Pittcon Conference Poster Presentation
Pittcon Conference Poster Presentation
Analysis of Food Grains using Automated Block Digestion Michael A. Rutzke, Ph.D. <mar9@cornell.edu> Cornell University, School of Integrative Plant Science Suhas Narkhede <Suhas@qtechcorp.com>, Nicolas McLeod <Nicolas@qtechcorp.com> Questron Technologies Corp. Abstract High-throughput trace metal analysis in food grains is key in regulating their respective accepted levels. Sample preparation, in particular acid digestion, consumes the largest amount of time during these analyses.1 Latest techniques such as microwave digestion have significantly reduced digestion times but are limited to small sample sizes and are labor intensive. Automated open vessel digestions are capable of handling large sample sizes and dispensing accurate amounts of reagent while increasing analyst efficiency. Herein, we describe the use of automated block digesters and automated dilution work-stations, approximately 84 samples could be processed in 3.5 hours using minimal labour. Herein, we describe the nitric/perchloric digestion procedure used in the analysis of various food grains, as well as reporting the recoveries of elements; measured by ICP-AES. The system can process 84 samples in 210 minutes with an average of 2.5 minutes per sample. Introduction Cereal grains represent an important food class consumed by all living organisms on a daily basis. Important micronutrients within these grains such as Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn are essential for physiological processes. Ensuring trace level amounts of micronutrients obtained from rice, wheat or maize is imperative as deficiencies in Fe, Zn and I are on the rise.2 Alternatively, the presence of toxic heavy metals present concerns, as short or long term exposure can lead to adverse effects including nervous system and/or organ damage.3 The analysis of food grains and other agricultural products by automated open vessels requires the dispensing of accurate amounts of caustic reagents (nitric and perchloric acids) without contributing any additional contamination than what is present in the original reagents. The analytical process needs to be fast, efficient, have minimal cost and not be labor intensive. The Vulcan 84 automated digestion system can process about 320 samples in one work day with minimal labor. The all-plastic design ensures contamination caused by incorporating metallic parts is kept to a minimum. Herein, we describe a nitric/perchloric acid digestion procedure used and report recovery’s of elements measured by ICP-AES. of 0.021 mL was found for an average value of 7.99 mL with a maximum deviation of 0.037 mL from the theoretical value of 8 mL. The results show that 80% of the dispensing is within 0.3 % which constitutes a class A standard. Section B - Food Grain Analysis Reagents and Equipment All digestions were performed using Vulcan84 automated digestion system provided by Questron Technologies Corp. Canada. Acid reagents used for digestion include Omnitrace nitric acid from EMD Millipore Corporation an affiliate of Merck KGaA Darmstadt Germany and 70% environmental grade perchloric acid from GFS CHEMICALS, Columbus Ohio. 18 MΩ water was used for all dilutions performed. ICP analysis was performed using Spectro Arcos axial viewed ICP-OES. Vulcan 84 Automated Digestion System Section A - Accuracy of Dispensing In an effort to determine the accuracy of dispensing by automated digestion system; Vulcan, a batch of 42 positions was processed. A tray loaded with preweighed 42, 50 mL vials was placed in the system. A program was run to dispense 8 mL of water to each position. Afterwards, each