The Living Light - Whittier First Friends Church
The Living Light - Whittier First Friends Church
The Living Light “...and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14 Volume 51, Number 7 First Friends Church of Whittier Seventh Month, 2012 If War Is Not The Answer, What Is? WFS Students, Teachers And Supporters Honored The Whittier Friends School Recognition Ceremony held the evening of June 15 in the church Meeting Room was a promotion and a commencement and an awards ceremony. All but one of the current elementary students will be back in the fall. John Karr, Katerina Ryder, Bryan Thornhill and James Tucker will go on to the Intermediate Classes (6th through 8th grades) which will be, for the first time, offered at WFS. Kindergartner Matthew Quesada will become a first grader, Ashley Ryder will advance to the third grade, and Anathea Woirhaye to the fifth grade. After Administrator Cassie Caringella’s opening remarks, the students sang, with their usual good pitch and clarity, “Peace Like a River.” Next, the Certificates of Appreciation to all of the parents and the many volunteers who have worked hard for the school were presented. All of the elementary students took a turn presiding over the awards, which were named for famous historical personages, mainly Quakers, but, seemingly running out of Quaker names, some awards were designated in honor of other luminaries. For instance, Dan Wright got the Lewis and Clark Award (this one was distinguished as the only dual personality award!) This reporter was surprised and delighted to receive the William Penn Award. Mary Boltz, the Meeting Secretary, was awarded the Susan B. Anthony Award, and Candice Ryder, mother of Katerina and Ashley, got the Mary Todd Lincoln Award for serving the school so long in so many ways. Unfortunately, space prohibits enumeration of all of the deserving volunteers who were recognized. When the awards had been bestowed, the students took turns reciting one of my favorite John Greenleaf Whittier poems, “A Dream of Summer.” The poem describes one of those surprisingly balmy days that can occur in New England during the winter, when frozen brooks spring to life and the birds and animals emerge expectantly from their nests. The Continued on Page 3 This question will be addressed at First Friends this month by Diane Randall, the new Executive Secretary of the Friends Committ ee on National Legislation. She will be in Southern California to meet Friends, and we are lucky to have her coming to First Friends for a potluck dinner at 6 :0 0 p . m. on Wednesday, July 11. She will be speaking at 7:00 p.m. about her recent trip to Kenya and how FCNL is lobbying for peaceful prevention of deadly conflict, specifically now for policies to support the preelection peace work of Kenyan Friends. Diane came to FCNL in March of last year as the fourth Executive Secretary since the organization’s founding in 1943, following in the footsteps of Raymond Wilson, Edward Snyder, and Joe Volk. The experience and skills she has brought to FCNL come from many years as executive director of statewide advocacy organizations, a passion for democracy, a record of achievements in lobbying and citizen engagement, and a spiritual grounding in the Religious Society of Friends. She has been active in the Hartford CT Meeting and New England Yearly Meeting, and is on the Board of Advisors of the Earlham School of Religion. You won’t want to miss this special message from one of the leading Quaker spokespersons. — Sue Settlage and Sabron Newton 2 Friendly Fare by Lea Wright Dear Friends, I love to receive pictures for the Friendly Fare, and I love to hear about babies, so imagine my delight when I received this news below. Friends Travel: Don & Shirley Votaw went to their great niece’s wedding in Santa Barbara and then stopped in Atascadero to see more family including their daughter, Lynda Ullyott, their grandson Aaron Ullyott and great grandkids, Violet May (age 6 weeks) and William (age 2 years). From there they traveled on to Kings Canyon to spend a couple of nights before going home. Here they are with the Living Light continuing our tradition: “The Living Light Travels.” Remember, your submissions are welcome and needed. Friends Visit: It was nice to see so many visiting Edingers last month. Siblings Fred, Dave, Linda Flournoy, and Susan Marshall and many of their family members were in town for the memorial service for their dad, Cal Edinger. Friends About Town: The whole Ryder family appeared on an episode of the “Gene Simmons Family Jewels” on TV. The stars of the show Gene & Shannon Tweed Simmons came to the Ryder home and filmed for their show as they questioned them about their experiences with adoption. The show aired twice in June and told a very touching story about how the Ryders became a larger family. Ashley Ryder’s cheer program through the City of Whittier competed at Bell Gardens High School. Her class won a trophy and she got a “Spirit Stick.” The entire City of Whittier program won first place in their category