Mar 2014 - American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
Mar 2014 - American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
Alamo Area American Gold Star Mothers Chartered 5/14/11 – San Antonio, Tx MARCH 2014 Gold Star Banner Ceremony AAAGSM Officers 2013 - 2014 President . . . . . Vice President . Secretary . . . . Treasurer . . . . . 1st Chaplain . . 2nd Chaplain . Sgt. At Arms . . Color Guard . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Agnew . . . Kim Rairdan Reesa Doebbler . . Alice Babine . . Leonor Saenz . . . . Ruth Holler . . . . Dee Flores . Carmen Danna Balloon release at Fort Sam in honor of new Gold Star families Say Hello to my little friend! Norma Aldabbagh Monday, March 18 is St. Patrick’s Day Newsletter published monthly (digital) by Reesa Doebbler and the Alamo Area GSMs. Distributed to our Gold Star families, friends in the military, news media and other private/public entities. If you prefer not to receive this, please email reply and request removal. Maria & Paul Latourney F ormal ceremonies were held at Fort Sam for Gold Star Moms and Families, on February 8, who had not yet received their Gold Star Banners. The event was sponsored by (Joint Base) Survival Outreach Services (SOS). Among those attending were families of lost loved ones, including two of our own Gold Star Moms, Norma and Maria-Teresa (and Gold Star Dad, Paul). Families wrote messages on the balloons prior to the release - messages of love and things they chose to say to their fallen family member. There were many attendees to include, the Blue Star Moms (those who have active duty loved ones in service), other Gold Star Moms and families, and various military dignitaries. This ceremony is held every two years and all in honor to recognize those who served and sacrificed their lives for our country. NEWSLETTER SET UP FOR 2-PAGE VIEW. Set Acrobat Reader Menu to 2-page view. Page 2 Page 2 About the Gold Star Banner The Gold Star Banner is a service flag in the United States and is an official banner that family members of service members can display. The flag or banner is defined as a white field with a red border, with a blue star for each family member serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war or hostilities in which the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged. A gold star (with a blue edge) represents a family member that died during service, without specifying cause of death. The deceased might have been killed in action, or died due to unrelated causes. The banner was designed in 1917 by United States Army Captain Robert L. Queisser of the Fifth Ohio Infantry, in honor of his two sons who were serving in World War I. It was quickly adopted by the public and by government officials. On Sept. 24, 1917, an Ohio congressman read into the Congressional Record. The mayor of Cleveland, the Chamber of Commerce and the Governor of Ohio have adopted this service flag. The world should know of those who give so much for liberty. The dearest thing in all the world to a father and mother – their children. These flags were first used in World War I, with subsequent standardization and codification by the end of World War II. They were not popular during the Vietnam War, but have come back into use. In modern usage, an organization may fly a service flag if one of its members is serving active duty (blue star), and the other (the Gold Star). S unny and clear blue skies set the day for a pleasant Saturday for this Gold Star Banner Event that I am thankful for. I am so honored to receive the Gold Star Banner with the name of my beloved son, Marine Sgt. Gabriel E. Jasso, my Hero, who proudly served his country. The shared friendship, love and bond of my Gold Star Mom friends and sisters are a special blessing to me in this memorable event. Writing love messages to my son prior to release Maria-Teresa Latourney and Norma Aldabbagh Sharing this moment with Gold Star Mom, Maria-Teresa, who also received her Gold Star Banner in honor of her son, SSG Paul M. Latourney. I would like to thank Gold Star Moms Leonor Saenz and Debbie Agnew for accompanying me during this event. Sharing this moment with Gold Star Mom, MariaTeresa, who also received her Gold Star