Fall 2014 Newsletter - Sojourner Family Peace Center


Fall 2014 Newsletter - Sojourner Family Peace Center
Fall 2014
Peace Talk
Pictured from L to R: Bea Benidt Webster, Charles E. Benidt Family Foundation; Casey Gwinn, Family Justice Center Alliance; Bob Duncan, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin;
Michelle Mettner, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; Rebecca House, Harley- Davidson and Sojourner Board President; Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker; Milwaukee Mayor
Tom Barrett; Carmen Pitre, Sojourner Family Peace Center; Kent Lovern, Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office and Sojourner Board Vice President; Chief Edward Flynn,
Milwaukee Police Department; John Chisholm, Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office; and Cecelia Gore, Brewers Community Foundation join together to chart a new
course for Milwaukee.
Sojourner breaks ground
Another journey is launched with the start of construction for a
new Sojourner Family Peace Center! Sojourner celebrated this
new start with an official ground breaking ceremony on October
1, 2014. Over 400 donors, program partners and community
leaders joined with us to celebrate this historic event.
The nationally known and proven Family Justice Center model
enables us to transform our community’s response to family
violence, ultimately making Milwaukee and its surrounding
communities a healthier, safer, more peaceful place to live. This
model is a best practice for delivering care to families impacted
by domestic violence. The
key to its success is the colocation of multi-disciplinary
professionals focused on
advocating for victims’
safety and quality of life,
surrounding the victim with
the support and resources
they need at a critical time.
Casey Qwinn, Family Justice
Center Alliance, President & CEO
The current system for
helping victims of domestic
violence can be confusing,
complex and difficult to
access. Inefficiencies strain
limited public and private
resources, and often force
victims to recount their painful
experiences to multiple
The new building is located
at 619 W. Walnut Street in
Milwaukee. The building will
be the largest to follow the
Family Justice Center Model and
is scheduled to open in 2015.
This co-located center will offer Carmen Pitre, Sojourner Family Peace
Center, Executive Director
coordinated services for those
impacted by domestic violence, treating the whole person—
mind, body and spirit.
Sojourner will be among the first in the nation to house
comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence of all
ages under one roof. In addition to moving and expanding our
current shelter, Sojourner Truth House, and the 24-hour hotline,
Sojourner is joined with Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, the
Milwaukee Police Department, and the Milwaukee District
Attorney’s Office, among others at the site. This will provide a
more integrated system of services for adults and children who
are impacted by domestic violence and child abuse.
Thank you for helping us celebrate the day and share our
excitement! You have filled us with tremendous inspiration and
Our emergency domestic violence shelter for women and children, Sojourner Truth House, is a tribute to “Belle,” a
woman born into slavery in 1797. In 1843 she walked onto the pages of history when she became Sojourner - God’s
pilgrim. A second name - Truth - came to her “in a voice as true as God’s is.” Sojourner Truth traveled widely, speaking
about slavery and women’s rights and the dignity of all people.
Supporting Employees Who Have
Experienced Domestic Violence (Part 1)
In this two part series it is our intent to
provide employers with information and
specific strategies that will be supportive
of the employee who is or may become
the victim of domestic abuse. In our next
issue, we will provide tips for specific
security planning related to domestic
violence in the workplace. In addition,
we plan to provide proven processes that
employers can use to create a safe work
environment and reduce the likelihood
of domestic violence spilling into the
Domestic violence does not remain
“domestic” by staying at home when
victims go to work. Homicide is the
leading cause of death for women on
the job. This violence poses a threat not
only to the victims, but it also threatens
the safety and well-being of coworkers
and customers as well. Its effects are
For many victims, the workplace remains
their only safe connection to the outside
world and their only opportunity for
achieving independence from the abuser.
For abusers, work often remains the only
place where the victim can be found with
regularity and predictability.
Employers play an important role in
making the workplace safe for victims of
domestic violence. They need to have a
solid understanding of domestic violence,
create a welcoming and safe work
environment and an open partnership
with employees.
