Circles of Play and Possibility
Circles of Play and Possibility
The Living Light “...and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14 Volume 54, Number 9 First Friends Church of Whittier Ninth Month, 2015 Circles of Play and Possibility There is no use saying anything about the local Meeting as a vital cell unless the youth are to be in it and are to feel their share of responsibility for its life and its development.—Rufus Jones Fun, Games...and a Luau Something’s afoot in paradise. In exotic Hawaii, resort guests are celebrating at a scrumptious, oceanfront luau. All week they've explored the amazing island while attending relationship building workshops. But the evening unravels when secret identities, shocking lies, and regretful pasts lead to kidnapping, threats and thievery. We can feel you tingling with suspense right now. Get set for The Hawaiian Heist, a night of mystery dinner theatre presented by Junior High Fellowship and Young Friends Fellowship. Here’s the plan: at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday night, October 3, meet in Fellowship Hall and board your cruise ship for Kona amid the music of The long summer days have been packed full of fellowship, learning and optimism for our youth. The circles of activities have frequently intersected, with some of the kids taking part in multiple events. Peace Camp was a whirl of wonder, play and empowerment in the last week of July. Then it was off to the redwoods for a retreat and service project at Ben Lomond Quaker Center. Complete reports on Peace Camp and the retreat can be found on pages 4 and 10, respectively. Rehearsals for this year’s mystery dinner theatre began even before the retreat (see this page for details), and members, attenders and families of our meeting will soon roll up their sleeves and pants cuffs for Coastal Cleanup Day. See page 9 for information on the where and when. We also hope you will enjoy a special photo collage of scenes from Peace Camp and the retreat. It’s right in the center of this issue. Continued on page 10 Ready to Ring—members and friends of the Friends Handbell Choir give the bells a polish as we prepare to return to our regular schedule on Sunday, September 13. See page 9 to find out about our meeting’s plans for fall. 2 Friendly Fare by Lea Wright Dear Friends, Back-to-school already, seriously, already? Friends Visit: The Don & Shirley Votaw family r eunion was held the week of July 20. There were 28 of the 29 members present including eleven great grandchildren ranging in age from 2 months to 15 years. There was fun for all including swimming, trips to the beach and Knott’s Berry Farm, and a great picnic. “Oh yes, lots of good food!” (Columnist’s note: good food is always welcome). Ami Troedsson felt blessed when her daughter Christina visited from Missouri for 15 days. Friends Susie Cush, Peggy Anderson and Gerry Wolfe all r ecently mentioned how much they enjoy reading The Living Light. It’s great that we offer this wonderful way to stay in touch. Friends About Town: Prayers for healing for Marielle Askew, our Whittier Fr iends School teacher who was in a motorcycle accident. Russ Litchfield and his fr iend Jesus Navarro have been wor king on a model r ailr oad module and recently worked on painting the backdrop. Lots more to do but it's beginning to shape up. Stop by the Music Room and have a look. Dan and Milton Wright took two of their old Chevrolets to the 15th Annual Uptown Whittier Car Show on August 15: Milt's 1931 Special Sedan and Dan’s 1919 "Four-Ninety" Delivery. It was a fun day for Whittier with 325 cars on display. The show was open to all makes and models. The "FourNinety" came home with honors for best antique. Mary Raymond has a r egular poetr y column in the Morningside Monitor, the monthly newsletter for the community where she now lives. In addition, she often interviews and writes articles about new residents to introduce them to their Morningside neighbors. Barbara Sprague, Sylvia Graber-Pastrone, Candice Ryder, and Deanna Woirhaye visited the Huntington Libr ar y in San Marino to celebrate Deanna's birthday. The day's highlights included lunch at the tea room, live music in the Chinese Garden, and the exhibition of American art. They also learned about the fascinating process of the restoration of the 100-year -old concrete trees that form the entrance to the Japanese garden. Friends Travel: Sisters JoNita Beede and Lyn Gruber tr aveled all the way to Boston for the James Taylor and Bonnie Raitt concert at Fenway Park. Here they are in front of the Old State House. Lyn says, “It was a once in a lifetime experience.” ABCDE Woirhaye (Anathea, Brendon, Cedric, Deanna, & Elyse) found themselves visiting the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Convict Lake, Lake Tahoe, Bodie