S A tomic pectroscopy
S A tomic pectroscopy
AS tomic pectroscopy March/April 1998 Volume 19, No. 2 In This Issue: Issue Special paration e r P e l p Sam using tion ve Diges a w o r c i M Standardization of Sample Preparation for Trace Element Determination Through Microwave-Enhanced Chemistry H.M. Skip Kingston .......................................................................................27 A Streamlined Approach to the Determination of Trace Elements in Foods Karen W. Barnes............................................................................................31 A Streamlined Flame Atomic Absorption Method for Animal Feed Analysis Cynthia P. Bosnak and Karen W. Barnes ....................................................40 The Determination of Minerals in Multivitamin Samples Using Microwave Digestion and ICP-OES Analysis Paul D. Krampitz and Karen W. Barnes ......................................................43 Digestion and Preparation of Organic and Biological Microsamples for Ultratrace Elemental Analysis Ingeborg Müller.............................................................................................45 A Simple Closed-Vessel Nitric Acid Digestion Method for Cosmetic Samples Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., Bradley T. Jones, and Karen W. Barnes ....................................................................................48 Closed-Vessel Nitric Acid Microwave Digestion of Polymers Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., Bradley T. Jones, and Karen W. Barnes ....................................................................................55 The Analysis of Coal Tar Pitch by ICP Optical Emission Spectrometry After Digestion in a Microwave Oven System Maryanne Thomsen and Peter Kainrath.....................................................60 Digestion and Characterization of Ceramic Materials and Noble Metals S. Mann, D. Geilenberg, J.A.C. Broekaert, P. Kainrath, and D. Weber .................................................................................................62 • Announcements ASPND7 19(2) 27–66 (1998) ISSN 0195-5373 AStomic pectroscopy is printed in the United States and published six times a year by: The Perkin-Elmer Corporation ■ 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859-0219 USA ■ Tel: 203-761-2532 • Fax: 203-761-2892 Editor Anneliese Lust Technical Editors Frank F. Fernandez, AAS Susan McIntosh, ICP Eric R. Denoyer, ICP-MS Guest Editor Karen W. Barnes SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: Atomic Spectroscopy P.O. 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Anneliese Lust Editor, Atomic Spectroscopy The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 761 Main Avenue Norwalk, CT 06859-0219 USA Perkin-Elmer is a registered trademark and AAnalyst, AA WinLab, AutoPrep 50, GemTip, HPA-S High Pressure Asher, and Optima 3000 are trademarks of The Perkin-Elmer Corporation. CEM MDS is a trademark of CEM Corporation. NALGENE is a registered trademark of Nalge Nunc International Corporation. Optifix is a registered trademark of EM Science. Dynamax is a registered trademark of Rainin Instrument Company. Merck is a registered trademark of Merck & Co., Inc. PlasmaQuad is a registered trademark of Thermo Jarrell Ash. Ryton is a registered trademark of Phillips Petroleum Company. Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont deNemours & Co., Inc. Standardization of Sample Preparation for Trace Element Determination Through Microwave-Enhanced Chemistry H.M. Skip Kingston Duquesne University, Department of Chemistry and the Environmental Science and Management Program Pittsburgh, PA 15282 USA INTRODUCTION The development of standard sample preparation protocols by microwave have simplified and unified trace element determinations in thousands of analytical laboratories. The rational is one that was articulated by Berzelius over 170 years ago when he instructed, “seek to find the method of analysis that depends least on the skill of the operating chemist...” (1). Berzelius was seeking a method that is robust, dependable, and reproducible from one laboratory and instrument to another. Control, transferability, reproducibility, and robustness are the traits that permit a method to become a standard instrumental procedure and protocol. Once the sample preparation method is instrumented, the apparatus takes part in the control and transfer of the procedure and enables instrumental assistance with many steps in the process. After a decade of development and evaluation, microwave sample preparation has emerged as the method of choice for spectroscopic trace element determination. Standard Microwave Trace Element Methods The efficiency and robustness of microwave sample preparation for trace element determination is exemplified by the number of international and multiple standard agencies that now depend on microwave procedures. Table I lists over a dozen examples of microwave trace element standards from a variety of standards agencies and countries (2,3). AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 This standardization is exemplified by the first total decomposition method for trace element determination for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Method 3052 (4,5). It is the inherent robustness of the method that permits it to handle all 26 RCRA elements simultaneously in one sample preparation. Before Method 3052 was developed, several analytical procedures were required to thoroughly evaluate a sample for its elemental components. These procedures, some taking many hours, have been replaced by a single microwave procedure producing equivalent results for all 26 elements simultaneously. Many more elements than the validated 26 EPA elements are possible from a single sample preparation using Method 3052 for general applications. Generic Digestion Protocol Method 3052 In the United States, perhaps the most useful standard method is also the most flexible. Method 3052 was developed to handle such a diversity of matrix types and elements that it provides an excellent starting point for industrial development of process control and quality assurance elemental analysis produres. This method is also being adopted and applied internationally. Method 3052 is applicable for the general analysis of at least 80–90% of industrial and common samples. Table II lists some of the matrix types and elements that 27 have been validated in Method 3052 (5). The method is adaptive and provides optimization procedures for specific matrix types and elemental chemistries (Table III). The original closed-vessel microwave protocol that became EPA Method 3052 was based on earlier work at the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) for elemental certification of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) (5). Procedure A summary of the steps and a brief overview provide some of the key aspects of Method 3052. A 0.2-g to 2.0-g sample, depending on the reactivity and the potential for the production of gaseous byproducts during digestion, is transferred into a microwave digestion vessel (5). Subsequently, 9 mL of sub-boiled distilled concentrated nitric acid and various quantities of sub-boiled distilled concentrated hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid are added to each vessel. The choice of digestion reagents is dependent on many factors including the matrix, analytes of interest, and the detection technique. The vessels are capped, sealed, and heated simultaneously for a total of 15 minutes. The first stage involves heating of the samples to at least 180±5°C in 5.5 minutes. The temperature is then maintained at 180±5°C for 9.5 minutes. The heating profile may be altered for reactive matrices or excessively slow decomposing components. Figure 1 shows a typical digestion temperature and pressure profile of a soil. TABLE I Standard Microwave Sample Preparation Methods (2,3) Dissolution Type Matrix Leach Water Organization ASTM Method D4309-91 Analytes Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn As, Cd, Cu, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Sb, Tl ASTM D5258-92 Leach Sediment, Soil ASTM D5513-94 Total ASTM U.S. EPA E1645-94 3015 Leach Leach U.S. EPA 3031 Total U.S. EPA 3050B Leach Industrial Furnace Feedstreams, Coal, Coke, Cement, Raw Feed Materials, Waste Derived Fuels Paint Pb Water, Wastewater Al, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, Zn Oil Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, Zn Sediment, Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Sludge, Soil Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl, V, Zn Oil Al, Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Sediment Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Sludge Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Soil Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Zn Fly Ash , Al, Ag, As, B, Ba, Oil, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Sediment, Cu, Cr, Fe, Hg, K, Sludge, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Soil Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Zn U.S. EPA 3051 Leach U.S. EPA Total U.S. EPA 3052 can be used as a screen for TCLP 1311 (sec 1.2) EMMC Leach Oil, Sediment, Sludge, Soil U.S. EPA NPDES Leach Standard 3030K Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater Leach Domestic and Industrial Wastewater Water Republic of China NIEA C303.01T Total Fish, Shellfish France Kjeldahl N V 03-100 Total Milk, Meat Products, Animal Food, Starch and Starchy Foods 28 Al, Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Zn Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Zn Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ir, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Os, Pb, Pd, Pt, Rh, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Th, Ti, Tl, V, Zn Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Os, Pb, Se, Th, V, Zn N After heating, the sample is filtered and diluted for analysis. The chemistry can be adjusted to optimize the sample matrix compatibility with the instrument. To maintain clean chemistry conditions of low and controlled analytical blank conditions, the operating steps involving reagent addition, capping microwave vessel, and post-digestion procedures should be performed in clean environments. The use of microwave sample preparation for ultratrace elemental analysis is discussed extensively in the new microwave reference text from the American Chemical Society and includes protocols and procedures to enhance the reduction of the analytical blank (5). Synergy of Clean Chemistry and Microwave Dissolution Improve Quality Control in Trace Element Determination The improvements in efficiency and reproducibility due to microwave-based sample preparation also reduces significant sources of error that were previously obscured by lengthy sample preparation procedures. The analytical blank plays an important role in the chemical determination of trace metals and are a primary source of error in many instances. Trace element determination depends as much on the control of the analytical blank as it is does on the accuracy and precision of the instrument used. The inability to control sample contamination that is external to the sample, or those contributions of the analyte coming from sources other than the sample, are frequently the limiting factor in trace (ppm/ppb) and ultratrace (ppb/ppt) determinations. The major sources of analytical blank contributions are: • atmosphere in which the sample preparation and analysis are conducted, AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 Type Matrices Detection Control Al, Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Zn, other elements provided validation achieved FAAS ET-AAS ICP-AES ICP-MS other analytical techniques provided validation achieved Temperature Feedback Control and provisions for calibration control Pressure (atm) Microwave Soil Total Digestion Oil Sludge Biological Foods Glass Metals Fly Ash Sediment other matrices Analytes Temperature (°C) TABLE II Overview of EPA Method 3052: Microwave-Assisted Acid Digestion of Siliceous and Organically-Based Matrices Fig. 1. A typical microwave digestion profile for temperature and pressure with a soil (silicate-based material) in a high-pressure vessel. TABLE III Digestion Parameters Used in the Analysis of Several Matrices by EPA Method 3052 Matrix HNO3 HF • purity of the reagents used in sample preparation, HCl Soil NIST SRM 2710 9 Highly Contaminated Montana Soil NIST SRM 2711 9 Moderately Contaminated Montana Soil 3 0 –2a 3 0 – 2a Sediment NIST SRM 2704 Buffalo River Sediment Biological 9 3 0 – 2a NIST SRM 1566a Oyster Tissue NIST SRM 1577a Bovine Liver 9 0 0 – 1a 9 0 0 – 1a 9 0 0 – 1a 9 0 0 – 1a 9 0 0 – 1a 9 0.5 0 – 1a Botanical NIST SRM 1515 Apple Leaves NIST SRM 1547 Peach Leaves NIST SRM 1567a Wheat Flour NIST SRM 1572 Citrus Leaves Waste Oil NIST SRM 1084a Wear-Metals in Lubricating Oil a 9 0.5 0 – 2a HCl is added to stabilize elements such as Ag and Sb. If elements that need to be stabilized with HCl are not being analyzed, then HCl was not used. 29 • materials used in the digestion or extraction vessels that come in contact with the sample, • analyst’s technique and skill in preparing the samples and in performing the analysis. The sources of each of these potential contaminants and the solutions to control them are presented elsewhere along with an extensive discussion of the synergy between clean chemistry and microwave sample preparation for trace element determination (5). The development of microwave sample preparation, coupled with clean chemistry techniques, has broken some of the traditional barriers to blank limitations, and permits measurements at lower concentration levels. Microwave sample preparation has improved analytical blank control in synergistic ways by lowering the blank level, increasing blank precision, and improving quality control. Microwave sample preparation reduces blank contribution from environmental exposure, reagent use, and losses from evaporation, and in addition reduces sample preparation times. It also offers a more reproducible method for duplicating ultratrace determination, both within a laboratory or between laboratories. The required overall skill level of the analyst is less critical in deciding the fate of an analysis. This certainly shows that we have reached the point of providing a method of analysis, as suggested by Berzelius in 1814, that “depends least on the skill of the operating chemist....” Because of its efficiency, capability, and reproducible contribution to the overall sample preparation and analysis process, microwave sample preparation is emerging as the appropriate tool of choice in controlling the quality of sample preparation in elemental analysis as well as being one of the most efficient methods. CONCLUSION Until the last decade, chemists accepted the mismatch in technology levels between analysis and detection instrumentation. In reality, sample preparation should be done at the same level of instrumental sophistication as the analysis. Microwave sample preparation provides practical and efficient approaches for multielement determinations by using the advanced technologies in ICP-MS, ICP-AES, ET-AAS, and AA instrumentation. Time compatibility is an important issue, because inefficiencies exist in an analytical scheme where one portion is usually waiting for product from another. Plasma-based instruments require rapid, efficient, and reliable sample preparation technology to complement their efficiency and capability. Increasingly, microwave sample preparation is becoming the standard technique for sample preparation in trace and ultratrace determinations. Used in conjunction with clean chemistry techniques, microwave sample preparation is a natural complement that improves the overall analytical process. Below the nanogram per gram range, other traditional sample preparation techniques offer few advantages. In contrast, microwave closed-vessel and controlled-atmosphere open-vessel are being effectively used at lower concentration ranges for trace and ultratrace analysis. As trace analysis is more frequently extended to the ultratrace region by more sensitive and efficient instrumentation, sample preparation is keeping pace with appropriate technological advances that complement and enhance detection capabilities. 30 REFERENCES 1. J.J. Berzelius, “Lehrbuch der Chemie,” F. Wöhler, Arnoldsche Buchhandlung: Dresden, Vol. 4, 2nd part, p. 74 (1831). 2. P.J. Walter, S.J. Chalk, and H.M. Kingston, Chapter 2: Overview of Microwave Assisted Sample Preparation In Microwave Enhanced Chemistry; H. M. Kingston, S. Haswell, Eds.; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C. (1997). 