Sojourner Annual Report 2015
Sojourner Annual Report 2015
Spring 2015 A NEWSLETTER FOR THE FRIENDS OF SOJOURNER 2014 Annual Summary Inside This Issue: 1 :: 2014 Annual Summary Dear Friends and Supporters of Sojourner, 2 :: Working with Youth The overall purpose of Sojourner is to increase the safety of those victimized by domestic violence and abuse. Supporting the transition from victim to survivor is a complex, 24/7 process that requires the use of any or all of the services provided by Sojourner. 3 :: Thank You for Your Support 5 :: Special Moments at Sojourner Our organization goals are to: 1. Meet immediate needs for safety. 2. Provide intervention, advocacy and support services. 3. Encourage independence and self-sufficiency. 4. Defend and advocate for the rights of victims and their children. 5. Promote prevention through education and training. 6 :: Financial Report Sojourner’s Board of Directors Helen Chargo Deidre Belk Meghan Elliot Linda Gardner Tony Hanlin Michelle Jacobson Jim Kurtz Vicki McGinty Mark Raquet Barbara Rogers George Singer Joan Trowbridge Our Mission: To provide safe shelter for women & children, advocacy and eduction for individuals and communities victimized by domestic violence. During 2014 Sojourner: • Responded to 2,515 crisis line callers • Provided emergency shelter for 7,416 bed nights for 345 women and children ** ** Bed nights have increased by 6% every year since 2012. • Served 994 service area victims (including 96 men) with advocacy and safety planning support – increased 9% • Positively impacted the safety of over 340 children • Presented to approximately 5,000 people – increased 9% • Volunteers contributed 9,956 hours of service – increased 9% • Saw a 3% donor increase In her book, Trauma and Recovery, psychiatrist Judith Lewis Herman writes: “The guarantee of safety in an abusive relationship can never be based upon a promise from the abuser.... Rather, it must be based upon the self-protective capability of the victim.” Increasing the “self-protective” capability of the victim is at the core of our work. The impact we make results in: 1) victims that understand: how to be safe; are able to cope with daily challenges; can protect themselves: remain employed; parent more effectively; and enjoy greater stability 2) reduced potential for escalating violence; 3) increased abuser accountability and 4) children who are safer 5) a safer, more informed community. We are very grateful for the knowledge, experience and dedication of our staff. They provide the quality and professional services that make Sojourner an outstanding resource for victims of domestic violence and the communities in which they live. We are also grateful for the leadership and commitment of our Board of Directors and for the time, effort and resources contributed by the many volunteers and friends of Sojourner. Thank you to everyone for your hard work on behalf of Sojourner and those we serve. Sincerely, Deidre Belk Board Chair Helen Chargo Executive Director THE SOJOURNER TRUTH :: A NEWSLETTER FOR THE FRIENDS OF SOJOURNER Prevention: Working with Youth to Create Safer Lives According to Love Is Respect online, 1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner. Education is crucial to prevent future victims. We have been working with local schools and youth groups to raise awareness about dating and domestic violence. We discuss values, self-awareness/ esteem, communication, defining abuse, power and control, red flags and provide resources. A Social Worker from one of the schools in which we are working commented; “The information about healthy relationships and dating safety presented by Sojourner is changing lives by providing critical lessons in the prevention of violence.” Teen dating violence can have a lasting impact on a young person’s life without intervention. Minnesota Coalition of Battered Women says that Dating Violence affects teens the following ways: - Psychosomatic issues, e.g., stomachaches, ulcers, headaches - Loss of appetite, overeating, sleep difficulties, nail biting, or stuttering - Low self-esteem and feelings of failure - Anger: aggression, hostility, or destructiveness - Disruptive behavior or violence