Issue 38 - Great Oyster Bay Community News
Issue 38 - Great Oyster Bay Community News
Last Tuesday 15th September SOAC held their Annual General Meeting and election of Officebearers Chairperson Jennie Amos, Secretary Terri Lazzari, Treasurer Jenny Whittaker and the Committee of Management, Jenny Kay, Jack Hardcastle and Glen Wigg. AGM Attendees We also had the presentation for the Giving Program for 2015 year. The recipients were: Swansea Primary School Triabunna Junior Football Club Great Oyster Bay PCYC Freycinet Ladies Sporting Club Freycinet Volunteer Marine Rescue Triabunna District School Great Oyster Bay Little Athletics Bayview Bush Babies STUFIT Music Troupe The information on the usage of the funds will appear as the funds are expended. Jenni with Dylan Jones and Dylan Golder from Triabunna Junior Football Club who used the funds for trophies for the year. The recipients with Jenni Amos Date Event Location, time and contact details Wednesdays Music & Meditation 3 pm All Saints Church. All welcome 6257 8755 Wed 23 Sept Spring Bay Suicide Protection Network 10.30 am Wear a Hat Morning Tea Triabunna Recreation Room $5 Chris Haigh 0417 524 737 Wed 23 Sept ECCAI AGM 4 pm All Saints Hall Noyes Street Swansea Wed 23 Sept Little Athletics 5 pm Registration Day 2 at Swansea Football Ground Thur 24 Sept Swansea Primary School 6 pm. Swansea has talent Swansea Town Hall $10 adult children free BBQ see details page 9 Fri 25 Sept STUFIT 7.30 Swansea Town Hall Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for further info. Fri 25 Sept Light For Life 5 pm All Saints Church For Solidarity with UNHCR Sun 27 Sept Friends Of Rocky Hills Inc AGM 12.00pm at 11541 Tasman Highway, Little Swanport. BYO – small plate for lunch. All welcome! Alison Wallace – President 0419 090 245 Sun 11 Oct Vinnies Fashion Parade 2 pm Swansea RSL Noyes St Editor: Bill Fry Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190 Email:—articles, letters and photographs welcome! Website: Facebook: Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 10 am to 3 pm; Friday 10 am to 1 pm. Public Holiday by Prior Arrangement Meals on Wheels Wed 23 Sept G Bryan & J Crawford Thur 24 Sept R & C Campbell Fri 25 Sept P English & H Ford Mon 28 Sept A Breadmore & L Dann Tues 29 Sept A Quinn & L Tucker Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania. The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and Advertising policies which are located on our website Care until release of orphaned wildlife including Wombats, Eastern Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts & Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at Bayview Bush Babies on 0448 714 419. The Anglican Parish of Swansea The Reverend Trevor Smith is available for appointments and conversations of any kind on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please give him a call on 0414 416 935. For advice or care of birds phone Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096. The Swansea Social Croquet and Boules is now in winter recess and will recommence in Sept. Please phone Deirdre Monk 6257 8584 for details and venue information. Collection of bee swarms, please phone Marcia on 0448 714 419. Please phone pest control for wasps. Easy Relaxation for Mind and Body Every Thursday in Orford 1 pm at the Orford Community Hall. Contact Nadine Ozols, Program Coordinator, 6257 9126 Swansea Branch CWA meets 2nd Wednesday of the month. New members always welcome. Craft days alternate months. Contact 6257 8947 for details. Spring Bay Walkers have a regular walking calendar of many interesting local walks. Contact Cath Willmot on 6257 1096. Qigong 9.15 am and exercise class 11.15 am both on Monday at Swansea Golf Club until further notice. Cranbrook Craft Group Every Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook Hall. Cranbrook Contact Edith 6257 8116 Swansea Community Garden meets on the first Saturday of the month. Contact Cynthia on 6256 4738. Music and Meditation 3 pm Wednesdays All Saints Church all welcome 6257 8755 Your local SES is looking for volunteers. If you are interested, want to know more or just want to come and have a look. Your local unit is also on the hunt for your old unwanted vehicles, if you have got one that you would like to donate to the unit for training purposes, please let us know, we can even arrange pickup. Contact us at or ring Kelvin on 0418 376 129 Book Discussion