April 22, 2016
April 22, 2016
2016 Chief & Council Nominations notice Membertou Health, Wellness & Safety Expo Page 5 Page 11 Toe to Toe boxing event, April 23! Page 13 Membertou Family Homes Law Vote: INDEX Chief & Council Community Notices Only 7 days until voting day! In exactly one week, on April 29 and 30, Membertou band members will vote for the Membertou Family Homes Law (MFHL). Voting takes place at the Membertou Trade & Convention Centre from 9:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. on both days. The MFHL will not only affect current generations in Membertou, but most importantly, it will affect our future generations; our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The law is based on feedback from a two-year community engagement process, and is designed to protect Membertou lands and housing if there is a separation in a spousal relationship (marriage, common law, domestic partnership). For example, if there is a break-up, the children’s interests come first in determining who has the right to occupy the home. For the next week, band members can still vote electronically at: https://vtnw.com/elections/fn/ membertou/nom/registration0. html. All you need is your 10-digit band number, a working email address, and about 5-10 minutes of your time. Electronic voting ends on April 29, 2016. A new pamphlet will be distributed to the community, and to off-reserve If band members do not vote for band members prior to voting day. the MFHL, Membertou will then Please make sure to check your mail fall under the federal government’s boxes for this important notice and Family Homes on Reserves and Mat- please read it! rimonial Interests or Rights Act. This act would apply starting June 19, If you have any questions about the 2016. MFHL vote, please contact Cheryl Knockwood at (902) 564-6466 (ext. If you are a registered band member, 2520) or by email at cherylknockof voting age, then you are eligible wood@membertou.ca. to vote. MEMBERTOU NEWSLETTER • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • P. 2 P. 3-4 2016 Council Election P. 5 Nominations Notice Heritage Park/NSMSGP. 6 Church / School Governance info P. 7 P. 8 - 9 Health & Wellness P. 10 Safety & Wellness Expo P. 11 PAD & Thank you Toe to Toe boxing P. 12 P. 13 Employment / Job Fair P. 14-15 Advertisements P. 16 ...................................................... NEWSLETTER INFORMATION The next newsletter edition is Friday, May 6, 2016. Deadline: Friday, April 29, 2016. No Exceptions! All content must be sent to: communications@membertou.ca Newsletter will be available online at: www.membertou.ca INFORMATION ONLY Flyers cannot be published in the newsletter. .................................... MEMBERTOU BAND HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Phone: 1-800-617-6466 ................................................. WWW.MEMBERTOU.CA CHIEF & COUNCIL • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 2 Chief & Council Meeting Schedule Tuesday, April 26 - Commercial Tuesday, May 3 - Government All materials must be submitted Monday before the council meeting by noon. There will be no exceptions! CHIEF & COUNCIL ELECTION NOMINATIONS The nomination meeting for the June 2016 Chief & Council Elections is WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. at the Membertou Trade & Convention Centre (Muin Room). More information on the nomination meeting can be found on page 5 of this newsletter. DEADLINE FOR POST SECONDARY FUNDING: FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016. Applications are now available for Post Secondary Funding. The deadline is Friday, May 27th, 2016. Applications can be picked up at the band office. DEADLINE FOR METS & STAIRS FUNDING: FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016! The deadline to apply for METS and STAIRS funding for September courses is FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016. This includes NSCC and other private colleges. If you are in a 2-3 year program, you are required to apply for funding each year. Please contact Melissa MacDonald at 564-6466 ext. 2480 or Anna Marshall at 564-6466 ext. 2631 if you have any questions or concerns. FIRE EXTINGUISHER HOME INSPECTIONS STARTED ON APRIL 18 Ken Phillips Fire & Safety will be going House to house to do inspections on fire extinguisher in Membertou. This doesn’t include private homes or businesses. Alex Phillips and helper will be going house to house starting on April 18, 2016 , until all homes in the community are complete. If you have any questions please call Connie Osborne at 902-565-7298. If you are not home, you will have to visit the office or call. FREE TAX CLINIC: FINAL WEEK! CRA will host its last tax clinic at the Membertou Capsite on Thursday, April 28, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This program is FREE for those who want to have their tax returns done by CRA certified volunteers. There is limited seating for each session, so please ensure you arrive early as