56th Annual - American Mathematics Competitions
56th Annual - American Mathematics Competitions
The Mathematical Association of America American Mathematics Competitions Learning Mathematics Through Meaningful Problem Solving 56th Annual Examinations prepared by subcommittees of the American Mathematics Competitions and administered by the AMC office 2006 AMC contest dates: AMC 8 - TUESDAY, November 15, 2005 AMC 10 & AMC 12 - TUESDAY, January 31, 2006 &/or WEDNESDAY, February 15, 2006 AIME - TUESDAY, March 7, 2006 or WEDNESDAY, March 22, 2006 USAMO - Mid-April 2006 Copyright 2005, Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions The Mathematical Association of America The American Mathematics Competitions are sponsored jointly by: The Mathematical Association of America University of Nebraska -- Lincoln Contributors: Akamai Foundation American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges American Mathematical Society American Society of Pension Actuaries American Statistical Association Art of Problem Solving Canada/USA Mathcamp Canada/USA Mathpath Casualty Actuarial Society Clay Mathematics Institute Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences L. G. Balfour Company Mu Alpha Theta National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Assessment & Testing Pedagoguery Software Inc. Pi Mu Epsilon Society of Actuaries U.S.A. Math Talent Search W. H. Freeman and Company Table of Contents St. Johnsbury Academy.......................................................................................... 5 Report of the Director............................................................................................. 6 I. Introduction................................................................................................. 6 II. 2005 AMC 10 and AMC 12 Enrollment Analysis and Statistical Results... 6 III. International Participation........................................................................ 6 IV. 2006 Contest Dates, Registration and Fees................................................ 6 Table I: 2005 AMC 10/12 Enrollment Analysis and Statistical Results.... 7 Table II: Participation and Average Score by Recorded Grade Levels........ 8 V. NASSP’s Sanction....................................................................................... 9 VI. The 2005 AIME....................................................................................... 9 VII. The USAMO........................................................................................... 9 VIII. Acknowledgement................................................................................ 10 IX. Contributions of the Lincoln Staff.......................................................... 10 X. Sponsors / Contributors / AMC Committee Members............................. 10 XI. Contributions of the University of Nebraska........................................... 10 XII. Additional Information – Inquiries........................................................ 10 West Valley-Mission Community College, Saratoga, CA 95070 ............................. 11 XIII. Examination Dates............................................................................... 11 NCTM Expo Walk Winner................................................................................. 11 Message from the CAMC Chair............................................................................ 12 Message from the AMC 10 Chair.......................................................................... 13 Bishop Moore Catholic High School..................................................................... 14 Message from the AMC 12 Chair.......................................................................... 15 Quotations............................................................................................................ 16 Auburn High School........................................................................................... 17 Edyth May Sliffe Awards for Distinguished High School Mathematics Teaching... 18 Aguayo............................................................................................................... 18 2005 High School Award Winners . .............................................................. 19 Sliffe Awards Reception . .............................................................................. 21 Current & Former Sliffe Winners Attending Reception.......................................... 21 2004 Sliffe Winners Attending Reception............................................................. 21 2005 Sliffe Awards Reception, Miscellaneous pictures............................................ 22 Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions...................................... 23 CAMC Executive Committee........................................................................ 23 CAMC Advisory Board.................................................................................. 23 CAMC Meeting, Winter 2004............................................................................. 23 Sub-Committees on the American Mathematics Competitions...................... 24 Advisory Panel............................................................................................... 25 Sponsors and Contributors.................................................................................... 27 AMC office staff.................................................................................................. 27 Exam Directors by State and Province................................................................... 28 American Mathematics Competition 8.................................................................. 29 Table III: 2004 AMC 8 National Statistics ................................................... 29 AMC 8 Student Award Recipients................................................................. 30 United States.......................................................................................... 30 Table of Contents, Continued Canada................................................................................................... 30 International........................................................................................... 30 Historical Listing of Perfect Scores........................................................................ 31 AHSME . ...................................................................................................... 31 AMC 12 ....................................................................................................... 34 AMC 10 ....................................................................................................... 35 Los Altos High School.......................................................................................... 38 2005 Perfect AMC 10 & 12 Scores - Pictures........................................................ 39 United States . ............................................................................................... 39 Canada........................................................................................................... 41 International.................................................................................................. 42 Examination Regions of the AMC 10 & AMC 12................................................ 43 School Awards Description.................................................................................... 44 School Committee and Donor National Awards............................................ 44 Schools not Receiving a Cup are Eligible for these Awards............................. 44 Intramural Awards......................................................................................... 44 School Award Recipients by Region...................................................................... 45 United States.................................................................................................. 45 Canada........................................................................................................... 46 Dr. Herbert Kasube visits..................................................................................... 46 School Pedagoguery Award Recipients................................................................... 47 School Honor Roll ............................................................................................... 50 United States.................................................................................................. 50 Canada........................................................................................................... 51 International.................................................................................................. 51 School Merit Roll.................................................................................................. 52 AMC 12A (United States)............................................................................. 52 AMC 12B (United States)............................................................................. 61 2005 AMC Booth............................................................................................... 67 AMC 12A (Canada)...................................................................................... 68 AMC 12B (Canada)...................................................................................... 68 AMC 12A (International)............................................................................. 69 AMC 12B (International)............................................................................. 70 Late - AMC 12A&B (All)............................................................................. 71 AMC Session at NCTM, Anaheim, CA................................................................ 71 Student Awards Description.................................................................................. 72 Committee and Donor State/Regional Awards............................................... 72 Intramural Awards......................................................................................... 72 Student Award Recipients by Region..................................................................... 73 United States.................................................................................................. 73 Canada........................................................................................................... 75 AMC Office - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE ............................................. 75 Student Distinguished Honor Roll........................................................................ 76 AMC 12A (United States)............................................................................. 76 Table of Contents, Continued AMC 12B (United States)............................................................................. 82 2005 AMC 10/12 Committee............................................................................. 86 AMC 10A (United States)............................................................................. 87 AMC Session at NCTM...................................................................................... 92 AMC 10B (United States)............................................................................. 93 April Ploeger vists AMC...................................................................................... 96 AMC 12A (Canada)...................................................................................... 97 AMC 12B (Canada)...................................................................................... 97 AMC 10A (Canada)...................................................................................... 98 AMC 10B (Canada)...................................................................................... 98 AMC 12A (International)............................................................................. 99 AMC 12B (International)........................................................................... 100 AMC 10A (International)........................................................................... 102 AMC 10B (International)........................................................................... 107 AMC 10/12 Committee ................................................................................... 108 LATE Student Distinguished Honor Roll.................................................... 109 NCTM President visits our Booth...................................................................... 109 Student Honor Roll............................................................................................ 110 AMC 12A (United States) . ........................................................................ 110 F A C E Homeschool......................................................................................... 162 AMC 12B (United States)........................................................................... 163 AMC 10A (United States) . ........................................................................ 196 AMC 10B (United States) . ........................................................................ 223 AMC 12A (Canada) .................................................................................. 244 AMC 12B (Canada).................................................................................... 245 AMC 10A (Canada) .................................................................................. 249 AMC 10B (Canada) . ................................................................................. 250 Competitions Session at NCTM - AMC 8 Tables................................................ 251 AMC 12A (International)........................................................................... 252 AMC 12B (International)........................................................................... 264 AMC 10A (International)........................................................................... 268 AMC 10B (International)........................................................................... 281 Scotts Valley High School (Facing Page).............................................................. 284 Late Student Honor Roll . ........................................................................... 285 Student Merit Roll ............................................................................................. 286 AMC 12A United States............................................................................. 286 AMC 12B (United States)............................................................................ 294 AMC 10A (United States)............................................................................ 302 Convent of the Sacred Heart High School........................................................... 304 AMC 10B (United States)............................................................................ 305 AMC 12A (Canada) - Region 10................................................................. 307 AMC 12B (Canada) - Region 10................................................................. 307 AMC 10A (Canada) - Region 10................................................................. 307 AMC 10B (Canada) - Region 10................................................................. 307 Table of Contents, Continued AMC 12A (International)............................................................................ 308 AMC 12B (International)............................................................................ 309 AMC 10A (International)............................................................................ 310 AMC 10B (International)............................................................................ 310 Late Student Merit Roll .............................................................................. 311 Gold Medal Recipients........................................................................................ 312 Tables & Graphs................................................................................................. 313 Table IV: Distribution of Team Scores......................................................... 313 A: AMC 12A........................................................................................ 313 B: AMC 12B........................................................................................ 313 C: Historical Mean of AMC 12 Team Scores........................................ 313 Table V: Distribution of School Winner Scores........................................... 314 A: AMC 12A........................................................................................ 314 B: AMC 12B........................................................................................ 314 C: Historical Mean AMC 12 School Winner Scores............................. 314 D: AMC 10A........................................................................................ 315 E: AMC 10B........................................................................................ 315 F: Historical Mean AMC 10 School Winner Scores.............................. 315 Table VI: U. S. National Statistics for the AMC 10/12, A&B..................... 316 Table VII: AMC 12 A&B Distribution of Scores - Gender......................... 317 Chart 7-A: AMC 12A Distribution of Scores - Gender......................... 319 Chart 7-B: AMC 12B Distribution of Scores - Gender......................... 320 Table VIII: AMC 10A&B Distribution of Scores - Gender......................... 321 Chart 8-A: AMC 10A Distribution of Scores - Gender......................... 323 Chart 8-B: AMC 10B Distribution of Scores - Gender......................... 324 Table IX: School & Student Enrollment by State or Province...................... 325 Item Difficulty for AIME Qualifing Students...................................................... 326 Table X-A: Item Difficulty on the AMC 12A.............................................. 326 Table X-B: Item Difficulty on the AMC 12B ............................................. 327 Table XI-A: Item Difficulty on the AMC 1OA............................................ 328 Table XI-B: Item Difficulty on the AMC 1OB............................................ 329 Item Difficulty for All Official Students.............................................................. 330 Table XII-A: AMC 12A, All Official Students............................................. 330 Chart 12-A: AMC 12A Item Difficulty . .............................................. 331 Table XII-B: AMC 12B, All Official Students............................................. 332 Chart 12-B: AMC 12B Item Difficulty . .............................................. 333 Table XIII-A: AMC 10A, All Official Students .......................................... 334 Chart 13-A: AMC 10A Item Difficulty................................................. 335 Table XIII-B: AMC 10B, All Official Students . ......................................... 336 Chart 13-B: AMC 10B Item Difficulty . .............................................. 337 AIME - American Invitational Mathematics Examination................................... 338 Message from the AIME Chair..................................................................... 338 Table XIV-A: AIME I - Grand Statistics...................................................... 339 Table XIV-B: AIME II - Grand Statistics..................................................... 340 AIME – Scores of 6+ . ................................................................................. 341 Table of Contents, Continued United States........................................................................................ 341 Canada................................................................................................. 351 2005 AIME Committee (Facing Page)............................................................... 351 International......................................................................................... 352 U.S.A. Mathematical Olympiad.......................................................................... 356 Qualifiers for 2005 - United States............................................................... 356 Qualifiers for 2005 - Canada........................................................................ 361 Qualifiers for 2005 - International............................................................... 361 2005 USAMO Results................................................................................. 362 Winners................................................................................................ 362 Honorable Mention.............................................................................. 362 2004 Winners in Washington, D.C.................................................................... 362 The 2004 United States Olympic team............................................................... 363 2004 International Mathematical Olympiad................................................ 363 Appendix - School Abbreviations........................................................................ 364 AMC’s Booth - NCTM in Anaheim, CA........................................................... 364 Index............................................................................................................... 365 St. Johnsbury Academy Math League members, St. Johnsbury, Vermont; Mrs. Nola A. Forbes , advisor. Report of the Director Steven Dunbar I. Introduction I am extremely pleased to announce that this year approximately 230,000 students enrolled in the AMC 10/12 contests and a multitude of positive comments received from teachers once again confirmed that the Committee created examinations which were both exciting and challenging. Congratulations to all of you for continuing to recognize the fact the AMC 10 and 12 play a complementary role in supporting the mathematics curriculum at the high school level. This summary includes a listing of results and awards associated with this year’s AMC 10 and 12. II. 2005 AMC 10 and AMC 12 Enrollment Analysis and Statistical Results Our outstanding AMC Lincoln office staffers were once again able to process and mail the results and awards in a timely and efficient manner. The results for schools with American Invitational Mathematics Examination qualifiers were mailed in less than two weeks following the exam, and all other results were mailed during the following week. This is rather remarkable when one considers the extensive checks which are necessary to ensure the accuracy of the results. We continue to send an ever increasing pool of contest managers their schools’ results by email. If you are able to communicate via email and wish to be added to our data base, please send a message to “hstran@amc.unl.edu” as soon as possible. In addition to the results and awards of the AMC 10/12, this summary contains an analysis of the results of the 2004 American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) as well as the 2005 American Invitational Mathematics Examination and the 2005 USA Mathematical Olympiad. Once again, the AMC 10 and AMC 12 was available in French, Spanish, Braille and Large Print. III. International Participation I am pleased to report that the exam was administered in Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, the Marianna Islands, to many USA embassy and military schools, and individual International schools. A list of these schools is found in this summary. Special recognition is given to the teachers abroad who provide an opportunity for students at US military bases and embassies to participate in the AMC 10/12. The CAMC extends its appreciation to Professor Paul Charlebois who translates the exams into French for students in Canada. We are also grateful to Professor Maria de Losada and Mario Cruz from Bogota, Colombia for translating the AMC 10 and AMC 12 into Spanish for use in Puerto Rico as well as in the USA and Colombia. Special thanks to Professor Peter Shiue for translating the exams into Chinese for more than 300 schools in Taiwan that participated in the AMC 10/12 this year. IV. 2006 Contest Dates, Registration and Fees There will again be two official dates for the AMC 10 & AMC 12. Please note that the contests are being held during the same two weeks as in 2005. Contest A will be held on the last Tuesday in January (January 31, 2006), Contest B will be given 15 days later, Wednesday, February 15, 2006 All rules and awards Table I: 2005 AMC 10/12 Enrollment Analysis and Statistical Results (Five year comparison of the AMC 10/12 Contest) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Grade Registered schools Schools sending in results Answer forms received Official registered students Unofficial registered students Recorded female participants Recorded male participants Unspecified gender Average school winner score Average School Team Score National student average Average of female participants Average of male participants Average of unspecified gender Perfect papers Number of AIME Qualifiers 12A 2,596 2,577 84,402 83,728 674 34,822 44,744 4,162 106.68 295.75 78.7 74.8 81.9 77.5 1 9,441 2005 12B 1,687 1.541 44,511 44,303 208 18,138 24,160 2,005 107.73 298.93 83.4 80.2 85.9 81.3 6 5,692 12A 3,139 3,108 103,739 103,237 502 43,287 56,293 3,657 103.13 285.24 73.9 69.5 77.4 72 12 8,401 2004 12B 1,320 1,199 31,366 31,299 67 12,767 17,114 1,418 109.1 299.35 84.5 80.2 87.8 81.4 5 6,036 12A 3,272 3,017 99,322 98,608 714 41,015 54,266 3,291 107.6 298.56 77.8 73.5 81.2 76.2 19 12,089 2003 12B 1,264 1,386 39,633 38,599 1,034 15,851 21,145 1,603 107.16 290.19 76.6 71.9 80.2 74.5 13 3,812 12A 3,272 3,042 103,938 103,070 868 43,207 56,166 3,697 103.83 287.58 72.7 69.2 75.4 71.3 18 7,525 2002 2005 AMC 10 and AMC 12 ENROLLMENT Table I: ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL RESULTS (Five year comparison of the AMC 10/12 Contest) 10A 10B 10A 10B 10A 10B 10A 10B 2,531 896 2,735 1,046 2,829 910 2,362 1,196 77,964 24,954 77,421 28,652 81,596 23,624 67,738 34,204 77,267 24,859 76,805 27,895 81,122 23,528 67,074 34,070 697 95 616 757 474 96 664 134 34,801 11,065 34,107 12,450 36,217 10,614 30,379 15,062 38,397 12,331 38,598 13,717 40,248 11,589 32,731 16,772 4,069 1,463 4,100 1,728 4,657 1,325 3,964 2,241 98.51 98.51 104.77 108.64 97.02 108.66 104.36 106.65 — — — — — — — — 68.5 68.5 74.4 79.6 69.1 80.4 74.7 77.9 66.5 72.2 71.3 76.4 66.3 77.1 71.6 75.1 70.4 70.4 77.4 82.8 71.7 83.7 77.8 80.7 67.3 72.9 72.4 77.9 67.3 78.4 72.6 75.8 19 5 36 3 6 2 18 15 921 374 1,534 350 1,118 487 1,258 555 12B 1,264 1,164 33,739 33,407 332 13,989 18,142 1,276 112.62 308.11 80.8 76.5 84.4 77.2 18 5,666 Table II: Participation and Average Score by Re- 10B 13 18,193 13,699 1,160 1,018 Grade 87 12 11 10 9 8 Unknown 2005 12A 178 34,272 39,471 6,080 1,701 161 1,956 12B 105 17,593 20,735 3,721 1,158 185 733 2004 2003 12A 12B 12A 12B 161 348 209 328 42,597 12,650 40,357 15,928 48,470 14,284 47,034 17,538 8,050 2,436 7,233 3,069 2,188 782 1,971 842 133 182 115 188 1,694 804 1,550 825 PARTICIPATION BY RECORDED GRADE LEVELS --2005 2002 2003 2004 2005 10A 10B 10A 10B 10A 10B 10A 39 4 20 41,171 13,229 40,998 14,321 42,960 12,128 36,012 31,617 9,906 30,844 11,300 33,095 9,450 26,452 2,764 917 3,138 1,293 2,793 1,334 2,723 1,711 748 1,825 981 2,274 616 1,887 AVERAGE SCORE BY RECORDED GRADE LEVELS -- 2005 12B 86.8 82.4 79.2 83.3 82.2 90.8 74.3 2002 12A 12B 328 42,035 13,236 49,058 16,171 7,745 2,313 2,275 653 137 135 1,492 653 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2004 2003 2002 10A 10B 10A 10B 10A 10B 10A 10B Grade 12A 12B 12A 12B 12A 12B 12A 13 82.7 88.4 80.0 91.9 83.2 84.6 82.9 82.2 12 80.5 84.6 75.9 86.0 79.6 78.4 74.9 49.1 73.4 11 77.1 82.1 72.1 83.0 76.2 74.9 71.0 70.1 76.6 76.0 81.4 70.4 82.3 76.2 79.8 10 80.3 84.2 74.7 85.6 77.6 76.5 71.9 66.3 72.5 72.0 77.6 67.0 78.3 72.2 75.6 9 76.4 85.1 72.6 86.2 75.5 76.4 69.7 70.4 78.8 78.9 79.2 75.7 81.4 80.3 80.4 8 82.8 89.5 83.2 91.8 87.5 82.8 73.6 65.2 70.6 72.3 77.4 65.5 74.6 71.3 73.8 Unknown 76.8 80.8 71.9 77.5 79.5 73.9 69.8 Report of the Director, Continued apply to both tests for all schools and students. Students will be allowed to take the exam booklets home with them the day of the test. The Registration cost for the 2005-2006 year will be the same as for the 2004-2005 season, however we have simplified the form for U. S. Schools. We have included the shipping cost in with the Registration Fee. For example, registration plus shipping for one AMC A Contest is $39 per school, if you register by December 15, 2005. One bundle of ten AMC 12 exams will be $15 and one bundle of ten AMC 10 exams will be $13. There will be an extra $10.00 charge included with the Registration for the second contest (B) to cover 2-day shipping. Contest B will be shipped on February 1, 2006, the day after Contest A. Materials for Contest A will be mailed in January of 2006. Please register by December 15, 2005 if possible. Completion of your registration as early as possible will be greatly appreciated by our office staff. If you do not receive one of our many fall mailings, a current registration form will be available on our Web site. Please post our address: http://www.unl.edu/amc V. NASSP’s Sanction The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this program on the NASSP National Advisory List of Contests and Activities for 2005-2006. VI. The 2005 AIME A total of 12,476 students officially participated in the 23rd American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) which was held on Tuesday, March 8, 2005 or the “alternate” date, Tuesday, March 22, 2005. The comparable figure in 2004 is 11,945 students. The mean score on the AIME I was 2.75, and on the AIME II was 2.43, versus the 2.246 on the AIME I, and 1.959 on the AIME II, in 2004. A list of the students with a score of at least 6 on the 2005 AIME is found in this summary. The 2006 AIME is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7, 2006 and the alternate date is Wednesday, March 22, 2006. Please note that the AIME II has been changed from a Tuesday to a Wednesday, to provide more flexibility in scheduling. To qualify for the AIME in the year 2006 a student must score 100 or more or be in the top 5% on the AMC 12 or score 120 or more or be in the top 1% of the AMC 10 participants. The AIME consists of 15 questions with integer answers. A student’s score is the number of correct answers. There is no partial credit. The time allowed is 3 hours. VII. The USAMO The USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) was held on April 19-20, 2005 in each respective student’s school. 260 students were invited to particpate based on the selection criteria published in the AMC 10/12 and AIME Teachers’ Manual. This summary contains a list of those participants as well as names of the USAMO Winners, and Honorable Mention. The USAMO was once again administered over two days (4.5 hours each day). All papers were graded by the USAMO Committee, and by Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program staff members on April 22nd, 23rd and 24th. We are grateful to these mathematicians for their excellent work associated with this important task. The top twelve USAMO students are to be honored in Washington, DC June 26th and 27th, 2005 with elaborate ceremonies held at the headquarters of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the National Academy of Sciences by invitation of the Director for Science, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President, Dr. Ralph Cicerone. After further testing at the 2005 MOSP the top six students will be invited to serve on our 2005 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) team who will travel to Merida, Mexico in July to compete against 83 other countries. Report of the Director, Continued VIII. Acknowledgement The Committee acknowledges the contributions of many individuals and organizations for their assistance. We are indebted to the State and Canadian Provincial AMC Directors who provide assistance with the implementation of the AMC 10/12. Their tasks include contacting schools so that every student will have an opportunity to participate in the AMC contests, preparing a state/province summary of results and awards, and presenting awards. The names of the Directors are listed in this Summary. IX. Contributions of the Lincoln Staff The contributions of the AMC Lincoln staff members to the fulfillment of the responsibilities associated with the entire exam process in a ‘beyond the call of duty’ manner is something to behold. Let us once again applaud Donita Bowers, Marsha Conley, Rachelle Jensen, Linda McCormick, Joyce McNeil, Ruthann Royer, Sawsan Mohamed, Kay Michael and Janet Sylvester. This year we had UNL student help also: Lindsey Domangue, Tuan Le, Justin DeVries, Nicole Paasch, Gabe Smith, and Casy Fahrnbruch. We are grateful to these staff members for their dedication to the AMC. X. Sponsors / Contributors / AMC Committee Members We appreciate the continued support of all of our Sponsors and Contributors. Kudos go to the members of the CAMC, AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME, USAMO Subcommittees and Advisory Panel members who give so much of their time to the formulation of consistent rules of operation and examinations of superior quality. The leadership given by the Chairs of these committees, namely, Dr. Elgin Johnston (CAMC Chair), Ms. Bonnie Leitch (AMC 8), Prof. David Wells (AMC 12), Prof. Doug Faires (AMC 10), and Mr. David Hankin (AIME) is especially noteworthy. XI. Contributions of the University of Nebraska The operational location of the AMC has been at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UN-L) since 1970. The CAMC is grateful to Chancellor Harvey Perlman, Dean Richard Hoffman, and Prof. John Meakin in the UN-L Department of Mathematics, for their support. XII. Additional Information – Inquiries Information regarding this summary, AMC publications and the implementation of the AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME and USAMO may be obtained via email (amcinfo@unl.edu), the AMC Web Page (http://www.unl.edu/amc), by telephone (800-527-3690) or by writing to the AMC Lincoln office at: MAA American Mathematics Competitions, University of Nebraska – Lincoln 1740 Vine St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0658 Inquiries concerning contest rules should be sent to the CAMC Committee Chair: Professor Elgin Johnston, Department of Mathematics Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 ehjohnst@iastate.edu Inquiries concerning the AMC 12 should be sent to the AMC 12 Committee Chair: Professor David M. Wells, Department of Mathematics Penn State University, New Kensington, PA 15068 Email: dmw8@psu.edu 10 Report of the Director, Continued Inquiries concerning the AMC 10 should be sent to the AMC 10 Committee Chair: Professor Douglas Faires, Department of Mathematics Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555 Email: faires@math.ysu.edu Inquiries relating to the AIME should be sent to the AIME Committee Chair: Mr. Steven Blasberg, West Valley-Mission Community College, Saratoga, CA 95070 steve_blasberg@wvmccd.cc.ca.us Inquiries relating to the USAMO should be sent to the USAMO Committee Chair: Cecil Rousseau, Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152-3240 Email: ccrousse@memphis.edu XIII. Examination Dates The examination dates for the 2005-2006 school year are: AMC 10 and AMC 12 − Tuesday, January 31, 2006 and/or – Wednesday, February 15, 2006 AIME − Tuesday, March 7, 2006 or – Wednesday, March 22, 2006 USAMO − Mid-April 2006 NCTM Expo Walk Winner NCTM’s ExpoWalk winner of the AMC prize Jennifer Stutzman from Vallejo, California 11 Message from the CAMC Chair On behalf of the Mathematical Association of America’s Committee on American Mathematics Competitions, I want to thank the schools and teachers who took the time to administer the 2005 American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC 10) and the 2005 American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC 12). This year marked the 56th year that the American Mathematics Competitions have provided high quality mathematical competitions for United States high school students and for secondary students around the globe. Many people work hard to make these exams possible. These include the State Contest Directors who make sure schools in their regions know about the exams; the outstanding staff in Lincoln, responsible for registration, printing, distributing, and scoring the exams, and communicating results; and the members of the AMC 10/12 Committee and AMC Advisory Panel who spend long hours composing problems, writing and rewriting problem statements and solutions, and monitoring the difficulty level of the exam. Special thanks are due Douglas Faires, the AMC 10 Chair, and David Wells the AMC 12 Chair, who coordinate the exam creation efforts. I also want to thank the students for giving up part of their day to participate in the AMC 10 or the AMC 12. Many of the AMC 10 and AMC 12 participants did well enough to qualify for the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) and a small number of AIME students then qualified for the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). Although these exams are given to fewer students than participate in the AMC 10/12, the committees that create these exams work just as hard as the AMC 10/12 Committees. Thanks to David Hankin, the AIME Chair, and Cecil Rosseau, the USAMO Chair, for their efforts in coordinating the creation of high quality exams. The mission of the CAMC is to promote interest in mathematics among K-12 students and to identify mathematically talented students through a series of mathematical exams. Thus, although the exams are designed to expose students to important mathematical ideas and give students a valuable problem solving experience, it is even more important that students find the exams challenging and fun. We hope that students enjoy not only taking the exams, but also preparing for the exams with teachers and other students, and discussing the answers and different solutions afterwards. But the exams serve another purpose as well. Many of the AMC brochures and posters display the question “Can you think outside the box?” The reason for studying mathematics in school is not just to learn how to do the problems in a textbook. A second purpose is to learn techniques and gain the confidence to tackle new or unfamiliar problems. Many of our exam questions are designed to give students a chance to try their hand at problems that require them to apply their classroom knowledge in new situations and in different ways. And although students may not always succeed in such situations, they can grow mathematically by trying to solve such problems, and from follow up discussions after the exam. We are always interested in ideas to help us better carry out our mission. The mathematics teachers in the schools are one of our most valued sources of ideas. We welcome any ideas you have that will help us to improve the AMC 10 and AMC 12 and help us to reach more students. In addition, we have a great need for high school teachers on the AMC Advisory Panel. If you are interested in contributing to our contests please contact me ehjohnst@ iastate.edu, or visit the American Mathematics Competitions booth at next year’s NCTM meeting in St. Louis. Elgin Johnston, Professor of Mathematics Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50010 Phone: 515-294-0302 Email: ehjohnst@iastate.edu 12 Message from the AMC 10 Chair The AMC 10 test was developed to provide a better experience in mathematical problem solving for students in the lower high school grades. In years prior to 2000, students in these grades had to take a test that included problems on topics such as logarithms and trigonometry, subjects that they had not yet studied. The AMC 10 examination contains only problems based on subject material that students in ninth and tenth grade have likely seen, while still providing them with a challenging experience. Our goal for the AMC 10 has been to design the contests so that the average student can work on between 15 and 20 problems and get at least 10 of those correct. This would give an average score of between 72.5 and 85, since a student receives 6 points for each correct problem and 2.5 points for each unanswered problem. The average score on the A contest this year was lower than last year (at 69.1 vs 74.4), but higher on the B contest (at 80.4 vs 79.6). Even though this year’s A contest score was lower than the previous year, the trend since the inception of the AMC 10 has been generally upward, so we feel that we are meeting our goal. The scores on the B contest have generally been higher than those on the A contest. We think that this is due to the fact that the students taking the B contest are better prepared than those taking the A. In addition, the average score on the B contest is likely biased upward because students who missed the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) qualifying score on the A contest have been permitted to take the B contest in an attempt to improve their score. The AMC10 and AMC12 tests have common problems, which has the advantage of permitting students taking the AMC 10 to compare their solutions with the students taking the AMC 12, and allows teachers to better identify excellent problem solvers at a young age. However, we are concerned that if we predictably have a large number of common problems on the exams, it might encourage younger students to take the AMC 12 before they are ready, since a larger proportion of students taking the AMC12 qualify for the AIME. As a consequence, you will likely see an unpredictable fluctuation in the number of common problems from a minimum of about nine to a maximum of about thirteen. A new policy for AIME qualifying was introduced beginning with the 2000 AMC examinations. Those students taking the AMC 12 and scoring over 100 qualify, as usual, as do those students scoring in the top 5% on the AMC 12 examination. This new policy is more equitable since it guards against the possibility of a particularly difficult examination, one on which the scores are uniformly lower than normal, skewing the number of AIME qualifiers. For the 2004 contest we instituted a similar qualifying system for the students taking the AMC 10 contests. Students scoring in the top 1% of either AMC 10 qualify for the AIME, as well as all those who score 120 or more on one of these contests. The requirement is set higher for AMC 10 qualifiers for two reasons: — First, the AIME can be quite intimidating, and we do not want young students to be discouraged by poor performance on this examination. — Second, we would like to ensure that any student qualifying for the AIME by virtue of placement on the AMC 10 would likely also qualify for the AIME in subsequent years when taking the AMC 12. It could be very disappointing for a student to be an AIME qualifier in grade 10 but not in subsequent high school years. By restricting the number of AIME qualifiers from the AMC 10 to about the top 1%, we hope not to exclude any very good young students for whom the AIME would be an appropriate experience, but also not put students in a situation where they do not have much opportunity to succeed. 13 Message from the AMC 10 Chair, Continued We are often asked which of the AMC examinations a good student in grade 9 or grade 10 should take. The answer probably depends as much on the personality of the student as on the student’s mathematical ability and training. Some students can take a very difficult examination, not score as well as they expect, and take the experience as incentive for future study. The same experience for another student might be devastating and lead to a decreased interest in mathematical problem solving, and perhaps even in the study of mathematics. The latter situation should, of course, be avoided at all cost. Personally, I would prefer to err on the side of caution. When advising students regarding the choice of contests, please keep in mind that the primary goal of all the American Mathematics Competitions contests is to provide students with a positive experience in mathematical problem solving. The awards that can sometimes accompany this experience are nice, but distinctly secondary. We will continue to try to improve the experience of students taking the AMC, but the way in which we will do so depends significantly on the feedback that we receive from teachers giving the examinations and from students taking them. Please send me (faires@math.ysu.edu) or Elgin Johnston, the AMC Chair (ehjohnst@ iastate.edu) any comments you have with regard to the AMC 10 examination. Doug Faires, AMC 10 Chair Department of Mathematics,Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44555 faires@math.ysu.edu Bishop Moore Catholic High School Mu Alpha Theta, Orlando, Florida, Mrs. Delose and Miss Stanko, advisors 14 Message from the AMC 12 Chair Two complementary goals of the AMC 12 are to provide a positive mathematical experience for all contestants and to identify those students who are sufficiently talented to benefit from participation in the AIME. To achieve those goals in a manner that is equitable to all participants is a daunting task that I share with the contest committee, a dedicated panel of problem posers and reviewers, and the staff at the AMC office. In creating two versions of the contest each year we face a multitude of challenges, which we overcome with varying degrees of success. It is important for the first ten problems on each contest to be accessible to nearly every student. One of the most challenging aspects of putting a contest together is to create several problems that are both easy and original. Of the first ten problems on the 2005 AMC 12, the average 12A contestant answered 5.82 correctly and the average 12B contestant answered 6.54 correctly. The corresponding numbers for 2004 were 5.55 and 6.77. It is also important that the later problems should challenge the very best students. It is especially critical that the standards for AIME qualification should be consistent from year to year. The overall percentage of AIME qualifiers among AMC 12 contestants was 11.8%, compared to 10.7% in 2004 and 11.6% in 2003. This year’s total represents 11.3% of all 12A contestants and 12.8% of all 12B contestants. The number of perfect scores had only once been more than 10 until 2002 and 2003, when it increased to more than 30, but the number has decreased back to 17 in 2004 and 7 in 2005. Beginning in 2002 the number of points awarded for a blank response on the AMC 12 was increased from 2 to 2.5. As a result, students could qualify for the AIME by solving as few as 11 problems. Analysis of student performances since then reveals that the average number of blank responses by AIME qualifiers has increased from about 8 to 11. This trend, suggesting that many bright students are simply ignoring problems of even moderate difficulty, runs counter to our goals. For that reason, beginning in 2007, the reward for a blank response will decrease from 2.5 to 1.5 points. It should be emphasized that in making this change, we are not attempting to reduce the number of AIME qualifiers. Because we are simultaneously working to improve the overall success rate on the first ten problems, we expect that the number of students achieving the minimum qualifying score of 100 will remain roughly constant. In order to maintain the quality of our contest problems, we need a large pool of problems to choose from each year. If you or anyone you know would like to help create the contests, please contact CAMC Chair Elgin Johnston (ehjohnst@iastate. edu). I would also welcome your comments on anything I have said here or on any aspect of the AMC 12 contests. I can be reached at dmw8@psu.edu or at 724-3346749 (office) or 412-486-9478 (home). Dave Wells, AMC 12 Chair Penn State University, New Kensington, PA 15068 dmw8@psu.edu 15 Quotations Arkansas: This was a good opportunity for our students to see more of what there is out there. Thank you for an opportunity for stronger students to be challenged. Arizona: Interesting! Provocative! Stimulating. Great Job. Georgia: Always a great test! Thank you. Your contest is easy to administer and it is well run. Great Job. Again, two wonderfully fun, appropriate and challenging tests. Thanks. Contest seemed more “student friendly” this year. Iowa: Easy to administer. Challenging, but not impossible for students to do. Indiana: Every year the overall quality of the contest is excellent. Thank you. Maryland: Very well organized. Good and clear instructions. Maine: The appeal of the AHSME/AMC starts and ends with its long history of excellently written, challenging problems in a consistently graded format. Missouri: The 75 minute format is perfect. Please don’t change that. It is a wonderful easy competition to organize. Thank you. Montana: Thank you for allowing schools to administer this test on site. It is hassle free. As a student I participated in the contest during the 1970s and knew the value of challenging my ability to use math. I have my students participate for the same reason. Can’t imagine why incentives would be necessary to get people to register. North Carolina: Thank you for all the work you do to make this a success. New Jersey: I think the contest is very well organized and easy to run. The students like the challenge and the free food we provide. I really enjoy participating in the AMC 10/12 Competition. It is a great reward and challenge for our students. Thank you. New York: I look forward to the contest every year. Ease of implementation is nice. 16 Quotations, Continued Great Job as always! Ohio: This is a wonderful event. I did it in high school in the 50’s Thanks for all you do. We enjoy it and it gives our kids some good experience. Pennsylvania: This is a wonderful program, my students who love math love the challenge. Texas: Thanks, I think the problems are fun, and they generate plenty of discussion which I like. Virginia: I am retiring this year, I have given these contest in two school systems over the past 20 years. I have greatly appreciated having them as a tool to honor the outstanding young mathematicians whose gifts might otherwise go unnoticed or unappreciated. Washington: Excellent! Since at least 1964 when I took the AHSME (AMC 12). Wisconsin: Good contest. We look forward to it every year. Don’t change anything. Romania: Our students take this contest especially in order to have an international Auburn High School Auburn High School Math Club, Auburn, Alabama; Todd Taylor, sponsor. 17 Edyth May Sliffe Awards for Distinguished High School Aguayo Mathematics Teaching The seventeenth set of winners of the Edyth May Sliffe Awards for Distinguished High School Mathematics Teaching was announced following the analysis of the 2005 American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC 12). They are listed on the next page. These awards are the result of a bequest made to the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) by Edyth May Sliffe, a retired high school teacher of mathematics at Emeryville, California. She made this bequest for the purpose of giving awards to high school mathematics teachers whose teams have done well on the AMC 12. Edyth Sliffe wanted to do this because her students had always done very well on the AMC 12 and received various honors, but she as a teacher had never received any recognition. She had always felt that such teachers should receive some awards. The award recipients were selected from nominations received from the top three students of each of the 60 highest scoring teams on the AMC 12. These students were asked to recommend a teacher who in their opinion was most responsible for their success on the AMC 12. In addition to a cash prize, the award winning teachers receive: a letter of congratulations from the President of the MAA; a certificate signed by the President of the MAA, the Chair of the Committee on the AMC 12, and the Director of the American Mathematics Competitions; a Sliffe pin; and a free one-year MAA membership. Whenever possible these awards are presented to the winners during an award ceremony arranged by their school administrators. This Award serves as an excellent illustration of how a single person, in this case, Edyth May Sliffe, can have a substantial positive influence nationwide by taking a decisive action to further a cause he or she strongly believes. Prof. Steven Dunbar, Director American Mathematics Competitions 18 2005 High School Award Winners of the Edyth May Sliffe Award No picture available Maricruz Aguayo L. B. Johnson High School Arvid Allen West WindsorPlainsboro High School - North No picture available Suzanne Antink Eleanor Doerr Madison, WI Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA North Hollywood High School, North Hollywood, CA Peter Kaczmar Radnor High School, Peter Herreshoff Radnor. PA No picture available Mary Ann Fix Gail Grande James Madison Memorial High School, Palo Alto, CA Plainsboro, PA No picture available Palo Alto High School, James Kirpes West Senior High School, Iowa City, IA 19 Joseph Griesbach Marquette University High School, Henry M. Gunn High School, Marna Knoer South Eugene High School, Eugene. OR Jean Krusi Ames Middle School, Ames, IA 2005 High School Award Winners of the Edyth May Sliffe Award, continued No picture available Sue Murray Clements High School, Sugar Land, TX Robert Myers Manzano High School, Albuquerque, NM William Petersen Albert Q. Roos Lexington High School, Naperville North Lexington, MA High School, No picture available David Rose JohnTakayesu Harvard-Westlake School, North Hollywood, CA Iolani School, Honolulu, HI Aaron Tam Ward Melville High School, E. Setauket, NY Shane Torbert Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, Alexandria, VA We would like to acknowledge the teachers below, who were nominated by the students at their schools, but by the rules did not qualify to win the Award again because they had previously won two Sliffe Awards. Judith J. Zielinski Barrington High School, Barrington, IL Elissa Farmer James A. Garfield High School, William Jager Mission San Jose High School, 20 Fremont, CA Daniel Teague North Carolina School of Science & Math, Sliffe Awards Reception Anaheim, California - April 8, 2005 On April 8, 2005 a reception was held at the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Spring Meetings, in Anaheim, California, for current and past receipients of the the Edyth May Sliffe Award for Distinguished Mathematics Teaching. Current & Former Sliffe Winners Attending Reception The Winners and former winners present when the formal picture was taken, were, front row, seated: Caroline Jones, Harriet Rubinstein, Elaine Silverman, Jean Krusi, Pallavi Shah. Back row, standing: David Hankin, Linda Kuiken, Lana Lyddon Hatten, Leona Penner, Tami Muyagi, Vandana Kadam, Tricia Rothenberg, Bob Fischer, Silvy Brookby, Kris Warloe, Marna (Belcher) Knoer and Peter Annable. 2004 Sliffe Winners Attending Reception The 2004 High School Sliffe Winner present was Leona Penner, (second from left, back row). The 2004 Middle School Winners present were, seated: Caroline Jones and Silvy Brookby. 21 The Edyth May Sliffe Awards Reception, Continued 2005 Sliffe Awards Reception, Miscellaneous pictures Reception Buffet Line AMC Director, Steve Dunbar with Sliffe Winner Peter Annable and his wife Conversations around the tables Conversations around the tables 22 Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions (CAMC - Sets policy for AMC and other MAA tests) Chair Prof. E. Johnston, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Director of Competitions Prof. Steven Dunbar, American Mathematics Competitions, UN-L, Lincoln, NE 68588‑0658 CAMC Executive Committee (Advises Director for AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME and other AMC tests) Mr. Steven Blasberg, 1615 Loch Lomond Ln, San Jose, CA 95129 Prof. Steven Dunbar, Am. Math Comp., UNL, Lincoln, NE 68588‑0658 Dr. D. Faires, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555 Prof. E. Johnston, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Ms. B. Leitch, New Braunfels, TX 78130 Prof. H. Reiter, University of N. Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 Prof. C. C. Rousseau, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152 Prof D. Wells, Penn State University, New Kensington, PA 15068 Ms. S. Schwartz Wildstrom, 10300 Parkwood Dr., Kensington, MD 20895-4040 CAMC Advisory Board Prof. T. Clymer, 126 SW 148th St. C100-18, Seattle, WA 98166-1984 Mr. M. Doherty, INFORMS, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 Dr. D. Faires, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555 Mr. B. H. Graff, Esq., A.S.P.A., Arlington, VA 22203‑1619 Ms. J. Hawkins, Charles W. Flanagan H.S., Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Prof. B. Hearsey, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA 17003‑0501 Prof. John Holcomb, Cleveland State University, Cleveland , OH 44115-2214 Prof. J. L. Houston, Elizabeth City St. Univ., Elizabeth City, NJ 27909 Mr. C. Pence, Jr., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Dr. D. Savitt, Mathcamp/MathPath, Montreal, PQ, Canada H3A 2K6 Prof. V. Schielack, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-3368 Prof. G. Smith, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL 32606 Prof. Ravi Vakil, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2125 CAMC Meeting, Winter 2004 CAMC Chair Elgin Johnston Speaking during a meeting of the CAMC 23 Sub-Committees on the American Mathematics Competitions (These committees write their respective examinations and solutions) AMC 8 Contest Committee CHAIR - Ms. Bonnie Leitch, New Braunfels, TX 78130 Prof. Steven Dunbar, Am. MathComp., UNL, Lincoln, NE 68588‑0658 Dr. D. Faires, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555 Prof. E. Johnston, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Prof. N. Kuenzi, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, WI 54901 Mr. Ron Yannone, 189 Ash St #2, Nashua, NH 03060 Prof D. Wells, Penn State University, New Kensington, PA 15068 AMC 10-12 Contest Committee AMC 10 CHAIR - Prof. D. Faires, Youngstown St. Univ., Youngstown, OH 44555 AMC 12 CHAIR - Prof. David Wells, Penn State Univ., New Kensington, PA 15068 Prof. B. Abrego, CSUN, Northridge, CA 91330-8313 Mr. Steven Blasberg, San Jose, CA 95129 Dr. Steven Dunbar, Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0658 Prof. S. Fernandez, CSUN, Northridge, CA 91330-8313 Prof. Jerrold Grossman, Oakland Univ., Rochester, MI 48309-4485 Prof. E. Johnston, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Ms. Bonnie Leitch, New Braunfels, TX 78130 Prof. Zsuzanna Szaniszlo, Valparaiso Univ, Valparaiso, IN 46383 Mr. LeRoy Wenstrom, Columbus, MS 39701 AIME Contest Committee CHAIR, outgoing - Mr. David Hankin, New York, NY 10128 CHAIR, incoming - Mr. Steven Blasberg, San Jose, CA 95129 Dr. S. Dunbar, Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0658 Prof. Jacek Fabrykowski, Youngstown State Univ, Youngstown, OH 44555 Mr. Chris Jeuell, Kirkland, WA 98033 Prof. Jonathan Kane, Madison, WI 53705 Prof. E. Johnston, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Prof. J. Lawlor, University of Vermont, BUrlingtron, VT 05401 Prof. Cecil Rousseau, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152-3240 Prof. D. Wells, Penn State Univ., New Kensington, PA 15068 U.S.A. Mathematical Olympiad Committee (USAMO) CHAIR: Prof. C. Rousseau, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152-3240 Mr. Steven Blasberg, San Jose, CA 95129 Dr. S. Dunbar, Univ. of Nebraska – Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0658 Mr. Z. Feng, Phillips Exter Academy, Exter, NH 03833-2460 Prof. G. Galperin, E. Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920 Mr. D. Hankin, New York, NY 10128 Prof. E. Johnston, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 Prof. Kiran Kedlaya, Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, MA 02139 Prof. R. Stong, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892 Prof. Zoran Sunik, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX. 77843-3368 Prof. D. Wells, Penn State Univ., New Kensington, PA 15068 24 Advisory Panel (Assists committee in writing test) Prof. Nkechi Agwu, Dept of Mathematics, BMCC-CUNY, New York, NY 10007 Dr. Mangho Ahuja, 2575 Fairlane, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Mr. Charles Ashbacher, Charles Ashbacher Technologies, 119 Northwood Dr, Hiawatha, IA 52233 Prof. Craig Bailey, Dept of Mathematics, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402-5002 Ms. Alison Beazley, The Winston School, 5707 Royal Ln, Dallas, TX 75229 Ms. Joyce Becker, Dept of Mathematics, Luther College, Decorah, IA 52101 Mr. Donald Bentley, Pilgrim Congregational Church, 600 N Garey Ave, Pomona, CA 91767 Mr. Ed Berger, 1250 Yesica Ann Cir, Ste 101, Naples, FL 34110 Mr. Steven Blasberg, 1615 Loch Lomond Ln, San Jose, CA 95129 Mrs. Janice Blasberg, 1615 Loch Lomond Ln, San Jose, CA 95129 Dr. Kent Boklan, Hateigsvegi 23, IS-105 Reykjavik, Iceland, Prof. Mark Bollman, Dept of Mathematics & CS, Albion College, Albion, MI 49224-2212 Mr. Bruce Brombacher, 291 Electric Ave, Westerville, OH 43081-2676 Prof. Thomas Butts, Science-Mathematics Educ Dept, UT Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 Prof. Fang Chen, Div of Ntrl Sci & Mathematics, Oxford College of Emory Univ, Oxford, GA 30054 Ms. Barb Clanton, Trinity Prep School, 5700 Trinity Prep Ln, Winter Park, FL 32792 Mr. John Cocharo, 2809 Black Oak Ln, Arlington, TX 76012-2833 Ms. Pamela Coffield, PO Box 12227, Columbus, GA 31917-2227 Ms. Teresa Contenza, Mathematical Sciences Dept, One Otterbein College, Westerville, OH 43081 Prof. Gregory Crow, Dept of Mathematics, Point Loma College, San Diego, CA 92106-2899 Mr. Steven Davis, 864 S Wildflower Ln, Anaheim, CA 92808 Mrs. Mary Lou Derwent, 1211 Stanfield St, South Bend, IN 46617-1231 Prof. Rad Dimitric, PO Box 16651, Galveston, TX 77551 Prof. Steven Dunbar, American Math Competitions, UN-L, Lincoln, NE 68588-0658 Prof. Tim Eckert, Chemistry Dept, Carthage College, Kenosha, WI 53140 Ms. Robin Edelstein, Community School of Naples, 3251 Pine Ridge Rd, Naples, FL 34109 Dr. Stanley Eliason, Mu Alpha Theta, 601 Elm Ave, Norman, OK 73019-0315 Prof. Jacek Fabrykowski, Dept of Mathematics, YSU, Youngstown, OH 44555 Ms. Mary Fay-Zenk, 75 S 14th St, San Jose, CA 95112 Dr. Micah Fogel, IMSA, 1500 W Sullivan Rd, Auora, IL 60506-1000 Prof. William Fox, Dept of Mathematics, Francis Marion Univ, Florence, SC 29501-0547 Mr. Zachary Franco, 5440 5th Ave #6, Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Sister Josanne Furey, 3167 Telegraph Rd, Ventura, CA 93003 Prof. Ben Fusaro, Dept of Mathematics, Florida State Univ, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4510 Mr. Kamaldeep Gandhi, 85-15 139th St, Apt #4C, Jamaca, NY 11435 Dr. Razvan Gelca, Dept of Math & Stat, Texas Tech Univ, Lubbock, TX 79409-1042 Prof. Michelle Ghrist, HQ USAFA/DFMS, 2354 Fairchild Hall, USAFA, CO 80840 Prof. Richard Gibbs, 4521 CR 203, Durango, CO 81301 Prof. Frank Giordano, 151 Dolphin Cir, Marina, CA 93933 Prof. Darren Glass, Dept of Mathematics, Columbia Univ, New York, NY 10027 Prof. Jerrold Grossman, Dept of Mathematics, Oakland Univ, Rochester, MI 48309-4485 Prof. Joel Haack, Dept of Mathematics, Univ of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0506 Prof. John Haverhals, Dept of Mathematics, Bradley Univ, Peoria, IL 61625 Prof. Douglas Hensley, Dept of Mathematics, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX 77843-3368 Prof. Gerald Heuer, Dept of Mathematics, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN 56562 Mr. John Jensen, 15238 N Zapata Dr, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268-1600 Mr. Chris Jeuell, 10919 113th Ct NE #F-105, Kirkland, WA 98033 Mr. Jonathan Kane, 2814 Regent St, Madison, WI 53705 Mr. Paul Karafiol, Walter Payton College Prep HS, 1034 N Wells St, Chicago, IL 60610-2513 Prof. Kiran Kedlaya, Dept of Mathematics, Massachusetts Inst of Technology, Cambridge, MA 2139 Prof. Dan Kennedy, The Baylor School, PO Box 1337, Chattanooga, TN 37401 Prof. Joe Kennedy, 6015 Brown Rd, Oxford, OH 45056 Prof. Genevieve Knight, 7314 Kerry Hill Ct, PO Box 734, Colombia, MD 21045 Prof. John Koker, Dept of Mathematics, Univ Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 54901 Dr. Thomas Koshy, Framingham State College, 100 State St, Framingham, MA 01701-9101 Mr. Gerald Kraus, 5303 Mill St, Erie, PA 16509 Ms. Sheila Krilov, 6411 99th St, Apt 207, Flushing, NY 11374-2636 Mr. Mark Krosky, 4331 N Kedvale Ave #104, Chicago, IL 60641 Prof. Loren Larson, Dept of Mathematics, St Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057 Mr. Victor Levine, James Madison Memorial HS, 201 S Gammon Rd, Madison, WI 53717-1499 Mr. Benjamin Levy, 102 Thurston St, Somerville, MA 2145 Prof. Yung-Way Liu, Mathematics Dept, Tennessee Tech Univ, Cookeville, TN 38505 Prof. Sergio Loch, Grand View College, 1200 Grandview Ave, Des Moines, IA 50316 Prof. Kurt Ludwick, Dept of Math & CS, Salisbury Univ, Salisbury, MD 21804 Prof. Lewis Lum, Dept of Mathematics, Univ of Portland, Portland, OR 97203 25 Advisory Panel Continued Mr. Glen Marr, 4870 Palm Brooke Circle, West Palm Beach, FL 33417 Ms. Marie McCoy, 127 Providence Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Prof. Jonathan Merzel, Soka Univ of America, 1 University Dr, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Dr. Walter Mientka, UN-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0658 Mr. Jeff Misener, 398 Mesa Ave, PO Box 12, Bayfield, CO 81122 Mr. John Morrison, 612 Concordia Ct, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Dr. Carl Mueller, Dept of Mathematics, Georgia SW State Univ, Americus, GA 31709 Mr. Akira Negi, 912 Cedar Fork Trail, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Mr. Richard Parris, Phillips Exeter Academy, 20 Main St, Exeter, NH 03833-2460 Mr. Cody Patterson, 221 Southview Dr, Weatherford, TX 76087 Mr. Roger Patterson, 7366 Ranier Trail, Boardman, OH 44512 Mr. Pete Pedersen, 51 Trafton Ave, Limestone, ME 4750 Dr. Krassimir Penev, 3135 Decatur Ave #32, Bronx, NY 10467 Mr. Andrew Perry, Mathematics Dept, Springfield College, Springfield, MA 1109 Dr. Bonnie Peterson, 1081 Coon Creek Rd, Dickson, TN 37055 Mr. Ming Jack Po, 82-07 135th St, Briarwood, NY 11435 Dr. Florin Pop, Dept of Math & CS, Wagner College, Staten Island, NY 10301 Mr. Farrel Powsner, 2641 E 64th St, Brooklyn, NY 11234 Mr. David Reinstein, 2290 Madiera Ln, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Prof. Harold Reiter, Dept Mathematics, Univ of N. Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 Prof. Craig Roberts, Dept of Mathematics, SEMO, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701-4799 Prof. Robert Roe, Dept of Mathematics, Univ of Missouri, Rolla, MO 65401 Prof. Franz Rothe, Dept of Mathematics, UNCC, Charlotte, NC 29223-0001 Prof. Cecil Rousseau, Dept of Mathematical Sci, Univ of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152-3240 Mr. Richard Rusczyk, 20901 Japatul Rd, Alpine, CA 91901 Mr. Raymond Scacalossi, 82-61 61 Drive, Middle Village, NY 11379 Prof. Vince Schielack, Dept of Mathematics, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX 77843-3368 Prof. Leo Schneider, Dept Math & Comp Sci, John Carroll Univ, University Heights, OH 44118-4581 Ms. Kelly Schultz, ATYP at WMU, 6224 Hampton, Portage, MI 49024-2528 Ms. Janet Scott, 6416 Tulip Ln, Dallas, TX 75230 Prof. David Scott, Univ of Puget Sound, 1500 N Warner St, Tacoma, WA 98416-0001 Prof. Harry Sedinger, Dept of Mathematics, St Bonaventure Univ, St Bonaventure, NY 14778 Prof. Steven Shaff, 1409 W. 23rd St, Sterling, IL 61081 Prof. Hari Shankar, 502 Oak Park Blvd, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Prof. Terry Shell, Dept of Mathematics, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Prof. Peter Shiue, 335 Jorge Way, Henderson, NV 89014 Ms. Alice Snodgrass, 440 E Jackson Rd, St Louis, MO 63119 Mr. Harrison Straley IV, Mathematics Dept, Wheaton College, Norton, MA 2766 Prof. Zoran Sunik, Dept of Mathematics, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX 77843-3368 Prof. Zsuzanna Szaniszlo, Dept of Math & Comp Sci, Valparaiso Univ, Valparaiso, IN 46383 Prof. Wayne Tarrant, Dept Mathematics, Western Kentucky Univ, Bowling Green, KY 42101 Ms. Margaret Tent, The Altamont School, 4801 Altamont Rd, Birmingham, AL 35222 Ms. Phyllis Thom, Palos Verdes Int. School, 2161 Via Olivera, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Ms. Claire Tuckman, 8202 Fairview Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027-2119 Prof. John Vano, Dept of Mathematics, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1388 Ms. Pat Vennebush, 1650 S 10th St, Arlington, VA 22204 Mr. Don Vestal, 5506 Longview Drive, St Joseph, MO 64503 Mr. John Wang, 205 Gelsemium Place, Greenville, SC 29615 Prof. William Wardlaw, Dept of Mathematics, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD 21402-5000 Prof. Janet White, Mathematics Dept, Millersville Univ, Millersville, PA 17551-0302 Ms. Mary Wiest, Dept of Math & Stat, Minn State Univ, Mankato, Mankato, MN 56001 Mr. D. Jacob Wildstrom, 9500 Gilman Dr, Mail Code #0112, LaJolla, CA 92093-0112 Ms. Eudora Wilson-Agwu, 6 Rudd Place, Bronx, NY 10473 Mr. Craig Wright, ETS, MS 58N/Office N-241, Princeton, NJ 8541 Mr. Ron Yannone, 189 Ash St #2, Nashua, NH 3060 Prof. Paul Zeitz, Dept of Mathematics, Univ of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080 26 Sponsors and Contributors The Committee expresses its appreciation to the sponsors and donors for their continued support of the examinations. SPONSORS The Mathematical Association of America, Dr. Tina Straley, Executive Director.................................... www.maa.org/ The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ................................... www.unl.edu/ CONTRIBUTORS The Akamai Foundation .................................................www.akamai.com/ American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges ........ www.amatyc.org/ American Mathematical Society ............................................ www.ams.org/ American Society of Pension Actuaries .................................. www.aspa.org/ American Statistical Association ........................................ www.amstat.org/ Art of Problem Solving . ..............................www.artofproblemsolving.com/ Canada/USA Mathpath ............................................... www.mathpath.org/ Canada/USA Mathcamp ............................................. www.mathcamp.org/ Casualty Actuarial Society .................................................. www.casact.org/ Clay Mathematics Institute ........................................... www.claymath.org/ Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences ........... www.informs.org/ L. G. Balfour Company ..................................................www.balfour.com/ Mu Alpha Theta . ................................................... www.mualphatheta.org/ National Assessment & Testing.................... http://www.natassessment.com/ National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ..................... www.nctm.org/ Pedagoguery Software Inc. ................................................. www.peda.com/ Pi Mu Epsilon ............................................................. www.pme-math.org/ Society of Actuaries ................................................................. www.soa.org/ U. S. A. Math Talent Search .............................................. www.usamts.org/ W. H. Freeman and Company ..................................www. whfreeman.com/ AMC office staff Paul Charlebois and his wife stopped to see us in September. From Left, standing: Steve Dunbar, Kay Michael, Sawsan Mohamed, Paul Charlebois, Donita Bowers, Janet Sylvester, Joyce McNeil; In Front: Linda McCormick, Rachelle Jensen and Paul’s wife 27 Exam Directors by State and Province For States, Territories, and Provinces not listed, please contact the AMC office at: amcinfo@amc.unl.edu AlaskaProf. Clif Lando (T: 907/474-7332) University of Alaska [eM: ffcal@uaf.edu] GeorgiaProf. Eugen J. Ionascu Columbus State University (T: 706/568-2176) [eM: ionascu_eugen@colstate.edu] Illinois Dr. Herbert E. Kasube Bradley University (T: 309/677-2505) [eM: hkasube@hilltop.bradley.edu] IndianaProf. Elton Graves Rose-Hulman Inst. Of Technology (T: 812/877-8397) [eM: g.e.graves@rose-hulman.edu] Kansas Kansas State University (T: 785/532-0557) Prof. Tom Muenzenberger[eM: muenz@math.ksu.edu] (T: 785/532-0557) Ms. Debra Web [eM: ugmath@math.ksu.edu] Kentucky (T: ) Dona Ahmadi Morehead State University [eM: d.ahmadi@morehead-st.edu] Lousiana Dr. Leigh Ann Myers NW State University of Louisiana (T: 318/357-6140) [eM: myers@nsula.edu] MarylandProf. Craig K. Bailey (T: 410/293-6757) U.S. Naval Academy [eM: ckb@usna.edu] North CarolinaProf. Harold Reiter Univ. of North Carolina-Charlotte (T: 704/687-4561) [eM: hbreiter@email.uncc.edu] OhioProf. David L. Stenson (T: 216/397-4686) John Carroll University [eM: stenson@jcu.edu] WisconsinProf. J. Sriskandarajah Madison Area Technical College (T: 608/243-4313) [eM: jsriskandara@matcmadison.edu] 28 American Mathematics Competition 8 The ninteenth Annual American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) was held on Tuesday, November 16, 2004, and it continued to be received with enthusiasm and support by an overwhelming number of schools, administrators, teachers and students. A total of 184,270 students from 2,701 schools registered for the examination. The AMC 8 will continue to be a 25-question, 40-minute multiple choice exam that may be given during a regular mathematics class period. The Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions has approved the use of calculators on the 2005 AMC 8. The nature of the questions will not change from past tests. No problems on the test will require the use of a calculator, but students may have one available to use if they wish. High scoring students on the 2005 AMC 8 will be invited to participate in the 2006 AMC 10A & B and/or AMC 12A & B which are scheduled for TUESDAY, January 31, 2006 and/or WEDNESDAY, February 15, 2006. Since the AMC 8 was centrally scored at the Office of the Director it was possible to obtain an enormous amount of data. Please note that the word “recorded” used below should be interpreted as indicating that the results are based on only the items that were mark sensed by the students. Some of the students failed to mark all items such as their grade and sex. The following represents some of the statistics relating to the examination: Table III: 2004 AMC 8 National Statistics Number of Answer Forms received -........................... 154,590 Number of schools sending in reports -........................... 2,628 Number of students scoring 25 (a perfect paper) -.................50 National student average -..................................................9.94 Number of recorded female participants -..................... 73,647 Number of recorded male participants -........................ 78,265 Average of recorded female participants - ..........................9.47 Average of recorded male participants - .............................10.4 Grade level average: Grade Number recorded ≤5 1,496 6 15,248 7 51,679 8 84,399 Average 8.15 8.51 9.55 10.48 Information regarding the implementation of the AMC 8 may be obtained from the American Mathematics Competitions at 800-527-3690 or on the AMC web site at: http://www.unl.edu/amc. 29 AMC 8 Student Award Recipients United States The students listed below are designated as National Student Award Recipients for achieving a perfect score of 25 on the 2004 AMC 8. They will receive an award consisting of a Certificate of Distinction and two donor mathematics books. GStudentSchool 8 Yanping Chen Hyde Junior High School 8 Lawrence Ku Hopkins Junior High School 8 Andrew Lucas Mirman School 8 Karl Cobbe Seven Hills Intermediate School 7 Kevin Yang EPGY-Stanford University 8 Jennifer Jeong De Portola Middle School 7 Gene Katsevich Jackson Heights Middle School 8 Lena Ye Northwest Junior High School 8 David Benjamin Honey Creek Middle School 8 Pardha Ponugoti Honey Creek Middle School 8 Phil Thomas Klondike Middle School 7 Brian Fei Lexington Traditional Magnet School 8 Connie Wu Lexington Traditional Magnet School 8 Mimi Yang Lexington Traditional Magnet School 7 Neal Wu Glasgow Middle School 8 Willa Chen East Middle School 8 Kevin Chow Smith Middle School 8 Jennifer Xu Smith Middle School 8 Mike Jin John Burroughs School 8 Brian Huser Hawken School 8 Raymond Tan Mason Middle School 8 Amy Tai Jenks Middle School 8 Philip Cross Crayton Middle School 8 IanTaylor Crayton Middle School 8 Tyler Carter Oliver Springs Elementary School 8 Raphaeljoel Lim Flour Bluff Junior High School 8 Jonathan Barrera James Tippit Middle School 8 Alexander Ryan Doerre Intermediate School 6 Kevin Chen First Colony Middle School 7 Frankie Leung First Colony Middle School 7 Jeffrey Chan Fort Settlement Middle School 8 Mou Dennis Fort Settlement Middle School 8 Eric Bomgardner Longfellow Middle School 7 Daniel Li Longfellow Middle School 8 Simon Ho Langston Hughes Middle School 8 Seungsoo Kim Shahala 8 Seungjun Kim Shahala Canada GrNameSchool 8 Danny Shi Windermere Secondary School GrNameSchool 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L Ngchi Yu Liyen Chan Liyun Chang Shrshiun Chen Chihuan Chiang Guanhsiang Liao Ili Lu Liying Lu Enchyi Sheu Chihong Ting Wei Quan Lim Zheng Hang Yeo International CityState Cupertino CA Fremont CA Los Angeles CA Nevada City CA Stanford CA Tarzana CA FL Oviedo Coralville IA Terre Haute IN Terre Haute IN West Lafayette IN Lexington KY Lexington KY Lexington KY Baton Rouge LA Plymouth MI Troy MI Troy MI Saint Louis MO Gates Mills OH Mason OH Jenks OK Columbia SC Columbia SC Oliver Springs TN Corpus Christi TX Georgetown TX Klein TX Sugar Land TX Sugar Land TX Sugar Land TX Sugar Land TX Falls Church VA Falls Church VA Reston VA Vancouver WA Vancouver WA City Vancouver Country BC, City Country Yuan Lin Junior High School Taichung Municipal Chu Jen Junior High School Yuan Lin Junior High School Hsin Tung Public Junior High School Yang Min Junior High School Wu Chuan Junior High School Chi Kuen Junior High School Hsin Tung Public Junior High School Yuan Lin Junior High School Ta An Junior High School The Chinese High School Singapore The Chinese High School Singapore 30 Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Historical Listing of Perfect Scores AHSME (On the American High School Mathematics Examination) Year Student School City State/Prov 1950 1952 1959 1962 Paul H. Monsky Paul H. Monsky David M. Segal Michael Razar Barry Simon Brooklyn Tech HS Brooklyn Tech HS Brooklyn Tech HS Forest Hills HS James Madison HS Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Forest Hills Brooklyn NY NY NY NY NY 1970 1974 Gregory Phillips Diana Bruno E. Davis H. Finney Charles Hornig P. Vojta E. Chicago Roosevelt HS Dumont Community HS Classical HS Arcadia HS Lexington HS Southwest HS E. Chicago Dumont Providence Arcadia Lexington, Minneapolis IL IA RI CA MA MN 1977 1978 1979 1980 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Gerald Greer Mark Kleiman Bruce Smith Alan Brown Randall Dougherty Fred Helenius Peter Wallace Michael Finn Anthony Y. Lee James Yeh William Powell Bjorn Poonen Jeremy Kahn Jeffrey Powell Philip Jong David Patrick Christine Chang Jordan Ellenberg Thomas Paul Ezra Perlman Lenhard Ng Jeffrey Vanderkam Jie Lou Lenhard Ng Joel Rosenberg Wei-Hwa Huang Robert Kleinberg Lenhard Ng Ren Shi Lenhard Ng Noam Shazeer John Alderfer Aaron Archer James Ayers Jason Benda Paul Berry Matt Bjorge Matthew Blum Christopher Chang Dallen Chao Jacob Chen Castle HS Stuyvesant HS Terra Linda HS Olympus HS W.T. Woodson HS Stuyvesant HS Woodside HS Lake Braddock SS Laurel Senior HS Mountain Brook HS Chillicothe HS Winchester HS Hunter College HS Chillicothe HS Earl Haig SS Batavia HS Phillips Exeter Acad. Winston Churchill HS Harrisonburg HS Evanston HS Chapel Hill Sr HS NC Sch for Sci & Math Halifax West HS Chapel Hill Sr HS William Hall HS Montgomery Blair HS Iroquois Central HS Chapel Hill Sr HS Belmont HS Chapel Hill Sr HS Swampscott HS Franklin Regional HS University HS Langham Creek HS Naperville North HS Acalanes HS West HS Cumberland Valley HS Henry M Gunn Sr HS Oakland HS Plano Sr HS Kaneohe New York San Rafael Salt Lake City, Fairfax New York Woodside Burke Laurel Mountain Brook Chillicothe Winchester New York Chillicothe North York Batavia Exeter Potomac Harrisonburg Evanston Chapel Hill Durham Halifax Chapel Hill W. Hartford Silver Spring Elma Chapel Hill Los Angeles Chapel Hill Swampscott Murrysville Tucson Houston Naperville Lafayette Salt Lake City Mechanicsburg Palo Alto Oakland Plano HI NY CA UT VA NY CA VA MD AL OH MA NY OH ON NY NH MD VA IL NC NC NS NC CT MD NY NC CA NC MA PA AZ TX IL CA UT PA CA CA TX 31 History of Perfect AHSME Scores, Continued 1994 cont. Daniel Chen Li Chung Chen Donny Cheung Timothy Chklovski Michael Clinesmith Daniel Cohan Shai Cohen Peter Coles Michael Colsher Jana Comstock Mathew Crawford Nathan Curtis Sarah Dean Matthew Debergalis Justin Deng Michael Develin Greg Dils Brian Doherty Edward Early Daniel Eisenbud Dave Engebretson Derek Farmer Ron Fertig Jonathan Fisher Jeffrey Fowler Jay Fox Victor Gatto Todd Geldon Steve Gipstein Andrei Gnepp James Harrington Darin Hawley Craig Helfgott Anders Hendrickson Chris Hendrie Alex Heneveld Jenny Hoffman Joan Hoffmann Henry Hsieh Bojune Paul Hsu Tony Jacobs Paul Jenkins Christopher Jerdonek Christopher Jeris Alex Johnson Peter Jung Scott Kempen Amit Khetan Samuel Klein Eric Kuo Francois Labelle Shyam Lakshmin Cary Lasher David Linsenmeier Nicholas Loehr Nathaniel Malka Dharmesh Mehta David Mikulec Johanna Miller Andrew Neitzke Montgomery Blair HS Monta Vista HS St John’s-Ravenscourt Sch Blake School-Upper Sch Vassar HS Hillcrest HS Vincent Massey SS Rufus King HS Marquette HS Franklin Regional HS Vestavia Hills HS T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Charlotte Latin Sch St Johns School Tenafly HS Stuyvesant HS Morton Twp HS Indiana Acad Math/Sci/Hum Science Acad at LBJ Newton North HS St Louis Park SR HS White Bear HS-S Campus Cherry Hill HS Clarksville Acad Shaw HS Oak Grove HS Pelham HS Montgomery Blair HS Cherry Creek Sr HS Hawken School Greece Arcadia HS Wayzata SR HS Ramaz Sch Valley HS West Hill SS Herschel Jenkins HS Greenwich Acad Springfield HS Henry M Gunn Sr HS Hillsborough HS Talented & Gifted Mag Cortez HS Saint Ignatius HS Illinois Math/Sci Acad Acton-Boxborough Reg HS Lexington HS Univ School of Milwaukee Cranbrook Kingswood Sch Bellaire HS Penn Trafford HS College De Rosemont Lincoln High Klein HS Evanston HS Midlothian HS Nova HS Stoneman Douglas HS Sir Winston Churchill SS Southern Lehigh Jr/Sr HS Harriton Sr HS 32 Silver Spring Cupertino Winnipeg Minneapolis Vassar Dallas Windsor Milwaukee Milwaukee Murrysville Vestavia Hills Alexandria Charlotte Santurce Tenafly New York Morton Muncie Austin Newtonville St Louis Park White Bear Lake West Cherry Hill Clarksville Columbus San Jose Pelham Silver Spring Englewood Gates Mills Rochester Plymouth New York W Des Moines Owen Sound Savannah Greenwich Springfield Palo Alto Belle Mead Dallas Phoenix, Cleveland Aurora Acton Lexington Milwaukee Bloomfield Hills Bellaire Harrison City Montreal Tallahassee Spring Evanston Midlothian Ft Lauderdale Parkland Vancouver Center Valley Rosemont MD CA MB MN MI TX ON WI WI PA AL VA NC PR NJ NY IL IN TX MA MN MN NJ TN GA CA AL MD CO OH NY MN NY IA ON GA CT IL CA NJ TX AZ OH IL MA MA WI MI TX PA PQ FL TX IL VA FL FL BC PA PA History of Perfect AHSME Scores, Continued 1994 cont . 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Joshua Nichols Barrer Bradley Null Leonid Orlov Kevin Purbhoo Ron Purewal Jacob Rasmussen James Rogers Scott Roh Neil Rubin Alexander Saltman James Schneider Noam Shazeer Mikhail Shubov Sami Shumays Derek So Kurt Steinkraus Joel Studer Frank Thorne Mark Tilford Greg Tseng Aaron Ucko Eric Valpey Ronald Walker Stephen Wang Jonathan Weinstein Jonathan Woodward Hareendra Yalamanchili Eric Yeh Zhuowei Yin Christopher Chang Mathew Crawford Jeffrey Fowler Todd Geldon Scott Kempen Michael Korn Johanna Miller Jeremy Weiss Christopher Chang Nathan Curtis Michael Develin Dharmesh Mehta Sang Joon Pahk Alexander Saltman — Kevin Lacker Adrian Sox Abhiram Vijay Gabriel Carroll Kevin Costello Sasha Schwartz Kai Sung Newton South HS Dulles HS Sanderson HS Northern SS St Francis de Sales HS Barrington HS Montgomery Blair HS Beavercreek HS Illinois Math/Sci Acad Science Acad At LBJ New Trier HS Swampscott HS Lubbock HS Baldwin HS Albert Campbell CI Greenhills Sch San Diego HS NC Sch for Sci & Math Parkway Central HS T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Pembroke Hill Sch Mt Rainier HS Canajoharie Jr/Sr HS Illinois Math/Sci Acad Lexington HS Chapel Hill HS Paul G Blazer HS N Hollywood HS A C Flora HS Henry M Gunn Sr HS Vestavia Hills HS Shaw HS Montgomery Blair HS Univ School of Milwaukee Mounds View HS Southern Lehigh Jr/Sr HS Chapel Hill HS Henry M Gunn HS T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Stuyvesant HS Stoneman Douglas HS T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Science Acad at LBJ Newton Center Sugarland Raleigh Toronto Toledo Barrington Silver Spring Beavercreek Aurora Austin Winnetka Swampscott Lubbock Pittsburgh Agincourt Ann Arbor San Diego Durham Chesterfield Alexandria Kansas City Seattle Canajoharie Aurora Lexington Chapel Hill Ashland North Hollywood Columbia Palo Alto Vestavia Hills Columbus Silver Spring Milwaukee Arden Hills Center Valley Chapel Hill Palo Alto Alexandria New York Parkland Alexandria Austin MA TX NC ON OH RI MD OH IL TX IL MA TX PA ON MI CA NC MO VA MO WA NY IL MA NC KY CA SC CA AL GA MD WI MN PA NC CA VA NY FL VA TX Sycamore HS Upper Dublin HS Acad of Math/Sci/Tech Oakland Tech Illinois Math/Sci Acad Radnor HS ThomasWorthington HS Cincinnati Fort Washington Hackensack Oakland Aurora Radnor Worthington OH PA NJ CA IL PA OH 33 Historical Listing of Perfect Scores AMC 12 (American Mathematics Contest 12, A & B) 2000 Gabriel Carroll Kamaldeep Gandhi Yin Lim Ricky Liu Po Ru Loh David Pritchard Sasha Schwartz David Shin 2001 Gabriel Carroll Andrew Dudzik Zhen Li Jing Liu Zhihao Liu Yuran Lu 2002A Jeffrey Amos Richard Biggs Steven Byrnes Benjamin Conlee Endre Csoka Hungary Tony Hao Ruozhou Jia Eugene Lin Ricky Liu Tiankai Liu Po Ru Loh Roger Mong Aaron Pixton David Roe Matthew Thibault Inna Zakharevich Tony Zhang You Zhou 2002B Mauro Braunstein Adam Chandler Yi Cheng Benjamin Conlee Grant Elliott Mike Greenberg Matt Ince Aaron Kleinman Mark Lipson Michael Miller Jeremy Newman Henry Pan Aaron Pixton Emily Riehl Michael Rothenberg Nicholas Tham Ming Qiang Jie Wu Yao Yu 2003A Timothy Abbott Pavel Batrachenko Endre Csoka Hungary Hamoon Ekhtiari Daniel Gulotta Jim Hansen Robert Hough Oakland Technical HS Stuyvesant High School Victoria Junior College Newton South HS J. Madison Memorial HS Woburn Collegiate Inst. Radnor High School West Orange High School Oakland Technical HS Lynbrook HS Hwa Chong Junior College Hwa Chong Junior College Illinois Math/Science Acad. Presque Isle HS Prairie Christian School Jefferson HS of Sci. & Tech. Roxbury Latin School Albuquerque Academy U. Kossuth Dept. of Math & Inf. Oakland New York Singapore Newton Center Madison Scarborough Radnor West Orange Oakland San Jose Singapore Singapore Aurora Presque Isle Olathe Alexandria West Roxbury Albuquerque Intezet Susquehanna Township HS Illinois Math & Sci. Acad St. Mark’s School of Texas Newton South HS Phillips Exeter Academy Madison Memorial HS Don Mills Collegiate Inst. Vestal Senior High School The Catlin Gabel School Willmar Senior HS Henry M. Gunn HS Klein High School Jefferson HS of Sci. & Tech. J. P. Taravella High School Walter M. Williams HS Raffles Institution Albuquerque Academy Suncoast Community HS Elyria High School St. Louis Family Ch. Learning Ctr Cupertino High School Lexington High School The Westminster Schools Naperville Central HS East York Collegiate Inst. Vestal Senior High School University High School Georgetown High School Raffles Junior College Hwa Chong Junior College Dobson High School T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech John Marshall Senior HS U. Kossuth Dept. of Math & Inf. Harrisburg Aurora Dallas Newton Centre Exeter Madison Don Mills Vestal Portland Willmar Palo Alto Klein Alexandria Coral Springs Burlington Singapore Albuquerque Riviera Beach Elyria Chesterfield Cupertino Lexington Atlanta Naperville Toronto Vestal Normal Georgetown Singapore Singapore Mesa Alexandria Rochester Intezet Newtonbrook Secondary S. Illinois Math & Sci. Acad. Naperville North High School H. H. Dow High School 34 North York Aurora Naperville Midland CA NY MA WI ON PA NJ CA CA IL ME KS VA MA NM PA IL TX MA NH WI ON NY OR MN CA TX VA FL NC NM FL OH MO CA MA GA IL ON NY IL TX AZ VA MN ON IL IL MI History of Perfect AMC 12 Scores, Continued Ruozhou Jia Joel Lewis 2003A Mark Lipson cont. Nicholas Ma Albert Ni Aaron Pixton Brian Rice Yan Zhang Yian Zhang Benjamin Conlee Tiankai Liu Tony Zhang 2003B Boris Alexeev Harry Altman Jongmin Baek Samuel Cross William Jacobs Anders Kaseorg Po Ling Loh Po Ru Loh Jonathan Lowd Jonathan Pinyan Jichao Qian Ho Seung Ryu David Stolp 2004A Richard Biggs Attila Egri Hungary Hamoon Ekhtiari Tiankai Liu Thomas Mildorf Aaron Pixton Eric Price Alex Schwendner Ajai Sharma Jacob Tsimerman Tony Zhang Michael Zhang 2004B David Kang Tiankai Liu Alison Miller April Ploeger Ho Seung Ryu 2005A Zachary Abel 2005B Adam Hesterberg Richard McCutchen April Ploeger Jie Dai Zhong Xiaojie Zhang Zili Illinois Math & Sci. Acad. Aurora Stuyvesant High School New York Lexington High School Lexington East High School Wichita Illinois Math & Sci. Acad. Aurora Vestal Senior High School Vestal SW Virginia Governors School Dublin T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Alexandria Madison West High School Madison Albuquerque Academy Albuquerque Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter Cedar Shoals High School Athens Acad of Math/Sci/Tech Hackensack Cupertino High School Cupertino Stuyvesant High School New York Suncoast Community HS Riviera Beach Charlotte Home Ed. Assn. Charlotte Madison Memorial HS Madison Madison Memorial HSl Madison Homestead High School Cupertino Acad of Math/Sci/Tech Hackensack Lynbrook High School San Jose Pacific Grove High School Pacific Grove Durham High School Durham T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Alexandria U. of Kossuth Dept. Math & Inf.Intezet Newtonbrook Secondary School Phillips Exeter Academy T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Vestal Senior High School T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Austin Area Homeschoolers Mount Carmel High School University of Toronto Schools Phillips Exeter Academy T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Hotchkiss School Phillips Exeter Academy Home Ed. Enrichment Group Homeschool Group Pacific Grove High School Greenhill School Garfield High School Montgomery Blair High School Homeschool Group Afl High School of Hunan 2nd Afl High School of Shanghai 2nd Afl High School of Shanghai North York Exeter Alexandria Vestal Alexandria Austin San Diego Toronto Exeter Alexandria Lakeville Exeter Niskayuna Kansas City Pacific Grove Addison Seattle Silver Spring Kansas City Changsha Shanghai Shanghai IL NY MA KS IL NY VA VA WI NM NH NH GA NJ CA NY FL NC WI WI CA NJ CA CA CA VA ON NH VA NY VA TX CA ON NH VA CT NH NY MO CA TX WA MD MO China China China Historical Listing of Perfect Scores AMC 10 2000 (American Mathematics Contest 10, A & B) Allan Chu David Greenspan David Holoch John Jackman Cornwall Lau Samuel Miner Jocjap Qian Saratoga High School Lexington High School Champlain Valley Union HS Bishop T. K. Gorman HS David Thompson SS James Garfield HS Miller Middle School 35 Saratoga Lexington Hinesburg Tyler Vancouver Seattle San Jose CA MA VT TX BC WA CA History of Perfect AMC 10 Scores, Continued Yoyo Zhou 2001 Jongmin Baek Joshua Batson 2001 Jason Boomer cont. Han Wen Chang Jih Shiang Chang Yi Hsuan Chen Cheng Ta Chou Austin Chu TN Jason Ferguson Hung Jie Guo Stephen Guo Anant Gupta Jing Uei Hou Steven Hoying Shih Han Hsu Shinn Yih Huang Yin Ray Huang Steven Johnson Chun Ju Lai Joshua Lim Yu Min Lin Yao Jen Liu Andras Nagy Hungary Yin Chien Ou Jichao Qian Alex Schwendner Ming Herng Sheu Kuan Ning Wang Tsung Che Wu Chun Yu Yang Ming Yuan Yeh Amy Zhou 2002A J Seph Arasin Joshua Batson Luke Burton Charles Chen Cynthia Chi Zac Cox Jason Ferguson Aaron Fisher Abram Kaplan Hyunsoo Kim Tiffany Ko Curtis Liu Alexander Marcus Thomas Mildorf Jichao Qian Conner Rogers Zengbo Sun Mark Yetter Charles Yu 2002B Jongmin Baek Jeremy Diepenbrock Zhi Luo Richard Peng Ti Yin 2003A P. Chang A. Chang C. Chang G. Chen S. Chen T Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Alexandria Cupertino HS Cupertino Lynbrook HS San Jose Falmouth Mid/HS Falmouth Kao Shiung HS Chien Kuo HS Hwai In JHS Kao Shiung HS Memphis University School VA CA CA ME Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Memphis Ferguson Homeschool Dallas Tai Nan First HS Olympia Institute San Francisco Troy HS Troy Yung Min JHS Russia Local School Russia Tai Nan Girls’ HS Chien Sin JHS Kao Shiung HS Lexington HS Lexington Kuan Hwa JHS Oakridge School Arlington Tai Nan First HS First HS U. Kossuth Dept Math/Inf Intezet TX Taiwan CA MI Taiwan OH Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan MA Taiwan TX Taiwan Taiwan Tai Nan First HS Lynbrook HS San Jose Austin Area Homeschool Austin Tai Nan First HS Chien Kuo HS Taipei Munic. Jen-ai JHS Ming Chwan JHS Kao Shiung HS Transition Program Vancouver Conestoga Senior HS Berwyn Lynbrook High School San Jose Eagle River Chugiak Home Sch. Eagle River Phillips Academy Andover Clements High School Sugar Land St. Mark’s School of Texas Dallas Ferguson Homeschool Dallas Sehome High School Bellingham Harvard Westlake School Los Angeles Acad. of Adv. in Sci & Tech Hackensack Honey Creek MS Terre Haute Dorris-Eaton School Walnut Creek Wheeler School Providence JeffersonHS of Sci & Tech Alexandria Lynbrook High School San Jose D’Evelyn Jr/Sr HS Denver Paul Laurence Dunbar HS Lexington Westfield High School Houston Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill Cupertino High School Cupertino William G. Enloe HS Raleigh Lincoln High School Tallahassee Western Tech & Comm Sch. Toronto William Lyon Mackenzie CI Toronto Erh Shui Primary School Exp Elem Sch, Taipei Muni Teach College Yun Lin Primary School Cheng Kung Primary School Ta Hua Primary School Taiwan CA TX Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan BC PA CA AK MA TX TX TX WA CA NJ IN CA RI VA CA CO KY TX NC CA NC FL ON ON Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan 36 History of Perfect AMC 10 Scores, Continued 2003A cont. Kong 2003B 2004A 2004B 2005A 2005B C. Chen S. Chen P. Cheng T. Chiang C. Chiang S. Chiang P. Chiu Shagnik Das Tucheng Primary School Yang Min Elementary School Sheng Li Primary School Wen Te Primary School Yuan Lin Primary School Yung Ping Primary School Fu Hsin Elementary Hong Kong International SchoolTai Tam H. Hsiao W. Hsiao Y. Huang Y. Hwang Y. Ju Janos Kramar C. Li J. Liao J. Lin Y. Lin H. Liu Rosemary Luo Oleg Rudenko Sho Uemura S. Wang L. Wu G. Wu C. Yang H. Yu Lin Y. Yueh H. Yu-Hsiang Wendy Zhang Jason Ferguson Gregory Gauthier Alexander Marcus Ameya Velingker Andrew Westerdale Dimah Eroshkin Zhou Fan Chiehan Lin Shigeta Fujitani Peng Shi Charles Tam Nimish Ramanlal Guangyu Zhu Nathan Benjamin Yifan Cao Matthew Croop William Drobny Daniel Fudenberg Sherry Gong Adam Hesterberg Keone Hon Patricia Li Dennis Mou Max Rosett Andy Tsao York Wu Bohua Zhan Wendy Zhang Danny Shi Chun-yen Kuo Shih-chien Wang Sunil Agarwal Brian Basham Yuan Lin Primary School Taiwan Yuan Lin Primary School Taiwan Taipei Mandarin Exper Primary School Taiwan Ger Jyh SHS Taiwan Hsing Lung Primary School Taiwan University of Toronto Schools Toronto ON Taipei Municipal Tun Hua Elementary Taiwan Szu Wei Primary School Taiwan Gin Her Primary School Taiwan Hu Wei Primary School Taiwan Kuang Fuh Elementary School Taiwan Terre Haute South Vigo HS Terre Haute IN Atlantic High School DelRay Beach FL Stuyvesant High School New York NY Min Der Primary School Taiwan Chih Shan Primary School Taiwan Ching Hsing Primary School Taiwan Min Sheng Elementary School Taiwan Yang Min Elementary School Taiwan Kuang Fuh Elementary School Taiwan Chung Ho Primary School Taiwan Shawnee Mission South HS Shawnee Mission KS Ferguson Homeschool Dallas TX Wheaton North High School Wheaton IL Wheeler School Providence RI Parkland High School Allentown PA Stoneman Douglas HS Parkland FL Oyster River High School Durham NH Parsippany Hills High School Parsippany NJ Taichung Mun. Chu Jen JHS Taiwan Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter NH Sir John A. MacDonald CI Toronto ON North Central High School Indianapolis IN Seminole High School Sanford FL Ha Er Bin 3rd High School Ha Er Bin China Honey Creek MS Terre Haute IN Choate Rosemary Hall Wallingford CT North Central High School Indianapol IN Parkview High School Lilburn GA Lexington High School Lexington MA Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter NH Garfield High School Seattle WA Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter NH Miller Middle School San Jose CA Clements High School Sugar Land TX The Waterford School Sandy UT Redwood Middle School Saratoga CA Lynbrook High School San Jose CA West Windsor-Plainsboro HS - S Princeton Junction NJ Shawnee Mission S High School Shawnee Mission KS Windermere Secondary School Vancouver BC Tainan First Senior High School Taiwan Nat’l Taichung First Senior High School Taiwan (Home Schooled) Troy MI Skyview High School Vancouver WA 37 Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Hong 2005B cont. Jie Hou Susan Hu Christopher Kauffman Jason Larue Haitao Mao Palmer Mebane Peter Ralli Howard Tong Benjamin Yang Siyao Ye Danny Shi Jia Ji Xueying Zhao Thomas Jefferson HS Sci/Tec Alexandria Terre Haute S Vigo High School Terre Haute Fairport Senior High School Fairport Miami Palmetto Sr High School Miami Thomas Jefferson HS Sci/Tec Alexandria Governors School Richmond Lincoln-Sudbury Reg.High Sch Sudbury Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter Academy Advancement Sci & Tec Hackensack Dunlap High School Dunlap Windermere Secondary School Vancouver Ha Er Bin 3rd High School Ha Er Bin Dong Bei Yu Cai For. Lang. Sch Shen Yang Los Altos High School Math Power Club, Hacienda Heights, CA; Ms. Vanda Pop, teacher. 38 VA IN NY FL VA VA MA NH NJ IL BC China China 2005 Perfect AMC 10 & 12 Scores - Pictures United States Zachary Abel Sunil Agarwal Brian Basham AMC 12A AMC 10B AMC 10B Greenhill School Addison, TX (Home Schooled) Troy, MI Skyview High School Vancouver, WA Nathan Benjamin AMC 10A Honey Creek MS Terre Haute, IN No picture available Yifan Cao Matthew Croop William Drobny Daniel Fudenberg AMC 10A AMC 10A AMC 10A Choate Rosemary Hall Wallingford, CT North Central High School Indianapol, IN Parkview High School Lilburn, GA Sherry Gong Adam Hesterberg Keone Hon AMC 10A AMC 10B AMC 10A & 12B Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter, NH Thomas Jefferson HS Sci/Tec Alexandria, VA AMC 10A Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter, NH Garfield High School Seattle, WA 39 AMC 10A Lexington High School Lexington, MA Jie Hou 2005 Perfect AMC 10/12 Scorers, Continued No picture available Susan Hu AMC 10B Terre Haute S. Vigo High School Terre Haute, IN Christopher Kauffman Jason Larue AMC 10B AMC 10A AMC 10B Miami Palmetto Sr. High School Miami, FL Miller Middle School San Jose, CA Fairport Senior High School Fairport, NY Patricia Li No picture available No picture available Haitao Mao Richard McCutchen Palmer Mebane Dennis Mou AMC 10B AMC 10A AMC 12B Governors School Richmond, VA Clements High School Sugar Land, TX AMC 10B Thomas Jefferson HS Sci/Tec Alexandria, VA No picture available Montgomery Blair High School Silver Spring, MD No picture available No picture available April Ploeger Peter Ralli Max Rosett AMC 12B AMC 10B AMC 10A AMC 10B Homeschool Group Kansas City, MO Lincoln-Sudbury Reg. High School Sudbury, MA The Waterford School Sandy, UT Phillips Exeter Academy Exeter, NH 40 Howard Tong 2005 Perfect AMC 10/12 Scorers, Continued Andy Tsao York Wu Benjamin Yang AMC 10A AMC 10A AMC 10B Siyao Ye AMC 10B Redwood Middle School Saratoga, CA Lynbrook High School San Jose, CA Academy Advancement Sci & Tech Hackensack, NJ Dunlap High School Dunlap, IL No picture available Bohua Zhan Wendy Zhang AMC 10A AMC 10A W. Windsor-Plainsboro HS - S. Princeton Junction, NJ Shawnee Mission S. High School Shawnee Mission, KS 2005 Perfect AMC 10 & 12 Scores - Pictures Canada No picture available Danny Shi AMC 10A & B Windermere Secondary School Vancouver, BC 41 2005 Perfect AMC 10 & 12 Scores - Pictures International Jie Dai Jia Ji AMC 12B AMC 10B AMC 12B Afl High School of Hunan Changsha, China Ha Er Bin 3rd High School Ha Er Bin, China 2nd Afl High School of Shanghai Shanghai, China No picture available No picture available Xueying Zhao Zhang Zili AMC 10B AMC 12B Dong Bei Yu Cai For. Lang. Sch Shen Yang, China 2nd Afl High School of Shanghai Shanghai, China No picture available No picture available Chun-yen Kuo Shih-chien Wang AMC 10A Taiwan 1st Senior High School Taiwan Zhong Xiaojie AMC 10A Nat’l Taichung 1st Sr High School Taiwan 42 Examination Regions of the AMC 10 & AMC 12 Listed below are the eleven regions into which Canada and the U.S.A. are divided. REGION 0 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont 1 New Jersey, New York 2 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia 3 Alabama, American Embassy and APO/FPO schools, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands 4 Indiana, Michigan, Ohio 5 Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin 6 Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee 7 Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas 8 Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming 9 California 10 Canada 43 School Awards Description School Committee and Donor National Awards In each of the eleven regions into which the United States and Canada are divided, the five schools with the highest team scores (sum of the highest three scores by participants) are recognized by Donor or Committee Awards. A. Charles T. Salkind Memorial Silver Cup — This silver cup, donated by the L.G. Balfour Company, Attleboro, MA, is awarded to the school with the highest team score (in any region). B. William H. Fagerstrom Memorial Silver Cup — This silver cup is awarded to the school with the second highest team score (in any region) and it is provided by the L.G. Balfour Company, Attleboro, MA.. C. Committee Bronze Cups — In each of the regions in which a silver cup is not awarded the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions provides a Bronze Cup to the school with the highest team score. Schools not Receiving a Cup are Eligible for these Awards D. CAMC Mathematics Books* — In each of the eleven regions, five books are donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions to one school having a high team score. E. W. H. Freeman Books* — In each of the eleven regions, a set of books, donated by W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, CA is awarded to one school having a high team score. F. Mathematics Magazine* — In each of the eleven regions, a one-year subscription is donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions to one or more schools having a high team score. G.Pedagoguery Award -- Awarded to one school in each of the 50 states, US Territories, Military Schools abroad, and Canada with the “Most Improved” Team Score on the AMC 10, and AMC 12. Intramural Awards 1 . Certificate of Honor — This is awarded to schools with a team score of 400 or greater. 2. Certificate of Merit — This is awarded to schools with a team score of at least 300. * Distribution of awards is arranged so that schools do not receive duplicates of awards made to them in prior years. 44 School Award Recipients by Region United States Please see previous page for Award Code identification. ScoreSchool Code Region 0 C D E F F 421.5 Phillips Exeter Academy 404.0 Radnor High School 409.0 Phillips Academy 397.0 Lower Merion High School 393.5 Parkland High School A D E F F 430.0 Academy Advancement Sci & Tech 395.0 West Windsor-Plainsboro HS-North 396.0 Great Neck South High School 421.5 Stuyvesant High School 396.0 Ward Melville Senior High School A B D E F 430.0 Montgomery Blair High School 425.0 Thomas Jefferson High School Sci & Tec 411.0 East Chapel Hill High School 396.0 Dreher High School 399.0 North Carolina School Sci & Math C D E F F 423.0 James Rickards High School 391.0 Parkview High School 384.5 Westminster Schools 399.5 Vestavia Hills High School 390.0 Stoneman Douglas High School C D E F F 397.0 Indiana Academy Math & Sci 389.0 Andover High School 380.5 Lakota West High School 381.0 Cathedral High School 380.5 Honey Creek Middle School C D E F F 394.5 James Madison Memorial High School 393.5 Marquette University High School 394.0 Ames High School 392.5 West High School 389.0 West Senior High School C D E F F 412.0 Ilinois Math & Science Academy 401.5 Ladue Horton Watkins High School 397.0 Barrington High School 404.0 Naperville North High School 397.0 New Trier Township High School C D E F F 405.5 Greenhill School 397.0 Johnson High School 404.0 A & M Consolidated High School 395.0 Clements High School 388.0 Cistercian Prep School 45 Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 CityState Exeter Radnor Andover Ardmore Allentown NH PA MA PA PA Hackensack Plainsboro Great Neck New York Setauket NJ NJ NY NY NY Silver Spring Alexandria Chapel Hill Columbia Durham MD VA NC SC NC Tallahassee Lilburn Atlanta Vestavia Hills Parkland FL GA GA AL FL Muncie Bloomfield Hills West Chester Indianapolis Terre Haute IN MI OH IN IN Madison Milwaukee Ames Madison Iowa City WI WI IA WI IA Aurora St Louis Barrington Naperville Winnetka IL MO IL IL IL Addison Austin College Station Sugar Land Irving TX TX TX TX TX School Award Recipients by Region, Continued Region 8 C D F F F 408.5 Garfield High School 405.5 Iolani School 401.5 Manzano High School 398.0 South Eugene High School 396.0 Lakeside School C D E F F 412.5 EPGY-Stanford University 406.0 Saratoga High School 408.5 Henry M Gunn High School 411.0 Palo Alto High School 408.5 Monta Vista High School C D E F F Region 9 Seattle Honolulu Albuquerque Eugene Seattle WA HI NM OR WA Stanford Saratoga Palo Alto Palo Alto Cupertino CA CA CA CA CA School Award Recipients by Region Canada Region 10 415.5 London Central SS 385.0 Vincent Massey SS 394.5 Jarvis CI 391.0 Don Mills CI 386.5 Seaquam SS London Windsor Toronto Don Mills Delta ON ON ON ON BC Dr. Herbert Kasube visits The Illinois state director visited the AMC office in March, when he was in town on business. Here he is with AMC,s Director, Steve Dunbar. 46 School Pedagoguery Award Recipients The Pedagoguery Awards are given by Pedagoguery Software Inc. to the school in each state which improves the most from one year to the next in both the AMC 12 and AMC 10. ContestSchool CityState Region 0 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 Choate Rosemary Hall Haddam-Killingworth High School Winchester High School Middlesex School Presque Isle High School Jay High School St Pauls School Berlin Senior High School Mount St Joseph Academy Pittston Area High School Lincoln High School Rocky Hill School Colchester High School Champlain Valley Union High School 10 12 10 12 Academy at Englewood Franklin High School Fairport Senior High School Kew Forest School 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 Richard Montgomery High School Thomas S. Wootton High School Charlotte Home Education Association Caldwell Academy Spring Valley High School Andrews High School Woodson High School Meadowbrook High School Huntington High School Wheeling Park High School Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 10 Randolph School 12 Robert E. Lee High School 10 St Johns Collegiate High School 12 Sidwell Friends School 10 Archmere Academy 12 Padua Academy High School 10 Seminole High School 12 Eau Gallie High School 10 Colquitt County High School 12 Etowah High School 10 & 12Good Hope School 47 Wallingford Higganum Winchester Concord Presque Isle Jay Concord Berlin Flourtown Pittston Lincoln East Greenwich Colchester Hinesburg CT CT MA MA ME ME NH NH PA PA RI RI VT VT Englewood Somerset Fairport Forest Hills NJ NJ NY NY Rockville Rockville Charlotte Greensboro Columbia Andrews Fairfax Richmond Huntington Wheeling MD MD NC NC SC SC VA VA WV WV Huntsville Montgomery Washington Washington Claymont Wilmington Seminole Melbourne Moultrie Woodstock St Croix AL AL DC DC DE DE FL FL GA GA VI School Pedagoguery Award Recipients Continued Region 4 10 12 10 12 10 12 St Josephs High School Marion High School Wylie E. Groves High School Andover High School McNicholas High School Middletown High School 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 Southside High School Nettleton High School Dubuque Senior High School Essex Junior/Senior High School Valley Center High School Blue Valley High School Roseville Area High School Badger High School Leeds High School North Central of Barnes Seward High School Parkview Christian School Jenks High School Holland Hall School Roosevelt High School Montrose High School North High School Marquette University High School Region 5 Region 6 10 Glenbrook South High School 12 St Benedict High School 10 Owensboro High School 12 Lexington Catholic High School 10 John Burroughs School 12 St Joseph Christian School 10 & 12Dobyns Bennett High School 10 12 10 12 10 12 Grace King High School Lafayette High School Oxford High School Tupelo High School Taylor High School Hamilton High School Region 7 Region 8 48 South Bend Marion Beverly Hills Bloomfield Hills Cincinnati Middletown IN IN MI MI OH OH Fort Smith Jonesboro Dubuque Essex Valley Center Stilwell Roseville Badger Leeds Rogers Seward Lincoln Jenks Tulsa Sioux Falls Montrose Eau Claire Milwaukee AR AR IA IA KS KS MN MN ND ND NE NE OK OK SD SD WI WI Glenview Chicago Owensboro Lexington Saint Louis Saint Joseph Kingsport IL IL KY KY MO MO TN Metairie Lafayette Oxford Tupelo Katy Hamilton LA LA MS MS TX TX School Pedagoguery Award Recipients Continued 10 12 10 12 10 12 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 Dimond High School Anchorage Far North Christian School Fairbanks Jess Schwartz Jewish Comm. High SchoolPhoenix Metro Tech Vocational Institute-Phoenix Phoenix Overland High School Aurora Clear Creek High School Evergreen St Johns School Tumon Bay McKinley High School Honolulu Kailua High School Kailua Coeur D’Alene Charter Academy Coeur D’Alene New Plymouth High School New Plymouth Fairfield High School Fairfield Hellgate High School Missoula Los Alamos High School Los Alamos Manzano High School Albuquerque Edward C. Reed High School Sparks Cheyenne High School North Las Vegas Ashland High School Ashland Blanchet Catholic School Salem Meridian School Provo Skyline High School Salt Lake City Richland High School Richland Cle Elum-Roslyn High School Cle Elum Region 9 EPGY-Stanford University Palo Alto High School Region 10 10 & 12Tempo School 10 Bodwell High School 12 Dover Bay Secondary School 12 Vincent Massey Collegiate Institute 10 J. L. Ilsley High School 10 Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute 12 Jarvis Collegiate Institute 10 & 12E. S. De Rochebelle 12 Marion M. Graham Collegiate Institute 49 AK AK AZ AZ CO CO GU HI HI ID ID MT MT NM NM NV NV OR OR UT UT WA WA Stanford Palo Alto CA CA Edmonton Vancouver Nanaimo Winnipeg Halifax Scarborough Toronto Sainte-Foy Saskatoon AB BC BC MB NS ON ON QC SK School Honor Roll United States This School Honor Roll includes all United States schools with team scores of 400 and above on the AMC 12. A Certificate of Honor, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region. A/ Team B Score School City State Region 0 Massachusetts A 409.0 Phillips Academy New Hampshire A 421.5 Phillips Exeter Academy B 412.0 Phillips Exeter Academy Pennsylvania A 404.0 Radnor High School Andover MA Exeter Exeter NH NH Radnor PA Hackensack Hackensack NJ NJ New York New York NY NY Region 1 New Jersey B 430.0 Academy Adv Science & Technology A 423.0 Academy Adv Science & Technology New York A 421.5 Stuyvesant High School B 401.5 Stuyvesant High School Region 2 Maryland B 430.0 Montgomery Blair High School North Carolina A 411.0 East Chapel Hill High School Virginia A 425.0 T Jefferson High School Science/Technology B 423.0 T Jefferson High School Sciency/Technology Silver Spring MD Chapel Hill NC Alexandria Alexandria VA VA Tallahassee FL Aurora Aurora Naperville Naperville IL IL IL IL Region 3 Florida A 423.0 James Rickards High School Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Illinois B 412.0 Il Math & Sci Academy A 407.5 Il Math & Sci Academy B 404.0 Naperville North High School A 402.5 Naperville North High School Missouri B 401.5 Ladue Horton Watkins High School St Louis MO Region 7 Texas A 405.5 Greenhill School A 404.0 A & M Consolidated High School 50 Addison TX College Station TX School Honor Roll , United States, Continued Region 8 Hawaii A 405.5 Iolani School B 401.0 Iolani School New Mexico A 401.5 Manzano High School Washington B 408.5 Garfield High School Honolulu Honolulu HI HI Albuquerque NM Seattle WA Stanford Palo Alto Cupertino Palo Alto Saratoga San Jose CA CA CA CA CA CA Region 9 California B 412.5 EPGY-Stanford Univ A 411.0 Palo Alto High School A 408.5 Monta Vista High School A 408.5 Henry M. Gunn High School A 406.0 Saratoga High School A 400.0 The Harker School School Honor Roll Canada Region 10 This School Honor Roll includes all Canadian schools with team scores of 400 and above on the AMC 12. A Certificate of Honor, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region. A/Team B Score School Ontario A 415.5 London Central Secondary School City State London ON School Honor Roll International The School Honor Roll includes all International schools with team scores of 400 and above on the AMC 12. A Certificate of Honor, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region. A/Team BScoreSchool City, China B 439.5 Zhongshan Mem School B 432.0 2nd Afl High School of Shanghai B 411.0 Qibao High School B 410.0 Ha Er Bin 3rd High School Singapore B 417.0 Haw Chong Inst, HCI B 413.5 Raffles JrCol Taiwan A 412.0 Nationall Taichung First Senior High School 51 Country Zhongshan Shanghai Shanghai Ha Er Bin Singapore Singapore Taiwan China China China China School Merit Roll AMC 12A (United States) This School Merit Roll includes all United States schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12A. A Certificate of Merit, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region then State. Region 0 Score School. City, State Connecticut Maine A 374.0 Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 366.0 363.0 352.5 349.0 349.0 348.0 347.0 345.5 341.0 339.0 337.5 335.0 329.0 327.0 326.0 323.5 322.5 322.0 318.0 314.5 314.0 314.0 312.0 311.5 308.5 305.5 303.5 302.5 302.5 301.0 301.0 300.5 300.0 Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT Taft Sch, Watertown, CT Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT Kent Sch, Kent, CT New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT Conard HS, West Hartford, CT Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT Hall HS, West Hartford, CT Hamden HS, Hamden, CT Avon HS, Avon, CT Norwich Free Acad, Norwich, CT Chr Heritage Sch, Trumbull, CT Wilton HS, Wilton, CT Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT Westminster Sch, Simsbury, CT Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT Xavier HS, Middletown, CT Guilford HS, Guilford, CT Windham HS, Willimantic, CT Farmington HS, Farmington, CT Middletown HS, Middletown, CT Haddam-Killingworth HS, Higganum, CT Northwest Cath HS, West Hartford, CT East Granby HS, East Granby, CT Tolland HS, Tolland, CT Branford HS, Branford, CT Fairfield Ludlowe HS, Fairfield, CT A A A A A A 352.5 350.5 349.5 326.0 316.0 303.5 Bangor HS, Bangor, ME ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME Greely HS, Cumberland Ctr, ME Berwick Acad, South Berwick, ME A A A A A A A A A A A A A 388.5 385.5 381.0 377.0 373.0 370.0 367.5 366.0 365.5 365.0 358.5 357.5 357.5 Lexington HS, Lexington, MA Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA Canton HS, Canton, MA Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA Wayland HS, Wayland, MA Framingham HS, Framingham, MA Westford Acad, Westford, MA Belmont HS, Belmont, MA St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA Massachusetts New Hampshire A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 356.0 355.5 354.5 354.5 354.0 349.0 347.0 339.5 338.0 336.0 335.0 331.5 331.0 329.5 329.0 328.5 326.0 325.5 325.0 325.0 323.5 322.5 322.0 320.5 319.0 317.0 316.5 315.5 314.0 310.5 310.0 307.5 306.5 302.0 301.0 301.0 300.0 Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA Westborough HS, Westborough, MA Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA Hudson HS, Hudson, MA Middlesex Sch, Concord, MA Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA Doherty Memorial HS, Worcester, MA Groton Sch, Groton, MA Simon’s Rock Col, Great Barrington, MA Weston HS, Weston, MA Needham HS, Needham, MA King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA Newton North HS, Newtonville, MA Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA Arlington HS, Arlington, MA Hingham HS, Hingham, MA Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA Malden Cath HS, Malden, MA Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA Andover HS, Andover, MA Norwell HS, Norwell, MA Cambridge Sch of Weston, Weston, MA Concord Acad, Concord, MA Milton Acad, Milton, MA Swampscott HS, Swampscott, MA Franklin HS, Franklin, MA Tantasqua Reg HS, Fiskdale, MA Haverhill HS, Haverhill, MA Medfield SHS, Medfield, MA Peabody Vet Mem HS, Peabody, MA Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA Longmeadow HS, Longmeadow, MA Danvers HS, Danvers, MA Watertown HS, Watertown, MA Algonquin Reg HS, Northborough, MA A A A A A A A A A A 368.0 365.5 344.5 333.0 320.0 319.0 316.5 310.0 307.0 300.0 Oyster River HS, Durham, NH Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH Hanover HS, Hanover, NH St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH Exeter HS, Exeter, NH Salem HS, Salem, NH Bishop Brady HS, Concord, NH A A A A A A A A A A 397.0 393.5 389.0 383.0 381.0 376.0 374.5 372.5 356.0 356.0 Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA Parkland HS, Allentown, PA Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA State Col Area HS, State College, PA Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA Marshall MS, Wexford, PA Pennsylvania Rhode Island 52 School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 355.0 353.0 353.0 352.5 351.5 348.0 346.0 345.5 345.5 343.5 340.0 340.0 339.5 339.0 337.0 336.5 335.5 335.0 334.5 334.0 331.0 330.5 327.5 327.5 326.5 326.0 326.0 325.5 324.5 323.0 320.5 320.5 320.0 319.0 318.0 317.5 317.5 314.5 314.5 314.5 314.0 313.5 312.5 312.5 311.5 311.0 310.5 310.5 309.5 309.5 308.5 308.0 308.0 306.0 304.5 304.0 302.5 301.5 301.0 J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA Hershey HS, Hershey, PA Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA Methacton HS, Norristown, PA Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA Henderson SHS, West Chester, PA Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA Penncrest HS, Media, PA Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA Delaware Co Chr. Sch, Newtown Square, PA Devon Prep Sch, Devon, PA Abington SHS, Abington, PA Unionville HS, Kennett Square, PA La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA Hollidaysburg Area SHS, Hollidaysburg, PA Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA Bradford Area HS, Bradford, PA Peters Twp HS, McMurray, PA Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA Palmyra Area SHS, Palmyra, PA Upper Darby HS, Drexel Hill, PA Honesdale HS, Honesdale, PA Stroudsburg HS, Stroudsburg, PA Mechanicsburg Area SHS, Mechanicsburg, PA Moon Area HS, Moon Township, PA Dallastown Area SHS, Dallastown, PA Upper Merion HS, King Of Prussia, PA Lancaster Mennonite HS, Lancaster, PA Neshaminy HS, Langhorne, PA Easton Area HS, Easton, PA Winchester Thurston HS, Pittsburgh, PA Manheim Twp HS, Lancaster, PA Trinity HS, Washington, PA Knoch SHS, Saxonburg, PA New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA Williamsport Area HS, Williamsport, PA Bethlehem Cath HS, Bethlehem, PA Bishop McDevitt HS, Harrisburg, PA Archbishop Ryan HS, Philadelphia, PA Kiski Area HS, Leechburg, PA Pottsville Area HS, Pottsville, PA Laurel Highlands HS, Uniontown, PA A A A A A A 363.5 350.5 331.5 310.0 304.5 300.0 Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI Barrington HS, Barrington, RI Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI Cranston HS West, Cranston, RI North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI Cranston HS East, Cranston, RI Vermont A A A A A 392.0 369.0 337.0 324.5 318.0 Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT South Burlington HS, South Burlington, VT Middlebury Union HS, Middlebury, VT Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT Region 1 ScoreSchool. City, State New Jersey A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 53 395.0 379.5 378.0 377.5 375.0 374.5 373.0 371.5 367.0 367.0 365.5 362.5 362.0 362.0 359.5 357.5 356.5 355.5 355.0 352.5 352.5 351.5 350.0 350.0 346.0 343.5 342.5 341.5 341.5 339.0 338.0 336.0 330.5 330.5 329.5 328.5 328.5 326.0 325.5 325.0 324.5 323.5 322.5 322.5 322.5 322.5 322.0 321.5 317.5 315.5 314.0 313.0 312.0 310.0 309.5 309.0 W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ Summit HS, Summit, NJ Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ Edison HS, Edison, NJ Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ Jackson Memorial HS, Jackson, NJ Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ Frisch Yeshiva HS, Paramus, NJ Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ Bridgewater-Raritan Reg HS, Bridgewater, NJ Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ Jonathan Dayton HS, Springfield, NJ Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ Montclair HS, Montclair, NJ Ranney Sch, Tinton Falls, NJ Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ Notre Dame HS, Lawrenceville, NJ Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ Piscataway Twp HS, Piscataway, NJ Cherry Hill HS West, Cherry Hill, NJ Rumson-Fair Haven Reg HS, Rumson, NJ Leonia HS, Leonia, NJ Westwood Reg J/S HS, Twp Of Washington, NJ Madison HS, Madison, NJ School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A A 307.5 307.5 306.5 304.5 302.0 301.5 300.0 Mahwah HS, Mahwah, NJ Metuchen HS, Metuchen, NJ Watchung Hills Reg HS, Warren, NJ Teaneck HS, Teaneck, NJ Clearview Reg HS, Mullica Hill, NJ Wallkill Valley Reg HS, Hamburg, NJ Immaculata HS, Somerville, NJ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 396.0 396.0 367.5 366.5 364.5 363.0 362.0 359.0 359.0 358.5 356.5 353.0 350.5 350.5 350.0 345.5 344.0 341.5 341.0 334.5 332.5 332.5 332.0 331.5 331.5 331.5 331.0 331.0 331.0 330.5 330.5 329.0 329.0 328.0 328.0 325.5 325.0 325.0 324.0 323.5 323.0 322.5 322.0 320.0 320.0 320.0 320.0 319.0 319.0 318.0 317.5 317.5 316.5 315.5 315.5 314.5 314.5 314.0 Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY Dalton Sch, New York, NY Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY Trinity Sch, New York, NY Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY Ardsley HS, Ardsley, NY Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY Harrison HS, Harrison, NY Region 2 Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY ScoreSchool. City, State Spackenkill HS, Poughkeepsie, NY Delaware Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY A 375.0 Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE Hendrick Hudson HS, Montrose, NY A 324.5 Salesianum Sch, Wilmington, DE Corning-Painted Post W HS, Painted Post, NY A 324.0 St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE Longwood HS, Middle Island, NY A 322.5 Concord HS, Wilmington, DE Vestal SHS, Vestal, NY A 322.5 Tatnall Sch, Wilmington, DE White Plains HS, White Plains, NY A 318.0 Sanford Sch, Hockessin, DE Manlius-Pebble Hill Sch, Dewitt, NY A 308.0 Brandywine HS, Wilmington, DE Garden City HS, Garden City, NY District of Columbia Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY A 355.5 Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY A 349.5 Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY A 349.0 St Albans Sch, Washington, DC Lawrence Woodmere Acad, Woodmere, NY A 337.5 Maret Sch, Washington, DC Glen Cove HS, Glen Cove, NY A 313.0 Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC Berkelely Carroll Sch, Brooklyn, NY A 310.0 Gonzaga Col HS, Washington, DC Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY Maryland Half Hollow Hills HS-W, Dix Hills, NY A 399.0 Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD E Syracuse-Minoa Ctr’l HS, East Syracuse, NY A 386.5 Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD Kew Forest Sch, Forest Hills, NY A 377.5 Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD F D Roosevelt HS, Hyde Park, NY A 370.5 Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Mamaroneck HS, Mamaroneck, NY A 370.0 River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY A 360.0 Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD Brearley Sch, New York, NY A 348.5 Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY A 342.5 Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD Yorktown HS, Yorktown Heights, NY A 341.5 Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD Masters Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY A 337.5 Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD Roy C Ketcham SHS, Wappingers Falls, NY A 325.5 Fallston HS, Fallston, MD Bayside HS, Bayside, NY A 315.5 Park Sch, Brooklandville, MD Charles W Baker HS, Baldwinsville, NY A 315.5 James M Bennett HS, Salisbury, MD Northport SHS, Northport, NY A 314.0 Severn Sch, Severna Park, MD Edward R Murrow HS, Brooklyn, NY A 311.0 Holton-Arms Sch, Bethesda, MD W C Mepham SHS, Bellmore, NY A 310.0 Calvert Hall Col HS, Baltimore, MD Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY A 308.5 Howard Co HomeS, Columbia, MD Yeshivah of Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY A 306.0 Quince Orchard HS, Gaithersburg, MD Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY A 305.5 Bethesda Chevy Chase HS, Bethesda, MD Fox Lane HS, Bedford, NY A 300.0 Damascus HS, Damascus, MD New York A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 54 314.0 313.5 313.5 313.0 313.0 311.5 311.5 310.5 310.5 309.5 309.5 307.5 307.5 307.0 307.0 306.5 306.0 304.5 304.5 304.0 303.5 303.5 303.5 302.5 301.5 300.0 300.0 North Rockland HS, Thiells, NY Geneva HS, Geneva, NY Emma Willard Sch, Troy, NY Albany Acad for Girls, Albany, NY Webster Thomas HS, Webster, NY Skaneateles SHS, Skaneateles, NY Troy HS, Troy, NY Kingston SHS, Kingston, NY Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY Hastings HS, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY Clinton SHS, Clinton, NY Hauppauge HS, Hauppauge, NY General D MacArthur HS, Levittown, NY Wantagh HS, Wantagh, NY Collegiate Sch, New York, NY Amherst Ctr’l HS, Amherst, NY Polytech Prep Ctry DS, Brooklyn, NY Scotia-Glenville HS, Scotia, NY St Joseph CI, Buffalo, NY Sanford H Calhoun HS, Merrick, NY Oneida HS, Oneida, NY Suny Potsdam HS Prog, Potsdam, NY Hebrew Acad 5 Towns/Rock, Cedarhurst, NY Gates-Chili SHS, Rochester, NY John F Kennedy HS, Bellmore, NY Valley Stream Ctr’l HS, Valley Stream, NY School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued North Carolina A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 399.0 381.5 355.0 353.5 353.0 347.0 345.0 339.0 337.5 335.5 333.0 332.5 327.0 324.5 322.5 322.5 321.5 318.0 317.0 308.5 307.0 306.5 304.5 303.5 303.0 303.0 300.0 NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC Greensboro DS, Greensboro, NC Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC Cary Acad, Cary, NC John T Hoggard HS, Wilmington, NC Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC West Forsyth HS, Clemmons, NC H O M E, Fayetteville, NC Durham Acad Upper Sch, Durham, NC Asheville Sch, Asheville, NC Ravenscroft Sch, Raleigh, NC Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC Providence HS, Charlotte, NC Grimsley HS, Greensboro, NC Sanderson HS, Raleigh, NC Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC David W Butler HS, Matthews, NC Watauga HS, Boone, NC Pinecrest HS, Southern Pines, NC A C Reynolds HS, Asheville, NC Eastern Alamance HS, Mebane, NC Clyde A Erwin HS, Asheville, NC A A A A A A A A A A A 396.0 365.5 359.5 336.5 334.5 324.5 317.5 314.0 310.5 304.5 301.5 Dreher HS, Columbia, SC Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC Summerville HS, Summerville, SC Irmo HS, Columbia, SC Southside HS, Greenville, SC A C Flora HS, Columbia, SC Spring Valley HS, Columbia, SC Bob Jones Acad, Greenville, SC Spartanburg HS, Spartanburg, SC Ben Lippen Sch, Columbia, SC Aiken HS, Aiken, SC A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 342.5 325.0 323.5 321.5 320.0 316.5 316.5 312.0 308.5 308.5 304.5 301.5 300.5 300.0 Harrisonburg HS, Harrisonburg, VA Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA James River HS, Midlothian, VA York HS, Yorktown, VA Southwest VA Gov’s Sch, Dublin, VA Collegiate Sch, Richmond, VA St Catherines Sch, Richmond, VA Hampton Roads Acad, Newport News, VA E C Glass HS, Lynchburg, VA Ocean Lakes HS, Virginia Beach, VA Thomas Dale HS, Chester, VA Radford HS, Radford, VA Covenant Sch, Charlottesvill, VA St Anne’s-Belfield Sch, Charlottesvill, VA South Carolina Virginia West Virginia A 328.0 Wheeling Park HS, Wheeling, WV A 315.0 Parkersburg HS, Parkersburg, WV A 313.0 Hurricane HS, Hurricane, WV Region 3 ScoreSchool. City, State Alabama Florida A 399.5 Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL A 375.0 Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A 366.5 Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL A A A A A A A A 356.0 344.5 338.5 309.5 309.5 308.5 303.0 302.0 Auburn HS, Auburn, AL Alabama Sch Math & Sci, Mobile, AL Randolph Sch, Huntsville, AL Altamont Sch, Birmingham, AL Indian Springs Sch, Indian Springs, AL Loveless Academic Magnet Prog HS, Montgomery, AL Bob Jones HS, Madison, AL Muscle Shoals HS, Muscle Shoals, AL A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 390.0 381.5 381.0 381.0 379.0 369.0 363.0 355.5 350.5 349.5 347.0 344.5 343.5 342.0 340.0 337.5 336.5 333.5 333.5 333.0 329.5 326.0 324.5 324.0 322.5 322.0 321.0 319.0 318.0 316.5 314.5 314.0 313.0 312.5 312.0 311.0 311.0 309.5 309.5 308.5 307.0 306.5 304.5 304.0 304.0 303.0 Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Seminole HS, Sanford, FL Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL Plant SHS, Tampa, FL Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL William R Boone HS, Orlando, FL Coral Springs HS, Coral Springs, FL Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL Nova HS, Davie, FL Lake Mary HS, Lake Mary, FL Flanagan HS, Pembroke Pines, FL Lake Howell HS, Winter Park, FL Sarasota HS, Sarasota, FL Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL Land O’Lakes HS, Land O’Lakes, FL Canterbury Sch, Fort Myers, FL Bishop Moore Cath HS, Orlando, FL Barron Collier HS, Naples, FL Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL Out of Door Acad, Sarasota, FL St Stephens Epis Sch, Bradenton, FL Cooper City HS, Cooper City, FL Vanguard HS, Ocala, FL Cypress Lake HS, Ft Myers, FL Gaither HS, Tampa, FL Shorecrest Prep Sch, St Petersburg, FL Sch for Adv Studies/South, Miami, FL Riverview HS, Riverview, FL Miami Sunset SHS, Miami, FL Lake Highland Prep Sch, Orlando, FL Walter Sickles HS, Tampa, FL Naples HS, Naples, FL A A A A A A A A A A 377.5 377.5 368.5 368.0 364.5 364.0 361.5 358.5 353.5 352.0 Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA Walton HS, Marietta, GA Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA Georgia 55 School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 350.0 348.0 345.0 344.0 339.0 336.5 336.0 334.0 334.0 329.5 328.0 324.5 324.5 323.5 321.0 321.0 320.5 317.0 312.5 312.5 312.0 311.5 310.5 310.5 305.5 305.0 300.5 Centennial HS, Roswell, GA North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA Shiloh HS, Snellville, GA Columbus HS, Columbus, GA Athens Acad, Athens, GA Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA Brookwood HS, Snellville, GA Woodstock HS, Woodstock, GA Dunwoody HS, Dunwoody, GA Woodward Acad, College Park, GA Wheeler HS, Marietta, GA Roswell HS, Roswell, GA Northview HS, Duluth, GA Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA Norcross HS, Norcross, GA Heritage Sch, Newnan, GA Marist Sch, Atlanta, GA Darlington Sch, Rome, GA Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA Campbell HS, Smyrna, GA Druid Hills HS, Atlanta, GA Pace Acad, Atlanta, GA Acad of Richmond Co, Augusta, GA St Pius X Cath HS, Atlanta, GA Aquinas HS, Augusta, GA Region 4 ScoreSchool. City, State Indiana A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 397.0 381.0 363.0 355.0 354.5 351.5 348.0 345.0 333.0 331.5 330.0 325.0 324.5 323.0 316.5 314.5 314.0 313.0 309.5 309.5 309.5 309.0 307.5 307.5 306.0 303.0 302.5 301.0 300.0 IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN Carmel HS, Carmel, IN Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN Munster HS, Munster, IN Clay HS, South Bend, IN Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN North Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN Mishawaka HS, Mishawaka, IN Marion HS, Marion, IN Laporte HS, La Porte, IN Heritage Chr. Sch, Indianapolis, IN Canterbury Sch, Fort Wayne, IN R Nelson Snider HS, Fort Wayne, IN Covenant Chr. HS, Indianapolis, IN Pike HS, Indianapolis, IN Valparaiso HS, Valparaiso, IN Elkhart Ctr’l HS, Elkhart, IN North Wood HS, Nappanee, IN Terre Haute-N Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN Hobart HS, Hobart, IN Zionsville Comm HS, Zionsville, IN Concordia Lutheran HS, Fort Wayne, IN Jasper HS, Jasper, IN A A A A A 389.0 379.5 375.5 372.5 360.0 Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI Troy HS, Troy, MI Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI Athens HS, Troy, MI Michigan A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 359.5 357.5 352.0 350.5 347.0 346.0 344.5 341.0 341.0 335.5 332.5 328.0 327.0 325.5 323.0 318.5 317.5 317.5 315.0 314.0 313.0 310.5 310.5 308.5 300.0 Okemos HS, Okemos, MI Macomb Math,Sci,Tech Ctr, Warren, MI Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI Stoney Creek HS, Rochester Hills, MI ICAE, Troy, MI Holland HS, Holland, MI Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI Plymouth Canton Edal Park, Canton, MI Midland HS, Midland, MI Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI Farmington HS, Farmington, MI Dewitt HS, Lansing, MI Traverse City Ctr’l HS, Traverse City, MI Northville HS, Northville, MI Mt Pleasant SHS, Mt Pleasant, MI Interlochen Arts Acad, Interlochen, MI St Joseph HS, St Joseph, MI Berrien Co Math & Sci Ctr, Berrien Springs, MI Lahser HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI Rochester Adams HS, Rochester Hills, MI Traverse City West SHS, Traverse City, MI H H Dow HS, Midland, MI Houghton MS/HS, Houghton, MI A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 379.5 366.5 365.5 356.0 354.0 353.0 348.0 346.5 345.5 343.5 335.5 335.5 335.0 334.0 333.5 333.0 333.0 332.0 332.0 328.5 326.0 325.0 324.5 324.0 322.5 321.5 321.5 320.5 320.0 319.5 319.0 319.0 318.0 315.5 315.0 314.0 314.0 313.0 312.0 312.0 Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH Findlay HS, Findlay, OH Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH Wellington Sch, Columbus, OH Copley HS, Copley, OH Lakota East HS, Middletown, OH Anderson HS, Cincinnati, OH Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH Liberty HS, Youngstown, OH Gilmour Acad, Gates Mills, OH Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH Revere HS, Richfield, OH Poland Seminary HS, Poland, OH St Charles Prep HS, Columbus, OH Ursuline HS, Youngstown, OH Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH Lake Ridge Acad, N Ridgeville, OH Turpin HS, Cincinnati, OH Mount Vernon HS, Mt Vernon, OH Village Acad, Powell, OH Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH Granville HS, Granville, OH Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH Hathaway Brown Sch, Shaker Hts, OH Athens HS, The Plains, OH Chagrin Falls HS, Chagrin Falls, OH North Olmsted HS, North Olmsted, OH Sylvania Southview HS, Sylvania, OH Upper Arlington HS, Upper Arlington, OH Theodore Roosevelt HS, Kent, OH Columbus Sch for Girls, Columbus, OH Mentor HS, Mentor, OH Ohio 56 School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A A A A A A A A 311.5 310.5 309.5 308.5 308.5 307.0 306.5 305.0 305.0 302.5 302.5 301.0 300.5 Hoover HS, North Canton, OH Sylvania Northview HS, Sylvania, OH Cincinnati Ctry DS, Cincinnati, OH St Ursula Acad, Cincinnati, OH Miami Valley Sch, Dayton, OH Elyria HS, Elyria, OH Madeira HS, Cincinnati, OH Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH Cardinal Mooney HS, Youngstown, OH Aurora HS, Aurora, OH Sandusky HS, Sandusky, OH Ashland HS, Ashland, OH Little Miami HS, Morrow, OH Region 5 ScoreSchool. City, State Arkansas A A A A A 357.0 347.0 312.5 311.0 307.0 Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR Southside HS, Fort Smith, AR Forrest City HS, Forrest City, AR Lakeside HS, Hot Springs Nat Park, AR Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 394.0 389.0 345.5 332.0 330.5 329.5 328.5 318.5 318.5 318.5 318.0 317.5 304.0 300.5 Ames HS, Ames, IA West SHS, Iowa City, IA John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA Hempstead HS, Dubuque, IA Maharishi Sch Age Enlgt, Fairfield, IA Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA Unity Chr. HS, Orange City, IA Bishop Heelan Cath HS, Sioux City, IA Cedar Falls HS, Cedar Falls, IA Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA Sioux Ctr HS, Sioux Ctr, IA Regina J/S HS, Iowa City, IA A A A A A A A A A A A A A 350.5 345.5 332.0 330.5 328.0 318.5 314.0 313.0 313.0 310.5 307.5 304.5 301.0 Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS East HS, Wichita, KS Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS Blue Valley North HS, Overland Park, KS Manhattan HS, Manhattan, KS Shawnee Mission-W HS, Shawnee Mission, KS Olathe East HS, Olathe, KS Bishop Carroll Cath HS, Wichita, KS Baldwin HS, Baldwin City, KS Washburn Rural HS, Topeka, KS Leavenworth SHS, Leavenworth, KS Derby HS, Derby, KS A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 372.5 371.5 366.5 360.5 358.0 354.0 352.0 349.0 346.5 345.5 343.0 340.5 338.0 337.0 336.5 Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN Totino-Grace HS, Fridley, MN Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN Irondale SHS, New Brighton, MN Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN Marshall Sch, Duluth, MN Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN Benilde-St Margaret’s Sch, St Louis Park, MN Iowa Kansas Minnesota A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 336.0 333.0 324.0 322.5 318.0 317.5 317.0 314.0 313.0 313.0 312.5 312.0 311.5 311.0 308.5 308.0 307.0 306.5 306.0 302.5 300.0 Robbinsdale Cooper HS, New Hope, MN Bemidji HS, Bemidji, MN St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN Woodbury HS, Woodbury, MN Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN Eagan HS, Eagan, MN Shattuck-St Mary’s Sch, Faribault, MN Cotter HS, Winona, MN Chisago Lakes HS, Lindstrom, MN Minnesota Valley Lth HS, New Ulm, MN Lourdes HS, Rochester, MN Albert Lea SHS, Albert Lea, MN Int’l Sch Minnesota, Eden Prairie, MN St John’s Prep Sch, Collegeville, MN Edina HS, Edina, MN Hastings HS, Hastings, MN Bold J/S HS, Olivia, MN Prior Lake HS, Savage, MN John Marshall SHS, Rochester, MN Hill-Murray Sch, Maplewood, MN Apollo HS, St Cloud, MN A A A A A A A A A A A 373.0 348.0 330.5 326.5 322.0 319.0 319.0 311.0 311.0 305.0 302.5 Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE Millard North HS, Omaha, NE Creighton Prep Sch, Omaha, NE Bellevue West SHS, Bellevue, NE Centennial Sch, Utica, NE Lincoln Southwest HS, Lincoln, NE Brownell-Talbot Sch, Omaha, NE Papillion-La Vista SHS, Papillion, NE Lincoln Pius X HS, Lincoln, NE A A A A A 342.0 319.5 310.5 307.0 303.0 Jamestown HS, Jamestown, ND Red River HS, Grand Forks, ND Grand Fork Ctr’l, Grand Forks, ND Fargo South HS, Fargo, ND Devils Lake HS, Devils Lake, ND A A A A A A A A 370.5 351.0 331.5 331.5 317.5 317.5 307.0 300.0 OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK Norman HS-North, Norman, OK Jenks HS, Jenks, OK Putnam City North HS, Oklahoma City, OK Union IS, Broken Arrow, OK Classen Sch Adv Studies, Oklahoma City, OK Edmond Santa Fe HS, Edmond, OK Claremore HS, Claremore, OK A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 394.5 393.5 392.5 385.5 353.0 339.0 338.5 330.5 328.0 328.0 321.0 315.0 314.5 313.0 312.5 312.5 311.0 310.0 James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI West HS, Madison, WI Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI Homestead HS, Mequon, WI Ashwaubenon HS, Green Bay, WI West HS, Wausau, WI Appleton West HS, Appleton, WI Cedarburg HS, Cedarburg, WI Arrowhead HS, Hartland, WI Two Rivers HS, Two Rivers, WI Lakeside Lutheran HS, Lake Mills, WI Hudson HS, Hudson, WI Sun Prairie HS, Sun Prairie, WI North HS, Eau Claire, WI Greendale HS, Greendale, WI Ripon HS, Ripon, WI Appleton North HS, Appleton, WI Nebraska North Dakota Oklahoma Wisconsin 57 School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A A A A A A A 309.5 309.5 308.0 307.0 307.0 306.0 305.0 303.5 303.0 302.5 301.5 301.5 Altoona HS, Altoona, WI Hortonville HS, Hortonville, WI Conserve Sch, Land O Lakes, WI Green Bay Preble HS, Green Bay, WI Prairie Sch, Racine, WI D C Everest HS, Schofield, WI Wisconsin Lth HS, Milwaukee, WI Madison East HS, Madison, WI Craig HS, Janesville, WI North HS, Sheboygan, WI Neenah HS, Neenah, WI Ctr’l HS, Salem, WI Region 6 ScoreSchool. City, State Illinois A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 397.0 397.0 386.5 383.5 376.0 376.0 372.5 369.0 365.5 365.5 358.5 354.0 354.0 352.0 351.5 349.5 349.5 348.0 345.5 344.5 344.0 343.5 342.0 341.0 338.5 336.5 335.5 335.5 334.5 334.0 333.0 333.0 333.0 332.0 331.5 329.0 329.0 328.5 328.5 327.5 327.5 327.0 327.0 326.5 325.5 324.0 323.0 322.0 318.5 318.5 318.5 Barrington HS, Barrington, IL New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL Wheaton North HS, Wheaton, IL Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL Hinsdale South HS, Darien, IL Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL Benet Acad, Lisle, IL Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL Niles Twp West HS, Skokie, IL Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL Cornerstone HomeS, St Charles, IL Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL Urbana HS, Urbana, IL Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL York HS, Elmhurst, IL Hoffman Estates HS, Hoffman Estates, IL Wheaton-Warrenville HS, Wheaton, IL Springfield HS, Springfield, IL Willowbrook HS, Villa Park, IL Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL Loyola Acad, Wilmette, IL Glenbard East HS, Lombard, IL Prospect HS, Mount Prospect, IL Deerfield HS, Deerfield, IL Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL Belleville HS East, Belleville, IL Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL Highland Park HS, Highland Park, IL Niles North HS, Skokie, IL Elk Grove HS, Elk Grove Village, IL Antioch Comm HS, Antioch, IL Carbondale Comm HS, Carbondale, IL John Hersey HS, Arlington Hts, IL Marist HS, Chicago, IL Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL A A A A A A A A A A A A A 314.5 312.0 310.5 309.5 307.5 307.0 305.0 303.5 302.0 301.5 300.5 300.0 300.0 Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL Quincy SHS, Quincy, IL O’Fallon HS, O’Fallon, IL Sacred Heart-Griffin HS, Springfield, IL Homewood-Flossmoor HS, Flossmoor, IL Col Prep Sch-Am, Lombard, IL Nazareth Acad, La Grange Park, IL Bloomington HS, Bloomington, IL Larkin HS, Elgin, IL East Leyden HS, Franklin Park, IL Addison Trail HS, Addison, IL Lisle HS, Lisle, IL Boylan Ctr’l Cath HS, Rockford, IL A A A A A A A A A A A A A 370.5 349.5 316.5 314.5 313.5 309.5 308.5 307.5 307.0 305.5 303.5 303.0 301.0 Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY Trinity HS, Louisville, KY Lafayette SHS, Lexington, KY Madisonville-N Hopkins HS, Madisonville, KY Campbell Co HS, Alexandria, KY Henry Clay HS, Lexington, KY Oldham Co HS, Buckner, KY Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY Assumption HS, Louisville, KY Seneca HS, Louisville, KY Owensboro HS, Owensboro, KY St Francis HS, Louisville, KY A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 370.5 359.5 359.0 358.5 346.5 342.0 342.0 329.5 329.0 322.5 319.5 317.5 315.0 310.0 310.0 306.0 305.0 300.0 John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO Parkway North HS, Creve Coeur, MO Clayton HS, Clayton, MO Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO MICDS, Saint Louis, MO Ctr’l HS, Springfield, MO Westminster Chr. Acad, Saint Louis, MO Hazelwood West HS, Hazelwood, MO MO Acad Sci Math Comp, Maryville, MO McCluer North HS, Florissant, MO Barstow Sch, Kansas City, MO Lee’s Summit SHS, Lee’s Summit, MO St Louis Priory Sch, Saint Louis, MO Columbia-Rock Bridge SHS, Columbia, MO Springfield Cath HS, Springfield, MO Whitfield Sch, Saint Louis, MO A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 391.0 368.0 364.0 361.0 348.0 326.0 325.5 325.5 324.5 318.5 316.0 313.0 308.0 307.0 Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN Brentwood HS, Brentwood, TN Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN Rossview HS, Clarksville, TN Bearden HS, Knoxville, TN Baylor Sch, Chattanooga, TN Cookeville HS, Cookeville, TN Clarksville Acad, Clarksville, TN Chattanooga Chr. Sch, Chattanooga, TN St Marys Epis Sch, Memphis, TN Centennial HS, Franklin, TN KEntucky Missouri Tennessee Region 7 ScoreSchool. City, State Louisiana A 351.5 Baton Rouge Magnet HS, Baton Rouge, LA A 335.0 LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA 58 School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A 330.0 328.5 324.0 321.0 317.0 303.0 Jesuit HS, New Orleans, LA Caddo Parish Magnet HS, Shreveport, LA Epis HS, Baton Rouge, LA Ab Rummel SHS (boys), Metairie, LA McKinley SHS, Baton Rouge, LA Mandeville HS, Mandeville, LA A A A A 354.0 329.5 311.5 303.0 Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS Miss Sch Math/Sci, Columbus, MS St Joseph Cath Sch, Madison, MS St Andrews Epis Sch, Ridgeland, MS A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 388.0 386.5 368.0 365.5 362.5 360.0 357.5 354.5 350.5 350.0 349.5 349.0 347.0 346.0 344.5 343.5 342.5 342.0 342.0 341.0 336.5 335.5 334.0 331.5 329.5 328.5 327.0 326.0 325.0 325.0 325.0 324.5 324.5 321.5 321.5 320.0 319.0 319.0 317.0 316.5 316.5 315.5 315.5 314.5 313.0 311.5 311.0 311.0 310.0 309.5 309.5 309.5 308.5 308.5 307.0 Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX Plano East SHS, Plano, TX Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX St Johns Sch, Houston, TX Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX Westwood HS, Austin, TX Flour Bluff HS, Corpus Christi, TX Taylor HS, Katy, TX Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX Plano HS, Plano, TX Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX Klein HS, Klein, TX Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX Awty Int’l Sch, Houston, TX Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX Pearland HS, Pearland, TX Turner HS, Carrollton, TX Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX Nolan Cath HS, Ft Worth, TX Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX Pearce HS, Richardson, TX Bowie HS, Austin, TX Memorial HS, Houston, TX Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX Sci/Engr Mgt Twnvw, Dallas, TX Ball HS, Galveston, TX Talented/Gif Mgt Sch, Dallas, TX Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX Westlake HS, Austin, TX Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX Stratford HS, Houston, TX Newman Smith HS, Carrollton, TX Hocka DS, Dallas, TX Westfield HS, Houston, TX McCallum HS, Austin, TX Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX Kealine MS, Austin, TX Northside Health Careers HS, San Antonio, TX Cy-Fair HS, Cypress, TX Bishop Lynch HS Inc, Dallas, TX Pine Tree HS, Longview, TX Kinkaid, Houston, TX Clear Creek HS, League City, TX James Madison HS, San Antonio, TX Franklin HS, El Paso, TX Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX Mississippi Texas A A A A A A A A A 307.0 306.5 306.0 305.0 303.0 302.5 302.0 301.5 300.0 Pearland 9th Grade Ctr, Pearland, TX Bishop T K Gorman MS/HS, Tyler, TX Temple HS, Temple, TX Randall HS, Amarillo, TX Azle HS, Azle, TX Paschal HS, Fort Worth, TX Fredericksburg HS, Fredericksburg, TX Tomball HS, Tomball, TX St Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, TX Region 8 ScoreSchool. City, State Alaska A 334.5 Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK A 300.0 East Anchorage HS, Anchorage, AK Arizona A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 379.5 368.5 341.5 338.0 329.5 327.5 325.5 323.5 320.0 316.0 314.0 308.5 305.0 304.5 Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ Univ HS, Tucson, AZ Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ North HS, Phoenix, AZ Highland HS, Gilbert, AZ Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ Mountain View HS, Mesa, AZ Gilbert HS, Gilbert, AZ Horizon HS, Scottsdale, AZ McClintock HS, Tempe, AZ Buena HS, Sierra Vista, AZ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 375.5 375.0 363.5 355.0 342.0 332.0 331.5 331.5 329.0 326.0 320.0 319.0 318.5 315.0 310.0 302.5 Boulder HS, Boulder, CO Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO Thompson Valley HS, Loveland, CO Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO Niwot HS, Niwot, CO George Washington HS, Denver, CO Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO Monarch HS, Louisville, CO Poudre HS, Fort Collins, CO Fountain Valley Sch, Colorado Springs, CO DCHS South Annex, Castle Rock, CO Lakewood HS, Lakewood, CO Holy Family HS, Broomfield, CO Kent Denver Sch, Englewood, CO Rocky Mountain HS, Fort Collins, CO Colorado Guam A 321.0 St Johns Sch, Tumon Bay, GU Hawaii A A A A A A A 330.5 323.5 317.5 317.0 316.5 310.0 309.5 Roosevelt HS, Honolulu, HI Mid-Pacific Inst, Honolulu, HI Maui HS, Kahului, HI Kamehameha HS, Honolulu, HI Moanalua HS, Honolulu, HI Kaiser HS, Honolulu, HI Kalani HS, Honolulu, HI A A A A A A A 339.0 329.0 328.5 324.5 324.0 322.5 319.5 Eagle HS, Eagle, ID Capital SHS, Boise, ID Timberline HS, Boise, ID Borah SHS, Boise, ID Boise SHS, Boise, ID Centennial HS, Boise, ID Idaho Falls HS, Idaho Falls, ID Idaho 59 School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued Montana A A A A A A A A A 327.0 320.5 317.5 308.0 306.5 306.0 305.5 304.0 300.5 Hellgate HS, Missoula, MT Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT Billings West HS, Billings, MT Flathead HS, Kalispell, MT Helena HS, Helena, MT Skyview HS, Billings, MT Billings SHS, Billings, MT C M Russell HS, Great Falls, MT Great Falls HS, Great Falls, MT A A A A A A A 339.0 338.0 334.5 322.5 314.0 304.0 301.5 Green Valley HS, Henderson, NV Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV Robert McQueen HS, Reno, NV Durango HS, Las Vegas, NV Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV Bishop Manogue Cath HS, Reno, NV Spring Creek HS, Spring Creek, NV A A A A A A A A A A 398.0 338.0 327.0 319.0 310.5 308.0 305.0 301.5 301.5 301.0 South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR Oregon Epis Sch, Portland, OR Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR Lakeridge HS, Lake Oswego, OR Grant HS, Portland, OR Newport HS, Newport, OR Sch of Sci & Tech, Beaverton, OR Summit HS, Bend, OR Lincoln HS, Portland, OR A A A A A A A A A 366.0 349.5 329.0 321.0 315.0 306.0 305.5 302.5 300.5 West HS, Salt Lake City, UT Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT Logan HS, Logan, UT Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT Alta HS, Sandy, UT Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT Uintah HS, Vernal, UT Weber HS, Ogden, UT Olympus HS, Salt Lake City, UT A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 396.0 379.0 377.0 376.0 367.0 354.0 353.0 352.0 340.0 339.0 332.0 326.5 323.5 322.5 321.0 318.0 316.5 312.0 312.0 310.5 310.5 310.0 307.0 307.0 302.5 Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA Pullman HS, Pullman, WA Bellevue Chr. Sch, Clyde Hill, WA Hanford HS, Richland, WA Garfield HS, Seattle, WA Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA Gonzaga Prep Sch, Spokane, WA Bear Creek Sch, Woodinville, WA Archbishop Murphy HS, Everett, WA Kamiakin HS, Kennewick, WA Ctr’l Kitsap HS, Silverdale, WA Bainbridge HS, Bainbridge Island, WA Lake Washington HS, Kirkland, WA Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA St Georges Sch, Spokane, WA Woodinville HS, Woodinville, WA Juanita HS, Kirkland, WA Seattle Prep Sch, Seattle, WA Overlake Sch, Redmond, WA Charles Wright Acad, Tacoma, WA Vashon Island HS, Vashon, WA Meadowdale HS, Lynnwood, WA Nevada New Mexico A 343.5 Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM Oregon Utah Washington A 301.5 Connell HS, Connell, WA A 300.5 Bishop Blanchet HS, Seattle, WA Region 9 ScoreSchool. City, State California A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 60 398.0 390.0 389.0 378.5 377.0 374.0 371.5 370.5 368.5 368.0 366.5 365.5 363.0 357.5 352.5 352.5 349.5 348.0 346.5 344.5 344.0 343.5 341.0 338.0 337.5 336.5 336.0 335.5 334.0 332.5 332.5 332.0 332.0 331.0 330.5 330.5 329.5 328.0 327.0 327.0 327.0 326.5 324.5 323.5 322.5 322.5 322.0 322.0 320.0 320.0 320.0 319.0 318.5 318.0 318.0 318.0 316.5 316.0 316.0 315.5 Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA San Marino HS, San Marino, CA Troy HS, Fullerton, CA Univ HS, Fresno, CA Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA Albany HS, Albany, CA Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA Leland HS, San Jose, CA Athenian Sch, Danville, CA Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA William S Hart Union HS, Newhall, CA Walnut HS, Walnut, CA Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Granite Hills HS, El Cajon, CA Stockdale HS, Bakersfield, CA Oaks Chr. HS, Westlake Village, CA Edison HS, Fresno, CA San Marcos SHS, Santa Barbara, CA Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA Monterey HS, Monterey, CA Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA Claremont HS, Claremont, CA West HS, Torrance, CA Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA Marin Cath HS, Kentfield, CA EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA Burlingame HS, Burlingame, CA Irvington HS, Fremont, CA Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA Castilleja Sch, Palo Alto, CA Montgomery HS, Santa Rosa, CA Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA Branson Sch, Ross, CA John F Kennedy HS, Sacramento, CA Centennial HS, Corona, CA Fairmont Prv Schs, Anaheim, CA La Canada HS, La Canada, CA Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA School Merit Roll AMC12A (United States), Continued A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 315.5 315.0 315.0 314.0 311.5 311.5 310.5 310.0 310.0 309.5 308.0 307.0 307.0 306.5 Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA Monache HS, Porterville, CA Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA Nevada Union HS, Grass Valley, CA South HS, Torrance, CA Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA Ponderosa HS, Shingle Springs, CA Archbishop Riordan HS, San Francisco, CA Crystal Springs Uplands Sch, Hillsborough, CA Thacher Sch, Ojui, CA Rocklin HS, Rocklin, CA Acaciawood Sch, Anaheim, CA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 306.0 305.5 305.5 305.0 304.5 304.5 304.0 303.0 302.5 302.5 302.5 302.0 301.5 300.0 Torrance HS, Torrance, CA Costa Mesa HS, Costa Mesa, CA Patrick Henry HS, San Diego, CA Raoul Wallenberg Trad HS, San Francisco, CA Sage Hill Sch, Newport Coast, CA Leigh HS, San Jose, CA Oakland SHS, Oakland, CA La Costa Canyon HS, Carlsbad, CA Livermore HS, Livermore, CA Bishop O’Dowd HS, Oakland, CA Maranatha HS, Pasadena, CA Mira Costa HS, Manhattan Beach, CA El Camino HS, Sacramento, CA California HS, San Ramon, CA School Merit Roll AMC 12B (United States) This School Merit Roll includes all United States schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12B. A Certificate of Merit, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region then State. Region 0 ScoreSchool. City, State Connecticut B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 363.5 354.0 348.0 343.5 340.0 336.0 331.5 328.5 328.0 327.0 325.5 323.5 322.5 320.0 319.0 318.0 318.0 315.5 314.5 314.0 308.5 308.0 307.0 306.5 305.0 303.5 301.5 Staples HS, Westport, CT Manchester HS, Manchester, CT Hamden HS, Hamden, CT Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT Kent Sch, Kent, CT Rockville HS, Rockville, CT Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT Joel Barlow HS, West Redding, CT Cheshire Acad, Cheshire, CT Conard HS, West Hartford, CT Shelton HS, Shelton, CT Danbury Math Acad, WCSU, Danbury, CT Guilford HS, Guilford, CT Newtown HS, Sandy Hook, CT Somers HS, Somers, CT Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT South Windsor HS, South Windsor, CT Masuk HS, Monroe, CT Joseph A Foran HS, Milford, CT Darien HS, Darien, CT Putnam Sci Acad, Putnam, CT Kingswood-Oxford Sch, West Hartford, CT Valley Reg HS, Deep River, CT Daniel Hand HS, Madison, CT Wethersfield HS, Wethersfield, CT B B B B B B B B B B 354.5 335.5 333.0 325.5 323.0 321.5 320.0 314.0 311.0 300.5 ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME Bangor HS, Bangor, ME Scarborough HS, Scarborough, ME Portland HS, Portland, ME Cheverus HS, Portland, ME Brunswick HS, Brunswick, ME Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME Cape Elizabeth HS, Cape Elizabeth, ME Camden Hills Reg HS, Rockport, ME Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME Maine Massachusetts B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 393.0 381.5 381.5 375.5 366.5 362.5 358.5 354.0 350.0 347.0 347.0 347.0 339.5 338.5 336.0 335.5 328.5 327.0 325.0 316.5 316.0 313.0 310.5 308.0 305.5 304.5 303.5 302.5 Phillips Acad, Andover, MA Lexington HS, Lexington, MA Wmass Arml, Worcester, MA Canton HS, Canton, MA Brookline HS, Brookline, MA Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA Westford Acad, Westford, MA Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA Mansfield HS, Mansfield, MA Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA Holliston HS, Holliston, MA Burlington HS, Burlington, MA Milton Acad, Milton, MA Wellesley SHS, Wellesley, MA Somerville HS, Somerville, MA Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA Marlborough HS, Marlborough, MA Gann Acad New Jewish HS, Waltham, MA Noble & Greenough Sch, Dedham, MA Marblehead HS, Marblehead, MA Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA West Springfield HS, West Springfield, MA Lunenburg HS, Lunenburg, MA B B B B B 343.5 343.0 334.5 321.5 302.5 Nashua HS South, Nashua, NH Oyster River HS, Durham, NH Bishop Guertin HS, Nashua, NH Londonderry SHS, Londonderry, NH Nashua HS North, Nashua, NH B B B B B B 394.5 377.5 358.5 354.5 352.5 340.0 Radnor HS, Radnor, PA Parkland HS, Allentown, PA Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA Mount Lebanon HS, Pittsburgh, PA Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA New Hampshire Pennsylvania 61 School Merit Roll AMC12B (United States), Continued B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 335.5 331.0 330.0 330.0 327.0 326.0 325.5 324.5 322.5 322.5 322.0 320.0 320.0 317.5 315.5 315.5 315.0 314.5 311.5 311.0 310.5 309.0 308.0 307.5 306.0 306.0 305.5 305.0 302.0 Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA Kiski Sch, Saltsburg, PA Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA Palisades HS, Kintnersville, PA Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA Ctr’l Cath HS, Pittsburgh, PA McDowell SHS, Erie, PA Allentown Ctr’l Cath HS, Allentown, PA William Tennent HS, Warminster, PA Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA Hatboro-Horsham SHS, Horsham, PA Akiba Hebrew Acad, Merion Station, PA Villa Maria Acad HS, Malvern, PA Ctr’l Bucks HS-East, Doylestown, PA Upper Moreland HS, Willow Grove, PA Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA Epis Acad, Merion, PA John A Brashear HS, Pittsburgh, PA Liberty HS, Bethlehem, PA Chestnut Hill Acad, Philadelphia, PA South Western HS, Hanover, PA Schenley HS, Pittsburgh, PA Lansdale Cath HS, Lansdale, PA B B B B 325.0 316.5 314.0 304.0 Classical HS, Providence, RI Chariho HS, Wood River Junctio, RI Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI Coventry HS, Coventry, RI Vermont B 321.0 Rice Memorial HS, S Burlington, VT B 302.0 Colchester HS, Colchester, VT Region 1 ScoreSchool. City, State New Jersey 387.5 367.5 361.0 359.0 358.5 351.5 341.0 338.5 333.5 332.5 332.0 330.5 330.5 329.5 328.5 327.0 323.5 322.5 322.5 321.0 320.0 319.0 318.0 316.5 316.5 315.0 314.0 312.0 310.5 309.0 308.5 307.5 307.5 307.0 305.0 304.5 302.0 302.0 301.5 Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ Palisades Park J/S HS, Palisades Park, NJ Indian Hills HS, Oakland, NJ Monroe Twp HS, Monroe Township, NJ Freehold Twp HS, Freehold, NJ Hamilton HS North, Trenton, NJ Mesivta of North Jersey, Newark, NJ Verona HS, Verona, NJ Delbarton Sch, Morristown, NJ Keyport HS, Keyport, NJ Oakcrest HS, Mays Landing, NJ Matawan Reg HS, Aberdeen, NJ Teaneck HS, Teaneck, NJ Ma’Ayanot Yeshiva HS, Teaneck, NJ B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 390.0 389.0 389.0 384.0 381.5 378.5 375.0 368.5 361.5 359.0 357.0 354.0 353.0 348.5 347.5 344.5 342.0 341.0 340.0 339.0 338.0 335.0 335.0 334.0 330.5 329.5 329.5 329.0 328.5 325.0 322.5 322.0 321.5 321.0 321.0 320.5 320.0 318.5 317.5 315.5 315.5 315.5 315.0 313.0 313.0 312.0 312.0 311.5 311.5 311.0 310.5 Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY John Bowne HS, Flushing, NY Ramaz Sch, New York, NY Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY Flushing HS, Flushing, NY North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY Bayside HS, Bayside, NY Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY Commack HS, Commack, NY Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY Brighton HS, Rochester, NY HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY Massapequa HS, Massapequa, NY Wayne Ctr’l HS, Ontario Ctr, NY Riverdale Ctry Sch, Riverdale, NY T Harris HS-Queens Col, Flushing, NY Canandaigua Acad, Canandaigua, NY Seward Park HS, New York, NY Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY Paul D Schreiber SHS, Port Washington, NY Churchville-Chili SHS, Churchville, NY Wheatley Sch, Old Westbury, NY Mahopac HS, Mahopac, NY Staten Island Tech HS, Staten Island, NY Susan E Wagner HS, Staten Island, NY Half Hollow Hills HS-E, Dix Hills, NY John Jay HS, Cross River, NY Manhasset HS, Manhasset, NY Canisius HS, Buffalo, NY Yeshiva Univ Sch - Boys, New York, NY Monroe Woodbury SHS, Ctr’l Valley, NY Regis HS, New York, NY Forest Hills HS, Forest Hills, NY Shaker HS, Latham, NY New York Rhode Island B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ Lenape HS, Medford, NJ Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ MEK Review, Palisades, NJ Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ Colts Neck HS, Colts Neck, NJ North Brunswick Twp HS, North Brunswick, NJ Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ Montclair Kimberley Acad, Montclair, NJ St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ Egg Harbor Twp HS, Egg Harbor Towns, NJ Middletown - North HS, Middletown, NJ Mountain Lakes HS, Mountain Lakes, NJ Bergen Co Technical HS, Teterboro, NJ 62 School Merit Roll AMC12B (United States), Continued B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 310.5 310.5 310.0 309.5 309.0 308.5 308.0 307.5 307.0 306.0 306.0 305.5 305.0 305.0 304.5 304.5 304.0 304.0 304.0 303.5 B B B B B B 303.0 302.5 302.5 302.0 302.0 301.5 Tappan Zee HS, Orangeburg, NY Joseph C Wilson Mgt HS, Rochester, NY Oceanside HS, Oceanside, NY Warwick Valley HS, Warwick, NY George W Hewlett HS, Hewlett, NY Holy Trinity Diocesan HS, Hicksville, NY Binghamton HS, Binghamton, NY City Honors Sch, Buffalo, NY Lakeland HS, Shrub Oak, NY Solomon Schechter HS, Glen Cove, NY Penfield SHS, Penfield, NY Sachem North HS, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY Palmyra-Macedon SHS, Palmyra, NY Pittsford Sutherland HS, Pittsford, NY Gif Math Prog-Univ Buffalo, Buffalo, NY Manhattan Ctr-Sci & Math, New York, NY Newtown HS, Elmhurst, NY Suffern HS, Suffern, NY Westlake HS, Thornwood, NY William C Bryant HS, Long Island City, NY Nottingham HS, Syracuse, NY Bethpage SHS, Bethpage, NY West Irondequoit HS, Rochester, NY Baldwin SHS, Baldwin, NY James Madison HS, Brooklyn, NY Newburgh Free Acad, Newburgh, NY Region 2 Delaware B 324.5 St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE B 313.0 St Mark’s HS, Wilmington, DE Maryland 355.0 334.0 328.5 314.5 312.5 308.5 306.0 305.0 302.5 301.5 Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD C E Smith Jewish DS, Rockville, MD Severna Park SHS, Severna Park, MD Loch Raven HS, Baltimore, MD Pikesville HS, Baltimore, MD Owings Mills HS, Owings Mills, MD Howard Co HomeS, Columbia, MD Gilman Sch, Baltimore, MD B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 354.0 350.5 330.5 330.0 329.5 329.5 328.0 327.0 325.5 322.5 316.5 315.5 315.5 313.0 313.0 305.0 304.0 H O M E, Fayetteville, NC N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC Manteo HS, Manteo, NC Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC Freedom HS, Morganton, NC Junius H Rose HS, Greenville, NC Cary Acad, Cary, NC Providence DS, Charlotte, NC South Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC East Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC Ralph L Fike HS, Wilson, NC 1st Flight HS, Kill Devil Hills, NC 323.5 319.0 316.5 306.0 303.5 SC Gov Sch Art & Hum, Greenville, SC Ben Lippen Sch, Columbia, SC Riverside HS, Greer, SC Andrews HS, Andrews, SC James F Byrnes HS, Duncan, SC B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 360.0 356.5 345.5 341.0 339.5 339.0 338.5 337.5 332.5 331.5 330.5 329.0 328.5 319.0 319.0 318.5 317.0 317.0 315.5 313.0 312.0 312.0 309.5 308.0 307.5 305.5 305.0 304.5 303.0 301.5 300.0 Langley HS, McLean, VA Blacksburg HS, Blacksburg, VA Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA McLean HS, McLean, VA Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA Herndon HS, Herndon, VA Commonwealth Gov’s Sch, Fredericksburg, VA Gov Sch, Richmond, VA Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA Warwick HS, Newport News, VA Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA Godwin HS, Richmond, VA T C Williams HS, Alexandria, VA Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA Centreville HS, Clifton, VA Woodson HS, Fairfax, VA Salem HS, Salem, VA Jamestown HS, Williamsburg, VA Lee Davis HS, Mechanicsville, VA Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA Midlothian HS, Midlothian, VA Annandale HS, Annandale, VA Grafton HS, Yorktown, VA Garfield HS, Woodbridge, VA Lafayette HS, Williamsburg, VA Norview HS, Norfolk, VA Falls Church HS, Falls Church, VA Brooke Point HS, Stafford, VA John Handley HS, Winchester, VA Tandem Friends Sch, Charlottesville, VA B B B B 359.5 311.0 308.0 302.5 Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV Buckhannon-Upshur HS, Buckhannon, WV George Washington HS, Charleston, WV Fairmont HS, Fairmont, WV Virginia ScoreSchool. City, State B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B West Virginia Region 3 ScoreSchool. City, State North Carolina Alabama B B B B B B B 398.0 368.0 357.5 346.0 317.5 309.5 303.5 Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL Hoover HS, Hoover, AL Auburn HS, Auburn, AL Briarwood Chr. HS, Birmingham, AL Spain Park HS, Hoover, AL B B B B B B B B B B B B 384.0 365.5 362.5 356.5 350.5 349.0 349.0 346.5 336.0 333.0 327.0 326.5 Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Seminole HS, Sanford, FL West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL Fort Myers HS, Ft Myers, FL Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL Florida B 389.0 James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL South Carolina B 344.0 Summerville HS, Summerville, SC B 339.5 Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC B 328.5 Lexington HS, Lexington, SC 63 School Merit Roll AMC12B (United States), Continued B B B B B B B B B 319.0 315.5 314.0 309.5 307.5 305.0 304.0 301.5 301.0 Pine View Sch, Osprey, FL Plant City HS, Plant City, FL St Andrews Sch, Boca Raton, FL Newsome HS, Lithia, FL Lakewood Ranch HS, Bradenton, FL St Edwards Sch, Vero Beach, FL Seminole HS, Seminole, FL St Thomas Aquinas HS, Ft Lauderdale, FL Dr Michael M Krop SHS, Miami, FL 391.0 384.5 370.0 363.5 358.5 353.5 351.0 348.5 346.5 345.5 337.5 337.5 326.0 326.0 319.0 318.0 315.5 315.5 313.5 312.0 306.0 304.5 302.5 302.0 Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA Walton HS, Marietta, GA South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA Norcross HS, Norcross, GA Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA North Springs HS, Atlanta, GA Greater Atlanta Chr. Sch, Norcross, GA 1st Prsb DS, Macon, GA Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA Adv Acad, GSU - W GA, Carrollton, GA Grayson HS, Loganville, GA Savannah Chr. Prep Sch, Savannah, GA Etowah HS, Woodstock, GA Brookstone Sch, Columbus, GA Yeshiva Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Starr’s Mill HS, Fayetteville, GA Walker Sch, Marietta, GA Dalton HS, Dalton, GA Acad of Richmond Co, Augusta, GA Region 4 IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN Bloomington HS South, Bloomington, IN Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN Columbus North HS, Columbus, IN Ben Davis HS, Indianapolis, IN Culver Academies, Culver, IN Hobart HS, Hobart, IN Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN Jefferson HS, Lafayette, IN Ctr Grove HS, Greenwood, IN Warren Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN Covenant Chr. HS, Indianapolis, IN B B B B B B B B B B 375.5 367.0 352.5 348.0 338.5 336.5 334.5 328.0 320.5 316.5 Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI Churchill HS, Livonia, MI ICAE, Troy, MI Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI Rockford HS, Rockford, MI Greenhills Sch, Ann Arbor, MI Grand Rapids Chr. HS, Grand Rapids, MI B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 380.5 360.5 357.5 356.5 348.5 347.0 343.0 342.5 339.0 337.5 334.0 327.5 324.0 323.5 316.5 315.5 313.0 312.5 309.5 309.5 309.5 308.5 307.5 307.0 305.5 305.0 303.5 302.5 Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH William Mason HS, Mason, OH St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH Bexley HS, Bexley, OH Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH Solon HS, Solon, OH Hudson HS, Hudson, OH Dublin Coffman HS, Dublin, OH Highland HS, Medina, OH Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH Notre Dame-Cthd Latin Sch, Chardon, OH Carroll HS, Dayton, OH Cincinnati Ctry DS, Cincinnati, OH St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH Charles F Brush HS, Lyndhurst, OH Kettering HS, Kettering, OH Princeton HS, Cincinnati, OH Magnificat HS, Rocky River, OH Canal Winchester HS, Canal Winchester, OH Ursuline Acad Sch, Cincinnati, OH Maumee HS, Maumee, OH Normandy HS, Parma, OH Region 5 Arkansas Indiana 386.0 380.5 354.5 346.0 339.5 338.0 325.0 322.5 322.0 318.0 316.5 316.0 307.0 306.0 304.0 300.0 East Lansing HS, East Lansing, MI De La Salle Collegiate HS, Warren, MI Clinton HS, Clinton, MI Luke M Powers Cath HS, Flint, MI Caledonia HS, Caledonia, MI ScoreSchool. City, State ScoreSchool. City, State B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 314.0 308.0 306.0 301.5 300.0 Ohio Georgia B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 352.0 Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR B 326.0 Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR Iowa B B B B B B B B B B 380.5 371.0 365.0 317.5 313.0 307.5 303.5 301.5 300.0 300.0 Ames HS, Ames, IA West SHS, Iowa City, IA Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA C R- Marion HomeS Prog, Cedar Rapids, IA Waverly-Shell Rock HS, Waverly, IA Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA Mason City HS, Mason City, IA Charles City HS, Charles City, IA Assumption HS, Davenport, IA Johnston HS, Johnston, IA B B B B B B B B B B B 376.0 337.0 323.0 318.5 317.5 313.0 309.5 308.5 306.5 302.5 300.5 Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS Washburn Rural HS, Topeka, KS Blue Valley HS, Stilwell, KS Independent Sch, Wichita, KS Blue Valley Northwest HS, Overland Park, KS Junction City HS, Junction City, KS Lawrence HS, Lawrence, KS Shawnee Heights SHS, Tecumseh, KS Scott City HS, Scott City, KS Seaman HS, Topeka, KS Kansas Michigan Minnesota B 363.0 Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN B 360.5 Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN B 356.5 Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN 64 School Merit Roll AMC12B (United States), Continued B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 356.0 342.5 342.0 335.0 328.5 328.0 327.0 326.0 322.5 319.5 319.0 319.0 319.0 318.5 317.5 317.5 313.0 311.0 309.5 309.5 309.0 307.0 306.0 305.5 304.5 303.5 302.5 302.5 Region 6 Minnehaha Acad, Minneapolis, MN Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN Cotter HS, Winona, MN Acad of Holy Angels, Richfield, MN Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN Minnetonka SHS, Minnetonka, MN Andover HS, Andover, MN Maple Grove SHS, Maple Grove, MN Sibley HS, Mendota Heights, MN St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN Centennial HS, Circle Pines, MN Tartan HS, Oakdale, MN Rosemount HS, Rosemount, MN Roseville Area HS, Roseville, MN Coon Rapids HS, Coon Rapids, MN Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN Mahtomedi SHS, Mahtomedi, MN Mankato West HS, Mankato, MN Cretin-Derham Hall, St Paul, MN Concordia Acad, Roseville, MN Henry HS, Minneapolis, MN Blue Earth Area SHS, Blue Earth, MN De La Salle HS, Minneapolis, MN Anoka HS, Anoka, MN Simley HS, Inver Grove Heights, MN ScoreSchool. City, State Illinois 370.5 345.0 328.0 322.0 317.0 314.0 310.0 301.5 300.5 North Dakota 316.5 314.0 301.5 300.0 Bismarck HS, Bismarck, ND Mandan HS, Mandan, ND Beulah HS, Beulah, ND Langdon HS, Langdon, ND B B B B B 362.0 344.5 323.5 312.0 305.0 OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK Edmond Memorial HS, Edmond, OK Norman HS, Norman, OK Bishop Kelley HS, Tulsa, OK B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 344.0 337.0 330.0 326.5 323.5 323.5 320.0 318.5 316.0 315.0 309.0 304.0 302.5 302.5 J I Case HS, Racine, WI Middleton HS, Middleton, WI Rufus King Sch Coll Bound, Milwaukee, WI Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, WI Random Lake HS, Random Lake, WI Franklin HS, Franklin, WI Univ Sch of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI Wauwatosa West HS, Wauwatosa, WI Two Rivers HS, Two Rivers, WI Divine Savior Holy Angels HS, Milwaukee, WI Oshkosh North HS, Oshkosh, WI Whitnall HS, Greenfield, WI Kettle Moraine Lth HS, Jackson, WI Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL J B Conant HS, Hoffman Estates, IL Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL Hononegah HS, Rockton, IL St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL Crystal Lake South HS, Crystal Lake, IL Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL Ctr’l HS, Champaign, IL Lincoln Park HS, Chicago, IL B B B B 337.5 329.5 317.5 315.5 Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY Trinity HS, Louisville, KY Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY B B B B B B B B B B B B 347.0 343.0 342.0 335.5 331.5 329.0 328.5 319.0 316.5 305.0 302.5 302.0 Rolla SHS, Rolla, MO Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO Hickman HS, Columbia, MO Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO St Joseph Chr. Sch, Saint Joseph, MO Thomas Jefferson Sch, Saint Louis, MO Glendale HS, Springfield, MO Mehlville HS, St Louis, MO Nixa HS, Nixa, MO B B B B B B B B 345.5 344.5 342.0 330.5 308.5 308.5 308.0 304.5 White Station HS, Memphis, TN Rossview HS, Clarksville, TN Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN Pope John Paul II HS, Hendersonville, TN Girls Prep Sch, Chattanooga, TN Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN Hume Fogg Academic HS, Nashville, TN Franklin HS, Franklin, TN Missouri Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE Ctr’l HS, Omaha, NE Westside HS, Omaha, NE Kearney HS, Kearney, NE Lincoln Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE Elkhorn HS, Elkhorn, NE Ralston HS, Ralston, NE Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE B B B B 379.5 375.5 372.5 349.5 349.0 344.0 331.5 328.0 321.5 320.0 317.5 317.5 316.5 311.0 309.5 302.5 300.5 Kentucky Nebraska B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Tennessee Oklahoma Region 7 ScoreSchool. City, State Wisconsin Louisiana B 344.5 Lafayette HS, Lafayette, LA B 340.0 Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA Mississippi B 362.5 Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS B 308.0 Tupelo HS, Tupelo, MS Texas B B B B B B B B B 65 397.0 395.0 374.5 369.0 362.0 362.0 359.5 348.5 345.5 Johnson HS, Austin, TX Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX Jasper HS, Plano, TX School Merit Roll AMC12B (United States), Continued B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 341.0 338.0 333.5 321.5 319.5 319.0 318.5 316.0 316.0 315.0 314.0 314.0 313.0 312.5 309.5 308.5 304.0 303.5 Cinco Ranch HS, Katy, TX Plano East SHS, Plano, TX Shepton HS, Plano, TX Richard King HS, Corpus Christi, TX Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX San Marcos HS, San Marcos, TX Jesuit Col Prep Sch, Dallas, TX Doerre IS, Klein, TX Westside HS, Houston, TX Azle HS, Azle, TX Jersey Village HS, Houston, TX Dunbar HS, Ft Worth, TX Pflugerville HS, Pflugerville, TX St Pius X HS, Houston, TX Hightower HS, Missouri City, TX Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX Options In Ed HS, McAllen, TX Alaska B 314.5 Juneau Douglas HS, Juneau, AK B 304.0 Dimond HS, Anchorage, AK Arizona Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ Hamilton HS, Chandler, AZ Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ Northland Prep Acad, Flagstaff, AZ Tucson Magnet HS, Tucson, AZ B B B B B B B B 340.5 321.0 315.5 313.0 312.0 311.5 300.0 300.0 Fairview HS, Boulder, CO Grandview HS, Aurora, CO Heritage HS, Littleton, CO Loveland HS, Loveland, CO Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO Platte Canyon HS, Bailey, CO Mountain Vista HS, Highlands Ranch, CO Rangely HS, Rangely, CO Colorado Hawaii B 352.5 Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI B 304.5 Maryknoll HS, Honolulu, HI B 302.5 McKinley HS, Honolulu, HI B B B B B B B B B B 360.0 337.5 336.0 334.5 333.0 333.0 329.5 329.0 323.5 321.5 Wilson HS, Portland, OR Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR Ashland HS, Ashland, OR Benson HS, Portland, OR Southridge HS, Beaverton, OR West Linn HS, West Linn, OR Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR Westview HS, Portland, OR Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT Davis HS, Kaysville, UT Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT Timpview HS, Provo, UT Lone Peak HS, Highland, UT B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 370.0 369.0 338.5 338.5 334.5 332.5 330.5 328.5 328.0 322.0 317.5 316.5 316.5 314.5 312.0 311.0 310.5 310.0 308.5 307.0 307.0 305.0 305.0 301.0 Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA Pullman HS, Pullman, WA Redmond HS, Redmond, WA Newport HS, Bellevue, WA Kentridge HS, Kent, WA Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA Skyview HS, Vancouver, WA Archbishop Murphy HS, Everett, WA Sammamish HS, Bellevue, WA Clarkston HS, Clarkston, WA Liberty SHS, Renton, WA Sehome HS, Bellingham, WA Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA Richland HS, Richland, WA Anacortes SHS, Anacortes, WA Eastlake HS, Sammamish, WA Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA Edmonds-Woodway HS, Edmonds, WA Issaquah HS, Issaquah, WA Kamiak HS, Mukilteo, WA Univ Prep Acad, Seattle, WA Shorecrest HS, Shoreline, WA B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B New Mexico Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM Eunice HS, Eunice, NM Piedra Vista HS, Farmington, NM Albuquerque HS, Albuquerque, NM 361.0 333.0 325.5 317.5 311.0 Region 9 California B 333.0 Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV B 306.0 Edward C Reed HS, Sparks, NV B 300.5 Basic HS, Henderson, NV 367.0 348.0 337.5 334.0 304.0 301.0 B B B B B ScoreSchool. City, State Nevada B B B B B B South Salem HS, Salem, OR Crescent Valley HS, Corvallis, OR West Salem HS, Salem, OR Cleveland HS, Portland, OR Sprague HS, Salem, OR Corvallis HS, Corvallis, OR Grants Pass HS, Grants Pass, OR Henry D Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR Ctr’l Cath HS, Portland, OR Washington Region 8 342.5 336.5 322.5 305.5 303.5 302.5 318.0 315.0 313.0 312.5 311.0 310.5 307.5 305.5 304.5 Utah ScoreSchool. City, State B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Oregon 66 393.5 391.0 386.0 380.0 376.0 371.0 367.0 364.0 362.0 360.5 360.0 359.5 357.5 357.5 356.0 355.5 352.5 349.0 346.0 345.5 343.0 342.5 Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA Univ HS, Irvine, CA Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA Olympia Inst, San Francisco, CA Davis SHS, Davis, CA Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA Maria Carrillo HS, Santa Rosa, CA Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA Sacred Heart Prep Sch, Atherton, CA School Merit Roll AMC12B (United States), Continued B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 342.5 338.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 336.5 333.5 333.5 333.0 332.5 331.5 330.0 329.5 329.5 329.5 329.5 328.5 328.0 326.5 326.0 325.5 325.0 325.0 324.0 322.5 322.5 321.5 321.5 321.0 321.0 321.0 320.5 318.5 318.0 317.5 317.5 316.5 315.5 315.5 315.0 Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA Webb Schs, Claremont, CA Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA Santa Rosa HS, Santa Rosa, CA Cate Sch, Carpinteria, CA Claremont HS, Claremont, CA Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA Cal Acad of Math & Sci, Carson, CA Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA Univ of San Diego HS, San Diego, CA Buckley Sch, Sherman Oaks, CA El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA Westlake HS, Westlake Village, CA Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA James Logan HS, Union City, CA Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA Redondo Union HS, Redondo Beach, CA Am HS, Fremont, CA Mendocino HS, Mendocino, CA Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Est, CA Point Loma SHS, San Diego, CA Analy HS, Sebastopol, CA Amador Valley HS, Pleasanton, CA Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA Pasadena HS, Pasadena, CA St Margaret’s Sch, San Juan Capistrano, CA Bonita HS, La Verne, CA Pinewood Sch, Los Altos Hills, CA Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 314.5 314.0 314.0 313.5 312.0 311.5 311.5 311.5 311.5 310.5 310.0 310.0 310.0 308.5 308.5 308.5 307.0 307.0 307.0 307.0 307.0 307.0 306.5 306.0 306.0 306.0 305.5 305.0 304.5 304.0 303.5 303.5 303.5 302.5 302.0 300.5 300.5 300.0 300.0 Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA Berkeley HS, Berkeley, CA Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA Univ HS, Los Angeles, CA Brentwood Sch, Los Angeles, CA York Sch, Monterey, CA Rancho Bernardo HS, San Diego, CA Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA Moorpark HS, Moorpark, CA Charter Oak HS, Covina, CA Dunn Sch, Los Olivos, CA St Francis HS, Mountain View, CA Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA George Washington HS, San Francisco, CA Ventura HS, Ventura, CA Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA Helix HS, La Mesa, CA Milken Comm HS, Los Angeles, CA Yeshiva Univ HS (Girls), Los Angeles, CA Mills HS, Millbrae, CA Raptor Acad, Poway, CA Mater Dei HS, Santa Ana, CA Hemet SHS, Hemet, CA Crescenta Valley HS, La Crescenta, CA Cordova HS, Rancho Cordova, CA Santa Clara HS, Santa Clara, CA El Dorado HS, Placerville, CA Santa Susana HS, Simi Valley, CA La Jolla Ctry DS, La Jolla, CA Castro Valley HS, Castro Valley, CA Beyer (Fred C ) HS, Modesto, CA Ursuline HS, Santa Rosa, CA Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA Mount Whitney HS, Visalia, CA Chatsworth SHS, Chatsworth, CA Lindhurst HS, Olivehurst, CA Laguna Creek HS, Elk Grove, CA San Domenico M/Upper Sch, San Anselmo, CA 2005 AMC Booth Donita Bowers and Steve Dunbar showing off our booth at the NCTM spring meeting in Anaheim, CA. 67 School Merit Roll AMC 12A (Canada) Region 10 This School Merit Roll includes all Canadian schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12A. A Certificate of Merit, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region then Province. Score School. City, State Nova Scotia A 310.5 Halifax Grammar Sch, Halifax, NS Alberta Ontario A 316.5 Tempo Sch, Edmonton, AB A 385.0 Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON British Columbia A A A A A A A A A A A A 386.5 357.0 340.5 334.0 326.5 324.5 322.0 322.0 318.5 314.5 312.5 309.0 Seaquam SS, Delta, BC David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC Windermere SS, Vancouver, BC Eric Hamber SS, Vancouver, BC Moscrop SS, Burnaby, BC St Michael’s Univ S, Victoria, BC Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC Vancouver Col, Vancouver, BC Sentinel SS, West Vancouver, BC Templeton SS, Vancouver, BC Walnut Grove SS, Langley, BC Magee SS, Vancouver, BC Manitoba A 363.0 St John’s-Ravenscourt Sch, Winnipeg, MB A A A A A A A A A A 379.5 374.5 366.5 356.0 346.5 346.0 336.0 326.0 321.0 312.0 Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON Sir John A MacDonald CI, Toronto, ON Lisgar CI, Ottawa, ON St Andrew’s Col, Aurora, ON Upper Canada Col, Toronto, ON Crescent Sch, Toronto, ON Holy Trinity Sch, Richmond Hill, ON North Toronto CI, Toronto, ON St Michael’s Col Sch, Toronto, ON Toronto French Sch, Toronto, ON Quebec A 359.5 Lower Canada Col, Montreal, QC A 326.0 Col De Maisonneuve, Montreal, QC Skatchewan A 306.0 Marion M Graham CI, Saskatoon, SK School Merit Roll AMC 12B (Canada) Region 10 This School Merit Roll includes all Canada schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12B. A Certificate of Merit, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region then Province. ScoreSchool. City, State Alberta B 308.0 Kelowna SS, Kelowna, BC B 303.5 Vancouver Tech SS, Vancouver, BC B 300.0 St Patrick’s Reg SS, Vancouver, BC British Columbia Ontario B 384.0 Western Canada HS, Calgary, AB B 353.5 Sir Winston Churchill HS, Calgray, AB New Brunswick B 307.0 Harry Ainlay Composite HS, Edmonton, AB B 332.0 Fredericton HS, Fredericton, NB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 367.5 365.5 362.0 358.5 351.5 350.5 342.5 339.5 338.5 335.5 335.0 332.5 332.0 331.5 317.5 313.5 312.5 312.5 310.5 310.5 309.5 St Georges Sch, Vancouver, BC Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC Dover Bay SS, Nanaimo, BC Sir Winston Churchill SS, Vancouver, BC Windermere SS, Vancouver, BC Pinetree SS, Coquitlam, BC Sutherland SS, N Vancouver, BC West Vancouver SS, W Vancouver, BC Burnaby Mountain SS, Burnaby, BC Port Moody Sr SS, Port Moody, BC Centennial Sch, Coquitlam, BC Point Grey SS, Vancouver, BC David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC Burnaby South HS, Burnaby, BC St Margaret’s Sch, Victoria, BC Gleneagle SS, Coquitlam, BC Handsworth SS, N Vancouver, BC Bodwell HS, Vancouver, BC South Kamloops SS, Kamloops, BC St Michael’s Univ S, Victoria, BC Pacific Acad, Surrey, BC B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 68 394.5 391.0 381.0 373.5 363.5 354.5 354.0 353.0 352.0 349.0 338.5 338.5 337.0 334.5 333.5 327.0 326.0 321.5 320.5 317.5 316.5 314.0 Jarvis CI, Toronto, ON Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON Western Tech, Comm Sch, Toronto, ON Richmond Hill HS, Richmond Hill, ON Columbia Int’l Col, Hamilton, ON Leaside HS, Toronto, ON York Mills CI, Don Mills, ON Stephen Leacock CI, Agincourt, ON Earl Haig SS, Toronto, ON Bishop Allen Acad, Etobicoke, ON Upper Canada Col, Toronto, ON O’Neill CI, Oshawa, ON Westdale SS, Hamilton, ON Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON Thornhill SS, Thornhill, ON Glenforest SS, Mississauga, ON Pine Ridge SS, Pickering, ON Bayview SS, Richmond Hill, ON Albert Campbell CI, Scarborough, ON Newtonbrook SS, Toronto, ON Vaughan SS, Thornhill, ON School Merit Roll , AMC 12B (Canada), Continued B B B B B 313.0 310.0 309.0 304.5 304.0 Markham Dist HS, Markham, ON Comm Hebrew Acad, Toronto, ON Appleby Col, Oakville, ON Ashbury Col, Ottawa, ON Frontenac SS, Kingston, ON B B B B B B B B B B B B Quebec B B B B B 365.5 333.5 331.0 329.5 327.0 Marianopolis Col, Montreal, QC Vanier Col, Montreal, QC Col De Ste-Foy, Sainte-Foy, QC Col Francois-Xavier-Garneau, Quebec, QC Col De Bois-De-Boulogne, Montreal, QC 324.5 320.5 316.5 315.5 314.0 310.5 308.0 306.0 304.0 304.0 302.5 301.0 E S De Rochebelle, Sainte-Foy, QC Col Gerald-Godin, Ste-Genevieve, QC Col De Beauce-Appalaches, St Georges-de-Beauce, QC Champlain Col(St Lambert Campus), St Lambert, QC CEGEP De La Gaspesie Et Des Iles, Gaspe, QC Cec De Lac-Megantic, Lac-Megantic, QC Antoine-Brossard, Brossard, QC Col De St-Felicien, Saint-Felicien, QC Col De La Pocatiere, La Pocatiere, QC Col Andre-Grasset Inc, Montreal, QC Cegep De Thetford, Thetford-Mines, QC Col Andre-Laurendeau, Lasalle, QC School Merit Roll AMC 12A (International) This includes all International schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12 on the AMC 12A. The listing is by country and team score. ScoreSchool. City, State Taiwan APO AE A 313.0 AF North Int’l Sch, APO AE A 311.5 Lakenheath HS, APO AE A 301.5 Ramstein HS, APO AE Austria A 306.5 Am Int’l Sch, Vienna, Austria China A 338.5 Int’l Sch of Beijing, Beijing, China A 335.5 Shanghai Am Sch-West, Zhu Di, Shanghai, China A 300.0 Concordia Int’l Sch, Shanghai, China England A 311.5 St Mary Redcliffe Sch, Bristol, England France A 314.0 Am Sch of Paris, St-Cloud, France Hong Kong A A A A 375.0 347.5 339.5 337.0 Island Sch, Hong Kong, Pui Ching MS, Kowloon, Hong Kong Chinese Int’l Sch, Hong Kong Hong Kong Int’l Sch, Tai Tam, Hong Kong Hungary A 374.0 Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary India A 306.0 Am Embassy Sch, New Delhi, India Indonesia A 313.5 Jakarta Int’l Sch, Jakarta, Indonesia Ireland A 319.5 Belvedere Col, Dublin, Ireland Korea A 308.5 Seoul Foreign Sch, Seoul, Korea Malaysia A 332.5 Int’l Sch of Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Mexico A 317.5 Am Sch Foundation, Col.las Americas, Mexico Philipines A 326.0 Intl Sch Manila, Fort Bonifacio, Philipines Romania A 359.5 Liceul Internat “C Negruzzi”, Iasi+E1258, Romania A 356.0 Coelgiul Nat’l Traian, Drobeta Turnu Severn, Romania Singapore A A A A A A A 389.5 363.0 360.0 359.0 358.5 339.5 317.5 Anglo-Chinese JrCol, Singapore, Nat’l JrCol, Singapore Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore Singapore Am Sch, Singapore Anderson JrCol, Singapore, Nanyang JrCol, Singapore Jurong JrCol, Singapore, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 69 395.5 394.5 392.0 391.5 389.0 388.0 386.5 385.0 384.0 381.0 380.5 379.5 376.0 375.5 372.5 370.5 368.5 368.0 367.0 366.0 365.5 365.0 364.0 363.5 362.5 360.0 359.0 358.5 358.0 357.5 357.5 357.0 356.5 355.0 354.5 354.5 353.5 351.5 351.5 351.0 348.5 347.5 345.5 345.5 345.5 Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Gang Min Hs, Taiwan Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan Washington HS, Taiwan Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan Chen Li Cram Sch-Tainan Br, Taiwan Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan Concordia MS, Taiwan Chen Li Cram Sch-Taipei Br, Taiwan Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Taichung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan Ger Jyh SHS, Taiwan Ying-hai HS, Taiwan Tung Shan HS, Taiwan Taipei First Girl HS, Taiwan Tainan First SHS, Taiwan Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Nat’l Hu Wei SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Ping Tung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Nan Shan HS, Taiwan Chang Jung JHS, Taiwan Nat’l Ping Tung SHS, Taiwan Kaohsiung Mun. Kaohsiung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Yung Nian HS, Taiwan Chung Dau HS, Taiwan Nat’l Keelung SHS, Taiwan Wu Lin SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Tainan Second SHS, Taiwan Hong Wen SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan Chian Chen SHS, Taiwan Kuang Jen HS, Taiwan Li San SHS, Taiwan School Merit Roll , AMC 12A (International), Continued A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 343.0 343.0 342.0 341.5 341.5 341.0 339.5 339.0 338.5 337.5 337.5 337.5 336.5 336.5 336.0 335.5 335.5 334.5 334.5 334.0 333.0 331.5 330.5 330.5 330.0 329.0 328.0 327.0 327.0 326.0 325.5 324.5 324.5 324.5 Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan Nat’l Hsin Tien SHS, Taiwan Tsai Hsing HS, Taiwan Feng San SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Taichung Wen Hua SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Feng Hsin SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Lan Yang Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Hai Math Inst.- I Lan Br, Taiwan Ruey Shyang HS, Taiwan Kaohsiung Mun. Hsiao Kang SHS, Taiwan Taipei Mun. Da-An Voc’l HS, Taiwan Taipei Mun. Yung Chun SHS, Taiwan Hao Der Ed. Inst., Taiwan Nat’l Chia-Yi Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Chia Hwa Private SHS, Taiwan Chu Lin Middle HS, Taiwan Nat’l Taichung 2nd HS, Taiwan Feng Yuan SHS, Taiwan Yung Ping HS, Taiwan Jing Ho HS, Taiwan Hai Math Inst.-Hsin Chu Br, Taiwan Nat’l Dou Liu SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Chu Pei SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Tainan Girls SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Yang Ming SHS, Taiwan Tzu Shiou SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Hsin Chu Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Hsing Hwa SHS, Taiwan Hui Wen HS, Taiwan Kaoshiuan Voc’l HS, Com., Taiwan Afl SHS, Tung Hai Univ, Taiwan Li Zen HS, Taiwan Nat’l Hsin Chuang SHS, Taiwan, Taipei Co. Shan Chorng HS, Taiwan A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 324.0 323.0 323.0 323.0 320.5 319.0 319.0 318.5 317.5 317.0 317.0 315.5 313.5 313.5 313.0 312.5 312.0 311.5 309.0 309.0 309.0 307.5 307.5 307.0 304.5 303.5 303.5 303.0 303.0 302.5 302.0 Taipei Mun Nan Hu SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Keelung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Shih Hua SHS, Taiwan Taipei JINGMEI Girls HS, Taiwan Sacred Heart Girls HS, Taiwan Taipei Ctry. Hai Shan HS, Taiwan Yung Feng HS, Taiwan Tung Hai HS, Taiwan Nat’l Yang Mei SHS, Taiwan Chung Hsing JHS, Taiwan Nat’l Kang Shan SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Nei Li SHS, Taiwan Ping Chen SHS, Taiwan Taichung Viator HS, Taiwan Shin Shing SHS, Taiwan Chung Cheng Cram Sch, Taiwan Taipei Mun. Zhongshan Girls’ HS, Taiwan Taichang Co. Chung Yie HS, Taiwan Miao Li SHS, Taiwan Nat’l Chung Li HS, Taiwan Taipei Mun Zhong Zheng SHS, Taiwan Erh Hsing HS, Taiwan Kaohsiung Prv. Li Chih SHS, Taiwan Keelung Mun. An Le SHS, Taiwan Wan Fang HS, Taiwan Tai Cheng Yen Cram Sch, Taiwan Yan Ping HS, Taiwan, Our Lady, Providence Girl’s HS, Taiwan St. Ignatius HS, Taiwan Hsu Kuang HS, Taiwan Tung Shih SHS, Taiwan Thailand A 309.5 Int’l Sch of Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Thailand School Merit Roll AMC 12B (International) This includes all International schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12 on the AMC 12B. The listing is by country and team score. ScoreSchool. City, State APO AP B 330.0 Tampines JrCol, Singapore B 324.0 Yishun JrCol, Singapore B 305.0 Kwajalein J/S HS, APO AP China B 380.5 Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China B 349.5 Shanghai Am Sch-West, Zhu Di, Shanghai, China Italy B 308.5 St Stephen’s Sch, Rome, Italy Japan B 324.0 Am Sch in Japan, Tokyo, Japan B 310.5 St Mary’s Int’l Sch, Tokyo, Japan Korea B 321.0 ICS of Seoul Korea, Seoul, Korea Switzerland B 312.5 Int’l Sch of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland Taiwan B 350.5 Morrison Acad, Taichung, Taiwan B 329.5 Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan Turkey B B B B Mexico B 316.5 Am Sch Foundation, Col.las Americas, Mexico Norway B 321.0 Red Cross Nordic, UWC, Flekke, Norway Singapore B B B B B 399.5 398.5 376.0 351.0 338.0 Raffles Institution, Singapore Victoria JrCol, Singapore Temasek JrCol, Singapore Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore Cath JrCol, Singapore 70 361.0 343.0 330.5 330.0 Robert Col, Istanbu, Turkey Uskudar Am Acad, Istanbul, Turkey Koc Ozel Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey Am CI, Izmir, Turkey School Merit Roll Late - AMC 12A&B (All) This School Merit Roll includes all United States schools with team scores of 300 through 399.5 on the AMC 12A. A Certificate of Merit, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each school. The listing is by team score in each Region then State. Massachusetts Ohio Nevada A 305.0 Elida HS, Elida, OH B 300.5 Jackson HS, Massillon, OH New Jersey B 307.5 Clarkson SS, Mississauga, ON A 308.5 Billerica Memorial HS, Billerica, MA A 325.0 Galena HS, Reno, NV A 311.0 Absegami HS, Galloway, NJ Ontario Virginia A 311.0 Stuart HS, Falls Church, VA A 308.5 Tabb HS, Yorktown, VA AMC Session at NCTM, Anaheim, CA The AMC 10 discussion table at AMC’s Math Competitions session for the NCTM spring meetings in Anaheim, CA. 71 Student Awards Description Committee and Donor State/Regional Awards A.Large Plaque — A large plaque, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to each student with a perfect score. B. Small Plaque — A small plaque, donated by the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to the student with the highest score in each region in which there was no perfect score. C.Mathematics Magazine* — A one-year subscription to the Mathematics Magazine, donated by the Committee of the American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to a maximum of four participants with high score in each of the eleven regions. DNCTM Book* — A book, donated by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is awarded to three high-scoring participants in each of the eleven regions. E.Mu Alpha Theta Booklets* — Five booklets, donated by Mu Alpha Theta, are awarded to one participant with a high score in each of the eleven regions. F. AMATYC Review* — A one-year subscription to the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Review is awarded to one student in each of the eleven regions. G.CAMC Problem Book — One Problem Book donated by The American Mathematics Competitions, is awarded to the top-scoring student in grade 9 or less in each of the eleven regions. Intramural Awards 1. AMC 10 School Winner Pin — For each school making a report on three or more students the Mathematics Award Pin is awarded to the student with the highest score. No listing is made for this award. 2. AMC 12 School Winner Pin — For each school making a report on three or more students the Mathematics Award Pin is awarded to the student with the highest score. No listing is made for this award 3. AMC 10 Honor Roll of Distinction Pin — The Honor Roll of Distinction Pin is awarded to the top 1% of all participating students. 4. AMC 12 Honor Roll of Distinction Pin — The Honor Roll of Distinction Pin is awarded to the top 1% of all participating students. 5. Gold Medal — The Gold Medal is awarded to participants who place first in their respective school for four consecutive years. 6. Silver and Bronze Medals — These medals are awarded to participants who place first in their school for three and two consecutive years, respectively. The names of these medal winners are listed in the Summary of Results and Awards published by the State Director. 7. AMC 10/12 Certificate of Distinction — A Certificate of Distinction is awarded to those students who qualify to take the American Invitational Mathematics Examination. 8. AMC 10/12 Certificate of Achievement — Awarded to students who score 100 or above in grade 9 & below on the AMC 12 or grade 8 & below on the AMC 10. * Distribution of awards, when possible, is arranged so that students do not receive duplicates of awards made to them in prior years. 72 Student Award Recipients by Region United States Please see previous page for Award Code identification. State/ Code ScoreGrName SchoolCityProv. Region 0 B F E C D D C C D G 146.5 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 140.5 140.5 140.5 137.0 10 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 9 Joshua Horowitz Natee Pitiwan Taehyeon Ko Adam Bildersee Zachary Pierpoint Alexander Marcus Dimah Eroshkin Evan Dummit Maria Monks Sway Chen Simsbury High School Brooks School Phillips Exeter Academy Lower Merion High School Freedom High School Wheeler School Oyster River High School Champlain Valley Union High School Hazleton Area High School Lexington High School B F E C C D D D C C G G 146.5 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 140.5 140.5 136.0 136.0 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 11 7 8 Hyun SooKim Zhou Fan Anton Malyshev Jennifer Lin Thomas Belulovich John Schulman Fan Zhang Victor Naumov James Sundstrom Sho Uemura Andrew Ardito David Rush Academy Advancement Sci & Tech Parsippany Hills High School Princeton High School Arlington High School Academy Advancement Sci & Tech Great Neck South High School Academy Advancement Sci & Tech Stuyvesant High School Dwight-Englewood School Stuyvesant High School Albany Area Math Circle Scarsdale Senior High School A E D F C C D C C D G 150.0 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 140.5 140.5 140.5 130.0 10 11 10 11 11 12 12 11 11 10 9 Richard McCutchen Menyoung Lee Brian Lawrence Erik Schaeffer Peter Diao Timothy Pollio Randolph Li Jesse Geneson Veronica Pillar Arnav Tripathy Haitao Mao Montgomery Blair High School Thomas Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Montgomery Blair High School Winston Churchill High School Thomas Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Blacksburg High School Montgomery Blair High School Thomas Jefferson HS Sci & Tech Thomas Jefferson HS Sci & Tech East Chapel Hill High School Thomas Jefferson HS Sci & Tech B F D C C C E D D C G 146.5 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 139.5 138.0 132.5 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 9 Keenan Pepper James Rickards High School Oleg Rudenko Atlantic High School Eric Stansifer West Shore Jr-Sr High School David Harris Vestavia Hills High School Nimish Ramanlal Seminole High School Jingyi Tang South Forsyth High School Benjamin CunninghamJames Rickards High School Benjamin Jedlovec Virgil Grissom High School Alon Brodie J P Taravella High School Dale Cheng Chattahoochee High School Harrison Brown Centennial High School Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 73 Simsbury North Andover Exeter Ardmore Bethlehem Providence Durham Hinesburg Hazleton Lexington CT MA NH PA PA RI NH VT PA MA Hackensack Parsippany Princeton La Grangeville Hackensack Great Neck Hackensack New York Englewood New York Niskayuna Scarsdale NJ NJ NJ NY NJ NY NJ NY NJ NY NY NY Silver Spring Alexandria Silver Spring Potomac Alexandria Blacksburg Silver Spring Alexandria Alexandria Chapel Hill Alexandria MD VA MD MD VA VA MD VA VA NC VA Tallahassee Delray Beach Melbourne Vestavia Hills Sanford Cumming Tallahassee Huntsville Coral Springs Alpharetta Roswell FL FL FL AL FL GA FL AL FL GA GA Student Award Recipients by Region, Continued Region 4 B B G D C D F D E C G C C 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 140.5 137.0 134.5 134.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 11 12 9 12 11 10 10 12 12 11 11 12 12 Charles Tam Thomas Pollom Dawon Zhou Muzhou Wang Alex Xu Sunil Agarwal Michael Harris Jeffrey Madsen Mason Smith Peyton Shieh Vivek Behera David Nie Eric Mecklenburg Indiana Academy Math & Science Cathedral High School Troy High School Lakota West High School Andover High School Troy High School Park Tudor School Wylie E Groves High School Indiana Academy Math & Science Okemos HS Detroit Country Day School Findlay HS Hawken School B F C C C E D D D G 144.0 143.0 143.0 139.5 139.5 139.5 139.5 138.0 137.0 136.0 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 9 Po Ling Loh Frederick McCollum Silas Johnson Eric Riedl Richard Eyers Timothy Carrell John Sheehan Qi Gan Andrew Ishiha Austin Link James Madison Memorial High School Forrest City High School Jefferson Senior High School Totino-Grace High School Homestead High School Lincoln East High School Marquette University High School Ames High School Marquette University High School West Senior High School A C E F G C D D D G C C 150.0 143.0 140.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 11 12 12 12 9 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 April Ploeger Kevin Fischer Scott Abrams Alex Song Alex Zhai Alber tNi Abhi Gulati Gerardo Flores Dragos Ilas Rajeev Nayak Timothy Credo Daniel Walker Home School Group Barrington High School Naperville North High School Ladue Horton Watkins High School University Laboratory High School Illinois Math & Science Academy Illinois Math & Science Academy Ladue Horton Watkins High School Oak Ridge High School Illinois Math & Science Academy Illinois Math & Science Academy Clarksville Academy A E F D D C G D C C C G 150.0 144.0 144.0 143.0 139.5 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 11 12 12 12 11 12 9 12 11 11 12 10 Zachary Abel Alex Schwendner Jason Ferguson Arthur Yang Jessica Wang Richard Pang Jeffrey Chen Kristopher Kazlowski Jeff Nanney Edward Schmerling Paul Geffert Daniel Li Greenhill School Austin Area Home Schoolers Ferguson Home School Cistercian Prep School A & M Consolidated High School Baton Rouge Magnet High School A & M Consolidated High School Oakridge School Plano East Senior High School Johnson High School Flour Bluff High School Li Home School Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Picture Text 74 Muncie Indianapolis Troy West Chester Bloomfield Hills Troy Indianapolis Beverly Hills Muncie Okemos Beverly Hills Findlay Gates Mills IN IN MI OH MI MI IN MI IN MI MI OH OH Madison Forrest City Bloomington Fridley Mequon Lincoln Milwaukee Ames Milwaukee Iowa City WI AR MN MN WI NE WI IA WI IA Kansas City Barrington Naperville St Louis Urbana Aurora Aurora St Louis Oak Ridge Aurora Aurora Clarksville MO IL IL MO IL IL IL MO TN IL IL TN Addison Austin Dallas Irving College Station Baton Rouge College Station Arlington Plano Austin Corpus Christi Sugar Land TX TX TX TX TX LA TX TX TX TX TX TX Student Award Recipients by Region, Continued A C E D F C C D D G G 150.0 146.5 146.5 144.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 131.0 131.0 10 12 12 10 11 11 12 10 11 9 9 Adam Hesterberg Bryce Herdt Robert Cordwell William Johnson Andrew Scacco Conner Rogers Aaron Dilley Mitka Vaintrob Bryce Lee Alexander Wiele Andrew Chou Garfield High School Mitchell High School Manzano High School Inglemoor Senior High School Smoky Hill High School D’Evelyn Jr-Sr High School Gonzaga Prep School South Eugene High School Iolani School Manzano High School Lakeside School B B F C D E C G D C D C G 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 139.5 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 11 12 10 10 11 12 12 9 10 11 12 10 10 Yi Sun Shrenik Shah Andrew Chien Aaron Jones Apoorva Rajagopal Abram Kaplan Rishi Gupta Colleen Lee Zeb Brady Ryan Tang Albert Liu George Li Michael Viscardi The Harker School Monta Vista High School EPGY-Stanford University Palo Alto High School Monta Vista High School Harvard-Westlake School Henry M Gunn High School Palo Alto High School Magnolia Science Academy Saratoga High School Fremont High School Olympia Institute Josan Academy for the Gifted B C E F G C D G C C D D 140.5 139.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 12 11 12 11 8 12 12 12 10 11 12 10 Region 9 Seattle Colorado Springs Albuquerque Kenmore Aurora Denver Spokane Eugene Honolulu Albuquerque Seattle WA CO NM WA CO CO WA OR HI NM WA San Jose Cupertino Stanford Palo Alto Cupertino North Hollywood Palo Alto Palo Alto Reseda Saratoga Sunnyvale San Francisco San Deigo CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA Student Award Recipients by Region Canada Region 10 Francis Chung Bo Hong Deng Zhaoyuan Zheng Peng Shi Kwonyong Jin Geoffrey Siu Taotao Liu Nick Murdoch Alan Guo Alex Wice Tony Chen Kent Huynh London Central SS Jarvis CI Jarvis CI Sir John A MacDonald CI St Michael’s Col School London Central SS Vincent Massey SS London Central SS O’Neill CI Leaside SS Seaquam SS University of Toronto Schools AMC Office - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 75 London Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto London Windsor London Oshawa Toronto Delta Toronto ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON BC ON Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States) This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 12A participants from United States Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. Region 0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut 146.5 139.5 137.0 132.5 130.0 130.0 129.0 128.5 126.5 124.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 120.5 10 10 10 10 12 12 10 12 12 12 10 11 12 12 J. Horowitz, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT J. Rosen, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT D. Reens, Chr Heritage Sch, Trumbull, CT K. Do Ba, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT C. Nathanson, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT J. Cano, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT B. Jo, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT J. Hanselman, Norwich Free Acad, Norwich, CT C. Beck, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT H. Lee, Kent Sch, Kent, CT P. Teng, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT C. Chan, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT D. Lee, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT K. Oconnell, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT Maine 130.0 12 J. Wang, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME 125.5 12 T. Chartrand, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME 122.0 12 S. Alessi, Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME Massachusetts 144.0 139.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 134.5 134.5 133.5 129.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 125.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 12 12 10 12 12 9 12 12 12 13 11 9 12 11 12 10 10 11 10 11 11 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 12 12 11 11 N. Pitiwan, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA N. Fortino, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA J. Sharpe, Canton HS, Canton, MA P. Kamyshev, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA L. Joyner, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA S. Chen, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA C. Malkiewich, Doherty Memorial HS, Worcester, MA B. Buce, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA P. Techapongtada, Middlesex Sch, Concord, MA J. Sathirapongsasu, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA A. Hsiao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA F. Jiang, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA K. Gupta, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA R. Banerjee, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA Y. Li, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA T. Lu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA H. Chen, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA J. Booher, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA A. Geng, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Bromfield, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA J. Grauergray, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA A. Chen, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA C. Lu, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA J. Mitchneck, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA M. Nix, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA R. Vo, Malden Cath HS, Malden, MA Z. Li, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA S. Kessler, Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA D. Rubin, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA D. Wen, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA X. Liu, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA N. Slowey, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA P. Worrest, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA D. Iba, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA S. Lichtenstein, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA K. Hwu, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA A. Hoy, Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 13 12 12 12 12 11 F. Labounko, Simon’s Rock Col, Great Barrington, MA A. Kuo, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA S. Wang, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA M. Chase, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA N. Elhage, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA S. Weiss, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA 144.0 140.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 132.5 132.5 130.0 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.0 123.0 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 13 T. Ko, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Eroshkin, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH K. Modzelewski, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH C. Chen, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Qi, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH P. Ahn, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. He, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Campbell, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH E. Shope, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH E. Bernier, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Fujitani, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Hopkins, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH B. Mclarnon, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH J. Sun, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Leeds, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH B. Koo, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH K. Seo, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Cho, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Sheehan, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH V. Jiwariyavej, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 143.0 143.0 140.5 139.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 132.5 132.5 131.0 127.5 127.5 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 127.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.5 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 9 12 A. Bildersee, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA Z. Pierpoint, Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA M. Monks, Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA P. Fidkowski, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA H. Yan, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA A. Velingker, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA M. Russell, Bradford Area HS, Bradford, PA V. Roscioli, Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA A. Hallowell, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA C. Smith, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA J. Ni, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA J. Lesieutre, State Col Area HS, State College, PA J. Kim, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA S. Cao, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA M. Blaisse, Bishop McDevitt HS, Harrisburg, PA V. Vemuri, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA A. Romito, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA D. Klumpp, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA T. Heath, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA D. Schwartz, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA K. Zhou, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA J. Trigg, Unionville HS, Kennett Square, PA J. Gershenson, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA B. Davis, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA B. Shaparenko, Dalet Sch, Bethel, PA J. Komisarof, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA A. Patton, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA E. Flaksman, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA J. Mahoney, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA D. Huang, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA D. Dobi, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA New Hampshire Pennsylvania 76 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 120.5 12 12 11 12 12 N. Brown, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA Z. Gu, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA T. Kneeland, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA J. Leach, Weatherly Area SHS, Weatherly, PA D. Cooperman, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA Rhode Island 136.0 11 J. Zimmerman, Barrington HS, Barrington, RI 136.0 12 A. Marcus, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI 12 9 12 11 10 11 12 E. Dummit, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT C. Sandon, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT E. Gerson, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT D. Cross, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT M. Kling, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT M. Koulouris, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT A. Guertin, Middlebury Union HS, Middlebury, VT Region 1 ScoreGrName, School, City, State New Jersey 144.0 144.0 143.0 140.5 140.5 139.5 139.5 139.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 137.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.0 132.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 11 11 12 10 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 11 10 12 9 12 11 B. Wolf, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ J. Meehan, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ D. Anderson, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ D. Jung, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ B. Yang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Farrell, Notre Dame HS, Lawrenceville, NJ C. Link, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ 143.0 143.0 143.0 140.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 136.0 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 131.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 7 12 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 10 11 10 J. Schulman, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY J. Lin, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY V. Naumov, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Uemura, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Spaide, Dalton Sch, New York, NY H. Chung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Wadhwa, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY A. Ardito, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY S. Krishnamoorthy, Troy HS, Troy, NY P. Leszczynski, Hendrick Hudson HS, Montrose, NY C. Lim, Trinity Sch, New York, NY H. Zhang, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY F. Fan, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY S. Kam, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY M. Guirguis, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY E. Sterling, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Short, Corning-Painted Post W HS, Painted Post, NY A. Dubbs, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY B. Huang, Longwood HS, Middle Island, NY E. Levine, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY S. Lim, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY B. Bayes, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY N. Bieber, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY J. Wang, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY Y. Xu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Weng, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Besse, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY A. Ko, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY J. Geller, Ardsley HS, Ardsley, NY L. Cheng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY X. Wei, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Yue, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY W. Hu, Spackenkill HS, Poughkeepsie, NY M. Spindler, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Israel, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Cohen, Kew Forest Sch, Forest Hills, NY A. Chou, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY T. Shin, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY Y. Liu, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY M. Gottlieb, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY R. Meyers, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY M. Ding, Glen Cove HS, Glen Cove, NY New York Vermont 140.5 134.5 127.5 124.0 123.0 122.0 120.5 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 Z. Fan, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ A. Malyshev, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ F. Zhang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Sundstrom, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ T. Belulovich, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ I. Levy, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ C. Kennedy, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ T. Kern, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ S. Weingart, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ H. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Potechin, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ J. Chan, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ B. Hsieh, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Delman, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ J. Cobb, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ J. Feng, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ B. Huan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ E. Koo, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ J. Choi, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ R. Ramakrishnan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Arkhipov, Dr Ronald E McNair/Acad, Jersey City, NJ A. Pantel, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ T. Lawler, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ M. Guan, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ V. Chu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ E. Jun, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ C. Nathanson, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ W. Mostowy, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ K. Renaud, Jackson Memorial HS, Jackson, NJ J. Sanders, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ B. Koo, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ H. Cui, MEK Review, Palisades, NJ A. Ying, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ S. Sher, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ K. Chen, Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ B. Lee, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Le, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ S. Liu, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ Y. Sun, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ A. Rashin, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ K. Sherry, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ A. Tamalonis, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ V. Jornitski, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Shao, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ A. Ouyang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ Region 2 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Delaware 134.5 12 A. Huang, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 122.0 12 Q. Mao, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE District of Columbia 124.0 10 J. Kleban, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 122.0 10 B. Scheinman, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC Maryland 144.0 144.0 143.0 139.5 131.0 130.0 77 10 10 11 11 11 12 B. Lawrence, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD R. Mccutchen, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD E. Schaeffer, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD D. Pardo, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD L. Li, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD J. Yuan, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued C. Tannouri, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD Region 3 T. Ueda, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 A. Solomon, Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD E. Wang, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD H. Lee, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Bleistein, Damascus HS, Damascus, MD J. Le, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD J. Bluher, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD A. Bluher, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD J. Goodman, Gleneig Ctry Sch, Glenelg, MD B. Beder, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD A. Minnock, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD 140.5 137.0 137.0 136.0 134.5 133.5 132.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 126.0 125.5 125.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 10 11 12 10 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 9 12 12 12 12 9 A. Tripathy, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Wen, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Altheimer, Greensboro DS, Greensboro, NC N. Blach, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC G. Filpus, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC M. Lavrov, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC D. Sund, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC P. Huang, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Tang, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC D. Guild, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Diepenbrock, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC E. Smith, Cary Acad, Cary, NC J. Pardon, Durham Acad Upper Sch, Durham, NC C. Cooley, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC Y. Gao, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Hahn, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Kulkarni, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Harding, John T Hoggard HS, Wilmington, NC D. Genkins, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC H. Mohorn, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC V. Bhattacharya, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC 133.5 132.5 130.0 129.0 127.5 124.0 122.0 120.5 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 R. Wilcox, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC R. Werts, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC D. Wang, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC M. King, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC S. Mcdermott, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC J. Laurendi, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC K. Buckingham, A C Flora HS, Columbia, SC J. Zhang, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC 144.0 140.5 140.5 140.5 139.5 138.0 137.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 9 11 11 10 11 12 9 12 10 10 11 M. Lee, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Diao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Geneson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA V. Pillar, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Hou, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Mildorf, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA N. Zehender, Zehender HomeSch, Midlothian, VA H. Mao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Xiang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Schafer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Lin, York HS, Yorktown, VA C. Hayes, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Kim, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Cho, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Druker, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Marzen, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Zhao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA L. Hsu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia 125.5 12 N. Swearingen, Wheeling Park HS, Wheeling, WV ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alabama 143.0 137.0 137.0 132.5 127.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 122.0 122.0 120.5 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 10 10 B. Jedlovec, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL D. Harris, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Watson, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL F. Yang, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL A. Lee, Auburn HS, Auburn, AL S. Clay, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL C. Louis, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Waite, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL K. Hu, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL Y. Kaliberova, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL E. Zhao, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 146.5 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 10 11 10 11 11 K. Pepper, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL O. Rudenko, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL E. Stansifer, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL N. Ramanlal, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL B. Cunningham, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL R. Friedberg, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL N. Becker, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL D. Puller, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Z. Luo, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Wysocki, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL P. Mcnair, William R Boone HS, Orlando, FL B. Starke, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL K. Rainwater, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Y. Wang, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL J. Doker, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Kim, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Brodie, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL J. Karpis, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL Q. Yang, Flanagan HS, Pembroke Pines, FL G. Ivanov, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL W. Hou, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL D. Levy, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Westerdale, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL D. Curren, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL G. Debreczeni, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL C. Lo, Coral Springs HS, Coral Springs, FL Z. Yu, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Ellinor, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL 138.0 137.0 133.5 132.5 130.0 130.0 129.0 128.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 11 12 11 9 11 10 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 11 9 11 12 12 11 D. Cheng, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA J. Tang, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA F. Johnson, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA H. Brown, Centennial HS, Roswell, GA S. Froehlich, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA P. Mote, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA W. Zhu, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA L. Zarnescu, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA C. Thompson, Walton HS, Marietta, GA B. Wu, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA J. Wysolovski, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA M. Clark, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA J. Ren, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA J. Oguntebi, Brookwood HS, Snellville, GA M. Lin, Shiloh HS, Snellville, GA N. Hipsman, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA A. Davenport, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA L. Chen, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA T. Kelly, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA J. Getzendanner, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA Florida Georgia 78 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 120.5 10 M. Doss, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA 120.5 11 J. Fang, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA 130.0 130.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 123.0 122.0 Region 4 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Indiana 144.0 144.0 130.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 12 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 T. Pollom, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN C. Tam, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN D. Yust, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN N. Orlow, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN F. Xu, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN T. Ko, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN M. Smith, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN J. Yi, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN S. Balog, Munster HS, Munster, IN N. Bajaj, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN M. Vintila, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN W. Young, Hobart HS, Hobart, IN J. Haines, Mishawaka HS, Mishawaka, IN 140.5 137.0 134.5 133.5 132.5 132.5 129.0 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 11 10 12 11 8 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 9 12 12 12 7 11 11 10 11 11 12 A. Xu, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI S. Agarwal, Troy HS, Troy, MI J. Madsen, Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI P. Shieh, Okemos HS, Okemos, MI A. Huang, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI B. Long, Macomb Math,Sci,Tech Ctr, Warren, MI T. Sweda, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI J. Lee, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI Y. Tai, Athens HS, Troy, MI R. Escott, Farmington HS, Farmington, MI V. Behera, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI D. Liaw, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI W. Zhu, Plymouth Canton Edal Park, Canton, MI M. Alfera, Interlochen Arts Acad, Interlochen, MI K. Poenisch, Northville HS, Northville, MI M. Kaufmann, Traverse City Ctr’l HS, Traverse City, MI K. Wu, ICAE, Troy, MI R. Oswald, Macomb Math,Sci,Tech Ctr, Warren, MI Z. Nan, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI S. Mikkilineni, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI R. Fonseka, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI F. Sala, Troy HS, Troy, MI M. Malone, Midland HS, Midland, MI 143.0 133.5 131.0 130.0 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 124.0 123.0 120.5 120.5 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 10 12 12 12 M. Wang, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH D. Nie, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH A. Pollack, Liberty HS, Youngstown, OH D. Litt, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH L. Forshaw, , , OH A. Sivaganesan, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH C. Yan, Wellington Sch, Columbus, OH J. Simon, Copley HS, Copley, OH G. Back, Lakota East HS, Middletown, OH L. Itagaki, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH C. Wang, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH A. Friedman, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Wang, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH Michigan Ohio Region 5 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arkansas 143.0 11 F. Mccollum, Forrest City HS, Forrest City, AR 131.0 11 D. Ding, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR Iowa 138.0 11 Q. Gan, Ames HS, Ames, IA 136.0 9 A. Link, West SHS, Iowa City, IA 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 N. Caplan, Maharishi Sch Age Enlgt, Fairfield, IA J. Chenhall, West SHS, Iowa City, IA J. Moloney, Ames HS, Ames, IA X. Pan, Ames HS, Ames, IA A. Hallquist, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA A. Klein, West SHS, Iowa City, IA L. Wirtz, Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA Kansas 129.0 12 E. Mukherjee, Washburn Rural HS, Topeka, KS 124.0 12 J. Yu, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS 123.0 12 K. Sheth, East HS, Wichita, KS Minnesota 139.5 134.5 132.5 132.0 131.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 124.0 123.0 11 9 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 10 12 E. Riedl, Totino-Grace HS, Fridley, MN S. Hu, Irondale SHS, New Brighton, MN A. Volenec, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN S. Johnson, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN D. Gibson, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN J. Rupprecht, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN A. Peterson, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN J. Siegel, Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN J. Loubert, Robbinsdale Cooper HS, New Hope, MN T. Langle, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN M. Collins, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN P. Miles, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN D. He, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN S. Wan, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN Nebraska 136.0 12 T. Carrell, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE 133.5 12 H. Breckbill, Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE 120.5 12 B. Lupo, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE North Dakota 120.5 10 G. Brockman, Red River HS, Grand Forks, ND 120.5 9 S. Balinghasay, Jamestown HS, Jamestown, ND Oklahoma 126.5 126.5 125.5 123.0 11 12 12 12 R. Liao, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK J. Chen, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK D. Zhang, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK I. Darachai, Putnam City North HS, Oklahoma City, OK 144.0 139.5 139.5 137.0 136.0 133.5 130.0 130.0 129.0 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 120.5 120.5 12 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 12 10 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 P. Loh, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI R. Eyers, Homestead HS, Mequon, WI J. Sheehan, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI A. Ishihara, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI Y. Deng, West HS, Madison, WI D. Zou, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI K. Williams, Arrowhead HS, Hartland, WI J. Wacker, West HS, Madison, WI B. Holzer, Two Rivers HS, Two Rivers, WI D. Jang, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI W. Brown, West HS, Madison, WI A. Moore, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI E. Makuluni, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI T. Black, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI R. Lemke Oliver, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI A. Helgren, Ashwaubenon HS, Green Bay, WI D. Morgan, West HS, Madison, WI D. Yu, West HS, Madison, WI M. Franke, Prairie Sch, Racine, WI Wisconsin Region 6 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Illinois 143.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 79 12 12 12 9 K. Fischer, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL A. Gulati, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL S. Abrams, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Zhai, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 137.0 136.0 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 9 12 12 10 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 9 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 9 11 11 12 12 10 12 R. Nayak, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL K. Franzen, Willowbrook HS, Villa Park, IL C. Wang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL D. Goldfein, Niles Twp West HS, Skokie, IL C. Chang, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL D. Cohen, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL B. Reizman, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Binder, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL G. Gauthier, Wheaton North HS, Wheaton, IL J. Shih, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL C. Feng, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL J. Wiltshire Gordo, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL P. Eibl, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL B. Byrne, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL D. Dolnik, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL D. Yang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Hoffman, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL N. Sandberg, Hinsdale South HS, Darien, IL E. Uvero, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Kuan, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL R. Moy, Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL J. Pessin, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL T. Jia, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Wei, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Ni, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Alter, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL Y. Wang, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL H. Du, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL A. Kim, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL D. Patel, Wheaton North HS, Wheaton, IL J. Iglesias, Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL C. Auchter, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL L. Chan, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL T. Liu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Bilow, Deerfield HS, Deerfield, IL R. Laurence, Hoffman Estates HS, Hoffman Estates, IL E. Choi, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL C. Chung, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL R. Zhang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL L. Culler, Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL J. Sun, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL M. Nasti, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Stankevitz, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL J. Daniels, Cornerstone HomeS, St Charles, IL F. Zaghlou, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL N. Baird, Wheaton-Warrenville HS, Wheaton, IL R. Oleszczuk, Loyola Acad, Wilmette, IL K. Daley, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL K. Cheng, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL K. Puranmalka, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL D. Hermes, Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL C. Chang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL T. Nochi, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL S. Raskin, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL H. Kwon, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL A. Officer, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL 125.5 125.5 123.0 122.0 12 12 11 12 Z. Sun, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY A. Sirles, Tates Creek HS, Lexington, KY J. Wu, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY J. Chen, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 133.5 133.5 132.0 127.5 12 12 12 11 E. Sadler, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO A. Song, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO R. Lockley, Hazelwood West HS, Hazelwood, MO N. Strauss, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO Kentucky Missouri 126.5 126.5 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 C. Zhang, Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO H. Han, Parkway North HS, Creve Coeur, MO A. Dorhauer, Parkway North HS, Creve Coeur, MO D. Welty, McCluer North HS, Florissant, MO J. Wu, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO M. Wang, , , MO S. Anderson, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO H. Ding, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO A. Schiller, MICDS, Saint Louis, MO E. Stevens, Hillcrest HS, Springfield, MO 138.0 132.5 130.0 129.0 128.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 124.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 12 12 11 11 12 9 12 10 12 12 11 12 D. Ilas, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN D. Walker, Clarksville Acad, Clarksville, TN W. Liu, Cookeville HS, Cookeville, TN A. Jallouk, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN S. Jujo, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN D. Kovach, Brentwood HS, Brentwood, TN W. Colton, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN N. Allen, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN J. Wu, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN C. Camp, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN N. Grabenstein, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN A. Lander, Rossview HS, Clarksville, TN Tennessee Region 7 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Louisiana 138.0 12 R. Pang, Baton Rouge Magnet HS, Baton Rouge, LA 124.0 12 B. Wilson, Epis HS, Baton Rouge, LA 120.5 12 R. Folse, Jesuit HS, New Orleans, LA Mississippi 127.5 10 S. Beck, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS Texas 150.0 143.0 140.5 139.5 138.0 11 12 12 11 12 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 133.5 132.5 131.0 131.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 9 12 11 10 12 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 10 10 12 10 10 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 80 Z. Abel, Greenhill Sch, Addison, TX A. Yang, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX J. Ferguson, Ferguson HomeSch, Dallas, TX J. Wang, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX A. Schwendner, Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX J. Chen, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX P. Geffert, Flour Bluff HS, Corpus Christi, TX J. Nanney, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX D. Li, Li HomeSch, Sugar Land, TX M. Henderson, Greenhill Sch, Addison, TX R. Hodgson, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX A. Cabangbang, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX A. Goldsmith, Azle HS, Azle, TX E. Feng, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX P. Pattisapu, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX S. Zhou, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX F. Li, Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX K. Kazlowski, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX D. Popov, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX P. Gustafson, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX M. Feldman, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX D. Neville, Taylor HS, Katy, TX S. Lau, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX P. Northrop, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX D. Wu, Westwood HS, Austin, TX I. Sherman, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX D. Lee, Nolan Cath HS, Ft Worth, TX D. Fisher, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX M. Reedy, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX A. Bevill, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX C. Elliott, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX J. Lim, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX A. Choi, Turner HS, Carrollton, TX Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued Region 8 Region 9 ScoreGrName, School, City, State ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arizona California 133.5 131.0 127.5 124.0 11 12 11 12 E. Eisner, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ M. Peairs, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ T. Cong, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ N. Fette, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ 143.0 143.0 139.5 139.5 132.0 129.0 124.0 123.0 122.0 11 11 11 12 12 10 9 8 10 A. Scacco, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO C. Rogers, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO R. Hamerly, Boulder HS, Boulder, CO M. Heim, Thompson Valley HS, Loveland, CO S. Ahn, Boulder HS, Boulder, CO J. Morse, George Washington HS, Denver, CO S. Elder, Poudre HS, Fort Collins, CO M. Morton, Rangely HS, Rangely, CO B. Kurtz, Wheat Ridge HS, Wheat Ridge, CO 143.0 136.0 126.5 124.0 124.0 11 11 12 11 12 B. Lee, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI K. Sin, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI D. Goto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI N. Chung, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Tsukamoto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI Colorado Hawaii Idaho 125.5 12 I. Shadrin, Capital SHS, Boise, ID Nevada 129.0 12 T. Kim, Durango HS, Las Vegas, NV 126.5 11 J. Gorham, Robert McQueen HS, Reno, NV 123.0 12 S. Cox, Green Valley HS, Henderson, NV New Mexico 146.5 131.0 124.0 122.0 12 9 12 8 R. Cordwell, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM A. Wiele, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM J. Farra, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM C. Zhao, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM 143.0 133.5 127.5 127.5 10 10 12 12 M. Vaintrob, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR A. Reinders, Oregon Epis Sch, Portland, OR R. Freund, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR W. Shao, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR Oregon Utah 122.0 9 R. Boucher, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT 122.0 12 D. Johnson, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT 122.0 11 G. Kuznetsov, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT Washington 144.0 143.0 138.0 136.0 132.5 131.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 128.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 10 12 12 10 12 9 12 10 11 11 12 12 10 9 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 9 W. Johnson, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA A. Dilley, Gonzaga Prep Sch, Spokane, WA N. Pflueger, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA A. Gu, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA J. Pickering, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA A. Chou, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA E. Mccambridge, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA J. Ross, Bellevue Chr. Sch, Clyde Hill, WA D. Zhang, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA M. Dunn, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA Z. Bunting, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA M. Draper, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA R. Baxter, Hanford HS, Richland, WA Q. Yuan, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA J. Chang, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA C. Cullen, Seattle Prep Sch, Seattle, WA Q. Zeng, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA R. Reddick, Hanford HS, Richland, WA D. Oh, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA P. Sadowski, Archbishop Murphy HS, Everett, WA E. Chang, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA R. She, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA 144.0 12 143.0 11 143.0 10 139.5 12 138.0 12 138.0 11 137.0 9 137.0 10 137.0 11 137.0 12 136.0 11 136.0 11 136.0 10 134.5 12 134.5 11 134.5 12 134.5 10 134.5 11 133.5 12 133.5 11 133.5 11 133.5 10 132.5 9 132.5 10 132.5 11 131.0 11 131.0 11 131.0 10 131.0 10 131.0 10 131.0 12 131.0 10 130.0 12 130.0 11 129.0 11 129.0 9 129.0 12 129.0 12 126.5 8 126.5 126.5 10 126.5 12 126.5 11 126.0 12 125.5 11 125.5 11 125.0 12 125.0 11 124.0 11 124.0 11 123.0 12 123.0 11 123.0 9 123.0 12 123.0 12 123.0 10 122.0 10 122.0 12 122.0 11 122.0 12 122.0 11 122.0 11 81 S. Shah, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA A. Rajagopal, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA A. Jones, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Kaplan, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA R. Gupta, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA Y. Sun, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA C. Lee, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA Z. Brady, Magnolia Sci Acad, Reseda, CA R. Tang, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA A. Liu, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA J. Seo, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA R. Ho, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Gensburg, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA H. Hu, Univ HS, Fresno, CA I. Macleod, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA F. Manin, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Chien, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA D. Yin, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA S. Payne, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA D. Philipson, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA T. Hsieh, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA T. Leung, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Shu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA J. Lu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Lee, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA Y. Mao, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA A. Landau, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA A. Sanborn, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA E. Chen, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA J. Chin, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Wu, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA M. Viscardi, , , CA J. Huang, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA M. Herreshoff, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Arondine, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA S. Ge, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA B. Kim, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Park, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA M. Mao, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA G. Boxer, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Hsu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Kim, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Stifler, , , CA G. Mao, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA D. Qiu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA A. Prairie, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA K. Carde, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA G. Li, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Yee, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Lee, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA N. Harrington, Granite Hills HS, El Cajon, CA S. Steyer, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA C. Fang, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Tang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA B. Morris, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA W. Wheeler, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA N. Shar, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA J. Moelis, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA A. Yen, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA S. Peng, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Chu, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA G. Wald, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 12 11 12 12 10 T. Haussler, Santa Cruz HS, Santa Cruz, CA F. Hwang, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA W. Koo, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA E. Zhou, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA J. Han, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 11 11 11 12 12 G. Xu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA H. Lam, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Lee, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA C. Cheung, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA E. Kupperman, San Marcos SHS, Santa Barbara, CA Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States) This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 12B participants from United States Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. Region 0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut 137.0 132.5 130.0 126.5 122.0 122.0 12 12 12 9 9 11 C. Nathanson, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT R. Chiang, Staples HS, Westport, CT J. Gonsalves, Manchester HS, Manchester, CT T. Wang, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT S. Liu, Danbury Math Acad, WCSU, Danbury, CT M. Kapernaros, Valley Reg HS, Deep River, CT Maine 11 11 11 11 12 D. Eroshkin, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH S. Sheehan, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Song, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Campbell, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH C. Chen, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 139.5 133.5 133.5 130.0 127.5 127.5 126.0 125.5 122.0 120.0 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 G. Hagar, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA J. Ni, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA H. Yan, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA M. Mi, Mount Lebanon HS, Pittsburgh, PA L. Wang, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA D. Schwartz, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA M. Monks, Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA A. Schmidt, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA Y. Kang, Kiski Sch, Saltsburg, PA A. Velingker, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA Pennsylvania 129.0 12 K. Beckler, Portland HS, Portland, ME 126.5 11 S. Morrison, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME Massachusetts 124.0 124.0 124.0 121.5 121.5 136.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.0 131.0 130.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 12 12 9 10 11 10 12 11 11 12 10 10 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 10 11 11 10 Y. Li, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA P. Kamyshev, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA A. Suresh, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA T. Zheng, Algonquin Reg HS, Northborough, MA J. Charlap, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA A. Geng, Westford Acad, Westford, MA X. Liu, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA A. Hsiao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA S. Weiss, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA K. Gupta, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA Y. Cohler, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Sharpe, Canton HS, Canton, MA D. Wen, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA B. Buce, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA J. Kim, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA D. Suo, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Costanzo, Canton HS, Canton, MA N. Sharpe, Canton HS, Canton, MA M. Treger, Canton HS, Canton, MA J. Chao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA Y. Huang, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA S. Choi, Canton HS, Canton, MA B. Chu, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA J. Bryan, Winchester HS, Winchester, MA A. Bernstein, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA M. Wallace, Canton HS, Canton, MA D. Fudenberg, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA A. Volfson, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA C. Xu, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA K. Scott, Wellesley SHS, Wellesley, MA 146.5 143.0 140.5 139.5 137.0 133.5 133.5 131.0 130.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 120.5 120.5 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 10 10 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 H. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ T. Belulovich, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ F. Zhang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ B. Lee, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Y. Chen, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ J. Chan, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ A. Yang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ A. Malyshev, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ J. Feng, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Huan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ C. Kennedy, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Rashin, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ R. Ramakrishnan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ R. Lee, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ K. Tian, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ J. Choi, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ S. Weingart, Princeton DS, Princeton, NJ M. Guan, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ N. Ni, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ J. Sanders, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ S. Gao, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ L. Kang, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ 138.0 138.0 136.0 132.5 130.0 127.5 126.0 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 T. Ko, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Qi, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Cho, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH T. Zhu, Nashua HS South, Nashua, NH J. Chung, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Ri, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH K. Modzelewski, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 139.5 138.0 136.0 136.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 12 12 11 8 11 10 12 G. Hong, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY Y. Xu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Hahn, Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY D. Rush, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY S. Uemura, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Besse, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY S. Krishnamoorthy, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY New Hampshire Rhode Island 143.0 12 A. Marcus, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI Region 1 ScoreGrName, School, City, State New Jersey New York 82 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 128.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 12 10 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 B. Brewington, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY S. Kam, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY A. Deng, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY H. Yan, John Bowne HS, Flushing, NY A. Dubbs, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY T. Shin, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY K. Hwang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY D. Farhi, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY J. Yang, Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY J. Yang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Schulman, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY H. Cui, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY B. Huang, Longwood HS, Middle Island, NY P. Ennever, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY E. Jang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY J. Lee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Cheng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY H. Nuchi, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Hoffstaetter, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY M. Lee, Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY E. Paniagua, Massapequa HS, Massapequa, NY J. Mensch, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY S. Russell, Riverdale Ctry Sch, Riverdale, NY J. Kim, Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY T. Deng, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Z. Kolin, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY T. Singer, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY V. Naumov, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Kornbluth, Yeshiva Univ Sch - Boys, New York, NY C. Chang, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY K. Lee, Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY T. Yang, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY M. Small, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY M. Engelstein, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Guirguis, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY K. Kwon, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY M. Lee, Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY A. Mirzaee, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY O. Yang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Kats, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY A. Chou, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY F. Wang, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY M. Spindler, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Region 2 ScoreGrName, School, City, State District of Columbia 121.5 10 D. Poore, Woodrow Wilson SHS, Washington, DC Maryland 150.0 143.0 137.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 131.0 130.0 127.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 10 12 10 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 11 11 R. Mccutchen, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD R. Li, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD H. Scher, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD B. Lawrence, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Jordan, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD A. Mont, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Kim, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD X. Li, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD E. Ma, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD D. Adams, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD C. Lan, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD E. Cohn, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD M. Katz, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Wasserman, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD Y. Zhang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD F. Esch, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD G. Spalletta, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 120.5 12 M. Choi, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 120.5 11 S. Paruchuru, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD North Carolina 133.5 10 Y. Berchenko Kogan, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC 131.0 11 D. Sund, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC 125.5 11 J. Phillips, Junius H Rose HS, Greenville, NC South Carolina 124.0 12 S. Zhang, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC 122.0 11 R. Flexner, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC Virginia 143.0 143.0 140.5 139.5 138.0 137.0 136.0 132.5 132.5 132.0 131.0 130.0 126.5 126.5 125.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 120.5 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 10 12 12 10 11 11 12 12 12 9 10 T. Pollio, Blacksburg HS, Blacksburg, VA P. Diao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Lee, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA V. Pillar, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Mildorf, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Geneson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA N. Zehender, Zehender HomeSch, Midlothian, VA C. Hayes, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Zhao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Price, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Cackler, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Li, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Han, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Schafer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Kim, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Kim, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA A. Leister, Langley HS, McLean, VA J. Steinhardt, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Marzen, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA West Virginia 126.5 9 J. Wang, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV 123.0 11 A. Wu, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV Region 3 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alabama 143.0 131.0 126.5 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 10 12 10 9 12 11 D. Harris, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Waite, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL F. Yang, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL S. Clay, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL C. Louis, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL D. Thompson, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL H. Islam, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL M. Woodall, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL V. Oruc, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL S. Tchernov, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL P. Cheng, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL H. Zhang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Lee, Auburn HS, Auburn, AL 144.0 139.5 136.0 136.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 127.5 125.5 124.0 123.0 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 E. Stansifer, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL A. Brodie, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL G. Debreczeni, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL B. Cunningham, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Westerdale, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL W. Kurth, Fort Myers HS, Ft Myers, FL N. Ramanlal, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL C. Resnick, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL K. Pepper, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL J. Perla, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL A. Ellinor, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL J. Karpis, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL D. Puller, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Devabhaktuni, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Z. Tyree, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL Florida 83 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 12 10 11 12 N. Becker, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL W. Zhang, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Illegible, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Helkin, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL 143.0 136.0 136.0 132.5 132.5 131.0 130.0 130.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 122.0 120.5 120.0 12 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 12 10 12 10 11 12 11 J. Tang, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA L. Zarnescu, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA W. Drobny, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA D. Zhang, Walton HS, Marietta, GA A. Davenport, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA P. Huang, Lakeside HS, Evans, GA J. Ren, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA S. Russell, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA P. Mote, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA W. Zhu, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA A. Lyu, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA E. Spanjer, North Springs HS, Atlanta, GA J. Greenlee, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Ku, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA L. Liu, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA P. Miller, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA H. Xu, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA F. Johnson, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA Georgia Region 4 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Indiana 134.5 133.5 132.0 131.0 126.0 125.5 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 10 12 11 8 12 7 7 9 9 12 10 11 12 12 M. Harris, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN M. Smith, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN C. Tam, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN D. Benjamin, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN A. Rubinstein, Bloomington HS South, Bloomington, IN N. Benjamin, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN S. Shinde, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN M. Croop, North Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN E. Wright, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN L. Qian, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN R. Parikh, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN T. Ko, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN W. Young, Hobart HS, Hobart, IN F. Sha, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN 143.0 133.5 132.5 130.0 129.0 125.5 124.0 120.5 9 11 11 11 10 10 11 12 D. Zhou, Troy HS, Troy, MI V. Behera, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI F. Sala, Troy HS, Troy, MI C. Malla, Farmington HS, Farmington, MI S. Kong, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI P. Lewis, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI J. Zhou, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI S. Bhagwat, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI 138.0 133.5 132.5 130.0 129.0 126.5 120.5 120.5 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 M. Wang, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH E. Mecklenburg, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH A. Mannion, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH C. Wang, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH A. Margolius, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH K. Lin, Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH A. Friedman, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Wang, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH Michigan Ohio Region 5 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arkansas 130.0 11 D. Ding, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR Iowa 136.0 131.