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Issue 104 | September 2013 “CONNECTING PEOPLE, PROMOTING KNOWLEDGE, INVESTING IN THE HEALTH OF OUR COMMUNITY FOR THE FUTURE” BBNC news Centre Hours - Monday to Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm, Closed weekends & Public Holidays Annual Meeting Success Board Contacts... The Bush Nursing Centre celebrated another successful year of service at our annual AGM on the 26th August. President Mr. Neville Trotman Guest speaker Dan Pekin provided the crowd with insight into his business career, emphasising the importance of family and community in his life. Dan spoke of the importance of good governance systems and the responsibility of Board members to ensure good systems and processes were in place. Members Mrs. Di Austin Mrs. Georgie Leeming Mrs. Karen Rees Ms. Mardi Johns Mr. Dan Pekin Mr. Geoff Barcham Vice President Mr. Bruce Laidlaw Executive Administration Mrs. Sabrina Watt Dan links into meetings via computer screen when it is not possible to be in Balmoral. He is accustomed to connecting remotely within Australia and from China and Singapore. Centre Contacts... We also welcomed new Board members Mardi Johns, Geoff Barcham and Di Austin and look forward to their contribution to our service. The Board thanks Suzanne Smith and Mandy Meulman who retired from Board duties. Centre Manager Lisa Hutchins Clinical Nurse Coordinator Ann Vaughan Community Services Coordinator Lyn Iredell Administration Coordinator Jenny Macfarlane Environmental Services Coordinator Louise Guthrie Family Leave One of our valued administration staff Lauren Mason commences family leave this month. We wish Lauren, Chris, Rori and Luca all the best as they await the arrival of number three! Lisa Hutchins Centre Manager PO Box 20 BALMORAL, Vic 3407 Ph: (03) 5570 1304 Fax: (03) 5570 1482 Don’t forget to visit us online at www.balmoralbnc You can find this newsletter in the “News & What's On section”. Or follow us on facebook Email: Web: SERVICE CALENDAR september Monday Tuesday 2 3 PAG 9 Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Dr. Prozesky & Dr. French 2 - 4:45pm Podiatrist 10:20am - 3:20pm 10 PAG 16 PAG 23 Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Dr. Prozesky & Dr. French 2 - 4:45pm 24 PAG 4 Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Dr. Coulson & Dr. French 10 - 4:45pm Thursday Friday 5 Dr Slabbert (videolink) 3 - 3.20pm 11 M & CHN 9:30 - 11:30am Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Dr. Coulson & Dr. French 10 - 4:45pm 17 Psychologist 10am - 3pm Wednesday 18 25 M & CHN 9:30 - 11:30am Sun 7 1 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 28 29 6 Podiatrist 10:20am - 3:20pm Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Men's Shed 1:30pm Community Bus > Horsham, leave Centre 10am. Return trip $10 12 Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Men's Shed 1:30pm 19 Dr Slabbert (videolink) 3 - 3.20pm Sat Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Men's Shed 1:30pm Continence Nurse 9am - 12.30pm 26 Community Bus > Hamilton, leave Centre 10am. Return trip $10 Blume’s Fashion in Harrow, leave centre at 9:30am 27 Pathology 9 - 11am $4 Men's Shed 1:30pm 30 Visiting Services... Doctors: Dr. Jan Slabbert (virtual consultation) Alternate Wednesdays Dr. Brian Coulson Dr Zlatan Zulfic: Alternate Tuesdays Dr. Greta Prozesky & Dr Zlatan Zulfic Alternate Tuesdays Dr. Kate Graham: on maternity leave until further notice WDHS Psychologist - Angela O’Brien: One Monday per month Dietician: Available by appointment M&CHN: 2nd and 4th Wednesday Diabetes Educator - Megan McLeish: One Monday per month Optometrist - Glenn Howell: Thursday 24th October Podiatry: One Tuesday & Friday per month. Masseur - Darce Penrose: Available for appointments on Thursdays. Ph: 5583 1502 or 0428 831 502 Continence Nurse - Annabelle Wilson: every 4th Thursday Dental Prosthetist - Andrew Bolwell: 13th & 27th August After Hours Health Advice... National Nurse on Call Is a phone service that provides immediate, expert health advice from registered nurses, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 1300 60 60 24 for the cost of a local call from anywhere in Victoria COLERAINE MEDICAL CENTRE NON URGENT OUTPATIENTS will be seen by the doctor on call Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays at 9am. Clinic phone 55532045 will be answered by a triage nurse after hours. HAMILTON MEDICAL GROUP After Hours Clinic Service 8pm weeknights Clinic open 4pm Saturdays. Sundays & Public Holidays 10am & 4Pm AH: 5572 2612 news HEALTH PROMOTION WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY... 12th September 2013 All you need to know about tobacco, alcohol, recreational drugs... The effects of tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs on teeth and the mouth include tooth staining, bad breath, dry mouth, sensitivity, tooth loss, gum disease, tooth decay, cracked and broken teeth and oral cancer. As you know, these substances affect your health in general. However, if you do choose to use tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs, there are ways you can help protect your oral health. You should: Brush your teeth twice a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft bristled (but not