they will only be able to accept a certain number per week. MEMBERTOU FISHERIES DEPT. INFO: JAVITECH ATLANTIC POSITIONS AVAILABLE Javitech Atlantic has a couple Fisheries Observer positions in Halifax and Yarmouth. Please visit the website to apply, or to get more information: http://javitech.ca/en-us/Employment/Online-Application. Halifax training is May 2-27, 2016. PUBLC WORKS SAFETY NOTICE: BRADLEY ST. CONSTRUCTION Membertou Public Works Dept. asks that community members please stay out of the construction zone at Bradley Street. There is heavy equipment in that area and they don’t want to see anything bad happen. The safety of our community members is most important and Public Works wouldn’t want to see anything happen to them while construction is going on. Thank you. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 3 MEMBERTOU SPRING CLEAN-UP & HEAVY PICK-UP Spring Clean-up & Heavy Pick-Up starts Friday, April 22, 2016, @ 3:00 p.m. and runs daily until it ends on Friday, May 13, 2015 @ 3:00 p.m. Adrian and Son’s Disposal would like to remind Membertou residents when doing their spring clean-up that everyone should use clear bags for garbage. Please separate the garbage that is being thrown out like wood, metal, plastics, paint cans, tires and please do not throw all your garbage in one big pile. Electronics, televisions, stoves, fridges and large appliances can be placed on the road for pickup. Elders or disabled persons can call Adrian Paul (902-578-7865) or Housing (902-5646466, ext. 4300) for help removing these large items from your home. Thank You for your cooperation. -Adrian Paul, Adrian & Sons Disposal MEMBERTOU SEMI-ANNUAL DONATION: DEADLINE MAY 2, 2016 Applications are available at: 1) Band Office, or 2) Online at http://www.membertou.ca/2016-semi-annualdonation-may. Applications will be mailed-out to band members who live off-reserve. The deadline for the semi-annual donation is this MONDAY, MAY 2, 2016. MEMBERTOU SENIORS 55+ CLUB: YOUTH ART CONTEST The Membertou Seniors 55+ Club needs a new logo to be designed for the new Wally Bernard Memorial Seniors Centre! The art contest is open to Membertou youth, ages 12-19. The winning submission will be unveiled at the Seniors Spring Fair in June 2016. Prizes are: 1st) $100.00, 2nd) $50.00, and 3rd) is $25.00. For more information, or to submit your artwork, please see Gloria Nicholas at the Seniors Centre, or call (902) 564-6466 (ext. ) or email her at glorianicholas@membertou.ca. MEMBERTOU ELDERS WANTED FOR MAY RETREAT The Mi’kmaw Family & Children’s Services (MFCS) is looking for two (2) or three (3) Elders from Membertou to attend a retreat to be held sometime towards the end of May. The purpose of this retreat is to seek guidance and direction from Elders in Nova Scotia regarding MFCS programs, especially Family Group Conferencing. If you’re an Elder and interested, please call Gloria Nicholas at 902-564-6466, (ext 2430) to submit your name for the retreat. ADOLESCENT GRIEF SUPPORT FOR AGES 11 TO 18 FREE 6 week session to be held every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Sherwood Park Education Centre (SPEC), 500 Terrace Street, Sydney. To register please contact Lindsay Latham at (902) 563 4551 or llatham@ gnspes.ca. Topics include: What is grief and how does it feel, dealing with difficulties in concentration, coping with changes, the importance of self-care, and commemorating a special life. FREE BEREAVED FAMILIES OF CAPE BRETON PROGRAMS Bereaved Families of Cape Breton will be offering a specific grief program, Loss of a Child, on May 4, 2016. The program runs for six weeks (FREE) and is held in Sydney. You must register for the program and it needs to be six months since your loved one has died. To register phone (902) 564-6795. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 MEMBERTOU RESIDENT GARBAGE COLLECTION SCHEDULE give Connie Osborne a call 1-800617-6466 (ext. 2550) .............................................................. Garbage and Green Bin The job line will provide a recording of any current job opportunities and how an applicant can apply for a position with Membertou. If you are currently seeking employment opportunities, please call 902 563-4501 or view the Membertou website, Facebook, newsletter, band office or GOC Job Bank. Every Tuesday - 12 p.m. Recycling Collection: Saturday, April 23, 2016, 12 p.m. Spring Cleaning & Heavy Pick-Up: Daily starting at April 22, and ending May 13, 2016 ............................................................... MI’KMAQ FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES All Family & Children’s Services in NS are currently experiencing a shortage of foster homes. To help please contact: Indian Brook - 1-800-263-8686 Eskasoni - 1-800-263-8300 Federation of Foster Families 1-800-565-1884 ............................................................... THE MI’KMAQ CRISIS LINE Available to First Nation communities across Nova Scotia, 24 hours a day, in their own language, by