Ghost Town, Mono Lake and the independent sovereign nation of Molossia, all before spending a glorious week with Gwen & Mahlon Woirhaye in Ashland, OR absorbing the Shakespeare Festival. Many performances were taken in including Much A do A bout Nothing, Antony and Cleopatra, and even a new musical entitled Head Over Heels featuring music from The Go-Go's. That trip was all accomplished in a week to accommodate Anathea's attendance in summer Shakespeare camp at A Noise Within Theater in Pasadena and Cedric's summer geometry course at Don Bosco Tech while Elyse attended adventure camp that included archery and horseback riding. They were very busy having fun to say the least. Marina Harris has been working and singing in China and Germany. Sounds and looks like a glamorous life, but her mom Iris Harris says, “It's frightfully expensive and competitive. Good thing she loves to sing.” George Bouchard spent his 60th birthday in San Francisco from August 14 to 18, celebrating with his family, Carrin, Matthew, and Stacy & Adam Day doing crazy and activities included the Japanese Tea Garden and Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park, the Museum of Science and a Segway tour. Mary Boltz & Randy Smith took a drive in the country during their travels out of Bellingham WA. Here they are with The Living Light continuing our tradition: “The Living Light Travels.” (Remember, your submissions are welcome and needed). Friends Remember: Dick Wood, whose son Mike (of Texas) is married to Bill & Marygene Wright’s daughter Betsy, died of lymphoma in Indianapolis on August 1. Dick was on the administrative staff of Whittier College from 1980-1985, he was a tenor in the First Friends choir. From 1985-1996, Dick was president of Earlham College and from 1996-2001, he was Dean of the Yale Divinity School. He and his wife Judy were always welcome visitors at First Friends when visiting in Whittier. Friends Sharing News: Help to keep Friendly Fare going. Email me a quick note and tell me your news. Send to Lea at, or deliver to me at Meeting for 3 This Month in Meeting for Worship September6 MeetingforWorshipat10a.m. inFellowshipHall LolettaBarrettand“TheCalifornia7” willbringthemessage ComeIntoTheCircle Proverbs22:1-2,6-10,16-19and James2:8,14-17 September13 MeetingforWorshipat11a.m. inthemeetinghouse LolettaBarrettwillbringthemessage LoudandProud Psalm19,Mark8:27-38 September20 LolettaBarrettwillbringthemessage ANewCreationStory Genesis1:1-2:4 September27 LolettaBarrettwillbringthemessage HiddenStories ThestoryofEsther,summarized Wind, Whispers, Whimsy and a BIG ROAR Director of Music Ministries Russ Litchfield will perform in concert on Friday evening, September 4 at 7:30 pm. The program will include pieces by Bach, Vaughan Williams, Franck, Zimmer, Corea, Litchfield and Alain. It will also include some hymn settings about the call of Jesus and the world premiere of Sonatina, a piece dedicated to Russ by Whittier College organist Neil Stipp. After “the big roar,” there will be a brief prayer service based on the traditional Service of Compline, a gentle end to the evening. A free-will offering will be taken. Breaking News! The facilitator for the 2016 Quaker Forum is Diane Randall, executive secr etar y of Fr iends Committee on National Legislation. The program will center on peace. Quaker Forum is scheduled for Saturday, February 27, 2015. Loletta’s Lines There is nothing like beginnings. Fresh, new adventures and opportunities for growing, learning and working. September is traditionally the beginning of the school year and a time for the Meeting to begin activities that were suspended for the summer. In my childhood church, we called the first Sunday of the church year “Rally Day” because everyone rallied around again. Meeting for Worship returns to the regular schedule, of gatherings of Sunday school classes, choirs, committees, concerts, and fellowship begin’s exciting! Yet there are challenges as well. Summer and all the vacation activities and picnics are over—very sad. We can be so busy—very stressful. It can be tempting to just leap in and try to get control of things in our lives, work, school and meeting. We can organize, schedule, budget, plan, and commit to being efficient in getting “things” done. But as E. Stanley Jones writes, “The fussy activity of modern life is not life…it is starved nerves crying out for vitamins of real life.” Lest we lose track of what our purpose is, let us instead take a deep breath. Let us listen to the signs, sounds, smells and sights of the changing of seasons. Let us savor the end of one, and the beginning of another. Let us examine what is important in all our activities and stay centered in what is True. Jones admonishes us to surrender in prayer, but suggests an “alert passivity…that awakens us to an amazing