for the ninth year in a row. Dan Wright’s 1919 Chevrolet “Four-Ninety” was invited to be shown at the prestigious Muckenthaler Motor Car Festival in Fullerton. Displayed amid such noted marques as Mercedes Benz, Packard, Cord, Stutz, and Pierce Arrow, the humble little Chevy was honored with a ‘First in Class’ trophy in the “Antique” division. Another car event occurred when Dan and Milt Wright drove their 1921 Studebaker and 1929 Model A Ford for their annual visit to a senior day care center in Buena Park. This has become a tradition over the past several years, with the clients and staff looking forward to dressing up with appropriate hats and bonnets, posing for photos and listening to old time music, while reminiscing about “the old days.” Sadly, because of state budget cuts, the future of this day care center remains in question. This may have been their last chance to share with these folks. School and Work News: Congratulations to Anna Wright, who was offered, and has accepted her first teaching job. She will be moving to Liberal, Kansas where she will be teaching 6th grade. Amanda Jackson, granddaughter of Bob and Sabron Newton, graduated from elementary school in Burnsville, Minnesota. Amanda enters the sixth grade in August of the 2012-13 school year. The three Woirhaye kids have all experienced graduations this year. They will all be attending Whittier Friends School next year. Cedric graduated from Andrews elementary and is going on to 7th grade at WFS. Anathea goes from WFS elementary to WFS intermediate (5th). Elyse graduated from WFS preschool into WFS elementary. At the WFS recognition ceremony two of The Living Light staffers, Bob Newton and Mary Boltz, were given tribute for their ongoing support of the school. Christy Tavernelli received a grant from the Hurford Center for the Arts and Humanities at Haverford College to work for the summer at the Library Company of Philadelphia (which was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1731. It is an independent research library housing an extensive collection of rare books, documents, and art works from 17th-19th century America.) Christy is living in an apartment on campus, and continues to love being in Philly. Noah Avirom graduated from Williamette University in Salem, Oregon. His degree is in Music with a minor in Arts, Technology, and Multimedia. There are big changes in the McIntosh household this summer. Anne resigned from her position as Community Development Director at the City of West Hollywood and is taking the summer off before starting up her planning consulting business again in the fall. Bedford was on a one-month hiatus between jobs. He is the Vice President for Advancement at Claremont Graduate University starting in July. They are really excited to be back at Claremont. Anne got her Bachelor’s degree from Scripps College and Bedford worked for more than eight years at Harvey Mudd College. Steven Caringella has been enjoying popping Kettle Korn again, and can be seen this summer at the concerts in the parks in Whittier. Special prayers for these Friends who are recuperating from some difficult health issues: Fred Torres, Lynda Bates, and Eric Haynes. Friends Sharing News: I love receiving emails with Friendly Fare news. This month I received a special message from Albert & Carol Langley not with news, but just appreciation for the Living Light. You can help to keep the Friendly Fare going. Email me a quick note and tell me your news. Send to Lea at, or deliver to me at church on Sunday. See you next month! 3 Task Group Displays Committee Descriptions WFS Students, Teachers, and Supporters continued older students had memorized their passages and the younger students read theirs forthrightly. Recognition of staff and school committee was next on the program. The students again sprang enthusiastically into action handing out awards. Then they sang a rousing rendition of “Ain’t Gonna Study War No More” that had the audience spontaneously singing along. Finally, the students got around to honoring each other. Their certificates were named for characters in children’s fiction. Katerina’s Primrose Reason Award was named for a character in “The Phantom Toll Booth.” In giving and receiving their awards on stage, the long-term friendships made over several years together in their remarkable one-room school were evident. After Teacher Alicia Atkinson’s closing words, the students sang, with great feeling “We Are Young”: Tonight We are young. So let’s set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun! Students, staff, proud parents and gratified school supporters recessed to a well-laden reception table in Founder’s Court. — Bob Newton WFS Thanks Annual Giving Campaign Supporters A big thank you from Whittier Friends School to those who helped us fulfill our goal of providing quality Quaker education to our students. We especially want to thank those individuals who gave to our Annual Giving Campaign for the 2011-2012 school year. The Annual Giving Campaign supports our scholarship