April 10th 2015


April 10th 2015
Spring Gathering
Pg. 2
Youth Forum
Pg. 6
Swimming ByLaw
Pg. 5
Membertou Athletes Prep for Fight Night
The sweet science makes its return
to Membertou on Saturday evening,
April 25, with a boxing card at the
Membertou Trade and Convention
first time since 2006.
Governance - Pg 2
Making their respective debuts
are Caroline Sylvester and Aaron
Health - Pg 4
‘Toe-to-Toe in MB2’ will feature
several fighters from Membertou
who look to make their names in
the squared-circle.
The card features Team Nova Scotia
vs. Team Ontario and 10+ matches..
Employment - Pg14
Membertou’s very own Jenna
Bernard, a two-time national silver
medalist, makes her return to the
ring against an opponent who is yet
to be named.
Also returning to the ring for his
second career bout is Paul Bradley
Gould, who is competing for the
Chief & Council - Pg 3
Membertou School - Pg 5
Community - Pg 5 - 12
Parents Against Drugs - Pg 13
Notices - Pg 15
Classifieds - Pg 16
The next newsletter edition is
Friday, April 24, 2015.
Deadline is Friday, April 17, 2015.
Above: ‘Sweet’ Caroline Sylvester prepares to make her boxing debut
From left to
right: Paul
Bradley Gould,
Jenna Bernard,
and Aaron
All content must be sent to:
Newsletter will be available to
view online the Friday it is printed.
Flyers cannot be published in the
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Spring Clean-up and Heavy Item pick-up starts Friday, April 24,
2015 at 3:00 p.m. and will go daily until it ends on Friday, May 15,
2015 at 3:00 p.m. If you have any questions please contact Adrian
Paul at 902-578-7865
Membertou Governance
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Chief and Council
UPDATED - Membertou Chief and Council will be meeting
Deadline for all letters to Chief and Council
on the upcoming dates:
is 12:00 p.m. noon on the Monday prior to the
council meeting.
Tuesday, April 14 - Commercial
Tuesday, April 21 - Government
Tuesday, April 28 - Commercial
Tuesday, May 5 - Government
Tuesday, May 12 - Commercial
ANNUAL DONATIONS - May Disbursement
Council gives its members the opportunity to split their annual donation into two payments if individuals
want. This means that if you fill out a Split Donation Application before the May deadline, you will receive
half your donation in May and half in November.
Council has approved changes to be made to the Donation Applications which will be available March 2nd.
The application will be available at the Band Office, on Membertou’s website for download and we will be
mailing out applications to those living off-reserve. The deadline for the May Split Donation will be May 4,
Tobacco Shop Price Increases
Effective April 1st prices at the Tobacco Shop will be increasing by 2.5%. This means that for most products
prices will increase by $1.00 or $2.00 per item. The price increase is necessary to keep pace with the rising
wholesale cost of tobacco products. Here is the new price list:
Dumaurier sp Blend$78.00
All regular cartons$76.00
All Number 7 cartons$61.00
All Canadian cartons$59.00
100 g tins$31.00
200 g tins$58.00
Red Man chew tobacco
Copenhagen chew tobacco$62.00
Players pouch tobacco$82.00
Belvedere pouch tobacco$82.00
Export pouch tobacco$59.00
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Chief and Council.
Wellness Home
Plaza/Dynasty Only | 902-539-8770
For local medical trips please contact Dynasty/Plaza and allow them
enough time to get you to your appointment on time. Please note that
we will not accept receipts from any other taxi company. Dynasty/
Plaza is the only cab company that we deal with.
Important Notice: Needles And Sharps Containers
Sharps containers are available at the Membertou Wellness Home free of
charge. These containers are disposed of in the proper manner so not to
infect anyone. If you need a sharps container, please come to the Wellness
Home and pick one up. Please do not throw needles and lancets in your
garbage. This is very dangerous to childen who may be playing in your area
as well as our garbage collectors.
Healthy Pregnancy Classes
The Healthy Pregnancy Class will be held Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at
1:15 PM.
The sessions will be held at the Membertou Wellness Home. Door prizes
and refreshments provided.