Special thanks to Mike Cummings, Senior Vice
President Security and Loss Prevention at
Aurora, for leading and contributing to this
Step One: Understanding the
Dynamics of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a pattern of
abusive behaviors characterized by
use of power and control tactics
by one person over another
in an intimate relationship.
Domestic violence can
happen to anyone, crossing
all boundaries of culture,
age, race, sex, education
and socioeconomic status.
No one deserves to be
abused, no matter what the
Physical and sexual assaults,
or threats to commit them,
are the most apparent
forms of domestic violence
and are usually the actions
that cause others to become
aware of the problem. However,
regular use of other behaviors by
the abuser, when reinforced by one
or more acts of physical violence, makes
up a larger system of abuse. Although
physical assaults may occur only once
or occasionally, they instill fear of future
violent attacks and allow the abuser to
take control of the their partners life and
The Power and Control Wheel is a helpful
tool in understanding the overall pattern
of abusive and violent behaviors when
used by a batterer to establish and
maintain control over his partner.
Developed by:
Domestic Abuse Intervention Project
202 East Superior St., Duluth, MN 55802
Very often, one or more violent incidents
are accompanied by an array of these
other types of abuse. They are less
easily identified yet firmly establish a
pattern of intimidation and control in the
Domestic violence is a significant
concern in the American workplace.
According to Workplaces Respond
to Domestic and Sexual Violence, a
National Resource Center*:
• Nearly 33% of women killed in U.S.
workplaces between 2003-2008 were
killed by a current or former intimate
• Nearly one in four large private
industry establishments (with more
than 1,000 employees) reported
at least one incidence of domestic
violence, including threats and
assaults, in the past year.
• 44% of full-time employed adults
personally experienced the effects
of domestic violence at their
workplaces, and 21% identified
themselves as victims of intimate
partner violence.
Further, domestic violence has a
substantial impact on productivity in
the workplace:
• Women experiencing physical
intimate partner violence reported
an average of 7.2 days of workrelated lost productivity and 33.9
days in productivity losses associated
with household chores, child care,
school, volunteer activities and
social/recreational activities.
Support A Colleague or A Friend
in an Abusive Relationship
Your colleague might be experiencing domestic violence…
If he or she:
If his or her partner...
Comes to work repeatedly with
Causes victim to be late for work or
leave early
Is frequently absent
Calls frequently to harass or check up
on victim
Receives an unusual number of calls
from home and has strong reactions
to calls
Shows up at victim’s work
Is late for work, needs to leave early
Limits work and social contacts of
Is secretive about home life
Ridicules victim in public
Is excessively emotional
Easily upsets or distracts victim
Is extremely passive or aggressive
Exhibits unusual control over victim’
Displays unexplained changes in
Displays jealous or abusive behaviors
at work events
Is isolated from coworkers
Takes victim’s pay check
Appears chronically or clinically
Demands victim’s work schedule
If you know someone that is being abused…
• About 130,000 victims of stalking in
a 12-month period reported that they
were fired or asked to leave their
jobs because of stalking. About one
in eight employed stalking victims
lost time from work because of fear
for their safety or because they
needed to file for restraining order
or testify in court. More than half of
these victims lost five days or more
of work.
Respect confidentiality
Underestimate the seriousness of the
victim’s situation
Take the individual’s safety seriously
Violate the victim’s confidentially or
share information that was discussed
in confidence
Listen to and believe the individual
Tell them what to do – when to leave
or not to leave
• 98% of female employees who
experienced domestic violence
had difficulty concentrating on
work tasks; 96% reported that
domestic abuse affected their ability
to perform their job duties; 87%
received harassing phone calls at
work; 78% reported being late to
work because of abuse; and 60% lost
their jobs due to domestic abuse.