activity.” Like “the musician [who] listens in the silence to Music, surrenders to it, and then pours it forth with complete abandon.” God is here. All around. Within. In the persons with us. In every moment, let us endeavor to let go the pressure of efficient doing, and focus on effective being; discerning for ourselves, our families, our meeting, and world how our thoughts, prayers and activities are building, and how we are living in and being, the Beloved Community of God here and now. 4 Campers Learn to Hear Listening carefully is one of life’s most important skills. “Hearing Each Other” was the theme of this summer’s Peace Camp and twenty-three young campers spent a week finding greater appreciation of personal communication, of music, of our technical culture, and of the natural world. The six-hour-a-day day camp during the last week of July was designed by Justine Whitehead in collaboration with the Christian Education and Outreach Committees. By all accounts—most importantly from the kids themselves— it was one of the most successful Peace Camps ever. Weeklong craft projects got started on the very first day. Some of these included decorating personal tote bags, donated by the L.A. County Fair, and preparing a gift for a “secret buddy” to be presented on the last day of camp. A “Web of Remembrance” game in which kids got wound up in a matrix of colored yarn, was great fun. A lying-down listening exercise in Central Park was designed to help concentrate on and interpret familiar sounds that usually go unnoticed. Marilyn Fant led a listening activity in which campers deliberately practiced bad listening habits, generating hilariously garbled accounts of a story read to them. Tuesday’s activities featured an excursion to the nearby Harris Organ Company, to see the factory where the mighty First Friends pipe organ was assembled. Organ -maker David Harris showed campers the way the pipes work and the contribution of the keyboard, stops and electronic controls. On returning to the church, Russ Litchfield made this experience even more memorable by playing a Bach fugue. A highlight of the week’s activities was a day-long excursion on Wednesday to the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary in Orange County. Naturalists led Peace Campers on a trail hike through the canyon to look for and, especially, to listen for, sounds of wildlife. Darrell Warren demonstrated his ham radio on Thursday, with which he is able to communicate with fellow radio-operators all over the world. Tammy Van Dorn, a sign language teacher, taught the campers the rudiments of American Sign Language. Campers had fun “listening” to each other visually. Tammy’s mom Mindy helped the children make sign language necklaces and personalized pillow covers. On the final day of camp, Dr. Mary Ann Gilbert from the Whittier Hearing Center described how the human ear works and told of the latest developments in hearing aids. Campers learned to pantomime emotionally-charged words such as “love”, “anger” and “anxiety.” Finally, campers welcomed their parents for the traditional ice cream social and a sing-together led by Russ and Marilyn. Secret buddies were revealed and gifts bestowed. Justine and her colleagues Carrin Bouchard, Marilyn, Russ, Darrell and Loletta Barrett, were aided by counselors Hunter Collins, Kat Ryder, Bella Sturr , Anathea Woirhaye in putting together another memorable summer Peace Camp. —Bob Newton News from Whittier Friends School We have many exciting events planned for September. Whittier Friends School Sunday is September 20, when our students will present part of Meeting for Worship at First Friends. We also have two fundraisers planned for September. From September 10-24, we will be learning about alternative health options with DoTERRA essential oils, with proceeds from any sales going to our school. Then on September 30th we will begin our annual nut and candy sale, one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. In July, while children filed in for the first day of Peace Camp, adult helpers were scooping, shoveling and raking out a huge delivery of Fibar wood chips for the playground. Helpers included Lynda Ladwig, school committee clerk (and former school parent) Marie Kaneko, school committee member and WFS graduate Philip Wright, financial manager (and former school parent) Lea Wright, former school parent Dan Wright, current school parents Candice Ryder, Deanna Woirhaye and Steven Caringella, teacher Marielle Askew, and teachers and current school parents Alicia Atkinson and Cassie Caringella. But that hasn't been the only improvement our school has had this summer! As the summer wore on, the back storage room was cleared out (with many items going to the school yard sale), many wonderful school supplies were donated by