3. H.M. Kingston, and Peter J. Walter, “The Art and Science of Microwave Sample Preparation for Trace and Ultra-trace Elemental Analysis” , in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry: From A to Z, Akbar Montaser (Ed.), VCH-Wiley, 1998. 4. SW-846 EPA Method 3052: Microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous and organically based matrices, In Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, 3rd edition, 3rd update; U.S. EPA: Washington, DC (1995). 5. H.M. Kingston, P.J. Walter, S.J. Chalk, E. Lorentzen, and D. Link, Chapter 3: Environmental Microwave Sample Preparation Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications In Microwave Enhanced Chemistry: Fundamentals, Sample Preparation, and Applications; H.M. Kingston and S. Haswell, Eds.; American Chemical Society: Washington, D.C. (1997). A Streamlined Approach to the Determination of Trace Elements in Foods Karen W. Barnes The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859 USA INTRODUCTION In the past, trace metal determination in foods was performed primarily to ensure product authenticity, quality, or safety. Nutrient labeling was required on a food product only if health claims were made or implied on the food label, or nutrients had been added (1). Regulatory agencies typically performed metal or mineral determination to analyze nutrient content, to confirm or establish product identity, to determine compliance with current trade and food labeling laws, and to assure product safety. In an attempt to assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices, the United States Congress enacted the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) on November 8, 1990. NLEA amended provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and requires full nutritional labeling for most U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulated packaged food products. Very few products are exempt from NLEA. The complete regulations have been published (2) and a May 8, 1994, compliance deadline was established. NLEA mandates labeling of 14 mandatory nutrients including calcium, iron, and sodium. Thirtyfour other nutrients, including nine additional metals, may be labeled voluntarily. The mandatory and voluntary nutrients for NLEA are listed in Table I. It has been predicted that the labeling of the voluntary nutrients will become mandatory (3). It has been estimated that 17,000 food companies in the United States are affected by NLEA, and that labels for 196,000 to 257,000 products required modification. Industry costs to implement NLEA were projected at $2 billion (4). AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 ABSTRACT The Nutrition Labeling Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) mandated significant reform of food labels and required extensive chemical testing and analytical method development to implement. Many minerals and nutrient metals were targeted for labeling. Part of the analytical challenge to be met through compliance with NLEA results from the large numbers of samples to be tested and widely divergent levels of the elements of interest within the samples. Ideally, any new methodology developed for food analysis should be generic and applicable to many elements and matrices simultaneously. This work presents one streamlined approach for sample preparation and determination of trace metals that is applicable to all food types as categorized by the Food Matrix Triangle. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) with an axially-viewed plasma was used to determine the metals. Sample preparation time has traditionally been the primary limitation to sample throughput and this was minimized using microwave digestion. Multiple dilution and analysis iterative steps were not necessary due to the wide linear dynamic range of the ICP-OES. Trace and macro levels of nutrients were determined simultaneously in all samples. Quality assurance (QA) was performed through the analysis of replicate samples, laboratoryfortified samples and blanks, and standard reference materials (SRM). Acceptable precision, spike recoveries, and agreement with certified and U.S. Department of Agriculture values were attained. 31 The determination of metals and minerals in foods is challenging due to the wide range of concentrations present, which may vary from ppb (ng/g) to percent levels. The situation is further complicated by naturally occurring seasonal and varietal differences. Many official methods are analyte- and matrix-specific. A review of current validated Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC) methodology for minerals and metals in foods (5) revealed that many single-element methods are currently in use. These methods employ the techniques of colorimetry, UV/Visible spectrophotometry, and flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. Many of the methods have sample throughput constraints and relatively narrow linear dynamic ranges, and others require the use of solvents banned by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (6). A recent collaborative study was performed for metals in foodstuffs by dry ashing followed by atomic absorption spectrometry (7); however, NLEA elements were not specifically targeted. Neither the methodology from the collaborative study nor the current official methods can be used to simultaneously determine all the elements specified in NLEA. Time constraints make multiple sample dilutions and independent analysis impractical and limit the utility of some validated methods. AOAC recognized the need for improved methodology and developed a tool to help analysts develop rugged, generic methods. The Food Matrix Triangle (8) categorizes foods into nine sectors based on relative protein, fat, and carbohydrate content. The Methods Committee of AOAC proposed that a method could be TABLE I The Nutrition Labeling Education Act of 1990 Food Labeling Requirements Mandatory Nutrients Calories Calories from fat Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Total Carbohydrates Total Sugars Dietary Fiber Protein Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron Voluntary Nutrients Calories from Saturated Fat Calories from Unsaturated Fat Calories from Carbohydrates Calories from Protein Unsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Vitamin K Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Copper Manganese Fluoride Chromium Molybdenum Chloride Sugar Alcohols Soluble Fiber Insoluble Fiber Protein as % Potassium Vitamin D Vitamin E Biotin Pantothenic Acid Phosphorus Magnesium Zinc Iodine Selenium Reprinted from The Referee, Volume 17, Number 7, pages 06-07, 1993. Copyright 1993 by AOAC International Fig. 1. Food Matrix Triangle. tested for all food matrices by analyzing eighteen types of samples, two from each sector of the food triangle. The food triangle, presented in Figure 1, is reprinted with permission from The Referee, Volume 17, Number 7, pages 06–07, 1993. Copyright 1993 by AOAC International. A recent (9) article by the members of Official Methods Board of AOAC discusses the difficulty of such an approach and further states that the food triangle should be used to categorize similar types of foods to be tested using a single method. Vast differences in composition of foods make a streamlined approach unlikely in their opinion. This work presents a sample preparation and analysis protocol that does indeed prove useful for all sectors of the food matrix triangle. 32 The FDA regulates foods based upon tolerances of label claim for different classes of nutrients; a 20% tolerance is allowed for naturally occurring nutrients (10), and state regulatory agencies will probably adopt similar guidelines for monitoring compliance. Although no AOAC food methods currently employ inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), it is a well-established multielement technique, and the analysis of foods has been a natural application (11). Due to the wide variations of mineral levels in foods, a multielement technique must be able to simultaneously monitor trace levels of elements in the presence of macro levels of other elements. ICP-OES features multielement capability, wide linear dynamic range, high analytical sensitivity, and high sample throughput. All these are attributes that will prove invaluable to analysts striving to meet the challenges posed by NLEA. Extensive sample preparation of foods before elemental analysis is common and, particularly when ICP-OES is employed, often proves to be more time-consuming than the actual analysis. Methods involving hot plate digestion in open vessels or dry ashing followed by acid dissolution are commonly employed, but are time-consuming and prone to contamination and evaporative losses. Microwave digestion has been shown to be an acceptable alternative and has been successfully applied to food analyses (12). Advantages to microwave digestion result from the nature of the process, i.e., because the system is sealed, contamination and evaporative losses, and chemical consumption are reduced. In general, microwave procedures are fast due to the increased heating that occurs from the microwave interaction with the reagents and samples. AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 This paper presents a microwave digestion and ICP-OES analytical protocol to determine metals and minerals in food. At least two foods were chosen from each sector of the Food Matrix Triangle. Although this study primarily targets NLEA elements, the procedures discussed here have been successfully used to determine numerous target elements in many different foods (13–22), plants, agricultural products (23), and biological matrices (24). With the careful selection of metallic analytes, many different analytical questions may be answered. For example, adulteration and misbranding may be identified from metal profiles because an adulterated product that has had a valuable constituent abstracted will often have a different metal profile than an authentic product (23). The geographical origin of a food or plant may be determined by characterizing a metal fingerprint in a product and comparing it with the fingerprint from a known, authentic sample of the product. Related cases of food tampering have been linked by comparing metal profiles. Metal determination is appropriate for establishing food safety as well. Contamination from lead solders or aluminum from breached can linings may be identified by ICP-OES analysis. Typically, the suspect products are measured simultaneously with known, authentic products for comparison. EXPERIMENTAL Reagents and Standard Solutions Micro laboratory cleaner (International Products Corporation, Trenton, NJ USA) HNO3-double subboiling distilled in quartz (GFS, Cleveland, OH USA) PE Pure single-element standards (PE XPRESS, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) ICP multielement standard solution IV (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) Deionized water, 18 MΩ, (Continental Water Systems, San Antonio, TX USA) Standard Reference Materials: SRM 1548 Total Diet, SRM 8413 Corn, SRM 1549 Milk Powder, SRM 1570 Spinach, SRM 1566a Oyster Tissue, and SRM 1577a Bovine Liver (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD USA) Certified Reference Material: CRM Tort-2 (National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada) Instrumentation Optima 3000™ DV inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA), equipped with an AS-91 autosampler, Multiwave microwave digestion system, and quartz digestion vessels rated to 110 bar. The food grater was designed for home use and the high density polyethylene bottles were NALGENE® or equivalent (Nalge Nunc International, Rochester, NY USA). ICP-OES Analyses The ICP-OES analyses were performed on two different PerkinElmer Optima 3000 DV ICP-OES systems, equipped with a standard torch, Scott-type spray chamber, and a GemTip™ cross-flow nebulizer. A Perkin-Elmer AS-91 autosampler was used exclusively. All the standard reference materials (SRM) and some of the spike determinations were performed at the PerkinElmer site in Überlingen, Germany. The remaining samples were analyzed in the Perkin-Elmer ICP-OES research laboratory in Wilton, CT USA. The Optima 3000 DV is a simultaneous ICP-OES instrument with an echelle polychromator and a segmented array charge-coupled detector (SCD). Because measurement of back-ground and analyte emissions occurs simultaneously, accurate correction of transient background fluctuations for multi33 ple lines for each element of interest is possible. Also, due to the simultaneous measurement, no reduction in sample throughput occurs from making measurements at multiple wavelengths of an element. Therefore, where possible, multiple emission lines were measured simultaneously for each element to verify analytical results. Plasma conditions used for this work are listed in Table II, and wavelength selection and background correction points are listed in Table III. No attempt was made to optimize source conditions for specific analytes, rinse or read delays, or to maximize sample throughput. Calibration was performed with a 10-ppm multielement standard. This is clearly not optimal considering the high level of mineral nutrients, but unfortunately this was the only material feasible for use at the time. For a more detailed study, multiple standards should have been used. Due to the wide linear dynamic range of an ICP-OES instrument, the results were acceptable, except for K where the disparity between sample and standard is reflected in the relatively large standard deviations. This can be improved using TABLE II: ICP-OES Instrumental Conditions Parameter Optima 3000 DV RF Power 1450 W Nebulizer Flow 0.7 L/min Auxiliary Flow 0.6 L/min Plasma Flow 15.0 L/min Sample Flow 1.5 mL/min Plasma Height 15 mm Plasma Viewing Axial Processing Mode Area Auto Integration 10–50 sec Read Delay 75 sec Rinse Delay 120 sec Replicates 3 Wavelengths Multiple Background Manual selection of points TABLE III ICP-OES Analytical Parameters Analyte Al B Ca Ca Cu Fe Fe K Mg Mg Mg Mn Na Pb Zn Zn Zn Wavelength (nm) 396.152 182.527 315.887 317.933 324.754 259.940 273.955 766.491 279.079 279.549 285.208 257.610 589.592 216.999 202.547 206.197 213.858 a higher concentrated standard. Results do overlap within 3 standard deviations (RSD) with the reported confidence intervals. Microwave System A Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system with 1000 W power with temperature and pressure monitoring and control was used to digest all samples. Digestion was performed using high-pressure quartz vessels tested to 140 bar. Method development was simplified with the Multiwave system because temperature and pressure are measured and controlled in each vessel, features which make the system extremely safe and easy to use. Because pressure is monitored in all vessels simultaneously, different types of foods may be digested in a single run without the risk of seal or vessel rupture. Groupings will be shown below. Sample Selection and Preparation The need for procedures to control the analytical blank and ensure sample integrity for success- Lower Bcg Point Upper Bcg Point –0.030 –0.015 –0.047 –0.023 –0.029 –0.023 –0.020 –0.099 –0.024 –0.026 –0.026 –0.016 –0.053 –0.016 –0.019 –0.019 0.020 0.034 0.018 0.030 0.029 0.021 0.024 0.030 0.126 0.024 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.064 0.014 0.019 0.019 –0.018 ful trace metal analysis has been stressed (25–26) and is an advantage inherent in microwave-assisted chemistry. To minimize the blank, all labware, except the high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles used to store the diluted samples, was washed with Micro laboratory cleaner, rinsed with 18 MΩ, deionized H2O, soaked in 2% (v/v) ultrapure HNO3 and rinsed with deionized H2O. To minimize the potential for sample contamination, disposable powder-free gloves were worn for the entire sampling process and were dipped in 2% acid and rinsed with deionized H2O. At least two foods from each sector of the Food Matrix Triangle were digested and analyzed. The food selections along with protein, fat, and carbohydrate compositions are listed in Table IV. SRMs were run as foods from sectors of the triangle where possible. For other foods where SRM materials were not available, spike recoveries were determined for quality assurance. Multiple samples of the reference materials were digested simultane- 34 ously with the non-certified samples. Two or three subsamples were digested for each sample. Standard deviations reported are based on the means of all samples. Standards, blanks, spiked blanks, and wash solutions were matrixmatched using acids digested in the microwave as part of the sample preparation