mpscapades - Mercyhurst Preparatory School
mpscapades - Mercyhurst Preparatory School
A publication for the Mercyhurst Prep community mpscapades 1-8Alumni/school news 9 Upcoming reunions 11 MPSGrand 10-21Alumni notes/photos 22-25Alumni Spotlights Half million dollar donation makes iPads for all students & faculty a reality! Mercyhurst Prep announced in February a major education and technology initiative made possible by a generous donation from an MPS alumna as a legacy to her parents who always held Mercyhurst Prep close to their hearts. Betsy Hirt Vorsheck ’73 and husband Bill Vorsheck are incredible people who are carrying on a legacy of generosity and caring for others. When offered the opportunity to positively impact the lives of current and future MPS students, the Vorshecks knew they wanted to help. Their $500,000 donation this year in memory of Betsy’s parents Bill and Audrey Sitter Hirt ’45 turns Mercyhurst Prep’s vision for its students into reality. That vision includes a paradigm shift in the way students learn, integrating the latest methodology and technology to prepare them with the skills and knowledge required to be successful in academic and business ventures in a 21st century, global society, while keeping true to the Mercy charism.* Betsy’s late mother was a 1945 Mercyhurst Seminary graduate who taught business classes at Mercyhurst Prep in the early 70s. Betsy and her husband, himself a former educator, believe that “Mrs. Hirt” would have loved the idea of this initiative. MPS president, Sr. Mary Ann Bader, stated, “This substantial donation will enable us to initiate a one-to-one deployment of iPads to every student and faculty member at Mercyhurst Prep beginning with the 2012-2013 school year with intensive training planned for the faculty beginning this coming June. It will also provide for the hiring of at least two additional staff members. Once again, MPS strives toward, reaches and exceeds a cuttingedge educational initiative.” Principal, Deborah Laughlin, said, “Our desire in creating this initiative was to ensure that Mercyhurst Prep continued to offer the most relevant, challenging, and enriching curriculum possible for our students. As digital natives who will be required to have a high comfort level with 21st century skills, our students need to have a learning framework in which stateof-the-art technology is carefully aligned with current best educational practices. And, to be true to the charism of Mercy in which each student is valued, we needed an approach that would help us differentiate our instruction so that all students would be intellectually respected and challenged. After a great deal of study, we determined that the iPad with its wide variety of apps would best help us meet these goals.” The fact that this donation comes in one lump sum means that MPS is able to roll out the initiative all at once, rather than phasing it in over the course of several years. Rather than borrowing the iPads, the students will be able to take the technology with them when they graduate. This is especially important when you consider that more than half of the student body is here with the assistance of scholarships/financial aid. President Sr. Mary Ann Bader announced The Bill and Audry Hirt Education and Technology Initiative at a recent news conference. Sharon Hiegel, treasurer, Ed Curtin, assistant principal, Dan Perfetto, athletic director and Kathryn Donovan, IB coordinator, were among some of the spectators. “Financial support from alumni and other MPS supporters for scholarships and aid is even more critical than ever in order to ensure that the advantages of a Mercyhurst Prep education are available to all deserving students,” says advancement director Lisa Nietupski. “We will also be setting up an endowment fund so that with the incentive of the Vorsheck’s generosity, the initiative can be sustained for future MPS students.” *Mercy charism – Compassionate presence, justice, service, hospitality and concern for the dignity of all persons are the core values which make up the Sisters of Mercy charism. Volume 32, Number 1 Winter 2012 2 Dear friend of MPS, Residents in Erie from November to January could be heard to say, “Can you believe it? Just a fraction of the snow we usually get! When have we ever had a winter like this?” While we know that this may be a winter to remember for those snow-free months outside, at the same time, inside Mercyhurst Prep students and teachers continued to make us proud. The talent, incredible effort and hard work of our students manifested itself in countless ways: from our award-winning literary and art magazine, Chrysalis, written, published and distributed by students, to our outstanding performing arts department holding its auditions for its Spring musical, The Wizard of Oz, to our numerous Region, District and State champion athletic teams. Mercyhurst Prep is truly Marked by Pride and Spirit. In addition to the numerous student achievements this year, our latest initiative, which has been in the planning stages for two years, came to fruition thanks to the generous hearts of Betsy and Bill Vorsheck. On February 7, when the exciting announcement was made that we had received a generous donation providing iPads next Fall for teachers and our entire student body, the atmosphere was electric. To be true to our Mission Statement which says that we “… strive for excellence in academic programs,” we are proud to provide the very best in technology for our students! With this state-of-the-art equipment in their hands, MPS teachers will make that paradigm shift: taking a major step forward in our approach to 21st century education by using them as tools for a differentiated instructional approach honoring the intelligence and abilities of individual students. This is truly a memorable time for MPS. In closing, please remember that you are always welcome at Mercyhurst Prep. May God continue to bless each of you and your families for your faithfulness to and support of MPS. Sincerely, Sister Mary Ann Bader, RSM President 3 Alumni honored Erie Planning Commission, the Saint Vincent Health System Board of Corporators, and the Office of Children and Youth Advisory Board. She also taught part- time at Mercyhurst University. Judge Kelly served as a member of the Pennsylvania Judicial Ethics Committee from 2001 through 2003 and as Administrative Judge of the Erie County Common Pleas Court’s Family Division from 2001 until 2005. In 2003, Judge Kelly was appointed by then-Governor Rendell to the Juvenile Court Judges Commission. She was reappointed in 2006 and again in 2009. She continues to serve as a member of the Commission at this time. L to r: Kelly Anne Witchcoff, Charlie Witchcoff, Ellie Hill ’13, Joe Kelly, Bill Kelly, Kim Kelly Hill ’76, Elizabeth “Libby” Kelly ’76, Jack Kelly, Anne Kelly Schenkel ’75, Chris Schenkel, Mary Grace Kelly, Barb Kelly and Patrick Kelly. The Mercyhurst Preparatory School Alumni Board of Governors held its Third Annual Alumni Recognition Dinner, “Traditions in Excellence,” on September 24th at the school and recognized many outstanding alumni. The Honorable Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Kelly ’76 received the Distinguished Alumni Career Award for her success during her career as an attorney and judge in Erie County while being generous in support of the school. Libby attended Wellesley College and then transferred to Georgetown University, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude in 1980. She received her Juris Doctorate in 1983 from the University of Akron where she served on the Editorial Board of the Akron Law Review and was elected Vice-President of the Student Bar Association. She spent a year working in the Akron City Prosecutor’s Office before moving back to Erie and becoming associated with Elderkin, Martin, Kelly & Messina, P.C., in which her father was a founding member. She was made a partner in the firm and practiced there, primarily in the area of family law, until 1999 when she was elected to a ten-year term on the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County, only the second woman in Erie County elected to that position. Prior to her election, she contributed her time and talents to a number of organizations including the Mercyhurst Prep Board of Trustees, the Northwestern Pennsylvania Humane Society Board of Directors, the City of A publication for the Mercyhurst Prep community In 2005, Judge Kelly was elected by her fellow judges to the position of President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Erie County, the first female Erie County judge elected to that five-year post and only the second female common pleas court judge in Pennsylvania to earn that distinction. In 2009, she was retained for another ten-year term on the Erie County bench, receiving the highest retention percentage of all judges retained in Pennsylvania in 2009. In addition to her judicial duties, Judge Kelly keeps busy as a single mother to a very special daughter. She is also “mom” to two rescue Newfoundland dogs and a rescue cat. She is a frequent competitor in various athletic events, including swimming, biking and running. She is deservedly proud mpscapades Mercyhurst Preparatory School 538 East Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504-2697 (814) 824-2067 Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer ’71 Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer, Jessica Horan-Kunco ’89 Contributing Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pat Genung ’67, Dan Perfetto ’92 Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michele Marini MPScapades is published two times a year for the Mercyhurst Prep community. We welcome your articles, suggestions and comments. Please direct your correspondence to its editor, Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer. 4 to include in her accomplishments the completion of the Ironman Wisconsin competition in September 2006, including a 2.4-mile open water swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile run, all in the pouring rain! Asked how her Mercyhurst Prep education and experience affected her