Plain Truth 1940 (Vol V No 04) Nov-Dec
Plain Truth 1940 (Vol V No 04) Nov-Dec
PLAIN TRUTH Psrblishd by HERBEBT W.ARMSTRONG 'VOL Y40.4 WAR Events Hurl On Toward Prophesied C L I MAX T WO stPnniaB Jefeats have altered the whole coarse of .the War -in or- rwdancu with Bible protbccy! It M thrillin& to follow the trend of tho w i n the light of prophq which rev& ib ptulcstined pafh. Ritler Bends to God% PIan xtler, cakd by E O ~ Ctbe great& db laas the prl@us of 011-time; cunain & Gnuid Stratem for rendering Lat blow to Britain. Hitlet, shrewdest, most sat&ally-iospired politiul opportunist of bistmf, becomes unquestioned mister of and lays grsnd i w Ian8 for a NEW ORDBR, And phcn the God of beavcn btb tbc Gemw Grand Strategy twice to de eat-ftustmtea Hider's boasted p b a utterty4cnds the course of the mighty German war macbinc like putty into the pith cscriid thmsands of years a86 in GOD&LAN--causa Adolph Hider. BS well & other mcn, to fuifil HL bril!, B I B b PROPHECY IS CERTAlN. %h ? H E B E is revealed &tIer'& Grand $ k a b egy for invadingPalestine. Read how &many% best laid plans have had to bend in acwrdance wftb Bible proo pheoy. Adolph Hitlet- fdr withfn himrfl: iht he was u #an a j bMq. + b d$0 he Isbut not as he thought. He believed he war destined to conquer and to rule the World become its sale lord and master-fa exhalt his own pddc and egotism over UP his fellows,-to establish his OW NEW WORLD ORDER. Instead hc hi destined to J ~d Ma m , to d8&@9j ta I q his pact in the Jbt&win&dowa of the Q d order- ol ddiIwtian as we have L o r n h-that k may bu npXaced by GOD'S new order, under Jam Christ now soon tu m e pgaln. Trml God h usb Hkfet in t k t d n g d--&t he will fpvc no part En &e buSdiog up. In that the worJd map caks hope, -ta P RitJer Crtnquers All In Hie Path rZrr tho 1 s t a t Scpkmhr. 1939, p r tected by his am-sggiesslon p ~ c t with S t a h HitIer started his ptcdeatlned MWE Houzlld, Prance, and Notway, mined death mh annihilation u p tbe thousaods of h p l a d c a ships and brga s h v i n ~otl ~QDSSthe Charinel. Thc tiutvhoa turned bid, and thousand of bodies of Gumvl S0ldier;r were seen Boating an channel Water& flitlet had met h’s first defeat, He had f d e d to iavadc and to hack a u England ~ Ilia British, sdaiag iadesaibablc punW. meat from HitIu’s ‘*luftwafTe,” w i n g wbok cities rirhully destroyed, still hang d o p y on pad d n u e to Qht back with a ctcrn32nation that has astonished tha world Gkmaa Grand Strategy It is port of Uodb p m p k k d Plan that &it& rhaU be invrdtd pod c o q u u e d The ecia foretelling thh were partly covcrc in the August-Sept& number, and 011 tbc sabjcct we shall have much more f a ou later. But God‘, time had not a b And sa Hitier’s cnrtfullg-laid plaas w to nought. It 2 in the propheshd course of the wt that the main fighting, eoenhrallg, shall be in the Meditetmean and in the Nearhat. Both Pdestinc md Egypt ntc to fall, pr d, &rltidn mud eventually lose the Meditermeno gateway8 of Suez and Gibraltcr. U1- timatclp ~ C Qpowerful dictator-natioas of Errtope are to give their armed power snd d’ht t0 the %%S’;t &evelath I7), in a gigantic re-bid af andent so-called Holy R O W EMPIIZS that will astound dl the warld. And, withoat rdizln how he is king otlscd t a f a God’s and bdag Bihfc r hecy to pass, Adolph Hitler ncxt procee p % d tu map out Germaa G m d rtwtegy No. 3. 12Js p d P h w of B &*fold Ntuw, one political, the &her mfiitary. So Hitler began 8 frantic diplamatic activity. P i , be established the tripartite alliance between German, Ital and JawThis was otonce a threat to &e United Staej and an expansion of Hitlds “NEW ORDER s, wd fot Burope” to a “”7ORDER OF THE ENTIRE worn:‘ Nat Hitkt ta idly brought Hungary, BornMia, and S1 into hi M as sort oi “junior poftncn.” He sent German troops into Rumania to cake char@ of the my ~ ~ s s aRumanian rg oil Lelds, wd now bos his troops entmiched BS fw santh-mt rrtfieBLackSaL of this German G m d &rate@ Tbcmili-cBnrc desip to r e n h the h d - o u t bIov to Br~taininvolved e two-diiection pincer atiack 00 S u q ethubg fmm Bast and Wtsi simultaneous1 I thus cutdng the British life-line thru thc bdhrrahean. A Eiitler Plam to Invade Palestine To do this, Hitlet b a te~md iomo o&en and anglneers of the G W m y hto Libys qecting lakr ta send German mps and m e c h n i d acfJpmult to re- &Lfor# thc ttllinn d e s UI Africa f& 8 blitzkrieg smash ~QQUBgypt, std603 Qt Suez from the West. I h e plan was to s t r h simaI4neotwlg from the East by sendm German mcfhan- iztd an= divisioos iudinfentfp 08 dwa thtll%WrnE3 Turkey stands squarely in tba patb of Hitler’s pro osed smash tbru he Holy b d . A d ?Putkey b o British ally! To takc care of thh sihratiotl, Llik made a deal with MoIotofI of Russia, promising ta brbg about a npn-sgrcssion pact bctTlFcen and RwJa provided Rush wool enough ressute u p T u r k to %Mblcthr B& and pcrmit the Germaaa b go rhnt This, too, b h Iinc 4 t h Bibta prop For, w brought out la unbther d c l ~ thii number. Turkey is