Determination of Deforestation Rates of the World`s Humid Tropical
Determination of Deforestation Rates of the World`s Humid Tropical
Determination of Deforestation Rates of the World's Humid Tropical Forests Author(s): Frédéric Achard, Hugh D. Eva, Hans-Jürgen Stibig, Philippe Mayaux, Javier Gallego, Timothy Richards, Jean-Paul Malingreau Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 297, No. 5583 (Aug. 9, 2002), pp. 999-1002 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: Accessed: 08/01/2010 16:20 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. 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Eva,1 Hans-Jurgen Stibig,1 Philippe Mayaux,1 Javier Gallego,2 Timothy Richards,3 Jean-Paul Malingreau4 A recentlycompletedresearchprogram(TREES) employingthe globalimaging of Earth-observing satellitesprovidesupdatedinformation on the stacapabilities tus of the world'shumidtropicalforestcover.Between1990and1997,5.8 + 1.4 millionhectaresof humidtropicalforestwerelost eachyear,witha further2.3 + 0.7 millionhectaresof forestvisiblydegraded. Thesefiguresindicatethattheglobal net rate of changein forestcoverfor the humidtropicsis 23%lowerthanthe of carbonfluxesin the generallyacceptedrate.Thisresultaffectsthe calculation sinkissmallerthanpreviously inferred. globalbudgetandmeansthattheterrestrial Loss of forestcover affectsclimate.Globalforest assessmentssuch as thoseundertaken by the Food and AgricultureOrganization(FAO) (1) are designed to measurethe area of and the trendsin the extent of the world's forests.The humidtropicalforestsdeserveour specialattention becausedemographic,economic,andsocial changescontinueto exertconsiderablepressure on forestcoverandconditionsin this region(2), andourknowledgeconcerningtheirdistribution andratesof changeremainssurprisingly limited. The IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change(IPCC)has pointedoutthat"fortropical estimatesareveryuncercountries,deforestation tainandcouldbe in errorby as muchas +50%" (3). The uncertaintyof such estimatessuggests thattotalglobalcarbonemissionsfromland-use changesfall withinthe rangeof +0.8 to +2.4 gigatonsof carbon(GtC)year-' for the 1990s (4-5). Here we estimatethe changesin humid tropicalforestcover from satelliteremotesensing imagery,with betterglobalconsistencyand with greateraccuracythanpreviouslyavailable, in orderto understandtheirimplicationsfor the globalcarbonbudget. The evergreenand seasonal forests of the tropicalhumidbioclimaticzone coveredby our workcorrespondclosely to thoseforestsdefined by the FAO as closed broadleavedforests (6) andby the WorldConservationUnionas closed forests(7). We do not documentthe woodlands or the forestsof the dry tropics,except for continentalSoutheastAsia, wherethe seasonalforests areintermixedwith the humidforests(table Sl). All figuresreportedherereferto the humid 'Global Vegetation MonitoringUnit, Joint Research Centre,TP 440, 21020 Ispra,Italy.2LandUse-Land CoverUnit,JointResearch Centre,TP263, 21020 TechnologyLimited,4 Old Ispra,Italy.3Conservation Tarnwell,SomersetBS184EA,UK.4ScienceStrategy Directorate,Joint ResearchCentre, EuropeanCommission,B-1049 Bruxelles,Belgium. *Towhomcorrespondence shouldbe addressed. tropicalforestbiome of LatinAmerica,excluding MexicoandtheAtlanticforestsof Brazil;the humidtropicalforestbiome of Africa(GuineoCongolianzone and Madagascar);and the humid tropicalforestbiome of SoutheastAsia and India, includingthe dry biome of continental SoutheastAsia. We developeda statisticalsamplingstrategy usingsatelliteimageryto providea reliablemeasurementof changein tropicalforestcover in a