Habitat Hammerings - Northwoods Habitat for Humanity
Habitat Hammerings - Northwoods Habitat for Humanity
Habitat Hammerings Volume 1, Issue 31, Fall 2015 Board of Directors Dean Helgeson, President Jeff Halverson, Vice President Judy Reese, Secretary Dave West, Treasurer Tim Flathers Esther Covert Mary Auger Jim Pinsonneault Thad Bowman Joan Nelson Laurie Buehler Jodi Schroeder Chris Hamilton Robert Kirchman Staff Geri Hickerson, Exec. Director Sandra Erpelding, Admin. Assistant Danny O’Sullivan, ReStore Manager Dan McColley, ReStore Asst. Manager Experience Works Key Volunteers Barb Kemmer Pat Kowalkowski R.S.V.P. Jerry Drebelbis Gregg Wilimek Dean Helgeson Contact us P.O. Box 1067 Bemidji, MN 56619 Office: 218-751-4649 ReStore: 218-444-6398 Fax: 218-444-3105 Email: habitat@paulbunyan.net Website: www.habitatbemidji.org Facebook: Northwoods Habitat for Humanity Office and ReStore located at 1357 Exchange Avenue SE, Bemidji A bi-annual publication of NHFH Our Mission ... Building simple, decent, affordable homes in partnership with God’s people in need in Beltrami and Clearwater Counties. President’s Message 2105 has been a busy and exciting year for Northwoods Habitat For Humanity. With the help of an AmeriCorps NCCC team, we completed our 47th home. We have also been working on a recycled home that was deeded back to us, getting that ready for a new Habitat family. In addition to new home construction, 14 A Brush With Kindness projects were completed by our volunteers this summer. The new Restore staff, along with AmeriCorps Vista and NCCC volunteers cleaned out and cleaned up the cold storage space and surrounding grounds. This will help in evaluating what space we need in the future for receiving, reconditioning, and displaying merchandise. We are also in the process of reviewing the type of merchandise we accept and whether changes are needed. We welcome suggestions as to how we can better serve the public. Over the next couple of months we are planning to put together a publication celebrating our 25 years of service to the community. It will highlight past building projects as well as the current building and remodeling projects enabling residents to continue living in their homes. It will also clarify how families qualify for a Habitat home and the sweat equity hours they must contribute to What’s Inside... "earn their way in." We are actively seeking volunteers who share the vision of Habitat. AmeriCorps NCCC We have numerous opportunities for service Happenings! and support. Please visit our website at habitatbemidji.org for more information. We Director’s Report appreciate your support and look forward to ReStore Review continued service to Beltrami and Clearwater counties. Dean Helgeson, Board President Blitz Build 2015! 2 3 4 5 6 Habitat Hammerings Page 2 NCCC - National Civilian Conservation Corps NCCC is part of AmeriCorps, a network of national and community service programs that engage 75,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in the areas of natural and other disasters, infrastructure improvement, environmental stewardship and conservation, energy conservation and urban and rural development. The NCCC is a team-based, full-time, residential program for men and women between the ages of 18 and 24. Members are based at regional campuses in several states. Since 1994, more than 18,000 people have served in AmeriCorps NCCC, providing assistance to hundreds of thousand of Americans. This past summer, Northwoods Habitat hosted a team of eight NCCC team members who helped build a home on 10th Street. Thanks to First Lutheran Church Bemidji for providing living space for our team. It is through partnerships such as those with NCCC and First Lutheran Church that we are able to continue to build homes and hope in our community. Se e o Since moving into the ReStore in 2007, our location has been difficult to find (to say the least!). Google users were routed 1/2 mile away and were frustrated that they were unable to find us. UPS, Fed Ex, and trucking companies - even though they are all located in the same Industrial Park area - were also unable to locate us with a GPS. We are pleased to announce that the days of searching in vain for our location are over! The City of Bemidji has renamed the street in front of our location. Previously named “Industrial Park Drive SE,” it is now EXCHANGE AVENUE SE. We have retained our street number, 1357, and hope that this change will make it much easier to find via Google and GPS. Thanks to the City of Bemidji for recognizing the need for a change. Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 31, Fall 2015 e dat e v tati on! Ten locati and Save the date! You won’t want to miss these events!! Saturday, April 30, 2016 Gala Join us for “Serious Fun”! Live Auction, Raffle, Live Entertainment Bemidji Town & Country Club 5 p.m. Page 4 Habitat Hammerings Snippets from the Director… Expectancy: a feeling that something is going to happen. I believe “expectancy” about sums up the state of our world. Something is going to happen - good or bad. We are bombarded by the media with stories of death, bombings, shootings, and disasters. Where, I wonder, is the hope for a better world? It lies in the expectancy of our every day lives. For many of us working with Habitat for Humanity it is distinct in the eyes of the families working hard to fulfill the many hours of sweat equity they must earn in order to build a home, for those waiting for the final documents to be drawn up by an attorney so they can sign a mortgage and close on their new home, and for those hopeful