predestined to tnrn ltraitor on Britain, mdiag in 3ritaia’r ultimate down €41, in turn, 8ft& Bdtaia bas been rescued an restored to PQWU by the AImi@ty, to bc u ~ I dpcd y out by Britain. But a ab, GOD‘S TIME MAI) NCYT ARRIVE%! And so, one Mtler’i &and S b t q y met defeat! krg to % ”% HitIer‘s Second G-t Defeat Defeat c a m this tima thtu hie ;Axis partner, MUSSOLINI. Against the 00rrnscl of his own generals, without consulfin6 Hitler who was 4&‘ng all the s &&M and the glory, Musolid ordered 1s q to invade Greece tknr AlbnIa. But the greatly outnumbered GteeEP, with help from the British air force, d m ~ etbc Itdims back into the middle of Albanh, where the fi~bring cantinuas with Check success as thlo is R. written. On t h ~heels of fhh defeat, Came &c British stcoke in Egypt, in which thiq Q fottp- thousand Italian boo era1 generals, were capfare and the Italians driven completely out of Egypt. In additioa to this, P few wedti b e f m &a 3ritish air force had put out of c ~ m . plission half of the capitnl ship of the Italian Navy. Hitlu had d&dp lamed to b v c all of Patstine, &gyp+ mk tke Suez anal in his htfd POSS~SSIW -klStSkl8 the END of the war with v i d q fsr hi\imsclf--beforc Christmas. But once a@, bis plans had to await GOD’S TIM.& And ao the Graad Stratep No. 3 w entirely frustrated, and H&kr will not seod bb legi~ns thru Palestine nnd eu to Suez this winter! As a molt. of I&lhin defcab, Turkcy Iiap stiffened, md refuses to 1ct Bitlu thnr. Hitler’s diplomatic proi;raa of addin juLLaers” ta %his h i s Eat tmrGofid g i r a l w was stopped in its tmcb,For Bulgaria, and JU avia, don wit& TIU* key, have sti&nc$%d balked, &tlefs ptp gress thru tho Balkans has been dtlagrcd tnany months, E m Hitter mwt await COD’S schedule fax thin& to No man, not even with tbc power tier nt !? ””$p;p’ TURKEY w$ed out bv Britain af HB Bie quesdon-mrk oE the world you neser saw before. Rertd it war, now, is TURKEY. 3 % ~future course of thr war ., then watch i r t a c t t d l ~ from now on-the fat0 of nations-bin T . 8" "u&q dots during the rtcxc ear weeks or months-and on what the great warring powers do to Turkey. Will Hitler's new order-his Ramh&rlia-T~kyoAxis-mla the world? In the Hob Land lies the answer. Palestine, gate way to the far-epst, and the chief sources of wealth and power of tk British Camman#ealth-Palcstine, corridor to the tirfi oil fields of Mcsopotamia--Palcstinc,key to the all-importaat gateway of the Suez Canal, the very life-lint of the British Ern ice, holds the La(wcf to the futum COnrSc 0 the war, M what P Twkey BIocke Eftlei's Path And TURKEY bold3 the k &ttJc fot Palestine. fn the article ginning p ~ s eI, you will iind described Hitler's plan to trlrc Suez by fir& sending his blittttieg Aappm! The Book of Obadlah b a prophctic message from "the Lord God coacerhing EDOMI" (vase 1). Who is "Edom?'' To understand such prophecies, we mu& know the modern identity of natidna called by bhc namn of the ancient anccskooa from which they hnve Bpmng. For the orl in tmd identity of "Edom" we must turn fa& to Genesis 369. These art the generations of ESAU the father of the EdowitEs in Mount Seir." And in wne 19: "These are tha sons of ESAU, wbB b Edom," ''Ed~m,'' then, is ESAU, the twiubrotber of Jacob, and the namu in proph dong with "Mount Seir," the land in they dwdt, (also soa~&mcs called ''Idomaca,') refers to the desceadcnts of %u, identified as the TURKrSH d o n toda The proph of Obadkb, then, is &ut TURKEY, G 7 i t foretells events of ths present, md the immediate future. Zmths Puuer divisions thra Palestine, in order to and capture the Suet Card. h i sb Hitldr present plzd-the G e r m @and reach tLFptcggt to knock out England But Turkey happens to be larated due north, and also nortbsut, of Palatine, d i d at the aascwag,~ u a r e l gIn Hitler's prt)c! oocupicj an contrh the two natmw entrances fram the Black Sea into the Mediterranean. The cudden exleasP~ef G c m n power denr to the Black Sea with Gcrmnn troops in control of RumaOia, baa provoked violent d o n in turkey. PQCTurkey ha pens to be a d!y of Gt& Britain! An Hider is now mDVifI)5 ropidy w a r d a showdown to force Turkey to determine whetha she du# r e moln o British ally, or wbcther she bccoma now the nlly of Hitlets Axb and @ts Wtler's match thru Palestine and 011 to !Lq B Suez! Who18 Book of BibIe Foreteb Thc situation b t aew arising is af surb nst moment to the future of the world that qnc whole Book of tbc Bible is devoted to a pro h q foretelling its outcome. !t is 11 proplrc~yalmost no one bas andentwd until now. it t the Book of Ohdiah, shortest Book in the Old Testmefit, contnfning only one shod c4aptTr. T h i g Book always hns been n big -on to the Critics, the Coaunmhton, %? s u p r d j learned Bible scholon. It has ha thcm M e & Like m e of tbe prophecies in Rt~nicl, it ~doubtedlyh u bacn "aealed,"-cfased to humnn undentandia8, rrntll )he W m e of rbr Ertd." But we now BR In the 'Tim of the End:' and thosa who haw God'sSpirit to guide tbm now tnn understand. w