GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 42 7/06/10 23:13:32
GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 42 7/06/10 23:13:32
GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 42 7/06/10 23:13:32 2010-2011 lish g iEn GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 43 7/06/10 23:13:41 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 44 7/06/10 23:13:47 o h cW c k i 8[\eh[b[Wl_d] *-8University admission application *.8Finding housing and budget financial support +&8Applying for a French visa +'8Getting to Poitiers 7hh_lWb_dFe_j_[hi +)8Arrival during the week or the weekend +*8Obtaining a residence permit (titre de séjour) ++8Opening a bank account ++8Assure your administrative procedures at the single entry point +,8Getting around Poitiers +-8Seeking housing assistance +-8Housing tax Kd_l[hi_job_\[ ('8French Classes at the University of Poitiers (CFLE) ()8Study and learn :W_bob_\[ (-8Catering (.8Health care )&8Get help )&8Jobs )'8Sports and leisure ))8Special life )*8Before leaving )-8Ki[\kbWZZh[ii 45 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 45 7/06/10 23:13:48 ! ! ! % " % " GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 46 7/06/10 23:13:53 ] d _ l W [ b [ h e \ X[ c d ^ i V eea^X V c d ^ ^hh b VY n i ^ h ^kZg 8Jc <ehijkZ[djieh_]_dWj_d] \hecj^[\ebbem_d] Yekdjh_[i Algeria, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Columbia, Congo-Brazzaville, South Korea, Gabon, Guinea, India, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, the Republic of Mauritius, Mexico, Russia, Senegal, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, the United States and Vietnam: you must follow an on-line application process to receive a “student” visa. To create an application, students must visit the Campus France website: mmm$YWcfki\hWdY[$eh] <eh\eh[_]dijkZ[dji dejeh_]_dWj_d]\hec j^[Yekdjh_[iijWj[ZWXel[ 8H[]_ij[h_d] \ehkdZ[h]hWZkWj[Yekhi[i <eh\eh[_]dijkZ[djiYkhh[djboh[i_Z_d] _dj^[_h^ec[Yekdjho0 A required admission application is available between November 15th and January 15th of the proceeding school year, depending on the French Embassy’s Cultural Services Office. GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 47 <eh\eh[_]dijkZ[djih[i_Z_d]_d<hWdY[ kdZ[hh[i_Z[dY[f[hc_jilWb_Z\ehWjb[Wij ed[o[Wh0 a required admission application is available between November 15th and January 15th of the proceeding school year, depending on the desired university. 8H[]_ij[h_d]\ehbWij#o[Wh kdZ[h]hWZkWj[WdZ]hWZkWj[Yekhi[i A validation form for the recognition and accreditation of previous degrees obtained in the student’s home university is available starting in January from the academic office (service de scolarité) of the faculty (UFR) in which the student wishes to register. Each application will be examined by a committee of the concerned faculty in order to determine whether the content of the student’s previous course of study corresponds to the prerequisites for the diploma he/she wishes to pursue. Upon completion of this screening process, the faculty will issue an authorization of registration mmm$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h. Wj_ed j h j i _ [d h[] ÓdWb Wffe_djc o[Wh$ " i [ bbYWi [Xo [c_Y a?dmW_bbjWa[fhbjWYe\j^[WYWZ [ijW Wjj^ jc^k # l ll h#[g g Z ^ i ed^ " 47 7/06/10 23:14:00 IjkZ[djied[nY^Wd][ m_j^;H7ICKIehej^[h [nY^Wd][fhe]hWci The University of Poitiers has established many international cooperation agreements with various institutions encouraging student exchange. Applicants must remain registered in their home university and will be selected based on their university’s selection process. Registration fees for the University of Poitiers will be waived, and students will be authorized to take classes and exams. Their grades will be sent to their home university to be validated and accredited. gi d e e hj a V ^ X c V c ^ [ Zi \ Y j W Y c V > and « Formulaire en ligne : loge^c\ h j ment et enregistrement ». d ] \ c ^ Deadline : @kd[)&j^(&'&$ Y c ^ ; 8 <_dZ_d]^eki_d] The IRO will help Erasmus students or exchange student with University of Poitiers to find accommodation in Poitiers (university residence, private apartment…) Contact: ^ CWholedd[=kh_d Direction des relations internationales de l’Université de Poitiers Accueil - Logistique des étudiants internationaux Hôtel Pinet - 15, rue de l’Hôtel Dieu 86000 Poitiers Phone: + 33 (0) 5 49 45 30 87 Fax : + 33 (0) 5 49 45 30 30 cWholedd[$]k[h_d6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h Open Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ki[j^[edb_d[fheY[ii"\_bb_d]ekjj^[ WYYecceZWj_ed\hec"edj^[m[Xi_j[0 mmm$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h%_dj[hdWj_edWb% > rubrique « étudiants internationaux » « logement ». 