October 9, 2015
School News Page 5 Election Information Page 3 Membertou Celebrates Treaty Day Membertou, NS - For those who could not participate in Treaty Day celebrations in Halifax last week, a special community celebration was held in Membertou to honour the important occasion in Mi’kmaw history. The day began with a complimentary breakfast provided by the Membertou Chief and Council at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre. Breakfast was accompanied by a screening of Wabanaki: People of the Dawn. Membertou elder, Lawrence Wells welcomed the large crowd attending the day’s festivities and kindly said a prayer for the significant day. Afterwards, Adam Gould introduced the newly elected Membertou Youth Chief and Council. Youth Chief Julian Marshall was then honoured with a family headdress that was originally made for his grandfather, Grand Chief Donald Marshall Sr. This momentous moment was cherished by family, friends and the community as a whole. Youth Chief Marshall, has been a dedicated member of the council prior to being elected as Youth Chief and is looking forward to what this year has to bring to the youth in the community of Membertou. Residing members of the youth council consist of Blake Christmas, Keegan Christmas, Dana Joe and Salena Sylvester. New members include Faith Francis, Reannah LaPorte, Montana Marshall, Ethan Paul and Wilfred Prosper. A “Micro-Mawiomi” was held in the final hours of Treaty Day in Membertou. This small gathering included drumming by Membertou singers and traditional dancing. Head dancers included Nina Kent and Oonig Paul-Ward, with junior head dancers including Vance Kabatay Jr. and Montana Marshall. The gathering was also highlighted with a group of Membertou children who showcased their regalia and traditional dance throughout the Micro-Mawiomi. Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in Treaty Day celebrations in Membertou this year. Special thanks to Membertou Chief and council and Unama’ki Tourism Association for their generosity in making the event successful. Employment Opportunities Page 14-15 INDEX Chief & Council P. 2 Community Notices P. 3-5 HealthP. 6-7 Operation Christmas Child P. 8 Culture & Heritage P. 9 Physical Activity P. 10 Youth Center Shirley’s Corner P. 11 P. 12 Advertisements P. 13 Employment #GetLouder Voting Ad P. 14-15 P. 16 ...................................................... NEWSLETTER INFORMATION The next newsletter edition is Friday, October 23, 2015. Deadline: Friday, October 16, 2015. All content must be sent to: communications@membertou.ca Newsletter will be available online at: www.membertou.ca INFORMATION ONLY Flyers cannot be published in the newsletter. .................................... MEMBERTOU BAND OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch : 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Band Office Closure: Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 12, 2015. We will reopen on Tuesday, October 13, 2015. MEMBERTOU NEWSLETTER • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • WWW.MEMBERTOU.CA CHIEF & COUNCIL • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 2 Chief & Council Meeting Schedule Tuesday, October 13 - Government Tuesday, October 20 - Commercial Tuesday, October 27 - Government 2015 ANNUAL DONATION 2015 Annual Donation forms can be downloaded on the Membertou website or picked up at the Band Office. DEADLINE is November 9, 2015 Please ensure that all sections are completely filled out, signed, and updated banking info (for direct deposit) and copies of your photo id (mail in applications only) are enclosed when you return it. Please drop off at the Band Office or return by mail to: Membertou Gaming Commission ATTN: Accounts Payable 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Canada The Annual Donations will be done on Wednesday, November 25, 2015. If you are getting Direct Deposit, they will be deposited that same day. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (902) 564-6466 or 1-800-6176466 (toll free) and ask for Candice Paul (ext. 2220) or Johanna LaPorte (ext. 2210) during regular Band Office hours. MEMBERTOU, YMCA JOIN FORCES It is now more affordable than ever to become a member of the YMCA! Thanks to the corporate sponsorship from Membertou, the fees have been dramatically cut for Membertou Band Members. Members must complete a Corporate Membership contract and produce a valid status card to be eligible for the cost reduction. This offer is only available to Membertou Band Members with registration at the Frank Rudderham Family YMCA in Sydney, but the passes can be used all over Canada. Because the membership fees are being subsidized, they are not eligible for the Recreation Reimbursement Program. Please visit www.cbymca.ca to see what the YMCA can offer you and your family! If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Krista Devoe at kristadevoe@membertou.ca, or by phone at (902)564-6466 x 2560. Monthly 3 Months Adult - $8.83 Adult - $26.50 Adult Plus - $10.67 Adult Plus - $32.02 Senior - $7.91 Senior - $23.74 Student - $7.18 Student - $21.53 Youth - $6.07 Youth - $18.22 Family - $20.06 Family - $60.17 Family Plus - $26.74 Family Plus - $71.21 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 2015 CANADIAN FEDERAL ELECTION The Canadian Federal Election is on Monday, October 19, 2015. Membertou voters will vote at the Membertou Trade & Convention Centre, 50 Maillard St., Membertou, from 8:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. Advance polls are from Friday, October 9, until Monday, October 12, 2015. Membertou voters may vote during the advance polls at the Membertou Trade & Convention Centre from 12:00 p.m. noon until 8:00 p.m. on those days. If you intend to vote in the election, you must be registered. If you have not yet registered, please do so • Page 3 at www.elections.ca. If you have already received your voter information card in the mail, you are all set to vote. Also note that when you go to vote, you must present proper ID that both identifies you and has your current address. This can be an updated drivers’ license or combination of IDs such as a status card with a piece of mail that has your address. For more information, please visit www.elections.ca or contact Community Revising Agents Adam Gould (902-293-7019) or Melissa MacDonald (902-5646450). HOUSING APPLICATIONS Housing applications are now available at the Band Office. If you would like to request new housing or temporary housing please see the Tenant Relations Officer, Deanna Joe. MONTHLY HOUSING PAYMENTS To ensure there are no missed housing payments, we are asking home owners/renters with a monthly housing payment to ensure that their rent/mortgage is up to date and being paid either by payroll, social, or by coming in to the band office to make payments. If you have any questions regarding your account please feel free to contact the Tenant Relations Officer, Deanna Joe at 564-6466 ext 2310 or by email deannajoe@membertou.ca MEMBERTOU DOG REGISTRATION If you would like to have your dog registered with Membertou, please contact Tenant Relations Offier, Deanna Joe at 902-564-6466 ext. 2310. Having your dog registered will ensure that your dog is safely returned home if your dog is lost and found. JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN MEMBERTOU With the future commercial projects underway in the community, STAIRS want to ensure that our people have the opportunity to benefit in this process. This major construction will be calling on many different trades people and I would like to have an inventory o f the community members that can fill these roles. Our goal is to utilize our own people so our community will profit from this. There is a need for construction workers with roofing experience. We will be taking names of Membertou Band members who are interested in working on the commercial jobs. The goal is to have a list of qualified contractors, journeymen, apprentices and community members eager to start at entry level (laborers). To be added to our list, you can come in to see Candice Sappier or Anna Marshall in the Social Department. Please have all the necessary paperwork such as resume (optional), qualifications and tickets. Any questions you can reach us at 902-564-6466 ext. 2630/2631 annamarshall@membertou.ca candicesappier@membertou.ca Please complete the information below if you are a Membertou Band Member who is a contractor, journey man, apprentice or entry level persons. Name: Address: Phone/Cell #: Email: Trade: Block/Level last completed: Years in apprenticeship: Logbook hours (updated): Union Name if applicable: Copy of updated tickets and qualification: Resume: Role Preference: Other: COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS MEMBERTOU RESIDENT GARBAGE COLLECTION SCHEDULE Garbage & Green Bin Every Tuesday - 12 p.m. Recycling Collection Saturday, October 10, 2015 - 12 p.m. ............................................................... Mi’kmaq Family & Children Services All Family & Children’s Services in NS are currently experiencing a shortage of foster homes. To help please contact: Indian Brook - 1-800-263-8686 Eskasoni - 1-800-263-8300 Federation of Foster Families 1-800-565-1884 ............................................................... The Mi’kmaq Crisis Line Available to First Nation communities across Nova Scotia, 24 hours a day, in their own language, by calling 1-855-379-2099 .............................................................. Notice to clients of oil delivery Social clients who run out of fuel can contact Joan Denny at 578-6040 cell or 567-3071 home. ............................................................... Membertou Safety Training Certificates All employees and contractors for the Membertou Band will have to bring in their certificates on any safety training needed for the job. To be put on file at the OH&S office. If these training certificates are not on file your jobs will be held off until they are brought in. If you have