Closing Edition - Alvernia University


Closing Edition - Alvernia University
What In The Hall?
Closing Edition
**Special Feature on Closing
inside on pages 4-5!**
March, April, & May 2014
Volume 1, Issue 5
Advice From a Graduating RA...
By: Meredith Beavers, Resident
Assistant in Judge Hall
s I finish my four years here
at Alvernia, I look back on a
lot of my experiences as
extremely positive to my
growth and development as an
individual. I have learned some
important life skills and gained a lot
of confidence in myself through my
involvement at the university. I
wanted to offer a few pieces of
advice for all the students that are
still living on campus and will come
after me:
Number 1: Get involved every chance
that you have. Join a club or a sports
team, become a part of an honors
society. Work with the Holleran Center
of Campus Ministry to get involved in
the community and complete your
service hours. Not only will you make
friends and have a good time, but you
can build life skills that you can add
to your resume that will help you once
you leave Alvernia.
Number 2: Update your resume at least
twice a year. You can add all kinds of
things to your resume and then edit
Article continued on Page 2...
In this Issue:
Details from the Director
Page 3
Special Feature: Closing
Page 4
Farewell to Staff
Page 6
Community Standards Corner Page 9
RHA Roundtable
Page 10
Nrhh & OTMS
Page 12
RD Articles
Page 13
Year in Pictures
Page 15
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Advice from an RA-Meredith Beavers
for different jobs or internships. If you keep up with
everything that you are involved in and any awards you
receive every year, then you don’t have to remember it all as
a senior when you are applying for jobs in the real world.
Number 3: Ask questions. We all know that there is never a
stupid question but sometimes we are hesitant to ask, even
as adults. There are always going to be things in life that we
don’t understand and that we are confused about. Ask
questions all the time, we are students in a place of learning
and have so many people surrounding us to learn from
Number 4: Find a way to relieve your stress. Whether you just
need to go for a walk or listen to music figure out what helps
you to forget about that stress. The sooner you figure out
your outlet the better off you will be. Sometimes it’s ok to
put off that project to spend time with friends and to be
spontaneous as long as you remember that you are a student
Basically, do not take the next four years for granted. You will have
some of the best memories, meet the best people, and learn the
most important lessons throughout your time at Alvernia. Take every
opportunity, have some adventures, meet new people, and challenge
yourself to make every day count in your college experience.
Caption: Meredith Beavers, Laura Mauroschadt, Colin Mengel, & Daniel Kwasniewski serve as Temple guards during RA Winter Training 2013.
Caption: The Resident Assistants enjoyed their trip to the Philadelphia
zoo during summer 2012 training.
Caption: Colin Mengel & Meredith Beavers made sure to grab some souvenirs at
the Philadelphia zoo.
Caption: Meredith Beavers is inducted into NRHH in Spring 2013.
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Details from the Director
What to do If you...
By: Karolina Dreher, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life
Missed Housing Selection but still want to live
on campus.
Want to dispute your grade.
If students have missed the housing deadline
but would like to reside in campus housing,
they will need to complete the following
The Student Grievance Committee attends to grievances of an academic nature. The
Committee is composed of faculty members and two students. The Student Government Association selects the students. The Committee members elect the chair. The
Committee is involved in a student grievance only if the proper steps have been
followed as outlined herein:
 Student discusses situation/grade with instructor within 20 calendar days of
 If no accord is reached, the student has seven calendar days to meet with
the department chair.
 Again, if no accord is reached at this level, the student has seven calendar
days to consult with the division dean.
 At this point, if there has been no resolution, the division dean apprises the
student of the right to appeal to the Student Grievance Committee.
 Student has seven calendar days to contact the Chair of the Grievance Committee. The Committee hears a case only after there has been an attempt to
rectify the situation through discussion with the student, Instructor, Department Chair and/or the Division Dean. If no solution is reached at this point, the
student files a grievance.
Contact the Office of Residence Life to
inquire about space availability. Students
may do so in person or via phone at 610796-8320.
Complete the online housing application
Pay the $250 housing deposit to student
Are on Academic Probation.