Tell them that the violence is never
okay and it is NOT their fault
Tell them to go back to the abuser and
try harder
Help the victim create a safety plan
Talk to the abusive partner about the
Provide community resource
Lose patience if the individual leaves
and then returns to the abuser
• 64% of the respondents who
identified themselves as victims of
domestic violence indicated that their
ability to work was affected by the
violence. More than half of domestic
violence victims (57%) said they were
distracted, almost half (45%) feared
their coworkers would learn about
the abuse, and two in five were
afraid of their intimate partner’s
unexpected visit (either by phone or
in person).
Sojourner Family Peace Center
can help employers with
training, policies and on-site
advocacy designed to address
domestic violence in the
workplace. Contact us at
414-276-1911 to learn more
about how we can partner with
you to make your workplace
safe for victims of domestic
Step Two: Creating
a Welcoming and
Safe Environment
It is essential to create a culture of support
and respect in every organization that
allows victims to seek help through their
workplaces either directly or indirectly.
The safer the environment, the more likely
staff will disclose their situations or seek
support and assistance. There are many
things supervisors and managers can
do to address domestic violence in the
workplace. Below are some examples:
Supervisors can:
• Make it clear that confidentiality will be
• Focus on safety and intervene
appropriately in situations of suspected
• Temper their own need to be an expert:
victims have countless people telling
them what to do. What they need is
someone to listen and care
• Focus on concrete problem solving
and support rather than evaluating or
interpreting behavior
• Temporarily change victim’s work
schedules, responsibilities and location
as needed
• Provide resources such as organizational
safety/security officers, EAP programs
and/or resources from Sojourner
• Know their own limits
Management can:
• Create flexible policies to accommodate
the needs of victims
• Issue a statement relative to the
company’s support of victims of abuse
• Provide an in-house resource person to
assist supervisors
• Conduct an awareness campaign and
display materials and resources related
to domestic violence
• Involve security personnel in safety
planning measures
• Train supervisors to recognize indicators
of abuse
• Work with Sojourner to provide
education for victims, abusers and
• Educate themselves on available
Article continues on page 5
Transforming Lives…One Strikeout at a Time
The end of this year’s baseball season
marks the first year of Sojourner’s threeyear partnership with WaterStone Bank
and the Brewers Community Foundation
through the K’s for a Cause program.
This newly expanded partnership brought
significant benefits to Sojourner. In addition to displaying our new logo
prominently on the K’s for a Cause board at Miller Park, WaterStone Bank,
the Brewers Community Foundation, and Brewers Pitcher Marco Estrada
donated $30 to Sojourner for each strikeout recorded by Brewers’ pitchers
at Miller Park this past season.
Congratulations to the Brewers for 650 strikeouts at Miller Park which
generated $19,500 in revenue for Sojourner. We are humbled and honored
to have community partners that are dedicated to our mission and to
transforming the lives of Sojourner families throughout Milwaukee.
Pictured from L to R: Doug Gordan, CEO, WaterStone
Bank; Cecelia Gore, Executive Director, Brewers
Community Foundation; Rick Schlesinger, Chief
Operating Officer, Milwaukee Brewers; Heather
Wolfgram, Development Director, Sojourner Family
Peace Center; Marco Estrada, Pitcher, Milwaukee
Way to go Connor Wyatt!
WaterStone Bank generously donated the
opportunity to throw out the first pitch at
the Brewers vs. Cubs game on September
27, 2014, which was auctioned off at the
Sojourner Awear Fashion Show in 2014.
Thank you for making
our 25th Annual
Tailgate for Peace a Success!
Thank you to the sponsors, attendees, auction and raffle donors,
volunteers and committee members who celebrated the 25th
anniversary of our Tailgate for Peace. Held on July 24, 2014 at Miller
Park’s Gehl Club, the event featured a gourmet buffet, silent auction,
raffle, diamond dig and more.
Special thanks to our generous sponsors:
Grand Slam Sponsor
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Step Three: Creating a Partnership
Based on the trust established by implementing Steps 1 and 2, the
employer must have candid conversations with the victim to ensure
that there is a true partnership to deal effectively with the needs
of both the victim and the organization. For this partnership to be
effective, employers must maintain respect, support and flexibility
when working with employees who are in violent situations. In addition,
it is important for victims to understand that sharing information is
crucial to everyone’s safety and that ongoing information and changes
in situations needs to be part of the ongoing communication. In our
next issue we will provide tactics and tips for specific security planning
related to domestic violence in the workplace.
