02-01-2016 Epistle Web Version - Tipp City United Methodist Church


02-01-2016 Epistle Web Version - Tipp City United Methodist Church
T ip p
Ch u r c h
Ci t y
Vo lu m e 2 3
I s su e 2
Fe b ru a ry 1 , 2 0 1 6
From Dan’s Desk
The book of James in the bible has never been known
as a book that minced words. These 3 verses, for example, in the fourth chapter of the book.
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t
they come from your desires that battle within you? You
desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you
cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight.
You do not have because you do not ask God. When
you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with
wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on
your pleasures. James 4: 1-3
As I began to grow in my relationship with God, I soon
realized I still had many of the same reactions to situations and people that I had had before I was a believer
in Christ. That was curious to me and I found myself
internally struggling with the idea that I was a hypocrite. You know, one of those people that we often
point at that says they are a Christian but then do things
that are not very ‘Christian’.
Have you ever felt that way? Me too. I found myself
still fighting and positioning myself to get my way,
even though the Spirit within me was saying ‘make
peace, I am your provider’.
When I would read verses like these from James I
would be convicted and at first did not really know
what to do about it. It was describing exactly what was
going on, (except for the killing part), although some of
my arguing was, I am sure killing something inside the
people I was arguing with.
These verses caused deep reflection and then development of the practice of prayer. This Ash Wednesday,
February 10th, we are going to begin the season of Lent.
Lent are the days leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.
They are days we set aside for reflection and prayer.
We make ourselves ready to understand what the next
season of our lives needs to be about as a result of what
Christ did for us on the cross.
On Ash Wednesday you will be introduced to 4 facets
of prayer.
Adoration – these are prayers that come from a heart
that is still overwhelmed with the awesomeness of God.
Confession – these are prayers that come from a heart
that is self-aware and no longer trying to hide defects
from God.
Thanksgiving – these are prayers that come from a
heart that is filled with gratefulness for the blessings
from God.
Supplication (another word for ‘asking’)– these are
prayers that come from a heart that understands that
what truly matters in life must be asked for from God.
What began to change my reactions from fighting to get
my way, to considering other people before myself was
amercing myself in the personal decision to communicate with God through prayer. Prayer does
change things and most of all it changed me from the
inside out.
Join us Ash Wednesday at 7pm in the sanctuary as we
prepare ourselves for the risen Christ, through prayer.
On the journey with you,
Volume 23
Page 2
Rev. Dan Glover - Lead Pastor (ext 206)
Rev. Bonita Ritchie - Associate
Pastor (ext 205)
Luke Zerkle - Young Adult/Student
Coordinator (ext 214)
Maria Ellis - Children’s Ministry
Coordinator (ext 212)
Dave Pinkerton - Hand Bells Director
Stephanie Ours - Organist
Linda Goodman - Chancel Choir Director
Janet Bowling - Administrative Assistant
Chrystal Reese - Associate Pastor
Courtney Trumbull - Financial
Administrator (ext 203)
Jennifer Runyon - Communications
Coordinator (ext 202)
Pam Busboom - Office Manager (ext 201)
Don McAlexander - Newsletter Editor
Suzanne Collins - Director of Main Street
Preschool (ext 219)
Jan Haley - Main Street Preschool
Office Manager (ext 220)
Lori Jans, Melissa Tarzinski , and Jenny
Oskey - Main Street Preschool Teachers
Main Street Preschool Teacher Assistants
& Subs: Monica Clarke, Suzy Wyant
Luke Zerkle (ext 214)
Reception Desk 937-667-2318
The Epistle (USPS 706-370) is
published monthly by the Tipp City
United Methodist Church
8 W. Main St. Tipp City, Ohio 453711809
Periodical Postage paid
at Tipp City, Ohio
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to The Epistle at 8 W. Main
St. Tipp City, Ohio 45371-1809
Issue 2
Members of our church who have passed
on to Glory in January 2016
Wednesday Night Dinner Menu
Poppy Seed Chicken prepared by Mike Chaney
Ham and Scalloped potatoes
Taco Bar prepared by the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation as a fundraiser
Lasagna prepared by the Tipp City School Levy
Group as a fundraiser
Attendance: January 2016
9:00 10:30
1-10 108
1-17 125
1-24 132
February 9 ~ 6:30-8:00 p.m. ~ Room 300
Ladies, get out of the house and get away to recharge your spirit! Our
theme this month is Enduring Winter! Come warm up with a bowl of
white chicken chili then Pam Busboom will share her testimonial
about enduring the winters of her life, and we’ll conclude with great
conversation at your table! Take a break from the harsh winter and all
that comes along with it and join us for a great night! Sign up at
connection point or online at tippcityumc.org
Right Now Media!