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 124.0 120.5 120.5 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 M. Li, West SHS, Iowa City, IA Q. Gan, Ames HS, Ames, IA J. Pringle, Ames HS, Ames, IA N. Brady, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA N. Schulz, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA P. Gaebler, C R- Marion HomeS Prog, Cedar Rapids, IA J. Moloney, Ames HS, Ames, IA A. Wang, West SHS, Iowa City, IA 129.0 127.5 124.0 123.0 121.5 11 11 10 10 12 S. Li, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS A. Sun, East HS, Wichita, KS W. Zhang, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS M. Batrick, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS E. Mukherjee, Washburn Rural HS, Topeka, KS 143.0 134.5 132.5 129.0 125.5 124.0 122.5 122.0 121.5 120.5 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 S. Johnson, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN D. Gibson, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN H. Anderson, Minnehaha Acad, Minneapolis, MN D. Alexander, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN J. Pickhardt, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN D. He, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN D. Blees, Eagle Crest Acad, North St Paul, MN K. Jin, Cotter HS, Winona, MN C. Hwa Sheng, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN N. Born, Henry HS, Minneapolis, MN Kansas Minnesota Nebraska 139.5 12 T. Carrell, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE 121.5 12 H. Breckbill, Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE Oklahoma 125.5 12 S. Liang, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 123.0 9 P. Zhang, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK Wisconsin 136.0 11 N. Wage, Appleton East HS, Appleton, WI 123.0 11 A. Bolanowski, Rufus King Sch Coll Bound, Milwaukee, WI Region 6 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Illinois 140.5 138.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.0 123.0 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 84 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 12 11 11 12 11 S. Abrams, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Ni, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL T. Credo, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Gulati, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Hermes, Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL S. Cormier Iijima, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL E. Choi, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL S. Ranjan, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL C. Chang, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL L. Zhang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Chu, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL C. Chung, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL D. Yang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Isoda, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL T. Mitchell, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL R. Nayak, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL E. Uvero, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Furuta, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL S. Zhang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL H. Wang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL T. Liu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL F. Sun, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL R. Carlson, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL K. He, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Qin, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL C. Chang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 120.0 12 J. Shih, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL 120.0 12 A. Officer, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL 120.5 9 P. Mocz, Mililani HS, Mililani Town, HI 120.0 11 K. Sin, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Ploeger, HomeSch Group, Kansas City, MO A. Song, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO G. Flores, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO K. Zhang, Lee’s Summit West HS, Lee’s Summit, MO 125.5 11 M. Wang, Rolla SHS, Rolla, MO 124.0 11 J. Wu, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO 123.0 12 A. Abromowitz, Parkway South HS, Manchester, 130.0 9 K. Kowalski, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV Nevada Missouri 150.0 139.5 138.0 127.5 11 12 11 9 New Mexico 132.0 12 R. Cordwell, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM 122.0 12 A. Chen, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM Oregon Tennessee 137.0 136.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 12 12 11 12 10 123.0 12 C. Liu, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA 120.5 11 G. Thomas, Lafayette HS, Lafayette, LA Mississippi 129.0 10 S. Beck, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS 12 12 11 12 11 9 12 8 11 11 11 8 9 10 11 8 10 11 12 9 12 11 12 A. Schwendner, Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX J. Ferguson, Ferguson HomeSch, Dallas, TX E. Schmerling, Johnson HS, Austin, TX K. Kazlowski, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX Y. Mou, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Wang, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Goldsmith, Azle HS, Azle, TX D. Mou, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Einav, Johnson HS, Austin, TX K. Thill, Johnson HS, Austin, TX E. Feng, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX M. Zhang, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Zhang, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX N. Feltman, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX J. Wang, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX A. Ryan, Doerre IS, Klein, TX K. Jenks, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX E. Gawlik, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX N. Savir, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX Z. Zhou, Cinco Ranch HS, Katy, TX J. Lim, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX K. Welch, Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX C. Duke, Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX Region 8 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arizona 123.0 11 V. Muralidhar, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ Colorado 146.5 12 B. Herdt, Mitchell HS, Colorado Springs, CO 122.0 12 M. Pevarnik, Grandview HS, Aurora, CO Hawaii 139.5 132.5 129.0 129.0 129.0 126.0 123.0 12 11 10 12 11 11 12 D. Goto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI N. Chung, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Ongie, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Tsukamoto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI D. Robb, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI B. Lee, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Bomke, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Sohl, Ashland HS, Ashland, OR K. Fullerton, Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR M. Rognlie, West Linn HS, West Linn, OR M. Sloss, Wilson HS, Portland, OR 130.0 129.0 126.5 120.5 12 10 11 9 M. Griffin, Griffin Acad, Roy, UT K. Ni, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT K. Shen, Logan HS, Logan, UT M. Rosett, Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT 150.0 138.0 136.0 131.0 127.5 127.5 126.5 125.5 121.5 120.5 10 12 12 10 9 12 11 12 12 9 A. Hesterberg, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA N. Pflueger, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA Z. Bunting, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA J. Wang, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA M. Lakhovsky, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA P. Vaswani, Skyview HS, Vancouver, WA J. Chang, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA B. Yin, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA D. Nelson, Clarkston HS, Clarkston, WA J. Yan, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA Washington Region 7 Louisiana 144.0 144.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 136.0 133.5 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 126.5 124.0 124.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 12 12 11 12 Utah D. Walker, Clarksville Acad, Clarksville, TN A. Lander, Rossview HS, Clarksville, TN W. Liu, Cookeville HS, Cookeville, TN P. Maginnis, Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN E. Nieters, Pope John Paul II HS, Hendersonville, ScoreGrName, School, City, State Texas 125.5 125.5 123.0 123.0 Region 9 ScoreGrName, School, City, State California 144.0 143.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 128.5 128.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 125.0 124.0 85 11 10 12 10 10 8 12 11 12 9 8 12 9 9 9 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 8 9 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 10 11 Y. Sun, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA A. Chien, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA S. Shah, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA G. Li, Olympia Inst, San Francisco, CA M. Viscardi, , , CA A. Tsao, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA A. Nguyen, Lutheran HS, La Verne, CA C. Liu, Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA O. Mandelshtam, Univ HS, Irvine, CA P. Chien, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA P. Li, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Taubinsky, Maria Carrillo HS, Santa Rosa, CA J. Shu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA S. Makisumi, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA J. Zhang, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA S. Goupille, Sacred Heart Prep Sch, Atherton, CA E. Kupperman, San Marcos SHS, Santa Barbara, CA Y. Li, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA G. Boxer, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Lee, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA K. Koai, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA G. Xu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA K. Cobbe, Seven Hills IS, Nevada City, CA A. Dehnert, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA C. Ng, Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA T. Chen, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA A. Rajagopal, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA S. Giandomenico, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA W. Choi, Cate Sch, Carpinteria, CA E. Fong, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA J. Lee, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA F. Doering, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA T. Leung, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA L. Huang, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 11 12 9 10 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 S. Lin, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA T. Lambert, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA C. Fang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Wong, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA L. Pisarsky, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA C. Murphy, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA K. Kuang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Yen, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA E. Bramston Cook, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA C. Hughes, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA T. Ingram, Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 11 11 12 10 11 11 12 11 12 A. Hendrix, Santa Rosa HS, Santa Rosa, CA D. Liu, Davis SHS, Davis, CA D. Foley, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA G. Chen, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA S. Yeung, Davis SHS, Davis, CA M. Honkawa, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA L. Green, Shalhevet, Los Angeles, CA I. Chao, Univ HS, Irvine, CA W. Koo, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA 2005 AMC 10/12 Committee Standing, from left: Bernado Abrego, Doug Faires (AMC 10 Chair), David Wells (AMC 12 Chair), LeRoy Wenstrom, Jerrold Grossman, Cecil Rousseau, Zsuzanna Szaniszlo, Steve Dunbar (AMC Director). Seated, from left: Bonnie Leitch (AMC 8 Chair), Elgin Johnston (CAMC Chair), Steven Blasberg (incoming AIME Chair), David Hankin (outgoing AIME Chair), and Peter Shiue. 86 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States) This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 10A participants from United States Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. Region 0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut 150.0 144.0 138.0 134.5 130.0 125.0 124.0 123.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 9 9 8 10 10 9 10 9 8 9 9 Y. Cao, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT C. Douglas, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT J. Hoch, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT J. Zhang, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT S. Cai, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT T. Wang, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT E. Clauson, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT G. Lu, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT A. Rajagopalan, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT R. Krentz Wee, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT D. Zhu, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT 150.0 144.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 134.5 134.5 133.5 133.5 132.0 132.0 132.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 128.5 128.5 128.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 121.5 121.5 10 8 10 9 8 8 10 10 10 8 10 10 9 10 8 8 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 8 D. Fudenberg, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA S. Bernstein, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA S. Wu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA W. Hong, Groton Sch, Groton, MA J. Zheng, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA N. Kawesch, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA A. Tamoney, Weston HS, Weston, MA T. Zheng, Algonquin Reg HS, Northborough, MA J. Shin, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA N. Arbesfeld, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Yuan, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA M. Shu, Andover HS, Andover, MA S. Xu, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Wolff, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA P. Baratta, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA K. Lee, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA A. Oleysker, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA L. Gao, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Chase, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA S. Bartz, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA P. Yao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA N. Yu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA E. Wang, Buckingham Browne & Nichols HS, Cambridge, MA Y. Cohler, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA W. Steadman, Watertown HS, Watertown, MA P. Nanda, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA W. Newell, Weston HS, Weston, MA D. Seo, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA C. Bridge, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA G. Vulikh, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA A. Tang, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA E. Cheung, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA R. Laughlin, Middlesex Sch, Concord, MA H. Seok, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA K. Zhao, Newton North HS, Newtonville, MA K. Winter, Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA Y. Kim, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA B. Chu, Algonquin Reg HS, Northborough, MA I. Nesterenko, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA T. Yunus, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA E. Synge, Voyagers, Inc, Acton, MA C. Xing, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Park, Groton Sch, Groton, MA Massachusetts 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 P. Zhang, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Leikin, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA Z. Seibel, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA H. Qin, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Shapiro, Canton HS, Canton, MA W. Talcott, Weston HS, Weston, MA A. Khatutsky, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA H. Tsykinovska, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA New Hampshire 150.0 150.0 144.0 144.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 137.0 132.0 132.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 128.5 127.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 S. Gong, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH K. Hon, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. Gao, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH H. Tong, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH T. Rhodes, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH R. Walsh, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH S. Feng, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH G. Knight, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH H. Chung, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Kwon, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH A. Chick, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH T. Nason, Monadnock Reg HS, E Swanzey, NH S. Gerke, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH K. Flanagan, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Lee, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Toye, Monadnock Reg HS, E Swanzey, NH D. Laackman, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH M. Wong, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH S. Williams, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Z. Blatt, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH A. Schloss, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH Y. Chung, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Ge, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Pennsylvania 144.0 144.0 134.5 133.5 132.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 126.0 125.5 124.0 123.0 123.0 120.5 120.5 120.5 10 9 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 9 9 10 T. Qi, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA S. Kishore, Unionville HS, Kennett Square, PA J. Wang, Pottsville Area HS, Pottsville, PA J. Bressi, Dallastown Area SHS, Dallastown, PA D. Droz, Veritas Acad, Leola, PA L. Lu, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA S. Schneider, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA A. Liao, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA N. Thomas, Palisades HS, Kintnersville, PA Y. Zhang, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA F. Koerner, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA M. Wu, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA D. Boldin, Tredyffrin-Easttown MS, Berwyn, PA A. Mikowychok, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA G. Nataraj, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA A. Xue, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA Rhode Island 126.5 9 C. Musco, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI 123.0 9 C. Musco, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI Vermont 124.0 10 J. Yang, South Burlington HS, South Burlington, VT 87 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 131.0 9 T. Reynolds, Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY Region 1 131.0 10 W. Zhu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY ScoreGrName, School, City, State 130.0 9 M. Gordon, Northport SHS, Northport, NY 130.0 10 A. Tamarkin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 150.0 10 B. Zhan, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ 127.5 10 D. Oluyede, Syracuse Acad of Sci, Syracuse, NY 144.0 10 Y. Tran, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ 126.5 9 B. Lipton, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY 126.5 10 J. Seo, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 138.0 7 D. Yim, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 126.0 10 V. Zapana, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 134.5 9 Y. Han, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ 125.0 10 D. Abrahams, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 132.0 10 P. Kung, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 125.0 9 F. Xiao, Yorktown HS, Yorktown Heights, NY 132.0 10 V. Tan, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ 124.0 10 Y. Mou, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY 131.0 10 D. Fielder, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 124.0 10 A. Chien, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 131.0 8 T. Snell, HomeSch, Moorestown, NJ 124.0 10 J. Pardo, West Irondequoit HS, Rochester, NY 131.0 9 P. Maa, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 123.0 9 T. Westling, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 131.0 10 J. Muenzel, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 122.5 10 R. Sami, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 130.0 10 V. Modi, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ 122.5 10 F. Zafar, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 129.0 10 G. Sluyter, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ 129.0 9 W. Zhang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ 122.0 7 Y. Rudoy, Mark Twain Sch-Gifed, Brooklyn, NY 121.5 10 J. Rosen, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY 128.5 10 Y. Leypunskiy, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 121.5 10 B. Segall, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY 128.5 10 E. Kwon, Acad at Englewood, Englewood, NJ 121.5 9 A. Huang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 127.5 8 A. Pak, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 121.5 10 W. Finan, West Irondequoit HS, Rochester, NY 127.5 10 Z. Chen, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ 127.5 10 B. Sheng, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ 120.5 10 J. Estrada, Northport SHS, Northport, NY 120.5 10 Z. Predmore, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY 127.5 10 P. Panigrahi, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 120.5 10 A. Jordan, Spackenkill HS, Poughkeepsie, NY 126.5 10 M. Heddy, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 120.5 10 D. Lee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 126.5 9 Y. Lee, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 120.5 10 E. Wong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 126.5 9 L. Lin, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 126.5 9 T. Ni, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ Region 2 126.0 10 P. Katsnelson, Acad at Englewood, Englewood, NJ ScoreGrName, School, City, State 126.0 10 K. Tian, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ Delaware 125.0 9 E. Hong, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 128.5 9 R. Hu, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 125.0 10 S. Hwang, MEK Review, Palisades, NJ 126.5 10 M. Tait, Concord HS, Wilmington, DE 125.0 9 T. Yamaguchi, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ 125.0 9 N. Dou, South Brunswick HS, Monmouth Junction, NJ District of Columbia 131.0 8 E. Pierson, Maret Sch, Washington, DC 125.0 10 A. Barlow, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ 129.0 10 E. Parker, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 125.0 9 D. Ku, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ Maryland 124.0 9 S. Lim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 124.0 9 M. Mainescu, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 133.5 10 O. Buzek, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 131.0 7 A. Oza, Takoma Park MS, Silver Spring, MD 124.0 10 T. Sun, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 131.0 10 J. Sun, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD 124.0 10 K. Shukla, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ 130.0 10 R. Eisenberg, Damascus HS, Damascus, MD 123.0 10 E. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 125.5 10 M. Harding, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 123.0 8 M. Mayers, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 125.0 9 B. Lee, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 123.0 10 F. Xu, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 125.0 8 K. Rawlings, Takoma Park MS, Silver Spring, MD 123.0 10 T. Kurtz, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ 124.0 9 T. Peng, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 122.5 9 Y. Ko, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 124.0 9 Z. Pinsky, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 121.5 10 E. Shyr, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 123.0 10 A. Zhang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 121.5 10 D. Handlin, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ 122.0 9 A. Kung, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 121.5 9 M. Taranov, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ 120.5 10 J. Brookstone, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 120.5 10 V. Liao, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 120.5 9 K. Li, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 120.5 9 A. Wei, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ 120.5 10 I. Mukherji, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD 120.5 10 H. Kantzer, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ 120.5 10 S. Ratanalert, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ North Carolina 137.0 10 J. Lozier, Riverside HS, Durham, NC 120.5 10 A. Dolgonos, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ 133.5 10 J. Feng, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC 120.5 10 Y. Zhang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 132.5 10 J. Steinman, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC New York 132.0 9 R. Yang, Arendell Parrott Acad, Kinston, NC 140.5 9 U. Shah, Spackenkill HS, Poughkeepsie, NY 130.0 10 C. Kim, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC 140.5 10 A. Pellittieri, Webster Thomas HS, Webster, NY 129.0 6 J. Chen, Arendell Parrott Acad, Kinston, NC 139.5 9 A. Chien, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 129.0 9 D. Ryskiewich, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC 138.0 9 K. Sankar, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY 125.5 9 R. Crane, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC 137.0 10 W. Guan, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 125.5 9 J. Genkins, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC 136.0 10 N. Hinchen, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 134.5 9 A. Kuney, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY 125.5 9 H. Hindal, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC 133.5 10 J. Qian, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY 125.5 10 J. Mccandless, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC 125.0 10 M. Heysham, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC 132.0 9 M. Asher, Union Endicott HS, Endicott, NY 124.0 10 K. Johnson, A C Reynolds HS, Asheville, NC 131.0 10 E. Dobson, Harley Sch, Rochester, NY 124.0 10 S. Ji, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC 131.0 9 A. Leaf, Mamaroneck HS, Mamaroneck, NY New Jersey 88 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 124.0 123.0 122.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 9 10 8 8 10 10 10 B. Jones, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Lu, John T Hoggard HS, Wilmington, NC J. Berman, Wilmington Acad, Arts/Sci, Wilmington, NC C. Lewis, A C Reynolds MS, Asheville, NC L. Waller, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC J. Hua, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Sukumaran, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC 139.5 138.0 127.5 122.5 10 10 8 8 J. Manning, A C Flora HS, Columbia, SC A. Khan, Spring Valley HS, Columbia, SC P. Cross, Crayton MS, Columbia, SC E. Soltz, Crayton MS, Columbia, SC 121.5 10 S. Lue, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL 121.5 10 K. Huang, Suncoast Comm HS, Riviera Beach, FL 120.5 10 B. Rubenstein, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Georgia 150.0 144.0 144.0 138.0 136.0 134.5 131.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 122.0 121.5 South Carolina Virginia 144.0 10 H. Hong, Shenandoah Valley Acad, New Market, VA 134.5 9 P. Mebane, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA 132.0 9 J. Lee, St Anne’s-Belfield Sch, Charlottesvill, VA 124.0 10 D. Schultz, Collegiate Sch, Richmond, VA West Virginia 137.0 134.5 126.5 125.0 120.5 9 10 10 9 10 J. Wang, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV J. Karraker, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV D. Li, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV J. Gang, George Washington HS, Charleston, WV Y. Zhu, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV S. Ahmed, Randolph Sch, Huntsville, AL P. Cheng, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL J. Hu, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL C. Thomas, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL L. Hong, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL B. Mcleod, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL E. Wang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL G. Handley, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL P. Lin, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL H. Bone, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL K. Chou, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL J. Parks, Altamont Sch, Birmingham, AL D. Hollingshead, Altamont Sch, Birmingham, AL J. Chuang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL J. Watson, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL A. Chou, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL Florida J. Larue, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL 144.0 10 144.0 9 138.0 9 134.5 10 132.0 132.0 8 131.0 10 131.0 10 129.0 10 127.5 9 127.5 9 126.5 10 126.0 9 124.0 10 123.0 10 122.5 9 122.5 9 122.5 10 121.5 9 121.5 10 R. Yang, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL G. Liu, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Kamalov, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL Y. Zhao, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL K. Lewis, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL M. Zhao, Am Heritage Sch, Plantation, FL A. Bankert, Eau Gallie HS, Melbourne, FL J. Lu, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL J. Colby, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL C. Perera, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL J. Mesiona, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL J. Wang, Nova HS, Davie, FL A. Raghunandan, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL W. Cravero, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL C. Lin, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Lin, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL K. Huey, Suncoast Comm HS, Riviera Beach, FL N. Daly, Freedom HS, Tampa, FL E. Nadelman, Lake Mary HS, Lake Mary, FL Region 4 Indiana Region 3 Alabama 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 7 W. Drobny, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA B. Ware, Mount DeSales Acad, Macon, GA L. Liu, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA P. Huang, Lakeside HS, Evans, GA D. Harper, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA Y. Lee, Dunwoody HS, Dunwoody, GA K. Sun, Centennial HS, Roswell, GA N. Kim, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA V. Smirnov, Chamblee MS, Atlanta, GA V. Kundukulam, Northview HS, Duluth, GA S. Brotherton, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA D. Hou, Athens Acad, Athens, GA Z. Blanton, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA J. Kim, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA R. Lai, Athens Acad, Athens, GA M. Becton, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA E. Seeds, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA ScoreGrName, School, City, State ScoreGrName, School, City, State 139.5 133.5 132.0 131.0 129.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 125.5 124.0 123.0 122.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 9 150.0 150.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 143.0 140.5 140.5 138.0 132.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 122.5 122.5 122.0 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 7 9 8 7 10 8 9 9 8 9 8 10 10 7 5 9 9 8 8 10 10 9 8 9 9 8 N. Benjamin, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN M. Croop, North Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN P. Ponugoti, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN S. Shinde, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN M. Harris, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN P. Thomas, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN X. Shen, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN E. Wright, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN Y. Wang, West Lafayette JHS, West Lafayette, IN S. Dittmer, Zionsville Comm HS, Zionsville, IN D. Benjamin, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN R. Parikh, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN S. Hu, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN J. Ryan, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN J. Ahmann, Zionsville Comm HS, Zionsville, IN T. Schroeder, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN M. Stuck, Valparaiso HS, Valparaiso, IN Z. Masters, West Lafayette JHS, West Lafayette, IN E. Joyal, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN E. Zhao, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN A. Aisen, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN S. Lee, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN A. Jiang, West Lafayette JHS, West Lafayette, IN K. Kim, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN T. Zou, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN R. Bhuptani, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN 144.0 139.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 137.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 132.0 131.0 130.0 9 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 8 8 8 9 7 D. Zhou, Troy HS, Troy, MI M. Wang, Int’l Acad, Bloomfield Hills, MI A. Pezeshki, Athens HS, Troy, MI A. Tang, Northville HS, Northville, MI N. Triantafillou, Saginaw Arts & Sci Acad, Saginaw, MI R. Jia, Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI F. Murshed, Troy HS, Troy, MI K. Sreeram, ICAE, Troy, MI J. Ding, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI D. Sherman, Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI N. Wang, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI A. Krishna, Int’l Acad, Bloomfield Hills, MI R. Bhaskar, ICAE, Troy, MI Michigan 89 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 130.0 127.5 127.5 125.0 125.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 10 7 10 8 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 10 9 8 10 10 8 A. Shaik, ICAE, Troy, MI R. Li, ICAE, Troy, MI T. He, Troy HS, Troy, MI S. Mohanram, ICAE, Troy, MI I. Greenlee, St Joseph HS, St Joseph, MI A. Prasad, Athens HS, Troy, MI P. Pannuto, Rochester Adams HS, Rochester Hills, MI V. Lam, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI C. Sigler, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI R. Nash, Berrien Co Math & Sci Ctr, Berrien Springs, MI K. Yechoor, ICAE, Troy, MI K. Patel, Troy HS, Troy, MI K. Brennan, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI S. Buchsbaum, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI J. Loh, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI H. Yi, ICAE, Troy, MI K. Iyer, Int’l Acad, Bloomfield Hills, MI P. Schuster, Rochester Adams HS, Rochester Hills, MI S. Thomas, Saginaw Arts & Sci Acad, Saginaw, MI 140.5 137.0 134.5 132.0 132.0 126.5 126.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 122.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 K. He, Upper Arlington HS, Upper Arlington, OH Z. Goldman, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH S. Watkins, Centennial HS, Columbus, OH B. Fulan, Granville HS, Granville, OH C. Chen, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH L. Kuenzel, Hathaway Brown Sch, Shaker Hts, OH C. Jo, Athens HS, The Plains, OH S. Mcmaster, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, OH A. Mannion, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH K. Lin, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Bradford, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH S. Rao, Reynoldsburg JHS, Reynoldsburg, OH A. Duchi, Upper Arlington HS, Upper Arlington, OH R. Brown, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH M. Linz, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH Ohio Region 5 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arkansas 132.0 9 M. Mccullough, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR 120.5 9 A. Ye, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR Iowa 125.0 123.0 121.5 120.5 10 9 8 8 C. Wong, West SHS, Iowa City, IA D. Naylor, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA M. Han, West SHS, Iowa City, IA L. Yoon, Ames MS, Ames, IA 150.0 146.5 138.0 133.5 123.0 120.5 10 8 10 10 9 9 W. Zhang, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS K. Kota, Independent Sch, Wichita, KS M. Batrick, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS H. Fogle, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS I. Shelly, Shawnee Mission-W HS, Shawnee Mission, KS S. Yeskie, Independent Sch, Wichita, KS 138.0 138.0 126.5 125.0 121.5 121.5 120.5 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 T. Davis, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN R. Liu, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN D. Thomas, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN N. Holschuh, Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN Y. Shin, Cotter HS, Winona, MN E. Knight, St Peter HS, St. Peter, MN M. Barnicle, Eagan HS, Eagan, MN Kansas Minnesota Nebraska 137.0 9 A. Churchill, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE 134.5 10 A. Lin, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE 120.5 9 T. Borcyk, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE Oklahoma 144.0 144.0 137.0 131.0 124.0 9 9 8 10 8 N. Sharma, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK C. Ye, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK A. Tai, Jenks MS, Jenks, OK J. Choi, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK Z. Xia, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 130.0 128.5 126.0 125.0 122.5 122.5 122.5 121.5 12 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 E. Majusiak, Brown Deer HS, Brown Deer, WI J. Yu, Homestead HS, Mequon, WI J. Balantekin, West HS, Madison, WI A. Adusumilli, Homestead HS, Mequon, WI T. Smith, Random Lake HS, Random Lake, WI S. Lee, West HS, Madison, WI Z. Rosnbrick, West HS, Madison, WI N. Fox, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI Wisconsin Region 6 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Illinois 146.5 137.0 133.5 132.0 132.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 125.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 9 9 9 T. Berry, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL G. Lin, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL A. Xu, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL S. Guo, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL W. Sun, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL A. Hubbard, Cornerstone HomeS, St Charles, IL N. Severyn, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL S. Fernandes, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL A. Zorn, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL E. Kuo, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL D. Gilles, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, IL H. Van Besien, Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL E. Obrien, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL X. Tian, Addison Trail HS, Addison, IL A. Zhukhovitskiy, Maine East HS, Park Ridge, IL K. Qiu, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Ding, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL A. Chen, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL J. Cuff, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL B. Roehl, Deerfield HS, Deerfield, IL K. Gonyea, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL R. Reizner, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL C. Wu, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL 134.5 130.0 124.0 120.5 10 10 10 10 S. Poikonen, Ctr’l Hardin HS, Cecilia, KY T. Hayse, Henry Clay HS, Lexington, KY D. Sterling, Simon Kenton HS, Independence, KY A. Sack, Assumption HS, Louisville, KY Kentucky Missouri 144.0 9 K. Zhang, Lee’s Summit West HS, Lee’s Summit, MO 143.0 8 M. Jin, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO 127.5 10 J. Gunn, MICDS, Saint Louis, MO 125.0 10 S. Ma, Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO 124.0 10 A. Schneider, Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO 122.5 10 J. Garton, Columbia-Rock Bridge SHS, Columbia, MO 120.5 10 S. Zhou, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO Tennessee 127.5 10 W. Yeung, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN 126.5 10 E. Nieters, Pope John Paul II HS, Hendersonville, Region 7 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Louisiana 146.5 8 D. Meng, Glasgow MS, Baton Rouge, LA 144.0 7 N. Wu, Glasgow MS, Baton Rouge, LA 129.0 8 D. Guillory, Glasgow MS, Baton Rouge, LA 90 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 126.5 10 M. Schulz, Mandeville HS, Mandeville, LA 122.5 9 B. Ellzey, Caddo Parish Magnet HS, Shreveport, LA Mississippi 120.5 10 A. Hopper, St Andrews Epis Sch, Ridgeland, MS Texas 150.0 146.5 140.5 138.0 138.0 134.5 134.5 133.5 133.5 132.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 128.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 8 9 10 9 8 9 9 8 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 D. Mou, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Wang, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX T. Malone, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX S. Chan, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Ryan, Doerre IS, Klein, TX A. Acker, Flour Bluff HS, Corpus Christi, TX E. Martin, Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX A. Shah, Doerre IS, Klein, TX G. Ha, Jasper HS, Plano, TX K. Torng, Klein Oak HS, Spring, TX A. Ranjbar, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Harris, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX C. Logan, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX D. Ouyang, Taylor HS, Katy, TX Y. Sun, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX E. Lee, Stratford HS, Houston, TX H. Chung, Hocka DS, Dallas, TX H. Tang, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX J. Anderson Lehman, Klein Oak HS, Spring, TX D. Oyedapo, Sci/Engr Mgt Twnvw, Dallas, TX J. Lin, Klein Oak HS, Spring, TX C. Li, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Goforth, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX S. Zhou, Jasper HS, Plano, TX K. Leung, Taylor HS, Katy, TX A. Sarkar, Taylor HS, Katy, TX A. Vaaler, Westlake HS, Austin, TX S. Deshpande, Greenhill Sch, Addison, TX K. Laustsen, Newman Smith HS, Carrollton, TX F. Aymond, Sci/Engr Mgt Twnvw, Dallas, TX J. Zhang, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX D. Lee, Klein HS, Klein, TX K. Aguilar, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX W. Leake, Westlake HS, Austin, TX J. Peng, Jasper HS, Plano, TX C. Shi, Jasper HS, Plano, TX J. Zou, Jasper HS, Plano, TX D. Gross, St Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, TX A. Wesevich, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX M. Nock, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX R. Berg, Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX P. Hayes, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX C. Jordan, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX R. Helbling, St Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, TX H. Cho, TX J. Shim, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX Region 8 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arizona 134.5 9 E. Roberts, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ 121.5 10 B. Xiong, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ Colorado 133.5 131.0 127.5 124.0 122.5 120.5 10 9 8 9 9 9 B. Wu, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO K. Black, George Washington HS, Denver, CO C. Stoddard, Steamboat Springs MS, Steamboat Springs, CO C. Wilcox, Boulder HS, Boulder, CO C. Zheng, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO B. Davis, Boltz JHS, Fort Collins, CO Hawaii 139.5 132.0 130.0 125.0 124.0 9 10 10 10 10 P. Mocz, Mililani HS, Mililani Town, HI R. Ongie, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI D. Lum, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI X. Hou, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Uyemura, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI Idaho 129.0 10 E. Smith, Centennial HS, Boise, ID 120.5 10 L. Maher, Boise SHS, Boise, ID Nevada 138.0 9 K. Kowalski, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV 132.0 9 K. Chen, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV New Mexico 140.5 7 J. Ingalls, Sandia Prep, Albuquerque, NM 124.0 9 H. Wu, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM 124.0 8 M. Wu, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM Oregon 143.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 121.5 8 10 8 10 8 Utah E. Larson, Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR J. Sears, Sch of Sci & Tech, Beaverton, OR M. Haynes, Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR S. Bohr, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR M. Xu, Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR 150.0 9 M. Rosett, Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT 137.0 10 K. Ni, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT 130.0 9 D. Posch, Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT Washington 150.0 144.0 133.5 133.5 132.0 131.0 128.5 128.5 128.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 122.5 122.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 10 10 9 7 10 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 8 8 10 8 9 10 6 A. Hesterberg, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA J. Wang, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA R. Hinman, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA L. Xing, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA Y. Jeong, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA M. Zhou, Int’l Comm Sch, Kirkland, WA A. Low, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA J. Yan, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA J. Ahn, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA J. Potter, Bainbridge HS, Bainbridge Island, WA C. Frederick, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA A. Su, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA S. Kim, Shahala, Vancouver, WA S. Kim, Shahala, Vancouver, WA A. Girardeau Dale, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA E. Prezhdo, Washington MS, Seattle, WA A. Buscher, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA J. Burkert, , , WA Q. Nguyen, Washington MS, Seattle, WA Region 9 ScoreGrName, School, City, State California 150.0 150.0 150.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 143.0 140.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 91 10 8 8 9 10 8 9 9 8 9 9 10 9 9 8 10 Y. Wu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA P. Li, Miller MS, San Jose, CA A. Tsao, Redwood MS, Saratoga, CA E. Alcid, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA S. Giandomenico, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA V. Le, Meadowbrook MS, Poway, CA P. Chien, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA R. Fong, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA T. Wang, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA W. Mu, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA J. Zhang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Levine, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA A. Fandrianto, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Lin, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Li, Miller MS, San Jose, CA J. Kim, West HS, Torrance, CA Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 136.0 136.0 134.5 133.5 132.5 132.0 132.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 129.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 9 8 9 8 6 9 9 7 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 10 8 8 10 9 10 10 10 8 10 8 A. Kreimer, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA S. Liao, Miller MS, San Jose, CA N. Wagenet, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA L. Ku, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA B. Liu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA J. Chu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA C. Suen, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA L. Ye, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA T. Wong, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA R. Chou, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Choi, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Lin, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA E. Chang, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA A. Lee, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA C. Lee, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA Y. Zheng, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Doo, Mira Costa HS, Manhattan Beach, CA M. Januta, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA E. Ye, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA T. Prag, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA J. Park, Culver City SHS, Culver City, CA D. Haven, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA C. Liu, Irvington HS, Fremont, CA T. Chan, Redwood MS, Saratoga, CA K. Cobbe, Seven Hills IS, Nevada City, CA B. Ko, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA Y. Huang, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA O. Stevens, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA L. Wen, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA J. Gao, Leland HS, San Jose, CA A. Kamath, Miller MS, San Jose, CA D. Chang, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA R. Thakker, Redwood MS, Saratoga, CA 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 10 10 9 9 8 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 7 10 10 10 9 9 9 S. Park, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA C. Wu, Albany HS, Albany, CA K. Pan, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA S. Chang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Shethshah, Miller MS, San Jose, CA D. Gee, Mira Costa HS, Manhattan Beach, CA M. Hsu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA G. Lee, La Costa Canyon HS, Carlsbad, CA V. Sheu, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA D. Sue, Univ HS, Fresno, CA N. Sunilkumar, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA S. Yen, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA V. Ramanan, Gretchen Whitney HS, Cerritos, CA K. Lee, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA T. Bao, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Lim, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA H. Yoon, Fairmont Prv Schs, Anaheim, CA K. Finnegan, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA E. Cohen, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA M. Kho, Leland HS, San Jose, CA C. Sze, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Mcgrath, Nevada Union HS, Grass Valley, CA J. Chen, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA R. Naka, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA K. Liu, Stockdale HS, Bakersfield, CA K. Yang, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA A. Wu, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA J. Daneman, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA A. Schein, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA T. Kang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA W. Zhang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Boulgakov, Santa Monica HS, Santa Monica, CA AMC Session at NCTM This was the AMC 12 discussion group at the AMC session during the NCTM national meetings in Anaheim, CA, in April. 92 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (United States) This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 10B participants from United States Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. 122.0 10 Z. Spencer, Jeff Tech, Reynoldsville, PA 122.0 9 X. Yang, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA Region 0 Region 1 ScoreGrName, School, City, State ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut New Jersey 125.0 9 J. Gaston, South Windsor HS, South Windsor, CT 124.0 9 T. Celik, Putnam Sci Acad, Putnam, CT 123.0 10 Z. Shen, Cheshire Acad, Cheshire, CT B. Yang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ K. Lee, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ C. Drucker, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Q. Huang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Hwang, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ S. Park, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ R. Bansal, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ D. Fielder, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Skryzalin, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ Y. Ma, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Tamarov, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ V. Liao, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ L. Mu, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Bufe, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ V. Modi, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ A. Alberti, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ J. Greenblatt, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ M. Mainescu, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 122.5 10 Y. Leypunskiy, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 120.5 10 K. Chen, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ 150.0 139.5 138.0 138.0 134.5 133.5 132.5 132.0 131.0 130.0 127.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 Massachusetts 150.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 140.5 138.0 138.0 133.5 132.5 132.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 128.5 128.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.5 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 10 10 9 9 8 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 8 10 9 8 9 9 9 9 10 9 7 10 9 9 P. Ralli, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA T. Lu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Chen, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA B. Lai, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA J. Zheng, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA S. Wu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA B. Gould, Winchester HS, Winchester, MA S. Bartz, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA E. Wong, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA N. Yu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Mui, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Miles, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA A. Mukherjee, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA S. Mann, Friends of Grace Sch, Billerica, MA J. Bryan, Winchester HS, Winchester, MA J. Yang, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA K. Liu, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA J. Sun, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA S. Le, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA C. Xing, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA G. Cao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA N. Kawesch, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA S. Lum, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA R. Creel, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA Y. Kolchinski, Winchester HS, Winchester, MA C. Hoffman, Lexington Chr. Acad, Lexington, MA J. Simons, Mansfield HS, Mansfield, MA E. Bogdan, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA A. Mahalingamdhing, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA J. Shin, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA S. Li, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA B. Crompton, Friends of Grace Sch, Billerica, MA H. Qin, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Shepetovskiy, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA J. Sandler, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA 150.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 138.0 128.5 120.5 9 10 9 9 9 10 10 H. Tong, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH K. Hon, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. Chung, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. Gao, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH M. Chung, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Kwon, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH N. Jellis, Londonderry SHS, Londonderry, NH New Hampshire Pennsylvania 133.5 133.5 132.5 128.5 128.5 125.0 123.0 123.0 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 M. Zhao, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA J. Hong, Perkiomen Sch, Pennsburg, PA K. Zhang, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA A. Watkins, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA J. Lee, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA J. Sneffnanni, Germantown Friends Sch, Philadelphia, PA J. Patent, New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA G. Schettini, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA 9 9 10 8 9 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 New York 150.0 144.0 138.0 134.5 131.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 93 10 9 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 8 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 10 10 9 C. Kauffman, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY D. Zhu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Sami, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Bary, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY K. Kwok, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY J. Taylor, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Helman, Mesivta Chalm Shlomo, Far Rockaway, NY S. Lourette, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY E. Sporkin, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY F. Goldberg, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY A. Yee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Choi, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY A. Hsu, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY J. Ma, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Segall, Yeshiva Univ Sch - Boys, New York, NY A. Yang, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY S. Chen, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY B. Kwag, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Och, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY X. Tang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Zou, Dual Lang Asian Studies HS, New York, NY S. Ham, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Kuan, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY A. Lau, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY E. Mitra, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY D. Schneider, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Sinelnikov, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Yellen, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY W. Cho, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY S. Muller, Long Island Sch - Gifted, Huntington Station, NY C. Ye, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY X. Lum, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY G. Zucker, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (United States), Continued 137.0 10 B. Rubenstein, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Region 2 133.5 9 A. Lin, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL ScoreGrName, School, City, State Delaware 143.0 10 L. Li, Archmere Acad, Claymont, DE 121.5 9 D. Meng, Archmere Acad, Claymont, DE Maryland 138.0 8 E. Gan, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD 122.0 9 B. Bardin, C E Smith Jewish DS, Rockville, MD North Carolina 138.0 132.0 126.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 120.5 9 8 10 10 8 10 9 R. Wang, Junius H Rose HS, Greenville, NC D. Vitek, Ligon Gt Magnet MS, Raleigh, NC B. Williams, Apex HS, Apex, NC A. Kulkarni, Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC K. Chien, Ligon Gt Magnet MS, Raleigh, NC Q. Robinson, Harding Univ HS, Charlotte, NC N. Antolin, Early Col at Guilford, Greensboro, NC 150.0 150.0 150.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 138.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 127.5 126.5 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 10 9 9 10 9 9 7 9 10 10 8 8 9 10 9 8 9 10 10 8 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 9 J. Hou, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Mebane, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA H. Mao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA F. Mako, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Menke, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Z. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Li, Longfellow MS, Falls Church, VA Y. Cho, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Warner, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA K. Lee, Longfellow MS, Falls Church, VA M. Howard, Longfellow MS, Falls Church, VA T. Rudelius, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Li, Woodson HS, Fairfax, VA S. Lam, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Burch, Longfellow MS, Falls Church, VA Y. Kim, McLean HS, McLean, VA S. Lee, Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA C. Warren, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Bomgardner, Longfellow MS, Falls Church, VA C. Sumner, Norview HS, Norfolk, VA L. Diao, Longfellow MS, Falls Church, VA S. Moon, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Street, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA G. Raja, Salem HS, Salem, VA M. Kang, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA B. Gold, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Sun, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Virginia Region 3 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alabama 146.5 144.0 144.0 144.0 133.5 130.0 130.0 129.0 127.5 123.0 121.5 120.5 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 10 10 9 10 K. Hu, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Muller, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL E. Zhao, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL Y. Huang, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL F. Raman, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Serrano, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL T. Choi, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL P. Lin, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL Z. Kaliberova, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL A. Chou, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL W. Desmond, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL C. Bostany, Spain Park HS, Hoover, AL Florida 150.0 10 J. Larue, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL 144.0 9 R. Yang, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL 131.0 131.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 10 9 10 10 10 A. Wright, Seminole HS, Seminole, FL A. Du, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL B. Landman, Dr Michael M Krop SHS, Miami, FL S. Bronson, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL W. Miao, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL 132.0 124.0 120.5 120.5 120.5 10 10 10 10 10 W. Brown, Greater Atlanta Chr. Sch, Norcross, GA J. Kim, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA M. Holliday, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA J. Ziadie, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA C. Shim, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA Georgia Region 4 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Indiana 150.0 134.5 124.0 121.5 10 10 10 7 S. Hu, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN B. Durgin, Culver Academies, Culver, IN J. Mcclintock, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN P. Bittar, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN Michigan 150.0 138.0 132.0 131.0 127.5 126.5 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 10 10 8 9 9 9 10 9 8 9 10 9 9 9 9 S. Agarwal, Troy HS, Troy, MI S. Mikkilineni, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Huang, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Sathi, ICAE, Troy, MI B. Lin, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI H. Wu, East Lansing HS, East Lansing, MI R. Stoddard, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI K. Mehta, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI M. Charnley, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI S. Mikkilineni, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Shaik, ICAE, Troy, MI A. Desai, Troy HS, Troy, MI B. Dietrich, ICAE, Troy, MI C. Chu, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI B. Lehman, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI 146.5 136.0 134.5 133.5 131.0 131.0 130.0 129.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.0 10 9 8 9 10 8 10 9 10 9 10 9 9 8 10 10 B. Bolte, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Wang, Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH T. Zhan, William Mason HS, Mason, OH A. Hodun, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH K. Wilson, Dublin Coffman HS, Dublin, OH R. Tan, William Mason HS, Mason, OH Z. Rosskamm, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH Y. Shao, William Mason HS, Mason, OH A. Zhang, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Xi, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH J. Feldmann, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Jiang, William Mason HS, Mason, OH M. Kim, William Mason HS, Mason, OH R. Wang, William Mason HS, Mason, OH A. Lehman, Notre Dame-Cthd Latin Sch, Chardon, OH K. Diab, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH Ohio Region 5 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Iowa 138.0 130.0 124.0 120.5 8 9 10 8 L. Ye, West SHS, Iowa City, IA J. Min, West SHS, Iowa City, IA M. Fang, Ames HS, Ames, IA J. Fang, Ames HS, Ames, IA Kansas 132.5 10 K. Krueger, Shawnee Heights SHS, Tecumseh, KS 122.0 10 N. Boyer, Salina HS - Ctr’l, Salina, KS 94 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (United States), Continued Minnesota 139.5 125.0 124.0 123.0 122.0 9 9 9 9 10 E. Knight, St Peter HS, St. Peter, MN D. Olson, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN L. Zhang, Roseville Area HS, Roseville, MN L. Wax, Blaine HS, Blaine, MN E. Garfield, Orono HS, Long Lake, MN Nebraska 129.0 9 W. Thoreson Green, Westside HS, Omaha, NE 125.5 9 N. Kovar, Duchesne Acad, Omaha, NE 125.0 10 E. Lawson, Westside HS, Omaha, NE North Dakota 146.5 10 G. Brockman, Red River HS, Grand Forks, ND Wisconsin 129.0 126.5 124.0 122.0 10 9 10 10 J. Wagner, J I Case HS, Racine, WI G. Chao, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI N. Mataczynski, J I Case HS, Racine, WI M. Marheine, Wauwatosa West HS, Wauwatosa, WI Region 6 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Illinois 150.0 140.5 139.5 136.0 132.5 130.0 130.0 127.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 S. Ye, Dunlap HS, Dunlap, IL W. Luo, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL T. Say, Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL Z. Edmonds, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL P. Xia, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL S. Mirski, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Choi, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL C. Angiuli, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL B. Kusuma, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Chun, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL J. Li, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL E. Seo, Ctr’l HS, Champaign, IL W. Sun, Univ HS, Normal, IL J. Dinkelman, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL S. Band, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL E. Culler, Lincoln Park HS, Chicago, IL S. Solomon, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL R. Hsu, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL J. Ong, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL E. Muir, Dunlap HS, Dunlap, IL S. Powers, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Marshall, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL 146.5 146.5 144.0 137.0 131.0 129.0 125.0 125.0 121.5 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 9 10 D. Viox, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO A. Liu, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO J. Chen, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO T. Swift, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO M. Didonna, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO M. Meyer, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO L. Gibbons, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO T. Lite, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO R. Gibbons, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO 134.5 122.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 9 10 10 10 9 S. Pan, White Station HS, Memphis, TN E. Guo, White Station HS, Memphis, TN S. Maginnis, Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN J. Reynolds, Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN S. Mandry, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN Missouri Tennessee Region 7 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Mississippi 122.0 9 J. Ying, Oxford HS, Oxford, MS Texas 140.5 140.5 140.5 138.0 132.5 132.0 131.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 125.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 9 9 8 10 9 10 P. Kothari, Hightower HS, Missouri City, TX M. Harris, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX C. Li, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX D. Price, Johnson HS, Austin, TX C. Lee, Flower Mound HS, Flower Mound, TX S. Eggleston, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX A. Seam, Ronald Reagan HS, San Antonio, TX R. Newton, Johnson HS, Austin, TX R. Naik, Ronald Reagan HS, San Antonio, TX X. Yu, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Bayer, Johnson HS, Austin, TX T. Einav, Johnson HS, Austin, TX R. Lim, Flour Bluff JHS, Corpus Christi, TX C. Jackman, Bishop T K Gorman MS/HS, Tyler, TX G. Kong, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Konuk, Hightower HS, Missouri City, TX Region 8 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alaska 136.0 10 S. Price, West Valley HS, Fairbanks, AK 120.0 10 L. Daum, West Valley HS, Fairbanks, AK Arizona 124.0 10 G. King, Hamilton HS, Chandler, AZ Colorado 143.0 10 131.0 9 130.0 8 128.5 10 124.0 121.5 8 J. Morse, George Washington HS, Denver, CO T. Davids, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO A. Natarajan, Peak To Peak Charter Sch, Lafayette, CO H. Alpert, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO E. Noel, Littleton HS, Littleton, CO A. Verser, Walt Clark MS, Loveland, CO 125.5 123.0 122.0 122.0 120.5 T. Zhou, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Dung, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Mariconda, Kamehameha HS, Honolulu, HI B. Kan, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Kaneshiro, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI Hawaii 10 10 10 10 9 Nevada 144.0 9 S. Garrabrant, Advanced Tech Acad, Las Vegas, NV 132.5 10 S. Sweeney, Edward C Reed HS, Sparks, NV 128.5 10 E. Jo, Wooster HS, Reno, NV 122.5 9 K. Chen, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV 122.5 10 S. Johnson, Edward C Reed HS, Sparks, NV New Mexico 128.5 10 A. Bose, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM 123.0 10 J. Yu, Los Alamos HS, Los Alamos, NM 121.5 10 J. Izraelevitz, Los Alamos HS, Los Alamos, NM Oregon 122.0 6 F. Liu, Crescent Valley HS, Corvallis, OR 120.5 10 A. Reeder, South Salem HS, Salem, OR Utah 132.5 127.5 126.5 124.0 122.0 9 8 8 9 10 A. Carter, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT A. Gondolo, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT J. Chen, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT K. Kim, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT R. Marks, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT 150.0 144.0 134.5 133.5 132.0 129.0 127.5 9 9 9 9 7 10 10 B. Basham, Skyview HS, Vancouver, WA Q. Yuan, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA M. Goldman Kirst, Nathan Hale HS, Seattle, WA B. Kao, Int’l Comm Sch, Kirkland, WA S. Keller, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA M. Kung, Sammamish HS, Bellevue, WA N. Peltier, Nathan Hale HS, Seattle, WA Washington 95 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (United States), Continued 126.5 126.5 122.0 120.5 120.5 9 9 10 10 9 J. Weng, Issaquah HS, Issaquah, WA J. Xia, Kamiak HS, Mukilteo, WA A. Ghassaei, Univ Prep Acad, Seattle, WA R. Stern, Nathan Hale HS, Seattle, WA X. Zhang, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA Region 9 ScoreGrName, School, City, State California 144.0 144.0 144.0 143.0 143.0 140.5 140.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 137.0 133.5 132.5 132.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 128.5 127.5 10 9 8 10 10 9 7 9 9 9 8 8 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 H. Tung, Torrey Pines HS, San Diego, CA J. Lin, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA M. Mao, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA B. Huh, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Milovic, Univ HS, Irvine, CA C. Suen, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Chu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA B. Li, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA J. Wu, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA J. Chu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Wang, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA T. Jin, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA K. Cheng, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA S. Thadani, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Z. Yang, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA E. Hong, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA G. Hirshman, La Jolla Ctry DS, La Jolla, CA A. Kasturiraman, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Akiyama, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA R. Kelly, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA A. Lai, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA J. Manning, , , CA 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 10 10 9 9 8 9 9 7 10 10 10 10 9 7 8 7 8 10 10 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 8 10 J. Tsai, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA P. Tieu, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA P. Romer, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA M. Coleman, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA G. Liou, De Portola MS, Tarzana, CA A. Choi, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Kang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA L. Ye, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA B. Lin, Bellarmine Col Prep Sch, San Jose, CA M. Lehman, Brentwood Sch, Los Angeles, CA A. Ramsey, Del Norte HS, Crescent City, CA S. Liu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA X. Li, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA A. Arfin, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA T. Kee, De Portola MS, Tarzana, CA K. Yang, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA E. Ye, De Portola MS, Tarzana, CA Y. Lu, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA A. Hwong, Orange Co HS of the Arts, Snata Ana, CA L. Han, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA R. Rong, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA B. Zhang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA R. Huo, Rancho Bernardo HS, San Diego, CA A. Yoshimura, Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA A. Wang, Amador Valley HS, Pleasanton, CA E. Shelton, Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA C. Fu, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA W. Cao, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA B. Blackwell, Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA April Ploeger vists AMC April Ploeger, who had an AMC 12B Perfect Score, visited the AMC this spring. 96 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (Canada) Region 10 This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 12A participants from Canadian Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alberta 122.0 12 B. Thompson, Tempo Sch, Edmonton, AB British Columbia 137.0 133.5 130.0 129.0 124.0 120.5 120.5 12 9 11 8 12 11 11 T. Chen, Seaquam SS, Delta, BC J. He, Seaquam SS, Delta, BC A. Wong, David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC D. Shi, Windermere SS, Vancouver, BC J. Yoo, St Michael’s Univ S, Victoria, BC S. Lin, Moscrop SS, Burnaby, BC S. Luo, Magee SS, Vancouver, BC Manitoba 125.0 11 E. Lipnowski, St John’s-Ravenscourt Sch, Winnipeg, MB 122.0 12 K. Lam, St John’s-Ravenscourt Sch, Winnipeg, MB Ontario 140.5 12 F. Chung, London Ctr’l SS, London, ON 138.0 12 G. Siu, London Ctr’l SS, London, ON 138.0 11 P. Shi, Sir John A MacDonald CI, Toronto, ON 138.0 137.0 137.0 129.0 126.5 125.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 120.5 120.5 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 7 T. Liu, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON N. Murdoch, London Ctr’l SS, London, ON K. Huynh, Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON T. Liu, Lisgar CI, Ottawa, ON A. Sung, St Andrew’s Col, Aurora, ON H. Park, Holy Trinity Sch, Richmond Hill, ON Y. Li, Lisgar CI, Ottawa, ON J. Shen, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON L. Martin, Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON M. Shan, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON Z. Wu, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON K. Malekanian, Crescent Sch, Toronto, ON E. Lau, Sir John A MacDonald CI, Toronto, ON A. Kong, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON A. Kashigar, London Ctr’l SS, London, ON C. Sun, London Ctr’l SS, London, ON Quebec 127.5 12 D. Kwak, Lower Canada Col, Montreal, QC 123.0 13 L. Lebeau Martin, Col De Maisonneuve, Montreal, QC Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (Canada) Region 10 This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 12B participants from Canadian Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alberta 136.0 11 Y. Yang, Western Canada HS, Calgary, AB 130.0 11 Z. Guo, Western Canada HS, Calgary, AB 127.5 10 B. Braverman, Sir Winston Churchill HS, Calgray, AB British Columbia 130.0 130.0 130.0 127.5 127.5 124.0 123.0 122.5 120.5 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 W. Fan, Dover Bay SS, Nanaimo, BC J. Yang, Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC M. Chen, Windermere SS, Vancouver, BC R. Dan, Point Grey SS, Vancouver, BC A. Zhang, St Georges Sch, Vancouver, BC T. Wu, Sir Winston Churchill SS, Vancouver, BC A. Ye, Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC F. Barekat, Sutherland SS, N Vancouver, BC B. Krause, St Georges Sch, Vancouver, BC New Brunswick 121.5 11 D. Ye, Fredericton HS, Fredericton, NB Ontario 139.5 139.5 138.0 137.0 137.0 134.5 133.5 132.5 11 12 8 11 10 11 11 11 B. Deng, Jarvis CI, Toronto, ON Z. Zheng, Jarvis CI, Toronto, ON K. Jin, St Michael’s Col Sch, Toronto, ON A. Wice, Leaside HS, Toronto, ON A. Guo, O’Neill CI, Oshawa, ON Y. Zhao, Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON Y. Park, Richmond Hill HS, Richmond Hill, ON B. Chen, Ashbury Col, Ottawa, ON 132.5 131.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 128.5 128.5 127.5 125.5 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 120.5 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 12 O. Ivrii, Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON R. Peng, Western Tech, Comm Sch, Toronto, ON V. Krakovna, Western Tech, Comm Sch, Toronto, ON P. Huh, Bishop Allen Acad, Etobicoke, ON Q. Yao, Glenforest SS, Mississauga, ON T. Liu, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON S. White, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON J. Schneider, Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON J. Deng, Earl Haig SS, Toronto, ON J. Wang, Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON D. Fan, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON J. Shen, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON P. Fu, Columbia Int’l Col, Hamilton, ON W. Xu, Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON X. Qiao, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON A. Kong, Vincent Massey SS, Windsor, ON T. Wan, Stephen Leacock CI, Agincourt, ON Y. Cheng, York Mills CI, Don Mills, ON Quebec 130.0 13 K. Przybytkowski, Marianopolis Col, Montreal, QC 125.5 11 Y. Gu, Antoine-Brossard, Brossard, QC 124.0 13 Y. Ge, Marianopolis Col, Montreal, QC 97 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (Canada) Region 10 This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 10A participants from Canadian Schools who score 120.0or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alberta 120.5 9 M. Wong, Tempo Sch, Edmonton, AB British Columbia 150.0 131.0 130.0 127.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 8 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 9 D. Shi, Windermere SS, Vancouver, BC O. Tian, David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC S. Liu, Sir Winston Churchill SS, Vancouver, BC J. Li, Sir Winston Churchill SS, Vancouver, BC S. Tso, David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC J. Wang, Eric Hamber SS, Vancouver, BC F. Yu, Eric Hamber SS, Vancouver, BC L. Cai, Sir Winston Churchill SS, Vancouver, BC B. Huang, Sir Winston Churchill SS, Vancouver, BC Ontario 138.0 134.5 132.0 126.0 125.0 123.0 121.5 120.5 7 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 J. Schneider, Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON C. Ho, Upper Canada Col, Toronto, ON G. Tsang, Crescent Sch, Toronto, ON L. Wu, Sir John A MacDonald CI, Toronto, ON V. Zou, Sir John A MacDonald CI, Toronto, ON J. Erlichman, Upper Canada Col, Toronto, ON A. Cheng, Upper Canada Col, Toronto, ON M. An, Sir John A MacDonald CI, Toronto, ON Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (Canada) Region 10 This Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes AMC 10B participants from Canadian Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alberta 139.5 125.5 120.5 120.5 10 10 10 10 X. Cheng, Western Canada HS, Calgary, AB S. Sun, Sir Winston Churchill HS, Calgray, AB S. Ghafouri, Western Canada HS, Calgary, AB B. Khan, Western Canada HS, Calgary, AB 150.0 146.5 144.0 140.5 138.0 138.0 131.0 129.0 125.5 125.0 124.0 122.5 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 9 D. Shi, Windermere SS, Vancouver, BC B. Pang, Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC J. Yang, Lambrick Park SS, Victoria, BC J. Chen, St Georges Sch, Vancouver, BC S. Karp, Lord Byng SS, Vancouver, BC P. Choi, Port Moody Sr SS, Port Moody, BC R. Legassicke, Dover Bay SS, Nanaimo, BC M. Jiang, David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC M. Zhao, Pinetree SS, Coquitlam, BC S. Guo, David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC J. Li, Pinetree SS, Coquitlam, BC J. Zhou, Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC M. Clark, Dover Bay SS, Nanaimo, BC S. Chen, Cariboo Hill SS, Burnaby, BC S. Tso, David Thompson SS, Vancouver, BC C. Su, Univ Hill SS, Vancouver, BC British Columbia New Brunswick 144.0 9 J. Kileel, Fredericton HS, Fredericton, NB 122.5 10 S. Yoo, Fredericton HS, Fredericton, NB 122.0 9 W. Nie, Fredericton HS, Fredericton, NB Ontario 144.0 140.5 140.5 140.5 138.0 137.0 134.5 134.5 129.0 129.0 128.5 126.0 122.0 120.5 98 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 A. Jang, Appleby Col, Oakville, ON G. Peng, Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON J. Lee, Thornhill SS, Thornhill, ON S. Zhu, Albert Campbell CI, Scarborough, ON K. Huynh, Univ of Toronto Schs, Toronto, ON A. Jiang, Oakville Trafalgor HS, Oakville, ON K. Xiong, Don Mills CI, Don Mills, ON T. Cao, Albert Campbell CI, Scarborough, ON H. Mohamedali, Richmond Hill HS, Richmond Hill, ON L. Gao, Westdale SS, Hamilton, ON S. Lei, York Mills CI, Don Mills, ON A. Cheng, Upper Canada Col, Toronto, ON G. Kamath, Westdale SS, Hamilton, ON A. Lim, Earl Haig SS, Toronto, ON Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (International) The AMC 12A International Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes participants from International Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGr Name, School, City, State Hong Kong 136.0 13 P. Jackson, Island Sch, Hong Kong 133.5 12 L. Wong, Chinese Int’l Sch, Hong Kong 120.5 13 K. Chiu, Island Sch, Hong Kong Hungary 132.5 12 M. Krusper, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary 122.0 11 D. Maleskovits, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary Romania 133.5 12 A. Iacob, Liceul Internat “C Negruzzi”, Iasi, Romania 132.0 11 A. Ungureanu, Coelgiul Nat’l Traian, Drobeta Turnu Severn, Romania Singapore 138.0 132.5 127.5 126.5 124.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 120.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 K. Tay, Anglo-Chinese JrCol, Singapore A. Balsubramani, Singapore Am Sch, Singapore N. Van Tan, Anglo-Chinese JrCol, Singapore T. Phung, Nat’l JrCol, Singapore T. Tran, Anglo-Chinese JrCol, Singapore H. Aung, Nanyang JrCol, Singapore C. Suo, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore L. Xu, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore A. Dash, Anderson JrCol, Singapore 143.0 140.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 134.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 12 10 9 10 12 12 10 11 11 11 10 9 9 11 8 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 9 12 11 12 11 10 12 10 8 10 8 11 L. Chou, Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan W. Chen, Tainan First SHS, Taiwan C. Lo, Chang An JHS, Taiwan T. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Chang, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan M. Jen, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Lin, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan P. Liou, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan C. Liu, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan C. Li, Gang Min Hs, Taiwan Y. Fan, Jen Ai JHS, Taiwan F. Lin, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan I. Annie, Taipei First Girl HS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Yung Nian HS, Taiwan Y. Lee, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan z. Leven, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan C. Chou, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan C. Sun, Gang Min Hs, Taiwan P. Kuo, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan C. Jun Wei, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan T. Tsao, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan K. Chang, Taichung Mun. Chu Jen JHS, Taiwan L. Lee, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan Y. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Jung Han, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan Q. Kao, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Yu-juan, Nat’l Taichung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Y. Liu, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan B. Shih, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Li, Chen Li Cram Sch-Taipei Br, Taiwan J. Wang, Ching Cheng HS, Taiwan T. Ho, Concordia MS, Taiwan Taiwan 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 99 12 12 12 12 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 9 10 11 12 12 11 12 10 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 H. Wu, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan K. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan M. Hsieh, Washington HS, Taiwan S. Tao, Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan H. Liu, Chen Li Cram Sch-Tainan Br, Taiwan T. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan L. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Chen, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan H. Shih, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan C. Wang, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan H. Kuo, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan Y. Lai, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan P. Tseng, Washington HS, Taiwan K. Lui, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan C. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Wu, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan T. Yu Chiao, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan H. Chang, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan Y. Chiang, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan P. Wu, Ger Jyh SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan P. Ho, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Lan, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Lee, Kaohsiung Mun. Kaohsiung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan T. Tu, Chang Jung JHS, Taiwan H. Chou, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan Y. Huang, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan J. Lyu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Jung, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan S. Shieh, Nat’l Chia-Yi Girls’ SHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan W. Li, Nat’l Hu Wei SHS, Taiwan T. Cheng-hs, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan P. Sung, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan H. Kuo, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan C. Tseng, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan W. Lo, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan R. Yeh, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Chou, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan P. Chen, Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan K. Lin, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan M. Ho, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan C. Liang, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan P. Liang, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan S. Chen, Chung Dau HS, Taiwan C. Hung, Ger Jyh SHS, Taiwan H. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan J. Hung, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Lee, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Tseng, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan I. Wang, Ling Kuo SHS, Taiwan Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12A (International), Continued 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 10 11 12 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 10 10 12 11 11 12 12 12 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 Y. Hsiao, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan K. Lun Chan, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan J. Lin, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan M. Chen, Nat’l Keelung SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan M. Hsu, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan P. Ho, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan S. Shao, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan C. Wang, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan C. Shih, Afl SHS, Tung Hai Univ, Taiwan Y. Chen, Chen Li Cram Sch-Tainan Br, Taiwan W. Cho, Chen Li Cram Sch-Tainan Br, Taiwan T. Lin, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan L. Chung, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan P. Chou, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan H. Shin, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan J. You, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Liu, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan C. Chu, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan S. Peng, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan M. Chen, Nat’l Ping Tung SHS, Taiwan J. Lin, Chen Li Cram Sch-Taipei Br, Taiwan K. Tsai, Concordia MS, Taiwan Y. Chao, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan T. Lin, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan T. Meng Che, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan T. Tsai, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan C. Kuo, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan H. Hsu, Ruey Shyang HS, Taiwan C. Chen, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Taipei Mun. Zhongshan Girls’ HS, Taiwan 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 11 12 C. Wu, Washington HS, Taiwan W. Wei, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan S. Chang, Feng Yuan SHS, Taiwan P. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan C. Hsu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan T. Li, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan H. Li, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan H. Liu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Hsu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan P. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Wu, Kaohsiung Mun. Hsiao Kang SHS, Taiwan H. Your, Li San SHS, Taiwan C. Hsiao, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan P. Chen, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan P. Lue, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan Z. Tong, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan L. Wang, Tung Shan HS, Taiwan H. Shih-tin, Wu Lin SHS, Taiwan M. Liu, Yan Ping HS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Chen Li Cram Sch-Tainan Br, Taiwan P. Lee, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan N. Ho, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Hsieh, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan H. Hsu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Chen, Hong Wen SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan T. Liao, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Nat’l Tainan Second SHS, Taiwan J. Shih, Tung Shan HS, Taiwan Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B (International) The AMC 12B International Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes participants from International Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State China 150.0 150.0 150.0 146.5 146.5 146.5 146.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 146.5 146.5 146.5 146.5 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 140.5 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Z. Xiaojie, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China Z. Zili, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China J. Dai, Affilated HS of Hunan, Changsha, China J. Liu, Affilated HS of Hunan, Changsha, China Z. Haoquan, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China M. Junchun, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Z. Tinghui, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China M. Yingxin, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China S. Yujia N, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Z. Zexian, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China L. Zhidong, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China G. Jiayu, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Z. Jinghui, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China G. Min, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China L. Ziqiang, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China G. Zhu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China F. Jie, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China P. Wen, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China X. Yi, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China W. Yuqin, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China M. Gang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 100 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 L. Jin, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Yu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China S. Zhou, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Yifeng, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China L. Ma, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Q. Zheng, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Jiang, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China W. Jin, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China Z. Lu, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China Y. Wang, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China C. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China D. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Li, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China X. Li, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China W. Ding, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China Z. Lin, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China W. Liu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Xu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Feng, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China B. Feng, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China X. Zhang, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China S. Cai, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 12B(International), Continued 126.0 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.0 122.0 120.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 L. Lujun, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China J. Yibing, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China D. Xu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Ding, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China J. Jiachao, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China J. Yao, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China W. Ding, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Ma, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China D. Xing, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Xu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Yu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Yu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Liang, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China S. Ren, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Z. Renren, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China W. Luo, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China T. Li, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Piao, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China D. Lin, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Singapore 143.0 139.5 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 132.5 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 9 11 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 9 11 12 9 9 11 10 11 12 12 X. Li, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Zhao, Raffles JrCol, Singapore T. Wang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Wang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore C. Sia, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Z. Wang, Raffles JrCol, Singapore C. Zhao, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore L. Xue Ping, Raffles Institution, Singapore M. Hoang Trong, Victoria JrCol, Singapore T. Nguyen, Victoria JrCol, Singapore X. Shang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore H. Zou, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore C. Sun, Raffles Institution, Singapore Z. Jiang, Raffles JrCol, Singapore B. Zhuang, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Y. Ding, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore S. Ng, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Z. Zhou, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Ouyang, Raffles JrCol, Singapore K. Phua Yu Jie, Temasek JrCol, Singapore N. Chu, Raffles JrCol, Singapore D. Chen, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore S. Wang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore X. Chen, Raffles Institution, Singapore Z. Lin, Raffles JrCol, Singapore W. Shi, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Zhu, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore R. Chan Wai Hong, Raffles Institution, Singapore Z. Chen, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Q. Fan, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore J. Ho, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore J. Ho Jun Feng, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore C. Koh, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 9 11 9 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 10 11 10 12 10 12 11 12 11 11 9 9 9 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 9 11 W. Lim, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Z. Shi, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore K. Yuan, Raffles Institution, Singapore Y. Zheng, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Y. Pan, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore X. Wang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore H. Wu, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore X. Xiao, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore L. Zhao, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Q. Huang, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Y. Lai, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Q. Wang, Victoria JrCol, Singapore W. Hu, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Y. Lim, Raffles JrCol, Singapore M. Sun, Raffles JrCol, Singapore S. Qian, Victoria JrCol, Singapore C. Luo, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore D. Zhang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Yi, Raffles Institution, Singapore P. Yifan, Raffles Institution, Singapore L. Tian, Raffles JrCol, Singapore L. Chen, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore X. Wang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore T. Zhou, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Zhuang, Temasek JrCol, Singapore Y. Chuah, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Z. Jiang, Raffles JrCol, Singapore X. Tao, Raffles JrCol, Singapore C. Liu, Victoria JrCol, Singapore Y. Tang, Raffles Institution, Singapore Y. Xia, Raffles Institution, Singapore Z. Dai, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Ma, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore F. Yu, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore H. Huang, Raffles Institution, Singapore Y. Chen, Raffles JrCol, Singapore M. Wong, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore K. Wu, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Y. Yu, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore W. Chin, Raffles JrCol, Singapore R. Hua, Raffles JrCol, Singapore H. Liu, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Y. Sun, Raffles JrCol, Singapore B. Wei, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Y. Chong, Victoria JrCol, Singapore J. Shi, Victoria JrCol, Singapore W. Yang, Victoria JrCol, Singapore C. Chen, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore J. Wu, Raffles JrCol, Singapore Taiwan 139.5 11 J. Lai, Morrison Acad, Taichung, Taiwan 123.0 12 R. Lin, Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan Turkey 125.5 9 E. Sarbak, Robert Col, Istanbul, Turkey 101 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (International) The AMC 10A International Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes participants from International Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State APO-FPO 121.5 8 S. Scott, Ramstein HS, APO AE, _M China 132.0 9 J. Choi, Shanghai Am Sch-West, Zhu Di, Shanghai, China 121.5 10 I. Jung, Shanghai Am Sch-West, Zhu Di, Shanghai, China 120.5 10 P. Tu, Int’l Sch of Beijing, Beijing, China Hong Kong 140.5 140.5 132.0 121.5 121.5 10 9 9 10 10 S. Chow, Pui Ching MS, Kowloon, Hong Kong P. Fok, Pui Ching MS, Kowloon, Hong Kong R. Wu, Hong Kong Int’l Sch, Tai Tam, Hong Kong D. Ho, Hong Kong Int’l Sch, Tai Tam, Hong Kong H. Kwan, Pui Ching MS, Kowloon, Hong Kong 140.5 137.0 132.0 131.0 127.5 121.5 9 9 10 10 10 10 L. Toth, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary G. Csoka, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary Z. Berna, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary A. Loska, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary J. Vincze, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary T. Csatari, Univ Debrecen Dept of Math, Debrecen, Hungary Hungary Malaysia 121.5 10 M. Kim, Int’l Sch of Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mexico 132.0 10 Y. Kim, Am Sch Foundation, Col.las Americas, Mexico 128.5 9 H. Kim, Am Sch Foundation, Col.las Americas, Mexico Philipines 137.0 10 S. Pyo, Intl Sch Manila, Fort Bonifacio, Philipines 122.5 10 B. Kwon, Intl Sch Manila, Fort Bonifacio, Philipines Romania 124.0 9 A. Tigora, Coelgiul Nat’l Traian, Drobeta Turnu Severn, Romania Taiwan 150.0 150.0 146.5 146.5 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 7 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 S. Wang, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Kuo, Tainan First SHS, Taiwan C. Su, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan Y. Tzeng, Nat’l Kao Hsiung Normal Univ,B180 Af, Taiwan C. Chen, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan J. Kao, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan J. Wang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan S. Lan, Chia Hwa Private SHS, Taiwan P. Shen, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan P. Chien, Chin Shi JHS, Taiwan C. Hsu, Hai Math Inst.-Hsin Chu Br, Taiwan H. Fang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Wei, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan N. Shyu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Huang, Kaohsiung Mun Lung Hua JHS, Taiwan Y. Chu, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan Y. Fu, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan S. Wang, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan Y. Wang, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan Y. Lai, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan C. Li, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan K. Lin, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan H. Lin, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan K. Tseng, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan C. Lin, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 139.5 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 102 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 8 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 8 G. Wang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan H. Ho, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan P. Jang, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan H. Lai, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Taichung Mun. Chu Jen JHS, Taiwan P. Tseng, Taichung Mun. Li Ming JHS, Taiwan S. Chang, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan G. Chen, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan C. Huang, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan S. Chen, Taipei Mun Nan Hu SHS, Taiwan S. Huang, Yan Ping HS, Taiwan Y. Chou, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Liu, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Kuo, Feng Hsi JHS, Taiwan L. Wang, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Kuang Jen HS, Taiwan W. Wu, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan L. Cheng, Nat’l Tainan Girls SHS, Taiwan B. Guo, Taichung Mun. Li Ming JHS, Taiwan S. Shan, Taipei Mun Tun Hua JHS, Taiwan Y. Ting, Washington HS, Taiwan S. Yang, Washington HS, Taiwan C. Huang, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Jhong, Kaohsiung Mun Yang Ming JHS, Taiwan R. Chao, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Huang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Ho, Chang Jung JHS, Taiwan D. Hon, Chi Chien JHS, Taiwan K. Huang, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan Y. Shieh, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan C. Yu-chuan, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan C. Lo, Concordia MS, Taiwan P. Shih, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan M. Shih, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan K. Yang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan H. Yen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan M. Hwang, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan P. Lin, Hsing Hwa SHS, Taiwan H. Lin, Kaohsiung Mun Yang Ming JHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan Y. Yang, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan L. Chen, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore P. Chang, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan W. Cheng, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan P. Chi, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan S. Lai, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan W. Chen, Nat’l Lan Yang Girls’ SHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan Y. Cheng, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan M. Wang, Nat’l Ping Tung SHS, Taiwan . Ho, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan N. Quah, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore S. Wang, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore M. Xue, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore C. Wu, Shin Shing SHS, Taiwan L. Chan, Taichung Mun. Chu Jen JHS, Taiwan Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (International), Continued 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 137.0 136.0 136.0 136.0 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 133.5 132.5 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 10 8 10 9 10 9 9 9 9 8 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 8 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 9 8 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 J. Yeh, Taipei Ctry. Hai Shan HS, Taiwan H. Liu, Taipei Mun Tun Hua JHS, Taiwan J. Peng, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan J. Chin, Tzu Kuan JHS, Taiwan Y. Chan, Washington HS, Taiwan C. Wu, Yan Ping HS, Taiwan S. Chou, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Hsu, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Q. Wu, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Yang, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan P. Huang, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan W. Tu, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan H. Wang, Feng San SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan P. Li, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Liu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan M. Brown, Island Sch, Hong Kong M. Yang, Living Stone Cram School, Taiwan Y. Hon, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan C. Chai, Taipei First Girl HS, Taiwan L. Chang, Yuan Lin JHS, Taiwan Y. Hsiao, Ching Hsing JHS, Taiwan G. Yang, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan Y. Cheng, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan F. Hsu, Ching Hsing JHS, Taiwan Y. Yen, Ching Hsing JHS, Taiwan P. Chiang, Chu Lin Middle HS, Taiwan Y. Shieh, Chung Hsing JHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Concordia MS, Taiwan H. Lin, Dann Shui JHS, Taiwan K. Chen, Feng Hsi JHS, Taiwan C. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Lai, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan W. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan P. Hou, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Liu, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan W. Lai, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan N. Chen, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan L. Tang, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan Y. Yang, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan C. Hsu, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan I. Lee, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan C. Pan, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan T. Shih, Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan P. Chen, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan S. Chiu, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan P. Yeh, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan S. Wang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan C. Lin?, Sinsing JHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan H. Chang, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan K. Chuang, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan T. Li, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Huang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Hsiao, Jan Hao Cram School, Taiwan C. TSAI, Kaohsiung Mun Yang Ming JHS, Taiwan L. Yen, Kuang Hua JHS, Taiwan Y. Liu, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan C. Tsai, Taichung Mun. Li Ming JHS, Taiwan B. Chen, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore W. Hsieh, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan Y. Huang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan G. Lee, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Wu, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Yen, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 132.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 131.0 103 9 9 10 9 8 8 10 9 10 10 10 8 8 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 10 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 Y. Lin, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan E. Wang, Chieh Shou JHS, Taiwan P. Lai, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan J. Dai, Chung Hsing JHS, Taiwan M. Li, Chung Hsing JHS, Taiwan K. Li, Chung Hsing JHS, Taiwan H. Ho, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan T. Hsieh, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Liu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan S. Li, Hui Wen HS, Taiwan S. Liou, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Kuang Hua JHS, Taiwan W. Tsai, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan P. Ho, Nat’l Chu Pei SHS, Taiwan M. Hsu, Nat’l Chu Pei SHS, Taiwan Y. Lai, Nat’l Chung Hsing SHS, Taiwan T. Liu, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan Y. Chang, Nat’l Hsin Chu Girls’ SHS, Taiwan C. Chou, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan K. Li, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan Y. Lee, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan Y. Tu, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Chuang, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan S. Li, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Quah, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore F. Li, Taichung Mun. Li Ming JHS, Taiwan S. Chen, Tainan First SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan W. Tsui, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan M. Lee, Taipei Co. Chi Sui JHS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan H. Lee, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan P. Ting, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan B. Chang, Taipei Mun Tun Hua JHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan H. Liao, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan S. Lin, Tung Shan HS, Taiwan C. Huang, Washington HS, Taiwan W. Chen, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Huang, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan L. Ni, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan Y. Chang, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan H. So, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan E. Sheu, Yuan Lin JHS, Taiwan K. Wang, Ching Hsing JHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Feng Hsi JHS, Taiwan P. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Kao, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan H. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Kao, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan I. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan M. Lee, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan Y. Wang, Li Zen HS, Taiwan E. Rau, Mei Lun JHS, Taiwan S. Hsu, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan Y. Chiu, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Nat’l Lan Yang Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Tai Cheng Yen Cram Sch, Taiwan S. CHEN, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan C. Wang, Taipei JINGMEI Girls HS, Taiwan Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (International), Continued 131.0 131.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 129.0 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 8 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 7 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 C. Lu, Wu Chuan JHS, Taiwan C. Yang, Yung Ping HS, Taiwan P. Lee, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan P. Lin, Cheng Yi HS, Taiwan H. Li, Fu Ho JHS, Taiwan Y. Yang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan W. Hsu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Yeh, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan H. Fu, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan I. Chen, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan W. Chang, Nat’l Lan Yang Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Y. Tzu-Heng, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan L. Zheng, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan G. Wang, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Tainan City Chung Hsiao JHS, Taiwan Y. Jou, Taipei Mun Nan Hu SHS, Taiwan Y. Jeng, Min Der JHS, Taiwan T. Hsu, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan K. Lu, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Tsai, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan S. Wang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan Y. Chen, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Chian Chen SHS, Taiwan S. Du, Ching Hsing JHS, Taiwan C. Chiang, Chu Lin Middle HS, Taiwan Y. Chen, Concordia MS, Taiwan C. Huang, Gang Min Hs, Taiwan T. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Liu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Ting, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan P. Chuang, Hsing Hwa SHS, Taiwan M. Chen, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan B. Tsai, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan H. Wang, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan C. Hsu, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan C. Hsu, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan K. Huang, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan C. Yeh, Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan M. Li, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan L. Tseng, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan S. Chen, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan W. Shen, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan J. Chang, Taichung Mun. Chu Jen JHS, Taiwan W. Lin, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan I. Liu, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan Y. Shin, Taipei Mun Nan Hu SHS, Taiwan B. Chen, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan M. Tsao, Chung Dau HS, Taiwan Y. Chiang, Concordia MS, Taiwan C. Yeh, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Liu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan H. Pan, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan S. Sun, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Wu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan I. Tsai, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan Y. Wang, Ming Hu JHS, Taiwan B. Sheng, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore R. Co, Nat’l Chu Pei SHS, Taiwan G. Shian, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan S. Shih, Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan C. Lo, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 127.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 104 10 10 10 10 10 7 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 8 8 9 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 Y. Yen, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan K. Wang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l Taichung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan W. Su, Nat’l Tainan Girls SHS, Taiwan C. Cheng, Nat’l Tainan Second SHS, Taiwan B. Huang, Pei An JHS, Taiwan C. Chou, Private Shin Rung SHS, Taiwan L. Cheng, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore Z. Chang, Taichung Mun. Chung Ming SHS, Taiwan F. Chang, Washington HS, Taiwan R. Wang, Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan T. Huang, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan M. Li, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan C. Chou, Chu Lin Middle HS, Taiwan H. Lin, Feng Nan JHS, Taiwan E. Huang, Grace Christian Academy, Taiwan Y. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Li, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan H. Hsu, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan C. Chuang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan Y. Lu, Song Shan SHS, Taiwan M. Tsai, Tai Cheng Yen Cram Sch, Taiwan W. Sun, Taipei Co. Chi Sui JHS, Taiwan S. Ding, Taipei Co. Fu Ying JHS, Taiwan H. Chang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan W. Chen, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan M. Ho, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan C. Huang, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan P. Chen, Cheng Da Cram Sch, Taiwan W. Tsai, Cheng Yi HS, Taiwan W. Hus, Chi Chien JHS, Taiwan S. Hung, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan J. Lai, Chung Cheng JHS, Taiwan W. Lin, Feng Hsi JHS, Taiwan L. Hsu, Feng San SHS, Taiwan C. Ho, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Lai, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan P. Yang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan S. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Liu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Shih, Kaohsiung Mun Yang Ming JHS, Taiwan T. Hung, Kaohsiung Mun. Kaohsiung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan C. Lin, Kaohsiung Mun. Kaohsiung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan Y. Lu, Kaosiung SHS, Taiwan K. Xu, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan S. Chiang, Kuang Hua JHS, Taiwan M. Wang, Kuang Hua JHS, Taiwan W. Cheng, Luh Jiang JHS, Taiwan c. Tsai, Luh Jiang JHS, Taiwan J. Chen, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan S. Wu, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore C. Chang, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan K. Zchhon, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan C. Huang, Nat’l Feng Hsin SHS, Taiwan K. Lin, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan Z. Chern, Nat’l Hua Lien SHS, Taiwan T. Tsai, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan R. Wang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan S. Lin, Nat’l San Chung SHS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan S. Zhou, Nat’l Tainan Second SHS, Taiwan Y. Lay, Pei Shing JHS, Taiwan N. Hsu, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan Y. Chou, Taipei Mun Zhong Zheng SHS, Taiwan Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (International), Continued 126.0 9 126.0 10 126.0 9 126.0 9 126.0 9 126.0 9 126.0 9 126.0 9 125.5 9 125.5 125.5 10 125.5 10 125.0 9 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 9 125.0 9 125.0 10 125.0 9 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 9 125.0 9 125.0 9 125.0 9 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 8 125.0 8 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 10 125.0 9 125.0 9 124.0 8 124.0 10 124.0 10 124.0 9 124.0 9 124.0 10 124.0 10 124.0 10 124.0 10 124.0 10 124.0 10 H. Yang, Wu Fu JHS, Taiwan S. Lii, Wu Yu SHS, Taiwan S. Chu, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan Y. Ke, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan J. Lin, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan K. Shie, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan L. Wang, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan H. Tsai, Hsing Kuo HS, Taiwan X. Gao, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore W. Ku, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan W. Hung, Song Shan SHS, Taiwan M. Hu, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan S. Yeh, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan J. Chen, Chin Yu Kung Cram School, Taiwan Y. Lin, Concordia MS, Taiwan H. Shen, Concordia MS, Taiwan C. Tsai, Concordia MS, Taiwan R. Liu, Fu Hsin HS, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan S. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Z. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan H. Hsiao, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Tsai, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan K. Chao, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan K. Chiang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Han, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Lee, Hua Xing HS, Taiwan J. Pan, Hui Wen HS, Taiwan P. Huang, Kaohsiung Mun Yang Ming JHS, Taiwan P. Lue, Luh Jiang JHS, Taiwan S. Lin, Nan Shan HS, Taiwan W. Yan, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore C. Kuo, Nat’l Chia-Yi Girls’ SHS, Taiwan J. Jang, Nat’l Chung Hsing SHS, Taiwan Y. Huang, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan T. Yen, Nat’l Feng Hsin SHS, Taiwan C. Lee, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan D. Huang, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan S. Tan, Nat’l JrCol, Singapore L. Chiue, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan C. Yang, Nat’l Ping Tung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan H. Huang, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan Y. Wang, Nat’l Tainan Girls SHS, Taiwan P. Huang, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan D. Lu, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan Y. Hsuan, Taipei First Girl HS, Taiwan W. Hsu, Taipei Mun Nan Hu SHS, Taiwan P. Chen, Taipei Mun Zhong Zheng SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan S. Chen, Yan Cheng JHS, Taiwan Y. Teng, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan P. Chen, Afl SHS, Tung Hai Univ, Taiwan C. Chan, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan K. Liu, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan W. Su, Chu Lin Middle HS, Taiwan C. Chen, Chung Ping JHS, Taiwan T. Hsu, Concordia MS, Taiwan M. Huang, Concordia MS, Taiwan T. Ding, Feng San SHS, Taiwan Y. Lo, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Yang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Yang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.5 122.0 122.0 122.0 105 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 9 10 9 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 8 10 9 10 10 P. Hsieh, Hong Wen SHS, Taiwan K. Ng, Island Sch, Hong Kong C. Ku, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Nat’l Feng Hsin SHS, Taiwan Y. Chiu, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan J. Chang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan S. Kan, Nat’l Yuan Li SHS, Taiwan D. Jow, Singapore Am Sch, Singapore W. Dai, Song Shan SHS, Taiwan L. Chou, Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan S. Liu, Taipei Am Sch, Taipei, Taiwan Y. Cheng, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan I. Kao, Taipei JINGMEI Girls HS, Taiwan K. Lu, Taipei Mun Shih Pai JHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Wesley Girls HS, Taiwan T. Yao, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Yeh, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Chen, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan H. Lin, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan W. Chen, Chi Chien JHS, Taiwan Y. Yang, Gang Min Hs, Taiwan P. Wen, Hao Der Ed. Inst., Taiwan K. Lin, Mei Ho SHS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Nat’l Chia-Yi Girls’ SHS, Taiwan M. Chuang, Nat’l Hsin Chu Girls’ SHS, Taiwan C. Yang, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan M. Tsai, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan Y. Hur, Singapore Am Sch, Singapore Y. Shih, Taipei Co. Chiang Tsui JHS, Taiwan S. Lo, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Taipei Mun Tun Hua JHS, Taiwan H. Huang, Taipei Mun Zhong Zheng SHS, Taiwan Y. Tsai, Wu Yu SHS, Taiwan Y. Lai, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan Y. Wu, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan M. Chiang, Changhua Co. Chang-Tai JHS, Taiwan C. Liu, Chia Hwa Private SHS, Taiwan K. Lu, Chu Lin Middle HS, Taiwan C. Lu, Feng San SHS, Taiwan C. Wu, Gang Min Hs, Taiwan Q. He, Hai Math Inst.-Hsin Chu Br, Taiwan Y. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan T. Huang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Tsai, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan J. Wei, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan J. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Ho, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan W. Chiu, Hui Wen HS, Taiwan C. John, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan S. Lee, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan F. Chen, Nat’l Experimental HS, Taiwan J. Chen, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan M. Yang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan E. Lee, Nat’l Taichung 2nd HS, Taiwan W. Wei, Nat’l Taichung Wen Hua SHS, Taiwan Z. Mao, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore H. Wu, Taichung Mun. Li Ming JHS, Taiwan C. Cho, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan T. Kan, Taipei Mun. Zhong Lun HS, Taiwan N. Chang, Washington HS, Taiwan E. Lin, Chung Dau HS, Taiwan C. Li, Hai Math Inst.-Hsin Chu Br, Taiwan Y. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10A (International), Continued 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 10 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 C. Lee, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan H. Cheng, Afl SHS-Nat’l Taiwan Normal Univ., Taiwan Y. Hsu, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan I. Lu, Chi Kuen JHS, Taiwan H. Chang Ch, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan Y. Chan, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan T. Chiang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Chuang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan F. Hsu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan J. Kao, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Wu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Hsieh, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan T. Hsieh, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Lin, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan S. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan H. Yung-shu, Hong Wen SHS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan Y. Yang, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan Y. Chang, Kao Szu Cram School, Taiwan S. Jan, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan T. Lin, Nat’l Chang Hua SHS, Taiwan H. Ho, Nat’l Chiayi SHS, Taiwan Y. Hsu, Nat’l Chu Pei SHS, Taiwan P. Yang, Nat’l Pan Chio SHS, Taiwan M. Chen, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan S. Su, Ping Rong HS, Taiwan Y. Deng, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore J. Li, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore M. Nambiar, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore Z. Yu, Raffles Girls’ Sch, Singapore C. Wang, Taichang Co. Chung Yie HS, Taiwan D. Chen, Tainan First SHS, Taiwan T. Wang, Tainan Mun. Chien Shing JHS, Taiwan Y. Chiweh, Taipei Ctry. Hai Shan HS, Taiwan H. Chen, Taipei JINGMEI Girls HS, Taiwan J. Yang, Taipei Mun Zhong Zheng SHS, Taiwan C. Yeh, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan Y. Cheng, Tzu Chi SHS Afl. Tzu Chi Univ, Taiwan P. Hsieh, Washington HS, Taiwan C. Chen, Yan Ping HS, Taiwan C. Huang, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan K. Hung, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan H. Chen, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan C. Ho, Yung Ping HS, Taiwan P. Huang, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan C. Lin, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan Y. Lin, Cheng Shin JHS, Taiwan P. Hsieh, Chieh Shou JHS, Taiwan Y. Tseng, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan Y. Peng, Hai Math Inst.-Hsin Chu Br, Taiwan C. Wu, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan Y. Chan, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan Y. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Chang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan K. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan H. Wei, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Chen, Heng Yee Catholic HS, Taiwan Y. Ho, Hsiao Ming Girls HS, Taiwan W. Chang, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan J. Yeh, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan L. Huang, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan Y. Li, Nat’l I Lan SHS, Taiwan W. Huang, Nat’l Lan Yang Girls’ SHS, Taiwan 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 9 9 9 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 8 10 6 10 8 8 8 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 S. Yi-Ting, Nat’l Lo Tung SHS, Taiwan Y. Jong, Nat’l Ping Tung Girls’ SHS, Taiwan G. Wang, Nat’l Tainan Second SHS, Taiwan W. Chang, Pan Shih JHS, Taiwan P. Hsu, Shie Song HS, Taiwan S. Ho, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan F. Chang, Tsai Hsing HS, Taiwan C. Li, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan C. Kao, Yu Chu Cram School, Taiwan L. Lai, Afl SHS, Tung Hai Univ, Taiwan J. Chen, Cheng Da Cram Sch, Taiwan F. Liao, Chi Chien JHS, Taiwan Y. Li, Chien Kuo SHS, Taiwan M. Hu, Chung Dau HS, Taiwan C. Chien, Chung Hsing JHS, Taiwan C. Huang, Concordia MS, Taiwan C. Chou, Gang Min Hs, Taiwan M. Wu, Hai Math Inst.