*Statistics taken from:
Sojourner is looking forward to a wonderful 2015 and 2016 Brewers season.
Interested in bidding on the opportunity
to throw out the first pitch? Attend the
Awear Fashion Show on April 2, 2015
for your chance to win!
Championship Sponsor
Brewers Community Foundation
Continued from page 3
Home Run Club Sponsors
Ernst & Young
Quarles & Brady LLP
Zimmerman Architectural
Studios, Inc.
Special Thanks to Baker Tilly for donating the proceeds of their
“Go To Bat for Sojourner” Event to this Anniversary Event.
Stolen Base Sponsors
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
Weyco Group
Media Sponsor
Milwaukee’s Daily Magazine
Divine Consign
Supports Sojourner
Thank You
At Sojourner, our lives
are frequently touched
by amazing individuals,
organizations and
corporations who share our
dedication to transforming
lives in our community. We
are honored to introduce
and welcome a new donor,
Robert Mielke, into the
Sojourner family.
Robert A. Mielke
Bob has been a resident of Cudahy since he was 2 years
old. He worked for the Ladish Co. before being drafted
into the US Army in 1951. In 1968, Bob was hired by the
Cudahy Department of Public Works and worked for the
City for 22 years, retiring in 1990.
Bob loves music and taught himself to be an
accomplished keyboard artist. He also excels at
gardening and has done landscaping for the last 71
years. He enjoys meeting new people and has a soft
spot in his heart for dogs of all breeds.
Bob is especially passionate about Sojourner’s work
with women and children at Sojourner Truth House
Emergency Shelter. He wanted to ensure our families
were not only safe and healthy, but that they had proper
clothing, food, transportation and school supplies to
thrive on their journey toward a violence free life. We
are grateful to have Bob’s support and dedication to our
Jessica Purtell (left) and Jessi Wrench (right) are the co-owners and
founders of Divine Consign, a semi-annual consignment event in the
Milwaukee area.
Divine Consign, an event where women can buy and sell
quality clothing and accessories, was created in 2009 by
Jessica and Jessi, who were looking for a way to recycle
their own unused wardrobes.
This fall, Divine Consign held a pre-sale prior to their
annual consignment event. Customers could attend
the pre-sale by dropping off school supplies or making
a $5 gift to benefit Sojourner Family Peace Center. This
presale was met with great enthusiasm - Divine Consign
collected ten boxes of school supplies for the children
at our shelter and $1,000 for Sojourner!
“Sometimes being in the moment and seeing the
immediate needs of someone right in front of you is a
simple way to make a big difference,” said Jessi Wrench.
Sojourner is grateful to be the recipient of so many
community fundraisers like those facilitated by Divine
Consign. If you would like to support Sojourner with
your own fundraiser, please call 414-276-1911.
Transform this Holiday Season
for a Sojourner Family
GET READY FOR the 12th Annual Awear Fashion Show
Milwaukee’s Premier Fashion Event
Each year we request holiday gifts such as clothes, housewares, toys
and books for families in need. We give these items to families who seek
Sojourner services and are unable to afford them on their own. Your
donation will make the holiday season brighter for survivors and their
children by providing them with holiday gifts and other necessities.
What is the difference between the Adopt-a-Family Program and the Holiday Gift Drive?
Sojourner donors typically “adopt” about 100 families each year. Those who participate in this program receive a ‘wish
list’ for a specific family. Donors are welcome to specify the size of the family they are interested in ‘adopting.’ Get
involved or learn more about our Adopt-a-Family program by calling 414-276-1911.
