends and family members to come home. At school and in the community, in high school & college, these ladies volunteered considerable time in support of the war effort. And of course, as time wore on, several members of the Class of 1944 experienced the heartbreaks that life often provides. A Final Tribute It is normally difficult for young people to reflect on and recognize the sacrifices made for them by earlier generations. If these girls and their parents from the 1920-1950 era had not made difficult sacrifices, Mercyhurst Prep might not have survived to become the outstanding school it now certainly is (this coming from a Cathedral Prep graduate). I think we should take the time to salute the “classy ladies” of 1944 on their 70th anniversary, and all the other Mercyhurst Seminary ladies of that era who preceded and succeeded them. I’d like to congratulate and salute: Mary Schultz, Henriette Russell, Gloria Brenner, June Olsen, Jeanne Massucci, Betty Lou Ohmer, Bernice Sproul, Nancy Goodrich, Marybettie Hanlin, Peggy Johnston, Nancy Martin, Shirley Howland, Jeanne Boes, Mary Minnaugh, G. Carolyn Brock, Mildred Trippe, Ellen Hickmott and Mary Orton. Girls, you did well, and we all owe you a considerable debt of gratitude. April 10, 11, 12 @ 7 PM April 13 @ 3 PM Adults-$7, Seniors-$6, Students-$5 Spring Concerts Dance Concert May 9 @ 7:00 PM Music Concert May 22 @ 7:00 PM FREE ADMISSION! 26 NOW IS THE TIME to consider taking part in the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)& Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs. These programs allow you to redirect your business tax dollars from Harrisburg to Mercyhurst Prep scholarships! For more information about tax credits, please call Lisa Nietupski at (814) 824-2408 or click the advancement tab at Thank You! MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton representatives, Atty. Jack Mehler (left) and Atty. Jay Alberstadt (right) made an Educational Improvement Tax Credit donation to Mercyhurst Prep’s president, Ms. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper. If you are a business owner, or can encourage the owner of the business you work for to take part in this unique program – it means much needed scholarship dollars for MPS for little or no out-of-pocket expense for the company. TIMELINE: • March-April, 2014-Applications for the 2014-2015 fiscal year will be released by the state. Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program • July 1, 2014-Applications will be accepted by the state electronically. They are processed on a first come first served basis. NOTE: Some years the tax credits have been exhausted in just a few days time. A generous EITC tax credit donation from Glenwood Beer Distributors, Inc.was made by co-owner John Stefanik and his wife Cyndie in loving memory of their daughter Shayna Stefanik, a Mercyhurst Preparatory School graduate from the class of 2004, who passed Thank you to the wonderful local businesses away shortly after graduation. Pictured here are MPS advancement director, Lisa Nietupski Business Guidelines and Application | March 2011 which have contributed through the EITC and school president Mary Ellen Dahlkemper, Mason Kaliszewski, Cyndie Stefanik and Award ofprograms Tax Credits Firms for and OSTC tax credit so far in to Business John Stefanik. 2013-2014. You are helping deserving Contributions to Scholarship Organizations, students receive an outstanding Mercy Educational Improvement Organizations and education at Mercyhurst Prep. You are changing lives! Pre-Kindergarten Scholarship Organizations • Baldwin Brothers, Inc. • Bianchi Motors, Inc. • Felix & Gloekler, P.C. • Glenwood Beer Distributor, Inc. • HRI Supply and Design, Inc. • Industrial Sales & Mfg. • MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton LLP • Maplevale Farms Inc. • Marquette Savings Bank • Metz Enterprises • Northwest Savings Bank • PNC Financial Services Group • Porreco Nissan, Inc. • Printing Concepts Inc. • Reddog Industries • Sixsome LLC • United Concordia > ready > set > succeed PNC Bank President Marlene Mosco presents a generous donation for Mercyhurst Prep scholarships to MPS Principal Deborah Laughlin and MPS President Mary Ellen Dahlkemper. PNC is one of the most significant contributors of MPS scholarships through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, helping to provide full and partial scholarships to deserving students. 