8>eki_d]_d9hekikd_l[hi_jo h[i_Z[dY[e\Fe_j_[hi These rooms are generally reserved for recipients of French Government scholarships (BGF) or Foreign Government Scholarships (BGE). >emjeWffbo\eh9heki^eki_d]5 From January 15th to April 30th use the online process to apply for a registration form on the website mmm$Yheki#fe_j_[hi$\h4be][c[dj$ From April 30th onward: housing is available, please contact: > Foreign students who have been awarded a scholarship from Crous: cW]Wb_$ceh[Wk6WY#fe_j_[hi$\h$ > Foreign students who have been awarded a scholarship from EGIDE: [jkZ_Wdji6[]_Z[$Wiie$\h$ > Student studying independently (personal funding), follow the procedure below. A room could be provided according to availability. A[oXeWhZ_d]0 you can key 4 wishes. Please visit Crous websitemmm$Yheki#fe_j_[hi$\h, %fW][be][c[dj, to make your choice upon geographical and financial requirements. 48 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 48 7/06/10 23:14:03 Room start at 140 ` per month – (washbasin in the room, shared toilets/showers) up to 226 `(private bathroom). The Regional Center for Youth Information (Crij) also offer housing: mmm$`[kd[i$fe_jek#Y^Wh[dj[i$\h or mmm$fekhb[i`[kd[i$Yec Fh[fWh_d]j^[h[]_ijhWj_edh[gk[ij\ehc0 your registration request form will be sent by e-mail or mail. Check and modify the wrong item (if necessary). Send the required document. I[dZj^[h[]_ijhWj_edh[gk[ij\ehcXWYa je:$L$;$:_l_i_edL_[;jkZ_Wdj[X[\eh[ CWo)'ij(&'&$ Room request are centralised in DVE. This office will grant the rooms to students arriving from August 30th to October 31st 2010. <_dWdY_d]oekhijkZ_[i 7iZ[Y_Z[Z_dj^[Yeef[hWj_edW]h[[# c[dji" ijkZ[dji \hec j^[ ;khef[Wd Kd_ed may receive financial aid to study in a European country. Information regarding this aid is available at the university at which the student is registered. IjkZ[dji \hec ekji_Z[ j^[ ;khef[Wd Kd_ed may apply for a scholarship from the French government or a foreign govern- ^ :_l_i_edZ[bWl_[jkZ_Wdj[Zk9heki Bât. A7 13, rue Théodore Lefebvre 86000 Poitiers - France If it’s a first request the answer will be sent at the end of June. Rooms will be granted according to availability. You may rent a private apartment from a landlord Create a personal account on the Crous website: mmm$Yheki#fe_j_[hi$\h4be][c[dj This account is also available to look for a job. Then, you will be able to access the information on line, when your account is validated by Crous (it usually requires a 24H delay). kh e\oe W j i [ X i[b\ j^[ fjje bbemoekh ed[oje c [ j a7WjX_b_j_[ijeWWcekdje\c[Zie\oekh [ i_Yd Y_[dj b_\[0 ik\Ó Wbbj^[XW d_l[hi_jo Z k j eb c[[ cel[je "^eki[^ h_Wbi" j b _ [ _d_j_W _joZ[fei c_YcWj h [ h Z e k W o k i[Y i[i"WY i\eh [jY$ [ [ d \ [ b [nf i"feijW _j++`" e f^ej dY[f[hc kdj [ WYYe e h[i_Z j [i$ ikh[ Wa[ o[nf[di C a \ehZW_b Indicative budget University Registration (2009-2010 tariff) Social Security (2009-2010 tariff) Complementary Mutual Insurance University Housing (with WiFi) Private Housing Private Housing with Mandatory Insurance Typical Meal at University Restaurant (3 `) Bus Pass for 1 year School Supplies Prices '-+"+-`0B_Y[di[ ()+"+-`0CWij[h )+*"+-`0:eYjehWj[ '/."&&`%o[Wh ,+`je(,&`%o[Wh '*&`je)*+`%cedj^ (+&`je+&&`%cedj^ (&`je+&`%o[Wh 7Xekj,&`edWl[hW][%cedj^ '/,")&` 7Xekj'+&` 49 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 49 7/06/10 23:14:05 ment, as well as find scholarship information through their home university. The aid received will be decided by the cultural service of the French Embassy in your country or by your country’s governmental authorities. As a general rule, governmental grants or scholarships in France are given to students registered in their 2nd year of the Master or Doctorate program, or to students whose program of study does not exist in their home country. hV ^ k ] X c Z g ; days) and who possess only a temporary V dg [ \ c ean^ 86e The application for a French “Long Stay Visa” (long séjour) must be submitted to the French Embassy in your country of residence. There is no way of obtaining authorization for a visa once you have arrived in France. Since June 1st, 2009, it is required that the long stay visas be delivered by the French Consulate in the country of origin, according to the decree no. 2009-777 on April 27th, 2009 and ended May 19, 2009. 