2009 December
2009 December
Central California Asian Pacific Women difference as we look toward our next 30 years. We are equally inspired by the energy of young, emerging women leaders sparked by a CCAPW scholarship as we are by the longstanding dedication of our established community leaders. Our leaders continue to motivate us to strive toward our goals of leadership and equality for API women. Thank you for being a part of CCAPW history! Dear Friends and Members: Happy 30th Anniversary At 30 years CCAPW has come a long way in its relative short history. We owe our gratitude to a visionary group of founders who grasped a grassroots model of organizing like-minded individuals to address needs in our community. After almost 30 years CCAPW boasts a list of accomplishments: • Since our inception in 1980, CCAPW has awarded over $93,500 in scholarships funds to Asian Pacific Islander (API) young women who are either high school graduates or continuing college students in our seven-county area of the Central Valley. • CCAPW has collaborated with numerous organizations to engage API communities in civic leadership opportunities. • We’ve engaged young emerging women leaders and encouraged them to assume leadership roles not only to promote grassroots leadership, but also as a strategy for organizational sustainability. See a complete list of historical activities at www.ccapw.org Congratulations to all of us for helping to make the most of CCAPW’s 30-year history! The thousands of volunteer hours and donations – large and small alike – collectively make a Mai Der Vang President Gena Lew Gong Vice President Rita Bawanan Merzoian Financial Officer/Treasurer Wanda Hasadsri Secretary 2009 Holiday Celebration 2009 Board Directors from left to right: Gena Lew Gong, Marlene Kubota, Rita Bawanan Merzoian, Xee Yang, Maggie Thao, Mai Der Vang, Roberta Barton, Debbie Tom, and Wanda Hasadsri. Not pictured: Valerie Davis, Michelle Her, and Bernice Kao December 2009 Board of Directors To inaugurate our 30th celebration year, our holiday luncheon on Saturday, December 5, 2009, will kick off a year of activities in 2010. We expect the mood to be lively as members share their stories. Incoming board president-elect, Roberta Barton, will spotlight 2010. CCAPW will swear in 2010 officers and new board members and thank directors completing their board service. More information is on page 5 and in the enclosed flyer. Join us in 2010 We are in the planning stages of an ambitious year in 2010. Board members, past presidents, and members have been forming committees in the last half of 2009 as we solidify a plan of activity for our 30th anniversary year. Look for more announcements about our upcoming events: 2010 July Scholarship Luncheon July is scholarship month. Join us as we once again honor our scholarship recipients at our July luncheon. 2010 December Holiday 30th Anniversary Party. The holiday gathering also helps us continue to foster relationships with our members and supporters and create a space where members can meet and network with one another. And it gives us a chance to celebrate and give back to the community! Other events will be planned in commemoration of this 30th anniversary milestone. (continued on page back page) Roberta Barton Valerie Davis Michelle Her Bernice Kao Marlene Kubota Maggie Thao Debbie Tom Xee Yang CCAPW Presidents 19801980-81 Mae Takahashi (1936(1936-2001) 1982 Jo Ellen Ichihana 1983 Thelma P. Haw 1984 Jeanette Ishii 1985 Celeese Kai 1986 Deborah Ikeda 1987 Laurie Wong 1988 Cathy Tokubo 1989 Nani Rabago (1923(1923-2006) 1990 Veena Kapoor 1991 Julia Pucay 1992 Ling Cho 1993 Edna Pucay 19941994-95 Dorothy Pucay 19951995-97 Yupayong Thirakomen 19981998-99 Judith Simuns 20002000-01 Sandra Moy 2002 Loretta Seina 2003 Michelle Abenoja 20042004-07 Debbie Tom 20072007-09 Mai Der Vang Central California Asian Pacific Women Page 2 CCAPW Activities • Regarding the Washington Advocacy trip, a select group from California should take an advocacy trip to Washington DC. We have several API members in the Cabinet but they are not from California. Although there are funding issues for the cost of the trip, support from TCE or Senator Barbara Boxer’s office or Congressman Costa’s office might be available. • The Complete Count Committee’s participation in the Census will have a broad impact. Members of this forum need to be involved. We need to make sure the city and our community does its part to collect data/info related to API in