a Andent Gm&8 to be Settled tells of thu &a1 sdtbThis proph ment of one of e mat andent p d g a of history. You nmembet the stoq of Jacob and Bsou, twin s o u of Isaac the son of Abtaham, The BIRTHRIGm God had pmm ised Abraham was handed dawn to Isaac, Esaa was first-born of the twins, and therefore natural inheritor of Bis predow BIRTHRIGHT, But &nu undervaluated thij must precious mataial and national gift 3 Editor's Note 1n camectloa with thir &ieIe, u well as the one beginning page S, be lure 10 get your Bible before yoa begin reading tbhe article, "urn to every 4-4 ptveu, and mad Jt in your Bible, Many t e h am Ibted In conncdlon with thir artlela which are sot quoted hers, Yon w1U get macb ~ W Qof Interest and VIIUO tram thin anicb if yon rttl tom t o every text, in your Elblq mad h a d and rtudy it them carefully, u you wrno to it IR a l e article. - Pap4 November-December, 1940 The PLAIN TRUTH PLAIN TRUTH c4d -w No.4 Vol. 5 Edited by HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Box 111, Eugcne, Oregon Pxrblisbd in conjunctron witb tbr RADlO CHLIRM OF GOD Cantinged fm p a p tbreu AllcnbyDforced the Turkish surrmder D ~ G ember 9th, 1917. The vast territory uf the foma Turkish Empire w greatly reduced the Balkan wlrs ending in 1913, and by end of the World War had shrunL t o its present 294, 000 square miles, the u ea of Oregon, Washington, Idaha md the w a m third of Montana m b i a e d , Turk973 preseat ppulation is 16 million, equal to the po tion of the states of New York and ew Jwcy. To understand the propheq it 5 necessary to know, too, that theu dd bd, south of Judaea, embraccd tho high U s and ranges of Mt. SEir, and their present land, north of Palestine, rS a high plpteau io a mountainous region. Turkey's religioa i s MohammcaPb, mastlg. & !iP The Prophecy NOTICE: Be sluc to notify w immediately of any change in y w address. IM- PORTANT! With this history and summafp of facts, we ace ready now to lo& to thc pmpbecp, Read it yourself, in porn own Bible, OI yau study what now follaws, and compare with Jer. 49:7-22, a h & word-for-word with arts of Obadiah. 1-It is the vision that came to Obadiah. It relates the message of the Ldrtd dr~e *p q TO OUR READERS: There was M "RUTH published durii October. This is the brst number ha the Au September number. We hope, the Lorf%liag, to publish the next &sue of The PLAIN mrPlber about Februarg first. We 1vb greatly lnmdicapped for lack of he1 ta publish m e PLAIN T R ~but TH rwe e p rly every moath within the near future. Later we aped to enlarga it to 16 pages, jut double the present sizc. tan * 9 + The PLAIN TRUTH and RADIO C3WRCH OF GOD arc nondenomhu#ionrJLuttuly independent of denominations, sects, religious organizatlanJ ot church Oemmenr wholIy dependent upon our Evenly Father for guidance and for fundc b carrg on this great work for Him. We ay u we go, day by day, running 90 bills. true Gaspel am go, therefore, only as - -phe funds arc r&d We ask all belimecs vhoK hearts are in this work ta PRAY, God will la it upon a suffito send in ti s md generous atlui4&s, week by week, that the Gospel of the Ktagdom may now go out over more and more tadio stations, until "tbis Gospel of the kingdatn shall be preached in all thc mdd for a witness!" PRAY, as ncycr b fose, for 0 cominued great harvest Qf s o s . d y , that L dcat &n + + + ' ~ w h c t c f o r c ba 10naf #??wise, but UNDERSI'ANDING what the will of the Lord is a good mdur.s:dndhz$ have d t k y kt do HLS cammandmeob. . . HOW THE P U I N "RUTE IS PUBUSHED ask, THow ~811you pubuah 8 magazine tplthont B subsgrlpdon price and without sdvertimng. We have set out to conduct thi8 work GOD'S WAY, and WB have faith that way SrtU tmeeeed. Some We are endeavorinn to earead tho TRUh -GOSPEL,-$iid--t&-Gos -4 must go FBEE! J e m eaid 4'FREb LY ye have recelved. freely GIVE!" The-tkin M of God aremnwithout money andf vithbat prica" (Is& 65:l). God's PLAN for flnandn Hi4 work is thru the T I T H E S anbfre8will OFFERINGS of Hfe children. We believe God expects every Chrtetfan to take d v e part in EI readin 01 the Gospel to others, And m$ow no place where your tithe8 and offep inse can more efIectively Beme the Lord than In helping pubUah T4e PLAIN TRUTH and to carry on The RADIO CEURCk OF WID, B hundred thousand soale mry week, The PLAm T R m i8 FREE! Yoq ve your offering or tithe 88 UNTO HE LORD. We receive it aa FROM the LORD! It does not I for YOUR subscription-it b YObR PART in rmpreadin the h e GOftpd fa OTHJ3Rh Thir work is conducted on Gad'a prindple of " G M 3 " ao? the Gentile principle of GET!