7l_iW_idejh[gk_h[Z\ehijkZ[djim^eWh[ Y_j_p[die\j^[;khef[WdKd_ed;K or the European Economic Community: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the countries of European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). Reminder: Living in France is expensive. The French Prefecture h[gk_h[ifhee\e\ _dYec[e\Wjb[Wij*(,`f[hcedj^fh_eh je]hWdj_d]Wh[i_Z[dY[f[hc_j$ Non-EU citizens who wish to return to their countries for a few days during their stay in France (e.g. Christmas holi- residence permit are required to obtain a return visa (visa de retour) under the condition that they return to France before the expiration date of their receipt. ^ B_ije\cWdZWjehoZeYkc[djWj_ed j^Wjoekm_bbd[[Z_dehZ[hjeYecfb[j[ j^[d[Y[iiWhoWZc_d_ijhWj_l[ fheY[Zkh[i0 Oekm_bbd[[Z0 > Original copies of your diplomas and transcripts. > Immunization record (health record). > Proof of your parents’ financial resources. > Passport-sized photos (you will need at least 10). > Birth certificate with an official French translation. > Official identity card or passport. > Marriage certificate. <eh;hWickiIjkZ[djiYec_d]\hec" j^[;khef[WdKd_ed0 > Student ID card from your home university. > Authorization from your home university faculty giving permission to study in Poitiers. > Photocopy of your passport or your ID. > Proof of health insurance (The European Health Insurance Card for E.U. nationals. 50 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 50 7/06/10 23:14:06 gh Z ^ i ^ Ed id \ c ^ Zii 8< If you would like to spend a few days in Paris before arriving in Poitiers, there is a list of affordable accommodations on page 39. 88ojhW_d From either Orly or Charles de Gaulle airports, there are many ways to get to the Montparnasse train station in the center of Paris. From there you can take the TGV Atlantique to Poitiers. You also have the option of taking the TGV directly from the airport Charles de Gaulle, where the train station can be found at Terminal 2. The cost of the TGV Atlantique from Paris to Poitiers is about 60 `, but if you are under 26 years old, you can get a reduced price when you buy your ticket at the window of the SNCF. The TGV schedule can be found on the Internet website for SNCF: mmm$leoW][i#idY\$Yec 88oXki You can get to Poitiers from most European cities (sometimes with a change in Paris) with Eurolines. You can find more information at your travel agency. mmm$[kheb_d[i$\h 51 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 51 7/06/10 23:14:08 " ! &! # # ! ! " ! !% ! $ GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 52 % ! ! CtkWB 7/06/10 23:14:09 i h [ _ j _ e F d _ b W l _ h h W Y c Z Z` Z l i]Z dg ` Z lZ Z \i] c ^ g j Y \ c ^ k 6gg^ 8 <hecCedZWoje<h_ZWo J^[M[[a[dZ If possible, try to arrive at the beginning of the week and at the start of the day, so that your reception at the university residence will be simplified. If you arrive on the weekend, it may be possible for you to stay temporarily at one of these following addresses: Students in Erasmus and exchange programs managed by the Direction of International Relations must go directly after their arrival to: ^ :_h[Yj_edZ[ih[bWj_edi_dj[hdWj_edWb[i Z[bÊKd_l[hi_jZ[Fe_j_[hi Maryvonne Guérin Hôtel Pinet - 15, rue de l’Hôtel Dieu 86000 Poitiers Phone: + 33 (0) 5 49 45 30 87 Fax: + 33 (0) 5 49 45 30 30 cWholedd[$]k[h_d6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h Open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ^ 7kX[h][Z[@[kd[ii[ (bus line 7) 1, allée Roger Tagault - 86000 Poitiers Phone: +33 (0)5 49 30 09 70 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 30 09 79 fe_j_[hi6\kW`$eh] mmm$\kW`$eh] ^ B[<eo[hZ[@[kd[iJhWlW_bb[khi ¼;ifWY[A[dd[Zo½ (bus line 4 or 2A) 1, avenue J.F. Kennedy 86036 Poitiers Cedex Phone: +33 (0)5 49 47 52 00 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 45 23 15 \`j6[ifWY[a[dd[Zo$Yec mmm$[ifWY[a[dd[Zo$Yec For the other students: ^ :_l_i_edZ[bWl_[jkZ_Wdj[Zk9heki Restaurant universitaire Champlain Bât. A7 - 13, rue Théodore Lefebvre 86000 Poitiers 53 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 53 7/06/10 23:14:15 ^i b g eZ XZ c Z Y Zh^ g V \ c ^ c ^ g iV j > Proof of residency – Rent receipt, W d _ D h electricity or gas bill or housing cer8 Z Y Z tificate to be obtained from the Preg i^i fecture + proof of identity. The registration process must be completed with the OFII* within the first 3 months of your arrival in France. > Medical certification delivered by the OFII or the SIUMPSS (Prefecture). A sticker will be placed on your passport by the OFII in order to validate your Visa. Upon your entry into France, you must contact the OFII to request a return receipt, print the completed application for certification and photocopy the following portions of your passport: > Identity. > Visas (Long stay type D). > Arrival and departure dates. aH[d[moekhBed]IjWoL_iW In return, the OFII will send you a letter stating the receipt of your sent documents. As holder of this letter, you will be able to justify that you have completed the necessary steps to obtain your temporary residence in France. If you wish to stay in France after the expiration of your visa, you must contact the Prefecture