Group at the Swansea Library. We meet on the fourth Thursday in the month, our next meeting will be 24th September at 10.30 am. Keep reading and bring along the book you are currently reading. Contact Deirdre Monk on 6257 8584. Haphazards Art Group 10.30 - 3 fortnightly meeting All Saints Church Hall. Nora 6257 8407 Community Transport East Coast the phone number for the office has changed to 6372 4415 Swansea Community Market supported by Barkmill Bakery & Tavern second Saturday of the month at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm Next market is on 10th October Nic 0419 324 701 Child Health Nurse 11 September 9 Schouten Court. To make an appointment please call Michele at Campbell Town CHC on 6774 8043 or 0439 431 852. Our 24 hour Parenting Line offers information and support. Telephone 1300 808 178 - for the cost of a local call. Normal mobile charges apply. STUFIT 7.30 pm 25th September Swansea Town Hall All welcome For more Information phone Steve 0438 600 047 Friends of Rocky Hills Inc Annual General Meeting 2014/2015 Sunday 27th September 2015 commencing 12.00pm at 11541 Tasman Highway, Little Swanport. Swansea Primary School 6pm 24th September Swansea’s Got Talent. Swansea Town Hall BBQ $10 adult children free Light For Life 5 pm 25th September All Saints Church to show solidarity with UNHCR light a candle. Great Oyster Bay Community News would like to thank you for the continued support of our advertisers. Please consider supporting us - we are a local not for profit community organisation run by volunteers. Help us to continue to provide free local news to our community Fresh, Local and delicious! Oysters and Prawns available along with salad selections – eat in or take away. Fish & Chips in our own beer batter or crumbed OYSTER BAY SEAFOODS (opposite BP S/Stn) 6257 8998 Open every day to 7.30 (8pm Fri/Sat) EAST COAST COMMUNITY EVENT TO HELP THE REFUGEE CRISIS IN SYRIA " LIGHT FOR LIFE " FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER AT ALL SAINTS CHURCH from 5 pm onwards. An Ecumenical Gathering for All the Community to light a candle and make a donation small or large to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees ( UNHCR) and give some help as a caring community. We can't stop the fighting but we can give hope and assistance to those who desperately need it. Flowers, Cards, Baby gifts, Jewellery, Scarves, & Christmas in early October Credit Card & Eftpos Open 7 Days 9-5 18 Franklin Street, Swansea (03) 6257 8091 There will be music to listen to and an opportunity to join together. At 6 pm we will play a recording of The Armed Man : A Mass for Peace by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins, which has become a universal success. This is wonderful music , accessible but deeply moving, written in 2000 for the Millennium but played hundreds of time since and now in Swansea! Come Along and Show Some Solidarity For Fellow Human Beings! ( even for a short can light a candle and make a donation and leave....) Support your local businesses There will be refreshments available in the church hall. Bring something to share. Jennifer Lathwell “Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays. Letters and articles most welcome. Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading. Interior/ Exterior Houses Units Shops Roof Restorations Signwriting Plastering All Aspects of the Trade Swansea Ukulele and Folk Instrument Troupe (STUFIT) Please send by email to Pensioner Discount the Swansea Online Access Centre Steve 0448 747 444 No job too small Next meeting is 7.30 pm at the Swansea Town Hall on Friday 25th September 2015. All welcome. Call Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for further info. For Sale Moving Sale Men’s Mountain Bike Good Order $100 Ph 0419 287 913 18 Freycinet Court or drop in to Please note change of hours: Monday to Thursday 10 am - 3 pm Friday 9 am - 1 pm Public Holidays by prior Appointment 9 am - 4 pm Sat 26th & Sun 27th Bargain Fisher & Paykel Side by Side Fridge/ Freezer. Excellent condition 5 Star energy Rating $150 each. Ph 0417 599 063 Household goods, books, many free items. 