Banner in honor of her son, SSG Paul M. Latourney. from Norma Aldabbagh Page 3 3 Page 3 From the President Alamo Area AGSM Chapter Debbie Agnew February 13th, Tof hursday, was the eighth anniversary the day my son, Clint, and three other amazing young NCO’s were killed by an IED in Afghanistan. At that time, I had no desire for details about what happened. I didn’t even want the autopsy report. My son was dead, and nothing else mattered to me. As the years have passed, though, I’ve felt an increasingly pressing need to know more details about that day. I did know that Clint volunteered to go on the mission even though it wasn’t part of his job. He knew the area much better than the others, as he had been in Afghanistan for almost nine months and they had only been there for one month. That bit of information came as no surprise; that is just the kind of man Clint was. Just like your sons and daughters, he was there because he wanted to be, and because he wanted to do the right things for our country and his fellow soldiers. I also knew that they were sent to “rescue” a vehicle that had broken down. (That bit of information still leaves me speechless!) Through my talks at Ft. Sam Houston’s CNO/ CAO training classes, I discovered that the men on that mission were betrayed by an Afghani officer with whom they worked on a regular basis, and whom they probably considered to be a friend. As I was always the last speaker before the lunch break, the “students” would often want to talk to me, and that is how I met the woman whose husband is currently the CSM at Clint’s unit at Ft. Sam Houston. I contacted him to ask if there was anyone he knew of who would be able to give me some information regarding that incident. After some back and forth emails, I kind of let it drop because I worried that I was interrupting his work, and I certainly didn’t want to bother him at home. But apparently, he didn’t consider it to an imposition. Months later, I received a phone call from one of Clint’s friends from the unit. The CSM had asked him to make sure that I was given the information I wanted. That led to the best Valentine’s Day gift I’ve ever gotten. My husband and I, my oldest son, Robby and his wife, Cyndi, met with nine of Clint’s buddies, including my CAO, at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery. One of Clint’s friends read a letter he received from the NCO in charge of the mission that day. It answered most of the questions I had. Others offered what details they could. In addition to specifics, I learned that my son was well liked, and greatly respected and appreciated by his fellow soldiers. Again, not really a surprise, but still wonderful to hear. Some of the men I knew, but others I met for the first time that day. They brought out the Memory Box they had made in honor of Clint and the two other men from the unit that were lost during that deployment. We shared not only information, but tears and lots of hugs that reminded me of the ones I used to get from Clint. Some of the men were also deployed at the time of his death, and were never able to attend any of the memorial services, either in Afghanistan or here, so this gathering served a special purpose for them. I can’t tell you, and probably don’t need to tell you, how my heart was touched to know that after eight years, my son was not forgotten; not only not forgotten, but still loved and missed. I will never be able to thank them enough for that gift! After that, we went to the Spaghetti Warehouse where we shared lunch, memories, pictures, funny stories, and lots of laughs. Clint would have loved it! The Memory Box was at the head of the table. Upcoming Events Saturday, March 8 GSM Lunch & Mtg 11:30 am River City Grill PLEASE RSVP TO REESA, YES OR NO, SO WE CAN GET THE PRIVATE ROOM or 210-334-5727 Special Days March 2 Maria Latourmey Hero Anniversary March 3 Alice Babine GSM Birthday March 6 Theresa Lark GSM Birthday SSG Paul M. Latourney (Army) Page 4 GSM February 8 Luncheon O n Saturday, we all met at River City Grill prior to the Gold Star Banner Ceremony at Fort Sam (page 1). It was sunshine, blue skies and very warm outside. February was a busier month than most. All upcoming activities were discussed and planned. Lots