life, Judge Kelly responded, “Surrounded by bright, supportive, open-minded young women (and a few men), MPS was the perfect springboard to a life of service to my clients, my community, and my family.” Arthur “Art” Martone ’80 (right), Performing Arts chair at Mercyhurst Prep, is pictured here with his wife Diane. He received the Distinguished Alumni Award for service. When asked how his Mercyhurst Prep education and experience affected his life, Art Martone replied, “In the fall of my sophomore year, September 1977, I was whisked into the choir room by Mary Esther Becker, made to sing a quick song then told I was to have a new schedule in homeroom the next day and that I was now in Chorus Class. I’ve been part of that choir ever since!”And so began Art’s lifelong journey on a path of music, music education, and service. Arthur Martone graduated from Mercyhurst Prep in 1980. He received his Bachelor of Music degree from the D’Angelo School of Music at Mercyhurst University in 1984. After teaching at Saint Peter Cathedral Center for four years, he returned to MPS in 1988 and has been a dedicated member of the faculty since that time. He is a Member of the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association and currently serves as the chair of the MPS Performing Arts Department. His teaching duties include Concert Choir, Show Choir, Musical Production, Technical Theatre, Music Appreciation, Beginning and Advanced Piano, and Beginning Guitar. His classroom duties extend to the Social Studies and World Language departments where he teaches classes on the Civil War, World War II, and Italian. Art served as Music Director for the 1996 MPS International Thespian Society (ITS) production of Nunsense, which was performed not only at MPS but also in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 2002, he served as Music Director for the first production of Les Miserables ever performed in Northwest Pennsylvania. He also was the Music Director for Little Mary Sunshine in 2005, at MPS and at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. Last year he served as Stage Director for the first Northwest Pennsylvania production of The Phantom of the Opera while also displaying his operatic talents in a supporting role in that production. In 2005, Art received the MPS Outstanding Faculty Award. In 2009, he received the WJET-TV/Edinboro University Golden Apple Award. In their essay nominating Art, MPS students Emily Higgins and Emily Olszewski wrote, “Mr. Martone always has so much on his plate, but never does he even hint that he’s stressed out because of it. He’s always smiling and is always there for any student who needs somebody to talk to, even if he doesn’t happen to teach that student. If you ask him for help, you automatically know he’s going to be there with you every step of the way.” Art’s service extends beyond the walls of MPS and into the Erie area performing arts community. He has been a stage director and performing member of the Erie Opera Theatre since 1983. He has shared his talents with the Erie Playhouse since 1986 in various roles including music director, conductor, and performer, and with the Erie Chamber Orchestra as its assistant conductor. He previously served as assistant musical director and head cantor at Saint Peter Cathedral and as music director and conductor for the Erie Parks and Recreation Department, the Erie Diocesan Summer Musicals, and the Titusville Summer Theatre. In addition, he has performed the National Anthem at numerous professional sporting events and has been a soloist with the Erie Chamber Orchestra and the Erie Philharmonic. The Sisters of Mercy received the President’s Award, presented to individuals chosen by the Alumni Association President for their longtime dedication and unfailing support to the school, its faculty, and its students. The anniversaries of the 1986 Girls State Basketball Championship, 1991 Girls & Boys State Basketball Championship, and Kelly Ervin’s 1986 Individual Girls Tennis State Championship were also celebrated at the Awards Dinner. These tributes recognize exceptional achievement above and beyond the norm and are awarded no earlier than the 20th anniversary of the state championships. Congratulations to our outstanding Alumni! 5 Pictured here is former basketball coach Bill Bengel (far left) and some members of the 1986 teams. (l to r): Lisa Maxson Beery ‘86, Sue Heidt Koonmen ‘86 and Kelly Erven Maslar ‘87 Sisters who attended the Alumni Recognition Dinner included (seated) Sr. Natalie Rossi, Sr. Donna Marie Orton ’49, Sr. Maura Smith (former Mercyhurst Prep principal), Sr. Bernadette Bell, Sr. Mary Mark McCarthy, and Sr. Mary Matthew Baltus; (back) Sr. Mary Dolores Jablonski, Sr. Lisa Mary McCartney, Sr. Rita Panciera, Sr. Maria O’Connor, Sr. Domenica DeLeo, Sr. Joan Sherry, Sr. Jeanne Thomas Danahy, Sr. Phyllis Marie McDonald, Sr. Mary Ann Bader (current Mercyhurst Prep president), Sr. Patricia Whalen ’59, Sr. Rita Brocke, Sr. JoAnne Courneen (former Mercyhurst Prep president), Sr. Trish Tyler, Sr. Michele Marie Schroeck, Sr. Audrey Clauss, Sr. Edith Langiotti, Sr. Mary Felice Duska ’52, Sr. Joan McCabe ’51 and Sr. Catherine Edward Delaney. Missing from photo was Sr. Teresa Okonski, current MPS Campus Ministry director. Coaches and some team members of the 1991 championship team included (l to r): Mark Sokoloff, Ron Swanson ’91, Brian Dahlkemper ’91, Jack Ziacik, Khyl Horton ’92, Dan Rosenburg, and Greg Majchrzak ’77. NOTE: This year’s Alumni Recognition Dinner was the largest to date. You have an opportunity to nominate candidates for the 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award for career or service, the President’s Award, the Mercy Award and the new Young Alumni Award. Some boys and girls championship players included (l to r): Ron Swanson ’91, Jena DiBello ’91, Brian Dahlkemper ’91, Amber Gonser Lutterbaug ’92, Khyl Horton ’92, Danielle Baginski ’91, Teresa Szumigala ’91 and Denise Baginski Sonneborn ’91. Go to www.mpslakers. com/alumni and fill out the nomination form or email a copy to or mail to the MPS Alumni Office, 538 East Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504. 6 From the desk of Alumni President, Pat Genung On Saturday, September 24th, more than 150 alumni, family and friends gathered at MPS for our annual Alumni Recognition Dinner in honor of our 2011 Distinguished Alumni Award winners, Hon. Elizabeth “Libby” Kelly ’76 and Mr. Art Martone ’80; our President’s Award winner, the Sisters of Mercy; and the members of the 1986 State Champion girls basketball team, the 1991 girls and boys State Champion basketball teams; and Kelly Ervin Maslar ’87, 1986 individual girls tennis State Pat Genung Champion on their 20 and 25-year anniversaries. Calamari’s Restaurant, owned by Jay Honard ’86, catered the event. Everyone had a great time! Alumni Art Show Great Success Forty plus artists participated in the Alumni Art Show at the 1020 Holland Street Galley and displayed over 120 works of art, drawings, paintings, sculptures, photos and installation pieces. All of the feedback was positive and it was certainly one of the more interesting exhibitions in Erie this year. Dr. Jamie Borowicz, visual arts department chair, coordinated this event. We need your nominations for 2012 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients. Go to and fill out the nomination form or email a copy to or mail your nominations to the MPS Alumni Office, 538 East Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504. Julie Wingerter Lieberman, class of 1988, was the 1987 Gymnastics State Champion, and will be recognized at our 2012 dinner on the 25th anniversary of her championship title. Come join us on Saturday, March 31st, for A Night at the MPS Grand! This Las Vegas style event features casino games, basket raffles, silent auction items, and this year, LIVE entertainment! Come see your favorite alumni and other local talent as they entertain you with music, magic, and comedy routines. Sample the food, wine and other beverages and play some games of chance. All proceeds go to scholarships. Michael Haas ’10 is updating the Alumni Tab on the MPS website When that project is finished, he will begin work on updating our alumni website. We’ll have more details on that in our Spring MPScapades. ,Basketball Clinics ,Term Electives ,SAT Prep ,Summer Educational Experience for Kids, (SEEK) , Drivers education class , Math clinic for Middle School and Junior High , High school and middle school remediation Donations to MPS can all be made online. Just go to www.mpslakers. com and click on Donate. Follow the prompts. Nothing could be easier! In May we will present the Class of 2012 with their alumni tee-shirts and welcome them into the alumni family. We look forward to seeing all the alumnae who graduated in or before 1962 at the Golden Anniversary Luncheon on Friday, August 17th at The Erie Yacht Club. P: 814-824-2062 or E: for more information Main line: 814-824-2210 7 Black Friday Bash Our annual Black Friday Bash is always a huge success with many alumni, some celebrating landmark reunions, and some just having good times with friends! The food is always delicious at Calamari’s, thanks to alumnus Jay Honard and Marci Honard and their wonderful staff, especially alumnae Renee Brown (Calamari’s) and our own Jessica Horan-Kunco (MPS), who help to coordinate the event. Class of 2006 celebrating their 5th reunion at the Black Friday Bash. Alumni from various decades always enjoy the Black Friday Bash. Mark your calendar for the next one in 2012 on Friday, November 23rd at Calamari’s. 8 Graduates return to Mercyhurst to receive IB diplomas Even though the IB students received a Mercyhurst Prep diploma last May, they returned to their Alma Mater on Thursday, December 22 to participate in a second commencement, the issue of the prestigious International Baccalaureate World Diploma. Diploma candidates take the International Baccalaureate exams in May and they are scored by examiners all over the world. This process is lengthy so the diploma is given at a later date. These students met 2011 IB Diploma recipients include (back): Mike Yurkovic, Samantha