6257 8299 0429 641 839 STEPHEN MARTIN DOUBLE BASS PLAYER EXTRAORDINAIRE, Sadly we have learnt of the passing of Steve Martin. He will be sorely missed, especially by those who enjoyed concerts by Virtuosi Tasmania which he founded in 1992, after many years playing bass in the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. We especially remember the performance at Milton by Virtuosi Tas. of Jazz: "Spirit of the MJQ" only last year, when Steve introduced all the items with his customary elan and dazzled us with his wonderful bass playing. Steve had been bravely battling health issues for some time, not that you would have guessed from his usual cheerful self. It is hard to believe we will not have the privilege of hearing him play live again. Thankfully there are some wonderful recordings. RIP Steve Martin. Jennifer Lathwell for ECCAI. Thanks from the Lord Family . Bistro Open Friday Nights 5.30 pm until 8pm Winter Trading Hours Monday and Tuesday Closed Wednesday and Thursday open 3 pm Friday Saturday and Sunday open 11 Do not forget Friday night spins and members’ draw Phone: 6257 8188 Give Away Dorothy and her family would like to express their appreciation for the support and care they received from the community upon Barry’s death. To the people who attended the funeral service, for those that sent cards, for the food and meals prepared for us, and for the lovely flowers, we sincerely say thank you. Our thanks also to the Anglican Church Guild and the Uniting Church ladies for the refreshments served at the Bowls Club, and to Dean and Barry for looking after the bar. Words are inadequate to express our thanks. Barry Lord touched the hearts of many people in the community and we are all going to miss him. Dorothy Lord and Family. Meals on Wheels Annual General Meeting will be held at the Anglican Hall at 11 am Thursday 24th September. For Sale Quintrex 445 Dory Dinghy 40hp Yamaha Enduro. 8 hp Mariner Auxillary $11,000 Ph 0437 819 593 Wooden Child’s Cot Needs some bracing Ph 0488 578 282 Sunday 27th September 2015 commencing 12.00pm at 11541 Tasman Highway, Little Swanport. All committee positions open for nomination. Membership fees are due and can be paid on the day. A notice of motion to be put forward - “That Friends of Rocky Hills Inc. apply for an exemption from auditing requirements” BYO – small plate for lunch. All welcome! Alison Wallace – President 0419 090 245 VETERINARY CLINICS IN BICHENO Dr Jeff Parsons consults in Bicheno every Tuesday afternoon. Please phone 6376 1577 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Chemical Use Training Have you got your entertainment book/app yet? Entertainment Books 2015/2016 On sale at Swansea Primary School. Price $65 New this year, two books. One is South and the East Coast and one is North and the East Coast Australian Employment Services will be holding accredited chemical use training in Swansea on 7th October 2015. Limited places are available at a cost of $100 per person. To register your expression of interest please contact Rosie at Glamorgan Spring Bay Council: 03 62564777 or E x c e l l e n c e , D i g n i t y , R e s p e c t a n d T e a m w o r k MAY SHAW HOME SERVICES Welcomes Chris Latter to the Team POSITION AVAILABLE Now servicing Bicheno, Coles Bay, Triabunna and Orford General Garden Maintenance Service PART TIME CELLAR DOOR SALES Mowing & edging Trimming & pruning Weeding SOME WEEKEND AND PUBLIC HOLIDAY WORK REQUIRED Planting Garden waste removal – tip fees paid by client PLEASE RING 03 6257 8574 OR 03 6223 2586 AND ASK FOR LINDY (if no answer, please leave a message) Shack owners garden maintenance May Shaw your trusted provider, keeping locals employed and providing a professional, If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer. Alfred North Whitehead (1861 1947) Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function. Unknown Wednesday 23rd reliable service to the people of the Glamorgan/Spring Bay Community. I am Providence $35.00 p/hr Howard Phillips Lovecraft For information & bookings Please contact 20.8.1890 - 15.3.1937 Shirley Raspin on 0419 370 134 or leave a message at reception on 6257 9100 September Triabunna Recreation Room 10.30 am Guest Speaker Anita Campbell - Winner of Communities in Action Life Spring Bay Suicide Prevention Network Chris Haigh 0417 524 737 Award Swansea Holiday Park has been undergoing a complete revamp to its cabins in readiness for the upcoming season. New managers, Desmond and Berice, have returned from their wintery snow bound stint running the Bronte Park Chalets to take on the management of the park, happily for them in much warmer conditions. With the help of assistant managers, Greg and Sheree, Swansea Holiday