Well Baby Clinic
Well Baby Clinic is Tuesday, April 21, 2015 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM at the
Membertou Wellness Home.
Services include: update child’s/children’s Immunizations, Nipissing Developmental Screening, height/weight check, etcetera. No appointment
Prenatal Information Session
For prenatals, mothers of newborns and toddlers will be held on Monday,
April 20, 2015 at 1:15 PM at the Membertou Seniors Centre For Membertou Band and community members. Bingo, refreshments and door prizes!
Diabetes Information Session
The next Diabetes Information session is scheduled for Thursday, April 23,
2015, at 1:15 PM at the Membertou Seniors Centre. For Membertou community and band members who are diabetics only. Bingo, refreshments and
door prizes available.
Page 4
Clinic Hours
Dr. Jeff Power is available five days a
Please contact Maggie, medical secretary,
for an appointment. She can be reached at
564-6466 ext. 2440
Evening Clnic
Dr. Power will be continuing his evening
clinics on Thursdays beginning at 1:00
PM. Please note that due to appointment
bookings that walk-ins are not always a
guarantee. If you make an appointment and
are unable to keep it please call to cancel or
If your child requires vaccinations, please
do not call Dynasty (Plaza) Taxi to bring
you to the Health Center. These trips
are not reimbursed by First Nations &
Inuit Health. It is the parent/guardian’s
responsibility to provide their own means
of transportation.
Diabetes Foot Care
Diabetic foot care is done by appointment
only. Please call 564-6466 Madelaine ext.
2840, Tanya ext. 2750, Jenny ext. 2830,
Natalie ext. 2760.
Floyd Prosper, Dental Therapist has been
relocated from the Wellness Home to the
new Membertou School. If you have any
questions for him, please call 564-6466
ext. 2790. Carol Sylvester is the COHI Aid.
She can be reached at 564-6466 ext. 2799.
Blood Collection
Wednesdays 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM at the
Wellness Home. Please make sure you
have your health card with you.
Medical Transportation
Contact Louise Paul at 564-6466 ext. 2710
if you require medical transportation.
Please contact her ASAP in order for her to
receive approval from Health Canada for
medical trips outside of Cape Breton
Page 5
Lunch Program
The prices for lunch are $3.00 if you purchase daily or $2.50 if you purchase the two week punch card for $25.00.
Child(ren) may still bring a lunch. Teachers will keep track of the student’s meal card and reminders will be sent
home when the meal card has one meal punch.
Weekly Lunch Menu
We are currently working with the Nutritionist from the Union of Nova Scotia Indians to come up with healthy
lunch ideas according to the Canada Food Guide. We are looking at lowering the sodium and sugar levels.
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Chicken Noodle Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwhich and Drink
Sheppard’s Pie, Roll and Drink
Sliders, Fries and Drink
Cheese Pizza, Salad and Drink
Nuggets, Fries and Drink
We are a Peanut & Nut Free School and are reminding all staff, students, parents & guardians to refrain from
bringing any products containing peanuts or peanut substances into the school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school at 902-562-2205.
Notice to Community Regarding the Newly Enacted Membertou Swimming Pool
By-Law: (Membertou Band Code No. 2015-1)
The Council has recently passed a by-law requiring swimming pools of a certain depth to be fully enclosed by a
fence. The primary purpose of this by-law is ensure the safety of small children who are vulnerable to the dangers of unsupervised and unenclosed pools.
The new by-law refers to all outdoor swimming pools that are two (2) feet or more in height. If you own a swimming pool that is this size, or deeper, you are obligated to provide a fence with a gate that fully surrounds the
swimming pool. The fence must be a minimum of five (5) feet in height.
This by-law shall be administered by the Safety Coordinator who may enlist the assistance of an Officer of the
Cape Breton Regional Police Services to enforce it.
Violation of this by-law is an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $1,000.00 or
to imprisonment for a term of 30 days, or both.
The Membertou Swimming Pool By-law was enacted in March 2015 and applies to all Membertou residents and
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St. Ann’s Church and Religion Education
Saturday Masses at St. Ann’s Church in
Celebration of first Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 5:30 PM Mass April 11, 2015. All children
and their families are asked to please be at the church
by 5:00 PM.