fund. In the “Simplicity” category: Lester & Ruth Marshall, Dr. & Mrs Collin Cooper, Barbara Cóte, Randi Hetrick, and George & Carrin Bouchard. In the “Community” category: Ted & Mary Marshburn, At the June Monthly Meeting, attendees approved First Friends Church committee descriptions for the Business & Finance Committee, Christian Education Committee, and Outreach Committee. Descriptions for two more committees are to be approved at Monthly Meeting in July — the Pastoral Committee and Trustees. The documents containing these descriptions are in a white 3-ring binder in the church library. It is expected that members and attenders will preview drafts before coming to Monthly Meeting, and carry any questions or concerns directly to the respective committee clerk. For the next few Monthly Meetings the Continuity Task Group may continue to provide hard copy of draft documents, but the group hopes to eventually phase this out. Approvals come easier when people come prepared. In the interest of communication and efficiency, please note that all committee descriptions include a requirement that draft minutes be distributed to each committee member within one week of the meeting covered, that approved minutes be placed in the church file within one week, and that agendas be distributed one week before each scheduled committee meeting. The goal: no First Friends Church committee meeting should take more than 90 minutes — if everyone comes prepared. Finally, the Continuity Task Group meetings are structured so that the first agenda item after review of notes of the previous meeting is “Report on Assignments.” Then follows discussion of any new issues that have been referred to the group, or have arisen out of its work. And the last item is “Assignments for the next meeting,” where members explicitly state what each one has agreed to do before the next meeting. The group hopes to engender a “small group” spirit of engagement and achievement in our committee work. This process has had this effect on members of this group! — Rob Settlage, Continuity Task Group Recorder Ellie Bewley, Marilyn Fant, Ella Tiffany, Norma DeLise, Bob & Sabron Newton, and David & Pier Avirom. In the “Integrity” category: Dan & Lea Wright. In the “Equality” category: Anonymous, Lloyd & Marie Kaneko, and Gwen & Mahlon Woirhaye. And in the “Peace” category: Brendon & Deanna Woirhaye and Bill & Marygene Wright. We also received a sizable scholarship donation from Friends Council on Education. Several students and their families benefited from these scholarships this year and we are so pleased that we can offer assistance. Lastly we want to thank Earl Walker and Quaker Missions West for their support. The stamps you saved and gave to Earl were returned to the school as a generous donation. — Cassie Caringella, WFS Administrator 4 Sneaks Visit Junior Blind Center On Thursday, May 24, fifteen Senior Sneaks piled into three vehicles and drove to a residential area north of LAX to tour the 8acre main campus of Junior Blind. This youth-serving facility dates back to 1953 when Norman Kaplan set out to provide a safe place to play for visually impaired children. Five years later, he and his volunteers were offered and took a 99-year lease on a 40-acre campsite in Malibu, where a full summer of week-long camps with hiking, swimming, campfires and crafts is still being offered to blind and multi-disabled children and their families. The site we toured, in western Los Angeles, was once a military academy. Acquired in the 1960s, it now has classrooms, dormitories, cafeterias, offices, gym, and infirmary ringing a large grassy plaza. A “sensory playground” has flowerbeds and textured walls decorated with objects which chime. Next to it is a therapy pool with the water just four feet deep. There is no other facility like this west of the Mississippi. Thanks to generous donors, specialized services are provided to infants, children, teens and adults “at no cost to families.” The infant/family program takes help into the homes of babies age 0-3. Mobile units provide free vision screening in low-income areas to 3,000 children a year. Relatively new is short-term rehab for newly impaired adults, some of whom come in by day while others live in for a few months to learn independent living skills, including how to use orientation canes, how to navigate the campus and neighborhood, how to shop or catch a bus. They are introduced to the latest technology, including watches which speak the time. Job-seekers can get a haircut in a campus personal care salon. Seventy per cent of the blind are unemployed, but phone banks offer jobs. Only four per cent of the “blind” see nothing at all, we were told. The school on the premises serves ages 3-21. Some of the teachers are blind themselves. The students and staff encountered in the hallways were very friendly. An after-school program is also offered. There is a Braille library but computers and modern technology are replacing Braille. However, to be considered literate, a blind person must know