Complete newsletter in PDF format - Special Olympics
Complete newsletter in PDF format - Special Olympics
MONTGOMERY RELAY Special Olympics Maryland Montgomery County 2012 Volume 14, Issue 2 SUM ME R/F ALL 2 01 2 A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR By Pam Yerg The 2012 SO Maryland Summer Games were a huge success with many personal bests recorded, team spirit very high and friendships strengthened. As we enter the Summer of 2012 and look forward to Fall sport seasons, we will be phasing in the new three month sport season structure established by SOMD. Details can be found on our website and on the website, receive better training, coaches to be more successful in the outcomes they seek, and resources to be utilized much more effectively and efficiently. Effective fall of 2012, the Area Programs of SOMD will organize its sports into three defined seasons; Fall (August – October); Winter (December – February); Spring (April – June). Planning months will be July, November and March. A three month sport season allows athletes to train up to twelve weeks, which now gives coaches a greater capacity to improve skills, increase sports knowledge, and better condition their athletes. Athletes and teams have more time to develop friendships, enjoy camaraderie, and learn valuable life lessons that come about as a result of being part of a team. but in a nutshell: from SOMD: “… recently, an extensive assessment process was undertaken by a committee composed of SOMD staff, Board Members, Area/County Directors and Coaches which lead to decisions which we believe will greatly improve experiences for our athletes. The two primary changes are (1) creating a new three season Sports Calendar and (2) identifying sports that are sanctioned by SOMD as “State Level”, or “Locally Popular”. The 12-week training season was favored by many constituents and stakeholders, as well as the governing body of SOMD, Special Olympics International. Sports will be identified as “State Sanctioned” or “Locally Popular” and each Area Program will continue to determine which sports offer the most and are most in demand, and will design the sports season and local qualifying competitions which they can support. The Management Team of SOMO is committed to providing the quality Both changes allow for athletes to sports programs that our athletes depend on and love. Special Olympics—Created by the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation Authorized and Accredited by Special Olympics, Inc. for the benefit of Citizens with Intellectual Disabilities SOMO JOY Sparkle Cheer Team wins gold in the 2012 SOMD Summer Games ⇒ KNIGHT’S FALL PICNIC SEPT. 8TH DETAILS ON THE WEBSITE ⇒ MONTGOMERY MASTERS MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 ⇒ INSPIRATION WALK/5K RUN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 ⇒ REGIONAL 10 PIN TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 –BOWL-AMERICA SOMO CALENDAR SOMD REGATTA July 28-29 SOMD FALL GOLF CLASSIC– September 29-30 SOMD KAYAK RACE MT. ST. MARYS FALLFEST— October 20 SOMD FALL SOCCER CLASSIC— October 21—EASTERN SHORE TOPSOCCER FESTIVAL– Oct 28th COMPETITION AND EVENT DETAILS: PAGE 2 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 Meet the President MONTGOMERY RELAY n Article and photo by Maggie Häusler. LATE SUMMER /FALL TRAINING CALENDAR Sport/Team Time Start Date Location Cycling Fall Season 9AM-10:30 AM Sat July 7th Bohrer Park, G’Burg Cross Country Running (Summer and Fall Schedule) Summer Run Season Fall Season Mid-Week 10AM-11 AM 5PM-6 PM Sun Jul 15 Sept 7 Lake Needwood Lake Needwood Tennis Fall Season* 4PM-6 PM Sun Aug 12 Walter Johnson H.S. * There will also be a spring season of tennis with competition at summer games Powerlifting “STAY FIT TO LIFT” SEASON Fall Season* 2PM-3:30PM Sun Aug 12 * There will also be a spring season of power lifting Flower Hill Fitness Soccer Senior Soccer 10AM-11:30AM Sat Aug 18 Landon School, Bethesda* *Tentative location. Check website for final dates and practice location. TOPSoccer K-4th 12PM-1:15PM