in your place of residence (in Poitiers) (cedj^iX[\eh[j^[[nf_hW# j_ede\oekhl_iW$ The OFII will then send you 3 summonses to be completed in order to validate your long stay visa: > Chest X-Ray. > Medical examination. > Visa validation. Each of these appointments can be made by the OFII. On the day of your Long Stay Visa validation, you must present these necessary documents: > Timbre fiscal – This is a pink stamp with a value of 55 ` that is used to pay the delivery tax of your visa. It can be bought at the Prefecture as well as at any of the corner tobacco stores. > A photograph – Headshot with blank background. After the Long Stay Visa validation, you will be able to travel freely outside of France and claim social security coverage as well as benefits from the Fund of Family Allowances. j_jh[Z[i`ekh ^ E<??0E\ÓY[\hWdW_iZ[ bÊ_cc_]hWj_ed[jZ[bÊ_dj]hWj_ed Direction Territoriale à Poitiers 86, avenue du 8 Mai 1945 86000 Poitiers Phone: + 33 (0)5 49 62 65 70 fe_j_[hi6eÓ_$\h mmm$eÓ_$\h *OMI Office des migrations internationales 54 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 54 7/06/10 23:14:16 ci j d X `VX c V W V c\ ^ c Z e 8D If you wish to open a bank account, you must present photocopies of the following documents: > Student ID card. > Passport (with a photocopy of the pages showing your identity, the validity, date of arrival in France and Visa). > Proof of residency in France (an electricity or phone bill, rent receipt, etc.). > Acceptance letter (from Erasmus or other programs), which will be given to you upon arrival by the International Relations Office. > Parental authorization (student is under 18 years old). If you wish to transfer money from, your home bank account, your bank account details or IBAN (International Bank Account Number) will be required. aOekckijef[dWXWdaWYYekdj _dFe_j_[hi_dehZ[hjeh[Y[_l[ W^eki_d]WbbemWdY[$ h Z g j XZY gd e Z k gVi^ hi ^ c ^ b Y V g j ^ci d d n e gZ ign j c h Z h 86 h^c\aZ ^ CW_iedZ[i;jkZ_Wdji Z ] i i Bât. A6 V 1, Neuma Fechine Borges At the beginning of the academic year, from September to mid-October, the Maison des Etudiants groups together organizations that exist here in Poitiers to help you take care of all the mandatory administrative procedures. These organizations are: > The Crous. > La Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF). > Vitalis, community bus network. > La Carte-Culture. > Peer Student. 86007 Poitiers Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 47 00 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 45 47 80 cZ[6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h 55 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 55 7/06/10 23:14:16 gh Z ^ i ^ Ed Y c gdj V \ i^c i 8<Z 8o8ki0 This is the best way to get around quickly due to the numerous lines, notably lines 1, 9C and 9 between downtown, campus and Futuroscope. There is also a Noctambus which runs later at night. All information regarding the Vitalis bus network is available at: ^ ;ifWY[Xki (next to Hôtel de Ville) 6, rue du chaudron d’or 86000 Poitiers or ^ 7bbeXki!))&+*/**,,.. Oekj^FWii kdZ[h(, 9Whj[IWXb[ \ehWbb You can find information regarding bus schedules and bus lines at: mmm$l_jWb_i#fe_j_[hi$\h 8ki<Wh[ lWb_Z&'%&(%(&'&je)'%&'%(&'' 198.30 ` for 12 mo. (Sept.-Aug.) 131.70 ` (Sept.-Feb.) 99.40 ` (Mar.-Aug.) 32.60 ` (personalized card) +#J_Ya[jXeeab[j *$.&` Each ticket may be used twice in one hour. Sold at: L_jWb_iE\ÓY[H[Y[fj_ed" Vitalis Agents, hall of the SNCF railway station in Poitiers B[j_Ya[jFBKI ''$)&` Allows an unlimited amount of bus rides during a consecutive seven day period: Sold at: L_jWb_iE\ÓY[H[Y[fj_ed B[j_Ya[jIEBE '$)&` Each ticket may be used twice in one hour. Sold only on the bus by the conductor. B[j_Ya[j@EKH )$&&` Allows unlimited access to the entire bus network for one day (from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The ticket remains with the carrier and may be used by you or any person of your choice. Sold at: L_jWb_iE\ÓY[H[Y[fj_ed$ 56 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 56 7/06/10 23:14:17 8o8_YoYb[ You may rent a bike: “CAP’VELO”, for 9 ` a month. Contact: ^ 9WfÊL[be Pôle d’échanges multimodal de la gare de Poitiers Espace Toumaï Phone: +33 (0)5 49 52 36 36 or +33 (0)6 82 66 88 42 Documentation to provide when renting a bicycle: > Identity and student card. > Proof of insurance and certificate of liability. > A deposit check for 100 ` per rented bicycle. The check will not be cashed. Bicycle renting information for CAP’VELO is also available at within public parking services at Carnot and De Gaulle. XZ c V i hh^h V \ c ^ djh ] \ c ^ ZZ` 8H The majority of student renters can financially benefit from the Caisse d’allocations familiales (Caf) designed