any questions please drop in or give Connie Osborne a call 1-800617-6466 (ext. 2550) .............................................................. TIME OF DAY ENERGY RATE: Houses built in Membertou in 2009 to current date that us electric heat as their main source of heat qualify for the Time of Day Rate offered • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 by Nova Scotia Power. If you are not set up for this rate, please see Deanna Joe, Tenant Relations Officer for an application. This will save you money on your NS Power bill. .............................................................. JOB LINE: The job line will provide a recording of any current job opportunities and how an applicant can apply for a position with Membertou. If you are currently seeking employment opportunities, please call 902 563-4501 or view the Membertou website, Facebook, newsletter, band office or GOC Job Bank. Thank you, Human Resource ............................................................... JOSH’S COMPUTER REPAIR $25 assessment fee Virus removal, software installation/removal, backup pictures/ documents, install new parts/replace parts. $15/hour jherney@gmail.com ............................................................... CARPENTER LEVEL 2 TRAINING For Membertou apprentices ‘A’ Block who are interested in Carpenter Level 2 training at NSCC Marconi starting November 16, 2015, please contact Frank Boone to register or for more information. Frank Boone Industry Training Consultant Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency P-902-563-2194 E- frank.boone@novascotia.ca • Page 4 Membertou Services Alcoholics Anonymous AA meetings in Membertou: Sunday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Wednesday 8 p.m. (HOW Group) Thursday 8:30 p.m.(Membertou Group) ......................................... Austin Christmas Plumbing and Heating 24 hour plumbing and heating emergency service. New construction, renovation, service work. Mechanical ventilation installation. Call for a second opinion at 902-304-1090 ......................................... Cape Breton Regional Police Services Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 563-5151 (24 hrs) ......................................... Gamblers Anonymous GA meeting in Membertou: 3 Kateri Street Mondays 7:00-8:30 p.m. ......................................... Housing Repair Emergencies New After-Hours Phone Service For Housing Repair Emergencies After-hours telephone service for Membertou residents experiencing housing repair emergencies. The telephone service will operate between 4:30 pm to 8:00 am on weekdays and 24 hours during weekends and holidays. Membertou residents are asked to call the Housing Department’s main telephone line at (902) 564-2111 and the call will be directed to a call answering service. All non-emergency calls will be forwarded to the Housing Department on the following regular business day. COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 CHURCH NEWS Saturday Masses at St. Ann’s Church Membertou Mass will resume at St. Ann’s Church Membertou on Saturday October 10, 2015 at 6:00 pm. Please notice the time change SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. 2015 | 6:00 PM Lector: Monica Paul Eucharistic Minister: Lance Paul Altar Server: Dean Christmas SATURDAY, OCTOBER17, 2015 | 6:00 PM Lector: Joan Paul Eucharistic Minister: Edith Christmas Altar server: Dean Christmas • Page 5 Religion Education Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Starting in October for grades 2 Sacrament of First Holy Communion and grade 4 sacrament of Reconciliation. Dates and location will be in future newsletters. Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Sunday evenings, times and dates will be in future newsletters. Baptismal Course will be offered in Membertou on Sunday September 27, 2015 at 7:00 pm. at the seniors center. Please call Edith at 902- 564 -6466 (ext 2350) to pre register. MEMBERTOU CLUB 55 Membertou 55 Plus will be starting basket making, September 24, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Senior center, anyone who is interested, please contact Gloria Nicholas at 902-565-3893. MAUPELTUEWEY KINA’MATNO’KUOM DATES TO REMEMBER: MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015 Thanksgiving Day - School Closed WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2015 - Picture Day THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 Hanks Farm: Grades Primary - 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 Cape Breton University Witness Blanket Display - Grades 5 - 7 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2015 Hanks Farm - Grades 3 - 5 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2015 Professional Learning Day No Students Present - Staff Only REMINDER: Staff supervision does not start till 8:30A.M - Monday - Friday LUNCH MENU October 5 - October 30, 2015 MONDAY - Grilled cheese, chicken soup & drink TUESDAY - Pulled pork sliders, rice & drink WEDNESDAY - Hamburger, tomato soup & drink THURSDAY - Steak, fries & drink FRIDAY - Pizza rolls, garlic fingers, salad & drink HEALTH • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 Membertou Wellness Home PLAZA/DYNASTY ONLY | 902-539-8770 For local medical trips please contact Dynasty/Plaza and allow them enough time to get you to your appointment on time. Please note that we will not accept receipts from any other taxi company. Dynasty/ Plaza is the only cab company that we deal with. NEEDLES AND SHARPS CONTAINERS Sharps containers are available at the Membertou Wellness Home free of charge. These containers are disposed of in the proper manner so not to infect anyone. If you need a sharps container, please come to the Wellness Home and pick one up. Please do not throw needles and lancets in your garbage. This is very dangerous to childen who may be playing in your area as well as our garbage collectors. IMPORTANT NOTICE Kindly note that the Membertou Wellness Home is NOT a walk-in clinic. Appointments can be made by phoning 902-564-6466 (ext. 2440). If you have a family doctor who is not available, you will have to go to one of the walk-in clinics in the area or to the Emergency Department at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital. However if you are a Membertou Band Member and wish to transfer to Dr. Power you can attend the Wellness Home. This policy discourages double-doctoring and provides continuity of care for the patients. • Page 6 Clinic Hours Dr. Jeff Power is available five days a week. Please contact Maggie, medical secretary, for an appointment. She can be reached at 564-6466 ext. 2440 ........................................ Evening Clnic Dr. Power will be continuing his evening clinics on Mondays beginning at 1:00 PM. Please note that due to appointment bookings that walk-ins are not always a guarantee. If you make an appointment and are unable to keep it please call to cancel or re-schedule. .................................................................... Vaccinations If your child requires vaccinations, please do not call Dynasty (Plaza) Taxi to bring you to the Health Center. These trips are not reimbursed by First Nations & Inuit Health. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide their own means of transportation. ........................................ Diabetes Foot Care Well Baby Clinic Please call the Membertou Wellness Home at (902) 564-6466 (ext. 2440) for information on upcoming Well Baby Clinics. You may also call Natalie McEwan (ext. 2760) or Tanya Poulette (ext. 2750) for more info. Healthy Pregnancy Classes If you are pregnant, we are offering Healthy Pregnancy Classes once again. The first class is October 21, 2015, at the Membertou Wellness Home starting at 1:15 PM. Snacks will be provided; as well, a door prize will be drawn for those mothers who attend. We hope to see you there! Prenatal Information Session For prenatals, mothers of newborns and toddlers. Monday, October 26, 2015 Membertou Seniors | 1:15pm For Membertou Band and community members Bingo, refreshments & door prizes! Blood Collection Diabetes Information Session For Diabetics Only Thursday, October 29, 2015 Membertou Heritage Park | 1:15pm For Membertou Band and community members Bingo, refreshments & door prizes! Medical Transportation Cooking Class For Membertou band and community residents Sign up sheet at the Membertou Wellness Home Dates: Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, and Nov 24 Sobeys Prince Street 6:00 – 8:00 pm No transportation provided! 15 people maximum Diabetic foot care is done by appointment only. Please call 564-6466 Madelaine ext. 2840, Tanya ext. 2750, Jenny ext. 2830, Natalie ext. 2760. ........................................ Dental Floyd Prosper, Dental Therapist has been relocated from the Wellness Home to the new Membertou School. If you have any questions for him, please call 564-6466 ext. 2790 . ....................................... Wednesdays 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM at the Wellness Home. Please make sure you have your health card with you. ........................................ Contact Louise Paul at 564-6466 ext. 2710 if you require medical transportation. Please contact her ASAP in order for her to receive approval from Health Canada for medical trips outside of Cape Breton HEALTH • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 7 INFORMATION SESSION ON AUTISM AND RESPITE CARE FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN Thursday, October 15, 2015, Heritage Park 6:00 – 7:30 pm Provided by Heather MacDonald C.B. Community Respite Care Coordinator IMPORTANT: Parents who will need respite care during this session must contact me at (902) 564-6466, (ext. 2580) by Tuesday, October 13, 2015. This is to let Heather know how many respite care workers will be needed Refreshments will be provided and 2 door prizes will be drawn. Hope to see you there. -Bridget Smith, Membertou Family Services Coordinator DIABETES SELF-MANAGEMENT JOURNEY