procedure. A concentrated 1000-mg/L multielement stock standard was used to prepare working standards and to fortify (spike) the blanks and samples. The samples and blanks were fortified to approximately 2 mg/L, and spiked samples and blanks were subjected to digestion concurrently with the samples to monitor any process-related losses. Almonds were broken by hand into smaller pieces. The chocolate and macadamia nuts were processed to improve sample homogeneity using a manual food grater that was washed with Micro cleaner and rinsed with deionized H2O. Tuna fish salad (100 g) was prepared from the USDA recipe (27) in Handbook 8–15 as follows: 53.8% light tuna in oil, 14.7% pickle relish, 14.1% salad dressing, 10.2% onion, and 7.2% celery. The tuna fish salad was processed in a miniature electric food processor designed for home use. The food processor was washed with Micro detergent and rinsed with deionized H2O before use. The samples were chopped for approximately two minutes each until no further reduction in particle size was apparent to the eye. A thick, inhomogeneous slurry resulted that was transferred into HDPE bottles for subsampling. The slurry was well shaken before sampling from the HDPE bottle. Acid was not used to clean the grater or food processor because of the increased contamination that would result from partial dissolution of the metal blades. Wolnik et al. (26) reported using a food processor with all plastic parts presumably to prevent sample AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 TABLE IV Composition of Food Samples Sector Food 1 Heavy Cream Macadamia Nuts 2 Chocolate Dry Sweetened Coconut 3 Almonds Creamy Peanut Butter 4 Part skim Mozzarella Cheese Eggs 5 NIST SRM Corn Banana Juice 6 NIST SRM Total Diet Vegetable Chicken Baby Food 7 NIST SRM Spinach NIST SRM Nonfat Dry Milk 8 NIST SRM Oyster Tissue USDA Recipea Tuna Salad 9 NIST SRM Bovine Liver NRCC CRM Tort % Protein % Fat 0–33 5 8 0–33 5 3 0–33 20 30 33–67 58 51 0–33 13 4 0–33 21 20 33–67 41 41 33–67 62 46 67–100 69 93 67–100 88 79 33–67 36 41 33–67 59 53 33–67 36 45 0–33 5 2 0–33 21 11 0–33 4 1 0–33 13 27 0–33 13 4 % Carbohydrate 0–33 7 13 33–67 59 55 0–33 21 17 0–33 7 4 67–100 81 94 33–67 58 69 33–67 55 58 0–33 25 27 0–33 18 3 Group 5: Heavy cream and part skim mozzarella cheese Group 6: Homogenized raw eggs with USDA recipe tuna salad Group 7: Grated milk chocolate with macadamia nuts Group 8: Sweetened dried coconut with peanut butter Group 9: Almonds Group 10: Milk powder All samples were prepared following the protocol: Step 1: Weigh food into clean dry quartz vessel Step 2: Add 5mL concentrated ultrapure HNO3 Step 3: Cap vessels using the sealforming tool to widen the lip seals Step 4: Digest with preprogrammed Coffee Bean sample procedure, resident on the Multiwave computer Step 5: Open vessels and dilute to 50–100 mL with DI H2O The Coffee Bean sample program, typically used for biological materials, is listed in Table V. Sample weights used are listed in Table VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a USDA Tuna Salad Recipe: Light tuna in oil 53.8 g Onion 10.2 g Relish Celery 14.7 g 7.2 g Salad dressing 14.1 g contamination during grinding. Unfortunately this was not an option for this study. Although the metal blades were considered a possible source of contamination, the analytical results indicate that no gross contamination occurred. possible in microwave systems that only measure one control vessel. In that case, the samples digested must be very homogeneous or seals and vessels may rupture. Foods digested together in this study were: Because pressure is measured in all vessels simultaneously in the Multiwave system, different sample types may be digested together. Also inhomogeneous samples such as the tuna salad were digested safely with no venting. This is not Group 1: Spinach Group 2: Corn powder and banana puree Group 3: Vegetable chicken baby food, typical diet, and Tort-2 Group 4: Oyster tissue and beef liver 35 General For ease of comparison, the results obtained for this work are presented with available authentic data. All concentrations for this work are expressed in mg/L (ppm). The mean value obtained for the three subsamples of each SRM is reported in the experimental section and the reported uncertainty is one standard deviation of the measurement. P, Se, Cr, and Mo were not measured in the samples. Wolnik et al. (26) reported that the ICP-OES detection limits for Pb, Cd, and Se are not sufficient for routine determination of background levels TABLE V Coffee Bean Digestion Protocol Stage 1 2 3 4 Power (W) Time (min: sec) 100 600 1000 0 5:00 5:00 10:00 15:00 in crops and that the Mo levels are near the detection limit for ICP-OES. Although the levels of Se, Cr, and Mo in the foods were below the detection limits for this work due to the dilution used, the determination of these elements is certainly possible with plasma optimization and the implementation of preconcentration techniques, and has been repeatedly demonstrated. Sample throughput for the study was impressive, even though throughput optimization was not performed. Sample throughput could be improved by optimizing read and rinse delays, and by increasing the sample introduction rate and the rate at which the sample is introduced into the plasma. For laboratories with large sample loads, optimization of sample throughput will be necessary. Considering that FDA will regulate compliance with NLEA based upon a ±20% criteria, the protocols employed to prevent outside contamination may be excessive and time-consuming; however, each process discussed is appropriate for monitoring metals for any of the reasons discussed in the introduction. In which case, the ±20% criteria may not be appropriate and contamination could be an important consideration. SRM Materials SRM materials were available for Sectors 5–9 of the food matrix triangle and their use is certainly the best method to evaluate the utility and accuracy of a method. A review of the data is presented in Tables VII–XIII. The results are the means TABLE VI Sample Weights Digested Power (W) 600 600 1000 0 Fan Food 1 1 1 3 and one standard deviation of the three subsamples of each material, and are acceptable for all reported elements. As discussed above, a more concentrated standard for K would have improved the results. For Ca, the results could have been improved by using a different analytical wavelength with a wider linear dynamic range. However, as with K, the mean ±3 sigma do fall within the reported confidence interval. Good agreement was seen between multiple wavelengths for the same analytes. CEM Preparation The results shown in Table XIV compare banana puree previously analyzed using an Optima 3000 XL ICP-OES and a CEM MDS™ 2100 microwave digestion system (CEM a Sample weight (g) Heavy Cream 0.7 Macadamia Nuts 0.5 Chocolate 0.6 Dry Sweetened Coconut 0.5 Almonds 0.6 Peanut Butter 0.3 Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese 0.6 Eggs 0.7 NIST SRM Corn 0.5 Banana Juice 6.0 NIST SRM Total Diet 0.6 Vegetable Chicken Baby Food 1.0 NIST SRM Spinach 0.6 NIST SRM Nonfat Dry Milk 0.5 NIST SRM Oyster Tissue 0.5 USDA Recipea Tuna Salad 0.5 NIST SRM Bovine Liver 0.5 NRCC CRM Tort 0.4 See Table IV footnote. TABLE VII NIST SRM 8413 Corn (Sector 5) in µg/g Analyte Ca 315 Ca 317 Cu 324 Fe 238 Mg 285 Mn 257 Zn 206 Mean 62.2 62.4 2.43 28.8 1060 5.24 21.4 Std. Dev. 1.1 1.2 1.5 0.08 32 0.45 2.4 Certified 42 ± 5 42 ± 5 3.0 ± 0.6 23 ± 5 990 ± 82 4.0 ± 0.03 15.7 ± 1.4 TABLE VIII NIST SRM 1548 Total Diet (Sector 6) in µg/g Analyte Al 396 Ca 315 Ca 317 Mg 285 Zn 206 Mean 74.6 1910 1910 563 29.6 36 Std. Dev. 4.7 18 11 6.8 1.3 Certified 66.7 ± 0.03 1960 ± 5 1970 ± 6 589 ± 2 24.05 ± 0.05 AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 TABLE IX NIST SRM 1549 Milk Powder (Sector 7) in µg/g Analyte Ca 317 Mg 279.5 Mn 257 Na 589 Zn 213 Mean 12900 1210 0.44 5080 46.5 Std Dev. 450 46 0.04 130 1.2 TABLE XIII NRCC CRM Tort-2 (Sector 9) Certified 13000 ± 500 1200 ± 300 0.26 ± 0.06 4970 ± 100 46.1 ± 2.2 13400 13800 13 549 39100 175 54.3 Analyte Mean Std Certified 3.5 13500 ± 300 5.6 13500 ± 300 0.02 12.2 ± 2 0.05 550 ± 20 < 0.01 35600 ± 300 0.01 165 ± 6 0.07 50 ± 2 Mean 1690 1670 57.2 463 1040 1010 11.3 825 781 Std Dev. 85 110 1.6 27 35 94 0.42 110 93 Cu 324 Fe 238 Mn 257 Zn 206 92.6 93.4 12.8 183 Std. Dev. 1.8 1.5 0.01 8 Certified 106 ± 10 105 ± 13 13.6 ± 1.2 180 ± 6 Banana Juice TABLE XI NIST SRM 1566a Oyster Tissue (Sector 8) in µg/g Analyte Ca 315 Ca 317 Cu 324 Fe 238 Mg 279.5 Mg 285 Mn 257 Zn 202 Zn 206 Mean TABLE XIV Multiwave System Results vs. Juice Digested with CEM MDS 2100 TABLE X NIST SRM 1570 Spinach (Sector 7) in µg/g Dev. Ca 315 Ca 317 Cu 324 Fe 238 K 766 Mn 257 Zn 202 Analyte Certified 1960 ± 190 1960 ± 190 66.3 ± 4.3 539 ± 15 1180 ± 170 1180 ± 170 12.3 ± 1.5 830 ± 57 830 ± 57 Analyte Mean Std. Dev. MDS 2100 Ca 315 Ca 317 Cu 324 Fe 238 K 766 Mg 279 Mg 285 Mn 257 Zn 206 21 21 0.09 0.87 1000 102 102 0.88 0.67 1.7 1.7 0.06 0.01 40 7 10 < 0.01 0.01 17 17 0.39 0.67 1090 98 98 0.8 0.69 Corporation, Matthews, NC USA) for the analysis and sample preparation steps, respectively. The puree sample had been frozen for about two years. Correlation was excellent considering that different ICP-OES instruments were used. The Multiwave microwave preparation was far simpler than that required for the CEM MDS 2100 microwave digestion system (presented in References 13, 15, 20, and 21) and had the added advantage that H2SO4 and H2O2 were not required. This would also permit the determination of S if desired. TABLE XII NIST SRM 1577a Bovine Liver (Sector 9) in µg/g Spike Recoveries The results are shown in Figure 2. Quality assurance for the sectors where SRM materials were not available was performed using fortified laboratory samples. Other elements were chosen for this part of the study to demonstrate the utility of the ICP-OES for the determination of multiple analytes. All results recovered within the FDA established criteria of ±20%. Elements that are missing from some of the samples were not present in the spiking solution that was available for that portion of the experiment. As previously reported by Wolnik et. al. (26), best results were found in samples with the greatest homogeneity but were acceptable even for the coarsely ground samples. Analyte Mean Std Dev. Certified Ca 315 112 9.2 120 ± 7 Ca 317 111 9.9 120 ± 7 Cu 324 178 21 158 ± 7 Fe 238 240 25 194 ± 20 K 766 8400 540 9960 ± 70 Mg 279.5 568 49 600 ± 15 Mg 285 552 31 600 ± 15 Mn 257 10.1 1.1 9.9 ± 0.08 Na 589 2050 340 2430 ± 130 Zn 206 126 15 123 ± 8 *Value is not certified but given for information only. 37 % Recovery C N Ch Co P M E B T C N Ch Co P M E T C N Ch Co A P M E B T C N Ch Co A P M E B T C N Ch Co A P M E T Fig. 2. Spike recoveries for sectors 1–4, 6, 8. CONCLUSION This work demonstrates that a single digestion and analytical protocol is effective for the determination of metals and minerals in foods from all sectors of the food triangle using ICP-OES with microwave digestion. This work indicates that ICP-OES is an effective tool for the analyst attempting to meet the challenges imposed by NLEA. Microwave digestion was shown to be a simple, safe, and effective sample preparation tool allowing acceptable precision, spike recoveries, and agreement with SRM certified values. Remarkable agreement was seen between different types of axial Optima instruments and different Optima dual-view instruments, and comparable results were seen between different laboratory locations. Trace levels of elements were determined simultaneously with macro levels of nutrient metals and minerals. Sample preparation time, which was the primary limitation to sample throughput, was minimized due to the wide linear dynamic range and useful analytical range of the ICP-OES and due to the features of the Multiwave system. All nutrients were determined simultaneously in all samples without multiple dilution/analysis iterations. 38 Although no attempts were made to optimize sample throughput, actual instrumental sample throughput was impressive relative to current AOAC validated methods. If rigorous optimization procedures are implemented, then higher sample throughputs will be possible and will be acceptable for analysts routinely making NLEA or other determinations. Sample homogeneity and freedom from environmental contamination were shown to be important to analytical precision. This work also suggests that other elements and minerals in food matrices may be determined effectively using ICP-OES. AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 REFERENCES 1. The Labeling of FDA Regulated Foods, a Shortcourse presented by FDA, IFT, AIB Orlando, FL USA (2/1988). 18. K.W. Barnes, E. Debrah, and Z. Li, ICP-OES Application Study No. 72, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1994). 2. Fed. Regist. 58, 3, 632-690, 20662964 (1/6/93). 19. K.W. Barnes and E. Debrah, ICPLOES Application Study No. 73, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1994). 3. N. Millier-Ilhi, Appl. Spectrosc. 47, 14A (1993). 4. Instrument and Business Outlook 1, 11, 12 (1993). 5. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th Ed. AOAC, Arlington, VA USA (1990). 6. The Referee 17, 9, 10-11 (1993). 7. L. Jorhem, J. AOAC Int. 76, 4, 798813 (1993). 8. The Referee 17, 7, 6-7 (1993). 9. Inside Laboratory Management, 34-6 (9/97). 10. Food Labeling Requirements for FDA Regulated Products, James L. Vetter, American Institute of Baking, VI, 51 (1996). 11. J.W. Jones, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 93, 358 (1988). 12. S.K. Chang, P. Rayas-Duarte, E.A. Holm, and C. McDonald, Anal. Chem. 65, 12, 334R-363R (1993). 13. K.W. Barnes, At. Spectrosc. 18, 3, 84-101 (1997). 14. K.W. Barnes and E. Debrah, At. Spectrosc. 18, 41-54 (1997). 15. Y.H.P. Hsieh, F.M. Leong, and K.W. Barnes, J. Agric. Food Chem. 44, 3117-3119 (1996). 16. K.W. Barnes and Y.H.P. Hsieh, ICPOES Application Study No. 70, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, CT USA (1995). 20. K.W. Barnes, ICP-OES Application Study No. 78, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1995). 21. K.W. Barnes, ICP-OES Application Study No. 79, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1996). 22. K. O’Hanlon and K.W. Barnes, ICPOES Application Study No. 81, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1996). 23. K.W. Barnes, unpublished work, Bureau of Food Laboratory, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (1989-1993). 24. S.R. Koirtyohann and D.A. Yates, ICP-OES Application Study No. 62, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1993). 25. Microwave-Enhanced Chemistry: Fundamentals, Sample Preparation, and Applications, H.M. Skip Kingston, and S.J. Haswell (eds.), American Chemical Society 274 (1997). 26. K.A. Wolnik, F.L. Fricke, S.G. Capar, M.W. Meyer, R.D. Satzger, E. Bonnin, and C.M. Gaston, J. Agric. Food Chem. 33, 807-811 (1985). 27. The Composition of Foods: Finfish and Shellfish Products Raw, Processed and Prepared, United States Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Information Service, Agriculture Handbook No. 815, 143 (1987). 17. K.W. Barnes, ICP-OES Application Study No. 71, The Perkin-Elmer Corporation (1994). 39 A Streamlined Flame Atomic Absorption Method for Animal Feed Analysis Cynthia P. Bosnak and Karen W. Barnes The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859 USA INTRODUCTION Current methods for animal feed analysis are very time-consuming. Many feed methods, for example Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC) Method 968.08, Minerals in Animal Feed and Pet Food, involve an ash step for several hours in the muffle furnace to destroy the organic matter, followed by acid digestion using a hot plate. For the determination of some elements, the animal feed samples must be considerably diluted before atomic absorption analysis. Also, before the determination of calcium, a releasing agent, such as lanthanum, must be added for the control of interferences. Microwave digestion has been used to greatly reduce the amount of time needed for sample preparation. A microwave digestion system with temperature and pressure control of each digestion vessel provides simplified method development and allows for different sample matrices to be digested with the same digestion program. Digestion of the feed samples is complete using a 20-minute microwave heating program. The samples are then automatically cooled in 15 minutes and are ready for analysis. An automatic dilutor was used to prepare the atomic absorption calibration standards and for diluting the feed samples to bring the concentrations into the working range. The diluter was also used to automatically add the reagents for control of interferences. The AA Winlab™ software (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 ABSTRACT A faster digestion protocol using nitric acid and microwave digestion was used for the preparation of animal feed samples. Flame atomic absorption using on-line dilution and the automated addition of lanthanum solution provided a much easier and quicker analysis of the feed samples. was used to automatically provide quality control parameters such as checking the correlation coefficients and precision. Using these quality control parameters allows for unattended instrument operation. The software also automatically converted the results to percent solid weight values. Commercially available domestic cat, dog, and rabbit food, as well as animal feed supplements, check samples from the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. (AAFCO), were used for this study. EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation A Perkin-Elmer (Norwalk, CT USA) AAnalyst™ 100 flame atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with an AutoPrep 50™ automatic dilutor and an AS-91 autosampler using AA Winlab software were used for the animal feed analysis. Perkin-Elmer hollow cathode lamps were used for the determination of each element. The instrumental conditions for the analysis of the sample and for the determination of each element are listed in Tables I and II, respectively. 