Effects of selective logging on the microhabitat
Effects of selective logging on the microhabitat
Original article Effects of selective of logging non-volant tropical on small lowland the microhabitat-use mammals in a Bornean mixed-dipterocarp Henry patterns forest Bernard Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, (JniversitiMalaysia Locked Bag No. 2073, 88999 Sabah, Kota Kinabalii, Sabah, Malaysia Abstract To assess the effects of habitat disturbance caused by selective logging, the microhabitat-use patterns of six understorey species of small (<1 kg), non-volant mammals in unlogged forests were compared forests that had been selectively logged 13 and 25 years previously. The with those in adjacent study was conducted in a lowland mixed- dipterocarp forest at Tab inWildlife Reserve, located in eastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Twenty-three microhabitat variables mainly related to vegetation structure, but also including other habitat features, were used to characterise trap-stations set along twenty 200-m lines per site).The logged-un long trap-lines equally distributed among trapping-sites represented two primary and two logged forests.These logged forest treatments located at two independent analysis revealed significant separation between appeared logged were arranged as pairs of sampling locations. Canonical discriminant function trap-slations both occupied and non-occupied the primary and logged forest pair sites at both locations. However, small mammals four trapping-sites (i.e.,five trap- microhabitat-use patterns in primary compared by small mammals to logged forests.In general, the small mammals to be able to utilisedifferent sets of microhabitats in different habitat types. Captures in both primary and forests were generally positively associated with higher density of fallen logs, twigs and rock piles,number tree stumps and vegetation cover at the understorey and canopy seemed to suggest that habitat utilisationby small mammals in there was no consistent trend observed in the levels.Wet sitestend to be avoided. These of variables is closely linked to food or foraging areas and shelter or refuge sites,with probably a strong influence for predator avoidance. Tabin small mammals are able to persist following the firstcut in logged forest indicating that although in general, logged forest cannot replace primary forest, selectively logged forests may stillconstitute an important component for the preservation of small mammal species diversity. Key words: Small mammals, microhabitat-use patterns, effects of selective logging, North Borneo Introduction of small, isolated primary of developed Owing to anthropogenic the extensive and timber extraction for export, many east Asia are now running forest (Danielsen and 1997). A rapid pace of forest change, particularly as a result of large amount Heegard, of countries in South- out of sites with primary 1995; Whitmore, the remaining tropical forest landscape in this region occurs as a patchwork 1997; Whitmore, many forest remnants in a "sea" land (Corlett and Turner, 1997; Lynam, 1997; Laidlaw, 2000). Although studies have generally documented of derived habitats as compared the inferiority to pristine forests for sustaining biological diversity, recent studies have indicated that derived habitats may role. Taking stillhave a valuable into consideration the level of damage and regeneration time since the lastlogging, selectively logged forestsin the tropics have been found to support has been selectivelylogged and may, therefore, to some quite a significantproportion of original forest faunas, extent be stilldominated especially when This study formed stillremain (Holloway large tracts of undisturbed forests within or close to the logged-over et al.,1992; Lambert, 1992; Dahaban 1993; Daniel sen and Heegard, 1996; Laurance examined et al., terrestrialsmall mammals and Bierregaard, 1997; Bernard and the responses of North-Bornean establishment family. part of a research project that areas 1995; Grieser Johns, by the dipterocarp non-volant to selective logging and the of large agricultural crop plantations (Bernard, in prep.). Diun, 1999; Robinson and Robinson, 1999; Vasconcelos et al.,2000; Willott et al, 2000; Laidlaw, 2000). In general, although Materials and methods not equal to the original forests in terms of species composition, usually high in moderately species richness is Study disturbed forest,such as in area Tabin Wildlife Reserve (5 °15'-5°10'N, 118 ° selectively logged forests, however, specialist species 30' ―118°45'E) is near-rectangular in shape, measures tend to decline (Bernard, in prep.). 