Students placed on academic probation may not
take more than 14 credits the following
semester. For more detailed information please
see the Alvernia Academic Catalogue p. 67
In addition, to remain eligible for financial aid
full-time undergraduate students must pass 24
credits per year, in addition to maintaining a
minimum grade point average. If a student does
not make the required GPA or does not earn the
24 credits, student can appeal to Student
Financial Planning. Students will receive a letter
from SFP advising them of the appeal process. It
is important to remember that the appeal must
be received, not later than June 30, 2014.
For more detailed information regarding the Student Grievance Committee please
see the Alvernia Student Handbook p. 76
Are Academically Dismissed.
Academically dismissed students may petition the Academic Standards Committee in writing
for reinstatement to degree candidacy. For more information student can refer to their
dismissal letter or the Alvernia Academic Catalogue p. 67
Other important deadlines:
Deadline for PA residents to submit FAFSA – May 1, 2014
Have holds and cannot register for fall 2014.
Please contact the Registrar office to verify the type of hold you have.
For financial holds – please contact the Student Billing office at 610-796-8214.
For health center holds – please contact the Health & Wellness Center at 610-568-1467
For student life holds – please contact the Office of Community Standards at 610-796-5508
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Spring Move-Out Tips & Tricks
Avoid charges and fees by learning all you can about closing
Make sure to checkout of the halls properly because you
can and will be billed for an improper checkout. Improper
checkouts can include just leaving, giving your keys to
someone else to turn in, etc. There are two ways to
Checkout of the residence Halls:
1. Come to the VH Desk & Get an RA
2. Come to VH Desk & Complete an Express Checkout
Important Information:
You must be out of the Residence Hall 24 Hours after your
last final unless you have permission from the Office of
Residence Life to Stay.
Graduating seniors can stay until may 11th (after
graduation) at noon.
If you have to stay in the Residence Halls until
Graduation, you must fill out an Extended Stay Form on
MyAlvernia on the Residence Life page.
If you will be staying or returning to campus for summer
classes/campus jobs, come to the Office of Residence
Life before you leave.
What is the difference in Checkouts?
During a regular checkout, the RA will go
through room damages with you present so
you are aware of the damages they see.
However, this is only the first of two
checks as your RD will go through an
additional time after closing to find
additional damages.
During an express checkout, you will
return your keys and the RAs/RD will
complete room checks without you After
Closing. The advantage is that you get to
leave immediately without going through
the room with staff which can take up to
30 Minutes; the disadvantage to express
checkout is that you waive your right to
appeal any room charges.
Before Checking out...
1. Remove All Personal Belongings
2. Clean the Room
3. Leave the Heat/SC on Low
4. Close All Windows
5. Double check you have all belongings
6. Turn off Lights
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
7. Return Key
Tips & Tricks to avoid unnecessary Room Charges:
1. Sweep your room, take out trash, and wipe
down furniture-One of the most common
Charges is excessive dirtiness and cleaning.
By just leaving without cleaning, you could
be charged additional money to have more
than a normal cleaning done by
2. Return your keys-a lock change is $150 so
return them or you could be charged.
3. Checkout correctly-An improper checkout is
also a common charge. Make sure to return
your own keys and come to the VH Desk to
checkout to avoid this charge.
4. Be careful taking down wall decorations-wall
damage is another common charge so take down
décor carefully.
5. Clean your kitchen-you will be charged for
uncleaned stoves, fridges, and microwaves so
clean your kitchen areas if you have them.
6. bathroom should also be cleaned. Bathroom
cleanliness is also a big charge so make sure to
Biggest Tips to take from this: Be Sure to
Checkout properly & CLEAN. CLEAn. Clean.
Summer Housing Information
Taking A Class and Need to Live on campus this summer…
Summer Housing Information from Shannon Merkey, housing Coordinator
Housing during the summer is available to students who are enrolled for Alvernia University
summer classes and/or participating in an academically related internship or work on
campus. The rate to live on campus is $65.00 per week or $910.00 for the full summer. Charges
will be placed on your university account at the end of the break. This summer housing for
those approved to stay will be in Village 3.