friends of our school, and plans have been made for a new rug and furniture for our primary classroom. And though our enrollment for the fall is not set at press time, it is already higher overall than last year at this time! We are pleased with the continued growth of our enrollment and eager for the new school year! —Cassie Caringella 5 September 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 7:00a Spiritual Growth Group 9:15a Trustees 8:00p M & C 2 7:00p Quaker Men’s Evening Group 3 7:00p Choir Rehearsal 4 5 6 7 8 7:00a Spiritual Growth Group 7:00p Bell Choir Rehearsal 9 6:00p All Friends Fellowship Night with “The California 7” 10 7:00p Choir Rehearsal 11 6:30p Friday Family Movie Night Big Hero Six 12 13 Friendly Fare Deadline 12:15p Monthly Meeting 14 10:00a Quiltmakers 1:30p Writing Class 15 Deadline for the October issue of The Living Light 7:00a Spiritual Growth Group 7:00p Bell Choir Rehearsal 16 7:00p Quaker Men’s Evening Group Editors Compose The Living Light 17 7:00p Choir Rehearsal 18 19 9:00a All Meeting— Coastal Cleanup Day (Meet at the church at 8 a.m.) 21 20 12:15p Christian 1:30p Writing Class Ed Committee 23 22 7:00a Spiritual Living Light Growth Group Folding 7:00p Bell Choir 7:00p Quaker Men’s Evening Rehearsal Group 24 7:00p Choir Rehearsal 25 26 28 27 12:15p Outreach 10:00a Committee Quiltmakers 1:30p Writing Class 29 7:00a Spiritual Growth gGoup 7:00p Bell Choir Rehearsal 30 7:00p Quaker Men’s Evening Group Schedule for Sundays starting September 13 Unprogrammed Worship—9:30a First Day Classes—9:45 a Meeting for Worship—11:00a Zachary Adam Lavelle Basham Mary Boltz Joanne Camp Landon Caringella Anne Eggleton Martha Fopiano Lyn Gruber Randy Hays Sharon Huffaker Bonnie Lowenstam-Grace Preston Mitchell Susanne Mitchell Esther Nelson Alpha Overin Lea Thirkettle Ella Tiffany Julie Urner Mindy Van Dorn Christopher Votaw Gwen Woirhaye Mahlon Woirhaye David Wright If we've missed your birthday, we apologize (and happy birthday)! We're working hard to keep our birthday calendar up-to-date so please let us know if we're forgetting anyone. Thank you! 6 Hearing Each Other Peace Camp 2015 7 Youth Retreat Ben Lomond Quaker Center 8 Quakers in Unity News from Friends Around the World Friends Committee on Legislation of California (FCLCA). Quaker voices of conscience have br ought over 3000 emails and letters to legislators so far this year. Advocate efforts continue for bills that restore opportunity for prisoners housed in security housing units to complete education, substance abuse, life skills and alternatives to violence programs; that repeal of the Maximum Family Grant rule, which denies benefits to children born into families receiving state aid; that create an amnesty program for paying traffic fines and allowing people to retain their driver's license while they are making payments, and that provide safe drinking water to schools. FCLCA continues to oppose a bill which links drivers licenses to selective service registration, and citizens have sent thousands of messages in support of bills to increase transparency in officer-involved shootings; to expand Medi-Cal to undocumented children, and to establish parole programs for elderly prisoners. Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) thanks Friends for their calls, emails and letters to the editor in support of the Iran deal. Congressional offices are still hearing overwhelmingly from critics of the agreement. Meeting directly with your members of Congress is the most effective way to persuade them to support the deal. Friends United Meeting (FUM) asks that we continue to hold John Muhanji, director of Africa ministries, and his wife Rose Afanda in the Light as they and their neighbor recover from a devastating fire on their farms. Rose is also undergoing chemo treatments. Please continue to hold Northwest Yearly Meeting and North Carolina Yearly Meeting in the Light as they struggle with their unity issues. At Monthly Meeting in August, there was discussion of the budget and what Quaker and non-Quaker organizations and charities we can affect in a significant way. The Board of Trustees accepted a gift of light fixtures and fans for Sharpless Lounge from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which uses that facility. Our church has completed replacing screw type light bulbs with LEDs at no cost to the meeting as part of a power conservation program. Two brass plaques in Founders Court have disappeared, and they will be replaced with ones made of ceramic or stone. The next Monthly Meeting will be September 13, the same Sunday that we return to our regular Meeting for Worship schedule in the meeting house. Suitably, lunch will be a farewell to summer with fried chicken, macaroni salad, carrot raisin salad, three bean salad, fresh fruit and pineapple