the valley. It is difficult to obtain these data but funding is available. API community members made the following announcements: ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER LEADERSHIP COUNCIL July 7, 2009 Fresno City Hall (From left to right) Xee Yang, Bernice Kao, Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearingin, Councilmember Blong Xiong, Debbie Tom and Maggie Thao after the API Leadership Council meeting. (This information is summarized from the minutes of the Asian Pacific Islander Leadership Council [API Leadership Council] provided by Maiyer Vang of Councilmember’s Xiong’s office. If you would like to receive these minutes in their entirety and/or be on a regular listserv to receive notices of these quarterly meetings, please contact Maiyer Vang at maiyervang81@yahoo.com.) The quarterly forum of API voices facilitated by Councilmember Blong Xiong met on July 7, 2009 sponsored by Rama Dawar. Councilmember Xiong updated the forum on activities at Fresno City Hall. A summary of his review follows: • Fresno City passed its budget (tentatively). If the state budget is not balanced, it will add 3 billion dollars to the deficit we already have. • The Mayor’s Citizen’s Academy is a 7-week course. This course outlines what each department in the city does. We need to offer a shorter course for our community. • The city will do outreach by participating in a 30 minute radio talk show about city issues and awareness to the community. • UC Medical School: API shortage in medical school. Use momentum to push community input, encourage participation in discussion, build our own capacity and get members involved. • The funds from the James Irvine Foundation have been reduced from 10 million to 8 million to 7.9 million. Councilmember Xiong encourages service organizations to ask for capacity building funding. If the service organizations apply for the grant through a collaborative effort, they have a better chance of receiving the funding. Debbie Tom commented that only selected organizations will be invited to apply. • Peter Vang shared that the Office of Refugee Resettlement has a new director. We [API Leadership Council] need to be part of the discussion to advocate for more funding in the Valley. • Lue N. Yang commented on the Complete Count of Census 2010. We need to advocate to specify identification on Asians such as the subgroups: Hmong, Lao, Khmer, etc. The data will be useful if we have an accurate count. We need to motivate the community to register. If one person accounts for $3,000 federal dollars, we need to ensure complete count. • There is a correction on the community calendar. The Obon Festival is on July 11 and not July 18th. • Xee Yang from CCAPW invites everyone to attend scholar- ship event on Saturday, July 25, 2009. • Harry Gill announced Independence Day for India celebra- tion is August 15th. Time and place to be announced. • “Hmong Voices” is currently documenting Hmong history to preserve our culture. They are looking for Storytellers. • Debbie Tom announced Assemblymember Juan Arambula’s Latino Heritage Awards. Nominations are still open to Latinos living in the 31st Assembly District and are due August 7th. The event is on August 17th, 5-6:30 pm at Arte Americas. • David Xiong from Txhawb is looking for suggestions/ideas for a new magazine. • Dr. Kapoor thanks Councilmember Xiong for the API Leadership Council and the community at large for focusing on issues that faces our community. The API community has grown and is diverse. It is important to see the diverse faces in decision making body to help our community on a larger scale. Central California Asian Pacific Women Page 3 CCAPW Activities Blong introduced Mayor Ashley Swearengin by briefly describing her work and how fortunate we are to have her leadership. Councilmember Xiong asked the Mayor to make a commitment to come to activities; her presence will show her willingness to work with our diverse community. The data/ statistics for API is a challenge to obtain. We need to encourage involvement. Mayor Swearingin’s address included comments on the following: • The Mayor thanked Councilmember Xiong for the work he has done with the API community. • Although the State budget is a mess, Fresno is at a critical point. • Mayor Autry opened doors that shine a light in our community and that have inspired confidence. • Other Fresno City Hall issues include: the environment and growth, poverty, collaboration of local government, the