Mass Saturday April 11 at 5:30 PM
Lector : Donna Brown
Eucharist Minister: Deacon Robert Coleman and
Lance Paul
Altar Server: Dean Christmas
Grade 9 Religion Classes for the Sacrament of Confirmation will have a practice on Thursday April 16,
2015 at 6:30 PM at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish.
All students and their Sponsor must attend.
Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday April 18,
2015 at the 4:00 PM Mass at St. Marguerite Parish.
Seniors Spring Fair
Will take place in May more information will be in the
next newsletter. Looking for volunteers and donations
for this worthy cause.
Baptismal Course
Will be offered in Membertou on Sunday April 26,
2015 at 7:00 PM at the Membertou Seniors Centre.
Please pre-register with Edith at (902) 564-6466 ext.
Sainte Anne de Beaupré Pilgrimage
Thursday, June 25, 2015 to Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Only 77 days until we leave for Quebec. Please get
your deposit in to Edith or Viola Christmas as soon as
possible in order to save your seat. We have a waiting
list so your cooperation on this matter is very important. The elders of our community have top priority,
I can be reached at (902) 564-6466 ext. 2350. A lot of
work goes into planning this trip; your cooperation
would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Edith Christmas.
No Saturday Mass on April 18, 2015 due to confirmation celebration at 4:00 PM Mass at St. Marguerite
Bourgeoys Parish.
Thank You
On behalf of St. Ann’s church I would like to thank
Robert Christmas for your help getting the church
ready for Easter season. Also, special thanks to Sister
Dorothy Moore, Roseanne and Joe Sylvester, The McIntyre’s, Doucette and Knapp families, for their donation of Easter flowers in memory of loved ones. The
church looked beautiful.
Page 9
Fisheries Announcements: Mandatory Training and Meeting
Marine Advanced First Aid Course
Membertou Heritage Park
April 14-15, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. daily
Monday, April 13, 2015
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Membertou Trade & Convention Centre
For more information, or if you have questions, please contact your respective captains, or Director Hubert
Nicholas at (902) 564-6466 (ext. 5011) or hubertnicholas@membertou.ca.
After Hours Phone Service for Housing Repair Emergencies
Membertou residents experiencing housing repair emergencies are asked to call the Housing Department’s main
telephone line at 902-564-2111 and they will be directed to a call answering service. If the call is considered an
emergency then the call answering service will contact the Director of the Housing Department immediately
who will arrange for a qualified contractor or Housing Department employee to address the situation.
The telephone service will operate between 4:30 PM and 8:00 AM on weekdays or 24 hours on weekends and
holidays. All non-emergency calls will be forwarded to the Housing Department on the following business day.
The following situations are considered a housing repair emergency: (1) no heat, no oil, or a power outage; (2)
broken or leaking water lines; (3) furnace oil leaks; (4) sewer back up; (5) failed sump pump during a storm; (6)
broken window or door due to a storm or vandalism; (7) leaking hot water; (8) other situations that may be considered an emergency.
If there are any questions or concerns about this service please do not hesitate to contact any member of Chief
and Council or Randy Carroll, Director of Housing and Community Facilities.
Beading Classes Ages 12-and-up!
Wednesday evenings - April 8, 15, 22, 29, 2015
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Membertou Seniors Centre
Every Wednesday in April, Aggie Baby will be teaching basic beading technique in preparation for raised beadwork. Classes are only $8.00. Please bring your own beads and supplies (starter kits available).
In May, Aggie Baby will start teaching raised beading, so learn the basics first.
Monday nights at the Membertou Heritage Park is a beading sharing circle. Come share your knowledge, your
creativity, and your time with other beading friends! There is no charge for the sharing circle.
For more information, contact Agnes ‘Aggie Baby’ Gould at agnesgould@membertou.ca
Page 10
Dr. Saima Haleem Closing her Family Practice
Dr. Saima Haleem will be closing her family practice effective Tuesday, June 30, 2015.
All requests for charts that you wish top transfer to another physician should be made to Docudavit Solutions
at 1-888-781-9083. Further instructions will be mailed out to clients. For more information contact Dr. Haleem
directly or try contacting Docudavit Solutions.
