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Rossford Record — Your Hometown Newspaper — Check us out on the Internet! We Honor WWW.ROSSFORD.COM VOLUME 75, NUMBER 7 – FEBRUARY 13, 2014 ©WELCH PUBLISHING CO. ROSSFORD, WOOD COUNTY, OHIO Please Recycle This Newspaper Our Service People 75¢ SINGLE COPY Appeal hearing continued to next week City orders deteriorated property on Glenwood Road to be demolished Savannah McIntosh, holding her city proclamation, is joined by, front row from left: her father and mother, Ron and Lisa McIntosh; Mayor MacKinnon; Gerald White, state director of Americanism and Buckeye Boys State; Cathy James, Ladies Auxiliary of Post 533. Back row: American Legion members Bob Klostermeyer, post department commander; Chet Nowak, district first vice commander; Robert Schmitt, district Americanism chairman; Ed Tucholski, Americanism chairman of Post 533; Moe Minarcin, first vice commander of Post 533, and Rick Walter, district commander. RHS sophomore is state winner of Americanism test In order to be considered a city, a minimum of ______ people must reside in an area: a) 4,000 b) 5,000 c) 6,000 d) 7,000 Ohio citizens may propose amendments to the Ohio Constitution or laws to the General Assembly by this procedure: a) Referendum b) Petition c) Initiative d) Facebook Successfully answering questions like these, Rossford High School sophomore Savannah McIntosh was a top scorer in the state on the American Legion Americanism and Government Test. She is one of three sophomore girls awarded a five-day, all-expense paid trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. The test annually is sponsored by the State Department, American Legion and Auxiliary. Ed Tucholski, Americanism chairman for the Rossford American Legion Post 533, said the tests consists of 50 questions and an essay. The questions are based on flag etiquette, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, plus federal, state, local and school board government. This year’s essay question was “If you were a member of the U.S. Congress, what would your priorities be?” The test is given annually to all Ohio boys and girls in grades 10 to 12. The American Legion Department of Ohio has been testing youth in the state since 1936, most recently administering the Americanism and Government Test to approximately 65,000 Ohio high school students. Savannah, the daughter of Ron and Lisa McIntosh, is one of three sophomore girls who scored the highest in the state of Ohio. Rossford Mayor Neil MacKinnon III recently presented Savannah with a proclamation on behalf of the City of Rossford congratulating her on the achievement. “We are proud to recognize Savannah McIntosh for her hard work and dedication, and we commend her on her outstanding performance,” Mayor MacKinnon said, reading the proclamation in Savannah’s honor. Answers–a, b, c The largest source of revenue for Ohio’s General Fund is obtained from: a) Income taxes b) Sales taxes c) Federal taxes d) Lottery sales Perrysburg Twp. posts 2013 fire/EMS statistics By Jane Maiolo For the Perrysburg Township Fire/EMS Department, 2013 was a very busy year. At the February 5 board of trustees meeting, Fire Chief Tom Brice presented the 2013 fire/EMS report. The fire chief noted that calls were up by 58 from the previous year. The township had 1,700 runs in 2013, compared to 1,642 in 2012. Those include 1,395 (82 percent) calls for EMS, and 305 (18 percent) for fires. Of the calls for emergency medical services, 82 percent were for injuries and illnesses. Other calls were falls, 170; multivehicle accident, 152; heart problems, 135; breathing problems, 124; trauma, 66, and unconscious, 65. “Our medical direction is provided by Dr. Tom Boggs, D.O., a board-certified physician in emergency medicine,” said the chief. “We function as an extension of the emergency department, and have the equipment to care for everything from a sprained ankle to a full cardiac arrest.” He noted that patients requiring transport are taken to one of nine area hospitals. “We generally try to transport patients to the hospital of their choice.” Certain situations call for patients to be transported to a specific hospital. “If a patient is suffering from a heart attack, in almost all cases they will be taken to St. Luke’s Hospital because of its proximity and cardiac services available,” he explained. Last year, the EMS also assigned Captain Paul Weist and firefighter/paramedic Troy Bernhard to the Northern Regional Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit. The chief said the men received 40 hours of additional training at the Bowling Green State University Fire School on how to deal with battlefield type injuries. “In the event of a SWAT deployment, these two paramedics would accompany the unit to deal with injuries or illnesses,” he said. The EMS department also continued to provide CPR training under Captain Mike Vajen. “Last year, 26 classes were held educating nearly 150 people in first aid and CPR,” the chief said, adding that the department hosted external instructors who taught an additional 40 classes. “In all we educated nearly 300 people.” Classes are offered for $30 per student, he said, and, anyone interested in taking a course is asked to contact Captain Vajen at 419-8723958. With regard to the fire department, the chief said the majority of the 305 calls pertained to alarms with 121, followed by 41 open burns and 38 structure fires. The department also responded to 14 vehicle fires, 11 appliance fires, 10 grass fires and four electrical fires. “During all of these responses there were no civilian casualties, and we did not suffer any injuries to any of our personnel at fire scenes,” Chief Brice said. “We also were very fortunate that none of the fires were deemed to be of a suspicious nature.” In 2013 Fire Inspector Keith Feeney conducted more than 400 inspections and found about 1,300 violations. “The most common were for electrical hazards, exit signs/lights, fire extinguishers, improper storage and door obstructions,” said the chief. In his report, Chief Brice also noted that mutual aid with neighboring departments is going well and “making all of our communities a safer place to live.” The township has automatic aid agreements with the cities of Perrysburg and Rossford and Lake and Troy townships. “Last year, we received auto-aid from our partners 21 times and provided it 36 times.” The fire/EMS depart- ment continues to collect a portion of its operating budget through EMS billing, explained the chief. “Last we year, we collected $371,232,” he said, noting that two years ago, the township contracted with Medicount Management of Cincinnati to handle EMS billing. Terms of the agreement call for the company to retain 7 percent of whatever is collected. In 2013, the department also implemented a billing system for motor vehicle accidents (MVA) to help recoup some of the costs. “Every year our department responds to over 100 calls for motor vehicle accidents, and many of these involve people who are not township residents,” Chief Brice said. “In our first year, we collected over $8,000 through MVA billing.” The chief’s report also included: •The retirement of Captain Brian Bugbee and volunteer firefighter Frank Vallas, who were with the department for 23 and 28 years respectively. “Both of these men will be missed.” •Promotions of Captain Jim Rodriguez to deputy chief and Matt Homik and Mike Vajen to captains. •An announcement that the department received several grants including one for $38,000, from the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, used to purchase auto-cot loaders for two ambulances. •An update on department training. Personnel completed more than 3,000 hours of training. Among the topics covered were emergency vehicle driving, pump operations, hazardous material, rope rescue, structural firefighting, airway management, trauma, medical emergencies, pediatrics and geriatrics. Administrator discusses partnerships and city’s continued financial stability Rossford City Administrator Ed Ciecka was the guest speaker at the Rossford Business Association’s January luncheon meeting, which was held at Hollywood Casino. Mr. Ciecka, who has served for 10 years as city administrator, said he is proud of Rossford’s financial stability during and following the recent economic depression. “The city did not run a deficit and we’re not going bankrupt,” he said. “It’s so important for a city to understand where it is in its ability to sustain itself.” City officials are committed to providing a high level of service to the community, he told the 70-some RBA members and guests in attendance. “So Rossford can be a profitable place to grow and do business,” Mr. Ciecka added. He also noted the city has established successful partnerships with the RBA, Rossford Convention and Visitors Bureau, Rossford Public Library and Rossford Beautification Committee. The city administrator said Rossford also is working with Rossford Schools and area communities on regional projects for more sharing of resources. Above, from left are: RBA President Brenda Schwind, Mr. Ciecka, RBA Vice President Justin Knierim and RBA Treasurer Cindi Selz. By Beth Church A hearing last week concerning the pending demolition of the deteriorated house at 545 Glenwood Road has been continued until next week. Louis Bauer, owner of the property, is appealing a demolition order by the city. Mr. Bauer, a former Rossford mayor who now lives in Perrysburg, presented his appeal to the city nuisance appeals board at a February 7 hearing. Attorney Rex Huffman, who chairs the nuisance appeals board, said the purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the property is dangerous or a public nuisance, and to decide if more than 30 days should be granted to Mr. Bauer to abate the nuisance. Mr. Bauer said he was concerned about the procedures of the hearing and that criminal charges may be pending against him. “This is not a claim that government can’t control private property,” he said. “But that we have certain privileges and rights under the law. We need to address problems reasonably.” For more than an hour, Mr. Bauer questioned City Administrator Ed Ciecka about a series of notices to abate a nuisance issued by the city during the past year. The notices were issued August 22, October 8 and October 31. The notices ordered Mr. Bauer to complete the following: •Repair the structural frame of the building. •Replace all missing siding and repair the exterior so it is free from holes. •All bare wood, including that on the porch, windows and fascia boards, must have adequate protective covering. •The roof must be repaired with permanent materials to be weather-tight. •All windows, doors and the front porch must be in good repair. •The building must be repaired so it is safe for occupancy. •The foundation must be repaired, free of defects with replacement of missing blocks and mortar. The third notice stated that the city would take action as of November 12, if clean up of the property was not under way. Mr. Bauer noted that he had sent a schedule of repairs by e-mail to Mr. Ciecka last fall, but the city administrator did not respond. The property owner claims that Rossford’s code section 1327.039(a) gives him the right to repair his property, if it is “reasonable.” Mr. Ciecka agreed that he did not respond to the proposed schedule. “I was not going to accept your schedule, based on the nuisance that’s existed and the time it’s existed,” he explained. “After the number of years this building has been under consideration by the health department and the city, and that has not been complied with, I didn’t judge that it was reasonable.” In 2012, Mr. Bauer was found guilty in Perrysburg Municipal Court of 360 counts of violating the Ohio Building Code at the Glenwood house. The charges stemmed from an investigation by the Wood County Health Department that first began The house at 545 Glenwood Road, is owned by former mayor Louis Bauer. in 2003. The 360 counts covered violations such as roof shingles and soffit missing, windows inoperable, a basement window missing, foundation deteriorating, gaps between the boards of the porch and holes in the walls. Mr. Bauer pointed out that another Rossford code section prevents the city from ordering demolition of a nuisance if repairs are being made. Mr. Ciecka responded, “If you were making progress on the building, the city would not be seeking demolition of the building.” Mr. Bauer said his schedule of repairs included a timeline of work through May 2014, and he promised that within three weeks the front of the house would be repaired. The city administrator said he does not believe the outline was reasonable “considering the condition of the property.” “We saw no work at the house,” he added. Due to the length of the hearing, Mr. Huffman asked if he could meet with Mr. Bauer and the city attorneys to reach some agreements and narrow the testimony, and they agreed. The city was represented at the hearing by Law Director Kevin Heban and attorney Kent Murphree. The board decided to continue the hearing at 11 a.m., Tuesday, February 18, at the municipal building, 133 Osborn Street. The other nuisance appeals board members are Pat Murtha, Jim Richards, Ryan Stautzenbach of the Rossford Fire Department and Steve Mochon of the Wood County building inspector’s office. Also attending the hearing were four city council members, Mayor Neil MacKinnon III, Fire Chief Jim Verbosky, Assistant Chief Josh Drouard and Zoning Inspector Mark Zuchowski–many of whom were to be called upon for testimony at the hearing. Three-way commissioner’s race likely By Beth Church A three-way Republican race for Wood County Commissioner likely will face voters in the May primary election. Last week, three Republicans filed to campaign for the seat currently held by Doris Herringshaw: •Mrs. Herringshaw of Wingston Road, Bowling Green, who has served since January 2013, when she was appointed to the office. •Kristi Kennelly of Pin Oak Court, Perrysburg, who is an administrator at Hondros College of Business in Maumee and worked for the Romney Presidential campaign in Wood County. •James P. Matuszak of Laurel Lane, Perrysburg, who was sworn in as a new member of Perrysburg City Council last month and owns an accounting firm in Perrysburg. The winner of the Republican primary will