T.C, SOSYAI GOVENLIK KURUMU BA$KANLIcI Sigorta Primleri Genel Miidiirliigti ..../09/2014 YABANCI UYRUKLU OdRENCiLERIN GENEL SAdLIK SICORTALILI6I HAKKINDA ONEMLI DUYURU 5510 sayb Kanunun 60 rncr maddesinin yedinci frkasrnda 6486 sayrh Kanun ile yaprlan deligiklik ile 2915D013 tarihinden itibaren; . .. ulkemizde dlrenim g6ren butiin yabancr uyruklu bfrencilerin, Olrenim gOrdukleri okullara ilk kayrt yaptrrdlklafl tarihlen itibaren ug ay igerisinde so-syal gu-venlik il mi.idiirli.lBii/sosyal g[venlik merkezine yazrlr talepte bulunmalan hilinde genel sa[hl sigonahsr tescil iplemleri yaprlmaktadrr, '2915/2013 tarihinde( sonra ilk defa kayrt yaptrran dsrencilerden, ilk kayrt tarihinden itibaren 09 ay igindg ogrenim gordukleri oku irrn bulundufu yerrleki sosyal guvenlik il miidtirliigi/sosyal giivenlik merkezine tBlep dilekgesi ve olrenim gordukleri oluliirna ait ilk kayrt tarihini g6sterir 6Brenci betgesi ile bagvurmalan halin-de, yazrl-r talepte butunduklan tarihi takip. eden gOn itibar_jyie bir yrlhk genel sallrk sigortahhklarr yaprlmaktadrr. Bu qekilde genel -Kanunun sa$rk sigortasr tescilleri yaprlan.yabanct uyruklu tiErencilerin, SZ nci maddesine"gOie belirlenen prime. esas gunltk kazang alt srntrrnrn tigte birinin 30 gunluk rutan 0zeririden genel sashk sigonasr priminin kendirerl hrafindan oienmesi g",,t*.ki.dir, !:rpl11* (l17l20L4-31/1?,12014 rarihleri igin bu tutar ayLk a5,36 TL,dir) .. .Pi9.r taraftan, ytirtrrl{:kteki K_anullar gergevesinde tescili yaprlan yabancr uyruklu dlrencilerin genel salhk sigortahhklarr bu Kanunda beiirtilen nedenlerie iona eimektedir, , ,o$renim gdrecekleri ok,rlara sigortaltsl olmak igin Kurumumuza uynrklu oirurcilerin ise, yaprlmnyecaktrr. tarihtcn itibaren, genel salrrk ayhk sure igirisinde yazrh talepte yabancr uynrklu olrencilerden genel se$hk sigortahsr o.rmak isteyenlerin ilk kaylt yaptlrdrkhn tarihinder i(ibaren ii9 ayhk siire igerisinde Kurumumuza olarak talepte bulunmatarr gerektili hususu; ot(ullanna yazrL .nedenle ilk kayrt yaptrrdrkrarr ortrnriyan yabi'n", dlrenimleri siiresince bir daha genel salhk sigortasi tescili ti_g Kamuoyuna 6nemle duyurulur. Binrn Aar: Sigona frlnl 82 Faks:03124333406 E posto: gtsrcscila@u\.,q9!.rr TIf: (312) 458 76 AdrEs:Milh0lpo$o Cod. 06650 AM(AJIA No:? Elekronik AIr \r^w:sgk.gov.tr sosYAL GU\{ENLiK?t"r*, negreruidr Sigorta Primleri Genel Miidiirliigtl .. ..,109/2014 IMPORTAi.IT A].INOLNCEMENT ABOUT LJMVERSAL HEALTH INSIIRANCE FOR FOREIGN NATIONAL STIIDENTS Pursuant to the amendment made on paragraph 7 of Article 60 of the Law No, 5510 in accordance with the Law No. 6486, all foreign national students studying in our country, as of 2910512013, shall be registered as universal heartn insurance holders pior"iu"a irrr, irr.y submit a written application to Socjal Security Provincial Directorates/ Social Security Ceniers within three months following their enrollment at school. In case the foreign national students who enrolled at school for the first time after 29/0512013 submit a written application and student certificate indicating the first enrollment date to the Social Security Provincial Directorate/ Social Security Center"ii irr. pL* of their school within three months following the first.enrollment date, ihey shali be covered in one-year universal health insurance as of the day following the submission aate of written ffiication. rhe foreign national students, who are iegistered is universal health insurance rriia.r, by this procedure, are required to pay universal heaith- insurance premium calculated over thirry - day amount of one thirds of lower timit of daily earning subject to premium determined in accordance with Article E2 of the Law (This apount is is,ro'ru per month for Qt/07/2014 - 31ltuz}t4) On the other hand, the universal health insurance of foreign national students, who were registered under the current Laws, shall be terminated for the reasons determined in this Law, In case the foreign national students do not submit a written application to our Institution for universal health insurance within three months rorio*inj-iireir !n ollment aischool, they cannot be registered under universat health insurRnce duri-ng their study. Accordingly, the foreign national students who would like to have universal health insurance are required to subrnit a written application to our Institution within three months following their enrollment at school. . Respectfully announced to the public. tiUo* P.i,ot"A Email: gsstcstil@sek.gov.tr_ phn: (312) 45g 76 g2 "- Address:Mirhotpaga Cad. No:i 96650 AiIKNIA Fax : 0 312 4* 34 A6 web: www.sgkgov.tr
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