upside down cake for dessert. On Our Calendar... FridayFamilyMovieNight Friday,October2 TheNightmareBeforeChristmas MysteryDinnerTheatre “TheHawaiianHeist” Saturday October3 WorldQuakerDay Sunday,October4 MonthlyMeeting StewardshipMonthbegins Sunday October11 All-FriendsFellowshipNight DisneyNight Wednesday October14 OutreachSunday Sunday,October18 NewCenturySingersconcert Sunday,October18 MonthlyMission Monday,October19 WhittierFriendsSchool ChiliCook-Off Saturday October24 PumpkinCarving Friday,October30 AllFriendsFellowshipNight November11 YouthScavengerHuntforthe InterfaithFoodCenter November15 PeaceCafe Saturday,November21 InterfaithThanksgivingService Sunday,November22 FamilyChristmasDinner Sunday,December13 The Whittier Area Interfaith Council will present a ninetyminute program on protecting children and preventing traf- MusicSunday ficking at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22 in the Chase TheMondayBeforeChristmas Room at St. Matthias Episcopal Church. Bob Smith from F.A.C.E.S.S. (Freeing American Children from Exploita- QuakerForum tion and Sexual Slavery) will speak. Sunday,December20 Monday,December21 Saturday,February27 9 Need a Pick-Me-Up? So Does Our Coast It’s the largest volunteer day on the planet. Our meeting will be pitching in on Coastal Cleanup Day, sponsored by Heal the Bay, on Saturday, September 19. Volunteers have been chosen for various beach locations in southern California. Our destination is Belmont Pier on Ocean Blvd. at the end of Termino Ave. in Long Beach. The cleanup starts at 9 a.m. and will wrap up at noon. Parking is free. There will be a caravan carpool leaving the church parking lot at 8 a.m. for those who do not wish to drive or are more comfortable traveling in numbers. Heal the Bay, an environmental nonprofit organization, was founded in 1985 for the purpose of making southern California's coastal waters and watersheds, including Santa Monica Bay, safe, healthy and clean. The event sign-up sheet and waivers are in Founders Court every Sunday through September 13 and in the office on weekdays (except Monday). All volunteers must submit a waiver and although they will be available at the event, filling them out ahead of time is a time-saver. Bring gloves and a bucket or container. Heal the Bay will also have supplies at the beach but the less disposable stuff, the better. Common sense items include shoes (no bare feet allowed), a water bottle and sun screen. Join us on Wednesday night, September 9 for a program by the members of our meeting family who attended the Friends United Meeting Stoking the Fire workshop. Known at the event as “The California Seven,” they will share their inspiring experience and we look forward to hearing from them. Potluck dinner begins at 6 p.m. in Fellowship Hall with the program to follow at 7 p.m. Sign up in Founders Court to bring a main dish, salad or dessert. Drinks and bread will be provided. Please bring $1 per person with food or $3 per person if you do not bring food but will be joining us for dinner. There is no charge for children under 13 who come with their parents. A F F N On behalf of all participating churches, the Serve Weekend leadership team will be present to accept the City of Whittier’s appreciation at the City Council meeting on September 22. Thank you all again for your work and involvement in Serve Weekend and your continued unity in reaching Whittier with the Love of Christ. Next year’s Serve Weekend is April 23-24, 2016. A big thank you to our friends at Whittier Toyota for providing us with three vans to transport us to the retreat at Ben Lomond Quaker Center in northern California In appreciation for their kindness, the crew at Whittier Toyota enjoyed handmade salt water taffy from the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. F F FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 M N FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 Hello Fall Our fall schedule begins Sunday, September 13. Unprogrammed Meeting is held at 9:30 a.m. in the chapel. Sunday School for all ages is also at 9:30 a.m. Prekindergarten through first grade class is in the children’s library, and second grade through high school classes meet in the Christian Education Building. Adult class meets in Sharpless Lounge. The subject of study this fall is 40-Day Journey with Parker J. Palmer. Meeting for Worship begins at 11:00 a.m. in the meeting house. During Meeting for Worship, the nursery will be available for babies and children up to 7 years old. Children's Church will be held in the chapel following the Children's Message. Children will return to the meeting house during the final hymn. We encourage older children to stay in Meeting for Worship for the message and open worship. 