^ %cry dolbr to mrrg on thia great work must come by AITH, in Mewer to bellevhg prayer. Thew !a a plenteous harvest, but the laborem are SO few! We ask e m believer to PRAY with ue that the Lordfluend iortb MOREI'LABORERS into ma vineyard, helping th dther and off~rinmthat everpqU may be paid! F! " - The PLAIN mum Paw 6 return to keeping God's comrmfidmcnts more worship in j e d u n at tbat dmc, 70 years after JUDAH'S apitivity wao Bur, through seven d@crent nasties uader ~ t t b ~s c of ~the House ~ only of Judah wham . At this time B man named 19 kings. Israel c a n t h o d t ese o bad asciud to Babylon. Peknh was king of ISRAEL. With King sins*--sins SO GREAT in GOD'S sight, Ue-dnezzar Rein of Syria as ally, this Ling of Israel that finally God caused than to become a Mpto well these I&. umt against enualem in war, and b e conquered, captive natioa, 1) In 721 8. C.IsRILEt w u ''add mieged King A of Ju& but d d not And in the pear 721 8. C. the HOUSC away out of theit own land to hSyth," @ o~trcomehim (verse 5 ) . "At that time, of Istael finally were driven out of thcii Kings 17:23). They were ALL W d Rezin Ling of SyrW the ALLY of own land-ont of theip homes and citiescwnplctcly. 'men wis IloM Icft but tba ISRAEL, fiphtlng udh fsRAHL, against pnd carried captives b Asspda, 04 the tribe of Judah only," (11 Wacp 17:18). Judab, - 'recovered Elath to Syria and southern shores of the Carplan Sea! WhH,only, rumsinad. draw THE JEWS from Elath." (verse 6). "Therefore the Lord WM very onpy with MOFC&an 130 yean I 8 t ~Neb. NOTE IT!The fint plaa in the Bible Israel, and removed them out of hs sight: ucha nezznr of Babylon ar&d thc Jmnheu the word ''JEW'' is used, we find tberrp ula nam Left but tbr Iribs of In& JUDA€€--wbo only remained in Pdestk ~SRAELpc W M d p n r ; THE law^! ~ t a t r s only." (I1 Kings 17:18), af the i a tribes away to Babylon. So Jly, Syria, drove THE JEWS out of the In Leviticus 26 we find God's mlemn NONE of the House of Iulel dwelt town of Hath! warnin8 to all the children of h e l . IF Palestine at the time of this aptiritr of Certainly this proves that the JEW3 arc they would wonhi Him dono, avoiding Judab. I) different natioq altogether than ISRAEL. idolatry, and keep $is Sabbath, walk in His 3) Those who retutnrd to PIJesdt~ It Is WRONG to call the Jews of today statutw and tee His commandments, thg to rebuild the temple and restore wonM "Ismel." The atb not IuaeI,-thq ere would inherit $8 nationid matulal prom* 70 ycam afier Judah's captMfp, were ALE JIJDAH! AnK wherever ISRAEL is today. iscJ to Abmham. They would become @cat, of Jud& d JEW&ALL of tht remember that ISRAEL d08.f no: mean rich, and wetfdt-- thc dominant nation of these whom hlcbuchadnezrar had carded El! 'Whoever the lost tea tribes of of all e X But, if they refused and r e may, They retumcd agrin "onto l e d c l d RAEL are today, :hey r l l ~ no/ Juwd belled, they were to be punished SEVEN and Judah, we~ycrnr unto bis nty, (Ezar Wherever you see fie name "IIsr2c1," or TIMES- a duration of 2320 years -in 2:l). " H o w of Istael," or "Samaria," or "Epb slavery, servitude, md want. ONLY h s e of t k tribcJ of u&h, Bu~J~= dm,"used in ropheq, remember thisThe House of Israel now entetcd-721 min and b i , who mosthate the bow d IT NEVER REfW TO THE JEWS, but B. C.-(tcmamber this date)-upun their AH w r n e d at that time (Ezn 1:s to Ismel, who was I t WAR agaixwt drt 2520 laag years of astiond bnfshtntnt. nscqpcntly those In Jerusrlenr in tk Jews! to hut until 1800 A. D.! o€ Chist were of +bethm trRw, And BECAUSE they, of these tcr, time No place in dl the Bible does the term NOT of the House af ISRML. And mwt, tribes, bore the NAME Ismel identfying "ISR"' refer to the JEWS. The turn If not all, of those converted w m a0 ths Sd"alone, or "children of Isract," map them as Goas cham people -because God hibe oi Benjamin, u BUSJoid he W. had created this nation for the purpase of rad sometimes does, inclrrdr the Jews, The House of Isncl bcamr &UwR I) showing forth H i s praise, as nn exam Ic to where dl twelve tribes are included. Jews tlu LOST Ten T r b ! Now kwwn other nations, reflcctia the glory of A d rn Iyaelites, just as Oregonians are AmettANOTHm me, s w n g I d8cmat and bccaux thcf h become such a lia* RUS. But MOST Braelites src not Jews, Impage! bility to Hi5 cause, a reproach to His nmt, ipst M most Amaiw ue not Oregonians. By WHAT MOK Pro t h q known ? God now ordained that they should irchralfy T&, Jew3 are the House of Judah only, A PART of the Iscadit#. But when these WSE TKEIR IDENTITY. Now thep must 'Wbocvet they arc, wherever they 8w & THEY, a d not ta6 Jews, who uc tbe Is are spokea of as NATIONS,rather lose knowledge of their name, Israel. They u collective individuals, the term must be considered IS Gentila, that they BIRTIiRIGHT pssesaorq It is "'HEY n* the fears, who, after the endiag d W e "Ismel" never nftn to the Jews. 