that they will be selected into the Habitat program so they, too, can begin the journey of escaping poverty. It may seem insensitive to state the obvious, and so publicly, however it is the harsh truth. Families selected to purchase a home from Habitat are working and earning poverty wages. Are they lazy? Absolutely not! Like many families in our area, working full time does not guarantee a living wage. Habitat provides the hand-up families need to escape the bonds of poverty, and it is not an easy path. Habitat expects much from its partner families: good credit; income enough to afford a mortgage and all that comes with the privilege; at least 300 hours of sweat equity per adult completed prior to purchasing a home; completing a financial fitness program; continuing to be a good ambassador for Habitat after purchase. Is all that work worth it? Absolutely. Families have conveyed their gratitude in many ways: repaying their mortgage on time and, in some cases, years in advance; serving on Habitat committees; volunteering to work on Habitat homes; volunteering in our ReStore; and so many other ways. Habitat creates an atmosphere for our partner families that allows the miracles - the small, mundane miracles of life to happen. In the words of our partner families: “We are so grateful and very appreciative of Habitat for Humanity for selling us this amazing house and all of the opportunities that have come with it.” “Home is security and the priceless feeling of stability. Our home is where friends and family gather, memories are made and cherished. Truly, a dream come true!” “With hope, faith and friends, all things are possible. Even owning your own home.” As you celebrate Christmas, or any of the many Holidays this year, I invite you to think about how one small act can be the impetus for a miracle. Merry Christmas! Geri Spotlight on… Before…………………..…….. After! Launched in 2011, A Brush With Kindness has become a very busy program for our affiliate. We have completed 49 projects of various caliber - some small, some quite large, but all very necessary. With funding from various sources, our volunteers have been able to make quite an impact in our community. We are exploring the viability of this program. Resources have become scarce due to the sun-setting of a huge funding source through Federal Home Loan Bank. We are, however, hopeful that the ABWK “Fund for Humanity” will sustain itself much like our Fund for Humanity (mortgage payments) has become selfsustaining. We continue to seek volunteers to lend a hand as we continue to provide a hand-up to our neighbors. Contact us if you have an hour or two and want to make a positive impact in our community! Page 5 Volume 1, Issue 31, Fall 2015 ReStore Review The ReStore recently reorganized the service counter area and has been adding some new signs and displays. Thanks to our RSVP Volunteers, a large 4’x 8’ sign now explains in the simplest terms possible exactly how donations help the ReStore and Habitat. Hours of Operation: Wednesday 10am - 5pm Thursday 10am - 5pm Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 1pm Donations Accepted: During store hours & Tuesday from 10-3 Thanks to Board Member Laurie Buehler for designing signage about Northwoods Habitat’s building program - building statistics and facts have been clearly posted and the feedback has been very positive. Many people are not aware that the Habitat for Humanity ReStore is proudly owned and operated by Northwoods Habitat for Humanity to serve our mission of building homes, communities and hope. If you have not been to our Facebook page in a while, make sure you give us a like, share our posts, and ask your friends to like us as well. We have increased our marketing and updates on Facebook and have already seen results increasing awareness and sales. We are in serious need of cashiers! A new volunteer, Pat, has been running the service counter three days a week and doing an amazing job. We are so happy that Pat has joined our group of volunteers. The month of October we had 342 hours of volunteer time and ideally we could use about 360 hours of volunteer time. Even an hour per week makes a difference. Volunteers are always needed and always welcome. Thank you donors! Business Benusa Appliance St Michel Furniture Promotion Paul Bunyan Broadcasting RP Broadcasting Paul Bunyan Communications Individual Donors Thank you to our many donors! The Restore is different every time you visit. Somedays things are going out the door as fast as they are coming in. Items we need the most are dressers and major appliances. If you know of anyone downsizing, please remind them of the ReStore’s needs and let them know we are able to pick up donations if given time to arrange for volunteers to lend a hand. WISH LIST Dressers Appliances Kitchen Cabinets Hardware Furniture Volunteers Cashiers (Wednesday- Saturday) Drivers (pick up donations) Danny O’Sullivan, ReStore Manager Proud Supporter of Habitat! P.O. Box 1067 Bemidji, MN 56619 It’s Blitz Build time! June 4 - 12, 2016 Headwaters Builder’s Association in Bemidji will, once again, join forces to build its 4th Blitz Build home in Bemidji. General Contractor Steve Inkel of Diversified Builders will coordinate professional builders as they build a home in just over a week.
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Habitat Hammerings - Northwoods Habitat for Humanity
Dean Helgeson, Vice President
Jodi Schroeder, Secretary
Dave West, Treasurer
Judy Reese
Esther Covert
Mary Auger
Jim Pinsonneault
Thad Bowman
Joan Nelson
Laurie Buehler
Stan Nelson
Doug Lindgren