community and the private and public sectors, public safety and revitalization of neighborhoods. Community members questioned the Mayor on a variety of issues including: • Economic vitality partnership among businesses and government • City services needs to address language diversity. • Creation of an entertainment center in the city to showcase our cultural community. Next meeting will be Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 6 p.m. with special guest, Congressman Jim Costa. SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON July 25, 2009 The Vintage Dining Room on the campus of CSU Fresno welcomed 2009 scholarship recipients, their families and friends, and CCAPW members as we celebrated our annual awards on July 25, 2009. Mistress of Ceremonies, Maggie Thao, opened the ceremony by introducing special guests and congratulating our supporters as we prepared to award $10,000 to outstanding young women as they started or continued their educational pursuits. This six-month scholarship competition opens early in the year and ends in June when we read and evaluation the applications. Each year we are inspired by the quality of the applications and the thoughtfulness of applicants’ hopes and dreams. These scholarships are our investments in the future leaders of our community. After a short CCAPW business meeting, president Mai Der Vang introduced guest speaker, Dr. Ellen Junn, Associate Provost at CSU Fresno. Dr. Junn’s comments reflect her memories of “Growing Up Asian in America”. Ellen shared census data about Asians in the U.S. and focused on how diverse we are encompassing 28 different countries of origin. She emphasized the power of personal stories. She shared her early memories of growing up with traditions of another culture but assimilating “American values” in a ‘melting pot’ society. She talked about her family’s value of education. Her story inspired us as each of us has a unique individual history of culture, traditions, and values. After lunch, Scholarship Chair, Rita Bawanan Merzoian, introduced each of the recipients and asked each to introduce their special guests and share their educational and career plans. Every year we are impressed by the outstanding young women, their ambition and poise, and the encouragement they give us to continue this valuable scholarship program. Mae Takahashi Scholarship: Suzanna Ivy Vang, Hmong, from Edison High School will study Physical Therapy at CSU Fresno. Joan M. Agustin Memorial Scholarship: Lee Vang, Hmong, from Merced High School will study Child Development at CSU Sacramento. CCAPW General Scholarships: See Vang, Hmong, from Sunnyside High School will study Pediatric Neuropsychology at Brown University Chong Yang, Hmong, from Sunnyside High School will study Psychology at Brown University Kaozong Nancy Mouavangsou, Hmong, from Hoover High School will study Law at UC Davis Abbygail Wahyudi Williams, Indonesian/Chinese/African American, from Buchanan High School will study Political Science/International Relations at UC Davis Dao Thao, Hmong, will continue her Liberal Studies at CSU Fresno Hashroop Kaur Gurm, Indian, from Clovis East High School will study Molecular & Cell Biology at UC Berkeley LiAnn Toshimi Ishizuka, Chinese/Japanese American, from Edison High School will study International Development Studies at UCLA Maitria Moua, Hmong, from Edison High School will study Political Science at UC Berkeley The luncheon was followed by a tour of the new CSU Fresno Henry Madden Library. Hiromi Kubo, Librarian, escorted an enthusiastic group to the newly remodeled state-of-the-art library. Central California Asian Pacific Women Page 4 CCAPW Activities Elder Women's Initiative AGEnda for Action: Building a Movement for Elder Women's Advocacy In September of 2008, CCAPW participated on a Local Planning Committee to organize a Fresno Speak Out. On this committee were CCAPW board members, Geri Yang, Mai Der Vang and Debbie Tom. Due to their outreach efforts, more than 25% of the participants at the Fresno Speak Out were API women (Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Filipino, Japanese, Lao and Thai). Prior to the Fresno Speak Out, a small group of API women came together on August 21 at an impromptu “CCAPW August Potluck” to share a meal and mutual concerns and insights on aging. They noted that a positive attitude is important, and that, “Asian and Pacific Islander cultures promote and maintain multigenerational households.” This is a ‘best