Braille. Seventeen school districts of the L.A. area work with Jr. Blind. They do not refer children if they can be successfully mainstreamed. Some students go into an affiliated group home after they finish school. The dorm is reserved for 40 children ages 5-21 with multiple disabilities who can not be cared for at home. “Goalball,” a competitive international sport for the blind, in which players wearing padded uniforms roll a large heavy ball with a bell inside, is played in the gym. Annually in April on the central grassy lawn they host the Junior Blind Olympics in which visually impaired youngsters from California and neighboring states compete in a variety of athletic events. Other special events during the year include a haunted house at Halloween and a carnival in December. Much enlightened about the services available for these special needs, the Sneaks posed for their group photo and headed home, stopping for a Sizzler salad bar lunch on the way. — Sabron Newton Come To AFFN For More On Disneyland Behind The Scenes Last year we enjoyed hearing Michael and Elisabeth Elliot speak about their experiences working for Disneyland Entertainment. This month, on July 25th, they will be telling us more about the theme park, including things we may have wondered about but were afraid to ask! Please join us for good food, fellowship, and an interesting program. This will be a Complete Pot Luck dinner at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with the program to follow from 7 to 8 p.m. There will be time for questions. Sign up in the church patio to bring a Main Dish, Salad, or Dessert. Drinks and Bread will be provided. Please bring $1 per person with food or $3 per person if you do not bring food but plan to join us for the dinner. All are welcome. Note that this AFFN is on the 4th Wednesday of July. Michael will have returned from China and will relate to us some of his experiences with the expansion of Hong Kong Disneyland. — Ted Marshburn July 2012 2 1 10:00a Meeting for Worship 11:15a Quarterly Meeting of Clerks 5:00p Book Study-Library 3 7:00a Spiritual Growth & Quaker Men 4 9 8 10:00a Meeting 10:00a Quiltmakers for Worship 11:15a Monthly Meeting 5:00p Book Study-Library 10 7:00a Spiritual Growth & Quaker Men 9:15a Trustees 7:00p M&C 11 12 6:00p Potluck, Speaker is Diane Randall, Exec Sec, FCNL 15 Living Light Deadline 10:00a Meeting for Worship 5:00p Book Study-Library 17 7:00a Spiritual Growth & Quaker Men 18 23 JHF/YFF to 10:00a Quaker Center Quiltmakers at Ben Lomond 10:00a Meeting for Worship 5:00p Book Study-Library 24 7:00a Spiritual Growth & Quaker Men 25 Living Light Folding 6:00p AFFNThe Elliots on Disneyland 26 27 JHF/YFF return home from Quaker Center 28 29 10:00a Meeting for Worship 5:00p Book Study-Library 31 7:00a Spiritual Growth & Quaker Men 27 28 30 16 22 30 10:00a Quiltmakers Belated To these friends whose Birthdays were in June. You’ll find the July Birthdays in the June issue of The LivingLight. Jack Adam Raquel Allen Alene Burke Liam Burke Nancy Cramer Iris Harris Ellen Hatcher Taylor Hays 5 6 7 13 Friendly Fare Deadline 14 8:00a Alternatives to Violence Project Workshop-Pt I 20 21 8:00a Alternatives to Violence Project Workshop-Pt II Staff Holiday Editors Compose Living Light 19 6:00p Family Summer Picnic Bryce Marshall Joe Mendoza Bob Newton Hubert Perry Jack Phinney Tom Purkiss Shane Purkiss Ethan Purkiss 29 Klane Robison Amanda Settlage Sharon Sturr Bella Sturr Wes VanDorn Shirley Votaw Diane Wemmerus Sarah Wood If we've missed your birthday, we apologize (and happy birthday)! We're working hard to keep our birthday calendar up-to-date so please let us know if we're forgetting anyone. Thank you! how to operate puppets. They were delighted to find that they too could make a puppet perform. Later they learned to make paper-cut-out puppets at Svev’s crafts table. Many people contributed to the wonderful evening of The children giggled as they were cuddled by Miz entertainment. Chef George Bouchard turned out one of Francis, the singing flamingo and Carmen Miranda, the his culinary masterpieces. Mary Marshburn created the cha-cha-ing duck elegant table decorations. Nancy Cramer, Sharon in an hilarious Huffaker, and Mindy Van Dorn helped with set-up and a u d i e n c e - clean-up. The 48 tickets sold at $15 each will give USFW p a r t i c i p a t i o n another big boost towards its fundraising goal. puppet show in Fellowship Hall Quaker Youth Pilgrimage the evening of May 24. Franklin Jasmine Sturr has been selected as a Youth Pilgrim. Haynes’ Puppets She will join 27 other young Friends from the Americas, followed a Europe and Middle East for the four week program. gourmet meatloaf Beginning July 12 the dinner with all the youth gather for travel to trimmings. The Woodbr ooke Quaker dinn er - t hea t er S tu dy C ent er in event was a Birmingham, UK. This is fundr aiser for followed by a week in United Society of Yorkshire to experience Friends Women. the places where George At the start of the evening’s entertainment, organizer F o x t r a