Fugagli, and Eddie Baxter; (front): Jenna Bekeny, Christine Haverly, Julia Bensur, Caryn Sennett, rigorous demands of the International and Nora Pertz. Missing from photo was Zofia Stark. Baccalaureate requirements at MPS, the only International Baccalaureate Bensur is a history major at Cornell World School in northwest Pennsylvania: University and her study was titled Jenna Bekeny, Nora Pertz, Christine According to varying historical Haverly, Eddie Baxter, Samantha perspectives, which aspects of Queen Fugagli, Mike Yurkovic, Caryn Sennett, Hatshepsut’s reign and rise to the throne Julia Bensur and Zofia Stark. were most pivotal in Tuthmosis III’s The IB Diploma Program is a campaign to erase her from challenging two-year curriculum that Egyptian history? is widely recognized by the world’s Jenna Bekeny and Julia Bensur were Stark, a history major at Villanova leading universities. IB candidates co-valedictorians of the 2011 graduating class. University, wrote her essay titled must successfully complete an To what extent were the Nazi leaders interdisciplinary course, Theory of is the implementation of human rights successful in using propaganda to Knowledge, which explores specific principles feasible given the practical indoctrinate German youth with the areas of knowledge that involve difficulties associated with the quandary party ideals and beliefs? language, reason, emotion and of child labor in the carpet industry in perception; write an extended 4,000 Pakistan? Yurkovic is a dual mathematics and word essay on a topic of individual business major at the University of Pertz, a psychology major at Vanderbilt interest; and complete a Creativity, Rochester. His essay was titled An University researched How Clear are Action, Service (CAS) component that Exploration into the Axiom Status of the Mirrors? The Mirror Neuron Theory delves into the arts, sports and Euclid’s Fifth Postulate and Why it Cannot of Autism Spectrum Disorders. a community service project. be Validated or Invalidated. He stated, “I must admit that I am extremely glad Baxter is a history major Kenyon College, Recipients of the IB diploma are that I decided to pursue the IB Diploma and his work was titled The Role of the superbly prepared for college course for a number of reasons. The rigor of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in Causing the work and can earn up to 30 college diploma program has prepared me so Third Crusade. credits. Studies show that students well for college, especially the workload, from IB high schools consistently attain Fugagli is attending Gannon University which is challenging at the University higher GPAs and graduation rates in also as a history major. She asked of Rochester. The critical thinking and selective colleges and universities. What were the most significant factors writing skills that I amassed in my four influencing David Lloyd George to adopt Bekeny is a chemistry major at the years at MPS will serve me well in the a compromising role at the Paris Peace University of Chicago, and her paper future and I know that IB was a good was titled What is the effect of occluding Conference of 1920? decision for my life.” the surface area of inert pharmaceutical Sennett is attending Dickinson College The IB Diploma carrier materials on their rate of heating? and majoring in English literature. Her presentation takes place essay was titled An Investigative Literary annually at an all-school Haverly currently attends Boston Analysis of the Pragmatic Elements in the assembly. College as a human rights major; she submitted an essay titled To what extent Romance Novel Pride and Prejudice. 9 Celebrating 25 years in Mercy education Catherine McAuley entered the novitiate on September 8, 1830 and founded the Sisters of Mercy on December 12, 1831. For nearly 180 years her charism and tradition have lived on and will live on into the future. Beginning at the end of the academic year 2010-2011 and throughout 2011-2012 Mercy secondary and elementary schools and education centers are using the medal designed for the 180th anniversary year of the founding of the Sisters of Mercy to recognize veteran Mercy educators who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the works of Mercy. Mercyhurst Prep recognized a number of teachers at the Sisters of Mercy Foundation Day celebration held on December 15: (l to r back row): Mr. Frank Amicucci, Ms. Peg Aste, Mr. Chuck Stachera, and Mr. Jamie Borowicz; (row three): Mrs. Kathy Donovan, Mrs. Sue Rounsley, Sr. Mary Ann Bader; (row two): Mrs. Kathy Pirrello, Ms. Debbie Servey; (row one front): Mrs. Debbie Laughlin, Ms. Carla Betti, Ms. Bridget Whalen and Mrs. Maryanne Dombrowski. Missing from photo were Mr. Duane Dulin and Mrs. Mary Anne Welsh. Reunions 2012-2013 If your year of graduation ends in a “2” or a “7” this is an anniversary year for your class but any year could be a “reunion” year! Class officers typically plan reunions, but anyone is encouraged to gather a group and plan a gathering. If you have questions, please contact Marcia Gensheimer at or call 814-824-2067. Class of 1962 – 50th Reunion Golden Anniversary Luncheon Friday, August 17th Mass at Motherhouse @ 11AM Luncheon @ Erie Yacht Club @ 12:15 PM Class of 1967 – 45th Reunion Saturday, August 4th Kahkwa Club drinks, hors d’oeuvres and dinner (for classmates) Sunday, August 5th Attend Mass together if you choose, and then we will have brunch at a restaurant to be determined at a later date as we are not able to make reservations this far in advance for those facilities. Spouses and family members are welcome to attend Mass and brunch on Sunday. Contact Pat Genung, or Carolyn Mango Kacprowicz, Class of 1972 – 40th Reunion Cynthia L. Crotty is looking for classmates to plan a get-together for the class of 1972. She can be reached through Facebook, email: or 440-991-7766. 10 The Golden Anniversary Luncheon The Golden Anniversary Luncheon, an annual MPS tradition recognizing alumnae who graduated 50 years ago and more, was held last August. Some who attended in 2011(l to r) included : Class of 1948: Doris Carlin Shade, Catherine Sandle Kraft and Melanie Dombrowski Feretti Class of 1952 (seated:) Sr. Mary Felice Duska and the late Charlene Withers Keinath (Charlene passed away on 9/12/11); (standing): Joan Szymanski Mancuso, Nola Weingard Lyons, Sally Schnatter Schuster, Edith Alo Coccarelli, and Nancy Meagher Genck Class of 1957 (back): Carol Sosey Hanley, Marilyn Heibel, and Denise Illig Robison; (front): Katherine Heberlein Drzewiecki, Sally Sontheimer DeDad, and Janet Liebler Plavcan Class of 1949: Jay Gould and Shirley Seelinger Piotrowski Some members of the classes of 1951 and ’61 who celebrated 60th and 50th anniversaries included: Marilyn Reiser ’61, Annette Straub Bailey ’51, Mary Ree Travers ’51 and Joan MacKenzie Eastman ‘51. Class of 1955 (standing): Carol Veihdneffer Drongosky and Mary Ellen Housman Ferrick; (front): Theresa Jozefczyk Cafazzo and Martha Wurst Hilbert Class of 1956: Jeanne Wurst Kidder, Judi Yochim Krahe and Barbara Byrne Baumann Classes of 1959 & ’60 (back): Jackie Weber Johnson ’59, Ann Dwyer Vinca ’60; (seated): Sr. Patricia Whalen ’59, Sheila Martin Pierce ’59 and Marilyn Agresti Renkes ’59 Graduates and Sisters of Mercy enjoyed the luncheon (standing): Beth Huster Tomczak ’60, Pat Genung ’67, Sr. Natalie Rossi; (seated) Jean Liebler Vickey ’60, Norma Cesnick Ryen ’60 and Sr. Pierre Dembinski. 11 Spring Fundraiser Update We hope that you will join us on March 31, 2012 for “A Night at the MPS Grand” from 6:30 – 11:00 pm at MPS. This year’s event will have a Las Vegas flair with great food, games and entertainment. Must be 21 to enter. At the MPS Grand you will be treated to a variety of rotating lounge acts including three of our talented alumni, Anna Zoe Danko Rachocki, Chris Moore and Brandon Vogt. ‘Anna Zoe’ Danko Rachocki, ‘03, is an independent singer-songwriter who has just released her debut album “Friction in Some Direction.” She describes her music as a combination of Tori Amos having dinner with Coldplay, and going for drinks with Death Cab for Cutie. Anna has shared the stage with Chris Barron of the Spin Doctors and The Bacon Brothers. This year, she has begun touring around the US and will be performing an acoustic set for us at Casino Night. Anna Zoe ‘03 Chris Moore, ‘05, is an acoustic guitarist and singer in the band, Chasing Moira. Their musical flavor is influenced by the Dave Matthews Band with a jazzy, soulful and sublime sound you are going to have to see to believe. Chasing Moira released its first album “Something out of Nowhere” in 2011 and is currently working on a second album with the recent release of the single “Live for Today.” They opened for Pat Monahan and Train this fall at the Tullio Arena and Kansas on the main stage at Celebrate Erie. A Night at the MPS Grand wouldn’t be complete without a visit from “Ol’ Blue Eyes.” We are pleased to announce that Brandon Vogt, ‘06, will be performing songs from the Great American Songbook. His repertoire includes songs composed by Irving Berlin, Cole Porter and George Gershwin and made popular by such artists as Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, and Nat “King” Cole. Chris Moore ‘05 Anna and Chris will have their merchandise and albums available for purchase at the MPS Grand. Both have generously offered to donate 10% of any merchandise sales that evening back to MPS. Brandon Vogt ‘06 We look forward to welcoming you to the MPS Grand on March 31st for a night of great entertainment and fun that supports our MPS Scholarship fund. We’d like to thank our Spotlight Sponsor 12 The class of ’68 met to celebrate their 60th birthdays at Calamari’s on July 1 and then at the Erie Yacht Club on July 2 for dinner and dancing. They kindly invited the class of 1971, who also celebrated at the Erie Yacht Club, to join in their dance party. Attendees included Barb Braggins Bensur, Jane Bucceri, Kathleen Dauer Hemme, Denise Dombrowski Gaines, Sue Finnegan Parsio, Anne Bressan Francani, Kathleen Davitt Jenkins, Susan Desser, Donna Ferretti Gela, Christine Brugger Russell, Margaret Finegan, Deborah Magay