Sun Sept 9 Potomac Community Center TOPSoccer 5-8th 1:00PM-3:30PM Sun Sept 9 PCC– 11315 Falls Rd. 20854 TOPSoccer HS 4:30PM-6:00PM Sun Sept 9 Wootton High School TOPSoccer/ YAP 12PM-1:15 PM Sun Sept 9 Potomac Community Center Competitive 10 Pin Bowling Season Fall Season 12PM-2PM Sat Aug 18 Bowl America, Clopper Rd. IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLINE SIGN UP FOR 10 PIN BOWLING WILL OPEN ON SAT. JULY 14TH AT NOON. NO SIGN UPS ARE POSSIBLE BEFORE THAT TIME! REMEMBER! Updated details for each sport can be found on that “sport’s page” on the website AND All athletes and volunteers MUST sign up online for the sport they wish to participate in! Online sign-up is available on our website now! Report to your sport's first training session. We do not confirm your sign-up. SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY PAGE 3 LATE SUMMER/ FALL SPORTS LINE CROSS COUNTRY SUMMER & FALL RUNNING Starts: July 15 Location: Lake Needwood Time: Sundays 10AM to 11AM 9/7 Fri. 5 to 6PM extra practices Athletes wishing to participate in the Fall Cross Country Running Team should plan to attend the summer runs whenever possible. Coach Bob will need the assistance of family members to help with chaperone and leadership duties in this running program. On line sign up required. Note earlier time on Sundays. CYCLING CLUB Starts: July 7 Location: Bohrer Park Time: 9AM-10:30 AM Traditional racing cycling for athletes wishing to compete at the Fall Festival scheduled for October 20. We will also have a leisure club ride for athletes who simply want to “ride”. Ride locations to be determined. Both programs require that you provide your own equipment and a Buddy/Unified Partner. We are in need of assistant coaches! Please consider helping Coach Renny ! Contact . For details about the team and directions to the training site. YAP Fall Program: Our Young Athletes Program– YAP will be built into our TOPSoccer partnership with MSI. We will have a YAP (ages 4 and 5) team as a part of our TOPSoccer Elementary League. We encourage parent participation in the YAP programs as our youngest athletes get acquainted with SOMO sports programs. Go to to register for the MSI TOPSoccer program. Contact Pam Yerg with any questions: Our SOMO YAP programs are a continuation of the MCPS “DREAM TEAM” effort to provide an introduction to sports to young athletes. TENNIS Starts: Aug. 12 Location: Walter Johnson High School Time: 4 PM The Tennis program will feature skills training and training in doubles: mixed and Unified. Spaces in this program will be limited by the coaching support that we have, so SIGN up NOW! Encourage family and friends to volunteer in this program. We strongly encourage family and friends to train with our athletes and participate as Unified Partners in mixed doubles play. We are very fortunate to have the skilled coaches from MCTA (Montgomery Co. Tennis Association) led by Greg Overkamp, MCTA League Coordinator. * This is the last Fall Tennis Program as Tennis will be offered in the spring with Summer Games Competition beginning 2013. Email Pam Yerg with questions. POWERLIFTING “Stay Fit to Lift!” Starts: August 12 Location: Flower Hill Fitness First Gym (at its new location!) Time: 2 PM Powerlifting Competition is moving to Summer Games in June 2013, but Coach Jim wants to make sure that all of the SOMO Lifters stay FIT TO LIFT! To that end we are offering a Fall Season of powerlifting this year, and will offer a spring season as well! Parents and counselors are encouraged to participate as volunteers in this program. We will accept as many athletes in this program as our coaching staff can support—so sign up is on a first come, first served basis. SIGN UP NOW! Coach Jim Downs will contact you with details. Athletes must be at least 16 years old. Acceptable attire for practices are shorts, sweats, t-shirts and tennis shoes. One piece lifting suits (singlets) will be provided for competition. Contact Coach Jim with questions: SAILING and KAYAKING The Mid-Summer Classic State Sailing Competition