v el e d a n d Carrin Bouchard explained the history and goals of preached during the USFWI’s mission work. Her mother, Audine Coffin, was 1650’s. The youth then President of the Whittier Meeting chapter in the early travel to the Netherlands 1990s. Various benefit dinners and special events at First where Fox spent time Friends over the years have raised thousands of dollars for with the Dutch in 1677 and 1684. After a week devoted the Lugulu Hospital and Friends Theological College in to a service project there, they cross back to Newcastle Kenya, the West Bank Ramallah Friends Schools, and the and Birmingham for another week among British Friends Boys School in Belize. The goal of the current fund effort before returning to their homes on August 13. This program calls youth to an opportunity to is $4,000. As of March of this year they were within develop their relationship with God, gain understanding $1,100 of their target. Puppeteer Vsev Krawczeniuk (a Ukranian name of Quaker process, explore Quaker history, experience pronounced “Sev Kravchenyook”) escorted his friends different Friends traditions and forms of worship, form Dodger the Juggling Rabbit, Sparky the Flying Fire Dog, community and lasting friendships, and participate in a and a host of other characters who did amazing tricks at service project. Cassie speaks from her time as a Quaker Youth the command of their skillful master. The children sitting in the front row got to shake hands with and hug these Pilgrim from Whittier in 2000: “The program included lovable characters, to the great enjoyment of their parents much of that planned for Jasmine in 2012. I found the QYP program to provide the promised experiences and and the audience. These puppets made their first appearance at First meet the Friends World Committee aim of ‘connecting Friends in 1999 at a previous USFW event. Since the Friends, crossing cultures, and changing lives’. In the last original puppets were introduced to school and church 12 years I have maintained contact with a number of my groups about 20 years ago, the Franklin Haynes show has Pilgrim Friends and have met them again at gatherings of gained considerable fame in the Southland. Three full- Young Friends.” At the June Monthly Meeting, Jasmine was approved time puppeteers with more than 300 puppet characters, all created by Haynes, perform for civic, school, church and to represent this church with a Traveling Minute to private events, and are in great demand at holiday time. introduce her and carry our greetings to Friends she will Six to eight puppets perform in each event, appropriately meet. You can support her with prayer, personal encouragement, and financial contribution to the First scripted for the audience. After the characters took their curtain-call bows, Friends Church designated Youth Travel Fund. — Cassie Caringella and Bill Wright director Vsev invited the children to the stage to learn Puppets Provide The Fun At USFW Fundraiser 5 All Friends Go On Safari With Deanna’s Travelogue Deanna Woirhaye experienced a strange feeling of intense joy and clarity as she awoke before sunup on her first full day in Africa. She had arrived in Nakuru, Kenya, after two strenuous days of travel (by herself, through Istanbul) to an unfamiliar world of unknown challenges. Yet she felt quiet assurance that her mission would be fulfilled. To a large All Friends Fellowship Night gathering on June 13, Deanna told of her participation in the 6th World Conference of Friends, held April 17-25 on the campus of Kabarak University. Her narrative, filled with love and humor, and embellished with some of her beautiful slides and videos (she took 3,000 photos!) held her audience spellbound. As one of two official delegates from the Western Association of the Religious Society of Friends (WARSF), Deanna was the only representative from Whittier among the 850 attending Friends from around the world (half of them Africans). The conference, on the theme of “Salt and Light—Friends Living the Kingdom of God in a Broken World,” was organized by the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). Deanna greeted other delegates from California: Brian Young, pastor of the Berkeley Friends Church (the other WARSF representative), James Healton, pastor of Sacramento Friends Community Church, and Sarah Rose House-Lightner and Anthony Manousos of Orange Grove Meeting. Her assigned roommate was Elspeth Wollen from Britain Yearly Meeting.. Conferees could choose among 43 “Thread Groups,” or topic-structured discussion groups, but were assigned to “Home Groups” which met for an hour and a half daily for a closer, more spiritual association. Deanna chose two Thread Groups. One on “Experiment With Light,” led by two British Quakers, focused on Light Meditation (holding topics in the Light) and seeking and listening to the Still, Small Voice for true inspiration. The other was “Being Salt and Light in the 21st Century,” led by two British Friends who said theirs was “a Liberal Quaker perspective.” This group needed