toward peers - Wearing high-necked or longsleeved clothing in warm weather to hide physical abuse - Juvenile delinquency, e.g., truancy, vandalism, drinking, or drug abuse are issues that exacerbate teen dating violence If you are interested in learning more about having a presentation provided to a youth group or school please contact Laura Sisterman and 952.351.4062 or laura@ Thank You To All Our Donors INDIVIDUALS Beatty-Kollasch, Ronni Brady, Karen Conkey, Harriet & D.R. Acton, Beatrice Beckord, Hollie Bredeson, Linda Conn, Lydia Aldridge, Patti and Tom Bejbl, Jerome & Kathleen Broman, Joseph Cook, Thomas & Deborah Ames, Nancy Belk, Deidre Brudnoy, Rachel Corniea, Barbara Anderes, Jeffrey Belk, Kimberly Bryan, Jill Corson, Judith Anderson, Danese Bensman, Carol & Alan Buesgens, Carol Courtney, Amy Anderson, Deborah Berg, Karen Calhoun, Duane & Judith Courtney, Steve Anderson, Wesley & Corinne Berg, Nancy Campbell, Mage Cowles, Marguerite Anonymous Bermel, Bruce Carlson, Marilyn & David Crawford, Lydia Archer, Michelle Bermel, Jim & Nancy Carney Family Partnership Cunningham, Rebecca Armstrong, Cynthia Berris, Ellen Chargo, Helen Dahlberg, Tricia Ashby, Craig Berry, Janet Chesley, Kelly Dahlgren, Louise Aura, Susan & Steven Beson, Eleanor Chikkatur, Anita Davis, Jerald & Linda Austin, Gretchen Bird, Katie Christensen, Gaye De Baut, Elizabeth Baker, Kristin & Grant Bjornson, Carrie & Kevin Christianson, Philip & Francene Decker, David J. & Carlstrom, Jane Bakken, Linda & Duane Blees, Deborah Clapp, Sonja Dekam, Natalie Bangasser, Terri Blesi, Carolyn Clark, Mary C. Delk, Loretta Barnes, Daniel & Suzanne Bogan, Cheryl Clark, Muriel Determan, Teresa Bartee, Shirley Bogle, Florence Cleary, Betsy Dibenedetto, Chelsea Baskfield, Jean Bourgerie, Alexis Clements, Carolyn Dickinson, Dennis & Mary Jo Bathe, William & Ellie Boyer, Sue Clynes, Lois & William Distad, Robert 952-933-7433 • 24-Hour Crisis Line: 952-933-7422 • Thank You To All Our Donors Cont’d Dobbins, Ellen Hansen, Barb Lalim, Rikki Oys, Patricia Douville, Stacy Harris, Phyllis Lamosee, Celeste Paeper, David & Cindy Doyle, Ruth Haselow, Robert Lange, Cheryl & William Parenteau, Karen Marie Dussault, Don & Linda Hawkins, Rachel Langer, Tara Payne, Jill Dynko, Bob & Marcia Healy, Katheen & Timothy Lapic, Michael and Katherine Pedtke, Mary Ann & Richard Eide, Patricia & Duane Hegre, Sara Larson, Steven & Michelle Peterson, Geoffrey Elliott, Meghan Heiland, Marie & William Lattery, Karen Pettis, Charlene Ellis, Suzanne Heinlen, Kathleen Latvala, Dave & Pat Phillipe, Charlotte Eng, Denise & Wes Bue Heinonen, Olle and Leslie McDonald Lee, Jin I Phillipich, Jeffrey Engdahl, Mary Heisler, Theodore & Marcia Leising, Dick & Lynnette Platt, James Engelmann, Darrol & Susan Henneman, Susan & Eddy Leising, Vestey & Jerry Polanski, Amy Erickson, Lorraine Hinkel, Amy & Jean-Denis Leitschuh, Janice Polve, LuAnn Erickson, Muriel Hoeft, Robert & Barbara Lescarbeau, Luanne Ponder-Lachinsky, Sheryll Fallat, Judy & Bob Hohn, Gina Lind, Patricia Poole, Ron & Molly Farace, Bettie & Richard Holste, Margaret & David Logeais, Taylor Press, Truen Faricy, Raymond Holte, Tracee Longval, Lesley & Brent Price, Wendy & John Finney Melius, Sara Hoo, David & Jo Loots, Deb Prueter, Connie Fischer, Melinda & Joel Hower, Beth and George Lott, Pamela Racek, Sandy Fitzsimmons, David & Tracy Hubrig, Kevin Lunde, Eric & Barbara Radermacher, Lee Fitzsimmons, Jennifer Huebner, Steven Lunde, Kristen Raduns, Sarah Fitzsimmons, Paul & Regina Hurd, Judy Mahoney, Deborah and Joe Ragan, Jan Fitzsimmons, Raymond & Marilyn Hurley, Kenneth & Tracy Marcus, Brittany Rand, Pete Fitzsimmons, Whitney Hustedt, Becky & Jack Markell, Michael & Jeanne Ratner, Barbara Foster, Stephanie Huttig, Sam Martinson, Carrie Raymond, John Foster, Vickie Huttner, LeAnne Marx, Dorothy Reed, Pamela Franson, Paul Intermill, Micah Mathewson, Judy Reiners, Craig & Mary Frevert, Amelia & Anthony Isaak, Patricia & Vernon Mayeron, Cindy Reis, John & Barbara Frevert, Doug & Laurie Israel, Ashton McCann, J Scott & Kenna Rhein, Nancy & Kevin Frey, Michael & Karen Jacobson, Joyce McCormick, Dennis & Jane Ricketts, Ann & James Friedman, Sandra Jacobson, Mark & Barbara McDavitt, Pamela