uniform,independent,and repeatablemanner. The methodis basedon (i) the establishmentof subcontinentalforest distributionmaps for the early 1990s at 1:5,000,000 scale, derivedfrom 1-km2spatialresolutionsatelliteimages;(ii) the generationof a deforestationriskmap, identifying so-called"deforestation hot-spotareas"with knowledge from environmentaland forest expertsfromeachregion(8); (iii) the definitionof five strataas definedby the forestand hot-spot proportionsobtainedfrom the previous steps; of a stratifiedsystematic (iv) the implementation scheme with 100 sampling samplesites (Fig. 1) covering 6.5% of the humid tropicaldomain, which was designedfor change assessmentby includinghighersamplingprobabilitiesin deforestationhot-spotareas;(v) the change assessof mentfor each site, basedon the interpretation fine spatialresolution(20 to 30 m) satelliteimageryacquiredat two datesclosestto ourtarget years, 1990 and 1997, and performedby local partnersusing a commonapproach;and(vi) the statisticalestimatesof forestandlandcovertransitionsat the continentallevel usingthe datathat between were obtainedby linearlyinterpolating the two referencedates.Becausewe appliedan unequalprobabilitysamplingscheme,a nonclassical statisticalestimator(derivedfromthe Horwitz-Thompsonestimator)was used (9). The samplingaccuracy(standarderror)was estimated with a resampling(bootstrap)method. The resultsof our study show that in 1990 (the Kyoto Protocolbaseline year) there were about 1150 ? 54 X 106 hectares(ha) of humid tropicalforest(Table 1). The estimatedchange in global humidtropicalforest areafor the period from 1990 to 1997 shows a markedreduction of dense and open naturalforests: The annualdeforested(10) areafor the humidtropics is estimatedat 5.8 ? 1.4 X 106 ha, plus a further2.3 ? 0.7 X 106 ha of forest where degradationcouldbe visuallyinferredfromsatellite imagery.Largenonforestareaswere also reoccupied by forests, but these areas were mainly young regrowth on abandonedland, along with some forest plantations.Both are very differentfromnaturalforestsin ecological, biophysical,and economictermsand therefore to the loss counterbalance arenot an appropriate of matureforests. The threecontinentswe examinedrevealed considerabledifferencesin percentagechange rates(Table 1). SoutheastAsia had the highest percentagedeforestationrate,andAfricalost its forestsat abouthalf the rateof SoutheastAsia. Latin America showed the lowest percentage rate,but at a rate of 2.5 X 106 ha year-', the annualloss of forestareawas almostthe sameas the loss estimatedfor SoutheastAsia. Forest degradationshows a similar overall pattern: most prominentin SoutheastAsia, intermediate Table 1. Humidtropicalforestcoverestimatesfor the years 1990 and 1997 and meanannualchange estimatesduringthe 1990-1997 period.All figuresare x 106 ha. Samplefigureswere extrapolated 1991 and linearlyto the dates 1 June1990 and 1 June1997.Averageobservationdateswere February 1989andMarch1996forAfrica,andMay1990 andJune1997for May1997for LatinAmerica,February SoutheastAsia.Estimatedrangesare at the 95%confidencelevel. Southeast Asia Latin America Totalstudyarea Forestcoverin 1990 Forest cover in 1997 Annual deforested area Rate Annual regrowth area Rate Annual net cover change Rate Annualdegraded area Rate 1155 669 + 57 337 198 + 13 446 283 ? 31 653 + 56 2.5 ? 1.4 0.38% 0.28 ? 0.22 0.04% -2.2 + 1.2 0.33% 0.83 ? 0.67 0.13% 193 ? 13 0.85 ? 0.30 0.43% 0.14 ? 0.11 0.07% -0.71 ? 0.31 0.36% 0.39 ? 0.19 0.21% 270 + 30 2.5 ? 0.8 0.91% 0.53 ? 0.25 0.19% -2.0 + 0.8 0.71% 1.1 ? 0.44 0.42% SCIENCE VOL297 9 AUGUST2002 Globa 1937 1150 ? 54 1116 ? 