calling 1-855-379-2099 .............................................................. NOTICE TO CLIENTS OF OIL DELIVERY Social clients who run out of fuel can contact Joan Denny at 578-6040 cell or 567-3071 home. ............................................................... MEMBERTOU SAFETY TRAINING CERTIFICATES All employees and contractors for the Membertou Band will have to bring in their certificates on any safety training needed for the job. To be put on file at the OH&S office. If these training certificates are not on file your jobs will be held off until they are brought in. If you have any questions please drop in or JOB LINE: Thank you, Human Resources ............................................................... JOSH’S COMPUTER REPAIR $25 assessment fee Virus removal, software installation/removal, backup pictures/ documents, install new parts/replace parts. $15/hour | jherney@gmail.com ............................................................... NON-ABORIGINAL PROGRAMS/ SERVICES IN THE AREA Connect with community programs and services in your area by dialing 211 or visiting their website www.211. ca. They provide resource information for the following: • • • • • • • • • • Child, Youth and Family Housing/shelters Food Support Senior Support Financial Health, Mental Health and Addiction Services Disability Support Transportation Government/legal Credit Counselling • Page 4 Membertou Services Alcoholics Anonymous AA meetings in Membertou: Sunday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Wednesday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Thursday 8:30 p.m.(Membertou Group) ......................................... Austin Christmas Plumbing and Heating 24 hour plumbing and heating emergency service. New construction, renovation, service work. Mechanical ventilation installation. Call for a second opinion at 902-304-1090 ......................................... Cape Breton Regional Police Services Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 563-5151 (24 hrs) ......................................... Gamblers Anonymous GA meeting in Membertou: 3 Kateri Street Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m. ......................................... Housing Repair Emergencies New After-Hours Phone Service For Housing Repair Emergencies Afterhours telephone service for Membertou residents experiencing housing repair emergencies. The telephone service will operate between 4:30 pm to 8:00 am on weekdays and 24 hours during weekends and holidays. Membertou residents are asked to call the Housing Department’s main telephone line at (902) 564-2111 and the call will be directed to a call answering service. All non-emergency calls will be forwarded to the Housing Department on the following regular business day. ELECTION NOMINATION NOTICE • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 5 HERITAGE PARK & NSMSG • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 6 PETROGLYPHS GIFT SHOP We have many new products arriving weekly so get your shopping done at the Membertou Heritage Park. -All earrings are now 25% off ! -Hoodies are still only $45 each! -Rainboots are now only $29.95! -Childrens Mukluks are now only $100! -Membertou watches are all 25% off Open daily 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone: 902-562-0444 Like our ‘Petroglyphs Gift Shop’ Facebook page for daily updates and sales! We also now have LAYAWAY! MI’KMAQ LANGUAGE CLASSES Day sessions: 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Evening sessions: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. The Membertou Heritage Park will be doing Mi’kmaq Language Program at the Elders’ Room SATURDAYS starting Janurary 18 and running until June 17, (Open to general public, $5 park admission re2016. The schedule for classes is: quired) MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS (Membertou 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. staff and community members ) 2016 Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Summer Games: PRINCESS PAGEANT NOTICE **UPDATED on APRIL 14, 2016** If you are interested in representing Membertou at this year’s NSMSG Princess Pageant please contact 2016summergames@membertou.ca before Friday, April 22, 2016. Each community can have a maximum of 3 female representatives. Therefore, if Membertou has more than 3 interested participants we will need to have a princess pageant prior to the summer games. This will allow the top 3 candidates to represent Membertou in the games. *PLEASE NOTE: The Rules/Requirements/Judging guidelines that have been previously posted were adopted from the previous host community. The 2016 NSMSG Membertou planning committee will be taking the community’s concerns into consideration and will be amending these guidelines. Once these guidelines have been finalized they will be shared. In the meantime, please disregard the rules previously posted in the newsletter regarding the pageant. Thank you for your understanding