Monthly Newsletter - Kearney
Monthly Newsletter - Kearney
NOVEMBER 2016 THE MESSENGER The monthly newsletter of First Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America INSIDE THIS ISSUE Calendar…………............…….....…..19 Council Updates.........….....................5 Music Opportunities...................1,12,15 THANKSGIVING EVE Office Updates…..............................4,9 COMMUNITY Outreach.................................1,8-14,18 Pastor’s Pen………........……...........2,3 Preschool...….……...….....................14 Within the Family......….............….......9 SERVICE & PIE SOCIAL Women of the ELCA..........................10 Worship Opportunities............1,6,12,20 Youth Pages…..…........................15-17 KEEP CONNECTED View our Event Calendar: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 — 7:00 PM — Sign up for weekly E-mail updates: Send request to: “LIKE” us on Facebook: First Lutheran Church - Kearney “FOLLOW” us on Twitter: @firstluthkrny FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WATCH previous sermons on YouTube: 4511 6TH AVENUE • KEARNEY, NEBRASKA First Lutheran - Kearney - Sermons The choir will be made up of people from various congregational choirs within the community -- choir members can rehearse together at 6:00 pm that evening. Sundays 8:45 AM – KXPN 1460 AM We also ask each household to bring a pie for a pie fellowship after the worship service – extra pies will be donated to the Thanksgiving supper the next day. The money offering collected will be for Jubilee Center. LIVE Radio Broadcast: LIVE LIV LI LIVE IVVE VE W STTREA WEBSTREAM WEBS WEB R AM M LIVE Webstream Broadcast: Sundays 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM CHURCH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM & by appointment 308-237-5544 3315 G AVENUE - KEARNEY, NEBRASKA 68847 W W W . F I R S T L U T H E R A N K E A R N E Y. O R G 1 A M E S S A G E from the PA S T O R S GRATITUDE Dear Friends in Christ, What a wonderful time of year when the harvest is brought in and the colors are golden in the autumn sun! Every season of the year has its own beauty as part of God’s plan of creation. As I write this I have a kitchen counter full of lovely ripe tomatoes. And, I really have to get something done with them! Looking at those large bowls brimming with red fruit caused me to think back on a memory. In 2007 Lynn and I lived in a parsonage for a couple years, as I served in transition for another great congregation. We didn’t know it when we moved in during the cold winter, but the previous pastor had enjoyed gardening. Well, we weren’t gardeners, as it wasn’t a hobby for us. So, even though we saw the remains of the garden when the snow melted, we just let it go. But God’s creation had other ideas, as nature doesn’t decide to just skip a year. And, by late July, we had dozens, even hundreds, of “volunteer” little cherry tomatoes all over the ground. You couldn’t take trash out to the alley without squishing through them! Well, I could hear my mother’s voice that they shouldn’t be wasted, so I’d go out with the largest bowl I had and pick as many as I could, and still there were more. It was like God was teaching me something – letting me know there is more to being thankful than to just say we appreciate all that we have. That something more is to grow in learning how God’s abundant blessings create a foundation for thankfulness – and yet still more – the strength of that foundation is the spiritual truth of GRATITUDE! Deep GRATITUDE to God! Ever since then, the preferred gardening method for us wherever we’ve lived is to let the volunteer tomatoes come up, and we always get plenty enough to eat and to freeze. We would give them away, except it seems like this time of year everyone is trying to give away the excess of their garden. So, as I look at those bowls of tomatoes, waiting to be washed and chopped and frozen, I see God’s hand in this abundance. And, I’ll seek to use the task before me as a spiritual exercise. An exercise of GRATITUDE. WINTER WEATHER POLICY In the midst of our Nebraska winter weather, it would be a good idea to remind everyone of our policy and procedures during bad weather. In the event of bad weather, the chief concern is our members and visitors safety. Weekend worship services will not be cancelled due to the weather except in extreme circumstances. It will be up to each individual to determine if they can get to church and back home safely. Cancellations of any church activities will be communicated to NTV, KGFW 1340 and Hits 106. Of course, I also see God’s hand in the great things going on at First Lutheran Church, as we keep on through transition. We all are being led by the Holy Spirit through these months. This transition time may occasionally feel like it’s only a lesson in endurance, but instead I’d ask us to see it through the lens of GRATITUDE. For just as God works through nature again and again, I’m certain God is working through us again and again to be the church. We are a congregation that worships, fellowships, studies, cares for each other, witnesses into the wider world, and returns thanks to God for all our blessings. When we do these things, we are practicing real GRATITUDE to God. Please take time to observe the renewal going on in our ministries. If I tried to make a list, it would go on and on, but I’ll lift up a few: our visitation and home communion ministry, more offerings in adult education, revitalized stewardship (meaning much more than raising money), new people serving on every one of our teams, refreshing and improving our confirmation ministry, people coming to new members’ classes, and on and on. In GRATITUDE we can all realize that, even as we plan for calling a new senior pastor, we carry on and witness for Christ. Now there are still some steps to complete during this intentional time of transition. The next big step will happen when Pastor Meg finds the right place to go, and we celebrate her ministry and send her forth, like we did with Pastor Rebecca just a year ago. Be assured the Holy Spirit is working its creative force among candidates to stir their hearts to take a look at us. Be secure in the knowledge we are moving forward as we should, with GRATITUDE! In thanksgiving for all God’s abundant blessings, Pastor Sylvia STEWARDSHIP & THANKSGIVING In this season of Thanksgiving a sincere ‘thank you’ is in order to everyone who supports our congregation throughout the year with their attendance, service and regular financial contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving option. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, please pick up an authorization form from the office. Thank you for your generosity and support! 2 A M E S S A G E from the PA S T O R S “PRAISE GOD WITH YOUR WHOLE LIFE!” That was the title of my sermon Affirmation of Baptism weekend, October 9 & 10. The text was from Luke 17:11-19, which is often used for thanksgiving eve service, because it talks about the leper who returned to give thanks to God for being healed. It’s about an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. But it’s more than that. It truly is about praising God with our whole life, for our whole life. Just like thanksgiving shouldn’t be confined to one day a year, or even one weekend. We gather together in worship with fellow believers to praise and give thanks and share in Word and Sacrament and give glory to God. We gather to offer with joy and thanksgiving what God has first given us, ourselves, our time and our possessions, signs of God’s gracious love. We gather to sing God’s praises, knowing who deserves our thanks and praise. But as I talked about, sometimes our priorities get mixed up and we forget Who is our source and foundation of praise, Who is the giver of all good things. Do you truly believe God is the source of your abundance? Do you take time to notice? Do you really see all that God has done for you? And then when you do realize what God has done for you, do you respond with joy and thanksgiving? One leper came back to praise God, but where were the other nine? What could’ve possibly been on their minds to keep them from returning to Jesus with thankful hearts? Maybe their reasons find a place in our own thoughts and lives. Were not ten made clean? What really happened to the other nine? Your guess is as good as mine, but don’t be mistaken, Jesus knew. Jesus knew where each of them was at, and he knows where we are too. He knows what is going on in our thoughts