If you fit into one of the categories above and would like to request to stay on campus you
must submit a Housing Application by Tuesday, April 6th which can be picked up in the Office of
Residence Life located in Veronica Hall.
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Congratulations to Our Graduating Staff Members...
Meredith Beavers
Judge Hall
Years As a Resident Assistant: 3 Years
Major: Forensic Science/Chemistry
Hometown: Mechanicsville, MD
Involvement: Campus Activities Board (President), National Residence Hall
Honorary (President), Student Government Association, Science Association
Plans After Graduation: Attending Towson University for Masters in Forensic
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Winter Training 2013, Legends of the hidden temple
Alisha Dockery
Pacelli Hall
Years As a Resident Assistant: 4 Years
Major: Occupational Therapy
Hometown: Pottstown, PA
Involvement: Alvernia Sexual Assault Prevention Peers (ASAPP), Alternative Breaks
Plans After Graduation: Get a Job as Occupational Therapist
Favorite Residence Life Memory: RA Training 2013 with our 90s Nickelodeon Theme
Vanessa Hernandez
Siena Hall
Years As a Resident Assistant: 3.5 Years
Major: Occupational Therapy
Hometown: White Hall, PA
Involvement: Student Government Association and SOTA
Plans After Graduation: Moving to Montana to be a Pediatric Occupational
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Ships & Sailors with the RA Staff
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Best of Luck in all your future endeavors...
Fredric Reid
Village 4-Pods
Years As a Resident Assistant:2 years
Major: Business management
Hometown: Drexel Hill, PA
Involvement: Men’s Lacrosse Team, SCHRM
Plans After Graduation: Find a Job with a good company!
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Becoming a part of the team and getting to know
Mike Weinhold
Village 3-Academic Village
Years As a Resident Assistant:2 years
Major: Business Management
Hometown: Reading, PA
Involvement: Men’s Baseball Team
Plans After Graduation: Climb the Corporate Ladder and Be All I Can Be
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Watching RD Joe Get Pied in the face at the
Freshmen Area Program
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Thanks for all your Service...
We wanted to also take some time to thank our staff who is
leaving their RA position but not graduating for their service.
Edward Cadman
Judge Hall
Years As a Resident Assistant: 2 years
Major: Accounting &
Business Administration
Hometown: Hokenedaqua, PA
Involvement: Track (Indoor.Outdoor); Delta Mu Delta (Treasurer); Phi Beta Lambda;
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Summer Training 2012 (Olympics)
Colin Mengel
Zygmunta Hall
Years As a Resident Assistant: 3 years
Major: Business Administration (Masters)
Hometown: Reading, PA
Involvement: Campus Activities Board, Student Government Association,
Intramurals, Residence hall Association
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Training Committee for Winter Training 2013
(Legends of the Hidden Temple)
Daniel Myers
Veronica Hall
Years As a Resident Assistant: 1.5 years
Major: Criminal Justice
Hometown: Mohnton, PA
Involvement: Criminal Justice Association
Favorite Residence Life Memory: Winter Training 2013 (Legends of the Hidden
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Community Standards Corner
Expedited process
By: Dave Stuart, Director of Community Standards
The Office of Community Standards would like to focus this month on our Expedited community standards. The
normal community standards process changes at the end of the year to ensure you can try and clear the matter
before you leave for the summer. If you are documented for a possible violation of the community standards
process, you must report to the office of residence Life between 9am and 12 noon on the next business day. You
should come prepared to discuss the issue and have your preliminary conference.
Don’t forget that it is 24 Hour Quiet Hours during finals week! Respect the rights of others to study and focus in
Making a Difference, One Car At A Time!
The Upper Class Resident Assistant
staff held their third annual car
wash on April 6, 2014 to raise funds
for Alex’s Lemonade Stand during the
CURE-sader walk. The staff raised a
total of $188!! Thank you to those
who volunteered their time and
brought their cars to be washed!