-Kaohsiung Br, Taiwan J. Chen, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan J. Twu, Hai Math Inst.-Taichung Br, Taiwan C. Lee, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan P. Lu, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan W. Sun, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Tsai, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan C. Wang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Yang, Hai Math Inst.-Taipei Br, Taiwan Y. Lai, Hui Wen HS, Taiwan P. Yu, Keelung Mun Ming Chwan JHS, Taiwan T. Huang, Kuang Jen HS, Taiwan V. Leu, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan T. Lin, Lan Ya JHS, Taiwan S. Lin, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan C. Wang, Ming Dao SHS, Taiwan C. Chang, Mr.Yen Cram School, Taiwan W. Lu, Nanyang Girls’ HS, Singapore T. Xie, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan P. Yue, Nat’l Hsin Chu SHS, Taiwan C. Lin, Nat’l Taichung First SHS, Taiwan W. Wu, Nat’l Taichung Wen Hua SHS, Taiwan H. Lin, Pei Shing JHS, Taiwan j. ruan, Private Chung Hsin HS, Taiwan Y. Wu, Shih Tung ES, Taiwan Y. Li, Taichung Co. Da Li SHS, Taiwan P. Hsu, Taipei Co. Chi Sui JHS, Taiwan B. Yang, Taipei Co. Yong He JHS, Taiwan A. Hsu, Taipei Mun Chin Hwa JHS, Taiwan M. Lee, Taipei Mun Zhong Zheng SHS, Taiwan Y. Pan, Taipei Mun. Cheng Gong HS, Taiwan H. Chen, Tucheng JHS, Taiwan C. Lu, Tzu Chi SHS Afl. Tzu Chi Univ, Taiwan Y. Chen, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan H. Huang, Yang Min JHS, Taiwan C. Kuo, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan G. Wang, Ying-hai HS, Taiwan H. Chu, Yung Feng HS, Taiwan H. Chen, Yung Ping HS, Taiwan Thailand 125.0 10 S. Jang, Int’l Sch of Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Thailand 106 Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (International) The AMC 10B International Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes participants from International Schools who score 120.0 or above. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. ScoreGrName, School, City, State China 150.0 10 150.0 9 146.5 10 146.5 10 144.0 10 144.0 10 140.5 10 139.5 10 138.0 10 138.0 10 138.0 10 138.0 10 138.0 10 136.0 10 136.0 10 136.0 10 134.5 10 134.5 10 134.5 10 134.5 10 134.5 10 133.5 10 133.5 10 133.5 10 133.5 10 133.5 10 132.5 10 132.5 10 132.0 10 132.0 10 132.0 10 132.0 10 132.0 10 132.0 10 131.0 10 131.0 10 131.0 10 131.0 9 130.0 10 130.0 10 130.0 10 130.0 10 130.0 10 128.5 10 128.5 127.5 10 127.5 10 127.5 10 127.5 9 127.5 8 126.5 10 126.5 10 126.5 10 126.5 10 126.5 10 126.5 10 126.5 10 J. Ji, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China X. Zhao, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China J. Chen, Affilated HS of Hunan, Changsha, China H. Sun, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Jie, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China S. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Han, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China R. Liu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Lv, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China B. Yuan, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China Y. Yue, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China Y. Yun, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China S. Chen, Affilated HS of Hunan, Changsha, China Z. Bai, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China W. Guo, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Pei, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China P. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Q. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Zhao, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Yunxiang, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China G. Yinghong, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China D. Fen G, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Ma, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China D. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Chen, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China F. Yizhang, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China X. Li, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China S. Sun, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Qiyang, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China T. Xu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China W. Lujia, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China L. Zhe Ng, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China H. Tao, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China Y. Zhang, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China W. Jiang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China T. Li U, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China T. Ma, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Fang, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China S. Jin, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China E. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China B. X U, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China B. Xu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Ruoqing, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China . !#%@ No Name !, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China Y. Ouyang, Affilated HS of Hunan, Changsha, China P. Liu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Wu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Dai, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China C. Wang, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China Z. Hao, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China Y. Chu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China W. Deng, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Guo, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China G. Wu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China R. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Zhao, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China 126.5 126.5 126.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 125.5 125.5 125.5 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 123.0 122.0 122.0 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 107 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Y. Mengting, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China C. Zhao, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China J. Hsieh, Shanghai Am Sch-West, Zhu Di, Shanghai, China Y. Liu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China K. Zhao, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Z. Xiaobo, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China C. Shang, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China Y. Bi, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China J. Gao, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China F. Li, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China W. Chen, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China F. Guo, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China J. Huang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China J. Li, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China X. Liu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Ya N, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Gu, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China S. Shen, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China P. Sun, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China D. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China G. Yang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China F. Yingzhi, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Y. Chen Ji, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China X. Sun, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China S. Qin, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China X. Zhong, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China G. Zimin, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Z. Tan, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China J. Bai, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China S. Cheng, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China S. Liu, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China C. Shang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China H. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China F. Zhao, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China Y. Nie, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China L. Shiyu, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Y. Bai, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China L. Ma, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China D. Wang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China S. Zhang, Ha Er Bin 3rd HS, Ha Er Bin, China M. Xiaomin, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China H. Fuquan, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China Z. Ai, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China C. Li, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China X. Liu, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China H. Tan, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China T. Yan, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China J. Zhang, Dong Bei Yu Cai Frn Lang Sch, Shen Yang, China Y. Wang, Zhongshan Mem Sch, Zhongshan, China W. Jie, 2nd Afl HS of Shanghai, Shanghai, China C. Anku An, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China L. Shangjing, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China D. Shengying, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China . Tianming, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China F. Ye, Qibao HS, Shanghai, China Y. Wang, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China L. Xu, Shanxi Prov Lab Sch, Taiyuan, China Student Distinguished Honor Roll AMC 10B (International), Continued Japan 125.5 10 K. Armington, St Mary’s Int’l Sch, Tokyo, Japan Singapore 146.5 139.5 138.0 137.0 134.5 133.5 130.0 130.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 127.5 126.5 124.0 124.0 123.0 123.0 122.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.5 120.0 9 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 10 8 10 9 10 9 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 7 8 B. Chow, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore L. Ke, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore L. Irvin, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Z. Yeo, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Z. Lim, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore D. Xu, Victoria JrCol, Singapore C. Foo, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore X. Luo, Victoria JrCol, Singapore B. Sing, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore C. Sulagaesuan, Swiss Cottage SS, Singapore J. Lee, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore S. Wu, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Z. Guan, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore P. Yuen, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore L. Zheng, Temasek JrCol, Singapore Y. Yang, Victoria JrCol, Singapore Y. Kung, Raffles Institution, Singapore J. Chen, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore W. Tan, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore W. Tham, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore X. Yeang, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore J. Teng, Raffles Institution, Singapore I. Loh Yao Chen, Raffles Institution, Singapore J. Choo, Haw Chong Inst, HCI, Singapore Taiwan 132.0 10 S. Tao, Taipei Am Sch, Taipe, Taiwan Thailand 125.5 9 K. Do Ba, Ruamrudee Int’l Sch, Bangkok, Thailand Turkey 144.0 10 O. Atay, Koc Ozel Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey 136.0 10 C. Onuk, Koc Ozel Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey 121.5 10 S. Tevruz, Koc Ozel Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey AMC 10/12 Committee The AMC 10/12 Committee hard at work discussing the 2006 contest questions. 108 LATE Student Distinguished Honor Roll The AMC Late International Student Distinguished Honor Roll includes participants from International Schools who score in the applicable ranges as the regular Honor Roll, but did not participate on the contest date. It is based on 1% of the top scoring students. An Honor Roll Pin and a certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. AMC 10A U.S. and Canada Score range 120.0 and above. ScoreGrName, School, City, State 140.5 7 K. Xing, Northshore JHS, Bothell, WA NCTM President visits our Booth Cathy Seeley stopped by out booth at the NCTM meetings in Anaheim, CA, and had her picture taken with our Donita Bowers. 109 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States) This Student Honor Roll includes AMC 12A participants from United States Schools who score 100 through 119.5. A certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. Region 0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut 119.5 12 119.5 12 118.5 12 118.5 12 118.5 12 118.5 12 118.5 12 117.0 12 117.0 11 117.0 12 117.0 11 116.0 11 116.0 10 115.5 11 115.5 12 115.0 11 115.0 10 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 10 113.5 11 113.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 10 112.0 12 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 9 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 10 111.5 11 111.5 10 111.5 11 111.0 12 111.0 11 111.0 11 110.0 11 110.0 10 110.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 10 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 109.0 12 109.0 9 108.5 10 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 D. Lau, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT L. Lomask, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT J. Lee, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT L. Kolstad, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT I. Hwang, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT N. Roones, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT K. Gochev, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT B. Civilize, Kent Sch, Kent, CT Y. Park, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT G. Dellarocca, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT P. Wang, North Haven HS, North Haven, CT M. Edgar, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT W. Lutz, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT M. Wong, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT E. Reeves, Westminster Sch, Simsbury, CT A. Timme, Avon HS, Avon, CT M. Chen, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT J. Routhier, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT S. Sicoravit, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT A. Eddins, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT K. Morey, East Granby HS, East Granby, CT S. Mccauley, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT M. Chin, Avon HS, Avon, CT S. Herron, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT B. Mummert, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT S. Howland, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT R. Galisewski, Ledyard HS, Ledyard, CT A. Mcglynn, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT Z. Ruchman, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT S. Korey, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT K. Su, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A. Benavides, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT J. Chen, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT D. Demarco, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT S. Kang, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT E. Lawrence, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT J. Conway, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT C. Park, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT J. Heafy, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT M. Vanschaardenbur, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT L. Tu, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT C. Doersch, Avon HS, Avon, CT C. Bloomer, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT J. Zhao, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT A. Graff, Farmington HS, Farmington, CT A. Nash, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT A. Crane, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT J. Nedelka, Orville H Platt HS, Meriden, CT D. Aitoro, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT K. Gill, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT J. Park, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT K. Jones, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT S. Liu, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT H. Seo, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT C. Ding, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT A. Melesko, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT U. Beerli, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 110 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 10 9 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 10 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 J. Park, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT R. Pellico, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT M. Digenova, Sacred Heart Acad, Hamden, CT K. Kim, Kent Sch, Kent, CT A. Reyes, Acad - Our Lady of Mercy, Milford, CT Y. Lee, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT T. Callahan, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT S. Dorison, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT C. Stoltze, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT J. Boffi, Avon HS, Avon, CT B. Ewbank, Avon HS, Avon, CT S. Smith, Avon HS, Avon, CT C. Vanlang, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT S. Niehaus, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT J. Jeon, Kent Sch, Kent, CT E. Oslund, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT A. Nelson, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT J. Soltis, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT E. Hidalgo, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT J. Chao, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT Y. Liu, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT D. Rosenberg, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT A. Katsuragi, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT Y. Zhou, Branford HS, Branford, CT N. Morris, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT M. Willard, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT J. Jensen, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT L. Strittmatter, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT D. Mandelberg, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A. Wallace, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT B. Matthies, Windham HS, Willimantic, CT N. Henning, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT J. Bascom, Avon HS, Avon, CT D. Goldberg, Avon HS, Avon, CT J. Hulce, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT W. Magin, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT N. Xu, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT A. Petrone, Fairfield Ludlowe HS, Fairfield, CT K. Rhie, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT M. Soule, Granby Memorial HS, Granby, CT J. Dupont, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT J. Khand Ji, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT R. Klare, Haddam-Killingworth HS, Higganum, CT J. Dykas, Middletown HS, Middletown, CT B. Stout, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT A. Miller, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT D. Krantz, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT D. Maloney, Norwich Free Acad, Norwich, CT K. Driessen, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT J. Larwood, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT J. Furlaud, Westminster Sch, Simsbury, CT S. Hong, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT T. Kaplan, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT R. Wong, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT C. Yuen, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT N. Chuang, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT A. French, Northwest Cath HS, West Hartford, CT M. Mellow, Windham HS, Willimantic, CT D. Sarezky, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT H. Choi, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT L. Klippel, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT J. Reich, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 J. Sorrentino, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT K. Pendri, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT E. Castiglione, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT M. Hart, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT E. Katayama, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT Y. Takeuchi, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT K. Lee, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT P. Chapman, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT K. Wu, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT E. Gunn, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT G. Newell, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT S. Lettrich, Tolland HS, Tolland, CT W. Wibulpolprasert, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT Z. Johnson, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT A. Zaslavsky, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT A. Trepp, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT J. Erdos, Avon HS, Avon, CT A. Brodach, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT A. Kim, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT R. Nakrani, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT L. Chen, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT R. Ranade, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT A. Garnett, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT R. Berger, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT E. Grubert, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT K. Uhmeyer, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT B. Molberger, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT D. Jiang, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT S. Lee, Kent Sch, Kent, CT A. Krentz Wee, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT T. Luke, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT S. Goldberg, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT A. Gupta, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT K. Laney, Norwich Free Acad, Norwich, CT E. Dolan, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT B. Kesslerreynolds, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT A. Mackenzie, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT P. Balawajder, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A. Ennaco, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT T. Tablante, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT D. Daddario, Westminster Sch, Simsbury, CT G. Park, St Joseph HS, Trumbull, CT P. Hebert, Northwest Cath HS, West Hartford, CT S. Park, St Lukes Sch, New Canaan, CT J. Mcgonagle, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT R. Dinius, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT M. Mccann, Avon HS, Avon, CT D. Perlman, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT C. Chambers, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT R. Thombre, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT M. Webb, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT B. Lohotsky, Fairfield Ludlowe HS, Fairfield, CT J. Sarneski Hayes, Fairfield Warde HS, Fairfield, CT B. Shang, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT D. Volgenau, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT J. Jeffrey, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT N. Williams, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT C. Henry, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT R. Mccann, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT T. Tobin, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT M. Whitaker, Greenwich HS 5th House, Greenwich, CT S. Hochberg, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT J. Yang, Kent Sch, Kent, CT J. Green, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT R. Young, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT N. Allen, New Britain HS, New Britain, CT 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 12 12 12 11 11 9 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 10 C. Maass, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT K. Begetis, Brien McMahon HS, Norwalk, CT M. Pappa, Norwich Free Acad, Norwich, CT M. Jaehnig, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT K. Layden, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A. Makkaveyev, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT T. Soobitsky, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A. Lavoie, Westminster Sch, Simsbury, CT D. Holtz, Bunnell HS, Stratford, CT N. Vitello, Tolland HS, Tolland, CT J. Cyganowski, St Joseph HS, Trumbull, CT A. Bozzi, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT C. Lacaria, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT B. Silver, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT P. Salcuni, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT P. Ceballos, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT S. Klare, Haddam-Killingworth HS, Higganum, CT R. Merriam, Middletown HS, Middletown, CT R. Horowitz, Simsbury HS, Simsbury, CT A. Rose, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT D. Rosenberg, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT M. Cheung, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT Maine 119.5 12 118.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.0 12 111.0 12 110.0 12 109.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 107.5 11 106.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.0 11 105.0 104.5 12 104.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 100.5 11 100.5 13 J. Currier, Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME F. Schwaner, Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME J. Haines, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME W. Owens, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME I. Tekeli, Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME E. Brown, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME B. Donlan, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME B. Freedman, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME K. Cronin, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME B. Bergeron, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME N. Colella, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME M. Harris, Greely HS, Cumberland Ctr, ME B. Holsapple, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME A. Demers, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME L. Thompson, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME J. Metzler, Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME C. Powers, York HS, York, ME M. Morse, Greely HS, Cumberland Ctr, ME D. Bouttenot, St Dominic Reg HS, Auburn, ME E. Lambert, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME M. Moebius, Berwick Acad, South Berwick, ME A. Smith, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME S. Morrison, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME T. Alcala, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME J. Bailey, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME R. Lewis, St Dominic Reg HS, Auburn, ME A. Powell, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME M. Pratt, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME J. Mulari, Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME M. Sanford, Berwick Acad, South Berwick, ME V. Kakaradov, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME H. Olson, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME J. Farrington, Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME H. Meyer, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME J. Normand, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 S. Gross, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA S. Wu, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA J. Baek, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA M. Hutson, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA A. Griner, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Sharp, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA M. Woolf, Newton North HS, Newtonville, MA Massachusetts 111 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 10 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 11 7 11 12 9 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 11 11 12 12 8 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 12 11 12 C. Wu, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA E. Fleming, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA F. Shi, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA E. Xu, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA O. Chang, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA B. Yu, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA L. Dietterich, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA P. Jiang, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA M. Baryakhtar, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA A. Fried, Concord Acad, Concord, MA J. Bayley, Groton Sch, Groton, MA T. Goldstein, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA J. Lee, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA Q. Lin, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA T. Tibbitts, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Volfson, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA G. Cao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA S. Ehrlich, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA N. Pradhan, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA B. Park, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA C. Drover, Haverhill HS, Haverhill, MA R. Railton, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA D. Settel, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA V. Firoiu, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Kazberouk, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA N. Sharpe, Canton HS, Canton, MA A. Suresh, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA S. Smith, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA J. Costanzo, Canton HS, Canton, MA A. Zholudok, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA S. Allen, Groton Sch, Groton, MA V. Minayev, Swampscott HS, Swampscott, MA M. Tang, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA D. Ancukiewicz, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA M. Zhu, Andover HS, Andover, MA L. Sard, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA B. Ye, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA L. Zheng, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Choi, Canton HS, Canton, MA D. Tobin, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA J. Leung, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Whittaker, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA C. Lee, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA P. Sistla, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA T. Frankel, Weston HS, Weston, MA J. Chao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA R. Jasrasaria, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA P. Paik, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA P. Kumar, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA A. Leland, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA Z. Cronin, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA C. Lee, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA B. Zheng, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA N. Koutsopoulos, Needham HS, Needham, MA K. Noguchi, Needham HS, Needham, MA J. Joo, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA B. Thomas, Norwell HS, Norwell, MA Z. Fallows, Cambridge Sch of Weston, Weston, MA A. Burke, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA J. Pan, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA V. Chan, Milton Acad, Milton, MA B. Foley, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA J. Ehrlich, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA S. Chen, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA K. Zhang, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Belanger, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 112 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 10 10 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 10 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 10 J. Kellegrew, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA M. Libert, Weston HS, Weston, MA I. Baek, Middlesex Sch, Concord, MA J. Eisenberg, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA S. Wang, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA B. Colbert, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA G. Wilbur, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA T. Pierce, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA W. Phan, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Qi, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA K. Knudson, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA J. Kaitz, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA K. Wang, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA D. Fleck, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA J. Walker, Simon’s Rock Col, Great Barrington, MA A. Lee, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA T. Farello, Algonquin Reg HS, Northborough, MA P. Mehta, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA E. Rudyak, St Marks Sch, Southborough, MA M. Jaafar, Watertown HS, Watertown, MA T. Biller, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA M. Miller, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA A. Weinstein, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA A. Hoch, Westford Acad, Westford, MA J. Birjiniuk, Weston HS, Weston, MA A. Huckstepp, Weston HS, Weston, MA T. Runyon, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA D. Tijerina, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA P. Wu, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA Z. Lin, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA N. Lee, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA M. Zuser, Newton North HS, Newtonville, MA G. Storch, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA D. Braunstein, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA J. Lawrence, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Hilker, Tantasqua Reg HS, Fiskdale, MA N. Chen, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA A. Feldman, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA R. Coughlan, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA I. Scheidwasser, Needham HS, Needham, MA B. Okeefe, Peabody Vet Mem HS, Peabody, MA J. Chilazi, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA S. Zhang, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA J. Ahn, Cambridge Sch of Weston, Weston, MA D. Helfer, Weston HS, Weston, MA C. Redlick, Weston HS, Weston, MA M. Lam, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Charlap, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA A. Ghosh, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA E. Jerison, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA C. Goodrich, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA T. Kim, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA E. Waxman, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA A. Staplesmoore, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA C. Cleveland, Groton Sch, Groton, MA J. Craven, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA S. Lou, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA M. Sall, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA A. Nathan, Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA A. Seletsky, Andover HS, Andover, MA N. Jackson, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA M. Gallagher, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Hanson, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Legendre, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Slotnick, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Weisberg, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 11 10 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 10 11 11 12 9 9 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 R. Kawesch, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA K. Donoghue, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA D. Gerber, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA C. Irwin, Danvers HS, Danvers, MA I. Cruz, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA A. Vartanov, Falmouth HS, Falmouth, MA M. Willard, Tantasqua Reg HS, Fiskdale, MA C. Antonakos, Groton Sch, Groton, MA L. Thomas, Groton Sch, Groton, MA B. Randall, Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA M. Campbell, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA P. Panov, Needham HS, Needham, MA S. Xu, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA M. Lawrence, Norwell HS, Norwell, MA J. Huang, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA C. Chen, Westford Acad, Westford, MA S. Earl, Westford Acad, Westford, MA S. Munro, Westford Acad, Westford, MA T. Stefanski, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Birjiniuk, Weston HS, Weston, MA R. Brennan, Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA K. Masuko, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA S. Yao, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA M. Wallace, Canton HS, Canton, MA D. Suo, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA S. Monteiro, Norwell HS, Norwell, MA P. Dovnar, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA J. Pastorello, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA B. Hsieh, Andover HS, Andover, MA I. Opper, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA B. Lurie, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA J. Liu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA Y. Salzberg, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA M. Lu, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA M. Labella, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA M. Borkowski, Simon’s Rock Col, Great Barrington, MA P. Long, Simon’s Rock Col, Great Barrington, MA B. Cline, Groton Sch, Groton, MA A. Shapiro, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA C. Neville, Malden Cath HS, Malden, MA X. Chen, Medfield SHS, Medfield, MA B. Simmers, Medfield SHS, Medfield, MA A. Urim, Swampscott HS, Swampscott, MA N. Rakich, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA N. Serpe, Westford Acad, Westford, MA J. Dryden, Weston HS, Weston, MA K. Davey, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA E. Spinney, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA D. Velicanu, Andover HS, Andover, MA Y. Liu, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA E. Chiu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Higgins, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Weiserwoodward, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA M. Kaye, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA P. Reed, Weston HS, Weston, MA N. Dawra, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA E. Stanek, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA M. Zakin, Andover HS, Andover, MA J. Hejzlar, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA J. Duker, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA N. Wernerfelt, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA B. Carter, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. He, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Jack, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Kornetsky, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA J. Mestancik, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 113 11 12 12 12 11 12 9 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 H. Chung, Middlesex Sch, Concord, MA A. Gill, Framingham HS, Framingham, MA R. Compton, Longmeadow HS, Longmeadow, MA N. Katuna, Milton Acad, Milton, MA S. Kim, Milton Acad, Milton, MA A. Belyi, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA A. Desai, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA A. Rikleen, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA P. Fournier, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA Z. Chen, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA N. Sugai, Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA A. Dai, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA L. Li, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA K. Martini, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA W. Geng, Andover HS, Andover, MA P. Rampell, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA D. Johnson, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA M. Kobayashi, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA R. Butler, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA Y. Duan, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA R. Fuda, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA C. Wu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA X. Zeng, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Morris, Concord Acad, Concord, MA M. Frascella, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA J. King, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA J. Williams, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA H. Klementowicz, Groton Sch, Groton, MA C. Silverman, Groton Sch, Groton, MA J. Messina, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA B. Daley, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA G. Marsh, Longmeadow HS, Longmeadow, MA M. Pevzner, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA J. Kalow, Newton North HS, Newtonville, MA S. Hendrickson, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA P. Cheng, Peabody Vet Mem HS, Peabody, MA R. Prior, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA K. Shah, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA D. Parshley, Watertown HS, Watertown, MA L. Vilnis, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA P. Walkingshaw, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA M. Biron, Westford Acad, Westford, MA C. Steele, Westford Acad, Westford, MA J. Xu, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Greenberg, Weston HS, Weston, MA V. Shah, Weston HS, Weston, MA T. Huth, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA N. Konovalchuk, Ashland HS, Ashland, MA R. Ou, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA Y. Chen, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA M. Woods, Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA M. Ryan, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA V. Ma, Arlington Cath HS, Arlington, MA N. Southwick, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA P. Jamieson, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA B. Mccafferty, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA P. Bays, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA L. Costello, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Smith, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA B. Wong, Concord Acad, Concord, MA C. Ng, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA J. Seibel, Franklin HS, Franklin, MA K. Devarajan, Groton Sch, Groton, MA V. Chirravuri, Medfield SHS, Medfield, MA J. Du, Medfield SHS, Medfield, MA A. Cavusoglu, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 11 11 10 12 9 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 R. Smith, Brooks Sch, North Andover, MA G. Lin, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA D. Barry, Acad of Notre Dame HS, Tyngsboro, MA N. Bhaiwala, Westford Acad, Westford, MA G. Borrero, Westford Acad, Westford, MA J. Lin, Westford Acad, Westford, MA M. Rosenblatt, Cambridge Sch of Weston, Weston, MA A. Brown, Weston HS, Weston, MA S. Rose, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA M. Lavigne, Ashland HS, Ashland, MA N. Quigley, Canton HS, Canton, MA M. Albrecht, Tantasqua Reg HS, Fiskdale, MA J. Huang, Groton Sch, Groton, MA H. Kang, Groton Sch, Groton, MA J. Wong, Needham HS, Needham, MA D. Doohovskoy, St Sebastians Sch, Needham, MA M. Hazel, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA E. Lee, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA S. Hitov, Doherty Memorial HS, Worcester, MA D. Kearney, Doherty Memorial HS, Worcester, MA H. Kim, MA Acad for Math & Sci, Worcester, MA 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 Y. Cho, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH C. Morley, Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH S. Mcgrath, Bishop Brady HS, Concord, NH N. Koo, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH Z. Dancy, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH N. Deveau, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH G. Heiderich, Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH S. Stone, Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH D. Lee, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. Narang, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Rand, Spaulding HS, Rochester, NH M. Berry, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Curtis, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Spector, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH M. Honda, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH K. Schults, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH J. Grimm, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH J. Collette, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH S. Duffy, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH G. Lavoie, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH A. Piscopo, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH 119.5 119.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 13 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 J. Noronha, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH D. Song, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH H. Carmichael, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Kehoe, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH L. Paiste, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH B. Earle, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH J. Chung, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Feng, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH G. Powers, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Batchelder, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH P. Cappello, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH A. Grossman, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Sweeney, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH A. Law, Dublin Chr. Acad, Dublin, NH J. Lee, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH A. Debakker, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH W. Limpitikul, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Denisenkov, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH J. Slocum, Bishop Brady HS, Concord, NH H. Doyle, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH R. Griffith, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH L. Tekverk, Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH K. Jordanova, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH B. Long, Exeter HS, Exeter, NH V. Machi, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH A. Ying, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH M. Doiron, Alvirne HS, Hudson, NH S. Steers, Salem HS, Salem, NH L. Cheuk, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH D. Paik, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH P. Rholl, Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH M. Mester, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH D. Wagner, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH J. Sohn, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Greene, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH K. Kelly, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH J. Choi, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH J. Christensen, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH S. Czyz, Exeter HS, Exeter, NH L. Stonebraker, Derryfield Sch, Manchester, NH J. Kirsh, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH A. Paolino, Salem HS, Salem, NH S. Borchard, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH K. Winterhof, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 11 12 11 12 11 12 9 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 11 11 12 10 9 10 J. Bushner, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA D. Cox, Peters Twp HS, McMurray, PA B. Pomeroy, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA J. Cheung, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA P. Kumar, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA X. Guo, State Col Area HS, State College, PA J. Wang, Henderson SHS, West Chester, PA P. Cesarz, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA D. Renshaw, Mechanicsburg Area SHS, Mechanicsburg, PA R. Rohatgi, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA N. Swann, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA P. Russ, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA B. Mcginley, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA K. Pellecchia, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA B. Mccormick, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA B. Liu, State Col Area HS, State College, PA K. Schneider, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA D. Oshea, Devon Prep Sch, Devon, PA N. Hoelker, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA U. Lee, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA K. Dobi, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA T. Merritt, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA S. Iles, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA S. Heilman, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA J. Austin, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA E. Cady, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA M. Segal, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA M. Macmillan, Abington SHS, Abington, PA E. Ralph, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA D. Katzman, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA M. Barnes, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA M. Mcdermott, Delaware Co Chr. Sch, Newtown Square, PA G. Rockett, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA J. Crane, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA K. Lawton, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA Y. Gerardin, State Col Area HS, State College, PA C. Devinney, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA Z. Schaeffer, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA V. Verma, Hollidaysburg Area SHS, Hollidaysburg, PA R. Macnguyen, Unionville HS, Kennett Square, PA J. Qualls, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA L. Tummalapalli, Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Bland, Henderson SHS, West Chester, PA C. Hsu, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA C. Rossi, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA New Hampshire Pennsylvania 114 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 10 11 12 11 12 10 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 S. Baldassano, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA C. Jackson, Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA S. Gao, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA A. Kruckman, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA M. Popek, Upper Merion HS, King Of Prussia, PA S. Mirakhur, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA V. Palli, Penncrest HS, Media, PA M. Romanowski, Penncrest HS, Media, PA A. Sahu, Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Kloo, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA B. Gillespie, State Col Area HS, State College, PA S. Henkelman, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA K. Gasperich, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA M. Glasser, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA S. Johnson, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA R. Mudambi, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA C. Shal, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA D. Sprecher, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA D. Pae, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA Z. Ward, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA B. Mckean, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA P. Mucaj, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA S. Das, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA K. Wu, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA S. Griffin, State Col Area HS, State College, PA R. Golan Vilella, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA J. Smith, Dallastown Area SHS, Dallastown, PA C. Baldassano, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA T. Hu, Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA B. Weller, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA D. Rizzuto, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA J. Crane, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA R. Humphreys, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA M. Zhang, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA S. Wade, Williamsport Area HS, Williamsport, PA P. Shirey, Bellefonte Area HS, Bellefonte, PA G. Mcfarland, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA M. Mcglazer, Easton Area HS, Easton, PA G. Kafka, Hollidaysburg Area SHS, Hollidaysburg, PA M. Freeberg, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA D. Winger, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA T. Kreider, Lancaster Mennonite HS, Lancaster, PA A. Madorsky, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA A. Steinmetz, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA S. Xiong, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA J. Rajniak, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA R. Keitzer, Kiski Area HS, Leechburg, PA T. Sprinkel, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA A. Silverstein, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA M. Beck, Penncrest HS, Media, PA C. Li, Penncrest HS, Media, PA M. Burke, Merion Mercy Acad, Merion Statn, PA R. Slater, Stroudsburg HS, Stroudsburg, PA J. Remley, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA V. Rizzuto, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA Y. Li, Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA R. Cocca, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA Y. Pei, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA S. Tsui, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA A. White, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA G. Hocky, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA A. Kadesch, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA D. Ross, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA H. Gordon, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA E. Walzer, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA S. Mann, Upper Darby HS, Drexel Hill, PA 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 115 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 10 11 11 9 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 11 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 12 9 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 P. Will, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA J. Vanbrakle, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA J. Levy, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA D. Lusardi, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA A. Neal, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA J. Weber, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA S. Berrodin, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA G. Garbern, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA R. Cheng, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA M. Jacobs, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA S. Pike, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA D. Mitch, Moon Area HS, Moon Township, PA G. Pine, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA M. George, Delaware Co Chr. Sch, Newtown Square, PA B. Seal, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA S. Heasley, Archbishop Ryan HS, Philadelphia, PA K. Shen, Friends Select Sch, Philadelphia, PA D. Nowlan, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA D. Rice, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA V. Agarwala, State Col Area HS, State College, PA F. Greer, State Col Area HS, State College, PA E. Haviland, State Col Area HS, State College, PA E. Hendrick, State Col Area HS, State College, PA A. Yen, State Col Area HS, State College, PA R. Varney, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA C. Vanni, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA M. Chen, George Sch, Newtown, PA C. Marsh, Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Salerno, Springfield HS, Springfield, PA B. Yoo, State Col Area HS, State College, PA K. Karczewski, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA C. Bottomley, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA D. Hillegass, Devon Prep Sch, Devon, PA J. Gable, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA M. Abboud, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA R. Derrick, Honesdale HS, Honesdale, PA C. Hagedorn, Honesdale HS, Honesdale, PA C. Condon, Huntingdon Area HS, Huntingdon, PA E. Highberg, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA J. Wang, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA K. Carr, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA W. Ko, Palmyra Area SHS, Palmyra, PA A. Lohr, Palmyra Area SHS, Palmyra, PA S. Knizhnik, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA M. Paff, Fox Chapel Area SHS, Pittsburgh, PA R. Kumar, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA T. Gabel, State Col Area HS, State College, PA J. Kendall, State Col Area HS, State College, PA D. Ackroydisales, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA B. Cohen, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA A. Bell, Trinity HS, Washington, PA B. Bellis, Henderson SHS, West Chester, PA V. Verma, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA A. Schwartz, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA P. Muller, Abington SHS, Abington, PA G. Olson, Abington SHS, Abington, PA M. Tague, Abington SHS, Abington, PA G. Hagar, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA D. Knapp, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA R. Pehlman, Carlisle HS, Carlisle, PA D. Ruehr, Upper Darby HS, Drexel Hill, PA C. Moyer, East Stroudsburg HS-S, East Stroudsburg, PA A. Hernley, Elizabethtown Area SHS, Elizabethtown, PA N. Agrawal, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA J. Cohn, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA D. Wisnieski, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 11 11 12 12 11 10 12 10 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 10 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 10 12 12 D. Sizemore, Manheim Twp HS, Lancaster, PA E. Cappelli, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA K. Povirk, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA H. Zeff, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA B. Contrella, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA J. Patent, New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA J. Panetta, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA C. Whitney, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA J. Lautman, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA C. Bhagavatula, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Wilson, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA T. Feagin, Knoch SHS, Saxonburg, PA U. Sarker, State Col Area HS, State College, PA C. Kenney, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA H. Pouncy, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA E. Yagoda, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA M. Stone, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA J. Aronchick, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA E. Chen, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA A. Jiang, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA E. Hsu, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA E. Raposa, Bethlehem Cath HS, Bethlehem, PA W. Strasser, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA A. Zisman, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA A. Natesh, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA P. Dowzicky, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA E. Levinson, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA J. Lowery, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA E. Repak, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA L. Ashworth, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA A. Fisher, Neshaminy HS, Langhorne, PA A. Rajput, Neshaminy HS, Langhorne, PA J. Lee, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA H. Park, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA A. Reeb, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA B. Ebersole, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA E. Loose, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA J. Incorvati, Moon Area HS, Moon Township, PA P. Freeman, Delaware Co Chr. Sch, Newtown Square, PA A. Mingle, Delaware Co Chr. Sch, Newtown Square, PA J. Wagner, Palmyra Area SHS, Palmyra, PA R. Miller, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA B. Burke, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA M. Crawford, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA S. Narla, Winchester Thurston HS, Pittsburgh, PA M. Menyo, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA K. Bevan, Pottsville Area HS, Pottsville, PA J. Stiger, Springdale HS, Springdale, PA R. Ananth, State Col Area HS, State College, PA A. Das, State Col Area HS, State College, PA N. Soltis, State Col Area HS, State College, PA C. Wagner, State Col Area HS, State College, PA J. Woolridge, State Col Area HS, State College, PA M. Dakan, Stroudsburg HS, Stroudsburg, PA A. Kastrama, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA T. Clarke, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA G. Lewis, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA B. Polins, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA A. Glass, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA T. Hess, East Stroudsburg HS-S, East Stroudsburg, PA L. Wang, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA S. Biery, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA J. Renshaw, Mechanicsburg Area SHS, Mechanicsburg, PA D. Juang, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA K. Ash, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA A. Cholapranee, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 116 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 J. Porter, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA J. Ma, State Col Area HS, State College, PA A. Weinert, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA B. Huber, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA B. Eska, Bethlehem Cath HS, Bethlehem, PA T. Auxier, Devon Prep Sch, Devon, PA G. Good, Devon Prep Sch, Devon, PA A. Backel, Northern HS, Dillsburg, PA J. Ditzler, Elizabethtown Area SHS, Elizabethtown, PA G. Feldman, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA A. Han, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA F. Lin, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA T. Parenti, Girard HS, Girard, PA C. Darvell, Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA M. Hanger, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA M. Browe, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA G. Flowers, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA A. Clinger, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA D. Feister, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA M. Shaub, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA P. Koffer, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA A. Harter, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA J. Beamesderfer, Penncrest HS, Media, PA J. Manbeck, Mifflinburg Area HS, Mifflinburg, PA R. Wyss, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA L. Matthews, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA M. Salley, North Hills SHS, Pittsburgh, PA G. Dixonernst, Winchester Thurston HS, Pittsburgh, PA L. Kelley Chew, Winchester Thurston HS, Pittsburgh, PA T. Jones, State Col Area HS, State College, PA Z. Lee, State Col Area HS, State College, PA J. Li, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA J. Senko, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA N. Peterman, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA X. Han, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA B. Helfman, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA A. Deshpande, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA P. Kelly, Chartiers Valley HS, Bridgeville, PA M. Murray, Dallastown Area SHS, Dallastown, PA K. Hanna, Easton Area HS, Easton, PA M. Hollander, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA C. Min, Phil-Mtgmry Chr. Acad, Erdenheim, PA C. Luby, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA J. Hartzell, Gettysburg Area SHS, Gettysburg, PA T. Maugle, Hollidaysburg Area SHS, Hollidaysburg, PA M. Stoltz, Hollidaysburg Area SHS, Hollidaysburg, PA M. Rizzo, Upper Merion HS, King Of Prussia, PA S. Umble, Lancaster Mennonite HS, Lancaster, PA K. Good, Living Word Acad, Lancaster, PA P. Ehrlich, Manheim Twp HS, Lancaster, PA K. Rybicki, Manheim Twp HS, Lancaster, PA J. Harding, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA M. Lewandowski, Neshaminy HS, Langhorne, PA A. Kim, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA V. Pascucci, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA C. Evatt, Lehigh Valley Home Ed, Mertztown, PA J. Schneider, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA J. Cretella, New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA E. Yeh, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA D. Parillo, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA M. Mai, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA C. Mckenna, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA K. Laren, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA J. Solin, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA M. Goldich, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA R. Moore, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 12 12 12 11 9 12 12 12 11 10 10 9 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 9 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 10 10 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 M. Wong, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA H. Zhu, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA P. Fitzmaurice, Knoch SHS, Saxonburg, PA M. Bobby, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA V. Patel, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA M. Phillips, State Col Area HS, State College, PA S. Krell, Tamaqua Area HS, Tamaqua, PA E. Regula, Laurel Highlands HS, Uniontown, PA M. Lapp, Trinity HS, Washington, PA B. Adam, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA N. Gottron, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA K. Masiuk, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA S. Mccandlish, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA S. Shroff, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA M. Siegel Wallace, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA M. Zhang, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA D. Gilmore, Chartiers Valley HS, Bridgeville, PA M. Slutsky, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA C. Novoa, Honesdale HS, Honesdale, PA J. Raudenbush, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA B. Khwaja, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA N. Carlin, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA C. Gant, Abington SHS, Abington, PA S. Ravi, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA A. Shastri, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA A. Wilson, Hampton HS, Allison Park, PA D. Beckman, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA T. Patel, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA T. Royer, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA E. Alexander, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA S. Mann, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA D. Silverman, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA P. Young, Athens Area HS, Athens, PA M. Marchetti, Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA B. Davidson, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA V. Stalam, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA D. Wadden, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA M. Huynh, Upper Darby HS, Drexel Hill, PA E. Marinelli, Upper Darby HS, Drexel Hill, PA A. Mcklindon, Upper Darby HS, Drexel Hill, PA D. Tritton, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA B. Kim, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA A. Styer, HomeSch Coop, Havertown, PA A. Felice, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA C. Lengerich, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA H. Pan, Hershey HS, Hershey, PA K. Patel, Hollidaysburg Area SHS, Hollidaysburg, PA M. Kile, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA D. Mcelhone, Neshaminy HS, Langhorne, PA J. Abbuhl, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA N. Bizzaro, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA E. Chiang, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA J. Kirkpatrick, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA A. Lexa, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA S. Oldt, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA M. Spirnak, Serra Dist Cath HS, McKeesport, PA K. Axelrod, Penncrest HS, Media, PA K. Scott, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA L. Stadtmueller, Delaware Valley HS, Milford, PA K. King, Montoursville Area SHS, Montoursville, PA F. Adewale, Moon Area HS, Moon Township, PA B. Hinch, Moon Area HS, Moon Township, PA P. Panigrahi, Moon Area HS, Moon Township, PA S. Jin, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA I. Johnston, Archbishop Ryan HS, Philadelphia, PA A. Franchetti, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 9 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 P. Horgan, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA J. Kubiak, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA J. Lacomis, Pittston Area HS, Pittston, PA D. Lacrosse, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA M. Jenkins, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA J. Morrow, Knoch SHS, Saxonburg, PA K. Kisenwether, State Col Area HS, State College, PA D. Lee, State Col Area HS, State College, PA M. Wolfgang, State Col Area HS, State College, PA S. Zhao, State Col Area HS, State College, PA W. Conklyn, Stroudsburg HS, Stroudsburg, PA J. Gormley, Stroudsburg HS, Stroudsburg, PA S. Janson, Acad-Notre Dame De Namur, Villanova, PA D. Scott, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA A. Blackert, Trinity HS, Washington, PA J. Kopko, Trinity HS, Washington, PA C. Kim, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA J. Kwaczala, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA J. Weis, North Allegheny HS, Wexford, PA S. Ciliberto, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA P. Mccarthy, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA J. Robbins, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA M. Chen, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA B. Mclaughlin, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA A. Melvin, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA D. Cober, Berlin Brothers Valley HS, Berlin, PA N. Dedania, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA M. King, Devon Prep Sch, Devon, PA K. Kentch, Northern HS, Dillsburg, PA B. Hanyok, Pennsbury HS-East, Fairless Hills, PA B. Gui, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA N. Roth, Upper Dublin HS, Fort Washington, PA T. Weber, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA N. Chen, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA B. Jackson, Lancaster Mennonite HS, Lancaster, PA C. Dsilva, North Penn HS, Lansdale, PA A. Pini, Peters Twp HS, McMurray, PA A. Stiffler, Peters Twp HS, McMurray, PA M. Morrill, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA J. Tyma, New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA M. Song, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA P. Liu, State Col Area HS, State College, PA E. Lasota, Trinity HS, Washington, PA A. Valen Levinson, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA Rhode Island 118.5 118.0 117.0 116.0 112.5 112.5 112.5 110.0 109.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 K. Hench, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI W. Shore, Rocky Hill Sch, East Greenwich, RI M. Wang, Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI A. Washburn, Rocky Hill Sch, East Greenwich, RI M. Ding, Barrington HS, Barrington, RI C. Hampson, Cranston HS East, Cranston, RI J. Collins, Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI B. Gaines, Cranston HS West, Cranston, RI B. Strom Weber, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI P. Hanly, Cranston HS West, Cranston, RI D. Loehr, North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI C. Hofmann, Barrington HS, Barrington, RI J. Rumbut, Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI D. Osychny, North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI M. Gillson, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI A. Taggart, North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI Vermont 113.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 117 12 12 12 11 I. Levy, South Burlington HS, South Burlington, VT J. Belisle, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT M. Davidson, South Burlington HS, South Burlington, VT D. Mcbee, Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 111.5 111.5 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.0 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 8 10 12 11 10 11 10 B. Rome, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT C. Newhouse, South Burlington HS, South Burlington, VT L. Wu, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT A. Miller, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT M. Gannon, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT G. Davis, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT L. Bouton, Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT S. Brown, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT A. Franz, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT G. Guertin, Middlebury Union HS, Middlebury, VT J. Hao, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT P. Ramsey, Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT M. Desmarais, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT W. Etter, Essex HS, Essex Junction, VT J. Phillips, Champlain Valley Union HS, Hinesburg, VT R. Stelfox, Middlebury Union HS, Middlebury, VT Region 1 ScoreGrName, School, City, State New Jersey 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 12 10 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 10 11 11 10 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 M. Abuschinow, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ A. Jiang, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ D. Kahn, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ X. Liu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ V. Gehani, Summit HS, Summit, NJ H. Lou, Edison HS, Edison, NJ J. Engel, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ A. Elmachtoub, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ M. Ton, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ C. Chang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ R. Schwartz, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ A. Chandar, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ A. Dabholkar, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ F. Seuffert, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ D. Richards, Summit HS, Summit, NJ R. Greene, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ D. Kim, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ D. Tu, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ M. Sweetgall, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Lo, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ A. Yang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ P. Wei, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ H. Hsu, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ B. Frankel, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ V. Modi, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ J. Schwartzman, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ A. Wilkins, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ Y. Cheng, Bridgewater-Raritan Reg HS, Bridgewater, NJ D. Kim, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ M. Ostrander, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ T. Ehrlich, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ M. Ty, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Zielinski, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ P. Mankowski, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ I. Fung, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ J. Snell, HomeSch, Moorestown, NJ M. Pearson, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ M. Sterman, Frisch Yeshiva HS, Paramus, NJ L. Yang, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ R. Huang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ A. Xiong, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ J. Yan, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ M. Dang, Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ S. Mehmood, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ E. Astor, Ranney Sch, Tinton Falls, NJ 115.5 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 10 10 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 9 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 11 11 12 10 12 11 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 12 10 118 C. Hahn, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ S. Izmailov, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ E. Chang, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ W. Chen, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ N. Goyal, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ C. Dizon, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ D. Stuckey, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ J. Li, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ P. Shen, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ K. Sun, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ R. Kothari, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ J. Cantwell, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ Y. Ren, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ R. Ozer, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ L. Yee, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ P. Krasucki, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ C. Salvarani, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ V. Viswanathan, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ T. Britton, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ E. Groveman, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ Y. Wang, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ T. Joa, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ J. Tang, Piscataway Twp HS, Piscataway, NJ A. Chin, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ X. Luo, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ R. Davies, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ K. Salasko, Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ S. Lovejoy, Summit HS, Summit, NJ K. Dong, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ A. Saraf, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ H. Kimura, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ A. Lerner, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ B. Shappee, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ C. Drucker, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ H. Wang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ R. Yan, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ J. Li, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ A. Wong, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ Z. Xiao, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ A. Oczkowski, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ C. Dhavalikar, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ A. Bansal, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ C. Holwill, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ B. Pivtorak, Jonathan Dayton HS, Springfield, NJ T. Ludwig, Summit HS, Summit, NJ B. Jeon, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ A. Jang, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ P. Lambert Cole, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ A. Benaroya, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ A. Gupta, Edison HS, Edison, NJ B. Ogorman, Edison HS, Edison, NJ C. Solidum, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ K. Slobodzian, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ S. Yang, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ P. Lee, Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ C. Shah, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ G. Braker, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ E. Cohen, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ D. Franklin, Montclair HS, Montclair, NJ B. Marino, Frisch Yeshiva HS, Paramus, NJ B. De, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ D. Emont, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ B. Kim, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ M. Lang, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ D. Platt, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 8 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 10 10 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 12 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 E. Youngdahl, Summit HS, Summit, NJ R. Tomasheski, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ A. Sambari, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ R. Won, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ B. Yospe, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ Y. Won, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Yakovlev, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ K. Salfelder, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ A. Sood, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ K. Chiou, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ A. Carter, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ C. Blair, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ J. Kao, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ H. Tian, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ G. Bender, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ M. Esipov, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ E. Potash, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ T. Solberg, Summit HS, Summit, NJ D. Tan, Summit HS, Summit, NJ K. Oo, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ N. Yao, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ J. Creek, Cherry Hill HS West, Cherry Hill, NJ H. Choi, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ R. Agarwal, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ M. Shteyn, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ J. Kim, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ A. Wentworth, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ H. Cho, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ E. Nam, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Lin, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ M. Weiss, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ S. Menke, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ R. Fradin, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ D. Korovikov, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ S. Khor, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ J. Park, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ R. Chandrasekar, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ J. Holzwarth, Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ A. Nikolaidis, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ I. Chae, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ B. Zhao, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ A. Panda, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ A. Sin, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ A. Chang, Edison HS, Edison, NJ D. Xu, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ T. Faulstich, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ T. Stanoch, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ J. Lee, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ E. Wong, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ F. Ho, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ P. Swaminathan, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ D. Pan, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ H. Choe, Mahwah HS, Mahwah, NJ D. First, Mesivta of North Jersey, Newark, NJ C. Scaduto, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ S. Moy, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ M. Shah, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ A. Bergin, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ C. Jensen, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ J. Linker, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ P. Sirinek, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ J. Lushefski, Rumson-Fair Haven Reg HS, Rumson, NJ A. Sherman, Jonathan Dayton HS, Springfield, NJ E. Nellis, Summit HS, Summit, NJ A. Borland, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ M. Miller, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 119 10 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 10 9 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 D. Panzer, Westwood Reg J/S HS, Twp Of Washington, NJ M. Rustom, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ J. Lobue, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ M. Kortrey, Woodbridge HS, Woodbridge, NJ J. Valantassis, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ J. Yu, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ A. Bjonnes, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ D. Horst, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ B. Davis, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ B. Parks, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ M. Federman, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ K. Collier, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ D. Cha, Palisades Park J/S HS, Palisades Park, NJ A. Erman, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ O. Weiner, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ J. Chia, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ C. House, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ A. Singhal, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ A. Crowley, Jackson Memorial HS, Jackson, NJ K. Beck, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ S. Hamdouche, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ C. Mcneely, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ H. Mukherjee, Montclair HS, Montclair, NJ K. Grazel, Clearview Reg HS, Mullica Hill, NJ C. Greeley, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ G. Brewer, Summit HS, Summit, NJ L. Deng, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ J. Kim, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ K. Zhang, Watchung Hills Reg HS, Warren, NJ J. Huan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ E. Liu, Bridgewater-Raritan Reg HS, Bridgewater, NJ L. Howley, Cherry Hill HS West, Cherry Hill, NJ C. Chen, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ J. Lui, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ C. Wang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ A. Freddo, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ G. Mascarenhas, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ J. Abatemarco, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ J. Kim, Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ S. Reinitz, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ P. Townley, Wallkill Valley Reg HS, Hamburg, NJ S. Jiang, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ A. Kung, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ P. Yick, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ M. Roenbeck, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ A. Chan, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ M. Udoff, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ J. Wind, Madison HS, Madison, NJ D. Kachintseva, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ J. Ma, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ M. Calderbank, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ A. Bowers, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ A. Lee, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ J. Nieusma, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ A. Lewin, Rumson-Fair Haven Reg HS, Rumson, NJ S. Israel, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ C. Won, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ A. Shah, Ranney Sch, Tinton Falls, NJ R. Panzer, Westwood Reg J/S HS, Twp Of Washington, NJ R. Chen, Watchung Hills Reg HS, Warren, NJ W. Su, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ Y. Choe, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ A. Glauberg, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ S. Holcomb, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ T. Hsu, Bridgewater-Raritan Reg HS, Bridgewater, NJ A. Zan, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 10 11 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 10 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 A. Sin, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ L. Zhang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ M. Green, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ R. Moran, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ R. Lin, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ P. Leybov, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ N. Doran, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ S. Thaper, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ D. Yee, Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ L. Hofrichter, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ J. Kim, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ Y. Li, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ S. Gyory, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ H. Lin, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ D. Wang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ C. Wu, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ Y. Lee, Leonia HS, Leonia, NJ P. Rifken, Leonia HS, Leonia, NJ N. Szem, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ G. Manning, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ D. Billig, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ A. Freedman, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ R. Ostrand, Metuchen HS, Metuchen, NJ S. Rachakonda, Metuchen HS, Metuchen, NJ A. Blumenthal, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ S. Chung, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ P. Nakagami, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ A. Rosteck, Montclair HS, Montclair, NJ J. Sloan, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ M. Linderman, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ P. Dubal, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ J. Yang, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ T. Hahn, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ C. Ho, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ M. Jadhav, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ L. Chen, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ R. Meehan, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ H. Park, Ridgefield Park J/S, Ridgefield Park, NJ D. Abbott, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ W. Kwasney, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ S. Cleveland, Summit HS, Summit, NJ M. Lee, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ J. Kelley, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ A. Chen, Lakeland Reg HS, Wanaque, NJ K. Chen, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ D. Maheshwari, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ T. Lee, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ A. Chen, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ A. Chen, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ G. Mei, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ T. Hongo, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ M. Zhou, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ E. Clader, Cranford HS, Cranford, NJ D. Jang, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ M. Rogers, Edison HS, Edison, NJ M. Cerullo, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ C. Gomes, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ K. Irie, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ R. Kowalick, Hackettstown HS, Hackettstown, NJ V. Dube, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ D. Huang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ E. Liu, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ T. Yersak, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ J. Park, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ S. Kovvali, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ M. Morrison, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 120 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 10 11 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 9 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 R. Su, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ K. Rosario, Rutgers Prep Sch, Somerset, NJ T. Wiederhold, Immaculata HS, Somerville, NJ J. Goldman, Jonathan Dayton HS, Springfield, NJ C. Williams, Summit HS, Summit, NJ A. Shah, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ J. Lee, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ W. Carson, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ M. Yu, Secaucus HS, Secaucus, NJ J. Chern, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ Y. Shames, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ B. Turner, Bayonne HS, Bayonne, NJ J. Kung, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ A. Bakshi, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ J. Chiang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ M. Choy, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ C. Creange, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ C. Salvarani, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ N. Shah, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ A. Yang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ A. Zhang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ B. Schneider, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ M. Calafut, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ A. Chandawarkar, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ B. Tu, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ T. Chiarella, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ M. Puelle, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ K. Roche, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ S. Tewani, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ T. Mclees, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ X. Ma, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Stanton, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ B. Cohen, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ X. Wang, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ D. Yang, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ G. Yang, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ K. Huang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ J. Silverman, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ S. Surachman, Jackson Memorial HS, Jackson, NJ A. Riexinger, Notre Dame HS, Lawrenceville, NJ K. Munson, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ J. Chakoff, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ M. Elwin, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ D. Jeng, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ A. Wu, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ L. Kay, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ C. Narain, Madison HS, Madison, NJ M. Knichel, Mahwah HS, Mahwah, NJ R. Wang, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ S. Cohen, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ C. Bonney, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ J. Lee, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ B. Zhou, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ A. Madhu, Piscataway Twp HS, Piscataway, NJ A. Jeng, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ J. Chen, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ O. Guo, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ J. Li, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ C. Bertelsen, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ A. Dibranco, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ Z. Jackowski, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ V. Patel, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ A. Sriram, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ R. Yoo, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ M. Cui, Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ S. Tzeng, Montgomery HS, Skillman, NJ Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 10 11 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 9 11 12 12 12 10 9 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 10 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 K. Greenlee, Teaneck HS, Teaneck, NJ K. Kim, Teaneck HS, Teaneck, NJ K. Cavanaugh, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ J. Abate, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ G. Cheval Ronner, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ A. Gasior, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ A. Mangino, James Caldwell HS, West Caldwell, NJ A. Choi, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ M. Park, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ S. Betman, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ N. Dichiara, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ J. Cucco, Madison HS, Madison, NJ A. Miller, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ M. Ko, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ M. Li, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ P. Grzech, Bayonne HS, Bayonne, NJ C. Chen, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ L. Wang, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ K. Zhang, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ L. Zhang, East Brunswick HS, E Brunswick, NJ A. Herescu, Edison HS, Edison, NJ J. Huang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ R. Rawal, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ R. Tavaluc, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ R. Tovbulatov, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ P. Peter, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ C. Sitgraves, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ J. Chu, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ J. Liu, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ A. Yin, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ L. Garber, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ Y. Zhan, Hunterdon Ctr’l HS, Flemington, NJ J. Kwai, Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ A. Delery, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ D. Cranisky, Wallkill Valley Reg HS, Hamburg, NJ F. Jin, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ A. Sharma, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ C. Delucia, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ V. Rajpurohit, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ E. Hsu, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ R. Patil, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ L. Picascia, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ K. Yang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ S. Norman Haignere, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ L. Joo, Leonia HS, Leonia, NJ M. Harm, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ T. Powers, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ M. Rydzak, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ T. Bogart, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ D. Ensor, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ A. Garcia, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ J. Uhlemeyer, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ X. Zhang, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ Z. Kwartler, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ M. Blewett, Madison HS, Madison, NJ D. Hine, Cherokee HS, Marlton, NJ Z. Sinemus, Millburn HS, Millburn, NJ M. Harrigan, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ J. Grossman, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ X. Peng, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ A. Brown, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ D. Schlussel, Frisch Yeshiva HS, Paramus, NJ N. Hsiao, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ E. Kim, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ M. Wei, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ M. Amin, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 M. Caulfield, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ K. Hirt, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ N. Huq, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ C. Merrill, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ R. Mittal, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ D. Sheng, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ C. Vars, Parsippany HS, Parsippany, NJ J. Chang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ J. Qin, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ B. Zamir, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ M. Gawrys, Rutgers Prep Sch, Somerset, NJ F. Sengel, Immaculata HS, Somerville, NJ A. Peyser, Jonathan Dayton HS, Springfield, NJ A. Shai, Jonathan Dayton HS, Springfield, NJ J. Park, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ T. Newcomer Kalk, Ranney Sch, Tinton Falls, NJ A. Sahni, Ranney Sch, Tinton Falls, NJ M. Ratner, Wayne Hills HS, Wayne, NJ S. Bleznick, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ D. Bliss, James Caldwell HS, West Caldwell, NJ C. Lee, N Highlands Reg HS, Allendale, NJ D. Chandramohan, Bridgewater-Raritan Reg HS, Bridgewater, NJ A. Ho, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ V. Ng, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ M. Mcloughlin, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ C. Morton, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ M. Plummer, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ S. Dee, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ Y. Cao, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ C. Verdon, Marlboro HS, Marlboro, NJ D. Mendat, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ S. Liang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ X. Liu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Junction, NJ P. Kovach, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ C. Chen, Kent Place Sch, Summit, NJ J. Barry, Summit HS, Summit, NJ J. Pincus, Teaneck HS, Teaneck, NJ D. Putnins, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 11 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 9 12 11 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 J. Gill, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY B. Kuchta, Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY S. Hui, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Quain, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY R. Forman, Ardsley HS, Ardsley, NY H. Provine, Berkelely Carroll Sch, Brooklyn, NY S. Sweeney, E Syracuse-Minoa Ctr’l HS, East Syracuse, NY M. Urmey, Mamaroneck HS, Mamaroneck, NY E. Gilbert, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY S. Akabas, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Blech, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Gogwilt, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. He, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Mao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Som, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Zee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Bowman, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY M. Shea, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY S. Ko, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY B. Senie, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY M. Bono, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY D. Okobi, Freeport HS, Freeport, NY F. Cai, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Lee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Teng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Ho, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY N. Kim, Lawrence Woodmere Acad, Woodmere, NY New York 121 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 116.0 12 116.0 12 116.0 10 116.0 11 116.0 11 115.5 9 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 10 115.0 12 115.0 10 115.0 11 115.0 11 115.0 11 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 11 114.5 11 114.5 11 114.0 12 113.5 11 113.5 12 113.5 12 113.5 12 113.5 11 113.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 9 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 10 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 10 111.5 12 111.5 10 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 11 F. Lee, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Kogan, Edward R Murrow HS, Brooklyn, NY B. Schaffer, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY M. Whitrock, Kings Park HS, Kings Park, NY Z. Song, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Zhu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Hui, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Gao, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY J. Kaufman, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY J. Schwartz, Kingston SHS, Kingston, NY M. Moore, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY D. Cham, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY W. Chuang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Jang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Meyerowitz, Northport SHS, Northport, NY J. Buerger, Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY H. Williams, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY K. Ryan, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY E. Chen, Vestal SHS, Vestal, NY Y. Wu, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Arluck, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Nelson, Charles W Baker HS, Baldwinsville, NY R. Niles, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY E. Lai, General D MacArthur HS, Levittown, NY A. Lok, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Tao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Yio, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Zenz, Spackenkill HS, Poughkeepsie, NY S. Posternak, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY N. Lubin, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Brauner, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY M. Goldstein, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY D. Gottesman, Masters Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY J. Kasnicki, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY J. Chang, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY S. Chiang, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY J. Torok, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY J. Weiner, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY M. Heintz, Longwood HS, Middle Island, NY W. Fisher, Dalton Sch, New York, NY B. Seiler, Dalton Sch, New York, NY X. Chen, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Eng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Nikolov, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Tang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY W. Winkelman, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Borrelli, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY C. Mesick, Albany Acad for Girls, Albany, NY A. Meng, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY M. Zambelli, Fox Lane HS, Bedford, NY J. Fei, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Bin, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY S. Yu, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY O. Zverovich, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY J. Horowitz, Yeshivah of Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY M. Schiller, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY M. Shin, Manlius-Pebble Hill Sch, Dewitt, NY J. Chacko, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY H. Chmura, Geneva HS, Geneva, NY B. Tzen, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY A. Dire, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY M. Kruskal, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY L. Smith, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY M. Agne, F D Roosevelt HS, Hyde Park, NY M. Thorn, Kingston SHS, Kingston, NY L. Tandon, Brearley Sch, New York, NY 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 122 12 11 10 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 10 12 11 12 J. Balsam, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Chen, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Huang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Lau, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Luo, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Peng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Tao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Yu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY G. Vadehra, Trinity Sch, New York, NY M. Gorlin, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY J. Laucharoen, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY R. Yu, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY R. Gilbert, Emma Willard Sch, Troy, NY M. Finnicum, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY D. Johnson, Webster Thomas HS, Webster, NY M. Oliveri, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY S. Wolf, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY A. Zaslavskiy, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY T. Scher, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY D. Wang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Yu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Ng, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Kats, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY J. Yeo, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Blum, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY R. Liu, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY G. Byrnes, Manlius-Pebble Hill Sch, Dewitt, NY R. Kumthekar, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY W. Chi, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Passaro, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY F. Wang, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY K. Cavooris, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY B. Hess, Amherst Ctr’l HS, Amherst, NY T. Price, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY W. Zhu, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Cho, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Kimball, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY R. Swarnkar, Manlius-Pebble Hill Sch, Dewitt, NY J. Epp, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY E. Kim, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY P. Rosenbaum, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY G. Hutko, E Syracuse-Minoa Ctr’l HS, East Syracuse, NY P. Kelly, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY V. Wong, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY D. Van Wormer, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY Z. Miller, F D Roosevelt HS, Hyde Park, NY S. Li, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY C. Brasz, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY S. Steinman, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY E. Collins Wildman, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Lee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Lu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Xu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Sung, Trinity Sch, New York, NY L. Nelson, Oneida HS, Oneida, NY E. Briskey, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY D. Stallings, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY S. Rapoport, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY M. Corey, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY E. Frauenhofer, North Rockland HS, Thiells, NY J. Kramer Miller, Valley Stream Ctr’l HS, Valley Stream, NY J. Parries, Roy C Ketcham SHS, Wappingers Falls, NY H. Yang, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY A. Kannan, Yorktown HS, Yorktown Heights, NY J. Blau, Ardsley HS, Ardsley, NY A. Waksman, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 9 L. Hochhauser, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY D. Glatt, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY A. Schweitzer, John F Kennedy HS, Bellmore, NY J. Greifenberger, W C Mepham SHS, Bellmore, NY A. Hatt, W C Mepham SHS, Bellmore, NY D. Taur, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Dinershteyn, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Noyan, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY J. Stein, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY R. Williams, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY T. Karpowitz, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY A. Greenberg, Half Hollow Hills HS-W, Dix Hills, NY B. Harrison, Half Hollow Hills HS-W, Dix Hills, NY A. Merber, Half Hollow Hills HS-W, Dix Hills, NY D. Mcavoy, Hauppauge HS, Hauppauge, NY E. Rabinowitz, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY A. Dreher, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY Z. Azad, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY H. Chan, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY W. Dai, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Frankel, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Glickman, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY V. Healey, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Kim, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Lin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY I. Liskovich, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Lu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Mao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Toprover, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Tseou, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Varol, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY G. Yam, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Clearman, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY J. Fishel, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY L. Wang, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY J. Mccaffrey, Skaneateles SHS, Skaneateles, NY D. Kiridly, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY V. Santosh, Vestal SHS, Vestal, NY M. Vinluan, Vestal SHS, Vestal, NY R. Silverman, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY A. Segal, Yorktown HS, Yorktown Heights, NY S. Kim, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY P. Ennever, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY F. Wachtel, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY M. Oh, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY J. Yang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Berkowitz, Trinity Sch, New York, NY E. Li, Roy C Ketcham SHS, Wappingers Falls, NY Y. Kim, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY K. Vanderbeck, Connetquot HS, Bohemia, NY Z. Yang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY A. Yagnatovsky, Polytech Prep Ctry DS, Brooklyn, NY D. Weinberg, Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY A. Seshadri, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY C. Garvey, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY B. Slakter, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY E. Won, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY F. Mongin, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY S. Lin, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY A. Mirzaee, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY H. Hung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. In, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Thomas, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Yin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Ardito, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 123 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 13 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 D. Leinen, Corning-Painted Post W HS, Painted Post, NY M. Konstadt, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY S. Levander, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY L. Farber, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY H. Cohen, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY B. Wasserman, Wantagh HS, Wantagh, NY Y. Schwartz, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Burnstein, Kew Forest Sch, Forest Hills, NY J. Lee, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Liang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY P. Shtyk, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY T. Wong, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY J. Keblinska, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY R. Silversmith, Clinton SHS, Clinton, NY K. Armstrong, Glen Cove HS, Glen Cove, NY D. Tso, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY C. Chen, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY B. Anderson, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY B. Tomasik, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY B. Deen, Hastings HS, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY V. Wang, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY J. Smith, Long Beach SHS, Long Beach, NY K. Takasaki, Rye Neck HS, Mamaroneck, NY B. Dai, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY S. Dewolf, Brearley Sch, New York, NY H. Agrawal, Browning Sch, New York, NY G. Soffer, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY A. Agarwalla, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Chow, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Karfagenskiy, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Li, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Lock, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Wang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Reynolds, Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY A. Marano, Suny Potsdam HS Prog, Potsdam, NY A. Pak, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY S. Chao, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY D. Mitsche, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY R. Sherrill, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY H. Lai, Scotia-Glenville HS, Scotia, NY D. Aiello, North Rockland HS, Thiells, NY J. Klembczyk, Clayton A Bouton HS, Voorheesville, NY K. Hansen, Lawrence Woodmere Acad, Woodmere, NY K. Lee, Lawrence Woodmere Acad, Woodmere, NY M. Sakrani, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY I. Tsinis, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Perry, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY D. Dornfeld, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY F. Cho, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY V. Chow, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Hooker, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Skoblar, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY A. Hanessian, Berkelely Carroll Sch, Brooklyn, NY Z. Ng, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY T. Tullo, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY Y. Kim, Masters Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY J. Brennan, East Aurora SHS, East Aurora, NY T. Dantonio, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY W. Wong, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY J. Abrams, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY S. Nayak, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY R. Zhang, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY D. Lee, Collegiate Sch, New York, NY E. Chau, Convent, Sacred Heart, New York, NY R. Chang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 Z. Cheng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Du, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Jiang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Khmara, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Kim, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Law, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Lee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Lee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Lui, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Ly, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Ma, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Shah, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Shalmiyev, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Wong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Wu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Yen, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Yim, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Zielinski, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Petrou, Trinity Sch, New York, NY S. Wang, Trinity Sch, New York, NY M. Pokrzywa, Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY K. Toyoshima, Keio Acad of New York, Purchase, NY N. Chan, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY A. Tyo, Gates-Chili SHS, Rochester, NY M. Conlon, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY M. Wu, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY D. Zong, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY J. Wheeler, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY A. Chang, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY S. Sachs, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY D. Cohn, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY D. Kim, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY C. Smith, Buffalo Seminary, Buffalo, NY J. Rome, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY K. Vanderpool, Mamaroneck HS, Mamaroneck, NY M. Turchin, Sanford H Calhoun HS, Merrick, NY J. Becker, Hendrick Hudson HS, Montrose, NY S. Bystritskiy, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Jim, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Li, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Casella, Northport SHS, Northport, NY S. Kassof, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY B. Smith, Skaneateles SHS, Skaneateles, NY N. Vaidya, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY N. Krumdieck, Albany Acad for Girls, Albany, NY J. Horwitz, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY N. Reeves, Charles W Baker HS, Baldwinsville, NY M. Wollin, Fox Lane HS, Bedford, NY J. Mark, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY P. Yee, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY B. Landgren Mills, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY G. Luca, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY D. Nuffer, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY A. Wang, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY J. Steinberg, Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY H. Huang, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY D. Chiang, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY R. Lo, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY M. Small, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY M. Fyffe, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY E. Barnet, Brearley Sch, New York, NY T. Chowdhury, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Ovadya, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Paulson, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 124 12 11 11 11 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 9 11 12 10 10 10 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 V. Kabak, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY T. Sipprelle, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY S. Mancuso, Greece Arcadia HS, Rochester, NY L. Johnston, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY T. George, Scotia-Glenville HS, Scotia, NY R. Yu, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY B. Dvorak, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY M. Dubbioso, Ramapo SHS, Spring Valley, NY G. Pitts, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY D. Chao, Webster Thomas HS, Webster, NY J. Frank, Yorktown HS, Yorktown Heights, NY V. Mei, Roy C Ketcham SHS, Wappingers Falls, NY D. Baneman, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY Z. Syed, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY A. Yu, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY E. Aghassi, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Chang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Huang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Stojanovic, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY C. Lin, Berkelely Carroll Sch, Brooklyn, NY K. Chen, Edward R Murrow HS, Brooklyn, NY L. Mumm, Polytech Prep Ctry DS, Brooklyn, NY A. Connolly, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY L. Stern, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY I. Raisner, Yeshivah of Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY M. Tyrrell, St Joseph CI, Buffalo, NY R. Freilich, Hebrew Acad 5 Towns/Rock, Cedarhurst, NY J. Potter, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY J. Trupiano, Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY J. Avitabile, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY L. Chen, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY D. Kieval, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY C. Shake, Manlius-Pebble Hill Sch, Dewitt, NY C. Beltzer, Masters Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY J. Craig, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY A. Bahar, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY C. Oconor, Garden City HS, Garden City, NY S. Kim, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY A. Blumencranz, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY S. Hollander, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY T. Akashige, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY A. Fitzgerald, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY A. Lee, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY D. Bohm, Hastings HS, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY S. Chettih, Hastings HS, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY C. Delacruz, Hastings HS, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY C. Depietro, Hastings HS, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY D. Fleishman, Hauppauge HS, Hauppauge, NY Y. Qiang, John Jay SHS, Hopewell Junction, NY C. Labulis, F D Roosevelt HS, Hyde Park, NY A. Chen, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY N. Cohen, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY L. Ondrich, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY R. Bigness, Monticello HS, Monticello, NY J. Stein, Monticello HS, Monticello, NY T. Greenberg, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY T. Holmes, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY T. Ciccarone, Iona Prep Sch, New Rochelle, NY S. Sherman, Brearley Sch, New York, NY S. Bhatnagar, NYC Lab Sch Collab Std, New York, NY M. Billah, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Chausov, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Chen, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY V. Chiang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Dean, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Goler, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 L. Han, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Huang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Jin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Jing, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Kagan, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY V. Kwan, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Li, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY W. Lui, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Ma, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Mon, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Pach, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Shteinbuk, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Woo, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY V. Yam, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Zak, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Zheng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Zhou, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Hansen, Oneida HS, Oneida, NY G. Ross, Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY L. Wang, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY D. Friedman, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY J. Fuld, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY G. Mayer, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY A. Bochner, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY B. Fleischman, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY J. Lee, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY S. Leib, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY C. Wolfe, Spencerport HS, Spencerport, NY A. Satty, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY J. Liebner, Vestal SHS, Vestal, NY W. Gallo, Wantagh HS, Wantagh, NY C. Coy, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY R. Hollahan, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY S. Wrightman, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY S. Lee, Lawrence Woodmere Acad, Woodmere, NY T. Douglas, Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY J. Min, Masters Sch, Dobbs Ferry, NY P. Capraro, Geneva HS, Geneva, NY H. Yan, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Anderson, Oakwood Friends Sch, Poughkeepsie, NY M. Golden, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY J. Zhang, Yorktown HS, Yorktown Heights, NY H. Marks, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY C. Richelson, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY J. Vellone, Byram Hills HS, Armonk, NY J. Park, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY E. Chau, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY P. Jang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Leffler, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY M. Ng, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Sharma, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY B. Dean, Berkelely Carroll Sch, Brooklyn, NY J. Chan, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY J. Li, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY Y. Morozov, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY K. Pertsovskaya, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY S. Pyvovar, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY Z. Zaman, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY R. Achs, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY C. Townsend, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY T. Sullivan, St Edmund Prep HS, Brooklyn, NY D. Tracer, Yeshivah of Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY D. Shelberg, St Joseph CI, Buffalo, NY J. Zamojski, St Joseph CI, Buffalo, NY J. Goldstein, Hebrew Acad 5 Towns/Rock, Cedarhurst, NY A. Vani, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 125 12 12 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 10 10 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 L. Wertalik, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY J. Ray, Clinton SHS, Clinton, NY T. Wagner, Clinton SHS, Clinton, NY E. Goldstein, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY R. Kolakoski, Bethlehem Ctr’l SHS, Delmar, NY B. Cole, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY L. Scherer, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY T. Lafay, Glens Falls SHS, Glens Falls, NY L. Mendelssohn, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY V. Wang, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY C. Zhang, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY J. Taeid, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY A. Mcmanus, Harrison HS, Harrison, NY D. Sun, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY E. Kveselis, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY T. Liang, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY P. Vakhshoorzadeh, Fayetteville-Manlius HS, Manlius, NY M. Schector, Sanford H Calhoun HS, Merrick, NY M. Easaw, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY A. Rabenstein, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY J. Schachter, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY N. Gulati, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY J. Levy, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY M. Glassman, Collegiate Sch, New York, NY C. Tai, Collegiate Sch, New York, NY M. Douglas, Spence Sch, New York, NY A. Geeng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Gitsis, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Hung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Leslie, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Lyczek, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Melikov, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Parsons, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Quinto, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY V. Starkov, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Sundelacruz, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Tse, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY H. Zhong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Zhu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Bevan, Trinity Sch, New York, NY D. Byowitz, Trinity Sch, New York, NY P. Demercurio, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY C. Hummel, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY M. Sullivan, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY J. Rapala, Putnam Valley HS, Putnam Valley, NY D. Golann, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY L. Koplik, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY S. Ritter, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY S. Sayeed, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY E. Schmidt, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY A. Shafei, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY V. Sung, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY A. Tiwari, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY Z. Ahdout, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY D. Bayer, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY J. Cohen, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY A. Czik, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY B. Lomazow, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY Z. Swarth, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY S. Brainard, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY O. Alpern, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY R. Aronoff, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY V. Hung, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY K. Kawamura, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY B. Russell, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY C. Dimilia, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 118.5 11 T. Segall Shapiro, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 116.0 11 J. Pang, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 115.0 12 A. Dick, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 113.5 12 J. Lee, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 113.0 12 W. Minami, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 112.5 11 N. Borensztein, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 111.0 12 C. Davis, Maret Sch, Washington, DC 110.0 11 M. Iscoe, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 110.0 12 S. Powell, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 109.0 12 C. Finucane, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 108.5 11 D. Bragg, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 108.5 11 Z. Huang, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 108.0 12 J. Branfman, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 108.0 11 M. Lee, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 108.0 11 E. Griffin, Maret Sch, Washington, DC 107.5 11 S. Le, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 107.5 12 C. Worsham, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 106.5 11 D. Collins, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 106.5 12 G. Degraf, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 106.5 12 D. Helman, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 106.5 12 I. Loksha, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 106.5 12 A. Gill, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 105.5 12 A. Garin, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC Region 2 105.5 12 K. Morgan, Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC ScoreGrName, School, City, State 105.5 12 P. Grant, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC Delaware 105.5 11 H. Trauger, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 105.5 12 D. Rasmussen, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 118.5 9 C. Hossain, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 104.5 12 E. Hoffman, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 116.0 12 E. Lewin, Concord HS, Wilmington, DE 104.5 11 J. Burr, Gonzaga Col HS, Washington, DC 116.0 12 R. Zeller, Salesianum Sch, Wilmington, DE 104.5 12 C. Mckay, Gonzaga Col HS, Washington, DC 115.0 10 J. Godfrey, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 112.5 11 J. Yang, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 104.5 12 M. Graham, Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC 104.5 12 P. Wallach, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 111.5 11 K. Wong, Sanford Sch, Hockessin, DE 104.0 11 J. Downie, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 111.5 11 P. Lopez, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE 103.0 11 B. Garwin, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 111.5 12 M. Rose, Tatnall Sch, Wilmington, DE 111.0 11 E. Sun, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 103.0 12 B. Swett, Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC 103.0 11 J. Warburg, Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC 109.0 12 K. Barteau, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 103.0 11 L. Sands Ramshaw, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 108.0 12 M. Neiman, Dover HS, Dover, DE 102.0 11 J. Shapiro, Georgetown Day HS, Washington, DC 108.0 11 J. Kim, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE 108.0 11 B. Lee, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 102.0 12 S. Ritchie, Maret Sch, Washington, DC 102.0 11 A. Petri, Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC 108.0 10 G. Li, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 102.0 11 N. Williams, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 108.0 11 C. Park, Concord HS, Wilmington, DE 108.0 11 N. Crompton, Mount Pleasant HS, Wilmington, DE 102.0 11 P. Daniel, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 102.0 11 M. Herman, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 108.0 12 M. Delgrosso, Salesianum Sch, Wilmington, DE 102.0 11 J. Nelson, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 108.0 12 M. Richards, Tatnall Sch, Wilmington, DE 102.0 12 J. Castro, St Johns Col HS, Washington, DC 107.5 10 H. Patel, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 101.0 12 R. Minogue, Gonzaga Col HS, Washington, DC 107.5 11 K. Srivastava, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 106.5 11 C. Bard, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 101.0 12 J. Obrien, Gonzaga Col HS, Washington, DC 101.0 11 J. Roth, Gonzaga Col HS, Washington, DC 106.5 11 R. Miller, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 101.0 11 L. Egge, Nat’l Cathedral Sch, Washington, DC 106.5 10 F. Shi, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 101.0 12 A. Willemin, St Johns Col HS, Washington, DC 105.5 12 M. Nachbar, Sanford Sch, Hockessin, DE 100.5 12 W. Martin, Maret Sch, Washington, DC 105.5 11 X. Bi, Brandywine HS, Wilmington, DE 105.5 11 C. Lam, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 100.5 11 B. Sestanovich, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 100.0 11 Y. Zhang, Sidwell Friends Sch, Washington, DC 105.5 10 P. Tynan, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE Maryland 104.5 11 D. Lee, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE 119.5 11 G. Kondo, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD 103.0 12 B. Karel, Brandywine HS, Wilmington, DE 119.5 12 B. Wright, Fallston HS, Fallston, MD 103.0 10 T. Chitra, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 119.5 11 J. Long, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD 103.0 12 A. Bergen, Tatnall Sch, Wilmington, DE 118.5 12 M. Novak, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD 102.0 10 T. Wu, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 118.5 12 B. Strinen, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD 102.0 12 R. Redding, Mount Pleasant HS, Wilmington, DE 118.5 12 L. Onken, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD 101.0 11 N. Sitaram, Sanford Sch, Hockessin, DE 118.0 12 H. Chawla, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD 101.0 11 A. Gopalratnam, Charter Sch of Wilmington, Wilmington, DE 117.0 11 D. Chen, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD 100.5 11 J. Whitesell, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE 116.0 12 R. Gupta, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD 100.5 12 G. Barr, Salesianum Sch, Wilmington, DE 116.0 10 J. Hao, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD District of Columbia 116.0 12 C. Yeh, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD 119.5 11 J. Thumpasery, St Albans Sch, Washington, DC 115.0 12 L. Wang, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD 118.5 12 M. Shimizu, Maret Sch, Washington, DC 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 11 12 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 10 C. Bendorf, Emma Willard Sch, Troy, NY K. Bringsjord, Emma Willard Sch, Troy, NY H. Chae, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY E. Horowitz, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY L. Sachs, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY C. Boneparth, Lawrence Woodmere Acad, Woodmere, NY S. Quinn, Charles W Baker HS, Baldwinsville, NY A. Lee, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY L. Anikin, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY I. Yarmulnik, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY S. Walter, St Joseph CI, Buffalo, NY M. Cesar, Williamsville East HS, East Amherst, NY J. Watt, Geneva HS, Geneva, NY A. Panzer, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY Y. Zhou, Spence Sch, New York, NY Y. Deng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY G. Grinberg, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Lin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Ma, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Oh, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Gibbons, Our Lady of Lourdes HS, Poughkeepsie, NY C. Leibler Mts, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 126 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 11 8 11 12 10 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 J. Chen, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD E. Cohn, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD T. Blaisdell, Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD J. Chen, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD T. Hyde, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD S. Venkataram, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD M. Katona, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD N. Srivali, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD J. Galeota, Holton-Arms Sch, Bethesda, MD B. Kubic, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD D. Lin, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD A. Lee, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD Z. Gober, McDonogh Sch, Owings Mills, MD D. Li, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD C. Sun, James M Bennett HS, Salisbury, MD A. Hogge, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD T. Szalay, Park Sch, Brooklandville, MD R. Lee, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD C. Morton, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD O. Hill, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD J. Mallott, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD M. Solomon, Bethesda Chevy Chase HS, Bethesda, MD G. Massimini, Elizabeth Seton HS, Bladensburg, MD A. Zhou, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD A. Husain, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD D. Zou, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD R. Eskin, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Z. Kazzaz, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD A. Fu, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD C. Jao, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD A. Mui, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD J. Xing, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD J. Rohwer, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD R. Schmid, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD K. Conroy, Fallston HS, Fallston, MD K. Gaylor, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD G. Maxson, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD S. Arnold, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD D. Portnoy, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD C. Hilchey, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD A. Tsaur, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD J. Varghese, Calvert Hall Col HS, Baltimore, MD S. Kominers, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD S. Strenio, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD K. Xu, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD A. Seifter, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD J. Harper, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD S. Uesugi, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD R. Patel, Severn Sch, Severna Park, MD L. Rubenstein, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Sklarew, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD L. Choe, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD N. Haghani, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD S. Polymenakos, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD S. Voris, Howard Co HomeS, Columbia, MD E. Ma, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD W. Wang, Gaithersburg HS, Gaithersburg, MD D. Germain, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD E. Tao, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD S. Hudnet, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD W. Chen, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD A. Liu, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Y. Lu, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Z. Sipko, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD L. Wessel, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD T. Wilson, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 127 12 12 9 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 9 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 10 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 10 12 7 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 Y. Zhang, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD D. Petrovics, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD C. Cannizzo, Howard Co HomeS, Columbia, MD B. Harvey, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD A. Weatherford, Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD M. Sotak, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD A. Ihm, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD J. Rausch, Severn Sch, Severna Park, MD M. Croteau, Calvert Hall Col HS, Baltimore, MD J. Marti N, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Hwang, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD J. Ong, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD J. Dinerstein, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD E. Olson, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD I. Kang, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD C. Campbell, Park Sch, Brooklandville, MD A. Beier, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD G. Drayna, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD N. Avers, Severn Sch, Severna Park, MD T. Heffner, Severn Sch, Severna Park, MD A. Trazkovich, Park Sch, Brooklandville, MD B. Roane, Baltimore Polytech Inst-Ingenuity, Baltimore, MD J. Palmer, Holton-Arms Sch, Bethesda, MD R. An, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD C. Bartlett, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD B. Finley, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD M. Goldman, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Z. Liao, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Lin, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Lucas, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD A. Reichardt, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD N. Swire, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD N. Jee, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD G. Nowak, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD Y. Chang, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD R. Oaks, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD J. Solomon, Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD A. Thewes, Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD M. Kuhn, Quince Orchard HS, Gaithersburg, MD D. Li, Quince Orchard HS, Gaithersburg, MD K. Purdy, Quince Orchard HS, Gaithersburg, MD M. Krug, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD J. Sax, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD A. Thibau, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD Y. Yue, Thomas S Wootton HS, Rockville, MD T. Dolan, James M Bennett HS, Salisbury, MD D. Strott, James M Bennett HS, Salisbury, MD A. Sung, Walter Johnson HS, Bethesda, MD R. Huang, Reservoir HS, Fulton, MD V. Aggarwal, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD A. Artemiev, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD S. Jain, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD R. Kumar, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD K. Lin, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Z. Moak, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Sirkin, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD D. Shiff, Park Sch, Brooklandville, MD I. Agarwal, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD G. Demaree, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD G. Ji, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD J. Kim, River Hill HS, Clarksville, MD S. Manoff, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD M. Patel, Quince Orchard HS, Gaithersburg, MD T. Silva, Gleneig HS, Glenelg, MD M. Cheng, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD G. Hitz, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 11 11 12 12 11 12 M. Medeiros, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD B. Myers, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD E. Wang, Winston Churchill HS, Potomac, MD K. Shahan, James M Bennett HS, Salisbury, MD A. Chen, Centennial HS, Ellicott City, MD A. Moscati, Quince Orchard HS, Gaithersburg, MD 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 117.0 116.5 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 10 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 10 10 11 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 J. Yoo, Asheville Sch, Asheville, NC W. Xia, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. King, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC N. Lynch, David W Butler HS, Matthews, NC J. Schmitt, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC C. Bukowski, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Branscomb, Ravenscroft Sch, Raleigh, NC S. Xi, John T Hoggard HS, Wilmington, NC H. Kim, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC D. Williams, West Forsyth HS, Clemmons, NC Y. Yan, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC K. Scheckelhoff, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC W. Wheeless, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC R. Flovin, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC L. Yuan, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC E. Mckee, A C Reynolds HS, Asheville, NC M. Kaseorg, Charlotte HomeEd Assoc, Charlotte, NC A. Das, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC H. Chen, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC A. Holmes, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC L. Jiang, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Sun, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Carroll, Watauga HS, Boone, NC I. Shields, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC T. Darden, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC C. Rice, West Forsyth HS, Clemmons, NC T. Thomas, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Matthews, Greensboro DS, Greensboro, NC N. Krishnan, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC R. Bang, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Bryson, Cary Acad, Cary, NC J. Walker, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC H. Wang, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC K. Cheng, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC K. Kelley, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Todd, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Durkin, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC H. Tan, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC V. Chen, Cary Acad, Cary, NC S. Frimmel, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC M. He, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC B. Hu, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC L. Chapin, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC M. Feng, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Nichols, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC S. Delong, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC M. Browning, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC R. Fischbeck, Providence HS, Charlotte, NC X. Li, West Forsyth HS, Clemmons, NC R. Going, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC Z. Li, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Steinhauer, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Young, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC R. Yu, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Castro Rappl, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC J. Schwartz, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC S. Feingold, Ravenscroft Sch, Raleigh, NC D. Duterte, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC H. Cheong, Asheville Sch, Asheville, NC North Carolina 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 128 12 11 12 11 12 9 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 B. Fuchs, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC A. Dement, Cary Acad, Cary, NC S. May, Cary Acad, Cary, NC K. Gaffney, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Rhee, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Wat, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Slaughter, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC L. Gaudioso, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC Y. Guo, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Schissler, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC W. Warren, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Barker, Grimsley HS, Greensboro, NC M. Hallen, Cary Acad, Cary, NC S. Medda, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Maness, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC H. Superak, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC F. Thong, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC C. Weng, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC D. Beyer, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC P. Wong, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC R. Zellertownson, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC P. Allen, Northern HS, Durham, NC M. Azi Z, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC K. Davis, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC C. Kilpatrick, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC Z. Wooten, Clyde A Erwin HS, Asheville, NC S. Hill, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC J. Walton, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC E. Chan, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC D. Kafri, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC R. Caldwell, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC C. Page, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC T. Cook, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC K. Bugica, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC R. Cardwell, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC W. Demilio, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Fryar, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC S. Henrion, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC H. Hu, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Mason, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC S. Powell, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC K. Sekar, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC S. Thomas, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC K. Steedle, Greensboro DS, Greensboro, NC D. Ragan, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC S. Henderson, Sanderson HS, Raleigh, NC M. Voneulerhogan, John T Hoggard HS, Wilmington, NC J. Long, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC V. Puvanesarajah, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC S. Dobbins, Durham Acad Upper Sch, Durham, NC T. Yoon, Asheville Sch, Asheville, NC K. Shieh, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Chen, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC D. Cohen, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC J. Tsahakis, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC J. Sypniewski, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC G. Gardner, Providence HS, Charlotte, NC C. Gibson, Providence HS, Charlotte, NC M. Bertram, Cannon Sch, Concord, NC B. Evans, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC W. Harden, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC J. Yelton, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC R. Zucker, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC L. Bergman, Grimsley HS, Greensboro, NC A. Liu, Grimsley HS, Greensboro, NC C. Gibson, Scotland HS, Laurinburg, NC Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 12 12 12 10 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 10 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 E. Adamek, Cardinal Gibbons HS, Raleigh, NC G. Yeung, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC N. Rodgers, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC M. Collins, Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC K. Hyder, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC S. Jones, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC P. Stroup, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC J. Webster, West Forsyth HS, Clemmons, NC B. Walters, Durham Acad Upper Sch, Durham, NC P. Smutko, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC H. Wroblewski, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC B. Richardson, Parkwood HS, Monroe, NC T. Pensyl, Eugene Ashley HS, Wilmington, NC J. Zhou, Eugene Ashley HS, Wilmington, NC M. Lu, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC Y. Zhou, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC N. Cole, Clyde A Erwin HS, Asheville, NC B. Kabel, Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC J. Pung, Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC C. Fedor, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC W. Hastings, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC R. Bonakdar, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC J. Mullen, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC C. Teter, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC N. Cook, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC N. Ellenfield, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC B. Miller, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Queen, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC E. Summerlin, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC Y. Yang, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC Y. Goldberg, Grimsley HS, Greensboro, NC W. Cao, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC D. Skwerer, Sanderson HS, Raleigh, NC K. Hawkins, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC D. Konneker, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC M. Lynch, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC J. Mclean, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC D. Mehlenbacher, Pinecrest HS, Southern Pines, NC M. White, Pinecrest HS, Southern Pines, NC T. Evans, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC C. Lesawyer, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC F. Liao, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC M. Brewer, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC D. Goodson, Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC M. Porsch, Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC L. Sabato, Charles D Owen HS, Black Mountain, NC R. Egan, East Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC D. Loparo, Charlotte Ctry DS, Charlotte, NC K. Aluko, Charlotte Latin Sch, Charlotte, NC Z. Chen, Providence HS, Charlotte, NC G. Um, Providence HS, Charlotte, NC K. Rawls, West Forsyth HS, Clemmons, NC D. Applegate, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC S. Bowen, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Chu, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Gupta, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC T. Mitchell, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC B. Mookerji, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC G. Pike, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC S. Stephens, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC A. Wallace, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC C. Wiggs, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC B. Ouellette, North Mecklenburg HS, Huntersville, NC Z. Holliday, Eastern Alamance HS, Mebane, NC M. Mcmillan, Eastern Alamance HS, Mebane, NC P. Smith, Eastern Alamance HS, Mebane, NC 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 D. Donahue, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC J. Enns, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC P. Mccauley, Athens Drive SHS, Raleigh, NC A. Barber, Ravenscroft Sch, Raleigh, NC M. Turner, Sanderson HS, Raleigh, NC C. Jones, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC D. Smith, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC R. Jamiolkowski, Cary Acad, Cary, NC J. Solow, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC J. Zhu, Chapel Hill HS, Chapel Hill, NC A. Boyle, Myers Park HS, Charlotte, NC W. Eisenmenger, NC Sch Sci/Math, Durham, NC E. Papes, William G Enloe HS, Raleigh, NC 119.5 118.5 117.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 112.5 112.5 111.5 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 9 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 9 12 11 9 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 J. Montoya, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC N. Bumb, Southside HS, Greenville, SC K. Yeh, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC J. Fulton, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC R. Flexner, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC A. Aginskiy, Spring Valley HS, Columbia, SC Y. Zheng, Southside HS, Greenville, SC A. Byrd, Spartanburg HS, Spartanburg, SC A. Moody, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC B. Ward, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC D. Gadalamaria, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC A. Cheung, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC M. Eubanks, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC J. Sidwell, Bob Jones Acad, Greenville, SC A. Costa, Hilton Head HS, Hilton Head, SC A. Egan, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC J. Xie, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC G. Bunting, Spring Valley HS, Columbia, SC B. Bowers, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC E. Rhodes, Ben Lippen Sch, Columbia, SC L. Felkel, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC J. Bedenbaugh, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC D. Antworth, Christ Church Epis Sch, Greenville, SC D. Henshaw, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC S. Zhang, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC C. Burns, A C Flora HS, Columbia, SC R. Hepfer, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC A. Woehr, Bob Jones Acad, Greenville, SC S. Illing, Greenville SHS, Greenville, SC K. Boerstler, North Augusta HS, North Augusta, SC W. Flake, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC N. Morgan, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC D. Kiser, Brookland Cayce HS, Cayce, SC M. Eisenstat, Aiken HS, Aiken, SC B. Blazer, South Aiken HS, Aiken, SC J. Carlisle, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC C. Wentworth, Dreher HS, Columbia, SC D. Hammond, Irmo HS, Columbia, SC I. Gao, D W Daniel HS, Ctr’l, SC D. Coleman, Aiken HS, Aiken, SC J. Warren, Brookland Cayce HS, Cayce, SC B. Vandyke, Shannon Forest Chr. Sch, Greenville, SC R. By, Southside HS, Greenville, SC J. Kang, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC L. Kitashima, Hilton Head HS, Hilton Head, SC 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 10 11 10 11 11 11 P. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Giuffrida, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA F. Mako, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA L. Marrone, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Kulakow, Harrisonburg HS, Harrisonburg, VA W. Yan, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA South Carolina Virginia 129 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 116.0 115.5 114.5 113.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 9 9 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 11 12 9 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 10 11 10 12 10 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 10 10 12 11 12 11 12 12 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 J. Steinhardt, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Z. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Ademoglu, C D Hylton HS, Woodbridge, VA C. Hartman, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA R. Fovargue, Harrisonburg HS, Harrisonburg, VA W. Hao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Slater, Southwest VA Gov’s Sch, Dublin, VA C. Stevens, Harrisonburg HS, Harrisonburg, VA A. Miller, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA W. Hwang, Radford HS, Radford, VA S. Rigg, Ocean Lakes HS, Virginia Beach, VA A. Chen, York HS, Yorktown, VA J. Lu, E C Glass HS, Lynchburg, VA M. Litherland, Hampton Roads Acad, Newport News, VA S. Schmitz, St Anne’s-Belfield Sch, Charlottesvill, VA I. Sarver, Southwest VA Gov’s Sch, Dublin, VA A. Bean, Collegiate Sch, Richmond, VA D. Bryan, James River HS, Midlothian, VA A. Foster, James River HS, Midlothian, VA C. Pao, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA N. Kotra, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Liu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA W. Sung, James River HS, Midlothian, VA D. Garg, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Shue, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Zeh, Thomas Dale HS, Chester, VA L. Lisle, St Stephens/St Agnes Sch, Alexandria, VA N. Kolia, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Fithian, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA T. Shapiro, Collegiate Sch, Richmond, VA V. Fort, St Catherines Sch, Richmond, VA A. Mccrady, St Catherines Sch, Richmond, VA D. Schafer, St Catherines Sch, Richmond, VA Y. Gilboa, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA H. Li, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Kenny, Covenant Sch, Charlottesvill, VA W. Jacobs, James Monroe HS, Fredericksburg, VA D. Guthrie, Wheat HomeS, Lorton, VA S. Daniels, E C Glass HS, Lynchburg, VA D. Andreano, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA S. Puckett, Meadowbrook HS, Richmond, VA C. Xia, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Smith, St Catherines Sch, Richmond, VA B. Sudol, Harrisonburg HS, Harrisonburg, VA A. Pao, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA B. Ritzo, Ocean Lakes HS, Virginia Beach, VA L. Helferstay, Brookville HS, Lynchburg, VA T. Light, Brookville HS, Lynchburg, VA E. Kelly, Collegiate Sch, Richmond, VA R. Nash, Turner Ashby HS, Bridgewater, VA C. Brautigan, Covenant Sch, Charlottesvill, VA M. Khan, Thomas Dale HS, Chester, VA T. He, Osbourn HS, Manassas, VA D. Coleman, Hampton Roads Acad, Newport News, VA M. Wood, Hampton Roads Acad, Newport News, VA E. Edman, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA D. Mills, Poquoson HS, Poquoson, VA J. Broscious, St Catherines Sch, Richmond, VA D. Schmidt, Hampton Roads Acad, Newport News, VA 119.5 111.5 111.0 107.5 105.0 102.0 102.0 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 L. Yao, Hurricane HS, Hurricane, WV D. Hines, Parkersburg HS, Parkersburg, WV K. Parrish, , , WV M. Kosowski, Wheeling Park HS, Wheeling, WV K. Dotson, Parkersburg HS, Parkersburg, WV M. Cevallos, George Washington HS, Charleston, WV C. Parrish, North Marion HS, Farmington, WV West Virginia Region 3 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alabama 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 130 11 12 12 12 11 10 10 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 9 10 12 12 12 12 9 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 10 12 11 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 A. Enkeboll, Auburn HS, Auburn, AL E. Barr, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Schencker, Indian Springs Sch, Indian Springs, AL J. Gipson, Randolph Sch, Huntsville, AL P. Cong, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL J. Lee, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL K. Foster, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL I. Wu, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL P. Stewart, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL H. Zhang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL S. Goodfriend, Alabama Sch Math & Sci, Mobile, AL J. Tang, Alabama Sch Math & Sci, Mobile, AL A. Denmark, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL V. Wang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL R. Appleton, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL A. Kulkarni, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL M. Patterson, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL A. Kunin, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Chuang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Cooper, Alabama Sch Math & Sci, Mobile, AL A. Barnard, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL Y. Huang, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Muller, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL V. Oruc, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Patel, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL L. Collins, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL N. Choradia, Altamont Sch, Birmingham, AL K. Von Laven, Randolph Sch, Huntsville, AL R. Ananthan, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL C. Hadley, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Phillips, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL S. Tao, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL B. Yang, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL C. Zhang, Auburn HS, Auburn, AL M. Blokh, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL Y. Cheng, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL S. Kapoor, Randolph Sch, Huntsville, AL J. Holt, Bob Jones HS, Madison, AL A. Chou, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL X. Gao, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL L. Sims, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL E. Wood, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL S. Tchernov, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL T. Lee, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL C. Gray, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL S. Agnew, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL M. Milosevic, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL D. Thompson, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL F. Chowdhury, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL J. Luan, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL N. Zito, John Carroll HS, Birmingham, AL N. Ranganath, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL D. Zhai, Loveless Academic Magnet Prog HS, Montgomery, AL M. Chou, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Eberly, Daphne HS, Daphne, AL E. Liu, Auburn HS, Auburn, AL C. Liu, Randolph Sch, Huntsville, AL Z. Jordan, Muscle Shoals HS, Muscle Shoals, AL F. Khan, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Naramore, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Zhang, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL M. Brake, Loveless Academic Magnet Prog HS, Montgomery, AL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 102.0 12 W. Glassford, Loveless Academic Magnet Prog HS, Montgomery, AL 102.0 12 J. Dai, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 102.0 12 M. Ji, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 102.0 12 C. Song, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 101.0 12 B. Heard, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL 101.0 11 C. Fuller, Alabama Sch Math & Sci, Mobile, AL 101.0 11 R. Sun, Alabama Sch Math & Sci, Mobile, AL 101.0 12 C. Chen, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 101.0 11 N. Whatley, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 100.5 12 J. Chasan, Muscle Shoals HS, Muscle Shoals, AL 100.5 12 C. Culbert, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, ALAm. Florida 119.5 12 119.5 11 119.5 10 119.5 12 119.5 12 119.5 12 119.5 10 119.5 12 119.5 12 119.5 12 118.5 12 118.5 12 117.0 11 117.0 12 117.0 10 117.0 12 116.0 11 116.0 12 116.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 114.5 12 114.5 10 113.5 12 113.5 11 113.5 12 113.5 11 113.5 10 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 9 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 10 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.0 12 111.0 12 110.0 110.0 12 110.0 12 110.0 11 110.0 12 110.0 11 110.0 12 110.0 12 109.0 12 T. Mandel, Canterbury Sch, Fort Myers, FL G. Brown, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL B. Ho, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL B. Finck, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL P. Patel, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL J. Perla, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL C. Regalado, Am Heritage Sch, Plantation, FL B. Wu, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL Y. Yao, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL R. Gunaratne, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL N. Kilevskaya, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL P. Lavigne, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL C. Resnick, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL J. Birnbaum, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL R. Goli, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL J. Timmel, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL S. Sakowitz, Lake Mary HS, Lake Mary, FL E. Darlington, Eau Gallie HS, Melbourne, FL S. Young, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL P. Savage, Cypress Lake HS, Ft Myers, FL H. Tourjee, Lincoln Park Acad, Ft Pierce, FL L. Littman, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL S. Rabin, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL C. Kale, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL M. Wilson, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Y. Pitcan, Lake Howell HS, Winter Park, FL D. Odonnell, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL B. Slakman, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL J. Weiss, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL T. Rose, Sarasota HS, Sarasota, FL D. Wallach, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL S. Carruthers, St Stephens Epis Sch, Bradenton, FL M. Ingram, Nova HS, Davie, FL J. Wong, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL S. Sheckman, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL W. Wofford, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL A. Fegert, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL C. Cooper, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL C. Chiang, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL J. Smith, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL J. Wong, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL J. Mathis, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL B. Durr, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL A. Miller, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL O. Olayinka, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL M. Artz, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL A. Parham, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL J. Yelton, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL K. Wolpert, Barron Collier HS, Naples, FL K. Chan, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL B. Hood, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL M. Kaufmann, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL A. Brannan, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL J. Bouhenguel, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 12 108.5 12 108.5 12 108.5 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 107.5 11 107.5 11 107.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 10 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 10 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 10 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.0 12 105.0 11 131 R. Wiggenhorn, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL N. Teng, Nova HS, Davie, FL M. Mclaren, Fort Lauderdale HS, Ft Lauderdale, FL Z. Anwar, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL J. Pole, Vanguard HS, Ocala, FL G. Hamill, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL R. Mortensen Reed, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL E. Tran, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Wang, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Z. Dilks, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL A. Ramaiya, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL J. Fry, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL J. Coverston, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL M. Haimes, Coral Springs HS, Coral Springs, FL H. Ni, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL A. Devabhaktuni, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL N. Idrisi, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL A. Weil, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL R. Murga, Land O’Lakes HS, Land O’Lakes, FL X. Jia, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Y. Yu, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL J. Branham, Bishop Moore Cath HS, Orlando, FL M. Bobek, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL A. Schultz, Riverview HS, Riverview, FL S. Robertson, Gaither HS, Tampa, FL A. Ekanayake, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL R. Likamwa, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL L. Tainsh, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL C. Huber, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL G. Hutchings, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL A. Jones, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL B. Au, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL S. Helkin, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL P. Bezark, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Kantor, Out of Door Acad, Sarasota, FL U. Amadi, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Wadsworth, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL K. Swetland, Cooper City HS, Cooper City, FL S. Sargent, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL E. Soergel, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL S. Ramakrishnan, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL A. Wang, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL K. Fleming, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL N. Goss, St Stephens Epis Sch, Bradenton, FL B. Cheng, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL D. Kiviat, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL T. Yocum, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL D. Martinchich, George Jenkins HS, Lakeland, FL K. Lane, Land O’Lakes HS, Land O’Lakes, FL A. Khan, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL K. Broome, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL D. Moraseski, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL J. Schutz, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL K. Earle, Shorecrest Prep Sch, St Petersburg, FL J. Richardson, Shorecrest Prep Sch, St Petersburg, FL P. Shah, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL C. Clark, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL W. Holland, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL K. Hanna, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL K. Mccarthy, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL Y. Park, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL A. Pham, Lake Howell HS, Winter Park, FL T. Marley, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL A. Pirela, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL M. Liebhaber, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL B. Clare, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 12 11 12 9 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 9 12 10 12 12 12 11 11 11 A. Yeh, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL H. Ghanchi, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL C. Kays, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL S. Zheng, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL D. Carabenciov, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL A. Vaughn, Land O’Lakes HS, Land O’Lakes, FL W. Liu, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL C. Ramirez, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL J. Garland, Barron Collier HS, Naples, FL K. Tibbetts, Naples HS, Naples, FL R. Horn, Vanguard HS, Ocala, FL M. Garrison, Bishop Moore Cath HS, Orlando, FL J. Santora, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL N. Kathuria, Lake Highland Prep Sch, Orlando, FL N. Keller, William R Boone HS, Orlando, FL J. Tao, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL M. Vrenjak, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Javed, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL M. Lorenzana, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL A. Save, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL V. Ditommaso, Sarasota HS, Sarasota, FL T. Cordell, Walter Sickles HS, Tampa, FL H. Dilling, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL H. Reichardt, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL B. Brando, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL E. Gutierrez, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL J. Shen, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL M. Jezierny, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL Y. Zhang, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL M. Choi, Lake Mary HS, Lake Mary, FL M. Nemaric, Lake Mary HS, Lake Mary, FL S. Jauhari, Miami Sunset SHS, Miami, FL S. Atary, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Chou, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Z. Remscrim, Suncoast Comm HS, Riviera Beach, FL H. Hoffman, Out of Door Acad, Sarasota, FL J. Desai, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL W. Adams, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL M. Despres, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL J. Sandford, Cooper City HS, Cooper City, FL J. Barron, Coral Springs HS, Coral Springs, FL J. Chion, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL M. Antinelli, Nova HS, Davie, FL L. Stivelman, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL J. Buys, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL A. Szpakowski, Lake Mary HS, Lake Mary, FL A. Franco, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL S. Gaglani, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL A. Fortner, Sch for Adv Studies/South, Miami, FL L. Tucker, Sch for Adv Studies/South, Miami, FL T. Van Cleve, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL A. Pachikara, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL T. Frascone, Sarasota HS, Sarasota, FL R. Buesing, Plant SHS, Tampa, FL S. Sivanesan, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL C. Van Wert, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL J. Wang, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL B. Ouyang, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL T. Caton, Sebring HS, Sebring, FL E. Leichtenschlag, Coral Springs HS, Coral Springs, FL T. Rades, Mainland HS, Daytona Beach, FL W. Restrepo, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL N. Wilson, Deerfield Beach HS, Deerfield Beach, FL Y. Hwang, Canterbury Sch, Fort Myers, FL A. Papir, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL S. Partin, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 132 12 11 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 A. Batson, Cypress Lake HS, Ft Myers, FL J. Kunemund, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL L. Karabel, South Broward HS, Hollywood, FL K. Gallagher, Bishop Moore Cath HS, Orlando, FL L. Hickman, Bishop Moore Cath HS, Orlando, FL J. Thompson, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL S. Cuddihy, William R Boone HS, Orlando, FL J. Delgado, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL C. Skene, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL R. Mcclellan, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL B. Batas, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL B. Suarez, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL C. Sniffen, Gaither HS, Tampa, FL N. Garg, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL A. Hillmer, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL R. Kalra, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL G. Gordillo, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL A. Lowther, Lake Howell HS, Winter Park, FL K. Wilkerson, Lake Howell HS, Winter Park, FL M. Yantorni, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL D. Cox, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL J. Giancarlo, Cooper City HS, Cooper City, FL K. Wan, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL K. Kondaveeti, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL P. Lazarowitz, J P Taravella HS, Coral Springs, FL K. Fishman, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL N. Schram, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL S. Teltser, Pine Crest Sch, Ft Lauderdale, FL R. Monroe, Epis HS of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL C. Kulahalli, Land O’Lakes HS, Land O’Lakes, FL A. Scott, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL H. Poon, Miami Sunset SHS, Miami, FL R. Vizcarra, Sch for Adv Studies/South, Miami, FL D. Azuaje, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL N. Sanchez, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL B. Bailey, Naples HS, Naples, FL L. Aponte, Bishop Moore Cath HS, Orlando, FL M. Bonilla, Edgewater HS, Orlando, FL K. Vorhis, Lake Highland Prep Sch, Orlando, FL J. Miller, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL M. Sanghavi, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL J. Winchell, Riverview HS, Riverview, FL R. Saade, Ctr Advanced Tech, Saint Petersburg, FL B. Stamp, Ctr Advanced Tech, Saint Petersburg, FL M. Vaccaro, Out of Door Acad, Sarasota, FL A. Cummings, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL K. Naidoo, Freedom HS, Tampa, FL Z. Stern, Hillsborough SHS, Tampa, FL W. Mueller, Middleton HS, Tampa, FL A. Carriere, Walter Sickles HS, Tampa, FL C. Kreafle, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL K. Abbott, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL E. Finkler, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL D. Mayer, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL Z. Rosenthal, Trinity Prep Sch of Florida, Winter Park, FL A. Fabrizio, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL H. Nguyen, Winter Park HS, Winter Park, FL R. Schwartz, Cooper City HS, Cooper City, FL D. Henning, Nova HS, Davie, FL A. Sorrin, Atlantic HS, Delray Beach, FL T. Hamilton, F W Buchholz HS, Gainesville, FL A. Wang, Stanton Col Prep Sch, Jacksonville, FL A. Rose, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL V. Wikramanayake, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL C. Russell, Blanche Ely HS, Pompano Beach, FL M. Cothrine, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 12 11 11 11 12 S. Jones, Out of Door Acad, Sarasota, FL J. Lacy, Berkeley Prep Sch, Tampa, FL D. Polk, Vero Beach HS, Vero Beach, FL J. Plank, Lake Howell HS, Winter Park, FL B. Rosander, Epis HS of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL Georgia 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.5 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 12 11 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 10 12 9 11 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 10 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 J. Ku, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA P. Miller, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA J. Tarbutton, Heritage Sch, Newnan, GA H. Xu, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA A. Lee, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA D. Trawick, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA C. Mckenzie, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA R. Xu, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA W. Yaun, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA D. Zhang, Walton HS, Marietta, GA D. Regitsky, Wheeler HS, Marietta, GA S. Lee, Centennial HS, Roswell, GA S. Russell, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA C. Wang, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA T. Soo, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA J. Newby, Woodstock HS, Woodstock, GA J. Smith, Athens Acad, Athens, GA Y. Zou, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA V. Madan, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA M. Franklin, 1st Prsb DS, Macon, GA G. Macon, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA A. Jones, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA O. Wichrowska, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA C. Huong, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA P. Sperduto, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA T. Ou, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA M. Costley, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA T. Leon, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA D. Fu, Athens Acad, Athens, GA J. Taggart, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA P. Foster, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Greenlee, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA K. Todd, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA S. Fischgrund, Dunwoody HS, Dunwoody, GA J. Binney, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA G. Howe, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA Z. Chen, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA H. Li, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA J. Liem, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA J. Segal, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA N. Austin, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA W. Ho, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA L. Shaket, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA C. Wallis, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA T. Funk, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA N. Clemm, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA M. Pavlovich, Shiloh HS, Snellville, GA A. Muliawan, Marist Sch, Atlanta, GA A. Lyu, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA D. Lantukh, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA D. Foster, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA D. Freeman, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA E. Sawyer, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA B. Yang, Northview HS, Duluth, GA S. Solntsev, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA M. Greenland, Walton HS, Marietta, GA H. Swygert, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA D. Koperda, Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA J. Wu, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA G. Fiddyment, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 11 108.5 11 108.5 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 10 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 107.5 11 107.5 12 106.5 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 10 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 10 105.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 10 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.0 12 104.0 12 133 J. Okon, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA M. Bernardy, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA J. Larsen, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA M. Brouner, Dunwoody HS, Dunwoody, GA M. Johnson, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA M. Terrelonge, George Walton Acad, Monroe, GA J. Jacoby, Athens Acad, Athens, GA M. Pilon, Heritage Sch, Newnan, GA R. Runner, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA M. Lord, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA T. Nettles, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA R. Shaffer, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA R. Bascle, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA T. Papallo, Salem HS, Conyers, GA S. Christensen, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA J. Kay, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA R. Shaw, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA A. Abate, Augusta Prep Day Sch, Martinez, GA J. Kistler, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA G. Lam, Woodstock HS, Woodstock, GA P. Zheng, Acad of Richmond Co, Augusta, GA C. Bryant, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA S. Wang, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA L. Brandino, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA C. Reeves, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA D. Anderson, Cedar Shoals HS, Athens, GA T. Bailey, Druid Hills HS, Atlanta, GA L. Slaughter, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA J. Wilkerson, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA A. Bouffier, Dunwoody HS, Dunwoody, GA B. Haley, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA Q. Lei, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA K. Kyu Seo, Darlington Sch, Rome, GA J. Sandler, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA C. Bright, Campbell HS, Smyrna, GA K. Jones, Brookwood HS, Snellville, GA T. Guglielmo, Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA J. Begovic, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA P. Curry, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA J. Chestnut, Acad of Richmond Co, Augusta, GA B. Ahmad, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA S. Chapman, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA K. Stanhope, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA R. Davis, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA S. Richardson, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA V. Ling, Northview HS, Duluth, GA N. Patel, Northview HS, Duluth, GA C. Coen, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA J. Kennedy, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA B. Henson, Darlington Sch, Rome, GA A. Vogelsang, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA B. Kim, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA M. Campbell, Woodstock HS, Woodstock, GA R. Hood, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA M. Hipp, Pace Acad, Atlanta, GA C. Mayer, St Pius X Cath HS, Atlanta, GA B. Kalejaiye, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA L. Otoole, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA J. Gilbert, Walton HS, Marietta, GA Y. Xue, Walton HS, Marietta, GA F. Li, Wheeler HS, Marietta, GA R. Nason, Brookwood HS, Snellville, GA M. Soyoola, Shiloh HS, Snellville, GA D. Wright, Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA M. Abouelnasr, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA H. Fuerstman, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 9 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 9 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 12 12 12 10 10 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 S. Knezo, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA C. Hallacy, Walton HS, Marietta, GA W. Kean, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA B. Horsley, Brookwood HS, Snellville, GA K. Stracener, Athens Acad, Athens, GA C. Fearing, Pace Acad, Atlanta, GA L. Marx, Pace Acad, Atlanta, GA K. Reichling, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA H. Chueh, Northview HS, Duluth, GA S. Wang, Northview HS, Duluth, GA J. Watts, Wheeler HS, Marietta, GA J. Freiberg, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA E. Ferreira, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA A. Shah, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA J. Colestock, Campbell HS, Smyrna, GA D. Krause, Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA J. Hall, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA S. Konner, Druid Hills HS, Atlanta, GA D. Nahmias, Druid Hills HS, Atlanta, GA W. Morgan, Lakeside HS, Atlanta, GA A. Reineck, Marist Sch, Atlanta, GA H. Kinsel, St Pius X Cath HS, Atlanta, GA T. Ginn, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA S. Gorday, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA R. Gruber, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA E. Lefkovitz, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA E. Dawson, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA C. Martin, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA H. Kim, Dunwoody HS, Dunwoody, GA J. Marquis, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA T. Han, Walton HS, Marietta, GA H. Lee, Walton HS, Marietta, GA G. Li, Walton HS, Marietta, GA A. Wien, Walton HS, Marietta, GA R. Adcock, Colquitt Co HS, Moultrie, GA H. Maladtsova, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA J. Tung, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA D. Kraun, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA W. Si, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA C. Armstrong, Campbell HS, Smyrna, GA W. Ma, Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA A. Tran, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA C. Poon, Milton HS, Alpharetta, GA S. Reddy, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA B. Sattin, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA M. Vega, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA S. Li, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA N. Setia, Athens Acad, Athens, GA F. Hassan, Druid Hills HS, Atlanta, GA M. Solomon, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA A. Schmitt, Aquinas HS, Augusta, GA J. Willoughby, Aquinas HS, Augusta, GA W. Kendall, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA P. Kenia, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA T. Khan, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA L. Nguyen, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Toups, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA S. Gannon, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA R. Wright, Columbus HS, Columbus, GA K. Koch, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA A. Lanchester, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA A. Tantia, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA A. Chiu, Northview HS, Duluth, GA D. Hollis, Troup Co HS, La Grange, GA P. Graham, Stratford Acad, Macon, GA A. Bery, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 R. Pendergrass, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA M. Watkins, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA B. Reese, Centennial HS, Roswell, GA A. Kadaba, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA M. Mclaughlin, Roswell HS, Roswell, GA L. Mundell, Savannah Ctry DS, Savannah, GA A. Whitney, Woodstock HS, Woodstock, GA C. Ni, Chattahoochee HS, Alpharetta, GA C. Horn, Athens Acad, Athens, GA L. Li, Athens Acad, Athens, GA Q. Yin, Druid Hills HS, Atlanta, GA V. Grizzard, Darlington Sch, Rome, GA H. Tran, Windsor Forest HS, Savannah, GA S. James, Collins Hill HS, Suwanee, GA S. Vakili, North Gwinnett HS, Suwanee, GA Region 4 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Indiana 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 134 12 11 12 10 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 10 10 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 M. Tweedell, Marion HS, Marion, IN Y. Chun, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN J. Ullman, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN M. Agrawal, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN M. Barra, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN A. Sabharwal, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN K. Kim, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN K. Shiue, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN L. Xie, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN J. Schwab, R Nelson Snider HS, Fort Wayne, IN F. Heisler, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN P. Chang, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN D. Lim, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN P. Revankar, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN A. Warren, North Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN K. Drury, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN R. Luo, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN J. Peyer, Clay HS, South Bend, IN D. Fox, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN J. Gray, Laporte HS, La Porte, IN B. Marshall, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN C. Ma, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN A. Bolger, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN E. Mclaughlin, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN J. Vitter, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN D. Yoon, Marquette HS, Michigan City, IN D. Seitz, Clay HS, South Bend, IN S. Strinka, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN J. Wukusick, Oldenburg Acad, Oldenburg, IN J. Ranucci, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN A. Jorck, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN J. Pan, Canterbury Sch, Fort Wayne, IN D. Truax, Covenant Chr. HS, Indianapolis, IN J. Martin, North Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN J. Horvath, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN A. Meert, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN H. Haneman, Munster HS, Munster, IN C. Rowland, Valparaiso HS, Valparaiso, IN R. Mumme, Heritage Chr. Sch, Indianapolis, IN H. Zhao, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN E. Rosswurm, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN V. Savage, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN K. Hallinan, Crawfordsville SHS, Crawfordsville, IN S. Balamohan, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN J. Shao, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN D. Elliott, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN M. Snyder, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 9 11 11 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 11 10 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 L. Phillips, Terre Haute-N Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN B. George, Park Tudor Sch, Indianapolis, IN N. Lynch, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN D. Tidd, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN T. Thigpen, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN D. Huether, Jasper HS, Jasper, IN K. Shedd, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN A. Corey, Elkhart Ctr’l HS, Elkhart, IN M. Brune, Concordia Lutheran HS, Fort Wayne, IN P. Hershberger, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN V. Adams, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN J. Frank, Roncalli HS, Indianapolis, IN A. Lam, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN M. Fay, Clay HS, South Bend, IN N. Kalwani, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN Y. Yue, Carmel HS, Carmel, IN E. Peat, Elkhart Ctr’l HS, Elkhart, IN R. Meikle, Carroll HS, Fort Wayne, IN J. Sayed, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN B. Wall, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN A. Link, Heritage Chr. Sch, Indianapolis, IN B. Weinberg, Pike HS, Indianapolis, IN P. Schmucker, North Wood HS, Nappanee, IN B. Lee, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN F. Sha, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN D. Jiang, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN D. Mui, Anderson HS, Anderson, IN A. Skandarajah, Pike HS, Indianapolis, IN C. Campbell, Northwestern HS, Kokomo, IN Z. Gray, Northwestern HS, Kokomo, IN A. Wuerth, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN H. Sanders, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN P. Champion, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN N. Lauber, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN R. Thompson, Crawfordsville SHS, Crawfordsville, IN L. Huang, Canterbury Sch, Fort Wayne, IN J. Wilder, Canterbury Sch, Fort Wayne, IN R. Ardeshna, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN P. Bhat, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN N. Smolen, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN M. Stine, Pike HS, Indianapolis, IN J. Rendall, Mishawaka HS, Mishawaka, IN D. Becraft, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN T. Nisley, North Wood HS, Nappanee, IN J. Konopinski, Clay HS, South Bend, IN D. Schuster, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN S. Roosz, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN M. Zika, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN J. Love, Zionsville Comm HS, Zionsville, IN R. Sacheck, Zionsville Comm HS, Zionsville, IN N. Krabbenhoeft, Columbus East HS, Columbus, IN J. Foss, Marion HS, Marion, IN Y. He, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN K. Roush, Canterbury Sch, Fort Wayne, IN J. Greco, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN N. Patel, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN S. Saffo, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN J. Park, Covenant Chr. HS, Indianapolis, IN R. Terpstra, Heritage Chr. Sch, Indianapolis, IN A. Dewolf, Laporte HS, La Porte, IN B. Liffick, Laporte HS, La Porte, IN T. Treat, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN T. Aschliman, Adams Ctr’l HS, Monroe, IN C. Lubinski, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN K. Yoder, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN K. Yoder, North Wood HS, Nappanee, IN 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 M. Carignano, West Lafayette HS, West Lafayette, IN J. Sweval, William Henry Harrison HS, West Lafayette, IN T. Grimes, Homestead SHS, Fort Wayne, IN J. Merchun, Cathedral HS, Indianapolis, IN M. Dimicco, North Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN T. Fisher, Mishawaka HS, Mishawaka, IN T. Madlem, Penn HS, Mishawaka, IN M. Cosenza, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN M. Mccrea, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN C. Selent, Munster HS, Munster, IN K. Hood, Valparaiso HS, Valparaiso, IN S. Ansari, Perry Meridian HS, Indianapolis, IN Michigan 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 135 12 12 12 9 11 12 10 12 10 10 11 11 11 12 9 11 12 11 10 9 12 11 11 12 12 9 11 12 11 12 11 11 9 9 10 12 11 11 11 12 12 7 12 12 12 11 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 N. Nannapaneni, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI J. Shaler, Holland HS, Holland, MI S. Krause, Rochester Adams HS, Rochester Hills, MI K. Everett, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI T. Bakker, Holland HS, Holland, MI E. Dadashzadeh, Stoney Creek HS, Rochester Hills, MI S. Pandey, Stoney Creek HS, Rochester Hills, MI S. Wolchok, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI C. Everlove, Athens HS, Troy, MI Y. Lim, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI J. Zhou, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI E. Weng, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI X. Zhang, Troy HS, Troy, MI D. Stiebel, Jewish Acad-Metro Detroit, West Bloomfield, MI S. Mikkilineni, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI S. Linden, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI T. Shields, Dewitt HS, Lansing, MI M. Lee, Mt Pleasant SHS, Mt Pleasant, MI L. Hunt, Okemos HS, Okemos, MI A. Desai, Troy HS, Troy, MI A. Sinha, Troy HS, Troy, MI Y. Lou, Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI R. Tao, Troy HS, Troy, MI K. Schreck, Midland HS, Midland, MI D. Budde, Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI H. Hebbale, Athens HS, Troy, MI S. Hebbale, Athens HS, Troy, MI A. Nagarajan, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI M. Shah, Stoney Creek HS, Rochester Hills, MI K. Bui, Troy HS, Troy, MI A. Xie, Troy HS, Troy, MI F. Li, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI H. Arul, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI B. Lin, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Yerasi, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI S. Pfeffer, Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI T. Duvall, H H Dow HS, Midland, MI C. Malla, Farmington HS, Farmington, MI A. Nitz, Houghton MS/HS, Houghton, MI Z. Yang, Troy HS, Troy, MI A. Dubin, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI N. Gurram, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI T. Mccullough, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI Y. Cai, Plymouth Canton Edal Park, Canton, MI P. Liu, Okemos HS, Okemos, MI N. Beaty, St Joseph HS, St Joseph, MI P. Hu, Troy HS, Troy, MI A. Chu, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI S. Vaidya, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI Y. Zhu, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI J. Liadis, North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI R. Schoenhals, Stoney Creek HS, Rochester Hills, MI D. Mishra, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 11 12 12 10 9 11 11 11 12 9 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 11 9 12 11 12 12 9 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 11 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.5 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 9 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 6 12 11 12 12 A. Lal, Athens HS, Troy, MI M. Wise, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI H. Zhou, Troy HS, Troy, MI B. Zhu, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI T. Wakar, Plymouth Canton Edal Park, Canton, MI A. Jordet, Dearborn Ctr-Math,Sci,Tech, Dearborn Heights, MI K. Jatkowski, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI A. Reynolds, Holland HS, Holland, MI M. Working, Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI A. Sathi, ICAE, Troy, MI J. Song, Troy HS, Troy, MI G. Antos, Berrien Co Math & Sci Ctr, Berrien Springs, MI A. Misra, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI C. Rabbani, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI Y. Wang, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI S. Raheja, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI J. Fleischmann, Lahser HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI J. Bosko, Dewitt HS, Lansing, MI B. Bailey, Okemos HS, Okemos, MI R. Deits, Okemos HS, Okemos, MI S. Imtiaz, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI D. Ross, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI S. Bhagwan, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI K. Mehta, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Shreve, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI C. Huang, Plymouth Canton Edal Park, Canton, MI M. Johnson, Flushing HS, Flushing, MI M. Marinan, Midland HS, Midland, MI J. Plotzke, Midland HS, Midland, MI M. Vo, Midland HS, Midland, MI E. Kangas, George A Dondero HS, Royal Oak, MI D. Rolek, St Joseph HS, St Joseph, MI A. Rowan, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI D. Kolle, Traverse City West SHS, Traverse City, MI A. Batra, Athens HS, Troy, MI M. Duhaime, Athens HS, Troy, MI R. Ramachandran, ICAE, Troy, MI Z. Zhang, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI J. Van Der Linden, Berrien Co Math & Sci Ctr, Berrien Springs, MI S. Hou, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI P. Tsai, Lahser HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI C. Hanes, Holland HS, Holland, MI L. Hansen, Dewitt HS, Lansing, MI D. Connolly, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI S. Fergusson, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI S. Madan, Athens HS, Troy, MI H. Wu, Athens HS, Troy, MI W. Ying, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI J. Lippi, Berrien Co Math & Sci Ctr, Berrien Springs, MI C. Huyi, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Crable, Int’l Acad, Bloomfield Hills, MI P. Agaram, Lahser HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI M. Craig, Lahser HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI T. Ross, Forest Hills Ctr’l HS, Grand Rapids, MI A. Huber, Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI A. Romine, Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI J. Liu, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI K. Verma, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI A. Jelinek, Traverse City West SHS, Traverse City, MI D. Le, Athens HS, Troy, MI D. Bora, ICAE, Troy, MI S. Chen, Troy HS, Troy, MI A. Liu, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI R. Ramesh, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI N. Ridella, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 9 8 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 11 12 12 B. Dietrich, ICAE, Troy, MI C. Zhang, ICAE, Troy, MI A. Marok, Adrian HS, Adrian, MI A. Joo, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI P. Julius, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI P. Keller, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI E. Bachynski, Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI N. Singla, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI A. Sun, Andover HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI S. Gannon, North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI Y. Li, North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI L. Ong, Mt Pleasant SHS, Mt Pleasant, MI D. Maciolek, Cath Ctr’l HS, Redford, MI K. Shrestha, Saginaw Arts & Sci Acad, Saginaw, MI M. Mccann, St Joseph HS, St Joseph, MI D. Boroski, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI N. Cox, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI P. Redd, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI J. Varkey, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI K. Beltinck, Traverse City West SHS, Traverse City, MI R. Buero, Cousino SHS, Warren, MI D. Kosinski, Macomb Math,Sci,Tech Ctr, Warren, MI B. Zimcosky, Bay City Ctr’l HS, Bay City, MI A. Moudgil, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI S. Park, Traverse City Ctr’l HS, Traverse City, MI K. Gu, Troy HS, Troy, MI M. Atreya, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI R. Orizondo, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI M. Neral, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI R. Sarafa, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI C. Stark, Marian HS, Bloomfield Hills, MI L. Liu, Plymouth Canton Edal Park, Canton, MI E. Okuma, North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI R. Staran, North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI M. Lapansie, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI T. Dinh, Holland HS, Holland, MI A. Ruhno, Dewitt HS, Lansing, MI M. Hines, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI A. Pesek, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI S. Siciliano, Traverse City Ctr’l HS, Traverse City, MI R. Uddin, Athens HS, Troy, MI S. Cherukuri, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI A. Grant, North Farmington HS, Farmington Hills, MI S. Larue, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI J. Chen, Mt Pleasant SHS, Mt Pleasant, MI M. Dulzo, Northville HS, Northville, MI 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 N. Jean, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH R. Turba, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH Z. Sjostrom, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH A. Margolius, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH D. Jacobs, Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH K. Hattemer, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH E. Lewis, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH T. Grubbs, Bishop Hartley HS, Columbus, OH J. Rajeshwar, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH D. Barna, Revere HS, Richfield, OH N. Kumar, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH A. Bendix Balgley, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH J. Andrews, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Joseph, Gilmour Acad, Gates Mills, OH A. Huhn, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH J. Cohen, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH L. Tan, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Tang, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH C. Weatherly, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH Ohio 136 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 12 11 11 9 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 12 10 12 11 11 10 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 9 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 A. Kraeva, Granville HS, Granville, OH M. Coquillette, Hathaway Brown Sch, Shaker Hts, OH L. Duan, Upper Arlington HS, Upper Arlington, OH J. Proch, Ursuline HS, Youngstown, OH B. Broderoldach, Anderson HS, Cincinnati, OH S. Raghavan, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Freeman, Turpin HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Sakach, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH P. Kollipara, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH S. Huang, Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH D. Kasper, Mount Vernon HS, Mt Vernon, OH S. Hong, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH D. Carper, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH K. He, Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH A. Lee, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH C. Pierce, Cincinnati Ctry DS, Cincinnati, OH C. Xu, Columbus Sch for Girls, Columbus, OH N. Ward, Wellington Sch, Columbus, OH R. Linn, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH M. Chao, North Olmsted HS, North Olmsted, OH V. Kumar, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH A. Gupta, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH M. Suna, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH A. Appatova, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH C. Kao, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Schear, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Ostrowski, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH M. Lauzau, St Charles Prep HS, Columbus, OH P. Teneyck, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH P. Hay, Poland Seminary HS, Poland, OH M. Noll, Poland Seminary HS, Poland, OH H. Li, Athens HS, The Plains, OH D. Gilday, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH J. Rechel, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH X. Zhao, Anderson HS, Cincinnati, OH E. Chang, Sylvania Southview HS, Sylvania, OH J. Sellke, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH M. Miller, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH M. Kornblith, Lake Ridge Acad, N Ridgeville, OH D. Backus, Village Acad, Powell, OH S. Brown, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH J. Burnette, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH G. Moss, Anderson HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Walsh, Madeira HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Cummins, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH C. Luken, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Alt, St Charles Prep HS, Columbus, OH P. Williams, Miami Valley Sch, Dayton, OH C. Mohr, Village Acad, Powell, OH R. Heide, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH C. Wang, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH M. Chiu, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH E. Tormos, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH B. White, Liberty HS, Youngstown, OH S. Finefrock, Aurora HS, Aurora, OH J. Kimmel, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH N. Steeber, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH C. Gn, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH J. Hsu, St Ursula Acad, Cincinnati, OH A. Bahir, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH S. Cheng, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Nesbitt, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Movens, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH D. Chaudhuri, Columbus Alternative HS, Columbus, OH E. Haywood, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH S. Forlani, Gilmour Acad, Gates Mills, OH 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 137 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 10 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 10 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 K. Gessner, Gilmour Acad, Gates Mills, OH A. Vanburen, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH W. Trowbridge, Theodore Roosevelt HS, Kent, OH V. Parikh, Lake Ridge Acad, N Ridgeville, OH M. Modon, Revere HS, Richfield, OH D. Wang, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH A. Chen, Athens HS, The Plains, OH C. Kellenberger, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH B. Turnbull, Ursuline HS, Youngstown, OH D. Clark, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH B. Axthelm, Chagrin Falls HS, Chagrin Falls, OH J. Ausserer, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH T. Voss, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH K. Kupiec, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH R. Habbert, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH L. Lottman, Elyria HS, Elyria, OH Y. Shen, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH S. Vallabh, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH L. Pizzo, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, OH M. Peters, Lakota East HS, Middletown, OH T. Sheldon, Hoover HS, North Canton, OH B. Hemmelgarn, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH P. Mcewen, Sylvania Northview HS, Sylvania, OH G. Sjostrom, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH T. Hancock, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH K. Akins, Brooklyn HS, Brooklyn, OH C. Peterson, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH L. Liu, Anderson HS, Cincinnati, OH K. Corcoran, St Ursula Acad, Cincinnati, OH A. Chandra, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Holter, Turpin HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Majernik, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH M. Shen, St Charles Prep HS, Columbus, OH J. Mettle, Wellington Sch, Columbus, OH D. Huff, Copley HS, Copley, OH R. Morgan, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH J. Lundberg, Theodore Roosevelt HS, Kent, OH K. Grebenc, Mentor HS, Mentor, OH M. Steward, North Olmsted HS, North Olmsted, OH M. Alexander, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH S. Gett, Poland Seminary HS, Poland, OH D. Carson, Revere HS, Richfield, OH . Lanese, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH L. Reis, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH R. Sarawgi, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH S. Itagaki, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH J. Hurtuk, Chagrin Falls HS, Chagrin Falls, OH R. Wang, Lakota East HS, Middletown, OH T. Linz, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH A. Lacker, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH P. Evans, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH B. Freeman, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH G. Hriczo, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH S. Masny, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH A. Pac Urar, Copley HS, Copley, OH R. Horst, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH T. Praprotnik, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH Y. Cho, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH G. Tang, Mentor HS, Mentor, OH S. Scoresby, Mount Vernon HS, Mt Vernon, OH A. Sharma, Lake Ridge Acad, N Ridgeville, OH B. Vincent, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH M. Deford, Revere HS, Richfield, OH S. Rehman, Revere HS, Richfield, OH N. Zehnder, Lutheran HS West, Rocky River, OH J. Immerman, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 11 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 10 10 12 12 11 11 12 9 9 10 12 11 B. Kepner Kraus, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH S. Muron, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH M. Wiggins, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH J. Losh, Wadsworth SHS, Wadsworth, OH S. Reddy, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH J. Hobby, Cardinal Mooney HS, Youngstown, OH D. Choi, Brecksville-Broadview Hgts HS, Broadview Hgts, OH K. Johnson, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Ng, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH T. Balint, Hubbard HS, Hubbard, OH A. Arnold, Hoover HS, North Canton, OH J. Picking, Ashland HS, Ashland, OH D. Ruben, Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH G. Moy, Chagrin Falls HS, Chagrin Falls, OH J. Willert, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH K. Jackson, Centennial HS, Columbus, OH T. Muir, Copley HS, Copley, OH P. Brandt, Gilmour Acad, Gates Mills, OH M. Peters, Lakota East HS, Middletown, OH P. Fellowes, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH B. Walker, Revere HS, Richfield, OH D. Anderson, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH D. Treece, Sylvania Northview HS, Sylvania, OH E. Babcock, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH A. Chang, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH B. Farley, Shawnee HS, Lima, OH A. Jiao, Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH M. Nance, Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH K. Howenstine, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH E. Szymanski, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH S. Wilcke, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH S. Sherwin, Chagrin Falls HS, Chagrin Falls, OH T. Burg, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH D. Kupiec, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH N. Grabowski, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH P. Wojda, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH R. Asher, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH G. Li, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH L. Steiner, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Micertin, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH J. Zelasko, St Charles Prep HS, Columbus, OH M. Morton, Defiance HS, Defiance, OH O. Ritter, Elyria HS, Elyria, OH T. Corder, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH J. George, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH R. Bush, Granville HS, Granville, OH A. Factor, Crestwood HS, Mantua, OH V. Kitsis, Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH R. Santora, Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH R. Fraser, Mentor HS, Mentor, OH D. Bowers, Mount Vernon HS, Mt Vernon, OH T. Guo, Lake Ridge Acad, N Ridgeville, OH D. Patadia, Olmsted Falls HS, Olmsted Falls, OH S. Fink, Revere HS, Richfield, OH M. Axel, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH N. Bixenstine, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH J. Plautz, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH S. Balint, Hathaway Brown Sch, Shaker Hts, OH M. Barnard, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH J. Stroup, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH T. Jackson, Struthers HS, Struthers, OH L. Perlmutter, Sylvania Southview HS, Sylvania, OH R. Carson, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH L. Holmes, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH D. Wang, Beachwood HS, Beachwood, OH R. Marino, Chagrin Falls HS, Chagrin Falls, OH 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 138 11 11 11 11 9 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 12 10 11 11 11 12 11 9 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 9 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 J. Lee, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Botello, Oakwood HS, Dayton, OH G. Asplund, Granville HS, Granville, OH W. Riter, Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH E. Dymerski, Village Acad, Powell, OH D. Munroe, Beavercreek HS, Beavercreek, OH K. Salisbury, Brunswick HS, Brunswick, OH A. Milk, Kenston HS, Chagrin Falls, OH A. Alexander, Mother of Mercy HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Knecht, Oak Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Ferree, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH G. Buckingham, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH C. Jones, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Woll, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH T. Boutelle, Turpin HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Malone, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Stanforth, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Kuerbitz, Benedictine HS, Cleveland, OH K. Rinz, Benedictine HS, Cleveland, OH A. Pinzone, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH J. Suchocki, Padua Franciscan HS, Cleveland, OH T. Carey, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH X. Dai, Columbus Sch for Girls, Columbus, OH J. Mayer, Copley HS, Copley, OH G. Tsou, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH M. Cramblit, Miami Valley Sch, Dayton, OH A. Barwick, Euclid HS, Euclid, OH N. Lammers, Findlay HS, Findlay, OH B. Needham, Granville HS, Granville, OH J. Lee, Western Reserve Acad, Hudson, OH D. Murphy, Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH M. Bastian, Mentor HS, Mentor, OH J. Dufour, Little Miami HS, Morrow, OH G. Hayes, Little Miami HS, Morrow, OH J. Janczak, Mount Vernon HS, Mt Vernon, OH B. Grady, Hoover HS, North Canton, OH L. Fernandes, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH J. Markowitz, Orange HS, Pepper Pike, OH S. Dar, Revere HS, Richfield, OH S. Hara, Revere HS, Richfield, OH P. Ju, Revere HS, Richfield, OH I. Stringer, Revere HS, Richfield, OH P. Berger, Sandusky HS, Sandusky, OH B. Glorioso, Sandusky HS, Sandusky, OH A. Eckhouse, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH D. Kohn, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH R. Mcdonough, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH A. Mcfarlane, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH A. Wang, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH C. Patterson, Hathaway Brown Sch, Shaker Hts, OH R. Cheng, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH S. Martin, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH D. Fox, Struthers HS, Struthers, OH A. Crewson, Sylvania Northview HS, Sylvania, OH A. Hartnett, Sylvania Northview HS, Sylvania, OH M. Chou, Sylvania Southview HS, Sylvania, OH C. Russi, Thomas Worthington HS, Worthington, OH B. Brenner, Cardinal Mooney HS, Youngstown, OH Q. Duda, Ursuline HS, Youngstown, OH S. Monroe, Ursuline HS, Youngstown, OH B. Lanier, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH J. Domas, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Drutskoy, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Habes, Walnut Hills HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Mangione, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH S. Quinn, St Charles Prep HS, Columbus, OH Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 10 12 12 11 7 11 10 12 C. Chang, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH C. Cheng, Ctrville HS, Ctrville, OH B. Goldsteyn, Mayfield HS, Mayfield Village, OH E. Huang, Lakota East HS, Middletown, OH C. Dominguez, North Ridgeville HS, North Ridgeville, OH M. Gregory, Sandusky HS, Sandusky, OH H. Lee, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH W. Li, Upper Arlington HS, Upper Arlington, OH Region 5 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arkansas 119.5 117.0 116.0 112.5 111.5 111.5 109.0 108.0 108.0 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 100.5 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 Iowa 138.0 136.0 130.0 130.0 128.5 127.5 126.5 123.0 122.0 119.0 118.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 11 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 10 12 11 10 11 10 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 N. Schluterman, Southside HS, Fort Smith, AR L. Watts, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR G. Karber, Southside HS, Fort Smith, AR N. Bayanbat, Lakeside HS, Hot Springs Nat Park, AR R. Greene, Southside HS, Fort Smith, AR A. Duong, Wilbur Mills Univ Studies HS, Little Rock, AR J. Christie, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR C. Stewart, Dumas HS, Dumas, AR A. Chen, Southside HS, Fort Smith, AR J. Fang, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR J. Vance, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR M. Gutierrez, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR T. Mitchell, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR L. Soderberg, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR K. Kong, Lakeside HS, Hot Springs Nat Park, AR J. Willbanks, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR W. Dougherty, Vilonia HS, Vilonia, AR A. Srivatsan, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR C. Moll, Southside HS, Fort Smith, AR J. Braud, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR S. Berry, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR Q. Gan, Ames HS, Ames, IA A. Link, West SHS, Iowa City, IA N. Caplan, Maharishi Sch Age Enlgt, Fairfield, IA J. Chenhall, West SHS, Iowa City, IA J. Moloney, Ames HS, Ames, IA X. Pan, Ames HS, Ames, IA A. Hallquist, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA A. Klein, West SHS, Iowa City, IA L. Wirtz, Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA P. Montag, Regina J/S HS, Iowa City, IA M. Li, West SHS, Iowa City, IA J. Pringle, Ames HS, Ames, IA M. Fang, Ames HS, Ames, IA L. Accinelli, Hempstead HS, Dubuque, IA C. Rice, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA J. Hillman, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA M. Christner, West SHS, Iowa City, IA A. Riggs, Cedar Falls HS, Cedar Falls, IA J. Davies, Coon Rapids-Bayard HS, Coon Rapids, IA M. Olthoff, Unity Chr. HS, Orange City, IA C. Johnston, Ames HS, Ames, IA J. Schrum, Marshalltown HS, Marshalltown, IA J. Froehlig, Bishop Heelan Cath HS, Sioux City, IA K. Lu, Ames HS, Ames, IA M. Schill, Prairie Valley HS, Gowrie, IA E. Segar, West SHS, Iowa City, IA J. Juett, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA J. Dotts, Nevada HS, Nevada, IA Y. Suvorov, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA C. Wells, Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA N. Ruhter, Hempstead HS, Dubuque, IA S. Claus, West SHS, Iowa City, IA 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 12 11 11 8 10 12 11 9 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 A. Poss, Bishop Heelan Cath HS, Sioux City, IA B. Chelminski, West SHS, Iowa City, IA P. Barnett, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA H. Roeder, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA M. West, Hempstead HS, Dubuque, IA S. Choi, West SHS, Iowa City, IA D. Hoobler, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA B. Steggerda, Unity Chr. HS, Orange City, IA M. Drob, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA L. Yang, Ames HS, Ames, IA A. Iyengar, Cedar Falls HS, Cedar Falls, IA J. Kaiser, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA J. Berrie, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA K. Harmon, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA B. Schloerke, Gilbert Comm Sch, Gilbert, IA R. Vanderplas, Sioux Ctr HS, Sioux Ctr, IA A. Schultz, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA T. Diiulio, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA J. Fomon, West SHS, Iowa City, IA J. Bauer, Kuemper Cath HS, Carroll, IA J. Thelen, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA T. Shi, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA A. Vincent, West SHS, Iowa City, IA N. Frey, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA A. Persaud, Dubuque SHS, Dubuque, IA S. Murphy, Hempstead HS, Dubuque, IA L. Ingram, West SHS, Iowa City, IA L. Zhang, West SHS, Iowa City, IA A. Craig, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA K. Hartsook, Waukee SHS, Waukee, IA C. Darrell, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA S. Rahm, Bishop Garrigan HS, Algona, IA R. Martin, Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA T. Mcconville, Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA N. Edwards, Corning HS, Corning, IA D. Hinz, Corning HS, Corning, IA A. Kuhl, North Scott SHS, Eldridge, IA A. Skopec, West SHS, Iowa City, IA S. Boyce, Southeast Polk HS, Runnells, IA J. Boggess, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA L. Suvorov, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA S. Cool, West SHS, Iowa City, IA S. Morita, West SHS, Iowa City, IA M. Premkumar, Ames HS, Ames, IA R. Tandon, Bettendorf HS, Bettendorf, IA V. Pamulapati, Cedar Falls HS, Cedar Falls, IA A. Campney, John F Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, IA S. Longfield, Hempstead HS, Dubuque, IA E. Schmidt, Beckman HS, Dyersville, IA K. Pudil, West SHS, Iowa City, IA I. Rook, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA R. Watermiller, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA R. Stammer, Muscatine HS, Muscatine, IA C. Gotto, Sioux Ctr HS, Sioux Ctr, IA S. Schulze, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA M. Parrott, West SHS, Iowa City, IA M. House, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA J. Slegers, Unity Chr. HS, Orange City, IA W. Deck, Bishop Heelan Cath HS, Sioux City, IA X. Liang, Valley HS, West Des Moines, IA Kansas 118.5 118.0 118.0 118.0 139 12 12 11 11 P. Kimes, Blue Valley North HS, Overland Park, KS A. Burch, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS S. Li, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS A. Sun, East HS, Wichita, KS Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 116.0 114.5 113.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 9 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 11 11 C. Li, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS W. Carlson, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS J. Carpenter, Prairie View HS, Lacygne, KS J. Weeks, Derby HS, Derby, KS X. Chen, Manhattan HS, Manhattan, KS M. Walters, Bishop Carroll Cath HS, Wichita, KS A. Weir, Olathe East HS, Olathe, KS D. Able, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS A. Osborn, Baldwin HS, Baldwin City, KS S. Bennett, Manhattan HS, Manhattan, KS M. Olson, Maranatha Acad, Shawnee, KS E. Ferguson, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS J. Hamilton, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS E. Kliewer, Shawnee Mission-W HS, Shawnee Mission, KS S. Fromer, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS K. Deterding, Maize SHS, Maize, KS L. Lammers, Baldwin HS, Baldwin City, KS C. Henderson, Blue Valley North HS, Overland Park, KS J. Hwang, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS S. Henke, Sacred Heart J/S HS, Salina, KS S. Isley, Bishop Carroll Cath HS, Wichita, KS K. Gao, East HS, Wichita, KS O. Mirza, Blue Valley North HS, Overland Park, KS K. Terry, Blue Valley North HS, Overland Park, KS P. Ronning, Shawnee Mission-W HS, Shawnee Mission, KS D. Green, Lawrence Free State HS, Lawrence, KS K. Decelle, Olathe East HS, Olathe, KS N. Foster, Blue Valley North HS, Overland Park, KS K. Hawley, Parsons SHS, Parsons, KS S. Loos, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS T. Demarest, Leavenworth SHS, Leavenworth, KS A. Michaels, Leavenworth SHS, Leavenworth, KS D. Kelly, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS M. Casper, Shawnee Mission-W HS, Shawnee Mission, KS C. Binns, Topeka West HS, Topeka, KS L. Stucky, Moundridge HS, Moundridge, KS M. Reardon, Olathe East HS, Olathe, KS C. Mitchell, Salina HS - South, Salina, KS T. Cantril, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS A. Weaver, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS T. Thompson, Shawnee Mission-W HS, Shawnee Mission, KS S. Bellows Blakely, Topeka HS, Topeka, KS W. Patterson, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS C. Varenhorst, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS H. Choi, Leavenworth SHS, Leavenworth, KS R. Hall, Olathe East HS, Olathe, KS P. Montgomery, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS W. Orourke, Shawnee Mission-E HS, Shawnee Mission, KS A. Larson, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS M. Wilson, Shawnee Mission-S HS, Shawnee Mission, KS 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 12 11 10 12 12 12 10 11 12 9 11 11 12 12 9 A. Manion, Totino-Grace HS, Fridley, MN D. Wallinga, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN N. Arnosti, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN H. Stoller, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN R. Hanna, Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN M. Plucinski, Benilde-St Margaret’s Sch, St Louis Park, MN D. Moore, Marshall Sch, Duluth, MN S. Cheng, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN S. Korb, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN Z. Sethna, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN T. Trevor, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN W. Han, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN B. Holmes, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN D. Alexander, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN C. Luo, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN Minnesota 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 112.0 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 140 10 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 9 11 12 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 9 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 11 12 V. Zhu, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN H. Huang, Shattuck-St Mary’s Sch, Faribault, MN C. Myhre, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN A. Morris, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN D. Krueger, Marshall Sch, Duluth, MN N. Wong, Robbinsdale Cooper HS, New Hope, MN A. Wang, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN M. Chan, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN S. Mangalick, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN R. Shi, Bemidji HS, Bemidji, MN R. Trump, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN B. Bies, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN C. Riederer, Lourdes HS, Rochester, MN L. Evans, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN C. Milroy, Benilde-St Margaret’s Sch, St Louis Park, MN V. Mi, Woodbury HS, Woodbury, MN K. Liao, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN R. Ma, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN L. Wang, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN T. Barthel, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN J. Grundy, Bemidji HS, Bemidji, MN D. Harrison, St John’s Prep Sch, Collegeville, MN J. Pokorny, Marshall Sch, Duluth, MN P. Dames, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN W. Polzin, Byron HS, Byron, MN C. Mceachern, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN J. Huang, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN J. Scott, Int’l Sch Minnesota, Eden Prairie, MN S. Zitzow, Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN D. Oppenheimer, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN B. Jakes, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN M. Webster, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN M. Deblieck, Bemidji HS, Bemidji, MN J. Kujala, Hastings HS, Hastings, MN J. Dykhuis, Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN L. Bensonlender, Chisago Lakes HS, Lindstrom, MN R. Fredrich, Minnesota Valley Lth HS, New Ulm, MN R. Agrawal, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN D. Shi, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN V. Carveth, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN R. Cordes, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN E. Pegors, Prior Lake HS, Savage, MN A. Vieth, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN A. Chen, Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN P. Honzay, Bold J/S HS, Olivia, MN A. Neckar, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN J. Konikoff, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN A. Rice, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN H. Bachmann, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN A. Bousley, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN K. Scislow, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN J. Hsiao, Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN D. Hummon, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN K. Jin, Cotter HS, Winona, MN B. Wingad, Eagan HS, Eagan, MN E. Greil, Hastings HS, Hastings, MN A. Hickey, Convent of the Visitation, Mendota Heights, MN J. Alstad, Irondale SHS, New Brighton, MN A. Claussen, Albert Lea SHS, Albert Lea, MN A. Mitsch, Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN M. Bonin, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN E. Bechtle, Eagan HS, Eagan, MN M. Ruether, Eagan HS, Eagan, MN C. Friedemann, Edina HS, Edina, MN W. Han, Irondale SHS, New Brighton, MN M. Hollimon, Irondale SHS, New Brighton, MN Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 12 11 10 10 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 7 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 J. Preston, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN D. Bernal, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN C. Flynn, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN N. Albertson, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN M. Davidson, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN J. Heichert, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN A. Holmberg, Benilde-St Margaret’s Sch, St Louis Park, MN Y. Kim, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN K. Cho, Cotter HS, Winona, MN N. Loudas, Woodbury HS, Woodbury, MN A. Kruse, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN S. Trantina, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN T. Hoenisch, Albert Lea SHS, Albert Lea, MN C. Hesser, Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN D. Cheng, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN T. Sun, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN B. Borg, Dassel-Cokato HS, Cokato, MN N. Schober, East HS, Duluth, MN R. Conrath, Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN S. Nading, Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN M. Bunday, Mcgt HomeSch, Minnetonka, MN J. Christianson, Owatonna SHS, Owatonna, MN A. Evenson, Pelican Rapids HS, Pelican Rapids, MN M. Bobel, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN D. Thompson, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN P. Fahey, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN Y. Pan, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN C. Daubanton, Apollo HS, St Cloud, MN J. Cheng, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN N. Browne, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN J. Huebner, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN G. Flinsch, Winona SHS, Winona, MN J. Dixon, Woodbury HS, Woodbury, MN N. Ghildayal, Woodbury HS, Woodbury, MN W. Flohr, Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN D. Towey, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN T. Zhou, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN K. Taylor, Prior Lake HS, Savage, MN K. Hale, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN C. Chou, Shattuck-St Mary’s Sch, Faribault, MN M. Buttweiler, Chisago Lakes HS, Lindstrom, MN T. Kvamme, Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN J. Hoge, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN S. Nei, Apollo HS, St Cloud, MN J. Fark, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN S. Keeley, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN C. Wilke, Albert Lea SHS, Albert Lea, MN K. Mulvaney, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN G. Cho, St John’s Prep Sch, Collegeville, MN D. Gong, Eden Prairie SHS, Eden Prairie, MN J. Green, Edina HS, Edina, MN J. Belanger, Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN L. Nelson, Hill-Murray Sch, Maplewood, MN D. Geoffrion, Breck Sch, Minneapolis, MN J. Kalmi, Nashwauk-Keewatin HS, Nashwauk, MN M. Degner, Minnesota Valley Lth HS, New Ulm, MN O. Struck, Minnesota Valley Lth HS, New Ulm, MN J. Lawson, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN A. Micks, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN E. Smeltzer, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN M. Hinnenkamp, Proctor SHS, Proctor, MN D. Buchs, John Marshall SHS, Rochester, MN R. Kita, John Marshall SHS, Rochester, MN G. Lucas, John Marshall SHS, Rochester, MN T. Olsen, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN S. Kemper, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN 102.0 12 102.0 12 101.5 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 9 101.0 10 101.0 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 9 101.0 9 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 M. Yu, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN N. Krueger, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN K. Hong, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN B. Nicholson, Eastview HS, Apple Valley, MN T. Drahn, Mounds View HS, Arden Hills, MN S. Benshoof, Bemidji HS, Bemidji, MN A. Bratlien, Bemidji HS, Bemidji, MN P. Lundgren, Marshall Sch, Duluth, MN A. Rosenbaum, Int’l Sch Minnesota, Eden Prairie, MN J. Hoppmann, Edina HS, Edina, MN E. Mayfield, Hillcrest Lutheran Acad, Fergus Falls, MN E. Weiss, Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN A. Sill, Chisago Lakes HS, Lindstrom, MN K. Anderson, Hill-Murray Sch, Maplewood, MN M. Mattaini, Convent of the Visitation, Mendota Heights, MN A. Bakken, Moorhead SHS, Moorhead, MN S. Rothstein, Irondale SHS, New Brighton, MN C. Arceneaux, Minnesota Valley Lth HS, New Ulm, MN D. Nass, Minnesota Valley Lth HS, New Ulm, MN J. Fischer, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN D. Schaible, St Paul Acad/Summit Sch, Saint Paul, MN B. Ford, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN T. Hendrickson, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN I. Hoffman, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN N. Sarnath, Tech HS, St. Cloud, MN E. Rice, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN A. Tovo Dwyer, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN R. Heitkamp, Holy Family Cath HS, Victoria, MN D. Lee, Cotter HS, Winona, MN A. Schulte, Woodbury HS, Woodbury, MN R. Jew, Int’l Sch Minnesota, Eden Prairie, MN J. Steinbauer, Hibbing HS, Hibbing, MN K. Schommer, Lourdes HS, Rochester, MN Y. Liu, St Croix Lutheran HS, West St Paul, MN 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 116.0 115.0 111.5 111.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 J. Jewell, Millard North HS, Omaha, NE A. Fast, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE Y. Wu, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE B. Borchers, Centennial Sch, Utica, NE A. Karnik, Creighton Prep Sch, Omaha, NE S. Hudson, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE P. Nguyen, Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE J. Draney, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE K. Stuwe, Bellevue West SHS, Bellevue, NE N. Fretes, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE J. Lange, Lincoln Pius X HS, Lincoln, NE K. Bainbridge, Millard North HS, Omaha, NE E. Boll, Burke HS, Omaha, NE C. Lucas, Papillion-La Vista SHS, Papillion, NE J. Swift, Bellevue West SHS, Bellevue, NE E. Vanepps, Bellevue West SHS, Bellevue, NE S. Zheng, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE X. Yan, Lincoln Southwest HS, Lincoln, NE R. Smith, Brownell-Talbot Sch, Omaha, NE B. Minier, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE J. Haase, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE A. Martin, Lincoln Southwest HS, Lincoln, NE R. Agarwal, Brownell-Talbot Sch, Omaha, NE E. Luxon, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE R. May, Papillion-La Vista SHS, Papillion, NE M. Troupe, Norris HS, Firth, NE A. Mitra, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE G. Loope, Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE E. Ohnoutka, Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE B. Stevens, Lincoln Northeast HS, Lincoln, NE G. Huerta, Creighton Prep Sch, Omaha, NE Nebraska 141 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 103.0 102.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 11 10 T. Yuan, Creighton Prep Sch, Omaha, NE J. Westcott, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE C. Reeson, Creighton Prep Sch, Omaha, NE E. Christensen, Lincoln HS, Lincoln, NE M. Hansen, Lincoln Southwest HS, Lincoln, NE R. Cherney, Brownell-Talbot Sch, Omaha, NE J. Passer, Brownell-Talbot Sch, Omaha, NE A. Daake, Centennial Sch, Utica, NE M. Onwiler, Norris HS, Firth, NE L. Wen, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE J. Bredthauer, Brownell-Talbot Sch, Omaha, NE 101.0 12 J. Johnston, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 101.0 12 J. Phan, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 100.5 12 S. Singletary, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK South Dakota 104.5 12 S. Thomas, Roosevelt HS, Sioux Falls, SD Wisconsin 118.5 11 118.5 11 118.5 10 118.0 10 117.0 11 North Dakota 116.0 12 117.0 12 S. Negaard, Jamestown HS, Jamestown, ND 114.5 12 109.0 11 T. Zerr, Mohall Public Sch, Mohall, ND 113.5 12 108.0 12 L. Anderson, Fargo South HS, Fargo, ND 113.5 12 105.5 12 M. Liepold, Grand Fork Ctr’l, Grand Forks, ND 113.5 12 105.5 10 K. Xu, Grand Fork Ctr’l, Grand Forks, ND 112.5 12 105.5 11 D. Johnson, Richardson Taylor Pub Sch, Richardton, ND 112.5 12 104.5 12 J. Becker, Devils Lake HS, Devils Lake, ND 112.5 11 104.5 12 B. Siefken, Jamestown HS, Jamestown, ND 112.5 12 104.5 12 Z. Baker, Minot HS Magic City, Minot, ND 112.0 12 103.0 12 L. Wu, Red River HS, Grand Forks, ND 111.5 12 102.0 12 A. Spooner, Divide Co HS, Crosby, ND 111.5 11 101.0 12 P. Kenner, Devils Lake HS, Devils Lake, ND 111.5 12 101.0 11 A. Kamel, Fargo South HS, Fargo, ND 111.5 12 111.0 11 Oklahoma 118.5 12 N. Eckenstein, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 110.0 12 118.5 12 C. Li, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 110.0 11 114.5 8 Y. Wu, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 110.0 11 112.5 11 J. Lambert, Union IS, Broken Arrow, OK 110.0 11 111.5 10 A. Pritsker, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK 110.0 12 111.5 11 A. Loftis, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 110.0 12 110.0 11 J. Kim, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK 109.0 12 110.0 12 B. Sellers, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK 109.0 12 110.0 11 E. Kao, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 109.0 12 110.0 12 T. Yu, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 109.0 12 110.0 12 A. Nguyen, Classen Sch Adv Studies, Oklahoma City, OK 109.0 10 109.0 12 J. Givens, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 109.0 12 108.0 11 Y. Hu, Classen Sch Adv Studies, Oklahoma City, OK 109.0 11 108.0 12 D. Eyster, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 108.5 11 108.0 11 I. Sluch, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 108.5 11 105.5 11 K. Winters, Edmond Santa Fe HS, Edmond, OK 108.0 12 105.5 12 S. Clayton Jr, Putnam City North HS, Oklahoma City, OK 108.0 11 104.5 11 R. Clark, Claremore HS, Claremore, OK 108.0 11 104.5 12 J. Pyles, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 108.0 12 104.5 12 D. Freno, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 108.0 11 104.5 12 J. Mayden, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 108.0 12 104.5 12 M. Zorlu, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 108.0 12 104.0 10 H. Wei, Union IS, Broken Arrow, OK 108.0 12 103.0 12 B. Lewis, Edmond Santa Fe HS, Edmond, OK 107.5 11 103.0 12 S. Stark, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 107.5 12 103.0 12 A. Faramarzalian, Putnam City North HS, Oklahoma City, OK 107.5 12 102.0 12 L. Ma, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 107.5 12 102.0 12 A. Dixon, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 107.5 10 102.0 12 R. Kuplicki, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 106.5 12 102.0 12 N. Sebastian, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 106.5 11 102.0 11 B. Taylor, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 106.5 11 102.0 11 D. Weng, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 106.5 11 101.0 10 T. Sarratt, Union IS, Broken Arrow, OK 106.5 12 101.0 10 A. Lopez, Claremore HS, Claremore, OK 106.5 12 101.0 12 D. Jaeger, Jenks HS, Jenks, OK 106.5 11 101.0 12 M. Cantrell, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 105.5 12 101.0 11 A. Ramkumar, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 105.5 101.0 12 A. Schmidt, Norman HS-North, Norman, OK 105.5 12 101.0 12 S. Anoke, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 105.5 11 101.0 12 C. Crowe, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 104.5 10 142 C. Schram, West HS, Madison, WI C. Watts, West HS, Madison, WI M. Theisen, West HS, Wausau, WI H. Chen, West HS, Madison, WI A. Martin, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI A. Chan, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI A. Ji, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI D. Capadona, Cedarburg HS, Cedarburg, WI A. Mortonson, Green Bay Preble HS, Green Bay, WI I. Lee, West HS, Madison, WI T. Baxter, Appleton West HS, Appleton, WI J. Benck, West HS, Madison, WI M. Krco, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI D. Opel, North HS, Sheboygan, WI B. Main, Neenah HS, Neenah, WI I. Banov, Hudson HS, Hudson, WI M. Borck, Lakeside Lutheran HS, Lake Mills, WI A. Loevinger, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI M. Zimbric, West HS, Wausau, WI K. Hinze, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI J. Witthuhn, Appleton West HS, Appleton, WI J. Center, North HS, Eau Claire, WI D. Streur, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI A. Ernst, Hortonville HS, Hortonville, WI B. Davis, West HS, Madison, WI J. Mestelle, Sun Prairie HS, Sun Prairie, WI C. Heaver, Appleton North HS, Appleton, WI T. Austin, Cedarburg HS, Cedarburg, WI S. Daniels, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI E. Deprez, Ashwaubenon HS, Green Bay, WI M. Olsen, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI K. Green, West HS, Madison, WI G. Smith, Homestead HS, Mequon, WI K. Olsen, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI J. Drengler, West HS, Wausau, WI A. Phillips, Altoona HS, Altoona, WI S. Pinkham, Appleton West HS, Appleton, WI J. Dai, Ashwaubenon HS, Green Bay, WI R. Pavlik, Ashwaubenon HS, Green Bay, WI G. Mlynarczyk, Conserve Sch, Land O Lakes, WI J. Richards, Madison East HS, Madison, WI C. Waclawik, West HS, Madison, WI D. Rowan, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI G. Werner, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI D. Schneider, Craig HS, Janesville, WI I. Dubois, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI J. Luo, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI J. Shao, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI A. Pieterick, Altoona HS, Altoona, WI A. Troiano, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI J. Victor, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI A. Hahn, Ripon HS, Ripon, WI L. Stansfield, Ripon HS, Ripon, WI B. Schoenfeldt, D C Everest HS, Schofield, WI S. Pace, South HS, Sheboygan, WI D. Murphy, Cedarburg HS, Cedarburg, WI C. Jones, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI M. Subichin, Greendale HS, Greendale, WI M. Magee, Ithaca HS, Richland Ctr, WI V. Smith, North HS, Eau Claire, WI Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.0 11 104.