July - Cedar River Bowmen
July - Cedar River Bowmen
C E DA R R I V E R B OW M E N W W W. C E DA R R I V E R B O W M E N . O R G FROM THE PRESIDENT By: Tom Daniels, CRB President, 253-334-5571 Sportsmanship. I find that sportsmanship is more prevalent in the archery world than anywhere else. Maybe it’s not so much sportsmanship as it is comradery, friendship, or just kindness. I have witnessed this many times over the four years that I have been an archer. This couldn’t have been more obvious than what I witnessed at our recent American Hero Shoot. I entered myself in the sniper round, better known as the smoker round. Designed in the evil and diabolical mind of Mr. Richard Lemon. This Sniper round started off at C-1 with a recreation of a hunting scenario that Richard had encountered during this past turkey season. The shot sitting on the ground feet out in front of you with one foot touching the shooting stake and back against a tree. The target is directly behind you. You must twist around the tree like a snake, then draw and try to find your peep and pin and then shoot. Yah, like that, my knee is still hurting. While attempting this ridiculous shot, Shad Hulse had a problem with his bow. That’s saying it nicely, the bow basically blew up. Shad was left with a riser and a pile of strings and cables in his hand and a very confused look on his face. Nobody was injured, thank goodness. Like a flash of lightening from the heavens above, the bow Doctor was on the scene. Ryan Black is his name. With nothing more than an allen wrench set and pure determination. The surgeon, Ryan, and his assistants, Richard Lemon and Ed Thompson, pushed, pulled, twisted and restrung Shad’s bow in about 10 minutes. Really, WOW. Shad went on to take second place beating out Dr. Ryan who took third. Thanks to Ryan Black for being a friend to Cedar River Bowmen. Nice job Dr. Ryan! THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS TWO POSITIONS CURRENTLY OPEN Trustee, and Assistant Range Master Field If you are interested in joining our team, and have the time and willingness to support your club. Please join us at the next board meeting August 13, 6:30pm at the club house. If you have any questions as to what the positions entail, please call. Thank you, Tom Daniels, 253-334-5571 Have An Idea for a Puffs Article? We are always looking for articles and topics for the Puffs Newsletter. Please send any hunt photos, recipes, and article ideas to Sarah St. George, Puffs Editor at sarahst.george@outlook.com N E W S L E T T E R | J U LY 2 015 NOTICE TO ALL CRB MEMBERS We are under grave fire conditions and there are is NO burning allowed in either the fire pits or even charcoal briquettes. COME ONE, COME ALL! By: Diane Daniels, CRB Secretary We need volunteers to help at Bownanza. There are plenty of opportunities in a range of activities. People are needed to help with shirt and raffle sales, novelty shoots, general set up around the clubhouse and in the cook shack. If you are interested, please call Diane at 253-632-8968. BOARD MEETING REMINDER Thursday, August 13 | 6:30pm In the Clubhouse All CRB members are welcome! Come see how you can contribute to your club! Guest comments and feedback are welcome. TOURNAMENT RESULTS Interested in where you finished in a tournament we have had? You can view the results of each shoot by going to the tournament page. Clink on the shoot you are interested in and then click on the link near the bottom of the page, “Click here for tournament results”. PUFFS OF SMOKE | CEDAR RIVER BOWMEN NEWSLET TER | JULY 2015 MEMBERSHIP NEWS JULY 2015 By: Mike Stefanick, CRB Membership Chairman Please welcome these new and returning old members who joined Cedar River Bowmen this last month. New and old members qualify for the ongoing CRB recruitment program. If you bring a buddy, family member or friend in as a member, you will receive credit for a dues reduction on your next renewal. For every two new members you can receive a 25% reduction. The catch, however, is, that both you and your new recruit must renew for next year on or before the Superbowl shoot the first Saturday in February 2016. I will publish a list of recruits and recruiters that I have in a month or so. As we head into late July and August the sand pits for broadhead shooting will become popular. Remember, don’t shoot an arrow with a field point into the sand. It is apt to bury itself and as you dig around for it, a broadhead blade might find a finger or two and ruin you day. Please clear up after yourself, and don’t dig sand from one pit and put in another. Dan & Lorena Brownlee Jeffery & Loreli Coleman Carolyn & KevinGahan Michael Gleason Richard Gorsche Alan Gosse Don Gosse Jeff & Molly Hutchings Don Keen Don & Christy Mahler Ben Robinson Travis VanDam Richard Weaver AMERICAN HEROES SHOOT A SUCCESS! By: Diane Daniels, Secretary Even though we were competing with Father’s Day and the weather