practice’ model for aging in place that many API families wish to sustain. From this dinner discussion, Debbie Tom prepared and submitted testimony at the Speak Out. In October of 2009, the Women’s Foundation of California released their publication focusing on elder women. The following are excerpts from the WFC website and from the work, AGEnda for Action: Building a Movement for Elder Women’s Advocacy. For a full copy of this publication, go to www.womensfoundca.org. AGEnda for Action: Building a Movement for Elder Women's Advocacy California's aging population is rapidly increasing in number and diversity, and is expected to double in size by 2030. The ongoing recession and state budget crisis continue to cripple California’s economy and the state’s ability to fund essential safety net programs relied upon by elders. Elder women are further vulnerable in terms of health and economic security due to their roles as caregivers and wage earners. The Elder Women’s Initiative was launched in 2008 to build a movement led by elder women and their allies to address these issues and generate solutions. This report presents the Initiative’s findings and provides recommendations for how funders, policymakers, and advocates can ensure all Californians age with well-being, dignity and economic security. As part of this vision, the Women’s Foundation of California is proud to present the Executive Summary of this report as a free download in five languages: Simplified Chinese, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, and Spanish. Below is an excerpt which describes some of the work CCAPW is advocating in the Central San Joaquin Valley: • The Fresno Speak-Out included a focus on elder women with limited English proficiency and their need for interpretation services, particularly in health care settings. Testimonials came from Cambodian and Hmong elders, as well as a group of Spanishspeaking elders. Because the Central Valley is the most rural of the regions where sessions took place, speakers also emphasized issues of isolation and the need for transportation. One participant noted, “We are a network of women and men— various Asian ethnicities—Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese and others. We are immigrants, new Americans, second-, third-, fourth-generation Americans. Our newest members will be in their 20s and 30s, plus we’ll have seniors in their 70s and 80s. In preparation for today, we discussed getting old. I hope this is the beginning of much needed organizing to take action. My recommendations for the Women’s Foundation include helping us access ways to reach out and participate in movement building—toward action research and document changing demographics in the Central Valley. I hope the Foundation will continue to facilitate the collaboration of these efforts.” Congratulations to our local representatives who contributed to this landmark publication: FRESNO LOCAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Cathy Caples, HandsOn Central California Lilia Chavez, League of Mexican American Women Robbie Cranch, HandsOn Central California Frances Contreras, Fresno–Madera Area Agency on Aging Reverend Sophia DeWitt, Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries Francine Farber, League of Women Voters of Fresno Estela Galvan, Pan Valley Institute Larry Gonzales, The California Endowment Edie Jessup, Fresno Metro Ministry Van Lam, Khmer Society of Fresno Sherry McMurry, Central California Legal Services Luisa Medina, Central California Legal Services Yolanda Moreno, Together for California’s Future Yolanda Randles, West Fresno Health Care Coalition Margarita Rocha, Centro La Familia Advocacy Services Reverend Sharon Stanley, Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries Janet Trapp Slagter, PhD, California State University, Fresno Debbie Tom, Central California Asian Pacific Women Donna Ueland, California Commission on Aging Mai Der Vang, Central California Asian Pacific Women; New America Media Dana Wilkie, Community Food Bank Geri Yang, Central California Asian Pacific Women; Women’s Foundation of California MaiKa Yang, Stone Soup Fresno CENSUS 2010 The Partner Support Program (PSP), formerly known as the In-Kind Program in Census 2000, supports the outreach efforts of partner organizations. The purpose of this program is to better reach hard-to-count populations by establishing relationships with 2010 partner organizations. The goal of the PSP is to equip a 2010 partner