RightNow Media offers over 2,000 discipleship videos, studies, and
books for adults, students, and kids. A $10 donation per family per
year is requested. If you would like to receive an email invitation to
join RightNow Media, please contact Dan Glover at 937-667-2318
ext. 206 or dan@tippcityumc.org.
If you have not made your 2016 donation, please indicate Right
Now Media on your offering envelope.
The Epistle
Page 3
General Fund Update as of December 31, 2015
Thank you for all the support and contributions throughout the year! With the sanctuary renovation and all
that happened in 2015 to the building, there seems to be a renewed sense of ownership and pride taken in
our church and church family. We started off the year with a series about prayer, and I would encourage
everyone to please continue to pray that God would guide us in being good stewards with the resources
He has blessed us with.
‘He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy,
by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.’ Titus 3:5
Income as of 12/31/2015
Other Income/Loose Offering
Spending as of 12/31/2015
Twelve Month Position
Serve During Upward Basketball & Cheerleading
The Upward season has begun! Games will be held every Saturday through March
12. Your help is needed to reach the thousands who come through our doors every
Saturday! Sign up at Connection Point to serve in any of the following areas:
Friday Set-up, Saturday tear down, Halftime Commissioner, Halftime Leaders,
Referees, Concession Help, Greeters
Every Friday
6 to 8 p.m.
Volleyball is open to everyone 18 and older
and there are no set teams. These are fun,
free, pick up games. For more information,
contact Dale or Karen Katzfey at
937-667-2318 or just show up
Page 4
Volume 23
Tipp City United Methodist Church
Generation to Generation Capital Campaign and Church Renovation Project Update
Pledged and amounts spent to date as of January 23, 2016
Issue 2
Page 5
The Epistle
Main Street Preschool
Registration is going on for the 2016-2017 school year. Main Street Preschool is gearing up for its 12th
year. Do you know someone who is looking for a preschool for next school year? The preschool offers consecutive days of learning for ages 2 through 5. One, two, three, and four-day class options are available. See
the many activities on the preschool’s Facebook page.
Open House on January 24 was successful with 9 families visiting the staff and classrooms. All had positive comments about our website and our program.
Preschool Offerings continue to improve each year. The preschool will have an option for families who
want to send their 2-yr-old next year. Children can go one day or two days. The two-day option is already
popular among the families who have visited and registered. We are now utilizing all three classrooms all
the days of the week that we are here.
Dinner with the Artists is planned for Wed, April 27. Plan to come for a delicious meal and view Main
Street Preschool’s Art Gallery. We’re inviting the congregation and area merchants to donate an item for our
very popular basket raffle again this year. If you can help, we’d love to add you to our “Friends of Main
Street” board that will be displayed as a new feature this year. Contact Suzanne Collins, Director, if you
have questions or an item/gift card to donate.
A great deal of coordination happens between the preschool and the church. We send a huge THANK YOU
to the crew who faithfully waits for us to finish our Wednesday at 2:00 before they set up tables and chairs
Classroom learning takes place
while playing. “Play is our brain’s
favorite way of learning.”
--Diane Ackerman, Author
We set the table for our friends
when we celebrate birthdays
Cutting helps develop fine motor
skills which are needed for writing ability.
We explored the elements of
snow. Why did it melt?
Mrs. Jans shared a bible story
that had the children popping up
& down. Bible Story Time is a
Lunch Bunch group posed by the
“tree of food” before it left for
Needy Basket.
