Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary Voici le chemin


Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary Voici le chemin
Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
Le 24 mars 2013 – Dimanche des Rameaux et de la passion C
Voici le chemin vers Pâques! Jésus prend le chemin de la souffrance et aussi celui du
pardon, de la compassion et de la confiance en Dieu son Père. Ce chemin le conduit à
Pâques où s’accomplit la victoire sur le péché et la mort. Tout au long de la Semaine
sainte, acceptons son appel à marcher à sa suite et à mettre nos pas dans les siens.
Intentions de messes
de la part de
Sam 23 mars Action de grâce
Berthe & Antonio Richard
Mar 26 mars Aux intentions de Madeleine Pelletier Famille Lefebvre-Olsen
Mer 27 mars Pour mes enfants et mes petits-enfants Claire Lamarre
*Jeu 28 mars Pour la santé de Lisa Hébert
Yvonne Hébert
Ven 29 mars Pour Mgr Henry-15e anniversaire épiscopal à Calgary Abbé Noël
Sam 30 mars † Florence Laforest
Gitanne Laforest & Marco Doucette
*Messe du jeudi à l’église. À moins de faire des arrangements avec l’Abbé Noël, les messes le
mardi, mercredi et vendredi seront privées. SVP garder ces intentions dans vos prières.
Revenu des
17 mars –1 815.11$
Together in Action
13 686.48$
Amassé à date:
17 mars –5 800.00$
Calendrier paroissial
25 mars Messe Chrismale – 19h30 – Cathédrale St. Mary’s
9 avril Réunion des Chevaliers à 18h.
10 avril Réunion du Conseil Paroissial à 18h15
11 avril Réunion des Dames de Ste-Famille à 19h.
30 avril Réunion du Comité des finances à 18h15
Nouveaux arrivants
Appelez-nous si vous
avez des meubles, des
articles de cuisine, des
petits appareils électriques
doucement usagés; (pas
de vêtements svp); deux
familles en ont besoin.
Conseil scolaire catholique
et francophone du
Sud de l’AB
vous intéresse? Des
auront lieu le 21 octobre
d’information en anglais,
School Boards Association,
aura lieu le 4 avril 2013 à 19
h. Pour vous inscrire, visitez
Pour plus
d’information, communiquez
avec Yvan Beaubien au
CSFSA au 403-685-9881 ou
Notez bien
En avril, il n’y aura
pas de messe à
17h30 les jeudis
puisque l’Abbé Noël
sera en pèlerinage.
Célébration des 90 ans à Marguerite Sigur
Maman a célébré ses 90 ans le 19 mars; pour les souligner,
nous vous invitons à une petite fête le dimanche 31 mars
entre 15h et 18h au 173 Tuscany Ridge View NW à
Calgary. RSVP ou pour quoi que ça soit communiquez
avec moi, sa fille, Françoise Sigur au fsigur@yahoo.fr
Feed the Hungry – dimanche 14 avril
Grand merci pour vos généreux dons
de 2 100$ des 4 500$ requis pour payer
ce grand festin. Les enveloppes de dons
«Feed the Hungry» sont dans les bancs.
N’oubliez pas de vous inscrire pour aider
à servir; contactez Danielle Poirier-Heine:
(403) 660-2692 ou heinej@shaw.ca.
Action de grâce
Grand merci à Jacqueline Limoges Daoust qui, le samedi
et dimanche, vient à la messe pour projeter les prières et les
passages bibliques au moyen d’un projecteur LCD. Elle veut
que sa paroisse soit à la une, et pionière au niveau des
paroisses de l’Alberta.
Merci aux membres du Conseil Paroissial et des paroissiens
qui ont participé au visionnement du film de la Mère Teresa et
à la discussion qui en a suivi. À toutes les Dames qui ont
apporté de quoi manger, MERCI!
Prière pour le Pape des pauvres
Dieu qui ordonnes toute chose avec
Tu as fait de saint
Pierre, chef des
La pierre sur laquelle
tu bâtis l’Église;
Regarde avec bonté le
pape François que tu
as choisi pour lui
succéder :
Qu’il soit le rocher inébranlable capable
de confirmer ton peuple dans la foi et de
le garder dans une même communion.
Par Jésus Christ, ton Fils, notre Seigneur
et notre Dieu, qui règne avec toi et le
Saint-Esprit, maintenant et pour les
siècles des siècles. Amen.
Tiré du Missel romain, Messes pour intentions et
circonstances diverses, no 3, «Pour le pape», © AELF,
Paris. Photo : © Stefano Spaziani 2013. Tous droits
Faire part
Le 21 mars à Drummondville, QC, le
papa de Gilles Voyer est décédé.
M. Lucien Voyer était âgé de 92ans.
De la part de tous les paroissiens,
acceptez nos sincères condoléances
Gilles et Michelle et famille.