with very specific community materials (printed materials and promotional give-aways). These items are above and beyond what Census will provide through its normal channels. CCAPW will work with partner organizations to distribute information and assist those whose ultimate objective is to elevate awareness about the census and achieve a high rate of return of the 2010 Census questionnaire within hard-to-count communities. Central California Asian Pacific Women Page 5 CCAPW Activities CENTRAL CALIFORNIA FORUM ON REFUGEE AFFAIRS (CCFRA) SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Central California Asian Pacific Women cordially invites you to attend our On September 22, 2009 the Central California Forum on Refugee Affairs’ (CCFRA) Annual Scholarship Awards were presented in conjunction with its 21st Anniversary event. These scholarships are to students of refugee background and the event raised funds for future students’ scholarships. 2009 Holiday Luncheon During their 20-year history, CCFRA has provided numerous opportunities and substantial resources to assist refugees to become self-sufficient and contributing citizens. Through donations and fundraising CCFRA has raised thousands of dollars for student scholarships, which have been used to help college students of refugee background. “Telling Our Stories” CCAPW Board of Directors voted to sponsor the CCFRA scholarship event with a donation of $50. Congratulations to all CCFRA scholarship recipients. May Blia Ly and Hiromi Kubo & Annual Meeting New CCAPW Board Directors; CCAPW PresidentPresident-Elect Roberta Barton Saturday, December 5, 2009 MARK YOUR CALENDARS November 12, 2009 - API Leadership Council Meeting, Reception with Congressman Jim Costa November 20, 2009 - Fresno Center for New Americans Thanksgiving Luncheon December 5, 2009 - CCAPW Holiday Luncheon December, 2009 - Christmas Celebration, Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministry December 26, 2009 – Jan 1, 2010 Fresno Fairgrounds, Hmong International New Year Celebration February 1, 2010 CCAPW Scholarship Applications Available February, 2010 – Chinatown New Year Parade to Celebrate Lunar New Year, Chinatown Revitalization, Inc. March 2010 – Amerasian Week, CSU Fresno April, 2010 – Cambodian New Year, Fresno Cambodian Buddhist Society April, 2010 – Lao New Year April, 2010 – Asian American Heritage Celebration – Fresno City College May 15, 2010 - CCAPW Scholarship Application Deadline June, 2010 – California State Refugee Awareness Month, CA Department of Social Services July, 2010 – Obon Festival July, 2010 – CCAPW Scholarship Awards Luncheon August, 2010 – Floating Lantern Cultural Celebration, Shinzen Japanese Garden Society, Woodward Park August 15, 2010 – Independence Day of India November 5, 2010 – Hindu Festival of Diwali, an annual celebration of truth and light (Calendar adapted from the API Leadership Council calendar.) 11:00 am – 1:30 pm Thai Lao Palace 3815 Willow Avenue Clovis, CA (on the Northeast corner of Ashlan & Willow) $20 per person Please RSVP by Nov. 25, 2009 to Mai Der Vang at mdvaj@yahoo.com or (559) 709709-4455. Holiday Donation Recipient: Project Access/Fresno Unified School District Project Access/Fresno Unified School District Project Access assists families in transition so that their children can maintain stability and achieve success in school. Staff members help families acquire school and community resources above and beyond those provided at the school site. Please bring new, unwrapped coats, jackets, & sweatshirts for children & teenagers, or cash donations to support this project. Every December CCAPW chooses a community project and asks members to bring donations to present during our holiday luncheon. This donation is optional but our way to showcase and support worthy projects in our local community. Thanks in advance for continuing this CCAPW tradition. Central California Asian Pacific Women Page 6 CCAPW News PRESIDENT OBAMA SIGNS EXECUTIVE ORDER FOR THE WHITE HOUSE INITIATIVE ON ASIAN AMERICANS AND PACIFIC ISLANDERS Dr. Ellen Junn speaking at the 2009 Scholarship Luncheon. 2010 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN FEBRUARY CCAPW will launch its 2010 scholarship competition on February 1, 2010. Please request applications by contacting scholarship representative, Rita Bawanan Merzoian at rmerzoian@sbcglobal.net . Hard copies or electronic copies will also be available. See www.ccapw.org for more information on past recipients. The deadline for completed applications is May 15, 2010. 