Thomas, Frances Mango-Thompson, Susan Morgan (Friday night), Charlene Schaaf, CDP, Miggy Spoden Wayne, Kathryn Willis McMaster, Georgeann Hulick-Kamholz, Jeanne Musarra Behan, Mary Ann Shalkam Barbour, and Anne Waldron Moore. The group had so much fun, they will soon be planning for their 45th reunion in 2013. The class of 1976 celebrated their 35th reunion on August 13th. They will continue to keep the following Yahoo email account open for any updates ( and, of course, any and all classmates are invited to contact Lynne Karle Wright on Facebook. l to r (front Row): Jessica Barbaro Bengel, Sue Lane Lester, Susan Martone, Mary Niedzwiecki Scutella, Laura Dipre Luddy, Ann Held Ciotoli; (second row): Ranee Travis Tozer, Carolyn Gold, Lynne Karle Wright, Stacy Shimek, Mary Beth Tucker Rinderle, Pam Wolf, Kimberly Kelly Hill; (back row): Elizabeth Kelly, Mary Jane Barber Tanner, Kimberly Peterson Chapman, Chris Konwinski Caskey, Glenn Chojnacki, Karen Tullio Sturm, James Wilson, Mary Mehl Ebach and Dennis Riley The class of 1971 celebrated their 40th reunion on July 1 with an informal gathering at Calamari’s and dinner on July 2 at the Erie Yacht Club. Pictured here are (l to r back): Joanne Przybyszewski Kubinski, Janet Przybyszewski Danielson, Maria Platis Conway, Anne Strayer, Judy Dunson Spangler, Terri Gardner Fendya, Cathy Orcutt Bryan, Evelyn Bogdanski DePalma, Mary (Nell) Dailey Lennon, Lisa Renz, Jeanne Quinn Lillis, Peggy Beresky Brabender; (middle): Mary Kraft Horvath, Adrianne Rush, Barb Hewitt Weber and Cindi Pogorzelski Peters; (front): Marcia Izbicki Gensheimer, Janice DiLuzio, Chantal Minnaugh DeRose, and Denise Karle Parker. The class of 1981 celebrating a 30th reunion The MPS class of 1981 had their 30th reunion this summer on July 9 at the Sloppy Duck Saloon at Juniors on the Bay with over 40 classmates attending the event. easer! Two special surprise guests shared T in the gathering at Calamari’s and both guests were known to the members of the class of 1968 and 1971. Please see page 21 for the answers! 13 Class notes: Big news, little moments or just a friendly hello…we would like to hear from you. If you send us the birth notices, we will send your baby a special MPS tee. Email 1940 s Irene Mszanowski Ropski ’43 and husband, Dr. Joe Ropski, recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Grandchildren, Meaghan, ’06, and Nathaniel, ’11 are both Mercyhurst Prep graduates. 1960 s Nancy Fagan Sarnowski ’69 and husband Len opened Jitters Coffee and Bake Shoppe on West Ridge Road in Fairview, PA in June. Nancy retired in June after teaching 35 years in the Girard School District. Monica Mauer Capabianco ’69 received Pasco County’s Elementary Counselor of the Year award for 2011. This was the second time Monica received this high honor (1991 was the first) from her peers of over one hundred district elementary counselors in her 30-year career. She is employed at Gulfside Elementary School in Florida. 1970 s Mary Ann Mancini Wycech ’72 recently retired from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation after 36 plus years of service as a professional purchaser. She plans to spend more time with husband Gary and children PJ, who is a senior at MPS, and daughter Cara, a 2008 graduate, and puppy Oscar. Travel plans are on the docket as well. Roselle Randazzo Walkiewicz ’73 and husband Stan have outgrown the space in their successful Erie jewelry store, “All that Glitters.” The boutique celebrated a grand opening in September in the Colony Plaza. Roselle previously worked as a probation officer and the manager of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services. Son Steve is a 2003 graduate and daughter Terese is a 2004 graduate. Laurie Root ’75 is vice-president of major gifts and planned giving at the United Way in Erie. She previously lived and worked in the Washington, DC area for 30 years in various capacities. She worked in Seoul, Korea as a management instructor and TV writer for a couple of years, returned to the DC area, and most recently served as the vice president at Women in Cable Telecommunications in Fairfax, VA. 1980 s Sal Clemente ’80, one of the 10 lead singers of The Ultrasonic Rock Orchestra, played in Erie in June. The giant rock band plays hits from Bowie, Queen, the Beatles, the Who and Zeppelin. You can follow their tours at Art Martone ’80 was asked to conduct the tribute concert in honor of Bruce Morton Wright in October. He is the performing arts chair at MPS and the assistant conductor of the Erie Chamber Orchestra of Gannon University, which Wright headed for many years. His two sons, Philip ’12 and Christopher ’13, are current students at MPS. David J. Bidwell ’81 was recently named the Regional Vice-President of the Year for an unprecedented second year in a row for John Hancock LTC. David is Regional VP for the Sunshine Region. He and his wife Debbie reside in Heathrow, FL with their 2 sons, Cooper and Talan. Lev Kubiak ’84 is the director for the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) in Arlington, VA. Solitaire Miles ’85 recently released a new CD, Melancholy Lullaby, which features the work of many great Chicago jazz legends, including a new tune from swing violinists Johnny Frigo and Joe Vito. You can preview the new CD on solitairemiles2, on itunes, and Amazon. com. Check out Solitaire’s website at Valerie Koscelnik ’86 is on the staff of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City. She is the Senior Director of the AIDS Care and Treatment programs for eleven countries in Africa and maintains a home in Philadelphia while traveling to Africa regularly. Jessica Horan-Kunco ’89 has joined the staff of Mercyhurst Prep as the coordinator of special events and fundraisers. She is a 1993 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in organizational leadership at Mercyhurst University. Horan-Kunco served as president of Erie City Council and filled the role of councilmember since 2004. She is also president of Erie Area Council of Governments. She is the co-owner of Kunco Landscape, Inc. and also works part-time as an office assistant and bookkeeper at Mercy Terrace Apartments. She received the GECAC Bradley Foulk Public Service award and the Parade Street Community Center’s Outstanding Commitment Award for Community Service. She was honored with the Young Erie Professionals, Generation E Award in 2008 and received the Women Making History Award by Mercy Center for Women the same year. Jessica previously worked as program manager of the Employment Opportunities Center division of the Barber Institute from 1993 – 2003. She is married to Ronald J. Kunco, Jr. and is the proud mother of Jeremy, Adam and Rachel. 14 1990 s Samantha Pagni Lees ’91 was a semi-finalist in the Uncommon Jewelry Design Challenge. You can view her designs at http://www. product/53047/journal-leavesnecklace. Todd Scalise ’91 is an artist and graphic designer who recently moved back to Erie. He is currently working on a very ambitious project for the Erie Art Museum called Higherglyphics. He also does freelance graphic design work for a number of businesses and organizations in Erie including Erie Reader. Curtis Jones Jr. ’94 was recently selected president of Erie City Council for 2012. His son, Curtis Jones III, is a sophomore at MPS. Certified Financial Planner Professional and Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor, and the designation of Accredited Wealth Management Advisor. He resides in Avon Lake, OH, with wife Amy and their two daughters, Mariela and Nora. Marina George ’95 married Brock Allen on August 6th at the Sagamore Resort on Lake George in Bolton Landing, New York. She graduated from Mercyhurst University with a BS in human ecology and is a clinical dietitian in long-term care. Her husband is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a BS in plastics engineering. The couple honeymooned in Greece and reside in Erie. Ed Razanauskas ’94 has been appointed senior consultant at FTI Consulting in Pittsburgh where he is a database developer for the firm’s Ringtail Software. He previously was employed at GNC Corporate Headquarters as a programmer/ analyst. Ed is an avid photographer who recently sold a series of his photos for use on the television program Prime Suspect. Adam Welsh ’94 is co-editor in chief of the new Erie Reader, a creative tabloid for news, arts and entertainment. You can find free copies at numerous Erie locations or visit for more information. Jeremy DiTullio ’95 has been appointed a managing principal of the Lincoln Financial Advisors Corporation in Cleveland and Akron, OH. He is responsible for growing the market for Lincoln Financial Advisors in this territory. Jeremy has worked in the financial industry since 2000 and held the positions of financial planner, field vice president, and division manager. He was previously employed by Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and New England Financial. He holds the professional certification of Adam Leslie ’95 and family relocated to Pittsburgh from southwest Virginia and are enjoying the new location. Adam ran into fellow alum Denise Meredith ‘94 while making pie dough at their children’s school. The Butler newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dr. Leah Batkiewicz ’97 married Dr. Jason Butler on October 8, 2011 at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Greenwich, CT with a reception following at Riverside Yacht Club. Leah earned a Ph.D. in genetics from Columbia University Medical Center in 2007. Her husband holds a Ph.D. in biology from Imperial University, London. Both Leah and Jason work as biotech analysts in Manhattan and reside on the Upper East Side with their Westie, Fletcher. E. Rita Camillo ’97 married Michael Camardo in June in Brecksville, OH. Lauren DiSantis ’97 served as maid of honor. Rita earned a BS in economics with minors in Spanish and business from Penn State University. Her husband received his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Ohio University. He is a wealth strategist with Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth in Pepper Pike, OH. Denise Meredith volunteering with Adam Leslie 15 Jacqueline Kozak ’98 married Mark Thiel on July 9 in their adopted home of Hawaii. Jackie’s mother proudly served as matron of honor at the wedding. Kozak’s parents, Dr. David and MaryAnne Kozak hosted a reception at Capers in Erie for friends who could not make the trip to Hawaii. Jackie is one of six East-West fellows living at the University of Hawaii and working with the state’s first lady on the Hawaii Invasive Species Council. Her husband is an accomplished web master. Friends of Jackie’s who attended the Erie wedding celebration included, l to r (back): Christine Lesh ’98, Megan Trambley ’98, Janet Jaskiewicz Thompson ’93, Chris Kozik ’98; (front) Emily Jaskiewicz DeLuca ’98, Jacqueline Kozak Thiel ’98, Julie Koehler Kaufman ’98, and Domenic DeLuca ’96 Sarah Warner ’98 married Brian Rehrig on July 16, 2011. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Medical School. Sarah completed her medical residency in Rochester, NY, where she met her future husband. She is an obstetrician at OB GYN Associates of Erie. Donna McCoy ’98 married Brian Pruzenski on May 15, 2010. She is pictured here with her husband. Angie Matusiak Matts ’98 served as a bridesmaid and is fifth from the left. Stephanie Frankiewicz Lewis ’99 was recently elected to a 4-year term as Lawrence Park Township Commissioner. She is also the advisor of the Lead ‘n Seed club at MPS. Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus and at Texas A&M University. The couple resides in Seven Fields, PA. Emily Hartwig Wachter ’99 was one of the nine young people who received a Young Erie Professionals 2011 Generation E award. She is a consultant at Decision Associates and is the vice-president of fund development for the Junior League of Erie. Emily is coordinator for Erie Athena PowerLink Group and director of Erie County Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children. Christine Kleck ’99 married Greg Galket on July 16, 2011 in Ocean City, MD, on the beach at 145th Street. They hosted a reception following the beach ceremony at Fenwick Wine Cellars on Fenwick Island, DE. The ceremony and reception were all part of a beach destination wedding weekend celebration that took place from July 14-July 17, 2011. Both Greg and Christine work for UPMC in Pittsburgh, Christine in corporate human resources and Greg in the insurance area of the company. Greg is a 1995 graduate of Norwin Area Senior High School in North Huntingdon, PA and received an undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. Christine received undergraduate and graduate degrees and completed academic training and certifications from Mr. and Mrs. Galket Christine’s brothers Matt Kleck ’02 and Tim Kleck ’05 brought her down the “sand” to her husband. 16 2000 s Beth Warner ’00 married Jon Altman on November 18. She graduated from Ohio University in 2004 and the University of Pittsburgh Law School, where she met her future husband. She is practicing law in Pittsburgh where the couple resides. James Razanauskas ‘01 recently decided to leave the Navy after 10 years of service as a master of arms. He joined the naval reserves, is living in Erie with his 6-year old son and recently began courses at Mercyhurst University using his military benefits. Lieutenant Sarah Wheaton Kienholz ’01 graduated from Combat Systems Officer school on September 23rd. She will be stationed at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska and will work as a navigator on the RC-135 reconnaissance planes. The Stubenhofer wedding party included l to r: Bryan Sammons ’00, Jamie Stubenhofer Breneman ’98, David Merski ’89, Mary Frick ’03, Michael Merski ’95, Ann Colonna Fuhrman ’98, James Stubenhofer ’04, Susie Merski Stubenhofer ’98, Jason Stubenhofer ’00, Lisa Merski Hudson ’92, David Hudson, Jennifer Haley Merski ’97, John Denslinger ’00, Rhonda Becker Tobin ’97, Joseph Dworzanski ’00 and April Sweeney. Jason Stubenhofer ’00 married Susie Merski ’98 on September 11, 2010 at St. Patrick Church with a reception at Lake Shore Country Club. Members of the wedding party included Lisa Merski Hudson ’92, Jennifer Haley Merski ’97, Jamie Stubenhofer Breneman ’98, Mary Frick ’03, April Sweeney, Rhonda Becker Tobin ’97, Anna Colonna Sammons ’00, Joseph Dworzanski ’00, John Denslinger ’00 and David Hudson. Jason graduated from Gannon University with a BS in Management Information Systems and is a clinical analyst at UPMC Hamot. Susie graduated from Gannon University with a BS in nursing and a master’s in anesthesia. She is a nurse anesthetist working for North American Partners in anesthesia at UPMC Hamot. Jason and Susie reside in Erie. Bridal party and guests of the Howey/Giles wedding included (l to r): Meghan Howey, Emily Lubhan, Cora Howey Giles, Jenny Maleski Smith, Nick Adams and Rachel Prischak. Cora Howey ’01 married Matt Giles on October 29, 2011 in Brooklyn, New York. The reception was held at Bubby’s Restaurant, located between the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges, with a backdrop of the New York City skyline. Meghan Howey ’96, sister of the bride, served as the matron of honor. Bridesmaids included Rachael Prischak ’02 and Jenny Maleski Smith’01. Guests also included Emily Lubhan ’01 and Nick Adams ’01. Cora is a graduate of Penn State University and works as a sales executive at Parade Magazine. Matt, a graduate of St. Joseph’s University, is a writer for New York Magazine and ESPN. The couple honeymooned in Egypt and currently reside in Brooklyn, NY. Lieutenant Sarah Wheaton Kienholz Jovan visited MPS recently to proudly show us his Defensive Player of the Year trophy. Jovon Johnson ’02 was the winner of the CFL’s Most Outstanding Defensive Player Award in 2011, becoming the first defensive back to win the award in league history. He is also a two time CFL All-Star and three time CFL East Division All-Star. 17 Lee Eighmy ’05 captured his fifth Times News Open Championship in the 49th annual bowling open tournament earning the $1,000 prize. David Pfister ’05 plays rhythm guitar for the Romantic Era band. The six piece rock and roll group recently released its first full-length CD. Greg Stolar ’05 graduated in May from Penn State Behrend’s Black School of Business with a master’s in business. He scored in the top 10 percent on the Educational Testing Service Major Field Test. Greg is employed as a materials technical analyst at GE Transportation in Lawrence Park, PA. Erin Dworakowski ’02, Andrea Dworakowski ’02 with their mom, MPS receptionist and attendance officer Paula Dworakowski Andrea Dworakowski ’02 married David Wallis on October 22. Her uncle, Paul Urbaniak, District Magistrate and member of the class of 1977, married the couple. Erin Dworakowski ’02, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Cousin, Jennifer Thiemann ’99, was a bridesmaid. Andrea attended St. Bonaventure University and works as a customer service associate for PNC Bank in Youngsville, PA. Abby Maloney ’02 married Brian Dunnigan on June 19, 2010 in Baltimore, MD. Maura Maloney ’06, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. The Maloney girls are daughters of Melanie Maloney Gillespie ’71 and husband James. Abby is a graduate of Kent State University and is a behavioral counselor for the Baltimore–based non-profit Power Inside. Her husband is a graduate of the University of Maryland and American University. He is an English professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Christine Radomski ’02 received her BA in art history from John Carroll University, a degree from Scuolo Leonardo da Vinci, Rome, Italy, for Italian language, and recently earned her master of arts in history from Cleveland State University. She is currently the assistant director for the Cleveland Artists Foundation. Anne Wittman ’02 graduated from Catholic University Law School sixth in her class. She is employed at a law firm in Washington, D.C. Meg Warner ’03 graduated from Penn State University with a dual major in psychology and Spanish. She is currently teaching high school Spanish in Charleston, WV. Dan Zimmer ’03 is the new development director at the Visiting Nurse Association of Erie County. Courtney Sullivan ’04 received a BA in English and French from St. Bonaventure University. She is an organizational leadership graduate student at Mercyhurst University. She also worked on Kathy Dahlkemper’s congressional reelection campaign in 2010 and interned in Senator Bob Casey’s Erie office in 2011. Jake Agresti ’06 graduated from Gannon University with a degree in business administration and is employed as a flow leader at GE Transportation in Lawrence Park, PA. Jeremy Crane-Huston ’06 graduated in May from Penn State Erie, The Behrend College School of Engineering, with his bachelor’s in mechanical engineering technology. He accepted a position with GE Transportation in the engineering department. Karin Waskiewicz ’06 earned her BFA from Kent State University in 2010. Her acrylic work, Collective Behavior, earned the Editor’s Pick in December from Miami’s Pulse, a contemporary art gallery. Amanda Milhisler ’07 graduated in December from Clarion University with a dual degree in elementary education and special education. Stephen Wittuck ’07 participated in The Call to Serve trip this past summer with CTS completing over 860 hours of service in a three week period. Stephen volunteered with nine others and helped to change the lives of people who experienced flooding in Nashville, TN, worked with the Capital Food Bank of Texas and Habitat for Humanity, teamed up with Operation Helping Hands in New Orleans, LA, and helped to renovate damaged homes from Hurricane Katrina. 