of Valentine’s goodies were passed out. L-R: Reesa, Cecilia, Debbie, Ruth, Marcy Leonor, Hope, Kim L-R: Dave, Ed, Jon, Buddy, Joe Next Lunch is Sat. Mar. 8, same time, same place. Please RSVP to Reesa “yes” or “no” to reserve room at River City. Carmen and Norma Email or Cell: 210-334-5727 Page 5 Veterans Appreciation O n February 14, military groups and various other groups visited the Veterans Hospital to visit with and pass out Valentines to the patients, as well as thank them for their service. This year, five members of our Gold Star Chapter were able to attend. Earlier in the month, several Gold Star Moms met to make homemade Valentine cards to pass out. “We did have a good day with some exceptional folks to talk to and be blessed with meeting. Our escort this year was Emmanuel, a Wounded Warrior with a heart as big a Texas. I was especially touched by meeting the last surviving POW in San Antonio of the Batan POW camps. God Bless them all. Great bunch of ladies and men.” Kim L-R: Hope, Kim, Debbie, Emmanuel (escort), Candy & Ed Martin Staff Sgt. Kathryn North and Tech. Sgt. Daniel Anderson, 2014 Joint Base San Antonio Air Force military ambassadors,speak with Army veteran Alvo Tucker Jr. during the 2014 National Salute to Veteran Patients program Feb. 14 at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio. The military ambassadors and Joint Base San Antonio military leaders distributed valentines and visited with veteran patients. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Alexandria Slade) Page 6 Copy of Obituary (Seattle) Darcie D. SIMS, PhD., CHT, CT, GMS Memorial Services held March 4, 2014 Died at home on 2/27/14. She is preceded in death by her parents, and her infant son, Austin Big A. Darcie wore many hats in her short time on this earth. She was a mother, wife, grandmother, educator, leader, rose colored glasses wearer, smile on a stick carrier and friend. She was an internationally recognized public speaker on the topic of Grief and Bereavement. Darcie taught thousands of people all over the world how to cope with their grief. She was awarded a lifetime achievement award, The Voice of The Compassionate Friends for her tireless efforts supporting families who cope with the death of a child. Her work for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, TAPS, since 1999 was described as, She will forever live in the hearts of thousands of grieving military families. Darcie and her husband have lived in the Seattle area since 2005. She is survived by her husband of 44 years, Robert Tony Sims, daughter, Alicia Allie Franklin, granddaughter, Darcie Franklin, son-in-law, Greg Franklin and sister, Deborah Switzer of Enid, OK. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, a donation be made to The Compassionate Friends National Office in support of the Darcie Sims Memorial Training Fund, See more at: A video tribute to Darcie Sims created by a friend of hers, Kelly Kowall, “Thanks for the little while” at: Sometimes there are just no words to express the sorrow in my heart. She taught us how to grieve. She held our hands and our hearts. She taught that you could laugh and smile while still honoring those we love and miss. Darcie Sims died this morning and we are all better for knowing her. She will always be a treasured friend. Love, will be what we remember most. Kimberly Rairdan My heart is so sad. No one taught me how to grieve like Darcie. Taps and all of us who grieve, will feel her loss. She was a magnificent woman. Ruth Holler On February 24, three days before her passing, I received an email from Darcie in response to a question about an article. After answering my question, she added the following: and a severe drug reaction that was totally horrible. It was a wicked 2 weeks…but we are both making some progress now, although I am very impatient with the slowness of healing. I am having to rethink my entire travel and speaking schedule as that much road work will not work anymore. It was dumb in the first place, but in light of my near death experience, it was crazy….so…. My involvement with TAPS has been changing in the past couple of years and I am now no longer affiliated with the Peer Mentor program which was my passion, so I am not sure how