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CANDIDATES/OFFICERS The following directors will continue their service on the board and complete their current two-year terms: Roberta Barton, Gena Lew Gong, Bernice Kao, Marlene Kubota, Maggie Thao, Thao Mai Der Vang, and Xee Yang Candidates, both new to the board and seeking additional terms, who will appear on the 2010 ballot are: • • • • • • Anjali Davis (First 2-year term) Wanda Hasadsri (Second 2-year term) Michelle Her (Second 2-year term) Ellen Junn (First 2-year term) Hiromi Kubo (First 2-year term) May Blia Ly (First 2-year term) Candidates for officer positions for 2010 are listed below: President: Roberta Barton Vice-President: Gena Lew Gong Financial Officer/Treasurer: Hiromi Kubo Secretary: Wanda Hasadsri Your ballots are in the mail at the time of this newsletter publication. Please return your vote by November 25, 2009. Washington, DC – In a ceremony today [October 15, 2009] at the White House, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order reestablishing the White House Initiative on Asian American Pacific Islanders (the Initiative) and in doing so demonstrated a federal level commitment to improving the lives of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) throughout the United States. The Initiative was first established during the Clinton Administration in 1999 and was initially housed in the Department of Health and Human Services and then later in the Department of Commerce. Under President Obama, the Initiative now officially moves to the Department of Education. As President Obama stated during the signing ceremony earlier today, the mission of the Initiative is to “work with 23 agencies and departments across our government to improve the health, education, and economic status of AAPI communities.” The Initiative and the Commission will be co-chaired by the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, and the Secretary of Commerce, Gary Locke. While President Obama talked today about the many strengths of the AAPI communities, he also acknowledged that significant obstacles still face many AAPIs. He discussed health and educational disparities, as well as high poverty rates and language access challenges, all issues that are of importance to Southeast Asian Americans, and issues that the Initiative will work to address. “SEARAC commends President Obama for reestablishing the White House Initiative on Asian American Pacific Islanders. This is an exciting moment and an important indication that the Obama Administration takes the concerns of our diverse AAPI communities seriously. We recognize that the challenges facing many in our communities are great, and the Initiative will need support and active cooperation from all communities around the country. We look forward to our partnership with the Initiative,” states Doua Thor, Executive Director of SEARAC. Full text of the President's speech can be found here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ the_press_office/Executive-Order-Asian-American-and-Pacific-Islander-Community/ 2009 Scholarship Recipients: (left to right) See Vang, LiAnn Ishizuka, Maitria Moua, Chong Yang, Suzanna Vang, Kaozong Mouavangsou, Dao Thao, and Abbygail Williams. (Not pictured: Lee Vang and Hashroop Kaur Gurm. Central California Asian Pacific Women Page 7 T h a n k Yo u THANK YOU 2008 and 2009 CCAPW DONORS Special 30th Anniversary Donors $1000+ Wells Fargo PG&E Visionaries, $500+ Carole Chamberlain Bao Cha Cook Thanit Hasadsri Jeanette Ishii Rita Bawanan Merzoian/Joan Agustin Family Lorraine Takahashi/Mae Takahashi Family Debbie Tom President’s Circle, $300+ Deborah Ikeda Peggy Saika Judith Simuns Community Leaders, $100+ County Bank Jacky Chan Ling Cho Anthony Cody Valerie F. Davis Mary Florentino/In Memory of Ron Florentino Wanda Hasadsri Ellen Junn Linath Lim Franklin and Lucia Ng Ari Martinez Ida Parrott Maia Pucay Beth Renge Carolyn Sakauye Maggie Thao Wendy Tukloff Mai Der Vang Zoua Vang and Darrell Wong Jane Worsley XC Lucky Supermarket Maila Yang Xee Yang Investors - up to $99 May L. Chun Gena Lew Gong Michelle Her Celeese Kai Veena Kapoor Irene Lai Mari Anne Lai Dorothy Pucay Virgie Rhoads Barbara Taniguchi Geri Yang THANK YOU CCAPW MEMBERS November 4, 2009 Roberta Barton Esther H. Caiazza Kimtruc Cao Sandy Cha Carole Chamberlain Ling Cho Bao Cha Cook Anjali Davis Valerie Davis Francine Farber Mary Florentino Gena Lew Gong