40 A Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system was used to digest all of the animal feed samples. The Multiwave system default program for Coffee Bean digestion was used for all samples and is shown in Table III. TABLE I Instrumental Parameters Signal type Signal measurement Flame Read time Read delay Replicates AA Time average Air-acetylene 5 sec 15 sec 3 Reagents and Standard Solutions Nitric acid: Merck, Pro Analysi grade. Hydrochloric acid: Merck, Pro Analysi grade. 0.5% lanthanum oxide solution: Weigh out 58.6 g of La2O3 (Merck) into a 1-L flask and add 50 mL of deionized water. Mix well. Slowly add 250 mL of concentrated HCl to the flask and mix well until dissolved. Dilute to volume with H2O. 100 mg/L multielement standard: Pipette 20 mL of the concentrated ICP multi-element standard (Merck), 22 elements, (Solution IV, concentration 1000 ug/mL, Lot No. 60090886), and dilute to 200 mL with deionized water containing 5 mL of concentrated HNO3. Diluent: Deionized water AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 Parameters Wavelength, nm Slit, nm Calibration equation Std. 1, mg/L Std. 2, mg/L Std. 3, mg/L Std. 4, mg/L Standards preparation Stock standard, mg/L Dilution mode Diluent Ca TABLE II Element-Specific Parameters Cu Fe Cr Zn Se 422.7 0.7 Linear, Calc Intercept 1.00 5.00 10.00 — System 324.7 0.7 Linear,Calc Intercept 1.25 2.50 3.75 5.00 System 248.3 0.2 Linear, Calc Intercept 1.25 2.50 3.75 5.00 System 357.9 0.7 Linear, Calc Intercept 5.00 — — — User 213.9 0.7 Non-linear 1.00 2.50 5.00 — System 196.0 2.0 Linear, Calc Intercept 10.00 — — — User 100.0 On-line 1% La 100.0 None —- 100.0 On-line H2O — None — 100.0 On-line H2O — None — Sample Preparation Dry Food After using a mortar and pestle to grind the dry food samples for homogenous sampling, accurately weigh 0.5–0.6 g of dry animal feed into the microwave digestion vessel. Add 5 mL of concentrated HNO3. Close the vessel and place in the microwave oven. Wet Food Accurately weigh 2.0–2.5 g of the wet animal food into the TFM microwave digestion vessel. Add 5 mL of concentrated HNO3. Close the vessel and place in the microwave oven. TABLE III Microwave Program Power Time Power Step (W) (mm:ss) (W) Fan 1 2 3 4 100 600 1000 0 5:00 5:00 10:00 15:00 600 600 1000 0 1 1 1 3 Each sample was digested and analyzed in duplicate using the Coffee Bean digestion protocol that is resident on the on-board computer of the Multiwave system. The Coffee Bean protocol is presented in Table III. Mixed sample types were digested together in the same rotor. This is possible because the Multiwave system monitors the temperature and pressure in each vessel. Pressure is maintained at the maximum working pressure for each vessel type: 30 bar for TFM vessels and 75 bar for quartz vessels. If a sample begins to overpressure, the microwave power, which is unpulsed, is reduced in 1 W increments so that the maximum working pressure is maintained. After digestion and cooling, quantitatively transfer the digestion vessel contents directly into 50-mL polypropylene autosampler vessels. Use deionized water to thoroughly rinse out the digestion cap and vessel. Bring samples to a final volume of 50 mL with deionized water. Procedure Prior to analysis, the nebulizer and burner system were optimized using a 5-mg/L Cu standard. In addition, before the determination of each element, the flame gas flows were optimized. 41 When using the AutoPrep 50 system for on-line dilutions, the nebulizer flow must be calibrated with the flame atomic absorption system. Using a 10-mL graduated cylinder, the nebulizer flow was measured, the uptake rate calculated, and this value was stored in the software. For the determination of Ca, a lanthanum solution was used as the diluent solution so that it was automatically added for the control of interferences. For all other elements, deionized water was used for dilution. The AutoPrep system automatically prepared the working calibration standards from the 100-mg/L stock standard. After the calibration curve was generated, each sample was analyzed and dilutions made if the sample value was over the highest calibration standard. The sample was diluted until the value was within the working range or until a maximum dilution factor of 200 was obtained. An automatic rinse using deionized water was performed after each set of three replicates in order to eliminate carryover between samples. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The results of the analyses are shown in Table IV. There generally is good agreement between the measured and the expected values. Although the results for the calcium determination were acceptable, it would be preferable to increase the lanthanum solution to a level of 1.5–2.0% to allow for the tolerance of higher levels of matrix interferences. The digestion protocol followed was satisfactory for all feed types. Digestion was complete in 35 minutes. The atomic absorption analysis was simplified by the use of the AutoPrep 50 diluter. The standards were automatically prepared from a stock standard solution and overrange samples were diluted to bring the results within the working range. Duplicate samples provided good precision and the results for check samples were acceptable. TABLE IV Results of the Analysis of the Samples Calcium Sample AAFCO 9630 – Broiler starter AAFCO 9631 – Turkey Grower AAFCO 9632 – Pig Starter, Medicated AAFCO 9722 – Swine Grower, Medicated AAFCO 9723 – Beef Concentrate, Medicated AAFCO 9725 – Lamb Ration, Medicated Commercial Dry Cat Food – FSD Commercial Dry Cat Food – NLC Commercial Wet Cat Food – FSDW Commercial Dry Dog Food – CSD Commercial Wet Cat Food – MDW Rabbit Food Measured Value (%) Copper Iron Measured Value (%) Zinc Expected Value (%) Measured Value (%) Expected Value (%) Expected Value (%) Measured Value (%) Expected Value (%) 1.09 1.10 0.015 0.015 0.035 0.036 0.014 0.014 0.95 0.97 0.013 0.014 0.018 0.019 0.016 0.017 7.04 7.04 0.24 0.23 0.35 0.37 0.15 0.16 0.87 0.70 0.0028 0.0028 0.023 0.025 0.0110 0.011 3.51 3.35 0.030 0.026 0.094 — 0.083 0.090 1.17 1.14 0.0023 0.0020 0.025 0.027 0.014 0.013 0.81 0.5 – 0.86 0.0018 — 0.027 — 0.022 — 1.2 >1.0 0.0026 — 0.029 — 0.017 — 0.3 — 0.0005 — 0.004 — 0.002 — 0.72 >0.6 0.0014 — 0.016 — 0.012 — 0.77 — 0.0006 — 0.030 — 0.006 — 1.0 — 0.0076 — 0.020 — 0.010 — 42 The Determination of Minerals in Multivitamin Samples Using Microwave Digestion and ICP-OES Analysis Paul D. Krampitz and Karen W. Barnes The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859 USA INTRODUCTION In the past, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) considered dietary supplements to be foods and therefore subject to the Nutrition Labeling Education Act. The rigor of this ruling was relaxed with the implementation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. In this scheme, dietary supplements including vitamins, mineral, herbal or botanical, and amino acids are not subject to regulations as a food additive or drug. However, if the substance is intended to cure, prevent, treat, or ameliorate a disease, then it would be subject to drug laws. Materials are adulterated if they contain poisonous or harmful substances or have inadequate safety information. Labels must show serving size and types and amounts of nutrients per serving. The determination of metals and minerals in vitamins is challenging due to the wide range of concentrations present, which may vary from ppb (ng/g) to percent levels. Due to the wide variations of mineral levels, a multielement technique must be able to simultaneously monitor trace levels of elements in the presence of macro levels of other elements. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) features multielement capability, wide linear dynamic range, high analytical sensitivity, and high sample throughput. All these are attributes that will prove invaluable to analysts striving to meet the challenges posed by determinations in nutritional supplements. Extensive sample preparation of foods before elemental analysis is common and, particularly when ICP-OES is employed, often proves AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 ABSTRACT Samples of multivitamin tablets were digested using conventional open-vessel digestion. The elements Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, and Cr were determined using a sequential ICP-OES. Recoveries were low compared to the label claim, so the work was repeated using a microwave digestion system. The results were comparable to label claims and spike recoveries were acceptable for the samples. to be more time-consuming than the actual analysis. Methods involving hot plate digestion in open vessels or dry ashing followed by acid dissolution are commonly employed, but are time-consuming and prone to contamination and evaporative losses. Microwave digestion has been shown to be an acceptable alternative and has been successfully applied to food analysis (1). Advantages to microwave digestion result from the nature of the process, i.e., because the system is sealed, and contamination, evaporative losses, and chemical consumption are reduced. In general, microwave procedures are fast due to the increased heating that occurs from the microwave interaction with the reagents and samples. This paper presents a microwave digestion and ICP-OES analytical protocol to determine metals and minerals in nutraceuticals EXPERIMENTAL Procedure Samples of vitamin tablets were obtained for analysis. The tablets were crushed and then ground into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. Approximately 5 g of the 43 sample was accurately weighed and transferred to 500-mL beakers and mixed with 50 mL of deionized water (DI). Then 25 mL each of HNO3 and HCl was added to the beaker. The samples were warmed on a hot plate for 30 minutes and then filtered into 500-mL volumetric flasks and diluted to volume with DI. Complete digestion was not attained and therefore the analytical results were not compatible with label claims, but were about 40% low. Instrumentation The decomposition was performed again using microwave digestion. The Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) was used in its standard configuration with quartz vessels. The operating conditions for the Multiwave system were as follows: Step 1: 100 W for 10 minutes Step 2: 300 W for 10 minutes Step 3: 1000 W for 15 minutes Step 4: 0 W for 15 minutes The pressure was monitored for all vessels and the power modified to maintain the maximum operating conditions according to reactivity of the sample. This feature ensures complete and safe digestion for nearly any sample type. ICP-OES determinations were performed on the Plasma 400 instrument (Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA). The Plasma 400 is a sequential ICP-OES that is operated in the radial configuration. Calibration was performed using multielement aqueous standards (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA). For the determination of Ca and Mg, the samples were diluted 10-fold. RESULTS All results were corrected for dilution and are reported in Table I. The results have also been converted to amount per serving, so that the levels could be referenced to the label supplied. The equation for conversion was as follows: A = B x C/D x E x F x G Where: TABLE I ICP-OES Results for Samples Digested in the Multiwave System Analyte Sample 1 Sample 2 Label Claim Recovery Zn 206 Mn 257 Cr 267 Mg 279 Ca 315 (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (%) 47 20 190 489 542 48.5 19 183 470 545 25 20 200 500 500 188 100 95 98 108 A = Amount of analyte per serving B = Concentration of analyte in ppm (µg/mL) C = Dilution volume of solution (mL) D = Sample weight (g) E = Weight of sample (g)/1 tablet F = Number of tablets/serving G = 1 mg/1000 µg CONCLUSION REFERENCES The results were in very good agreement with label values. Spike recoveries ranged from 95 to 114%. Because of the problems with Zn, the sample was reanalyzed using multiple wavelengths and was run against four different standards, all with comparable results. This suggests that there was an error in the formulation. The Multiwave system did an excellent job of consistently putting the sample into solution. The system used one program for the entire digestion and was very simple to use. 1. S.K. Chang, P. Rayas-Duarte, E.A. Holm, and C. McDonald, Anal. Chem. 65, 12, 334R (1993). 44 Digestion and Preparation of Organic and Biological Microsamples for Ultratrace Elemental Analysis Ingeborg Müller Schering AG, Allgemeine Physicochemie Berlin, Germany INTRODUCTION In the the development of pharmaceutical drugs, smaller and smaller quantities are available for analytical and pharmacological studies. For the analytical investigation, this also means smaller quantities are available for chemical analysis. In the case of the biochemical production of proteins and peptides, the typical amount of sample is normally in the range of nmol and pmol. The analytical chemist must therefore develop methods of analysis to meet this challenge. To achieve the ultimate detection limits, the dilution factor in the sample preparation step has to be low. For this study, a VG PlasmaQuad ICP-MS (Thermo Jarrell Ash, Franklin, MA USA) was used for the determination of trace elements. The detection limits of the system ranged from 0.1–10 ppb in the measured solution. With a dilution factor of 1000 after digestion, this represents a limit of determination of 0.1–10 ppm in the drug substance. INSTRUMENTATION Digestion All digestions were performed using the Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system (Perkin-Elmer Norwalk, CT USA). A 20-mL quartz vessel with a modified Ti-pressure cap allows for the decompositions used with this system. The advantage of the modified vessel is that less acid is needed for digestion of the sample. With 700 µL of nitric acid, 50–100 mg of organic or biological material can ABSTRACT In pharmaceutical research, smaller and smaller quantities of samples are available. Analytical methods must therefore be adapted to micro- and nanotechnology. This paper describes the sample digestion and preparation steps for organic and biological microsamples. The digestion was performed with nitric acid in a microwave system using 20–mL vessels. The acid was evaporated in a nitrogen stream and the residue dissolved in diluted nitric acid. The elements were determined by ICP-MS. The method was verified by the recovery rates of multielement standards and certified reference materials. It was found that the loss of some elements is a limiting factor of the evaporation step. be digested. Clear, colorless solutions without residues were obtained. Table I shows the Multiwave microwave program which can be used to decompose nearly all organic and biological materials analyzed in the laboratory. After digestion, the residue was diluted with ultrapure water to 50–100 g, resulting in an acid concentration of 0.1–0.2 mol/L nitric AS While generally at least 100-mg amounts of a substance are required for digestion of a sample in triplicate, the actual total amount available is no more than 10–15 mg. This means that only 5 mg is available for a single digestion which then is diluted to 5 g (to give a dilution factor of 1000). In order to achieve the necessary sensitivity for subsequent determination, the acid is evaporated after digestion and the remainder dissolved in 0.1 mol/L HNO3. Evaporation Figure 1 shows a microwaveheated evaporation device which eliminates possible sources of contamination and requires less time for the evaporation process, contrary to a conventionally heated device. A turntable from a CEM MDS™ 2000 microwave digestion system (CEM Corporation, Matthews, NC USA) was adapted for our purposes in-house. The openings for the external gas tubes were modified for use in the evaporation step with nitrogen. The six vessels were positioned on the turntable. Every vessel was sealed with a cap with double bore-holes. One bore-hole TABLE I Digestion Conditions for Organic and Biological Materials Materials Liver Acids 700 µL HNO3 700 µL H2O2 700 µL HNO3 700 µL H2O2 Steroids Proteins Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 acid. This is the acid concentration routinely used in the our laboratory. 