face Democrat Andrew J. Newlove of Erie Court, Bowling Green. He is a realtor and broker at Newlove Realty, Inc. in Bowling Green. February 5 was the deadline for county and state candidates to file with the Wood County Board of Elections. However, due to inclement weather, the deadline was extended to February 6. The other contested race looks to be in the Third District of the Ohio House of Representatives, which includes all of Wood County. Incumbent Tim W. Brown of West Merry Avenue, Bowling Green, filed as the Republican candidate. Earl M. Britt of West Strong Street, Wayne, filed as a Democratic candidate and Nathan D. Eberly, of Sand Ridge Road, Bowling Green, as the Libertarian candidate. The following candidates filed and are running unopposed: •Wood County Auditor– Michael R. Sibbersen, North Prospect Street, Bowling Green, Republican. •Wood County Common Pleas Judge–Alan R. Mayberry, Napoleon Road, Bowling Green, Republican. •Wood County Probate Judge–David E. Woessner, Gustin Avenue, Bowling Green. Republican State Central Committeeman Second Ohio Senate District–(one to be elected): John F. Schulte, Luckey Road, Luckey; Mark Wagoner, Pelham Road, Ottawa Hills; Ronald A. LeRoux, West Seventh Street, Perrysburg. Republican State Central Committeewoman Second Ohio Senate District–(one to be elected): Maureen Alexander, Chestnut Hill Road, Toledo; Dee Talmage, Exmoor, Ottawa Hills. Democratic State Central Committeeman Second Ohio Senate District–(one to be elected): Thomas H. Galloway, Walnut Street, Perrysburg Democratic State Central Committeewoman Second Ohio Senate District–(one to be elected): Margaret Mary Murray, Cedar Point Road, Sandusky. Democratic County Central Committee Candidates City of Rossford Pct 840 - Rossford A: Cheryl Christy, Dixie Highway. Pct 870 - Rossford D: Moe Minarcin, Jennings Road. Pct 893 - Rossford I: Edward Tucholski, Rosedale Place. Perrysburg Township Pct 658 - Perrysburg Twp. Ford: Michael J. Zickar, St. Andrews. Pct 660 - Perrysburg Twp. North: M. Starr Wlodarski, Pin Oak Court. Republican County Central Committee Candidates City of Rossford Pct 870 - Rossford D: Betty Woods, Riverside Drive. Pct 890 - Rossford F: Al Espen Jr., Rossway Avenue. Perrysburg Township Pct 630 - Perrysburg Twp. Hamlet: Robert P. Mack, Morningside Drive. Pct 650 - Perrysburg Twp. Glenwood: Jami Bettinger, Mandell Road. Pct 650 - Perrysburg Twp. Glenwood: Corey A. LeRoux, Avenue Road. Pct 652 - Perrysburg Twp. Fallen Timbers: Shirley A. Haar, Oregon Road. Pct 656 - Perrysburg Twp. Belmont: Tim Greenwood, Ford Road. Pct 658 - Perrysburg Twp. Ford: Rob Armstrong, Ford Road. Pct 660 - Perrysburg Twp. North: Kristi Kennelly, Pin Oak Court. Pct 660 - Perrysburg Twp. North: Sandra J. Latchem, South Lakes Drive. Pct 662 - Perrysburg Twp. Ft Meigs: William Harbauer, McCutcheonville Road. Pct 671 - Perrysburg Twp. South: Craig LaHote, Roachton Road. The Board of Elections was scheduled to meet February 13 to certify candidates and issues for the primary ballot. School year extended four days With the closure of Rossford Schools on February 5, the district has accumulated nine calamity days–or four days beyond the allotted five. “If nothing would change as of February 6, we would have the four additional days to make up,” Superintendent Dan Creps said. The current plan to make up the days is to add them to the end of the school year calendar, he explained. Assuming no more changes occur, the last day for students would be Thursday, June 5, and the last day for teachers, Friday, June 6. “This is the situation as it stands today, and I ask that everyone be prepared and plan accordingly should this be the direction we need to take in order to meet the legal requirements,” Mr. Creps said. He noted that state legislation has been introduced in Columbus that could provide an additional four calamity days–for this year only–to districts. If approved, the school calendar would be revised, Mr. Creps added. On January 30, State Senator Randy Gardner announced that a bill extending the number of calamity days by four has passed an Ohio House committee and will now go to the full House. If the bill passes the House, it will then go to the Senate for approval, he said, adding that the bill is moving quickly. On January 27, Ohio Governor John Kasich asked the General Assembly and state Department of Education to work together on legislation providing a one-time increase in the number of days that schools can take off because of snow or bad weather. The governor said a one-time increase of just a few days is needed due to the unusually severe winter weather this year, which has resulted in many Ohio schools already using–or close to using–their five allowable “calamity” days. “School closures can be an inconvenience, but student safety always comes first. Many schools have already hit the maximum number of snow days, or will soon. And if they exceed it and have to extend the school year, it can wreak havoc with schools’ budgets and schedules,” he said. Ohio law allows schools five “calamity” days each year before they must start adding days to the school year. Page 2 — February 13, 2014 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Rossford High School celebrates 2014 Winter Homecoming Winter Homecoming Court members are, from left: freshmen Jenna Demko and Jacob Perry, juniors Danielle Meller and Marty Linthicum, seniors Julie Hotz and Trey Demko, 2014 Queen Maddie York, 2014 King Alex Smith, 2013 Queen Jenny Destatte, 2012 Fall Homecoming King Mark Skala, seniors Jessie Pietrasz and Derek Mack, Penta attendants Katelyn Mierzwiak and Caleb Janicki, and sophomores Melissa Tucholski and Sammy Beale. Derek Mack drops 32 on Woodmore Wildcats Bulldogs shut down Fostoria Redmen, 73-18 By Michael Krieger Rossford’s Derek Mack fueled a potent offensive evening scoring 32 points as the Bulldogs crushed Woodmore, 78-45 on February 4. Mack’s decisive individual performance set the tone early for RHS. He scored 13 of the team’s 15 points in the first quarter and lifted the Bulldogs to a seven-point lead that they never relinquished. He remained on fire through the second period and finished the half with 24 points. For the game, he was 11 for 14 from the field and added six rebounds and four steals to go with the scoring barrage. After Mack’s first half performance, the Bulldogs went into the locker room with a 33-26 lead. To open the second half, senior Mack Miller added 11 points of his own. His streak occurred during a threeminute stretch when the Bulldogs went on a 19-0 run and ran the score to 52-26 before Woodmore’s Drew Lewandowski knocked down a three for the Wildcats’ only score of the period. The Bulldogs then ran off 10 more points to finish the quarter leading 62-29. Early in the fourth quarter, Rossford went to the bench, inserting players used to seeing action in the JV games, to seal the victory. Both teams played even for the remainder of the contest, but the damage was already done and Rossford prevailed. Rossford vs. Fostoria On Friday, the Bulldogs returned home to face the Fostoria Redmen. Despite freezing temperatures outdoors, the Bulldog defense turned up the heat, icing the Redmen 73-18 for one of the most lopsided victories in years. The Bulldogs dominated the game right from the opening tip when Miller passed to Mack, who connected for a three-pointer from the corner to open the scoring. From there, RHS didn’t look back as the team embarked on a 22-2 run. Fostoria did not get their second basket until 1:10 remained in the first quarter. Leading 26-4, Rossford opened the second quarter Mack Miller added 11 points during a three-minute stretch in the Woodmore game. with two quick scores in the paint from Brian Burks to highlight another 10-0 run. The Bulldogs utilized a balanced attack on offense throughout the game, but the real story was defense. They continually turned back Fostoria, causing poor shot selection and turnovers. The Bulldogs converted in transition to easily break the game open with a 40-9 lead at the half. The defensive prowess was particularly evident in the third quarter when the Bulldogs held Fostoria scoreless in the period. Leading 61-9, Coach Brian Vorst went to his bench early in the fourth quarter. The Redmen finally broke their scoring drought at 6:35 remaining in the game but only managed nine points afterward against a Rossford line-up entirely of JV players. Derek Mack led all scorers with 16 points while Burks was a force inside, scoring 11 points and pulling down 8 rebounds. Miller also chipped in 10 points mostly from the perimeter. At the end of the game, Coach Vorst commented that the Bulldogs have been play- ing great defense lately. “We’re getting a lot of leadership on both ends of the floor, from all of our kids, not just our seniors. Everyone is stepping up,” he added. Rossford runs its overall record to 12-4 and 9-1 in the NBC. The wins last week set up a key contest at Lake for what was to be the conference title on Tuesday, February 11. Then the Bulldogs travel to Genoa to play the Comets tomorrow evening. The JV game begins at 6 p.m. and the varsity follows. Rossford Area Business & Service Directory Eric Davis drives to the basket during the Woodmore game. Photos by Coach JB Citizen Advisory Group 702 Commerce Drive, Suite 130, Perrysburg 419-872-0204 Clothes Mentor Women’s and Maternity Resale 194 E. South Boundary, Perrysburg 419-872-0022 Directions Credit Union 27427 Crossroads Parkway, Rossford 419-873-1356 Edward Jones Justin Knierim, AAMS, Financial Advisor 849 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-1910 Farmers & Merchants State Bank 7001 Lighthouse Way, Perrysburg 419-931-8892 First Federal Bank 1077 Louisiana Avenue, Perrysburg 419-872-8326 Fraser, Clemens, Martin & Miller LLC Intellectual Property and Technology Law 28366 Kensington Lane, Perrysburg 419-874-1100 Fraternal Order of Eagles 2322 658 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-9253 GenoaBank 9920 Olde U.S. 20, Rossford 419-873-9818 Giant Eagle 9880 Olde U.S. 20, Rossford 419-874-2415 Heban, Sommer and Murphree, LLC Attorneys at Law 200 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-662-3100 Kingston Residence of Perrysburg 333 East Boundary Street, Perrysburg 419-872-6200 McDonald’s Restaurant 835 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-7575 Northwestern Water & Sewer District 12560 Middleton Pike, Bowling Green 1-877-354-9090 Once Upon A Child Children’s Resale 140 E. South Boundary, Perrysburg 419-874-3606 Maddie York and Alex Smith were crowned as the 2014 Queen and King. Perrysburg Commons 10542 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg 419-874-1931 Plato’s Closet Teen Resale 144 W. South Boundary, Perrysburg 419-873-8600 Rossford Athletic Boosters Laurie Carter, President Meetings: 6:30 p.m. • RHS library Third Wednesdays of each month rhsathleticboosters@gmail Rossford Convention & Visitors Bureau 932 Dixie Highway, Rossford 1-800-866-0046 Rossford Heating and Cooling 419 Superior Street, Rossford 419-666-5699 Rossford Police Patrolmen’s Association 146 Dixie Highway, Suite 211, Rossford Rossford Public Library 720 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-0924 Rossford Record Journal Perrysburg Messenger Journal Holland-Springfield Journal Point-Shoreland Journal 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg 419-874-4491 Rossford-Sujkowski Funeral Home 830 Lime City Road, Rossford 419-666-1566 Smithers Insurance Agency/ Nationwide Insurance 229 Superior Street, Rossford 419-666-5703 Tim Hortons 1011 Buck Road, Rossford 419-661-1468 Wayward Inn 1213 Schreier Road, Rossford 419-666-3288 Wellman Rental and Supply, Inc. 26860 Eckel Road, Perrysburg 419-874-7951 Drs. Zouhary and Fisher, DDS, Inc. 849 Dixie Highway, Rossford 419-666-3327 Rossford Police Reports Rossford Record U.S.P.S. #417-620 Published every Thursday Periodicals Postage Paid at Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 WELCH PUBLISHING CO. Matthew H. Welch, Publisher Beth Church, Editor Matthew H. Welch, Advertising Manager 117 East Second Street, P.O. Box 267 Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 Web Address: Subscription Rates: IN WOOD COUNTY – 1 Year $23.00 • IN OHIO – 1 Year $26.00 ALL OTHER STATES – 1 Year $28.00 Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement by the ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise, is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of the advertisement published incorrectly. In case of error or omission, the publisher will, upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that such error or omission occurred. The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL will not be responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising beyond the first insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads. Other than as stated above. The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL assumes no responsibility or liability for any monetary loss or damages resulting from any error or omission. All copy is subject to the approval of the publisher, who reserves the right to reject or cancel any submission at any time. The opinions expressed in paid advertisements and/or letters to the Editor which are published in The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect the opinion or philosophy of The ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Welch Publishing Co., P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 MEMBER OHIO NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MEMBER National Newspaper Association 800 block Lime City Road, domestic violence. January 27: Warrant arrests, failure to appear, Chad M. Bomia, 28, Bennett Road, Toledo; Cathy J. Wangler, 32, Hillsdale, Rossford. January 28: 1100 block Buck Road, domestic violence. January 29: Found cell phone, returned to owner. February 1: 28000 block Crossroads Parkway, attempted abduction. 