Interview Workshop
Membertou Human Resources department will host an Interview Workshop for community members on April
23, 2015, at the Heritage Park from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
The workshop is to provide people with skills required for a successful interview such as dos and don’ts, resume
building, participating in mock interview, and more.
If you would like to attend, RSVP no later than April 17, 2015, to Holly Murray at 902 564-6466 (ext. 2670) or
by email hollymurray@membertou.ca.
Carpenter Refresher / IP preparatory course at NSCC Marconi
Date: Monday, April 27 to Friday, May 15, 2015 (exam date is May 15)
Carpenter apprentices with their D Block are encouraged to apply, as well as apprentices with the hours and
experience to challenge the exam. Application deadline will be April 10, 2015.
Individuals who have been approved as a Trade Qualifier, or have written the certification at least once and were
unsuccessful and apprentices who have completed all of the apprenticeship training and have not written the
certification examination are permitted to attend this training.
For more information, or to register, contact Candice Denny-Sappier at (902) 564-6466 (ext. 2630) or candicesappier@membertou.ca.
Costs for this training is provided by Membertou
Post-Secondary Deadline is May 15, 2015
All new and returning students must fill out an application for funding. For more information please contact me
directly at 902-564-6466 ext. 2210 or by email at johannalaporte@membertou.ca.
Deadline For Funding - METS and STAIRS
The deadline to apply for METS and STAIRS funding for September courses is Friday, May 29, 2015.
This includes NSCC and other private colleges. If you are in a 2-3 year program you are required to apply for
funding each year.
Please contact Melissa MacDonald at 902-564-6466 ext. 2480 or Anna Marshall at 902-564-6466 ext. 2631 if you
have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Page 11
Prayers in Mi’kmaq
The Seniors will be having Mi’kmaq prayers on Tuesdays from
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Memberou Seniors Centre and
Thursdays from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Membertou Heritage
Krista Devoe
Mi’kmaw Physical Activity Leadership
Tel: (902)564-6466 ext. 2560
For Membertou Band and Community Members:
Six Week Weight-Loss Class
Dates: April 17, April 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22
Membertou Boxing
Where: Membertou Seniors Room
WHEN: Monday - Thursday
TIME: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM
Lunch Provided
Sign-up sheet at the Membertou Wellness Home
We are interested in young people born in 20012003 to start a Boxing Team for the 2019 Canada
Winter Games, which we have had great success.
Please let us know if you are interested.
Notice for Home Owners
Please make sure that your walkways and driveways are kept clear of snow and ice when expecting workers from
the Housing Department to do work around your home. It’s for the safety of our workers! Thank you,
-Connie Osborne
Membertou Natural Resources has Eel Spears Available!
Membertou Natural Resources now has eel spears available for community harvest use. Any persons interested
in helping with a community harvest of eels please contact Lance Paul at 902-567-2018 (office) and leave a message or at 902-304-3016 (cell) so we can organize a harvest date.
-Lance Paul, Natural Resources Manager
Membertou Public Works
Membertou residents are asked to please rate and provide feedback on the quality of 2014-15 snow removal
services provided by the Membertou Public Works Department. The survey will be available until April 15, 2015.
The link to the online surey is below:
Page 12
Membertou Heritage Park
The Mi’kmaq Canoe
Of all traditional Mi’kmaq material culture, the canoe or kwitn has been among the most impressive and enduring inventions in our history. Each Indigenous nation had their own identifiable canoe design that was unique to
them. Mi’kmaq canoes were made of birch bark and had distinct high gunwales, making the canoes suitable for
lakes and oceans.
Prior to European settlement, Mi’kmaq people had mastered the art and craft of canoe building. The birch bark
canoe was designed to manage rough water systems while carrying a heavy load, yet it was lightweight and could
make for an easy portage. This design was so efficient that modern canoes were modeled after it, remaining virtually the same with the exception of now being made of Kevlar or fibreglass rather than natural materials.