language translation for mutual understanding and emphasized the need for openness. Its focus was to consider finding a better means of translating, across the vast cultural and religious diversity in the world, how we experience “God” so that we are all speaking the same language. In her home group, which was internationally very diverse, they talked, prayed and sang together, and even discussed homosexuality (a non-topic among the Kenyan Friends). The Kenyan tradition of “Talking Sticks” was adhered to — each speaker would hold a small token — a stick or rock or shell — and then relinquish it to the next person desiring to speak. Deanna reported having rich, deep discussions with these Friends, often ending with a feeling of awe. Deanna is pictured with a conference attendee with whom she formed a close friendship, a K e n y a n Friend named Phinike, whom she called her “adopted m o m . ” Friends communicated with each other every day during the conference on a “Talking Wall,” or large outdoor bulletin board, and at meal times in the large university dining hall. Almost every meal included the ubiquitous Kenyan staple “ugali” which is a stiff cornmeal mush, often served with boiled greens. One whole day was devoted to bus excursions to places of interest in the Kenyan highlands. A stop was made at Lake Baringo (one of the two northernmost freshwater lakes in the Rift Valley). This was also Deanna’s first on-land crossing of the Equator. Another day, the conference was surprised to be visited and addressed by Daniel Arap Moi, Second President of Kenya and also Chancellor of Kabarak University. On Sunday, Friends from around the world experienced the Kenyan Quaker style of worship, with many of the Kenyan ladies dressed in white. There was much beautiful a capella choral singing throughout the week. Through one of Deanna’s fine videos, her audience also saw and heard the large delegation of Bolivian Friends present a program of their ethnic songs and hymns. On the day when the Section of the Americas planned and led the plenary session, Brian Young gave the opening prayer. At the final and spirit-filled plenary, all of the conferees gathered to “weave” their threads into a binding fabric. Deanna’s video showed Friends of many nations dancing in a joyous conga line and singing “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands.” After the meeting ended, Deanna went on conference-organized safaris to two National Parks: Lake Nakuru and Amboseli. AFFN attendees were entertained during their bounteous pot-luck meal by a fascinating slide show of zebras, giraffes, cheetahs and crocodiles. She also showed videos of the extremely tall, red-robed Maasai tribesmen, and reported having had the chance at the end of her visit to meet and pray with some Maasai Quakers and speak with their pastor. Fellowship nighters agreed that they had rarely ever seen such a fine travelogue. Milton and Donna Wright, who organized the exceptional pot-luck supper (with ugali!), contributed to a wonderful evening. — Bob Newton 6 Promotion Sunday Honors Young Friends Raquel Allen welcomed Friends and facilitated the Meeting for Worship on Promotion Sunday, June 10. This was the annual event honoring our young folks for a year of loyal participation in First Friends Sunday School. First came the Children’s Library Awards for reading at least five books from the Children’s Library during the 20112012 school year, which were received by Ashley Ryder, Katerina Ryder, Lara Wemmerus, Anathea Woirhaye and Elyse Woirhaye. Teacher Tish Purkiss gave a special commendation to Katerina for her many hours of reading to the younger children to help them gain their certificates. Lynda Ladwig presided over the Class Promotion Exercise. The youngest to receive an award was two-year-old Zoe Overmyer for devoted participation in the Nursery Class. Her teachers, Jennifer Bermudez and Sarah Garland, were commended. Zoe’s sister Amara helped her to receive her award. Cassie Caringella and Tish Purkiss taught the pre-school through second grade students. Ashley Ryder, Lara Wemmerus and Elyse Woirhaye were praised for their diligence and each received a Bible. Grades 3-5 were taught by Lynda Ladwig and Barbara Sprague. Lynda described the year’s activities, which included decorating their new classroom in the Education Building. The children studied Quaker history and the story of King David. Amara Overmyer, Katerina Ryder, Bella Sturr, Anathea Woirhaye and Cedric Woirhaye proudly exhibited the magnificent patchwork banner constructed during the school year bearing the phrase: “God is a Puzzle. Let’s Put It Together!” This is their response to the query of why we should go to Sunday School. The Junior High/High School group teachers Anne McIntosh and Mel Sturr called their large group of protegés forward: Austin Allen, Olivia Allen, Raquel Allen, Amanda Cramer, Samantha Cramer, Emma McIntosh, Rennie McIntosh, Ethan Purkiss, Jacy Purkiss, Jasmine Sturr, and Wes Van Dorn. Olivia and Jasmine received special recognition for