120,521 ha and is covered mainly with lowland mixed- Since derived habitats increasingly cover larger areas, and primary undergoing reduction and fragmentation, that in the future the survival of many faunas must depend more much forests are correspondingly it appears tropical forest heavily on the management dipterocarp Reserve forest. The comprises water swamp forest and a small amount Topography undulating with some between includes some peak is 570 m. Mean habitats. In this respect, it is mm species are able to adapt to significant changes and May-June. requirements Knowledge in of the habitat of various groups of wildlife is important of mangroves. steep hills. Elevations 100 to 300 m pivotal to address the issue of whether tropical forest their natural environment. above Mean October-February daily minimum and maximum are 22 °C and 32 °C, respectively. Many parts of the Reserve were selectively logged the 1960's to 1980's. When conservation efforts to be concentrated where suitable ceased in 1989, only the central part, known habitats are present. "Core Compared to regions like the Neo-tropics and papers concerning the effects of human-induced habitat disturbance on various groups of tropical forest fauna from Southeast Asia (Cuaron, 2000; Sodhi and Liow, Area" of "Virgin highest annual precipitation is 3,100 and usually occurs between temperatures range sea level. The to their conservation in altered environments, to enable Australian tropics, there are generally few published brackish in most parts of the Reserve is moderately of derived habitats, ideally on a landscape scale that primary north-eastern corner of the riverine forest, primary (8,616 ha) and Jungle during the last logging activities seven Reserves" small as the patches (totalling 2,018 ha) contiguous with Tabin remain undisturbed (Sale, 1994). As a result of this treatment, the landscape is composed of a mosaic at Tabin of different-aged secondary forest habitats (ranging from 11 to 40 years after 2000). In this paper I present the results of a study logging) patched with isolated primary forest remnants. on the effects of tropical rain forest disturbance, in Information the form of selective logging, on the microhabitat-use described patterns of small (< 1 kg) non-volant mammal species. surrounding the Reserve has been vigorously converted mixed- to agricultural crop plantations since the early 1960's. dipterocarp forest of Tabin Wildlife Reserve located At present Tabin is almost entirely surrounded by large in the Malaysian Borneo oil palm The study was carried out in a tropicallowland State of Sabah, Northeast (Figure 1). Specifically, I describe the microhabitat-use of the vegetation structure in Tabin elsewhere (Bernard, plantations. The in prep.). The is land age of the oil palms range from recent plantings to more than twenty years. patterns of the non-volant, understorey, small mammal community in relatively undisturbed forests and in forests that had been selectively logged 13 and 25 years previously. This was carried out by comparing microhabitat configurations between occupied and non-occupied the trap-stations both by the small mammals at both forest types. after the original forest sampling Sampling was designed to provide quantitative estimates of several aspects of the small mammal community structure in three different forest types: primary lowland logged The term "secondary forest" is used in this paper to refer to forest that has grown Mammal mixed-dipterocarp lowland mixed-dipterocarp plantation. Owing forest,selectively forest and oil palm to the extremely captures in the oil palm low number of plantation, only data from the Figure 1. Map of Sabah (Malaysian Borneo) in relation to Southeast Asia, and Tabin Wildlife Reserve in eastern Sabah, indicating locations of trapping-sitesat Location 1 (Core Area) and Location 2 (Lipad). firsttwo forest types and that relatesto small mammal oil palm plantations(Figure 1). Owing species most separation,the two sampling locationswere presumed frequently captured are analysed and presented. Sampling to be independent of each other. Two was approximately confined to two 20 km locations, located apart, within the Tab inarea. sites( 1 km to the wide trapping- apart),arranged as coupled primary- Area, central logged forest treatments, were established at each sampling location.Paired siteswere chosen to have part of Tabin, while Location 2 was situated at Lipad generally similar topography and elevation(100-250 on the western m a.s.l). The following abbreviationswere used; PF1 Location 1 was situated at the Core side of Tabin near to the border of Table 1. Twenty-three microhabitat variables recorded at each trap station at Tabin Wildlife Reserve. All variables were assessed in a 2.5 m radius around each trap station. * Rank