The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative will be hosting the Diabetes Self-Management Journey at the Membertou Trade and Convention Center on Tuesday, October 20 (starts at noon) – Friday, October 23 (ends at noon). Lunch will be provided daily. Membertou will send 3 individuals living with diabetes to this 4 day program. The goal of this program is to assist diabetics/pre-diabetics in learning to manage their diabetes through education sessions. Each participant can be accompanied by a support person. It is hoped that this support person will understand the teachings and offer support once the participant returns home. Only those who have not participated in a previous journey will be recommended to attend. If you are interested in attending, contact Angela Paul at 564-6466 (ext. 2800) or Tanya Poulette (ext. 2750). FOOD SECURITY WORKSHOPS OCT. 20, OCT. 27, NOV.3 and NOV.10, 2015 At the Senior Centre: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. An education food security plan is designed to help families, who are on a limited budget, plan, prepare, and learn cost saving strategies to make their food last longer by meal planning and making multiple meals out of a variety of ingredients. The workshops run over 4 weeks and each week a guest speaker talks about budgeting, shopping healthy, and making food fast. At the end of 4 sessions everyone is provided with a $20 gift certificate (Sobeys/Atlantic Superstore), a slow cooker, and a cookbook with recipes for cooking on a budget. Spaces are limited to 10 people. To register please call Bridget at 902-564-6466 (ext. 2580) before Tuesday, October 13, 2015. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 8 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD 2015 This will be my second year participating in this. Watching the videos of children receiving this boxes and the pure joy of their faces reeled me in. Last November with the help of family and friends, we were able to fill 42 shoeboxes that went to the Ukraine. History: Operation Christmas Child was started in 1990. In 1993, Operation Christmas Child grew and was adopted by Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian organization run by Franklin Graham. To date, Operation Christmas Child has collected and distributed over 100 million shoebox gifts worldwide. In 2014, Canadians donated more than 700,474 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for hurting children around the world. Why should I pack a shoebox? Operation Christmas Child provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands-on project of Samaritan’s Purse that focuses on the true meaning of Christmas- giving. How it works: Each shoebox is filled by Canadians with hygiene items, school supplies, and toys, and is given to children regardless of gender, race, or religion. When culturally appropriate, copies of a book entitled The Greatest Gift, which has been translated into 130 different languages, are offered to children after the shoeboxes have already been distributed. FILL YOUR SHOEBOX • Fill your shoebox with a well-balanced variety of items from the following categories: • School Supplies - Items such as pens, pencils, pencil crayons, note pads, and picture books • Hygiene Items - Items such as: facecloth, toothbrush, comb, and soap. Please place soap in a sealable bag • Toys & Other Gifts - Items such as: stuffed animals, small musical instruments, hair clips, toy jewelry, tshirts, and socks • Personal Note - Include a personal note and/or a photo in your shoebox. DO NOT INCLUDE: • Decks of standard playing cards (other card games such as UNO are allowed) • Food or candy: Including gum (due to customs regulations) • Used items (due to customs regulations) • Toothpaste (due to customs regulations) • Liquids or items that could leak, melt, freeze, or break - Shampoo, creams, lip balm, bath gels, mirrors, or glass, etc. (these can damage other items in the shoebox). “It’s a fun time to pack a shoebox knowing your making someone’s Christmas for those who hardly ever receive anything. Great way for you to give and also shows your child the gift of giving and educate them on where it goes”. For further information and if you wish to pack a shoebox, call Carolyn at (902)567-4028 or email crlynpl@gmail.com. The shoeboxes will be distributed when requested. Deadline is Nov 15, 2015. CULTURE & HERITAGE • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 9 PETROGLYPHS GIFT SHOP Many new products arriving weekly! • Beautiful blankets now available for 50 each! • Rubber boots must go! On sale for $38.25! • CDs on sale! The Privateers & Glen Gould’s ‘Donna Boy’ on sale Beading will continue in the next couple of weeks! Open Daily 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Phone: 902-562-0444 Like our Facebook page for daily updates and sales “Petroglyphs Gift Shop” INVITATION TO RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVORS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS: The Witness Blanket: Pieces of History will