Indigenous people in Canada had trade networks set up along established canoe routes, many were too difficult
for European boats to maneuver the lakes, rivers, and portages required for travelling long distances or into the
interior. The canoe became the principal method of transportation for European settlers and remains a Canadian
Heritage Park Weekly Event Schedule
Monday: Arts and Crafts 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Thursday: Elders Night 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Mi’kmaq Rosary will be every Thursday
Wednesday: Youth Drumming 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Senior Men Drumming 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Sunday: Movie Night 5:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Memberou Interagency
Petroglyphs Gift Shop
Open Daily 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 902-562-0444
Childrens Mukluks on Sale!
Regular $200.00 now $125.00
Layaway Available
Page 13
Substance Abuse
and Addiction
Tips for Recovery
Once you start a treatment program, try these tips to make the road to recovery less bumpy:
• Tell your friends about your decision to stop using drugs. Your true friends will respect your decision. This
might mean that you need to find a new group of friends who will be 100% supportive. Unless everyone
decides to kick their drug habit at once, you probably won’t be able to hang out with the friends you did drugs
• Ask your friends or family to be available when you need them. You might need to call someone in the middle
of the night just to talk. If you’re going through a tough time, don’t try to handle things on your own — accept
the help your family and friends offer.
• Accept invitations only to events that you know won’t involve drugs or alcohol. Going to the movies is probably safe, but you may want to skip a Friday night party until you’re feeling more secure. Plan activities that
don’t involve drugs. Go to the movies, try bowling, or take an art class with a friend.
• Have a plan about what you’ll do if you find yourself in a place with drugs or alcohol. The temptation will be
there sometimes, but if you know how you’re going to handle it, you’ll be OK. Establish a plan with your parents, siblings, or other supportive friends and adults so that if you call home using a code, they’ll know that
your call is a signal you need a ride out of there.
• Remind yourself that having an addiction doesn’t make a person bad or weak. If you fall back into old patterns (backslide) a bit, talk to an adult as soon as possible. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it’s important to get help soon so that all of the hard work you put into your recovery is not lost.
If you’re worried about a friend who has an addiction, you can use these tips to help him or her. For example, let
your friend know that you are available to talk or offer your support. If you notice a friend backsliding, talk about
it openly and ask what you can do to help. If your friend is going back to drugs or drinking and won’t accept your
help, don’t be afraid to talk to a nonthreatening, understanding adult, like your parent or school counselor. It may
seem like you’re ratting your friend out, but it’s the best support you can offer. Above all, offer a friend who’s battling an addiction lots of encouragement and praise. It may seem corny, but hearing that you care is just the kind
of motivation your friend needs.
For help with addictions, please contact Blair Paul or Lawrence Wells at the Membertou Wellness home at 902564-6466 ext 2680 and 2780.
Page 14
Job Posting
Job Title: Early Childhood Educator
Department: Education
Reports to: WBMC Administrator
Salary range: $26, 000 - $30, 000
Under the authority of the administrator, the Early Childhood Educator is responsible for
children in all aspects related to the development of their learning skills, hygiene, health, welfare
and safety. The Early Childhood Educator is in charge of the planning and application of wellbalanced programs and activities for children aged 2-5 enrolled in the Centre.
Duties and Responsibilities:
 Supervise children in indoor and outdoor play and during rest period.
 Lead children in activities by telling stories, teaching songs and preparing craft material.
 Guide and assist children in the development of proper eating, dressing and toilet habits.
 Attend staff meetings to discuss progress and problems of children.
 Maintain day care equipment and assist in housekeeping duties.
 Early Childhood Development Diploma
 Criminal record and Child Abuse Registrar check
 Experience considered an asset
Preference given to Aboriginal peoples in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment
Preferences Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Applications can be picked up at the Membertou Human Resources Department, 111 Membertou
Street, Membertou, NS, or applications can be downloaded from our website at
Applications can be submitted to:
Membertou Human Resources Department
Attention: Holly Murray
111 Membertou Street
Membertou, NS
B1S 2M9
Or via email to:
Mi’kmaq Family and
Children Services
All Family & Children’s Services in NS are
currently experiencing a shortage of foster
homes. To help please contact:
Indian Brook - 1-800-263-8686
Eskasoni - 1-800-263-8300
Federation of Foster Families
The Mi’kmaq Crisis Line
Available to First Nation communities
across Nova Scotia, 24 hours a day, in their
own language, by calling
Notice to Clients of Oil Delivery
Social clients who run out of fuel can contact
Joan Denny at 578-6040 cell or 567-3071
Safety Training Certificates
Page 15
Time of Day Rate
Houses built in Membertou in 2009 to
current date that us electric heat as their
main source of heat qualify for the Time of
Day Rate offered by Nova Scotia Power. If
you are not set up for this rate, please see
Deanna Joe, Tenant Relations Officer for an
application. This will save you money on
your N.S power bill.