shaggy) toothbrush Limit ‘sugary’ foods to mealtimes only (rather than between meals) Choose tap water to drink instead of soft drink or sports drinks • Rinse your mouth with water if you vomit. If possible, rub some toothpaste on your teeth with a finger. Don’t use a toothbrush until at least 30 minutes after vomiting Rinse your mouth with water after taking any sweet tasting medicine or drug replacement therapy, such as methadone Chew sugar-free gum Immediately contact a dental professional if you have sores in your mouth that don’t heal, or red or white patches on your lips or tongue. It is a good idea to visit a dental clinic where you can get advice about the above, and also about managing tooth staining. Di McLean & Kim Dufty Health Promotion If you are a secondary school student, or school leaver under 18 and have a Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card (or parents with one) you can access free dental care at your local Community Dental Clinic. BALMORAL PLAYGROUP Held every Wednesday morning, during school terms. Time 9.30am – 11.30am Cost $1 per child over 6 months of age. We ask everyone to bring a piece of fruit to share for morning tea. Tea/coffee provided. Playgroup is a great opportunity to meet other parents with children of the same age. It helps children develop independence and confidence in a group situation while still having mum/dad close by. The kids soon get to know familiar faces and look forward to the playgroup experience every week. Playgroup is a parent run program. Everyone who attends are welcome to be involved as much or as little as they like. If you’d like to know more about Balmoral Playgroup please feel free to call Leah on 0429853941. Or call in and see us at BBNC on a Wednesday. PLANNED ACTIVITY GROUP news Hamilton Sheepvention is a must in August. With the bus and car loaded, we headed to Hamilton, coats on ready for a great day out. Ivan was pleased with his purchases for the day. We had another great day out and about, everyone had lots of time to walk around and enjoy their time at Sheepvention. Monday 12th ~ After lunch it was into the bus to find and map all the historical plaques around the town, 22 sites in all although we may have missed some. In time we plan to do a town map with all the plaques, from Lighting the Lamps, Woolwash, Swagman, First and Second School sites etc. This will be a work in progress and we look forward to completing this project in time. National Healthy Bones Week ~ To celebrate this event Tallie was our guest for the afternoon and explained the importance of regular exercise to help maintain bone strength and improve muscle strength. National Healthy Bones Week is an initiative urging all Australians to focus on strengthening their bones through exercise and increasing their calcium intake, to help prevent the onset of osteoporosis. In conjunction with exercise, it is important to consume your recommended daily intake of calcium. Smoothies were on the menu for the afternoon, we mixed and blended milk drinks for us all to taste and enjoy. Special thank you to Tallie for coordinating the afternoon. Everyone liked the different recipes and using the blender. It is the end of August and we are packing and getting ready for our annual trip away. This year we are heading to Camperdown. Lyn Iredell & Heather Smith Community Services Above: Peg Foley enjoying her Birthday at PAG Tune in next month for a review of our trip to Camperdown and district Aileen Cantwell planting some trees out at the Balmoral Golf Club for National Tree Week September Program... Monday 2nd ~ Lunch at the Centre and craft afternoon. Monday 9th ~ BBQ lunch at the Centre, road safety for seniors and RACV driving day. Monday 16th ~ Lunch at Centre, final of the footy tipping. Dress in your footy colours. Monday 23rd ~ Visit Casterton, Anne Frank Display. Leave the Centre at 10:30am Monday 30th ~ Lunch at the Centre, movie afternoon and final of “Turn on the tap” fundraiser. HELP used stamps wanted. They can be dropped off at the Bush Nurse Centre, all will be greatly appreciated. “The best antiques are old friends”. Men's Shed... Every Thursday Afternoon from 1:30pm At the Balmoral Angling Club Rooms LIVE ACTIVE news Wow it’s been a very busy month for the Live Active Team. Our new team member, Giles, has introduced barbells to the strength training program and the feedback as been extremely positive! The barbells gave a whole different twist on the program and everybody really enjoyed the challenge and the variety that came with them. We’d like to thank Giles for filling in for Janette while she had a well earned holiday and look forward to him introducing a men’s class in Term 4. The strength training classes will continue as normal but will break for 2 weeks over the school holidays. Late last month I was lucky enough to be asked to be a guest speaker at a PAG afternoon to talk about the need for exercise in regards to healthy bones. The PAG group were celebrating National Healthy Bones Week (19th – 25th August, 2012) which was an initiative urging all Australians to focus on strengthening their bones through exercise and increasing their calcium intake, to help prevent the onset of osteoporosis. In today's world, we can expect to live to about