scores: 0―Not evident; 1―Rare; 2―Occasional;3―Frequent; 4―Abundant. and LF1 representing logged trapping sites in primary forestsin Location 1; PF2 and LF2 and representing on cotton balls (Bernard, 2003). Similar were trapping sitesin primary and logged forestsin Location period. Animals 2. LF1 was toe clipping before release. logged in 1974. No selectively logged in 1986 while LF2 was it is quite evident from the remaining stumps that the number the study caught were individually marked by detailed information is available on the logging intensityof the logged forest treatments. However, bait mixtures used at all trapping-sites throughout of trees extracted at both logged forests are comparable Microhabitat variables Twenty-three microhabitat variables relating to vegetation structure, and other habitat features, were (i.e., ca 8-15 trees per ha) (per. observ.). Selective logging in Sabah typically involves used to quantify the heterogeneity (Table 1). Information of trap-stations on all microhabitat variables felling and extraction of large (usually > 120 cm girth) was collected during the firsttrapping period of the commercially respective sampling valuable tree species (Marsh 1992). Although than 45% and Greer, only selected trees are felled, more were largely those identified in previous studies as good descriptors by logging (Aiken and Leigh, 1992) Small mammals were sampled per month for five consecutive nights November between 2000 in Location 1 and between 2000 in Location 2. Trapping smaller due to access October - February - difficulty. At live cage traps (17 by 30 by 10 cm) were set at trap-stationslocated at 20 m five 200 m each mature that intervalsalong long trap-lines.Baits used were a mixture of cut ripe local variety bananas, coconut of understorey species (e.g. Kemper and Bell, 1985; 1997). Changes in these variables are, therefore, expected to influence the patterns of microhabitat usage and local distributionof the small mammals. efforts in Location trapping-site the animals were live-trapped using baited wire-mesh small mammal of microhabitats Patterson, et al., 1990; Lynam, days and 1 was variables selected of the residual stands (smaller trees < 90 cm girth) are also killed or damaged May locations. The pieces of roasted kernel and peanut butter suspended Statistical analysis Prior to analysis all variables were as necessary to correct for non-normal to improve methods normality. The were continuous used, transformed distribution or following transformation logarithmic (base 10) for variables, square root for count variables and arc sine for variables that were recorded as Table 2. Standardised canonical discriminant function coefficients of 23 microhabitat variables with function 1 (Fl) and function 2 (F2) Figure 2. Scatter plot of four trapping-sites based on 23 microhabitat variables analysed using canonical discriminant function analysis [ PF1 = trap-stations in primary forest of Location 1; LF1 = trap-stationsin logged forest of Location 1; PF2 = trap-stationsin primary forest of Location 2; LF2 = trap- stations in logged forest of Location 2]. percentages. Except for variables measured orders, a value of 1.0 or 0.5 was with zero scores before making It was assumed added in rank- to variables the transformations. that the probability of a capture of an individual at a particular trap-station is not influenced by previous and/or following individual captures, i.e., (using CDF mammal analysis). In species were treated as the grouping variable, while all 23 microhabitat No significant differences configurations between found conducted for data collected during the initialphase of this project showed that captures are independent events (Bernard, 2003). To describe the small the mammals in logged forests, canonical (CDF) analysis was primary patterns as compared discriminant performed. Before eliminate highly running the tested for correlated variables from subsequent analyses. Maximum correlations did not exceeded to function analysis, the discriminating variables were multicollinearity to of variable r = 0.80, therefore, all variables were retained. Separate CDF and analyses 1 Location occupied trap stations were were carried 2. Occupied out and for non- treated as the grouping variable, while all 23 microhabitat variables gathered at all trap-stations were variables. Prior microhabitat to treated as the discriminating running configurations species at each location were the analysis, the of the small mammal analysed separately small mammal = 92, P < 0.085). Likewise, in the microhabitat microhabitat species were no significant differences configurations species were = 111.095, df found between in Location small 2 (Wilks' A = 0.463, x1 = 57.345, df = 69, P < 0.8411). With these findings, at a particular sampling habitat type, the microhabitat location and variables data at all capture-stations of all species were combined. Thus, in this study the microhabitat-use patterns of the small mammals at a particular sampling location and habitat type refers to the combined of allof the small mammal Owing Location in the in Location 1 (Wilks'A = 0.167, ^ mammal microhabitat-use at the treated as the discriminating variables. events. Test of capture locations variables recorded respective species capture stations were captures at a particular trap-station are independent of independence this initialanalysis, small microhabitat-use patterns species captured. to the creation of natural tree-fallgaps and the unexpectedly movements high frequency of wild elephant in the forest during the study period, the microhabitat structures at/or within the immediate areas of 34 (or 17% both Location It was presumed 1 and of the total 200) trap-stations,at Location 2, changed that the small mammals their preferences or ranging markedly. might shift patterns in relation to the affected trap-stations.Hence, these stations were Table 3. Captures and summary statistics for six most frequently trapped small mammal species in primary (PF) and logged (LF) forests at two sampling locations at Tabin Wildlife Reserve (#) ―No. a ―No. of observations or capture events of trapsmultiply by no. of nights traps were set b ―Percent excluded from all analyses mentioned All statisticalanalyses were conducted Windows (Norusis, 1994). A in this paper. with SPSS for no. of observations divided by no. of trap-nights more impression when compared to the forests in Location 1. At both locations, the primary forest sites differed probability of P < 0.05 from was considered significantin all analyses. disturbed the logged forest sites with the former having the higher density of small (10 cm gbh) and very large Results trees (120 cm gbh), and more leaf litter, while the latter were characterised by the presence of logging tracks, Differences in microhabitat structure between relative microhabitat contribution variables of each of (with all other the greater number forest sites had a of stumps and twigs on the forest floor. variables present) to the power of the discriminant functions are given in Table 2. On average the four trapping-sites differed by location (Figure 2; along the firstcanonical discriminant climbers, and vegetation cover at low heights. Additionally, the logged trapping-sites The denser woody axis, Fl) and by forest type (along the Overall captures Data for the six most mammals (accounting for frequently caught > 95% of small the overall captures) in the forest habitats of Tabin are presented in second canonical discriminant axis, F2) (Table 2). Both Table 3. A discriminant functions (Fl and F2) explained 46% individuals of all six species were recorded at Location 40% and of the total variation in the data, respectively,and totalof 119 captures comprising 65 different 1. Maxomys surifer constituted the largest number were significant(Test of functions 1 through 3: Wilks' of captures (59, 50% A= 0.128, x2 = 313.257, df = 69, P< 0.0001; Test of (29, 46%). Overall trap success for Location 1 was 11.9 functions 2 through 3: Wilks'A= (calculated as the number 0.316, %2 = 175.733, df = 44, P < 0.0001). The number classified was 82% of cases correctly (136 of 166). nights). One of captures made per 100 trap hundred and fifty-onecaptures comprising 67 different Irrespective of forest type, the firstdiscriminant of the total) and individuals individuals recorded at Location 2. M. of five species surifer was again the most function indicates that Location 1 had greater canopy abundant cover, higher more % was Overall trap success for Location 2 was 7.6%. obvious density signs characterised by of pig very of palm climber damage. patchy greater coverage of bare ground and Location ground in some 2 forests in Location 2 (80 captures, 26 individuals),representing 53 of the total captures and 39 % of total individuals. cover; with parts, while others had a higher density of shrubs and small sized trees.The were also had Small mammals primary compared microhabitat-use to logged forest greater vegetation cover at low heights, thus, giving a generally A. Location 1 (Core Area) patterns in Table 4. Percentage of variationexplained by the firsttwo canonical discriminant functions for Location 1 (Core Area) and Location 2 (Lipad) - F3=Function 1through Function3 - F3 = Function2 through Function3 P<0.0001 *P<0.05 Figure 3. Scatter plots of capture and non-capture stations in primary and logged forest trapping-sites at two different sampling locations i.e.,(a) Location 1 (Core Area); and (b) Location 2 (Lipad). The plots were based on 23 microhabitat variables analysed using canonical discriminant function analysis. 