will be held July 28&29 at Saint Mary’s College. Both programs are full. MSI/ TOPSOCCER Season begins Sept. 9 Location: Various see Calendar The MSI/TOPSoccer partnership returns as the soccer training program for athletes in grades K through High School. We will have a YAP league ( grades K and 1), an Elementary league( grades 2-5), a Middle School league and a High School league. Registration Requires a fee to MSI soccer league. Scholarships available if needed. Contact Pam Yerg. SENIORS SOCCER Starts: Sat. August 18* Location: Landon School –New Day/new location! Check website for final practice day/location. Time: 10-11:30am For athletes 18 years and older who wish to train and compete on a 7v7 Soccer team with other adult players. We are in desperate need of coaches to make this team (or teams) a possibility. Interested athletes sign up NOW so that we can plan for the coaching staff that will be needed. WE NEED COACHES! COMPETITIVE 10 PIN BOWLING Starts: August 18th Location: Bowl America, Gaithersburg Online sign-up starts on Saturday JULY 14th at noon. This is a very popular program and we have limited “regular slots”. They fill quickly! You will be contacted by Aug 6th to let you know if you made the team. Bowlers attending 8 practices (15 game average) will be eligible to participate in the regional competition in November which Montgomery County will be hosting at the Bowl America Lanes. Those who win gold medals in their divisions will be eligible to compete in the State Games in early December. PAGE 4 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 SPRING SPORT WRAP-UP and S.O. MARYLAND SUMMER GAMES SOMO VIP Jean Pedersen SOMO VIPs SOMO is blessed with many wonderful volunteers from the community and from our athlete families and there is no better picture of an entire family dedicated to the SOMO family than Pete and Jean Pedersen! SPRING BOWLING: We had a fantastic season with both a Bowl-a-thon and an “I beat my coach!” competition. Bowlers raised over $11,000 to support the program! Our Bowling program is an example of the BEST of SOMO: a great community of athletes and coaches, volunteers and families. COMPETITIVE FALL SEASON: Fall is the Competitive session for bowling. Every bowler with a 15 game average by October 13 is eligible to compete in the Regional Tournament in early November. Athletes winning silver or gold in the Regional Competition advance to the State Competition in December. We bowl on Saturdays from 11:45-2 PM at the Bowl America on Clopper Road in Gaithersburg. Bowling begins August 18 and ends November 17. Athletes who will compete in the State Competition will practice on November 24). The Online sign-up for bowling begins at NOON on JULY 14. Our limited spaces fill quickly, however it is NOT possible to sign up prior to that date and time. If you try, YOU WILL NOT BE REGISTERED. We have 72 slots and maintain a list of 6-10 alternates. Slots will be given FIRST to athletes not training in another Fall Sport. Athletes will be notified by email by August 6th of their status (bowler or alternate). Alternates are placed in available slots on a first come, first served basis. Although alternates are not guaranteed a spot, typically spaces are available and alternates get to bowl. If you do not plan to attend regularly, PLEASE sign up as an alternate! Our Special Olympics MD – Montgomery program exists solely on volunteer support. It takes many dedicated coaches and assistant coaches as well as Management Team volunteers and volunteers in each sport program to make these SOMO wheels turn. The SOMO Bowling program is fortunate to have a huge collection of the most dedicated volunteers you will ever see! SOMO athlete John Pedersen is a bowler and a golfer and his entire family stands behind him supporting our programs and stepping up to do whatever is needed for athletes and for families in need of a helping hand. When you see Jean or Pete please give them a hug and a high five! 2012 SOMO Softball Team has risen to the top and won Silver in the highest