I will continue to be associated with TAPS. It was a great 19 years, however. Time will probably make a decision for me… “It has been a very challenging new year so far and one that I can only hope will improve rather rapidly. At the end of December, my husband, Tony, was diagnosed with bladder cancer and has been undergoing weekly chemotherapy treatments for the past 6 weeks. He just finished his course of treatment and we will now wait 6 weeks and then retest to find out if the treatments were successful. It was a stressful time. However, in the middle of all of that, I came off the road one week feeling so badly that I actually went to the doctor…something I NEVER do. I ended up in the hospital for 9 days and 3 more subsequent ones with congestive heart failure. During that time I also experienced kidney failure Such a huge loss for the TAPS family, but for everyone she came in contact with, I’m sure! Prayers for her family and friends. Debbie Agnew With much love and lots of hope, Darcie” It would be impossible to imagine the number of people and lives she has touched. Page 7 Page 6 Chaplain’s Corner Leonor Saenz, Chaplain, Alamo Area Chapter GSM We all know the worst day of our lives, so when I read this, I thought of all of you. The Best Day Yesterday is but a dream, unchangeable and gone, tomorrow is a vision and still not even born. But today is ours to live its treasure’s now to use, and it can be our Best Day only we alone can choose. The glory of the sunrise, the miracle of love, the fragrant breeze, the verdant trees, the song bird from above. They’re ours to hold this very day, give thanks unto the Lord. Each task can be a blessing with joy as our reward! Our yesterday is gone from us, tomorrow yet unknown, so make today your Best Day this power is yours alone. Give thanks for every morning, take whatever God will give, and make today the happiest, the best you’ll ever live! Helen Gleason Honor Through Service by Candy Martin A merican Gold Star Mothers, Inc. is a Veterans Service Organization and our Chapter is so fortunate to have so many local opportunities to honor our fallen Sons and Daughters through service. The end of the year is here and it’s time for us to report our 2013 service. Please tally up your HOURS served, MONEY donated, and MILES driven during 2013 and submit your service report to Candy Martin. Here are some possibilities of honoring Veterans and those who serve our country. South Texas Veterans Health Care System has many locations and a variety of ways to serve those who have served our great nation. Check out opportunities at this website: Brooke Army Medical Center has many opportunities to give back to the men and women who serve or have served our country. Volunteer information is available at this website: Survivors Outreach Services (SOS) builds a unified program which embraces and reassures Survivors that they will be continually linked to the Army family for as long as they desire and is always looking for Volunteers. Please contact SOS Coordinator, Lori Dean, at if you are interested in working with Survivors The Warrior and Family Support Center (WFSC) provides a home away from home to our Wounded Warriors with a friendly, comfortable environment in which to take a break, watch a movie on big-screen TVs, play video games, check email or use the Internet, select a book or magazine to read, make a phone call, or just grab a cup of coffee. The WFSC hosts more than 100 events each month and always looking for Volunteers to help support the viable program. The Volunteer Coordinator is Jennifer Slack at San Antonio is fortunate to have TWO USO Centers (airport and downtown locations). There are many opportunities to provide that friendly smile to those still serving. Our San Antonio USO has opportunities that lend to any schedule. You are able to volunteer any time of day (or night!) and as little or as much as you want. Find out more about becoming part of the USO team at Page 8 Valentine’s Day On Valentines Day, I decorated my son’s grave and made a lot of goodies. We went to the grave site and bought cards and flowers...we ate breakfast at a place near the cemetery. Julie Melchor Strawberry Rose I made for my grand daughter Chloe and hubby Michael