The Sojourner Holiday Gift Drive provides women, children and families with holiday gifts as well. The main difference
is families do not provide a specific ‘wish list.’ Donors can purchase items that will be matched with each family’s needs
and interests. Below is a list of items our families have enjoyed. You can avoid the long holiday shopping lines at the
mall by purchasing Holiday Gift Drive items directly from our Amazon wish list. For more information see our website
at www.familypeacecenter.org
If you prefer to do your shopping in person, gifts may be dropped off at the Aurora Mount Sinai’s A. Building (950 N
12th St, Milwaukee) on the following dates:
• December 11th - 16th from 10am to 5pm
• December 17th from 2pm to 8pm
• December 18th - 19th from 10am to 5pm
Please note, the drop off facility may close early in cases of inclement weather. For more information or to make
alternative arrangements, please call 414-276-1911.
If you have questions or need assistance organizing a Holiday Gift drive or Adopting-a-Family at your place of worship
or workplace place call 414-276-1911 and we will be happy to assist you.
Holiday WISH LIST 2014
• Gift cards for Target, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart
and Pick ‘n Save
• Gift certificates for activities
(movies, bowling)
• Restaurant gift certificates
• Bus tickets
• Gift sets: makeup sets, perfume sets,
stationary sets
• Sleepwear, bath robes (size M – 2XL)
and non-skid slippers
• Socks (white)
• Underwear (sizes 6, 7, 8 and 9)
• Personal care items, toiletries and hair
care products
• Bed pillows and twin-size blankets
• Umbrellas
• Holiday gift wrap
We ask that all gifts be unwrapped;
however, please consider providing
wrapping paper, tape and/or ribbon.
Infants and Toddlers:
• Toddler toys: busy boxes, push
toys, building blocks
• Pacifiers and teethers
• Bottles and sippy cups
• Infant formula
• Baby lotion and shampoo
• Pull-ups, disposable diapers
(sizes 4 and 5) and wipes
• Sleepwear
• Sports equipment
• Dolls and Barbies of color
• Model and craft kits
• Play sets: kitchen sets, doctor sets
• Board games: Mancala, Yahtzee,
Memory, etc.
• Personal music devices and handheld
video games
• Purses and wallets
• School supplies
• Personal care items (body spray and
deodorant for girls and boys)
• Sleepwear and non-skid slippers
To make alternative arrangements, please call 414-276-1911. Please note that
we are able to accept new items only.
It’s now easier than ever to support
our Holiday Gift Drive with
Sojourner’s Amazon.com wish list.
Simply enter our name, Sojourner Family Peace Center, into Amazon.com’s
wish list search engine, select the items you would like to donate and add
them to your cart. Once you have purchased the items, Amazon will ship
them directly to our facility! Our wish list includes Sojourner’s most up-todate needs, from gifts to diapers to school supplies.
Be sure to include your name in the “personalized gift message”
portion so we can properly acknowledge your gift
Glitz, Glamour, Fashion! Join Sojourner Family Peace
Center and Milwaukee’s fashion community on April
2, 2015 at the Harley-Davidson Museum for a night of
glitz, glamour and, of course, fashion! Get a sneak peek
of this spring’s trendiest looks while raising awareness
and revealing the truth about domestic violence. Guests
will enjoy hors d’oeuves, a cocktail reception with a
featured drink, wine pull, diamond dig, silent and live
auctions before a runway fashion show featuring local
personalities and Milwaukee’s most stylish retailers. More
details are available at www.familypeacecenter.org.
opportunities to Milwaukee’s community leaders,
corporations, top executives and individuals. With
Sojourner Family Peace Center recognized as Wisconsin’s
largest nonprofit provider of domestic violence services,
your company not only gains recognition for charitable
contribution but also receive targeted promotional
support – doubling the impact of your sponsorship.
For more information on how to transform lives through
corporate sponsorship, call 414-276-1911.
Sponsor the Awear Fashion Show! Past Awear attendees
include some of Milwaukee’s leading business
professionals. As a sponsor, your business will gain name
recognition alongside other Milwaukee businesses and
top business executives. Your business will also gain
the reputation of being committed to ending domestic
violence in our community.
