Superintendent`s Message - Tipp City Exempted Village Schools


Superintendent`s Message - Tipp City Exempted Village Schools
April 29, 2013
Superintendent’s Message
John P. Kronour, PhD.
Taxpayers in the Tipp City Exempted Village Schools are asking why area school districts
removed their levies from the May ballot while our district did not. Vandalia-Butler, Huber
Heights and Kettering School Districts opted to pull their levies following the Governor’s
release of a new school funding plan. The much-anticipated blueprint for Ohio schools
included double-digit increases for these districts while leaving many others, including ours,
flat funded. It is difficult to balance a budget and plan for the education of our 2600 students
when the Board of Education faces such a financial unknown. There is too much uncertainty
with the funding formula, the amount the district can expect to receive and the date for
determination. This plan is just a proposal! We cannot depend on increases in state funding
and must consider that the state could make further cuts. Administrators with neighboring Vandalia-Butler City
Schools are making difficult decisions in response to a $7 million deficit resulting from state funding cuts, three
failed levies, and property devaluations. The district cut 47 positions including 33 teachers. Many of these
teachers are talented, long-term educators. The district also cut art, music, and physical education for middle
school students. We do not want a similar scenario to play out in Tipp City Exempted Village Schools. The
possibility of staff layoffs, increased class sizes, and decreased programming is a real threat without additional
funding. Without this levy, the Board of Education may choose to further reduce services and other opportunities
that keep excellence in our schools. This is not something that only happens in other school districts.
There are 2600 reasons to support Tipp Schools!
Congratulations to the 2013 Tippecanoe High School Top Scholars for their strong academic achievements!
These students rank in the top ten percent of the sophomore, junior and senior classes. Seniors recognized are:
Left to right; front to back: Lucas Vinski, Zachary
Robbins, Zachary Allen, Nathanael Jensen, Meggan
Bridgett, Rhyanna Hallauer, Jack Pelishek, Douglas
Lehmkuhl, Richard Andrews, Samuel Wharton, Grant
Koch, Lydia Schneider, Samuel Bollinger, Zach Berning,
Tyler Prentice, Jonathan Lin, Geoffrey Early, Allison
Rawlins, and Kayla Vath. Missing from the photo is
Claire Dynes.
The junior top scholars from left to right; front to
back are: Hannah Baird, Benjamin Hughes, Jay
Schairbaum, Jennel Chumney, Andrew Droesch, Richard
Grieshop, Thomas Gaier, Alex Demers, Benjamin Felter,
Wesley Ault, Cassie Gingerich, Brad Bruns, Samantha
Bonifas, Lauren Brackman, Katherine Gross, Tara
Boehringer, Meredith Coughlin and Bailey Flora.
Missing from the photo are Jacob Hall and Bailey
The sophomore top scholars from left to right; front to
back are: Lauren Goodall, Lyndsey Rindler, Gabrielle
Harrison, Madeline Bauder, Jacquelyn Gross, Daniel
Frame, Alexandra Prentice, Monica Rook, Megan
Rittenhouse, Sarah Marshall, Jacob Miller, Matthew
Wyant, Brinna Price, Zachary Salyer, Michael Keller,
Madison Handley. Missing from the photo are: Oscar
Freyre, Kimberly Lanham, and Emily Layman.
Congratulations to our district poets! The Tipp City Arts Council awarded high school junior Jennifer Imel top
honors in the grades 9 to 12 category of its recent Poetry Contest. Junior high student Abby Walker won first
place in the grades 7 to 8 category. Sara Gibson’s poem won in the grades 4 to 6 group. There will be a Poetry
Jam at Studio 14 Gallery (Benkins Building in downtown Tipp City) on Tuesday, April 30th at 6:00 PM. Awardwinning poets will read their works and receive their awards.
Congratulations to Cole Shinkle who won 1st place in the 2013
Tippecanoe High School Winter Chess Tournament for the second
straight year. The tournament was open to all high school students
and staff.
Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School Senior Erica
Comer on her recent signing with University of Charleston in
West Virginia. Erica will be continuing her athletic career in
basketball and track while in college. Erica’s parents, family,
high school coaches, friends, and teachers attended her
signing ceremony.
“SPOTLIGHT ON TMS” – The works of Tippecanoe Middle School students took center stage at the first
annual “Spotlight on TMS.” The artistic, musical and academic talents of our students awed parents and
community members. Art displays, science projects, and musical performances were available for visitors to
enjoy. Teachers also had hands-on activities in their classrooms while after-school club advisors highlighted the
benefits of club participation and the accomplishments of their members.
One of those clubs is the TMS STEM Club, which recently traveled to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to learn
about and work with scanning electron microscopes. These microscopes which cost over half a million dollars
can view objects thousands of times more closely
than regular light microscopes. Each student had the
opportunity to work the electron microscopes and
print pictures of what they discovered. The
Tippecanoe STEAM Boosters supports STEM Club.
Students attending were:
Front: Matt Rindler, Jackie Bashore, Payton Bonifas,
Patrick Manes, Levi Berning, Trevor Bolanger,
Henry Brownlee, Terrah Bruner, and Tasha Bruner.
Back: Andrew DeBrosse, Cameron Schuller, Evan
Hill, Faith Walker, Michael Senseman, Isabelle
Crow, Kaitlin Break, and Wils Kirchner.
Meet your future doctors, EMTs, scientists, and researchers! Tippecanoe High School Students enjoyed a
non-traditional learning experience thanks
to Good Samaritan Hospital. During the GSH
101: Introduction to Careers in Health
Sciences students:
Experienced what first responders do at
the scene of an accident
Discovered new technology used to
provide patient care
Had an “eagle’s eye view” of the city from
a helicopter pad
Learned from a variety of healthcare
Explored the human body inside and out.
