SD76 Registration Brochure 2014 - Medicine Hat School District No


SD76 Registration Brochure 2014 - Medicine Hat School District No
Hat School District No. 76
Developing tomorrow’s citizens through
improved learning, living and relationships.
As a partner in the community, Medicine Hat
School District No. 76 will create inclusive and
innovative learning environments.
Board of Trustees
Mr. Terry Riley, Board Chair
Mr. Rick Massini, Vice Chair
Ms. Deborah Forbes
Mrs. Carolyn Freeman
Mrs. Catherine Wilson Fraser
Values & Beliefs
• Excellence
• Learning
• Respect
• Integrity
• Caring & Compassion • Innovation
About District 76
Medicine Hat School District No. 76 came
into existence in 1886 and currently serves
an enrolment of over 7,000 students.
Our district offers a comprehensive range
of educational services for children 2.5 years
of age to Grade 12.
Medicine Hat School District No. 76
District 76
has a school
and program
for every child!
Early Learning
to Grade 7...
601-1st Avenue SW
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4Y7
Medicine Hat School District No. 76
“Where Kids Count”
Our Motto:
“Where Kids Count”
General Registration
Early Learning to Grade 7 for the 2014/2015 School Year
With the opening of our new school, Early Learning to Grade 7 registration will be earlier than usual and
will occur in two phases:
January 13-22, 2014 for students who live within the boundary of the Dr. Roy Wilson Learning
Centre, registration will take place at the South Ridge YMCA. Check our district website at for specific times.
Starting January 27, 2014 registration for Early Learning to Grade 7 will be open for all schools,
including the Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre. Check our district website at,
or call the school your child will be attending, for specific locations and times. Please note,
cross-boundary enrolment at our schools is permitted, based on space availability at each school.
Medicine Hat School District No. 76
is excited about the new opportunities
we continue to create and offer
to support the education of our children.
Parents/guardians and students are
welcome to attend any of the Grade 7
orientation sessions to find the program
that best meets their child’s needs.
Please Note: Bussing from outside your attendance area
may not be provided. Please contact your local school,
or Robert Olson (Transportation Coordinator), for attendance area or bussing questions at 403.528.6572.
Grade 7 Orientation Sessions
All current Grade 6 students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend!
Tuesday, January 28: Alexandra Middle School from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Website: • Phone: 403.527.8571
Thursday, January 30: Crescent Heights High School from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Website: • Phone: 403.527.6641
Monday, February 3: Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
at George Davison School
Website: • Phone: 403.528.6705
Thursday, February 6: Medicine Hat Christian School:
Open House from 8:00am to 5:00pm
Phone: 403.526.3246