traditional division! The 2012 Warriors: Matt Bonanno, Matt DiGilio, Andrew Fusi, Trevor Golden, Ricardo Hakim, Ben Levy, Adam Lloyd, Sam Mabie, Jason Masssey, Max Rubenstein, Brian and Mark Salewski, and Tony Stevens train like the pros and played their hearts out. Led by Head Coach Bob Golden, this is the tightest group of ball players in the state and will be back next year to regain gold! Our Softball Skills Team coached by Head Coach Jim Downs donned their medals as they cheered their team mates on. 2012 SUMMER GAMES HUGE thank-yous go to all of the Coaches and Chaperones who supported this largest-ever SOMO delegation! And Special thanks to our Head of Delegation Carroll Piacesi whose work for Summer games never ends! SOMO Softball Skills Team: Perri Cutler, Laura Evans, Eli Lewis, Romit Mitra, Bruce Myles, Alison Silverstein and Eddie Zirkind competed in Softball Skills on Saturday, and look forward to SOMO’s plan to field a second softball team for next spring season! The SOMO Bocce Team continues to grow! This year’s Bocce Team was the largest ever, and led by Head Coach Renny Springuel it took home medals galore! Jared Capron-Brown, Richard Charleston, Ben Collins, Erin Connolly, Joe Cumberpatch, Linda Daner, Scott and Erik Eckberg, Dana Eisman, Nan Gootenberg, Liz Kanfee, Manoj Kumaroo, Annie Levine, Pat Mallon, Sarah Maryn, Alex Pellegrino, Adam Russell, Melissa Sachs, Sharon Shaffer, Alex Shapiro, Mark Springuel, Owen White, Mary Jo Wybierela, Donna Zimmerlin and Unified Partner Vicky Rocha “tore up” the bocce courts! M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 PAGE 5 MARYLAND SUMMER GAMES By: Pam Yerg This year’s Summer Games Competitions saw the largest SOMO Delegation ever and was filled with personal and team accomplishments that our entire community can be very proud of! SOMO JOY! This was the second year for our 2 Joy Cheerleading Teams to compete. The Team has grown to 34 athletes and this year is led by Head Coach Meaghan Smith. A Raven’s Cheerleader, Meaghan fell in love with JOY Cheerleader Joelle Packard at a Raven’s Outreach event, and when Joelle asked her to come and coach her team, she didn’t hesitate, and we gained an amazing Cheer Coach! SOMO JOY: Michelle Aguirre, Ayaan Ayorinde, Gina Baldini, Ashley Betancourt, Theresa Brogan, Megan Cooper, Samantha Cooper, Sarah Dorros, Delaney Dunigan, Saron Ermias, Barbara Ewing, Ariana Froh, Katherine Fudge, Abigail Gehres, Pia Gueco, Danilee Gummo, Alexis Jordan, Amanda Mahmood, Haley Meade, Devin Mitchell, Lauren Mitchum, Lucia Mundell, Megan O’Connor, Joelle Packard, Carly Ruderman, Nadia Sarfarazi, Komal Shah, Ella Smith, Dorian Thomas, Nicole Tuite, Alexis Tippett, Breanna Vitak and Maria Vucci. Joy Sparkle dedicates their Gold medal to fellow athlete Amanda Mahmood whose positive outlook and smile brings us all JOY! Look for Summer Games competition results on soon! We will also post them on our website: along with photos that capture all of the excitement of the season and the Summer Games! David Godoy was recognized by Coach Margie as the Shark’s Best Sport—his great attitude, coach-ability and smile for his coaches and team mates wins over anyone who has the pleasure of knowing David Coach “SpongeBob Stack” recognized track and field athletes Lisa Calhoun and Tony Sampson as two hard-working “team players”. Both have very complicated travel details to master in order to get to practice, and they are there every week to train hard and to cheer their team mates on. Construction on the Towson stadium forced a venue change and the track and field competition was held at Coppin State. Coppin provided a beautiful venue, but the travel between Towson and Coppin made this a challenging Summer Games competition to be sure. Led by “Mighty Leader Joyce Plaxen” the Track and Field Delegation stayed on time and on task and athletes’ competition results showed the hard work our SOMO track team puts in for Coach SpongeBob! The 2012 SOMO Track and Field Team: Donnell Banks, Joey Bascomb, Shelley Belgard, Peter Bezilla, Theresa