27 OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU TO HELP PROVIDE MPS STUDENTS WITH UNPARALLELED PREPARATION FOR LIFE Annual Appeal for the Mercyhurst Prep Fund: This is one of the best ways you can help. The MP fund is a major source of scholarships and financial aid for deserving MPS students. It also helps to cover the cost of student programs and services. Technology Fund/Endowment: These funds help to ensure that each future Laker has access to the cutting edge classroom technology they need. Dollars for Scholars: All donations to this fund go directly to MPS scholarships. Advocate: This is an opportunity to sponsor a student for one or all 4 of their years at MPS. There is a $1,000 per year minimum commitment. memorial scholarships: • Adria Stalsky Scholarship Fund • Alumni Scholarship Fund • Becky Flaherty Memorial Scholarship • Class of 1967 Scholarship • Class of 1969 Scholarship • Donald Alberstadt Scholarship Fund • Katherine Sheriff Scholarship Fund • Mercyhurst Seminary Scholarship • Shayna Stefanik Memorial Scholarship • Sr. Jean Marie Sullivan Scholarship • James B. & Margaret Q. Dwyer Scholarships • Katrina Quinn Weschler Memorial Scholarship • Sylvia Swartzfager Memorial Scholarship Specific Scholarships: You can add to an established scholarship or create one Planned Gifts: These creative gift giving in honor of, or in memory of a particular opportunities help to secure the school’s individual, family, graduating class, or cause. future. Many do not include an outright gift today, but instead, a promise of a gift Existing funds include many individual in the future by naming MPS in your will or family scholarships, as well as the through an insurance policy. following (partial list) of class and EITC and OSTC Tax Credits: These are wonderful “win-win” opportunities for PA businesses and MPS! Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit programs allow you to re-direct PA state tax dollars and designate the funds for MPS scholarships for pennies on the dollar. Matching Gifts: Please check to see if your employer matches donations. Their generosity adds to yours, doubling the benefit to MPS students! For more information on how to match your interests with an MPS opportunity to help our students, please contact Lisa Nietupski at (814) 824-2408, lznietupski@mpslakers. com or go to and click on the advancement tab. These opportunities truly change student livesThank You for Your Consideration and Support! A SECOND CHALLENGE IS ON! When Mercyhurst Seminary alumna Louise Courtelis heard that there was a dollar for dollar match being offered to raise funds for the MPS Technology Endowment – she and her daughter said YES in a big way! First a bit of recent history: It all started in 2012 with an incredible $500,000 donation from MPS Alumna Betsy Hirt Vorsheck ’73 and her husband Bill, which established the Bill & Audrey Hirt Education and Technology Initiative in memory of Betsy’s parents. The initiative provided iPads for each MPS student and faculty member as well as intensive training in the best use of the cutting edge classroom technology. The Vorshecks generously pledged an additional $250,000 to match donations to the MPS Technology Endowment to sustain current and evolving future technology needs. Donors responded beautifully, including Mrs. Courtelis, Mercyhurst Seminary class of ’50, and her daughter Kiki, who blessed Mercyhurst Prep and its students by fulfilling the balance of the Vorshecks match and then offering a match of their own. So here is your new challenge: Thanks to the Courtelises, YOUR donation to the MPS Technology Endowment and the MPS Technology Fund will be matched dollar for dollar up to $250,000! Please help MPS make full use of this generous offer to the benefit of our students by making a donation today! Thank you to Mercyhurst Prep and Mercyhurst Seminary Alums and MPS families and friends who have so far contributed to the MPS Technology Endowment and to this year’s MPS Technology Fund. You are changing lives! • Bill & Betsy Hirt Vorsheck ‘73 • Kiki & Louise Hufstader Courtelis ’50 • Scott Griebel ’90 • Don & Susan Baxter • Kathleen & James Dammeyer • Ed & Christine Dahlkemper • Carol & Mike Geiger • William Hilbert, Jr. • Highmark Health, in honor of Terry Cavanaugh For more information about the match offer and the Technology Endowment/Fund – please contact Lisa Nietupski at or 814-824-2408. 