9800 block Olde US 20, arrested Jessica A. Buck, 43, Hamilton Street, Toledo, theft. February 2: 8400 block Wales Road, arrested Daniel A. Sheets, 24, Oregon Road, Perrysburg, assault. February 3: 800 block Glenwood Road, theft of delivered packages. February 4: Warrant arrest, failure to appear, Adam D. Freistuhler, 23, Collingwood Boulevard, Toledo. February 6: 300 block Eleanor Avenue, arrested Leeann D. Businger, 24, Eleanor, Rossford, domestic violence. February 7: 600 block Valley Drive, identity fraud. January 24 to February 1, 2014 Friday, January 24 Rescue runs, 20000 block Starbright Boulevard, 20000 block Oregon Road; fire calls, (2) I-75 southbound at milemark 189, Ohio Turnpike at milemark 65, 10000 block South Lakes; incident reports, 10000 block Fremont Pike, 27000 block Oregon Road; theft, 28000 block Kensington Lane. Saturday, January 25 Accidents, Reitz Road at I-75, Thompson at Roachton roads, Roachton at Scheider roads; rescue runs, 7000 block South Wilkinson Way, (2) 20000 block Oregon Road; fire calls, Eastwood Middle School, I-75 north at milemark 186, I-75 south at milemark 189; theft, 10000 block Fremont Pike; criminal damage, 28000 block Oregon Road. Sunday, January 26 Accidents, 24000 block McCutcheonville Road, Avenue at Tracy roads; rescue runs, 8000 block Latcha Road, 10000 block Ford Road; 7000 block Silver Creek, 20000 block Ault Road; fire call, unit block Park View. Monday, January 27 Accidents, 27500 block Simmons Road, Roachton Road west of State Route 199, Glenwood Road at D Street, 3rd at I streets, Oregon Road at Caple Drive; 10000 block Ford Road, 10000 block Fremont Pike, 20000 block East River Road; fire calls, 26000 block Oak Meadows Drive West, 10000 block Ford Road; theft and forgery, 25000 block Oregon Road; assault, 10000 block Fremont Pike; investigation, 9000 block Charlemont Road. Tuesday, January 28 Accidents, State Route 795 at Oregon Road, Oregon at Ayers roads; rescue runs, 10000 block Fremont Pike, 27000 block Holiday Lane, 20000 block Oregon Road; fire calls, Oregon at Biniker roads, U.S. Route 20 near Belle Tire. Wednesday, January 29 Accidents, Ayers at Tracy roads, 3rd at I streets; rescue run, 20000 block Oregon Road; falsification and theft, 10000 block Fremont Pike. Thursday, January 30 Rescue runs, (2) 20000 block Oregon Road, 7000 block Reitz Road, 10000 block Fremont Pike; assault, 29000 block Tracy Creek Drive. Friday, January 31 Rescue runs, 20000 block West Wexford Drive, 20000 block Tracy Road, 9000 block Buck Road. Saturday, February 1 Accidents, 28000 block Glenwood Road, 20000 block McCutcheonville Road, Holiday Lane at Fremont Pike, 9000 block Bishopswood Lane; rescue runs, 9000 block Bayer Road, (2) 20000 block Starbright Boulevard, (2) 20000 block Oregon Road; alarm, 30000 block Tracy Road; investigation, 27000 block Oakmead Drive; theft, 10000 block Fremont Pike, 28000 block Bates Road. Township Police Report Rossford Fire/EMS Reports Presidents Day closings In observance of Presidents Day, the following offices and businesses will be closed on Monday, February 17, unless noted otherwise. •Perrysburg Municipal Court •Perrysburg Township offices •Post Office •Wood County offices •These banks will be closed: Huntington Bank, 516 Dixie Highway; and Fifth Third Bank, 440 Dixie Highway and 10105 Fremont Pike (Bank Mart locations open). Secretary of State to hold regional office hours in Bowling Green Feb. 14 Secretary of State Jon Husted will hold regional office hours for the month of February. Regional liaisons for the Secretary of State’s office will be in 25 counties around Ohio including Pike, Warren, Morgan, Lucas, Hocking, Clark, Seneca, Butler, Knox, Wood, Adams, Clermont, Champaign, Greene, Delaware, Licking, Montgomery, Noble, Scioto, Hardin, Belmont, Wyandot, Athens, Meigs and Darke. The goal of open office hours is to give local citizens an opportunity to learn more about, and stay connected with, the Secretary of State’s office in an informal and accessible setting. In Wood County, regional hours will be on Friday, February 14, from noon to 2 p.m., at the Wood County District January 22: 800 block Lime City Road, arrested Hussien S. Hassan, 27, West Alexis Road, Sylvania, possession of drug paraphernalia. January 23: Unit block Rossway, domestic dispute. January 25: Warrant arrest, failure to appear, Adolphus L. Hollingsworth, 44, Amarillo, Texas. January 26: 200 block Osborn, domestic dispute. 1200 block Schreier Road, theft. 600 block Valley, arrested Sherry A. Eiseman, 24, Valley Drive, Rossford, domestic violence. Library, 251 North Main Street, Bowling Green. In addition to making voter registration forms and election information available, regional representatives will be on hand to answer questions and distribute materials to those interested in learning more about the other functions of the office such as the business services division and initiatives including the Ohio Business Profile and Military Ready-toVote program. These meetings are one of many the Ohio Secretary of State’s regional field representatives will be hosting across the Buckeye State as a way to provide Ohioans with resources and information on all issues and matters related to the responsibilities and operations of the office of Secretary of State. Perrysburg Township RECYCLING SITE Perrysburg Township Recycles at: Township Maintenance Building • 26609 Lime City Road OPEN: SAT., FEB. 15 (Every Third Sat. of the Month), 9 a.m. - Noon Only • EVERYONE WELCOME!! NO PLASTIC BAGS ACCEPTED Electronics taken, anything with a cord, except air conditioners and humidifiers. Questions should be directed to the Wood County Solid Waste District at: (419) 354-9297 WHAT YOU CAN RECYCLE: • Beverage Cans • Steel Cans •Cardboard • Plastic Bottles • Glass Jars & Bottles • Newspaper & Telephone Books • Magazines Location Situation Date Time Knights Inn illness Jan. 1 13:13 500 block Sioux Trail illness Jan. 1 14:23 Meijer chest pain Jan. 2 13:52 Superior & Oak injured Jan. 2 14:25 30000 block Bates illness Jan. 2 19:35 I-75 at milemarker 196 injury accident Jan. 3 05:33 Electro Prime chest pain Jan. 3 11:22 100 block Hidden Cove injured Jan. 4 18:32 Country Inn fire alarm Jan. 5 08:16 900 block Jennison injured Jan. 5 19:12 400 block Forest illness Jan. 6 07:18 200 block Osborn illness Jan. 6 10:49 100 block Helen assist Jan. 6 21:05 100 block Hidden Cove injured Jan. 7 07:35 100 block Maple breathing problem Jan. 7 17:55 Knights Inn illness Jan. 8 08:47 100 block Walnut diabetic Jan. 8 19:04 800 block Lime City chest pain Jan. 8 21:01 I-75 north at Buck injury accident Jan. 9 11:50 9800 block Olde U.S.20 fire alarm Jan. 9 15:50 Electro Prime illness Jan. 9 16:49 200 block Superior breathing problem Jan. 10 02:24 700 block Highland breathing problem Jan. 10 15:46 9700 block Clark illness Jan. 11 11:59 Police station injured Jan. 12 04:33 500 block Lime City illness Jan. 12 11:10 Knights Inn illness Jan. 13 17:19 Pilkington illness Jan. 14 01:10 1200 block Schreier illness Jan. 14 08:13 Wales at Glenwood injury accident Jan. 14 08:14 Knights Inn illness Jan. 14 10:34 200 block Bacon chest pain Jan. 14 20:17 100 block Jennings seizure Jan. 15 06:54 300 block Glenwood assist Jan. 15 11:26 Lime City at I-75 injury accident Jan. 16 22:01 9600 block Olde U.S. 20 illness Jan. 17 13:27 High school injured Jan. 17 14:13 600 block Marilyn illness Jan. 18 10:44 100 block Rossburn seizure Jan. 20 12:24 200 block Superior injured Jan. 20 20:03 400 block Eagle Point chest pain Jan. 21 04:49 100 block Osborn illness Jan. 22 07:59 1200 block Schreier assist Jan. 22 19:38 200 block Jennings breathing problem Jan. 23 08:39 1200 block Schreier illness Jan. 23 13:13 100 block Bergin structure fire Jan. 23 16:42 Deimling at Crossroads injury accident Jan. 24 10:25 Turnpike at milemarker 64 injury accident Jan. 24 21:18 200 block Osborn chest pain Jan. 25 08:54 9800 block Olde U.S. 20 fire alarm Jan. 25 11:34 Unit block Rossway illness Jan. 26 18:28 600 block Valley illness Jan. 26 21:35 I-75 north at milemarker 198 injury accident Jan. 26 21:53 300 block Glenwood assist Jan. 27 08:42 1000 block Dixie breathing problem Jan. 27 11:55 300 block Glenwood assist Jan. 27 18:52 9700 block Clark fire alarm Jan. 28 11:04 I-75 at Buck bus fire Jan. 28 08:52 800 block Glenwood unconscious Jan. 28 23:47 500 block Lime City chest pain Jan.Bottles 30 10:31 • Glass Jars & 500 block Lime City & illness 30 20:34 • Newspaper Telephone BooksJan. • Magazines AREA BUSINESS GUIDE We Buy Scrap Batteries! We have all types of batteries–not just auto! • We Rebuild Power Tool Batteries CELL PHONES Dynalite Battery 26040A Glenwood Rd. (corner Rt. 20 and Glenwood Rd.) Perrysburg, OH 419-873-1706 • 1-800-233-3962 2000 Advertise Here for Be Prepared With Batteries For: I Alarm Systems I Radios I Auto/Trucks I Camcorders $ per week (Minimum 13 weeks) Call 419-874-2528 today! ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — February 13, 2014 — Page 3 Businesses sought to participate in RBA Fair Local businesses are invited to participate in the Rossford Business Association’s ninth annual Business Fair. The Business Fair will take place on Saturday, March 22, at Owens Community College in the Student Health and Activities Center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participation fees are $110 for RBA members and $160 for non-members. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Business Fair co-chairman Justin Knierim of Edward Jones Investments said the planning committee is hoping that 80 businesses will participate this year. This will be the third year for the Business Fair to take place at Owens, Mr. Knierim said. “The location offers us handicap accessibility, ample parking, all vendors in one location, a larger food selection for our attendees, and a separate area for the entertainment,” he explained. The additional space also allows the fair to grow each year, Mr. Knierim said. “Since I’ve been involved the last seven years, the number of businesses has expanded,” he said. Mr. Knierim encouraged businesses to send in their reservations early to secure a spot at this year’s fair. The executive committee planning the event with Mr. Knierim includes co-chair Brenda Schwind of Directions Credit Union, Ray Miller of Miller Younker Group and Dr. Angela Jackson of Quality Family Eyecare. “The Business Fair offers RBA members and other businesses the opportunity to showcase their products and services to a large group of people for a very small cost,” Mr. Knierim explained. “The businesses get the chance to speak with potential and existing customers one-on-one, thereby offering the best scenario for gaining new customers and additional sales to existing customers.” An emphasis on doing business locally is important as the economy continues to recover, he added. “In today’s tight economy, many businesses are searching for more cost effective ways to get their message to potential clients,” he said. “We believe the Rossford Business Fair gives them a great venue.” The business fair will feature giveaway items for visitors and entertainment. Businesses are invited to make a donation to the fair as a Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsor. The Gold level is $1,000, Silver is $500 and Bronze is $250. Last year more than 70 Wood County Park District News The following programs will be offered through the Wood County Park District. Registration is required for all programs 48 hours in advance. To register, call the Park District Office at 419-3531897 or visit the Web site at Most programs are free of charge. Flower Pressing Learn how to preserve flowers with some basic pressing techniques on Thursday, February 13, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Reuthinger Preserve. Participants will make their own plant press to take home. Registration is required, and space is limited. Full Moon Valentine Stroll Forget the crowded restaurants; bring your sweetheart out to spoon by the light of the silvery moon on February 14, from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m., at Carter Historic Farm. Then come inside the Depression Era farmhouse for an old-fashioned Valentine treat and an early 1900s true story about a little girl’s school Valentines. What’s The Buzz? Discover what the bees have been up to over the winter and how they are preparing for spring in the program on Wednesday, February 19, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Reuthinger Preserve. Great Lakes Beer and Trivia Test your knowledge with a great pairing of microbrew and a Great Lakes trivia competition in a natural setting on Tuesday, February 18, from 1 to 3 p.m., at Reuthinger Preserve. Different cheeses will be paired with the beer to highlight complimentary fla- vors. Prizes will be awarded to the top three groups in the trivia contest. Tour the nature center and meet the program animals after the tasting is over. Participants must be 21 years of age. The cost is $15 per person/$10 FWCP. The Hunt for Skunk Enjoy a wintery hike through the woods in search of skunk cabbage, one of our earliest blooming spring flowers. The program will be offered Sunday, February 23, from 2 to 3 p.m., at Bradner Preserve. Participants should meet at Timmons Road Access. Volunteer Opportunity The following volunteer opportunities are available. •Greenhouse help at Reuthinger Preserve on Tuesday, February 18, from 1 to 3 p.m. Help grow plants at the Native Nursery and Greenhouse. Volunteers may be asked to perform a variety of functions such as transplanting seedlings, filling pots, or watering plants. No experience is necessary. •Frog Monitor on Tuesday, February 18, from 7 to 8 p.m., at Park District Headquarters. Volunteer for the Frog and Toad Calling Survey. Volunteers will be trained on how to conduct surveys and identify frog species by sight and sound. •Woody Plant Removal on Saturday, February 22, from 10 a.m. to noon, at William Henry Harrison Park. Improve wildlife habitat by helping remove unwanted woody plants. Dress to work outdoors and bring gloves, if possible. No experience is necessary. businesses participated and were visited by more than 1,500 local residents. The registration form with this article can be used or visit the RBA Web site at www.rossford For more information, call Mr. Knierim at 419-6661910, Mrs. Schwind at 419720-4701 or Mr. Miller at 419-666-9740. 