graduating from high school this spring. They each were given a copy of the book Quaker Bible Reader. A long-time former Sunday Schooler, Melissa Martinez, was called from the congregation to receive a special tribute. She completed her Master’s Degree in Higher Education this spring. Her career at the University of California at Irvine centers around helping transfer students adapt to the challenges of a big university. Melissa received a copy of Catherine Whitmire’s book Plain Living. Darrell Warren handed out the Mildred Jessup Awards. These are monetary awards given to collegebound Young Friends who have demonstrated Quaker discipline and leadership in high school. Olivia Allen is headed for Santa Monica College. She was active in many social concerns activities at Fullerton High School, including “Pennies for Peace” and “Safe and Sane Teens.” At Cornelia Connelly High School in Anaheim, Jasmine Sturr participated in a drive to raise money for an art program in Ghana. She is bound for Redlands University. Both were exemplary participants in many First Friends activities, including Peace Camps, and were delegates to the Friends United Meeting Triennial in Ohio last summer. The Larry Davidson Award is designed to encourage and affirm youth of the Meeting who have been observed contributing and sharing their gifts and talents with the Meeting and the community. Austin Allen is a three-sport participant at Wilson High School in Hacienda Heights and has taken part in many First Friends activities, including Peace Camp as a counselor, and the FUM Triennial as a delegate from First Friends. Jacy Purkiss, an avid soccer player, demonstrates her faith at La Mirada High School. She initiated the founding of a peace club on campus. Jacy was asked by her history teacher to take the part of advocate for peace during a class exercise in which all sides of an historical war were verbally reenacted. If her assignment were 100 per cent successful, all of the students in the class would receive an “A.” At the FUM Triennial, Jacy was chosen to present the youth minute during the final session. Sunday Schoolers officiated in the main worship program. Bella Sturr read the Scripture, Matthew 14: 22-33, in which Peter was eager to walk to Jesus on the water but succumbed to his doubts. Jacy Purkiss led the children’s message. Her Wonder Box study object was a bag of mixed seeds: “We don’t know what they will yield, but we have faith that we will be able to use the plants for God’s purposes”. Katerina Ryder’s offertory prayer gave thanks for those who nurture us. Then the Worship Choir sang the 7 Remembering Julia York Hockett Julia York Hockett, who joined First Friends when she married Bill, died at 94 on April 7 at Morningside of Fullerton where the Hocketts had lived for 20 years, survived by her husband. Julia was a 1938 graduate of Whittier College and worked for her teaching credientials there. She first taught in the East Whittier School District. In 1943, the year of the death of her first husband, James Shidler, she founded the Hadley Preschool, still in business today, located on Hadley St. near the Whittier Marketplace. When she retired from management of the school, Diane, one of her three daughters, took over. Julia was a first cousin to educator Ken Camp — their mothers were sisters. Her father, Victor Hugo York, settled in Whittier in 1917. From land he bought in and around Whittier he extracted enough oil to form the York Oil Company. He later donated valuable properties to the city and the Salvation Army, served on the Rose Hills board, and helped purchase the site for Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital. Bill, who also attended Whittier College, was born in Oskaloosa, IA, where his father headed the Penn College School of Music before moving to California to head the Music Dept. at Whittier College, and eventually become the Business Manager. Both Julia and Bill were active in college alumni affairs. Printed with the feature article about her in the Whittier Daily News on April 26 was a photo taken of them with their college friend, Richard Nixon, and Pat. Julia’s involvement in community affairs is detailed in the article. She was the founder of the Preschool Association in California and on the Soroptimist and Salvation Army boards. She helped with Job’s Daughters, served with the Parks and Recreation Dept. and Founders Day Committee, and, in the 1960s, helped save the Bailey House. Her memorial service was held at the Preschool on Sunday afternoon, April 29. For those wishing to remember her, the family suggests a donation to the “Aunt Julie Scholarship Fund” at the preschool. Promotion Sunday continued offertory song, “Fear Not” by John Ferguson with Amara, Anathea, Bella, and Katerina lending their voices throughout. The worship message was given by Olivia and Jasmine. They expressed their gratitude to First Friends Church for sustaining them and guiding them Becky’s Byline The Kingdom of Heaven is Like… On Sunday, July 1, we begin two things: our