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 102.5 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 10 101.5 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 100.5 10 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 S. Ancel, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI B. Dahl, Hudson HS, Hudson, WI J. Kraninger, Homestead HS, Mequon, WI J. Voeks, Random Lake HS, Random Lake, WI N. Bialk, Greendale HS, Greendale, WI Z. Wang, West HS, Madison, WI D. Graves, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI P. Jones, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI J. Goetz, Greendale HS, Greendale, WI T. Schallert, Lacrosse Logan HS, La Crosse, WI C. Rebholz, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI J. Campbell, West HS, Madison, WI A. Gulley, West HS, Madison, WI M. Regner, West HS, Madison, WI A. Smith, Wisconsin Heights HS, Mazomanie, WI T. Fleming, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI A. Jennaro, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI A. Ebert, Lakeside Lutheran HS, Lake Mills, WI M. Oconnell, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI G. Teply, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI Y. Ying, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI S. Goetsch, Greendale HS, Greendale, WI X. Li, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI S. Keepman, West HS, Madison, WI A. Sea Y, West HS, Madison, WI Y. Kim, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI D. Kamin, Wisconsin Lth HS, Milwaukee, WI R. Marshall, Wisconsin Lth HS, Milwaukee, WI R. Checki, Oshkosh West HS, Oshkosh, WI B. Algiers, Ctr’l HS, Salem, WI A. Zamba, Ctr’l HS, Salem, WI A. Diercks, Sun Prairie HS, Sun Prairie, WI B. Larson, West HS, Wausau, WI L. Rolen, West HS, Wausau, WI A. Hogue, West HS, Wausau, WI A. Yerkman, Chilton HS, Chilton, WI A. Kraus, St Marys Springs HS, Fond Du Lac, WI A. Dropki N, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI M. Kathan, Nicolet HS, Glendale, WI R. Lillibridge, Ashwaubenon HS, Green Bay, WI M. Bower, Hortonville HS, Hortonville, WI A. Enderle, Lakeside Lutheran HS, Lake Mills, WI D. Meister, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI P. Flynn, Homestead HS, Mequon, WI M. Puglisi, Wisconsin Lth HS, Milwaukee, WI J. Strobel, Wisconsin Lth HS, Milwaukee, WI M. Kehl, D C Everest HS, Schofield, WI E. Marshall, Sun Prairie HS, Sun Prairie, WI B. Otto, Appleton North HS, Appleton, WI A. Pethan, Appleton North HS, Appleton, WI R. Linder, Cedarburg HS, Cedarburg, WI D. Willmer, Craig HS, Janesville, WI R. Johnson, Conserve Sch, Land O Lakes, WI D. Lecoanet, James Madison Mem HS, Madison, WI J. Baker, Madison East HS, Madison, WI E. Elderbrock, West HS, Madison, WI W. Horney, West HS, Madison, WI D. Cardenas, Marquette Univ HS, Milwaukee, WI Region 6 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Illinois 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 12 11 12 12 J. Lindner, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL A. Gatz, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL Z. Li, Hinsdale South HS, Darien, IL D. Grimes, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 143 12 12 9 11 12 11 12 12 10 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 9 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 9 11 10 A. Hubbard, Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL D. Lu, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL J. Kopinsky, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL R. Simon, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL K. Lagoutchev, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL M. Julian, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL K. Vlcek, Hinsdale South HS, Darien, IL S. Calomino, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL B. Biagioli, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL E. Denys, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL E. Wolodzko, Prospect HS, Mount Prospect, IL D. Li, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL T. Johnson, Cornerstone HomeS, St Charles, IL F. Huang, Urbana HS, Urbana, IL G. Poulos, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL G. Go, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL J. Dillon, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, IL M. Chu, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL K. Gong, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL M. Lapping Carr, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL P. Ye, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL S. Phadke, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Wilson, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL S. Jain, York HS, Elmhurst, IL E. Damashek, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL E. Strahan, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL S. Nochi, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL D. Tong, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL N. Ramachandran, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Cisek, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL D. Kurtz, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL Y. Zhao, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL A. Bergerud, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL G. Salter, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL K. Zalocusky, Belleville HS East, Belleville, IL P. Bloniarz, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL J. Meehan, Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL M. Becker, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL B. Simon, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL S. Hart, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL E. Kwak, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL M. Petrescu, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL B. Barreras, Glenbard East HS, Lombard, IL K. Bigart, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL H. Jin, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Mcleese, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL D. Crowe, Quincy SHS, Quincy, IL N. Bowling, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL D. Light, Wheaton North HS, Wheaton, IL G. Konrad, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL L. Zhang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Li, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL L. Chang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL W. Chen, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL R. Byrne, Marist HS, Chicago, IL G. Moy, Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL S. Wegner, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL J. Fan, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL X. Jiang, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL R. Garcia, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL K. Adams, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL A. Azuma, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL S. Deitz, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL Z. Fang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL R. Gross, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL E. Hsiung, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 10 10 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 10 10 10 11 10 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 9 10 9 10 11 12 10 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 11 11 9 11 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 J. Lin, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL C. Sun, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL S. Ranjan, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL H. Welz, Urbana HS, Urbana, IL J. August, Antioch Comm HS, Antioch, IL R. Casey, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL S. Constantin, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL D. Becker, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL T. Zwiebel, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL B. William S, Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL C. Csar, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL M. Ji, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL B. Chen, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL C. Yen, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL A. Lapides, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL S. Schneider, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL J. Chyan, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL B. Enders, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL M. Mangialardi, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL D. Widing, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL R. Rai, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL K. Teope, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL S. Allee, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL B. Dobbins, Springfield HS, Springfield, IL S. Warren, Springfield HS, Springfield, IL K. Carmody, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL T. Fong, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL P. Nelson, Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL R. Zhu, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL K. Schulz, Antioch Comm HS, Antioch, IL R. Webber, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL C. Smith, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL S. Moy, Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL N. Rolfes, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL R. Sobie, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL R. Patel, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL T. Qiu, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL T. Messner, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL E. Lieu, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Logan, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL L. Seitz, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL B. Xie, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Pelzer, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL J. Yu, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL D. Jones, St Charles East HS, Saint Charles, IL D. Boyle, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL D. Chun, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL E. Wu, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL J. Thurman, Belleville HS East, Belleville, IL J. Stoncius, Carbondale Comm HS, Carbondale, IL K. Wessel, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL S. Mokhnach, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL J. Pizzini, Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL P. Santoiemma, York HS, Elmhurst, IL P. Cassidy, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL B. Lyons, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL L. Bendis, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL T. Kennedy, Nazareth Acad, La Grange Park, IL K. Werner, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL C. Ng, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL N. Snow, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL D. Luedtke, Glenbard East HS, Lombard, IL Y. Jia, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL M. Trivedi, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL M. Collins, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL R. Banai, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 144 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 9 11 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 D. Krone, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL S. Chieng, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL M. Filicicchia, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL D. Kim, Niles Twp West HS, Skokie, IL D. Meyer, Sacred Heart-Griffin HS, Springfield, IL A. Bonefeste, Springfield HS, Springfield, IL M. Mark, Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL E. Kuhn, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL M. Su, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL B. Spector, Carbondale Comm HS, Carbondale, IL I. Chaplin, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL W. Gunther, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL A. Easton, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL B. Jaros, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL V. Bruno, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL N. Dahm, Elk Grove HS, Elk Grove Village, IL C. Fahrenbacher, Elk Grove HS, Elk Grove Village, IL A. Ofisher, Elk Grove HS, Elk Grove Village, IL J. Czarnowski, York HS, Elmhurst, IL S. Forby, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL D. Dranove, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, IL C. Chen, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL D. Chou, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL A. Greene, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL J. Gablin, Hoffman Estates HS, Hoffman Estates, IL C. Moews, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL Z. Ilyas, Col Prep Sch-Am, Lombard, IL M. Many, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL M. Pasqual, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL K. Su, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL H. Wang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL R. Cao, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Yabumoto, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Fogel, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL K. Kalisz, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL M. Birkey, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL A. Jamieson, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL M. Patton, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL M. Lenzini, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL D. Spelke, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL T. Ginakakis, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL J. Spigner, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL S. Hong, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL T. Hinson, John Hersey HS, Arlington Hts, IL R. Padgett, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL M. Schiffman, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL N. Awni, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL S. Dolejs, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL P. Rajendran, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL C. Wu, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL C. Ritten, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL D. Turcza, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL J. Bush, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL J. Altshuler, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL J. Schloemer, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL D. Wexler, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL J. Thompson, Marist HS, Chicago, IL S. Lyons, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL A. Oliveira, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL T. Murphy, York HS, Elmhurst, IL A. Franks, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL C. Ono, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL R. Lanman, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL W. Huang, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL E. Nelson, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL J. Lai, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 12 11 9 12 12 9 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 12 12 11 10 10 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 10 10 12 11 12 12 D. Siebert, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL M. Rattray, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL F. Zhang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL E. Chang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Hill, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL G. Robinson, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Wang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL N. Ross, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL S. Kaplan, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL J. How, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL J. Mann, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL G. Scharf, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL Z. Nahlik, Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL S. Hoesli, John Hersey HS, Arlington Hts, IL M. Schurman, John Hersey HS, Arlington Hts, IL N. Cheng, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL S. Freed, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL T. Tarlton, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL K. Parikh, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL S. Li, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL A. Sugaya, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL C. Huang, Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL J. Lovejoy, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL A. Shatzer, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL R. Iyer, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL K. Murphy, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL A. Carfang, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL D. Lee, Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL D. Borkar, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL A. Girdhar, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL N. Jain, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL C. Wade, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL D. Wu, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL T. Branding, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL D. Braznichenko, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL D. Case, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL J. Nudelman, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL G. Shakhnazaryan, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL C. Tan, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL M. Lemay, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL K. Naganuma, Prospect HS, Mount Prospect, IL K. Lewi S, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL J. Brosius, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Duncan, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Lee, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Holm, Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL A. Christophell, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL J. Edmonds, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL P. Healy, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL R. Murphy, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL C. Chronopoulos, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL A. Furlan, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL V. Dorgan, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL A. Pilloff, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL V. Shah, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL N. Haas, Springfield HS, Springfield, IL Z. Gao, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL J. Lau, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL Y. Nakamura, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL K. Hopkins, Wheaton-Warrenville HS, Wheaton, IL C. Angiuli, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL E. Green, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL D. Rendleman, Carbondale Comm HS, Carbondale, IL M. Schertz, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL M. Chen, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL B. Reindl, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 145 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 12 10 9 10 11 10 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 10 11 11 10 12 12 9 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 J. Koch, Carbondale Comm HS, Carbondale, IL M. Christensen, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL L. Pacold, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL D. White, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL B. Beatty, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL N. Castellanos, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL K. Shah, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL D. Nelson, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL F. Wolf, Homewood-Flossmoor HS, Flossmoor, IL A. Holmstrom, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL K. Tuan, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL D. Spychala, Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL D. Mcdonald, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL M. Tolson, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL V. Raman, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL N. Paya, Glenbard East HS, Lombard, IL W. Wang, Prospect HS, Mount Prospect, IL J. Dong, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL J. Fang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL C. Groesbeck, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL J. Sun, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL D. Yu, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL N. Zhao, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL R. Bessler, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL K. Mckiou, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Twu, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL K. Ballerini, Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL A. Holmquist, Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL M. Elsen, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL W. Young, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL E. Peterson, O’Fallon HS, O’Fallon, IL D. Hong, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL D. Bungum, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL M. Yu, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL J. Rebacz, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL A. Anisfeld, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL T. Kulczycki, Urbana HS, Urbana, IL B. Wee, Urbana HS, Urbana, IL N. Ericksen, Wheaton-Warrenville HS, Wheaton, IL D. Hoffer, Wheaton-Warrenville HS, Wheaton, IL L. Cladek, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Swenson, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL M. Barber, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL B. Spahn, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL J. Huang, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL V. Sharma, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL K. Li, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL J. Gemperline, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL A. Krzywda, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Linshi, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL B. Heriaud, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL G. Brumm, O’Fallon HS, O’Fallon, IL R. Liang, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL H. Nguyen, Willowbrook HS, Villa Park, IL J. Lee, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Platek, John Hersey HS, Arlington Hts, IL T. Foote, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL K. Kao, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL E. Park, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL M. Entrekin, Belleville HS East, Belleville, IL L. Casadaban, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL A. Ma, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL K. Sarma, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL Q. Zhang, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL J. Stein, Deerfield HS, Deerfield, IL E. Kim, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 11 12 12 11 12 10 11 12 11 11 10 11 12 11 10 10 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 9 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 10 B. Patel, Elk Grove HS, Elk Grove Village, IL A. Ahlgrim, York HS, Elmhurst, IL M. Mosky, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL M. Horder, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL K. Pierret, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL K. Shastri, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL J. Nykiel, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL A. Khan, Col Prep Sch-Am, Lombard, IL J. Olszewski, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL C. Wang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL J. Cheng, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Lorenzen, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL D. Xu, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL N. Mcfadden, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL B. Beaugureau, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL J. Keady, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL R. Jayswal, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL W. Richardson, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL D. Biesiada, Thornwood HS, South Holland, IL J. Vangeem, Wauconda Comm HS, Wauconda, IL J. Hupp, Loyola Acad, Wilmette, IL J. Martell, Loyola Acad, Wilmette, IL J. Lambert, York HS, Elmhurst, IL A. Langston, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL M. Covert, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL D. Fan, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL D. Gerstle, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL D. French, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL L. Zahn, John Hersey HS, Arlington Hts, IL K. Butler, Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL B. Moy, Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL M. Hochstein, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL M. Jones, Bloomington HS, Bloomington, IL B. Mariani, Bloomington HS, Bloomington, IL L. Laxamana, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL I. Rotmensch, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL M. Hunter Smith, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL V. Goyal, Hinsdale South HS, Darien, IL J. Eisenberg, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL T. Fox, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL L. Firsching, Edwardsville HS, Edwardsville, IL L. Mchugh, York HS, Elmhurst, IL J. Kath, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL J. Kurtz, Homewood-Flossmoor HS, Flossmoor, IL A. Koterla, East Leyden HS, Franklin Park, IL S. Fakih, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL L. Macayeal, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL E. Alexander, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL M. Ding, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL B. Lyon, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL C. Giesler, Lisle HS, Lisle, IL E. Anderson, Moline SHS, Moline, IL J. Jui, Prospect HS, Mount Prospect, IL Z. Mao, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL S. Su, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL W. Swinehart, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL Y. Zhang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL B. Cho, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL R. Pai, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL K. Spencer, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL R. Greathouse, Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL T. Besio, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL L. Dengel, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL A. Schaal, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL E. Corcoran, O’Fallon HS, O’Fallon, IL D. Yen, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL 102.0 10 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 101.5 12 101.5 12 101.5 12 101.5 12 101.5 12 101.5 12 101.5 11 101.5 12 101.5 11 101.5 11 101.5 9 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 101.0 11 101.0 10 101.0 11 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 146 D. Bergren, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL C. Lenzini, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL R. Morrisroe, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL M. Reddington, Plainfield HS-Ctr’l Cps, Plainfield, IL S. Goehl, Quincy SHS, Quincy, IL S. Ray, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL J. Archibald, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL A. Litwin, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL B. Madigan, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL N. Patel, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL J. Ho, Niles Twp West HS, Skokie, IL G. Gu, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL A. Renner, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL M. Patel, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL M. Mckenna, Loyola Acad, Wilmette, IL A. Vinckevicius, Antioch Comm HS, Antioch, IL J. Miner, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL E. Rabens, York HS, Elmhurst, IL W. Shaun, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL M. Wiczer, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL X. Tan, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL T. Mitchell, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL C. Finnegan, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL P. Wheeler, Niles Twp West HS, Skokie, IL C. Cropek, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL F. Culver, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL J. Sobyra, Addison Trail HS, Addison, IL D. Trakas, Addison Trail HS, Addison, IL J. Kim, Driscoll Cath HS, Addison, IL B. Kusuma, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Betourne, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL C. Scales, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL C. Shirzadi, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL K. Tsai, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL D. Clayton, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL B. Kadakia, Glenbard North HS, Carol Stream, IL J. Jarrett, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL M. Tamosiunas, St Ignatius Col Prep Sch, Chicago, IL K. Cho, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL R. Dellsy, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL K. Lauderdale, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL F. Michelassi, Univ of Chicago Lab HS, Chicago, IL O. Torres, Walter Payton Col Prep, Chicago, IL C. Wallace, Whitney M Young Mgt HS, Chicago, IL A. Rosas, J Sterling Morton East HS, Cicero, IL K. Gutfrucht, Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL M. Jacobson, Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, IL F. Shihadeh, Downers Grove South HS, Downers Grove, IL G. Damhorst, Larkin HS, Elgin, IL R. Ferguson, Homewood-Flossmoor HS, Flossmoor, IL J. Augello, East Leyden HS, Franklin Park, IL S. Clary, Glenbard South HS, Glen Ellyn, IL J. Ruzicka, Glenbard West HS, Glen Ellyn, IL G. Nagpal, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL A. Organ, Hoffman Estates HS, Hoffman Estates, IL V. Patel, Hoffman Estates HS, Hoffman Estates, IL N. Shah, Hoffman Estates HS, Hoffman Estates, IL P. Brewick, Nazareth Acad, La Grange Park, IL S. Wang, Lake Forest HS, Lake Forest, IL T. Lynn, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL D. Elg, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL B. Bernacchi, Prospect HS, Mount Prospect, IL N. Raj, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL D. Stueland, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL V. Yang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL M. Novak, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 9 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 9 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 T. Shiou, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL B. Smith, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL K. Swatkowski, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL K. Mores, Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL D. Star, Lincoln-Way Ctr’l HS, New Lenox, IL J. Bauer, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL D. Heiferman, Oak Park/River Forest HS, Oak Park, IL E. Babcock, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL S. Bezek, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL A. Paturi, Wm Fremd HS, Palatine, IL J. Kunke, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL D. Leung, Maine Twp HS South, Park Ridge, IL S. Sawyer, Plainfield HS-Ctr’l Cps, Plainfield, IL R. Murphy, Boylan Ctr’l Cath HS, Rockford, IL J. Amin, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL K. Page, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL C. Petrucci, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL M. Poplonski, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL K. Wuellner, Lake Park HS, Roselle, IL V. Inendino, Schaumburg HS, Schaumburg, IL A. Chudnovsky, Niles North HS, Skokie, IL R. Hawley, Sacred Heart-Griffin HS, Springfield, IL R. Kaplan, Univ Laboratory HS, Urbana, IL P. Mccall, Urbana HS, Urbana, IL E. Gardner, Wheaton North HS, Wheaton, IL T. Vosicky, Wheaton North HS, Wheaton, IL D. Bosarge, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL M. Cloney, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL M. Mitchell, Barrington HS, Barrington, IL F. Tang, Carbondale Comm HS, Carbondale, IL M. Brew, Deerfield HS, Deerfield, IL E. Rice, Larkin HS, Elgin, IL J. Rot, Larkin HS, Elgin, IL B. Trotter, Elk Grove HS, Elk Grove Village, IL Y. Cui, York HS, Elmhurst, IL M. Eshelman, York HS, Elmhurst, IL D. Kouzmine, Evanston Twp HS, Evanston, IL S. Block, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, IL A. Kumar, Hinsdale Ctr’l HS, Hinsdale, IL J. Liu, Libertyville HS, Libertyville, IL J. Kim, Adlai E Stevenson HS, Lincolnshire, IL K. Barnett, Benet Acad, Lisle, IL D. Weir, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL K. Chang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL V. Kuznetsov, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL I. Sarkar, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL J. Vecchio, Fenwick HS, Oak Park, IL S. Lakhani, Niles Twp West HS, Skokie, IL A. Gandhi, Vernon Hills HS, Vernon Hills, IL 110.0 11 110.0 10 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 12 108.0 10 107.5 12 106.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 10 105.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 104.0 12 103.0 10 103.0 10 102.5 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 101.5 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 100.5 12 100.0 10 A. Noland, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY Y. Sun, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY A. Moore, Campbell Co HS, Alexandria, KY N. Wellkamp, Eastern HS, Louisville, KY I. Foslvanwyke, St Francis HS, Louisville, KY J. Grant, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY T. Jolly, Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY D. Tao, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY R. Prater, Oldham Co HS, Buckner, KY R. Murphy, Henry Clay HS, Lexington, KY B. Lawler, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY T. Schardl, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY J. Coronel, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY B. Henn, Trinity HS, Louisville, KY J. Horn, Trinity HS, Louisville, KY K. Minogue, Trinity HS, Louisville, KY A. Gish, Owensboro HS, Owensboro, KY A. Heilman, Campbell Co HS, Alexandria, KY C. Bowling, Paul G Blazer HS, Ashland, KY K. Leichty, Seneca HS, Louisville, KY E. Nachtman, Oldham Co HS, Buckner, KY Y. Wen, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY B. Albright, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY S. Kirk, Lafayette SHS, Lexington, KY A. Wedlund, Henry Clay HS, Lexington, KY C. Menard, Lafayette SHS, Lexington, KY B. Ewen, Sayre HS, Lexington, KY T. Mcgeeney, Assumption HS, Louisville, KY T. Cheng, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY A. Kapur, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY B. Zinninger, Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY T. Mindel, Seneca HS, Louisville, KY P. Jones, Owensboro HS, Owensboro, KY T. Cecil, Highlands HS, Ft Thomas, KY J. Horohov, Henry Clay HS, Lexington, KY M. Romans, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY S. Chen, Paducah Tilghman HS, Paducah, KY S. Marcum, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY R. Ray, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY Missouri 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.0 116.0 113.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 Kentucky 118.5 12 H. Srinivasan, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY 111.5 118.0 12 L. Li, Madisonville-N Hopkins HS, Madisonville, KY 111.5 116.0 11 C. Linfield, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY 110.0 115.0 12 D. Haye, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 110.0 115.0 11 R. Brekelmans, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY 110.0 113.5 12 D. Jensen, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 109.0 113.5 11 Z. Kratzer, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 109.0 113.5 12 A. Yu, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY 109.0 112.5 12 A. Puckett, Calvary Chr. Sch, Covington, KY 109.0 112.5 11 A. Zolj, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY 108.5 111.5 12 E. Lin, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 108.0 111.5 12 D. Sheets, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 108.0 111.5 11 L. Armstrong, Assumption HS, Louisville, KY 107.5 111.5 10 Y. Cai, Dupont Manual Mgt HS, Louisville, KY 106.5 111.0 12 R. Gillispie, Paul Laurence Dunbar HS, Lexington, KY 106.5 110.0 12 R. Pendergrast, Lafayette SHS, Lexington, KY 105.5 147 12 11 12 12 12 10 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 A. Cloninger, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO A. Hoekzema, Westminster Chr. Acad, Saint Louis, MO M. Herman, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO A. Abromowitz, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO N. Kramer, Barstow Sch, Kansas City, MO Y. Huang, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO A. Pai, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO C. Towery, Ctr’l HS, Springfield, MO J. Haynie, Branson HS, Branson, MO D. Kordonowy, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO N. Thanedar, MICDS, Saint Louis, MO N. Hu, Ctr’l HS, Springfield, MO J. Arnell, Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO E. Fe Ng, Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO M. Wicker, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO A. Russell, Parkway West HS, Ballwin, MO I. Katz, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO A. Rudolph, MO Acad Sci Math Comp, Maryville, MO M. Kramer, MICDS, Saint Louis, MO C. Agoos, Parkway North HS, Creve Coeur, MO A. Srivastava, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO D. Damiano, MICDS, Saint Louis, MO J. Daming, MO Acad Sci Math Comp, Maryville, MO D. Galkin, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO J. Strand, Westminster Chr. Acad, Saint Louis, MO M. Altman, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 10 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 M. Mcgruther, Parkway North HS, Creve Coeur, MO D. Witzling, Parkway North HS, Creve Coeur, MO B. Ercal, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO R. Guest, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO M. Brenner, St Louis Priory Sch, Saint Louis, MO T. Boone, Ctr’l HS, Springfield, MO C. Scott, Springfield Cath HS, Springfield, MO J. Morse, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO V. Glinskii, Columbia-Rock Bridge SHS, Columbia, MO H. Griffith, Lee’s Summit SHS, Lee’s Summit, MO A. Spencer, Lee’s Summit SHS, Lee’s Summit, MO Q. Wang, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO S. Garton, Ozark HS, Ozark, MO S. Wallace, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO E. Maroon, MICDS, Saint Louis, MO A. Steck, St Louis Priory Sch, Saint Louis, MO D. Lopez, Columbia-Rock Bridge SHS, Columbia, MO P. Maginot, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO C. Brett, MO Acad Sci Math Comp, Maryville, MO A. Crecelius, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO J. Haas, Westminster Chr. Acad, Saint Louis, MO C. Martin, Whitfield Sch, Saint Louis, MO B. Hirst, Sacred Heart ES & HS, Sedalia, MO A. Levy, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO S. Hmiel, Lindbergh HS, St Louis, MO D. Jaegers, Nerinx Hall HS, Webster Groves, MO A. Iyer, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO M. Lefors, McCluer North HS, Florissant, MO A. Solomon, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO Y. Bosch, Ctr’l HS, Springfield, MO A. Griesemer, Springfield Cath HS, Springfield, MO J. Thiele, Ctr’l HS, St Joseph, MO M. Brimer, Lindbergh HS, St Louis, MO N. Ma, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO T. Young, Clayton HS, Clayton, MO A. Boyle, Hazelwood Ctr’l HS, Florissant, MO M. Kempf, Lee’s Summit SHS, Lee’s Summit, MO A. Vemmer, Lee’s Summit SHS, Lee’s Summit, MO D. Werth, Lee’s Summit SHS, Lee’s Summit, MO S. Ravi, John Burroughs Sch, Saint Louis, MO W. Osberghaus, Westminster Chr. Acad, Saint Louis, MO T. Walters, Salem SHS, Salem, MO C. Thielker, Hazelwood West HS, Hazelwood, MO F. Roberts, Barstow Sch, Kansas City, MO J. Zhang, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO J. Priest, MO Acad Sci Math Comp, Maryville, MO M. Inkman, St Louis Priory Sch, Saint Louis, MO 119.5 119.5 118.5 117.0 116.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 S. Couch, Brentwood HS, Brentwood, TN P. Sheth, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN C. Hume, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN C. Ridgway, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN P. Hood, Brentwood HS, Brentwood, TN I. Sullivan, Centennial HS, Franklin, TN F. Williams, Baylor Sch, Chattanooga, TN P. Andreae, Bearden HS, Knoxville, TN M. Devries, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN K. Davis, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN A. Struminger, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN W. Deloache, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN A. Gillespie, Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN C. Randall, Tipton-Rosemark Acad, Millington, TN J. Jenkins, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN J. Geerlings, Chattanooga Chr. Sch, Chattanooga, TN J. Melton, Rossview HS, Clarksville, TN S. Kensell, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN Tennessee 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 148 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 9 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 R. Ladyman, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN M. Vaughn, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN H. Krishnamoorthi, Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN T. Sledge, Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN C. Brown, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN J. Hickerson, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN A. Guyton, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN M. Cushman, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN I. Ilas, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN A. Chinn, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN M. Brock, Baylor Sch, Chattanooga, TN I. Kim, Bearden HS, Knoxville, TN E. Page, St Marys Epis Sch, Memphis, TN K. Seitz, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN B. Syverud, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN R. Rawl, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN O. Worley, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN S. Smartt, Chattanooga Chr. Sch, Chattanooga, TN N. Johnson, Briarcrest Chr. Sch, Eads, TN W. Perry, Bearden HS, Knoxville, TN N. Butala, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN N. Dykas, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN D. Ryan, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN G. Sass, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN T. Melcher, Baylor Sch, Chattanooga, TN K. Fraser, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN N. Feder, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN W. Cooper, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN R. Lee, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN C. Mccold, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN J. Mcnutt, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN W. Xiong, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN J. Carter, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN T. Chiu, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN R. Chu, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN A. Alsentzer, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN J. Layman, McMinn HS, Athens, TN R. Judd, Univ Sch of Jackson, Jackson, TN M. Roberts, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN P. Mahautmr, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN E. Braden, St Marys Epis Sch, Memphis, TN J. Kaldenbach, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN A. Yano, St Andrews Sewanee Sch, Sewanee, TN M. Woerner, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN P. Dunstan, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN J. Whittingham, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN I. Graves, Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN V. Reddy, Baylor Sch, Chattanooga, TN F. Machado, Bearden HS, Knoxville, TN E. Jackson, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN J. Thacker, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN P. Woerner, Farragut HS, Knoxville, TN J. Daniel, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN A. Gordon, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN E. Wilson, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN J. Wright, Montgomery Bell Acad, Nashville, TN K. Autrey, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN T. Benning, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN B. George, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN J. Nichols, Oak Ridge HS, Oak Ridge, TN J. Allen, Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN W. Li, Ravenwood HS, Brentwood, TN Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued Region 7 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Louisiana 116.0 115.0 112.5 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 A. Talwar, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA A. Williamson, Caddo Parish Magnet HS, Shreveport, LA R. Ingram, McKinley SHS, Baton Rouge, LA R. Shurlds, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA B. Odwyer, Ab Rummel SHS (boys), Metairie, LA C. Kelley, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA E. Durresi, Baton Rouge Magnet HS, Baton Rouge, LA J. Park, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA S. Shah, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA G. Ye, Caddo Parish Magnet HS, Shreveport, LA M. Griffin, Abbeville HS, Abbeville, LA D. Andressen, Ab Rummel SHS (boys), Metairie, LA S. Park, Baton Rouge Magnet HS, Baton Rouge, LA K. Hulin, Ab Rummel SHS (boys), Metairie, LA C. Robinson, Neville HS, Monroe, LA E. Svenson, Jesuit HS, New Orleans, LA V. Agarwal, Caddo Parish Magnet HS, Shreveport, LA J. Sun, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA N. Tran, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA M. Caverly, Jesuit HS, New Orleans, LA N. Thalji, Baton Rouge Magnet HS, Baton Rouge, LA Y. Yuan, McKinley SHS, Baton Rouge, LA J. Graves, Epis HS, Baton Rouge, LA E. Peterson, McKinley SHS, Baton Rouge, LA K. Alleman, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA K. Vega, Brother Martin HS, New Orleans, LA L. Mcfaul, Jesuit HS, New Orleans, LA M. Yu, Caddo Parish Magnet HS, Shreveport, LA R. Feerick, St Thomas More Cath HS, Lafayette, LA B. Bond, Mandeville HS, Mandeville, LA N. Prats, Mandeville HS, Mandeville, LA A. Zollinger, Mandeville HS, Mandeville, LA C. Hall, Ridgewood Prep Sch, Metairie, LA K. Liu, LA Sch Math Sci Arts, Natchitoches, LA J. Giepert, Brother Martin HS, New Orleans, LA M. Magner, Jesuit HS, New Orleans, LA E. Lee, Grace King HS, Metairie, LA 115.0 113.5 112.5 111.5 109.0 108.0 108.0 104.5 103.0 102.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 8 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 W. Zhang, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS W. Mcclain, St Joseph Cath Sch, Madison, MS E. Wesson, Miss Sch Math/Sci, Columbus, MS J. Dale, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS W. Cleveland, Miss Sch Math/Sci, Columbus, MS D. Wilson, Miss Sch Math/Sci, Columbus, MS K. Cunningham, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS T. Allin, St Andrews Epis Sch, Ridgeland, MS E. Butler, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS A. Polk, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS D. King, St Joseph Cath Sch, Madison, MS N. Follett, Miss Sch Math/Sci, Columbus, MS N. Maneck, St Andrews Epis Sch, Ridgeland, MS 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.5 118.5 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 9 12 A. Penkar, Greenhill Sch, Addison, TX C. Duke, Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX M. Oka, Awty Int’l Sch, Houston, TX S. Yu, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX E. Meyers, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX N. Bhargava, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX N. Savir, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX M. Vanmiddlesworth, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX L. Zhang, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX C. Vu, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX Mississippi Texas 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 149 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 8 12 11 11 10 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 13 11 12 12 11 12 9 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 A. Wilson, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX P. Gandhi, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX L. Jesper, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX D. Ting, Plano HS, Plano, TX J. Zhou, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX Y. Liu, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX J. Li, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX K. Welch, Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX A. Petrov, Ball HS, Galveston, TX R. Chen, Klein HS, Klein, TX I. Haken, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX J. Lee, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX J. Hansell, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX K. Stuhr, Taylor HS, Katy, TX A. Wang, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX T. Carlson, Greenhill Sch, Addison, TX N. Baron, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX S. Tam, Westwood HS, Austin, TX B. Liu, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX C. Stambouzou, Awty Int’l Sch, Houston, TX D. Dolino, Klein HS, Klein, TX D. Jumper, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX H. Liu, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX T. Porzio, Bowie HS, Austin, TX A. Zhang, Kealine MS, Austin, TX R. Li, Westwood HS, Austin, TX A. Liang, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX A. Tan, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX N. Swaney, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX C. Jordan, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX J. Kim, Pine Tree HS, Longview, TX M. Gummelt, Midlothian HS, Midlothian, TX J. Chiang, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX P. Dollin, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX J. Wang, Plano HS, Plano, TX J. Lin, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX M. Kao, Pearce HS, Richardson, TX P. Abrell, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX Z. Smith, Bowie HS, Austin, TX G. Huang, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX C. Maier, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX C. Knight, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX E. Shwarts, Talented/Gif Mgt Sch, Dallas, TX P. Nevarez, El Paso Ctry DS, El Paso, TX J. Giese, Fredericksburg HS, Fredericksburg, TX R. Pinjala, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX C. Ma, Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX P. Simmons, Plano HS, Plano, TX R. Mathieu, Pearce HS, Richardson, TX C. Martin, Sci/Engr Mgt Twnvw, Dallas, TX N. Feltman, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX C. Thanapirom, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX T. Bray, Westlake HS, Austin, TX A. Sarkar, Westwood HS, Austin, TX N. Husain, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX R. Ma, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX D. Cross, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX S. Patel, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX B. Bolding, Klein HS, Klein, TX Y. Sun, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX D. Liang, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX S. Loomis, McCallum HS, Austin, TX J. Ong, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX J. Gaulding, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX M. Stevens, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX E. Gonzalez, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 9 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 11 R. Mao, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX S. Shearouse, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX J. Haber, Memorial HS, Houston, TX S. Dickerson, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX J. Griffin, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX J. Hong, Stratford HS, Houston, TX J. Bandera Duplant, Westfield HS, Houston, TX D. Carrington, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX J. Hughes, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX R. Fraleigh, Klein HS, Klein, TX M. Metwalli, Clear Creek HS, League City, TX B. Salinas, Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX G. Chang, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX N. Guo, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX J. Lohrman, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX N. Champagne, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX V. Kadapakkam, Northside Health Careers HS, San Antonio, TX Z. Cai, Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX D. Kramer, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Mcpherson, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX K. Nguyen, Sam Houston HS, Houston, TX J. Lin, Westlake HS, Austin, TX J. Lee, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX T. Stevenson, Newman Smith HS, Carrollton, TX T. Zhang, Newman Smith HS, Carrollton, TX K. Poff, Turner HS, Carrollton, TX A. Iacob, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX A. Suraiya, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX J. Edel, Flour Bluff HS, Corpus Christi, TX A. Sengupta, Cy-Fair HS, Cypress, TX D. Salzman, Bishop Lynch HS Inc, Dallas, TX C. Bucholz, Hocka DS, Dallas, TX J. Helfand, Sci/Engr Mgt Twnvw, Dallas, TX M. Schatz, Talented/Gif Mgt Sch, Dallas, TX H. Yang, Ursuline Acad, Dallas, TX Z. Cao, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX A. Henry, Nolan Cath HS, Ft Worth, TX R. Staine, Memorial HS, Houston, TX S. Yakushiji, Memorial HS, Houston, TX M. Durham, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX C. Leatherbury, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX S. Tsiao, Taylor HS, Katy, TX J. Weon, Taylor HS, Katy, TX K. Brehm, Klein HS, Klein, TX S. Norville, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX W. Boettcher, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX Q. Wang, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX A. Lue, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX Z. Nicolaou, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX M. Gaitonde, James Madison HS, San Antonio, TX S. Lu, Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX P. Kumar, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX A. Nelson, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX T. Tennant, Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX C. Johnson, Taylor HS, Katy, TX A. Pankonien, Klein HS, Klein, TX N. Morrison, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX E. Hwang, Plano HS, Plano, TX J. Pin, Hocka DS, Dallas, TX W. Wingo, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX E. Dong, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX P. Hedrick, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX J. Ramirez, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX T. Crockett, Taylor HS, Katy, TX T. Anderson, Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX B. Cruz, Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 150 10 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 9 11 12 11 11 12 9 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 9 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 R. Wood, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX J. Ma, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX R. Chang, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX C. Jackman, Bishop T K Gorman MS/HS, Tyler, TX J. Feng, Klein HS, Klein, TX M. Luo, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX J. Huang, Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX K. Liu, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX C. Crocker, McCallum HS, Austin, TX D. Chang, Westwood HS, Austin, TX A. Allen, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX S. Brown, Sci/Engr Mgt Twnvw, Dallas, TX E. Lu, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX X. Song, Ball HS, Galveston, TX T. Brantley, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX K. Savidge, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX T. Gokhale, Langham Creek HS, Houston, TX K. Nair, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX A. Leung, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX S. Spitz, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX E. Sung, Stratford HS, Houston, TX M. Brnicky, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX B. Crews, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX J. Squiers, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX M. Kubala, Taylor HS, Katy, TX J. Thibeault, Klein HS, Klein, TX K. Sommers, Clear Creek HS, League City, TX X. Wang, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX C. Narayanan, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX H. Xiong, Pearland 9th Grade Ctr, Pearland, TX M. Polasek, Gregory-Portland HS, Portland, TX J. Santos, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX R. Wilson, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX K. Yancey, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX A. Shih, Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX V. Chang, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Napiorkowski, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX C. Liu, Tomball HS, Tomball, TX S. Black, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX C. Cardenas, Flour Bluff HS, Corpus Christi, TX K. Shin, Taylor HS, Katy, TX K. Fukushima, Greenhill Sch, Addison, TX J. Pluhar, Randall HS, Amarillo, TX N. Allgood, Westwood HS, Austin, TX V. Ilakkuvan, Westwood HS, Austin, TX Y. Kang, Westwood HS, Austin, TX M. Valdez Vivas, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX D. Bauer, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX W. Foxworth, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX A. Kilbourne, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX M. Shay, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX J. Semko, Franklin HS, El Paso, TX K. Wood, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX S. Satya, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX D. White, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX N. Canac, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX D. Kim, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX L. Le, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX V. Ren, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX L. Cummins, Kinkaid, Houston, TX S. Cho, Memorial HS, Houston, TX T. Eckhardt, Memorial HS, Houston, TX A. Kunjapur, Stratford HS, Houston, TX A. Parks, Stratford HS, Houston, TX V. Patel, Westfield HS, Houston, TX A. Robinson, Taylor HS, Katy, TX Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 10 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 11 10 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 9 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 12 M. Kintner, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX P. Tran, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX C. Regan, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX R. Thomson, Sterling HS, Baytown, TX J. Michael, Flour Bluff HS, Corpus Christi, TX S. Chen, Sci Acad of South Texas, Mercedes, TX C. Barron, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX M. Bernhard, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX B. Wakefield, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX S. Shah, Turner HS, Carrollton, TX N. Lin, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX J. Hill, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX D. Unwin, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX A. Ng, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX O. Peng, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX J. Erne, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX S. Thompson, Kinkaid, Houston, TX B. Rockwell, Memorial HS, Houston, TX C. Shirazi, Memorial HS, Houston, TX G. Cook, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX C. Delaney, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX L. Le, Westfield HS, Houston, TX K. Klinke, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX M. Montoya, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX S. Wang, Pearland 9th Grade Ctr, Pearland, TX T. Smith, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX R. Riddle, Spring HS, Spring, TX K. Duffy, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX C. Benedik, Temple HS, Temple, TX R. Mcclellan, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX B. Chen, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX W. Duncan, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX A. Vasudev, Westlake HS, Austin, TX K. Budwal, Westwood HS, Austin, TX D. Hawkins, Westwood HS, Austin, TX P. Tu, Westwood HS, Austin, TX H. Chung, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX L. Fenton, Oak Ridge HS, Conroe, TX J. Pham, Cy-Fair HS, Cypress, TX M. Hale, Bishop Lynch HS Inc, Dallas, TX M. Bierman, Hocka DS, Dallas, TX H. Banks, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX M. Gonzalesdecarde, Talented/Gif Mgt Sch, Dallas, TX M. Peebles, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX D. Harrison, Franklin HS, El Paso, TX R. Varghese, Franklin HS, El Paso, TX S. Lightsey, Fairfield HS, Fairfield, TX J. Aldape, Paschal HS, Fort Worth, TX J. Gann, Paschal HS, Fort Worth, TX E. Leblanc, Ball HS, Galveston, TX A. Streiff, Awty Int’l Sch, Houston, TX S. Watts, Awty Int’l Sch, Houston, TX V. Koyyalagunta, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX K. Marion, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX K. Rammohan, Kinkaid, Houston, TX D. Gonsalves, Langham Creek HS, Houston, TX D. Ottesen, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX M. Supkis, Memorial HS, Houston, TX M. Wang, Memorial HS, Houston, TX C. Cowan, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX C. Dougherty, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX A. Kwan, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX D. Sumera, Westfield HS, Houston, TX S. Fox, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX J. Greenwood, Taylor HS, Katy, TX C. Robinson, Taylor HS, Katy, TX 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 151 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 8 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 10 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 J. Dalhoff, Klein HS, Klein, TX K. Lee, Klein HS, Klein, TX B. Bennett, Trinity Sch of Midland, Midland, TX L. Joson, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX K. Palmberg, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX C. Conn, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX C. Montgomery, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX H. Nguyen, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX E. Nie, Pearce HS, Richardson, TX C. Check, James Madison HS, San Antonio, TX A. Benavides, Northside Health Careers HS, San Antonio, TX J. Pearson, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX N. Penland, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX T. Den Harder, Temple HS, Temple, TX F. Koch, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX G. Harry, Bishop T K Gorman MS/HS, Tyler, TX G. Singh, Hillcrest HS, Dallas, TX S. Wundrow, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX Y. Tang, Taylor HS, Katy, TX K. Taylor, Randall HS, Amarillo, TX G. Best, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX T. Lin, Bowie HS, Austin, TX S. Maier, Bowie HS, Austin, TX M. Molaro, Bowie HS, Austin, TX T. Pizarek, Bowie HS, Austin, TX H. Ratcliffe, Bowie HS, Austin, TX A. Smith, Bowie HS, Austin, TX A. Vu, Bowie HS, Austin, TX B. Lackey, Kealine MS, Austin, TX K. Rhodes, McCallum HS, Austin, TX A. Cordell, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX A. Graves, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX E. Landry, Westlake HS, Austin, TX E. Jacob, Westwood HS, Austin, TX M. Qian, Westwood HS, Austin, TX J. Scheevel, Westwood HS, Austin, TX V. Nguyen, Newman Smith HS, Carrollton, TX M. Small, Clarksville HS, Clarksville, TX K. Li, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX S. Elliston, Cy-Fair HS, Cypress, TX B. Benjamin, Bishop Lynch HS Inc, Dallas, TX T. Oconner, Bishop Lynch HS Inc, Dallas, TX L. Georgatos, Epis Sch of Dallas, Dallas, TX M. Mcelroy, Talented/Gif Mgt Sch, Dallas, TX Y. Chen, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX E. Gawlik, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX G. Cao, Ball HS, Galveston, TX W. Lopez, Ball HS, Galveston, TX B. Qiu, Ball HS, Galveston, TX N. Vanlaan, Awty Int’l Sch, Houston, TX M. Zhang, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX R. Anderson, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX B. Anderson, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX D. Lue, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX A. Richardson, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX D. Warner, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX E. Hoxha, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX Y. Kang, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX J. Shu, Cypress Falls HS, Houston, TX R. Agrawal, Kinkaid, Houston, TX E. Obrien, Kinkaid, Houston, TX R. Ting, Kinkaid, Houston, TX D. Zummo, Kinkaid, Houston, TX M. Deforke, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX D. Kirsner, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX B. Choi, Memorial HS, Houston, TX Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 D. Eckhardt, Memorial HS, Houston, TX E. Kim, Memorial HS, Houston, TX T. Kim, Memorial HS, Houston, TX J. Loh, Memorial HS, Houston, TX J. Cooksey, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX A. Hassler, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX T. Richardson, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX R. Smith, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX M. Stadnyk, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX M. Stoehr, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX N. Whitaker, St Johns Sch, Houston, TX L. Chen, Taylor HS, Katy, TX T. Cosban, Taylor HS, Katy, TX E. Fortuna, Taylor HS, Katy, TX A. Kana, Taylor HS, Katy, TX K. Kurz, Taylor HS, Katy, TX H. Lou, Taylor HS, Katy, TX N. Sears, Taylor HS, Katy, TX M. Steele, Taylor HS, Katy, TX H. Williamson, Taylor HS, Katy, TX M. Bumbaugh, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX D. Chan, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX K. Chovanetz, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX E. Sheu, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX K. Wilson, Birdville HS, N Richland Hills, TX W. Penate, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX X. Zhang, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX M. Pavlova, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX K. Vance, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX S. Young, Lloyd V Berkner HS, Richardson, TX R. Ma, Pearce HS, Richardson, TX A. Helbling, St Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, TX A. Li, Dulles HS, Sugar Land, TX R. Antani, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX E. Blinka, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Johnson, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX T. Hermans, Temple HS, Temple, TX R. Chen, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX E. Scales, Woodlands HS, The Woodlands, TX C. Howard, Tomball HS, Tomball, TX Z. Wegner, McCallum HS, Austin, TX M. Bell, Bellaire SHS, Bellaire, TX A. Black, St Mark’s Sch of Texas, Dallas, TX Z. Ning, Ball HS, Galveston, TX A. Romman, Clear Lake HS, Houston, TX C. Attaway, Cypress Creek HS, Houston, TX M. Escoto, Cistercian Prep Sch, Irving, TX K. Ferguson, Taylor HS, Katy, TX M. Wallace, Pine Tree HS, Longview, TX C. Huang, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX N. Viswanathan, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX C. Watson, Lubbock HS, Lubbock, TX H. Dao, Elkins HS, Missouri City, TX J. Zhang, Pearland HS, Pearland, TX A. Brookshire, Pearce HS, Richardson, TX G. Dyer, Alamo Heights HS, San Antonio, TX K. Liu, Northside Health Careers HS, San Antonio, TX D. Nguyen, St Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, TX E. Pollak, Tom C Clark HS, San Antonio, TX Region 8 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alaska 116.0 12 N. Tittle, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK 116.0 10 S. Price, Monroe Cath J/S HS, Fairbanks, AK 111.5 11 A. Knapp, East Anchorage HS, Anchorage, AK 111.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 105.5 104.5 103.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 H. Harris, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK J. Kim, East Anchorage HS, Anchorage, AK J. Dekay, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK P. Burton, Palmer HomeSch, Palmer, AK J. Murphy, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK B. Martinson, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK M. Smith, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK M. Zlatkovsky, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK S. Berg, North Pole HS, North Pole, AK M. Victors, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK J. Frahm, Chugiak HS, Eagle River, AK Arizona 118.5 12 117.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 10 115.0 10 114.5 10 113.5 11 113.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.0 11 110.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 10 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 107.5 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 10 106.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 9 105.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.0 12 104.5 11 104.5 9 104.5 12 104.5 104.5 11 104.0 11 103.5 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 152 I. Broderick, North HS, Phoenix, AZ M. Fan, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ C. Jett, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ R. Qian, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ J. Neufer, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ C. Utter, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ G. Simpson, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ K. Oelze, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ J. Lo, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ W. Graybill, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ M. Lee, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ J. Chen, Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ J. Shin, Notre Dame Prep HS, Scottsdale, AZ S. Wheelwright, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ L. Davis, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ R. Richardson, Mountain View HS, Mesa, AZ S. Jasper, Highland HS, Gilbert, AZ C. Wei, Highland HS, Gilbert, AZ K. Jiang, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ B. Ledin, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ J. Worley, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ D. Bracher, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ K. Rinaudo, North HS, Phoenix, AZ W. Lou, Horizon HS, Scottsdale, AZ S. Tsen, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ E. Matlock, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ C. Bargren, Gilbert HS, Gilbert, AZ S. Ventre, Highland HS, Gilbert, AZ D. Potts, Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ D. Blackwell, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ A. Cradit, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ V. Muralidhar, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ K. Peng, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ I. Goth, Arizona Sch for the Arts, Phoenix, AZ H. Walter, Horizon HS, Scottsdale, AZ C. Liu, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ T. Bungard, Basis Sch, Tucson, AZ J. Hyatt, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ J. Timmons, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ M. Wilson, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ E. Bajaj, Gilbert HS, Gilbert, AZ G. Peairs, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ M. Manhart, Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ G. Joshua, McClintock HS, Tempe, AZ K. Keys, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ L. Weldon, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ J. Niwa, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ E. Rabiner, Mountain View HS, Mesa, AZ A. Sharma, Mountain View HS, Mesa, AZ J. Taysom, Tempe HS, Tempe, AZ M. Stewart, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ K. Wu, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ A. Stuart, Valley Chr. HS, Chandler, AZ J. Pager, Gilbert HS, Gilbert, AZ Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 11 12 10 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 11 11 11 12 11 J. Guo, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ E. Hunley, Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ P. Konieczny, Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ C. Dickerson, Buena HS, Sierra Vista, AZ A. Kushner, Buena HS, Sierra Vista, AZ Z. Bailowitz, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ D. Nordstrom, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ P. Pflibsen, St Gregory Col Prep Sch, Tucson, AZ O. Bernal, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ A. Brandon, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ M. Dicenzo, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ R. Hanshaw, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ T. Kalimov, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ M. Poverman, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ J. Smith, Highland HS, Gilbert, AZ J. Marshall, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ M. Gjersvig, Valley Chr. HS, Chandler, AZ A. Qayumi, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ A. Wei, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ D. Wu, Mesquite HS, Gilbert, AZ C. Cox, Dobson HS, Mesa, AZ D. Krumwiede, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ J. Sanghi, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ D. Scarpace, Phoenix Ctry DS, Paradise Valley, AZ S. Orourke, Mountain Pointe HS, Phoenix, AZ K. Valentine, North HS, Phoenix, AZ E. Legris, Xavier Col Prep, Phoenix, AZ K. Lan, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ A. Patel, McClintock HS, Tempe, AZ S. Hannley, Basis Sch, Tucson, AZ A. Egurrola, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ B. Hann, Buena HS, Sierra Vista, AZ K. Boardman, Univ HS, Tucson, AZ 118.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.0 113.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 9 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 10 11 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 L. Ovanesyan, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO P. Niewoonder, Overland HS, Aurora, CO J. Park, Fountain Valley Sch, Colorado Springs, CO K. Christopher, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO R. Zhao, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO C. Bassett, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO S. Obrien, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO C. Weigel, Niwot HS, Niwot, CO I. Kim, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO D. Martin, Thompson Valley HS, Loveland, CO T. Beebe, DCHS South Annex, Castle Rock, CO K. Liu, Niwot HS, Niwot, CO K. Shaw, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO C. Ladouceur, Holy Family HS, Broomfield, CO L. Mcginnis, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO K. Fechser, Rocky Mountain HS, Fort Collins, CO R. Farnsworth, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO B. Sridhar, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO M. Horan, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, CO I. Hamilton, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO C. Roscow, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO J. Kim, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO J. Kogler, Pine Creek HS, Colorado Springs, CO S. Brenimer, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO M. Merfeld, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO E. Nelson, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO A. Niranjan, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO J. Zeller, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO M. Roddy, Kent Denver Sch, Englewood, CO B. Winther, Holy Family HS, Broomfield, CO D. Vandervieren, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO G. Sudduth, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO Colorado 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 10 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 9 11 11 11 12 10 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 J. Liu, DCHS South Annex, Castle Rock, CO E. Robinson, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO S. Melhorn, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, CO S. Cook, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO A. Fletcher, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO N. Hansen, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO S. Metsger, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO H. Park, Fountain Valley Sch, Colorado Springs, CO E. King, Niwot HS, Niwot, CO A. Weis, Niwot HS, Niwot, CO T. Miller, Boulder HS, Boulder, CO C. Krueger, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO E. Paquette, Boulder HS, Boulder, CO M. Boren, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO B. Oetter, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO L. Sanford, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, CO R. Wojahn, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO E. Ovanesyan, Smoky Hill HS, Aurora, CO V. Galchenko, Boulder HS, Boulder, CO M. Rao, George Washington HS, Denver, CO K. Crooks, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO S. Hoffman, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO C. Liang, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO D. Wei, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, CO R. Strain, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO P. Chisholm, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO A. Verser, Thompson Valley HS, Loveland, CO R. Berends, DCHS South Annex, Castle Rock, CO C. Mustoe, D’Evelyn J/S HS, Denver, CO D. Cromer, Cherry Creek HS, Englewood, CO E. Ellenoff, Kent Denver Sch, Englewood, CO J. Lubinski, Kent Denver Sch, Englewood, CO A. Nycum, Kent Denver Sch, Englewood, CO L. Parkinson, Poudre HS, Fort Collins, CO P. Szamel, Poudre HS, Fort Collins, CO J. Marion, Lakewood HS, Lakewood, CO C. Ellison, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO A. Mirzayi, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO G. Sotiros, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO E. Roby, George Washington HS, Denver, CO P. Malhotra, Poudre HS, Fort Collins, CO A. Vanhove, Monarch HS, Louisville, CO 108.0 107.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 12 11 12 11 11 J. Hsu, St Johns Sch, Tumon Bay, GU J. Law, St Johns Sch, Tumon Bay, GU B. Cubacub, Father Duenas Mem Sch, Mangilao, GU M. Lee, St Johns Sch, Tumon Bay, GU Y. Yu, St Johns Sch, Tumon Bay, GU 119.5 118.5 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 M. Bomke, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Atkinson, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI D. Ushijima, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Takamura, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Yamamoto, Mid-Pacific Inst, Honolulu, HI K. Heu, Roosevelt HS, Honolulu, HI S. Goto, Mid-Pacific Inst, Honolulu, HI E. Cunningham, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Baclig, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Leung, Kaiser HS, Honolulu, HI J. Nakamura, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Sender, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI C. Shimizu, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI H. Gan, Roosevelt HS, Honolulu, HI J. Nguyen, Maui HS, Kahului, HI S. Lee, Kamehameha HS, Honolulu, HI M. Balkin, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI Guam Hawaii 153 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 B. Li, Moanalua HS, Honolulu, HI B. Aisaka, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI C. Talbot, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Yu, Roosevelt HS, Honolulu, HI D. Park, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI Y. Tan, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Wong, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Wunder, Maui HS, Kahului, HI A. Barnes, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Fujinaka, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI L. Ross, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI K. Yamagishi, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Okamoto, Kalani HS, Honolulu, HI S. Kleinschmidt, Kamehameha HS, Honolulu, HI X. Hu, Moanalua HS, Honolulu, HI J. Nagaoka, Moanalua HS, Honolulu, HI K. Wang, Moanalua HS, Honolulu, HI R. Pila, Kamehameha HS, Honolulu, HI C. Hoi, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Lee, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Okada, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI G. Tang, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Tsukika, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI W. Hue, Kalani HS, Honolulu, HI C. Jette, Maui HS, Kahului, HI R. Kim, Hawaii Baptist Acad, Honolulu, HI S. Aonuma, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI B. Kutara, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Lee, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Nakatsuka, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI K. Ota, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Takushi, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Sumitomo, Kalani HS, Honolulu, HI L. Matsunaga, Maui HS, Kahului, HI E. Fan, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI L. Hu, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI L. Malins, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Mizumoto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Namba, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI K. Teruya, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Watanabe, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Gao, Kalani HS, Honolulu, HI S. Eom, Roosevelt HS, Honolulu, HI K. Melich, Kaiser HS, Honolulu, HI 104.0 12 104.0 12 103.0 10 103.0 103.0 11 103.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 101.5 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 M. Spohn, Boise SHS, Boise, ID E. Logan, Capital SHS, Boise, ID K. Antonini, Boise SHS, Boise, ID B. Champ, Borah SHS, Boise, ID D. Floyd, Timberline HS, Boise, ID J. Elias, Idaho Falls HS, Idaho Falls, ID J. Fitch, Centennial HS, Boise, ID L. Reppell, Timberline HS, Boise, ID M. Eichelberg, Eagle HS, Eagle, ID A. Mulder, Boise SHS, Boise, ID K. Peterson, Centennial HS, Boise, ID R. Reddy, Timberline HS, Boise, ID A. Johnson, Coeur D’Alene Chtr Acad, Coeur D’Alene, ID D. Castillo, Centennial HS, Boise, ID S. Roemer, Eagle HS, Eagle, ID D. Rego, Comm Sch, Sun Valley, ID 112.5 112.5 111.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 11 10 10 12 10 12 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 9 12 12 10 11 11 12 9 12 12 11 11 11 12 M. Hughes, Billings SHS, Billings, MT W. Fletcher, Hellgate HS, Missoula, MT C. Johnson, Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT J. Dempersmier, Billings West HS, Billings, MT P. Mcinerney, Skyview HS, Billings, MT F. Morrison, Hellgate HS, Missoula, MT J. Hedge, Billings West HS, Billings, MT J. Weber, Helena HS, Helena, MT A. Johnson, Flathead HS, Kalispell, MT J. Adams, Hellgate HS, Missoula, MT P. Dallapiazza, Loyola Sacred Heart HS, Missoula, MT K. Stewart, Shelby HS, Shelby, MT R. Bartram, Great Falls HS, Great Falls, MT M. Stroethoff, Hellgate HS, Missoula, MT S. Lipp, Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT A. Sindelar, Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT L. Martin, Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT L. Juras, C M Russell HS, Great Falls, MT V. Maycumber, Flathead HS, Kalispell, MT C. Jacobs, Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT T. Hash, Helena HS, Helena, MT B. French, C M Russell HS, Great Falls, MT K. Hill, C M Russell HS, Great Falls, MT M. Jordan, C M Russell HS, Great Falls, MT J. Schantz, Sentinel HS, Missoula, MT S. Mullowney, Billings West HS, Billings, MT E. Tutvedt, Flathead HS, Kalispell, MT 119.5 119.5 118.5 115.0 115.0 113.5 111.5 111.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 106.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 B. Wilson, Centennial HS, Boise, ID T. Mcqueen, Idaho Falls HS, Idaho Falls, ID M. Wernecke, Eagle HS, Eagle, ID C. Chamberlain, Eagle HS, Eagle, ID K. Atkinson, Middleton HS, Middleton, ID S. Warren, Borah SHS, Boise, ID G. Danner, Timberline HS, Boise, ID B. Li, Boise SHS, Boise, ID P. Ashworth, Timberline HS, Boise, ID T. Smith, Boise SHS, Boise, ID D. Ye, Timberline HS, Boise, ID D. Mcgrady, Borah SHS, Boise, ID S. Hale, Eagle HS, Eagle, ID A. Jacobs, Sandpoint HS, Sandpoint, ID M. Coffman, Boise SHS, Boise, ID M. Sears, Boise SHS, Boise, ID L. Johnston, Borah SHS, Boise, ID I. Vrable, Timberline HS, Boise, ID E. Berg Maas, Coeur D’Alene Chtr Acad, Coeur D’Alene, ID K. Boren, Boise SHS, Boise, ID B. Ferguson, Boise SHS, Boise, ID 116.5 115.0 113.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 A. Cheng, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV J. Leibowitz, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV D. Yao, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV H. Batur, Robert McQueen HS, Reno, NV S. De, Green Valley HS, Henderson, NV T. Lane, Green Valley HS, Henderson, NV T. On, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV M. Albers, Bishop Manogue Cath HS, Reno, NV C. Clark, Spring Creek HS, Spring Creek, NV S. Hong, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV M. Pieper, Green Valley HS, Henderson, NV J. Ni, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV K. Rowley, Durango HS, Las Vegas, NV C. Kamholz, Douglas HS, Minden, NV G. Kraus, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV A. Solomon, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV C. Voos, Spring Creek HS, Spring Creek, NV S. Parikh, Green Valley HS, Henderson, NV V. Pulido, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV S. Swanson, Clark HS, Las Vegas, NV W. Demaree, Palo Verde HS, Las Vegas, NV Idaho Montana Nevada 154 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued New Mexico 117.0 12 116.0 10 115.0 11 112.5 10 112.5 12 109.0 12 107.5 12 106.5 11 105.5 10 105.5 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 11 104.0 11 102.0 11 101.0 11 100.5 10 B. Geistwhite, Farmington HS, Farmington, NM A. Bose, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM Z. Ye, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM A. Ahmed, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM C. Grant, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM B. Smith, Ruidoso HS, Ruidoso, NM B. Preskill, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM K. Zimowski, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM C. Eisenhood, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM T. Schuler, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM T. Nguyen, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM L. Shepard, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM A. Pribyl, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM R. Witte, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM B. Mcnealy, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM E. Boyd, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM A. Atura, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM 115.0 112.5 109.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 11 11 12 11 10 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 11 10 G. Wetterling, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR K. Kini, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR C. Beyer, Blanchet Cath Sch, Salem, OR S. Heinith, Grant HS, Portland, OR M. Cameron, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR T. Conerly, Lakeridge HS, Lake Oswego, OR S. Towle, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR J. Kentner, Sch of Sci & Tech, Beaverton, OR D. Shapiro, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR D. Keeler, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR J. Perkinson, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR A. Kinney, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR D. Jordan, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR A. Savtchenko, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR H. Behel, Oregon Epis Sch, Portland, OR K. Hagen, Summit HS, Bend, OR J. Schifberg, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR B. Ma, Lakeridge HS, Lake Oswego, OR S. Kennedy, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR M. Evans, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR Z. Fairman, Newport HS, Newport, OR N. Sanchez, Newport HS, Newport, OR M. Amram, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR B. Baker, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR E. Wax, Lincoln HS, Portland, OR B. Mcadams, Grant HS, Portland, OR K. Ng, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR J. Schueler, Summit HS, Bend, OR M. Donatz, Lakeridge HS, Lake Oswego, OR A. Cathers, Newberg SHS, Newberg, OR B. Leggett, Newport HS, Newport, OR R. Davies, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR A. Roman, Catlin Gabel Sch, Portland, OR J. Loop, Rogue River HS, Rogue River, OR B. Albano, South Eugene HS, Eugene, OR W. Loo, Lakeridge HS, Lake Oswego, OR J. Yoo, Oregon Epis Sch, Portland, OR 119.5 118.5 117.0 117.0 115.0 111.5 111.5 110.0 109.0 12 12 11 12 11 11 8 12 12 S. Cobb, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT B. Shepherd, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT K. Shen, Logan HS, Logan, UT E. Fish, Uintah HS, Vernal, UT L. Xue, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT K. Chung, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT J. Chen, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT D. Akagi, Alta HS, Sandy, UT I. Mckinley, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT Oregon Utah 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 12 11 9 9 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 9 11 11 11 12 12 10 S. Williams, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT A. Zhang, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT A. Dahl, Logan HS, Logan, UT K. Kim, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT B. Fogelson, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT J. Page, Alta HS, Sandy, UT S. Duhadway, Logan HS, Logan, UT M. Haslam, Hillcrest HS, Midvale, UT C. Madsen, Weber HS, Ogden, UT N. Chen, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT D. Hansen, Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT K. Brady, Logan HS, Logan, UT J. Keene, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT T. Musa, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT D. Shi, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT Y. Ho, Logan HS, Logan, UT A. Carter, Wasatch JHS, Salt Lake City, UT P. White, Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT J. Elwell, Logan HS, Logan, UT D. Hedges, Weber HS, Ogden, UT N. Erickson, Olympus HS, Salt Lake City, UT D. Hanks, Olympus HS, Salt Lake City, UT M. Ma, West HS, Salt Lake City, UT 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 10 11 12 10 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 10 12 11 10 11 11 11 10 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 12 9 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 9 T. Yin, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA J. Kiner, Bear Creek Sch, Woodinville, WA J. Engreitz, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA J. Turtle, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA P. Leahy, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA S. Pang, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA V. Nguyen, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA S. Levine, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA C. Richards, Bellevue Chr. Sch, Clyde Hill, WA J. Na, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA J. Alger, Overlake Sch, Redmond, WA M. Badura, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA B. Bishop, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA B. Haynor, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA B. Liem, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA W. Scott, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA N. Stevens, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA R. Start, Ctr’l Kitsap HS, Silverdale, WA B. Smith, Bear Creek Sch, Woodinville, WA T. Zitzer, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA K. Fritschy, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA J. Pai, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA C. Morris Lent, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA S. Hull, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA E. Chen, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA O. Bennio N, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA D. Kan, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA C. Myhrvold, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA K. Maier, Kamiakin HS, Kennewick, WA K. Bates, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA I. Holmes, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA W. Po, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA Z. Kiefer, Dayton HS, Dayton, WA K. Ogami, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA A. Ghazvinian, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA H. Sugiyama, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA T. Smith, Bellevue Chr. Sch, Clyde Hill, WA B. Nelson, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA C. Anthony, Pasco HS, Pasco, WA G. Hoffman, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA P. Kung, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA A. Livne, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA Washington 155 Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 9 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 9 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 10 10 12 11 9 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 8 12 12 11 11 J. Ralph, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA R. Kamber, Bainbridge HS, Bainbridge Island, WA Y. Yushkina, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA J. Peck, Archbishop Murphy HS, Everett, WA M. Amsler, Lake Washington HS, Kirkland, WA N. Kully, Lake Washington HS, Kirkland, WA J. Englund, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA S. Childswalker, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA N. Dykstra, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA G. Fridley, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA E. Smith, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA M. Spillane, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA C. Vandusen, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA L. Vincent, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA J. Warne, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA M. Su, Charles Wright Acad, Tacoma, WA T. Portzer, Bishop Blanchet HS, Seattle, WA J. Steenblik, St Georges Sch, Spokane, WA H. Noble, Bainbridge HS, Bainbridge Island, WA C. Shorett, Bainbridge HS, Bainbridge Island, WA M. Reed, Bellevue Chr. Sch, Clyde Hill, WA K. Mand, Kamiakin HS, Kennewick, WA I. Lee, Juanita HS, Kirkland, WA S. Yi, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA C. Heye, O’Dea HS, Seattle, WA A. Liu, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA L. Davidson, Connell HS, Connell, WA J. Yockey, Cascade HS, Everett, WA L. Larson, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA M. Degan, Kamiakin HS, Kennewick, WA J. Rothenberg, Tahoma HS, Kent, WA E. Thomas, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA A. Exarhos, Hanford HS, Richland, WA A. Gao, Hanford HS, Richland, WA J. Luo, Hanford HS, Richland, WA P. Song, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA B. Jepsen, Ctr’l Kitsap HS, Silverdale, WA X. Li, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA A. Chen, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA S. Doebler, Hanford HS, Richland, WA E. Brand, Woodinville HS, Woodinville, WA A. Rossman, Woodinville HS, Woodinville, WA E. Cooledge, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA D. Kuenzi, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA N. Schram, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA C. Verbeck Jr, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA M. Knudsen, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA D. Copeland, St Georges Sch, Spokane, WA L. Parkinson, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA T. Payne, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA N. Welch, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA D. Reinelt, Vashon Island HS, Vashon, WA W. Hampton, Woodinville HS, Woodinville, WA C. Ng, Int’l Sch, Bellevue, WA C. Lumry, Bellevue Chr. Sch, Clyde Hill, WA F. Faghih, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA M. Rapp, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA G. Wu, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA A. Bretvick, Juanita HS, Kirkland, WA A. Wood, Juanita HS, Kirkland, WA D. Jackson, Lake Washington HS, Kirkland, WA I. Tolkov, Lake Washington HS, Kirkland, WA J. Lee, Meadowdale HS, Lynnwood, WA D. Englund, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA J. Thornton, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA M. Wang, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 9 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 12 10 11 12 10 9 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 C. Olsson, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA P. Fields, Northwest Sch, Seattle, WA I. Meyer, Ctr’l Kitsap HS, Silverdale, WA J. Novotney, Mead HS, Spokane, WA D. Gardner, Charles Wright Acad, Tacoma, WA S. Devries, Vashon Island HS, Vashon, WA H. Huizenga, Vashon Island HS, Vashon, WA I. Saberi, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA T. Kasahara, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA J. Taylor, Connell HS, Connell, WA C. Bashore, Kamiakin HS, Kennewick, WA S. Woo, Meadowdale HS, Lynnwood, WA N. White, Moses Lake HS, Moses Lake, WA M. Deuker, Ballard HS, Seattle, WA D. Abrahms, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA T. Borish, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA L. Boyle, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA S. Desoto, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA M. Fisken, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA R. Ghazvinian, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA S. Kennedy, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA S. Kim, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA S. Koo, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA E. Purcell, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA V. Verstegen, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA K. Warren, Lakeside Sch, Seattle, WA K. Gillespie, Ctr’l Kitsap HS, Silverdale, WA B. Elder, Gonzaga Prep Sch, Spokane, WA C. Yoon, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA K. Bowman, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA R. Anderson, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA B. Stangle, St Georges Sch, Spokane, WA K. Lam, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA Region 9 ScoreGrName, School, City, State California 1119.511 119.5 9 119.5 12 119.5 11 119.5 11 119.5 10 119.5 12 119.5 9 119.5 11 119.5 10 119.5 12 119.5 11 119.0 11 118.5 10 118.5 9 118.5 12 118.5 11 118.5 10 118.5 12 118.5 11 118.5 10 118.5 11 118.5 12 118.5 11 118.5 11 118.5 11 118.0 12 118.0 12 118.0 12 156 A. Fedyk, Albany HS, Albany, CA J. Zhang, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA S. Lin, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA S. Han, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA H. Nguyen, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA E. Tang, William S Hart Union HS, Newhall, CA A. He, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA B. Yao, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA D. Liang, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA T. Lin, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA D. Blauvelt, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA T. Barrett, Montgomery HS, Santa Rosa, CA L. Fredrickson, Oaks Chr. HS, Westlake Village, CA C. Fang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA D. Hsu, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA M. Fisher, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Liew, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA D. Li, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA B. Cho, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA R. Embleton, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA J. Rousseau, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA V. Wang, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA K. Ip, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA K. Kuang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA N. Wong, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA J. Rosenbluth, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA W. Tai, Athenian Sch, Danville, CA E. Luong, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA W. Liang, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.0 113.0 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 12 10 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 9 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 11 11 11 9 R. Chiu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Lo, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA B. Kim, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA B. Jue, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA A. Tsay, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA S. Winsor, Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA A. Man, Walnut HS, Walnut, CA L. Nguyen, Fairmont Prv Schs, Anaheim, CA Y. Chen, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA X. Yang, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA L. Shapira, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA F. Chen, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA A. Chang, Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA B. Thacher, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA E. Arnon, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA M. Chang, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA J. Xu, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA J. Chen, Leland HS, San Jose, CA J. Park, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Zhu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Law, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA M. Spilsbury, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA P. Jaju, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Z. Wang, Albany HS, Albany, CA M. Movassate, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA A. Davis, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA I. Trubov, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA K. Summers, Livermore HS, Livermore, CA P. Jin, Monterey HS, Monterey, CA A. Ehrich, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA J. Wang, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA T. Hsieh, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA W. Lee, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Lin, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA J. Antognini, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA J. Feldman, Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA A. Shaw, Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA D. Hung, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA R. Li, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA E. Ma, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA S. Park, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA L. Danz, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA O. Sangameswara, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA B. Szeto, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA A. Dehnert, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA B. Xia, Albany HS, Albany, CA A. Lam, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA K. Liu, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA Y. Qiu, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA M. Jing, Irvington HS, Fremont, CA F. Liu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA D. Foley, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA F. Doering, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA . Tszeng, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA K. Dwan, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA E. Sue, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA C. Doan, Evergreen Valley HS, San Jose, CA A. Hsieh, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA J. Tseng, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA E. Star, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA J. Wienands, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA B. Tannenbaum, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA D. Chan, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA A. Wong, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA A. Yu, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA Q. Zhou, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 157 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 9 11 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 9 11 12 11 10 T. Lambert, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA M. Burnam Fink, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA R. Mayhew, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA A. Carman, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA I. Rubin, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Bardhan, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Choi, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Georgescu, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Lin, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Ray, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA E. Ruth, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Shin, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Spangler, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA X. Chen, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA J. Yan, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA J. Spaulding, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA S. Wu, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA A. Vo, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA G. Finkelstein, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Hong, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Wright, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Zhu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA P. Chan, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA B. Lin, West HS, Torrance, CA G. Chen, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA J. Citron, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA J. Wachtel, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA K. Wright, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA K. Wen, Stockdale HS, Bakersfield, CA J. Mcmaster, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA S. Choi, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA J. Pyun, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA J. Zhang, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA L. Chen, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA H. Cheng, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA P. Fortune, Edison HS, Fresno, CA A. Nguyen, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA E. Takasugi, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA S. Kim, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Lee, Castilleja Sch, Palo Alto, CA C. Yuan, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA R. Nagata, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA S. Rengarajan, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA A. Chen, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA N. Ghosh, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Chen, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA D. Ricchiazzi, San Marcos SHS, Santa Barbara, CA R. Paolini, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA B. Hsu, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA E. Robinson, Athenian Sch, Danville, CA M. Conley, Marin Cath HS, Kentfield, CA A. Lin, Acaciawood Sch, Anaheim, CA C. Cady, Stockdale HS, Bakersfield, CA P. Hsu, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA A. Yu, Marin Cath HS, Kentfield, CA N. Shayefar, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA D. Macduff, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA A. Wang, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA L. Huang, Leland HS, San Jose, CA T. Narayan, Leland HS, San Jose, CA A. Venardi, Oaks Chr. HS, Westlake Village, CA J. Koh, Stockdale HS, Bakersfield, CA G. Enenstein, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA J. Webber, Burlingame HS, Burlingame, CA T. Wu, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA S. Yang, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 10 109.0 9 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 9 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 109.0 11 109.0 109.0 12 109.0 9 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 10 109.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 12 109.0 11 108.5 12 108.5 12 108.5 11 108.5 11 108.5 11 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 10 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 10 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 10 108.0 10 108.0 9 L. Huet, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA S. Rabiei, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA J. Crisman, Edison HS, Fresno, CA D. Sun, Edison HS, Fresno, CA Y. Mahmood, Univ HS, Fresno, CA J. Thoren, Univ HS, Fresno, CA Y. Duong, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA J. Han, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA M. Hedlin, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA T. Hoshijima, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA G. Zhou, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA D. Cho, Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA B. Vanzuiden, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA M. Lee, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA N. Sofroniew, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA T. Vishwanadha, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA N. Ackner, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Chiu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA N. Joshi, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA B. Flamm, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Furlong, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Ng, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA Y. Zernik, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA F. Qin, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA A. Patel, Monache HS, Porterville, CA S. Lee, John F Kennedy HS, Sacramento, CA E. Friedman, San Diego Jewish Acad, San Diego, CA N. Chao, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Shau, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA W. Wey, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA E. Chen, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA D. Lin, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA Y. Liu, South HS, Torrance, CA J. Ong, Walnut HS, Walnut, CA B. Choi, Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA D. Cohen, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA W. Richards, Branson Sch, Ross, CA S. Yaung, Leland HS, San Jose, CA J. Ng, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA S. Ng, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA B. Fried, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA J. Bailard, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA N. Krevor, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA C. Mao, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA M. Liu, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA P. Pan, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA Y. Kozlova, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA S. Lam, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA A. Kuo, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA X. Gao, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA Z. Wang, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA P. Chen, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA D. Hooton, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Kim, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA M. Olevsky, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA E. Zhang, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA A. Kim, Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA R. Hunsaker, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA M. Sprague, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA J. Yeh, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Kim, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Thomas, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Fang, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Han, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA P. Horn, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA E. Krasner Karpen, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA 108.0 10 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 11 108.0 12 107.5 12 107.5 9 107.5 11 107.5 11 107.5 11 107.5 10 107.5 11 107.5 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 107.5 12 107.5 12 107.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 10 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 10 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 10 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 9 106.5 10 106.5 12 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.0 12 106.0 12 106.0 11 105.5 10 105.5 11 158 K. Liu, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Lee, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA J. Tseng, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA A. Lee, John F Kennedy HS, Sacramento, CA C. Scalapino, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA N. Bhattacharya, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA A. Lavitoria, Archbishop Riordan HS, San Francisco, CA N. Mcadoo, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA M. Alvarado, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA P. Lii, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA W. Wang, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA S. Tomar, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA D. Li, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA M. Sumiya, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Schow, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA K. Douglas, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA N. Sathe, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA J. Tso, West HS, Torrance, CA M. Radin, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA A. Kim, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA M. Kim, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA K. Chen, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA T. Breisacher, Mira Costa HS, Manhattan Beach, CA I. Tang, William S Hart Union HS, Newhall, CA N. Lalchandani, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA A. Weiss, Palm Desert HS, Palm Desert, CA M. Udell, Branson Sch, Ross, CA D. Woo, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA A. Tearse Doyle, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA H. Yew, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA C. Chen, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA L. Wang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Z. Chang, Santa Monica HS, Santa Monica, CA N. Kumar, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA T. Phan, Fairmont Prv Schs, Anaheim, CA R. Gong, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA R. Lee, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA C. Paik, Burlingame HS, Burlingame, CA T. Brown, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA V. Agrawal, Centennial HS, Corona, CA B. Coskuner, Athenian Sch, Danville, CA Z. Zhang, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA M. Carlson, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA J. Leichty, Edison HS, Fresno, CA D. Cary, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Goswamy, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA B. Thiemann, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA B. Phegley, Monterey HS, Monterey, CA W. C Hin, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA I. Ho, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA B. Lipkin, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Berzins, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Ji, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA L. Lee, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Tulga, El Camino HS, Sacramento, CA L. Ching, Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA P. Christiano, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA E. Han, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA E. Leung, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA T. Chan, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA S. Yang, Walnut HS, Walnut, CA S. Fanchiang, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA A. Eames, Raptor Acad, Poway, CA B. Young, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA M. Bawal, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA S. Reghunathan, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 11 10 12 12 11 10 10 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 10 9 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 11 10 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 S. Lam, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA K. Drinkwater, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA J. Rhee, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA E. Burns, Centennial HS, Corona, CA J. Li, Costa Mesa HS, Costa Mesa, CA C. Parcel, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA P. Ting, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA N. Andersen, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA E. Miyazono, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA J. Chao, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA D. Zeng, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA G. Brar, Granite Hills HS, El Cajon, CA D. Gui, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA B. Ho, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA V. Lee, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA A. Zhou, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA D. Stuart, Edison HS, Fresno, CA N. Hauser, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA D. Windes, Nevada Union HS, Grass Valley, CA A. Zargarian, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA J. Choo, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA L. Calfas, Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA K. Clarkadams, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA K. Ma, Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA D. Zhu, Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA D. Carrillo, Monterey HS, Monterey, CA A. Hiszpanski, William S Hart Union HS, Newhall, CA R. Billingsley, Sage Hill Sch, Newport Coast, CA J. Kass, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA J. Reich, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA A. Gandhi, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA R. Little, Bishop O’Dowd HS, Oakland, CA S. Lempert, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA M. Shimshak, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA C. Lay, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Rosner, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA N. Whitney, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA H. Woo, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA Y. Yu, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA N. Honka, Monache HS, Porterville, CA T. Dieterle, Porterville HS, Porterville, CA J. Chung, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA R. Brooks, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA Y. Sun, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA K. Thomas, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA D. Daniels, Patrick Henry HS, San Diego, CA S. Chandrasekhar, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA C. Hsueh, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Li, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA A. Lin, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA M. Ho, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA L. Perkins, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA E. Pratt, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA G. Sh I, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Chao, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA C. Chu, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA E. Kuo, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA J. Li, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA E. Liu, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA E. Ou, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA K. Okada, Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA J. Douglas, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA K. Hur, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA J. Miltenberger, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA H. Lim, South HS, Torrance, CA A. Morris, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA 105.0 12 105.0 11 105.0 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 10 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 8 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 11 104.5 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.0 12 159 W. Kuykendall, William S Hart Union HS, Newhall, CA M. Lee, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA P. Li, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA P. Nahass, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA B. Meng, Alameda HS, Alameda, CA J. Koo, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA A. Stewart, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA D. Tabuena, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA Y. Chudnovsky, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA S. Shayesteh, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA Y. Zhang, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA D. Chou, Notre Dame HS, Belmont, CA M. Rogers, Burlingame HS, Burlingame, CA A. Chen, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA K. Pak, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA C. Kim, Centennial HS, Corona, CA S. Kim, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA A. Venkatkrishnan, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA S. Ho, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA V. Shia, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA T. Thorpe, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA J. Fan, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA K. Lam, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA J. Lin, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA K. Nam, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA L. Nicolau, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA E. Tsuchiyama, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA Y. Xia, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA R. Hines, Desert J/S HS, Edwards, CA K. Kadakia, Irvington HS, Fremont, CA A. Zhang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA B. Hughes, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA M. Ullrich, Edison HS, Fresno, CA L. Vang, Edison HS, Fresno, CA T. Bolnick, Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA I. Hsieh, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA P. Kay, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA N. Pardee, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA J. Young, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Allison, Thacher Sch, Ojui, CA J. Karp, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA H. Sachs, Castilleja Sch, Palo Alto, CA T. Liu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Wiley, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Nordlund, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA G. Wang, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Yu, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Jue, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA H. Cuevas, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA S. Williamson, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA S. Wadia, Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA C. Edwall, Patrick Henry HS, San Diego, CA J. Adsit, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA J. Goldfinemiddlet, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA S. Kim, Raoul Wallenberg Trad HS, San Francisco, CA J. Avins, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA T. Chang, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA J. Chu, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA T. Lee, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA I. Aggarwal, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA M. Sontag, Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA D. Arrasmith, Ponderosa HS, Shingle Springs, CA K. Sowa, Ponderosa HS, Shingle Springs, CA B. Cheung, Walnut HS, Walnut, CA C. Liao, Walnut HS, Walnut, CA A. Cheng, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 104.0 11 104.0 10 104.0 12 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 12 103.5 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 8 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 9 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 103.0 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 10 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 10 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 12 102.5 12 102.5 11 102.5 11 102.5 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 10 N. Manoharan, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA M. Chang, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA A. Nam, Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA S. Patel, Nevada Union HS, Grass Valley, CA J. Wang, Crystal Springs Uplands Sch, Hillsborough, CA A. Okuneff, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA D. Schleimer, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA A. Komor, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA E. Klein, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA T. Bisset, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Potts, Rocklin HS, Rocklin, CA E. Wei, John A Rowland HS, Rowland Heights, CA L. Ng, Abraham Lincoln HS, San Francisco, CA J. Zhang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA M. Hollingsworth, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA K. Hoffman, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA M. Kimiecik, Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA K. Koai, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA J. Carmi, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA B. Haas, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA E. Klen, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA D. Teitelbaum, Agoura HS, Agoura Hills, CA X. Zhu, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA C. Cho, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA S. Huang, Centennial HS, Corona, CA A. Lin, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA J. Fung, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA N. Sunderson, Edison HS, Fresno, CA M. Kim, Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA S. Wannier, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA E. Fortes, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA N. Garver, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA M. Loginov, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Wai, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Lajeunesse, Livermore HS, Livermore, CA A. Hsueh, Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA A. Moehle, BASIS (Bay Area Sch Indp Study), Moraga, CA A. Nguyen, Sage Hill Sch, Newport Coast, CA E. Rosenblum, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA C. Hueschen, Castilleja Sch, Palo Alto, CA L. Chen, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA G. Rinat, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Zhou, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA X. Liang, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA C. Chois, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA J. Jester, Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA M. Schwartz, Archbishop Riordan HS, San Francisco, CA C. Lu, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA E. Tzeng, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA M. Cheng, Leigh HS, San Jose, CA B. Kung, Leland HS, San Jose, CA J. Chou, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA S. Rao, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA P. Ho, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA E. Lin, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA A. Chong, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA R. Lee, Torrance HS, Torrance, CA J. Ovadia, West HS, Torrance, CA J. Johnson, Granite Hills HS, El Cajon, CA L. Sohn, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA K. Qian, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA N. Rode, Leigh HS, San Jose, CA G. Cheng, Acaciawood Sch, Anaheim, CA M. Lin, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA N. Basu Trivedi, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA D. Castor, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 9 102.0 11 102.0 9 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 160 E. Gumerlock, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA B. Woodard, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA M. Yorukoglu, Menlo-Atherton HS, Atherton, CA M. Case, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA T. Harrelson, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA R. Jang, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA A. Kumar, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA J. Woo, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA M. Marshall, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA S. Neally, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA J. Sharps, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA K. Burke, Athenian Sch, Danville, CA A. Chang, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA D. Eun, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA S. Jew, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA M. Reddy, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA B. Yamada, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA A. Myres, Granite Hills HS, El Cajon, CA L. Liberman, Irvington HS, Fremont, CA A. Shah, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA M. Xu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA R. Yu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA C. Fairbanks, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA T. Le, Edison HS, Fresno, CA J. Jee, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA L. Mckirdy, Nevada Union HS, Grass Valley, CA P. Chui, Crystal Springs Uplands Sch, Hillsborough, CA J. Epstein, Crystal Springs Uplands Sch, Hillsborough, CA M. Evans, Crystal Springs Uplands Sch, Hillsborough, CA C. Scanlan, Crystal Springs Uplands Sch, Hillsborough, CA B. Frandsen, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA A. Ha, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA S. Kim, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA E. Oconnor, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA T. Chen, Sonora HS, La Habra, CA A. Nager, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA A. Kahn, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA J. Black, Granada HS, Livermore, CA M. Obrien, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA M. Yang, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA Q. Nguyen, Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA P. Salerno, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA M. Zelin, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA J. Law, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Marrama, Bishop O’Dowd HS, Oakland, CA G. Dangvu, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA W. Deng, Oakland SHS, Oakland, CA S. Woolf, Thacher Sch, Ojui, CA M. Paymer, Miramonte HS, Orinda, CA A. Dembo, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Huang, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Kao, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Norcia, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA N. Shi, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA T. Yau, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Hoyt, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Jozefov, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA W. Leung, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Proudian, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA E. Sundheim, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Villanueva, Maranatha HS, Pasadena, CA Z. Rehm, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA R. Sommers, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA C. Anderson, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA D. Patterson, Rocklin HS, Rocklin, CA G. Lesh, Branson Sch, Ross, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 10 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 10 12 10 10 12 12 H. Schaffer, Branson Sch, Ross, CA K. Liu, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA M. Malinowski, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA A. Brovick, Francis W Parker Sch, San Diego, CA Z. Norman, Jewish Comm HS - Bay, San Francisco, CA J. Ouyang, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA J. Shia, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA B. Frager, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA D. Garg, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA A. Pushpala, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA E. Zhu, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA H. Bajwa, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA V. Chen, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA C. Chu, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Davis, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA A. Gupta, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA A. Mukherjee, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA G. Narra, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA J. Chang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA E. Chu, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA P. Hwu, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA V. Lo, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA B. Wong, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA W. Zheng, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA H. Lee, Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA J. Chou, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA M. Chung, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA A. Krishnamurthy, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA J. Raval, El Camino HS, South San Francisco, CA J. Willoughby, Torrance HS, Torrance, CA R. Liu, Irvington HS, Fremont, CA E. Wang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA A. Wu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA J. Hsu, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA K. Kassam, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA E. Xu, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA S. Wu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA T. Hashimoto, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA L. Pisarsky, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA A. Chang, Leland HS, San Jose, CA W. Tai, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Jen, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA K. Schneider, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA Z. Behm, Oaks Chr. HS, Westlake Village, CA R. Chan, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA S. He, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA S. Khan, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA V. Anderson, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA M. Kalajian, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA D. Boone, La Costa Canyon HS, Carlsbad, CA R. Curd, La Costa Canyon HS, Carlsbad, CA S. Dell, La Costa Canyon HS, Carlsbad, CA E. Wang, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA S. Waraprateep, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA D. Wu, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA I. Yu, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA S. Bolanos, Culver City SHS, Culver City, CA J. Lin, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA N. Naik, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA R. Williams, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA L. Sangha, Athenian Sch, Danville, CA R. Kim, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA K. Lau, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA K. Tseng, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA V. Chan, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA R. Veach, Edison HS, Fresno, CA 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 161 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 10 12 11 12 10 10 12 10 11 9 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 T. Luk, Troy HS, Fullerton, CA J. Needle, Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA C. David, Marin Cath HS, Kentfield, CA J. Matthews, Marin Cath HS, Kentfield, CA A. Chang, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA T. Kim, La Canada HS, La Canada, CA J. Bell, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Lin, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA M. Shih, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA A. Smith, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA P. Subramani, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA D. Wise, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA D. Zhou, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA Y. Choo, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA D. Wang, Bentley Sch, Lafayette, CA F. Betti, Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA G. Huh, Los Gatos HS, Los Gatos, CA D. Tan, Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA S. Yu, Milpitas HS, Milpitas, CA C. Beil, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA E. Bock, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA E. Landesberg, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA B. Muller, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA J. Tani, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA D. Wolfberg, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA R. Nadadur, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA N. Serrano, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA T. Vo, Oakland SHS, Oakland, CA L. Wu, Oakland SHS, Oakland, CA R. Arthur, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Defrenza, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Bass, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Chan, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA F. Ding, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA G. Hughes, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Jugant, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA P. Lo, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Oza, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA M. Pearson, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA D. Stonestrom, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA J. Valencia, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Wong, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Wyndham, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA T. Park, Maranatha HS, Pasadena, CA M. Auyoung, Piedmont HS, Piedmont, CA J. Baldwin, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA K. Davies, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA M. Giugni, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA W. Tseng, Los Osos, Rancho Cucamonga, CA E. Asgeirsson, Rocklin HS, Rocklin, CA E. Rakestraw, El Camino HS, Sacramento, CA C. Fong, John F Kennedy HS, Sacramento, CA C. Poon, John F Kennedy HS, Sacramento, CA S. Benson, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA P. Griffiths, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA E. Villacampa, Mira Loma HS, Sacramento, CA E. Gable, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA J. Yue, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA J. Park, Raoul Wallenberg Trad HS, San Francisco, CA G. Khalsa, San Francisco Univ HS, San Francisco, CA A. Jain, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA K. Raser, Archbishop Mitty HS, San Jose, CA M. Hammersley, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA D. Paik, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA S. Patel, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA S. Vadodaria, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12A (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 12 11 9 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 E. Hwang, Leland HS, San Jose, CA T. Zhao, Leland HS, San Jose, CA X. Peng, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA C. Blauvelt, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA J. Chang, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA K. Hatfield, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA S. Hsia, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA A. Kuei, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA L. Lam, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA C. Li, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA T. Tso, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA J. Tung, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA K. Yu, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA V. Yuan, San Marino HS, San Marino, CA G. Dobbs, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA A. Alejandrino, California HS, San Ramon, CA A. Matharu, California HS, San Ramon, CA T. Slater, Adrian C Wilcox HS, Santa Clara, CA D. Liang, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA B. Kim, Ponderosa HS, Shingle Springs, CA L. Sibbet, Ponderosa HS, Shingle Springs, CA A. Au Yeung, South San Francisco HS, South San Francisco, CA S. Su, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA S. Shimizu, Kings Acad, Sunnyvale, CA P. Freiling, Temecula Valley HS, Temecula, CA R. Chanmugathas, Torrance HS, Torrance, CA M. Chun, Torrance HS, Torrance, CA M. Long, Will C Wood HS, Vacaville, CA S. Wong, Will C Wood HS, Vacaville, CA M. Johnson, Stockdale HS, Bakersfield, CA S. Yang, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA D. Cho, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA R. Deedwania, Gretchen Whitney HS, Cerritos, CA 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 100.0 F A C E Homeschool Columbia, South Carolina; Mrs. Aluri, Teacher 162 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 9 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 C. Miller, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA N. Maely, Centennial HS, Corona, CA S. Patel, Centennial HS, Corona, CA C. Nguyen, Costa Mesa HS, Costa Mesa, CA B. Zhu, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA C. Loica Mersa, Dana Hills HS, Dana Point, CA C. Liu, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA E. Speece, Diamond Bar HS, Diamond Bar, CA A. Aleshin, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA D. Perry, Granada HS, Livermore, CA E. Park, Marlborough Sch, Los Angeles, CA J. Shi, Harvard-Westlake Sch, North Hollywood, CA R. Church, Thacher Sch, Ojui, CA J. Brouillet, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Gyr, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Ju, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Tang, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA R. Luo, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA R. Schwartz, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, CA B. Gwilliam, Monache HS, Porterville, CA J. Adkisson, John F Kennedy HS, Sacramento, CA A. Londerholm, Scripps Ranch HS, San Diego, CA M. Kim, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA . Malek, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA R. Balicki, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA E. Shu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Roberts, Marin Acad, San Rafael, CA M. Chen, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA R. Safipour, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA N. Rajabzadeh, Fremont HS, Sunnyvale, CA W. Fung, Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA S. Nayak, Saratoga HS, Saratoga, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States) This Student Honor Roll includes AMC 12B participants from United States Schools who score 100 through 119.5. A certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. Region 0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 114.