(Continued on Page 6 )
Page 6
Volume 23
Issue 2
Main Street Preschool (Continued from Page 5 )
Tipp City Schools recent newsletter reported: Brain research supports the link of physical activity to
increased academic performance. Motor development provides the framework used to sequence patterns
needed for concepts such as reading. At Main Street Preschool, an emphasis remains on large motor activities
in the Great Hall and our outdoor classroom, the Play Garden. Running, jumping, balancing, pulling,
tugging, lifting are all beneficial for preschoolers’ bodies to strengthen their muscles along with their minds.
Scholarship Fund
• Ensures that preschool children can be part of a quality, Christian learning environment when it otherwise
may not be possible.
• Serves a qualified family for one month, a short time or maybe a year by bringing the family into our
program, giving them hope in a church and a community who cares about them.
Yes, May is just around the corner! The All City
Garage Sale is May 7, the first Saturday in May.
TCUMC holds a Garage Sale the same time. It’s
time to start making that pile to donate. The money
from the sale will go to help support the orphans in
Angel House Orphanage in Tarime, Tanzania,
Africa…a Methodist Church sponsored mission.
The US board is located in New Carlisle UMC and 2
TCUMC members are part of that board. TCUMC
has sent 2 teams to the orphanage/secondary school.
In 2014, TCUMC raised money during Advent that
caused 2 wells to be drilled: one in the village and
one at the orphanage/school!
You may begin to bring in your ‘treasures’ on May
1, Monday, and put them in the Wesley Room
across from the offices. You do NOT need to price
your items unless you would like. The items need to
be clean . Helpers are needed to help sort and price;
to set up tables in the Great Hall on Wednesday
before the sale starts on Thursday noon and take
money at the check out at the Dow Street door.
People will be needed to help carry and organize the
items on the tables and to watch over the tables during the sale. Clean-up crews will be needed to pack
up the leftover items on Saturday and take them to
St. John’s for their sale later. The chairs will need to
be set for Sunday morning.
Furniture is accepted. Clothes should be taken to
The Clothesline resale shop on 2nd Street. Old TVs
and other old electronic items are not accepted.
There is something for everyone to do to make this
Garage Sale the largest ever!
More info? Judy Riesser
Generation to Generation Feedback Requested
On Tuesday, January 26th, we gathered as a church
family to discuss the Generation to Generation campaign. We are approaching the 2-year mark of the
campaign, and the sanctuary renovation, roof
repairs and KidCity security are largely done. But
while we have completed several key items on the
renovation list, we need to decide on what to do
with the remaining components. We would like
your feedback on our next steps. Please review the
feedback card in the Sunday, January 31st bulletin,
available at the Generation to Generation wall display, or on our website. We ask that you circle the
option that most reflects your feelings and give us
your comments in the spaces provided. Please
return your card to the office, place it in the basket
by February 15th, or send it in electronically via the
website. If you would like to join in on this transformation of our church facility, pledge cards are
available at the wall display. Thank you for your
continued faithfulness and generosity!
Page 7
The Epistle
Health Ministry February 2016
February is Heart Health Month! Love is in the air,
and what better topic for health conversation than the
Those of you who know me may very well know my
love for trivial knowledge, as well as my love for
sharing it. Without further ado, I present to you a
few of the most interesting heart-related facts I could
find on the internet:
Your heart started to develop within the first 16 to 19
days while in the womb, and through its development, it more closely resembled the heart of a goldfish, then of a frog, and then of a snake, before
taking on its final form as we know it. It’s no surprise, though, knowing our creator created all things
great and small. (www.howstuffworks.com)
Speaking of great things, the largest heart in the
world, belonging to the blue whale, weighs 1,500
pounds, is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, and a
human adult could easily swim through the aorta (the
large blood vessel coming from the heart). (mother
nature network - www.mnn.com)
Regarding the small things, a hummingbird’s heart
beats over 1,200 times per minute during the
day. During the night, however, to conserve energy,
they can lower their heart rate to 50 beats per
minute. (home.olemiss.edu)
In a single day, your heart beats approximately
100,000 times, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood
through your body. (mother nature network –
The hearts of men and women are different. A
woman’s heart is approximately 2/3 the size of a
man’s, and has to beat, on average, 10% faster, to
compensate. The differences don’t stop there,
though. Because of the differences, women don’t
experience the classic symptoms men do when suffering a heart attack. While men typically experience chest discomfort and numbness in the left arm,
women may experience pain at the top of the back, a
burning sensation in the upper abdomen, flu-like
symptoms, anxiety, and sweating. Because of these
symptoms, a woman may not even realize she is having a heart attack. (www.cbn.com)
Okay, I admit, the last one is a little scary. You may
be wondering what you can do to prevent heart disease. Here are a few tips, from the CDC:
A diet low in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol,
and high in fiber can help prevent high cholesterol. Limiting salt intake can lower your blood
pressure. Limiting sugar in your diet can help prevent or control diabetes, which is a risk factor for
heart disease.