18 James Cowles ’08 was the sole recipient for 2011 of the Dr. Nicholas J. Hosu Memorial Scholarship. He is a biology and pre-med major at Gannon University. Medical Center. This fall Lauren had the honor of being selected as a Morale Captain and led a committee of 33 volunteers in various projects and fundraisers throughout the months leading up to THON weekend. In addition, she is also working on her Honors Thesis “Perspective of Parents on the Experience of Having a Child with an ASD”. Ethan Johns ’08 completed a co-op with the Air Force this summer. He worked at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH, with sponsor Michael Beerbower ’99. Lauren Frey ’08 was in the Dominican Republic for three weeks this past summer with International Student Volunteers. She spent the first week in a Spanish immersion program with a host family and attended classes to learn customs, dance and food and also to hone her Spanish language skills. For the next two weeks she stayed at an ecotourism resort, living in a palapa atop a mountain, and volunteered for the DREAM project. Each morning she boarded a bus to the village below. She taught various classes for the children every other day and did construction work for the village school on the opposite days. The Spanish she was taught at Mercyhurst Prep proved invaluable as everyone thought she was fluent. Lauren is currently a senior at Penn State University, Schreyer Honors College, majoring in communication sciences and disorders. She has been on the dean’s list every semester. At Penn State Lauren has been a teaching assistant, a member of NSSLHA, and is very active in THON. THON is the largest student-run philanthropic venture in the world and raised over $9.6 million dollars in 2011 for pediatric cancer at the Hershey Stacey Stachera ’08, a University of Pittsburgh senior majoring in political science with a concentration in international relations, was named a recipient of the 2011 David L. Boren Award for International Study. The scholarship required that she spend at least one year working for the federal government after graduation. Gwen Thompson ’08 spent a “Semester at Sea” that enabled her to spend time in Spain, Turkey, Greece and Morocco. Maggie Cooney ’12 and Anthony Palermo ’09 starred in Fame-The Musical Anthony Palermo ’09 shared the Erie Playhouse Mainstage summer production of Fame-The Musical with Maggie Cooney ’12, playing the lead roles of Nick Piazza and Serena Katz respectively. Also in the production were Shannon Bentley ’13, Maria Nasca ’06, Steven Wells ’13 and Mr. Mike Miele ’03. Conrad Kubaney ’10 was inducted into Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. He is a nursing major and member of the IUP varsity swim team. Eddie Baxter ’11, a freshman at Kenyon College, played Teddy Brewster in Arsenic and Old Lace in October and is playing Barnardo and Lucianus (a sailor and an attendant) in the large Theatre Department production of Hamlet in early February. He also successfully auditioned into an all male a cappella group, The Kenyon Ransom Notes, who have advanced to the quarterfinals of the International Championships of A Cappella this February. Shane Saginak ’11 received The Ron Costello Memorial Scholarship for 2011. He is a freshman at Fort Lewis College Bethany Woll ’11 received an Edinboro University Alumni Association Admissions Grant Scholarship this year. Mercy Volunteer Corps service opportunities Have you ever considered volunteer service among the poor? The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, in partnership with the lay women and men of Mercy Volunteer Corps, offer you an opportunity to do so. Together they enter into relationship with people who are economically poor or marginalized. Volunteers cultivate mercy and justice in the world through compassionate service, social justice, spirituality and a simple lifestyle in community. Mercy volunteers serve within the U.S., Guyana and South America. Volunteers make a one-year commitment beginning the first week of August. A small stipend, transportation to and from the site of service, housing, medical insurance, school loan deferment and inspiration to last a lifetime are part of the experience. Volunteers must be 21 years of age or older. Please visit for more information. 19 Sympathy Alumni: Autumn Englert Perkins ’30 Audrey Steinfurth Conway Hamburger Babo ’36 Beatrice Sproul Sucharski ’44 Maureen Regan Trippe ’51 Charlene Ruth Withers Keinath ’52 Karen Wolfe Ferretti ’61 Donna Alessi Schultz Connor ’66 Mary Margaret Theiss Malve ‘75 Michelle A. Ganza McCurdy ’76 Pamela Mannarelli Shovlin ’90 Nicholas J. Lombardo ’01 Jeremy Quezada ’03 Husband of: Mary Schultz Blakeslee ’44 Virginia Lipiec Morabito ’67 Laurie Chrzanowski Uhlir ’89 Lauren Conway Steen ’00 Mother of: Annmarie Bernadowicz George ’62 Carol Battaglia Zimm ’67 Dr. Peggy Cebe ’66 and Dr. Juanita Cebe ’70 and Charmaine Cebe ‘72 Cathy Orcutt Bryan ’71 Cindy Berdis ’73 and Stephanie Berdis Winiarczyk ’77 Margaret Monahan-Bopp ’74 and Kathleen Monahan ’76 Kevin Conway ’75 Bryan T. Jones ’94 Kate Bowers Lemons ’97 and Beth Bowers Bauer ’98 Jeremy Infantino ’01 Melinda Rea ’05, Courtney Rea ’06 and Ricky Rea ’08 Son of: Nancy Meagher Genck ’52 Father of: Joe Boesch, DDS ’78 Kathleen Polanski Noce ’78 Margaret Gebhardt Heffer ‘83 Kelly Erven Maslar ‘87 Suzanne Schaaf Lichtenwalter ’87 Michelle Marie Iarussi Schroeck ’90 Michelle Wysocki Breter ’91 Gerianne Dudenhoeffer Soliwada ’93 April Simora Nordrehaug ’94 Jeremy Kish ’00 Tom Reisenweber ’02 Other: Mother and stepfather of former teacher, assistant principal and president, Georgia Conway Johnson Former MPS swim coach Tom Doyle Stepfather of: Kevin Conway ’75 Brother of: Joan Koppelman Hartman ’53 Marilyn Reiser ’61 and Janet Reiser ’63 Dr. Emma Lee McCloskey ’69 Debbie Laird ’72 Valerie Koscelnik ’86 Sister of: Paul Mannarelli ’92 *Although we make every effort to offer our sympathy to immediate members of the Mercyhurst Prep family who have lost a father, mother, child, brother or sister, we are not always aware of the death of a loved one, so we ask that you contact the alumni office. Daughter of: Mary C. Renz Anderson ’70 A Trusted Name – A New Convenience Some of the current opportunities include: • Make your annual donation to the Mercyhurst Prep Fund which includes scholarships and financial aid to deserving students We love it when you stay in touch and involved with Mercyhurst Prep and we are happy to announce an easy and secure way to interact from your computer or mobile device. Acceptiva is a trusted name in online interactive communications. You will now find that many of the opportunities presented to you on the MPS website link to a page that bears both the Acceptiva logo and the padlock symbol that assures you of the site’s security. With more and more of us making donations, reservations and communications online, Acceptiva is the perfect fit with MPS. Check it out for yourself by going to www., click the Advancement tab and then click on any of the green underlined opportunities. Here is the direct link http://www. and the qr code you can scan with your smart phone. • Become a sponsor or buy a ticket for A Night at the MPS Grand on March 31st, 2012 Please feel confident about using our Acceptiva pages knowing that all of the information and payments come directly to Mercyhurst Prep. Thank you for checking out Acceptiva and for your continued support of Mercyhurst Prep. We are MPS Marked by Pride & Spirit! 20 Congratulations! Maureen Baer Parker ’03 and husband Mathew on the August 3 birth of their first child, Mia Kathleen. She is the niece of Mary Ann Baer Noel ’84, Mark Baer ’87 and Sean Baer ’99 (MPS teacher and coach), Meghan Baer ’08 , Kyle Baer ’10, and Eric Baer ’15. Alexa, Arabella, Annalise and Ava Schlaerth Jocelyn Dee, MD, ’87 and husband Alan Schlaerth, MD on the April birth of Arabella Charlize Dee Schlaerth. She joins sisters Alexa, Annalise and Ava. Myla and Eric with daughters Myla Ennis Rinehardt ’95 and husband Eric on the birth of Emma Grace. She joins Ellie Ennis (age 3). Lauren Conway Steen ’00 and late husband Lee on the May birth of their first daughter, Kaylee Steen. Lee unexpectedly passed away on August 26, 2011. Mia Kathleen Parker James Swoger ’02 and Jennifer Hauser Swoger ’02 on the August 20th birth of twins James Walker and Cara Lynn. Emma Russell Cari Mester Russell ’93, former MPS faculty member, and husband John welcomed Emma Clare Russell April 12, 2010. She joins big brother, Eion. Both Cari and John teach in the Harbor Creek School District. Cari teaches 8th grade science at the Junior High School and John teaches 3rd grade at Klein Elementary. Angie Matusiak Matts ’98 and husband Jeffrey on the October 2010 birth of Abigale. Jayden Anthony White Nick White ’05 and Toni Cole on the October birth of Jayden Anthony White. He is the grandson of Anna Coffrey White ’85 and nephew of Anissa White ’12. Madison Noelle Matczak Stacey Szoszorek Matczak ’02 and husband Michael Matczak ’02 on the birth of their second child, Madison Noelle, on August 5, 2011. Her big sister Abigail, age two, is very excited to have her join the family. **If you are a graduate and a new parent, please let the alumni office know of the birth of your child and include a photo if you wish. We send a special baby tee to your newest family member. 