Robideau, Karen Friendly, Ian & Carol Jacobson, Michelle Meixell, Darlene Robideau, Karen Furber, Elizabeth Jamieson, Thomas & Dorothy Meyers, Paul & Wendy Roesler, Deb Gac, Catherine Jeffries-St Michaels, Ann Miller, Jacqueline Rollgiving Gajeski, Dennis Johanna, Eirika Misfeldt, Anna Romportl, Charles & Mary Gandrud, Elizabeth Johnson, Peter & Krista Mjaanes, Reuben Rosdahl, Caroline Garbizo, Kay Junkermeier, Tamara Mlynarczyk, Jan Rosso, William & Constance Garner, Sarah Justesen, Jerad and Kacey Montgomery, Beverly Rushdy, Renee Gilbert, Janet Justus, James & Martha Moorhead, Kris & John Rutherford, Shirley Gilhooly, Mary Kearns, Taylor Moriarity, Suzanne & Richard Rydahl, Dave & Jan Goedderz, Dorlyn Keaveny, Darby Morris, Mike and Kist, Peggy Sandberg, Maynard Goldblatt, Lester & Bonnie Kerber, Ellen Morrow, Sarah Sanow, William Gonyea, Frances Kieser, Phyllis Mulmed, Mitzi & Larry Schaefer, Joen M Gordon, Janice & Gerry Kim, Sonja Mundale, Ann Scharenbroich, Mark & Susan Goulin, Judith Kise, Jason Nancy Ballsrud, James Nelson Schlunz, Marie Graves, Geraldine Kise, Tina Nash Finch Schnunk, Suzanne Greenberg, Joy Klasen, Kathleen Nelson, Margaret Schofield & Tracy Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth Grevenow, Dana & Michael Knight, John T Nelson, Marilyn Schwanke, Tom and Colleen Groff, Scott Kocur, Jane Nesseth, Colleen Schwitzer, W.D. Groll, Lynn Koehl, Gloria Newberg, Sue Segal, Veta Hafner, Thomas & Terry Koerner, Brenda Nord, John Seifert, Paul & Carol Hallau, Daniel Krinn, Douglas & Connie Nunnink, Suzan Senander, Joanne & Donald Hallau, Lauren Kriz, Victoria Ogden, Elinor Setter, Joan Hallau, Paula & Charles Kucher, Tammy Olson, Kenneth & Roberta Severson, Jean Hamilton, Maxine Labrecque, Janet Osborn, Jill Seward, Peggy & John Hammill, Jim & Mary Lachinsky, Sheryll Ostrov, Marjorie & Dr. Charles Sherman, Morris M & Judith Silk Hanlin, Tony & Kathleen Lacy, Claudia Oys Wiles, Mary Silverwater, Beth & Norman Greenberg Thank You To All Our Donors Cont’d Sinka, Akanksha Wall, Alice Family Of Christ Lutheran Church Sisterman, Laura Waller, Dave & Linda First Presbyterian Church Skaar, Mary Jo Walseth, Daniel & Kristen Fitzsimmons Metal Co., Inc. Skelton, Bonnie & Fraser Thomas Wegner, Janelle Gemini Inc. Skogerboe, Lynnae Wehner, Patrice & Jeff General Mills Smaby, John & Linda Weide, Paul Gethsemane Lutheran Church Smithberg, Betty Weld, Raleigh & Jason Girl Scout Troop #13272 Sobotta, Dawn & David Werden, Denise & David Girl Scout Troop 16285 Sonnenburg, Debra & Rick Diehl Westholter, Katie Good Shepard Lutheran Church Sosted, Judith Wexler, Elizabeth Hallau Shoots Soules, William Wiens, Jessica Highland Management Group, Inc. Speigel, Candace Willems, Estelle Honsa & Associates Speigel, Candace Williams, Lisa & Christopher Hopkins Area Jaycees, Inc. Steen, Kathryn Wilson, Donna Hopkins Woman’s Club Steen-Hinderlie, Diane Wilson, Ken Hopkins Youth Hockey Assn. Stein, Betty Winnick, Kathy Hugs From Hunter Steinwedel, Stephanie Woellner, Judith ING Stepchuk, Anne & Bohdan Wolf, James & Lynne Living Word Church Stone, Nancy Wolf, Stephanie & James Burrows Lou Reid & Associates Stonich, Mark Wolff, Karol & James Lucy Swanson, Scott Wood, Barbara Medica Sweeney, Annette Wren, Patrick & Shirley Medtronic Swensen, Patricia Wright, Kelly Messiah United Methodist Church Swenson, Shanna & Gregory Young, Michele Metro Sales Inc. Syverson, Wesley & Pamela Yussen, David & Christine Minnetonka Lutheran Church FOUNDATIONS Talmo, Debbie & Thomas Zupnik, Marilyn Minnetonka Lutheran Church Women Edina Realty Foundatioin Minnetonka Police Department Frog Crossing Foundation Minnetonka United Methodist Church Gonyea Foundation Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Hennepin County Bar Foundation Northport Engineering, Inc. Jerstad Foundation OEO Chapter BH Minneapolis Otto Bremer Foundation PEO Chapter CT Hopkins Rahr Foundation PEO Chapter D Riverway Foundation Pepsi Susan Mitchell Frank Fund For Needy Children Tanquist, Bruce Tesch, Erin Tessmer, Nancy Thayer, Jean Ann & Kevin P. Tighe, Molly Tollafield, Christopher Tolliver, LuAnn Tungseth, D. Clarke & Iris Umbehocker, Paula Usem, Ronald Valentine, Diana Van Hauer, Chris