'Mouse continue no longer to cast such a &ia upon unishment in M O O A. D. m e m M t th8 the name of the Lord their God! Or Is&' NEVER means "Jews." On the hbmdcable p'0"igrr BO Abraham of ruSo "the Lord remaved Iswef orrt of Ha dher band, "Housc of Judah" ALWAYS tional reataess, resbutcc~,werlth md p rig& , ,SO Israel was carried away out of pwn) "Jews." er, It MANASEH whq LftM 1800 A. their own land LO Assyria." lhis distinction is vital, if we are to =np D was to becamp the world's gmtest th 17:23). They L W the land o!I1 Samatla, aodcrstand prophecg. Because most sonation E hrdm & stilt tee CO never get to return! Gmtila were placed fa d c d Bible stadenb are in ignoruce of tbb basic distinction, they aru unable rightly their homes and c i t h (v. 2 4 , and it is M O W & of nrrronr?K O CIP @ a,today? fhese Gentiles who were known u Samatib understand prophecy! tans in the !ime of Christ. Tbc next place where the krm A more detailed account of the opthtitp is mentioned in the Bible, the House o Israel had been driven out in captivity, Jost from of r s d is found in I1 King, 18; 9-12, and 17:5-18. rkw, and the tcrtn a plies ONLY to thaw mf the House OP m e t e nre NO Now the Home of Israel began to "abide many days without a king," {Ha, maptiom in the 3:4). Since THBY were the o le who carried the title "I~rad,"it is M Y , not ISRAEL Driven Out and LOST1 Judah, who must become tOST in Identity! Smmcdiakly QD I r i q over the Now they must Jose their fanguags thek ROW of Israel, Jw&m (tribe of Epb thcit land, (Iso. 8:f;l; Isa. 28:ll; aJm) setup two golden calves, lnttoduung religion, Isa. 62:2; Isa, 40:27; Ha,2 5 6 , Jet. 16: idal worship in be figdarn. The account IS: Ha.1:8-1O.) & found in I IU484 L2:28-33. Tbis idolatry, with Sabbatb-brrskiag ISRAEL Never Returned Btck. 20110-24), wa3 the great aational which beouno mch a atsc to Israel. They did NOT return to Palestine Gemration after enmtion, God pleaded with the Jews in the days of Ezra and New with the ~ o u s eaP;~srsclto turn from ttahemiah, 81 8 m e etroncoudy believe. Thou dition-from thcv fathers ways, and to who returned to rebuild the tcmpte and Ma,began to reign a king of JUDAH . He sat on DAVID'S throne, L dK - 3 - b d r J E . k - &. L *Im" !it The PLAIN mum Paw 6 return to keeping God's comrmfidmcnts more worship in j e d u n at tbat dmc, 70 years after JUDAH'S apitivity wao Bur, through seven d@crent nasties uader ~ t t b ~s c of ~the House ~ only of Judah wham . At this time B man named 19 kings. Israel c a n t h o d t ese o bad asciud to Babylon. Peknh was king of ISRAEL. With King sins*--sins SO GREAT in GOD'S sight, Ue-dnezzar Rein of Syria as ally, this Ling of Israel that finally God caused than to become a Mpto well these I&. umt against enualem in war, and b e conquered, captive natioa, 1) In 721 8. C.IsRILEt w u ''add mieged King A of Ju& but d d not And in the pear 721 8. C. the HOUSC away out of theit own land to hSyth," @ o~trcomehim (verse 5 ) . "At that time, of Istael finally were driven out of thcii Kings 17:23). They were ALL W d Rezin Ling of SyrW the ALLY of own land-ont of theip homes and citiescwnplctcly. 'men wis IloM Icft but tba ISRAEL, fiphtlng udh fsRAHL, against pnd carried captives b Asspda, 04 the tribe of Judah only," (11 Wacp 17:18). Judab, - 'recovered Elath to Syria and southern shores of the Carplan Sea! WhH,only, rumsinad. draw THE JEWS from Elath." (verse 6). "Therefore the Lord WM very onpy with MOFC&an 130 yean I 8 t ~Neb. NOTE IT!The fint plaa in the Bible Israel, and removed them out of hs sight: ucha nezznr of Babylon ar&d thc Jmnheu the word ''JEW'' is used, we find tberrp ula nam Left but tbr Iribs of In& JUDA€€--wbo only remained in Pdestk ~SRAELpc W M d p n r ; THE law^! ~ t a t r s only." (I1 Kings 17:18), af the i a tribes away to Babylon. So Jly, Syria, drove THE JEWS out of the In Leviticus 26 we find God's mlemn NONE of the House of Iulel dwelt town of Hath! warnin8 to all the children of h e l . IF Palestine at the time of this aptiritr of Certainly this proves that the JEW3 arc they would wonhi Him dono, avoiding Judab. I) different natioq altogether than ISRAEL. idolatry, and keep $is Sabbath, walk in His 3) Those who retutnrd to PIJesdt~ It Is WRONG to call the Jews of today statutw and tee His commandments, thg to rebuild the temple and restore wonM "Ismel." The atb not IuaeI,-thq ere would inherit $8 nationid matulal prom* 70 ycam afier Judah's captMfp, were ALE JIJDAH! AnK wherever ISRAEL is today. iscJ to Abmham. They would become @cat, of Jud& d JEW&ALL of tht remember that ISRAEL d08.f no: mean rich, and wetfdt-- thc dominant nation of these whom hlcbuchadnezrar had carded El! 'Whoever the lost tea tribes of of all e X But, if they refused and r e may, They retumcd agrin "onto l e d c l d RAEL are today, :hey r l l ~ no/ Juwd belled, they were to be punished SEVEN and Judah, we~ycrnr unto bis nty, (Ezar Wherever you see fie name "IIsr2c1," or TIMES- a duration of 2320 years -in 2:l). " H o w of Istael," or "Samaria," or "Epb slavery, servitude, md want. ONLY h s e of t k tribcJ of u&h, Bu~J~= dm,"used in ropheq, remember thisThe House of Israel now entetcd-721 min and b i , who mosthate the bow d IT NEVER REfW TO THE JEWS, but B. C.