53 5.8 ? 1.4 0.52% 1.0 ? 0.32 0.08% -4.9 ? 1.3 0.43% 2.3 ? 0.71 0.20% 999 R EPO RT S Fig. 1. Locationsof the 100 observationsites aroundthe tropics. 1000 9 AUGUST2002 VOL297 in Africa, and lowest in LatinAmerica.These estimatesrepresentonly the portionof degradation identifiableusing our methodology,which does not include processes such as selective logging. Reforestationwas dominantin Southeast Asia, but it occurredmainly throughthe transitionof formermosaics and woodlandsto forest.Reforestationoccurredless frequentlyin LatinAmericaas comparedwith SoutheastAsia and was very limitedin Africa. Globally,the mainforestconversionprocess in the humidtropicswas the transformation of closed, open, or fragmentedforeststo agricultureat a rateof 3.09 x 106ha year-l (Table2). The majorforestchangeswere largelyconfined to a numberof hot-spot areas where change rateswere alarminglyhigh:Annualtransformation ratesof more than2.5% were measuredat 16 samplesites. In LatinAmerica,the transformationfromclosed, open,or fragmentedforests to agriculture by clear-cutting dominated (1.72 X 106ha year-l) (tableS2). This process is concentratedin hot spots (Table 3), where forests are increasingly fragmented,heavily logged, or burned.In addition,3.61 x 106 ha year-l of mosaics or savanna-woodlands were transformedinto agriculturein Latin America. Surprisinglythe estimatedpercentagerate of deforestationfor Africawas higherthanthatfor Latin America, with very high local rates in Madagascar and Cote d'Ivoire. In Africa, 310,000 ha year-l of forestswere transformed to agriculture,with a further280,000 ha year- 1 into mosaicsand200,000 ha year-l into savannas or woodlands. For Southeast Asia, the change estimateindicatesa high annualdeforestation rate and a substantialannual rate of detectabledegradation.In total, 1.06 x 106 ha year-l of forestswereconvertedintoagriculture and 650,000 ha year-l into mosaics. A further 550,000ha year- 1of forestswere degradedinto savannaor woodlands.At the same time, about 650,000ha year-l of mosaicsor savanna-woodlandschangedto agriculture. How do our estimates of forest area and forestareachangecompareto the FAO figures (1)? The latterare widely used in spite of the highlightedinternalinconsistencies[chapter46 in (11)] arisingfromthe difficultiesin standardizingnationaldataobtainedfromdifferentcountries(12). Forcomparison,we adjustedthe FAO figures to the humid tropical domain for the countriesincludedin our survey(13). Our 1990 globalforestareaestimate(indicatedas TREESII in Table4) shows only a 1.9%relativedifference as comparedwith the FAO estimate(+3% for Latin America, -9% for Africa, and -6% for SoutheastAsia). More striking,our global estimate of net forest area change duringthe 1990-1997 periodis 23% lower thanthe FAO estimate. The use of secondaryinformation,expert opinions,andoutdatedcountrydataby the FAO may explainthese differences(14). Already,the FAO forestareaestimatesfor the year 1990 (1) SCIENCE REPORTS Table2. Forestcoverchangesin the humidtropicsfromJune1990 to June 1997. Allareafiguresare x 106 ha.Theforestclassdefinitionswere made accordingto those applied by the FAO Forest ResourceAssessment Exercise(11) usingtwo parameters:tree cover (canopydensitywithin a forest stand) and forest proportion(forest stand density within the mappingunit).An areaassignedto one of the forest classes had a forest proportionof morethan 40%in whichthe foreststandshavea tree cover of morethan 10%.Whenthe forest proportionwas at least 70%,the area was consideredclosed forest if the tree cover was more than 40% and open forest if the tree coverwas between 10 