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 10 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 9 11 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 8 12 9 11 9 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 C. Fox, Staples HS, Westport, CT T. Erickson, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT D. Wakefield, Manchester HS, Manchester, CT T. Yeh, Cheshire Acad, Cheshire, CT J. Meisner, Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT S. Rogoff, Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT D. Reens, Chr Heritage Sch, Trumbull, CT M. Wong, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT C. Hou, Danbury Math Acad, WCSU, Danbury, CT H. Lee, Kent Sch, Kent, CT K. Silsbee, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT M. Guss, Joel Barlow HS, West Redding, CT B. Bouffard, Somers HS, Somers, CT A. Rothberg, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT M. Dang, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT K. Pho, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT D. Miller, Shelton HS, Shelton, CT J. Chang, South Windsor HS, South Windsor, CT C. Quinlan, Staples HS, Westport, CT D. Kalinin, Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT B. Selvarajan, Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT J. Walter, Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT C. Whitbeck, Masuk HS, Monroe, CT D. Lau, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT S. Park, Staples HS, Westport, CT G. Fredricks, Windsor Locks HS, Windsor Locks, CT Y. Li, Cheshire Acad, Cheshire, CT G. Lu, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT D. Zhang, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT D. Jiang, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT J. Dworken, Joel Barlow HS, West Redding, CT S. Jang, Kent Sch, Kent, CT S. Willis, Kent Sch, Kent, CT E. Padegimas, Kingswood-Oxford Sch, West Hartford, CT F. Bartnik, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT A. Steinmetz, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT M. Yanagisawa, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT T. Zhang, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT J. Zhao, Darien HS, Darien, CT S. Mccauley, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT R. Kagan, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT R. Fohrenbach, Joseph A Foran HS, Milford, CT B. Hunt, Newtown HS, Sandy Hook, CT K. Schoen Rene, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT D. Cuzzocreo, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT J. Jeon, Kent Sch, Kent, CT R. Tadipatri, Shelton HS, Shelton, CT K. Ellis On, Staples HS, Westport, CT M. Fox, Staples HS, Westport, CT J. Gandelman, Staples HS, Westport, CT C. Marantz, Staples HS, Westport, CT C. Stevens, Joel Barlow HS, West Redding, CT A. Makol, Manchester HS, Manchester, CT C. Regensburger, Newtown HS, Sandy Hook, CT M. Brett, Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT M. Kitch, Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT S. Marcinuk, Staples HS, Westport, CT 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 163 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 9 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 11 9 12 10 12 10 10 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 11 11 11 10 12 12 11 12 10 11 11 11 12 12 B. Xu, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT L. Bachenheimer, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT M. Jiang, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT J. Van Dyck, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT D. Ghosh, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT M. Albertelli, Joel Barlow HS, West Redding, CT R. Kraft, Newtown HS, Sandy Hook, CT R. Phillips, Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT N. Smith, Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT H. Secilmis, Putnam Sci Acad, Putnam, CT M. Ehalt, Shelton HS, Shelton, CT D. Traceski, Somers HS, Somers, CT E. Marshman, Staples HS, Westport, CT J. Zuckerbrod, Staples HS, Westport, CT K. Lee, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT B. Pilgrim, Manchester HS, Manchester, CT L. Nguyen, Marianapolis Prep Sch, Thompson, CT D. Clyde, Daniel Hand HS, Madison, CT L. Shaw, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT E. Stratmann, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT Z. Rosen, Hebrew HS of New England, West Hartford, CT D. Lynch, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT S. Goldman, Kingswood-Oxford Sch, West Hartford, CT A. Chaffkin, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT T. Cronin, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT A. Seltzer, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT K. Yanagisawa, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT J. De Lombaert, Daniel Hand HS, Madison, CT K. Shin, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT Y. Zhou, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT L. Jiang, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT I. Chung, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT S. Rainey, Joseph A Foran HS, Milford, CT J. Park, Kent Sch, Kent, CT E. Yu, Kent Sch, Kent, CT C. Malan, Manchester HS, Manchester, CT A. Chrisman, Masuk HS, Monroe, CT D. Gindraux, Newtown HS, Sandy Hook, CT K. Kalayci, Putnam Sci Acad, Putnam, CT E. Morse, Shelton HS, Shelton, CT G. Marra, South Windsor HS, South Windsor, CT A. Lennon, Staples HS, Westport, CT J. Thrope, Staples HS, Westport, CT E. Drenkard, Trumbull HS, Trumbull, CT K. Dobruck, Wethersfield HS, Wethersfield, CT K. Fong, Staples HS, Westport, CT J. Coste, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT A. Lee, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT E. Daley, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT A. Robertson, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT A. Wilder, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT M. Lipsitz, Joel Barlow HS, West Redding, CT A. Kowcz, Masuk HS, Monroe, CT B. Snyder, Newtown HS, Sandy Hook, CT R. Dunlop, Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT M. Fredericksen, Northwestern MS/HS, Winsted, CT S. Barto, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT G. Buckley, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT K. Leonardi, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT M. Prairie, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT P. Szeszko, Rockville HS, Rockville, CT Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 12 9 12 11 12 11 11 11 M. Santone, Shelton HS, Shelton, CT A. Gebhart, Somers HS, Somers, CT T. Legere, South Windsor HS, South Windsor, CT K. Johnson, Staples HS, Westport, CT N. Martecchini, Staples HS, Westport, CT A. Schwartz, Staples HS, Westport, CT A. Tschirhart, Staples HS, Westport, CT P. Wainer, Staples HS, Westport, CT M. Zagaja, Wethersfield HS, Wethersfield, CT E. Ponchick, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT X. Wu, Amity Reg SHS, Woodbridge, CT K. Farley, Darien HS, Darien, CT J. Zhang, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT A. Chang, Kent Sch, Kent, CT C. Hughes, Manchester HS, Manchester, CT S. Selvi, Putnam Sci Acad, Putnam, CT 118.5 117.0 115.0 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 9 12 11 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 A. Leblanc, Cheverus HS, Portland, ME W. Owens, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME A. Yau, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME K. Cronin, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME J. Currier, Mattanawcook Acad, Lincoln, ME N. Cohen, Scarborough HS, Scarborough, ME K. Cella, Scarborough HS, Scarborough, ME L. Zellinger, ME Sch of Sci & Math, Limestone, ME F. Schwaner, Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME S. Polky, Brunswick HS, Brunswick, ME S. Hayworth, Scarborough HS, Scarborough, ME D. Finch, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME C. Stone, Camden Hills Reg HS, Rockport, ME G. Goldstein, Cape Elizabeth HS, Cape Elizabeth, ME D. Bennett, Scarborough HS, Scarborough, ME M. Lea, Brunswick HS, Brunswick, ME A. Kwak, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME B. Miklavic, Cape Elizabeth HS, Cape Elizabeth, ME J. Rodrigues, Cheverus HS, Portland, ME J. Kaplan, Brunswick HS, Brunswick, ME L. Cummings, Lincoln Acad, Newcastle, ME D. Harbage, Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME R. Arsenault, Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME J. Bailey, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME J. Coombs, Brunswick HS, Brunswick, ME J. Michalakes, Camden Hills Reg HS, Rockport, ME C. Ash, Camden Hills Reg HS, Rockport, ME J. Menario, Deering HS, Portland, ME J. Allende, Thornton Acad, Saco, ME D. Noblesmith, Thornton Acad, Saco, ME 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.0 115.0 115.0 10 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 K. Lee, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA W. Chen, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA Z. Zhong, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA A. Chen, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA A. Rao, Canton HS, Canton, MA E. Waxman, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA S. Suh, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA D. Monnier, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA G. Gartsman, Burlington HS, Burlington, MA N. Quigley, Canton HS, Canton, MA A. Griner, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA D. Gibbons, Mansfield HS, Mansfield, MA V. Chan, Milton Acad, Milton, MA S. Ehrlich, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA P. Sistla, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA A. Beglova, Holliston HS, Holliston, MA J. Moy, Holliston HS, Holliston, MA J. Mueller, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA Maine Massachusetts 115.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.0 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 164 9 10 12 12 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 11 12 10 12 9 10 12 12 10 12 11 9 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 10 13 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 D. Cha, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA S. Yang, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA H. Kuznetsov, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA J. Adams, Mansfield HS, Mansfield, MA T. Vu, Somerville HS, Somerville, MA H. Dang, Canton HS, Canton, MA M. Johnson, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA D. Tobin, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA Y. Silverman, Gann Acad New Jewish HS, Waltham, MA I. Jhun, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA Y. Rabinovich, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA K. Laliberte, Marlborough HS, Marlborough, MA N. Katuna, Milton Acad, Milton, MA T. Gao, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA D. Schneider, Ashland HS, Ashland, MA Y. Liou, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA N. Langowitz, Wellesley SHS, Wellesley, MA T. Stefanski, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Staplesmoore, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA J. Leung, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA G. Kheyfets, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA B. Kung, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA J. Baldassini, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA K. Haas, Mansfield HS, Mansfield, MA Y. Kim, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA K. Lin, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA B. Michel, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA Y. Cho, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA M. Biron, Westford Acad, Westford, MA S. Wu, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA N. Ingle, Burlington HS, Burlington, MA M. Tai, Cambridge Ridge & Latin Sch, Cambridge, MA A. Gardner, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA R. Rosen, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA A. Vasireddi, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA C. Lin, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA C. Kim, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA T. Nampaisarn, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA A. Kaye, Brookline HS, Brookline, MA N. Lee, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA P. Pokaski, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Qu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Zhang, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Haselkorn, Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA B. Orlin, Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA A. Brockert, Holliston HS, Holliston, MA T. Southworth, Noble & Greenough Sch, Dedham, MA M. Gardner, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA M. Mclure, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA W. Lee, West Springfield HS, West Springfield, MA S. Vasireddi, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA B. Berk, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA Z. Chen, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA T. Tuttle, Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA A. Saigal, Burlington HS, Burlington, MA S. Debettencourt, Lunenburg HS, Lunenburg, MA K. Quan, Mansfield HS, Mansfield, MA C. Mario, Westford Acad, Westford, MA C. Cheng, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA H. Johnson, Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA C. Stubbs, Marblehead HS, Marblehead, MA C. Hensel, Noble & Greenough Sch, Dedham, MA J. Park, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA D. Lecuyer, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA G. Stewart, West Springfield HS, West Springfield, MA K. Ostlund, Burlington HS, Burlington, MA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 11 10 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 11 11 11 10 11 A. George, Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA I. Kaplow, Commonwealth Sch, Boston, MA K. Donoghue, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA T. Mudigonda, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA M. Solomon, Gann Acad New Jewish HS, Waltham, MA Y. Wang, Lincoln-Sudbury Reg HS, Sudbury, MA J. Obrien, Marlborough HS, Marlborough, MA J. Arredondo, Somerville HS, Somerville, MA J. Baker, Marblehead HS, Marblehead, MA N. Lam, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Manivasakam, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Mcgonagle, Lexington Chr. Acad, Lexington, MA N. Phu, Marblehead HS, Marblehead, MA L. Dziurzynski, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA E. Wolfson, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA S. Chadwick, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA A. Dayal, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA T. Harrington, Shrewsbury HS, Shrewsbury, MA K. Rana, Somerville HS, Somerville, MA R. Pustell, Stoneham HS, Stoneham, MA S. Annamalai, Westford Acad, Westford, MA L. Storey, Westford Acad, Westford, MA M. Wang, Westford Acad, Westford, MA C. Wright, Westford Acad, Westford, MA J. Li, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Corell, Friends of Grace Sch, Billerica, MA A. Sarna, Maimonides Sch, Brookline, MA A. Lee, Northfield Mt Hermon Sch, Northfield, MA K. Masuko, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA 118.5 118.0 118.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 114.5 114.5 113.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.0 106.5 104.5 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 100.5 10 12 10 10 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 9 12 12 10 12 12 9 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 12 J. Salovaara, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH R. Desilets, Bishop Guertin HS, Nashua, NH S. Gong, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Gerke, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Fujitani, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. He, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH K. Seo, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Sohn, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH S. Sweeney, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH M. Sennott, Nashua HS North, Nashua, NH J. Noronha, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH J. Sun, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH D. Hall, Bishop Guertin HS, Nashua, NH M. Wong, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH D. Laurence, Londonderry SHS, Londonderry, NH A. Sridhar, Nashua HS South, Nashua, NH P. Smyth, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Hickey, Londonderry SHS, Londonderry, NH K. Jordanova, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH D. Laackman, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH P. Ahn, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Y. Maeda, Bishop Guertin HS, Nashua, NH K. Dellagrotta, Londonderry SHS, Londonderry, NH S. Feng, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH E. Shope, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH E. Reynolds, Bishop Guertin HS, Nashua, NH S. Ghia, Nashua HS South, Nashua, NH A. Briggs, Londonderry SHS, Londonderry, NH 119.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 12 12 12 9 12 12 11 12 B. Coulson, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Ziegler, Palisades HS, Kintnersville, PA S. Cao, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA D. Cho, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA P. Rattan, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA G. Detwiler, William Tennent HS, Warminster, PA D. Mcneill, Allentown Ctr’l Cath HS, Allentown, PA S. Slotznick, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA New Hampshire Pennsylvania 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 165 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 9 9 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 S. Bhaskar, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA D. Karp, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA M. Zheng, Ctr’l Cath HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Birmaher, Mount Lebanon HS, Pittsburgh, PA F. Hu, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Mcmahon, Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Deckelbaum, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA B. Burns, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA K. Zhou, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA P. Engel, McDowell SHS, Erie, PA C. Cantwell, Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA W. Striegl, Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA N. Menendez, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA A. Mikowychok, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA E. Li, Ctr’l Bucks HS-East, Doylestown, PA G. Hollander, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA D. Xue, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA A. Goetz, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA A. Ismail, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA N. Thomas, Palisades HS, Kintnersville, PA A. Yi, Upper Moreland HS, Willow Grove, PA J. Evans, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA K. Desai, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA B. Nelson, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA G. Burnham, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA M. Kaplan, Akiba Hebrew Acad, Merion Station, PA M. Cosgriff, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA D. Ye, Mount Lebanon HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Black, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA T. Hatzilabrou, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA A. Maco, St Pius X HS, Pottstown, PA E. Mucchetti, Villa Maria Acad HS, Malvern, PA D. Mcgeever, , , PA T. Qi, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA J. Kwon, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA C. Nowalk, Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Woo, Hatboro-Horsham SHS, Horsham, PA J. Ferber, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA T. Foessett, McDowell SHS, Erie, PA X. Xiao, Mount Lebanon HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Cretella, New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA E. Denison, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA J. Bass, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA J. Badlani, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA R. Kumar, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA S. Selvaraj, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA J. Tepper, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA P. Patrick, William Tennent HS, Warminster, PA R. Wolfson, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA J. Napolitano, Hatboro-Horsham SHS, Horsham, PA J. Lee, Kiski Sch, Saltsburg, PA N. Kratz, Lansdale Cath HS, Lansdale, PA S. Trichtinger, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Natraj, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA M. Grannan, Epis Acad, Merion, PA K. Dougherty, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA W. Impellicceiri, John A Brashear HS, Pittsburgh, PA L. Giuliano, New Hope-Solebury J/S HS, New Hope, PA G. Anderson, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA S. Santo, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA A. Walsh, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA M. Newswanger, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA G. Santomauro, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA R. Greenberg, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Horowitz, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA I. Burnett, Upper Moreland HS, Willow Grove, PA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 9 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 13 L. Lu, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA B. Langer, Akiba Hebrew Acad, Merion Station, PA N. Hallinen, Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Alleman, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA R. Follett, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA A. Nuttle, Ctr’l Cath HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Wisniewski, Ctr’l Cath HS, Pittsburgh, PA C. Chung, Germantown Friends Sch, Philadelphia, PA R. Addis, Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA J. Morganroth, Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA B. Reft, John A Brashear HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Jones, Liberty HS, Bethlehem, PA E. Lynch, Lower Merion HS, Ardmore, PA A. Berson, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA D. Grodziak, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA X. Fan, Schenley HS, Pittsburgh, PA Z. Horne, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA A. Spector, South Western HS, Hanover, PA F. Blume, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA G. Yang, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA S. Lin, Mount Lebanon HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Chun, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA S. Pillow, Allentown Ctr’l Cath HS, Allentown, PA A. Tao, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA R. Burgess, Ctr’l Cath HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Hoyer, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA C. Jackson, Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA J. Primero, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA P. Ahuja, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA L. Kulikowski, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA C. Schauer, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA N. Farber, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA R. Vanlehn, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, PA M. Fernelius, Shippensburg Area HS, Shippensburg, PA D. Williams, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Kuhlmeier, Villa Maria Acad HS, Malvern, PA A. Ryan, Villa Maria Acad HS, Malvern, PA D. Bass, Akiba Hebrew Acad, Merion Station, PA P. Gallagher, Allentown Ctr’l Cath HS, Allentown, PA M. Kelenski, Allentown Ctr’l Cath HS, Allentown, PA R. Grant, Baldwin HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Bartholomew, Chestnut Hill Acad, Philadelphia, PA J. Rosen, Chestnut Hill Acad, Philadelphia, PA G. White, Chestnut Hill Acad, Philadelphia, PA S. Barkalow, Ctr’l Bucks HS-East, Doylestown, PA E. Kassner, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA T. Ryan, Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA A. Bonanni, Hazleton Area HS, Hazleton, PA H. Lee, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA S. Sohn, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA Z. Mason, Liberty HS, Bethlehem, PA B. Redditt, McDowell SHS, Erie, PA T. Radzwich, Mmi Prep, Freeland, PA E. Beavers, Mount St Joseph Acad, Flourtown, PA J. Carelli, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA Y. Kim, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA X. Yang, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA J. Yonker, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA T. Althouse, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA M. Hoffman, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA J. Buchman, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA A. Boucek, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA B. Kreider, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA A. Nakahara, Epis Acad, Merion, PA H. Kim, Kiski Sch, Saltsburg, PA B. Watson, Kiski Sch, Saltsburg, PA 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 J. Irwin, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA N. Bloom, Akiba Hebrew Acad, Merion Station, PA W. Brunkhurst, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA Z. Smith, Cedar Crest HS, Lebanon, PA P. Ferry, Chestnut Hill Acad, Philadelphia, PA C. Mihok, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA M. Gruber, Ctr’l Bucks HS-East, Doylestown, PA Q. Wang, Ctr’l Bucks HS-East, Doylestown, PA P. Cohn, Epis Acad, Merion, PA N. Imbriglia, Epis Acad, Merion, PA N. Kurtzman, Harriton HS, Rosemont, PA T. Smith, Hatboro-Horsham SHS, Horsham, PA S. Varughese, Hatboro-Horsham SHS, Horsham, PA F. Desimone, Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA R. Emrich, Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA B. Smolen, Haverford Sch, Haverford, PA R. Gofus, Hill Sch, Pottstown, PA A. Black, McDowell SHS, Erie, PA H. Tran, McDowell SHS, Erie, PA C. Cohn, Norristown Area HS, Norristown, PA K. Brown, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA S. Patel, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA S. Ravi, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA A. Rosen, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA M. Steinmann, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA J. Wu, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA L. Smith, Penn Manor HS, Millersville, PA R. Powers, Perkiomen Valley HS, Collegeville, PA D. Morley, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA C. Owens, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA L. Train, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA E. Beal, Schenley HS, Pittsburgh, PA Z. Appman, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Widom, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA D. Joffe, Akiba Hebrew Acad, Merion Station, PA J. States, Ctr’l Cath HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Choi, Kiski Sch, Saltsburg, PA J. Gilleece, Pleasant Valley HS, Brodheadsville, PA J. Peet, South Western HS, Hanover, PA M. Simmons, South Western HS, Hanover, PA O. Simizu, Taylor Allderdice HS, Pittsburgh, PA 1119.512 116.0 10 112.0 11 109.0 12 106.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.0 12 103.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 M. Klein, Classical HS, Providence, RI A. Faubert, Chariho HS, Wood River Junctio, RI W. Shore, Rocky Hill Sch, East Greenwich, RI B. Deleiris, Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI E. Patton, Mt Hope HS, Bristol, RI K. Quinn, Coventry HS, Coventry, RI D. Kamp, Mount St Charles Acad, Woonsocket, RI J. Estey, Classical HS, Providence, RI B. Keller, Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI M. Wilcox, Chariho HS, Wood River Junctio, RI S. Del Ross, East Providence HS, East Providence, RI E. Macro, Lincoln HS, Lincoln, RI D. Scott, Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI S. Sahba, East Greenwich HS, East Greenwich, RI D. Apfel, Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI J. Dickson, Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI J. Cruz, Mt Hope HS, Bristol, RI B. Belknap, Woonsocket HS, Woonsocket, RI P. Magyar, Classical HS, Providence, RI M. Ross, Coventry HS, Coventry, RI D. Santare, Moses Brown Sch, Providence, RI 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 Rhode Island Vermont 111.5 12 D. Eyler, Rice Memorial HS, S Burlington, VT 106.5 12 J. Smith, Rice Memorial HS, S Burlington, VT 166 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 104.0 12 A. Brown, Colchester HS, Colchester, VT 103.0 12 P. Foote, Rice Memorial HS, S Burlington, VT 101.0 10 S. Pearson, Woodstock Union HS, Woodstock, VT 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 Region 1 109.0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State 109.0 New Jersey 109.0 109.0 119.5 10 A. Zielinski, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 109.0 119.5 11 Z. Gong, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 109.0 119.5 11 G. Caligaris, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ 109.0 119.5 12 S. Hamdouche, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ 118.5 12 D. Baumgarten, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 109.0 109.0 118.5 10 Z. Chen, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 109.0 118.5 12 T. Hou, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 109.0 118.5 11 A. Yeager, Lenape HS, Medford, NJ 109.0 118.0 12 B. Hsieh, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 108.0 118.0 10 Z. Yang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 108.0 117.0 11 M. Sweetgall, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 108.0 117.0 12 J. Cui, Egg Harbor Twp HS, Egg Harbor Towns, NJ 108.0 117.0 11 J. Meehan, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ 108.0 117.0 11 A. Pak, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ 117.0 11 Y. Choe, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 108.0 117.0 11 V. Chu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 108.0 108.0 116.0 12 H. Altman, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 108.0 116.0 10 M. Ty, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 108.0 116.0 10 P. Seungleal, MEK Review, Palisades, NJ 116.0 12 G. Lan, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ 108.0 116.0 11 A. Chin, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 108.0 106.5 115.5 12 K. Shan, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ 106.5 115.0 12 B. Robbins, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 106.5 115.0 12 C. Zhang, Keyport HS, Keyport, NJ 106.5 115.0 12 J. Davy, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ 106.5 113.5 10 S. Wang, Glen Rock HS, Glen Rock, NJ 106.5 113.5 10 S. Hwang, MEK Review, Palisades, NJ 106.5 113.5 11 D. Lertola, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ 106.5 112.5 11 L. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 106.5 112.5 11 H. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 106.5 112.5 12 T. Sidoti, Bergen Co Technical HS, Teterboro, NJ 106.5 112.5 12 A. Lin, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 105.5 112.5 12 P. Solomon, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ 105.5 112.5 11 D. Lewis, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ 105.5 112.5 12 Y. Qian, Monroe Twp HS, Monroe Township, NJ 105.5 112.5 11 S. Cohen, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ 112.5 11 P. Parayanthal, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ 105.5 105.5 112.5 12 D. Cha, Palisades Park J/S HS, Palisades Park, NJ 105.5 112.0 10 B. Huan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 105.5 112.0 13 N. Theeraampornpun, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ 105.5 112.0 12 P. Chacko, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ 105.5 111.5 10 E. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 105.5 111.5 11 H. Pu, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 105.5 111.5 12 T. Plimpton, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 105.5 111.5 11 H. Minion, Colts Neck HS, Colts Neck, NJ 105.5 111.5 12 P. Berruti, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ 105.5 111.5 12 V. Venkatachalam, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ 105.5 111.5 11 K. Yalamanchi, Hamilton HS North, Trenton, NJ 105.5 111.5 11 D. First, Mesivta of North Jersey, Newark, NJ 105.5 111.5 10 A. Gupta, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ 105.5 111.0 11 C. Chang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ 105.5 111.0 10 T. Byuen, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ 105.5 111.0 11 C. Link, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ 105.0 111.0 12 K. Kim, Teaneck HS, Teaneck, NJ 104.5 110.0 12 D. Liu, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ 104.5 110.0 11 B. Lam, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ 104.5 110.0 11 H. Wu, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ 104.5 110.0 11 C. Blair, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ 104.5 109.5 11 Y. Lee, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ 167 11 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 10 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 12 10 12 11 10 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 11 12 0 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 D. Putnins, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ K. So, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ O. Weiner, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ R. Yan, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ R. Alter, Hightstown HS, Hightstown, NJ H. Tunceroglu, Matawan Reg HS, Aberdeen, NJ J. Lin, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ G. Palmerson, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ S. Kim, Montclair Kimberley Acad, Montclair, NJ E. Zhuang, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ E. Schwager, North Brunswick Twp HS, North Brunswick, NJ W. Tang, North Brunswick Twp HS, North Brunswick, NJ A. Abdulally, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ C. Johnson, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ T. Babakol, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ A. Saraceno, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ V. Chernyak, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Oh, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ L. Ly, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ C. Figueroa, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ D. Portnyagin, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ E. Ku, Lenape HS, Medford, NJ T. Grobelny, Middletown - North HS, Middletown, NJ C. Herring, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ J. Gorelov, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ V. Schwanda, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ R. Mcguire, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ G. Gorospe, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ J. Chin, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ J. Barrett, Colts Neck HS, Colts Neck, NJ J. Gomberg, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ A. Laubach, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ J. Cherchia, Freehold Twp HS, Freehold, NJ M. Cloonan, Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ A. Davis, Montclair Kimberley Acad, Montclair, NJ M. Peterson, Mountain Lakes HS, Mountain Lakes, NJ D. Brown, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ J. Esteban, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ J. Chang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ Z. Ji, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ J. King, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ A. Bisignano, Colts Neck HS, Colts Neck, NJ A. Kramer, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ A. Stephan, Delbarton Sch, Morristown, NJ P. Dave, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ J. Ehrich, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ E. Situ, Indian Hills HS, Oakland, NJ H. Lin, Lenape HS, Medford, NJ J. Kong, Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ J. Cremin, Middletown - North HS, Middletown, NJ S. Schmidt, Montclair Kimberley Acad, Montclair, NJ A. Ni, Mountain Lakes HS, Mountain Lakes, NJ J. Bansal, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ E. Tang, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ R. Kothari, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ S. Clark, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ T. Lamkin, Oakcrest HS, Mays Landing, NJ M. Arntzenius, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ S. Kazmierkiewicz, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ E. Weber, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ N. Srivastava, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ A. Nguyen, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ J. Borowski, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ M. Vaksman, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ B. Strahs, Freehold Twp HS, Freehold, NJ L. Medhus, Indian Hills HS, Oakland, NJ Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 10 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 10 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 9 11 12 11 10 10 13 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 10 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 10 9 7 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 D. Lee, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ M. Salacinski, Middletown - North HS, Middletown, NJ A. Chu, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ E. Nix, Mountain Lakes HS, Mountain Lakes, NJ D. Billig, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ R. Gerr, North Brunswick Twp HS, North Brunswick, NJ K. Walkowiak, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ J. Sanders, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ M. Lu, Verona HS, Verona, NJ S. Lee, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ E. Nam, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ R. Thompson, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ K. Huang, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ M. Tocco, Lenape HS, Medford, NJ H. Patel, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ F. Bi, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ D. Browne, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ Y. Ko, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Schlafly, Delbarton Sch, Morristown, NJ L. Markel, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ E. Khaytman, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ D. Foregger, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ A. Bhatt, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ J. Chang, Lawrenceville Sch, Lawrenceville, NJ E. Sakowski, Lenape HS, Medford, NJ M. Viswanath, Ma’Ayanot Yeshiva HS, Teaneck, NJ A. Mooiman, Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ T. Kunyz, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ B. Bishop, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ G. Tarsi, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ K. Kim, Palisades Park J/S HS, Palisades Park, NJ P. Tran, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ A. Spector, Princeton DS, Princeton, NJ D. Clark, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ C. Hahn, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Y. Won, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ I. Spielman, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Y. Garnaev, Bergen Co Technical HS, Teterboro, NJ J. Mo, Bergen Co Technical HS, Teterboro, NJ M. Berkowitz, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ A. Fleischman, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ D. Tzeng, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ D. Winter, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ R. Brady, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ R. Brown, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ M. Cicale, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ J. Rathje, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ E. Byuen, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ S. Chou, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ A. Tsai, Gov Livingston HS, Berkeley Heights, NJ H. Kim, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ M. Goodgal, Indian Hills HS, Oakland, NJ A. Abuwala, Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ P. Ahn, Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ R. Moke, Middlesex Co Acad Sci Math, Edison, NJ J. Kachinsky, Middletown - North HS, Middletown, NJ M. Palframan, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ T. Ansari, Montville HS, Montville, NJ P. Patel, North Brunswick Twp HS, North Brunswick, NJ K. Morse, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ R. Starr, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ S. Tsai, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ S. Tepper, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ R. Thompson, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ U. Emenike, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ J. Pope, Verona HS, Verona, NJ 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 10 11 12 11 12 10 11 11 12 11 12 11 10 11 10 12 12 9 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 10 9 11 12 11 12 A. Shneidman, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ E. Shyr, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Howard, Hudson Sch, Hoboken, NJ T. Deehan, Montclair Kimberley Acad, Montclair, NJ A. Halbsgut, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ A. Hoffman, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ M. Fitzpatrick, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Korvin, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Yi, Bergen Co Technical HS, Teterboro, NJ T. Steinberg, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ S. Murti, Colts Neck HS, Colts Neck, NJ E. Cooper, Columbia HS, Maplewood, NJ S. Jackrel, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ M. Joseph, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ T. Kadakia, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ A. Kase, Eastern SHS, Voorhees, NJ C. Schindewolf, Egg Harbor Twp HS, Egg Harbor Towns, NJ C. Wiech, Egg Harbor Twp HS, Egg Harbor Towns, NJ D. Perlmutter, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ S. Zitter, Ma’Ayanot Yeshiva HS, Teaneck, NJ B. Park, MEK Review, Palisades, NJ A. Feldman, Mesivta of North Jersey, Newark, NJ M. Zirngibl, Middletown - North HS, Middletown, NJ K. Cheung, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ T. Axelrod, Monroe Twp HS, Monroe Township, NJ D. Persaud, Mountain Lakes HS, Mountain Lakes, NJ R. Kulick, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ R. Caldwell, Peddie Sch, Hightstown, NJ A. Fredas, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ S. Robinson, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ J. Rothstein, St Joseph HS, Metuchen, NJ R. Hinton, Verona HS, Verona, NJ F. Wagner, Cherry Hill HS East, Cherry Hill, NJ J. White, Egg Harbor Twp HS, Egg Harbor Towns, NJ S. Brownlee, Fair Lawn HS, Fair Lawn, NJ H. Fabiyan, Manville HS, Manville, NJ D. Voytenko, Matawan Reg HS, Aberdeen, NJ S. Kapoor, Middletown HS South, Middletown, NJ E. Astrakan, New Providence MS/HS, New Providence, NJ J. Lertola, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ B. Levandowski, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ T. Naumovitz, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ R. Rosen, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ D. Siegel, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ D. Sisto, North Hunterdon HS, Annandale, NJ D. Deegan, Scotch Plains-Fanwood HS, Scotch Plains, NJ 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 11 12 11 11 12 10 11 12 11 9 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 S. Som, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Hui, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY O. Zverovich, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY X. Wang, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY M. Jung, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Y. Lin, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY G. Durrett, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY B. Lin, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY N. Gould, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY B. Lerner, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Yuan, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY A. Moeller, Wayne Ctr’l HS, Ontario Ctr, NY Q. Chen, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY P. Zhang, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY B. Weng, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY B. Tang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Y. Bai, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY J. Quain, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY W. Yu, John Bowne HS, Flushing, NY New York 168 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 117.0 12 117.0 9 116.0 11 116.0 12 115.5 12 115.5 11 115.0 11 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 10 115.0 11 115.0 11 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 11 114.5 10 114.5 11 114.5 12 114.5 10 114.5 11 114.5 12 114.0 11 113.5 12 113.5 12 113.5 12 113.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.0 11 111.5 10 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.5 12 111.5 10 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 12 111.0 11 111.0 12 111.0 11 111.0 11 111.0 10 110.0 10 Z. Travis, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY A. Chien, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Xu, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY F. Lim, Flushing HS, Flushing, NY L. Chiang, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY E. Sterling, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Lo, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY S. Yu, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY R. Hennessy, Commack HS, Commack, NY J. Brodsky, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY A. Shah, Elite Acad, Hicksville, NY P. Kaur, Flushing HS, Flushing, NY E. Fox, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY H. Chen, Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY S. Huh, Paul D Schreiber SHS, Port Washington, NY G. Kiderman, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY J. Belasco, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY T. Ly, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Tsai, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Lim, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY A. Zaslavskiy, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY A. Fabry, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Q. Rendeng, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY B. Zax, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY L. Milman, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY H. Chung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Tanino, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY M. Mou, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY L. Farber, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY P. Chow, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Ng, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY K. Pozin, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY E. Ottman, Canandaigua Acad, Canandaigua, NY D. Gendler, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY H. Paskov, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY T. Li, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY J. Fuhrmann, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY H. Casper, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY K. Sheehan, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY C. Levine, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY J. Rankin, Rondout Valley HS, Accord, NY J. China, Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY G. Lowin, Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY S. Bystritskiy, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Bieber, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY A. Bamberger, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY A. Davydov, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY K. Costello, Churchville-Chili SHS, Churchville, NY M. Bramson, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY C. Huang, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY J. Iarocci, Gif Math Prog-Univ Buffalo, Buffalo, NY S. Tepper, John Jay HS, Cross River, NY H. Ng, Manhattan Ctr-Sci & Math, New York, NY S. Tang, Newtown HS, Elmhurst, NY M. Turner, Palmyra-Macedon SHS, Palmyra, NY M. Mikhail, Shaker HS, Latham, NY X. Chang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Rieders, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY J. Wu, T Harris HS-Queens Col, Flushing, NY R. Magarik, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY R. Chan, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY S. Margolin, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY J. Arluck, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Wang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Schaffer, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 169 12 12 11 12 10 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 9 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 9 9 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 B. Woodlock, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY H. Lim, Commack HS, Commack, NY J. Stein, George W Hewlett HS, Hewlett, NY J. Matlick, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Novikov, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY M. Gerbush, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY M. Doud, Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY C. Cotter, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY R. Huo, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY L. Huang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY F. Yuen, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY S. Silverberg, Wheatley Sch, Old Westbury, NY P. Eye, Baldwin SHS, Baldwin, NY W. Jiang, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY L. Tian, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY M. Yang, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY J. Leviter, Commack HS, Commack, NY T. Hu, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY S. Qu, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY L. Mendelssohn, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY S. Schiraldi, Half Hollow Hills HS-E, Dix Hills, NY A. Violino, Holy Trinity Diocesan HS, Hicksville, NY S. Shao, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY M. Henry, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY S. Rambhia, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY J. Sillcox, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY I. Schwartzburg, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY M. Sussman, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY W. Bao, Seward Park HS, New York, NY J. Mendelewski, Staten Island Tech HS, Staten Island, NY C. Lai, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Yee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Romanczyk, Warwick Valley HS, Warwick, NY D. Zong, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY M. Huang, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY K. Cheng, Bayard Rustin HS-Hum, New York, NY L. Kopp, Binghamton HS, Binghamton, NY S. Beckett, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY J. Chang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY F. Cho, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY Z. Lai, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Law, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY D. Her, Canandaigua Acad, Canandaigua, NY A. Brief, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY M. Zee, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY Y. Chan, Edward R Murrow HS, Brooklyn, NY K. Fiete, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY J. Ho, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY M. Rattu, Flushing HS, Flushing, NY S. Levine, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY N. Tagher, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY E. Wang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY K. Ryan, Mahopac HS, Mahopac, NY J. Satriano, Oceanside HS, Oceanside, NY D. Sotingco, Regis HS, New York, NY C. Tu, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY P. Ye, Seward Park HS, New York, NY A. Buyalskaya, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Markel, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Yang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY H. Nah, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY S. Sternberg, T Harris HS-Queens Col, Flushing, NY C. Mcneil, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY L. Ratanaprasatpor, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY B. Schultz, West Irondequoit HS, Rochester, NY M. Sugantino, Westlake HS, Thornwood, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.0 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 11 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 11 11 10 J. Friedman, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY T. Wong, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY J. Yeo, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY J. Feng, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY R. Wang, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY E. Won, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY D. Shen, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY P. Smillie, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY G. Tate, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY F. Cai, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Li, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Wang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Jackson, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY S. Liu, Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY S. Lai, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY S. Li, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY T. Abrams, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY F. Wachtel, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Calvete, Churchville-Chili SHS, Churchville, NY A. Kaufman, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY C. Kwong, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY R. Ochshorn, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY X. Feng, James Madison HS, Brooklyn, NY D. Lopez, Joseph C Wilson Mgt HS, Rochester, NY N. Webb, Maine-Endwell SHS, Endwell, NY N. Gupta, Manhasset HS, Manhasset, NY Y. Huang, Monroe Woodbury SHS, Ctr’l Valley, NY T. Sherif, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY T. Snider, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY C. Flanagan, Regis HS, New York, NY R. Shieh, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY B. Eng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Haque, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Mao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Song, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Moody, Tappan Zee HS, Orangeburg, NY X. Ling, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY Q. Zhou, Forest Hills HS, Forest Hills, NY Z. Schoepflin, Harborfields HS, Greenlawn, NY S. Teng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY I. Tsinis, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Koo, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY S. Kim, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY K. Sit, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY G. Wong, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY W. Zhu, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY A. Kozak, Canisius HS, Buffalo, NY R. Lin, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY R. Kogan, Edward R Murrow HS, Brooklyn, NY M. Gao, Flushing HS, Flushing, NY X. Meng, Flushing HS, Flushing, NY P. Nurnberg, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY S. Ali, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY G. Lee, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY L. Lin, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY C. Zhang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY O. Shik, Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY L. Carman, Joseph C Wilson Mgt HS, Rochester, NY A. Khan, Mahopac HS, Mahopac, NY A. Best, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY K. Mandel, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY D. Raisler, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY D. Robinson, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY M. Zauderer, Solomon Schechter HS, Glen Cove, NY I. Slootsky, Staten Island Tech HS, Staten Island, NY Z. Frankel, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 105.5 9 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.0 11 104.5 7 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 10 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 10 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 11 104.5 10 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 9 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 11 104.0 12 104.0 11 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 11 104.0 12 104.0 11 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 10 104.0 11 104.0 11 103.0 12 170 J. Kwun, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Liao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Kanber, Susan E Wagner HS, Staten Island, NY J. Kim, Susan E Wagner HS, Staten Island, NY N. Herrmann, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY M. Nelson, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY A. Safine, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY S. Chen, Bard HS Early Col, New York, NY D. Bieber, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY C. Kuo, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY B. Solarz, Blind Brook MS/HS, Rye Brook, NY C. Chan, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY R. Ekonomi, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY M. Kim, Canisius HS, Buffalo, NY J. Paschke, City Honors Sch, Buffalo, NY W. Luce, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY V. Kim, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY E. Reynolds, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY S. Ahmed, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY H. Tsao, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY K. Prescott, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY D. Calvert, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Fang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY J. Han, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY M. Rubenstein, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Traino, Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY R. You, John Bowne HS, Flushing, NY B. Beckerman, Laguardia HS Music Art, New York, NY H. Pavlovich, Manhasset HS, Manhasset, NY P. Monkowski, Newburgh Free Acad, Newburgh, NY D. Plotkin, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY J. Schinco, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY J. Nermunkh, Nottingham HS, Syracuse, NY A. Fernandes, Oswego HS, Oswego, NY E. Wiesenthal, Penfield SHS, Penfield, NY B. Bober, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY B. Stanger, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY M. Hofer, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY R. Kim, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY S. Tu, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY E. Gordon, Solomon Schechter HS, Glen Cove, NY A. Horowitz, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Ali, Susan E Wagner HS, Staten Island, NY K. Khabibrakhmanov, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY V. Sood, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY J. Shen, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY J. Scholl, Wheatley Sch, Old Westbury, NY M. Deep, William C Bryant HS, Long Island City, NY A. Schwartz, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY D. Bin, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY G. Soffer, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY H. Kim, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY M. Psiaki, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY H. Ruan, John Bowne HS, Flushing, NY J. Mui, Murry Bergtraum HS, New York, NY C. Winter, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY S. Helft, Paul D Schreiber SHS, Port Washington, NY M. Schwert, Pittsford Sutherland HS, Pittsford, NY N. Antonelli, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY A. Grumet, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY J. Spiegelman, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY X. Zhao, Seward Park HS, New York, NY A. Chi, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Chowdhury, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Wang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Feldhamer, Binghamton HS, Binghamton, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 10 12 11 12 11 L. Weiss, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY J. Chow, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Gupta, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY C. Chin, Forest Hills HS, Forest Hills, NY T. Bogin, Geneva HS, Geneva, NY K. Sharma, Half Hollow Hills HS-E, Dix Hills, NY J. Wohl, Half Hollow Hills HS-E, Dix Hills, NY A. Davis, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY K. Lu, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY K. Pelletier, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY C. Vuong, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY I. Lenz, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY M. Lu, Lakeland HS, Shrub Oak, NY M. Lustrino, Lakeland HS, Shrub Oak, NY A. Cheong, Monroe Woodbury SHS, Ctr’l Valley, NY P. Barth, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY V. Patel, Penfield SHS, Penfield, NY B. Faliks, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY J. Lehman, Riverdale Ctry Sch, Riverdale, NY E. Wirth, Sachem North HS, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY A. Solomon, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY C. Guan, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Luo, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Ye, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Divack, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY D. Ullman, Tappan Zee HS, Orangeburg, NY J. Siccardi, Warwick Valley HS, Warwick, NY S. Mehta, Wheatley Sch, Old Westbury, NY C. Chung, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY P. Quinn, Bethpage SHS, Bethpage, NY C. Chen, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY J. Kung, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY R. Wu, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY B. Chen, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Huang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY L. Liou, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY X. Liu, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Dinershteyn, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY S. Ko, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY D. Nichols, Canisius HS, Buffalo, NY A. Sirianni, Canisius HS, Buffalo, NY T. Hermann, City Honors Sch, Buffalo, NY S. Sachs, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY A. Acharya, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY B. Kaufman, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY M. Storonsky, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY Y. Feng, Flushing HS, Flushing, NY M. Farooqi, Forest Hills HS, Forest Hills, NY X. Ren, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY W. Wong, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY E. Mulvaney, Holy Trinity Diocesan HS, Hicksville, NY A. Davis, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Jo, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY E. Lam, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY G. Xu, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY A. Cohen, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY J. Dong, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY A. Thompson, Jamesville-Dewitt HS, Dewitt, NY I. Leventon, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY T. Scolnik, John Jay HS, Cross River, NY W. Rank, Mahopac HS, Mahopac, NY J. Qiu, Manhasset HS, Manhasset, NY V. Misra, Monroe Woodbury SHS, Ctr’l Valley, NY K. Bojedla, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY M. Stenclik, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY G. Hwang, Plainview-Kennedy HS, Plainview, NY 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 171 11 11 12 11 12 9 12 10 10 11 12 11 10 11 10 10 10 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 10 Y. Freedman, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY J. Gol, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY M. Shulman, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY J. Beatty, Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY C. Chiang, Sachem North HS, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY D. Lee, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY E. Lu, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY L. Moy, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY M. Halburd, Smithtown Chr. Sch, Smithtown, NY X. Chen, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Fung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Hou, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. James Lubin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Lu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Luo, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY G. Tsivin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY G. Yang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Zheng, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Lefkowitz, Suffern HS, Suffern, NY E. Drozdov, Susan E Wagner HS, Staten Island, NY A. Chen, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY J. Most, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY S. Kim, T Harris HS-Queens Col, Flushing, NY J. Demeo, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY M. Fisher, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY J. Polisar, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY L. Ratanaprasatpor, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY J. Scarpulla, Tottenville HS, Staten Island, NY B. Mears, Wayne Ctr’l HS, Ontario Ctr, NY J. Roy, Wayne Ctr’l HS, Ontario Ctr, NY D. Ham, William C Bryant HS, Long Island City, NY J. Silverman, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY M. Sehgal, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY X. Zhao, Seward Park HS, New York, NY J. Jang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Krewson, Albany Area Math Circle, Niskayuna, NY W. Chen, Benjamin Cardozo HS, Bayside, NY K. Sabharwal, Bethpage SHS, Bethpage, NY C. Colley, Brewster HS, Brewster, NY C. Chen, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY A. Epps, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Liang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY H. Ra, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Cregg, City Honors Sch, Buffalo, NY G. Vallarapu, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY A. Cohen, Commack HS, Commack, NY G. Chan, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY E. Pao, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY S. Rashkovich, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY J. Zwetchkenbaum, Edgemont HS, Scarsdale, NY E. Zhuang, Francis Lewis HS, Fresh Meadows, NY A. Kluger, Great Neck South HS, Great Neck, NY S. Mercier, Highland HS, Highland, NY M. Feldman, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY E. Schmidt, Horace Mann MS, Riverdale, NY W. Kwo, HS for Math/Sci/Eng, New York, NY W. Chen, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY D. Edelman, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY A. Gennis, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Moshary, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY A. Pretorian, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY J. Tsuan, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY R. Wu, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Y. Zhao, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Z. Dentes, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY D. Fitzpatrick, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 10 11 11 11 12 11 11 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 10 11 11 11 12 10 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 T. Liang, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY S. Mccormack, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY B. Faber, Lakeland HS, Shrub Oak, NY E. Goodman, Lakeland HS, Shrub Oak, NY I. Yurkiewicz, Lawrence SHS, Cedarhurst, NY M. Connelly, Mahopac HS, Mahopac, NY M. Discala, Mahopac HS, Mahopac, NY B. Aledort, Massapequa HS, Massapequa, NY S. Scarselletta, Nichols Sch, Buffalo, NY B. Cai, North Shore HS, Glen Head, NY C. Harris, Nottingham HS, Syracuse, NY C. Cook, Oceanside HS, Oceanside, NY K. Iorio, Oceanside HS, Oceanside, NY C. Mascioli, Oceanside HS, Oceanside, NY P. Fleisher, Paul D Schreiber SHS, Port Washington, NY H. Giberson, Portville J/S HS, Portville, NY A. Daman, Ramaz Sch, New York, NY M. Schneider, Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, NY J. Hogan, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY A. Parets, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY A. Soni, Scarsdale SHS, Scarsdale, NY O. Said, Staten Island Tech HS, Staten Island, NY P. Cho, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Li, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Margulis, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Mohsin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY M. Yagnatinsky, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Furman, Suffern HS, Suffern, NY A. Haider, Suffern HS, Suffern, NY M. Berland, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY S. Giorgio, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY N. Jakimo, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY H. Jun, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY A. Kim, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY K. Ma, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY R. Moriguchi, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY M. Sung, Syosset SHS, Syosset, NY S. Jani, Tappan Zee HS, Orangeburg, NY C. Miller, Wayne Ctr’l HS, Ontario Ctr, NY R. Vetere, Westlake HS, Thornwood, NY A. Cohn, Yeshivah of Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY M. Williamson, Brighton HS, Rochester, NY Y. Schwartz, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY J. Samson, Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake HS, Burnt Hills, NY D. Patchen, Canandaigua Acad, Canandaigua, NY A. Ford, Churchville-Chili SHS, Churchville, NY S. Burgess, City Honors Sch, Buffalo, NY R. Marano, Commack HS, Commack, NY D. Oliveri, Commack HS, Commack, NY E. Beecher, Fairport SHS, Fairport, NY S. Witthuhn, Friends Acad, Locust Valley, NY Y. Kosuri, Herricks J/S HS, New Hyde Park, NY Y. Choi, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY J. He, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY S. Song, Ithaca HS, Ithaca, NY A. Birnbaum, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY P. Chang, Pittsford Sutherland HS, Pittsford, NY M. Rubenstein, Pittsford Sutherland HS, Pittsford, NY D. Gray, Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY N. Peck, Rye Ctry Day-Upper Sch, Rye, NY K. Segall, Sachem North HS, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY W. Cheung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Jiang, Hunter Col HS, New York, NY Region 2 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Delaware 113.5 109.0 109.0 104.5 103.0 102.0 10 11 12 11 12 11 S. Lee, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE G. Wang, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE J. Paulus, St Mark’s HS, Wilmington, DE M. Steeves, St Mark’s HS, Wilmington, DE R. Sadacharan, Archmere Acad, Claymont, DE A. Mantha, St Andrews Sch, Middletown, DE 118.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 12 12 9 11 12 11 12 10 10 11 12 12 11 12 9 11 12 11 12 11 9 12 11 11 12 9 12 11 11 12 11 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 9 11 12 11 12 9 12 11 12 11 10 12 11 12 11 9 K. Yin, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD K. Kahn, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD B. Lee, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Silberholz, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Kominers, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD L. Chen, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Kolb, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD L. Mkrtchyan, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD L. Wu, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD P. Jeon, Severna Park SHS, Severna Park, MD G. Eden, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD K. Yang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Goodman, Gleneig Ctry Sch, Glenelg, MD P. Detzner, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Fu, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD G. Howard, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD K. Leigh, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD Y. Li, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD P. Ko, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD S. Wolk, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD A. Zheng, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD G. Ihrie, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD A. Miller, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD S. Chowdhury, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Dhyani, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD T. Peng, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Forbes, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD R. Hunter, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Huynh Le, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Lee, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Paul, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Zhang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD C. Zhao, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Zhu, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD C. Zou, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Shen, Pikesville HS, Baltimore, MD J. Hsu, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD K. Belani, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD E. Li, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD K. Li, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. O Brien, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Shrestha, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Wakemanlinn, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD A. Singerman, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD C. Cannizzo, Howard Co HomeS, Columbia, MD D. Rodgers, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD R. Kirsch, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Wong, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD C. Forstein, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD X. Zhu, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD D. Aisen, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD D. Cheng, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD H. Shu, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD E. Marcus, C E Smith Jewish DS, Rockville, MD H. Gao, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD Maryland 172 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 106.5 11 106.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 11 105.0 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.0 9 104.0 12 104.0 9 103.5 12 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 11 103.0 12 102.5 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 9 101.5 11 101.5 11 101.5 12 101.5 11 101.0 11 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 9 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 100.5 100.5 10 100.5 12 100.5 11 Y. Xu, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD M. Goldman, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD T. Haynes, Loch Raven HS, Baltimore, MD V. Chellappa, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD A. Adragna, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD D. Koblenz, C E Smith Jewish DS, Rockville, MD B. Abubaker Sharif, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD M. Mckenna, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD A. Jiang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD D. White, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD A. Chang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Kinter, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD R. Waldman, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD R. Park, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD G. Bickerman, C E Smith Jewish DS, Rockville, MD R. Dewan, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD E. Wang, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD Y. Zhao, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD D. Beller, Owings Mills HS, Owings Mills, MD S. Levitus, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD C. Jaja, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD J. Nassof, Gov Thomas Johnson HS, Frederick, MD M. Green, Loch Raven HS, Baltimore, MD B. Holbert, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD S. Kwok, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD N. Giles, North Co HS, Glen Burnie, MD E. Hu, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD C. Bartlett, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD J. Geiser, Gov Thomas Johnson HS, Frederick, MD J. Goodman, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Villadsen, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD B. Oppenheimer, Owings Mills HS, Owings Mills, MD C. Flow, Gilman Sch, Baltimore, MD A. Gittis, Gilman Sch, Baltimore, MD B. Andreone, Loch Raven HS, Baltimore, MD M. Garman, Loch Raven HS, Baltimore, MD E. Nolder, Loch Raven HS, Baltimore, MD T. Criste, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD A. Mallillin, Loyola Blakefield HS, Towson, MD C. Silberholz, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD L. Wilcox, North Co HS, Glen Burnie, MD T. Shum, Richard Montgomery HS, Rockville, MD C. Bruns, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD C. Gutman, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD R. Timmer, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD E. Williams, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, MD Z. Liu, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD Y. Sun, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, MD J. Rosenberg, Owings Mills HS, Owings Mills, MD J. Chang, Severna Park SHS, Severna Park, MD 117.0 115.5 115.0 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 K. Ballentine, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC J. Zhang, Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC B. Davis, Freedom HS, Morganton, NC G. Davis, O’Neal Sch, Southern Pines, NC T. Aziz, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC D. Lloyd, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC K. Sund, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC R. Atkinson, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC J. Anderson, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC J. Ulirsch, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC W. Uttranuson, Freedom HS, Morganton, NC M. Aziz, H O M E, Fayetteville, NC E. Matthews, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC B. Westneat, East Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC J. Gomes, Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC North Carolina 11 10 12 12 12 10 8 11 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 173 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 9 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 8 11 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 B. Bryan, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC D. Williford, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC J. Weaver, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC J. Mcginnis, Providence DS, Charlotte, NC A. Fay, South Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC M. Heysham, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC S. Behrend, Cary Acad, Cary, NC E. Gordon, Cary Acad, Cary, NC P. Miller, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC K. Wells, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC B. Debinski, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC B. Fox, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC J. Barber, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC B. Larson, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC E. Davis, Ralph L Fike HS, Wilson, NC S. Cukiernik, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC J. Halvorsen, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC E. Smith, Cary Acad, Cary, NC K. Holway, Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC B. Ko, Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC W. Evans, East Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC T. Burnell, Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC J. Buttaci, Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC P. Harvey, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC P. Boyne, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC E. Tennant, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC C. Zhao, Ralph L Fike HS, Wilson, NC J. Lee, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC T. Bishal, 1st Flight HS, Kill Devil Hills, NC B. Johnson, Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC S. Meekins, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC G. Shaw, Manteo HS, Manteo, NC J. Holliday, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC E. Mccall, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC M. Mcneill, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC A. Korzik, Providence DS, Charlotte, NC C. Derlath, South Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC J. Finley, T C Roberson HS, Asheville, NC S. Rigdon, Tuscola HS, Waynesville, NC J. Pae, Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC D. Jeck, Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC T. Young, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC S. Hay, Providence DS, Charlotte, NC J. Yearick, Tuscola HS, Waynesville, NC J. Mason, Cary Acad, Cary, NC A. Badger, Enka HS, Candler, NC R. Gage, Freedom HS, Morganton, NC Y. Shlapentokh Rot, Junius H Rose HS, Greenville, NC M. Steen, Mount Tabor HS, Winston Salem, NC D. West, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC B. Elio, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC C. Lesawyer, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC D. Koch, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC B. Oliver, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC M. Schroeder, Providence DS, Charlotte, NC J. Cunningham, South Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC R. Keith, 1st Flight HS, Kill Devil Hills, NC A. Vasilyev, Apex HS, Apex, NC C. Hendren, Cary Acad, Cary, NC W. Whisnant, Freedom HS, Morganton, NC S. Nelson, Harding Univ HS, Charlotte, NC M. Khan, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC D. Hancock, North Buncombe HS, Weaverville, NC M. Ballenger, Providence DS, Charlotte, NC K. Stalun, Providence DS, Charlotte, NC D. Hall, South Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 11 S. Simpson, South Mecklenburg HS, Charlotte, NC A. Yang, Apex HS, Apex, NC N. Machardy, Charles E Jordan SHS, Durham, NC D. Bryska, Charlotte Cath HS, Charlotte, NC W. Crouse, Enka HS, Candler, NC K. Mason, Leesville Road HS, Raleigh, NC D. Coccarelli, N B Broughton HS, Raleigh, NC K. Browne, Northwest Guilford HS, Greensboro, NC C. Harwick, Salisbury HS, Salisbury, NC 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 South Carolina 112.5 119.5 11 M. Juang, SC Gov Sch Art & Hum, Greenville, SC 112.5 117.0 12 J. Fulton, Gov Sch Sci & Math, Hartsville, SC 111.5 113.5 11 D. Henshaw, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC 111.5 112.5 12 J. Shaffer, Lexington HS, Lexington, SC 111.5 111.5 12 J. Park, Ben Lippen Sch, Columbia, SC 111.5 109.0 12 J. Mears, Andrews HS, Andrews, SC 111.5 108.5 11 J. Laurendi, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC 111.5 108.0 12 S. Elliott, Ben Lippen Sch, Columbia, SC 111.5 108.0 11 D. Mackay, Lexington HS, Lexington, SC 111.5 108.0 12 C. Morgan, Lexington HS, Lexington, SC 111.5 108.0 12 J. Cerone, Riverside HS, Greer, SC 111.5 106.5 11 N. Parthasarathy, SC Gov Sch Art & Hum, Greenville, SC 111.5 106.0 12 J. Montoya, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC 111.0 105.5 11 A. Sayce, Riverside HS, Greer, SC 111.0 104.0 11 D. Duncan, Fort Mill HS, Fort Mill, SC 111.0 104.0 12 E. Davis, York Comprehensive HS, York, SC 111.0 103.0 11 J. Kang, Hammond Sch, Columbia, SC 111.0 103.0 11 S. Iddyadinesh, Riverside HS, Greer, SC 110.0 103.0 12 D. Mammarella, Riverside HS, Greer, SC 110.0 102.0 11 K. Carter, James F Byrnes HS, Duncan, SC 110.0 102.0 12 M. Lemus, James F Byrnes HS, Duncan, SC 110.0 101.0 12 N. Bennani, Andrews HS, Andrews, SC 110.0 101.0 12 K. Flesher, Riverside HS, Greer, SC 110.0 101.0 9 B. Bowers, Summerville HS, Summerville, SC 110.0 100.5 11 S. Patel, Riverside HS, Greer, SC 110.0 100.5 11 J. Weems, St Joseph’s MS, Greenville, SC 110.0 Virginia 110.0 119.5 12 S. Robinette, Herndon HS, Herndon, VA 109.0 119.5 12 R. Schwantes, Langley HS, McLean, VA 109.0 119.5 10 C. Chen, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 109.0 119.5 11 A. Herbst, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 119.5 11 D. Scherzinger, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 109.0 109.0 118.5 10 B. Bills, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA 109.0 118.5 11 J. Estrada, Grafton HS, Yorktown, VA 109.0 118.5 11 M. Yang, Langley HS, McLean, VA 109.0 118.5 12 C. Rourke, Lee Davis HS, Mechanicsville, VA 109.0 118.5 12 E. Waddell, Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA 109.0 118.5 11 H. Pak, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 109.0 118.0 11 S. Chi, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 109.0 118.0 12 R. Miller, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 109.0 118.0 11 Y. Xiang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 117.0 12 T. Carr, Commonwealth Gov’s Sch, Fredericksburg, VA 108.5 108.0 117.0 12 D. Koo, McLean HS, McLean, VA 108.0 117.0 10 V. Mircea, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 116.0 12 C. Alexander, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA 108.0 108.0 116.0 12 M. Levine, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA 108.0 116.0 10 M. Bhand, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 116.0 12 M. Druker, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 116.0 11 A. Godofsky, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 116.0 12 M. Grau, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 116.0 11 S. Park, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 116.0 11 X. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 116.0 12 J. Adams, Woodson HS, Fairfax, VA 108.0 115.0 11 F. Coleman, Norview HS, Norfolk, VA 108.0 115.0 12 T. Geyster, Stonewall Jackson HS, Manassas, VA 115.0 12 M. Isakowitz, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 108.0 174 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 10 12 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 10 11 11 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 11 9 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 11 10 R. Jaeger, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA J. Chiang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Garrettglaser, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Hartman, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Lui, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA J. Lansing, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA Y. Qian, T C Williams HS, Alexandria, VA B. Cheng, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Gopalan, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Nettimi, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Oconnor, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Conlon, Warwick HS, Newport News, VA S. Bills, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA M. Kumar, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA O. Park, Commonwealth Gov’s Sch, Fredericksburg, VA T. Corbin, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA C. Boswell, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA D. Bertsch, McLean HS, McLean, VA J. Loeffler, Midlothian HS, Midlothian, VA A. Fickling, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Kobelski, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Liu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Siltz, Warwick HS, Newport News, VA H. Yang, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA S. Li, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA K. Lee, McLean HS, McLean, VA L. Hsu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA N. Kotra, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Han, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA G. Lee, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA N. Skaperdas, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA N. Sorenson, Herndon HS, Herndon, VA S. Oh, McLean HS, McLean, VA R. Park, Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA A. Li, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Mckay, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Oppenheim, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Scheirer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Scholl, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA E. Clinchy, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA N. Johnson, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA N. Franklin, Commonwealth Gov’s Sch, Fredericksburg, VA R. Northcutt, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA S. Blankenship, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA J. Lee, Herndon HS, Herndon, VA N. Sher, Jamestown HS, Williamsburg, VA H. Beddo, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Chung, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Fitzsimmons, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Gross, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Zeke, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Cranmer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA K. Hencke, Blacksburg HS, Blacksburg, VA M. Plumley, Brooke Point HS, Stafford, VA M. Chorney, Centreville HS, Clifton, VA K. Rouse, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA B. Peters, Garfield HS, Woodbridge, VA P. Gianfortoni, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA S. Morozov, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA H. Anwar, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA W. Thrower, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA E. Chung, McLean HS, McLean, VA J. Goodsell, McLean HS, McLean, VA J. Nazemi, Salem HS, Salem, VA J. Carr, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Cho, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 10 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 10 12 11 10 10 9 11 10 10 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 10 C. Covel, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Falco, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Mcdonald, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA R. Moffatt, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Mutchler, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Olson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Penney, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Purger, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Wu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Yang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Minor, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA G. Guyant, Lafayette HS, Williamsburg, VA B. Ellis, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA R. Nayak, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Mao, , , VA S. Harrison, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA A. Roberts, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA L. Ouyang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Rohrbach, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Sigman, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Zheng, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Chan, Warwick HS, Newport News, VA M. Rubinstein, Warwick HS, Newport News, VA H. Suh, McLean HS, McLean, VA J. Tucker, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA D. Renardy, Blacksburg HS, Blacksburg, VA D. Moore, Centreville HS, Clifton, VA A. Clark, Clark HomeS, Springfield, VA K. Puckett, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA J. Park, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA I. Petkov, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA G. Geiling, Jamestown HS, Williamsburg, VA J. Lee, Langley HS, McLean, VA D. Nayak, Langley HS, McLean, VA C. Berson, McLean HS, McLean, VA N. Saxton, McLean HS, McLean, VA A. Carney, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Chou, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Fifer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Johnson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Laskey, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Liu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA K. Lu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA R. Mantri, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Reed, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA K. Sing, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Stalcup, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Stanonik, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA N. Stroup, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Z. Wang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Marshall, Western Branch HS, Chesapeake, VA M. Martinez, Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA A. Mcphee, Centreville HS, Clifton, VA G. Washington, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA D. Kim, Commonwealth Gov’s Sch, Fredericksburg, VA G. Burgett, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA N. Deschenes, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA L. Troyer, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA J. Burke, Annandale HS, Annandale, VA A. Supraner, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA J. Allen, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA E. Deornellas, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA J. Gillis, Falls Church HS, Falls Church, VA C. Ambler, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA M. Singer, John Handley HS, Winchester, VA 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 175 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 9 10 11 12 9 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 10 10 10 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 10 9 10 11 11 10 11 11 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 K. Morrison, Lafayette HS, Williamsburg, VA T. Hayne, Langley HS, McLean, VA E. Lababidi, McLean HS, McLean, VA C. Mckenzie, Midlothian HS, Midlothian, VA A. Bond, Salem HS, Salem, VA K. Schweitzer, Salem HS, Salem, VA W. Tosuratana, T C Williams HS, Alexandria, VA T. Berrian, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA R. Brenc, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Camarda, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Cohen, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Gilboa, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Herbst, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Ohlson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Oresky, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Pehrsson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Rosholt, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Cordova, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA J. Kuen, Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA H. Glasson, Blacksburg HS, Blacksburg, VA C. Broaddus, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA W. Portlock, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA D. Tatum, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA J. Hwang, Langley HS, McLean, VA S. Fernandez, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Jones, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Smith, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Tao, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Pei, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA J. Brouse, Annandale HS, Annandale, VA D. Kim, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA J. Berg, McLean HS, McLean, VA S. Kim, McLean HS, McLean, VA S. Brewer, Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA M. Bradshaw, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA R. Butler, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Choi, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Das, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Hunterkilmer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Maxfield, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Myers, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Ulery, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Van Der Goetz, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Wu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. White, Tandem Friends Sch, Charlottesville, VA A. Gilbert, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA H. Hong, Shenandoah Valley Acad, New Market, VA L. Aust, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA S. Fleyshman, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA D. Hidlay, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA J. Mackey, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA Z. Sykes, Annandale HS, Annandale, VA C. Gropen, Charlottesville HS, Charlottesville, VA J. Byrd, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA B. Overman, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA J. Berger, Commonwealth Gov’s Sch, Fredericksburg, VA H. Sin, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA E. Macmurray, Garfield HS, Woodbridge, VA S. Sathyanarayanan, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA I. Zlatkin, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA M. Elliott, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA J. Mark, Herndon HS, Herndon, VA R. Gogoana, Langley HS, McLean, VA A. Husz, Lee Davis HS, Mechanicsville, VA R. Knutsen, McLean HS, McLean, VA J. Mattingly, Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 10 12 12 10 12 12 11 10 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 11 11 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 10 10 11 10 10 11 12 7 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 10 11 E. Maughan, Salem HS, Salem, VA T. Bernhard, T C Williams HS, Alexandria, VA C. Slominski, T C Williams HS, Alexandria, VA B. Ban, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA I. Buchanan, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Carlsen, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Colyer, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Goel, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA H. Li, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Lin, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA G. Slack, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Venkat, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA A. Virtudes, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Winkler, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Wong, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Zhou, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA D. Letchev, Wakefield HS, Arlington, VA D. Logan, Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA R. Meeusen, Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA K. Tucker, Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA E. Gross, Falls Church HS, Falls Church, VA S. Park, McLean HS, McLean, VA C. Klein, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Macpherson, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA M. Shue, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA C. Xia, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Cui, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA G. Echelberger, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA M. Draper, Annandale HS, Annandale, VA L. Ta, Annandale HS, Annandale, VA B. Rush, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA G. Stafford, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA S. Nolan, Fairfax HS, Fairfax, VA P. Headley, Godwin HS, Richmond, VA J. Hatch, Herndon HS, Herndon, VA M. Russell, Jamestown HS, Williamsburg, VA A. Rosenberg, Langley HS, McLean, VA M. Takahashi, Langley HS, McLean, VA L. Douglas, McLean HS, McLean, VA J. Le, Robinson J/S HS, Fairfax, VA P. Mcelmurray, Salem HS, Salem, VA O. Geagla, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA G. Haugh, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA S. Kanth, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA I. Papusha, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA W. Sullivan, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Suo, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA Y. Tong, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA E. Yang, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA P. Yaroch, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA V. Zhu, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA N. Sinwell, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA E. Wilson, West Springfield HS, Springfield, VA L. Zehender, Zehender HomeSch, Midlothian, VA I. Rembold, Albemarle HS, Charlottesville, VA J. Besteman Street, Blacksburg HS, Blacksburg, VA G. Akselrod, Clover Hill Math & Sci, Midlothian, VA N. Mummalaneni, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA A. Zhu, Gov Sch, Richmond, VA R. Mehdi, Langley HS, McLean, VA P. Lentz, McLean HS, McLean, VA S. Yoo, McLean HS, McLean, VA M. Hidy, Monacan HS, Richmond, VA A. Crihfield, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA T. Morgan, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA B. Rau Jacobs, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 11 12 12 11 J. Solomon, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA J. Galinis, Woodson HS, Fairfax, VA W. Kim, Woodson HS, Fairfax, VA W. Yan, T Jefferson HS Sci/Tec, Alexandria, VA 110.0 110.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 12 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 M. Cevallos, George Washington HS, Charleston, WV J. Karraker, Morgantown HS, Morgantown, WV R. Gifford, Buckhannon-Upshur HS, Buckhannon, WV B. Goodwin, Buckhannon-Upshur HS, Buckhannon, WV C. Marcelo, Cabell-Midland HS, Ona, WV C. Guo, George Washington HS, Charleston, WV J. Ewing, Buckhannon-Upshur HS, Buckhannon, WV R. Flynn, Buckhannon-Upshur HS, Buckhannon, WV S. Parker, Buckhannon-Upshur HS, Buckhannon, WV M. Deasy, Fairmont HS, Fairmont, WV A. Rizzo, Fairmont HS, Fairmont, WV F. Baker, Fairmont HS, Fairmont, WV West Virginia Region 3 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alabama 118.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 112.0 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 176 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 10 12 11 11 11 12 10 11 10 10 10 10 11 10 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 10 11 10 10 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 11 M. Chou, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL E. Barr, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL P. Stewart, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Barnard, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL N. Ranganath, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL C. Thomas, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Mccoll, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL R. Appleton, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Naramore, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Hu, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL P. Ghosal, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL S. Tajmir, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL J. Kim, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL M. Gu, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL V. Wang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL H. Meng, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL F. Chowdhury, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL E. Wang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL K. Farley, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL M. Chen, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Berry, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL K. Madani, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Desai, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL S. Evans, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL L. Hong, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Denmark, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL B. Yang, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL K. Chou, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Klasterka, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL X. Gao, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Luan, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Luan, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Chuang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL T. Lilley, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL P. Gilbert, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL A. Kunin, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL S. Cooper, Briarwood Chr. HS, Birmingham, AL E. Mckinney, Briarwood Chr. HS, Birmingham, AL R. Fogg, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL S. Husain, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL J. Cobb, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL B. Leopard, Spain Park HS, Hoover, AL C. Culbert, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL J. Cochran, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL J. Dooley, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 100.0 11 10 11 12 10 10 10 12 12 10 10 11 12 11 10 L. Sims, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL W. Thompson, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL S. Atkinson, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL C. Smith, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL K. Brewer, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Ismail, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL B. Johnson, Alabama Sch of Fine Arts, Birmingham, AL S. Matikainen, Hoover HS, Hoover, AL E. Molony, Spain Park HS, Hoover, AL N. Yan, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL T. Cope, Briarwood Chr. HS, Birmingham, AL A. Kulkarni, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL A. Chuang, Virgil Grissom HS, Huntsville, AL A. Trettel, Briarwood Chr. HS, Birmingham, AL M. Milosevic, Vestavia Hills HS, Vestavia Hills, AL 119.5 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 115.0 114.5 114.5 113.5 113.0 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 9 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 A. Lawson, Newsome HS, Lithia, FL J. Weiss, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL Y. Mohammed, Okaloosa-Walton Collegiate HS, Niceville, FL B. Wu, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL N. Dibella, Spanish River Comm HS, Boca Raton, FL J. Latimer, Plant City HS, Plant City, FL R. Friedberg, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL G. Ivanov, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL R. Patel, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL J. Doker, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL G. David, Ransom Everglades Sch, Coconut Grove, FL X. Nan, Ctryside HS, Clearwater, FL Z. Luo, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Tarrab, Dr Michael M Krop SHS, Miami, FL E. Hawkes, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL V. Wikramanayake, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL R. Cifrian, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL C. Hua, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL P. Bezark, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL H. Donaldson, Fort Myers HS, Ft Myers, FL L. Dunkelberger, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL B. Goldsmith, Pine View Sch, Osprey, FL S. Mcdowell, Pine View Sch, Osprey, FL A. Smith, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL C. Lin, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL J. Mesiona, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL S. Atary, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL J. Langholtz, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Pachikara, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL K. Rainwater, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL J. Delaney, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL M. Kurdi, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL J. Kelleher, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL S. Berry, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL A. Rose, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Z. Zhang, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL E. Tran, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL J. Ezolino, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL K. Chandra, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL M. Hall, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL E. Kersh, St Andrews Sch, Boca Raton, FL A. Chandra, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Yeh, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL P. Rathinavelu, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL T. Goldberg, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL D. Hildreth, St Andrews Sch, Boca Raton, FL M. Jia, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Y. Yao, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL L. Dubose, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL W. Stoutamire, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Gaglani, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL Florida 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 10 12 12 12 12 8 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 M. Mckibben, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL C. Podley, Lakewood Ranch HS, Bradenton, FL L. Staller, St Edwards Sch, Vero Beach, FL A. Kshetrapal, Fort Myers HS, Ft Myers, FL B. Smith, Gulf Coast HS, Naples, FL K. Lewis, James Rickards HS, Tallahassee, FL N. James, Lawton Chiles HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Ramakrishnan, Miami Palmetto SHS, Miami, FL A. Khan, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL R. Heinsen, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL P. Liby, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL J. Jimenez, Seminole HS, Sanford, FL D. Levy, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL G. Gordillo, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL J. Kerwin, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL M. Travis, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL P. Van De Burgt, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL J. Saiara, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL S. Greene, Seminole HS, Seminole, FL J. Birnbaum, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL A. Conforte, East Bay SHS, Gibsonton, FL K. Heisler, Jupiter Chr. Sch, Jupiter, FL Z. Kline, Lakewood Ranch HS, Bradenton, FL G. Reinke, Lely HS, Naples, FL M. Jones, Lincoln HS, Tallahassee, FL A. Parekh, Palm Harbor Univ HS, Palm Harbor, FL C. Adkins, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL J. Dechellis, St Edwards Sch, Vero Beach, FL K. Kaiser, St Thomas Aquinas HS, Ft Lauderdale, FL C. Walker, Lakewood Ranch HS, Bradenton, FL J. Mckay, Leon HS, Tallahassee, FL P. Serrat, Miami Springs SHS, Miami Springs, FL R. Sperry, Plant City HS, Plant City, FL T. Tidwell, Rocky Bayou Chr. Sch, Niceville, FL A. Ewh, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL K. Fraser, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL C. Calle, South Miami SHS, Miami, FL G. Ramos, South Miami SHS, Miami, FL J. Matte, St Thomas Aquinas HS, Ft Lauderdale, FL A. Jaffe, Stoneman Douglas HS, Parkland, FL B. Amin, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL A. Scott, West Shore J/S HS, Melbourne, FL B. Brando, Cypress Bay HS, Weston, FL R. Kerley, Satellite HS, Satellite Beach, FL S. Morse, Seminole HS, Seminole, FL A. Sackman, Seminole HS, Seminole, FL 119.5 119.5 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 114.5 114.0 113.5 113.0 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 11 J. Hamilton, East Hall HS, Gainesville, GA K. Chang, Greater Atlanta Chr. Sch, Norcross, GA M. Franklin, 1st Prsb DS, Macon, GA E. Sawyer, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA T. Soo, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA M. Costley, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA J. Getzendanner, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA D. Richardson, Dalton HS, Dalton, GA Y. Xue, Walton HS, Marietta, GA T. Chen, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA J. Marquis, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA D. Manatunga, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Cunningham, Greater Atlanta Chr. Sch, Norcross, GA Y. Wei, Walton HS, Marietta, GA J. Wu, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA C. Thompson, Walton HS, Marietta, GA M. Bernardy, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA C. Wang, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA S. Froehlich, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA Georgia 177 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 11 11 10 9 11 12 11 12 10 11 10 12 10 10 11 9 9 11 12 11 12 11 10 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 9 12 10 10 12 12 10 12 11 9 12 12 12 11 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 10 9 11 12 12 11 12 11 B. Donegan, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Freiberg, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA S. Wang, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA S. Brotherton, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA J. Wysolovski, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA H. Lupton, Savannah Chr. Prep Sch, Savannah, GA E. Huh, Westminster Schs, Atlanta, GA C. Cheng, Walton HS, Marietta, GA Y. Lee, Walton HS, Marietta, GA S. Solntsev, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA G. Bunn, Brookstone Sch, Columbus, GA C. Davila, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA T. Ou, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA A. Choi, Walton HS, Marietta, GA C. Han, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA C. Laporte, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA N. Hipsman, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA J. Kay, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA S. Konnick, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA K. Neas, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA S. Richardson, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA M. Clark, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA R. Gieseking, Sculley Acad, Norcross, GA J. Ivey, 1st Prsb DS, Macon, GA M. Berglund, Adv Acad, GSU - W GA, Carrollton, GA M. Lefkovitz, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Wooten, Etowah HS, Woodstock, GA D. Mcnealy, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA J. Ramakrishnan, North Springs HS, Atlanta, GA B. Wu, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA J. Wang, Walton HS, Marietta, GA C. Mize, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA Q. Lei, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA R. Pendergrass, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA M. Lin, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA P. Zheng, Acad of Richmond Co, Augusta, GA T. Leon, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA B. Ahmad, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA D. Freeman, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA D. Trawick, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA A. Beard, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA M. Schulman, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA D. Harper, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA K. Gies, Adv Acad, GSU - W GA, Carrollton, GA A. Steiner, Adv Acad, GSU - W GA, Carrollton, GA D. Ferretti, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA S. Patel, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA K. Kelterborn, Etowah HS, Woodstock, GA F. Ealick, J S Davidson Fine Arts Sch, Augusta, GA J. Kennedy, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA R. Shaw, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA M. Speer, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA L. Hensey, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA J. Tung, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA M. Bartenfeld, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA M. Solomon, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA P. Richman, Yeshiva Atlanta, Atlanta, GA J. Freeman, Acad of Richmond Co, Augusta, GA J. Leary, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA E. Hwang, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Middleton, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA J. Taylor, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA K. Burke, Walker Sch, Marietta, GA A. Wang, Walton HS, Marietta, GA D. Loubser, Yeshiva Atlanta, Atlanta, GA J. Wilkinson, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 11 12 11 9 12 11 11 12 12 10 9 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 11 10 10 11 12 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 10 11 9 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 T. Vance, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA P. Curry, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA S. Christensen, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA C. Vafadari, Brookstone Sch, Columbus, GA J. Kent, Greater Atlanta Chr. Sch, Norcross, GA D. Moore, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA G. Grigoriev, North Springs HS, Atlanta, GA H. Fuest Man, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA K. Ratajczak, Paideia Sch, Atlanta, GA Z. Blanton, Parkview HS, Lilburn, GA N. Kim, Rockdale Co HS, Conyers, GA J. Brookes, Starr’s Mill HS, Fayetteville, GA R. Gibbs, Walton HS, Marietta, GA Y. Gu, Alan C Pope HS, Marietta, GA T. Son, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA S. Kawasaki, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA J. Hicks, Etowah HS, Woodstock, GA C. Lorentz, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA N. Miller, Grayson HS, Loganville, GA H. Mehta, Greater Atlanta Chr. Sch, Norcross, GA Z. Goolsby, Lakeside HS, Evans, GA S. Encisco, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA J. Housley, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA T. Nichols, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA H. Zhou, Lassiter HS, Marietta, GA J. Rorabaugh, Norcross HS, Norcross, GA S. Thompson, Savannah Chr. Prep Sch, Savannah, GA K. Masuyama, Starr’s Mill HS, Fayetteville, GA M. Lin, Valdosta HS, Valdosta, GA J. Crabbe, Walker Sch, Marietta, GA J. Hitchner, Walton HS, Marietta, GA E. Lin, Walton HS, Marietta, GA R. Norback, Woodward Acad, College Park, GA M. Schaikewitz, Yeshiva Atlanta, Atlanta, GA N. Slager, 1st Prsb DS, Macon, GA B. Kalejaiye, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA H. Levi, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA M. Prince, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA C. Wang, Carlton J Kell HS, Marietta, GA C. Bennett, Chamblee HS, Chamblee, GA D. Brown, Forsyth Ctr’l HS, Cumming, GA M. Kelly, Forsyth Ctr’l HS, Cumming, GA N. Fakhri, Pepperell HS, Lindale, GA S. Mccarthy, Savannah Chr. Prep Sch, Savannah, GA S. Kennedy, South Forsyth HS, Cumming, GA B. Martin, Starr’s Mill HS, Fayetteville, GA M. Herrera, Cross Keys HS, Atlanta, GA M. Byrd, Marietta HS, Marietta, GA Region 4 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Indiana 119.5 116.0 114.5 112.0 111.5 111.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 178 12 11 11 8 11 8 11 11 11 11 12 11 10 12 M. Mccrea, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN J. Loescher, Columbus North HS, Columbus, IN N. Lin, Ben Davis HS, Indianapolis, IN P. Ponugoti, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN K. Krukenberg, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN R. Bhuptani, Honey Creek MS, Terre Haute, IN N. Lynch, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN Y. Woo, Covenant Chr. HS, Indianapolis, IN R. Jones, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN S. Rubek, Ben Davis HS, Indianapolis, IN Z. Chan, Culver Academies, Culver, IN R. Morgan, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN J. Scheel, Jefferson HS, Lafayette, IN M. Storey, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 107.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 10 10 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 10 9 11 E. Zhao, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN R. Stinson, Bloomington HS South, Bloomington, IN M. Jander, Bloomington HS South, Bloomington, IN C. Ellis, Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN D. Starek, Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN F. Wang, Ctr Grove HS, Greenwood, IN L. Glickfield, Culver Academies, Culver, IN A. Aburabi, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN M. Wills, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN R. Hickson, Jeffersonville HS, Jeffersonville, IN A. Suhardjo, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN K. Huber, Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN A. Boneff, Bishop Dwenger HS, Fort Wayne, IN K. Sowder, Bloomington HS South, Bloomington, IN T. Blair, Columbus North HS, Columbus, IN S. Keesecker, Culver Academies, Culver, IN A. Weiand, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN M. Hochstedler, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN Z. Spicklemire, Warren Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN B. Thomas, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN R. Gottlieb, Bloomington HS South, Bloomington, IN K. Koning, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN C. Lee, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN R. Jordan, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN N. Hamilton, Terre Haute-S Vigo HS, Terre Haute, IN E. Blaser, Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN I. Prostakov, Columbus North HS, Columbus, IN D. Stroh, Columbus North HS, Columbus, IN G. Orth, Ctr Grove HS, Greenwood, IN E. Brustkern, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN J. Zhang, IN Acad Math/Sci/Hum, Muncie, IN C. Flack, Warren Ctr’l HS, Indianapolis, IN J. Lewis, Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN K. Pawlak, Chesterton SHS, Chesterton, IN S. Eft, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN J. Schinella, Hobart HS, Hobart, IN D. Krcmaric, St Josephs HS, South Bend, IN C. Varner, Westview J/S HS, Topeka, IN S. Harding, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN E. Wang, Hamilton Southeastern HS, Fishers, IN C. Krenk, Jefferson HS, Lafayette, IN 119.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.5 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 7 7 8 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 9 11 11 7 12 12 11 E. Weng, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI R. Ramesh, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI S. Xing, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI A. Misra, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI M. Han, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI R. Yao, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI Y. Zhu, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI R. Bhaskar, ICAE, Troy, MI R. Li, ICAE, Troy, MI S. Mohanram, ICAE, Troy, MI D. Echlin, Luke M Powers Cath HS, Flint, MI B. Farmer, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI K. Grosteffon, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI S. Augenstein, ICAE, Troy, MI C. Lager, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI P. Timko, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI Q. Liang, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI R. Zhang, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI R. Wolcott, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI B. Pan, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI M. Vengalil, Grosse Pointe North HS, Grosse Pointe, MI S. Aravamuthan, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI R. Wang, Greenhills Sch, Ann Arbor, MI B. Tseng, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI Michigan 110.0 9 110.0 8 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 11 109.0 10 108.5 11 108.0 12 108.0 7 108.0 11 107.5 12 107.5 11 107.5 10 106.5 12 106.5 10 106.5 11 106.5 11 106.5 12 106.5 12 106.5 12 105.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 11 105.5 12 105.5 105.5 12 105.5 12 105.5 10 105.0 10 105.0 9 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 11 104.0 12 104.0 12 104.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 10 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 8 103.0 12 102.5 10 102.5 9 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 12 101.5 11 101.0 12 101.0 9 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 8 100.5 12 100.0 12 179 M. Mccullough, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI N. Consul, ICAE, Troy, MI T. Cybulski, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI M. Tai, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI W. Buckingham, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI M. Takahagi, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI R. Tao, Troy HS, Troy, MI K. Warsinski, Breckenridge J/S HS, Breckenridge, MI E. Guan, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI C. Baxtresser, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI P. Kanjanaboos, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI J. Park, Greenhills Sch, Ann Arbor, MI E. Park, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI T. Love, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI S. Kim, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI S. Ewasyshyn, De La Salle Collegiate HS, Warren, MI D. Murray, East Lansing HS, East Lansing, MI E. Peterson, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI M. Schneider, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI C. Schummer, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI L. Boot, Caledonia HS, Caledonia, MI T. Ferdinands, Grand Rapids Chr. HS, Grand Rapids, MI S. Mulder, Grand Rapids Chr. HS, Grand Rapids, MI M. Veltkamp, Grand Rapids Chr. HS, Grand Rapids, MI B. Yagi, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI T. Gipson, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI F. Gordon, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI D. Rottmann, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI K. Sreeram, ICAE, Troy, MI N. Fireman, Wylie E Groves HS, Beverly Hills, MI G. Wozniak, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI V. Dhar, Detroit Ctry DS, Beverly Hills, MI J. Wang, East Lansing HS, East Lansing, MI N. Rodia, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI E. Rohrs, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI R. Franke, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI D. Smolinski, Utica Ct- Math, Sci, Tech, Sterling Heights, MI T. Francisco, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI H. Derks, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI S. Oh, Pioneer HS, Ann Arbor, MI D. Kunz, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI I. Tian, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI R. Kohl, East Lansing HS, East Lansing, MI M. Haines, Grand Rapids Chr. HS, Grand Rapids, MI H. Kuang, Huron HS, Ann Arbor, MI C. Enders, Port Huron Northern HS, Port Huron, MI A. Werner Allen, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI A. Krishna, Int’l Acad, Bloomfield Hills, MI M. Theisen, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI J. Park, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI R. Piekarski, De La Salle Collegiate HS, Warren, MI G. Williams, Greenhills Sch, Ann Arbor, MI I. Stein, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI J. Lewis, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI Y. Cho, East Lansing HS, East Lansing, MI B. Mcmillen, Adrian HS, Adrian, MI A. Prasad, Athens HS, Troy, MI K. Moran, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI E. Miner, Rockford HS, Rockford, MI A. Fazio, Sanilac Co Sci & Math Ctr, Peck, MI T. Kogut, Churchill HS, Livonia, MI Z. Slabotsky, Cranbrook Upper Sch, Bloomfield Hills, MI G. Conen, Greenhills Sch, Ann Arbor, MI S. Devangam, ICAE, Troy, MI J. Vanderhill, Kalamazoo Area Math/Sci Cntr, Kalamazoo, MI J. Tsao, ICAE, Troy, MI Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued Ohio 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 114.