to partially cover student rent. The financial aid is calculated according to the resources of the student. Where can you apply for this aid? Connect to mmm$YW\$\h" > click the “étudiant” link, then “aide au logement”. Between July and August, you can go to the Espace Pierre Mendès France in downtown Poitiers to solicit your request on the Caf website. All year long, you can build and amend your Caf file at your university, and in September, there are student tutors available to help you. You may also go to the Caf branch, located in downtown Poitiers, 5 rue de la Croix, 86000 Poitiers. m V i \ c djh^ 8= The amount of this tax varies depending on the property and the income of the occupant. Housing tax is due for the lodging where you live on the first of January. It is due for the entire year, even if you move some time during that year. You must pay the housing tax if you live in a private housing i e : > a flat/house, even if there are several occupants, in a private-managed building. > a lodging, even if there are several occupants at the home of an individual owner, if this lodging is separate from the owner’s house an has its own entrance. JWnY[hj_ÓYWj[0 before leaving definitely, you have to ask for a tax certificate in order to regularize tax payment. Give a copy of this certificate to the owner and the deposit will be given you back. 57 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 57 7/06/10 23:14:17 r u o y ent s n o s les m e l p Sup GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 58 7/06/10 23:14:18 [ \ _ b o _j i h _l[ kd i V h hZ h V a ]8 d^i^Zgh X c Z 8;g h^ind[E Zg k ^ c i]ZJ 9[dj[he\\h[dY^ \eh[_]dbWd]kW][Wjj^[ Kd_l[hi_joe\Fe_j_[hi 9<B; For ERASMUS students and foreign students enrolled in French language courses. Each student must check in with the coordinator or program manager from his or her university of origin. > >[WZe\;H7ICKI9<B;#Cc[ 9Wj^[h_d[Hek\Ód[Wk 9edj[dji :khWj_ed FbWY[c[djj[ij ?DJ;DI?L;B7D=K7=;9EKHI; Test 30th august to To be taken 30 hours 4th September before June 15, 2010 Website: B7D=K7=;IKFFEHJ9EKHI;b[l[b*c_d_ckc Course « à la carte », depending on the needs of the students I[c[ij[h <[[i 170 ` September 6, 2010 at 10 a.m. 1st semester January 10, 2010 at 10 a.m. 2nd semester 13 weeks 8oi[c[ij[h0 > 100 ` (2h/week) > 185 ` (4h/week) > 230 ` (6h/week) > 275 ` (8h/week) > 305 ` (10h/week) <KBBJ?C;9EKHI;I 234 hours per semester (minimum) September 6 and 1st 7, 2011 semester at 10 a.m. O[Whbo\[[0 > 1 150 ` + 180 ` approximately university enrollment January 10 and 11, 2011 at 10 a.m. I[c[ij[h\[[0 > 750 ` + 180 ` approximately university enrollment 13 weeks 2nd semester 59 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 59 7/06/10 23:14:22 For foreign students enrolled principally in CFLE > 'iji[c[ij[h0September 13 December 17, 2010 (placement test: September 6 and 7, 2010). > (dZi[c[ij[h0 January 17 - May 13, 2011 (placement test: January 11 and 12, 2011). 9ekhi[ >ekhi :khWj_ed B[l[b' 18 h/week one semester 7' ?L$B[l[b( 18 h/week one semester 7( B[l[b) 18 h/week one semester 8' B[l[b* 8'! 18 h/week one semester B[l[b+ 8( B[l[b, 9' 18 h to 24 h/ one semester week B[l[b9( 18 h to 24 h/ one semester week 18 h to 24 h/ one semester week I[fj[cX[h 30 course ?dj[di_l[ BWd]kW][ hours 9ekhi[ CPLF: DEF: August 30 to September 5, 2010 Certificat pratique de langue française (Practical certificate of French language). Diplôme d’études françaises (French studies). ^ 9[djh[Z[\hWdW_ibWd]k[jhWd]h[ 9<B; Bât. A3 - 1, rue Raymond Cantel 86022 Poitiers Cedex - France Phone: + 33 (0) Fax: + 33 (0) Y[djh[$Ô[6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h ^jjf0%%YÔ[$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h Z J gk_h[ j^[ D [ h 7 i J _ h H CFE _ijhWj_ed "(&'&\e WdZ ? a Fh[h[] d['.j^ [ij[h ji[c h[@k (&'& X[\e hj^[Óhi [h'/j^" e X o[Wh Del[c [ij[h$ [ h e [ \ i c X[ (dZ [ ^ j \eh :[]h[[ Diplôme d’Université Initiation 1 (DUI 1) Diplôme d’Université Initiation 2 (DUI 2) Diplôme d’Université Initiation 3 (DUI 3) Certificat Pratique de Langue Française (CPLF) Diplôme d’Etudes Françaises (DEF) Diplôme Avancé d’Etudes Françaises (DAEF) Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Françaises (DSEF) Attestation de fin de stage DAEF: DSEF: <[[i O[Whbo\[[0 1 150 ` + 180 ` approximately university enrollment I[c[ij[h\[[0 750 ` + 180 ` approximately university enrollment 160 ` Diplôme approfondi d’études françaises (In-depth French studies). Diplôme supérieur d’études françaises (Advanced French studies). Ej^[h[ZkYWj_edWbY[dj[h ^ 9[djh[WkZ_el_ik[bZ[HeoWdfekh bÊjkZ[Z[ibWd]k[i97H;B 48, Boulevard Franck Lamy - 17200 Royan Phone: + 33 (0) Fax: + 33 (0) _d\e6YWh[b$eh]#mmm$YWh[b$eh] 60 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 