6:30 P.M. in FELLOWSHIP HALL Free admission and popcorn Open to the community Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult Dona ons of canned goods for the Interfaith Food Center are appreciated 10 Service in the Redwoods The Young Friends Fellowship group hit the road in July for a trip to the redwood forests of northern California. Their retreat at Ben Lomond Quaker Center offered a chance to work on a project or two as well as have fun and fellowship. The group, made up of Amara Overmyer, Ethan Purkiss, Ashley Ryder, Kat Ryder, Bella Sturr, James Tucker, Wes Van Dorn, Lara Wemmerus and Anathea Woirhaye, was accompanied by Loletta Barrett, Cassie Caringella, Lynda Ladwig, Russ Litchfield, Jasmine Sturr, Mel Sturr and Lea Wright along with Landon and Avalon Caringella. Oddly enough, destruction was the first item on the agenda, but in a good way. The Center’s playground was a sad sight and our gang made quick work of removing rotted wood retaining walls, tearing apart decrepit benches, raking leaves and pulling weeds. Their reward for their work was a trip to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, one of the last and most historic of the classic seaside amusement parks in the United States. Russ got his fortune told at the arcade and many tempted their own fates with the G-forces of Firefall and splashing through Logger’s Revenge. Lynda brought a cooler full of burritos to cut down on the amusement park food budget but that didn’t stop the kids from hitting the Tater Twists and funnel cake in a big way. Time in the sunshine on a beautiful day followed at the Homeless Garden, which provides job training, transitional employment and support services to people who are homeless, all on a 3-acre organic farm. The group harvested flowers and prepared them for drying so they could be sold later. They enjoyed lunch with those working the garden and brought a fruit salad to share. The rest of the meal was cooked from ingredients grown on the farm. After all that healthy goodness, donuts and ice cream awaited on the road back. The group also took part in discussion groups, lessons and games. Cassie led a discussion centered around what the Bible says about gossip and the use of our words, what happens when we gossip and the impact of social media. Lynda used scripture to talk about patience and they gathered to explore the process of discernment with Jasmine. After hearing Jasmine share her experiences, the group broke off into groups to discern a situation or problem that someone in the group had. The topics were brought together with a discussion of how our words and patience play together in the discernment process. But there was free time too, to explore the center, the labyrinth and meditation cottage, and to hike to the waterfall. It was a nearly perfect and nearly exhausting week of service, togetherness, silly games and thought-stimulating conversation. —Elisabeth Elliot One of the many serene paths at Ben Lomond Hawaiian Heist continued from page 1 ukuleles and the fragrance of hibiscus and appetizers. A banquet of savory tropical delicacies awaits you next as the luau gets under way. And that’s when things start to go a little awry… The cast, under the direction of YFF alumnus and Friends Choir member Jon-Paul Cook, includes Niall Moreno, Amara Overmyer, Ethan Purkiss, Ashley Ryder, Katerina Ryder, Bella Sturr, Wes Van Dorn, Lara Wemmerus, Anathea Woirhaye, Cedric Woihaye and Elyse Woirhaye. “The kids have been excited about the show from the very beginning,” said Jon-Paul during a break at a recent rehearsal. “I think their enthusiasm for theatre is as great as mine, and I really love theatre. And the food is going to be great, so bring your appetite and as well as your inquisitive eyes.” Tickets go on sale September 6, the last Sunday of our summer schedule in Fellowship Hall. Adults are $12, children under 10 are $6 and children under 4 are free. Hawaiian and resort wear is encouraged! Come for the food, stay for the mayhem. Will you be the one to discover the villain and bring resolution? Or will catastrophe and chaos rule the night? —Elisabeth Elliot 11 Retreat Voices This year’s trip to Quaker Center was nothing short of amazing. It was the perfect blend of fun, service and worship! My favorite part was helping out at the Homeless Garden because I was able to work alongside real people and was able to hear their stories and we shared lunch with fresh harvested ingredients which could not have been more phenomenal.--Wes Van Dorn The Quaker Center is an enjoyable place. I found that being there presents me with this calm feeling that I only get when I'm around animals. Seeing everyone that I know together made the experience all the better.