Waataja, Shirley Wagner, Ina Wagner, Jennifer Wagy, David Wahl, Joe & Dianne BUSINESSES, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS & FAITH GROUPS Alpha Theta Of Delta Kappa Gamma Ameriprise Financial Bell Mortgage Beth El Synagogue Caribou Coffee-Westridge Cherokee Global Brands Chico’s Consulting Radiologists, Ltd. Cosmopolitan Women’s Club Cross Of Glory Baptist Church Cross View Lutheran Church Dominium Apartments Excelsior United Methodist Women Periscope Piper Jaffray Philanthropic Programs Pneumadyne, Inc. Papa Murphy’s-St Louis Park Randy’s Sanitation, Inc. Lutheran Church Spirit Of The Lake St. Grabriel The Archangel CCW St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Therese Church Of Deephaven Sygenta Telecom Pioneers The Mills Church The Needle Bearer Thomson Reuters Twin Cities Kappa Delta Alumnae Chapter Union Congregational Church UnitedHealth Group Urban Halo US Energy Wayzata Rotary Club Westwood Lutheran Church Women’s Club Of Hopkins Women’s Club Of Minneapolis Wood Machinery Systems, Inc. Zion Lutheran Church Of Hopkins Tankenoff Families Foundation The NFC Foundation The TJX Foundation Turner Family Foundation Ridgewood Church The Warren Foundation Sabes JCC WCA Foundation Southwest Christian High School Spirit of Christ Community Thank You, Volunteers Volunteers are fundamental to Sojourner’s success! The amount of time and energy given is priceless. Our individual volunteers support our crisis line, children’s and intervention programs. Groups come from faith communities, businesses and the community. They come in to provide organizational and cleaning help, yard up-keep, general maintance, prepare delicious meals, help with mailings and organize in-kind donation drives. Sojourner is also fortunate to have fabulous interns that support staff and clients! We are sincerely grateful for all our volunteers, interns and service groups that choose to dedicate their time to helping us support safer lives and communities. Special Moments at Sojourner Left: Holiday Boutique Helper; Center: Halloween Pizza; Right: Two Energetic Staff Members Left: Volunteer Groups Working Hard; Middle: Shelter Bedroom Makeover; Right: Our Furry Friend Herbie and Shelter Residents Preparing and Learning about Nutrition Shop Online and Support Sojourner AmazonSmile is a great way to support Sojourner and all you have to do is SHOP! They will donate .5% of eligible purchases to us! You can use the same account and settings on and AmazonSmile. When you log into com, you will need to select a non- profit organization and we hope you select Sojourner Project, Inc. You can find out more information about this wonderful and EASY program at about. Easy shopping and supporting Sojourner…what could be better? Follow us on Facebook to see what we are doing, how you can help and to stay informed about issues surrounding domestic violence in our communities. Type in the link below to go directly to our page! Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 719 Hopkins, MN 55343 P.O. Box 272, Hopkins, MN 55343 952-933-7433 24-Hour Crisis Line: 952-933-7422 Return Service Requested If you would like to receive future newsletters and communications by email or if you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please contact the Program Support Coordinator at 952-351-4062. 2014 Financial Report 2014 Statement of Functional Expenses 2014 Income & Expense Statement Shelter Community Services Administration Fundraising & Marketing TOTAL INCOME GRANT/CONTRACT REVENUE Contracts $790,718 Foundations $114,810 Contributions $90,695 Other $106,492 $1,102,715 TOTAL REVENUE * $58,000 of Other Income is loan forgiveness on the forgiveable loans. $596,316 $319,707 $104,260 $30,126 $1,050,409 2014 Balance Sheet ASSETS Current Assets Fixed Assets Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $1,228,218 $3,199,562 -$932,566 $3,495,215 $42,642 $1,121,726 $1,164,368 $2,330,847 $3,495,215 * $582,000 of Long Term Liabilities are forgiveable loans EXPENSES Occupancy & Business Expense Program Expense Depreciation TOTAL EXPENSES $140,312 $824,260 $90,710 $1,055,282 Total 2014 Profit or Loss $47,433
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