summer schedule with worship starting at 10 a.m., and a series on the parables of Jesus entitled: “The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…” As we prepare our hearts and minds for this series I thought I would explain two things: “the kingdom of heaven” and the word “parable.” The kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God, two synonymous terms, refers to the here and now, not sometime in the far off future or after we die. The kingdom of God is what Jesus imagined as the in-breaking of God on earth. It would be a place where justice and righteousness prevails; a place where the priorities of God, not the priorities of governments, triumph. Jesus often introduced parables by saying: “the kingdom of heaven is like…” So what is a parable? A parable is a genre of teaching stories that was common in the time of Jesus. As a speaker, I know that people are more likely to remember stories than three points and a poem. Jesus offered his parables with a unique twist or unexpected turn in them. His parables make us stop and think. Sometimes the meanings are unclear. I have found a parable can mean one thing to me this year and quite another thing the next time I read or study it. Parables mean different things to different people. Come and share with us this summer. I hope to explore the parables in a relaxed seminar setting where you are free to ask questions. Men are released from coats and ties. Join us as we pause and reflect on some of the teachings of Jesus. in their development. They spoke of activities and youth trip experiences that enable them to learn about life and their own spirituality. Olivia stated that, like Peter, she is eager to walk on water, but full of doubts. She trusts that the faith she learned at First Friends will carry her through. Olivia added “I will take the faith I learned here wherever I go.” During her high school years, Jasmine says, she grew in the Quaker faith and is able to distinguish and articulate what she believes. She learned to find her voice. “The important lessons that growing up at First Friends have taught me are that even if I begin to sink, as Peter did, I can trust that Jesus will always catch me, and that when I need God all I have to do is open myself up and listen.” Amanda and Samantha Cramer were Meeting for Worship greeters. Austin Allen, Emma McIntosh, Ethan Purkiss, Wes Van Dorn and Cedric Woirhaye donned lapel carnations to collect the offering. At the rise of meeting, the promoted Young Friends lined up to receive the well-wishes of worshippers. — Bob Newton 8 The Living Light First Friends Church 13205 Philadelphia St Whittier, CA 90601–4303 Return Service Requested Periodicals Postage Paid at Whittier California The Living Light USPS 316-320 Issue Date: Jul;y 1, 2012 The Living Light is published by First Friends Church, 13205 Philadelphia Street, Whittier, California, 90601-4303. Periodical postage paid at Whittier, California. Send address changes to First Friends Church at above address. Becky Memmelaar .........................Pastor Bob Newton...................................Editor Mary Raymond ...............Advising Editor Sabron Newton .................... Copy Editor Lynda Ladwig......................................... ..............Christian Education Coordinator Russell Litchfield .................................... ......... Dir of Music Ministries & Organist Mary Boltz.............. Office Administrator Lorenzo Mora ..........................Custodian Telephone 562-698-9805 FAX 562-698-1127 Whittier Friends School Staff Marie Kaneko ... School Committee Clerk 562-945-1654 Senior Sneaks News Senior Sneaks is taking a break until October 2012. Shirley is working on some great possibilities for outings for next fall. Have a great summer! “Growing Where We Are Planted” Whittier Friendly Neighbors Peace Camp is celebrating its 17th Anniversary. Camp begins August 13 and continues through the week, ending August 17. The cost is $50 with a $10 discount for each additional child in the same family. Register by July 15 and receive a 10% discount. Call the church office to have a brochure and registration form mailed to you. Outreach Committee Plans Worship Service The Outreach Committee will coordinate a special Meeting for Worship on August 12, 2012. In order to raise awareness of our outreach, representatives from four local organizations that First Friends supports financially will give the message and be available at rise of Meeting to speak with Friends about their ministries. The focus will be on their personal call to ministry. The organizations are Intercommunity Counseling Center, Interfaith Food Center, Women's and Children's Crisis Center, and H.O.W. House. Please mark your calendars. More details will follow in the August Living Light. — Russ Litchfield Please remember in prayer those Friends unable to worship with us regularly. Peggy Anderson Arden Bode Audine Coffin Monica Dean William Hockett Gerry Jansen Esther Morris Alice Newsom Alice Rosenberger Ami Troedsson Mary Wanner