Fely Guzman Bobbi Hanada Wanda Hasadsri Thelma Haw Ka Zoua Her Michelle Her Mymee M. Her Ashlee Z. Herr Misty Herr Katsuyo Howard Deborah Ikeda Jeanette Ishii Ellen Junn Celeese Kai Bernice Kao Veena Kapoor Hiromi Kubo Marlene Kubota Irene A. Lai Tia Lam Lillie Lew Linath Lim Cyndee Kia Lor-Yang An T. Ly May Blia Ly Michael Lynch Sharon Martinez Kelly Marie Masuda Rita Bawanan Merzoian Carol Mills Witt-yi Winnie Mine Lucia Ng Giang Nguyen Brielle Nikaido Marian Ota Ida Parrott Dorothy Pucay Edna Pucay Julia Pucay Maia Pucay Beth Renge Virgie Rhoads Peggy Saika Carolyn Sakauye Judith Simuns Barbara Taniguchi Maggie Mai Thao Yupayong Thirakomen Debbie Tom Wendy Tuckloff Mai Der Vang Zoua Pa-Naoblia Vang MayGnia Vang Doua H. Vu Camille Wing Nzong Xiong Kao N. Yang Geri Yang If we omitted your name in error, please notify us. See this newsletter in full color at: Central California Asian Pacific Women P. O. Box 26803 Fresno, CA 93729 www.ccapw.org (continued from front page) Thank You PG&E Thank You Wells Fargo Our most valuable asset has always been our people and our communities. Members, donors, and supporters have embraced our mission and participated in fulfilling our mission. Thank you also to Wells Fargo whose sponsorship support over our history continues to make a commitment to our vision and mission for all Asian Pacific women in the Central Valley to have access to all possible education, employment and health opportunities while celebrating our distinct heritage. Thank you Wells Fargo. In September, PG&E presented CCAPW with a $1,000 check in support of programming and scholarships in our 30th anniversary year. PG&E is not a stranger to CCAPW. We are appreciative of the support it has given over our history. In our extensive list of scholarship recipients you’ll note their scholarship support in the past. Thank you PG&E for being a part of CCAPW history. Congratulations 2009 Scholars We dedicate this newsletter issue to another group of young women who accepted scholarship dollars at our award luncheon at CSU Fresno in July. Associate Provost Ellen Junn graced our gathering with an inspirational talk as we broke our record and awarded $10,000 to deserving young women. CCAPW continues its tradition of showcasing its talented future leaders. This group of young women did not disappoint. Their poise and thoughtful words of appreciation in accepting their awards inspired us. Their hopeful, energetic ambition, as they start or continue their educational pursuits, encouraged us as we witness those first steps of our future community leaders. Read more about our 2009 scholarship winners on page 3. Board of Directors Ballot Members will receive their board of directors ballots in the mail where each of you are given the opportunity to vote on an impressive list of officers and candidates for 2010. Thank you to Debbie Tom and Rita Bawanan Merzoian who will complete three terms totaling six years each on the board. As a founder of CCAPW, Debbie will continue to be a valuable active member in the years to come. Her guidance has mentored countless leaders from CCAPW and from our community. As you might remember, she and Rita have been instrumental in motivating the community and rebuilding/ reinforcing the infrastructure of CCAPW in the past few years. We thank them for their service and fully expect and count on their continued participation in our future. And thanks to Valerie Davis whose service to the board has brought a valuable dimension and insight from her three years of service. CCAPW Executive Committee Central California Asian Pacific Women Vi sion: Asian Pacific women in the Central Valley will have access to all possible education, employment and health opportunities while while celebrating their distinct heritage. Missi on: • To bring together Asian Pacific Women in Central California to share in their commonalities and distinct cultural heritage • To address the educational, employment, health needs/concerns of Asian Pacific women by promoting the visibility, participation, and representation of Asian Pacific women in the community • To provide leadership opportunities to empower Asian Pacific women in their education, career and life Newsletter Editor: Rita Bawanan Merzoian ♦ Thanks to board directors and members for contributing articles and for submitting pictures. ♦ Special thanks to Wells Fargo and PG&E for their sponsorship of CCAPW programs in 2009-2010.
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