-(tcmamber this date)-upun their AH w r n e d at that time (Ezn 1:s to Ismel, who was I t WAR agaixwt drt 2520 laag years of astiond bnfshtntnt. nscqpcntly those In Jerusrlenr in tk Jews! to hut until 1800 A. D.! o€ Chist were of +bethm trRw, And BECAUSE they, of these tcr, time No place in dl the Bible does the term NOT of the House af ISRML. And mwt, tribes, bore the NAME Ismel identfying "ISR"' refer to the JEWS. The turn If not all, of those converted w m a0 ths Sd"alone, or "children of Isract," map them as Goas cham people -because God hibe oi Benjamin, u BUSJoid he W. had created this nation for the purpase of rad sometimes does, inclrrdr the Jews, The House of Isncl bcamr &UwR I) showing forth H i s praise, as nn exam Ic to where dl twelve tribes are included. Jews tlu LOST Ten T r b ! Now kwwn other nations, reflcctia the glory of A d rn Iyaelites, just as Oregonians are AmettANOTHm me, s w n g I d8cmat and bccaux thcf h become such a lia* RUS. But MOST Braelites src not Jews, Impage! bility to Hi5 cause, a reproach to His nmt, ipst M most Amaiw ue not Oregonians. By WHAT MOK Pro t h q known ? God now ordained that they should irchralfy T&, Jew3 are the House of Judah only, A PART of the Iscadit#. But when these WSE TKEIR IDENTITY. Now thep must 'Wbocvet they arc, wherever they 8w & THEY, a d not ta6 Jews, who uc tbe Is are spokea of as NATIONS,rather lose knowledge of their name, Israel. They u collective individuals, the term must be considered IS Gentila, that they BIRTIiRIGHT pssesaorq It is "'HEY n* the fears, who, after the endiag d W e "Ismel" never nftn to the Jews. 'Mouse continue no longer to cast such a &ia upon unishment in M O O A. D. m e m M t th8 the name of the Lord their God! Or Is&' NEVER means "Jews." On the hbmdcable p'0"igrr BO Abraham of ruSo "the Lord remaved Iswef orrt of Ha dher band, "Housc of Judah" ALWAYS tional reataess, resbutcc~,werlth md p rig& , ,SO Israel was carried away out of pwn) "Jews." er, It MANASEH whq LftM 1800 A. their own land LO Assyria." lhis distinction is vital, if we are to =np D was to becamp the world's gmtest th 17:23). They L W the land o!I1 Samatla, aodcrstand prophecg. Because most sonation E hrdm & stilt tee CO never get to return! Gmtila were placed fa d c d Bible stadenb are in ignoruce of tbb basic distinction, they aru unable rightly their homes and c i t h (v. 2 4 , and it is M O W & of nrrronr?K O CIP @ a,today? fhese Gentiles who were known u Samatib understand prophecy! tans in the !ime of Christ. Tbc next place where the krm A more detailed account of the opthtitp is mentioned in the Bible, the House o Israel had been driven out in captivity, Jost from of r s d is found in I1 King, 18; 9-12, and 17:5-18. rkw, and the tcrtn a plies ONLY to thaw mf the House OP m e t e nre NO Now the Home of Israel began to "abide many days without a king," {Ha, maptiom in the 3:4). Since THBY were the o le who carried the title "I~rad,"it is M Y , not ISRAEL Driven Out and LOST1 Judah, who must become tOST in Identity! Smmcdiakly QD I r i q over the Now they must Jose their fanguags thek ROW of Israel, Jw&m (tribe of Epb thcit land, (Iso. 8:f;l; Isa. 28:ll; aJm) setup two golden calves, lnttoduung religion, Isa. 62:2; Isa, 40:27; Ha,2 5 6 , Jet. 16: idal worship in be figdarn. The account IS: Ha.1:8-1O.) & found in I IU484 L2:28-33. Tbis idolatry, with Sabbatb-brrskiag ISRAEL Never Returned Btck. 20110-24), wa3 the great aational which beouno mch a atsc to Israel. They did NOT return to Palestine Gemration after enmtion, God pleaded with the Jews in the days of Ezra and New with the ~ o u s eaP;~srsclto turn from ttahemiah, 81 8 m e etroncoudy believe. Thou dition-from thcv fathers ways, and to who returned to rebuild the tcmpte and Ma,began to reign a king of JUDAH . He sat on DAVID'S throne, L dK - 3 - b d r J E . k - &. L *Im" !it The PLAIN TRUTH Novembcr-December, 1940 Turkey W+ed Otlt Continued from F g a four the day that the stcan ers carried away cap tB tbt hr forces, and oreigners entered info his @ca, and CAST LOTS upon J e d e m , W a thou wast as enc of them"' (V,11). !Chis Cannot Refer to the Past P AH, Tvha was bkcn captive when N uchadnezzar ap Qnd jerusplun 604-385 B. C And at thnt time no one CAST LOTS for possession of d a n . One d o n alone, took it theq It was ~ o :Israel, ht L h c k h z z a r ' s ChPldeon Empire. There b M, record anywberc af lot8 being cost for Jenulun then. Howcur, in Joel 3;3, is a prophecg y d forctclliu #he lime when Gad will f*turr, &ore Israel and Judah, when He brings ALL NATIONS together in warmththis lfit WORLD WAR-nud then the Gentile in*ulm $ball cart lots for God's people, and fmuatm. At that time "the 3east" and his umics will take Palestine (Rev. 19:19; Dan. 11:41, 4 5 ) , And it begins now to Mas if Hitlcr will be 'The BEAST' who nstores the ancient R o w Empire to power, and does this invading. just as Hitler ~d Stalin have been dividing up Poland, Rumania, and other countries in that re ion, w my Hitler divide up Palestine a jlpkc of the dice! For, make PO mistake about ir, P a l e fine ind Egypt are to be captured by the Rolpaa Axis o w m l The British, ultimotel are to alz contrary to general !xv M, more Israel is to go into captivity, L( wc explained in the last issue, and w ill explain further in future articles. And here is the prophecy foretelling Qd y wblrr Turkey is now doing! iy 8m P Turkey occupies the crossWay Turkey, allied with Britain, already bas broken her pledgc. She was ptedged to join EnBland u soon as Mussolini declared wat iP the Mediterranean. But Turkey, 85 thc Bible herold, s h n b &of. In fear of Rusia, Turk is doing cractly as Stalio dictates. And%itler bas kfd a plot-made a bargain with Stall0 during the past few &. He has promised stplin to bring h u t 4 aon-agrasion treaty between Japan and Rusji;r, provided Sdh wonld bring presswe 10 force Tvrhey ro doublecvoss Crud Brilain and d d the AxU pOWuS! The British have a hdf miflion men in tbc Neu-Epd, where Turkep occupies the Crawway. Fully uipped with mechvlized wer, and with% aid of the powerful !