60 7/06/10 23:14:23 gc V Z a VcY jYn i H 8 I[hl_Y[9ecckdZ[ :eYkc[djWj_edI9: As a University of Poitiers student, you will have access to all libraries in the Common Library Service of the university: > University Library of Law and Letters > University Library of Technical and Sport Sciences > University Library of Medicine and Pharmacy > Library of Humanities and Arts > Library Center of Superior Studies in Medieval Civilization The SCD welcomes you throughout the year and offers more than 600,000 volumes, 6,000 journal titles a,d electronic documentation in different locations. ^ I[hl_Y[9ecckdZ[:eYkc[djWj_ed }bÊKd_l[hi_jZ[Fe_j_[hiI9: Bâtiment A2 - 1, allée Jeanne Chauvin 86022 Poitiers Cedex Phone: + 33 (0)5 49 45 33 11 Fax: + 33 (0)5 49 45 33 56 iYZ6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h% mmm$iYZ$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h This website is also a single-access portal to all library resources. There you will find: > The catalog of books and journals available in the university libraries. > Many electronic resources (databases, online journals, selected websites…) some of which are accessible at a distance with authentication. > Personalized services (personal memory space, management of your impressions, bookmarks, etc.) If you are looking for an item that is not available in the University of Poitiers libraries, it may be ordered from another library for a minimal fee. Students at the University of Poitiers are automatically registered free of charge for the university libraries: Their student card is also their library card. J^[Fe_j_[hickbj_c[Z_W b_XhWho In Poitiers, the Médiathèque François Mitterand and the decentralized network of libraries offer to everyone – scholars, amateurs and the general public – close to 300,000 books for perusal or loan, several thousands of iconographic documents, ancient maps and manuscripts, videos and CDs, and CD ROMs! Student rate: 6 `/year ^ CZ_Wj^gk[<hWde_iC_jj[hWdZ 4, rue de l’Université BP 619 86022 Poitiers Cedex Phone: +33 (0)5 49 52 31 51 mmm$Xc#fe_j_[hi$\h Hours : > October 1 – May 31 Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. (The children’s media center and the Hall of Monuments and Research close at 7:00). Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Thursday from 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. > June 1 – September 30 And during Summer Break Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Thursday from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Books, DVDs and magazines cWoX[Xeh# hem[Z\eh^ec[ki[$ Reference books may not be checked out. 61 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 61 7/06/10 23:14:24 ! GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 62 7/06/10 23:14:27 [ \ _ b _bo ZW \ 8 ^c g Z i 8V University dining hall: Yheki#fe_j_[hi$\h4h[ijWkhWj_ed > As soon as you have registered at the University of Poitiers, you will receive an electronic student card that will allow you to pay for your meals within university restaurants and cafeterias, automatically giving you a discount. > At the university restaurant, just slide your card through the machine and lunch is paid for! > The meal price at Resto U in 2009-2010 is 2.90 ` (revisable August 1, 2010). > You can recharge your electronic card with your bank card in the charging terminals located in every Resto U, in phone booths, with certain cash machines or with cash at the front counter of each Resto U in Poitiers. > Your card also allows you to take care of everyday shopping needs throughout France; at automatic dispensing machines for things l i ke d r i n k s , s n a c k s , s t a m p s , regional train tickets, parking ticket dispensers in 60 different cities as well as merchants equipped with the Moneo logo. 63 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 63 7/06/10 23:14:32 gZ V X ] ZVai 8= IjkZ[dj>[Wbj^9[dj[h I?KCFFIWjoekhZ_ifeiWb Nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, and psychologists are available. 89edikbjWj_edi Medical certificates, general medicine, vaccinations, counselling, nursing are made by appointment. 8If[Y_Wb_p[Z9edikbjWj_edi0 > Contraception, gynaecological issues > Sports medicine; aptitude tests, trauma treatment > Free, anonymous HIV and Hepatitis B and C testing and consultation > Medical examination (required for obtaining a residence permit) > Psychiatric and psychological care > Free, anonymous drug screening and follow-up 8<_hij#W_ZYekhi[i Basic first-aid certification (PSC1). Course fee required. 