and 40%.Whenthe forest proportionwas between40 and 70%,theareawas definedas fragmented forest. Plantationsand forest regrowthare groupedas nonnaturalforest. Referringto the nonforestclasses, mosaicswere definedas containinga forest proportionbetween 10 and40%.Othernaturalvegetationsuch as shrubor grassland,but also agriculturalland,may have still containeda forest proportionor a tree coverup to 10%.Forforest covercalculations, we appliedforest cover weights per class as determinedby an independent postassessmentof the observationsite results(8). The total forest coverestimates in 1990 and 1997 were derivedby the additionperclass of the weightedforest cover areas.Boldfiguresindicatethe total forest cover in 1990 and 1997; underlinedfiguresindicatethe unchangedarea for each land coverclass between the two dates. NonforestclassesForest Forestclasses 1997 Closed Open Fragmented Plant/regrowMosaics Natural AgricultureUnvegetated 1990 Coverweight Forest classes Nonforest classes Closed Open Fragmented Plant/regrow Mosaics Natural Agriculture Unvegetated Forestcoverin 1997 in Forestcover coverin 100 100 75 100 902.3 11.2 100 1.7 120.6 75 1.8 1.0 100 0.0 0.1 25 0 0 0 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.0 Perclass 908 total were foundto be muchhigherthanthe previous FAO estimatesfor the same year (6), with the exceptionof SouthAmerica(12). Furthermore, ourTREES-I forestareaestimatesfor 1990 are very close to our estimates from a previous TREES-I study (15) that used coarse-spatialresolutionmaps calibratedwith a sample of maps (16). Our forest high-spatial-resolution area changeestimatesare lower thanthe FAO estimatesthat were adjustedto the humid domain (17) by an amount of -0.5 x 106 ha year-l foreachcontinent.In SoutheastAsia, the FAO estimatefor Indonesia(which represents 39% of the forestareaof this region)is largely based on nationalremote sensing-derived informationfor earlieryears(1985 and 1997) and does not include the exceptionalfire event in Indonesiain 1997-1998 (18, 19) (neitherdoes our survey). In Africa, the differencecan be explained by the very low in-countryforest monitoringcapacitiesof most countries. In LatinAmerica,our estimatesreferto two subregions:the BrazilianAmazonandGuyanas subregion and the pan-Amazon and Central Americasubregion.OurBrazilianAmazonand Guyanassubregionestimates(420 ? 37 X 106 ha of forest areain 1990 and -1.32 + 0.74 x 106ha year- of forestareachange)areclose to estimatesfromothersources(401 X 106ha and -1.43 x 106 ha year-1) (20), with small relative differences(5 and 9%). Because the latter regional estimateswere derived from wall-towall assessmentsusing high-resolutionsatellite images, the similarityin estimatesprovidesan independentconfirmationthat our method allows for a determinationof global humidtropical forestcover changein a more reliableway thanwas previouslyavailableandhighlightsthe 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.0 134 100 25 0 0 0 4.1 2.4 37.8 0.0 1.1 0.1 0.1 72 4.6 1.2 3.0 0.1 3.4 1.6 1.0 0.3 16.3 2.3 3.1 1.2 1.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 108.5 4.1 2.6 0.0 3.2 377.1 3.6 0.8 10.4 21.6 232.9 0.5 0.6 1.4 0.6 33.7 31 0 0 34 9 Perclass Total 944 130 36 9 31 0 0 0 1150 0 1116 Table3. Annualdeforestationrates,as a percentageof the 1990forestcover,forselectedareasof rapid forestcoverchange(hot spots)withineachcontinent. Annualdeforestationrateof samplesites withinhot-spot area(range) Hot-spotareasby continent 0.38% 0.8-1.5% LatinAmerica CentralAmerica Brazilian Amazonian belt Acre Rondonia MatoGrosso Para Colombia-Ecuador border Peruvian Andes Africa