Follow your doctor’s advice on achieving or maintaining a healthy weight.
Devote 2 hours and 30 minutes each week to activities like brisk walking or cycling, as this can help
your body do its part to manage blood pressure,
cholesterol, and sugar levels.
Don’t smoke, and avoid drinking too much alcohol. Both have some pretty negative effects on blood
pressure and circulation, which directly affect how
hard the heart has to work.
I’ll leave you with one more fun fact, which is very
appropriate for the season: Several studies have concluded that dark chocolate reduces the risk of heart
disease. The higher the cacao (cocoa) content, the
better. It is recommended to look for bars with a
70% cacao content or higher. (www.health.harvard.edu)
--Charles Strawser
Children’s Handbell Choir
1st & 3rd Sundays 10:00 - 10:30 a.m.
A new Children’s Handbell Choir is forming! Children age 4 years old through those in 5th grade will meet
the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month from 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. to practice. If interested, contact Maria Ellis
at 667-2318 ext. 212 or maria@tippcityumc.org or see Peg Hadden or Chrystal Reese.
Page 8
Volume 23
Issue 2
Ignite Student Ministry
Upcoming Events
February 7th
No Ignite
February 14th
Sunday Night
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
February 21st
Sunday Night
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
February 28th
Sky Zone
Sunday Night Ignite:
Sunday, February 7th: NO IGNITE
Sunday, February 14th: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Sunday, February 21st: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Sunday, February 28th: Sky Zone
The Well (Wednesdays, February 17th – 27th)
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Room: 300
God has called us to courageously represent the kingdom of God through
witness, discipleship, and service to others. Our focus in the Well is seeking to discover what the Bible teaches about being a Christian and what
this practically looks like lived out. Our hope is that you will discover
Biblical discipleship, life experiences with Jesus, and ways in which you
can serve in your daily lives.
Riverside Magic vs. Ignite Student Ministry: Riverside Developmental
Disabilities basketball team, the Magic, have challenged Ignite Student
Ministry for the second year in a row to a basketball game. Ignite is coming off a tough loss in the final seconds last year and we’re looking to
bounce back! Win or lose it will be a great time! Students of all basketball abilities are encouraged to come.
Departure: 5:15 pm (TCUMC Parking Lot)
Return: 8:00 pm (TCUMC Parking Lot)
Dare 2 Share Live It Up Conference
March 4th & 5th – Dayton, Ohio
Based on snapshots from the life and ministry of Jesus the Live It Up
Tour will enable teenagers to do just that... to live it up! They’ll discover
how to live a life that is upwardly focused on the Father, inwardly fueled
by the Spirit and outwardly inviting others to the party of this new life in
Christ. Because only in living this upwardly focused life can true joy be
Tickets: $65.00 (First come, first serve limited spots available)
Tickets must be bought by Monday, February 22nd
For more information, contact Luke Zerkle at luke@tippcityumc.org
or 937-667-2318 ext. 214.
The Epistle
Page 9
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Beginning: February 8 for 9 weeks
Room: 300
Facilitator: Patrick Reese
Financial Peace University is a life-changing opportunity that empowers you to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and God’s plan for your life. Author and financial advisor Dave Ramsey
will take you step-by-step through a total money makeover using practical lessons on eliminating debt, building wealth, giving, and more. This can be the most important step you will ever take to change your financial
FPU is for everyone from the financially secure to the financially distressed. On average, graduates have paid
off over $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 while participating in this 9-week program. Financial Peace University students have the option of paying at the first session or making weekly payments over 9 weeks.
Sign up online at www.tippcityumc.org/discipleship-opportunities. You can follow the link to
register and to pay for class materials. Be sure to indicate the book or class name in the payment memo.