8Fhl[dj_ed_d\ehcWj_ed Contraception, STIS, AIDS, addictions, nutrition, exercise, etc. To make an appointment, remember to bring: > Student ID card. > Proof of health insurance. > Vaccination record. ^ Kd_l[hi_joIjkZ[dj>[Wbj^9[dj[h Bât. C4 - 4, allée Jean Monnet 86000 Poitiers Information and Appointments: Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 33 54 c[Z[Y_d[$fh[l[dj_l[6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h mmm$_dÓhc_[h[i6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h >[Wbj^?dikhWdY[0 i_Yad[ii"^[Wbj^YWh[WdZ _dikhWdY[9$F$7$C$ In France, subscription to a basic health insurance plan is mandatory. Health insurance is composed of two elements: a basic health insurance plan (couverture de base), which covers 70% of medical expenses, and an additional insurance plan (assurance complémentaire/mutuelle complémentaire), which covers an extra 25-30%. Subscription to a mutuelle complémentaire is highly recommended. ?\oekWh[kdZ[h(.o[WhiebZedEYj' e\j^[WYWZ[c_Yo[Wh You are eligible for the ÇIYkh_jIeY_Wb[ ;jkZ_Wdj[È (a national student health insurance program). Subscription takes place when you register at the University. It will cover a large part of your medical expenses. If you would like better coverage, it is strongly recommended that you to sign up for a student mutuelle (starting at 66 ` per year). If you become seriously ill or hospitalized, this additional insurance will prove to be extremely beneficial. Representatives from mutuelle providers will be present at each faculty at the beginning of the school year. a:edej^[i_jWj[jeWia\ehWZl_Y["Xkj Zedeji_]dkfkdb[iioekkdZ[hijWdZ [l[hoj^_d] ?\oekWh[el[h(.o[WhiebZedEYj'e\ j^[WYWZ[c_Yo[Wh CPAM will determine your coverage based on your situation. You can contact them at: ^ 9F7C9W_ii[fh_cW_h[ZÊWiikhWdY[ cWbWZ_[Z[bWL_[dd[ 41, rue du Touffenet 86043 Poitiers cedex 9 Phone: +33 (0)8 20 90 41 41 64 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 64 7/06/10 23:14:32 aJ^_hZfWhjo_dikhWdY[WiikhWdY[Wk j_[hi_iYecfkbieho\ehWdocejeh l[^_Yb[$ For information and free quotes, contact the student mutual insurance providers : > LMDE: dial 32 60, then say «LMDE» ( 0.15 ` /min service charge) > SMECO: +33 (0)5 49 88 38 57 Students on exchange from member states of the European Union and the European Economic Community (ERASMUS, etc.) If you are a student enrolled in a memberstate university and are currently hosted by a French university or institution of higher education, the European Health Insurance Card (CEAM- Carte Européenne de l’Assurance Maladie) exempts you from signing up for a French student health insurance plan and allows reimbursements for a significant part of your medical and pharmaceutical expenses in France. However, to avoid any complications, it is highly recommended to sign up for a travel insurance plan like “Europ Assistance”. e a Z ] <Zi 8 H[_cXekhi[c[djhWj[i > Dental care : 70%. > Optical care : 65%. > Exams, shots, massages : 60%. > Transport : 65%. > Hospitalisation (an additional mutuelle is recommended). To request a reimbursement, you will be required to submit: > Signed doctor’s form with your address in France. > A copy of your European Health Insurance Card. > An original bank account certificate R.I.B. (must be under the name of the student). > A photocopy of your student ID card. Documents must be submitted to: ^ 9W_ii[fh_cW_h[ZÊWiikhWdY[ cWbWZ_[Z[bWL_[dd[ Service des Relations Internationales 41, rue de Touffenet 86043 Poitiers cedex 9 aH[_cXkhi[c[djm_bbX[Z_h[Yjbo Z[fei_j[Z_djeoekhWYYekdj$ IeY_Wbi[hl_Y[i\eh ijkZ[dji SIUMPPS of Poitiers and Crous of Poitiers work in strict collaboration with one another. These social workers are assigned to different sectors and are divided by university campus: Angoulême, Châtellerault, Futuroscope and Niort. Their mission: To welcome, listen and provide information on specific student legislation. To help students overcome personal, family or school-related problems. To provide information on financing university studies and to prepare urgent financial aid requests for emergency funds from the university, Crous, and other public or private administrative services. ^ CZ[Y_d[fhl[dj_l[ Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 33 54 i[hl_Y[$ieY_Wb6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h ^ 9heki Phone: +33 (0)5 49 44 53 42 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 44 53 00 Yheki$i[hl_Y[#ieY_Wb6WY#fe_j_[hi$\h 65 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 65 7/06/10 23:14:33 Wh d ? 