2014 RBA Business Fair Registration Local businesses are invited to participate in the ninth annual Business Fair on Saturday, March 22, at Owens Community College in the Student Health and Activities Center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Business Name _________________________________ Business Address _______________________________ Contact Person _________________________________ Phone_________________E-mail __________________ RBA Member booth space RBA non-member booth space Additional tables Add $40 for dues (if new or renewing) No. of chairs needed ______ ___ $110 = $_____ ___ $160 = $_____ ___ $15 = $ _____ = $ 40 Total = $_____ One 110 electrical outlet? ____ Yes ____ No Booth prices include two chairs and one table per 9 x 8 booth space. (Table covering not included.) Make checks payable to Rossford Business Association. All fees must be paid in full at sign-up. Booth set-up will be Friday, March 21, from 2 to 5 p.m. I have read the Business Fair rules at and agree to these terms. Signature ______________________________________ Drop off form and check to Rossford Public Library or send to Rossford Business Association, P.O. Box 85, Rossford, Ohio 43460. Genealogical Society to tour recorder’s office Feb. 25 The Wood County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society will meet on Tuesday, February 25, at 1 p.m., in the atrium of the Wood County Office Building for a short Letters Policy The weekly deadline for Letters to the Editor is noon on Monday. Letters should be limited to 300 words. Letters from the same writer will be accepted no more frequently than every 30 days. Letters should be submitted with the author’s name, signature and daytime telephone number. business meeting. The public is welcome. At 1:30 p.m., the group will proceed to the Wood County Recorder’s Office. Julie Baumgardner, Wood County recorder, will share information on how to find and interpret property, mortgage and other records located in the recorder’s office. “Restoring your teeth can restore your health and appearance for a lifetime.” Perrysburg Family Dentistry 419-872-9191 • General Dentistry Jon B. Dove, D.D.S., is accepting new patients. New address: 601 W. Boundary Evening hours available Hey Rossford! We Are Your Ford Connection! Thursdays, Doors open at 5 p.m. Lightning Games start at 6 p.m. McAlear Center All Saints Church, Rossford, OH Did you hear? COLOR PRINTING is now available at Welch Publishing’s Perrysburg location! WINNER Repair Specialist BERNIE A. RAPP CONSTRUCTION Custom Remodeling Kitchens, Baths, Additions, Ceramic Tile, Decks, Windows, Doors, Basements, Skylights 32 years in business Licensed, Bonded & Insured 419-837-6100 Call us today for a quote on 4 color printing! 117 E. Second St. • Perrysburg 419-874-2528 • Flyers • Posters (up to 12”x18”) • Postcards • Competitive Pricing • Business Cards • Brochures • QUICK TURN-A-ROUND • Glass Jars & Bottles • Newspaper & Telephone Books • Magazines 4 COLOR • Glass Jars & Bottles • Newspaper & Telephone Books • Magazines w w w. B r o n d e s F o r d To l e d o . c o m SCOTT MUIR 419.471.2941 ROB WHITNER 419.471.2953 DOUG MAHOOD 419.471.2958 BRONDES FORD TOLEDO 5545 SECOR RD. @ ALEXIS Community Calendar Page 4 — February 13, 2014 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Rossford To include your organization’s activities, mail or drop off the details to the Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, PO Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Or send an e-mail, with the date, time and location, to The deadline is Friday at noon. Police dept. donates books to library The Rossford Police Department has donated hardcover books and audio books to the Rossford Public Library that were confiscated after a recent theft case. More than $2,500 of materials had been stolen from stores between Chicago and the Toledo area, but police said none could be traced back to any of the victims. Pictured are Library Director Jeannine Wilbarger accepting the donation from Rossford Chief of Police Glenn Goss. “We are pleased to receive these materials, and we will certainly utilize as many as possible within the Rossford library, however since there are several duplicates, we will offer to share these resources with partner libraries in our consortium,” Mrs. Wilbarger said. “Some of the newer titles will make nice Summer Reading Club prizes for adults,” she explained. Alexia Irvin honored with city proclamation Rossford fourth-grade student Alexia Irvin was recognized by Mayor Neil MacKinnon III for her successes in the classroom and on the wrestling mat. The mayor honored Alexia at a council meeting January 27, reading a proclamation in her honor. Alexia “shows courage and strength while dealing with a great number of medical issues that affect her life,” the mayor explained. Alexia has excelled in her academic studies, despite many hospital stays, and often remains indoors during school recess to make up missed work. Alexia is a third-year wrestler in the Rossford Biddy wrestling program, competing against boys at the 60 to 65 lb. weight class this season. “She is considered highly skilled–of the team’s elite wrestlers, as well as a Alexia is congratulated by Mayor MacKinnon. team leader, and where she has a winning record, consistently placing second or third at previous tournaments.” “We are proud to recog- nize Alexia Louise Irvin for her academic and athletic accomplishments, and we support and encourage her in all her future endeavors,” Mayor MacKinnon said. RCRC offers child care for Valentine’s Day Date Night The Rossford Community Recreation Center is providing free childcare service for any Rossford or AllSaints schools students on Valentine’s Day. Parents can drop off their children at the RCRC starting at 5:30 p.m. on February 14. While there, children will participate in three different Valentine’s Day themed classes, each lasting one hour. Participants may be dropped off at any time during the night, but must be picked up by 9 p.m. The following programs will be offered. •Kids in the Kitchen, from 6 to 7 p.m.–In this program children will create Valentine’s Day themed treats. The RCRC will have heart shaped Rice Krispy Treats for participants to decorate, as well as heart shaped marshmallows that can be attached to sticks and dipped into different types of toppings (chocolate, caramel, strawberry syrup). •Little Scientists, from 7 to 8 p.m–Children will use candy to learn different science concepts during this hour long program. First the children will learn about carbonation when they see how candy reacts when dropped into soda. Next, participants will be able to learn about molecule density using candy canes and adding heat. Finally, students will use skittles and water to see what parts of the candy dissolve and which parts do not. •Krafty Kids, from 8 to 9 p.m.–In the final program of the night, children will make picture frame valentines. After cutting out the picture frame shape, participants will be able to add a number of decorations to it. Registration is required by February 10. Friday, February 14 9:30 a.m. St. Tim’s Clothesline, free clothing offered at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East Boundary. Open until 11:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Glass City Singles Valentine’s Day dance at Holland Gardens, 6530 Angola Road, Holland. Call 734-856-8963 for details. Saturday, February 15 9:00 a.m. Perrysburg Township Recycling Collection at the Township Maintenance Building, 26609 Lime City Road, until noon. 11:00 a.m. AlAnon women’s support group, “The Saturday Good Morning Group,” at All Saints Church, 628 Lime City Road. Call Maryann 419-824-0129 for details. 8:00 p.m. AlAnon and Alcoholics Anonymous at First United Methodist Church, 200 West Second Street. Sunday, February 16 6:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous at Schaller Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana Avenue. Monday, February 17–Presidents Day 7:00 p.m. Depression and bipolar support group at Providence Lutheran Church, 8131 Airport Highway. Call 419-867-9422 or 517-2818042 for information. 7:00 p.m. There is a Solution AA Group, closed meeting, at Lutheran Church of the Master, 28744 Simmons Road, Perrysburg. Tuesday, February 18 9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth floor of the Wood County Office Building, One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green. 12:00 p.m. AlAnon at CedarCreek Church, 29129 Lime City Road. Free baby-sitting. 2:00 p.m. Multiple Myeloma support group at Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue, meeting rooms A and B. Call Inge Lanzenberger for information, 419-8722820. 6:00 p.m. Perrysburg Township Zoning Appeals at the township hall, 26609 Lime City Road. Wednesday, February 19 7:00 a.m. Perrysburg Kiwanis Club in the lower level of Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue. Open to the public. 6:00 p.m. Perrysburg Township Board of Trustees at the township hall, 26609 Lime City Road. 6:00 p.m. Families Anonymous, at Blessed John XXII Catholic Community, 24250 Dixie Highway. Call 419-931-4005. 6:30 p.m. Rossford High School Athletic Boosters at the Rossford High School library, 701 Superior Street. New members are always welcome. 7:00 p.m. Racing for Recovery, drug and alcohol support group meeting, until 8 p.m. at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East Boundary, Perrysburg. Thursday, February 20 9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth floor of the Wood County Office Building, One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green. 6:00 p.m. Recreation Committee at City Hall Council Chambers, 133 Osborn Street. Call 419666-2905 for details. 6:30 p.m. No Mic Night presented by PRIZM Creative Community at Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg, until 8:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. CedarCreek’s South Toledo Campus hosts 8:30 p.m. ! ! ! ! Computers for Beginners Basic Skills Class Class Covers: ! ! ! ! ! ! Parts of a Computer Using a Mouse Basic software programs Creating an Email Online Job Applications Online Job Search Websites Part One: Friday, February 14th at 2pm Part Two: Friday, February 21st at 2 pm Stop by the JOBsolutions front desk or Call (419) 352-7566 ext. 8229 to reserve your seat! 1928 E. Gypsy Lane Road, Bowling Green, OH 43402 the Community Care Free Medical Clinic at 2150 South Byrne Road, Toledo, until 8 p.m. Call 419-482-8127 for information. Alcoholics Anonymous-OD at United Methodist Church, 270 Dixie Highway. Princess Ball to be held Mar. 16 at Lutheran Church A Princess Ball will be held on Sunday, March 16, at Lutheran Church of the Master, 28744 Simmons Road, Perrysburg. This “red carpet event” is for girls ages 4 to 12 and their escorts to enjoy an afternoon of dancing and fun. It will take place from 3 to 6 p.m. There will be fun activities, raffles and mementos. Beverages and snacks will be provided, as well as photo opportunities. The event is hosted by the Rossford High School girls soccer team. Proceeds will go toward the cost of participating in tournaments outside of school games. The cost is $25 per couple, and $10 for each additional girl. Registration forms are available at Rossford High School. For more information, send an e-mail to Sharron Waclawski at Wacky6@ Need a pair for glare? Come visit our office and check out our sunglass collection. Twenty-four carvers to compete for national championship Winterfest 2014 evening event tickets and ice sculptures available With only 10 days to go, the streets of downtown Perrysburg will come alive with excitement, family-fun activities, ice carvings of every imaginative design and two nights of music, food and favorite craft beers and wines. Downtown Perrysburg, Inc. (DPI) along with Ed Schmidt will present the annual Winterfest, a National Ice Carving Association (NICA) sanctioned event on Friday, February 21, Saturday, February 22, and Sunday, February 23. Perrysburg Winterfest will host the National Ice Carving Championship competition. Twenty-four first class master and professional ice carvers will compete for $5,000 of prize money and the national title and then display their ice creations. There will be two rounds of competition. The first round, carving a oneblock ice creation, will be Friday, February 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. The second round will be Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. and use two blocks of ice. Each final ice creation will be professionally judged and results will be announced Saturday 8:30 p.m. during the wine tasting. In addition to the ice carving competition, there will be ice carvings sponsored by area businesses and organizations on both sides of Louisiana Avenue for public viewing. “Last year the pieces were conversation starters and essentially advertising that would pay for itself in word of mouth,” said Rick Thielen, DPI executive director. “The design possibilities are limitless that can create whatever mood you want–elegant, dramatic, fun or functional. A logo, intricately carved sculpture displays or artwork is not a problem.” Community ice carvings are $300 per block of ice that includes two tickets to the wine tasting. New in Winterfest 2014 will be the creation of a “community ice wall” made up of individual 5”x 8” blocks of ice that can be engraved per the donor’s wish. The cost is $20 for each block. The wall will be located in front of the Commodore Perry monument and lit for night-time viewing. “We are really excited about this new twist to Winterfest–it is a unique opportunity for everyone to feel like they are a part Team Ty fund-raiser Feb. 17 “Team Ty” of the Rossford Junior High School wrestling program will hold a fund-raiser Monday, February 17, at Marco’s Pizza in Rossford. Proceeds from sales all day will benefit the team and autism awareness. Team Ty, named for eighth-grade wrestler Ty Hussar, will be competing in April in a Columbus tournament. The tournament helps to raise funds for the Richardson Foundation, which purchases assistance dogs for autistic children. Ice carvings sponsored by area businesses and organizations will line Louisiana Avenue during Winterfest weekend. Community ice carvings are $300 per block of ice and include two tickets to the wine tasting. of the festivities,” said Jim Hodulik, DPI board member and originator of the community ice wall idea. To inquire about the sale of the ice sculptures and community blocks, contact DPI at 419-8726246 or send an e-mail to down town perrysburg@ Ice sculptures and blocks also can be purchased on-line at www. Friday evening, 7 to 10 p.m., will feature a ticketed Micro Brew Tasting, highlighting at least 30 specialty craft beers inside a heated enclosed tent on West Second Street at Louisiana Avenue. Tickets are $15 each and include food and eight tastings. Tables of 10, which include 10 tickets, are available for $200. Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Louisiana Avenue will be transformed into a winter wonderland family fest with fun activities, crafts, Chortie the Clown, entertainment by Cindy Slee and Aaron Keaster and refreshments provided by the PASA Teen Board. Sponsored by Thrivent Financial, there also will be a special guest–Queen Elsa. Sattler named to dean’s list at Dayton Univ. Ross Sattler, of Rossford, was named to the dean’s list for the fall semester at the University of Dayton. To be named to the dean’s list at the University of Dayton, a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Saturday night, 7 to 10 p.m., hosted by Heidelberg Distributing, will feature more than 30 specialty wines. Taste of Perrysburg by area restaurants, entertainment and the National Ice Carving Championship awards ceremony will be part of the evening’s affair. Tickets are $35 each. Tables of 10, which also include 10 tickets, are available for $400. Both of these events sold out early last year, said Mr. Thielen. Again this year, there are a limited number of tickets due to tent capacity. Back by popular demand, Sunday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the public will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite ice carving from community-sponsored ice sculptures, as well as the ice creations carved by the professional ice carvers. The People’s Choice Award will be announced by DPI on Monday. Attorneys At Law Leatherman & Witzler Todd Hamilton Noll • Kay Leatherman Howard Paul A. Skaff • Heather L. Pentycofe 353 Elm Street Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 419-874-3536 Practice Areas Include: Expungement/Record Sealing Serving the Community Since 1950 Wayne M. Leatherman 1921-2013 Suzette L. Huenefeld, M.D. PERRYSBURG FORT MEIGS FAMILY PRACTICE “Join our family! Our practice goes the extra mile for our patients” • Specializing in female healthcare, pediatrics & dermatology • Accepting new patients, same day appointments available • Call for a FREE get to know you visit 27511 Holiday Lane, Ste. 101, Perrysburg • 419-872-0242 + && $ % + !( "# % + '% ! %% $ % + $ "! %% "$ % + $" '$ % + & &% + )%# # $% + "& $* & #% + $ " ! + % "$ & $ !& ! + "%% ! + ! ! ! + ! & "! + & + #% In addition to Ed Schmidt of Perrysburg, Winterfest sponsors include Welch Publishing Co., City of Perrysburg, Heidelberg Distributing, American Rent-All, Gordon Food Service Marketplace, Ice Creations, EconoLodge, Thrivent Financial, PASA Teen Board, Biaggi’s, Fricker’s, 5th Street Pub, Casa Barron, Zingo’s, Stella’s, Swig, C & L Sanitation, The Drug Store of Perrysburg, BDP Superior Design, and Rose and Thistle. Downtown Perrysburg, Inc. is a community based non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to promote and provide family events that showcase the community and contribute to the quality of life in Perrysburg. For additional information or how to become a DPI member, visit the Facebook page or contact Mr. Thielen. $ # % ! + + + + % ! %& ( "# !& & $ !& ! % "'!& ! % $& + $ & + "# % " "$ Dr. Angela K. Jackson, O.D. Dr. Tracy Needham, O.D. 647 Lime City Rd. • Rossford • 416-666-0700 --- )!**.+ ,*" (& / & $% + * # -!% #), %$+#$'" (& Obituaries Rossford Senior Center The Wood County Committee on Aging 400 Dixie Highway 419-666-8494 Programs and lunches for all area residents at least 60 years of age. $30 annual fee payable to WCCOA. Register by calling 419-353-5661. Monday, February 17 Presidents Day–All Sites Closed Tuesday, February 18 Noon menu–Bratwurst or Turkey Burger, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, pineapple and cottage cheese, brownie. •9 a.m.–Breakfast Bunch at The Bulldog Diner, Dixie Highway, Rossford. Start the day right with a great breakfast and good friends. •12:45 p.m.–Poker with Host Ed Tucholski. We’ve got the chips, we’ve got the cards, and you provide the luck and talent. Put on your best poker face and join the fun. Wednesday, February 19 Noon menu–Birthday Celebration menu–Meatloaf, baked potato, carrot and celery sticks, orange, cake and ice cream. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall In Memory of Lawrence ‘Larry’ Colapietro 9-11-46 to 2-12-64 Each Life is a Song A life is like a song we write in our own time and key. Each life we write reflects a note that forms a melody. We choose the theme and chorus of the songs to bear our name. And each will have a special sound, no two can be the same. So when someone we love departs, in memory we find, their song plays on within the hearts of those they left behind. The quiet places of our hearts are filled with sweet echoes of your life song. Fifty years have not dimmed your life song. You continue to be loved dearly, missed deeply and remembered fondly by family and friends. You are forever in our hearts. Rest peacefully with Dad. Mom, Theresa, John and Darlene 871 East Boundary Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 419-874-5704 •Noon–Birthday Celebration with gift bags courtesy of Perrysburg Care and Rehabilitation Center. Seniors with February birthdays must register in advance. Thursday, February 20 Noon menu–Baked Ham or Chicken and Dumplings, sweet potatoes, citrus slaw, banana, mousse. Friday, February 21 Noon menu–Chicken Noodle Soup or Stuffed Green Pepper Soup, broccoli salad, cinnamon applesauce, fruited Jello. •9:30 a.m.–Body Recall Upcoming Events •February 25, at noon–Rossford Senior Club. •February 26, from 10 a.m. to noon–Blood glucose and blood pressure screenings. There is no charge for use of the blood pressure self-monitoring device. •February 26, at 12:45 p.m.–Program: “Optimizing Brain Fitness: How Your Brain Changes. This is the second session in this series of informative programs conducted by Professor Richard Restack, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. This session will focus on “How Your Brain Changes.” Discussion will include how your brain and your intelligence can change throughout your life-span. And most importantly, you are able to shape those changes in your own brain. •February 27, at 12:30 p.m.–Seminar Series: “How Did They Do That?” Mary Tebbe, WCCOA, will discuss The Manmade Islands of Dubai. Have you ever wondered how the great wonders of the world were created? This series will inform you on the secrets behind these iconic wonders of the modem world. •REV. HOWARD FULLER Rev. Howard R. Fuller, 71, of Northwood, and formerly of Kenton, Ohio, died Sunday, February 9, 2014, at his home. He was born on November 21, 1942, in Parkersburg, West Virginia, to Charles and Mary Lou (Holdren) Fuller. He was employed with Hardin County Jobs and Family Services as a social worker for 30 years, was an ordained Methodist minister and was currently the pastor of Mountain of Praise Church in Delta, Ohio. He had a TV program that aired on Sunday mornings on WLMB TV 40 for 14 years, was active in the Salvation Army, Kenton Unit for many years and was responsible for bringing the Salvation Army into the Mountain of Praise Church. He is survived by his wife of 35 years, Betty (Smith) Fuller; daughters, Crystal Lawrence of Kennewick, Washington, and Amy (Joseph) Stone of Perrysburg; grandchildren, Jeremy Gullett, Tonya Gebby, and Devon (Wilson) Dutton, and great-granddaughter, Daciana Lawrence. He was preceded in death by his granddaughter, Tara Gebby. Family and friends may visit at the Sujkowski Funeral Home of Rossford, 830 Lime City Road, on Friday, February 14, from 2 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held Saturday, February 15, at 11 a.m., in the funeral home with the Rev. Tony Crowe officiating. Interment will follow at Lake Township Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Mountain of Praise Church. gh Owens’ Winter Pops band concert to honor firefighters •RONALD FERGUSON Ronald J. Ferguson, 70, of Oregon, Ohio, died February 4, 2014, at St. Charles Hospital. He was born on May 2, 1943, in Rossford, to Elmer and Lillian Ferguson. He married Sandra Basilius. He was a graduate of Rossford High School and was an avid gambler and enjoyed horse racing and sports. Mr. Ferguson is survived by his sons, Ronald (Lisa) Ferguson Jr. and Todd (Bobbi) Ferguson; grandchildren, Brittany (Kevin), Chloe, Olivia and Peyton Ferguson; siblings, Bruce Ferguson and Shirley Downs, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife and several brothers and sisters. Visitation was held Friday, February 7, at WitzlerShank Funeral Home, Walbridge. Services were private. Those planning an expression of sympathy are asked to consider an organization of the donor’s choice. gh •DALE MUELLER Dale Allen Mueller, 45, of Northwood, died unexpectedly on Wednesday, February 5, 2014, at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center. He was born October 26, 1968, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to Kenneth and Alice Mueller. He was a graduate of Northwood High School. He was a caregiver to family and enjoyed fishing, football and was an avid fan of the Chicago Bears. Mr. Mueller is survived by his mother, Alice (McWilliams) Mueller; sister, Cissy (Steve) Baczewski; brother, Clyde Mueller; nieces and nephews, Russell Mueller, Brandi Skinner, David and Steve Baczewski. He was preceded in death by his father, Kenneth Mueller, and brothers, Keith and Kenneth Mueller. Visitation was held Saturday, February 8, at the Sujkowski Funeral Home. Funeral services and interment were private. The Owens Community College Concert Band will present a free Winter Pops concert on Sunday, February 23, at 2:30 p.m., in the theater of the Center For Fine and Performing Arts on the Owens Campus. The event will honor and Nothing tells someone you care like a Singing Valentine from Toledo’s own Commanders of Harmony Chorus. For $40, a barbershop quartet will serenade your sweetheart at home, work feature firefighters, first reand EMTs from or anywhere you choose in the metro Toledo area. Your thoughtfulness will be remembered too. sponders Lucas, Wood and Ottawa Your special gift will be remembered long after the song has ended. counties. The program will include Your Valentine will receive: a variety of popular music, TWO SONG VALENTINE’S SERENADE, A RED ROSE including selections from Broadway musicals “My & A PERSONALIZED VALENTINE’S CARD! Fair Lady,” “The King and I,” and “Grease,” along with Don’t get stuck giving the same old thing for marches, a trumpet solo, Valentine’s Day again this year!!! “Crooner’s Serenade,” and a Big Band Tribute. Refreshments will be Limited Bookings - Call Early! served in the lobby following the program. The theatre is handiProceeds benefit the Commanders of Harmony Chorus capped accessible. !"#$%&$'(%)*+%(,%$-'./$%(#$%01/23'%4,-56($/2%'.77$''%1'%(,%0,7.'%% Call the hotline: 419-779-8568 Concerned About Your Financial Health? Retirement Planning Services… and More. Maybe it’s Time for a Second Opinion? Our advisors at gh % O,-(*7(%2$%(,%/$?1$)%+,./%01-*-71*4%84*-%(,9*+:%% % Obituary Policy ~ ACUPUNCTURE ~ Norman G. Zavela, MD, DABMA Acupuncturist, Board Certified Low back pain Headaches “Life Well Planned” Chronic pain Smoking Financial Advisor, RJFS Asthma, allergies % % Matt Skotynsky, AAMS Arthritis PDQ%H,.1'1*-*%>?$-.$%•%L$//+'&./5@%A#1,%RQSSD%•%RDT6UVQ6DREE% Sports injuries W*((:XY,(+-'Y+Z[*+2,-9=*2$':7,2%•%[*+2,-9=*2$':7,2\XY,(+-'Y+% !"#$%&'&"()*++"%",)'-%*$.-)(&)*+,-#.&*"/#71,&,31&8#!"2013"/9#:,36# Neuropathies 213 Louisiana Ave W$2&$/%JIM[>\XILO% % Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 419-873-1400 Would you like a Second Opinion? Please call to schedule an appointment. % “Think Local First!” % Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC % % % 24250 Dixie Highway (Highway 25) Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 (located just south of Five Point Road) Phone: (419) 874-6502 Masses: Saturday, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday, 8:00, 9:45 and 11:30 a.m. ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH U.S. 20 and Route 163 Stony Ridge, Ohio Phone: (419) 837-5115 Daniel G. Beaudoin, Pastor SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship ROSSFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 270 Dixie Highway Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone 419-666-5323 Pastor: Rev. Robert Ball SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Nursery Available PERRYSBURG ALLIANCE CHURCH 10401 Avenue Road Corner 795 and White Road Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 Phone: 419-874-1961 Rev. Thomas George, Senior Pastor SUNDAY 8:15 a.m. Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 10:45 a.m. Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Discipling Groups WEDNESDAY 7:00 p.m. Senior High SNAC 7:00 p.m. Middle School JVD 7:00 p.m. FW Friends (age 3 - grade 5) 7:00 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting “Join Us In Worship” ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH 628 Lime City Road Rossford, Ohio 43460 419-666-1393 Masses: Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL (Preschool through Grade 8) Where we study the world, teach the heart, and live the gospel. ROSSFORD FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 157 Bergin Street Rossford, Ohio 43460 Phone 419-666-9447 Rev. Alexander Sheares SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. Prayer Service, Testifying and Bible Study WCCOA holding annual poetry contest The Wood County Committee on Aging is holding its annual poetry contest. This year’s theme is “Life’s Moments.” Any Wood County resident, age 50 or older, may participate. Two entries per person will be accepted. Poems are to be one page and based on the theme. All poems are to express the uniqueness of our journey in life. Entries must be submitted in English, double spaced, in a 12 point Times New Roman font. The poem must be entirely the author’s own work and never previously published, online or offline. All styles of poems are acceptable. Poems are to have a title and to have the poet’s name, address, phone number and date of submission on each page. Entries are due to the Program Department at the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc., 305 North Main Street, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 on Friday, March 21. Submissions also may be sent by e-mail to programs@ The poems will be on the blog at woodcountycommi Voting will take place at senior center sites and via the blog site. Additional judges include a Bowling Green State University writing professor and BGSU gerontology students. A video of the winning poem will be placed on the WCCOA Web site and Facebook page. Prizes of a $50 gift card for first place and a $25 gift card for second place will be presented at an awards banquet on Tuesday, April 29. For more information, call the WCCOA at 419-3535661. Cholesterol screenings available in March at Rossford, Perrysburg Senior Centers The Wood County Committee on Aging will conduct cholesterol screening clinics on Wednesdays, March 12 and 26, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at two area senior centers. Screenings will be done at the Perrysburg Senior Center, 140 West Indiana Avenue, on March 12 and the Rossford Senior Center, 400 Dixie Highway, Rossford, on March 26. Screenings are available for Wood County residents ages 25 and older. The cost is $20 for age 60 and older and $25 for ages 25-59. Subscribe Now! 419-874-2528 The screening panel includes HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol), triglycerides, total cholesterol/HDL ratio and a blood glucose level. Results will be immediately available and will be discussed with clients by a registered nurse. These screenings require an appointment and pretest instructions. To make an appointment, call 1-800-367-4935 or 419353-5661 and ask for Social Services. Other clinics are available at the Bowling Green Senior Center. Attention All Veterans Looking for new proud members to join our post, if you have served in the military. Would be glad to discuss eligibility. Contact VFW Post 6409—Rossford Post Commander Gilles Frankart—419-874-4984 Cell—419-205-0818 Quartermaster Darrell Maxwell—419-450-1771 Post - ph. 419-666-9563 gh æ Trust Services & Administration F.*/($/%,0%8/,01(*&141(+:%%>-9@%)1(#%,./%741$-('3%&$'(%1-($/$'('%1-%21-9@%% æ Estate/Legacy Planning æ Life Insurance )$3/$%*4/$*9+%84*--1-5%0,/%(#$%-$G(%DEE:%%HIJK%BKHH%LH>MMKN:% æ Educational Planning, Coverdell/529 Plans DR. Z’S ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC, INC. æ Corporate !""#$%&'#&#(&)*+,-#.&*"/#&-01/+2#3&,#-+#4+2#)+56# & Small Business Services % % •JAMES STACZEK James J. Staczek, lifelong resident of Rossford, died on his 77th birthday. He was born on February 7, 1937, in Rossford, to John and Phyllis (Pruchniak) Staczek. He was a graduate of Rossford High School and the University of Toledo, where he received an associate degree. He served in the U.S. Navy Reserve for eight years. His employment began at Autolite Spark Plug in Fostoria and Owens Illinois. He went on to become the vice president of J. N. Fauver Company Inc. and the vice president of Hunger Hydraulics. Mr. Staczek left Hunger to form his own company, Industrial Design and Supply Inc. He was currently the founder and president of Applied Ergonomics, LLC, where his patented Ergolift won a silver medal for design at the international competition in Chicago. Mr. Staczek was a certified hydraulic and fluid power specialist, president of the Detroit Chapter of International Fluid Power Society (the first chapter in the United States), served on the IFPS board of directors, was appointed to the Manufacturing and Technology Advisory Board for Owens Community College, served as advisor for the Northwest Ohio Robotics competition sponsored by the Bowling Green State University College of Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering, in October 2013, was a member and past president of the Fluid Power Society and was an instructor for the Fluid Power Industry. In his spare time, he enjoyed boating and being around the water. He also played the accordion and enjoyed polka music. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Helen (Crossen) Staczek; children, Jerry Staczek, Patricia (Jim) Kaczmarek and Michael (Traci) Staczek; brother, Donald (Marcia) Staczek; sister, Carol Jean (Matt) Faykosh, and nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his grandchildren, Lauren and Jacob Saunders. Visitation will be held today, February 13, at All Saints Catholic Church, beginning at 9 a.m., in the church narthex. A Mass of Christian Burial will follow at 10 a.m., in the church. Interment will follow at Fort Meigs Cemetery in Perrysburg. Arrangements were made by the Sujkowski Funeral Home of Rossford. Memorial contributions may be made to All Saints Catholic Church. Many newspapers now charge for obituaries. As a serv8/12*/14+%,-%,./%741$-('3%-$$9:;%"#*(3'%#,)%0,.-9$/%<,&%=*2$'%9$01-$9%,./%% ice to the community, the Rossford Record Journal provides free obituaries. These obituaries, however, should 5.191-5%8/1-7184$:%%>-9%)$%9,%(#*(%&+%2*1-(*1-1-5%*%7.4(./$%(#*(%8/,2,($'% conform to our style. 7,-'$/?*(1'2@%$-7,./*5$'%1-9$8$-9$-7$@%*-9%9$2*-9'%(#*(%741$-('%*4)*+'% Limited details about the deceased person’s personal life Skotynsky Financial Group, LLC offer: are allowed; please state them objectively. (# 7,2$%01/'(:%%A./%7,221(2$-(%#*'%8*19%,00:%%B$%C.'(%/$*7#$9%,./%DEE %7,-'$7.(1?$%% æ Wealth Management Solutions æ Retirement Planning æ 401(K) Rollovers æ Stocks/Bonds/CD’s/Mutual Funds æ Annuities, Fixed & Variable IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Sunday Services: Holy Eucharist, 8 A.M. Holy Family Eucharist, 10 A.M. Sunday School 10 A.M. Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ACTIVITIES AND LUNCH MENUS Lunch is served Monday through Friday, at noon. No reservations are necessary. Menus are subject to change, and nutritional values and ingredient information are available upon request. The suggested donation is $2, age 60+, and $5, for those under age 60. Hot, nutritious meals are available Monday-Friday for homebound seniors in Wood County who are unable to prepare meals for themselves. Frozen meals are available for the weekend. If eligible, the cost is on a donation basis. For more information, call Social Services at 1-800-367-4935. To register for weekly activities, call the Senior Center. Pickleball Sessions are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from noon to 3 p.m. Session fees include ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — February 13, 2014 — Page 5 Purchase a 3 column x 3 inch ad (the exact size of this box) for $100 in the Perrysburg Messenger and Rossford Record Journals Also, send us a press release and it will run in the newspaper at no charge! Advertising Deadline: February 14, 2014 Publication Date: February 19 & 20, 2014 To place your ad contact Matt Welch or Deb Buker at 419-874-4491 or e-mail or Migraines We i g h t l o s s Muscle strains Stroke rehab 3775 Truman Rd, Perrysburg, Ohio Just a few miles south of St. Charles hospital, half mile west of I-280/SR 420, and 1 mile north of US-20 For appointments call 419-346-9202 A Special Page of the Perrysburg Messenger and Rossford Record Journals Page 6 — February 13, 2014 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL HELP WANTED NOTICE TO CONSUMERS In answering advertisements, whether in publications, or television, be aware that 1-900 numbers have a charge that will be billed to your telephone number. 1-800 numbers that switch you to a 1-900 number are also billed to you. Government job information or sales can be obtained free from appropriate government agencies. Long distance calls to brokers may only be solicitations for schools or instruction books, for which there is a charge. NOTICE OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION THE CLASSIFIEDS SERVE EVERYONE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word thereafter. Display classified section, $12.75 per column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash, check or credit card. DEADLINE IS EACH MONDAY AT NOON. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly to avoid a $2.00 billing charge. Send ads to P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Perrysburg Messenger Journal office hours are Monday, 8:30 to 4:30; Tuesday-Friday, 9 to 4; closed Saturday and Sunday, or visit our Web site at CALL 419-874-2528 or 419-874-4491 FIRST TIME ADVERTISERS, WITHOUT A CREDIT HISTORY MUST PAY FOR ADVERTISING WHEN SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. Submit your classified advertisement via e-mail. Just visit or BUSINESS SERVICES PEST CONTROL SINCE 1987 PER RYSBU RG ELECTRIC MASTER ELECTRICIANS Lic. # 22360 by Tom’s (419) 868-8700 RESIDENTIAL Ƈ COMMERCIAL Ƈ INDUSTRIAL Ants, Mice, Bedbugs, Bees/Wasps, Box Elder and Stink Bugs SERVICE UPGRADES & REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEMS UNIFORMED ELECTRICIANS LICENSED Ƈ BONDED Ƈ INSURED Holland, OH Mancillas Sharpening 419-666-5211 Giving your business the sharpest edge Saturday, Feb. 15 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lake Erie SPORTFISHING CHARTERS Hancock Fabrics, next to Giant Eagle, SR 20, Perrysburg. Sharpening fabric, pinker, beauty, dog grooming scissors. Excursions for up to 10 persons (419) 666-5952 (Day) (419) 297-2356 (Night) Every 3rd Saturday of the month R & H Painting & Power Washing Mackiewicz Siding, Roofing and Windows LLC Specializing in Aluminum & Vinyl Siding Interior & Exterior #1 in Quality, #1 in Price, #1 in Service 26 Years Experience “Where Quality Matters” Since 1991 419-726-4872 Call Today 419-392-1335 Email: Stykemain Tree and Lawn Service, LLC Vicky’s Housecleaning Experienced, Reliable Honest & Hardworking Weekly or Bi-weekly Schedules References Available 419-874-0484 Tree Trimming ** Removal ** Stump Grinding Mowing * Mulching * Bush Trimming Spring and Fall Clean-up Seasoned Firewood **** Snow Removal Call Vicky Sabini at 419-367-9174 Fully Licensed and Insured Our family serving your family nearly 20 years HAULING ANYTHING. Appliances, junk, furniture, garage clean out. Can pick up and deliver new or used items from any location. Kevin Rantanen, 419-870-1771. 75((75,00,1*5(029$/ /$:175((&$5( 635,1*)$//&/($1836 CONCRETE WORK. Driveways, patios, sidewalks. Cement mason since 1985. Call Paul 419-327-0883. 08/&+72362,/ /$1'6&$3(352-(&76 /$:15(129$7,216 CLEANING SERVICES. Business and residential. Honest, reliable. Call Robin or Terry, 419-779-7071. 75$,1('&(57,),('352)(66,21$/62167$)) 6($621('+ +$5':22') ),5(:22' LAWN • LANDSCAPE • IRRIGATION • TREE REMOVAL • SNOW REMOVAL (419) (419)8874-6779 74-6779 /LPH&LW\5G 3HUU\VEXUJ2+ ZZZHQYLURFDUHODZQFRP BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, wall repair. Reasonable rates. 30 years experience. Many Perrysburg references. Licensed and insured. Call anytime, 419-874-2802. PAINTING AND Wallpapering. Professional, quality work. Removal, wall repair. Brian, 419-297-9686. 419-874-2734 Local Family Owned Service Most Makes & Models Parts 15% Off w/this Ad Tree & Crane Work Residential Commercial 419.481.7246 Fully Insured 24 Hr. Emergency Work THE ADDED TOUCH in Painting & Wallpapering Good Work–Fair Prices 25 Years Local Experience PH. 419-874-1258 METZGER PAINTING & Wallpapering •Powerwashing •Decks •Plaster/Drywall Repair 419-874-2251 Senior Discount ELECTRICIAN, 30 years experience. Residential and commercial. 419-704-7201. MICHAEL’S EXCAVATING. Sand, stone, topsoil, excavating. Free estimates. Insured. 419-344-1872. DON’S DRYWALL and plaster repair. Resurfacing, texturing. Free estimates, seven days. 419-476-0145. HANDYMAN. EXPERIENCED, references, reasonable. No job too small. Dave 419-823-8033. SCHALLER TRUCKING. Delivering stone, sand and topsoil for life’s little projects. 419-666-7642, 419-392-7642. LANDSCAPE DESIGN. Have us design new landscaping during winter months so we can install in the spring at a discount. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape LLC, Kevin Rantanen, 419-870-1771. WINDOW CLEANING. Perrysburg Window and Gutter Cleaning, professional service for a fair price. Call Michael Rantanen, owner 419-874-2482. For this month’s coupon visit: SNOW REMOVAL. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Call/text Justin, 419-309-2002. The City of Perrysburg is offering Civil Service testing for the position of Police Officer to establish an eligibility list for possible hiring in 2014 through National Testing Network, Inc. To fill out an application and schedule a test, go to, select Law Enforcement and sign up for the City of Perrysburg. We will be accepting test scores for Police Officer through March 2, 2014. INTERIOR PAINTING, neat, experienced. References. Free estimates. Donna, 419-476-1173, 419-250-4504. NEED HELP with moving items in and outside or to the basement? We can assist with moving furniture and small moves. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape, LLC. Call Kevin Rantanen 419-870-1771. STEVE’S DRYWALL, spray ceilings, texture walls, all patchwork. Call Steve, 419-873-8025. SNOW REMOVAL, affordable. Perrysburg/Maumee area. Call Tom 419-343-4624. TREE, BUSH and stump removal. We have discounted winter rates. Have dead or unwanted trees or bushes removed today. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape LLC, Kevin Rantanen, 419-870-1771. BDRY BASEMENT Waterproofing. Life of structure warranty. 419-891-0856. 419-787-6020. HURLEY’S INTERIOR/exterior painting. Reasonable prices. 20 years experience. Free estimates. Call 419-8826753. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER specializing in finish work, custom furniture, quality woodworking, home repairs. Jeff Hoile, 419-265-2999 or 419-874-1819. BLIND CLEANING and repair. Mini blinds, wood blinds, fabric shades, vertical blinds. Pick up, deliver, take down, re-hang, next day turn around. Perrysburg Clean Blinds Plus. 419-874-9199. UPHOLSTERY, YOUR fabric or mine. Reasonable. 419-874-5747. HEALTH SERVICES CAREGIVER NEEDED? LPN with 14 years experience and life long Perrysburg resident would like to help you. 419-874-4540. FOR SALE BATTERY OPERATED wheel chair. Model: Invacar pronto MK5SPT Sure Step. Little use, like new. $350. 419-874-9379. BROYHILL SOFA, 2 wingback recliners and coffee table. $400 OBO. 419-266-0108. D1 BEER Only - License For Sale - $7000. D1 Liquor License available in Rossford, Ohio. Good for consumption on site and in sealed containers for carry out. For more information please call Jerry Miller at 419-867-9119 ext. 102. FIREWOOD, SEASONED, 4’ high x 8’ long stack, $80. 