Generali (Asian Network) Newsletter for June 2009


Generali (Asian Network) Newsletter for June 2009
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
In this number…
PPF Group and Generali launch new private equity venture for Central and Eastern Europe
emerging markets
Generali Group launched GENERTELLIFE, Italy’s first on line Life and Pension company
Generali Group presents its 2008 Sustainability Report: growing focus on the community
Generali Group: official sponsor of the Italian Ducati. The Winged Lion now in Moto GP racing
Future Generali launched Future Anand
Generali Group 2008 Sustainability Report and “I protect the environment” photo contest. Thanks
to you all.
Generali celebrates the Italian June with Arts. Hong Kong Branch sponsor of “I Solisti Veneti”’
GENCURIOUS…did u know that…
Did you know that “Suspended cities” is the new photo contest launched by Generali?
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
PPF Group and Generali launch new private equity venture for Central and
Eastern Europe emerging markets
PPF Group and Assicurazioni Generali announced the launch of PPF Partners, a private equity firm specialized in
investing in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS region.
PPF Partners Limited, 72.5% owned by PPF Group and 27.5% held by Assicurazioni Generali, will be able to benefit
from the management and support services of both of its partners and will have access to the experience that PPF
Group has already accumulated operating in the venture’s target markets.
PPF Partners is already operating with the first fund, PPF Partners 1 LP, with total commitments amounting to € 615
million from Assicurazioni Generali and PPF Group. Subsequent funds will be opened during the year to external
investors. The aim is to achieve AUM of € 5 billion in five years. Initial investments have already been made in the
waste management, oil and gas, leisure and media industries in the Czech Republic, Romania and Ukraine.
Giovanni Perissinotto, Assicurazioni Generali Chief Executive, commented: “This new venture with our colleagues at
PPF is consistent with our business plan objectives to reinforce this asset class. The current market dislocation is
providing a broad range of business opportunities as asset values have fallen and a shortage of liquidity is creating
difficulty for other acquirers. Even in difficult times there are interesting opportunities to create value for the Group. ”
Generali in Central & Eastern Europe and CIS
The Generali Group has been present in CEE countries throughout its history and in 2008 it reinforced its presence in the
region through Generali PPF Holding, an insurance venture held 51% by the Generali Group and 49% by PPF Group. Today
the Group operates in the following 13markets with a portfolio of more than 9 million clients: the Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Belarus
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
Generali Group launched GENERTELLIFE, Italy’s first on line Life and
Pension company
Generali announced the launch of Genertellife, Italy’s first direct life and pensions company, completing the Group’s
insurance offer in the direct channel. Together with Genertel, Genertellife is the only Italian direct insurance player to
offer a complete range of life, non-life and pension insurance services online and via telephone. The new GenertelGenertellife provider begins with a base of 750,000 clients and premiums totalling € 2.4 billion. The operation is part
of the Generali strategy to strengthen the Group’s distribution capability.
The new provider will be targeting a new range of technology-literate clients in the under-40 age group, who are
under-insured today and currently not covered by traditional channels. Generali intends to leverage its leadership
and size in the Italian direct non-life market to achieve significant economies of scale and use the Genertel brand
and reputation to open up cross-selling opportunities. The new provider will operate with Genertel on an integrated
web and telephone platform, offering a full range of insurance services with the emphasis on simplicity, flexibility and
competitiveness, thanks in part to the total absence of activation costs.
Generali the direct channel leader in continental Europe
In Italy Generali operates through Genertel, the market leader with premiums of € 267 mln and a market share of 25%of
the direct market segment. Genertel was the first Italian direct company when it was established in 1994, and its current
offer focuses on civil liability and non-motor covers. The Group’s leadership in the direct channel also extends to continental
Europe. In France, Generali France is the life market leader. In Germany, the Group has been active since 1982, with
Cosmos Direkt, in both the life and non-life sectors, and has premiums of € 1,377mln. In Hungary, under its strategy to
expand its direct channels to new markets, in 2007 the Group formed, currently the undisputed leader in the
direct insurance business.
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
Generali Group presented its 2008 Sustainability Report: growing focus on
the community
The Sustainability Report reached this year its 5th edition containing more information than the previous ones,
particularly in the sections dedicated to the environment, to contractual partners and to highly relevant issues such
as human rights and employee rights. The Report provides information on Generali Group’s achievements in the
industrial, social and environmental protection sectors.
The 2008 Sustainability Report refers to 63% of the total Group workforce and 86% of aggregate gross premiums.
In 2008 Generali had Global Added Value (GAV) – the wealth generated by its operations during the year – of
more than € 12 billion. A year-on-year comparative analysis of GAV distribution shows that a greater proportion of
resources was assigned in 2008 to the Group’s 84,000 employees and more than 50,000 agents and financial
advisors. A significant increase was also recorded in amounts allocated to the community (+43%).
Chief Executive Officer Giovanni Perissinotto said: “This year’s sustainability report shows that even in a difficult
year Generali successfully created value for all its stakeholders. Specifically, thanks to prudent financial management,
we distributed greater resources to employees, agents and the community, as well as a dividend balancing the
solidity of the company with the legitimate expectations of our shareholders.”
Did you know that Generali Group adheres since 2007 to United Nations Global Compact initiative?
The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and
strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
By doing so, business, as a primary agent driving globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology and
finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.
Learn more at
Generali Group’s Chairman, Antoine Bernheim stated “since adhering in 2007, our strategies, policies and actions have
integrated, and will continue to integrate, the ten principles relating to human rights, labour conditions, environmental
protection and the fight against corruption. The sustainability measures undertaken, have allowed us to make an important
contribution towards the success of such principles within the context of and in the relations we forge with the people we
come in contact with”.
Generali Asia
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
February 2008
June 2009
Generali Group: official sponsor of the Italian Ducati. The Winged Lion now
in Moto GP racing
Generali and the Italian Ducati have signed a three-year agreement naming the Generali Group, as a Ducati official
sponsor. The Generali logo will appear on the Desmosedici GP9 bikes and the overalls of world champions Casey
Stoner and Nicky Hayden.
“The MotoGP World Championship is an ideal sponsorship context which perfectly matches with the international
scope of the Generali Group. This agreement - said Giovanni Perissinotto, Generali Chief Executive Officer –
brings together two major Italian companies which, over the years, have been demonstrating a strong capacity for
innovation that made them successful international players.”
A sua volta Gabriele Del Torchio, Presidente di Ducati Motor Holding
– nell’augurarsi che questa sia l’inizio di una lunga e costruttiva
per Generali e Ducati
(photo Ducati/Archivi)
un successo storico quello che segna l’inizio della partnernship tra Generali
e Ducati: domenica 31 maggio l’asfalto bagnato dalla pioggia non ha impedito
alla Desmosedici GP9 di Casey Stoner di conquistare trionfante il podio del circuito del Mugello, precedendo le Yamaha dello spagnolo Jorge Lorenzo e di Valentino Rossi.
L’accordo triennale tra le due aziende, annunciato lo scorso 28 maggio,
porterà il marchio del Leone sulle moto e sulle tute dei campioni del mondo Casey Stoner e Nicky Hayden, in qualità di sponsor ufficiale.
Secondo l’amministratore delegato di Generali Giovanni Perissinotto,
il Motomondiale è il contesto ideale per la presenza di un Gruppo internazionale, il quale, grazie a questo accordo, si lega al marchio di
un’altra grande impresa italiana nel mondo, all’insegna di una capacità comune e dimostrata negli anni di saper innovare misurandosi
collaborazione – ha sottolineato l’orgoglio e la felicità per l’importante collaborazione con Generali, che conferma il grande valore
che l’associazione di due marchi ambasciatori del Made in Italy
può garantire.
Nella stagione in corso Generali sarà presente anche su alcuni
circuiti del Motomondiale e sarà title sponsor a Valencia per il
Gran Premio Generali de la Comunitat Valenciana l’8 novembre.
con successo sui mercati internazionali.
Una campagna pubblicitaria graffiante per il Leone
in sella alle Ducati MotoGP di Casey Stoner e Nicky Hayden
In occasione del Gran Premio d’Italia del Mugello è andata on
Campagna Stampa
air il 30 e il 31 maggio la nuova campagna stampa ideata da
Euro RSCG Milano per sancire la partnership tra Assicurazioni Generali e Ducati. Questa unione è stata rappresentata con un simbolico
graffio dell’artiglio di un leone su una strada asfaltata, accompagnata
dal claim “oggi sulle moto Ducati non ruggiscono solo i motori”. L’asfalto è quello della pista del Moto GP e l’artiglio è sulle postazioni di
La campagna è stata veicolata a mezzo stampa sui principali
quotidiani nazionali (Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica) e
quotidiani sportivi (La Gazzetta dello Sport, Corriere dello Sport Stadio, Tuttosport).
Generali sponsor of Ducati
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
Future Generali launched Future Anand
Future Generali India Life Insurance Company, launched Future
Anand, a combination of whole life and endowment assurance,
an “evergreen choice”.A traditional wealth creation plan for
future financial security, Future Anand allows customers to
choose a short payment term and get back the sum assured
along with guaranteed additions and bonuses as maturity
benefit, while staying insured up to the age of 99 years, with
125 percent life cover after the premium paying term. The
minimum premium paying term is 8 years and maximum is
twenty years. Future Anand can be availed by persons aged
12-62 years.
Future Generali is currently active through 93 branches across
84 cities and over 25000 licensed advisors. Besides this large
network of agents & branches, Future Generali will also actively
offer their Insurance solutions across 192 Future Group malls.
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
Our Activities
Generali Group 2008 Sustainability Report and “I protect the environment”
photo contest. Thanks to you all.
The wonderful images illustrating Generali Group 5th edition of the 2008
Sustainability Report have been selected from the many entries to the
photography competition, “I protect the environment” organized by Group
companies throughout the world. The competition was part of a broad
initiative designed to stimulate employee involvement in environmental
Generali Group’s Chairman, Antoine Bernheim stated “The images
are a selection of photographs taken by staff members in our various
companies throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America, which attests the
heartfelt interest aroused the world over for such an important issue. In
order that we may contribute to the protection of this precious asset, we
have implemented processes that will help us to deal with the negative
impact the Group has on the environment in a systematic and responsible
Generali Group 2008 Sustainability
Report Photo by Arthur James del
Rosario « I feel therefore I protect »
We would like to thank all of you who participated to the photo contest
even if not selected. Thank you for your attention and warm support to
such kind of initiatives.
A special thanks to our colleagues Roland Arcadio, Xun Lei and Arthur
James del Rosario whose photos were selected for this project and are
published in the report.
The interactive version of Generali Group 2008 Sustainability Report is available on
Generali Asia
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
February 2008
June 2009
Generali celebrates the Italian June with Arts. Hong Kong Branch sponsor
of “I Solisti Veneti”’ concert
In collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Hong
Kong, Generali sponsored the concert of “I Solisti Veneti”. The
classical music concert took place in Hong Kong during the
“Italian June”, the month dedicated to Italy’s arts and culture
to celebrate the Italian National Day that occurs on June 2nd.
“I Solisti Veneti”
Under the direction of its founder, Claudio Scimone, who
established the group in Padua in 1959, “I Solisti Veneti”
enjoys a firm reputation among both the public and the music
circles as the most popular and technically outstanding Italian
orchestra, as well as one of the finest orchestras in the world.
Generali Group has supported “I Solisti Veneti” throughout
many years. The concert that took place on June 9th was a
success of public.
Generali Asia
February 2008
Communications Office – Generali Asia
Sabrina Di Giorgio
Tel: +852 3187 6824
June 2009
GENCURIOUS…did u know that…
Did you know that “Suspended cities” is the new photo contest
launched by Generali?
There is a new initiative around… a photo contest for all Generali employees organized by the
Generali Clubhouse in Mogliano Veneto in collaboration with the Group Innovation Academy
“Suspended Cities: Around the world in 20 classrooms”.
The purpose of this contest is to revamp the classrooms within the Academy and get all the
colleagues of the Group involved. All entries must be submitted and received by September 14 2009.
The themes of the photographs must be the following cities as their names will become the new classroom names:
Please refer to your Corporate Communications Department if you would like to know more about it and participate.