8 8J^[H_]^jjeMeha A student holding a temporary student residence permit may hold a part-time job for the duration of his or her studies. Students coming from Algeria must obtain a provisional work permit. ^ :_h[Yj_ed:fWhj[c[djWb[Zk 8@eXe\\[hi0 > Subscribe by creating your personal account on the Crous website : mmm$Yheki#fe_j_[hi$\h This account will also be available to apply for a private apartment. gZ j h ^ cYaZ gihV d e H 8 Ifehj 8IfehjiWjj^[Kd_l[hi_joe\Fe_j_[hi ^ I[hl_Y[Kd_l[hi_jW_h[Z[i7Yj_l_ji F^oi_gk[i[jIfehj_l[iI$K$7$F$I Bât. B9 - 5, rue George Bonnet 86002 Poitiers Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 37 71 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 45 35 20 mmm$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h%ikWfi The Service universitaire des activités physiques et sportives (SUAPS) offers numerous sporting activities, including, aikido, aerobics, athletics, badminton, basketball, orienteering, dance ; rock climbing, fencing, football, golf, handball, judo, jujitsu, karate, kayaking, weightlifting, swimming, rugby, tennis, ping pong, sailing, volleyball, water polo, contemporary dance, salsa and African dance. 66 d[ of^e X h [ _ij jh[] e d o cW aOeehkXocW_b GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 66 Then you will get information about job offers (seasonal or occasional works, childcare “au pair” work…) > Regional Center four Youth Information: 9h_`Fe_jek#9^Wh[dj[i mmm$_`#fe_jek#Y^Wh[dj[i$eh] > At mayor of Poitiers: h[Yhkj[c[dj6cW_h_[#fe_j_[hi$\h JhWlW_b"Z[bÊ;cfbe_[jZ[bW<ehcWj_ed Fhe\[ii_edd[bb[Z[bWL_[dd[ 6, allée des anciennes serres 86280 Saint-Benoît Phone: +33 (0)5 49 56 10 10 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 56 17 75 Preregister online as early as possible starting September 1, 2010: mmm$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h%ikWfi > choose the “Sport” tab. Confirm your registration at SUAPS. If you cannot register with SUAPS, don’t worry! : contact the town hall and they will provide a list of all sports clubs, gyms, swimming pools, skating rinks and sporting equipment. 9kbjkhWbWYj_l_jo 8J^[IjkZ[dj>eki[Wjj^[Kd_l[hi_jo e\Fe_j_[hi 7fbWY[jeZ_iYel[h0CW_iedZ[ijkZ_Wdji The Student House is located at the east end of campus, next to the Champlain dining hall. It’s a place for meetings, cultural activities and music for students and student associations. There is a large theatre with a 70 square meter stage and seats for 900 people, along with a video projection system and a café. The Student House is also a place to find information regarding housing, jobs, transportation in Poitiers and health. 7/06/10 23:14:34 ^ CW_iedZ[i;jkZ_Wdji Bât. A6 1, rue Neuma Fechine Borges 86007 Poitiers Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 47 00 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 45 47 80 cZ[6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h 8J^[Kd_l[hi_jo9^e_h ^jjf0%%Y^ehWb[$k$fe_j_[hi$\h[[$\h 89hekieh]Wd_p[i Concerts, dances productions, improvisation, and art expositions In the university dinning and residence halls. For more information: mmm$Yheki#fe_j_[hi$fr, under”culture” Crous supports student cultural projects and offer entertainment and competition. The best will receive funding and will possibly be forwarded to the national culture commission. 8J^[ehY^[ijhWe\j^[Kd_l[hi_jo contact: ^[b[d[$b[h_]d_[h6mWdWZee$\h [Z ^ a a V ^ X d H 8 Fe_jÊ;jhWd][h Do you fancy discovering local culture or meeting French families or enjoying a typical lunch/dinner or sharing any leisure activity? Poit’Etrangers – a partnership joining the City of Poitiers, The University, the Crous, Sciences Po, ESCEM, ENSMA - will connect you with the citizens of Poitiers. More information : contact Direction des Relations Internationales de l’Université de Poitiers cWholedd[$]k[h_d6kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h or fe_j[jhWd][hi6cW_h_[#fe_j_[hi$\h IjkZ[djiWiieY_Wj_edi Many students associations are involved in the social life of the University of Poitiers : sport, theatre, cultural activities, music, relief work. For further information, visit the web site: ^jjf0%%[jk$kd_l#fe_j_[hi$\h% 8Cb_cbeWiieY_Wj_ed Méli mélo association organizes events to develop linguistic and cultural exchanges between French and foreign students. Main activities: Tandem linguistics: we will put you in contact with a student who speaks the language of your choice, tours in Poitiers and the Poitou-Charentes, sport weekends (skiing), recreation weekends (trips to the seaside or the countryside…). \ ^c k V Z a gZ d [ Z 87 Don’t forget to bring back home a souvenir of the University of Poitiers. A wide range of items is available at MDE and DRI ^ CW_iedZ[i;jkZ_Wdji Building A6 1, rue Neuma Fechine Borges 86007 Poitiers Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 47 00 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 45 47 80 ^ :_h[Yj_edZ[iH[bWj_edi ?dj[hdWj_edWb[iZ[bÊKd_l[hi_jZ[ Fe_j_[hi Hôtel Pinet – 15, Rue de l’Hôtel Dieu 86000 Poitiers Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 42 66 Fax: +33 (0)5 49 45 30 39 67 GuideFaculte2010-Ang.indd 67 7/06/10 23:14:35