419-409-0252 or 419-4090250. THREE 26” swivel oak barstools, windser style, keyhole back, $165 OBO. 419-552-6340. TOSHIBA 55” projection TV, works good, $150 OBO, must get rid of. 419-874-7712. ALL GARAGE SALE ADVERTISING MUST BE PREPAID, BY CASH, CHECK OR CREDIT CARD BY MONDAY NOON ON WEEK OF PUBLICATION OR THE AD WILL NOT RUN. CALL 419-874-4491 TO PLACE YOUR AD AND PAY VIA CREDIT CARD. DRIVERS-HOME WEEKLY Ashley Distribution Services offers*Paid VACA, 401k,Med/Life/Drug/Dental for REGIONAL LTL DRIVERS—*UP to $65-$75K/1st YEAR*Ability to Enter Canada. Class A CDL & at least 1 year current OTR exp. Clean MVR/PSP Reports! Call 1-800837-2241 8AM to 4PM CST for info & app or email: We are looking for good, reliable people from Perrysburg to clean offices in Perrysburg evenings. This position would consist of light duty office cleaning only. Call between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. 419-335-9105. Please leave message. PART-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE PETS Humane Ohio Beat the Heat promotion! $20 to spay owned female cats. February only. Limited space. Must mention ad. FLEA MARKET at Byrne Road near Hill Avenue at American Legion Post, Sundays, 7 a.m. to noon. Dealers wanted. Call 419-389-1095. MOVING/ESTATE SPRING CLEAN up. Get on our list early. Perrysburg Lawn and Landscape LLC. Kevin Rantanen 419-870-1771. PIANO TUNING, repairs, sales. 419-350-6281, 419-7547530. GARAGE SALES ALL MOVING/ESTATE SALE ADVERTISING MUST BE PREPAID, BY CASH, CREDIT CARD OR CHECK, BY NOON ON MONDAY BEFORE PUBLICATION OR THE AD WILL NOT RUN. ESTATE SALES 332 Park Street, Luckey, Ohio. Thursday February 13, 9-5. Friday February 14, 9-5. Saturday February 15, 9-3. For complete listing of items see 419-215-7265. MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT. Clean, cozy, 1 bedroom at Village Green with appliances. New carpet, no pets. $325/month includes water. 419-248-2372. Funding by PetSmart Charities ® We are a non-profit organization. tXXXIVNBOFPIJPPSH FOR RENT PERRYSBURG, A-1 Prime executive office space, plenty of FREE parking, ALL utilities included, excellent township location near I-75 & State Rte. 20. Please call (419) 874-9989 for information. Louisiana House Perrysburg Spacious and affordable 1 bedroom apartments for qualified, eligible elderly and disabled persons. All apartments are ground level and include a storage room. On-site community rooms, library, computer room, laundry facilities and activities. Phone 419-874-2376 or visit our Web site FREE CABLE Cordoba Apartments Seasonal Hiring Job Fairs Maumee Store Wednesday, 02/19/14 10 a.m.–1 p.m. or 3–6 p.m. 530 Illinois Ave., Maumee Toledo Store Thursday, 02/20/14 10 a.m.–1 p.m. or 3–6 p.m. 4701 Talmadge Road The Andersons Maumee & Toledo General Stores are currently hiring Part Time Seasonal Employees for the Outdoor Nursery & Indoor Lawn & Garden departments. *Various other Part Time positions throughout the stores are available as well. Seasonal positions in Nursery/Lawn & Garden run late March thru June. For these positions we are looking for enthusiastic, plant/landscape knowledgeable individuals eager to work in a fast paced environment. Position requirements: Available to work days, nights, and weekends •Lifting 80lbs consistently •Strong work ethic/outdoor work •Excellent communication skills •Exceptional customer service skills Apply in advance at SMALL PACKAGE 2 col by 3” TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL COURIERS NEEDED, For following issues: Day • Eves • Weekend Class Owner/Operators of Fuel Job Placement PSJ and HSJ Weekday, - 2/11/14 Efficient Vehicles. Company Paid Training Weekends & Evening Hrs. PMJ - 2/12/14 Call 419-837-5730 Competitive Commissions. RRJ - 2/13/14 Train Locally-Save Hassle Call 1-800-346-7897 DRIVERS or 1-513-794-3103 $120 for all four TRAINCO PERRYSBURG CAMPUS AFTER SCHOOL baby-sitting in my home for 2 children ages 8 and 10. References and transportation required. Call 419-450-5737. Cryogenic Transportation, a highway subsidiary of the Kenan Advantage Group, is now seeking Class A CDL Drivers out of Monclova, OH. The hiring schedule will be OTR. Come join our great family of drivers and thrive! Company Drivers •Competitive pay •Excellent benefits including: Medical, Dental and Vision plans •Paid vacations & holidays •401K with company match •Paid training on safe driving & product handling •Well-maintained equipment •Driver referral incentive pay •And so much more! Owner-Operators •Competitive pay- mileage contracts •Health insurance plans available •Loading and unloading pay •Peak demand pay •100% of Fuel Surcharge paid •Excellent plans to purchase base plates •Bobtail and Occ/Acc insurance available •Lease-purchase programs •In-house maintenance repairs available •Discounted fuel •Prepass and EZ Pass provided •Free parking at terminals •No forced dispatch •Paid training on safe driving and product handling •Accurate and timely settlements •Driver referral incentive pay *Some Restrictions Apply •And so much more! We require Class A CDL with 2 years recent, verifiable tractor-trailer experience, Tank & Hazmat endorsements and TWIC (or ability to obtain) and a safe driving record. 800-871-4581 APPAREL SALES Consultant at V Couture.The area’s premier men’s clothier is seeking dynamic Sales Associates to join our team at our Perrysburg and Sylvania locations. The successful candidate is passionate, team oriented, and has a proven track record of success in sales. Essential skills include excellent communication, customer service and attention to detail. Our Sales Associates‚ primary responsibilities are to engage customers and lead them through the sales process - selecting, coordinating and purchasing apparel and accessories while providing the highest level of customer service. This is an excellent opportunity to build a career with one of the region’s leading luxury retailers. Inquire at 419.874.5000 or via email DRIVERS: CARTER Express-Now Hiring. CDL-A: Lots of Miles. Great Pay/Benefits and Bonuses. Dedicated Solo Routes. Home Weekly. No Slip Seat. No Touch, Newer Equipment. (855)222-3243. HOUSEKEEPING. THE Waterford at Levis Commons, a Perrysburg retirement community is now taking applications for a part-time housekeeper. Hours will include some weekends. Applicant must pass background and drug tests. Please apply in person at The Waterford at Levis Commons, 7100 S. Wilkinson Way, Perrysburg, OH 43551. LOOKING FOR someone part-time on the computer. Computer skills needed. Looking to help build my store on-line. Call for details. 419-509-8234. LIKE NEW, 2 bed, 2 bath, shingled roof, shed and new deck. Village Green Perrysburg. $3,380 down. $536 per month/6 years including lot rent. 419-248-2372. Models on Display! Nice Selection of New and Pre-Owned Homes! 2 & 3 Bedroom Sites Also Available! Low Monthly Lot Rent! Contact Walnut Hills/ Deluxe @ 419-666-3993 CLASSES OFFERED G FORCES Learning Center. Tutoring for all ages, ACT/SAT and GED test prep and creative writing assistance. Expert resume service and professional job search assistance. Help with term papers and letters of application. Located at 134 W.S. Boundary, Suite H, Perrysburg. Call, 419-873-6121 or send an email to ART CLASSES - Group & Private. Drawing, painting & figure study. Beginning through advanced. EDGERTON ART Studio & School, Perrysburg. Current schedule and registration forms available online at www.EdgertonArt .com; Call: 419-290-OILS [6457], Email: Edgerton SITUATIONS WANTED AJS IN Home Cleaning, weekly, biweekly. Serving customers in Perrysburg and surronding. 22 years experience, bonded, references upon request. Free estimates. Call April at 419-691-2041. Check me out on Angie’s List. CLEANING / ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS. Lifetime Perrysburg resident with references. Deb, 419-377-5597. ERICA’S CLEANING service, ceiling to floor, years of professional experience. Affordable rates. For more information contact Erica, 419-654-2884. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS. Over 30 years experience. Dressmaking, wedding gowns, bridesmaids, alterations and veil design. 419-874-5390. GOOD OLD fashioned house cleaning and organization. Honest, hard working. Ellie, 419-308-9188. TUTORING SERVICES CLASSIFIEDS Tutoring for high school students in writing/English composition. Improve your child’s confidence and writing skills, practice helpful writing assignments or prepare for college-level writing. One-on-one, friendly, specialized sessions with a Ph.D. in English composition. 419-874-4491 419-874-3479 MUSIC JUDITH JUSTUS, M.M.Ed. Retired band director. Instruction in piano, flute, saxophone and clarinet. Adults welcome. 419-874-6828. Perrysburg Township. Close to Owens & Crossroads. Rent starting at $410 419-381-0600 1 BEDROOM apartment available in Perrysburg February 15 or earlier. Brick ranch style complex located on the corer of Sandusky and Three Meadows Boulevard. Very quiet, no one above or below you, double insulated walls, large attic for storage. $590/month. Heat, hot water and carport included. No washer/dryer in unit, but laundry facility in complex. No dishwasher. Non-smoking, no dogs. Call Kerry at 419-874-4920. 2 BEDROOM villa. C/A, gas heat, attached garage, washer/dryer hook-ups, $680/ month. 419-874-0889. 3 BEDROOM townhouse on West Indiana Avenue. Available now. No pets, non-smoking. One year lease. $875/month plus utilities and deposit. 419-693-9669. A PETITE Hamlet, river area vintage apartment. Nonsmoking & no pets. $550. 419-913-1693. See Craigs List. DOWNTOWN PERRYSBURG efficiency apartment. One large sunlit room with kitchen area, bathroom, walk-in closet. $325/month including water. Non-smoking, no pets. Call 419-3446098 and leave message. LARGE THREE bedroom ranch twinplex, three miles east of Perrysburg. Two bath, central air, gas heat. Laundry connections, attached finished garage. Pool and tennis. Water , sewer and trash pick up included. $785/month. 419-297-3123. Perry’s Landing Space for Rent •Commercial/Office Space, 500 sq. ft.-1800 square feet available. •1 bedroom apt. available, $525 plus utilities. 419-352-0717 PERRYSBURG TOWNSHIP 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath townhouse. New carpeting. No pets. $465/month. 419260-7583. PERRYSBURG, THREE Meadows, easy I-75 access; two bedroom apartment, one bath; laundry, security building. $530/month. Water included. Call 734-347-2538. PERRYSBURG 2 bedroom apartment overlooking lake. No pets. Garage. $595. Broker/owner, 419-874-1112. PERRYSBURG TOWNHOUSE, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, garage, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, 805 Three Meadows. $650/month. 419376-8583. PERRYSBURG TOWNSHIP 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,800 square-foot ranch style condominium with 2 car garage. Call 419-466-6292. ROSSFORD 2 bedroom starting at $450. Quiet community. Pet friendly. 1110 Lewis. By appointment, 419-385-0704. ROSSFORD ONE bedroom apartment. $350/month plus utilities and deposit. No pets. 419-351-0228. ROSSFORD UPPER 2 bedroom apartment. Totally remodeled. Very nice. $650/month plus deposit. No pets. 419-351-0228. STONY RIDGE, 24665 Hickory Court. 850 SF, 2 bed, assigned parking, extra lockable storage in basement. Coin-op washer/dryer, garbage p/u paid, new carpet, central air. Toy dogs only. Cats declawed in front/fixed. Deposit for pets but no extra each month. $675/month. Call 419-266-5863 for appointment. VACATION RENTALS NICE 2 bedroom apartment, country setting south of Perrysburg, Five Point Road. Gas heat, central air, appliances. Water, sewer and trash collection included. $575/ month. 419-297-3123. PLACE YOUR Vacation Rentals here. Call us 419-874-4491 to place your ad. PERRYSBURG TOWNSHIP luxury 2 bedroom with washer/dryer hook-up, updated kitchen, $615/month. 2 bedroom, washer/dryer included, $595/month. Call for specials, 419-389-0555. BAD CREDIT, no credit. Call John Stauffer, 419-297-9709. RENTER TO share 3 bedroom house in Perrysburg. WIFI, big yard, fire pit, plenty of storage and washer and dryer. Call Jason 419-2062278. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call the Fair Housing Center, 243-6163, before you run your advertisement. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. USED CARS AUTO INSURANCE Free Quotes $$Low Rates$$ 419-874-9989 Modene Insurance Agency, Perrysburg WANTED TO BUY ROLEX WRISTWATCHES wanted by Perrysburg collector. Call Tom, 419-360-8920. BUYING MOST items from garages. Vehicles, motorcycles, tools, mowers, etc. 419-870-0163. A MECHANIC buys vehicles; looks, pays accordingly, anything with wheels. 419-870-0163. WANTED GUNS, any age, any condition. Also WWII and earlier military items. Indian artifacts. Rob, 419-340-5808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. LOOKING FOR great things to buy or consign. Collections or estates. Jones & Jones LTD Antiques. 114 W. Indiana. 