and in our lives. And even when we forget, or get angry, or busy, or confused, or distraught, he will continue to offer us healing and strength, forgiveness, wholeness and LIFE! Take a look around and see all that God has given you. Family and friends, God and church, health and strength, freedom and forgiveness, hope and happiness, food and shelter, fun and education, flowers and trees, birds and sun, talents and abilities, love and LIFE! Take a look inside and see all the places God has touched and healed you. And then respond with thankful hearts, at the feet of Jesus. Praise God with your WHOLE life! We ask for God to open our eyes and see all that we have been given, blessings upon blessings, and then with thankful hearts we can respond with our whole life. I think Dakota Road’s song “To Be Alive” says it best. “TO BE ALIVE” Chorus: To be alive is to live the love that is alive in God’s saving Son who brought us back from a life of death to be alive There is nothing I can do to save me Only God carries us home So we live mercy, hope and freedom Loving another to be whole (Chorus) Join the singing, join the celebration Jesus lives, we are restored Love alive, giving and forgiving Loving another to be whole (Chorus) Words and Music by Larry Olson & David Lee Brown ©1993 Dakota Road Music. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. Praise GOD with your WHOLE life! For your WHOLE life! With Praise & Thanksgiving, Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, In the light of elections, in the tensions of disagreement, and always, we need to stop focusing on winning and losing, and enjoy each day for what God has put in it. Live in the present, knowing that through Christ we have hope and have already won. So I may think you’re a loser, but we’re all winners! Winner, Winner, we’re still a sinner! And a saint! — Pastor Meg Sander Each day is an awesome day filled with love and joy and color! GOING GREEN Humans, in service to God, have special roles on behalf of the whole of creation. Made in God’s image, we are called to care for the Earth as God cares for the Earth. —ELCA social statement, Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice Caring for creation is an essential component of religious faith and witness. Faithful “earthkeeping” can deepen our relationship both with God and with one another as we work for the healing of the world. With this in mind, First Lutheran Church is making steps towards GOING GREEN! In an effort to reduce waste and care for the world that God has entrusted us with, we are changing from the use of styrofoam plates and cups to biodegradable. There will be somewhat of an increased expense, but this is an important part of being a good steward. Thank you for your support! When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established, what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? [Yet] have given them dominion over the works of your hands. — Psalm 8:3-4, 6a 3 O F F I C E U P D AT E S SEPTEMBER FINANCE REPORT Ministry Budget: Budget Supporting Revenue Budget Related Expenditures FLC STAFF E-MAIL ADDRESSES Church Office Pastor Sylvia Karlsson Transition Pastor Pastor Meg Sander Associate Pastor of Children, Youth & Family Ministries Carol Bosshardt Visitation Lay Minister carol Lisa Kozlowski Church Secretary Marti Brockmeier Bookkeeper Annette Schwartz Communications Specialist & Technical Coordinator Natalie Radcliffe Worship Music Coordinator Judy O’Donnell Preschool Director Don Duffie Church Custodian OUR MISSION & CORE VALUES Sept. 2016 YTD '16-'17 YTD '15-'16 $ 43,575 $ 215,630 $ 189,659 $ (55,214) $ (221,819) $ (214,783) Total 2016-2017 Ministry Budget: $709,112 Facilities Budget: Revenue Expenditures Sept. 2016 YTD '16-'17 YTD '15-'16 $ 5,938 $ 25,567 $ 24,359 $ (6,939) $ (25,042) $ (22,603) Total 2016-2017 Facilities Budget: $45,000 USE OF OFFERING ENVELOPES Thank you to all those who regularly make use of the weekly offering envelopes. It may not be possible to keep an accurate recording of your contributions if you do not use your envelopes. If you choose to contribute by check without using the envelopes, please write your offering envelope number on your check. This will enable us to record your contributions accurately. Any loose checks that are received without an envelope number noted may not be reflected on your contribution statement. Contributions to the Ministry Budget and Facilities Budget can be combined in one check. If you are not receiving offering envelopes and would like some, please contact Marti in the church office. Thank you for your help! DEPOSIT PROCEDURES When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. PLEASE LET US KNOW! Please let the church office know if there has been a death, birth, baptism, or marriage that you would like to share. Contact 308-237-5544 or HIPPA regulations do not allow the hospital to notify the church that we have a member in the hospital, without you specifically asking them to call us. Please request that the hospital call the church office to let us know that you or a family member are in the hospital. Our Theme: Receiving...Sharing...Uniting Our Mission: Receiving God’s Grace. Sharing God’s Love. Uniting in Christ. Our Purpose: Uniting as one to worship God, to follow Christ, and to share a spirit of love and service to others. VIDEO BROADCASTS AVAILABLE ONLINE Our Core Values: Inspiring Worship that connects us to God and others. Engaging Discipleship that invites us into a committed relationship with God and others. Compassionate Service that empowers us to be the body of Christ in our community and the world. Radical Hospitality that welcomes others as Christ welcomes us. LIVE RADIO BROADCAST 4 Unable to make it to church? Watch a LIVE web broadcast of our Sunday Morning Worship Services 8:45 am and 10:30/11:00 am. A link for the live stream is available at: www. Previously recorded sermons are available on our You Tube channel: First Lutheran - Kearney - Sermons. We are temporarily not loading recorded sermons on YouTube. Live radio broadcast of our Sunday Morning Worship Service can be heard on KXPN 1460 AM at 8:45 am. The cost to sponsor a radio broadcast is $165.00 per week. If you would like to help sponsor a radio broadcast, please contact Kim Deyo at: 308-440-5050. SUBMISSIONS FOR NEWSLETTER & PROJECTION ANNOUNCEMENTS The deadline for weekly announcements is Wednesday at 4:00 pm. The submission deadline for the monthly newsletter “The Messenger” is the 15th of the prior month. Submit to: annetteschwartz@ or call the church office at 308-237-5544. C O U N C I L & T E A M U P D AT E S VOLUNTEERS of the MONTH Peace to you all and God’s blessings from the FLC Council. Here are a few details from our latest council meeting held on Tuesday, October 11. The business phone system in the office is not working properly and is beyond repair. Annette Schwartz presented 3 different bids for a new phone system. The council voted and approved the bid from Frontier Communications for 10 new phones in the amount of $5,121.64. The council officially approved the most recent changes to the Ministry Site Profile. This revised document has been submitted online and is viewable by Sr. Pastoral candidates. We also approved changes to the job description for the Parish Administrator position, including adding more supervisory responsibilities and emphasizing record keeping. The job listing has been posted and we’re already seeing some applications being submitted. Funding was approved to send Youth Leaders Keith Powell and Tiffany Kost to the ELCA Extravaganza event in Kentucky. This event will take place in January. Our Youth Leaders will bring back new skills and knowledge that they can use to enhance our youth ministry at FLC. We are thankful for the faithful and proactive efforts of Keith and Tiffany. We approved an Endowment request for $3,000 to be donated to the ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response fund. This money is to be used to benefit the survivors and cleanup efforts following Hurricane Matthew. We pray this money be a blessing to those in need. Several other items were discussed as we aim to keep progressing as a church in the name of Christ. Here’s a short list of other topics on the agenda: • Designated Christmas Eve loose offerings to Lutheran Disaster Response • Approved $150 purchase of an override switch for our security system • Approved hiring a part-time custodian position of 4-6 hours/week to clean bathrooms and kitchens. This will