Membertou Housing and Facilities
New After-Hours Phone Service For
Housing Repair Emergencies After-hours
telephone service for Membertou residents
experiencing housing repair emergencies.
The telephone service will operate between
4:30 pm to 8:00 am on weekdays and 24
hours during weekends and holidays.
Membertou residents are asked to call the
Housing Department’s main telephone
line at (902) 564-2111 and the call will be
directed to a call answering service. All
non-emergency calls will be forwarded to
the Housing Department on the following
regular business day.
All employees and contractors for the
Membertou Band will have to bring in their
certificates on any safety training needed
for the job. To be put on file at the OH&S
office. If these training certificates are not on
file your jobs will be held off until they are Job Line
brought in. If you have any questions please
drop in or give Connie Osborne a call.
The job line will provide a recording of
........................................................................... any current job opportunities and how
Housing Applications
an applicant can apply for a position with
Housing applications are now available at Membertou. If you are currently seeking
the Band Office. If you would like to request employment opportunities, please call
new housing or temporary housing please 902 563-4501 or view the Membertou
see the Tenant Relations Officer, Deanna Joe. website, Facebook, newsletter, band office
or HRDC.
Monthly Housing Payments
Thank you,
Human Resources
To ensure there are no missed housing
payments, we are asking home owners/ Birthday Greetings
renters with a monthly housing payment
to ensure that their rent/mortgage is up Happy Birthday to one very special lady in
to date and being paid either by payroll,
social, or by coming in to the band office to my life, my MOM. Wishing her the best day
make payments. If you have any questions ever just like the best day she had 52 years
regarding your account please feel free ago when she brought me into the world.
to contact the Tenant Relations Officer,
Deanna Joe at 564-6466 ext 2310 or by email (Sorry sisters and brothers LOL) Love
Connie and Terry.
Happy Birthday Nan. Love Brendan.
Garbage & Recycling Collection
NOTICE TO MEMBERTOU RESIDENTS. Happy Birthday Mom, enjoy your knitting
along with your night out to bingo. Love
Jojo and Gordie.
Garbage & Green Bin
Every Tuesday - 12 p.m.
Recycling Collection
Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 12 p.m.
Happy Birthday Nannie. Love Refund,
Mittens and JB and Gizmo.
Happy Birthday Mom, love Jamie.
Garbage & Recycling
Garbage & Green Bin Collection
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 - 12p.m.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 12. p.m.
Recycling Collection
Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 12 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA meetings in Membertou:
Sunday 8 p.m. (HOW Group)
Wednesday 8 p.m. (HOW Group)
Thursday 8:30 p.m.(Membertou Group)
Austin Christmas Plumbing
and Heating
24 hour plumbing and heating
emergency service. New construction,
renovation, service work. Mechanical
ventilation installation. Call for a
second opinion at 902-304-1090
Cape Breton Regional Police
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 563-5151 (24 hrs)
E&R Plumbing and Heating
Emergency response to all your
plumbing and heating needs. 24 Hour
emergency service, 7 days a week.
Edwin LaPorte: 549-5244
Rodney Christmas: 561-5345
Gamblers Anonymous
GA meeting in Membertou:
3 Kateri Street Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Sir Jarrod Jig Paul
Construction - 24 Hour Emergency
Service- Heating, Plumbing, Roofing,
Siding, Electrical and Drywall.
Call 322-8307 (C) or 564-2266 today!
Page 16
Serving the financing needs of
Aboriginal businesses for over 25 years
Variable and fixed interest rates starting at
prime plus 3% (6% and up)
Non-repayable contributions available
on eligible projects
*rates and non-repayable contributions are based
on project eligibility and certain criteria
To find out more about our products & services call:
1-888-766-2376 or visit our website:

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