Brogan, Lisa Calhoun, Feivel Cohen, Megan Cooper, Amy Faiola, Patrick Farrell, Andrea Geller, Jan Gonzalez, Phoebe Hathaway, Patrick Jones, Terrel Limerick, Fatih McLuckie, Thomas Morere, Lori Plaxen, Billy Riggs, Cynthia Ring, Eric Roth, Tony Sampson, Darren Seifert, Jared Turner, Katelyn Ward and Joe Wu. The SOMO SHARKS “ruled the pool”! Head Coach Margie Young (she was the one wearing the Shark hat!) and her devoted coaching staff could not have been more proud of the personal best swims that our SOMO Sharks performed this Summer Games and throughout the season! Our swim team is the largest it has ever been and this was the largest Swim Team Delegation that we have ever take to compete at Summer Games. We are very fortunate to have a very generous Shark Sponsor: The Stone Ridge School and Swim Program Director Bob Walker provide a gorgeous facility for our season practices and host the best swim meet in the state as our team trains and qualifies to advance to State Competition. This year we welcomed quite a few new swimmers to the team’s “sharkinfested water”! 2012 SOMO SHARKS: Zak Baker, Garrie Barnes, Alex Batselos, Meredith Beck, Aaron Boyle, Alex Brouwers, Bryant Cabo, Alex Callahan, Annie Callanan, Toni Dawe, Chris Divita, Jill Durbin, Francis Dwyer, Andy Eisenhaur, Elaine Fickenscher, Sarah Glenner, Davoid Godoy, Charlie Hepp, Aaron Hyndman, Brian Kao, Shannon Lyons, Eleanor McCarthy, Matt hew McMeekin, Gaby Nugent, Helen O’Brien, Laura Pastel, Connor Pennanen, Kelly Piacesi, Javier Requejo, Alex Richardson, Alyson Ritzman, Nick Seidel, Kelli Jo Smith, Donnie Toker Jen Wagner, Carrie Waldman, Ryan Walters and Neil Young. Thank you to all of our generous and supportive Community Partners who have provided facilities for our team practices and competitions: Without your generous support, our many sports programs would not be possible. You are our HEROES! PAGE 6 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 5 K RUN PRESENTED BY THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY HOSTED BY GEORGETOWN PREP SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2012 BE A FAN. Collect donations for the event and come to cheer the athletes on ! BE A WALKER. Collect your donations and come alone or build a TEAM to walk together! The Inspiration Walk will be the Opening Ceremonies to the 1500M and 5K Cross Country Run events. BE A RUNNER. Register to run the 1500M Cross Country Run or the 5K Cross Country Run ( Special Olympics MD State Cross Country events ) or build a TEAM and run together! Timing by MC Road Runners Club. BE A TEAM. Register a TEAM and all of the team-mates work together to collect donations and WALK or RUN in the event of their choice. TEAMS may choose to sponsor a SOMO Cross Country athlete - train with them during the season, and run with them as they qualify to advance to Maryland State Competition at Mt. St. Mary’s Fall Fest on October 20th! Team Building , donations and Registration available online. BE A SPONSOR. Choose a SPONSORSHIP LEVEL and show your support for the athletes and programs of Special Olympics MD – Montgomery. Sponsor an Inspiration Sign and dedicate it to an athlete or to someone WHO INSPIRES YOU! BE A PART OF THE INSPIRATION WALK / 5K RUN ! For event details, and sponsorship and registration options go to or contact SOMO Area Director Pam Yerg : Special Olympics MD – Montgomery (SOMO) M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 PAGE 7 SUPPORT US! In this issue we describe the various levels of Sponsorship. Our newest Legacy Sponsor is the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD. The BAMC is the Presenting Sponsor of the newly designed INSPIRATION WALK and 5K Run that will be held on Sunday October 14th. Join us as a Walker or a Runner or as a Team Captain! Or join us as a fan! Details about the Inspiration Walk are in this issue and on the website. The members of the Bar Association wanted to get to know our athletes and have volunteered their time to help run the 3v3 Basketball Tournament at Landon this past winter and the