be on display at the CBU Art Gallery beginning 8 September until 16 October 2015. This large-scale art installation is the creation of Carey Newman, a first nation’s artist from B.C. whose father was a residential school survivor. In 2013, Carey and team members travelled across Canada collecting stories and more than 800 objects from residential school survivors and their families. Now completed and touring Canada, the Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian Residential School era, honour the children, and symbolize ongoing reconciliation. The first two weeks of our exhibition, September 6th – 17th, we are extending a special invitation to our Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island) residential school survivors and their descendants, to visit and experience the Witness Blanket. September 18th from 2:00-4:00pm will be our official opening and we hope that you will be able to return and share in the public’s welcoming of this nationally significant exhibition to Unama’ki. For assistance with booking your visit please contact: Donna Christmas Email: donna_christmas@cbu.ca Tel 902 563-1871 Debra Ginnish Email: debra_ginnish@cbu.ca Tel: 902 563-1934 902-565-8176 Sincerely, Stephen Augustine PHYSICAL ACTIVITY • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 10 MEMBERTOU SCHOOL HOSTS TRY-THE-Y FUN DAY! To celebrate the new partnership between Membertou and the YMCA, a special Try-the-Y Fun Day was held on September 26, 2015. The first half began bright and early on a sunny Saturday morning at Maupeltuewey Kina’matno’kuom. Families were welcomed by a large bouncy tent and activities from the Fun Y Kids program for the kids, and some Zumba and yoga for adults. At noon, families took a bus ride to the Frank Rudderham YMCA on Charlotte St. for the second half of the day. There, families enjoyed a guided tour of the building and its facilities, learned more about adult and children’s programs, and had the opportunity to go for a family swim! Because of the new partnership between Membertou and the Y, membership fees have been reduced by 80% for Membertou Band Members. Members must complete a Corporate Membership contract and produce a valid status card to be eligible for the cost reduction. For more information on membership options, please contact Krista Devoe at (902) 564-6466 (ext. 2560) or by email at kristadevoe@membertou.ca. YOUTH CENTER • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 11 SHIRLEY”S CORNER • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 12 Shirley’s Corner “Sometimes it takes a funny situation to learn things in life “ Hello and welcome to Shirley’s Corner where things may seem normal but are really off beat. In the past week I spent time doing some fishing hadn’t done that for a couple of years. I was a bit rusty to start not to mention the crazy things that followed. The evening was nice but a bit on the chilly side and wouldn’t you know it I forgot to take a jacket. I was sitting on the wharf in Syd-port watching the ocean liner on the opposite side of the harbour while my son got to work fixing our rods. It wasn’t long we were ready to take on the fish with the strangest line I had ever seen. I had no clue what it was nor was I going to ask because after all I use to fish before today so I went along with the boy. Well you should have seen me trying to cast, at times the line never went any further then where I started; oops forgot to release the thingamajig but when I did well all I can say it was a tangled mess. To be honest with you I didn’t know if my son was getting annoyed with me at times until I heard him when I cast the strange line and it finally hit the water at some distance I was so happy till I started reeling it in. O DEAR not again! How did I manage to do that? Knots upon knots I was not going to say anything to the boy think I’ll fix it before he sees what I did. Too later he already knew because he burst out in laughter which made me laugh also. The funny thing is he already caught three fishies and me still fighting with the rod. Then we packed up and headed to Louisburg, it wasn’t that bad a place to fish. Right of the bat he nailed three more to my, none, but I wasn’t discouraged in fact I was having a great time. Then it got better after he loan me his rod and to our surprise I caught my first fish and I didn’t have to throw it back because it was big enough to keep. Hahaha then the boy asked for his rod back. I did enjoy that evening and every evening after that including today’s expedition where the wind was so strong that when I cast the line it did a spiral around me and landed on the wharf. How do I manage to do these things? Think the fish were having a good laugh because my daughter in-law sure was. I am glad my son decided to call it a day one of us may have ended up wrapped around the mast of one of the docked boats. I learn two things this week one I was fishing with a wrong rod the other that strange line was a Mackerel line. Till next time take care and live well. Shirley C. ADVERTISEMENTS • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 13 2138 57 BINGO! 