the age of 80. One in three males and one in two females in Australia over the age of 60 will have osteoporosis. This is where the bones lose calcium, become fragile and break easily. You will start losing calcium from your bones as you age, so ensuring you have lots of it to start with is important. If you do not look after your bones now, you risk pain, bone deformity and loss of independence for the last 20 years of your life. Many people are not aware that physical activity can both slow the loss of bone mass and bone strength, and is also effective for reducing the risk of fractures. Resistance training programs are particularly effective in improving muscular strength, thereby decreasing osteoporotic fractures. The additional benefit of resistance training to increasing muscle strength is an improvement in balance, which reduces the risk of falling. More than 90% of hip fractures in people with osteoporosis occur as a direct result of a fall. How do I reduce my risk of getting Osteoporosis? A great place to start is by being physically active! Changes in bone mass are directly related to physical activity. Similarly, a sedentary lifestyle is strongly associated with reduced BMD. Physical activity is the only intervention that slows the loss of bone mass and strength, AND reduces the risk of fractures. Prolonged periods of physical inactivity result in decreased BMD as well as gait and balance problems; together, these outcomes increase the risk of falls and increase the risk of subsequent osteoporotic fractures. Recent studies have shown that resistance training programs are also highly effective in improving muscular strength, which helps to decrease osteopenic (lower BMD than normal, but not quite low enough to be considered osteoporosis) and osteoporotic fractures. All of the data points to the importance of physical activity for optimising your bone health, and minimising your risk of osteoporosis. So how much physical activity is needed to reap these benefits for healthy bones? One study has demonstrated that resistance training on 3 non-consecutive days per week for 6 months resulted in increased muscular strength. Furthermore, another research group found a significant increase in bone mass and aerobic fitness after one year of training, which consisted of 30 min aerobic activities (e.g., walking, jogging) and 10-15mins of low intensity strength training. Balance training is also a critical part of any exercise intervention for bone health, in order to minimise the risk of falls. Improving muscular strength is an effective method for reducing falls and fractures, and for preserving the functional abilities of individuals with osteoporosis. Combining walking with a low intensity resistance training program on 3 days per week can also have a positive impact on your BMD, thereby decreasing fracture risk. Strength Training... Monday & Wednesday from 7:00—8:00pm at Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre cost $5.00 per session Older Adults Strength Training... Thursday mornings from 10—11am at the Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre. cost $2.00 per session For more information about our classes please contact Tallie or Jannette at the Centre on 5570 1304 Expressions of interest!!! The Live Active team are interested in starting another exercise class as well as a men’s class for Term 4 and would love your feedback! Any suggestions are more than welcome. We all know how those extra kilos' creep up over winter so this may be a good opportunity to help with getting those bikini bodies back!!!!! Please call the centre if you are interested. Tallie Talay & Jannette Tinning Live Active Team BALMORAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE news This month at the Balmoral Early Learning Centre.... We have been very busy. The children started off showing a strong interest in shopping. This then lead into lots of cooking play; the children found a book with recipes and were “cooking” flat out. To extend on this interest we decided to do some REAL cooking. After a group discussion, the children decided to make a “chocolate cake with smarties and icing just like the one in our cook book”. The children had LOTS of fun measuring, scooping, pouring, mixing, smelling and tasting. This took us a fair part of the day but by afternoon teatime, we all had some DELICIOUS cake! (Learning: Makes connections between experiences, concepts and processes.) Over the past few months it has been obvious to me many of the children’s growing interest in books and their excitement at group time to read them. Through this time, many of the children have been excitedly bringing in books from home for me to read. I thought a great way to extend this growing interest would be to celebrate book week. To celebrate I asked each child to bring in their favourite book from home to read. Meanwhile the educators bravely decided dress up as book characters for the children. (Communication: Actively uses and enjoys language and text in a range of ways.) Peppa Pig (aka Jann Grambeau) “That’s not my Fairy” (aka Bec Simons) Mrs Honey (From Mrs Honey’s Hat (aka Simone Aitken) The Green Sheep (aka Nikki Fawell) Simone Aitken Childcare Team Leader
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