vial was re-weighed to calculate the water dispensed. A standard deviation Table 1 - Accuracy Determination in Vulcan Dispensing. Total Number of Average Dispensing Samples Theoretical Dispensing Value (mL) 42 8 7.990 Volume (mL) Standard Deviation 0.021 The results for the two sets of NIST samples are shown below in Table 3. The values for the micronutrients of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn all fall within the accepted certified values for each of the processed samples indicating a complete digestion obtained by the developed method using the automated digestion system,. NIST Wheat Flour 1567b Approximately 0.50 grams of grain sample was weighed a 50 ml Teflon container. 20 µg of yttrium was pipetted into each container to be used as an internal standard. The containers were placed into the Vulcan 84 automated digestion system. 5.0 ml of nitric acid and 2.5 ml of perchloric acid were simultaneously added to each vial. The tubes were lowered into the block and heated to 110° C. The ramp rate was 40 minutes. The temperature was held at 110° C for 60 minutes. The temperature was then raised to 180° C over 20 minutes. The temperature was held at 180° C for 15 minutes. The tubes were raised up and an additional 1.0 ml of nitric acid was added. The tubes were lowered back into the blocks and heated for 20 minutes at 180° C. The tubes were raised up and allowed to cool. 20.0 ml of 18 MΩ water was then added. Contamination Control In order to determine the degree of contamination throughout the digestion process, two sets of blanks were prepared. 1) A reagent blank to determine the contamination attributed by the acid reagents, 2) A method blank containing dispensed reagents and run through the digestion process followed by workup in the Vulcan system. For the reagent blank, 5.0 mL of nitric acid and 2.5 mL of perchloric acid were added manually from the bottle to three 50 mL Teflon vials. The vials were allowed to sit for 2 minutes and was capped. For the method blank, three positions were treated using the digestion method above without any sample added to the vial. Table 2- ICP analysis of reagent and method blank. Al 396.152 As 189.042 B 249.773 Ba 455.4_2 Be 313.042 Ca 317.933 Cd 214.4_2 Co 228.616 Cr 205.618 Cr 267.716 Cu 224.700 Fe 259.941 K 766.491 Mg 279.079 Mn 257.611 Mo 202.095 Na 588.995 Ni 231.604 P 213.618 Pb 220.353 S 182.034 Sc 361.384 Se 196.090 Si 288.158 Zn 202.613 Na 589.592 Ca 393.366 1567b. Table 3 - Trace metal analysis of NIST certified reference materials Wheat Flour 1567b and Rice 1568b Digestion Method Element/Wavelength Questron Technologies Processed Average Vulcan 84 Unprocessed Average Reagent blank (ppm) Blank (ppm) 0.001718 0.00428 -0.003185 -0.0045 0.004518 0.01187 -0.000021 0.0002 0.001892 0.002335 0.007973 0.02011 0.000080 0.00071 0.000073 0.00033 -0.000497 0.00054 0.000160 0.001305 -0.000661 0.000415 0.001686 0.003395 0.267539 0.240325 0.004951 0.013265 0.000112 0.000575 -0.000124 0.000755 0.034067 0.038775 0.000765 0.000835 -0.009255 -0.00872 -0.001302 0.00125 -0.002333 0.00372 0.001131 0.003505 -0.093853 -0.10355 0.055473 0.064095 -0.000308 0.00888 0.028603 0.032285 0.008803 0.0167 ICP Detection limits (ppm) 0.00245 0.0045 0.0015 0.000055 0.00048 0.0033 0.00044 0.000513 0.0011 0.00241 0.0011 0.00653 0.00653 0.018 0.00014 0.0019 0.0023 0.0011 0.0027 0.006 0.0045 0.000068 0.028 0.0018 0.00026 0.00226 0.000058 NIST Wheat Rice 1568b Element and Analyzed Certified Certified Wavelength Value (ppm) Value (ppm) range (ppm) Element and Analyzed Certified Wavelength Value (ppm) Value (ppm) Cd 214.438 Al 396.152 As 189.042 Ca 317.933 Cu 224.700 Fe 259.941 K 766.491 Mg 279.079 Mn 