Sign up at the Connection Point in the Gathering Area between services Sunday morning. There you can sign
up and prepay for your materials.
Angel House Christmas Bazaar 2016
In the world of arts and crafts, it is never too early to begin preparing for Christmas.
We are seeking artisans within our congregation who would have interest in participating in a Christmas Bazaar to take place in the Great Hall in conjunction with the
Christmas Cookie Walk, December 3, 2016. Proceeds will benefit Angel House
Orphanage/ Secondary School, Tarime, Tanzania, Africa.
Vendors will rent table space and will also be asked to donate an item for a
“community” table. You don’t have enough products to set up a booth by yourself?
Join forces with other members or add your items to the “community” table for a
nominal fee.
We have many details yet to develop, but want to give you ample time to plan, prepare, and create a spectacular array of quality, handcrafted goods.
A limited number of direct-marketing booth spaces will also be available.
For more details as they become available or to join us in the planning stages,
please contact:
Judy Riesser - judyriesser@gmail.com or
Gina Duncan – GDuncan@BelieveFineArt.com
Volume 23
Page 10
Issue 2
Thank You Notes
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so much for the prayers, cards, phone calls, house visits and all the delicious food you have
shared with me during and since my surgery. I especially appreciate the prayer shawl I was given prior to
surgery. It brought me great comfort when I was hurting to know I was surrounded by prayer.
I am recuperating nicely and hope to see you soon. It is a privilege to be a part of such a loving,
caring church family. God Bless You
--Dee Latta
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for remembering me during my recent illness with your prayers, cards, flowers, visits and
prayer shawl. Thanks to Pastor Dan and Pastor Bonita for your visits and encouragement! Praise God that I’m
home and feeling better each day!
--Frances Brock & family
Tipp City United Methodist Church,
Needy Basket deeply appreciates your January 6, 2016 very generous contribution of $3,831.55 in
support of our efforts to assist the needy families of Southern Miami County. This brings your church’s total
yearly monetary donations for 2015 to $4,701.55 in cash, in addition to the 930 pounds of food that you have
donated this year. Your support is greatly needed, especially now, with need being greater than ever. If you
have any questions, feel free to contact me.
--Gerald R. Wyen, Treasurer for James J. Sommer, Chairman
Dear TCMC Staff,
Thank you so much for the lovely red & white fresh flowers at Mom’s funeral services. Your church has
been such an important part of Mom’s life and both my and my sister’s childhood.
Please know how much we appreciate your prayers and support for Mom over this past year.
God’s Blessings.
--Diana and Peter Chatigny and the family of Doris Jones
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for your kind expressions of sympathy on the passing of our mother and grandmother Mae
Holl. Pastor Bonita Ritchie for her beautiful service. To Mike Chaney for his preparation of a delicious lunch
after the service. All is very much appreciated. In Christ’s Love,
--Judy Hanshaw and family
The Epistle
Page 11
T O T H E F A M I LY O F :
Doris Jones. Our beloved friend went home on January 4th
The Epistle
Volume 23 Issue 2
February 1, 2016
Tipp City United Methodist Church is located at
the corner of South Third and Main St. in Tipp
City. The phone number is 667-2318. Visit our
web site at www.tippcityumc.org Visitors are
TIPP CITY, OHIO 45371-1809
Postage Paid
at Tipp City,
Sunday Schedule
Traditional Worship 9:00 a.m.
Adult, Students & Children’s 9:00 a.m. &
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Contemporary Worship 10:30 a.m.
Child Care Provided 8:45 a.m. to
(Infants to 5 years) 11:45 a.m.
O ur M i s s i o n
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for
the transformation of the world.
O ur Vi s i o n
To become a faith community where all are welcomed,
lives transformed, risk-taking ministry is encouraged,
and servant-hood is a way of life.
O ur J o u r ne y
Invitational Discipleship
Instructional Discipleship
Please turn in articles for the March 1st
Epistle to the church office Epistle mailbox
before February 24th. Articles may also be
sent by e-mail to tcumcepistle@aol.com. Thank
Relational Discipleship
Service Discipleship
To activate the prayer chain please call:
Judy Anderson 667-2318
Church Office 667-2318
e-mail: EPrayer2Him@aol.com