419-874-2867. Red Cross blood drive Feb. 15 REAL ESTATE Kam Warner Lakewood Church of the Brethren will sponsor a blood drive on Saturday, February 15, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall located at 27009 Lemoyne Road, Millbury. Appointments can be scheduled until 1:45 p.m., and walk-ins may present until 2 p.m. Donors must be at least 17 years of age, in good general health and weigh at least 110 pounds, but not more than 350 pounds. Participants must not have donated blood since December 21. Donors should eat three balanced meals and drink plenty of fluids on the day of the donation, with one good meal eaten four hours or less before donation. The blood donation process takes approximately one hour. It begins with registration, which requires proof of identification. A mini-physical follows, which checks the donor’s temperature, blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin level. The actual donation time generally takes less than 15 minutes. The American Red Cross is especially encouraging those with blood types O negative and A and B negative to donate. In the Western Lake Erie Region, more than 300 units of blood are needed daily to meet the demands of the region’s hospitals. To schedule an appointment please call 1-800-7332767 or visit and enter sponsor code: LAKEWOOD or give intention to present as a walk-in donor. Time to get moving! The ‘Polar Vortex” will be gone soon and so will these deals! • Cell 419-345-5170 • 10901 Avenue, Perrysburg–$144,900 PRICE REDUCED – OPEN SUNDAY 12-2PM – 3 beds, 1 bath, huge garage, 3 parcels, located close to park/ Route 75. Renovated and awesome! • 2411 Goldenrod, Perrysburg–$309,125 – 4 beds, 2.5 baths, new construction by Slaske Building – custom home in fabulous Hull Prairie Farms. • 1068 Cherry, Perrysburg–$134,900 – OPEN SUNDAY 2:15-4:15 – 3 beds, 2 baths, custom tile, granite and cabinetry throughout. Let’s make a deal. • 5725 Balfour, Sylvania–$72,900 – Lovingly maintained 2 bed, 1 bath, fantastic location close to interstate/shopping. Oversized garage. • 2823 Northwood, Toledo–$79,900 – Surrounded by single family homes, duplex offers 2, 2 bed/1bath units. Well cared for, one unit rented. Build your dream home here! 4 Perrysburg Real Estate News and Stats Newer subdivision, large lot, ready to build Harley Woods at HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE Country living City Convenience Free Quotes $$Low Rates$$ One acre lot of land in Tontogany, OH inside a semi-private cul-de-sac in Harley Woods Subdivision off of Tontogany Road. This lot is ready to build now and has electric, city water, natural gas, sanitary and storm sewers complete with taps. Otsego Schools. 419-874-9989 Modene Insurance Agency, Perrysburg * * * NOTICE * * * Investigate before you invest. Call the Ohio Division of Securities BEFORE purchasing an investment. Call the Division’s Investor Protection Hotline at 800-788-1194 to learn if the investment is properly registered and if the seller is properly licensed. Please be advised that many work at home advertisements do not yield what is promised. It is best to investigate the company before applying for any work at home position. (This no- REDUCED Asking price is $55,000. Call Chet Welch for more details at 419-215-4482. tice is a public service of the Welch Publishing Co.) T © 2014 2014 Hospice Hospice of North Northwest west Ohio Valentine’s Day Sale! 1 LB. LB. 9 .9 0 1 $ O $ 99 S L I A ER T F T A S W U R G A D R E L A P S O T A C S 8 8 B $1 O L D F Z. 8O 7 1 $ 88 RESH OOT R W & A , P U 7 , C R , S R O N R E V BEER, KIST N U S , E IT R T DIE PACK CANS 12 3/$ ICE CREAM 48 OZ. $ 99 2 99 “Heartsong,” which encouraged all listening to find the song deep within their own heart. Pictured above, front row, are: Meghan Johnson, Gabrielle Pierce, Brieanna Everhardt, Alaina Schaefer and Alexa Schaefer. Back row: Mallory Nevins, Owen Hill, TJ Turski, Allayna McManaway, Andrew Maenle. Below, front row: Ricky Madden, Blake Pierce, Owen Cully, Ethan Cully, Sam Ruffin. Back row: Nikole Paszko, Alayna Cannings, Emma Moore, Kayden Lewis and Sydney Doughten. HAM “OFF THE BONE” DELI SLICED $ 99 4 LB. STAR KIST CHUNK WHITE ALBACORE TUNA 6 OZ. CAN 99 BONELESS 9 $ 99 59 OZ. 2 LB. FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES 1 LB. SMITH’S WHITE MILK 2/$ , FAT FREE WHOLE, 2%, 1% $ 69 2 6 Wrestlers take second at RIT The Rossford varsity wrestling team took second as a team in the Rossford Invitational Tournament (RIT) on February 8. Sixteen teams participated in the annual event that features some of the best high school wrestling competition in the area. Rossford finished only behind Whitmer in the team standings. Five Bulldog wrestlers earned a place in the finals. Freshman Brandon Vasquez was the invite champion at the 285 lb. weight class. Christian Goldsmith (120), C.J. Ball (126), Joe Burlage (132) and Casey Orr (160) all earned runner-up honors. The Bulldogs take to the mats again this weekend as they compete in sectionals. Any athletes that place there will advance to regionals, one step before state competition. Wrestling Results 106-Tanner Krotzer, fourth place 120-Christian Goldsmith, second place 126-CJ Ball, second place 132-Jake Burlage, third place 132-Joe Burlage, second place 132-Spencer Shultz, sixth place 138-Evan Austin, fourth place 145-Josh Rymers, sixth place 160-Casey Orr, second place 170-Andrew Myers, fourth place 182-Harrison Fink, fifth place 220-Mat Myers, third place 285-Brandon Vasquez, first place Have a news tip? Do you have an idea for a good story in the Rossford community? Call the Journal at 419-874-4491 or send an e-mail with your news to editor@ Personalized Customer Service is one of our Specialties! EACH ECKRICH Hometown Va l u e s 10 BREYER’S ROSE BOUQUET 19 RIB EYE STEAKS $ 68 FLORIST QUALITY $ USDA CHOICE RANGE JUICE AIRY RESH 8 OZ. ASST. VARIETIES . EA MINUTE MAID LB. SHREDDED CHEESE On the evenings of January 21 and February 3, the Indian Hills and Eagle Point third and fourth graders treated their families to a program of “Music, Music, Music.” Students filled the evening with poetry, songs and a variety of instruments including a trash can band, rubber band banjos, kazoos, and crinkling paper, besides the traditional array of percussion instruments to accompany their singing selections. The children also included dance steps and motions to several of their songs. They ended their concert with PUBLISHER’S NOTICE Let Let our experts experts help with what’s what’s weighing weighing on your your mind. mind. CHICKEN BREASTS Students present ‘Music, Music, Music’ All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Call the Fair Housing Center, 243-6163, before you run your advertisement. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Serious illness illness raises raises tough tough questions. questions. BONELESS, SKINLESS ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL – February 13, 2014 – Page 7 ¢ “Good Things To Eat Since 1898” • USDA Choice Beef • Miller’s Amish Chicken • Homemade Kielbasa & Bratwurst • The Boar’s Head Brand Deli Meats • Bowman-Landis Free Range Fresh Turkeys Great Wine Selection • Barry Bagels 10% off by the case • Country Grains Homemade Deli Salads Bread Co. HOURS: M-F, 7:30 am–9 pm Sat., 7:30 am–8 pm Sun., 8:30 am–6 pm In-Store Bakery In-Store Delicatessen Elm & 2nd Street 4 19 -874-4 32 5 Sale good through Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014 Help your customers “March” into Spring by offering savings on your products and services on a special page in the Perrysburg Messenger and Rossford Record Journals. Ads will be 3 columns (5 inches) x 3 inches Cost is $114.75 BUT... We will match your discount (up to 50%) For example: If you offer 25% off in your coupon we will give you 25% off your ad $114.75 $86.06 Deadline: Friday, February 21 Publication: March 5 and 6 This special also will appear on our Web site until March 31. Call today to be included in this special! 419-874-4491 or e-mail or Page 8— February 13, 2014 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL Introduction to rowing event is Feb. 15, 22 Glenwood Elementary students learn about therapy dogs Even though the cold has kept students at Glenwood Elementary School from going outside, they recently had some visitors agree to come inside for a visit. Certified therapy dogs and their handlers, from Serenity Farm Equestrian Center, visited the students for an educational visit, including an opportunity to work on reading and writing. Kindergarten and first grade students learned about the therapy dogs, asked questions and led the dogs through obstacle courses. Mrs. Belviso’s reading intervention groups created graphic organizers such as Venn Diagrams and KWL charts which included the following information: what we want to learn, what questions we have and what we have learned. The students also used their reading and writing skills to compose thank you notes after the visit. Pictured are students enjoying their visitors. Reading dogs are available at the Rossford Library on Monday evenings in February. Children may sign up to read to their favorite dog for a 15-minute time slot between 6:45 and 7:45 p.m. This program is free and open to all students. It is especially helpful in encouraging young readers who may be reluctant to read aloud. Call the library at 419666-0924 to reserve a time. NDA musicians to perform in Toledo Symphony concert Learn to curl events, leagues offered at BGSU Ice Arena The Bowling Green Curling Club is offering residents of northwest Ohio the opportunity to explore the unique sport of curling–one of the games of the Winter Olympics. The club is hosting Learn to Curl events at the Bowling Green State University Ice Get ALL the local news in the Record! Reading dogs at library The Toledo Rowing Club along with the Toledo Metropolitan Rowing Club, will host two Learn to Row opportunities for high school students. The instruction will be led by TRC executive director Kristina Latta and TMRC Coach Brett Pavia. The free program will be held indoors at CrossFit Lifesport, 3128 Douglas Road, Toledo, on February 15 and 22, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Participants can choose to attend one or both sessions to learn more about rowing. Those attending should dress in work out attire. TMRC is open to all high school athletes who are interested in rowing. For more information and registration for this free clinic, send an e-mail to Ms. Latta at For more information on TMRC visit the Web site at Arena located at 417 North Mercer Road. Participants will learn the basics of curling–including throwing rocks and sweeping–from certified instructors. The cost of $20 includes all equipment, instruction and the chance to play a short game. Curlers should wear comfortable warm clothes and clean athletic shoes. “We have a very supportive and encouraging club and new members are always welcome,” said club member Shannon Orr. For those who want to continue to continue curling, the club will host two Starter Leagues immediately after the Olympics. The four week Starter Leagues will include additional instruction and more playing time. For more information, visit the Web site at www.bowlinggreencurling FIRE FI RE & ICE Rock ‘n’ Roll for the Red Cross Our fifth annual Fire & Ice celebration happens Saturday, February 15, 2014 at The Clazel in Bowling Green. Join us as we feature our blood serv ices and recognize our blood donors that go above and beyond services while raising funds for the American Red Cross of Wood County. Enjoy live music by the Bourbon Street Band, appetizers, cash bar, liv livee and silent auction. NEW DAY Saturday, Feb ruary 15, 2014 February 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. In an exclusive side-byside concert, Notre Dame Academy (NDA) choral and orchestra students will perform several numbers with the Toledo Symphony Orchestra as part of their Neighborhood Concert Series on February 22, at 7:30 p.m., in the Ave Maria Performing Arts Center on the school’s campus at 3535 West Sylvania Avenue. NDA is the first area school to feature both choral and orchestra students performing with the Toledo Symphony. Participating in the sideby-side concert from Rossford is chorus member freshman Sarah Goblirsch. Almost 90 students will participate in several pieces with the symphony. Choral students will sing “The Flower Duet” from “Lakme,” “Barcarolle” from “The Tales of Hoffmann,” and “America” from “West Side Story.” Both choral and orchestra will perform together in “The Fellowship of the Ring” from “The Lord of the Rings.” The NDA orchestra will also perform “Berceuse Fi- Central Catholic posts honor roll The Clazel Theatre 127 N. Main St. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Ti ckets $25 Tickets Tickets go on sale January 6, 2014 online at redcross. org/fireandice2014 or by calling (419) 352-4575. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR OUR EVENT SPONSORS: Bodie KeyBank, Bodi e Electric, Lubrizol Now Open At Central Catholic High School, 531 students earned academic honors for the second quarter. The following students from Rossford are on the honor roll. First Honors GPA of 3.9 and Higher Jessica Arnold, Alex Heban, Elizabeth Kraus, William Sattler. Second Honors GPA of 3.5 to 3.89 Caitlin Davenport, Madison Lehman, Ryan Roberts. Come see the Kingston difference. ‘Communities of Choice’ for Assisted Living and Memory Care / Rehabilitation and Long-Term Care nale” from “The Firebird Suite.” The Toledo Symphony also will perform solo a variety of musical numbers. The concert will feature the world premiere of an original orchestral piece called “Ocean,” by NDA Orchestra Director Beth Hummer. The piece is one movement from her master’s thesis. Choral students are under the direction of Amy Johns. International conductor Jeffrey Pollock will be conducting the side-by-side. He has worked with orchestras throughout North America including Houston, Nashville, Charlotte, Cleveland Chamber, KitchenerWaterloo and Niagara Symphony orchestras and has given chamber orchestra performances with members of the Baltimore Symphony and the Tulsa Philharmonic. For ticket information, visit the Web site at Your Retirement ement JJourney B Begins H Heree He Jeff Jeff Bucher Bucher 877-883-1221 Investment Advisory serviices are off ffeered through Alphastaarr Capital Maan nagemen ntt, LLC, a SEC Registered Investmen nt Advisor.Alphastaarr Capital Maan nagemen nt, LLC and Citizen Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities. Lee Williams Rossford 941 Dixie Hwy. 419-666-0091 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Shop at Toledo’ s House of Meats where all your dollars stay in your community. PRICES GOOD SUNDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 THROUGH FEBRUARY 15, 2014. BONELESS OUR FAMOUS HALF POUND NEW YORK PORK COLORADO STRIP CHOPS ROAST STEAK Plain or Marinated Add a 4 OZ. EA. LB. 4 OZ. EA. EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Lobster Tail $5.4 9 EA. EA. 8 OZ. EA. BONELESS SKINLESS CHICKEN BREASTS...$2.99 LB. GOURMET STUFFED USDA CHOICE BLACK ANGUS WHOLE CHICKEN ENGLISH CHICKENS BREAST ROAST Come see why people choose Kingston of Perrysburg for their residence and rehabilitation. Kingston Residence of Perrysburg Kingston Rehabilitation of Perrysburg 333 East Boundary Street Perrysburg, OH 43551 345 East Boundary Street Perrysburg, OH 43551 ALL FLAVORS 419-724-CARE Genuine Care – Dedicated To You 8 OZ. EA. EA. LB. LB. S T U F F E D M U S H R O O M S $5.99 LB. NOT AVAILABLE AT THE ANDERSONS. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES.
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