28 MPS Alumni Spotlight students came in as young girls eager to embrace high school and all that it offered. We enjoyed academics, sports, clubs, mixers and many more of the high school experiences.” Julia was an avid forensic club member at MPS, even winning first place in one of the Diocesan competitions. This exposure, along with her leadership roles, enabled her to become a trained public speaker, a skill she has used throughout her life. Julia’s one regret of high school was that is only lasted four years. After high school, she went on to Georgetown University and not only graduated with a degree in nursing, but also met her husband, Joseph Persinger, with whom she shares a 39 year marriage and four Julia visits Mercyhurst Prep often and takes time to converse with theology classes. She spoke children, Emily, Cynthia, John, to Mrs. Judy Johns’ senior religion seminar classes in February. and Valerie. Julia DeMarco Persinger Class of 1970 Current family update: Emily, a graduate of the University of Montana, is a property manager; Cynthia is a graduate of the United Sates Naval Academy and former Naval aviator; Valerie is a Seton Hall University graduate and is an executive/marketing assistant for the East Coast Hockey League; John is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Notre Dame Law School and works as an attorney for McDonald, Illig, Jones and Britton. He recently published his first novel, “The Saint Joseph Plot.” Even as a young girl Julia appreciated the value of God in her life as well as the importance of giving back. She credits her parents, Dr. John and Dorothy Demarco, for instilling sound, faith-based foundations as she grew up. She and her twin sister Stephanie attended Villa Maria Elementary School and then Mercyhurst Prep. (Stephanie and her husband, Dan DeRose, live in Olean, NY. They have four children and two grandchildren.) In the early years, Joe was an attorney for the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., but when their firstborn turned two, they moved to New Jersey and Joe worked for the law firm of Milbank, Hadley and McCloy on Wall Street. They lived in Short Hills for the next 35 years. Julia stated, “I have often said that my formation and the inspiration for my future began at Mercyhurst Prep. I loved the Sisters of Mercy, who nurtured the seeds of faith in me that were planted by my parents. That nurturing would manifest itself many times throughout my life.” At Mercyhurst Prep Julia was involved in numerous clubs, activities, and leadership roles, serving as class president, treasurer, and student council representative. She said, “We Julia and MPS president, Mary Ellen Dahlkemper ‘69. 29 As you can imagine, life with four active children was full with parish and school activities, academics, sports, volunteer work and community service. The Persingers have always been a prayerful family and Julia considered the ministry of motherhood her 18 year vocation. In 1990, Joe was asked by their parish pastor at St. Rose of Lima Church in Short Hills, NJ to become a Deacon. After praying about it and talking together, the couple realized that God was calling them and they knew they needed to respond with a resounding yes. This was a taxing four years for the Persinger parents with a busy Wall Street law practice, Deacon classes, volunteer work and the raising of four children. “It was a sacrifice but one with many more blessings,” confirmed Julia. She worked as a staff member at her church from 1998-2012, earning a certificate from the Archdiocesan Christian Foundation for Ministry in 1999. At age 50, Julia entered Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University and four years later earned a master of arts in pastoral ministry with a concentration in catechetics. From 2008-2012 she and Joe coordinated the Baptism Program at their parish. In addition, Julia also facilitated the Mothers Group, joined the Faith Formation team, lectored and was named an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Julia has been recognized for her faithful service to church, family and community. She has received the Benedictine Medal for Service, the Jubilee Medal Pro Meritis from the Archdiocese of Newark, the Distinguished Service Award from the Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology from Seton Hall University, and she was named Dame of Malta. This photo of the Persinger family with former President George Bush was taken in 2006. L to r: Deacon Joseph Persinger, Valerie Persinger, Julia DeMarco Persinger, former President George Bush, LT. Cynthia Persinger Lisa, LT. Michael Lisa; (back): John Persinger and Emily Persinger. Julia said, “Ministry work has been exciting, challenging and a blessing. I have been able to use so many of the skills that I learned at Mercyhurst every day. Faith, compassion, public speaking, organization