--Kat Ryder One of my favorite parts of the trip was when we demolished the barrier around an old playground so that a new one could be built. Not only did it give me a sense of fulfillment, but it was extremely fun!!! We were given gloves and tools and some of us used power tools, and others, like me, used mallets, hammers, and pick axes. The number one rule was to watch your back and BE CAREFUL. We were in good hands. So I just slammed away at the old rotting wood until it came crashing down. All that hard, hands-on work really made you feel like you were helping to make something. But again, it was just so much fun and I'm very grateful that I was able to experience it all.--Amara Overmyer I had fun at Santa Cruz. I liked going outside and exploring the Quaker Center. My favorite part was going to the boardwalk. This was my first time on this trip and I had a good time.--Ashley Ryder I had a great time at the Quaker Center and we did some good work. We also had lots of time to meditate and enjoy the nature. It was a great experience and I am looking forward to the next trip.--Ethan Purkiss When I was at Quaker Center I got to experience many new things and have a lot of fun with my fellow Friends. During the trip, I was the unlucky one and had a terrible case of laryngitis, which ended up being a sinus infection. While we were at Quaker Center, my sickness got really bad to a point where my dad had to take me down to Urgent Care. They gave me some medicine so I was able to feel better and continue the trip. Even with my sinus infection I still had a ton of fun and still felt very blessed to be able to have gone to Quaker Center.--Bella Sturr On the trip, we went to volunteer at the Homeless Garden. It was really interesting---they were gathering flowers to dry and sell later on that year. We worked there for hours, either cutting the flowers or binding them so that they could be hung up and dried. That day for lunch, we had vegan food that was prepared by some of the homeless that had come to volunteer that day, and it was some of the best food I had ever had. It was wonderful working there all day, and I felt really good being able to help in all the ways I could.--Anathea Woirhaye I liked Casa De Luz (a glass-walled gathering space) because it was relaxing. I liked the homeless garden because I like helping people and the food was really good. This was really worth it because I was able to help those who needed it and learn different ways to recycle. They used glass doors to make windows! The labyrinth let us be in nature and find our inner peace. Also, I had fun.--Lara Wemmerus I liked how my own kids were able to get to know the big kids. There was lots of bonding between ages, which was cool. I also liked how my kids were able to do service projects. They didn't know exactly who they were helping but they understood that they were being helpful.--Cassie Caringella The time spent at Quaker Center was renewing and fulfilling. The youth in our meeting are amazing and are capable of some really great things. I put on a workshop on discernment and was really impressed by the level of maturity they demonstrated in that. We all worked hard on service projects, opened our minds to new ideas in discussions, and had some fun on this amazing retreat.--Jasmine Sturr I liked the forest because it was pretty cool in there and I liked playing with Lara and the others.--Landon Caringella 12 Return Service Requested Postmaster: send address changes to: The Living Light First Friends Church 13205 Philadelphia St Whittier, CA 90601–4303 Periodicals Postage Paid at Whittier California The Living Light USPS 316-320 Volume 54 Number 9 Issue Date: September 1, 2015 The Living Light is published monthly by First Friends Church, 13205 Philadelphia Street, Whittier, California, 90601-4303. Periodical postage paid at Whittier, California. Bob Newton .................................... Editor Elisabeth Elliot................ Associate Editor Sabron Newton ......................Copy Editor Loletta Barrett ................................. Pastor Lynda Ladwig ................. Associate Pastor .......... & Christian Education Coordinator Russell Litchfield ...................................... .......... Dir of Music Ministries & Organist Mary Boltz ............... Office Administrator Lorenzo Mora ........................... Custodian Telephone 562-698-9805 FAX 562-698-1127 Whittier Friends School Staff Marie Kaneko ....School Committee Clerk 562-945-1654 Please remember in prayer those Friends unable to worship with us regularly. Do we all do that? Is God our/your priority? These are your queries till your next issue of The Living Light. Peggy Anderson Audrey & Carlos Bailey Helen & Jack Carlisle Phil & Liz Ellis Rose Nedrow Alpha Overin Maureen Russell Vi Smith Ami Troedsson Sue Walker Gerry Wolfe See The Living Light in full color at!
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