700 µL HNO3 45 Multiwave microwave program 100 W 800 W 0W 5 min 15 min 15 min 500 W 800 W 0W Contamination in the final solutions, most probably due to dust in the laboratory, was detected for Cu (0.1–0.4 ppb) and Zn (0.5–1 ppb). All other elements were determined by ICP-MS below their detection limits. Next, the recovery rate of our multielement standard was tested. Figure 2 shows the recovery rates of 37 elements in the mass range 7 to 238 amu. Fig. 1 . Microwave-heated evaporation device. was used for the nitrogen stream. Through the other bore-hole, the acid condensed in the big vessel in the middle of the turntable which was filled with approximately 100 mL of water. All parts of the evaporation device were made from PTFE. All solutions were evaporated to dryness within 30 minutes. Table II lists the energy program used for the evaporation process. When the residues are evaporated to dryness, the microwaves can still couple to the water in the vessel in the middle of the turntable. Materials Liver Steroids Procedure First, the analytical blanks of the evaporation device were tested. Only suprapure acid cleaned by subboiling distillation or ultrapure nitric acid (Merck) was used. After the digestion step, the PTFE lip seals of the pressure cap were rinsed with 500 µL of water and added to the digestion acid. The total solution was evaporated to dryness and then dissolved in 5 mL 0.1 mol/L nitric acid. TABLE II Evaporation Conditions for the Acid Solutions Reagents CEM MDS 2000 program 700 µL HNO3 700 µL H2O2 500µL H2O 700 µL HNO3 700 µL H2O2 500 µL H2O Proteins EXPERIMENTAL 700 µL HNO3 500 µL H2O 2 min 10 min 1 min 5 min 10 min 46 70 % 25 % 90 % 35 % 20 % The poor recovery for Cu and Zn was caused by the contamination from dust in the laboratory as mentioned above. The elements Ti, Nb, Sn, and Sb showed losses which were also seen with a matrix in the digestion solution. After evaporation of the NIST 1643d certified water sample, the Sb was lost completely. These findings were also confirmed when the organic or biological materials were spiked before digestion. It was assumed that these elements were volatilized as fluorides. Fluorine could be present only in ng-quantities in the materials analyzed. For the formation of a volatile form of those elements it might have been sufficient. According to the Duquesne University SamplePrep Webpage (1), Sb and Sn are insoluble in HNO3, and Nb and Ti both form insoluble oxide coatings. Although this would not explain poor recoveries for Nb and Ti, obviously mismatched acid chemistry was prevailing. The water in the big absorption vessel in the middle of the turntable, where the condensed acid is collected, was analyzed. The whole spectrum of our multielement standard was found there. This shows that evaporation is not conducive to good spike recovery. AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 Fig. 2. Percentage recovery (n=3) of 37 elements in the mass range 7 to 238 amu. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of this study, the evaporation of the digestion residues may create more problems than advantages for multielement determination. It is important to individually check every element to be determined for eventual evaporation losses. A single internal standard such as indium, often advised as a reference, cannot be assumed to be representative of the behavior of all other elements. For the analysis of small quantities of material there may be a solution to the problem. By means of the MCN 6000 microconcentric nebulizer (CETAC Technologies, Omaha, NB USA) it is possible to introduce concentrated acids with an uptake rate of only 50 µL/min. This permits the digestion solution, diluted to 5 mL, to be measured directly without preliminary evaporation. With a resultant acid concentration of 2 mol/L HNO3, the required dilution factor of 1000 can be achieved. small-volume ultrapure quartz vessels, the advantages of microwave decomposition can be realized even for minute amounts of samples. Advantages, of course, include the increased sample throughput as well as the prevention of blank contamination, volatilization, and evaporative losses, and the elimination of cross-contamination. REFERENCES CONCLUSION 1. The Multiwave microwave digestion system is a useful instrument for the preparation of microsamples. Due to the availability of 47 http://nexus.chemistry.duq.edu/ samplepre/index.html A Simple Closed-Vessel Nitric Acid Digestion Method for Cosmetic Samples Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., and Bradley T. Jones Department of Chemistry, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 USA and Karen W. Barnes The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859 USA INTRODUCTION The major constituents of cosmetic samples typically include talc, zinc oxide, magnesium carbonate, titanium dioxide, and various pigments. Some of these components are nearly insoluble, even in relatively harsh acid mixtures. Trace metal determinations performed on such samples therefore must include a rigorous sample preparation step. In most cases this includes a microwave digestion procedure (1). For example, a 0.5-g sample of face powder is transferred to a closed-vessel acid digestion bomb. Five mL of concentrated nitric acid is added to the vessel, followed by 5 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid. Microwave power is applied for a length of time (15–30 min). The sample is allowed to cool, and then 7.0 mL of hydrofluoric acid is added. A second heating stage is applied, the sample is allowed to cool, diluted with water, and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) or atomic absorpiton spectroscopy (AAS) techniques. A similar method for the determination of Zn in dyes and cosmetics has also been reported (2). Samples were digested using an HNO3–H2SO4–HClO4 (70:7:23) mixture. This use of this mixture can be dangerous. The same authors determined Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd in cosmetics (3). The same acid mixture was used for the digestion. The digestate was then evaporated to dryness, and ashed at 550°C for five hours. The ash was dissolved in an HCl-HNO3 mixture, and photooxidized prior to analysis by AAS. ABSTRACT A simple, closed-vessel microwave digestion method has been developed for cosmetic samples. A 0.15-g sample of lipstick, face powder, or foundation was digested in 3 mL of nitric acid in a high pressure (75 bar) closed-vessel digestion bomb. The digestate was filtered to remove any silicate residue, and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Twentyseven elements were determined in the three sample types. The detection limits were in the low parts-per-billion range, and precision was better than 5% relative standard deviation for most metals. The accuracy of the method was determined by performing spike recoveries for seven test elements. Recoveries were in the 95–105% range for all elements. A standard reference material (estuarine sediment), having a digestion residue similar to that observed for the cosmetics, gave percent recoveries in the 95–110% range. The digestion residues were analyzed by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The digestion technique eliminated the need for the harsh acid mixtures (including H2SO4 and HF) that are routinely used for cosmetic samples. Equally complicated acid mixtures have been employed in the sample preparation procedures reported for lipstick (4), eyeshadow (5), sunscreens (6), and other cosmetics (7). Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP- AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 48 OES) methods for trace metal determination are advantageous due to their low detection limits and fast analysis times (8–11). The effectiveness of ICP-OES methods is further increased when analyzing samples with minimal dissolved solids and residual carbon. Closedvessel microwave digestion technology maximizes sample decomposition through rapid heating at elevated pressures (12–16). The decreased time for sample decomposition coupled with the ability to control reaction parameters makes microwave digestion an excellent means of sample preparation for ICP-OES determination. Digestion systems capable of operating at elevated pressures enable the decomposition of samples without time-consuming predigestion steps. The process of developing microwave digestion procedures is streamlined through real-time feedback of reaction parameters such as temperature, pressure, and power. Customized programs can be developed for specific sample matrices utilizing multi-stage programs and power ramping capabilities. Additionally, closed-vessel digestion systems that utilize Teflon® and/or quartz vessels reduce the risk of sample contamination (17). A further advantage of highpressure closed-vessel systems is the ability to decompose the sample matrix with a minimal amount of acid. Due to the high pressures which increase the boiling points, the digestion may also be accomplished with a single acid instead of acid mixtures. Limiting the volume and types of acids used in sample preparation reduces the AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 dilution of the analytes in the final solution and reduces the risk of contamination or matrix interferences for axial ICP-OES. Obviously, the goal of previous efforts has been the development of a method for the complete dissolution of the cosmetic sample. Such a technique would ensure that trace amounts of metals were not released from any inorganic matrix and therefore not detectable during the analysis of the analytical solution. The aim of the present work was to develop a simple sample preparation procedure for the analysis of cosmetic samples by ICP-OES. The procedure requires only nitric acid and a high-pressure closed-vessel microwave digestion system. The technique is therefore easier than those previously reported, much safer since harsh acid mixtures are avoided, and less prone to sample contamination. In cases where the sample was not completely dissolved, the digestate was filtered, and the residue analyzed by wavelength dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry to determine the composition of the residue. The accuracy of the technique is demonstrated by the analysis of a standard reference materials, and by recovery data observed for spiked real samples. EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ DV (dual view) ICP-OES (18) (PerkinElmer, Norwalk, CT USA). Table I lists the operating parameters. The samples were atomized with a GemTip™ cross-flow nebulizer assembly. The axial view was used. A Rainin Dynamax® peristaltic pump, Model RP-1 (Rainin Instrumental Co., Inc.,Woburn, MA USA), was used with a pump speed of 31.19 RPM together with a PerkinElmer AS-90 autosampler. Table II shows the elements, wavelengths, background correction points, points per peak, and the processing TABLE I ICP-OES Operating Parameters Parameter Setting RF power 1360 W Auxiliary Ar gas flow 0.5 L/min Nebulizer flow 0.70 L/min Plasma flow 15 L/min Sample flow rate 1.60 ml/min Wash time 30 sec Sample read delay time 50 sec Processing mode Area Background Manual selection of points Replicate measurements 3 modes for this analysis. A Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system (19) (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) was used. The system contains a six-position rotor that monitors pressure and temperature in all six vessels and monitors pressure by way of hydraulic arms sitting atop each vessel. These arms are centrally connected and the vessel with the highest pressure controls the system. The pressure is recorded by an optical transmission. The microwave power output ranges from 0–1000 W at 2450 MHz, and the cooling fan operates at 0–100 m3/hr. The cooling fan protects the oven’s interior from corrosive fumes and minimizes the cool-down period after the completion of a digestion program. Quartz vessels (50 mL) were used for the digestions. As the carousel rotates during the sample digestion, an infrared (IR) temperature detector measures each sample’s temperature sequentially every two seconds. The temperature is detected through bottom of the IR transparent quartz vessel. A Model PW-1404 Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (WXRF) (Phillips Electronic Instruments) (20) 49 equipped with a scandium x-ray tube was used. The instrument has 3 kW of power and five diffraction crystals together with a flowthrough and a scintillation detector. Reagents and Standard Solutions Nitric Acid Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA USA) Optima Purity. Calibration Standards Prepared from various elemental concentrations of mixed SPEX Certiprep (Metuchen, NJ USA), Custom Multi Element ICP-grade Standards, by dilution to give a final concentration of 12% HNO3 solution. SRM 1646 Estuarine Sediment Standard reference material from National Institute of Standards and Technology (Gaithersburg, MD USA) Preparation of Sample Approximately 0.15 g of the various cosmetic samples were accurately weighed into clean, dry microwave quartz vessels. Then, 3.0 mL HNO3 was added the 0.15-g samples using an Optifix® Basic Dispenser (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ USA). A seal-forming tool was used to expand the lip-seals on the lids that were placed in each vessel. The vessels were placed in a bomb jacket with caps screwed on handtight. The vessels were placed in the carousel and the protective shield was placed around the carousel and tightened. The carousel was placed in the Multiwave microwave system and the optimized digestion program was employed for the sample type being analyzed. The final programs for the different sample types are shown in Table III. Upon completion of the microwave step, the carousel was removed from the microwave system and then the vessels were removed. Under a fume hood, the screw caps of each bomb jacket were slowly unscrewed, allowing the nitrogen oxides to escape slowly. The lids and the quartz TABLE II Emission Wavelengths, Background Correction Wavelengths Relative to Emission Wavelengths, Points per Peak, and Processing Mode for Each Element Determined Element Emission Wavelength (nm) Background Correction Relative to Process Mode Points per Peak Element Emission Wavelength (nm) Background Correction Relative to Process Mode Points per Peak Ag 328.068 -0.036 Area 1 Mo 202.030 -0.022 Area 2 Al 396.152 +0.050 Area 2 Na 589.592 +0.062 -0.060 Area Area 2 As 188.979 +0.018 -0.012 Area 2 Ni 231.604 -0.025 Area 1 Au 242.795 -0.020 Area 1 P 177.428 +0.020 -0.020 Area 1 B 249.773 -0.030 Area 2 Pb 220.353 -0.025 Area 2 Ba 233.527 -0.030 +0.030 Area 1 Pd 340.458 -0.040 Area 1 Be 313.042 -0.050 Area 1 Pt 265.945 -0.025 Area 1 Bi 223.061 -0.020 Area 1 Rb 780.040 +0.119 -0.079 Area 3 Ca 317.933 -0.030 +0.030 Area 1 S 180.669 +0.015 -0.020 Area 2 Ca 396.847 -0.043 Area 2 Sb 217.581 +0.025 -0.018 Area 2 Cd 226.502 +0.030 Area 2 Sc 361.384 +0.035 -0.035 Area 1 Co 228.616 +0.025 Area 2 Se 196.026 +0.023 -0.015 Area 1 Cr 205.552 -0.023 Area 2 Si 288.158 +0.028 -0.027 Area 1 Cu 324.754 +0.033 Area 2 Sn 189.933 +0.020 Area 1 Eu 381.967 -0.047 Area 1 Sr 407.771 -0.038 Area 1 Fe 259.940 -0.035 Area 1 Te 214.281 +0.060 Area 1 K 766.491 -0.140 +0.129 Area 2 Ti 334.941 +0.040 Area 1 La 379.478 -0.041 +0.047 Area 1 Tl 276.787 -0.017 Area Li 670.781 -0.110 +0.102 Area 2 V 292.402 -0.030 Area 1 Mg 279.079 -0.033 +0.030 Area 1 Yb 369.419 -0.040 Area 1 Mg 279.553 -0.040 Area 1 Zn 213.856 -0.021 Area 2 Mn 257.610 +0.026 Area 2 Zr 343.823 -0.030 Area 1 50 AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 TABLE III Multiwave Programs for Each of the Cosmetic Sample Types Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Power W 200 450 550 0 Lipstick Time Power (mm:ss) (W) 15:00 400 20:00 450 15:00 550 15:00 0 vessels were removed from the bomb