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
By: Emily Geliebter, rha Programming Chair
lvernia’s Residence Hall Olympics ran from April 9 to
April 13. The 5-day competition tested the bonds and
teamwork of residence halls and friendships. The
Residence Hall Olympics are an annual event hosted
by Alvernia’s Residence Hall Association. RHA is a group out
of Residence Life that works to give resident students a
voice on campus. Its primary task is to be a place where
students can have their comments and concerns addressed.
The club was popular and well grounded many years ago,
but has experienced a renaissance in recent years. A group
of last year’s sophomore students worked hard through the
challenges and tough crowds to bring RHA back to life, as
well as bringing the return of the Olympic games.
Last year was the first year for the Residence Hall Olympics.
For being a first year club and a first time event for every
student on campus, it went fairly well.
The Residence Hall Olympics involves each building receiving
a mascot and color chosen this year by each building’s
representatives. There are a series of events and
competitions, with points awarded based on where the
teams rank when the competition is complete. Not all of the
events are athletic-based so to have
something for everyone.
Some events include Humans vs. Zombies,
Dodgeball, Volleyball, Dog Eat Dog, and the
ever-popular Lip Sync Contest. Teams are
encouraged to have support throughout their
events by gaining points for the most spirited
spectators. Winners are announced at the
carnival themed Closing Ceremonies. The
winning teams receive medals and the praise
of everyone in Alvernia.
This year, the participation and team spirit
were bigger and better than ever. Club
advisor Joseph Benyish was excited to see
the change at the event’s second year on
“It was nice to see our organization come
together and see the great spirit and
community between all the buildings. It was
awesome to see how much the event has
grown over a year,” said Benyish.
Throughout the week RHA saw hoards of
participants and supporters at every event.
Everyone worked hard to win points for their
buildings by singing, dancing, dodging, and
playing the week away. Teams got points
for winning events, as well as for being
spirited and having good sportsmanship. At
the end of the competition Judge Hall
came out on top. Co-advisor Donald
Brennan was proud to see his building do
so well.
“As a Co-Advisor for RHA, I was supposed to
be impartial; however, I was very excited
to see my students in Judge Hall take the
championship. There was low involvement
from our sophomore students last year;
however, the event has grown and
sophomores were excited to come out and
get involved this year. I was a proud
Resident Director (RD)!” said Brennan.
If you missed out on this year’s fun, be
sure to keep an eye out for next year’s
Olympics! They take place every spring
before Spring Fling. Don’t live life with
regrets, help bring your team to victory by
participating in Residence Hall Olympics!
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Congrats to our new exec Board…
RHA’s new exec board has been elected. Congrats to
the winners:
President: Caitlyn McGrellis
Vice President for Internal Affairs: Matthew Murphy
Vice President For External Affairs: Brian Schneebeli
National Communications Coordinator: Tina Marie Streleckis
Programming Co-Chairs: Sarah Quigley & Tyra Roberts
Fundraising Chair: Abigail Cannon
Public Relations Chair: Brandon Young
And the Winners are...
1st Place (Gold): Judge Hall
2nd Place (Silver): Anthony Hall
3rd Place (Bronze): Clare Hall
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
NRHH Updates
hat is National Residence
Hall Honorary (NRHH)?
NRHH is a national honors
society that only accepts 1% of it’s total
resident student population. They have
four pillars of recognition, Service,
Leadership, and Academics. Finally, they
select otm awards every Month (See
ow can I get involved and
what is the process to be
Applications will be available
in the Office of Residence Life in the
fall. You must: (1) Have lived in
University Housing for one semester; (2)
2.5 GPA. The current members will then
select on an individual basis if someone
will be allowed membership.