with this matter. CHURCH and SCHOOL NEWS • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 ST. ANNE’S CHURCH NEWS Saturday Mass: Saturday, April 23, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Lector: Louise Paul Eucharistic Minister: Lawrence Paul Jr. Altar Server: Dean Christmas • Page 7 Beaupre trip. Names are coming in fast. There is limited seating and the Membertou Elders have top priority, so please get your name and deposit in to Viola as soon as possible to assure your seat on the bus. A lot of work goes into planning so your corporation would be appreciated. Thank You Saturday, April 30, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Lector: Darlene Anganis Eucharistic Minister: Edith Christmas Religion Education Classes Saturday May 7, 2016, 6:00 p.m. Lector: Monica Paul Eucharistic Minister: Deacon Robert Coleman Altar Server: Dean Christmas BAPTISMAL COURSE Baptismal Course is offered in Membertou on Sunday, April 24, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mawiomi’kuom (old Seniors’ Centre). Please pre register with Edith at (902) 564- 6466 (ext. 2350). SENIORS’ SPRING FAIR: NEW DATE! Senior’s Spring Fair is now scheduled for SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2016, at the Wally Bernard Memorial Seniors Centre (new Seniors’ Centre). The fair starts at 9:00 a.m. with a pancake breakfast (ending at 11:30 a.m.). There will also be bake tables, lollipop game, straw game, flea market tables, and BINGO! The Seniors are looking for donations and volunteers to help with this worthy cause. Volunteers are asked to be at the Seniors’ Centre by 8:30 a.m.! MAUPELTUWEY KINA’MOTNO’KUOM NEWS: School Menu, April 2016 Monday - chicken nuggets, fries & drink Tuesday - nachos, rice, vegetables & drink Wednesday - pizza, salad & drink Thursday - grilled chicken burger, fries & drink Friday - chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese sandwich & drink SAINTE ANNE DE BEAUPRE TRIP (JUNE FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016, IS EARTH DAY! 23-29, 2016): ONLY 62 DAYS LEFT! It’s that time again to prepare for St. Anne de GOVERNANCE•FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016• Membertou Family Homes Law Drop-In Information Sessions Every Tuesday & Thursday From: 1:00pm to 4:30pm At the Membertou Entrepreneur Center Boardroom Page 8 Upcoming Events March 31, 2016 12:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Governance Committee Wallace Bernard Memorial Senior Centre April 28, 2016 10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Governance Committee Wallace Bernard Memorial Senior Centre Fifth Annual Wi’kipaltimk Spring Gathering May 14th, 2016 Membertou Heritage Park Starting March 22nd until April 28th , 2016 The Membertou Family Homes Law is available for review on the Governance website link below. Purpose – To learn more about the Membertou Family Homes law Membertou will be voting to ratify on April 29th and 30th. Please note all dates are subject to change. For more information about Membertou Governance, please check our website at: http://maupeltutantelsutekek.webs.com/ or contact Cheryl Knockwood at 902564-6466 ext. 2520 …………………………………………………………..……. All community members are welcome to drop in! "kisitutesnu piley kelu'lk nsituita'suaqn ta'n knijannaq ksite'ttaqq" To register for workshops or if you have any questions, please email Cheryl Knockwood at cherylknockwood@membertou.ca or call her at 564-6466 ext. 2520 GOVERNANCE • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 Membertou Family Homes Law Electronic Voting Session Wednesday, April 27, 2016 From: 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. At the Membertou Youth Centre Capsite • Page 9 Upcoming Events Governance Committee meetings Thursday, April 28, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Thursday, May 26, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Thursday, June 30, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. All committee meetings are held at Wallace Bernard Memorial Seniors’ Centre. For those who have not yet voted online and wish to do so! Assistance and computer use will be provided. Please note all dates are subject to change. To learn more about the Membertou Family Homes Law Membertou will be voting to ratify on April 29th and 30th, Please visit the Governance Website listed. The Membertou Family Homes Law is available for review on the Governance website link below. All community members are welcome to drop in! For more information about Membertou Governance, visit our website at: http://maupeltutantelsutekek.webs.com/ or contact Cheryl Knockwood at (902) 5646466 (ext. 2520). …………………………………………………………..