go to Personnel Team for their review. • Discussed planning an FLC Leadership Retreat and set a date of January 30. It was a long, but productive meeting and we continue to strive to do our best to represent the congregation as a whole. We welcome questions, comments and other feedback from the congregation. Blessings, Your Church Council Working behind the scenes is a group of people who you might not ever notice, but are essential to the functioning of the church! They are the Counters and Depositors. At least, those are the words we use for them here at First Lutheran Church. We know at every worship service, we pass the offering plates and encourage each other to be generous because we are “giving back to God” in thanks for all the blessings we have received. This act of worship has been going on since people gathered together in the earliest days of the church. Well, those offering plates are brought forward in worship and we sing God’s praises, but afterwards they are “whisked away” for safekeeping. Its the carefulness of our “Depositors” who quietly do this task, mostly unnoticed, but always dependable. They take assigned turns for each service, for each week, year in and year out. Then, later those offerings are counted to be sure our financial books match up with what the bank says. That effort is done by our faithful “Counters” who show up week after week without fail, and who maintain confidentiality with assurance. These folks are in the background, but this month we honor them as our Volunteers of the Month. You probably still won’t notice them, which is just fine, because that’s the way they want it to be. But here are their names if you’d like to say thank you when you see them: • Kari Anderson • Doris Maurer • Betty Kempf • Betty Heiliger • Stan and Sharon Wilson • Frank and Mary Wright • Don and Judy Niemann • Ken and Alicia Tracy • Jim and Jeanette Andersen • Steve and Megan Boyer • Don and Laura Clark • Al and Betty Young • Todd and Althea Stover • Bill and Rosella Meier • Bob and Carole Dreher • Judy Henning God bless all our wonderful volunteers! 5 NOVEMBER WORSHIP THEMES WORSHIP TIMES SATURDAY 6:00 PM...............TRADITIONAL SUNDAY 8:45 AM..............TRADITIONAL 11:00 AM............WORSHIP & PRAISE HEALING SERVICE 1st Saturday of each month 5:30-6:00 PM in the Chapel LIVE VIDEO STREAM SUNDAYS 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM/11:00 AM WWW.FIRSTLUTHERANKEARNEY.ORG LIVE RADIO BROADCAST SUNDAYS 8:45 AM ON KXPN 1460 AM NOVEMBER 12 & 13 Malachi 4:1-2a; Psalm 98; 2 Thessalonians 3:613; Luke 21:5-19; Isaiah 65:17-25; Isaiah 12:2-6 26th Sunday after Pentecost In holy baptism God makes saints out of sinners. In holy communion God forgives the sins of all the saints. In the assembly today we give thanks for all the saints “who from their labors rest,” who have fought the good fight, who have gained the crown. In the same breath we petition our God for the strength to hear and to heed the admonitions of the Lord Jesus in today’s gospel. Recalling that we have been sealed by the Spirit and sustained by the Savior’s body and blood, we keep on keeping on as God gives us breath, to the praise of God’s glory. NOVEMBER 19 & 20 Jeremiah 21:1-6; Psalm 46; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43; Jeremiah 21:1-6; Luke 1:68-79 Christ the King Jeremiah’s promise of the execution of “justice and righteousness in the land “ finds ironic fulfillment in the execution of Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews. It appears so utterly contradictory that the king should be crucified with the criminal. This victory appears for all the world as ignominious defeat. Yet through the gate of death our Lord opens the door to paradise. NOVEMBER 5 & 6 NOVEMBER 26 & 27 All Saints Sunday First Sunday of Advent Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31 In holy baptism God makes saints out of sinners. In holy communion God forgives the sins of all the saints. In the assembly today we give thanks for all the saints “who from their labors rest,” who have fought the good fight, who have gained the crown. In the same breath we petition our God for the strength to hear and to heed the admonitions of the Lord Jesus in today’s gospel. Recalling that we have been sealed by the Spirit and sustained by the Savior’s body and blood, we keep on keeping on as God gives us breath, to the praise of God’s glory. 6 Jeremiah 21:1-6; Psalm 46; Colossians 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43; Jeremiah 21:1-6; Luke 1:68-79 The new church year begins with a wakeup call: Christ is coming soon! In today’s readings both Paul and Jesus challenge us to wake from sleep, for we know neither the day nor hour of the Lord’s coming. Isaiah proclaims the day when God will gather all people on the holy mountain and there will be no more war or suffering. Though we vigilantly watch for the promised day of salvation, we wait for what we already have: Christ comes among us this day as the word and meal that strengthens our faith in the promises of God. CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL Kyle Means - President Jennifer Puls - Vice President Wendell Wessels - Treasurer Lanny Gerdes - Secretary Kim Deyo Keith Powell Myron Riddle Kelly Russman CJ Sabah MINISTRY SITE PROFILE TEAM Megan Boyer Lanny Gerdes Mark Kottmeyer Kyle Means Jen Puls CALL COMMITTEE Steve Boyer Gary Buehner Pam Epley Suzette Eppler Bill Schmidt Angela Wright John Brockmeier HAVE QUESTIONS? Contact information for our Congregational Council Representatives, Ministry Site Profile Team and Call Committee are available in the lobby or the church office. A D U LT E D U C AT I O N & F E L L O W S H I P Adult Education and Fellowship opportunities are in abundance at First Lutheran Church. If you are curious about any of the programming we offer and want more information, please contact the church office at: 308-237-5544 or just show up! SUNDAY SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE FELLOWSHIP Sundays 9:45-11:00 am in the Café DAILY DISCIPLESHIP Sundays 9:45-10:50 am in the Fellowship Hall Led by Dave Zimmer and Jim Anderson. Discussions will enhance both worship and Bible knowledge, because it will have a similar theme on the scripture that you will have already heard (or will be about to hear) in our regular worship services on Sundays. Of course, some Sundays, we will be having a Council Q & A session, and occasionally we will have an adult forum on a topic of interest, but every Sunday there will be something to inform you, educate you, and help you grow as a disciple of our living Lord! MONDAY GRACE BIBLE STUDY Ladies interested in joining a monthly Bible Study are invited to attend. Regular meetings are on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Chapel. Please come and invite a friend! WEDNESDAY DISCIPLESHIP 101 Every Wednesday evening at 6:00 we meet to talk about what’s in the Bible. We are currently talking about the book of Galatians. If you are interested or wondering what the Bible has to say about your life, you might want to join us. We would be happy to welcome you, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, in the Conference Room. THURSDAY MARTIN & KATIE’S COFFEE HOUR Please join our seasoned and sensational members and friends in the Café Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:00 am for delectable delights and candid conversation. All are welcome for this great time of fellowship. SATURDAY MEN’S STUDY GROUP This study is based on the Master Builders Bible for Men. Join us on Saturday mornings from 7:45-8:45 AM in the Conference Room. For more information, contact Brent Whitefoot at NEW MEMBER RECEPTION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 9:45 am Fellowship Hall Let’s give a warm welcome to the newest members of our First Lutheran Church Family! Join us on Sunday, November 13 at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall for a reception for our new members. Enjoy Breakfast Pastries, Refreshments and Fellowship TUESDAY SUNRISE PRAYER & STUDY GROUP This group meets at 7:00 am on Tuesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall. This study takes a look at the upcoming gospel text from the lectionary and discussion is centered around how this applies to our lives today. a Happy Thanksgiving! THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 AND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 7 SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF PACKING DAY Help Finish Fleece Blankets and Lutheran World Relief Packing from 8:30 -11:00 am on Monday, November 7 in Fellowship Hall and the Quilting Room. H.A.T.S. Join us for devotions at 9:30 am on November 2 in the Café before we visit homebound members who might be lonely, recovering from surgery or other health issues from 10:00-11:00 am. GREETERS & USHERS Greeters & Ushers are needed to fill the empty spots available for worship. Please consider this ministry. Contact the church office for more information. MEDIA BOOTH VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are needed for sound, projection and video. Currently looking for volunteers for the 2nd Saturdays of each month for the 6:00 pm worship service. Training is available. Contact the church office at 308-237-5544. MONDAY MORNING QUILT TYING Monday Morning Quilters meet on the first Monday of the month. Our next meeting will be on MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 from 8:30 am–12:00 pm in the Quilting Room, northwest of the Café. All are welcome to tie or cut fabrics. Be sure to join us for the Lutheran World Relief Packing Day will be held on Monday, November 7 from 9:00 am-12:00 noon. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. RIDES TO CHURCH If you are a home-bound resident that would like to come to church each week, please contact the church office. Also, volunteers that are willing to pick up church members in need of transportation on occasion, please call the office. Volunteers will need vehicles that are easy for those with physical limitations to get in and out of. Call the church office at 237-5544 for more information. HELP WANTED FOR EMBROIDERY PROJECT In search of someone who is able to embroider 2 to 2 1/2 inch letters for a project. Suzette Eppler is looking for a few people who are interested in helping with a new project that involves fabric and sewing. This is a fun and simple project that will is designated for families of young children during the church service. If you are interested, please contact Suzette at (308) 338-8338 or PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Please join FLC Prayer Shawl Ministry Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Café. You are welcome to stay the whole time or just for a few minutes. Our Prayer Shawls touch many lives in many ways. We are taking Prayer Shawl requests at this time. If you are interested in becoming a part of the ministry, please contact Theress Bricker at 308-233-2469 or Carol Bosshardt at 308-224-3734. DO YOU NEED A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT? COULD YOU BE AN ENCOURAGER? Jesus told his disciples they should “always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1). We have telephone and email prayer chains as well as the bulletin prayer list. You can call the church office (2375544) to be listed on any of the prayer lists when you need a little encouragement. Jeanette Andersen (237-3634), Mary Lu MIntling (237-5716), or Marlene Kotrc (234-3293) can put your requests on the telephone prayer chain, and Carol Bosshardt (224-3734) can send out an email prayer request for you or a loved one. If you would like to pray for people who send a special prayer request to the telephone or email prayer chains, you can call any of the leaders and ask to join the telephone or email prayer chains. For more information, call Carol. Anyone interested in visiting our homebound members in care facilities or in their homes can also call Carol to join our visitation team. ALTAR FLOWERS Sign up to share Altar Flowers with the congregation. The sign up sheet can be found on the bulletin board south of the church office. NEWSLETTER VOLUNTEERS Newsletter volunteers are needed to help fold on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 and label and sort the newsletters for mailing on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 at 9:30 am in the Conference Room. All are welcome. Training is provided. AFTERNOON PRAYER GROUP Are you concerned about what’s happening in our nation? Do events in other parts of the world cause you concern? Would you like to be part of the answer? If so, you might want to join us in prayer. We meet every Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 in the chapel. You do not have to be an “expert pray-er”. You don’t even have to pray out loud, if you’d rather not. Jesus has promised that where two or three are gathered in His Name, He is in the midst of them. Consider joining us as we talk to Him about our community, our nation and the world. 8 SIGN UP FOR WEEKLY E-NEWS It’s easy to join our weekly email list! Keep up to date with activities at First Lutheran Church — sign up for our weekly e-mail! You will receive a weekly update of upcoming events, special notices, and access to our weekly and monthly newsletters. You will be able to remove your name from this list at any time and we will not provide your e-mail address to anyone else. Text: FIRSTLUTHKRNY to 22828 to get started, or visit our website: WWW.FIRSTLUTHERANKEARNEY.ORG W I T H I N O U R C H U R C H FA M I LY F Thank You H Dear First Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA, Thank you very much for your donation to the Jubilee Center. It is always much appreciated. Kearney Jubilee Center Dear Staff & members of First Lutheran Church, Thank you so much for the lovely plaque given to us for our 50th Anniversary. We appreciate the thoughtfulness. We also thank the members of First Lutheran who sent so many beautiful cards. You truly are family. Don & Judy Niemann In honor of Pastor Karlsson, 1 Bible will be distributed by members of The Gideons International to help transform lives through the word of God. Donated by Kearney Gideons Dear First Lutheran Church, Thank you for your recent gift of $100.00 to Gulf Coast Flooding. It provides help and hope in the face of devastation and makes possible rapid and flexible response. We cannot do this important work without you. Our church is know for our capacity to respond effectively to disasters. In many of the hardest hit areas, Lutheran Disaster Response or its partners through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is already there. We couple the generosity of your gift with the presence and knowledge of the needs at the local level. Your gift comes at a moment when we are responding to more significant disasters in a compressed period than any time in decades. Every gift is critical. Thank you. It is by faith and grace that a time of despair can be turned into a season of hope. With gratitude for your partnership in this ministry, Rev. Daniel Rift, Director ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal Thank you so much for the prayers, kind words, and cards we received upon the death of my uncle. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. Annette Schwartz & family F baptisms H with joy and prayers of thanks, we welcome into the family of God: Brooklyn Jade Weaver daughter of Jesse & Lindsey (McGee) Weaver Baptized October 1, 2016 Owen Andrew Clark son of Jeremiah & Meggan (Brewster) Clark Baptized October 15, 2016 F prayers H of sympathy and comfort for: Family & friends of Bruce Kruse upon his death Mark Schipporeit on the death of his father, Norman Edward Schipporeit Annette Schwartz & family on the death of her uncle, Norman Springer F WEDDINGS H we offer prayers and thanksgiving for the love of: Preston Lentfer & Cami Rose married October 8, 2016 Dear First Lutheran Church Family & Friends, I am writing this to officially inform you that I will be resigning from my position as Communications Specialist and Technical Coordinator for First Lutheran Church. While I have enjoyed the past 8+ years of service to the First Lutheran Congregation, I have been offered another opportunity to further my career as a graphic artist. I would like to take this opportunity to say that making this decision has been difficult —working at First Lutheran Church has been such a positive experience and one for which I am grateful. I have gained much here and have enjoyed working with the staff and congregation. Working in the church office has allowed me to get to know so many wonderful people within our staff and congregation! I look forward to remaining an active member of our beloved church family. I wish First Lutheran Church every success in the future and thank you for the opportunities I have been given during my time as a staff member. See you in church! Sincerely, Annette Schwartz Thank You Letters were also recently received from the following