Madagascar Coted'lvoire SoutheastAsia SoutheasternBangladesh CentralMyanmar CentralSumatra SouthernVietnam SoutheasternKalimantan 4.4% 3.2% 1.4-2.7% 0.9-2.4% -1.5% 0.5-1.0% 0.43% 1.4-4.7% 1.1-2.9% 0.91% 2.0% -3.0% 3.2-5.9% 1.2-3.2% 1.0-2.7% importanceof this new estimateof forest area mates is suggested to be as high as ?30 to ?60%. Carbonwas assumedto be 50% of change in the humidtropics. biomass(3). Theresultingregionalestimatesare Our data can help reduce the amount of from 129 tons of carbon(tC) ha-1 for the pan-Amain net carbon flux uncertainty calculating deforestation(21) and regrowthin the humid zon and CentralAmericaregion, 190 tC ha-1 tropics.To estimatenet carbonflux, we consid- for the BrazilianAmazon forests (23), 179 tC ered existing regional figures of total carbon ha-~ for tropicalmoist Africa,and 151 tC ha-' vegetationbiomassderivedfromthe actualbio- for SoutheastAsia. Carbonfluxes can then be mass density without roots (22) as a starting computedusingthe fractionsof biomassthatare point. These figuresare weightedby the 1990 assumedto be convertedto CO2as a resultof forest area, and we added 20% for below- the deforestationand regrowth carbon rates, groundvegetation(root)biomass,acceptingthat which are proportionalto initialforestbiomass rootbiomassvariesconsiderablyin tropicalfor- (24). The fractionsof biomassconvertedare0.2 ests (22). The errorrangeof such biomassesti- frominitialforestbiomassburned,0.008 annual SCIENCE VOL297 9 AUGUST2002 1001 REPORTS humidtropicalforest cover estimates with FAOestimates.TREES-II, this study; Table 4. Comparisonof TREES TREES-I, previousstudy (15). FAOcountryestimatesare derivedfromthe countrytables (1). Indiawas included with SoutheastAsia but not 41 x 106 ha of India'sdry forest. ForAfricaand LatinAmerica,we correctedthe countryestimatesto the humiddomainby multiplyingthe forest area by the proportionof rainand mountain forests,excludingthe moist and dryforests [appendix3 in (11)]. Mexicowas excludedfrom LatinAmerica.The estimates of net change in forest coverwere interpolatedto the June 1990-June 1997 period.Average TREES observationdates were June1990 and March1997 forthe TREES study.FAOforestcovernet changeestimates are reportedfor the 1990-2000 period.The averagereferenceyears for the latest area data used by the FAO are 1991 for Africaand South Americaand 1995 for Asiaand CentralAmerica.Estimatedintervalsare at the 95% confidencelevel. Southeast Asia Africa LatinAmerica Global 283 ? 198 ? 669 ? 1150 ? 31 13 57 54 TREES-I 281 207 671 1,158 ratefromdecay of wood removedfromthe site for a 10-yearperiod,and0.07 initialannualrate with an exponentialdecreasein time from the decay of biomassleft as slash.The initial(firstyear)totalfractionof 0.28 increasesto 0.72 over a 10-yearperiod,when includingfuturesources embodiedin first-yeardecaypools, and to 0.97 over a 75-year period. The accumulationof carbonon abandonedlandsthatrevertedto forests (24) is taken as 2.8, 5.5, 5.0, and 3.8 tC ha-1 year-1 forthe pan-Amazon,Brazilian,African,andSoutheastAsianregions,respectively, with a maximum accumulationof 129, 190, 179, and 151 tC ha-1. FAO country 302 218 652 1,172 TREES-II -2.0 -0.7 -2.2 -4.9 ? ? ? + 0.8 0.3 1.2 1.3 FAO country -2.5 -1.2 -2.7 -6.4 (3). Consideringthatthenetchangein forestarea is lower in the dry tropicsthan in the humid tropics(11) andthatthe biomassof drytropical forests is less than half that of humid tropical forests(22, 26), a maximumestimateof global net emissionsfromland-usechangein the tropics wouldbe about0.96 GtCyear-'. Evenif this figuredoesnot includeloss of carbonfromforest degradation,which is much more difficult to estimate,this resultleads us to believe thatthe residualterrestrialuptakemust be smallerthan previouslyinferred. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. References and Notes Fromour annualdeforestationandregrowth estimates,we can computethree estimatesof carbonflux: an initial flux for the first year, a flux for the next 10 years (includ"committed" future sources andsinks),anda "committed" ing flux forthenext75 years.Thefirst-yearfluxwill the impactof the landobviouslyunderestimate cover change.The 75-yearcommittedflux implies that the deforestationand regrowthrates that we have measuredhave been constantfor the past 75 years. The 10-yearcommittedflux hasthereforebeenassumedto be morerepresentativethanthe 75-yearcommittedflux. For the BrazilianAmazon,comparisonwith otherstudies supportsthis assumption:Our 10-yearand 75-yearcommittedflux estimatesfor this region are 0.19 + 0.12 GtC year-' and 0.24 + 0.18 GtC year-1, which correspondwell with the estimatesof 0.18 GtCyear-' of annualnet flux overtheperiodfrom1989to 1998(24) and0.26 GtC year-' of annual100-yearcommittedflux (25). Using our 10-yearcommittedflux figureas a good estimateof the actualannualnet flux leads to a globalestimateof 0.64 + 0.21 GtC year-1 for the periodfrom 1990 to 1997. This estimate is farlowerthanthe estimateof totalannualnet emissionfromland-usechanges,primarilyin the tropics, for the period from 1989 to 1998 as reportedby the IPCC (1.6 ? 0.8 GtC year-1) 1002 16. Annualforest area change, 1990-1997 (106 ha year-') Forest area for the year 1990 (106 ha) TREES-II 15. 1. State of the World'sForests2001 (FAO,Rome, 2001). 2. H. J. Geist, E. F. Lambin,WhatDrivesTropicalDeforestation? (Louvain Univ., Louvain-Da-Neuve,Belgium, 2001). 3. R.T.Watsonet al., Eds.,LandUse,LandUse Changesand Forestry(CambridgeUniv.Press,Cambridge,2000). 4. D. S. Schimel et al., Nature 414, 169 (2001). 5. R. A. Houghton, Eos 81, S281 (2000). 6. ForestResourcesAssessment 1990: TropicalCountries (FAO,Rome, 1993). 7. C. S. Harcourt,J. A. Sayer, The ConservationAtlas of Tropical Forests: The Americas (Macmillan,London, 1996). 8. F. Achardet al., Eds.,Identificationof Deforestation Hot Spot Areasin the HumidTropics(EuropeanCommission, Luxembourg,Luxembourg,1998). 9. Materials and methods are available as supporting material on Science Online. 10. Deforestation is defined as the conversion from forest (closed, open, or fragmented forests; plantations; and forest regrowths) to nonforest lands (mosaics, natural nonforest such as shrubs or savannas, agriculture, and nonvegetated). Reforestation (or regrowth) is the conversion of nonforest lands to forests. Degradationis defined as a process within forests that leads to a significantreduction in either tree density or proportion of forest cover (from closed forests to open or fragmented forests). 11. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 Main Report (FAO,Rome, 2001). 12. E. Matthews, Understandingthe FRA2000 (World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, 2001). 13. The FAOestimates were extractedfor the corresponding countries,restrictedto the humiddomain(usingthe FAO definitions of rain and mountain ecofloristic zones), and aggregatedto the continentallevel 14. As "inmanycountries,primaryinformationon forestarea was not availableor was not reliable,"FAO"hadto rely on secondaryinformationand/orexpertestimates"(11). 