15 22 52 12 2937 49 30 43 58 MEMBERTOU ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE Ulnooweg is an Aboriginal financial institution that has been serving the needs for Aboriginal owned businesses since 1986. We are in the business to help Aboriginals do business by providing: Lending Services Contributions Business Support Services www.ulnooweg.ca /1-888-766-2376/ info@ulnooweg.ca ELECTRONIC GAMES SMOKING AND NON-SMOKING AREAS 4 NIGHTS PER WEEK SPECIAL GAMES TUESDAYS l FRIDAYS START AT 5:30PM! SATURDAYS Shutterboard 7PM-10PM Jackpot Chasers l SUNDAYS Membertou Entertainment Centre 11 Chief Ben Christmas Awti’j Sydney, Nova Scotia Canada B1S 0A1 MECBingo.com Bingo Hotline: 902-562-3999 EMPLOYMENT • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 14 MEMBERTOU EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Applications can be picked up at the Membertou Human Resources Department, 111 Membertou Street, Membertou, NS, or applications can be downloaded from our website at www.membertou. ca under the human resources tab. Applications and resumes can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Richard Stevens 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Or via email to: jobs@membertou.ca Employment Opportunity Job Title: Department: Reports To: Crossing Guard (2 Positions – Part Time) Education Director of Education Responsible for the safe crossing of children at Designated crossing areas. Duties and Responsibilities • Must have good communication skills. • Must be dependable and available for work. • Must pass police check. • Excellent Hearing. • Excellent Visibility. • Complies with and enforces Band Personnel Policy. • Maintain positive relationships with Membertou’s Internal and External Customers, ensuring transactions or information received on behalf of the Band and/or its members are kept confidential. • Maintain and improve Membertou’s Quality Management System as it relates to job related duties and and/or department. • Other department related duties as required by the Director. Please indicate on application the reference Number and location of the crosswalk you are applying for. Ref # Location 201501 Maillard St. /Churchill Dr. Area Membertou Status Regular P/T 201502 Tupsi Dr. /Paul Awti Membertou Regular P/T The hourly rate is $12.50 per hour, four (4) hours a day. Crossing Guard training and First Aid will be provided. This competition is open to Membertou residents only. Applications can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Richard Stevens 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Or via email to: jobs@membertou.ca Employment Opportunity Job Title: Department: Reports To: DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: October 16, 2015 Gaming Cashier – Part time Gaming Gaming Manager Duties and Responsibilities • Must be able to work in a smoking environment. • Valuing and validating winning tickets from VLT’s. • Make change for gaming customers. • Provide excellent customer service. • Must be dependable and available for work. • Light cleaning. • Must be able to work back shift. • Complies with and enforces Band Personnel Policy. • Maintain positive relationships with Membertou’s Internal and External Customers, ensuring transactions or information received on behalf of the Band and/or its members are kept confidential. • Maintain and improve Membertou’s Quality Management System as it relates to job related duties and and/or department. • Other department related duties as required by the Manager. Qualifications: • Preference given to Aboriginal peoples in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment Preferences Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. • Cash handling experience. • Excellent organizational and communication skills. • Must be able to work independently and within a group. Applications can be picked up at the Human Resources Department at the Band Office, or applications can be downloaded from our website at www.membertou.ca. Applications/Resumes can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Richard Stevens 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S2M9 Or via email to: jobs@membertou.ca DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: October 16, 2015 Employment Opportunities Job Title: Department: Reports To: Bingo Cash Counters - Part time Concession Stand Workers - Part time Jack It Up Workers - Part time Entertainment Centre Entertainment Centre Manager Duties and Responsibilities • Must have good communication skills. • Must be dependable and available for work on evenings and weekends. • Previous experience an asset. • Experience dealing with the general public. • Able to work with others/independently. • Complies with and enforces Band Personnel Policy. • Maintain positive relationships with Membertou’s Internal and External Customers, ensuring transactions or information received on