jackets. A small amount of 18MΩ deionized, distilled water (dd H2O) was added to each vessel to facilitate the removal of any dissolved gases. The samples were quantitatively transferred into 25-ml volumetric flasks and diluted with dd H2O. The solutions were filtered with NALGENE® 0.45 µm, 115-mL disposable filters (Nalge Nunc International, Rochester, NY USA) to remove any particles that could disrupt the nebulizer flow. The solutions were then transferred to autosampler vials for analysis. The residue that remained on filters was analyzed using the WXRF spectrometer. Filters were cut with ceramic scissors (Jensen Equipment Company, Inc., Pewaukee, WI USA) to 30 mm diameter to match the size of the x-ray sample cups. Filters were placed between a thin polypropylene film and a piece of lucite. The x-ray sample cup used was a 30-mm disposable x-ray spectroscopic sample cup made by Chemplex Industries. A qualitative scan was performed on each sample which required approximately 20 min. Method Development The Multiwave program used for digestion of the individual samples involved optimization of several parameters: time, sample size, and volume of acid. These factors contributed to the amount of pressure inside of the vessel. The system controls the pressure at 74 bar, Fan speed 1 1 1 3 Power (W) 200 400 550 0 Powder Time Power (mm:ss) (W) 30:00 400 10:00 400 30:00 550 15:00 0 Fan speed 1 1 1 3 but the vessels hold up to 110 bar before the seals are broken. In developing the programs for the digestion of cosmetics, a conservative approach was used to prevent any unwanted pressure increase. The first precaution observed was the amount of sample used in the digestion. First attempts used 0.05–0.10 g of sample. For the final program and analysis, 0.15 g of sample was used. The volume of acid used in the digestion was an important factor to consider for the dilution step after digestion. The ICP-OES instrument analyzes the samples optimally when the acid content for ICP-OES determinations is approximately 10–20%. Most important is matrix matching of samples, blanks, and analytical standards. Minimal dilutions were required to measure elements that were present at very low levels. With these factors in mind, the optimum amount of acid was the smallest amount that resulted in complete digestion. The final program for the cosmetics used 3 mL of nitric acid. One of the factors affecting trace metal determinations is contamination. Tremendous care was taken to ensure the cleanliness of the vessels, volumetric flasks, filters, and sample vials. Each of the quartz vessels was cleaned with HF (5% by volume) followed by rinsing with dd H2O. The flasks and vials were acid-washed (10% HNO3) and rinsed with dd H2O. The same cleaning procedure was followed 51 Power W 200 450 550 0 Foundation Time Power mm:ss W 5:00 350 10:00 450 15:00 550 15:00 0 Fan speed 1 1 1 3 between each sample run. All samples and materials were handled with powder-free acid-resistant gloves. A residue remained in the vessel after digestion in the microwave. This residue was believed to be mostly silicates and titanium dioxide, which require HF to be digested. Due to the use of quartz vessels, HF was not used in the digestion procedure. The residue was examined using the WXRF spectrometer (21) to confirm composition. The samples were scanned at all wavelengths and studied qualitatively. Table IV shows the results of this x-ray study for each type of cosmetic. In all three samples, the residue contained silicon, titanium, and iron. The lipstick contained potassium, the powder contained magnesium and zinc, and the foundation contained magnesium. Polymeric vessels which will permit the use of HF digestions are available from The Perkin-Elmer Corporation but were not used for this study. TABLE IV Elements Present in Filtered Residue of Digested Cosmetic Samples Using WXRF Spectroscopy Cosmetic Elements Lipstick Powder Foundation Silicon, Titanium, Iron, Potassium Silicon, Titanium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc Silicon, Titanium, Iron, Magnesium TABLE V Detection Limits, Concentration Levels in ppm, and Relative Standard Deviations for the Cosmetic Samples Powder Element Det. limit (µg/g) Ag Al As Au B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Eu Fe K La Li Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb Pd Pt S Sb Sc Se Si Sn Sr Te Ti Tl V Zn Zr 0.004 0.025 0.054 0.004 0.010 0.001 0.0005 0.016 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.037 0.004 0.001 0.0006 0.0003 0.011 0.006 0.005 0.076 0.022 0.008 0.016 0.106 0.032 0.0002 0.051 0.019 0.007 0.0002 0.048 0.001 0.063 0.002 0.001 0.002 Concn. (µg/g) Foundation RSD Concn. (µg/g) 435 Lipstick RSD 15800 9.7 2.0% 30% 4.4 106 0.7 15% 1.2% 2.2% 5.8 0.7 2170 0.7 1.9% 2.5% 178 1.2 1.9 1.7% 1.9% 1.5% 2.0 5.0 1.0% 2.2% 3650 786 2.1 10.7 11500 21.5 0.9% 4.6% 1.1% 4.0% 1.2% 1.6% 9880 53.8 1.0% 5.5% 34.1 1200 14.6 1.4% 0.8% 0.6% 22.4 313 25.4 334 1.7 353 5.8 1.5% 3.9% 3.4% 8.1% 860 1.1 60.9 1.5% 3.0% 7.4% 460 1.5 44.9 4.2 216 2.3% 79.5 14.6% 0.7 0.8% 15.3 1.0% 20.1 35.7 11.9% 3.3 11100 6.9 3.2% 1.0% 5.7% 52 1.1% Concn. (µg/g) 12% 34% 14600 RSD 2.5% 11.3 4810 0.7 6.9% 0.3% 11% 162 1.5 2.0 2.1 0.6 0.4% 2.1% 1.5% 0.9% 4.2% 9960 6670 1240 2.5% 1.7% 0.9% 0.3% 0.04% 1.1% 11% 0.9% 6.5% 2.9% 2.1 1.1% 1.4% 73.6 0.5% 39.3 5.2% 48.8 1.8% 0.5 10.4 2.2 4.0% 1.4% 3.9% 2.6 12.0 0.4 1.8% 0.0% 2.7% AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 RESULTS The detection limits (µg/g), concentration levels (µg/g), and relative standard deviations (RSD) for the cosmetic samples are reported in Table V. Concentration levels were below the detection limit for that specific element where no value is reported. Due to incomplete digestion of refractory elements, the actual concentration values of the elements determined by WXRF analysis are higher than what is reported. The data in Table V are the means of four samples. where each sample solution was analyzed three times by ICP-OES. Blank subtraction was performed automatically by the computer software. Rubidium (30 µg/g) and ytterbium (5 µg/g) were used as internal standards. The samples were analyzed with and without dilution to determine the maximum number of elements. The elements at higher concentrations were determined after dilution by a factor of 20 with 12% (v/v) Optima grade nitric acid. This enabled the concentration levels to be in the appropriate linear range of each element’s calibration curve. Table VI shows spike recovery values for each of the samples and Estuarine Sediment (SRM 1646). This SRM was chosen because, upon digestion with HNO3, it also contained a residue similar to the cosmetics. The SRM values are reported in Table VII. The values for elements present at high levels are not shown because these are the same elements present in the residue. CONCLUSION Sample preparation can be very time-consuming in elemental determinations. The lenght of time taken to perform an analysis has been shortened with the advancements of ICP-OES. With a reduction in sample preparation time, sample TABLE VI Spike Recovery of Cosmetic Samples and SRM 1646 Ba Ca K Li Mg Na Sr Element Powder Foundation Lipstick SRM 99.6% 94.0% 99.2% 96.1% 89.0% 97.9% 96.8% 95.9% 96.7% 99.9% 101.8% 97.7% 95.3% 95.6% 96.0% 101.5% 101.7% 99.7% 97.2% 97.4% 100.8% 102.3% 97.6% 92.4% 101.2% 101.9% 106.0% 101.5% TABLE VII Results of Analysis of SRM 1646 Experimental (µg/g) NIST value (µg/g) As Be Co Cu Li Ni P Pb Zn 12.3 ± 3.9 1.36± 0.05 11.5 ±0.3 18.0±0.3 44.3 ±1.0 27.3±0.3 533±15.3 28.5±1.1 132±0.5 11.6 ± 1.3 (1.5) 10.5±1.3 18± 3 (49) 32 ±3 540±50 28.2±1.8 138±6 % Recovery 106% 90.0% 110% 100% 90.4% 85.3% 98.7% 101% 95.4% ( ) = non-certified value. throughput increases. Using these methods for specific cosmetics, the complete sample preparation process ranged from 1.25–2.25 hr. The second advantage of these methods was that the harsh acid mixtures were eliminated and only nitric acid was required. It also eliminated the time normally required for preparing the acid mixtures, reduced possible sources of contamination, and avoided matrix-induced interferences possible with axial-view ICP-OES. Additionally, HNO3 is the preferred acid in ICP-OES analysis. Using the Multiwave system to digest samples for elemental analysis has definite advantages when compared to traditional sample preparation procedures. The use 53 of closed quartz vessels provides for an extremely clean environment and reduces sources of contamination. In addition, the quartz vessels enable rapid heating at elevated pressures which eliminates predigestion procedures. The Multiwave system also monitors the pressure and temperature of the vessels, and if any of the vessels reach the pressure cut-off point, the microwave energy radiated is reduced. These features together with the continuous temperature measurements aided in the development of this method. AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES Special thanks are expressed to Jannell Rowe of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the financial support from The PerkinElmer Corporation and a grant from the NSF-GOALI program (CHE-9710218). 1. Application Note MB-5, Revision 9-88, CEM Corporation, Matthews, NC. 2. J. Maslowska, and E. Legedz, Rocz. Panstw. Zakl. Hig. 33, 149 (1982). 3. J. Maslowska, and E. Legedz, Rocz. Panstw. Zakl. Hig. 35, 431 (1984). 4. M. Okamata, M. Konda, I. Matsumoto, and Y. Miya, J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem. 22, 589 (1971). 5. E.S. Gladney, At. Absorpt. Newsl. 16, 144 (1977). 6. J.T. Mason, J. Pharm. Sci. 69, 101 (1980). 7. I.V. Kubrakova, T.F. Kudinova, E.B. Stavnivenko, and N.M. Kuzmin, J. of Anal. Chem. 52, 522 (Jun. 1997). 8. 9. Modern Methods for Trace Element Determination, C. Vandecasteele and C.B. Block (ed.), John Wiley and Sons (1993). John W. Milburn, At. Spectrosc. 17(1), 9 (1996). 10. Jo Rita Jordan, Referee 7 (June 1995). 11. Juan C. Ivaldi and Julian F. Tyson, Spectrochim Acta Part B 50, 1207 (1995). 54 12. Introduction to Microwave Sample Preparation: Theory and Practice, H.M. Kingston and Lois B. Jassie (ed.), American Chemical Society, 1988. 13. Methods of Decomposition in Inorganic Analysis, Z. Sulcek and P. Povondra, CRC Press, Inc. (1989). 14. R.T. White, Jr. and G.E. Douthit, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 68, 766 (1985). 15. H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie, Anal. Chem. 58, 2534 (1986). 16. D. Chakraborti, M. Burguera, and J.L. Burguera, Fresenius’ J. Anal Chem. 347, 233 (1993). 17. Charles B. Rhoades, J. Anal. Atom. Spec. 11, 751 (1996). 18. Perkin Elmer ICP-Emission Spectrometry Optima 3000 Hardware Guide, 1993. 19. Perkin Elmer Multiwave Preliminary User Manual, 1996. 20. Phillips PW1404 Automatic Sequential Spectrometer Service Manual, 1987. 21. Principles and Practice of X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis, 2nd Ed., E. P. Bertin, Plenum Press (1975) Closed-Vessel Nitric Acid Microwave Digestion of Polymers Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., and Bradley T. Jones Department of Chemistry, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 USA and Karen W. Barnes The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859 USA INTRODUCTION Polymers that have high strength are typically resistant to elevated temperatures. Wet digestion methods for trace metal determinations performed on such samples therefore must include a rigorous sample preparation step. In most cases, this includes a microwave digestion procedure (1–3). For example, one procedure specifies to transfer a 0.5-g sample of polyethylene to a closed-vessel acid digestion bomb. Three mL of concentrated nitric acid is added to the vessel, followed by an additional 8 mL concentrated sulfuric acid. Microwave power is applied for a 15-min period. The sample is allowed to cool, and then an additional 5 mL of nitric acid is added. A second heating stage is applied, the sample allowed to cool, diluted with water, and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) or atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) techniques. A similar method for the digestion of poly(vinyl chloride) has also been reported (3,4). The samples were digested using H2O2 which can be a dangerous procedure. Polymeric printed circuit boards have been analyzed for trace metals on the surface by immersing the board in a mixture of hot HNO3 and HCl, followed by analysis by plasma optical emission spectrometry (OES) (3). ICP-OES methods for trace metal determination are advantageous due to their ability to achieve low detection limits and fast analysis times (3,5–7). The efficacy of ICP-OES methods is further increased when analyzing samples AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 ABSTRACT A simple, closed-vessel microwave digestion method has been developed for several polymer samples. A 0.15-g sample of high density polyethylene, polystyrene, polyethylene/polypropylene blend, and polyethylene precursor was digested in 4 mL nitric acid in a high-pressure (75 bar) closed-vessel digestion bomb. The digestate was filtered and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Depending on the polymer, 1–18 elements were determined in the three sample types. Detection limits were in the low parts-perbillion range, and precision was better than 5% relative standard deviation for most metals. The accuracy of the method was determined by performing spike recoveries for 1–15 test elements. Recoveries were in the 90–100% range for all elements. The digestion technique eliminated the need for harsh acid mixtures (including H2SO4 and HF) that are routinely used for polymer samples. with minimal dissolved solids and residual carbon. Closed-vessel microwave technology maximizes sample decomposition through rapid heating at elevated pressures (8–12). The decreased time for sample digestion coupled with the ability to control reaction parameters makes microwave digestion an excellent means of sample preparation for ICP-OES determinations. Digestion systems capable of operating at elevated pressures enable the decomposition of samples without time-consuming pre- 55 digestion steps. Closed-vessel systems, utilizing Teflon® and/or quartz vessels, reduce the risk of sample contamination (13). A further advantage of highpressure closed-vessel systems is the ability to decompose the sample matrix with a minimal amount of acid. Assuming that high enough pressures are available, the digestion may also be accomplished with a single acid instead of a mixture of acids. Limiting the amount and types of acids used in the sample preparation reduces the dilution of the analytes in the final solution (to keep final acid concentrations reasonable), reduces the risk of contamination, and may reduce the possibility of matrix interferences in axial ICP-OES measurements. Obviously, the goal of previous efforts has been to develop a method for the complete dissolution of the polymer sample of interest. Such a technique would ensure that trace amounts of metals were released from the matrix and thus would be detectable during the analysis of the analytical solution. The aim of the present work was to develop a simple sample preparation procedure for the analysis of several polymer samples by ICPOES. The procedure requires only nitric acid and a closed-vessel microwave digestion system. The technique is therefore simpler than those previously reported; safer, since harsh acid mixtures are avoided; and less prone to sample contamination. The accuracy of the technique is demonstrated by recovery data obtained for spiked real samples. EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation A Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ DV (dual-view) inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) was used in the axial mode (14). Table I lists the operating parameters. The samples were atomized with a GemTip™ crossflow nebulizer assembly. A Rainin Dynamax® peristaltic pump, Model RP-1 (Rainin Instrumental Co., Inc., Woburn, MA USA), was used with a pump speed of 31.19 RPM. A Perkin-Elmer AS-90 autosampler (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) was also used. Table II shows the elements, wavelengths, background correction points, points per peak, and the processing modes for this analysis. A Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system (15) (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) was used for sample digestion, which contains a 6-way rotor that monitors pressure and temperature in all six vessels. The pressure is measured simultaneously in all vessels by means of a hydaulic system whereby the vessel with the highest pressure controls the system. The pressure is recorded by an TABLE I ICP-OES Operating Parameters Parameter