for our financial support: Kearney Area Habitat for Humanity Crossroads Center Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Mosaic 9 WOMEN of the ELCA MARK YOUR CALENDARS Ladies who are interested in joining a monthly Bible study are invited to attend a women’s circle. Circles can be joined at any time during the year. Co-Chairs: Rosemary Miller Judy Niemann President-Elect: Betty Kempf Secretary: Deanna Schwartz Treasurer: Megan Boyer FRIDAY-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4-6 Saved to Serve Opportunity Food Packaging at York Correctional Center MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 9:00 am - Fellowship Hall Lutheran World Relief Packing Day 7:00 pm - Fellowship Hall Women of the ELCA Board Meeting NOVEMBER 19 & 20 Thank Offering at all worship services SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 9:00 am - Fellowship Hall Christmas Coffee SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2017 Winter Retreat SAVED TO SERVE The next Saved to Serve Opportunity will be held in November at the Correctional Center in York. Food items will be packaged to give to needy children. See more information on the Women of ELCA bulletin board. LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF PACKING DAY Packing day for LWR will be November 7 at 9:00. Please plan to come and help pack that morning. THANK OFFERING SUNDAY Please plan to bring your Thank Offerings to worship services on November 19 & 20. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Grand Island ABIGAIL CIRCLE (SEPT.–MAY) 9:00 am—3rd Thursday Co-Chairs: LaVon McLane (308-293-1882) and Jill Johnson (308-234-1659) DEBORAH CIRCLE 7:00 pm –3rd Monday Co-Chairs: Alicia Tracy (308-234-4793) and Jo Smallcomb (308-234-3053) GLORIA CIRCLE 12:00 pm—3rd Thursday Chair: Judy Workman (308-237-2781) NAOMI CIRCLE 7:30 pm—4th Thursday (3rd Thurs. in Nov.) Chair: Mildred Bliefernich (308-236-9266) REBEKAH CIRCLE 9:00 am—3rd Tuesday SARAH CIRCLE Gibbon group—Time Varies Chair: Bev Vacha (308-468-6239) 10 PA C K I N G D AY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 9:00 AM — FELLOWSHIP HALL All are invited and encouraged to attend the LWR Packing Day! We still have more quilts and kits to put together. Join us as we pack quilts and kits for shipping overseas and in the US to those in need. MAKING A DIFFERENCE ComeLordJesusbeourguest MISSION & OUTREACH TEAM ...andletthesegiftstousbeblessed. Many of us grew up saying, “Come, Lord Jesus, ...“ at every meal, and it is always good to invite Jesus to be with us. Tom and I still say this prayer at most meals, and I hope we stop to think what it means rather than rapidly blurting out a thoughtless habit. My sister and her family developed a different tradition. They say a spontaneous, extemporaneous prayer at each meal, thanking God for things that come to mind, asking for blessings and desires that they think of in the moment. It is harder to turn spontaneous prayer into thoughtless habits, but it doesn’t feel as much like a community prayer when one person prays for a gathered group. Different prayers serve God and God’s people in different ways. As uncomfortable as the contemporary version of the Lord’s Prayer makes me feel, I appreciate both its contemporary language and its traditional petitions. It makes me think again about who our God is and what our relationship is to both God and our world. Habitual prayers as well as the thoughtprovoking prayers offer us both comfortable habits in difficult and transitional times and a little bit of a jar to make us think again about how God calls us to serve each day, each week, and each month. As we take some names off of our bulletin prayer list in the next two months, please think again about the names of your family and friends and their physical, mental, and spiritual health. Feel free to call me or the church office to ask for names to be added to the list or to the telephone or email lists. And please don’t think that we have deleted names because we think less of anyone. We hope you will practice habits that help you and your family and friends move beyond routine to “think again” and focus on honoring and listening to our Lord and Savior each meal and each day. FREED FOR LIFE 2016 Sunday, November 13, 2016 6:00–8:00 pm Sheridan Lutheran Church, 70th & Old Cheney Rd., Lincoln, NE Every Fall, Followers of Christ Prison Ministry hosts an evening of food and fellowship to support three different prison ministries: (1) the Nebraska Synod’s Followers of Christ of Prison Ministry, (2) Our Savior Lutheran Church’s The FEAST, and (3) Bridges to Hope. Location: Sheridan Lutheran Church, 70th & Old Cheney Road Lincoln, Nebraska Registration Deadline: November 4, 2016 Keynote Speaker: NDCS Director, Scott Frakes Participants can purchase a table or individual tickets. To register, visit: The Kearney Jubilee Center Thrift Store & Food Pantry helps feed the hungry and clothe those in need, here in Buffalo County. It is one of nine agencies that our team supports from our annual budget. This year $1,500.00 was budgeted for Jubilee Center. In addition, we have designated the Jubilee Center to receive the Community Thanksgiving Service offering, which will be held at the First Presbyterian church this year. Tangible offerings may be left in the Jubilee Center Grocery Cart that can be found in various locations throughout the church. We move the cart occasionally, not to confuse, but to allow increased exposure to all members, as they enter church from all entrances. The cart has signage that will provide you with a list of suggested items of need. Our team sees these efforts as an opportunity to encourage our members to reach out beyond themselves, to spread God’s love locally, fulfilling one of Jesus’ commands to love, serve, and care for our brothers and sisters. We encourage you to visit the Jubilee Center website, by going to www. While there, you can easily see what their values, mission, and vision bring to our community. Have you seen the Jubilee Center Cart lately? Let’s fill it up! Contact Info: Pastor Bob Bryan 402-640-7145 In the JOY of Jesus, Carol Bosshardt Visitation Lay Minister 11 MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES RING in the HOLIDAYS RESOURCES HANDBELL CONCERT Sunday, December 4, 2016 – 7:00 PM Merryman Performing Arts Center 800-638-3522 Natalie Radcliffe on flute beginning at 6:45 PM First Lutheran Chancel Bells, First Methodist Acclamation Bells, First Presbyterian Gloria Dei Bells, Holy Cross Bell Choir, Holy Cross 6-8 grade Mid-Week Bell Choir, First Lutheran Praiser Bells 800-597-5972 Free will offering and cookie reception following the concert. First Lutheran Church has the following music ministries available and invites you to become involved in one or more. CHANCEL CHOIR Wednesdays 7:00-8:15 PM - North Hall Director: C.J. Sabah CHANCEL BELLS Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 PM - Sanctuary Director: Natalie Radcliffe 402-896-5311 THANKSGIVING EVE COMMUNITY SERVICE & PIE SOCIAL PRAISER BELLS Youth in Grades 3–8 Wednesdays 5:15-6:00 PM - Sanctuary Director: Angela Wright WORSHIP TEAMS These groups sing year round for the Contemporary Worship Service. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays 8:00 PM in the Sanctuary CHILDREN’S CHOIR Children Pre-K through Grade 5. Meets during FROG & Sunday School Director: Amanda Lewis MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR Grades 6-8 Wednesday 6:15-6:45 – North Hall Director: Angela Wright 12 402-944-2544 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 COMBINED CHOIR REHEARSAL AT 6:00 PM The choir will be made up of people from various congregational choirs within the community -- choir members can rehearse together at 6:00 pm that evening. WORSHIP SERVICE AT 7:00 PM FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4511 6TH AVENUE • KEARNEY, NEBRASKA 308-237-5544 LOOKING AHEAD CAMPUS LUTHERAN THANKSGIVING — MEAL — MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 5:30 PM — until food is gone at Campus Lutheran Campus Lutheran, along with the Newman Center, serves a full Thanksgiving meal to hungry college students and those involved with campus life. We are in need of desserts and volunteers. Please have desserts to Campus Lutheran by Monday at noon. We need volunteers to help serve during the meal. This is a nourishing ministry to both Campus Lutheran and the Newman Center. A MESSAGE FROM THE FLC ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE During major disasters