Valentine’s breakfast Strawberry crepes stuffed with strawberry cream cheese and Strawberry mimosa’s Chocolate dipped strawberries decorated for Chloe’s teacher, bus monitor and bus driver My funny little Valentine .... Lily Danna Carmen’s new granddaughter Every year in the middle of Feb., something wonderful and heartwarming happens. Tons of candy go on clearance! Strawberry cream cheese cakes You could say I went crazy with I bought about 3 pounds of them and enjoyed everyone I ate!!! And everyone who got something made with them said they enjoyed them too!!! Theresa Tanton Lark, Mother of PFC Nickolas Tanton Redeployed to Heaven 2/13/07 I you more than Chocolate I love you more today than yesterday, because yesterday you really ticked me off! Page 9 Scrapbook beautiful ceremony was held Feb. 20, 2014, A to Honor our Fallen Hero, our son, SFC David James Todd, Jr. The “Todd Fitness Center” sign, that was placed in the fitness center our son created in Afghanistan, was presented to us, as were other plaques and photo’s. The ceremony was held at Ft Sam Houston Army Base.. some of the attendees were: Lt. Gen. Perry Wiggins, commanding general, U.S. Army North (Fifth Army), Maj. Gen. William Roy, deputy commanding general for Army North, Colonel Detwiler, Chief of Staff, Lt Col Woods (who just returned from Afghanistan and was a frequent visitor at the Todd Fitness Center), Sgt Howard and SSG Corinna E Baltos, from Public Affairs, Ray and Lori, from Army Survivor Outreach Services ... my husband, daughter and myself. “Thanks to ALL that made this made possible.” ....It felt, like for a brief moment, “we were all together again, just like it used to be”, when one of the plaques with his picture on it was presented to us. Our daughter was ecstatic to have her brothers sign with us...I cannot describe the feeling we all had. Thanks to Col Detwiler for bringing the sign “home”!! Mary Todd and Family HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH A great idea It’s a simple, weed-free way to grow lettuce, spinach and even radishes. Take a 2-cubic ft bag of potting soil, rumple it around to loosen the soil, poke quite a few holes in the back side for drainage, then lay the bag on a smooth surface that will allow drainage and not get too hot. Cut out the top, leav- ing about a 4 or 5-inch border all around. Lightly rake through the soil to even it out and loosen it even more, then carefully and evenly sprinkle the seeds around. I put my salad green seeds in an old spice bottle with large shaker holes, added some cornmeal, shook it all up to mix well and sprinkled them out of it. I put the cornmeal in there to allow me to see that I had covered the soil evenly. If doing radish seeds or spinach, just make lines the depth mentioned on the seed pack, plant the seeds and cover appropriately. For salad greens I sprinkled a lite covering of soil over the cornmeal and seeds and then spray-misted to water them in. I put my bags on metal sawhorses and grates to make them waist level. This kept the bags off the hot concrete and I didn’t have to bend over when cutting my salad. When harvesting, just use a pair of scissors and cut what you need - don’t pull the plants out. Same goes for spinach - they will grow back almost magically overnight, and you can’t tell where you cut. Spray mist the seeds and plantlings at first when watering until they are established, then you can water more vigorously as the plants mature. You will probably need to water more often, since the depth of the bags are not as deep as a regular in-ground garden. I just kept mine moist, but not sopping wet. Page 10 Scrapbook These were taken on 2/13/14, the 8th anniversary of the day Clint was killed in Afghanistan. Debbie Agnew My son, Robby, and I at Clint’s grave, with “the box.” The men in the picture are some of Clint’s friends from his unit, the 321st Civil Affairs Brigade. Also in the picture are me and Bill, and my oldest son, Robby Newman. After meeting at the cemetery, and sharing information about the day Clint was killed (along with Special Forces soldiers SSG Edwin Daza Chacon, SFC Chad Gonsalves, and SGT Alberto Montrond) we went to Spaghetti Warehouse, and had a great meal, lots of laughs, and shared lots of memories. It was an amazing day! Sitting across from me are my son, Robby and his wife, Cyndi. Bill took the picture. They made this memory/ memorial box in honor of the three men lost from their unit during that deployment: Lt. Col. Albert Smart, SFC Toby Meister, and SSG Clint Newman. They take it with them to unit activities, gettogethers, and bars! It contains pictures and other memorabilia. Me and my CAO, SGM Lionel Schneegans. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH And the house is moving right along. Page 11 Scrapbook Buddy and I went to the rodeo in February and spent the entire day, including going to the “Extreme Bull” Rodeo show. We sat in a real stage coach. It was amazing how roomy and comfortable it was inside. However, I can’t imagine really traveling in one. The “Pillsbury Dough Boy” was quite a squeeze! To the right was a display in one of the arena shops. This deer/ buck/whatever was all glittered up, long eyelashes and lights on the horns. It’s name was “Buckdoesia!” Reesa Texas Independence Day is the celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. With this document signed by 59 people, settlers in Mexican Texas officially broke from Mexico creating the Republic of Texas. Texas Independence Day is an official holiday in the state of Texas. Page 12 Just for grins What’s your Sign? A Good Friend will bail You out of jail. A Best Friend will be sittinG beside You saYinG, “Damn ThaT was fun!” Wine . . . . Changing the H ow Toilet Paper roll Classy doesn't cause people get brain damage. wasted Wonderful Creatures Bed & Breakfast Home is where they have to let you in WINE is cheaper than therapy Page 13 Why Children Have Pets Page 14 Our Fallen Heroes Alamo Area Chapter T hese fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor - and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror. SSG Clayton P. Bowen Army * Afghanistan 09/24/79 – 08/18/09 GSM Reesa Doebbler San Antonio, Tx LCpl Jonathan R. Flores Marines * Iraq 08/30/86 – 06/15/05 GSM Dee Flores San Antonio, Tx SSG Paul M. Latourney Army * Iraq 06/11/78 – 03/02/07 GSM Maria-Teresa Latourney San Antonio, Tx CPL Nathaniel A. Aguirre Army * Iraq 12/11/84 – 10/22/06 GSM Mary Aguirre San Antonio, Tx 2Lt Darryn D. Andrews Army * Afghanistan 07/03/75 – 09/04/09 GSM Sondra Andrews Cameron, Tx LCpl Travis T. Babine Marines * Afghanistan 06/06/89 – 08/06/09 GSM Alice Babine San Antonio, Tx SGT Aaron N. Cepeda Marines * Iraq 07/03/82 – 05/07/05 GSM Diana Cepeda Elmendorf, Tx SGT Paul C. Danna Army * Iraq 12/26/85 – 09/24/09 GSM Carmen Danna Castroville, Tx LCpl John Felix Farias Marine * Afghanistan 07/16/90 – 06/28/11 GSM Penny Farias New Braunfels, Tx CPL Jacob R. Fleischer Army * Afghanistan 01/02/79 – 11/24/04 GSM Jane Fleischer San Antonio, Tx SGT Glenn M. Sewell Army 09/06/87 – 06/13/11 GSM Charlotte Hedgpeth San Antonio, Tx CPL Luke B. Holler Marines * Iraq 05/30/85 – 11/02/06 GSM Ruth Holler Bulverde, Tx SGT Gabriel E. Jasso Marines * Afghanistan 05/31/79 – 06/26/09 GSM Norma Aldabbagh San Antonio, Tx LCpl Mark D. Juarez Marines * Afghanistan 11/14/86 – 01/09/10 GSM Cynthia Flores San Antonio, Tx 1st Lt. Thomas M. Martin Army * Iraq 10/10/80 – 10/14/07 SGT Garrett Ian McLead Army * Iraq 05/21/84 – 08/22/07 San Antonio, Tx Johnson City, Tx A1C “Tony” Melchor Air Force 04/01/85 – 01/03/12 GSM Julie Melchor San Antonio, Tx SSG Clinton T. Newman Army * Afghanistan 07/05/79 – 02/13/06 GSM Debbie Agnew Pleasanton, Tx GSM Ed/Candy Martin GSM Patti McLead continued on next page Page 15 CPT Paul W. Pena Army * Afghanistan 07/08/82 – 01/19/10 GSM Cecilia Pena San Marcos, Tx PFC Nickolas A. Tanton Army * Iraq 01/20/83 – 02/13/07 GSM Theresa Lark Pipe Creek, Tx LCpl Stephen J. Perez Marines * Iraq 09/08/83 – 04/13/06 GSM Diana Pena-Smith San Antonio, Tx SFC David J. Todd, Jr. Army * Afghanistan 05/26/72 – 08/20/08 GSM Mary Todd San Antonio, Tx LCpl Rhonald Rairdan Marines * Iraq 04/22/84 – 01/26/05 GSM Kim Rairdan San Antonio, Tx CPT Mark “Tyler” Voss Air Force * Afghanistan 12/16/85 – 05/03/13 GSM Marcy Voss Boerne, Tx SGT Jose L. Saenz III Marines * Afghanistan 01/27/80 – 08/09/10 GSM Leonor Saenz Pleasanton, Tx SGT Steven L. Talamantez Army * Iraq 04/05/77 – 07/10/11 GSM Hope Talamantez San Antonio, Tx