Setting RF Power 1360 W Auxiliary Ar gas flow 0.5 L/min Nebulizer flow 0.70 L/min Plasma flow 15 L/min Sample flow rate 1.60 mL/min Wash time 30 sec Sample read 50 sec delay time Processing mode Area Background Manual selection of points Replicate measurements 3 optical transmission. The IR temperature detector measures each sample’s temperature sequentially every two seconds as the carousel rotates during the sample digestion. The microwave unpulsed power output ranges from 0–1000 W at 2450 MHz, and the cooling fan operates at 0–100 m3/hr. The cooling fan protects the oven’s interior from corrosive fumes and minimizes the cool-down period after the completion of a digestion program. Quartz vessels with a 50-mL volume were used for the digestions. Reagents and Standards Nitric acid was Optima grade from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA USA). Calibration standards were prepared from various elemental concentrations of mixed SPEX Certiprep (Metuchen, NJ USA) Custom Multi Element ICP-grade standards by dilution to give a final concentration of 16% HNO3 solution. Preparation of Samples The various polymer samples were accurately weighed (0.15 g) into clean, dry quartz microwave digestion vessels. To the 0.15-g samples, 4.0 mL HNO3 was added using an Optifix® Basic (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ USA) dispenser. A seal-forming tool was used to expand the seals for the vessels. The vessels were then placed in a bomb jacket with caps screwed on hand-tight. The vessels were placed in the rotor and the protective shield placed around the rotor and tightened. The rotor was then placed in the Multiwave system and the optimized digestion program was employed for the sample to be analyzed. The final programs for the different sample types are shown in Figure 1. Upon completion of the microwave digestion, the rotor was removed from the microwave oven. 56 Under a fume hood, the screw caps of each bomb jacket were slowly unscrewed, allowing the nitrogen oxides to escape slowly. A small amount of 18 Mohm, deionized distilled water (dd H2O) was added to each vessel to facilitate the removal of any dissolved gases. The samples were quantitatively transferred into 25-mL volumetric flasks and diluted to volume with dd H2O. The solutions were filtered with Nalgene® (Nalge Nunc International, Rochester, NY USA) 0.45-µm, 115mL disposable filters to remove any particles that could disrupt the nebulizer flow. The solutions were then transferred to ICP-OES sample vials for analysis. Method Development The Multiwave programs used for digestion of the individual polymer samples involved optimization of several parameters: time, power, sample size, and acid volume. All of these factors contributed to the amount of pressure inside the vessels. The Multiwave system controls the pressure at 74 bar. In developing the programs for the digestion of the polymers, careful attention was given to the prevention of unwanted pressure increases. The first precaution observed was the amount of the polymer used in the digestion. First attempts used 0.05–0.10 g of polymer. For the final program and analysis, 0.15–0.16 g of polymer was used. To measure the elements present at very low levels, minimal dilutions were required. With this in mind, the smallest volume of nitric acid needed for complete digestion of the polymer samples was 4.0 mL. Contamination is a major problem in trace metal determinations. Tremendous care was taken to ensure the cleanliness of the vessels, volumetric flasks, filters, and sample vials. Each of the vessels was cleaned by performing a blank HNO3 digestion in the Multiwave system. Each vessel was filled with AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 TABLE II Emission Wavelengths, Background Correction Wavelengths Relative to Emission Wavelengths, Points per Peak, and Processing Mode for Each Element Determined Element Emission wavelength (nm) Background correction Process Mode Points per peak Element Emission wavelength (nm) Background correction Process Mode Points per peak Ag 328.068 –0.036 Area 1 Mo 202.030 –0.022 Area 2 Al 396.152 +0.050 Area 2 Na 589.592 +0.062 –0.060 Area 2 As 188.979 +0.018 –0.012 Area 2 Ni 231.604 –0.025 Area 1 Au 242.795 –0.020 Area 1 P 177.428 +0.020 –0.020 Area 1 B 249.773 –0.030 Area 2 Pb 220.353 –0.025 Area 2 Ba 233.527 –0.030 +0.030 Area 1 Pd 340.458 –0.040 Area 1 Be 313.042 –0.050 Area 1 Pt 265.945 –0.025 Area 1 Bi 223.061 –0.020 Area 1 Rb 780.040 +0.119 –0.079 Area 3 Ca 317.933 –0.030 +0.030 Area 1 S 180.669 0.020 +0.015 Area 2 Ca 396.847 –0.043 Area 2 Sb 217.581 –0.018 +0.025 Area 2 Cd 226.502 +0.030 Area 2 Sc 361.384 –0.035 +0.035 Area 1 Co 228.616 +0.025 Area 2 Se 196.026 –0.015 +0.023 Area 1 Cr 205.552 –0.023 Area 2 Si 288.158 –0.027 +0.028 Area 1 Cu 324.754 +0.033 Area 2 Sn 189.933 +0.020 Area 1 Eu 381.967 –0.047 Area 1 Sr 407.771 –0.038 Area 1 Fe 259.940 –0.035 Area 1 Te 214.281 +0.060 Area 1 K 766.491 –0.140 +0.129 Area 2 Ti 334.941 +0.040 Area 1 La 379.478 –0.041 +0.047 Area 1 Tl 276.787 –0.017 Area 1 Li 670.781 –0.110 +0.102 Area 2 V 292.402 –0.030 Area 1 Mg 279.079 –0.033 +0.030 Area 1 Yb 369.419 –0.040 Area 1 Mg 279.553 –0.040 Area 1 Zn 213.856 –0.021 Area 2 Mn 257.610 +0.026 Area 2 Zr 343.823 –0.030 Area 1 57 Power (W) Ag Al Ba Cd Ca Co Cr Cu Fe Mg Ni P Pb S Zn Power (W) Power (W) Power (W) TABLE III Spike Recoveries of Polymer Sample (polyethylene/ polypropylene blend) Batch A Batch B Element % Recovered % Recovered Figure 1. Microwave Digestion Programs for each Polymer. 5 mL HNO3 and placed in the Multiwave system for five minutes at 1000 W. The cleaning of the vessels was completed by rinsing with dd H2O. The flasks and vials were acidwashed (10% HNO3) and rinsed with dd H2O. The same cleaning procedure was followed between each sample run. All samples and materials were handled with powder-free acid-resistant gloves. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The spike recoveries for the samples are listed in Tables III–V using several different SPEX Custom Multi-Element ICP-grade Standards. Sample preparation can be very time-consuming in the elemental analysis process. However, the time required to perform an analysis has been shortened with the advancements of ICP-OES and with a reduction in sample preparation time, thus increasing sample throughput. Using the method described, the complete sample preparation process for the polymer sample, polyethylene/polypropylene blend, ranged from 1.0 to 1.5 hr, while previous digestion methods 93.8 91.2 96.2 93.5 94.6 93.2 89.8 95.4 90.3 97.9 91.6 95.0 87.0 102.2 92.3 94.8 94.3 93.6 94.6 94.5 93.8 89.3 95.9 90.0 95.5 91.5 94.6 84.8 100.9 93.2 TABLE IV Spike Recoveries of Polymer Sample (polyethylene) Batch A Batch B Element %Recovered %Recovered Ca Mg P Ti 95.2 98.0 98.8 92.0 92.6 94.5 90.0 88.1 TABLE V Spike Recoveries of Polymer Sample (polystyrene) Batch A Batch B Batch C Element % Recovered % Recovered % Recovered Zn 93.9 58 93.8 93.5 AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 required approximately 3.0 hr (16). This shows a tremendous reduction in sample preparation time with the Multiwave system. Another advantage of the method described is the ability to use nitric acid instead of the harsh acid mixtures. These acids require time for preparation and are sources of contamination. In addition, matrix-induced interferences possible with axial-view ICPOES are also avoided. CONCLUSION The Multiwave system used for the digestion of samples for elemental analysis has definite advantages over traditional sample preparation procedures. The quartz closedvessels provide an extremely clean environment, reduce sources of contamination, and enable rapid heating at elevated pressures, thus eliminating pre-digestion procedures. The Multiwave system also monitors the pressure and the temperature of the vessels. If any of the vessels reach the pressure cut-off point, the microwave energy is reduced, thus the decompositions are achieved with maximum safety for the user. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from The Perkin-Elmer Corporation and a grant from the NSF-GOALI program (CHE-9710218). REFERENCES 8. Introduction to Microwave Sample Preparation: Theory and Practice, H.M. Kingston and Lois B. Jassie (ed.), American Chemical Society (1988). 9. Z. Sulcek and P. Povondra, Methods of Decomposition in Inorganic Analysis, CRC Press, Inc. (1989). 1. Application Note OP-6, Revision 10-88, CEM Corporation, Matthews, NC USA. 10. R.T. White, Jr. and G.E. Douthit, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 68, 766 (1985). 2. Peter J. Fordham, John W. Gramshaw, Laurence Castle, Helen M. Crews, Diana Thompson, Susan J. Parry, and Ed McCurdy, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 10, 303 (1995). 11. H.M. Kingston and L.B. Jassie, Anal. Chem. 58, 2534 (1986). C. Vandecasteele and C.B. Bloc, Modern Methods for Trace Element Determination, John Wiley and Sons (1993). 13. Charles B. Rhoades, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 11, 751 (1996). 3. 4. V.C. Rao Peddy and J. Valsamma Koshy, Analyst 117, 27 (1992). 5. John W. Milburn, At. Spectrosc. 17(1), 9 (1996). 6. Jo Rita Jordan, Referee, 7, (June 1995). 7. Juan C. Ivaldi and Julian F. Tyson, Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 50, 1207 (1995). 59 12. D. Chakraborti, M. Burguera, and J.L. Burguera, Fresenius’ J. Anal Chem. 347, 233 (1993). 14. Perkin-Elmer ICP-Emission Spectrometry Optima 3000 Hardware Guide (1993). 15. Perkin-Elmer Multiwave Preliminary User Manual (1996). 16. Kerry D. Besecker, Charles B. Rhoades, Jr., Karen W. Barnes, and Bradley T. Jones, unpublished results. The Analysis of Coal Tar Pitch by ICP Optical Emission Spectrometry After Digestion in a Microwave Oven System Maryanne Thomsen Perkin Elmer European ICP Support Group, Hansa Allee 195, D-40549 Duesseldorf, Germany and Peter Kainrath Bodenseewerk Perkin Elmer GmbH, P.O. Box 10 17 61, D-88647 Überlingen, Germany INTRODUCTION Tar and pitch are materials used in modern organic chemistry as base products for a number of heterocyclic compounds in addition to many other industrial uses. Pitch can be used for electrodes in the production of aluminum, for example. For such applications, the product must be specified and the specification adhered to at all times. The samples can be viscous liquids or black solids. They are difficult samples to analyze for their inorganic components because of their complex chemical structure. Usually the analysis of the major elements is sufficient; however, when the material is for industrial use, a full and accurate analysis is often required. coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The method of destruction and of measurement is described in full and some results for a reference coal tar pitch sample are presented. SAMPLE PREPARATION Microwave-assisted digestion procedures are becoming more popular as they considerably reduce the amount of time spent preparing the sample for the spectrometric analysis. Due to the nature of the heating process in microwave-assisted digestion, several precautions have to be considered before digesting a sample of high reactivity like tar and pitch. The following considerations have to be made: Theoretically, the samples could be dissolved in an organic solvent and aspirated into the atomic spectrometer. In practice, the high viscosity and complex nature of the samples means that they are not very soluble and the results with this method are not of the required standard. The samples must therefore be digested in acid prior to analysis. This step takes considerably longer than the ICP analysis and can become the bottleneck in the laboratory. It is also very laborintensive unless a technique like microwave digestion is employed to automate the procedure. The samples also contain a very great deal of carbon, making their complete digestion more difficult. • What happens to the sample if it is exposed to microwave radiation? A method has been developed where samples of tar and pitch can be digested easily and analyzed in little over an hour by inductively • Maximum temperature and pressure tolerance of the equipment. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 • What is the maximum sample weight the digestion system can handle? • Are any spontaneous reactions expected? In addition to the reaction conditions, the instrumental parameters have to be checked as well, such as: • Ramping up the microwave power to ensure controlled chemical reactions. • Safety measures in case of spontaneous or vigorous chemical reactions. • Available vessel materials of the required degree of cleanliness. 60 In the work presented here, approximately 200 mg of the sample was accurately weighed into the quartz vessels of the Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA). To each sample, 5 mL of concentrated (65%) HNO3 (Merck® Suprapur) was added. For each run of the programs, at least one of the vessels contained acid only for a sample blank. The samples were digested using the program listed in Table I. Phase 1 ramps the unpulsed power from 100 W to 600 W over a period of 30 minutes. Phase 2 maintains this power level for an additional 10 minutes. Phase 3 is a cooling phase where the microwave power is turned off and the fan speed increased to effect rapid cooling of the sample. Once the system has reached the maximum operating pressure of 75 bar (1125 psi), the microwave power is reduced to the level necessary to maintain a continuous operating pressure of 72 bar (1080 psi), a level at which the maximum digestion temperature is reached (see Figure 1).The whole program takes 55 minutes, after which the vessels can be opened, and the clear, colorless digest can be washed into a 25-mL flask and diluted to the mark with water. TABLE I Microwave Digestion Program Phase Power Time Power Fan (min) (W) (W) speed 1 2 3 100 600 0 30 10 15 600 600 0 1 1 3 AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 The final acid concentration in the prepared samples is then 20% HNO3. MEASUREMENT PARAMETERS The samples were analyzed using a Perkin-Elmer Optima 3000™ radial inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). The ICP system was calibrated with the Merck IV multielement standard at 10 mg/L and some standards were prepared from single-element solutions. The calibration was checked with the PE Pure Atomic Spectroscopy Calibration Verification standard. All standards were prepared in a matrix of 20% HNO3. The compromise plasma conditions for the Optima 3000 ICP-OES, equipped with a GemTip™ crossflow nebulizer and Ryton™ spray chamber, were used without any attempt to optimize the system. The instrumental parameters are listed in Table II. RESULTS The results were measured in mg/L in solution and converted to mg/Kg in the solid sample by entering the sample weight taken and final volume into the Optima software. The results obtained for a Domtar certified reference material are listed in Table III. The values obtained agree well and are within two standard deviations of the certified values in all cases. No systematic bias is observed indicating that there are no significant matrix effects. For each analyte element, a sensitive emission line free from spectral interferences was available. Therefore, no overlap corrections were necessary. Simple one- or twopoint background correction was sufficient in every case. The very wide working range is a feature of ICP analysis and trace Fig. 1. Multiwave Digestion Procedure. element (mg/Kg) and major element (g/Kg) concentrations can be determined on the same sample solution without the need for dilutions. CONCLUSION The solutions are clear after the digestion procedure and are simply made up to the final volume with deionized water and analyzed on the ICP. The high pressure of the microwave oven and gentle ramping of the power help to digest the sample without any losses and to remove most of the carbon in the sample. The residual carbon levels are minimal as can be seen from the clearness of the solutions. Partially digested solutions tend to give a yellow colored solution. Also, a high carbon content can lead to unwanted background peaks in the ICP and to density and surface tension effects. This causes the solution to aspirate at a different rate to the standards and thus introduces error into the analysis. The process of sample decomposition followed by ICP analysis takes little over an hour and both the microwave system and the ICP-OES can be left to work unattended. 