and leadership are some of those skills.” Over the years, she and Joe have prepared over 1,660 families for their children’s Baptisms, including three of their five grandchildren, as well as the children of many friends. Few couples can attest to a similar accomplishment. “Through the Baptism Program and a Mother’s Ministry that I started, I was able to use my vocation of Motherhood in my Ministry life. Joe and I have been enormously blessed in life. Our faith has been the core of our marriage and family,” commented Julia. The Persingers sold their home in New Jersey and purchased a new house in Annapolis, MD. Joe now works in the Washington, D.C. branch of his law firm but the couple maintains a residence in Erie as well. This gives them more opportunities to visit family members and friends. Julia said, “I hope to become more active at Mercyhurst and give back some the enormous gifts it provided me.” She has already begun to payit forward at her alma mater and we most grateful to have her back. Unparalleled Preparation for Life 30 NOW AVAILABLE The History of Mercyhurst Seminary/Preparatory School DVD 1926-2012 After several years of researching data, collecting photographs, and conducting interviews, the MPS Alumni Association is proud to release this DVD. Over 150 photos • Searchable in four sections • Excerpts from 20 hours of interviews • 45 minutes $25 includes tax • $29.19 includes tax, shipping and handling Go to for ordering information. A Sponsored Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy 31 EDITOR’S NOTE: INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE Congratulations to our 2014 International Baccalaureate Diploma holders who achieved the high honor of earning an IB Diploma as well as an MPS Diploma. They include (back): Emma Weisenfluh (Canisius College – animal behavior, ecology and conservation), Lauren Kenny (Mercyhurst University – biochemistry or political science), Mitchell McBride (Bucknell University – biology and international relations); (front): Catherine McElhinny (University of Pittsburgh – engineering), Colleen Devine (University of Michigan – anthropology), Caitlin Smith (Wheaton College – philosophy and mathematics) and Ellen Hill (Boston College). Missing from photo was Jonathan Getson (Towson University – sports management). Dear Readers, We were very excited to call this edition of MPScapades the spring issue, since that hopefully means the snow and ice will be replaced by sunshine, flowers and chirping birds. I know we are all ready for a reprieve from winter! As you read through the newsletter you will notice the amazing things our graduates are doing. When recent grads return for a visit, we ask them if they felt prepared for their college/ university education, and they respond with a resounding “yes.” In most cases, our graduates find it easy to write college-level papers and adapt to the expectations of higher level courses because of the excellent education they received at MPS. We are so very proud of their accomplishments, whether it is working on a cure for cancer, becoming a parent, completing a master’s degree, starring in a Broadway production, volunteering, or claiming the MVP award; our alumni are prepared to make a difference and leave their mark in our global world. Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer ’71 Director of Public Relations/ Alumni Coordinator TEASER: The 2014 alumni scholarship recipients include l to r (front): Clare Weisenfluh ’15 and Cassandra Zimmer ’15; (back): Curtis Jones III ’14, Megan Davis ‘16 and Emily Pedaono ’17. Missing from photo were Abigale Harrington ’16, and Jacob Barilla ’17. Watch for an exciting announcement about a collaboration between Mercyhurst Prep and our world renowned alumnus artist, Todd Scalise ‘91. This will be featured in the next issue of MPScapades. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Erie PA Permit No. 22 A Sponsored Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy 538 East Grandview Blvd. Erie, Pennsylvania 16504-2606 814.824.2210 PLEASE REMEMBER TO UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION WITH THE MPS ALUMNI OFFICE. Please mail this form to Marcia Gensheimer, Mercyhurst Prep Alumni Office, 538 East Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504 or email this information to Name: (first)(maiden)(last) Spouse NameYear of graduation from Mercyhurst Prep Address CityStateZip PhoneCell Email Place of EmploymentJob Title Address CityStateZip Unparalleled Preparation for Life
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