&diterranern Fleet and the Royal Air Force, Great Britain d d ably defend herd & the Near-East--&th Twke I bd f It L Turkey" dupllclty whlcb d t i p d e bslancc, resulting in Britain's ultimate da feat in Palestine and in Egypt! 12--"311t thou rhouldest not have v~~~ lwked 011 &f of tbl bgothct in U* that he h e a stranger you should not have gloated over your btotk cr'r fate on hls day of disasttr -Moffatt translation) ; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced OYCC the children of Judah in the day of their d e s t d o n . " This is TODAY. We are now in the "time of Jacob's trouble," (Jcr, 30:7) __tbc day PI) maay rophedes la JCKdah, Ezekiel, pad elxwtere describe as the clay of disaster for Jacob, or Britain-mdoubtodly to indude. alsq later, the United states Vme 13-Thou shouldst not haw ent m d into the gate of my people in the da of their calamity; nor have laid hand! on their substiu~cin the day of thus art= oecupicd southan Juda Lamiw following Ju s aptivitp until 164 B. C They a p i n occupied the Birthright land and Jerusalem for 400 pars, IS17 to 1917. This verse undoubtedly mean3 th will u g h 00 cupy a of Palestine, ps Xeir art of the b~aty, or aiding the h i s in tKek forth. .. . w2* yt ceming cnptivitg of that HoI Land. Yews t4-Weither d d d e s t thou have stood in the crossway, to cut ofI those of his that did esape,'' or, 0s the Moffatt traaslatioa has It, "never have stood at tbc passes to cut aff their fugitives, n e w betrayed their survivon, 00 the day of & tress." Turkey occupies the skafegic "crosswa ' or "pass," of the Near East the DardeneI u and the Bosporus, narmw passes betwets the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. p1 At W e of Day of the Lord Vor,'' continues verse 13, "the DAY OF T H E LORD is near upon all the hci+ then." And what is the "Dap of the Lord? It is a time, naw soon to cam, prophesied ia more than 30 different places iD both Old and New Testafnento-the tima of God'a judgments upon the nations for their sfns the time of supernatural plagues. It follows - the curnplcte mdin of the Times of the Gentiles, It marks h e turning point in all bifiory, when the N w Era of BLESSING for ISRAEL &all be inaugurated by God, oplc will KNOW that there is a God p"It ia time that climaxes, in Its first phase, in the Second Coming of a r k It IS a time to occu y the lattu period of thh present war, wl!ich shall end at Armageddon! The "DAY OF THE LORD" bas not yet begun. It may be u n p within one ts five years. Mention of% 14 thb rophq shows that the message of Obadia%, u far the present and the yet fWn! me Moff'att translation aap thh Day carries 'DOOM for all the natlow." V m 8 16 -"Pm as ye have &unk Upao my holy mountain." That is, as the Turks have, lo thcse 400 yean occu ied Palestine, God's #:holy mountain;' the nabm thdl drink upon you," (Fentoo trmrlothn) "And they shall be as tho thep had not been."-they shall gerisb!- cease tcr exist! -4 I yOr~O 17--"But upon Mount Zion ahall be dcliveranca, and thm ahdl ba h&W* LORD OF LORDS AFTER HIS Continued from p g 8 two niab (ver~e 6). & t w ~ e n fifty and ma hundred million were martyred for the true Bibk faith, at the behest of the R a w churcb, during the middle ages, according to historic tecord! This “woman” was seen ridiog on thi8 rarlctdored ‘W.”The a’bcast” hnd men heads aad tca hams (vcrsc 3). Thc .swomBn” rode dl $#rum of thesa heads (verse 9). !R& “BEAST” is rdarorvledged by aU, Psoteshnt and Cltholic alike, to be the old ROMAN EMPIRE. You will even b n d this &owlcdgment in the foabnoce apparmg in connection with thii chapter b the Roman CathoUc Douay versioa “And the woman which thou #awest is that p a t city, wblh teigneth over the b p of the earth.” Or, as the Arncticw Revised versions ha it, “hath a kingdom over the kings of tha earth.” (Verse 18). That great apostate church, which is a great city and is called by the NAME of that city, which dld have a kingdom Over every great dynasty of the ”Holy” Roman Empire, is ROME! It stands identified beyond my question ! This “beast” was, and is not, at this p y n t time. (Verse 8 ) . The TIME of the mion is the present and the epproaching “DAY OF TNE LORD,”(Ch,l!lO). But this “bcaJt”-thc old Roman Em irc-id 1 in to come to lifc-” shall axen out of tE &tamleu pit.” (verse 