61 TABLE II Instrumental Parameters Plasma gas Auxiliary gas Nebulizer gas Power Viewing height Sample uptake 15 L/min 0.5 L/min 0.9 L/min 1200 W 10 mm above the load coil 1 mL/min Table III Results for Domtar Certified Reference Coal Tar Pitch Sample, Measured Values Compared with Certified Values in mg/Kg Certified Found Element (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) Al Ca Cr Fe Na Ni P Pb S V Zn 245(7) 95(18) 0.94(0.07) 208(13) 286(24) 2.6(0.3) 10(2) 91(6) 4900(300) 1.33(0.07) 91(12) 243.8 93.2 0.979 213 318 2.75 10.5 108 5187 1.5 91.1 ( )=The values in parentheses are the uncertainties. Digestion and Characterization of Ceramic Materials and Noble Metals S. Mann*, D. Geilenberg*, J.A.C. Broekaert*, P. Kainrath**, and D. Weber* *FB Chemie, Analytische Chemie, University of Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Strasse 6, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany **Bodenseewerk Perkin Elmer GmbH, PO Box 10 17 61, D-88647 Überlingen, Germany INTRODUCTION In the synthesis and industrial production of ceramics, oxide materials, and noble metal alloys, the analytical characterization of main, minor, and trace elements is very important before their final utilization as high-purity materials or semiconductors (1). The characterization is necessary for either the determination of the exact stoichiometry or of impurities that influence the properties of the materials. The characterization of ceramics, oxide materials, and noble metal alloys was found to be difficult because of the high resistance of these materials to thermal and chemical attack, even to the attack of concentrated acids. ABSTRACT This paper discusses the digestion and characterization of ceramic materials and noble metal alloys, and the advantages and limitations of several digestion methods. For the ceramic materials, three commercial pressure digestion systems were used with conventional, microwaveassisted heating, and decomposition via alkali fusion. Several noble metals and their alloys were digested in a microwave system and alternatively in a highpressure, high-temperature asher. The sample weight and especially the gas phase decomposition were optimized. The different digestion systems and some analytical results are presented. Solid state analyses or nondestructive methods, such as X-ray fluorescence, glow discharge optical emission spectrometry, glow discharge mass spectrometry, etc., are either not sensitive enough or cannot be used because there are no reference materials available. For this reason, wet chemical digestion methods are predominantly used for routine analysis. In the case of fusion or digestion with acids in open systems, the possibility of contamination or loss of highly volatile elements, depending on the samples or the elements of interest, must be considered. closed vessels is the best method for the complete mineralization of inorganic as well as organic compounds. Temperatures of 200–320oC, which are necessary for the complete mineralization, can only be reached at pressures of 30–120 bar in closed vessels. Microwave-assisted pressure digestion is an efficient alternative to the conventional, heated decompositions. INSTRUMENTATION Microwave Digestion The concept of the Perkin-Elmer Multiwave microwave digestion system (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) is described in detail by Kainrath et al. (8). Figure 1 (left section) shows the power temperature curve obtained from the decomposition of the ceramic samples. Acid digestion in an open system as well as the digestion in a closed system (pressure digestion with conventional heating) is in most cases very time-consuming. In several publications (2–7) it has been shown that digestion at high temperature and high pressure in Fig. 1. Microwave power and temperature for a digestion procedure of a ceramic material. AS Atomic Spectroscopy Vol. 19(2), March/April 1998 62 AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 It can also be seen at which time the pressure limit of 35 bar or the maximum temperature (200°C as in this case) was reached in one of the vessels. The temperature is measured during the digestion procedure in all vessels and is shown in the graph of Figure 1 (right section). For this example, only three vessels were used. The vessels in positions 1 and 3 contained the sample and the vessel in position 5 contained a blank solution. In the two vessels containing the sample, nearly the same temperature and therefore the same pressure was reached. The advantage of this form of presentation and control is that differences in sample constitutions, sample weights, and the composition of the acid mixtures as well as leakage of a vessel can be observed. High Pressure Asher Digestion For some very specific applications, e.g., the platinum group elements and their alloys, the temperatures and digestion times reached by microwave-assisted pressure digestion are not sufficient. In these cases, the conventional heated HPA-S High Pressure Asher™ (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT USA) can be used. The quartz vessels of the high pressure asher, filled with sample and acid, are closed with a quartz lid, which is fixed by a quality-controlled PTFE tape wrapped tightly around the lid and the top of the vessel. The vessels are placed inside an autoclave. The autoclave is closed and filled with nitrogen. The nitrogen pressure counteracts the reaction pressure inside the quartz vessels. Especially for the platinumgroup elements and their alloys, the “gas phase decomposition” was developed. A small vessel with solid potassium chlorate is suspended above the sample solution within the digestion vessel which, as a result of heating, forms elemental chlorine with chloric acid. The elemental chlorine reacts with the sample to be digested. This method is described in detail by Knapp et al. (9). consumption were varied. The digestion conditions for pressure digestions with concentrated acids are shown in Table II. APPLICATIONS For salt fusion, 0.5 g of an equimolar mixture of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 (both pro Analyse grade, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and 50 mg of the sample were mixed and heated in a platinum crucible with a Bunsen burner for 10 minutes. For silicon-containing samples, the cooled melt was dissolved in either 5 mL nitric acid or a mixture of 3 mL nitric acid and 2 mL hydrofluoric acid. Digestions of several coarsely powdered ceramic materials were performed by using the Multiwave Microwave digestion system, the conventional heated HPA-S High Pressure Asher digestion system, and DAB III, the classical digestion by salt fusion (see Tables I–IV). For optimization of the digestion parameters, sample weights, acid mixtures, temperatures, and time TABLE I Instrumental Parameters Power Number Material Volume (mL) (W) of vessels of vessels of vessels Instrument Multiwave Microwave Digestion System 1000 (unpulsed power control) 6 TFM / quartz 100 / 50 (20) HPA-S High Pressure Asher 4 x 400 (conventional heating) 5–21 quartz / glassy carbon 15–90 / 20 DAB III 2000 (conventional heating) 2–4 PTFE 250 Sample TABLE II Pressure Digestions with High Concentrated Acids Digestion Sample HFa HClb HNO3c H2SO4d Time method weight (mg) (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL) BN DAB III Multiwave 50 30–250 2 3 6 – 4 2 – 2 17 h 33 min Si3N4 DAB III Multiwave 30 30 2 3 6 – 4 2 – 2 15–20 h 33 min Si–B–N–C (10) DAB III Multiwave 50 30 2 3 6 4 2 – 2 15 h 33 min ZrO2 Multiwave 200 – – 2 2 33 min TiO2 Multiwave 50 1 – 1 2 33 min a38%, b37%, c d95–97%, p.a., J. T. Baker 65%, puriss., Riedel de Haën 63 puriss., Riedel de Haën puriss., Riedel de Haën TABLE III Digestion of Platinum Group Elements with HPA-S System Weight Reagents Temperature program Notes Sample (mg) (°C) (min) (°C) Pt, Pd, Os 100 12 mL HCl (37%) 4 mL HNO3 (67%) 0.7 g KClO3 250 180 250 70-mL vessel Pt - Ir 10 100 12 mL HCl (37%) 4 mL HNO3 (67%) 0.7 g KClO3 280 180 280 90-mL vessel modified heating block Rhodium Ruthenium 100 12 mL HCl (37%) 0.7 g KClO3 280 180 280 70-mL vessel Iridium 100 15 mL HCl (37%) 0.7 g KClO3 300 180 300 70-mL vessel TABLE IV Comparison of Several Digestion Methods for Nitride Ceramics Sample Digestion system Si (%) B (%) BNa Si3N4b Si-B-N-C a b DAB III (n=11) Multiwave (n=6) Salt fusion (n=9) 46 ± 2 46.0 ± 0.4 42.3 ± 0.8 DAB III (n=10) Multiwave (n=8) Salt fusion (n=8) 60 ± 1 59 ± 1 60 ± 2 DAB III (n=10) Multiwave (n=7) Salt fusion (n=12) 31.3 ± 0.8 33.4 ± 0.6 33 ± 2 13.6 ± 0.2 13.1 ± 0.2 13.4 ± 0.3 Manufacturer’s specification: 42.5% B. Manufacturer’s specification: 60.06% Si (corresponding to the stoichiometry). Table III shows the conditions used for the digestion of the platinum group elements and their alloys. The advantages of the conventional heated HPA-S High Pressure Asher are the higher temperatures that can be reached and set very exactly in contrast to the microwave-assisted system, and the long digestion times that are possible. The modified heating block used for a Pt–Ir 10 alloy with a smaller contact surface between heating block and digestion vessel inhibits the deposit of sample material at the rim of the fluid surface. RESULTS All materials were completely digested using the methods described. The solutions were clear and colorless. Principally, the biggest advantage of microwaveassisted pressure digestion with the Multiwave microwave system is the much shorter digestion time required in comparison to the conventional heated pressure digestion, thus resulting in a considerable time-savings. The reproducibility of the analytical results is somewhat better for digestions with the Multiwave 64 microwave system than with the other methods. While the noble metals Au, Ag, and Pt can be easily digested by microwave-assisted pressure digestion, Ir and its alloys cannot be dissolved in microwave systems. The gas phase decomposition in the conventional, heated high pressure system is a very successful method for the digestion of these compounds without contamination and losses. The HPA-S high pressure, high temperature asher can be successfully used for ceramics and noble metal alloys up to sample weights of 120 mg because of the ability to reach high temperatures and long digestion times. For higher sample weights, even this method may fail. The gas phase decomposition with elemental chlorine as the reacting compound enables the digestion of highly inert materials. CONCLUSION Sample preparation using the Multiwave microwave high pressure digestion system provides high quality digestates for inorganic materials, because of the high temperatures that can be reached in this system, corresponding to a working pressure of 35 bar in TFM vessels. Another advantage of this system is that one can judge the quality of the digestions because of the ability to measure the temperature in each vessel. The sample throughput and the low amount of acid required make this method very attractive for routine analysis. High pressure, high temperature digestion offers an alternative to effect long digestion times at high temperatures or very slow heating procedures for highly reactive samples. With this method, even samples that normally can be dissolved only with conventional fusion or with acid mixtures unsuitable for atomic spectroscopy are accessible. AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 REFERENCES 1. J.A.C. Broekaert, T. Graule, H. Jenett, G. Tölg, and P. Tschöpel, Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. 332, 825 (1989). 2. G. Knapp, Mikrochim. Acta 2, 445 (1991). 3. E. Sucman, M. Sucmanova, O. Celechovska, and S. Zima, Colloqium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik 6, 617 (1991). 4. P. Schramel, S. Hasse, and G. Knapp, Fres. J. Anal. Chem. 326, 142 (1987). 5. G. Knapp, B. Maichin, and F. Panholzer, Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik 6, 571 (1991). 6. J. Borszeki, P. Halmos, E. Gegus, and P. Karpati, Talanta 41, 1089 (1994). 7. F. Panholzer, G. Knapp, P. Kettisch, and A. Schalk, Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik 6, 633 (1991). 8. P. Kainrath, P. Kettisch, A. Schalk, and M. Zischka, LaborPraxis 11, 34 (1995) 9. G. Knapp and P. Kettisch, Colloquium Analytische Atomspektrometrie 1993, 963. 10. H.P. Baldus, O. Wagner, and M. Jansen, Mater. Res Soc. Symp. Proc. 271, 821 (1992) 11. S. Mann, D. Geilenberg, J.A.C. Broekaert ,and M. Jansen, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 12, 975 (1997) 65 Learn MORE about Modern Sample Preparation from the Experts in Trace Analysis Modern Sample Preparation Sample Preparation for AAS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS Seminar and Technical Workshop Monday, June 1 – Friday, June 5, 1998 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA This workshop, held in the classrooms and laboratories of the Chemistry Department of the University of Massachusetts, will specifically address the interests of chemists and technicians working in the field of sample preparation and atomic/mass spectroscopy. The course will include classroom lectures presented by experienced analysts from universities (R. Barnes, S. Kingston, G. Knapp) and industry (R.T. White). The workshop will include hands-on laboratory with a variety of digestion and sample handling systems as well as state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation (AAS, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS). The goal of the course is to teach the skills necessary to develop strategies and methodology for successful handling, preparation and analysis of a variety of samples. Attendees are encouraged to provide their own samples and solve existing problems from their field of work. All sessions are guided by faculty and staff of the University of Massachusetts Chemistry Department. Course Fee: $1500 Early Registration Discount: $1350 for registration received by April 30, 1998 Course Fee includes: Course text, lab workbooks, lab supplies, course souvenir, coffee breaks, transportation to and from hotel, and graduation dinner. Lab coats, gloves and safety glasses will be supplied. Continuing Education Credits are available. For more information, or to receive the full course agenda or registration form contact: A training course organized by the University of Massachusetts Division of Continuing Education and Perkin-Elmer Dr. Ramon M. Barnes Department of Chemistry Lederle Graduate Research Center University of Massachusetts Box 34510 Amherst, MA 01003-4510 Tel: 413-545-2294, Fax: 413-545-3757 AStomic pectroscopy Vol. 19(2), Mar./Apr. 1998 3RD EUROPEAN FURNACE SYMPOSIUM June 14–18, 1998 Centre of Post-Graduate and Management Studies of the Charles University, the Czech Technical University and the Prague School of Economics Prague, Czech Republic GOALS OF THE SYMPOSIUM: The symposium program will comprise four days of presentations, posters, and discussions. It will focus on recent research related to various aspects of electrothermal atomization in atomic spectroscopy. Once of its main aims is to stimulate discussion between spectroscopists from the East and West. The main topics are: • Furnace techniques and materials • Spatially resolved spectroscopy in graphite atomizers • Calibration techniques • Solid sampling techniques • Mechanism and kinetics of reactions • Absolute analysis • Multielement determinations • Analytical applications To register, request further information, or to offer a paper/poster, contact: Dr. Bohumil Docekal Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences Veveri 97, CZ-61142 Brno, Czech Republic e-mail: Docekal@iach.cz • Tel: +420/5/7268-246 • Fax: +420/5/41212113 THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLASMA SOURCE MASS SPECTROMETRY September 13–18, 1998 University of Durham, England PROPOSED SESSIONS: Fundamentals –Plasma dynamics, diagnostics, mass analyser operation, quadrupole, sector, ion trap Instrumentation – Low resolution, high resolution, alternate plasmas, collision cells, electrospray, other analyzers and ionizers Applications – Geological, environmental, plume and effluent tracking, water, soil, radionucleide analyses Novel and Extended Applications – Developments in hardware and methods that extend the conventional range of applications Speciation – Life sciences, environmental biochemical, metalloproteins The future of plasma source mass spectrometry – Emerging technologies and applications To register, request further information, or to offer a paper/poster, contact: Dr. Grenville Holland, Conference Secretary Department of Geological Sciences, Science Laboratories South Road, Durham City, DH1 3LE, England Fax: +(0) 191 374 2510 For subscription information or back issues, write or fax: Atomic Spectroscopy P.O. Box 557 Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA Fax: 973-822-9162 To submit articles for publication, write or fax: Editor, Atomic Spectroscopy The Perkin-Elmer Corporation 761 Main Avenue Norwalk, CT 06859-0105 USA Fax: 203-761-2892