Rock-A-Thon - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
Rock-A-Thon - Little Sisters of the Poor Pittsburgh
Little Sisters of the Poor Rock-A-Thon Pledge Form Saturday June 4, 2016, 1:00-4:00pm ROCK with Us! We need your help to make our Rock-A-Thon a success! Please consider becoming a Rocker by collecting donations from family, friends, or neighbors to sponsor your time rocking in a rocking chair. Pre-register by May 31st by calling (412) 307-1268 or emailing Rocker Name Email Address Phone All Rockers raising $50.00 $50.00 or more will receive a TT-shirt. Please select your size: S M L XL XXL XXXL I am rocking from home and would like to sponsor a Resident or Sister in the amount of $_______ $_________. ____. Please write as clearly as possible, any names and addresses deemed illegible or incomplete will not receive donation credit. Sponsor Name Address Phone & Email Total Amount 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Little Sisters of the Poor 1028 Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412) 307-1268 Feel free to copy this sheet. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please submit your donations and pledge sheets on June 4th. See reverse side for more information. Little Sisters of the Poor R c A Th Saturday June 4th, 2016 1:00-4:00pm ROCK with Us! Join us for our 5th Annual R C A TH Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212. fund-raiser at our home for the elderly poor at 1028 R c ers will solicit sponsors for their rocking chair rocking. So instead of walking a mile for charity, rock a few hours for the Little Sisters. It’s that easy! The R c er who raises the most in sponsorships will receive a $100 gift card. We encourage R c ers of all ages to participate; seniors, adults and children are all welcome. Performances by sta gia Ba d and Elvis impersonator Don Obusek will keep the crowd entertained. All proceeds raised will be used to help the Home purchase a much needed new boiler for their water system. There will also be a 50/50, basket auction, and food available for purchase. See the reverse side to start collecting your sponsorships or visit
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