9 AUGUST 2002 VOL 297 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. In particular,the averagereferenceyears for the latest area data are 1991 for Africaand South Americaand "a 1995 for Asiaand CentralAmerica(11). Furthermore, high proportionof developingcountrieshad to rely on expertopinionfor the latest area estimates"(11). Comparisonsmay be less informativebecause of the expert extrapolationsto the 1990-2000 period. P. Mayaux,F. Achard,J. P. Malingreau,Environ.Conserv. 25, 37 (1998). Inthe previousmethod (27), the 1-km resolutionbaseline forest continentalinputmaps were the same as for the presentstudy,butthe set of high-resolutionimagery was different(30 sites were selected insteadof 100, and at differentlocations).Also,the baselinemapswere used in a differentway in the previousstudy, to derivethe two calibrationcovariables-forest areaand fragmentation-for all 100-km2grid cells of the humid tropical zone, ratherthan to derive two samplingcovariables, forest area and hot-spot area,for the sampleframeand for the regions. The FAO net change estimate for Africa before adjustment, mainly from the contributions of a few countries that include a large proportion of dry forests (Cameroon, C6te d'lvoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Nigeria),is -1.9 x 106 ha year-'. The LatinAmerica FAO net change estimate before adjustment, including contributions of deciduous forests from Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, and Brazil,is -3.6 x 106 ha year-' (11). H.-J.Stibig,J. P. Malingreau,R.Beuchle,Int.J. Remote Sens. 22, 503 (2001). F. Siegert, G. Ruecker,A. Hinrichs,A. A. Hoffman, Nature 414, 437 (2001). We used two other estimates for the BrazilianAmazon: the LANDSATPathfinder1988 forest area estimate (28) normalized to 1990 (362 x 106 ha) and the Brazilianaverage estimate of net change (29) correctedfor deciduous forest contributions(-1.38 x 106 ha year-'). For the Guyanas region, the FAO estimates were used. R.J. Scholes, I. R. Noble, Science 294, 1012 (1993). S. Brown,EstimatingBiomassand BiomassChange of TropicalForests (FAO,Rome, 1997). The BrazilianAmazon estimate is the average of two estimates: 186 tC ha-' and 195 tC ha-'. The first estimate was derived from 310 tC ha-1 of actual biomass density without roots (22), and the second was an average of three estimates: 145, 210, and 232 tC ha-' (24). R. A. Houghton et al., Nature 403, 301 (2000). P. M. Fearnside,Clim. Change 35, 321 (1997). Q. Zhang, C. 0. Justice,Ambio 30, 351 (2001). P. Mayaux,E. F. Lambin,Remote Sens. Environ.59, 29 (1997). D. Skole, C. J. Tucker,Science 260, 1905 (1993). Deforestation 1995-1997 Amazonia(Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciaisand Institute Brasileirodo Meio Ambiente e dos RecursosNaturals Renovaveis, Brazil,1997). of Supportedby the DirectorateGeneralfor Environment the EuropeanCommission.We thankthe local partners fromtropicalcountrieswho interpretedthe imageryover the sample sites, in particularthe regionalcoordinators: G. Leclerc,CentroIntemacionalde Agricultura Tropical, Colombia;A. Dorado,Ecoforca,Brazil;P. S. Roy, Indian Instituteof Remote Sensing;U. R. WasrinSyafii,Bogor BelUniversity,Indonesia;M. Massart,IMAGE-Consult, MadaFoiben-Taosarintanin'i gium;A. M. H. Faramalala, The contributionof R. Drigo,Istigasikara,Madagascar. tuto Agronomicoper l'Oltremare, Italy,to the consistency assessmentis also acknowledged.We thankP.Janvier and A. Brinkfor assistancein developingthe Geographic InformationSystem (GIS)database;S. Fritzfor assistance with the GISrepresentationof Fig.1; and A. Belward,P. Kennedy,G. Matteucci,andthe anonymousreviewersfor theirconstructivecommentson the manuscript. Supporting Online Material DC1 Materialsand Methods Fig. S1 Tables S1 and S2 7 February2002; accepted 8 July 2002 SCIENCE