Spring Games at Landon this past spring! Thank you for Carrying the Torch! VOLUNTEER! One of the best ways to support the athletes and programs of SOMO is to give us your time. We have volunteer opportunities for everyone. If you are a middle school or high school student, you will earn SSL hours for the time you volunteer while having great fun and meeting new friends. The website will walk you through the process of applications and orientations. The next Community Volunteer orientation will be this fall (date TBA) at the Potomac Community Center on Falls Road in Potomac – 6:30-8:30. Complete the Volunteer interest survey and you will be contacted with the details by Shelly Bogasky our Volunteer coordinator. It is an experience that will change your life – and the life of another! Pictured below is Doug Schuessler, Executive Director of MSI and Head Coach of the High School TOPSoccer League. Doug congratulates his team at the MSI TOPSoccer Festival at Wootton High School. TOPSoccer is a Special Olympics Montgomery and MSI partnership to serve our SOMO youth. Jill Durbin receives the SOMO Torch from the Spring Games Torch Relay: Lisa Calhoun, Lori Plaxen, Chris and Heather BAMC volunteers and co-chairs of the Inspiration Walk/5K Run OUR COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION DATES WILL BE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE SOON! Come to learn about all of our programs and find the perfect fit for you. You can learn more about the Volunteer Registration process from our website. We will walk you through the paperwork necessary to gain credentials as a volunteer. Contact Shelley Bogasky, our volunteer coordinator. WEAR THE SOMO LOGO! Over the years we have had many requests for sports clothing and gear that had the SOMO logo on it! Please support our GTM-SOMO TEAM STORE! Go to our website and under the SUPPORT US tab click SOMO TEAMSTORE to see samples from the “store”. Click on the link and it will take you directly to the GTM website where you can choose from several clothing and sports gear items, choose your size, and make your purchases—they will be shipped directly to you! Wear the SOMO logo proudly! This is our best outreach tool. PAGE 8 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 LEVELS OF SPONSORSHIP AND CURRENT LEGACY SPONSORS Presenting The Community Partners of SOMO: Your support through various levels of sponsorship of our athletes and programs will help us to continue the quality sports and leadership programs that we offer in Montgomery County to over 600 athletes and Unified Partners— involving hundreds of student and adult volunteers. LEGACY SPONSORS BE A PART OF THE EXCITEMENT! RATTLEWOOD REGIONAL GOLF QUALIFIER SEPTEMBER 2, 2012 MONTGOMERY MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT OCTOBER 1, 2012 LEGACY SPONSORS: $5000 The Legacy Sponsor A Presenting Sponsor of your choice of one of the SOMO major events, you will receive prominent placement on our website ,on our All-season Banner, and in our newsletter with a link to your company. Your company receives a complimentary foursome in the Montgomery Masters and a tee-sign and Inspiration Walk sign honoring the athlete or person of your choice. MEDAL SPONSORS: Medal Sponsorship details available on our website under “Support Us” GOLD SOMO EVENTS INSPIRATION WALK AND 5K RUN OCTOBER 14,2 012 LANDON REGIONAL SOCCER QUALIFIER September 30, 2012 MSI/SOMO TOPSOCCER FESTIVAL October 28, 2012 Knights of Columbus REGIONAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT NOVEMBER 3, 2012 $4000 SILVER $3000 BRONZE $2000 GEORGETOWN PREP 5V5 REGIONAL BASKETBALL QUALIFIER WINTER 2013 COMMUNITY TORCH BEARERS $1000 Show your Community Spirit with this Community torch Bearer’s Sign and sponsorship of your favorite sport TORCH BEARER GOLF FOURSOME $1200 Company or Family Foursome in the Montgomery Masters , Tee-sign and placement in event materials. COMMUNITY HOST Facility and in-kind sponsorship by our Community Hosts varies . Contact Pam Yerg for details. UNIFIED YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE HOSTED BY LANDON WINTER, 2013 LANDON 3V3 REGIONAL BSKETBALL QUALIFIER WINTER 2013 STONERIDGE SWIM MEET MAY, 2013 LANDON SPRING GAMES MAY 19, 2013 SOMO BOWL-A-THON APRIL, 2013 SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY PAGE 9 SOMO COMMUNITY PARTNERS Special Olympics MD – Montgomery receives no federal, state or local funding, and relies on the generosity of the friends, families, businesses and organizations in our community who believe in our mission. The all-volunteer SOMO Management Team is tasked with developing and implementing all of the pieces that go into the training and competition programs that serve over 600 athletes year -round. The 23 year-round sports and leadership programs offered in SOMO are provided free of charge to our athletes and families. We are very fortunate to have Community Partners that come in many “generous shapes and sizes”! Our Community HOSTS provide facilities and inkind contribution support that is the life blood of our programs. GIVE A SOMO GIFT ENVELOPE BE A COMMUNITY PARTNER WITH SOMO! Honor or Remember someone special in your life! SOMO offers 23 sports An athlete– a coach—a friend in our year-long training and competition proPurchase a Gift Envelope in increments of $25. Your contribution sup- grams. Carry the Special Olympics Torch! ports SOMO and we send an acknowledgement to that someone special on Their success and development depend upon the generous supyour behalf. Contact us to receive gift envelopes or go to our website: to make your donation by credit card. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of our Special Olympic athletes and is a beautiful way to honor someone special in your life. port of community sponsors, and donations from businesses and individuals who want to “Carry the Torch! Email Pam Yerg at to find out how you and your business or organization can help! Invite us to your organization or place of business. ATHLETES ARE WHY—VOLUNTEERS AND COMMUNITY PARTNERS ARE HOW The following Schools generously provide a desperately needed home for our athletes to train and share their students with us as valued Unified Partners and volunteers: The Barrie School Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and Community Georgetown Prep Holton Arms Landon School Our Lady of Good Counsel H.S. St. Raphael’s Catholic Church Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart Wootton High School The Landon School has become a HUGE partner in providing a training facility and hosting a Regional Competition in every season of the year! The Landon student and family community has embraced the SOMO programs in every way. Landon School - Community Host of the 2012 SOMO Spring Games MSI COMMUNITY HOSTS: MSI/TOPSOCCER LEAGUE AND FESTIVAL MARRIOTT COMMUNITY HOSTS: SOMO MANAGEMENT TEAM HOSTS PAGE 10 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 Carry the Special Olympic Torch! Montgomery County And ... be a WINNER with the SOMO 50/50 Raffle! By purchasing 50/50 Raffle tickets, you can support our efforts to send SOMO Snowshoer Jill Durbin to the 2013 World Winter Games in South Korea and SOMO Golfers to The National Special Olympics Golf Invitational Raffle Tickets are $50.00 each If you buy 3, the 4th one is FREE! Grand Prize: You win half of the money collected and SOMO wins the other half to help us fund Jill's travel to the 2013 Winter World Games in South Korea. Help us meet our goal of $10,000.00! 10 Additional prizes valued at $100-$500 each! Restaurant packages, Golf outings, Autographed Sports Memorabilia, Fabulous Gift baskets and more ... Drawing is October 1st at the Montgomery Masters Charity Golf Tournament. You do not need to be present to win. There are 3 ways to purchase Raffle Tickets! Complete this form OR download it from the website, and mail with payment to SOMO - 10204 Colebrook Ave. Potomac, MD 20854 * Deadline for receipt of mail-in or credit card purchases is September 28th, 2012 Purchase your Raffle tickets online at the SOMO Store with a credit card: Purchase your tickets at the Montgomery Masters Golf Event at Montgomery Country Club, Laytonsville, MD on October 1st (Montgomery Masters details on our website!) NOTE: You will receive email confirmation for tickets purchased online and a phone or email confirmation for tickets purchased via mail-in purchase forms. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY SO THAT WE CAN CONTACT YOU WITH YOUR PRIZE! Your name:________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:(_________)___________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________________@___________________________________ . ______________________ Number of tickets:_____________ (buy 3, get one FREE!) Total amount due: $______________________ Check#_________________ Questions? Area Director: or (301) 424-3083 PAGE 11 M O N T GO M ER Y RE LAY SU M M E R /F ALL 2 0 1 2 SAVE THE DATE ! Monday, October 1, 2012 Special Olympics Maryland– Montgomery County will host the 11th Annual MONTGOMERY MASTERS Charity Golf Tournament At the Montgomery Country Club in Laytonsville, MD. WE NEED YOUR HELP! This signature event is our only major source of fundraising. We receive no local, state, federal or United Way funding to meet our growing financial needs. Our sports and leadership programs are totally reliant on donations. We currently provide 23 year-round sports programs free of charge to over 600 children and adult athletes and Unified Partners in Montgomery County. Special Olympics maryland Montgomery masters YOU KNOW THEIR STORIES. YOU KNOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE YOU CAN MAKE IN THEIR LIVES. Sponsorship, advertising, foursomes for the golf outing, or purchasing raffle tickets will help us to make a difference in the lives of our athletes. Please participate in any way that you can. Event details and Registration can be found on our website: You may charge your sponsorship or tournament fees to your credit card . OR contact Pamela Yerg, Area Director, Special Olympics MDMontgomery: / 301-424-3083 / FAX 1-888-662-6265 SPECIAL OLYMPICS MA RYLA ND-MONTGOMERY PO BOX 1809 Rockville, Maryland 20849 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Suburban, MD. Permit No. 1598 Change Service Requested SPECIAL OLYMPICS-MONTGOMERY COUNTY Continuing Our Mission • • • • SOMO provides year-round sports training and competition in 23 Olympic-type sports and leadership programs for Montgomery County MD children & adults with intellectual disabilities and closely related developmental disabilities. Our training and competition opportunities are free to athletes. The program is made possible through the generous support of individuals, organizations and foundations who believe in the Special Olympics mission. SOMO is an area chapter of Special Olympics Maryland, and of Special Olympics, Inc. a worldwide organization. Our values: CommunityFriendship-Integrity-Opportunity -Quality and Sportsmanship. What To Do and When • • • • • • Athletes MUST signup online to participate in sports training and competition. Volunteers must submit an application and also signup online to participate in our sports programs. Keep your medical forms up to date! Call Nancy Durbin with questions! No athlete may train without a current medical form! 888 924-6965 SOMO Hotline Check the website for updates and cancellations: Show up for the first practice and for all practices! Coaches will not call to remind you! SOMO Management Team Area Director: Pam Yerg Sports Director: Katie Detweiler Medical Director: Carol Halderman Acting Medical Director and Admin. Assistant: Nancy Durbin Finance Director: Frank Altrichter Fund Raising: Lorraine White Volunteer Chair: Shelly Bogasky Family Coordinator: Joyce Plaxen Golf Event Chair: Chuck Hellmuth Newsletter Publisher: FORMost Graphic Communications—Dina Corini Team members and coaches can be reached via the SOMO website: We welcome additions to our SOMO Management Team—join us on a Committee, or in a support role to your favorite sport. Contact Pam Yerg at if you would like to join our team.