Thank you to the Tippecanoe Educational Endowment for
making a memorable learning experience possible. The “Rock
Man enthralled third grade students at Broadway Elementary
School with his presentation. Students identified rocks and then
classified them and learned about fossils. Perhaps the favorite
part of the experience was panning for gold in the makeshift
stream. Each student took home a bag of treasures!
EARLY VOTING -- If you will be unable to get to the polls on May 7 or just want to avoid the long lines,
early voting is open. Go to the Miami County Board of Elections, located on the ground floor of the courthouse in
Troy. Early voting may be done from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Monday through Friday. If you have a family
member who is a registered voter, but will be unable to get to the polls (such as a student away at college), they
may download an application for an absentee ballot by visiting the Miami County Board of Elections website at Absentee
ballots must be postmarked no later than the day before the election and received by the board of elections no later
than 10 days after the election.
Faces of Fun Fair
The annual Fun Fair was a huge success(and the weather actually cooperated!). Thank you to all of the volunteers
from Nevin Coppock and Broadway Elementary Schools who worked tirelessly to organize this terrific fundraiser
and FUNraiser! Games, face painting, inflatables and raffles were among the special features! And, thank you to
the businesses and families who donated to this worthwhile cause!
Volunteers are needed for the annual Dayton Heritage Festival 2013 – SUNDAY, MAY 26 at Carillon
Historical Park (1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, 45409). As a volunteer, there is no parking fee and you receive a tshirt and a $5.00 food and beverage voucher. FREE ADMISSION ($5.00 parking). The event features live
entertainment including The Carillon Park Concert Band and The Dayton Philharmonic Concert. FUN for all
ages is guaranteed. The day concludes with a fireworks finale.
Old t-shirts are needed!
Safety City - Kindergarten registrants can learn basic safety rules at the annual Safety City. Participants are
introduced to these concepts in a hands-on, structured program under the leadership of an experienced, accredited
elementary teacher. The highly successful program prepares children for the challenges of traveling to and from
school. Community Minded Women presents the program as a public service in cooperation with Tipp-Monroe
Community Services, Tipp City Board of Education, and the local police, fire and emergency medical services
departments. Registration forms are available at and Nevin Coppock School.
Tippecanoe Youth Basketball Camp – Students entering grades 2 to 5 in the
fall have a summer opportunity to develop their basketball skills. The annual
Tippecanoe Youth Basketball Camp focuses on the fundamentals young athletes
need to improve. The popular, four-day program for boys and girls also promotes
positive sportsmanship. It runs from June 10 to June 13. For more information or
registration, go to the home page of Broadway Elementary School and click on
Basketball Camp under announcements. Early registrants receive a camp T-shirt!
Tippecanoe Middle School for students in grades 6 to 8. Design, build and launch
rockets; enjoy battle bot competitions; explore physics, chemistry and biology with
hands-on activities! Camp runs July 8th-12th from 8:00 AM to Noon. Cost is $100
per student. For information or registration form, contact Mr. Kenyon at
TIPP CITY AREA ARTS COUNCIL is seeking artists and
volunteers for its first annual Children's Art Adventure. The August 3,
2013 event includes arts and crafts workshops for children ages 314. The council needs:
***Volunteers ages 15 and older
***Student artists who would like to display or demonstrate their
art or craft
***Artists who would like to host an art station to teach an
art/craft to the children during the Children's Art Adventure.
For more information or to get an artist application, please email Renee
Matsunami at
Sports Medicine Offerings -- The UVMC Center for Sports Medicine will offer its sports enhancement
programs Explosive Speed and Power (ESP) for high school and collegiate level athletes this summer. The center
also will offer the ESP Junior, a program tailored for junior high athletes and the Sportsmetrics, a knee injury
reduction program designed for female athletes. ESP is for athletes who want to improve speed, agility, vertical
jump, strength, power, flexibility and confidence. Both ESP programs are held at Tippecanoe High School
beginning June 10. The Sportsmetrics program is held at Troy Junior High School. This comprehensive training
program specifically designed for female athletes is scientifically proven to reduce knee injuries and improve
performance for sports that involve pivoting, cutting or jumping. All programs are six weeks long. Registration is
required. To register online, visit or
Relay For Life / Field Day at LT Ball
Friday, May 10th – LT Ball students and staff will spend the entire day at the Tipp Track participating in a
combined Relay For Life and very active Field Day.
Fun dress up days and Cancer education is being taught the week prior to Relay through the acronym Safety
N = Nutrition
E = Exercise
T = Tobacco (Just say No!)
S = Sun Safety
By focusing on these four areas, along with the practice of philanthropy, children will learn about healthy
lifestyles and ways to reduce their risks of developing cancer.
Classes have created EPIC Raffle Baskets stocked with amazing gift cards and items. Tickets may be purchased
at LT Ball or at Relay on May 10th . Ticket prices are one for $1, 8 for $5, 20 for $10 and 50 for $20. A link to
view the baskets will be placed on the LT web page. ALL proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society.
We would like to welcome our parents and community members to join us for any portion of the day for
remembering and celebrating with this year’s theme Love, Peace, Cure. Opening ceremony will begin at 9AM,
with Closing Ceremonies around 2:40. We especially also welcome Survivors and Caretakers. Please feel free to
contact us to share your stories.
For athletic results go to
Tippecanoe High School athletic schedules are available at:
Tippecanoe Middle School athletic schedule are available at:
KIT-TV is now streaming the Board of Education Meetings and other Tipp City School activities on line.
To view go to:
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