Coin de poésie et de dictons
Prière du Cardinal Verdier au Saint-Esprit
O Esprit Saint
Amour du Père et du Fils
Inspirez-moi toujours
Ce que je dois penser,
Ce que je dois dire,
Comment je dois le dire,
Ce que je dois écrire,
Comment je dois l’écrire,
Ce que je dois faire,
Pour procurer votre gloire
Le bien des âmes
Et ma propre sanctification
O Jésus toute ma confiance
Est en vous.
Ministres pour les liturgies de la semaine Sainte
Dimanche Des Rameaux
Jeudi Saint 28 mars à 19h
Lavement des pieds – 12 personnes
Ministres de la parole
Ministres de la parole
1. Hubert Bohémier 2. Guy Bourgeois
1. Berthe Richard
1. Janet Grenier
3. Bernadette Pagé
4. Jeanne d’Arc C.
2. Christiane Chako
2. Mathieu Fijal
5. Christine Lacrampe 6. Monique Liddiard
7. Claude Boily
8. ________________
Lecteur: Berthe Richard
Lecteur: Adeyemi Ige
9. ________________ 10. ________________
Autre personnage: Danielle P-H Autre personnage: France Boily 11. ________________ 12. ________________
Ministre de l’Eucharistie
Ministres de l’Eucharistie
Laïc qui lavera les pieds avec l’Abbé.
1. Danielle P-H
1. Maxyne Bohémier
1. Maxyne Bohémier
2. Hubert Bohémier
Ministres de la Parole Ministres de l’Eucharistie
1.Claude Boily
1. Berthe Richard
Madeleine Pelletier
1. Jeanne d’Arc C.
2. France Boily
2. Bernadette Pagé
2. Guy Perreault
Accueil: Jeanne d’Arc C et Monique Liddiard
Musique : Clara et Gracia
Servants: Joséphine et Quitterie
samedi 23 mars à 17h
dim. 24 mars à 10h30
Vendredi Saint 29 mars à 15h
Accueil: Claudette Carbonneau
Ministres de la Parole : Bernadette Pagé et Guy Perreault
La Passion: Lecteur: Louise Laberge Disciples: Christine Lacrampe
Autres : Guy Perreault
Servants : Darren et François
Veillée Pascale SAMEDI SAINT 30 mars à 21h00
Dimanche de Pâques 31 mars à 10h30
Ministres de la Parole
Ministres de l’Eucharistie
1e lecture France Boily
Danielle P-H et France Boily
3e & 4e lecture Danielle P-H
Musique : Claude et Gerry Psaumes chantés
7e lecture/Épitre/Prières Universelles Claire Lamarre
Accueil Claudette Carbonneau
1. Maxyne Bohémier 1. Claire Lamarre
2. Hubert Bohémier 2. _____________
Musique: Rachel et Gracia
Accueil: Monique et Robert Liddiard
Servants : Joséphine, Quitterie et François
Servants : Darren
Ministres de la Parole
Ministres de l’Eucharistie
Women's Weekend Retreat - April 12-14, 2013
Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre, Cochrane
Retreat Theme: "Fulness of Life" For information or to register, contact Teresa Grice, 403-329-8967
or Marilyn Warne 403-246-9167
Women’s silent retreat at Sanctum - April 26-28, 2013
Sanctum Retreat (near Caroline, Alberta) is offering a guided silent retreat in April for women. Come
celebrate a gift for the soul! Pause to refocus and pray, coming to the quiet to be with God in the
solitude. For more information or to register, please contact Claire (403)275-0114, Anne (403)8807115 or Kathy (780)450-9931 or email kjtoogood@shaw.ca, or visit www.sanctumretreat.ca.
Spiritual Direction Training Program
A new Spiritual Direction Training Program will be offered at the FCJ Christian Life Centre beginning
this fall. We will take 20 students in this 2 year certificate program.
For more information: call 403-228-4215 or see website http://www.fcjsisters.ca/fcjcentre/sdtp.htm
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for
March 24th 2013, Palm Sunday
Centennial Statue of Mary Immaculate and the Historical Banners
The statue and banners will be at the following parishes during the next few weeks:
Our Lady of Fatima, Calgary
March 21 – March 25
Holy Trinity, Calgary
March 26 – March 31
St. Mark’s, Calgary
April 01 – April 05
St. John Evangelist Anglican Use, Calgary (Inglewood)
April 06 -- April 10
Please plan, if possible, to attend any special services organized by these communities and pray for them, especially
while the statue is with them.
Liturgy Office - Chrism Mass 2013 will take place on Monday March 25 at 7:30 pm, at St. Mary's Cathedral,
Calgary. Doors open at 6:30pm. During this Mass, the Bishop blesses the oil of catechumens and the oil of the sick. He
also prepares and consecrates the oil of chrism that is used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders. As
the Bishop is the only minister who can consecrate the oil of chrism, this liturgy ritualises his presence through the chrism
that will be used for baptisms by priests and deacons throughout the diocese all year.