was HOT, the turnout was good for the American Heroes Benefit shoot. We had over 130 entrants. Each morning, we were awakened by the sound of Revely being played over the loud speaker at 6am. Once everyone was awake and gathered at the registration booth each morning, we were treated with the singing of our national anthem by our very own Jennifer Thompson. Who would have known that she can sing just as beautifully as she can shoot a bow?! This was followed by a moment of silence in honor of all our fallen heroes and a “thank you” to all our active military and veterans in attendance. The weekend wrapped up with the presentation of a Bowtech Carbon Knight to Vincent Raila. This bow was accessorized by Denton Brunk, the owner of Rock Creek Archery in Enumclaw and included several hours spent with Vincent getting it tuned to him specifically. Once all the final tallies were in, CRB raised over $6,100 in support of our wounded veterans. Thanks to all who participated and/or supported our cause. BOWS FOR SALE 2008 Bowtech Allegiance 50-60#, draw length 26-31 using a module, currently at 30, shorter draw mods available(Sportco). Bare bow $300 obo. 2014 Elite Energy 35 50-60#, draw length 26-31 using modules, currently at 30. Bare bow $500. Want to list an item for sale? Send it to Sarah St. George, Puffs Editor at sarahst.george@outlook.com Also have various rests: AAE limb driven micro adjustable, Whammy, etc; and Sights: Field Logic IQ Micro 5 Pin Sight w/Retina Lock 5 Pin - .019" Right Hand Black, also HHA Optimizer Lite OL-FX3519 w/.019" 3 pin Scope(set 20-30-40yds then slide pin for longer distances). Call/text Mike Stefanick: 253-880-2202 PUFFS OF SMOKE | CEDAR RIVER BOWMEN NEWSLET TER | JULY 2015 TYING AND INSTALLING LIFELINES FOR ELEVATED STANDS By: Pat Moore Hello my fellow bowhunters It’s getting about that time again where we start to think more about where we will be hunting and what techniques we’ll employ. Our daydreams will more frequently contain those precious hunting moments as we anticipate that first day of hunting season. The smell of autumn, the gentle breezes and that jolt of adrenaline that we feel when we first spot our quarry. Hunting, It surely is a special feeling. For some of you those thoughts will include hunting from a treestand. Increasingly Washington state bowhunters are deploying tree stand hunting. This technique can be very affective particularly if you are hunting in an area where the animal populations are dense enough to support an ambush style of hunting. Growing up on the east coast I have hunted from tree stands my entire life and everyone I knew spent a lot of time in treestands. They were so affective that very few people bothered to use any other hunting method. Unfortunately being elevated 12 or 15 feet in the air also comes with some significant falling hazards. It is critical that we learn to use and vigilantly employ safe climbing habits. To illustrate that danger let me share with you some stories about folks I know. My uncle fell from a treestand broke his back in 3 places and suffered from internal bleeding, he happened to be saved by an EMT who we also let hunt on our property. One of my good friends fell from his stand and broke his neck. The spinal column damage left him permanently paralyzed on his entire right side. Another great friend and my mentor fell from his stand and broke his back and lacerated his liver. He had to crawl over a mile to find help, but he survived. One of my best friends fell 6 feet while climbing to his stand and only broke his leg. I personally had to drive him to the hospital. I have more stories I could share but these are very common and true real life folks that have been permanently scared from treestand mishaps. The sad thing is that nearly all falls are completely preventable. In every case when you are climbing in a tree you should always be tethered to a safety rope. Yes you can even do this when you are hanging your tree or using a climbing stand. It would be somewhat foolish for me to try to explain these techniques to you in an article like this but there are some very simple tools and concepts you should make yourself familiar with. Mainly a safety harness, Safety rope and the prussic knot. The Prussic knot it is a knot that will slide up and down a safety rope while you are climbing. Fortunately when you fall the knot tightens or binds around your safety rope and stops the fall. This one simple easy to tie knot can save your life without significantly impeding on your hunting experience. There are a lot of ways that you can become familiar with the operation of the harness, Prussic and safety rope system. Not the least of which is to take a bowhunters safety course. In addition to that you should actually watch the safety DVD that comes with any commercially available treestand, climbing harnesses and or any aftermarket safety rope. Watch that video and if you