OTMS: Of The Months
Executive Board Member of the Month
Erin Sheehan
Advisor of the Month
Res life Staff member of the month
Joe Benyish
Kiara Gregoris
Resident Assistant of the Month
Passive Program of the Month
Janessa Rasmus
What Does Your Name Mean-Bobby Reitz
Social Program of the Month
Shamrock Bash-Lambda Sigma
Organization of the Month
Cure-Sader Club
Diversity Program of the Month
Community of the Month
Veronica Hall 3B
First Year Student of the Month
Carolyn Stabile
Spotlight of the Month
Judge Hall 405”to the Rescue”
Faculty/Staff Member of the Month
China Winston
Community Service of the Month
Social Work Association
Race Card Project-Alex Roche & James Ragsdale
Educational Program of the Month
Christopher Carter-Student Body
Language (CAB)
Student of the Month
John Henninger
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Monthly Updates for the First Year Area from Your Resident Director
Monthly Updates
for theResident
First Year
Student Area
s the semester winds down, I’d like to take this
opportunity to thank all of my residents living
in Clare, Veronica, & the 2nd floor of Anthony
Hall for a great year! It has been nice to
watch all of you transition into college life. It’s hard to believe that it has already been a full academic year since you
started. Move-In Day feels like yesterday! But, time flies when
you’re having fun! As we finish out the next couple weeks,
please remember to make good decisions! Also, don’t forget to
focus on your classes, and remember to use the resources
available to you! As we move towards closing, please remember to put all of your furniture back to its original location in
your room, take all of your personal belongings home with
you, take trash out to the trash areas, and be delicate when
removing things that you have hanging on the walls. After you
leave, we will go through each room, and assess any damages,
and you will be billed accordingly. Please comply with everything your RA asks of you, and any messages they leave on
your doors; failure to do so, could result in charges. Remember that before you leave, you MUST return your
mailbox and room key, or you will be charged! Last but
not least, make the most of your last few weeks as a
freshman, but don’t blink because you will be a senior
before you know it! Enjoy your summer, and we look
forward to seeing you in August as SOPHOMORES!
Congratulations! RHA won the Student
Government Association Event of the Year
for Alvernia Olympics! Great Work!
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Mar/Apr/May 2014
Brennan Bulletin
Monthly Updates for the Transitional Student Area from Your Resident Director
By: Don Brennan Resident Director for the Transitional Student Area
would like to take this
opportunity to thank the
residents in Village 4, Judge Hall,
Siena Hall, and Anthony Hall 1st
Floor. You guys have been an
extremely involved and exciting
community this year. Last year, it
was tough to get the sophomore
students involved as much as you all
were involved this year.
Caption: RDs Don Brennan, Gina Kiefer, and Joe Benyish
enjoy some downtime before freshmen move-in.
I saw Village 4 pull together and
transform our lobby into the Wizard
of OZ with characters and a yellow
brick road.
I saw Judge Hall come out in full force to
every Alvernia Olympic event and take
the gold for the first time in Judge Hall
I saw the residents in the townhouses
working hard each semester to complete
their affinity projects.
And the Anthony Hall Transfer students
truly committed to being involved in every
aspect of campus life.
You guys made this year a blast and can’t
wait to see what good things come your
Keepin’ up with Kiefer
Monthly Updates for the Upper Class Area from Your Resident Director
By: Gina Kiefer, Resident Director for the Upper Class Student Area
ongratulations to all of our residents in the upper
class area graduating in a few short weeks! I
hope you look back on your time at Alvernia
fondly and have a bright and successful future.
For those of you not graduating, have a great summer
and we’ll see you again in August! As you are walking
across the stage on May 10 remember these words Dr.
Seuss wrote in the book Oh, the Places You’ll Go.
Congratulations! Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!
You have brains in your head. You have feet in
your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you
choose. You’re on your own.
And you know what you know. You are the guy
who’ll decide where to go.
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This Year in the office of Residence Life...
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This Year in the office of Residence Life...
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This Year in the office of Residence Life...
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This Year in the office of Residence Life...
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This Year in the office of Residence Life...
Monthly Updtes for the First Year Area from Your Resident Director
Residence Life Staff
Karolina Dreher
Office of Residence Life
Associate Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life
Dave Stuart
Director of Community Standards
Shannon Merkey
Alvernia University
400 Saint Bernardine Street
Housing Coordinator
Joe Benyish
Veronica Hall
Reading, PA 19607
Resident Director for the First Year Area
Don Brennan
Resident Director for the Transitional Area
Gina Kiefer
Resident Director for the Upper Class Area
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