……. "kisitutesnu piley kelu'lk nsituita'suaqn ta'n knijannaq ksite'ttaqq" To register for workshops or if you have any questions, please email Cheryl Knockwood at cherylknockwood@membertou.ca or call her at 564-6466 ext. 2520 WELLNESS HOME • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 Membertou Wellness Home • Page 10 Clinic Hours Dr. Jeff Power is available five days a week. Please contact Maggie Wadden, medical secretary, for an appointment. She can be reached at 564-6466 (ext. 2440). ..................................... Evening Clinic PLEASE NOTE: • • • The Membertou Wellness Home is NOT a walk-in clinic. Appointments can be made by phoning 902-564-6466 (ext. 2440). All Membertou Wellness Home workshops are SCENT FREE. All workshops are for MEMBERTOU Band Members and Community Members ONLY! WALKING AND INBODY CHALLENGE Dates: April 26; May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 • Membertou Wellness Home, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Sign-up sheet at the Membertou Wellness Home SIX WEEK WEIGHT-LOSS CLASS Dates: April 28; May 5 and 12 • Membertou Wellness Home, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. • Sign-up sheet at the Membertou Wellness Home TANYA’S & ANGELA’S PRENATAL INFORMATION SESSION For prenatals, mothers of newborns and toddlers • Monday, April 25, 2016, 1:15 p.m. • Wally Bernard Memorial Seniors Centre (Old daycare) • Bingo, refreshments and door prizes! HEALTHY PREGNANCY CLASS • Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 1:15 p.m., Membertou Wellness Home • Snacks are provided, door prizes DIABETES INFORMATION SESSION: FOR DIABETICS ONLY • THursday, April 28, 2016, 1:15 p.m. • Wally Bernard Memorial Seniors Centre (Old daycare) • Bingo, refreshments and door prizes! WELL BABY CLINIC • Tuesday, May 3, 2016, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., Membertou Wellness Home • Services: update children’s immunizations, Nipissing Developmental Screening, height/weight check, etc. No appointment necessary. BABY FOOD MAKING CLASS: ONLY 10 NAMES TAKEN! • THursday, May 5, 2016, 1:15 - 3:00 p.m. • Wally Bernard Memorial Seniors Centre (Old daycare) • Register with MaryI Joe at Wellness Home, (902) 564-6466 (ext 2880). Dr. Power will be continuing his evening clinics on Mondays beginning at 1:00 p.m.. Please note that due to appointment bookings that walk-ins are not always a guarantee. If you make an appointment and are unable to keep it please call to cancel or re-schedule. .................................................................... Vaccinations If your child requires vaccinations, please do not call Dynasty (Plaza) Taxi to bring you to the Wellness Home. These trips are not reimbursed by First Nations & Inuit Health. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide their own means of transportation. ........................................ Diabetes Foot Care Diabetic foot care is done by appointment only. Please call 902-564-6466 for Madelaine (ext. 2840), Tanya (ext. 2750), Jenny (ext. 2830), Natalie (ext. 2760). ........................................ Dental Therapy: UPDATE! Floyd Prosper, Dental Therapist, can be seen every Tuesday at (Maupeltuwey Kina’matno’kuom (Membertou School). To book an appointment, please call MaryI Joe at (902) 564-6466 (ext. 2880). . ....................................... Blood Collection Wednesdays 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the Wellness Home. Please make sure you have your health card with you. ........................................ Medical Transportation Contact Louise Paul at 564-6466 (ext. 2710) if you require medical transportation. Please contact her ASAP in order for her to receive approval from Health Canada for medical trips outside of Cape Breton HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 11 CHIEF COUNCIL PAD && THANK YOU MESSAGE • MAY 8,8,2015 FRIDAY, APRIL 2016 • • Page Page212 What is drug addiction? thinking it NEEDS the drug to function. A physical addiction sets in and the person must have the drug. Just like the body needs food to survive, the addicted mind needs the drug to survive. It doesn’t matter if the person is dying, it doesn’t matter if their health has deteriorated and even if their life has been ruined. All that matters is the drug. The 12-Step process begins with a very important statement, “We admitted we were powerless…” You can insert the drug that is doing the damage. When the drug takes over, when a person’s life is all about getting the drug and taking the drug, when nothing but the drug matters, that is addiction. A person might develop a physical “need” for the drug, or a psychological craving for the drug. The first step in the 12-Step process ends with: “that our lives had become unmanageable.” The addicted person might even holler and scream that they are in control, that they can “handle it,” or that every other person who is watching is wrong and only they are right. Sadly, addiction is easier to see from the outside looking in. There are medical explanations of addiction, but suffice it to say that addiction owns the addict. From the perspective of the addicted person, they have to take the drug to feel “normal” or to feel “good.” There is no choice. People do things they normally would never think of doing. They