Office of Permanent Diaconate - Three men were admitted to candidacy for ordination as deacon by
Bishop Frederick Henry at a mass on Saturday March 16 at St. Mary's Cathedral. The three are Ron Fortier of
St. Anthony's, Calgary (wife Sandra), Edward Lam of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Calgary (wife Anne) and Bill
Young of All Saints, Lethbridge (wife Jan) The three men and wives comprise the eighth class in the Calgary
Permanent Diaconate Formation Program. Congratulations! There are now 47 permanent deacons in ministry
in the Calgary diocese. Let us remember in our prayers these three men, and their wives, as they continue
their journey towards ordination and the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Social Justice Ministry - 30th Annual Outdoor Way of the Cross will take place on Good Friday, March
29, 2013. This solemn and meditative procession will start and end at St. Mary's Cathedral (219-18th Ave.
S.W, Calgary). Start time is 9:30am and completion time is 12:30pm. Everyone is invited!
Everyone is invited to attend the 2013 Development and Peace Benefit Gala! We are excited to announce
that Bishop Frederick Henry will be our keynote speaker this year. The event will take place on April 13,
2013 at Our Lady of Grace Parish starting at 6pm. It will be a full catered dinner with cultural
entertainment. Tickets are $25 per adult, $17 for youth (11-17) and kids under 10 are free. Please call or
email Doreen for tickets - 403-803-6605 or doreenonly@bell.net.
Prison Ministry - Individuals are needed to assist with Bible reflection and leading in prayer of the rosary. If you are
interested, please contact our Prison Ministry Chaplain Deacon Luis at 403-695-2099 or email at
Health Care Apostolate - Save the Date: The Diocesan Palliative Care Education Program will take
place at the FCJ Christian Life Centre over two weekends: April 26 & 27, and May 3 & 4, 2013. The
Diocesan Palliative Care Education Program will also take place at St. Francis de Sales Parish in High
River, Alberta over two weekends: May 24 & 25 and May 31 & June 1, 2013. Both programs are held on the
two Friday evenings and all day Saturdays. Registration fee is $75 for either program. For more information or
to register, please call (403) 218-5507 or email healthcareprograms@calgarydiocese.ca.
Stewardship Office
Saturday, April 27, 2013 from 7:00 to 10:00pm join us at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall for an evening of fun,
food and music! The Stewardship Office in partnership with the University of Calgary Catholic Community is
hosting the annual Charity Benefit Concert featuring local artists to raise funds and awareness in support
of Mission Council’s international mission project called the Renewal Centre in Lahore, Pakistan.
Sponsorship opportunities and tickets for the event are available. Please see the attached poster and
donation form. For more information contact Eden
D’Souza at stewardship@calgarydiocese.ca or 403-218-5520.
2013 Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference: Our Call to Holiness - Using Our Gifts to
Bring People Closer to God. The Conference will take place in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan from May
31st to June 2, 2013. Early Registration Fee is $125.00 per person before April 25, 2013. For more
information please see the attached poster. With questions, please contact stewardship@calgarydiocese.ca
or Eden D’Souza, Stewardship Coordinator at 403-218-5520.
Youth Ministry - The Office of Youth Ministry is looking to hire young adults for the Diocesan Youth Retreat
Team (DYRT). If you are looking to share your faith in a retreat setting, would like a day job for May and June
with the possibility for casual employment in the fall please contact Emily Grant at 403-620-7516 or
eanngrant@gmail.com for further information and to apply.
Life and Family Resource Centre (LFRC)
Women’s Conference – Catholic Family Ministries Women’s Conference, Women of Dignity, will be held
Saturday, April 13, 2013 at Servus Place – North Star Arena, 400 Campbell Road, St. Albert, AB. The
keynote speaker for the conference is Colleen Carroll Campbell, author, journalist, and television host. For
more information call 780-418-4280 or visit www.catholicfamilyministries.com.
The Calgary Diocesan Marriage Preparation program “For Better and For Ever”, accepts all couple
preparing for marriage. Smaller group settings allow us to focus on couples in one or more of the following
circumstances: living together, previously married, beginning marriage with children, couples 45+, or those
who wish to have their marriage blessed in the Church. For information and/or to register call the LFRC at
403-218-5504 email lifeandfamily@calgarydiocese.ca.
Calgary Catholic Medical Association: The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 13th at 9:45 am
(second Saturday of the month) and takes place at the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Calgary. For more
information contact gabriele.kalincak@calgarydiocese.ca
Project Rachel, an ecumenical ministry of reconciliation and healing, is available to all who have had a past
abortion experience. Clients will be referred to professional counselors who are specially trained to deal with
the trauma associated with this experience. Call Project Rachel at 403-218-5506 or toll free at 1-877-5973223. You can also e-mail projectrachel@calgarydiocese.ca.
Saint Anne’s Mothers’ Group from St. Bonaventure parish invites ladies of the diocese to join them on their
charter bus to the Women of Dignity Conference (www.catholicfamilyministries.com). The one-day
conference, held in Edmonton on April 13, 2013 will reflect on the feminine genius, women saints, and
cultural, personal, and spiritual renewal. The charter bus will cost $30 per woman for a round trip.
Please contact Jodean Ottenbreit at 403-241-8226 or email jodean@ottenbreit.com for information.
Deadline to register for the bus is March 27th.