8). Of the seven kings, chief rulcrj or dynasties, five arc frllen, one is, at &time when the Empire docs not exist cxce t in germ, and one is pt to come. The %ye that itre io the past dynastits of Justidan, the G r t , c;harls tba Great, and Napoleon. Afi ackaowfedgcd the ruprcnucp of thc pope. All were crowned the p a p A11 carried the Catholic churcb rlr a horse carries its warnan rider, doing the biddin4 of the church by its stronger physb a1power. The one that is, is the present M i r n dynasty. The one yet tu coat 3s the ”BEAST‘that shall briefly rcvivc to e tht overwhdmin armed pawet and military and politicat dominance of the Empire of old. 14). Thep arc to rule but a &art time. They come to a horrible end (Rev. t9:19-20). It follm, certainly, that this ten-natlan revival of the ancient Roman Em ire cannot take lace UNTIL THE T I d O P THB SEC&D comci OF CHRIST! -r will occur within the comparative new hture-much sooner than the world erpectr. Yet it connot occur immediately . - y a y other events must happen first! So the tune k not yet here-GOD’S time bas not arrived-fot t k restoration of fhis R o w Empire, by Puimcc of the dominant Epropw lep& with hic ten lm-dictatot nations, and the pop! m The Next Number HITLER’S Thoasmd Pear Rhnhis amazing “NEW WORLD OR. DER” a E2m.t &;“ The Time Ie Not Pet But the time ft ytt premature. The “ten barns,” jdincd to this seventh end lart head of this beast (the beast itself, with its sevca lacads, b the eighth -it docs not itself have m eighth head-vax 11), ere ten Bur tan rulers to rytivc power a short time wgK; the bead emperor, alld “the BEAST.” They shall give their armed power- oa b m d , m, md in air-to the “bnJt.” And they rhrll mat4 ww withWHOM.’Note It1 Not Great BritraTn,--aot the United States, 8s bo m y have assumed --they shall make war with THE LAMD, who is the KlNG OF KINGS and tbc - compared, by eontraet, to G O D 3 N a n for the nezt Thousand odd yeare on earth. Thie vital, absorbing article had to be omitted from thh number due to Iack of eprce, but will appear in the next h u e of ”he PLAIN TRUTH, Another up-to-the-minute sasl7nlu of the WAR as it fulfille Bible praphecy, and the concluding inetellment of ‘“he United States fn Prophecy.“ Also we have planned for the next number an eye-opening arUeIe throw- ing NEW LIGHT on God’r marvel= ow Plan of Redemption You will lea the real pnrpase-the cornmow rense of it IU you neveresaw It be- - fore, You can’t afford ta mms it. The Pmlent outloat Vbich brings us to tht pment wtloot € W e t ham attempted three g i p t k 4forts, each a supreme ”Grand Strategy,c) lo the fid, he succeeded bcpond hii wildreams, and nll &for lay pfosttnte at hn feet. la his seCondr a w m , he fai!ed to invade and conquer England. And ra bi, thi& likewise, he bas bcen chcJunrkd from completin his d i p l o d c line-u m d his military eath-blaw to the & b h EmpLc by jevrring its Ufdine at Suer, thi¶ time thru &he blunders and failures of U % DUCC. What is the Germao Grmd Stratqy No. 41 At present that remains a German mil1- tary smet. But the k t information at the moment is tbst Hider now fans rnather and greater attcm t to inva e the British IsIa direct, C h u r c h has wnrned Englaud and the wotld slrcb an attuapr probakdy will be made by Spxing. It mi@ come mrrch seooet-any moment, in fact. There is ddcncc that preparations erk being mdc. This tirna he ma succccd, As we oul. lined briefly in the L t numbar, Britain h destined to go dowa and probably dut own Unitod Stam en wull. ”hat, we know, b itmost impossible to believu. We inck space io this issue, but in corniag numbcrr we shall give o w readers much more of thc prophecies that makc rbia ututropho c ~ r tain. B 3- That is why Greece was inspired to fight back so successlully! That i s why Britain was inspired to administer the rmnt over. wheiming defeat to Italp in Mda. That is why Hitlet’$ plans to invade Palestine have been indefinitely postponed. That is why Hitlar was not permitted to continr// lining the other rix “junior Axb partners %er he added Rummia, Hunguy aad 310V&& Who Will Emerge 88 T h e BEAST?” A most interesting questiaa of the hour is, ‘ W I O p i l l finally emerge as ‘’THE BE&I”’ of Revelation3 Who will finally bring the Roman Empire out O f its “bottomless pit” by P union with tea other nations and a working. plliancc with UIG Pope? To accomplish this haa bcen Musrol&i’O sole draam and effort aver since the Blrdcshirts marched on Rome, We bavc therefore: supposed, la thc past, that he would pmvc to be the man. in defeat--unBut then, when we thinkable as i t seerns-Gbd‘s chosen bi+ right r p f c Israel an,- e in ~a II viv, is time ilso rn UE R WF pnd ANC& God will s a d am Kin Ch& Jesus, who wiI1 r c ~ w cur people tom cap tivity- Qncc again an cwdut to tbe PromLad toad will occur, 60 gcat if will blot thr former anr from mcmory. (Jer. 16:14.15)Our peapte will he restored to p h but ouly aften we have bcen hmmblcd, and hrw leatned om lcwon, on$ turned unitcdly I1, people ta Gad! $ 8 t