still want more information there are a ton of excellent videos on you tube. Please don’t add to my paragraph above where I list all the folks I know that were injured. Familiarize yourself with the safety equipment and USE IT! Happy and safe hunting to all my fellow bowhunters! Here is an excellent video that I would ask you to watch every fall: https://youtu.be/WWLr4VRlwN8 PUFFS OF SMOKE | CEDAR RIVER BOWMEN NEWSLET TER | JULY 2015 MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2015 CRB BOARD MEETING JUNE 11, 2015 AT THE CLUBHOUSE Attendance: Diane Daniels Tom Daniels BJ Brewster Mike Stefanick Richard Lemon Dave Garrison Al Gertsch Travis Gahan Jennifer Gahan Jamey Holmes Derrell Keegan Jim Walker Josh Tedeschi Clint Collins Mike Garrett (arrived late) Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm. Quorum is present. Secretary’s report - Diane – Distributed to the board 5/18/15 – Motion made to accept. Seconded and passed. Treasurer’s report – Travis – Absent - Distributed to board 6/04/15 –Motion made to accept. Seconded and passed. Range Master report – Chris – Absent Assistant Field – Vacant Assistant Animal – Al - Trails look good. Just need clean up as usual. Should probably start with “D” course. Bow hunter report - Dave – Dave has nothing to report. Membership – Mike S* Membership up to 188. At the end of this month, sign up goes down to $75. We can offer it now if it makes the difference. * Summer league has been going well, approx. 10-12 shooters each week. Tournament report – Mike G – * Mike plans on being here Thursday before the American Heroes shoot. * Clint will get the inventory target list to Tom. * Mike needs to make some repairs before Bownanza, approx. 1 week and a half beforehand. He also needs to get a hold of the supplier for the repair material. Will need to get with Tom to set up the account. * Need to review the broadhead targets sometime in August. * Mike will send final scores for Extreme to Diane to post. Puffs – Sarah – Absent – Jim suggested that we put a reminder into the Puffs regarding fireworks. Tom to get that to Sarah. Old Business – Y.O.U. possible shoot. Derrell made a motion to make a motion of commitment. After much discussion, it was agreed to table this at this time. We will wait to see how the American Heroes shoot goes and relook at this when we review next years shoot calendar. Derrell removed his motion. Bownanza – * Coon shoot Saturday evening – BJ will take the lead. * Smoker round both Fri & Sat – Richard to lead * Long shot Saturday – Derrell to lead * Poker Run – Still need a lead * 21 Shoot – Mike Stefanick to lead * Kid Balloon Shoot – Still need a lead. * BJ suggested a water jug shoot. Is there time on Friday? No. * Jim wants course layouts by July 1. Has not received any as of yet. He also suggested that we check the rebar on the targets. You do not want to be “fixing” rebar when trying to set up the courses. We should also look for opportunities to set up shots with multiple shooting stakes. Helps to keep the flow moving. * Diane to put together an email for volunteer opportunities. * Still need to get money dot sponsor for adults. New Business – * BJ has fixed the trailer. * Mike S donated a lawn mower. * BJ – do we want to borrow the dump trailer again? Yes, BJ will make contact. * Travis to contact Lida regarding extra porta potties for American Heroes and Bownanza. * Diane suggested we adopt an award policy. Mike made a motion that we adopt a 2-4-6 policy for young adult and up. All youth, cubs and peewee will be awarded a first place regardless of the number of shooters. Seconded and passed. Diane to post on the website and ask Dani to post of FB. * Richard needs someone to put together a flyer for a smoker round for the American Heros shoot on Saturday at 4. Mike G volunteered to handle. Other comments: The Extreme went well. Lots of positive feedback has come in. Way to go Richard! Train to Hunt went well. They claim our facility is one of if not the best. They are looking forward to holding here again next year. They truly did all the work in setting up, take down and clean up. We will discuss when reviewing next year’s shoot calendar. Meeting adjourned at 8:09. 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Tom Daniels roscoedaniels@msn.com Rangemaster Chris Ray bowhntr206r@comcast.net Puffs Editor Sarah St. George sarahst.george@outlook.com Vice President Richard Lemon vf52rcl@aol.com Assistant Rangemaster Al Gertsch agertsch@pinnaclefamily.com Trustee Jamey Homes jameyholmescpm@gmail.com Secretary Diane Daniels enumclawdi@msn.com Assistant Rangemaster VACANT Treasurer Travis Gahan ratpnk123@msn.com Tournament Chairman Mike Garrett mfginspect@comcast.net Trustee BJ Brewster bjbrews@msn.com Membership Chairman Mike Stefanick stefanick.mike@gmail.com Bowhunting Chairman Dave Garrison bowhunterdave@comcast.net Trustee Derrell Keegan derrellkeegan@yahoo.com Trustee VACANT