such as Hurricane Matthew, The ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response Organization is known to be one of such groups to be first on site and sometimes last to leave. Your Endowment committee at FLC felt that a contribution to our own group was the most effective to help the victims of Hurricane Matthew. Therefore it contributed $3000.00 to help. We hope may of our members of FLC will folllow this lead and contribute whatever they can. ADVENT FAIR Join us for the Advent Fair SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 9:45-10:55 am Between Services - Centennial Hall Our Advent Fair is a wonderful event for the whole family! Children can enjoy a myriad of fun and exciting activities: crafts, cookie decorating, making cards for homebound members and more. Join us for the fun! Donations are being accepted for the following items to help make the Advent Fair a success: • Unusable CDs or DVDs • 2 to 3 inch miniature trees • 2 to 3 inch pine cones • Frosting: red, green and white • Small dragon fly bead • 3 inch bolts • Varied sizes of washers and nuts • Hobby Lobby gift cards • Powdered lemonade • Red or green plastic long tablecloths If you have any comments or questions, please contact Suzette Eppler (308) 338-8338 or Any help is accepted and appreciated. Thank you. CARING & SHARING MINISTRY “So now I am giving you a new commandment: LOVE EACH OTHER, just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” — John 13:34 NLT A ministry for members to care for one another has begun again at First Lutheran Church! The ministry’s purpose is to provide a meal to members who have been in the hospital, had a new baby, lost a loved one, etc. Volunteers are needed to provide these meals. If you would like to share God’s love with another, please consider being a part of this important ministry. Sign-up sheets can be found in the Narthex. Please contact Megan Boyer at 308-440-0501 or Cheryl Gerdes at 308-627-7588 with any questions. 13 FLC PRESCHOOL NEWS SUPPORT FIRST LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL — DECEMBER 1, 2016 — 3/4 YR. OLD CLASSROOM NEWS PRE-K CLASSROOM NEWS The 3 yr. old classroom is showing so much growth since we began! The class is having a blast everyday coming to school wearing a different color and sharing an object that is the same color. They are learning to introduce themselves and do so in complete sentences. The progress is amazing and we just began this Sept. 26th. We will have gone through almost all the colors by the time we reach Halloween. Our themes have been Fall Fun, where we learned about how we know it is fall. Then we had a week where we learned about how apples and pumpkins grow. The students made a lift the flap paper that showed the development from seed to pumpkin. They also got to paint with actual halves of apples. This week we are learning about life on the farm. They are making a tractor on paper using shapes they have already learned. The kids get to make butter too! Boy did we have an amazing day with our dads when it was the week of the letter D. The dads came to eat donuts and juice, make a beautiful piece of art with fall nature, play with bouncy balls and hula hoops, got introduced by their child and joined in a fall letter book. These dads had fun with their child and learned that we are working hard here in a fun way! Mrs. Lora and I are loving each day with these kids! They are smart! Happy Fall From Pre-K — Mrs. Amanda Lewis I hope everyone is enjoying the colors and beauty that the season of fall brings into our lives. We sure have been enjoying fall in Pre-K this month! We welcomed fall in with a wonderful field trip to Rails and Trails in Kearney. The children really learned a lot about some of the history around them. We were treated to a tour of the school house, the depot and the church. You can see all the fun we had by checking out our First Lutheran Facebook page also. Our yearly leaf walk took us to Dryden Park and the children collected leaves and brought them back to class to examine and complete a project. Chapel has begun for the children and they really enjoy their time with Pastor Meg. They enjoy the stories and love learning songs. Class pictures were taken for all the classes again this year, and we have had visits from Ms. Shawna the librarian at Kearney Public Library. We ended the month with a pumpkin patch that grew in front of our classrooms over night and the children all picked a pumpkin to take home! Our Halloween party and parade was the following day and again a big thank you to all the parents who helped to make it a fun time! We are so blessed with wonderful families that help us and support our school. As you can see we have had a fun-filled October and now getting ready for November and of course all we have to be thankful for. God Bless, — Mrs. Judy O’Donnell 14 Please support First Lutheran Preschool on Thursday, December 1 for Give Where You Live, Kearney area’s giving day. It is a 24-hour online event that provides a simple way to connect donors to the charitable causes they care about most. This virtual fundraising effort, hosted by the Kearney Area Community Foundation with the help of generous donors and sponsors, offers local nonprofits a chance to raise thousands of dollars for the benefit of all. The First Lutheran Preschool is participating in Give Where You Live this year to raise funds for new playground equipment. Play is an essential part of child development and what we see as “having fun” is actually helping the child grow, not only physically but cognitively. Children learn how to use their imagination on the playground, and the exercise helps to strengthen their muscles. As you look at our playground, you will notice that many years of preschool classes have taken its toll on the equipment. We have not been able to replace any play equipment for several years, so this is where we need your help! Please participate in Give Where You Live on Thursday, December 1 and help us update our playground to make it more safe and fun for the students at First Lutheran Preschool. According to Mrs. Judy, “Nothing makes a child smile more than when we tell them it’s time to go out to recess”! To donate, go to and search “First Lutheran Preschool” on or before December 1st. Thank you for your support! First Lutheran Preschool CHILDREN’S MINISTRY YOU’RE INVITED TO ATTEND: — F.R.O.G. — FULLY RELY ON GOD Wednesday Night Programming for children Pre-K through 5th Grade WEDNESDAYS 6:30–7:45 PM SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN’S CHOIR SCHEDULE 2016 Sunday Morning Programming NOVEMBER 20 11:00 am service for children Pre-K through 8th Grade CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS SUNDAYS 9:55–10:50 AM DECEMBER 10 6:00 PM THIS MONTH’S We will sing 2 Christmas Songs at Beginning of 11:00 AM Service, then you can leave! We will have donuts and juice in-between both services on Sunday. Also coloring, games and Christmas videos the kids can enjoy at that time: 9:50 – 10:50 AM. DECEMBER 11 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM WHAT TO WEAR? Wear your best clothes to honor Jesus! HAVE QUESTIONS? Call or text 308-240-0872 or email Amanda Lewis FEEDING THE FLOCK WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS 5:45-6:45 PM CENTENNIAL HALL FREE WILL DONATION NOVEMBER 2 Roasted Turkey, Potatoes, Veggies, Rolls NOVEMBER 9 Sloppy Joes, Macaroni Salad, Chips, Veggies & Dip NOVEMBER 16 HyVee Fried Chicken Fill in the blank to complete this verse from a psalm of thanksgiving: “Bless the LORD, O my ______, and forget not all his benefits.” A. people B. soul C. heart D. children Answer: B (See Psalm 103:2, ESV.) 15 MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH 6th & 7th Grade Confirmation NEBRASKA SYNOD MIDDLE SCHOOL GATHERING 2017 6:50-8:05 PM meet in rooms 18 & 19 JANUARY 14-15 LESSON SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 2 Judges NOVEMBER 9 Ruth NOVEMBER 16 Kings NOVEMBER 23 Thanksgiving Eve Service The Middle School Gathering is a highly interactive experience for youth in grades 6-8 and their adult leaders. Each year, the MSG lasts only approximately 31 hours, but the memories last a lifetime. Why does the Middle School Gathering happen? A group of adult leaders recently answered that question with these statements: • “Connections to the larger church happen.” • “It’s leadership development for the young people.” • “It’s easy to participate.” • “Groups are fortified and experiences get taken back home.” • “A