Corporations benefit from sponsoring the Awear Fashion
Show through logo exposure and other promotional
Maximize Your Gift on Match Day
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Make Miracles Happen!
What is Match Day? Match Day is a 24-hour online-only giving event
that supports basic needs organizations including Sojourner in our
community. Coordinated by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation,
this day of giving is designed to raise support for organizations like
Sojourner that provide lifesaving services to those in need.
All gifts made to Sojourner go further on Match Day. Make your
donation on Thursday, March 19, 2015 and it will be proportionally
matched by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation and other local
Together we can provide emergency shelter, food, transportation,
education and resources that will keep families safe and healthy.
In 2013, Sojourner provided 9,090 women, men and children with
lifesaving services and resources.
Visit our website for more information:
Miracle on Canal Street is Potawatomi Hotel &
Casino’s signature community program that raises
funds for children’s charities. Sojourner is honored
to partner with Entercom Communications (103.7
KISS-FM, 99.1 The Mix, 105.7FM The FAN WSSP) and
to have been selected as at Signature Charity in
Miracle has raised more than $13.6 million for
hundreds of area children’s charities. The program
began as a way to carry on the Potawatomi
tradition of nurturing younger generations so they
grow to lead healthy, productive lives.
Half of each $3 Miracle Bingo game purchased
goes to the Miracle fund, which totaled more than
$1 million last year! Give the gift of a promising
future by playing the Miracle Bingo game now
through December 11. Visit paysbig.com/miracle to
learn more.
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Milwaukee, WI 53208
U.S. Postage
Milwaukee, WI
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You are not Alone.
If you are in an abusive relationship and
need help, call Sojourner Family Peace
Visit us at
Center’s 24-Hour Hotline at 414-933-2722.
Board of Directors
Assistant General Counsel
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Senior Director of Tax
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Rebecca House
Cindy Rooks
Vice PresidentS
Assistant General Counsel
Rockwell Automation
Deputy District Attorney
Milwaukee County
District Attorney’s Office
Kathy Donius
Jim Orth
Assistant General Counsel
Northwestern Mutual
Coreen Dicus-Johnson
Jeanette Johnson
Office of State Employment Relations
State of Wisconsin
Tom Poellot
Rev. Seth Dietrich
Gaurie Rodman
Laura Farnham
Eve Romersi
Vice President & General Manager
Security & Fire North America
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Holly Haseley
Executive Director
Extendicare Health Services, Inc.
Beth Healy
Client Services & Development Dir.
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c.
Geoffrey Hurtado
Associate Vice Chancellor
Mark Thomas
Lisa Attonito
Executive Director
414-276-1911, ext 116
Associate Director
414-276-1911, ext 115
Senior Director
414-276-1911, ext 162
Senior Vice President
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare
Priest In Charge
Christ Church Episcopal
Carmen Pitre
Kent Lovern
CFO, Retired
Everett Smith Group LTD
Anne Brower
sojourner family peace center
Chief of Police, City of Cudahy
Director Planning Services
Aptura, a Direct Supply Company
Scribner Cohen & Co. S.C.
June Scherrer
Director of Cage Operations
Potawatomi Bingo Casino
Jennifer Tate
Community Volunteer
Betsy Brown Wyatt
Executive Vice President,
General Manager
Cramer Krasselt
Family Advocacy &
Support Services
P: 414-276-1911
F: 414-276-5001
Domestic Abuse Victim
P: 414-278-4978
F: 414-223-8147
Shelter/24-Hour Hotline
Belle Resource Center
P: 414-933-2722
F: 414-934-6079
Beyond Abuse
Restraining Order Clinic
P: 414-278-5079
F: 414-223-1807
P: 414-276-1911
F: 414-276-5001
(Batterer’s Intervention Program)
P: 414-276-1911
F: 414-276-5001
This newsletter is supported in part by Victims of Crime Act Subgrant No. 2013-053-16 awarded by the
Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Crime Victim Services under a grant from the U.S. Department
of Justice Office for Victims of Crime. The opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the grantor agencies.