0PF1 = NON-CAPTURE 1PF1 = CAPTURE STATIONS STATIONS 0LF1 = NON-CAPTURE 1LF1 = CAPTURE 0PF2 = NON-CAPTURE 1PF2 = CAPTURE 0LF2 = NON-CAPTURE 1LF2 = CAPTURE STATIONS STATIONS in primary forest at Location 2; in primary forest at Location 2; STATIONS STATIONS in logged forest at Location 1; in logged forest at Location 1; STATIONS STATIONS in primary forest at Location 1; in primary forest at Location 1; in logged forest at Location 2; in logged forest at Location 2. The total number of captures of all species combined did not differsignificantly between PF1 and significantly different (Wilks' X= 0.177, % 2 = 118.492, LF1 (Chi-squared goodness of fittest:= functions correctly classified76% 1, P = 0.169).The 1.891,df = number of occupied trap-stations df = 69, P < 0.0001). The resulting discriminant stations to group classes. Three were extracted. The (63 of 83) of the trapdiscriminant functions percent of totalvariance explained was 55 (i.e., PF1 = 28; LF1 = 27), while unoccupied trap stationswas 28 (i.e., PF1 = 17, LF1 = 11).The by the firsttwo functions combined microhabitat configurations between occupied and 4). The non-occupied used and avoided trap-stations at PF1 and LF1 were was 90.9% (Table microhabitat characteristicsof the trap-stations by the small mammals in PF1 and Table 5. Standardised canonical discriminant function coefficientsof 23 microhabitat variables with function 1 (Fl) and function 2 (F2) for Location 1 (Core Area), and Location 2 (Lipad), respectively. Values in bold (the firsteight ranks) highlight variables having LF1 are best explained by function 2 (see Figure 3(a)). Function 1 appeared to explain the general differences in habitat structure between LF1 PF1 (primary forest) and (logged forest). Based primary the largest contribution to the power of totalvariance explained by the firsttwo discriminant functions combined in both and logged forests at Location 1 appeared to PF2 and LF2 vegetation at low level (Figure 3(a) and Table 5). Sites 3(b)). with higher coverage of rock piles were also preferred, 4). The B. Location 2 (Lipad) At Location 2, based on function 2, preferred sites mammals of captures of all species combined was not significantly different between PF2 and LF2 goodness of fittest:^2 = 3.227, df = 1, P of occupied and non-occupied stations was 63 (PF2 = 34; LF2 = 9), respectively.The trap- = 29) and 20 (PF2 =11; differences in microhabitat occupied and non-occupied in primary (PF2) and logged (LF2) forests(Figure to differ from configurations between (Table characteristics between are best explained by function 2. Function by the small mammals but wet sitesgenerally tended to be avoided. LF2 95.7% 1 appeared to explain the differences in habitat structure between = 0.072). Number was differences in microhabitat occur at sites with a higher density of fallen logs and (Chi-squared function 2 trap-stationsused and avoided by the small mammals on function 2, the small mammals Total number of function 1 and more in the primary forest appeared that in the logged forest. The small in primary forest seemed to prefer siteswith bare ground, but with many small trees (Table 5). Sites with higher coverage of twigs and rock piles, and with dense vegetation at the middle storey also appeared forest, to be preferred. In preferred sitesseemed and canopy seemed the logged to have dense vegetation at low levels. Sites with many tree stumps also to be preferred in thishabitat. trap-stationsin PF2 and LF2 were significant(Wilks'A= 0.149, x2 = 130.487, df = 69, P < 0.0001). The resulting three discriminant functions correctly classified86% of 83) of the trap-stationsto group classes.The Discussion (71 percent In this study, M. surifer represented the majority of observations and individuals captured. Therefore, their prey by sight. By the discussion rock piles, fallen logs, tree stumps, dense ground level mammals of microhabitat utilisation by small collectively is very much weighted the preferences of this species. Nonetheless, associating with structures like towards vegetation and canopy it needs be less visible and can, therefore, rapidly escape from layering, small mammals will to be stressed that all species considered in this study predators (Whitten, 1981; Lagos et al.,1995; Dickman, also inhabit the forest understorey. Differences 1995). the microhabitat-use patterns between insignificant suggesting overlap. In general, the species 1962; Lim, 1970; Langham, it can be assumed microhabitat configurations addressed in this study may The share a common and fruits (Davis, 1983; Payne