community is created where everyone can be in God’s love.” • “All are outside their comfort zones, so people can be authentic with each other.” • “Youth get to practice independence and learn life lessons together in a safe place.” • “The MSG grows the “faith web” for each youth with additional caring adults.” First Presbyterian Church - 7:00 pm NOVEMBER 30 Mid-Week Advent Service 8th Grade Confirmation LESSON SCHEDULE 6:50-8:05 PM meet in the Chapel NOVEMBER 2 Apostles’ Creed - Article 1 NOVEMBER 9 Apostles’ Creed - Article 2 NOVEMBER 16 Apostles’ Creed - Article 3 NOVEMBER 23 Thanksgiving Eve Service First Presbyterian Church - 7:00 pm NOVEMBER 30 Mid-Week Advent Service ACOLYTE SCHEDULE VISIT THE CONFIRMATION PAGE ON WWW.FIRSTLUTHERANKEARNEY.ORG TO SIGN UP! If you are unable to serve on the day that you have been assigned, it is your responsibility to FIND A REPLACEMENT before the date you will miss and CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday. Serving as an acolyte is one of the components of the confirmation curriculum. Please be at the church 20 minutes prior to your scheduled service and CHECK IN at the Usher table located at the center door when you arrive. When EXITING the Sanctuary at the end of the service, please make sure both acolytes leave together as a team. This may mean that the person who carries the cross may need to slow down and wait for the candle lighter before exiting. Please make sure to HANG UP ROBES in the closet. 16 The next MSG is scheduled for January 14-15, 2017 at St. Pauls Lutheran Church in Grand Island. Youth in grades 6-8 and their adult leaders are invited to participate. This year’s theme will revolve around issues related to hunger in our world. The theme verse will be Matthew 25:35: “…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” Registration will be opened online once it is available. Visit GOD’S IDEA RETREATS In 2002, Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries launched Operation IDEA as a free-of-charge program to reach out to people of all ages, asking them to consider if God was calling them to serve as a pastor. The acronym, IDEA, stands for Invite; Discern; Excite; and Act. More than 300 people from middle school through adulthood have taken part in Operation IDEA retreats. Program offerings have expanded to include conversations about calls to serve as an associate in ministry, deaconess or diaconal minister as well as how God calls us to be in ministry in vocations other than as professional church workers. As a way to mark this new turn in the program the name was changed to “God’s IDEA.” Bishop Maas says, “I hope more people will participate, and more congregational members will encourage potential candidates to participate. For more information on God’s IDEA programming, contact Pastor Sylvia at Upcoming 2016-2017 Retreats: COLLEGE RETREAT HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT This retreat is held annually for college students who want to explore their vocation or who are asking the question, “What am I going to do with my life?” Each youth attends with an adult inviter, and intentional conversations take place throughout the weekend between these two. Together, they explore what it means to be called and how to recognize the call. November 18-20, 2016 Swanson Retreat Center @CJH February 24-25, 2017 Holling House @CJH SENIOR HIGH YOUTH WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TOGETHER First Lutheran Youth is open to any and all 9th-12th graders who seek friends, encouragement, food for the journey and just a place to chill and talk about Jesus. Come and walk with us. 5:45-6:30 PM Feeding The Flock Join us for a meal together. 6:30-6:45 PM Help lead FROG Gathering 7:00-8:15 PM FLY in the Lower Level Youth Room We will meet Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:15 pm. we will meet down in the youth room for our time together with food, fellowship, Bible study, discussion, prayer, relationship building, and encouraging words from Christ to strengthen us for the journey. Invite your friends and even those friends you haven’t met yet. NOVEMBER 2, 9, 16 we will have a bible study on topics YOU have chosen to discuss. NOVEMBER 23 Thanksgiving Eve service at First Presbyterian Church 7:00 pm FLY PARENT MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 7:00 pm – Café Pr. Meg will be there to talk about Mission Trips and how the money is distributed. We will also talk about fundraising opportunities for FLY. NOVEMBER 30 Decorate for the Holiday Brunch SUNDAY MORNINGS TOGETHER 9:55-10:50 AM LOWER LEVEL YOUTH ROOM with Dave Behle, Scott Darveau, Keith Powell & Friends Join us on Sunday Mornings at 9:55 am for food, fellowship and stimulating conversation as we connect with God and each other. We gather downstairs by the kitchen. Come when you can - we’ll think about you when you’re gone. 2016 LYON ASSEMBLY — The Faith Awakens — NOVEMBER 18-20, 2016 at Camp Carol Joy Holling Last chance to register for this fantastic event. There are a limited number of spots open, so don’t delay. Talk to Pastor Meg, Keith Powell, or Tiffany Kost by November 9. SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS NEEDED The youth are looking for donations for this year’s Holiday Brunch & Silent/Live Auction on December 4. Please contact Stacy Darveau, Kim Troudt, or Heather Schilke and let them know what you plan on donating. We would like to get your donations by November 9 so we can start displaying the items for people to begin bidding. Thank you for your fabulous support of our youth! We also will have a sign-up genius for food item donations FLY HOLIDAY BRUNCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 8:30-11:00 AM - CENTENNIAL HALL Make plans to attend our annual youth sponsored event to help raise funds for youth mission trips. This year we will be serving Biscuits and sausage gravy, cinnamon rolls and holiday surprise, and wonderful holiday beverages to warm your heart and soul. Free will donation will be accepted. 17 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH N O VE MBER VISIT THE NORTHERN DIOCESE OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN TANZANIA You are invited to visit our companion synod in Tanzania! As we continue to deepen our relationship with the Northern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, a Nebraska Synodsponsored accompaniment trip to Tanzania is planned for: February 6 - February 21, 2017 The approximate cost is $4,300 per person (estimated), which covers all airfare, transportation, meals, safari fees, and visas. The trip includes visits to ministry sites of the Northern Diocese as well as a safari to the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. A scholarship is available and will be equal to 75 percent of the trip’s total upfront costs. More information is available at: NOVEMBER 6 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS NOVEMBER 7 LWR PACKING DAY YOUNG ADULTS IN GLOBAL MISSION The ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program invites ELCA young adults ages 19-29 into a transformative, year-long journey in international service. As they offer themselves in service, participants are shaped by the witness of our global neighbors. They share in the journeys of companion churches and organizations in one of nine countries around the world. Country programs include Argentina/ Uruguay, Central Europe (Hungary), Jerusalem/West Bank, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Southern Africa and the United Kingdom. I can’t say enough about YAGM. Talk about changing lives, raising up disciples, witnessing the power of God’s presence in the world…YAGM has got it! I urge young adults 18-29 to seriously consider how you can be a part of this tremendous ministry. Check out their web site, http://www.elca. org/YAGM or for further information contact YAGM at 1-800-638-3522, ext. 2520. To walk side by side with our brothers and sisters around the world and gain a sense of our companionship in Christ, because of Christ, will strengthen your faith and add more meaning to your life for the rest of your life! Pray about how God can use YOU to make a difference in the world. We’ve got your back, God’s got your life! I’m excited to hear from you about this great adventure in your life. Don’t forget to fall back! Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 6 18 Applications for the 2017-2018 program year open December 1, 2016 and close February 15, 2017 for service beginning in August 2017. With love and joy, Pastor Meg NOVEMBER 13 NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED & RECEPTION NOVEMBER 20 BIDDING BEGINS ON FLY SILENT AUCTION ITEMS NOVEMBER 23 COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING EVE - WORSHIP SERVICE NOVEMBER 24 & 25 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY - CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED NOVEMBER 27 ADVENT FAIR NOVEMBER 29/30 NEWSLETTER FOLDING/LABELING & MAILING NOVEMBER 30 MID-WEEK ADVENT SERVICE DE CEMBER DECEMBER 4 FLY CHRISTMAS BRUNCH & SILENT AUCTION DECEMBER 7, 14, 21 MID-WEEK ADVENT SERVICES DECEMBER 10 WOMEN OF THE ELCA - CHRISTMAS COFFEE DECEMBER 10 & 11 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM DECEMBER 15 NEWSLETTER SUBMISSION DEADLINE DECEMBER 17 & 18 CANTATA DECEMBER 24 5:00 pm - FAMILY SERVICE 7:00 pm - CANDLELIGHT SERVICE 11:00 pm - LESSONS & CAROLS DECEMBER 25 8:45 am - TRADITIONAL WORSHIP w/COMMUNION 11:00 am - WORSHIP & PRAISE w/COMMUNION DECEMBER 26 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED DECEMBER 28/29 NEWSLETTER FOLDING/LABELING & MAILING DECEMBER 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE - NO WORSHIP SERVICE J NOVEMBER K Events Calendar - First Lutheran Church Sun Mon 30 Nov 2016 (Central Time) Tue 31 Wed Thu 1 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 1 0 : 1 5 a m - PreK am Devotion-S 2 : 3 0 p m - PreK Pm Devotion-S 5 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 7 p m - Prop.&Mgt. Team, FH 2 9 : 3 0 a m - H.A.T.S., Cafe 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 3 0 p m - Imaging Tech Team, #9 5 : 4 5 p m - Feeding the Flock, CH 6 : 1 5 p m - Heavenly Treblemakers, N 6 :H 3 0 p m - FROG Opening, S 6:30pm - New Member Class, FH 6 : 3 0 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, Cafe 6 : 3 0 p m - Quilting, QR Fri 3 Sat 4 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour @ Café 5 : 3 0 p m - Personnel Mtg, CR 7 p m - Boy Scouts District Mtg., #9 7 p m - Companions In Christ @ Fellowship Hall 5 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group @ Conference R:o3o0m 5 p m - Healing Svc., C. 6 p m - Melson BaptismS-P. Meg 6 p m - Worship (Traditional) 6 : 4 5 p m - FR OG , CH/ 9- 17 6 7 DaylightSavingsEnds 8 : 3 0 a m - Counters, CR 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 : 4 5 a m - Coffee Fellowship, C e a m - Council Rep., 9 :a5f 5 Office 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 1 1 a m - Worship &Praise, S 9 a m - LWR Packing Day, FH 1 0 : 1 5 a m - 3/4 yr old Devotion-S 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 6 : 3 0 p m - Care & Growth Team, CR 7 p m - Boy Scout Troop 139, NH/CH,18-22 7 p m - Women's Board Mtg., FH 8 7 a m - Sunrise Group @ Fellowship Hall 1 0 : 1 5 a m - PreK am Devotion-S 2 p m - Prayer Time, C 2 : 3 0 p m - PreK Pm Devotion-S 5 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 6 : 3 0 p m - Congr.Council, FH 6 : 5 0 p m - Confirm Lg Group, 1 1 9-&Chancel C 78 p/m Choir, NH 7 p m - HS Youth Group, CH 7 : 1 5 p m - Confirm. Sm. Groups, 9 C/CR/18-22 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 4 5 p m - Feeding the Flock, CH 6 p m - Discipleship 101, CR 6 : 1 5 p m - Heavenly Treblemakers, N 6 :H 3 0 p m - FROG Opening, S 6:30pm - New Member Class, FH 6 : 3 0 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, Cafe 6 : 3 0 p m - Quilting, QR 10 11 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour @ Café 7 p m - Companions In Christ @ Fellowship Hall 12 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group @ Conference Rp om o m- W o r s h i p 6 (Traditional) 6 : 4 5 p m - FR OG , CH/ 9- 17 13 14 15 New Members Received 8 : 3 0 a m - Counters, CR Messenger Deadline 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9:45am - New Member Reception, FH 9 : 5 5 a m - Council Rep., Office 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 1 1 a m - Worship &Praise, S 1 0 : 1 5 a m - 3/4 yr old Devotion-S 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 6 p m - Mission Outreach Team, CR 7 p m - Boy Scout Troop 139, NH/CH,18-22 7 p m - Grace Bible Study, C 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 9 a m - Rebekah Circle @ Regency 1 0 : 1 5 a m - PreK am Devotion-S 2 p m - Prayer Time, C 20 2 : 3 0 p m - PreK Pm Devotion-S 5 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 6 : 3 0 p m - Confirmation sub c i t t -e S e -t F 6o : 3m0m pm eH wardshipT eamMeet; CR 21 Silent Auction Begins 8 : 3 0 a m - Counters, CR 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 : 4 5 a m - Coffee Fellowship, C e a m - Council Rep., 9 :a5f 5 Office 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 1 1 a m - Worship &Praise, S 27 1 0 : 1 5 a m - 3/4 yr old Devotion-S 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 6 : 3 0 p m - Witness & Members T C R Scout Troop 7e pamm-, Boy 139, NH/CH,18-22 7 p m - Deborah Circle, FH 28 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 : 4 5 a m - Advent Fair, CH 9 : 4 5 a m - Coffee Fellowship, C e a m - Council Rep., 9 :a5f 5 Office 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 1 1 a m - Worship &Praise, S 8 : 3 0 a m - Counters, CR 1 0 : 1 5 a m - 3/4 yr old Devotion-S 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 6 p m - Boy Scout Troop 139, NH/CH,18-22 6 : 3 0 p m - Court of Honors R e cme p ion,S 7p - tWorship Life Team, CR 22 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 1 0 : 1 5 a m - PreK am Devotion-S 2 p m - Prayer Time, C 2 : 3 0 p m - PreK Pm Devotion-S 5 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 7 p m - PreschoolBoard, CR 29 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 1 0 : 1 5 a m - PreK am Devotion-S 2 p m - Prayer Time, C 2 : 3 0 p m - PreK Pm Devotion-S 5 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 6 : 5 0 p m - Confirm Lg Group, 1 1 9-&Chancel C 78 p/m Choir, NH 7 p m - HS Youth Group, CH 7 p m - Parent Meet grd 8-12-Cafe 7 : 1 5 p m - Confirm. Sm. Groups, C / CmR /- 1W 8 -o2r2s h i p T e a m 8p Rehearsal, S 16 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 4 5 p m - Feeding the Flock, CH 6 p m - Discipleship 101, CR 6 : 1 5 p m - Heavenly Treblemakers, N 6 :H 3 0 p m - FROG Opening, S 6 : 3 0 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, Cafe 6 : 3 0 p m - Quilting, QR 17 18 9 a m - Abigail Circle 19 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group @ Conference Rp om o m- Jones Baptism6 Meg 6 p m - Worship (Traditional) 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour @ Café 1 2 p m - Gloria Circle, FH 7 p m - Companions In Christ @ Fellowship Hall Circle 7 : 3 0 p m - Naomi 6 : 4 5 p m - FR OG , CH/ 9- 17 6 : 5 0 p m - Confirm Lg Group, 1 1 9-&Chancel C 78 p/m Choir, NH 7 p m - HS Youth Group, CH 7 : 1 5 p m - Confirm. Sm. Groups, C / CmR /- 1W 8 -o2r2s h i p T e a m 8p Rehearsal, S 23 7 p m - Thanksgiving Serv@first Presp Church 8 p m - Pie Social@First Presp Church 24 OFFICE CLOSED 30 9 : 3 0 a m - Messenger folding, CR 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 6 : 1 0 p m - Heavenly Treblemakers, N 6 :H 30pm - Advent Service, S 7 p m - Chancel Choir, NH 7 p m - HS Youth Group, CH 8 p m - Worship Team Rehearsal, S 25 OFFICE CLOSED 1 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour @ Café 7 p m - Boy Scouts District Mtg., #9 2 5:30pm - Wedding Rehearsal, S 26 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group @ Conference Rp om o m- W o r s h i p 6 (Traditional) 3 Sending of Communion 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group @ Conference Rp om o m- S e a c r e s t / V a n S l y k 4 e Wedding 5 : 3 0 p m - Healing Svc., C. 6 p m - Worship (Traditional) 19 First Lutheran Church, ELCA Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 155 Kearney, NE 68847 3315 G Avenue Kearney, Nebraska 68847-3699 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED RECEIVING FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH GOD’S GRACE SHARING GOD’S LOVE NOVEMBER 2016 3315 G Avenue - Kearney, Nebraska 68847 UNITING IN CHRIST PLEASE JOIN US AT ONE OF OUR WORSHIP TIMES SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:30 PM Healing Service 8:45 AM Worship with Communion (Traditional) (1st Saturday of each month in the Chapel) 6:00 PM Worship with Communion (Traditional) 11:00 AM Worship & Praise with Communion LIVE VIDEO STREAM BROADCAST SUNDAYS AT 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM LIVE RADIO BROADCAST SUNDAY MORNINGS 8:45 AM ON KXPN 1460 AM PHONE: 308-237-5544 20 WEB: