Monday June 14 Convention Payment is Due Ad Renewal Time


Monday June 14 Convention Payment is Due Ad Renewal Time
Volume 11 Number 11
The official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club
hopes that their additions to the team
will bring us a championship. That
the friends that we made last year
have great success in their new found
team. Of course the best part of the
By Vicki Silva fall is making a pumpkin pie for my
This issue of the newsletter signals husband from a fresh pumpkin. This
year the AHL annual convention in
the official start of summer: water
parks, beaches, family vacations and September will be held in
the planting of your garden. This also Binghamton. Also this fall, the new
means that it’s time for some players arena will open in Pittsburgh and
there will be two new AHL cities to
to heal, others to fine tune their
visit and to explore.
game, gain a bit of weight and
strength. Then next thing you know
I know that winning any
fall will be here. I can't wait until we
championship is very difficult
come back together again as a team (otherwise they would just give it
and as a hockey family. I want to hear away to every one who played). But
tales of your summer adventures, to
our day is coming, The Calder Cup
learn about the new players and the WILL be here and all of your efforts
June 2010
will be the foundation for the AHL
world to be looking at us for answers.
Yes, summer is here and the start
of another hockey season is just
around the corner. I hope that you
have a wonderful summer, great
adventures, and that God keeps you
in the best of health. We have a lot to
look forward to and a lot to be
thankful for. Have a great summer. If
you need to get in touch with me or
any board member write or leave a
message on the answering machine.
Lets Go Pens!
PS. As of this writing the Hershey/
Manchester series is tied at 2 games
each, all I can say is Go Manchester!
It is that time of year: time to renew your membership in the best Booster Club of the AHL:
The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club
Only $12 a year keeps this active for 11 monthly meetings to meet players, coaches and others, including fans
just like you. Renew NOW!
Payment is Due
meeting, please call the Booster Club
hotline at (570) 602-6332 and leave a
message and Karen will call you back
to make payment arrangements.
Ad Renewal Time
triple block is $60 for the year. You
must provide artwork and a check
payable to the booster club. Contact
any member or send it to the Booster
Club; PO Box 419; Wilkes-Barre
18702 or call the club’s phone
number, 570– 602-6332
By Karen Burke
The remaining balance for the
Ads paid for the 2009-2010 season
AHL Booster Club Convention being
The ad size is based on a business
wtth this issue. Srarting with the card. In other words, a single is equal
held in Binghamton on September 10
- 12, 2010 is due at the June meeting. next issue, in August) no ads will be
to one business card.
in unless they are renewed. A single
If you are unable to attend the
block is $25, a double is $35 and a
Monday June 14
Meeting Minutes
By Peggy Johnson
The May meeting of the Wilkes-Barre Scranton
Penguins Booster Club was held on May 19, 2010, at
the Quality Inn. There were 25 members in attendance,
a low number due to the fact that there was a playoff
game that night between Pittsburgh and Montreal.
Board of Directors 2009-2010
Vice President RoseAnn Foy started the meeting
until the arrival of President Vicki Silva. Vicki
expressed her disappointment that the playoff run is
over for the team, but is still rooting for the Big Pens.
It’ll be a long summer until the games resume in the
President Vicki Silva
Vice President RoseAnn Foy
Recording Secretary Peggy Johnson
Our playoff trips were short this season. Twenty
five Road Warriors made the trip to Albany for a
playoff game and were again treated to goodies and
drinks for the bus from the Albany River Rats Booster
Club. This was our last visit there, as next season the
Albany franchise is moving to Charlotte, N.C. We’ll be
looking forward to a trip to a new venue. Let’s hope
that next year’s schedule allows us a visit on a
Treasurer Deb Charnichko
Corresponding Secretary Carol Plevick
Membership Director Karen Harrison
Past Presidents Day Williams
Ed Drozdowski
Chip Hanuscik
The AAHL Booster Club Convention is in
Binghamton Sept. 10-12th. There are 17 signed up and
the final payment is due at the June meeting.
The Booster Club website will be updated over the
summer. Pictures are being posted from the Banquet. If
anyone has articles or pictures to post contact Aron or
Newsletter Director Barry Erick or
Members at Large Karen Burke
Basil Lynch
Danielle Baker—Photos
Kathy Thomas
Bring in your Bonvie Old Forge pizza orders.
Vouchers will be available for those that have placed
orders and there will be extra available. Vouchers are
$13 for a Red Sicilian pizza. Pickup is at Bonvie’s Old
Forge Pizza Restaurant in the Insaloco’s Shopping
Center in West Pittston. Support the club. Order forms
are available at our website.
Trips Chip Hanuscik
Karen Burke
Volunteers Geri Melovitz
Merchandise, pins, sweatshirts, etc. will be on sale
at the June meeting. If you have ordered the Road
Warrior sweatshirts and have not picked them up then
please do so. Pins from previous years will be on sale
for $1.00.
Web Master Aron Bender
1492 HIGHWAY 315
570 2703601
FAX 570 2706747
Ri hat- Geri Melovitz
Coopers hat- Susan Gurka
(Meeting continued on page 4)
The Tip of the Iceberg is the official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton
Penguins Booster Club and is published for web and mail distribution 11 times a
year. There is no July newsletter.
Articles for each month are due before the 18th of the previous month. Members
should email stories and news to for inclusion. Note: Guests shown
are tentative and subject to change. Always consult the Booster Club’s Phone
Hotline for last minute changes. The newsletter director thanks all involved with this
newsletter for their time and effort
Ochman’s Jewelry in Dallas offers a 30% discount on
jewelry only to booster club members. Tilbury’s Knob at
the Gateway Shopping Center in Kingston offers a 20%
discount for members. Show the club card at Hair Root 11
in Forty Fort for 1/2 off on any hair service for first time
customers and 20%off any hair care product for members
showing cards.
June Birthdays
July Birthdays
02 Ian Rynkiewicz
03 Corinne V. Galli, Peter Kolcharno
04 Wayne D. Evans
05 Justin Shaffern
08 Stanley Gorgas, Thomas A. Padrezas
09 Dennis Hynes, Joan Jennings, Kelsey Jones, Rita Druby
10 Linda Totino
11 Karen Rotondaro
12 Sharlene Koleno, Suzanne Gill
13 Kathleen Diekhaus, Kimberly Dornheim
15 Lorraine Franckiewicz
16 Alison Myers, Emily Fischbein
17 Basil Kaczmarczyk
18 Ben Koleno
20 Mike Cholko, Wade Kapelanovich
21 Brian Gritzen, Pat Lane, Thomas Bonn
23 Edward J. Prenga, Pamela McMahon
26 Jennifer Wilson, Larry Styczen
27 Ginamarie Aleo
28 Danielle Baker, Karen Christein
29 Genn Pauley, Kaitlin Fletcher
30 Cathy Williams, Matthew Benn
01 Megan Levan, Thad Day
02 Ann Marie Jurewicz, Lorraine Sabol, Richard Sabatura
03 Chloe Renner, Desirae Smith, Doreen Keeler
04 John Matuella, Luke Nase
05 Amy Hand, Judy Wasilko, Karen Gritzen
06 Jim Gill
07 Donna Kachinko
08 Marijo Mack, Paul Gresh, Vincent Sando
09 Ron Franks
10 Bernard Gurka, Drew Slater, Karen Harrison, Patty Brody
12 Adam Bernoski
13 Rima Anescavage
14 Frederick T. Kile
15 Helen Erick, Patricia Gresh
17 Kathryn Ardoline
18 Chelsea Lohe, Samantha Bowman
19 Jane H. Evans
20 Maryann Sarnoski
21 Anne Flasser, Russel I. Weller
22 Raymond J. Distasio Jr.
23 Katherine Kotch, Thomas Capitano
24 Jordan Wilson, Matt Regulski
25 Ray Kownacki
26 Aron Bender
27 Ron Foy Jr., Jeffrey Mazonis
28 Brooke Keeler
29 Katherine Shamus
30 Carrie A. Kupsho
31 Rebecca Severcool, Mary Mack
The Mailbox
In-coming mail for the month included:
open and contact me or any other board member of any
special/sad occasions of our Booster Club membership,
such as:
Birth of a child
Outgoing mail for the month included:
Illness or injury
A wedding card to Erin & Ray Charnick
Sympathy cards to Basil & Michele Lynch
and Carl & Joanne Salitis
Death of a member or of his/her immediate
family member (i.e. father, mother,
grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter,
wife, husband, sister, brother, etc.).
Newsletters, membership renewals and
As you know, due to the size of our Booster Club,
greetings are not sent for birthdays, but are noted in
the newsletter.
I can be reached by phone: 824.0482 or 406.2554 or
you can drop me an email
Corresponding Secretary,
All members are asked to keep their ears and eyes
Carol Plevick
(Meeting continued from page 2)
Labatte T-shirt- Maria Sciandra
Miller Lite glasse coolers - Rose
Ann Foy
Peniot Wine Glass MarkersKristen Holland
Raffle Winner50/50 for $23- Susan
Our speaker for the evening was
Kevin Mattern, the coach of the
Wyoming Valley West hockey team.
Kevin was a very informative
speaker, giving us an insight of the
Northeast Pennsylvania Scholastic
Hockey program that encompasses
the 8 local teams plus Wyoming
Seminary, the Poconos, BentonMillville, Sunbury, and
President of the Northeast Hockey
organization accompanied Kevin.
Kevin started just like any father
would when their son wants to play
hockey. He learned hockey from the
bottom and is now a Level 4 coach.
Kevin also started learning about
hockey when he accompanied his
mother to games and Booster Club
meetings when the Penguins first
arrived here. Kevin covered so many
areas that it is impossible for me to
write about everything that he talked
about. We thank Kevin for informing
the Booster Club about the local
hockey teams that are for the youth of
the area.
By Basil Lynch
The booster club is saving Receipts
from Redner's Supermarket. If you shop at
Redner's and don't have a save a tape card,
stop at the customer service desk at the
front of the store and pick one up. Without
the save a tape card. the receipt is not
valid. Hand the card to the cashier when
checking out. The club gets 1% of your
total receipt. You can bring the receipts to
the next meeting. Thank you to everyone
who has handed receipts in.
Wallenpaupack areas. Larry West,
Items for sale
Road Warrior Jackets: You are still
able to order and purchase these
jackets. S-XL-$20 1x-3x-$23
See RoseAnn Foy or the website
where everything is displayed under
the merchandise heading.
All items are also on the
Merchandise page at our website.
Annual Banquet fun photos by Michelle Alters and other photos by Danielle Baker
Josh Richards and Konstantin Pushkarev
Ben Lovejoy receives his “green” fun
Jesse Boulerice works the crowd during his fun
award presentation.
Konstantin Pushkarev’s fun award is our own
version of noise canceling headphones.
Zach Sill wears his own energizer bunny ears
and learns how to tell time for his fun award.
Joe Vitale is so fond of coffee that his fun
award dubbed him the Dunkin Donuts Box
O’ Joe spokesman.
Nick Johnson zones out during his “Out to Lunch”
fun award.
Annual Banquet fun photos by Michelle Alters and other photos by Danielle Baker
Brad Thiessen receives bungee cords to hold
up his goalie pants for the Jurtis McLean Pants
Zach Sill & Jesse Boulerice
Assistant Coach John Hynes wearing his
Mustache Boy fun award.
Brian Strait, Ben Lovejoy, Dustin Jeffrey &
Robert Bortuzzo
Tim Wallace, Ben Lovejoy & John Curry
Eric Trangradi shows off his “Super Rook”
fun award.
Chris Conner sports his hat trick fun award and the
two player awards he won.
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club
2010-2011 Membership Application
Membership Fee: $12 per adult member
Youth Memberships FREE with parent/guardian Adult Membership
Adult Membership: Please Print
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: __________
Birthday: (month/day): ____________________ Home Phone: _________________________________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Would you like to receive your newsletter on-line? (circle one): Y N
Are you a season ticket holder? (circle one):
Would you like to become a Booster Club volunteer? (circle one):
(if second adult resides at same address, print SAME on address line)
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: __________
Birthday: (month/day): ____________________ Home Phone: _________________________________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Would you like to receive your newsletter on-line? (circle one)
Are you a season ticket holder? (circle one) Y
Would you like to become a Booster Club volunteer? (circle one) Y N
Youth Membership (family members under 18 years old):
Name: _________________________________________ Birthdate: ___________(Month, day, year)
Name: _________________________________________ Birthdate: ___________(Month, day, year)
Please mail completed application and make checks payable to WBSPBC
W-B/S Penguins Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
Next Meeting
Wilkes-Barre Quality Inn and
Penguins Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
First Class Mail
US Postage
Scranton, PA
Permit No. 28
June 14, 2010
7:30 p.m.
Scheduled Guests
Subject to change
Members 430
Youth 110
Meeting date:
Dates of interest:
June 14
September 10 –12—AHL Booster Club Convention
Ads in the Newsletter are up for renewal. Unless renewed, the ads will end with
the this issue, as they run starting with the first newsletter of the season in August
and end with the last newsletter in June. We are also taking new ads. The prices
are $25 for one business card size ad, $35 for a double and a maximum of a triple
size is $60.