et al.,1985). Accordingly, community species were a high level of microhabitat diet of insects, other arthropods the microhabitat-use in that the combined of the small mam ma Is represent, very generally, patterns of small mammal Comparisons sampling the patterns microhabitat- forests at the two locations in this study did not reveal any the Core Area there is some evidence did not change selective logging, results from Li pad (Location forest were forest. This different from shows generally are resilient and capable may very few (August, investigators have actually demonstrated clear associations with specific microhabitat variables, especially in a primary multivariate approach. and regenerating lowland forest at Pasoh Forest Reserve showed that most small mammal captures occurred and Bell, 1985). In captures were found particular, to be positively for the fact that small mammal proportions. To assess the impact comparing results from possible that observed of habitat disturbance two differences may sites.To overcome area has been suggested as a more with flooding (Kemper and Bell, 1985). Leaf litterand especially for ground-dwelling species (Davis, 1962; Kemper and semi a rocky habitat, fallen logs and tree stumps specific requirements provide for reproduction, such as refuge sites for nesting and rearing of young Tomblin arboreal and Bell, 1985), whereas (Davis, 1962; and Alder, 1998). (Wu et al., 1996; Heydon opportunity is, however, 1993). The primary present study were factors,other and logged sampling sites in the than those related to the effects of logging, are believed to be minimal. Although, a there general difference in the vegetation structure between the two sampling locations in this the primary and logged of small mammal species in forest treatments at a particular location appeared to be forest sites. These include related only to the differences occurring as a result of density of fallen logs and twigs, coverage of rock piles and wet areas, number et al., differences in environmental study, the differences between unlogged desirable approach and Bulloh, 1997). Such the presence or absence and conducted at the same very rare (Dahaban by the present study as significant in determining logged this problem, paired and each pair was located close to the other. Hence, was indeed Several microhabitat variables have been identified such as local and soil substrate, or other pre-disturbance differences between a "before and after" experiment rotting logs have been associated with food abundance be due to the heterogeneity of the physical environment topography by different sites, it is emergents correlated species present in the logged forest sites,although in different correlated with the density of rotting logs, leaf litter, and seedlings, and negatively to capability that were recorded in the primary forest sites were also study in dipterocarp in Peninsular Malaysia small mammal on drier sites (Kemper A mixed account that of of adapting the tropics are many and particularlycomplex 2) that small mammals changes in their natural environments. This and Bell, 1985). In the Asian tropics, with indicated that the microhabitats of the small mammals of local habitat usage and distribution of organisms in 1983; Kemper at (Location 1) that the microhabitat-use patterns of the small mammals the logged ecological factors that determine and logged consistent trend. While in the primary of the forest understorey. of the small mammal use patterns in primary of tree stumps and vegetation habitat change due to selective logging. Malcolm (1997) remarked that relative to other density at low heights (1-5 m), middle heights (> 5 m) taxa, small mammals and at canopy succcssional series,or other ecosystems with relatively comparable level. In general these variables are to that identified by (1985), which Kemper and Bell are related to foraging and refuge sites, are adapted high disturbance regimes habitats.Although implies that compared Many small mammals terrestrial and aerial, locate and hence more early secondary difficultto envisage, this hypothesis with probably a strong influence for predator avoidance. predators, both to overcome may with other faunal have experienced groups, a significantly different suite of habitats during their evolutionary history (Malcolm, was 1997). Although specifically for Amazonian same may Malcolm's small mammals, be true for small mammals of Southeast Asia. Given remark the in tropicalforests communities. Bernard, mammal that, in the case of Tabin, in Parks Bernard, forests is undoubtedly however, species diversity in logged high. It should be emphasised, that these forests had once. 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