steal money. They become prostitutes. They break off relationships, even the ones with those they love the most. We will now try to determine when drug abuse becomes addiction. When a person is abusing a drug they are making a choice. They choose to get high. When a person goes into addiction, their choice in the matter is either severely limited or taken away entirely. Powerless and unmanageable Powerless and unmanageable are the hallmarks of addiction. When brain chemistry changes, the mind is tricked into Why? The drug is dictating their life. THANK YOU MESSAGE from MEMBERTOU SOCIAL DEPARTMENT Social Department’s Family Services Coordinator thanks the Mi’kmaw Family & Children’s Services (MFCS) for making it possible to hold the Men’s and Women’s Appreciation Days in Membertou. The agency paid for the men’s and women’s haircuts/hair styling, women’s eyebrow waxing and fingernail polishing, most of the gift certificates (door prizes) and the soup, tea biscuits, dessert. Thank you goes out to the nurses from the Wellness, Natalie McEwan, Tanya Poulette, Jenny Morgan, and Madelaine O’Reilly, who took blood pressure readings and sugar level testing, Liz Laporte for her beautiful Mi’kmaq song, and Katie Rankin, BSW practicum student, for helping to make the sandwiches. We also thank all the presenters: Bernadette Poirier, Mi’kmaw Family Healing Centre, Sgt. Graham Smith, Membertou Police Detachment, Karen Bernard, Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Worker, Clark Paul, Health Resolution Cultural Support Worker, Rhonda Simon and Vera Sylliboy, MFSC Family Support Workers, and Nadia Denny and Bradley Sheppard, Marconi College, Thank you to Rosie Basque and her hairstylists from Slicks Sara Bruce Marcocchio, Amanda Snow and Kendra Christie, and Esthician Fallon Laporte. You all did an amazing job. Finally, a special thanks to Wilma Simon, MFCS Family & Community Healing, for her presentations, MC duties and helping to organize the two events. -Bridget Smith, Membertou Family Services Coordinator WHERE IS SHIRLEY’S CORNER? We’re sorry, but Shirley’s Corner is not be featured in this issue due to spacing! We should see it in the next issue! TOE TO TOE • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 13 MEMBERTOU EMPLOYMENT JOB TITLE: DEPARTMENT: SALARY: • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 14 Civil Engineer Membertou Public Works Department To be determined Membertou is seeking the services of an energetic, enthusiastic, honest, creative, hardworking individual to fill the position of Intermediate to Senior Civil Engineer. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Reporting to the Director of Public Works, the Civil Engineer performs professional and administrative tasks in organizing and implementing public works including the construction and maintenance of streets & parking lots, water, wastewater infrastructure & the design and preparation of housing lots. •Plans & designs civil engineering projects such as roads, bridges, sidewalks, water & sewer installations & drainage systems. •On site, supervise crew, and dealing with contractors & consultants which will consist of approximately 50% of time to be allocated to the field. •Develops construction plans & specifications in conjunction with purchasing department along with originating departments •Manages the planning, design & implementation of all engineering projects. •Ensures all design & construction plans meet guidelines & specifications of the National Building Code & other regulations. •Ensures all design & construction plans adhere to the Membertou Community Physical Plan. •Prepares contract documents & review and evaluate tenders for construction projects along with an evaluation committee •Supervises the control & uses of, and assumes responsibility for all labor, materials, supplies & equipment used in the maintenance, construction & repair of streets, water systems, sewer collection & storm drainage systems. •Analysis of construction and operating & maintenance costs and makes recommendations for department budget. •Assists the Director of Public Works in budgeting the various works and operations within the department. •Provides regular updates & reports as required to the Chief Operating Officer on the status of proposed & ongoing projects and updates Chief and Council monthly or as necessary. •Maintain positive relationships with Membertou’s Internal and External Customers, ensuring transactions or information received on behalf of the Band and/or its members are kept confidential. •Maintain and improve Membertou’s Quality Management System as it relates to job related duties and/or department. QUALIFICATIONS: •A bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. •5 to 10 years related experience. •Registered as a professional engineer (P.Eng) or eligible for registration as a P.Eng with Engineers Nova Scotia (ENS). •Considerable knowledge & experience of municipal engineering principles, practices & methods. •Knowledge of computers, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Projects Autodesk’s AutoCad software & the internet essential. Experience using Civil 3D is an asset. •Valid driver’s license. Resume and cover letter can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Richard Stevens 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S-2M9 Or via email to: jobs@membertou.ca DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: April 29, 2016 MEMBERTOU JOB FAIR • FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016 • Page 15 NO CHARGE TO ATTEND BE PREPARED WITH YOUR RESUME YOU ARE INVITED MAY 12, 2016 MEMBERTOU’S JOB FAIR Please join us at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre (JENU Room) 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Presented by the Membertou Human Resources Department For further information please contact: Shawnee LaPorte (902) 564 – 6466 ext. 2620 DRESS PROFESSIONAL LIGHT REFRESHMENTS PRIZE DRAWS! MEMBERTOU 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 www.membertou.ca PRICES 1/4 PAGE 1 issue $50 6 month $499.99 1 year $899.99 1/2 PAGE 1 issue $75 6 month $799.99 1 year $1,499.99 FULL PAGE 1 issue $125 6 month $1,399.99 1 year $2,499.99 2016 Aknutmaqn Advertising The Membertou Aknutmaqn community newsletter offers local businesses the opportunity to place an advertisement within the newsletter. Aknutmaqn is published bi-weekly and also available on the Membertou website (www.membertou.ca). It reaches over 350 homes in Membertou, with approximately 1200 residents, and more readers and businesses who view the publication online. Arecent copy of the Membertou Aknutmaqn is included in this package for reference. Advertisements are printed in 6 and 12 months contracts, or one-time placements. If you would like to place your ad in the Membertou Aknutmaqn or if you have any questions please contact Membertou’s Communications Department. Thank you, Adam Gould, Communications & Government Relations Manager (902)564-6466 (ext: 5025) communications@membertou.ca The Aknutmaqn is a bi-weekly newsletter. 6 month contract = 12 issues. 1 year contract = 24 issues. Discounts are given to returning clients who wish to renew their advertising. Given proper documentation, discounts can be applied for non-profit organizations, Membertou based businesses and Aboriginal entrepreneurs. Ulnooweg is an Aboriginal financial institution that has been serving the needs for Aboriginal owned businesses since 1986. FULL PAGE 1/4 PAGE 7.5” x 9.5” 3.75” x 4.8” 1/2 PAGE 3.75” x 9. 5” We are in the business to help Aboriginals do business by providing: Lending Services Contributions Business Support Services 1/2 PAGE 7.5” x 4.8” www.ulnooweg.ca /1-888-766-2376/ info@ulnooweg.ca 2138 57 BINGO! 15 22 52 12 2937 49 30 43 58 Aboriginal Pre-Cadet Training Program The Aboriginal Pre-Cadet Training Program (APTP) offers Canadian Aboriginal MEMBERTOU ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE of a police officer. This summer program provides the selected candidates with Basic requirements to apply: ELECTRONIC GAMES hands-on experience in the RCMP’s training program and ample opportunity to • Be between 19 - 29 years of age do meaningful work in their community while working with police members of • Be of First Nation, Metis or Inuit descent SMOKING AND the RCMP. • Be a Canadian citizen people from the ages of 19 - 29, the opportunity to get an inside look at the life Those accepted into the program attend a three-week training program at the RCMP Training Academy (Depot) in Regina, beginning in July. The training focuses • Be able to pass an enhanced reliability security check on teaching collaborative problem-solving skills, law enforcement, public speaking, • Be in good physical condition cultural diversity, and facilitating Safe Community Workshops in communities. There are also elements of physical fitness and drill which promote team work and • Possess a Canadian secondary school (high school) diploma or equivalent provide students with long-term strategies to meet personal fitness goals. • Possess a valid Canadian driver’s licence After successful completion of the APTP course, students are posted to an RCMP detachment near their home community where they will work with seasoned police officers for 4 weeks. Activities and duties may vary depending on the need of each region but the students will get a first-hand look at a career in the RCMP. A CAREER NOWHERE NEAR ORDINARY NON-SMOKING AREAS 4 NIGHTS PER WEEK • Be of good character For more information on this program, contact Beverly Pitawanakwat – 604.819.7268 E_PreCadet_Program@rcmp-grc.gc.ca SPECIAL GAMES TUESDAYS l FRIDAYS START AT 5:30PM! SATURDAYS Shutterboard 7PM-10PM Jackpot Chasers l SUNDAYS Membertou Entertainment Centre 11 Chief Ben Christmas Awti’j Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada B1S 0A1 MECBingo.com Bingo Hotline: 902-562-3999 www.rcmp.ca
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