257.611 Mo 202.095 Na 589.592 P 213.618 Pb 220.353 S 182.034 Se 196.090 Zn 202.613 Cd 214.438 Al 396.152 As 189.042 Ca 317.933 Cu 224.700 Fe 259.941 K 766.491 Mg 279.079 Mn 257.611 Mo 202.095 Na 589.592 P 213.618 Pb 220.353 S 182.034 Se 196.090 Zn 202.613 0.032 6.070 -0.174 190.000 1.984 17.773 1141.625 407.046 8.444 0.247 18.429 1435.189 0.040 1564.308 1.128 10.995 0.032 190 2.10 18.3 1360 8.5 8 1.1 10.6 .025 - .039 180 - 200 1.9 - 2.3 17.3 - 19.3 1320 - 1400 8.0 - 9.0 6.5 - 9.5 .9 - 1.3 9.6 - 11.6 Table 4 -Trace metal analysis of oat, corn and wheat samples (set of 6 ) using ICP-OES Oat Corn Element & STDEV Avg. (ppm) STDEV Avg. (ppm) Wavelength 0.02 0.00 Cd 214.438 0.00 0.00 6.08 0.92 Al 396.152 3.45 0.68 6.73 0.12 Ba 455.404 0.01 0.01 848.88 18.71 Ca 317.933 29.89 1.09 -0.09 0.02 Co 228.616 -0.12 0.02 2.43 0.41 Cr 267.716 0.13 0.02 2.85 0.08 Cu 224.700 1.21 0.07 42.51 2.27 Fe 259.941 14.66 0.73 3222.81 55.16 K 766.491 3041.39 159.51 1044.98 17.33 Mg 279.079 907.08 53.35 61.89 1.27 Mn 257.611 4.18 0.24 0.06 0.02 Mo 202.095 -0.09 0.02 18.25 0.79 Na 589.592 0.97 0.16 2.51 0.19 Ni 231.604 0.16 0.03 2924.66 74.32 P 213.618 2450.07 149.60 -0.02 0.04 Pb 220.353 0.02 0.04 1102.96 22.97 S 182.034 820.37 12.75 0.02 0.03 Se 196.090 0.15 0.03 21.82 0.52 Zn 202.613 14.1155 0.77864 0.02 7.58 0.10 120.56 2.22 7.06 1049.77 490.75 19.64 1.33 6.68 1549.99 0.04 1069.75 0.68 18.87 0.0224 0.285 118.4 2.35 7.42 1282 559 19.2 1.451 6.74 1530 1200 0.365 19.42 Certified range (ppm) .021-.0237 .271 - .299 115.3-121.5 2.19 - 2.51 6.98 - 7.86 1271 - 1293 549 - 569 17.4 -21 1.403 - 1.499 6.55 - 6.93 1490 - 1570 1190 - 1210 .336 - .394 19.16 - 19.16 Wheat Avg. (ppm) STDEV 0.09 4.03 4.32 304.01 -0.11 0.28 3.89 27.71 3174.53 1105.83 37.28 0.11 4.98 0.24 3339.91 -0.02 1174.04 0.12 26.97 0.003 0.570 0.165 6.978 0.019 0.020 0.105 1.282 85.677 38.740 2.084 0.031 0.472 0.011 106.325 0.050 26.509 0.035 1.118 The results for the analysis of multiple grain samples have accepted range of standard deviation indicating excellent reproducibility of digestion carried using automated digestion system. Conclusion From the results it was seen that the developed method for the digestion of grain samples is reliable with excellent reproducibility. The use of automated digestion system have also resulted in generous time saving for lab technician of up to 60 to 65%. Based on the values obtained from ICP analysis, all elements analyzed fall below the ICP detection limit. This implies Vulcan system does not contribute any contamination error for determining trace metal content in grain analysis. References Based on the values obtained from ICP analysis, all elements analyzed fall below the ICP detection limit. This implies the Vulcan system does not contribute and also prevents any contamination from surroundings, in determining trace metal content in grain analysis. 1. Korn, M. G. A. et al. Appl. Spectrosc. Rev. 2008, 43, 67-92. 2. Teklić, T.; Lončarić, Z.; Kovačević, V.; Singh, B. R. Food and Energy Security 2013, 2(2), 81-95. 3. Singh, R.; Gautam, N.; Mishra, A.; Gupta, R. Indian J. Pharmacol. 2011, 43(3), 246–253. Sample Processing Authors Contact Three sets of cereal grains including oats, corn and wheat were digested using the above method and analyzed by ICP-OES. To determine the reliability of the analytical method used, two standard certified samples were run; 1) NIST Rice 1568b, 2) NIST Wheat Flour Questron Technologies Corp. 6660 Kennedy Road, Unit 14A, Mississauga, ON www.QTechCorp.com; info@QTechCorp.com M5P 2X8, Canada; 1-844-363-1223, Cornell University, G 36 Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health Ithaca, NY 14850, United States; (607) 255-2455