behalf of the Band and/or its members are kept confidential. • Maintain and improve Membertou’s Quality Management System as it relates to job related duties and and/or department. • Other department related duties as required by the Manager. Applications can be picked up at the Human Resources Department at the Band Office. Or applications can be downloaded from our website at www.membertou.ca Applications can be submitted to: Membertou Human Resources Department Attention: Richard Stevens 111 Membertou Street Membertou, NS B1S 2M9 Or via email to: jobs@membertou.ca DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: October 16, 2015 EMPLOYMENT Job Title: Department: Reports To: • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 2015 Manager, Bingo Operations Entertainment Centre Chief Operating Officer Purpose: Provides leadership and direction to an employee base of 30, customers and charities while managing the Bingo operations of the Membertou Entertainment Center. Qualifications: • Experience dealing with the general public. • Able to work evenings and weekends. • Able to work with others/independently. • General knowledge of the bingo organization. • Excellent listening and communication skills. • Flexible and adaptable to change. • Plan and organize effectively. • Well refined problem-solving and decision making skills. • Able to delegate duties and responsibilities (appropriate use of resources and people). • Strong leadership skills. • Preference given to Aboriginal peoples in accordance with the Aboriginal Employment Preferences Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Primary Duties and Responsibilities: • Maintain positive relationships with Membertou’s Internal and External Customers, ensuring transactions or information received on behalf of the Band and/or its members are kept confidential. • Maintain and improve Membertou’s Quality Management System as it relates to job related duties and and/or department. • Other department related duties as required by the Chief Operating Officer and/or Chief Financial Officer. People: • Creates and maintains a positive work environment for employees, charities and suppliers through timely, honest, clear and respectful communication. • Maintains confidentiality when dealing with customers, employees, and charities. • Acts as a role model for employees, charities and direct reports by consistently displaying behaviors that promote respect in the workplace. • Provides training and orientation to all new employees and charities. • Recruits and hires employees with a strong customer service orientation to work in bingo. • Identifies skill deficiencies in employees and develops training plans to close gaps. • Leads and supports employees in their training and personal development. • Conducts performance reviews during probationary • Page 15 periods and annually thereafter on all employees. • Works to resolve employee issues and concerns. • Promotes team morale by providing clear job expectations, recognizing accomplishments, and giving regular feedback. • Conducts monthly team meetings and prepare minutes of meeting. • Conducts regular staff meetings and prepare minutes of meeting. • Manages employee’s weekly schedule and daily attendance, when required. • Participates in employee corrective action. • Supervise all staff members and provide assistance when required. Service: • Demands a high degree of customer service from employees and charities. • Ensures customer service standards are established and maintained. • Demonstrates professionalism and maintains positive business relationships at all times in dealing with internal and external customers. • Accepts responsibility for problems and errors and takes action to resolve. • Acknowledges customer service concerns within 24 hours. • Continuously works to identify service improvements while maintaining profitability. • Ensures adequate supplies of working Personal Handheld Devices are on hand each evening. • Respond to phone and e-mail messages promptly. Efficiency: • Establishes and communicates priorities. • Keeps knowledge current regarding bingo and gaming regulations. • Ensures that business is conducted in strict adherence to industry and provincial regulations. • Maintains daily tracking of problems, concerns, and volumes. • Ensures that Membertou policies, guidelines and programs are consistently and fairly applied. • Proactively seeks out ways to improve service while maintaining efficiency and profitability. • Performs accurate and secure balancing and handling of cash on a daily basis. • Ensures all reporting is accurately submitted by deadline. • Prepare daily cash floats, supplies and required documentation. • Prepare Daily Deposits, when required. • Send in advertising to Cape Breton Post, as required. • Update Website. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: October 23, 2015 #GETLOUDER • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015 • Page 16
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