21 Two special surprise guests shared in the gathering at Calamari’s and both guests were known to the members of the class of 1968 and 1971. Can you guess who they are? Where are they now? Ms. Barbara Brairton is a retired guidance counselor from the North East School District. She volunteers for Meals on Wheels in the Erie community and is an active lector at St. James Church. She is currently a member of the MPS Board of Trustees. Mrs. Christine Czapleski has taught math for forty-six and a half years continuously since leaving MPS and will most likely conclude her career this June. She has spent the last 26 years teaching at Shady Side Academy in Pittsburgh, PA. Teaser! Sr. Christine (left), who taught math and science, and Sr. Barbara (right), English/social studies teacher and counselor at Mercyhurst Prep in the late 60s and early 70s, were the surprise guests. Nominate a “Distinguished” Friend Do you know a Mercyhurst Prep or Mercyhurst Seminary alum who has achieved notable success, exemplifies dedication to service, exhibits commitment to the school and its mission, or is a rising star? Each year the Alumni Association honors deserving alumni who have achieved noteworthy professional accomplishments and have made significant contributions to the school. Please take a few minutes to nominate an alum. This year there is a new category, Young Alumni Award, and the criteria is listed below. This is your opportunity to help us honor our alums who should be recognized for his/her achievement. Submit his or her name, class year, and why you believe the nominee should receive an award. A nomination form is available at Nominations must be received by March 15, 2012. Distinguished Alumni Awards Career Award and Service Award The nominees should be individuals who have achieved a high level of success in Spring Musical The Wizard of Oz April 26 & 27 @ 7 p.m. April 28 @ 3 p.m. & 7 p.m. April 29 @ 3 p.m. Adult $7, Seniors $6 and Students $5 Spring Concerts May 11 Dance Concert @ 7 p.m. their careers and at the same time have been generous in support of Mercyhurst Preparatory School and community and/ or have rendered exceptional volunteer service to the school, their workplace, or the community. May 15 Music Concert @ 7 p.m. FREE President’s Award The nominees for this award, chosen by the Alumni Association President, should be individuals who have exhibited longtime dedication and unfailing support to Mercyhurst Preparatory School, its faculty, and its students. Please remember to change your address with us if you move or change your name. Mercy Award The nominees should be individuals who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to the Mercyhurst Preparatory School mission “to prepare students from all religious and ethnic backgrounds for a successful, productive, and compassionate life in an everchanging and interdependent world.” Email: mgensheimer@ with “ALUMNI” as the subject line Young Alumni Award The nominees should be individuals who exhibit leadership in their personal, professional, or volunteer accomplishments and also in their involvement with Mercyhurst Preparatory School. Alumni from the classes of 19922002 are eligible for the award. OR Call: 814-824-2067 OR Mail: Alumni Office 538 E Grandview Blvd. Erie PA 16504-2697 OR USE Facebook: Send a message through Mercyhurst Preparatory School or Marcia Gensheimer 22 Alumni Spotlight Kathryn (Katie) Francis • MPS 2002 – co-valedictorian some damage along the east coast and to our Capital city’s historical buildings and structures. The National Park Service immediately closed the monument to the public and called in WJE, Katie’s employer since 2006. • International Baccalaureate Diploma holder Jumping at the chance to be part of the D.C. inspection team Katie said, “Since I was among the first • Associate III engineer with Wiss, Janner, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) group of seven at WJE to get the Society of Rope Access Technicians (SPRAT) certification levels, I had Did you ever wonder as you drive the experience on ropes necessary over or under a bridge or maneuver and had also worked on a variety your vehicle in that one, narrow lane of projects involving stone façade of traffic in a tunnel if it is safe? Has inspection and repair work similar that bridge or tunnel been inspected to the scope of work required for recently? Are you confident driving both the work at the Washington your vehicle there? Monument and the National Cathedral.” Katie Francis, a Chicago resident and engineer with Wiss, Janner, Elstner As you can imagine and may Associates, Inc., doesn’t just wonder; remember, this job captured national she investigates and assesses. And media attention and was often the not just bridges and tunnels, but also lead story on the nightly news and buildings, plazas, parking garages the lead headline in big and small and monuments. Most recently, she newspapers. Katie and team members added rappelling and inspecting were photographed, interviewed the Washington Monument and the and videotaped on a regular basis, a National Cathedral in Washington, challenge not usually encountered by D.C. to her credentials. Not many, many civil engineers. actually only four or five individuals in the whole world, can claim that There were more serious challenges accomplishment on his/her resume. as well including the uniqueness of structures, limited accessibility, and If you recall, a 5.8 magnitude enhanced security protocol. The earthquake, the largest to strike the monument is believed to be the eastern part of the US since 1944, world’s tallest obelisk at 555 feet, struck on August 23, 2011 creating the cathedral is the second largest cathedral in the U.S., and both structures are over 100 years old. In addition to these characteristics, Katie noted “the fact that both structures are historic and very iconic because that makes them primary tourist attractions for visitors to Washington D.C., and all repair options need to have a consciousness that not only the function but the appearance of the repairs is quite an important aspect of Katie rappelling down the Washington achieving a successful repair.” National Monument, the tallest structure in Washington, D.C., while doing an inspection. Photo by Colin Winterbottom No fear of heights for Katie while inspecting atop the National Cathedral. Photo by Matthew James Girard Other large projects/structures Katie has worked on include the Central Artery Tunnel in Boston, MA, (AKA the Big Dig); The David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA; Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, Put-in-Bay, OH; Illinois DOT bridges; Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) stations and viaducts; and commercial buildings in Houston, TX. Katie finds many positives in her job such as the variety of projects, working outside almost 50% of the time, and problem solving. She credits some of her accomplishments to her Mercyhurst Prep education. “Mercyhurst Prep helped me to get into a good college and to develop a solid foundation of knowledge from which to build on in college. It expanded my knowledge through classes such as World Religions and Art History that I may not have been exposed to otherwise. Those classes allowed me to gain additional perspective regarding a wider variety 23 of people and how their beliefs have impacted their actions and contributions to society over the years.” Mercyhurst Prep is the only International Baccalaureate World School in northwest Pennsylvania and in addition to her MPS diploma, Katie earned an International Baccalaureate Diploma as well. She credits pursuing the IB courses with improving her writing skills saying, “I wrote longer and more technical essays in high school than I ever did in college to fulfill any of my engineering coursework. The ability to write quality reports and proposals is essential for me to perform my job because without that skill, I would be unable to convey to a client the issues they must deal with on their structure and what the key points are regarding the repair work, etc.” Another benefit of the IB curriculum is the development of analytical thinking skills, some of which are mastered through the unique course, Theory of Knowledge (TOK). Katie said, “In the Theory of Knowledge course you focused on exactly this skill (analytical thinking)…this skill is crucial to my success at the company I work for since we are constantly solving problems and trying to defend or improve upon the variety of solutions we may create as options…There are often many factors that may go into the end result which you need to logically sort through and analytically determine which factor you believe to be the most significant.” Problem solving is another acquired skill accentuated by the International Baccalaureate program. “Problem solving is generally required to engineer a retrofit or repair design that meets the clients’ needs, can be adapted to the existing condition of the structure, is cost effective, and functions to repair the deficiency from which the problem arose. It also allows me to watch the repairs being installed on the structure and work with the contractor actually implementing our repairs and solve problems that may arise during the course of the work,” commented Katie. After graduating from Mercyhurst Prep, Katie earned a BS in civil engineering from Johns Hopkins University. She is certified as an AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI), a Fracture Critical Inspector, NHI, and a Safety Inspector of IN-Service Bridges, NHI. When she’s not traveling for work, Katie relaxes by playing hockey for a club team, playing all positions with the exception of goalie. She also climbs outdoors and at indoor gyms as much as possible (in addition to climbing buildings for work!). In the last several years, she’s taken two mountaineering trips, one to Ecuador for three weeks and one to Chile for seven weeks. She has climbed to 18,500 feet altitude and learned how to travel and live on glaciers. As for the future, Katie likes the Chicago city life with its share of tall building and bridges that she jokingly “hangs from,” and is comfortable and somewhat partial residing (again) on one of the Great Lakes. Since she enjoys her job, her talented coworkers, and the travel, she plans to continue her work at WJE. She has set her sights on passing the SE (structural engineering ) exam licensure in the future. If she ever has the inclination to relocate, WJE has 20 other cities with offices from which to choose. The next time you’re traveling over a bridge, tunnel, or looking at a skyscraper and you notice someone rappelling on that structure, look closely, because it just might be Katie Francis at work or perhaps play. 24 Alumni Spotlight Megan Kern • MPS 2004 • Entrepreneur, environmentalist, educator Volunteerism and environmentalism operate as mantras for Megan Kern, class of 2004, the initiator of the MPS school garden and volunteer at the Reserva Ecologica Chontachaka in southeast Peru. Some samples of how the food from our edible garden is used The idea for the Mercyhurst Prep school garden began back in 2009 when Megan was returning to Erie after spending time in Colorado. “I was looking for a really cool idea for MPS so I made a proposal and agreed to do the work and raise some money for the garden,” stated Megan. One of the school’s current Middle States Accreditation for Growth objectives is to improve wellness in the MPS student