Park will be open for business on Sat. 19th September. Many thanks to Deirdre, Lyn and Charmaine for their hard work and contribution to getting the cabins prepared for what we hope will be a bumper tourist season for Swansea and the East Coast. Deirdre Calvert 0497 051 162 Swansea Online Access Centre would like to thank all of the dedicated hard working volunteers and committee members who contribute to the efficient operation of the Centre and this newsletter.. And you, our readers, of this newsletter for it’s continued success. Small Engine Repairs. I have taken over from Gobby’s Mowers. So please call me for all your repairs and parts needs. Please let people know that I am studying my Small Engines Certificate for the business. Jeremy Sawford 0403 562 814 The Haphazards Art Group will be displaying their latest work at Milton Vineyard on Thursday 1st October. For the beginning of Seniors Week, and for the following two weeks. Please come and browse in this pleasant location SWANSEA PRIMARY HAS TALENT IS ON THIS THURSDAY NIGHT 24TH OF SEPTEMBER AT 6PM TOWN HALL YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS A FUN PACKED EVENING $10.00 AN ADULT CHILDREN ARE FREE LIONS CLUB WILL BE COOKING A BBQ SO DINNER IS SORTED $2.00 A SAUSAGE AND $2.00 A SOFT DRINK GRAB A FRIEND, GRAB YOUR GRANDMA AND SEE YOU AT THE TOWN HALL Swansea Rainfall For The Last Week Monday 14th 0.0mm Tuesday 15th 2.0mm Wednesday 16th 4.0mm Thursday 17th 0.0mm Friday 18th 0.0mm Saturday 19th 0.0mm Sunday 20th 0.0mm PERFECT PLACEMENT STONEWORK Tomorrows heritage today. Specializing in Restorations, Houses, Retaining Walls, Stairs, Garden Features, Paving & All Types of Stone Work Compare our work online at Phone 0409 074 995 ACCOUNTANT & TAX AGENT Simon P. Clark Phone 0409 578 066 Chartered Accountant “I come to you” Visiting Swansea the 4th Thursday of each month Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay Ph: Rodney Breadmore 0418 513 973 or 6257 8434 For an appointment please call Ph: 6391 3007 FIG BEAUTY SERVICE Visits the Health & Wellbeing Centre, May Shaw Swansea Online Access Centre is calling for volunteers to help with the physical running of the centre on a day to day basis. If you would like to volunteer please call 6257 8806. Every Second Monday Waxing, tinting, manicures & pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes Relaxation massage Phone Sally 0400 837 984 Richard Lane 22nd September OPTOMETRIST Visiting Bicheno Fri 25th September Call 6375 1455 for appointment Swansea Sat. 26th September Call 6257 8114 for appointment VETERINARY CLINICS IN SWANSEA Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting Swansea 30 September from 11am onwards. Please phone 6269 2323 for an appointment or veterinary advice. Across 1 Goddess of love (9) 8 Spanish John (4) 9 Spotted dog (9) 10 Leg joint (4) 13 Annoyed (5) 15 Lionel Bart musical (6) 16 Start a journey (3,3) 17 Complain peevishly (6) 19 Absolute bounder (6) 20 Duck from which down is obtained (5) 21 French holiday house (4) 24 Northern Winter festival (9) 25 Levant sea port (4) 26 Capital of North Korea (9) Down 2 Fuel from a bog (4) 3 Hoar frost (4) 4 Remain undecided (6) 5 River at Runnymede (6) 6 Renegades (9) 7 Forebears (9) 11 Scandinavian language (9) 12 Small-scale (9) 13 Brink (5) 14 Interior layout and furnishings (5) 18 Fourscore (6) 19 Area (6) 22 Stick around (4) 23 Try to gain favour by flattery (4) Swansea Golf Club News Saturday 5th September Report Fifty five competitors took part in the third round of the inter club competition at Swansea between Freycinet, Orford, Bicheno and Swansea. The individual part of the competition was a Stableford event which was won by Bicheno’s Pauline Coleman 41 with Swansea’s Peter Donaldson 39 and Darrell Down 38 the next best scores. Swansea leads the teams’ contest with 532 points, followed by Bicheno 510, Freycinet 506 and Orford on 503. Results Individual Club Winners Overall winner: P. Coleman 41 (Bicheno) Freycinet Ladies: Men: Orford Ladies: Men: Bicheno Ladies: Men: Swansea Ladies: Men: C. Phillips-Caldwell 27 B. Thompson 32 F. Risley 32 G. Bantoft 35 P. Coleman 41 W. Wells 37 A. Barden 37 P. Donaldson 39 Teams Results Sat. 19th Sept. Swansea 182 Bicheno 169 Orford 159 Runner up: Rosemary Mullen 25 Runner up: N. Carins 32 CB T. Mullen Runner up: A. McCreary 31 Runner up: L. Batchelor 34 Runner up: V. Disney 27 Runner up: J. Hancock34 Runner up: V. Kemp 32 CB K.Dance Runner up: D. Down 38 Freycinet 155 Coming Events Saturday 26th September: Stroke. Sponsored by Swansea/Bicheno Community Branch/Bendigo Bank Saturday 3rd October: 4BBB Stableford Supported by Swansea Probus Club. Note change of competition format. Grand Final Day 9.00 for 9.30 John McKenna Swansea Bowls Club News Club Bar open Friday Nights from 4 pm to 8 pm. Members’ draw cash jackpots. Light Snacks. Saturday Pennant Practice 1.30 pm Thursday Chicken Run 1.30 pm for 2 pm start. Pennant Season starts Saturday 10th October. Barefoot Bowls Daylight Savings Time. More info later. The club is available for functions up to 100 people. Full bar facilities. Catering available. Swansea Football Club News Coming Events. 26th September Presentation Dinner @ the Barkmill. Details to be advised in next week’s edition. Trivia Night at the RSL. Watch this space for details. Musica Dolce at Milton ECCAI’s first Spring concert at Milton on Sunday 6 September did not bring the promised thaw but it did warm the hearts of the full house in attendance. Musica Dolce performed a range of Baroque wind music on instruments modelled on those of the period. Several of these were made by group member Don Cartwright, who is a luthier of many years experience as well as an accomplished oboist. The range of works selected was - as always it seems with ECCAI concerts both entertaining and informative. Well-known composers such as Telemann and Bach were set alongside others, such as Benda and Quantz, whose work is relatively unknown to the lay person. The wintry landscape of the vineyards in the background was in contrast to the warmth and vitality of the music, the beauty of the setting and the skill and enthusiasm of the ensemble, which was formed in 1999. A very pleasant afternoon, courtesy of ECCAI and Milton. Brett Martin Seniors Week Launch and Expo 10.30am – 2.00pm Thursday 1st October – Free Entry COTA Tasmania in collaboration with Glamorgan Spring Bay Council is pleased to invite you to the launch of Seniors Week. The event at Milton Vineyard, Tasman Hwy Cranbrook will feature a mini expo of information, entertainment and arts activities in a picturesque, level, grassed setting. Award winning journalist Judy Tierney is the guest speaker for the launch. Judy worked with ABC for 35 years until her retirement in 2006. Judy is a seasoned traveller who has visited more than 80 countries and now escorts travellers to exotic destinations around the globe. She has also published a book with two more in the pipeline. Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Guy Barnett will officially launch Seniors Week on behalf of the government. There is limited seating for the launch however everyone is welcome to attend the expo which is a free event with activities and information aimed at people aged fifty (50) and over. There will be more than thirty (30) information stalls including South East Community Care, Independent Living Centre, Telstra, Centrelink, Perpetual Trustees, Andrew Jones Travel, Community Transport, Rural Alive & Well and Consumer Protection. Local artists will be exhibiting their works and there will be a display from the Swansea Garden Club. There will also be fun activities on the day, for example, kayaks on the Milton Lake, model yacht races and petanque and everyone is welcome to have a go. Meet Jason Watson, IT specialist who can introduce you to the world of modern technology and provide information on free courses currently on offer. Courses include, Basic Computer, Skyping, Interactive Smart Television and Learn about your Smart Phone. Local singer, Ange Boxall, whose musical style echoes the deceptive simplicity of her heroines; Carole King, Patsy Cline and Dusty Springfield, is the entertainer for the day. Food will be available including a barbecue featuring sausages made by Sir Loin Breier and marinated lamb steaks. A coffee van will also be on-site. The Milton Cellar Door will be open so you can buy a glass of wine to enjoy with lunch or take a bottle or two home with you. FREE BUSES will be provided from Bicheno and Orford. Bookings are essential. Phone 6256 4777. Plenty of parking on-site. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy this informative and fun-filled day at the picturesque Milton. For more information, please contact Glamorgan Spring Bay Council on 6256 4777.
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