body, so Megan’s idea of creating and using the garden to provide fresh vegetables and herbs within the school fit the bill perfectly. With some help from Stan’s Garden Center and graduate Cindy Skarzenski ’78, Rich Ken Construction Company, and some alumni donations, Megan was able to plan, plant, and grow the organic school garden beginning in the spring of 2009. “You have to have a vision about how it’s going to grow and fit it in with the curriculum,” said Megan. The garden, consisting of six raised beds, is located behind the school and features a multitude of vegetables, herbs and some flowering plants to ward off unwanted scavengers. stated on the website. This is not her first visit and it probably will not be her last as she sports a passion for helping humanity and preserving our environment, especially the rain forest. The first year was somewhat experimental but much progress has been made since. With the help of Mrs. Diane McCullough, dining hall manager, and our new chef, Ms. Kelly Sanders, trips to the school garden to harvest fresh vegetables and herbs for school luncheons became a daily routine. The salad bar and homemade soups were offered daily with veggies and herbs just picked that morning. You can’t get food fresher than that and students, faculty and staff greatly enjoyed these menu items. “I knew I wanted to go to South America since I studied Mayan history. I stumbled upon this reserve and it seemed a good fit,” explained Megan. She first spent five weeks there this past summer and wanted to go back. The female director appreciated Megan’s capabilities and looked forward to her return. Megan’s wish for the future is to have the garden used to its full potential and have it more fully incorporated into a departmentalized curriculum such as art, science, and math. She enthusiastically reported, “This is a wonderful tool of teachers to use.” With the garden on a hiatus for the winter, Megan, not one to be idle, set out on a six-month stint to do some volunteer work in the Reserva Ecologica Chontachaka in Peru, that aims to work for “the defense and conservation of the Amazonian forest and all the beings that inhabit it,” as The area where Megan is volunteering in South America features amazing natural treasures. It displays a high biodiversity, so preserving this ecological reserve is of paramount importance. Culprits contributing to the destruction of this natural resource include deforestation by mining and oil companies whose operations pollute the air and water and often contribute to health issues and habitat destruction. Megan’s passion is evident when describing her goals to study and instruct. “I want to educate locals and preserve their land so they won’t move out. When you cut down trees, over 90% of nutrients are in the roots, so you just can’t replenish the rain forest.” The main bungalow where volunteers cook, eat, talk, study and relax together. 25 A typical day includes an early start since the sun sets at 5:30 p.m. People of all ages share communal housing where one structure can house up to 30 people at a time. Folks work until lunch since the afternoon temperatures can reach extreme highs. Time can be spent doing inventory or upkeep of the area, following fauna or flora trails, and playing games with the children. Megan completed her bachelor of arts at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, and when she returns to Erie by August, she plans to then complete her master’s degree in secondary science education at Edinboro University. She’ll have garnered first-hand knowledge to finish her thesis on the rainforest as well as some unique memories, a sense of accomplishment, and innate wisdom learned from the natives of the Amazon area. “Everyone is happy there even though their future is unknown. I’m learning from them as well.” Megan standing in the Rio Kcosñipata which runs along the reserve. The photo taken in August shows a low river during the dry season. The river rises 30 feet or higher during the wet season. MPS Wish List by Department Here are some of the items currently needed at MPS. Please contact our Advancement Department at if you can help. Athletics • Trophy cases in the athletic foyer, estimated cost $3,000 • New wall padding in the gymnasium, estimated cost $8,500 • Resurfacing of the gym floor, estimated cost $30,000 • Replacing of gymnasium bleachers, estimated cost $75,000 • Camera & dubbing machine for the coaches, estimated cost $2,000 Math • 2 document projectors, estimated cost @ $600 = $1,200 total • TI-84 emulator software (for 5 teachers), estimated cost @ $150 = $750 total MPS World Language • Individual size whiteboards for student use in classrooms 25 per teacher for a classroom set (125 total), approx. $5 per board = $625 total – PURCHASED BY THE MPS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • 6 Digital voice recorders @ approx. $50= $300 • Elmo Visual Presenter (project texts • Two new treadmills for fitness center, and documents to a screen), approx. $1,700 estimated cost @ $2,500 • Laminating machine (could be used by the entire school) approx. $1,350 Science • Spectrum Tube Power Supply [~$229.99] This item can be used in Science Concepts, Chemistry and Physics. Separate tubes containing individual gases can be energized displaying different colors unique to the gas contained inside. This phenomenon exemplifies electrons being energized to a higher energy level and then releasing that energy as the electrons travel back to their ground state. For example, NASA uses this concept to identify the presence or absence of particular gases in and around planets as space is explored. 26 Fall athletics Reserve your place on the MPS memory wall! Proceeds benefit the MPS Scholarship Fund! Our boys soccer team advanced to the PIAA state finals in 2010 and 2011. As the fall season came to a close we had so much to be proud of. The season started off with the girls cross country team claiming their second straight District 10 cross country championship and advancing to the PIAA state meet. The boys had another great year finishing third in the district and being the first boys team in school history to advance to the PIAA state championships. Both teams return a lot of runners next year, so the expectations will be high and their seasons should be very exciting. The girls tennis team once again won the region championship and claimed the District 10 AA team championship. Senior Maggie McLaughlin won her fourth straight District 10 AA singles championship. Sophomores Katie Elia and Brittany McBride won the District 10 AA doubles championship for the second consecutive year. The team returns many players, so next season should be very exciting. The girls volleyball team had a good season and advanced to the District 10 tournament. The boys and girls golf teams had good seasons with the girls finishing second and the boys finishing third in their respective regions. The girls captured the school’s first District 10 team championship and advanced to the PIAA western regional. The boys varsity soccer team had a wonderful season by winning their third straight District 10 A soccer championship and advancing to the PIAA state finals for the second year in a row. We would like to take this time to thank our seniors who have given so much of their time and effort to their respective teams. We thank them for the memories that they have provided for all of us and the friendships we have built and wish them the best in their future endeavors. Dan Perfetto ’92, athletic director • Each memory square is a 4.25” x 4.25” personalized ceramic tile located in the first floor hall outside the gym area. • Acknowledge a friend, loved one, club, team, fellow student, event, accomplishment, organization, yourself...or simply show your support for MPS. • Buy extra tiles for display in your home, office...or to give as gifts! Each extra tile comes with a FREE easel stand! For more information, please contact Lisa Nietupski at 824-2408 or email THANK YOU! 27 Now is the time to consider taking part in the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program. EITC allows you to redirect your business tax dollars from Harrisburg to Mercyhurst Prep scholarships! If you are a business owner, or can encourage the owner of the business you work for to take part in this unique program – it means much needed scholarship dollars for MPS for little or no out of pocket expense for the company. Timeline: • March, 2012-Applications for the 2012-2013 fiscal year will be released by the state. Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program • June, 2012-Applications will be collected at MPS to be delivered to Harrisburg at the first possible moment they will be accepted. (You also have the option of sending the application in yourself if you would prefer.) • July 2, 2012-Applications are accepted by the state (applications received by the state before this Business and Application | March 2011 date will not be eligible). They are processed on Guidelines a first come first served basis. Award of Tax Credits to Business Firms for Contributions Scholarship Organizations, *These tax credits historically have been exhausted in just ato few days time. Educational Improvement Organizations and Pre-Kindergarten Scholarship Organizations For more information about EITC, please call the Lisa Nietupski in the MPS advancement office at (814) 824-2408 or check out – click on the “advancement” tab and click on “EITC” or scan this code with your smart phone to go there directly. Thank You! > Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Erie PA Permit No. 22 538 East Grandview Blvd. Erie, Pennsylvania 16504-2606 814.824.2210 Please remember to update your informnation with the MPS alumni office. Please mail this form to Marcia Gensheimer, Mercyhurst Prep Alumni Office, 538 East Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16504 or email this information to Name: (first)(maiden)(last) Spouse NameYear of graduation from Mercyhurst Prep Address CityStateZip PhoneCell Work PhoneEmail Place of EmploymentJob Title Address CityStateZip
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