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 12 9 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 12 11 11 A. Sivaganesan, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH G. Ebersole, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH A. Misra, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH A. Chigurupati, Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH J. Andrews, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Wang, William Mason HS, Mason, OH C. Pierce, Cincinnati Ctry DS, Cincinnati, OH J. Lee, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH J. Lee, Hudson HS, Hudson, OH M. Suna, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH A. Chandra, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Tang, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH N. Wren, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH J. Kang, Notre Dame-Cthd Latin Sch, Chardon, OH A. Gray, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Schulte, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH L. Wei, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH H. Liu, William Mason HS, Mason, OH D. Carroll, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH S. Mayo, Dublin Coffman HS, Dublin, OH A. Gaines, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH D. Carper, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH M. Knadler, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH K. Huang, Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH E. Scher, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH C. Holscher, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH M. Schwartz, Solon HS, Solon, OH R. Gorman, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Krause, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH N. Wang, William Mason HS, Mason, OH S. Raghavan, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Wheasler, Dublin Coffman HS, Dublin, OH D. Gilday, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH J. Strassfeld, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH J. Aronow, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH B. Kues, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Miraglia, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH L. Tan, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Hartlage, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH Z. Hinger, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH C. Korte, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH W. Allen, William Mason HS, Mason, OH D. Grage, William Mason HS, Mason, OH B. Marquardt, William Mason HS, Mason, OH D. Marous, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH C. Rutledge, Highland HS, Medina, OH N. Gruenke, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH S. Khan, Magnificat HS, Rocky River, OH J. Skolfield, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH S. Englander, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH J. Dickman, Solon HS, Solon, OH C. Hoffman, Solon HS, Solon, OH K. Koch, Solon HS, Solon, OH A. Krause, Solon HS, Solon, OH B. Piscitello, Solon HS, Solon, OH R. King, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Auwerter, Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH S. Martin, Worthington Chr. HS, Worthington, OH R. Li, Hudson HS, Hudson, OH C. Hodapp, Carroll HS, Dayton, OH M. Kruza, Highland HS, Medina, OH F. Chen, Kings HS, Kings Mills, OH X. Wang, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH M. Barnard, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH J. Ostrowski, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 180 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 11 11 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 8 11 11 9 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 A. Hunt, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH P. Metz, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH P. Nestor, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH K. Stover, Canal Winchester HS, Canal Winchester, OH B. Innenberg, Charles F Brush HS, Lyndhurst, OH T. Reinhart, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH C. Chabut, Kettering HS, Kettering, OH A. Joshi, Princeton HS, Cincinnati, OH S. Jenkins, Seven Hills Sch, Cincinnati, OH B. King, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Elefante, Ursuline Acad Sch, Cincinnati, OH K. Germain, William Mason HS, Mason, OH D. Mcpheron, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH J. Austin, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH R. Cheng, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH J. Stroup, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH A. Dashefsky, Solon HS, Solon, OH J. Pierce, Solon HS, Solon, OH T. Lee, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Furness, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH E. Lorenz, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH B. Robertson, William Mason HS, Mason, OH D. Burkland, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH A. Ji, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH R. Sarawgi, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH T. Tate, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH D. Fleck, Carroll HS, Dayton, OH E. Merling, Carroll HS, Dayton, OH D. Snitzky, Magnificat HS, Rocky River, OH W. Cashen, Maumee HS, Maumee, OH D. Fan, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH S. Kamath, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Wichmann, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH M. Santos, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Haney, Tallmadge HS, Tallmadge, OH K. Rausch, William Mason HS, Mason, OH L. Zhang, William Mason HS, Mason, OH Z. Goldman, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Agler, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH A. Kennedy, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH A. Matrka, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH W. Schwartz, Bexley HS, Bexley, OH B. Devitt, Carroll HS, Dayton, OH K. Pitstick, Carroll HS, Dayton, OH M. Altman, Chaney HS, Youngstown, OH K. Nixon, Charles F Brush HS, Lyndhurst, OH A. Peterca, Charles F Brush HS, Lyndhurst, OH K. Mickey, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH D. Prabhu, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH M. Dunman, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH S. Pendse, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH D. Perkins, Highland HS, Medina, OH E. Ruf, Kettering HS, Kettering, OH E. Liang, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH J. Skirvin, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH P. Berkovich, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH N. Linsalata, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH H. Rasmussen, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH S. Silverstein, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH K. Kusmierek, Normandy HS, Parma, OH G. Skupski, Normandy HS, Parma, OH D. Weisman, Solon HS, Solon, OH J. Bramante, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH N. Mehta, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH A. Mock, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Vanyo, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 100.0 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 9 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 M. Rajagopal, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Kessler, Willard HS, Willard, OH M. Atchison, William Mason HS, Mason, OH T. Burnette, William Mason HS, Mason, OH K. Denlinger, William Mason HS, Mason, OH E. Leeson, William Mason HS, Mason, OH A. Riley, William Mason HS, Mason, OH S. Mittelman, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH S. Stilson, Carroll HS, Dayton, OH T. Chen, Dublin Coffman HS, Dublin, OH A. Cooke, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH B. Mullen, Highland HS, Medina, OH K. Schoonover, Highland HS, Medina, OH N. Yates, Holy Name HS, Parma Hgts, OH J. Marsico, Kenton HS, Kenton, OH R. Goecke, Kettering HS, Kettering, OH M. Timmer, Kettering HS, Kettering, OH R. Sabino, Lakeview HS, Cortland, OH J. Anderson, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH M. Burchnall, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH A. Folk, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH K. Kinstedt, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH J. Wiggins, Lakota West HS, West Chester, OH K. Sigg, Maumee HS, Maumee, OH B. Holcomb, Princeton HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Troyer, Princeton HS, Cincinnati, OH R. Benish, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH S. Tie, Shaker Heights HS, Shaker Heights, OH J. Huang, Solon HS, Solon, OH D. Narendra, Solon HS, Solon, OH N. Bushak, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH N. Johnson, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH C. Kobe, St Ignatius HS, Cleveland, OH J. Morvan, St Peter Chanel HS, Bedford, OH D. Farrell, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH J. Kelly, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Schroer, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH D. Stein, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH M. Swank, St Xavier HS, Cincinnati, OH Z. Bendzuck, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH S. Carolin, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH M. Chmielewski, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH A. Rangel, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH C. Ashton, Sycamore HS, Cincinnati, OH G. Goss, Univ Sch, Hunting Valley, OH L. Morin, Ursuline Acad Sch, Cincinnati, OH N. Anderson, William Mason HS, Mason, OH E. Barsan, William Mason HS, Mason, OH R. Duan, William Mason HS, Mason, OH S. Badgley, Canal Winchester HS, Canal Winchester, OH A. Kintz, Dublin Coffman HS, Dublin, OH K. Chen, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH D. Council, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH B. Stetler, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH J. Dale, Hudson HS, Hudson, OH N. Fares, Hudson HS, Hudson, OH M. Schaffer, Laurel Sch, Shaker Hts, OH M. Robertson, Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH A. Suguness, Dublin Scioto HS, Dublin, OH C. Shiverick, Hawken Sch, Gates Mills, OH 104.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 9 11 12 11 12 11 A. Srivatsan, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR S. Duvvuru, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR J. Willbanks, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR A. Blankmeyer, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR J. Tate, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR S. Govindarajan, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR D. Polett, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR L. Watts, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR F. Zhao, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR W. Scott, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR M. Chang, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR R. Kazi, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR R. Phillips, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR J. Ellis, North Little Rock HS - West Campus, North Little Rock, AR A. Ye, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR J. Fang, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR C. Kematick, Calvary Acad, N Little Rock, AR S. Feinberg, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR R. Phung, Arkansas Sch Math & Sci, Hot Springs, AR A. Glasier, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR 116.0 114.5 113.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 109.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 12 10 8 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 10 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 11 8 11 12 11 12 12 11 10 K. Roy, Ctr’l Acad, Des Moines, IA P. Hlebowitsh, West SHS, Iowa City, IA S. Choi, West SHS, Iowa City, IA L. Lowry, Ames HS, Ames, IA J. Mozena, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA B. Finger, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA L. Zhang, West SHS, Iowa City, IA A. Smith, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA J. Sackett, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA K. Ventullo, Waverly-Shell Rock HS, Waverly, IA N. Allendorf, West SHS, Iowa City, IA M. Seibert, Johnston HS, Johnston, IA D. Wipperman, Waverly-Shell Rock HS, Waverly, IA X. Pan, Ames HS, Ames, IA A. Janssen, Charles City HS, Charles City, IA E. Funk, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA S. Krob, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA E. Nerad, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA S. Slaven, Mason City HS, Mason City, IA L. Roling, Prince of Peace Cath Acad, Clinton, IA J. Morris, West HS, Davenport, IA J. Lay, Xavier HS, Cedar Rapids, IA D. Pham, Assumption HS, Davenport, IA J. Roltgen, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA K. Plattner, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA C. Roberts, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA L. Yoon, Ames HS, Ames, IA M. Moore, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA S. Glogovsky, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA T. Lockhart, Linn-Mar HS, Marion, IA D. Cox, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA A. Smith, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, IA M. Jacks, Waverly-Shell Rock HS, Waverly, IA C. Wong, West SHS, Iowa City, IA 115.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 12 8 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 J. Yu, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS K. Kota, Independent Sch, Wichita, KS T. Albrecht, Valley Ctr HS, Valley Ctr, KS S. Fromer, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS N. Tobaben, Shawnee Heights SHS, Tecumseh, KS Z. Luo, Blue Valley HS, Stilwell, KS B. Zhou, Lawrence HS, Lawrence, KS G. Chang, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS W. Nolan, Scott City HS, Scott City, KS 110.0 110.0 110.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 105.5 11 Iowa Kansas Region 5 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Arkansas 112.5 12 C. Stewart, Parkview Magnet HS, Little Rock, AR 112.0 9 M. Mccullough, Little Rock Ctr’l HS, Little Rock, AR 181 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 108.0 106.5 106.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 P. Hershorn, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS D. Oman, Blue Valley Northwest HS, Overland Park, KS B. Marenda, Junction City HS, Junction City, KS J. Liu, Blue Valley HS, Stilwell, KS A. Foree, Blue Valley Northwest HS, Overland Park, KS K. Braun, Trinity HS, Hutchinson, KS A. Brockmeyer, Blue Valley HS, Stilwell, KS J. Swearer, Hutchinson HS, Hutchinson, KS E. Risch, Shawnee Heights SHS, Tecumseh, KS J. Littler, Wichita Collegiate Sch, Wichita, KS J. Ma, Blue Valley Northwest HS, Overland Park, KS R. Cairns, Independent Sch, Wichita, KS B. Sollo, Independent Sch, Wichita, KS R. Butler, Junction City HS, Junction City, KS R. Gogineni, Lawrence HS, Lawrence, KS M. Herbster, Seaman HS, Topeka, KS B. Rothrock, Washburn Rural HS, Topeka, KS J. Chen, Blue Valley Northwest HS, Overland Park, KS B. Michaud, Concordia HS, Concordia, KS C. Hurst, Independent Sch, Wichita, KS D. Greene, Junction City HS, Junction City, KS M. Ranker, Seaman HS, Topeka, KS E. Green, Trinity HS, Hutchinson, KS M. Oelze, Wichita HS North, Wichita, KS 119.5 117.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 10 11 12 12 12 10 12 12 10 11 12 9 9 11 9 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 10 11 O. Pulscher, Minnehaha Acad, Minneapolis, MN D. Bernal, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN D. Towey, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN M. Ducker, Ctr’l SHS, St. Paul, MN A. Peterson, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN C. Groebner, Maple Grove SHS, Maple Grove, MN T. Morse, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN S. Vig, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN R. Moser Bleil, Acad of Holy Angels, Richfield, MN E. Strauss, Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN C. Jones, Mankato West HS, Mankato, MN M. Low, Minnetonka SHS, Minnetonka, MN J. Klemenhagen, Rosemount HS, Rosemount, MN R. Agrawal, Wayzata HS, Plymouth, MN R. Paulson, Acad of Holy Angels, Richfield, MN B. Wexler, Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN H. Liu, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN J. Bergerson, Centennial HS, Circle Pines, MN A. Mei, Coon Rapids HS, Coon Rapids, MN B. Weitz, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN A. Birdsall, Roseville Area HS, Roseville, MN K. Wu, Sibley HS, Mendota Heights, MN B. Ford, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN B. Hoegh, Andover HS, Andover, MN D. Oppenheimer, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN R. Cohen, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN L. Perkins, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN T. Park, Mankato West HS, Mankato, MN J. Shiffman, Sibley HS, Mendota Heights, MN T. Herman, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN D. Karnick, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN D. Keatts, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN D. Matlon, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN M. Ryan, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN B. Johnson, St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN B. Galick, Tartan HS, Oakdale, MN A. Avery, Andover HS, Andover, MN N. Clement, Blue Earth Area SHS, Blue Earth, MN S. Peterman, Centennial HS, Circle Pines, MN A. Tran, Minnetonka SHS, Minnetonka, MN V. Tran, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN Minnesota 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 182 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 10 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 10 10 11 10 9 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 12 J. Boyle, St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN C. Mceachern, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN S. Simpson, Acad of Holy Angels, Richfield, MN A. Koller, Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN E. Towner, Cretin-Derham Hall, St Paul, MN K. Godin, De La Salle HS, Minneapolis, MN R. Yue, Jefferson SHS, Bloomington, MN A. Becklin, Mahtomedi SHS, Mahtomedi, MN B. Segal, St Louis Park HS, St Louis Park, MN D. Kennedy, Tartan HS, Oakdale, MN A. Margarit, Acad of Holy Angels, Richfield, MN M. Alam, Andover HS, Andover, MN C. Van Note, Andover HS, Andover, MN A. Bremer, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN Z. Kagin, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN R. Grider, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN S. Kuhlman, Concordia Acad, Roseville, MN D. West, Johnson SHS, St. Paul, MN E. Krogstad, Maple Grove SHS, Maple Grove, MN P. Gulstrand, Minnetonka SHS, Minnetonka, MN C. Forsberg, St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN S. Bjork, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN Y. Shin, Cotter HS, Winona, MN S. Kravik, Minnehaha Acad, Minneapolis, MN D. Heule, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN A. Keeley, Tartan HS, Oakdale, MN J. Budish, Andover HS, Andover, MN L. Barry, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN J. Wirth, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN D. Murray, Blue Earth Area SHS, Blue Earth, MN F. Li, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN M. Janas, Centennial HS, Circle Pines, MN P. Toffoli, Concordia Acad, Roseville, MN N. Leete, Cretin-Derham Hall, St Paul, MN D. Ganzhorn, Rosemount HS, Rosemount, MN A. Nold, Rosemount HS, Rosemount, MN M. Ettel, Roseville Area HS, Roseville, MN M. Fahey, St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN T. Flodin, St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN B. Smith, Acad of Holy Angels, Richfield, MN M. Elfelt, Anoka HS, Anoka, MN B. Fritz, Anoka HS, Anoka, MN S. Vadner, Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN Z. Bjork, Blake Upper Sch, Minneapolis, MN V. Gao, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN L. Ricke, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN C. Ha, Cotter HS, Winona, MN S. Berg, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN A. Flamm, Highland Park SHS, Saint Paul, MN C. Anderson, Mahtomedi SHS, Mahtomedi, MN J. Chang, Mahtomedi SHS, Mahtomedi, MN J. Lindeke, Mahtomedi SHS, Mahtomedi, MN C. Jacobson, Maple Grove SHS, Maple Grove, MN A. Rice, Maple Grove SHS, Maple Grove, MN C. Titus, Minnetonka SHS, Minnetonka, MN A. Kopel, Morris Area SS, Morris, MN S. Myran, Sibley HS, Mendota Heights, MN A. Kies, Simley HS, Inver Grove Heights, MN K. Anderson, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN J. Kirk, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN T. Rauschke, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN B. Zou, Tartan HS, Oakdale, MN W. Israel, Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN M. Hopperstad, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN A. Nguyen, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN K. Rehome, Burnsville HS, Burnsville, MN Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 M. Sarbacker, Christ’s Household of Faith, Saint Paul, MN M. Janni, Coon Rapids HS, Coon Rapids, MN A. Kezar, Coon Rapids HS, Coon Rapids, MN M. Majid, Maple Grove SHS, Maple Grove, MN L. Potter, Minnetonka SHS, Minnetonka, MN B. Byrne, Mounds Park Acad, St Paul, MN J. Cicchese, North HS, North St. Paul, MN M. Crotteau, Orono HS, Long Lake, MN H. Chen, Roseville Area HS, Roseville, MN N. Wallin, Simley HS, Inver Grove Heights, MN B. Dejong, Spring Lake Park SHS, Spring Lake Park, MN B. Larson, Tartan HS, Oakdale, MN M. Lucin, Jackson Co Ctr’l HS, Jackson, MN D. Hoff, Mahtomedi SHS, Mahtomedi, MN J. Keller, Minnehaha Acad, Minneapolis, MN N. Johnson, Roseville Area HS, Roseville, MN J. Mollner, St Thomas Acad, Saint Paul, MN 118.0 118.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 112.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 12 12 9 12 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 10 11 12 12 10 12 9 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 B. Lupo, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE J. Westcott, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE A. Shuster, Ctr’l HS, Omaha, NE J. Draney, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE A. Churchill, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE S. Zheng, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE A. Lin, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE B. Hanson, Kearney HS, Kearney, NE A. Fluitt, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE M. Sheets, Lincoln Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE E. Luxon, Omaha North HS, Omaha, NE A. Wilson, Westside HS, Omaha, NE M. Fenwick, Westside HS, Omaha, NE A. Camp, Ctr’l HS, Omaha, NE G. Lozier, Elkhorn HS, Elkhorn, NE K. Ketcham, Kearney HS, Kearney, NE Z. Kain, Ctr’l HS, Omaha, NE M. Grantham, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE E. Guck, Westside HS, Omaha, NE N. George, Elkhorn HS, Elkhorn, NE Y. Wu, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE T. Mooring, Lincoln Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE M. Halstead, Kimball J/S HS, Kimball, NE J. Hao, Lincoln East HS, Lincoln, NE R. Cheloha, Lincoln Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE A. Allen, Parkview Chr. Sch, Lincoln, NE C. Gwynn, Kearney HS, Kearney, NE B. Howard, Ctr’l HS, Omaha, NE N. Pepperl, Lincoln Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE J. Jackson, Ralston HS, Ralston, NE M. Moses, Ralston HS, Ralston, NE J. Meister, Kearney HS, Kearney, NE B. Unger, Lincoln Southeast HS, Lincoln, NE B. Grone, Parkview Chr. Sch, Lincoln, NE 109.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 K. Becker, Bismarck HS, Bismarck, ND L. Grinsteinner, Bismarck HS, Bismarck, ND J. Stremick, Langdon HS, Langdon, ND D. Kranda, Mandan HS, Mandan, ND P. Moch, Mandan HS, Mandan, ND J. Landeis, Mandan HS, Mandan, ND J. Paul, Beulah HS, Beulah, ND A. Chmielewski, Bismarck HS, Bismarck, ND R. Leingang, Mandan HS, Mandan, ND T. Traeger, Mandan HS, Mandan, ND T. Hensrud, Valley HS, Hoople, ND J. Wagner, Beulah HS, Beulah, ND D. Hushka, Shanley HS, Fargo, ND Nebraska North Dakota 100.5 11 J. Wangler, Century HS, Bismarck, ND 100.5 12 X. Li, Fargo North HS, Fargo, ND Oklahoma 118.5 118.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 112.5 112.5 111.0 109.0 108.0 106.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 8 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 M. Stanley, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK J. Chen, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK B. Morris, Edmond Memorial HS, Edmond, OK N. Eckenstein, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK D. Zhang, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK S. Jessee, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK O. Chodosh, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK A. Tai, Jenks MS, Jenks, OK D. Jouas, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK M. Peters, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK S. Wright, Edmond Memorial HS, Edmond, OK C. Edwards, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK I. Nitzova, Norman HS, Norman, OK R. Roark, Bishop Kelley HS, Tulsa, OK R. Darrow, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK S. Torneten, Norman HS, Norman, OK D. Graham, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK J. Adelson, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK J. Colvard, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK K. Woodson, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK L. Hayes, Bishop Kelley HS, Tulsa, OK L. Craft, Edmond Memorial HS, Edmond, OK A. Spencer, Holland Hall Sch, Tulsa, OK J. Azimibolourian, Norman HS, Norman, OK E. Sievers, Norman HS, Norman, OK C. Ding, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK D. Nance, Edmond Memorial HS, Edmond, OK B. Lee, OK Sch of Sci & Math, Oklahoma City, OK 119.5 118.5 118.0 117.0 116.0 115.0 114.5 112.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 10 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 9 12 T. Smith, Random Lake HS, Random Lake, WI R. Bjerregaard, J I Case HS, Racine, WI C. Hallquist, Oshkosh North HS, Oshkosh, WI J. Malinowski, Middleton HS, Middleton, WI M. Kim, Univ Sch of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI R. Kirsling, Franklin HS, Franklin, WI A. Takashima, J I Case HS, Racine, WI A. Scharf, Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, WI I. Ahmed, Middleton HS, Middleton, WI E. Keyel, J I Case HS, Racine, WI A. Moriarity, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI G. Ziolkowski, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI K. Hong, Middleton HS, Middleton, WI J. Halbur, Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, WI D. Glenna, Two Rivers HS, Two Rivers, WI B. Andrew, Viroqua HS, Viroqua, WI D. Perszyk, Wauwatosa West HS, Wauwatosa, WI B. Holze, Two Rivers HS, Two Rivers, WI H. Ananth, J I Case HS, Racine, WI M. Cieslewicz, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI M. Sapir O, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI G. Frazee, Bradford HS, Kenosha, WI C. Leonhardt, J I Case HS, Racine, WI H. Zhong, Middleton HS, Middleton, WI D. Geil, Rufus King Sch Coll Bound, Milwaukee, WI D. Jain, Univ Sch of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI S. Donaldson, Wauwatosa West HS, Wauwatosa, WI T. Grenfell, Divine Savior Holy Angels HS, Milwaukee, WI J. Voeks, Random Lake HS, Random Lake, WI W. Moss, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI E. Goergen, Divine Savior Holy Angels HS, Milwaukee, WI N. Bolyard, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI M. Wage, Appleton East HS, Appleton, WI K. Wilson, Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, WI Wisconsin 183 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 J. Gantzer, Franklin HS, Franklin, WI J. Feutz, Kettle Moraine Lth HS, Jackson, WI M. Omernick, Wauwatosa West HS, Wauwatosa, WI J. Lim, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI E. Umhoefer, Franklin HS, Franklin, WI M. Moser, Kettle Moraine Lth HS, Jackson, WI D. Ziehr, Middleton HS, Middleton, WI M. Thurber, West HS, Madison, WI A. Ruskiewicz, Franklin HS, Franklin, WI D. Hatten, Rufus King Sch Coll Bound, Milwaukee, WI D. Jonovic, Whitnall HS, Greenfield, WI J. Schoenemann, Middleton HS, Middleton, WI B. Wild, New Berlin HS, New Berlin, WI M. Polender, Wauwatosa West HS, Wauwatosa, WI B. Bohl, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI A. Nitschke, Divine Savior Holy Angels HS, Milwaukee, WI C. Rathjen, Waupaca HS, Waupaca, WI A. Cayo, Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI K. Barnhart, Whitnall HS, Greenfield, WI J. Dancs, Whitnall HS, Greenfield, WI Region 6 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Illinois 119.5 119.5 118.0 118.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 9 11 12 12 10 12 11 11 11 10 10 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 10 D. Lonoff, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL S. Smedinghoff, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL W. Chen, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL B. Reizman, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL W. Cui, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL J. Lee, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL N. Cheng, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Lee, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL X. Wang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Jameson, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL L. Esbrook, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL A. Insko, Hononegah HS, Rockton, IL C. Biwer, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Burdinie, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Rabovianski, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL K. Hallock, Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL J. Brosius, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL S. Salvi, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Swiatlowski, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL A. Beausoleil, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Shen, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Ye, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Nasti, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL A. Goldman, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL J. Kidd, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL X. Ye, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL B. Hulbert, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL K. Chuang, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL H. Jin, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL M. Say, Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL A. Hutcherson, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Mikulka, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL V. Raguveer, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL E. Shyu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL T. Tao, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL H. Fyfe, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL D. Atwood, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL T. Kleeman, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL M. Pluzhnikov, , , IL C. Kim, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL C. Knight, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL K. Tao, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL 111.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 184 12 12 11 12 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 10 10 12 10 9 10 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 10 10 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 10 12 12 12 10 11 11 12 12 12 S. Shah, J B Conant HS, Hoffman Estates, IL P. Oehrlein, Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL L. Suchomel, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL H. Du, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL M. Odlyzko, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL G. Suh, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL J. Young, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL J. Chou, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL N. Harker, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Parr, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL S. Pasquesi, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Song, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL K. Xie, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Gupta, J B Conant HS, Hoffman Estates, IL R. Nunna, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL C. Hutjens, Ctr’l HS, Champaign, IL B. Xie, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL L. Copeland, Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL C. Gilbert, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL Y. Cheng, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Horn, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL T. Huynh, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Kanters, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Kapicka, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Keller, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Lewis, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL L. Moryl, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Wheeler, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Zearing, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Huss, J B Conant HS, Hoffman Estates, IL Y. Tsuzuki, J B Conant HS, Hoffman Estates, IL J. Fang, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL A. Duncan, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL B. Nathan, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL N. Edward, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL N. Kalmakov, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL E. Chang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Chen, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Gao, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL L. Jarocha, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Yin, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Sicker, Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL J. Engel, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL K. Evans, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL J. Long, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL K. Davidson, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL E. Myers, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL G. Olson, Crystal Lake South HS, Crystal Lake, IL S. Inns, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL C. Cameron, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL P. Chung, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL E. Oh, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL G. Chang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Dorn, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Drake, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Gebler, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Lu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Mroczek, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Phan, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Powers, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL F. Zhang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL G. Klionsky, Lincoln Park HS, Chicago, IL K. Nandam, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL R. Jackson, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL A. Wall, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL E. Arutchev, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 12 10 12 11 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 9 12 12 11 12 11 10 11 10 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 10 11 11 12 12 11 10 10 11 12 10 11 T. Kwak, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL A. Wodka, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL S. Otten, Crystal Lake South HS, Crystal Lake, IL K. Kubat, Hononegah HS, Rockton, IL K. Arasi, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Forbes, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL W. Hahm, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Jan T Nia, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL B. Kilaru, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Onyiego, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Ye, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL E. Yeh, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL N. Hart, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL P. Wojtulewicz, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL B. Jansen, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL R. Tholin, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL B. Cheney, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL A. Kantor, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL C. Montalbano, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL D. Vu, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL J. Chiou, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Ho, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL N. Pancholi, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Lee, Naperville North HS, Naperville, IL L. Moeller, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL D. Polito, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL D. Nusbaum, Bond Co Comm #2 HS, Greenville, IL A. Angotti, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL S. Nelson, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL E. Greulich, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL I. Mikhelson, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL A. Moon, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL S. Kang, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL L. Bogdan, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL X. Ding, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Griffith, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL P. Gu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Hawker, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL V. Viswanathan, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Mayer, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL D. Clark, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL D. Wetherholt, Aurora West HS, Aurora, IL N. Ellsworth, Bond Co Comm #2 HS, Greenville, IL J. Bishop, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL A. Levon, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL G. Perl, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL N. Vandrunen, Heritage Chr. HS, South Holland, IL G. Barbosa, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Choi, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. David, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL G. Dwyer, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL R. Gala, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Grunberg, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Gurga, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Hsu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Kang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL K. Lim, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL C. Matos, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL K. Mchugh, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL W. Pan, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL H. Patel, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL N. Pierson, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL R. Shih, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL V. Udawatta, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL N. Xu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Green, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 9 102.0 10 101.5 12 101.5 10 101.5 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 100.5 12 100.5 9 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 185 J. Luscombe, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL R. Kuprenas, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL W. Ericksen, Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL J. Hermanson, Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL H. Bralower, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL L. Hines, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL N. Miller, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL G. Poulos, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL J. Mussman, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL K. Than, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL M. Oudenhoven, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL K. Lee, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL Y. Nishimatsu, J B Conant HS, Hoffman Estates, IL J. Schwartz, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL J. Mcclurg, Clinton HS, Clinton, IL C. Pond, Clinton HS, Clinton, IL D. Calabrese, Crystal Lake South HS, Crystal Lake, IL B. Zhao, Crystal Lake South HS, Crystal Lake, IL C. Oustwani, Glenbrook North HS, Northbrook, IL A. Coh, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL J. Akhtar, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL L. Hawkes, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Jensen, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Johnson, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL N. Kulkarni, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Kwan, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Liu, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL W. Mascarinas, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Montgomery, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL R. Nohria, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Stewart, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL Y. Sun, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL D. Zhuang, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Nash, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL S. Stein, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL E. Echevarria, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL A. Ramakrishnan, Naperville Ctr’l HS, Naperville, IL T. Cobia, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL E. Zhou, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL P. Dekhtyar, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL K. Wewegama, Northside Col Prep HS, Chicago, IL V. Frantz, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL E. Jamison, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL K. Skelton, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL E. Van Dril, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL D. Schuler, Aurora Ctr’l Cath HS, Aurora, IL D. Bulmash, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL B. Kapicka, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL K. Knutson, Buffalo Grove HS, Buffalo Grove, IL M. Danalewich, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL J. Kim, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL A. Muehlbauer, Glenbrook South HS, Glenview, IL T. Houlahan, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL J. Kotas, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL M. Kuo, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL E. Nepomuceno, Il Math & Sci Acad, Aurora, IL A. Buttrick, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL A. Friedland, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL D. Myers, Latin Sch of Chicago, Chicago, IL R. Sullivan, Lincoln-Way East HS, Frankfort, IL N. Kravis, Maine West HS, Des Plaines, IL T. Lee, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL D. Pong, New Trier Twp HS, Winnetka, IL M. Mccormick, Sauk Valley Comm Coll, Dixon, IL D. Welch, St Charles North HS, Saint Charles, IL Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued Kentucky 118.5 115.0 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 104.5 104.5 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 12 12 11 11 9 10 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 8 12 11 11 12 9 11 12 11 M. Bobart, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY B. Reeves, Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY K. Patel, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY A. Lewine, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY L. Wilhelmus, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY C. Link, Trinity HS, Louisville, KY S. Poiko En, Ctr’l Hardin HS, Cecilia, KY J. Lanford, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY R. Moody, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY T. Reynolds, Trinity HS, Louisville, KY W. Parell, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY E. Brown, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY N. Kleban, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY J. Rice, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY A. Brownlow, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY A. Frazer, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY N. Kurkjy, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY E. Loxley, Lexington Cath HS, Lexington, KY C. Bowers, Daviess Co HS, Owensboro, KY T. James, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY G. Smith, Kentucky Ctry DS, Louisville, KY B. Zinninger, Pleasure Ridge Park HS, Louisville, KY N. Gupta, , , KY Missouri 118.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 12 11 10 12 11 11 9 12 11 12 12 9 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 11 12 Y. Yan, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO S. Fried, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO A. Lee, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO Y. Huang, Rolla SHS, Rolla, MO E. Mintun, Thomas Jefferson Sch, Saint Louis, MO N. Fritchman, Nixa HS, Nixa, MO L. Zhao, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO D. Weiss, Mehlville HS, St Louis, MO D. Koenigsfeld, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO A. Srinath, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO N. Semenkovich, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO A. Palaniappan, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO D. Rim, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO J. Lee, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO S. Traiberman, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO Z. Crider, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO N. Pai, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO S. Wetz, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO J. Hutchings, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO B. Huhmann, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO E. Lin, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO N. Russell, St Joseph Chr. Sch, Saint Joseph, MO C. Tomlinson, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO T. Kim, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO D. Ni, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO Y. Yin, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO A. Echnre, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO G. Munro, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO C. Sloan, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO R. Adams, Rolla SHS, Rolla, MO N. Dennis, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO P. Lane, St Joseph Chr. Sch, Saint Joseph, MO A. Weinhold, St Joseph Chr. Sch, Saint Joseph, MO S. Mues, Mehlville HS, St Louis, MO F. Jiang, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO J. Anderson, Glendale HS, Springfield, MO Y. Du, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO Q. Wang, Parkway South HS, Manchester, MO R. Du, Rolla SHS, Rolla, MO C. May, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO C. Rehagen, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 9 11 10 11 11 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 10 12 11 11 11 11 P. Nielsen, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO R. Sun, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO R. Cope, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO C. Bernhard, Lee’s Summit West HS, Lee’s Summit, MO T. Schaible, Lutheran HS-Charles Co, Saint Peters, MO A. Ruman, Parkway Ctr’l HS, Chesterfield, MO J. Lu, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO M. Odenwald, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO T. Szewczyk, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO R. Dunn, Festus SHS, Festus, MO L. Delaney, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO K. Gredell, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO C. Kokoska, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO D. Castle, St Joseph Chr. Sch, Saint Joseph, MO L. Dang, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO D. Marincel, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO D. Meier, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO J. Reynolds, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO S. Stragand, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO K. Lee, Thomas Jefferson Sch, Saint Louis, MO T. Huether, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO C. Shaver, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO K. Rose, Glendale HS, Springfield, MO T. Rehagen, Helias Interparish HS, Jefferson City, MO O. Latifi, Hickman HS, Columbia, MO A. Kuchman, Ladue Horton Watkins HS, St Louis, MO R. Strubberg, Marquette HS, Chesterfield, MO M. Hill, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO T. Malecek, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO J. Siebert, Festus SHS, Festus, MO J. Power, Pembroke Hill Sch, Kansas City, MO J. Westwood, St Louis Univ HS, St Louis, MO 117.0 116.0 112.5 111.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 108.0 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 100.5 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 J. Oconnor, White Station HS, Memphis, TN G. Burnham, White Station HS, Memphis, TN J. Zhu, White Station HS, Memphis, TN W. Lu, White Station HS, Memphis, TN C. Morelock, Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN Y. Wang, Hume Fogg Academic HS, Nashville, TN J. Melton, Rossview HS, Clarksville, TN J. Singleton, Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN E. Williams, White Station HS, Memphis, TN P. Sheth, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN K. Pesce, Girls Prep Sch, Chattanooga, TN C. Gautsch, Pope John Paul II HS, Hendersonville, TN C. Trower, White Station HS, Memphis, TN R. Williams, Franklin HS, Franklin, TN K. Stokes, Girls Prep Sch, Chattanooga, TN R. Folger, Hume Fogg Academic HS, Nashville, TN W. Adsit, White Station HS, Memphis, TN J. Sirk, Clarksville Acad, Clarksville, TN J. Eswarappa, White Station HS, Memphis, TN T. Zhang, White Station HS, Memphis, TN M. Brown, Collierville HS, Collierville, TN M. Fong, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN J. Abell, Notre Dame HS, Chattanooga, TN J. Liyana, Pope John Paul II HS, Hendersonville, TN J. Burdette, Univ Sch, Johnson City, TN S. Lin, White Station HS, Memphis, TN E. Broder, , , TN E. Chin, White Station HS, Memphis, TN T. Shu, White Station HS, Memphis, TN R. Tang, White Station HS, Memphis, TN M. Polcari, Notre Dame HS, Chattanooga, TN D. Manasco, Ridgeway HS, Memphis, TN G. Kerr, Dobyns Bennett HS, Kingsport, TN Tennessee 186 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 100.5 11 T. Harms, Franklin HS, Franklin, TN 100.5 12 K. Wang, Memphis Univ Sch, Memphis, TN 100.5 11 J. Rippy, Pope John Paul II HS, Hendersonville, TN Region 7 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Louisiana 115.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 106.5 104.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 A. Tzeng, Lafayette HS, Lafayette, LA C. Cheng, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA T. Fei, Lafayette HS, Lafayette, LA R. Schwalenberg, Pope John Paul II SHS, Slidell, LA M. Rhode, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA M. Griffin, Abbeville HS, Abbeville, LA S. Le, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA A. Charters, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA J. Fielkow, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA C. Hunter, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA R. Wee, Benjamin Franklin HS, New Orleans, LA 118.5 115.0 105.5 105.5 104.5 12 8 12 11 10 K. Cunningham, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS W. Zhang, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS J. Lubin, Tupelo HS, Tupelo, MS S. Rhea, Tupelo HS, Tupelo, MS Z. Wasson, Jackson Prep Sch, Jackson, MS 119.5 119.5 119.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 117.0 117.0 116.5 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.0 114.5 114.5 114.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 11 12 11 10 11 12 11 9 12 9 11 12 12 11 11 10 10 12 10 9 11 10 9 12 11 10 11 10 12 10 11 9 11 10 11 11 8 12 10 11 9 12 D. Chellaram, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Kapadia, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX J. Zhou, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX S. Zhou, Jasper HS, Plano, TX E. Souganidis, Johnson HS, Austin, TX J. Zhao, Johnson HS, Austin, TX E. Merrill, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX S. Chan, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX H. Chung, Johnson HS, Austin, TX J. Chen, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX J. Schmerling, Johnson HS, Austin, TX A. Shafi, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX B. Cook, Richard King HS, Corpus Christi, TX S. Zhou, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX K. Hollis, San Marcos HS, San Marcos, TX P. Gustafson, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX T. Malone, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX Y. Zou, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX C. Shi, Jasper HS, Plano, TX D. Wu, Jasper HS, Plano, TX M. Caffarelli, Johnson HS, Austin, TX N. Swaney, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX S. Zhang, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX M. Vanmiddlesworth, St Stephens Epis Sch, Austin, TX M. Nguyen, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX S. Wei, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX N. Parikh, Dunbar HS, Ft Worth, TX G. Ha, Jasper HS, Plano, TX H. Zhang, Johnson HS, Austin, TX T. Feng, Shepton HS, Plano, TX J. Leake, Cinco Ranch HS, Katy, TX J. Zou, Jasper HS, Plano, TX J. Wright, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX D. Ho, Shepton HS, Plano, TX S. Patterson, St Pius X HS, Houston, TX H. Cheung, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX G. Dhar, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX N. Lin, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX A. Lin, Shepton HS, Plano, TX F. Gu, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Weng, Jasper HS, Plano, TX E. Adolph, Jersey Village HS, Houston, TX Mississippi Texas 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 187 12 11 10 12 9 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 10 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 11 12 10 11 11 12 11 9 12 11 11 8 9 12 12 12 10 12 11 9 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 12 11 11 J. Coveney, Jesuit Col Prep Sch, Dallas, TX A. Pace, Johnson HS, Austin, TX S. Lau, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX C. Chen, Cinco Ranch HS, Katy, TX K. Parihar, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Foster, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX C. Powell, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX S. Hong, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX E. Kornacki, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX J. Paulos, Johnson HS, Austin, TX S. Wilson, San Marcos HS, San Marcos, TX D. Popov, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX C. Hsu, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Ranjbar, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX X. Li, Johnson HS, Austin, TX K. Wood, Johnson HS, Austin, TX X. Qiao, Options In Ed HS, McAllen, TX K. Duffy, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Maarouf, Westside HS, Houston, TX J. Maxwell, Westside HS, Houston, TX A. Iacob, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX S. Garg, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX W. Hsu, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Zhu, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX Z. Syed, Dunbar HS, Ft Worth, TX R. Chakraborty, Hightower HS, Missouri City, TX W. Hinds, Pflugerville HS, Pflugerville, TX A. Walsh, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX R. Webb, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX J. Li, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX D. Hansen, Austin Area HomeSchers, Austin, TX D. St Louis, Captain John L Chapin HS, El Paso, TX T. Saller, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX A. Purtee, Hightower HS, Missouri City, TX D. Wang, Jasper HS, Plano, TX E. Hillis, Johnson HS, Austin, TX B. Tran, Johnson HS, Austin, TX L. Pyle, Richard King HS, Corpus Christi, TX K. Man, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX A. Kavi, Shepton HS, Plano, TX I. Jung, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX A. Vu, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX T. Hsiung, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX Y. Liu, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX O. Bastani, Jasper HS, Plano, TX M. Mcevoy, Jesuit Col Prep Sch, Dallas, TX J. Tsang, Johnson HS, Austin, TX M. Putnam, Pflugerville HS, Pflugerville, TX K. Li, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX G. Gmoser, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX M. Zhu, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX E. Martin, Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX T. Holland, Jersey Village HS, Houston, TX J. Oliver, Jesuit Col Prep Sch, Dallas, TX B. Sills, Jesuit Col Prep Sch, Dallas, TX A. Shestopalov, Johnson HS, Austin, TX B. Van De Geijn, Pflugerville HS, Pflugerville, TX H. Zhou, Plano East SHS, Plano, TX K. Le, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Wang, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX V. Patel, Westfield HS, Houston, TX B. Liu, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX I. Iacob, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX D. Zhao, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX B. Vial, Cinco Ranch HS, Katy, TX Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 10 11 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 10 10 12 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 9 11 11 11 12 A. Rossi Mastracci, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX H. Park, Cypress Springs HS, Cypress, TX M. Lin, Jasper HS, Plano, TX A. Venkatesan, Jasper HS, Plano, TX M. Fallon, Jersey Village HS, Houston, TX D. Delafosse, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX A. Wyckoff, Options In Ed HS, McAllen, TX D. Farrow, Salado HS, Salado, TX J. Komkov, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX P. Lynch, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX O. Amubieya, Westside HS, Houston, TX J. Kammerman, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX D. Broyles, Garland HS, Garland, TX F. Raushel, A & M Cons HS, College Station, TX E. Gulunay, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX H. Huang, Clements HS, Sugar Land, TX J. Hamann, Hendrickson HS, Pflugerville, TX N. Zhang, Jasper HS, Plano, TX R. Bruce, Jersey Village HS, Houston, TX E. Chang, Johnson HS, Austin, TX M. Hurley, Johnson HS, Austin, TX J. Kana, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX N. Park, Mayde Creek HS, Houston, TX T. Wright, Oakridge Sch, Arlington, TX M. Beynon, Richard King HS, Corpus Christi, TX J. Lucas, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX J. Mcdonald, Sandra Day O’Connor HS, Helotes, TX D. Powell, St Andrews Epis Sch, Austin, TX C. Mcleod, TX Acad Math, Sci (TAMS), Denton, TX V. Liu, Johnson HS, Austin, TX R. Panketh, Pflugerville HS, Pflugerville, TX A. Baevich, Stephen F Austin HS, Sugar Land, TX Region 8 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Alaska 108.0 105.5 104.5 101.0 101.0 10 12 12 12 11 R. Huebschen, Juneau Douglas HS, Juneau, AK A. Fatiy, Juneau Douglas HS, Juneau, AK J. Omalley, Dimond HS, Anchorage, AK D. Leclair, Dimond HS, Anchorage, AK E. Gullufsen, Juneau Douglas HS, Juneau, AK Arizona 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 112.5 9 111.5 12 110.0 10 110.0 11 109.0 12 109.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 11 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 12 108.0 11 107.5 9 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.5 11 104.5 12 104.5 10 104.0 12 104.0 E. Azhar, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ R. Stout, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ Y. Wang, Hamilton HS, Chandler, AZ E. Stout, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ P. Wang, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ J. Derubeis, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ B. Ko, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ S. Tsen, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ L. Starkston, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ K. Hsu, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ M. Hwang, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ S. Mussi, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ S. Tzeng, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ S. Xu, Hamilton HS, Chandler, AZ K. Jones, Tucson Magnet HS, Tucson, AZ E. Roberts, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ J. Patel, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ B. Yang, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ T. Feiereisel, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ N. Pokrajac, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ A. Rice, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ R. Rockwood, Arcadia HS, Phoenix, AZ P. Schaffert, Jess Schwartz Jewish Cmnty HS, Phoenix, AZ 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 11 11 11 10 10 10 12 12 12 10 12 9 10 11 12 10 12 10 11 S. Bischoff Mattso, Northland Prep Acad, Flagstaff, AZ D. Mandushev, Northland Prep Acad, Flagstaff, AZ A. Al Obeidi, Canyon Del Oro HS, Tucson, AZ V. Shi, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ Y. Tsen, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ J. Huynh, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ G. Katase, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ K. Marshall, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ A. Nelson, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ M. Yach, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ J. He, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ J. Gunsch, , , AZ C. Chiang, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ K. Christensen, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ M. Klein, Corona Del Sol HS, Tempe, AZ M. Jeng, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ J. Jeng, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ S. Ly, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ S. Tu, Desert Vista HS, Phoenix, AZ 116.0 115.5 115.0 111.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 9 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 8 12 10 12 11 11 10 11 11 8 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 N. Bradley, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO M. Carpenter, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO R. Boyne, Loveland HS, Loveland, CO D. Johns, Platte Canyon HS, Bailey, CO J. Frederick, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO A. Tuchman, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO B. Shourd, Columbine HS, Littleton, CO A. Halevi, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO A. Hill, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO T. Stiverson, Loveland HS, Loveland, CO S. Zepelin, Challenge Sch, Denver, CO M. Capron, Heritage HS, Littleton, CO L. Ek, Heritage HS, Littleton, CO M. Demoret, Mountain Vista HS, Highlands Ranch, CO A. Flynt, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO G. Peterson, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO B. Davis, Heritage HS, Littleton, CO A. Arbuthnot, Silver Creek HS, Longmont, CO Z. Harvanek, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO M. Morton, Rangely HS, Rangely, CO A. Pevarnik, Grandview HS, Aurora, CO W. Shuck, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO C. Stewart, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO C. Nolan, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO L. Boon, Arapahoe HS, Littleton, CO N. Paz, Platte Canyon HS, Bailey, CO J. Mackey, Rangely HS, Rangely, CO D. Beylkin, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO R. Nalitham, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO B. Teague, Fairview HS, Boulder, CO Colorado Guam 103.0 11 T. Aguilo, John F Kennedy HS, Tamuning, GU Hawaii 115.0 113.5 113.5 112.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 188 11 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 A. Lee, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI X. Hou, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI E. Anderson, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Cannell, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Tsukikawa, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI P. Ishizuka, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Sueako, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Ginoza, Pearl City HS, Pearl City, HI I. Esaki, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI G. Borthakur, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Mizumoto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Leng, Maryknoll HS, Honolulu, HI M. Shiraishi, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 107.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 B. Yim, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Garrod, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Cornuelle, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI B. Young, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Tanaka, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI H. Kramer, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Sender, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI Y. Tan, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI G. Tang, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI D. Ushijima, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Atkinson, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI A. Baclig, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI S. Nishimoto, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI D. Lee, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Wong, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Nakamura, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Van Etten, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Kohatsu, J B Castle HS, Kaneohe, HI K. Cloward, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI R. Foley, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Goto, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI B. Luke, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Zane, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Dossantos Tam, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI C. Inouye, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Kirio, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI C. Oda, McKinley HS, Honolulu, HI C. Yoo, McKinley HS, Honolulu, HI M. Asada, Pearl City HS, Pearl City, HI S. Dannaway, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI E. Fink, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI J. Harano, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI T. Yamashita, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI C. Ingari, Sacred Hearts Acad HS, Honolulu, HI B. Aisaka, Iolani Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Labrador, McKinley HS, Honolulu, HI A. Kim, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI Y. Miyamoto, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI M. Wong, Punahou Sch, Honolulu, HI Idaho Montana 108.0 12 R. Hitzeroth, Rocky Mountain Chr. HS, Helena, MT 101.0 12 J. Schwab, Polson HS, Polson, MT Nevada 12 12 11 12 11 11 11 S. Wong, Edward C Reed HS, Sparks, NV L. Gilmour, Basic HS, Henderson, NV B. Myer, Acad Int’l/Perf Art, Las Vegas, NV E. Ross, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV N. Adams, Wooster HS, Reno, NV D. Fanter, Cheyenne HS, North Las Vegas, NV N. Shook, Meadows Sch, Las Vegas, NV 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 115.5 115.0 114.5 111.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 12 9 12 12 11 11 8 8 11 12 10 11 8 C. Norby, Eunice HS, Eunice, NM A. Wiele, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM J. Vaughn, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM J. Dimiduk, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM X. Lu, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM J. Russell, Eunice HS, Eunice, NM M. Wu, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM C. Zhao, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM C. Gao, Los Alamos HS, Los Alamos, NM M. Wade, Albuquerque HS, Albuquerque, NM Z. Friedman, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM K. Klavetter, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM K. Cordwell, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM 9 12 8 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 H. Wu, Albuquerque Acad, Albuquerque, NM B. Hardy, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM T. Huang, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM D. Kavelman, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM A. Lee, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM E. Stranford, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM Y. Zuo, Manzano HS, Albuquerque, NM J. Keeley, Piedra Vista HS, Farmington, NM C. Spare, Piedra Vista HS, Farmington, NM D. Veazey, Piedra Vista HS, Farmington, NM S. Orozco, Eunice HS, Eunice, NM E. Jones, La Cueva HS, Albuquerque, NM 118.5 118.5 118.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 10 11 8 12 11 12 10 11 8 12 9 10 12 12 12 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 8 11 12 11 A. Allyn Feuer, Wilson HS, Portland, OR A. Waters, Wilson HS, Portland, OR E. Earson, Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR T. Le, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR K. Kini, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR D. Koepl, West Salem HS, Salem, OR K. Grove, Benson HS, Portland, OR V. Yeh, Crescent Valley HS, Corvallis, OR M. Xu, Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR B. Eppler, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR A. Clarke, Benson HS, Portland, OR Y. Li, Southridge HS, Beaverton, OR T. Burbridge, Grants Pass HS, Grants Pass, OR D. Fulton, Southridge HS, Beaverton, OR W. Sehorn, Westview HS, Portland, OR M. Smith, Cleveland HS, Portland, OR R. Chapman, Ctr’l Cath HS, Portland, OR A. Knapp, Forest Grove HS, Forest Grove, OR F. Zhang, Westview HS, Portland, OR B. Bickford, South Salem HS, Salem, OR P. Stanton, Wilson HS, Portland, OR A. Omid Zohoor, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR I. Buyukkurkcu, Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR K. Melancon, West Linn HS, West Linn, OR C. Healy, Ashland HS, Ashland, OR M. Beenen, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR C. Knierim, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR B. Buford, Benson HS, Portland, OR J. Lybrand, Benson HS, Portland, OR T. Duncombe, Corvallis HS, Corvallis, OR N. Sanders, Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR W. Long, South Salem HS, Salem, OR A. Fink, Southridge HS, Beaverton, OR V. Giampietro, Southridge HS, Beaverton, OR T. Sanders, Wilson HS, Portland, OR J. Evers, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR N. Haller, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR N. Marineau, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR P. Herbert, Benson HS, Portland, OR K. Oneil, Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR A. Pheil, South Salem HS, Salem, OR R. Pratt, Sprague HS, Salem, OR A. Reyna, Sprague HS, Salem, OR B. Martins, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR E. Mckinstry, Wilson HS, Portland, OR R. Bjorkquist, Wilson HS, Portland, OR C. Corbett, Wilson HS, Portland, OR S. Hunter, Corvallis HS, Corvallis, OR J. Ji, Henry D Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR D. Yu, McKay HS, Salem, OR M. Haynes, Theo Roosevelt MS, Eugene, OR A. Kinney, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR S. Koedoot, Wilson HS, Portland, OR L. Schweitzer, Wilson HS, Portland, OR Oregon 101.0 12 A. Vierkant, River Stone Comm Sch, Boise, ID 112.5 104.5 103.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 106.5 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 New Mexico 189 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 11 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 10 12 11 12 12 C. Lipski, Ashland HS, Ashland, OR D. Haley, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR J. Sargent, Cleveland HS, Portland, OR B. Beck, Corvallis HS, Corvallis, OR T. Wright, Henry D Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR J. Green, Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR D. Hanussak, Roseburg SHS, Roseburg, OR C. Stoneking, Sprague HS, Salem, OR K. Ng, Valley Cath Sch, Beaverton, OR M. Fritz, Wilson HS, Portland, OR J. Kadish, Wilson HS, Portland, OR B. Waters, Wilson HS, Portland, OR T. Lew, South Albany HS, Albany, OR C. Bailey, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR T. Walery, Beaverton HS, Beaverton, OR R. Anderson, Benson HS, Portland, OR M. Oneill, Benson HS, Portland, OR N. Satiravorakul, Corvallis HS, Corvallis, OR A. Takikawa, Crescent Valley HS, Corvallis, OR E. Glenn, Lasalle HS, Milwaukie, OR J. Kim, Lasalle HS, Milwaukie, OR E. Mcdermott, South Salem HS, Salem, OR D. Arnold, Sprague HS, Salem, OR J. Siddall, Sprague HS, Salem, OR W. Woods, Sprague HS, Salem, OR R. Brownlow, St Marys Acad, Portland, OR O. Johnson, West Salem HS, Salem, OR R. Li, Westview HS, Portland, OR M. Jones, Wilson HS, Portland, OR T. Sorensen, Wilson HS, Portland, OR E. Sullivan, Bend HS, Bend, OR P. Manning, Corvallis HS, Corvallis, OR K. Drost, Crescent Valley HS, Corvallis, OR C. Simpson, Henry D Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR V. Bentley, Sprague HS, Salem, OR M. Tierney, Westview HS, Portland, OR 117.0 115.0 115.0 113.5 112.5 111.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 106.5 106.5 105.5 105.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 12 11 12 9 10 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 9 10 12 10 12 12 12 11 10 11 11 11 I. Mckinley, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT S. Cobb, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT A. Wells, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT S. Shurtz, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT D. Posch, Waterford Sch, Sandy, UT R. Shurtz, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT D. Wursten, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT H. Watkins, Lone Peak HS, Highland, UT K. Dhung, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT Q. Liu, Timpview HS, Provo, UT M. Rees, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT R. Skinner, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT B. Green, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT Y. Hu, Timpview HS, Provo, UT B. Bacon, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT J. Wu, Timpview HS, Provo, UT B. Barnett, Timpview HS, Provo, UT K. Brewer, Timpview HS, Provo, UT C. Jia, Timpview HS, Provo, UT E. Gibbons, Cottonwood HS, Salt Lake City, UT S. Zhou, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT B. Johnson, Lone Peak HS, Highland, UT B. Mccloskey, Meridian Sch, Provo, UT M. Stanford, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT P. Zhang, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT D. Turley, West Jordan HS, West Jordan, UT B. Geilman, Lone Peak HS, Highland, UT C. Sakashita, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT R. Zhang, Skyline HS, Salt Lake City, UT Utah 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 12 12 11 11 10 E. Sumsion, Springville HS, Springville, UT A. Pulsipher, Timpview HS, Provo, UT J. Johns, Am Fork HS, American Fork, UT M. Harris, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT S. Ma, Davis HS, Kaysville, UT 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.0 115.0 114.5 113.5 113.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 110.0 109.5 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 10 9 12 11 12 10 11 12 11 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 Y. Jeong, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA R. Hinman, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA P. Hunziker, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA S. Kreiger, Sammamish HS, Bellevue, WA P. Morales, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA J. Turtle, Pullman HS, Pullman, WA E. Chen, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA L. Mummy, Issaquah HS, Issaquah, WA A. Kim, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA J. Pickering, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA M. Zhou, Int’l Comm Sch, Kirkland, WA D. Yu, Newport HS, Bellevue, WA D. Stanford, Anacortes SHS, Anacortes, WA K. Dray, Edmonds-Woodway HS, Edmonds, WA V. Wu, Newport HS, Bellevue, WA J. Geier, Archbishop Murphy HS, Everett, WA J. Oconnell, Archbishop Murphy HS, Everett, WA D. Cheng, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA C. Aagaard, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA W. Taing, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA C. Yoon, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA S. Levine, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA K. Lam, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA E. Chang, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA E. Mccambridge, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA S. Berkley, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA D. Sherbon, Liberty SHS, Renton, WA A. Cunningham, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA C. Zhang, Newport HS, Bellevue, WA S. Cook, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA J. Na, Thomas Jefferson HS, Auburn, WA A. Dilley, Gonzaga Prep Sch, Spokane, WA M. Onufer, Liberty SHS, Renton, WA G. Kapinos, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA S. Lu, Eastlake HS, Sammamish, WA E. Eugenio, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA J. Ketner, Richland HS, Richland, WA W. Po, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA G. Gruber, Anacortes SHS, Anacortes, WA D. Feldman, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA J. Gerhart, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA B. Stock, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA K. Iwamoto, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA C. Stewart, Newport HS, Bellevue, WA J. Gan, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA A. Hsieh, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA M. Ostertag, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA T. Yamada, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA T. Vu, Renton HS, Renton, WA J. Chen, Sammamish HS, Bellevue, WA N. Roehner, Sehome HS, Bellingham, WA G. Morita, Shorecrest HS, Shoreline, WA A. Rossman, Woodinville HS, Woodinville, WA A. Chick, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA A. Toyama, Bush Sch, Seattle, WA J. Drost, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA A. Lawson, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA B. Smith, Oliver M Hazen HS, Renton, WA K. Ploeger, Sehome HS, Bellingham, WA A. Wickell, Sehome HS, Bellingham, WA Washington 190 Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 104.5 12 104.5 12 104.0 11 104.0 10 104.0 11 104.0 12 103.5 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 12 103.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 10 102.0 10 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 11 102.0 12 102.0 12 102.0 11 101.5 11 101.5 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 10 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 100.5 12 100.5 9 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 J. Numata, Univ HS, Spokane, WA A. Johnson, Univ Prep Acad, Seattle, WA H. Koh, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA D. Albers, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA B. Klos, Richland HS, Richland, WA D. Frantz, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA G. Lin, Newport HS, Bellevue, WA M. Reed, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA B. Zheng, Eastlake HS, Sammamish, WA L. Larson, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA S. Johnston, Kamiak HS, Mukilteo, WA A. Mak, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA A. Avril, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA D. Shields, Squalicum HS, Bellingham, WA S. Ryken, Curtis HS, University Pl, WA M. Finfer, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA B. Goodwin, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA G. Mayock, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA J. Tsay, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA M. Glover, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA J. Bigelow, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA M. Thuntarug, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA D. Youngblut, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA J. Jusak, Sehome HS, Bellingham, WA K. Moffat, Sehome HS, Bellingham, WA J. Chiu, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA T. Cecka, Skyview HS, Vancouver, WA A. Palmer, Univ Prep Acad, Seattle, WA E. Cooledge, Bellevue HS, Bellevue, WA K. Hong, Shorewood HS, Shoreline, WA J. Starr, Clarkston HS, Clarkston, WA C. Button, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA J. Drost, Ferndale HS, Ferndale, WA J. Keilman, Inglemoor SHS, Kenmore, WA C. Kim, Kamiak HS, Mukilteo, WA K. Mceachen, Kamiak HS, Mukilteo, WA J. Jarosz, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA B. Le, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA T. Kumma, Redmond HS, Redmond, WA A. Rock, Eastlake HS, Sammamish, WA N. Pleasants, Garfield HS, Seattle, WA B. Styke, Kamiak HS, Mukilteo, WA M. Birnbaum, Kentridge HS, Kent, WA B. Mitchell, Mount Rainier HS, Des Moines, WA A. Dunford, Richland HS, Richland, WA C. Abernathy, South Kitsap HS, Port Orchard, WA Region 9 ScoreGrName, School, City, State California 119.5 12 119.5 12 119.5 12 119.5 10 119.5 12 119.0 11 118.5 11 118.5 118.5 10 118.5 11 118.5 12 118.0 11 118.0 118.0 11 118.0 12 117.0 12 R. Zheng, Bellarmine Col Prep Sch, San Jose, CA N. Shah, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA A. Ma, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA R. Liou, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA J. Wang, Univ HS, Irvine, CA T. Hsieh, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA C. Xu, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA K. Zhu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA K. Tang Quan, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA G. Marcotte, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA Y. Toriyama, Rancho Bernardo HS, San Diego, CA A. Fedyk, Albany HS, Albany, CA I. Macleod, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA A. Hsieh, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Yonebayashi, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA X. Tang, Davis SHS, Davis, CA 117.0 12 117.0 11 117.0 12 117.0 12 117.0 12 116.0 12 116.0 12 116.0 10 116.0 11 116.0 12 116.0 116.0 11 116.0 12 116.0 12 116.0 10 116.0 12 116.0 10 116.0 10 115.5 12 115.5 11 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 9 115.0 12 115.0 12 115.0 11 115.0 11 114.5 12 114.5 9 114.5 12 113.5 12 113.5 11 113.5 10 113.5 11 113.5 11 113.0 12 113.0 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 6 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 9 112.5 11 112.5 11 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.5 12 112.0 11 112.0 10 112.0 12 112.0 12 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 11 111.5 11 191 L. Wang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA E. Bruins, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA J. Chai, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA E. Chhouk, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA A. Eames, Raptor Acad, Poway, CA P. Bugga, Arcadia HS, Arcadia, CA E. Markham, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA B. Holtz, Cal Acad of Math & Sci, Carson, CA E. Sadur, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA R. Harrington, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA V. Wood, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA J. Yeh, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA M. Xia, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA A. Schneider, Mendocino HS, Mendocino, CA A. Zhang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA J. Gluckstein, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA K. Li, Westview HS, San Diego, CA T. Yi, Westview HS, San Diego, CA S. Payne, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA P. Jaju, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Chen, Davis SHS, Davis, CA D. Mclaughlin, Mendocino HS, Mendocino, CA D. Gui, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA R. Dedhia, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA R. Li, Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA A. Gandhi, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA S. Kayser, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA L. Gantner, Redondo Union HS, Redondo Beach, CA K. Qiu, Univ HS, Irvine, CA T. Shih, Amador Valley HS, Pleasanton, CA E. Alcid, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA R. Chiu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA H. Finkelstein, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA A. Marple, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA N. Shar, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA D. Qiu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA B. Chen, Westlake HS, Westlake Village, CA G. Mao, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA G. Li, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Y. Miao, Analy HS, Sebastopol, CA J. Hwang, Bonita HS, La Verne, CA R. Chang, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA J. Glicksberg, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA B. Liu, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA V. Wang, James Logan HS, Union City, CA J. Luo, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA J. Park, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA J. Tsai, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Yin, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Morrison, Maria Carrillo HS, Santa Rosa, CA F. Ma, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA H. Ning, Moorpark HS, Moorpark, CA A. Dehaan, Point Loma SHS, San Diego, CA S. Deaderick, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA A. Fowler, Univ of San Diego HS, San Diego, CA A. Kandasamy, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA Y. Mao, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA P. Ting, Olympia Inst, San Francisco, CA P. Gao, Univ HS, Irvine, CA D. Lisitsyn, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA R. Kandasamy, Am HS, Fremont, CA J. Deri, Amador Valley HS, Pleasanton, CA A. Yim, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA G. Higgins, Buckley Sch, Sherman Oaks, CA X. Liu, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA M. Siboni, Convent - Sacred Heart HS, San Francisco, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 10 11 12 9 12 12 9 11 11 10 12 12 12 11 11 9 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 8 10 11 12 9 11 12 11 10 12 11 9 11 10 10 12 12 11 11 11 10 12 12 11 12 11 C. Mangosing, Helix HS, La Mesa, CA A. Choe, James Logan HS, Union City, CA S. Chun, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA M. Tsikina, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Alexander, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA M. Tai, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA M. Chin, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA E. Gamez, Pasadena HS, Pasadena, CA D. Schwarz, Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA D. Onuchic, Univ of San Diego HS, San Diego, CA G. Devault, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA R. Fong, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA G. Su, Olympia Inst, San Francisco, CA K. Kobayashi, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA E. Cho, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA J. Kang, Cal Acad of Math & Sci, Carson, CA R. Pacheco, Davis SHS, Davis, CA P. Palmere, Davis SHS, Davis, CA B. Choi, Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA E. Kur, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA S. Song, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA E. Jeng, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA D. Kmita, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA K. Knight, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA W. Sung, Pasadena HS, Pasadena, CA R. Lee, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA N. Bandi, Univ HS, Irvine, CA P. Shi, Univ HS, Irvine, CA Z. Sun, Univ HS, Irvine, CA D. Chang, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA T. Wiener, Yeshiva Univ HS (Girls), Los Angeles, CA J. Chae, Dunn Sch, Los Olivos, CA J. Zhang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA L. Dale, Berkeley HS, Berkeley, CA J. Tucci, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA E. Bernstein, Buckley Sch, Sherman Oaks, CA A. Kohli, Buckley Sch, Sherman Oaks, CA O. Hafez, Davis SHS, Davis, CA A. Tsang, Davis SHS, Davis, CA S. Wu, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA A. Adler, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA A. Dey, Harker Sch, San Jose, CA A. Rastogi, Hemet SHS, Hemet, CA E. Brown, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Lee, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA B. Lee, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA V. Wong, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA C. Huang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA R. Ko, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA M. Kim, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA K. Henry, Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Est, CA J. Chai, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA D. Eiges, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA W. Suh, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA G. Woo, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA N. Crook, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA D. Lindberg, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA P. Lifland, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA H. Story, Santa Rosa HS, Santa Rosa, CA X. Ji, Univ HS, Irvine, CA S. Lutfeali, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA J. Morgan, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA W. Pettus, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA S. Kang, Westlake HS, Westlake Village, CA R. Yadlin, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA B. Yoon, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.0 106.5 106.5 192 12 12 11 12 10 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 9 12 12 10 11 12 11 11 9 10 11 11 11 10 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 10 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 10 P. Chiu, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA J. Kroll, York Sch, Monterey, CA T. Duncheon, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA S. Samandary, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA N. Ballon Landa, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA D. Berry, Brentwood Sch, Los Angeles, CA J. Aum, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA P. Clancy, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA R. Stoica, Carmel HS, Carmel, CA H. Suh, Cate Sch, Carpinteria, CA L. Ahn, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA C. Culbertson, Charter Oak HS, Covina, CA J. Woo, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA A. Dang, Cordova HS, Rancho Cordova, CA J. Gould, Davis SHS, Davis, CA R. Haverstock, Davis SHS, Davis, CA J. Lischeske, Davis SHS, Davis, CA L. Seabury, Davis SHS, Davis, CA A. Yin, Davis SHS, Davis, CA M. Hu, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA S. Wakimoto, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA A. Miu, George Washington HS, San Francisco, CA S. Lee, Granada Hills SHS, Granada Hills, CA B. Young, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA D. Bertsch, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA S. Fu, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Li, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA D. Zhou, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Cho, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA A. Leon, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA M. Halverson, Los Banos HS, Los Banos, CA S. Leung, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA K. Nguyen, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA S. Yu, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA G. Pudewell, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA D. Chang, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA D. Kim, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA A. Kim, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA J. Lam, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA A. Lee, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA C. Robinson, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA C. Chen, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA S. Fitzgerald, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA K. Schwarz, Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA A. Rhine, Sacred Heart Prep Sch, Atherton, CA G. Kim, Univ HS, Los Angeles, CA M. Venkatesh, Univ HS, Irvine, CA W. Wang, Univ HS, Irvine, CA M. Wei, Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA R. Devendra, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA A. Tripathi, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA T. Hinkle, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA S. Lutfeali, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA Y. Lin, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA A. Wang, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA W. Wheeler, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA P. Song, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA A. Ramirez, Etiwanda HS, Etiwanda, CA J. Tang, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA T. Zhu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA C. Shenkman, Mater Dei HS, Santa Ana, CA M. Overduinn, Serrano HS, Phelan, CA Y. Shin, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA G. Ye, Olympia Inst, San Francisco, CA B. Broad, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA C. Wong, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 12 11 11 10 12 11 12 11 10 11 10 12 9 11 12 10 11 9 11 9 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 9 11 10 12 12 12 11 9 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 12 12 11 10 9 11 12 12 11 K. Chang, Crescenta Valley HS, La Crescenta, CA M. Thornhill, Davis SHS, Davis, CA H. Savage, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA J. Gu, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA S. Marliave, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA J. Kwok, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA S. Fan, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA M. Shi, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA C. Chen, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA R. Wang, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA D. Heikali, Milken Comm HS, Los Angeles, CA I. Gawlas, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA T. Kula, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA P. Kwong, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA L. Shapira, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA J. Chen, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA O. Tilk, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA N. Wagenet, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA T. Cocke, Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Est, CA J. Woo, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA A. Ebrahim, Pinewood Sch, Los Altos Hills, CA K. Yaeckel, Point Loma SHS, San Diego, CA A. Vyas, Santa Susana HS, Simi Valley, CA T. Chou, St Francis HS, Mountain View, CA K. Maghami, St Margaret’s Sch, San Juan Capistrano, CA N. Lee, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA Y. Lai, Univ HS, Irvine, CA J. Liu, Univ HS, Irvine, CA C. Ciongoli, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA R. Patel, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA R. Nagata, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA H. Nielsen, York Sch, Monterey, CA A. Kim, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA P. Kim, Univ HS, Irvine, CA H. Zhang, Univ HS, Los Angeles, CA N. Cayco Gajic, Am HS, Fremont, CA J. Stephens, Analy HS, Sebastopol, CA M. Hankin, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA R. Lau, Bullard HS, Fresno, CA B. Saund, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA J. Shim, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA J. Larsen, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA S. Cha, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA V. Selhorst Jones, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA N. Bruegmann, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA N. Macfarlane, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA A. Gande, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA C. He, Davis SHS, Davis, CA J. Munn, Davis SHS, Davis, CA R. Smith, Dunn Sch, Los Olivos, CA D. Chen, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA B. Farahmand, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA S. Iker, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA K. Rosenberg, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA M. Ryan, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA M. Soll, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA M. Loginov, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Baugh, Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA G. Choy, Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA B. Volkov, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA A. Wu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA Q. Zhou, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA S. Liu, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA S. Sutter, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA P. Salerno, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA D. Wiley, Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Est, CA 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 193 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 9 11 11 12 12 11 12 12 8 11 11 12 12 10 11 10 12 11 11 12 11 11 12 10 10 11 10 11 12 12 11 11 10 9 12 11 12 12 10 10 10 11 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 12 11 11 10 11 12 12 E. Park, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA P. Keirn, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA K. Tan, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA B. Taylor, Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA D. Trinh, Santa Clara HS, Santa Clara, CA T. Hoberg, Santa Rosa HS, Santa Rosa, CA J. Meyers, Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA T. Crossley, St Margaret’s Sch, San Juan Capistrano, CA J. Wang, St Margaret’s Sch, San Juan Capistrano, CA D. Chang, Univ HS, Irvine, CA R. Moy, Univ HS, Irvine, CA B. Gill, Univ of San Diego HS, San Diego, CA S. Nam, Ursuline HS, Santa Rosa, CA S. Izumi, Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA A. Sabater, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA S. Gleason, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA T. Chan, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA A. Alon, Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA M. Bush, Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA A. Bhatia, Am HS, Fremont, CA C. Lodge, Antioch HS, Antioch, CA A. Issayev, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA I. Dina, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA M. Matloob, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA K. Williams, California Lutheran HS, Wildomar, CA F. Killeen, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA K. Oneill, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA G. Taylor, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA D. Nowicki, Castro Valley HS, Castro Valley, CA C. Martin, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA S. Ha, Charter Oak HS, Covina, CA J. Chia, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA H. Newell, Davis SHS, Davis, CA J. Rabie, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA J. Lee, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA C. Mar, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA L. Kagay, Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA H. Cui, Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA K. Hawkins, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA J. Xie, Mills HS, Millbrae, CA J. Jew, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA Z. Jin, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA M. Tsiang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA F. Chuang, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA J. Chin, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA N. Lemak, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA K. Metzler, Palos Verdes HS, Palos Verdes Est, CA J. Lee, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA D. Brenner, Pinewood Sch, Los Altos Hills, CA G. Enenstein, Pinewood Sch, Los Altos Hills, CA C. Siu, Redondo Union HS, Redondo Beach, CA K. Mcintyre, St Margaret’s Sch, San Juan Capistrano, CA J. Choi, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA O. Purohit, Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA T. Reeves, Ventura HS, Ventura, CA G. Tomassian, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA C. Lim, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA A. Stewart, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA A. Wang, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA R. Santana, Cal Acad of Math & Sci, Carson, CA S. Yang, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA X. Gu, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA K. Lee, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA A. Chung, Chatsworth SHS, Chatsworth, CA S. Menefee Libey, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA A. Lee, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 10 11 12 11 12 9 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 E. Madsen, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA N. Yuan, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA D. Delano, Head-Royce Sch, Oakland, CA A. Wong, Homestead HS, Cupertino, CA S. Farrar, La Jolla Ctry DS, La Jolla, CA J. Feng, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA M. Xu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA M. Mueting, Mount Whitney HS, Visalia, CA B. Chen, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA D. Neethling, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA M. Zelin, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA D. Hirsch, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA B. Bastomski, Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA S. Kim, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA E. Koh, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA J. Choi, Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA A. Chen, Westlake HS, Westlake Village, CA T. Cone, Analy HS, Sebastopol, CA E. Chan, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA R. Fukumori, Berkeley HS, Berkeley, CA C. Younessi, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA A. Cheng, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA A. Chen, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA M. Horava, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA K. Lau, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA K. Schick, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA K. Leong, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA J. Mcmaster, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA R. Link, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA A. Lyon, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA J. Townson, Colton HS, Colton, CA D. Zaida, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA P. Currier, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA D. Kaufman, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA S. Meguerdichian, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA E. Wu, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA J. Chang, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA E. Zacharias, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA M. Chen, Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA A. Hom, Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA G. Huang, Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA E. Doi, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA W. Lee, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA A. Bolotov, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA S. Smith, Mount Whitney HS, Visalia, CA I. Chang, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA A. He, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Su, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA J. Yeh, North Hollywood HS, North Hollywood, CA T. Zhang, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA B. Krenz, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA A. Chu, Pinewood Sch, Los Altos Hills, CA E. Conley, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA M. Child, Polytechnic Sch, Pasadena, CA S. Min, Redondo Union HS, Redondo Beach, CA C. Long, Ribet Acad, Los Angeles, CA B. Lam, St Francis HS, Mountain View, CA A. Kunda, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA J. Lee, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA S. Lee, Univ HS, Irvine, CA K. Renduchintala, Univ HS, Irvine, CA T. Wu, Univ HS, Irvine, CA G. Brown, Ventura HS, Ventura, CA A. Adelson, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA M. Friedland, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA A. Wilkowski, Maybeck HS, Berkeley, CA 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 194 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 11 12 11 11 10 12 11 10 12 11 10 7 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 9 11 11 8 10 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 10 11 12 11 12 P. Goodman, Milken Comm HS, Los Angeles, CA J. Kim, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA J. Chung, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA J. Yen, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA J. Lu, Berkeley HS, Berkeley, CA S. Kang, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA F. Merchant, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA Z. Schwarzkopf, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA A. Evins, Beyer (Fred C ) HS, Modesto, CA R. Fritz, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA A. Myers, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA A. Kaur, Bonita HS, La Verne, CA S. Shackelford, Bonita HS, La Verne, CA Z. Walter, Bonita HS, La Verne, CA M. Decker, Brentwood Sch, Los Angeles, CA A. Epstein, Brentwood Sch, Los Angeles, CA T. Trinidad, Buckley Sch, Sherman Oaks, CA R. Masuda, Cal Acad of Math & Sci, Carson, CA D. Kim, Camarillo (Adolfo) HS, Camarillo, CA J. Bailard, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA A. Carr, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA N. Krevor, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA E. Obana, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA E. Moynier, Cate Sch, Carpinteria, CA L. Seidman, Cate Sch, Carpinteria, CA L. Kim, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA J. Shin, Chatsworth SHS, Chatsworth, CA V. Chan, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA Z. Ballance, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA K. Pickrell, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA K. Raygor, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA R. Totari, Damien HS, La Verne, CA J. Yoshikuni, Davis SHS, Davis, CA P. Lee, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA M. Obrien, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA F. Yu, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA A. Nakabayashi, El Dorado HS, Placerville, CA J. Rutz, El Dorado HS, Placerville, CA T. Medina, El Rancho HS, Pico Rivera, CA R. Wu, EPGY-Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA W. Peng, George Washington HS, San Francisco, CA S. Torres, La Jolla Ctry DS, La Jolla, CA S. Dhillon, Laguna Creek HS, Elk Grove, CA N. Wong, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA Y. Cao, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA A. Luan, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA X. Chen, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA G. Wellenstein, Mark Keppel HS, Alhambra, CA N. Cheung, Mills HS, Millbrae, CA L. Zhang, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA T. Gong, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA M. Dodge, Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA M. Pang, Monte Vista HS, Danville, CA J. Jiang, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA P. Bessent, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA E. Takasugi, Oakwood SS, N Hollywood, CA M. Katz, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA F. Kotsianas, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA K. Suzuki, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA K. Tanaka, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA A. East, Point Loma SHS, San Diego, CA D. Vu, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA M. Tartre, Raptor Acad, Poway, CA G. Williams, Redondo Union HS, Redondo Beach, CA R. Kruse, Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA B. Au, Rocklin HS, Rocklin, CA E. Rhine, Sacred Heart Prep Sch, Atherton, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 12B (United States), Continued 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 12 11 11 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 12 11 12 11 11 9 11 11 10 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 11 10 11 11 12 12 10 12 11 12 10 11 11 10 11 12 12 12 12 10 12 11 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 C. Chou, San Domenico M/Upper Sch, San Anselmo, CA R. Carmel, Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA K. Erickson, Santa Rosa HS, Santa Rosa, CA N. Swift, Sonoma Acad, Santa Rosa, CA M. Kang, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA A. Park, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA J. Son, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA J. Choi, Univ HS, Irvine, CA J. Kwong, Univ HS, Irvine, CA H. Vansickle, Ursuline HS, Santa Rosa, CA C. Peak, Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA C. Su, Van Nuys SHS, Van Nuys, CA R. Lerner, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA E. Eng, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA K. Iskandar, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA N. Hameed, Westlake HS, Westlake Village, CA K. Mccall, Westridge Sch for Girls, Pasadena, CA S. Stohl, Yeshiva Univ HS (Girls), Los Angeles, CA J. Chung, Bishop’s Sch, La Jolla, CA A. Kumar, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA A. Prairie, La Jolla HS, La Jolla, CA J. Ly, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA E. Star, Menlo Sch, Atherton, CA R. Fu, Mission San Jose HS, Fremont, CA M. Tang, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA J. Jobrack, Analy HS, Sebastopol, CA C. Man, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA C. Suen, Aragon HS, San Mateo, CA A. Gordon Kirsch, Berkeley HS, Berkeley, CA L. Gilson, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA V. Hecht, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA S. Merchant, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA B. Stutts, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, CA M. Nguyen, Beyer (Fred C ) HS, Modesto, CA P. Saldana, Bonita HS, La Verne, CA A. Stubblefield, Bonita HS, La Verne, CA M. Liu, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA J. Lou, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA C. Rackohm, Calabasas HS, Calabasas, CA M. Lam, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA R. Phung, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA R. Tetelman, Carlmont HS, Belmont, CA C. Mccarty, Cate Sch, Carpinteria, CA E. Wang, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA J. Wei, Cerritos HS, Cerritos, CA J. Ryan, Chadwick Sch, Palos Verdes Penn, CA R. Kinder, Claremont HS, Claremont, CA B. Jue, Clovis East HS, Clovis, CA J. Park, Clovis West HS, Fresno, CA S. Yuan, Col Prep Sch, Oakland, CA T. Doerane, Cordova HS, Rancho Cordova, CA M. Zheng, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA L. Pion Tonachini, Davis SHS, Davis, CA A. Nickel, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA E. Hyun, ECC Acad, Walnut, CA B. Hwang, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA R. Klibaner, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA J. Moreno, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA A. Sarkisian, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA M. Field, El Dorado HS, Placerville, CA B. Arias, Hemet SHS, Hemet, CA R. Mcevoy, Hillsdale HS, San Mateo, CA J. Lin, James Logan HS, Union City, CA M. Schultz, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA A. Wu, Lick-Wilmerding HS, San Francisco, CA J. Stutz, Lindhurst HS, Olivehurst, CA M. Way, Lindhurst HS, Olivehurst, CA 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 9 101.0 10 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 10 101.0 10 101.0 10 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 10 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 11 101.0 12 101.0 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 10 100.5 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 9 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 12 100.5 11 100.5 11 195 R. Tian, Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA D. Zhu, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA D. Quiros, Mater Dei HS, Santa Ana, CA M. Finch, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA D. Quan, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA P. Reddy, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA D. Yang, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA S. Mcdonald, Moreau Cath HS, Hayward, CA C. Cullen, Narbonne HS, Harbor City, CA M. Couverley, Newbury Park HS, Newbury Park, CA J. Friedman, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA V. Kmita, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA S. Lam, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA L. Takehana, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA R. Tsai, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA M. Blagaich, Polytechnic HS, Long Beach, CA M. Masbou, Rio Amo HS, Sacramento, CA J. Rowell, Santa Rosa HS, Santa Rosa, CA S. Chen, Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA T. Hill, Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA C. Mylrea, Scotts Valley HS, Scotts Valley, CA M. Limb, St Margaret’s Sch, San Juan Capistrano, CA A. Choi, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA J. Regullano, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA L. Stoica, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA S. Kondragunta, Univ HS, Irvine, CA B. Horwitz, Ventura HS, Ventura, CA E. Deutsch, Viewpoint Sch, Calabasas, CA Y. Lam, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA S. Ou, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA T. Tzeng, Webb Schs, Claremont, CA E. Nakata, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA S. Sheu, Woodbridge HS, Irvine, CA S. Eisenberg, Yeshiva Univ HS (Boys), Los Angeles, CA B. Allen, Beyer (Fred C ) HS, Modesto, CA S. Dowse, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA K. Kennedy, Campolindo HS, Moraga, CA M. Lee, Crescenta Valley HS, La Crescenta, CA C. Zhang, Cupertino HS, Cupertino, CA E. Liu, Dos Pueblos SHS, Goleta, CA S. Arjmand, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA F. Soberanis, El Camino Real SHS, Woodland Hills, CA A. Lee, Henry M Gunn HS, Palo Alto, CA A. Lowen, Las Lomas HS, Walnut Creek, CA E. Birrell, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA A. Chang, Los Altos HS, Hacienda Heights, CA K. Dragomiretskiy, Los Altos HS, Mtn View, CA A. Li, Lowell HS, San Francisco, CA B. Lin, Lynbrook HS, San Jose, CA P. Briones, Mills HS, Millbrae, CA G. Lee, Mills HS, Millbrae, CA V. Shia, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, CA S. Sherman, Mountain View HS, Mountain View, CA K. Souza, Oak Ridge HS, El Dorado Hills, CA P. Daly, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA Y. Liu, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA Y. Yang, Palos Verdes Pen HS, Rolling Hills Estate, CA T. Wang, Pinewood Sch, Los Altos Hills, CA G. Herschler, Redondo Union HS, Redondo Beach, CA D. Silverman, Santa Barbara HS, Santa Barbara, CA P. Vodenski, Santa Clara HS, Santa Clara, CA A. Hubbard, St Francis HS, Mountain View, CA J. Choi, Sunny Hills HS, Fullerton, CA R. Shin, Torrey Pines HS, San Diego, CA S. Liang, Univ HS, Irvine, CA M. Spadaro, Westlake HS, Westlake Village, CA Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States) This Student Honor Roll includes AMC 10A participants from United States Schools who score 100 through 119.5. A certificate is awarded to these contestants. The listing is by individual score in each region. Region 0 ScoreGrName, School, City, State Connecticut 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.0 117.0 116.5 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 114.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.0 112.5 112.5 112.0 112.0 111.5 111.0 111.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 107.5 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 10 10 10 10 9 10 8 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 8 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 Y. Gao, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT E. Mehta, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT J. Morgan, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT K. Silsbee, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT P. Krawczyk, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT H. Chang, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT P. Fedak, Fairfield Ludlowe HS, Fairfield, CT K. Li, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT W. Yu, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT M. Cutiongco, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT E. Chen, Loomis Chaffee Sch, Windsor, CT S. Meltzer, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT H. Pan, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT D. Fuller, New Britain HS, New Britain, CT A. Selberg, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT A. Haak, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT A. Cano, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT F. Zhang, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT M. Judson, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT M. Pincus, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT C. Figgatt, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT A. Saltzman, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT S. Chen, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT S. Li, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT N. George, Danbury HS, Danbury, CT J. Rotchford, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT N. Podgorski, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT O. Grubert, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT K. Mizuhara, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT S. Tong, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT B. Sevinc, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT C. Walsh, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT K. Kauffman, Pomperaug Reg HS, Southbury, CT A. Kwon, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT H. Boettche R, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT M. Liu, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT D. Leng, Branford HS, Branford, CT Z. Isaacs, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT T. Hirokawa, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT D. Hu, Pomperaug Reg HS, Southbury, CT M. Homans Turnbull, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT T. Chang, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT R. Sikorski, East Granby HS, East Granby, CT S. Damico, Bethel HS, Bethel, CT C. Bayliss, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT J. Baldwin, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT B. Zalinger, Westminster Sch, Simsbury, CT A. Milvae, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT D. Wohler, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT M. Lanao, Pomperaug Reg HS, Southbury, CT M. Galvin, Edwin O Smith HS, Storrs, CT C. Farrah, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT S. Edmond, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT M. Hesler, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT C. Ziegler, Danbury HS, Danbury, CT C. Klobedanz, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT A. Stack, Brunswick Sch, Greenwich, CT 104.0 9 104.0 104.0 7 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 10 103.5 10 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 9 102.5 9 102.5 9 102.5 10 102.0 10 102.0 10 102.0 10 102.0 9 102.0 9 102.0 10 102.0 9 102.0 10 102.0 10 101.5 10 101.5 9 101.5 9 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.0 10 101.0 10 101.0 10 101.0 101.0 10 101.0 9 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 7 100.0 9 S. Pulkownik, New Canaan HS, New Canaan, CT M. Gom Ez, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT P. Hulin, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT D. Lee, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT I. Zhang, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT S. Glantz, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT T. Bui, Plainville HS, Plainville, CT E. Mcisaac, Avon HS, Avon, CT D. Chen, Bethel HS, Bethel, CT S. Esty, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT M. Saito, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT D. Laplaca, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT D. Rosenberg, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT A. Hu, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT W. Simmons, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakeville, CT A. Verderame, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT G. Mcintire, St Lukes Sch, New Canaan, CT A. Arthurs, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT A. Bowlby, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT S. Lee, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT A. Drager, Hall HS, West Hartford, CT A. Johri, Avon HS, Avon, CT Y. Hu, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT K. Cameron, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT B. Prywes, Danbury HS, Danbury, CT D. Marino, East Lyme HS, East Lyme, CT J. Goldman, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT R. Judson, Guilford HS, Guilford, CT R. Kagan, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT H. Schutzengel, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT O. Nasserbigdeli, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT J. Guthrie, Taft Sch, Watertown, CT M. Obrien, Wilton HS, Wilton, CT C. Rubino, Avon HS, Avon, CT N. Sharif, Glastonbury HS, Glastonbury, CT F. Crotty, Hamden HS, Hamden, CT B. Daniels, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT L. Tewksbury, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT N. Gargano, Pomperaug Reg HS, Southbury, CT B. Lachance, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT N. Eivaz, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT M. Uhrick, Danbury HS, Danbury, CT M. Grehan, Convent - Sacred Heart Sch, Greenwich, CT M. Harris, Hopkins Sch, New Haven, CT A. Tam, Norwich Free Acad, Norwich, CT S. Yoon, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT H. Chang, Bethel HS, Bethel, CT M. Goral, Brookfield HS, Brookfield, CT K. Townsend, Cheshire HS, Cheshire, CT T. Abromaitis, Farmington HS, Farmington, CT D. Taillie, Xavier HS, Middletown, CT S. Sankar, Ridgefield HS, Ridgefield, CT J. Mertens, Conard HS, West Hartford, CT E. Park, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, CT Maine 116.0 113.5 109.0 108.0 107.5 105.5 196 10 10 10 10 10 9 L. Beland, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME D. Harbage, Oxford Hills HS, South Paris, ME D. Nickerson, Greely HS, Cumberland Ctr, ME E. Connors, St Dominic Reg HS, Auburn, ME S. Jannenga, Bangor HS, Bangor, ME S. Loren, Greely HS, Cumberland Ctr, ME Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (U. S. & Canada), Continued Massachusetts 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.5 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.5 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.0 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.0 114.0 114.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.0 112.5 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 111.5 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.5 110.0 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 8 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 V. Vora, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA J. Lee, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA C. Wright, Westford Acad, Westford, MA B. Chu, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA J. Fan, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA T. Cheng, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA S. Tobin, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA C. Jeon, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA S. Israel, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA G. Zhang, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA J. Min, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA T. Ye, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA E. Kelner Levine, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Tyutyunik, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA J. Luan, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA K. Litvin, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA A. Kerber, Voyagers, Inc, Acton, MA T. Fuss, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA B. Cammarata, Algonquin Reg HS, Northborough, MA C. Allen, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA G. Hong, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA I. Kudryavtsev, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA T. Faust, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA E. Walpert, Weston HS, Weston, MA J. Chen, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA B. Niedzielski, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA E. Wong, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Russman, Canton HS, Canton, MA R. Xun, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA R. Wolf, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA S. Klug, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA J. Kaelber, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA E. Chang, Weston HS, Weston, MA S. Badaev, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA M. Zilberberg, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA M. Wolfson, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA Z. Yin, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA S. Le, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA R. Park, Groton Sch, Groton, MA K. Barry, Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA L. Maurer, Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA L. Duan, Longmeadow HS, Longmeadow, MA J. Yu, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA J. Yang, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA J. Stix, Weston HS, Weston, MA S. Ahmed, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA N. Jiang, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA R. Tharu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Koh, Concord Acad, Concord, MA J. Leung, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA K. Hoople, Andover HS, Andover, MA J. Soyt, Boston Univ Acad, Boston, MA S. Zhang, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA D. Yu, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA E. Lee, Andover HS, Andover, MA M. Song, Andover HS, Andover, MA J. Coglianese, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA R. Peng, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Son, Groton Sch, Groton, MA A. Wu, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA A. Marton, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA K. Rakip, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA M. French, Weston HS, Weston, MA F. Gao, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA A. Wong, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.0 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 197 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 7 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 K. Todoroki, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA K. Farrell, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA S. Lum, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA H. Rebecca, Canton HS, Canton, MA E. Fitzgerald, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA B. Oehlkers, Needham HS, Needham, MA B. Tabb, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA J. Moody, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA A. Rahman, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA E. Stix, Weston HS, Weston, MA M. Feldman, Weston HS, Weston, MA A. Hoyt, Andover HS, Andover, MA D. Zhao, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA P. Brennan, St Sebastians Sch, Needham, MA J. Even, St Johns HS, Shrewsbury, MA . Mccarthy, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA C. Coveney, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA F. Xiao, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA Y. Ren, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Zhou, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA K. Pendergast, Weston HS, Weston, MA I. Evsioukov, , , MA R. Ra Y, Andover HS, Andover, MA J. Ho, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Ivashko, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA I. Krykbaeva, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA I. Gorny, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA S. Averbukh, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA K. Whaley, St Marks Sch, Southborough, MA P. Putchakayala, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA S. Ye, Andover HS, Andover, MA I. Prigozhin, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA C. Tenen, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Mcgowen, Falmouth HS, Falmouth, MA E. Randall, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA R. Chang, Old Rochester Reg HS, Mattapoisett, MA A. Engler, Weston HS, Weston, MA J. Mints, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA B. Benson, Weston HS, Weston, MA D. Maser, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA S. Mckenna, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA C. Moss, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA K. Knoblock, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA M. Kessler, Xaverian Brothers HS, Westwood, MA B. Liu, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA A. Ushani, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA E. Anson, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA J. Chilton, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA H. Ferreira, Chelmsford HS, North Chelmsford, MA B. Ho, Weston HS, Weston, MA R. Jackson, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA K. Xue, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Ahmed, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Eisenlord, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA B. Cotton, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, MA S. Damiano, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA L. Selame, Weston HS, Weston, MA A. Park, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA A. Long, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA R. Wang, Acton-Boxborough Reg HS, Acton, MA S. Rabe, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Jensen, Medfield SHS, Medfield, MA A. Panov, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA S. Reikine, Newton North HS, Newtonville, MA G. Fizer, Weston HS, Weston, MA A. Lee, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 104.0 9 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 10 103.5 10 103.5 10 103.5 10 103.5 10 103.5 10 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 8 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 9 102.5 10 102.5 10 102.5 9 102.5 9 102.5 102.5 10 102.5 10 102.0 10 102.0 9 102.0 10 102.0 9 102.0 10 102.0 10 102.0 7 102.0 10 101.5 9 101.5 9 101.5 10 101.5 9 101.5 10 101.5 9 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.0 10 101.0 10 101.0 9 101.0 10 100.5 9 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 10 100.5 9 T. Shen, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Ren, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Mui, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Yang, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA S. Kim, Concord Acad, Concord, MA J. Huggins, Middlesex Sch, Concord, MA V. Dowling, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA N. Brunelle, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA L. Kong, Lexington HS, Lexington, MA D. Barnes, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA P. Lee, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA J. Wise, Wayland HS, Wayland, MA A. Vasireddi, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA J. Cahill, Ashland HS, Ashland, MA K. Quinn, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Moakley, Falmouth HS, Falmouth, MA E. Zeleny, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA N. Hawthorne, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA T. Luo, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA E. Chow, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Lee, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA T. Frelinghuysen, Groton Sch, Groton, MA M. Dickson, Bromfield Sch, Harvard, MA B. Whitney, Hingham HS, Hingham, MA C. Colgrove, Needham HS, Needham, MA W. Alisberg, St Marks Sch, Southborough, MA N. Jefferson, Watertown HS, Watertown, MA B. Lee, Westford Acad, Westford, MA A. Libert, Weston HS, Weston, MA J. Pomerance, Weston HS, Weston, MA M. Serebrennikov, Worcester Acad, Worcester, MA E. Grober, Andover HS, Andover, MA D. Qin, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Schwartz, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA A. Syrkina, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Putnam, Concord Carlisle HS, Concord, MA J. Jones, Falmouth HS, Falmouth, MA Z. Romanow, Weston HS, Weston, MA J. Lehrich, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA J. Cho, Groton Sch, Groton, MA A. Maag, Old Rochester Reg HS, Mattapoisett, MA K. Potterton, Needham HS, Needham, MA A. Ilyashenko, Russian Sch of Math, Newton, MA A. Bourque, Norwell HS, Norwell, MA N. Davis, Roxbury Latin Sch, West Roxbury, MA K. Vora, Westborough HS, Westborough, MA J. Heroy, Phillips Acad, Andover, MA D. Pierce, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA P. Loukas, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA V. Nguyen, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA D. Koa, Deerfield Acad, Deerfield, MA R. Belanger, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA M. Berg, Longmeadow HS, Longmeadow, MA J. Batter, Weston HS, Weston, MA A. Culver, Andover HS, Andover, MA W. Wang, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA E. Simons, Danvers HS, Danvers, MA W. Hennrikus, Groton Sch, Groton, MA J. Gong, Amherst Reg HS, Amherst, MA T. Liu, Arlington HS, Arlington, MA R. Meyer, Belmont HS, Belmont, MA B. Laehn, Belmont Hill Sch, Belmont, MA L. Zhang, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Howell, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA J. Luo, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA R. Liu, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 J. Jiang, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Baskin, Boston Latin Sch, Boston, MA M. Percuoco, Hudson HS, Hudson, MA K. Conley, Longmeadow HS, Longmeadow, MA J. Ennis, St Sebastians Sch, Needham, MA M. White, Weston HS, Weston, MA H. Perls, Weston HS, Weston, MA S. Fontana, King Philip Reg HS, Wrentham, MA New Hampshire 119.59K. Dramstad, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 119.5 10 E. Kim, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 119.0 10 D. Wang, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 117.0 9 C. Ning, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 117.0 9 J. Lee, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 116.5 9 W. Jin, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH 115.5 9 J. Keggi, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 114.5 10 J. Darbyshire, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 114.5 9 N. Kossally, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 114.5 9 M. Tyler, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 113.5 9 N. Yoshida, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 113.5 10 J. Salovaara, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 113.5 9 S. Paladugu, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 113.5 9 W. Anderson, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH 113.5 9 C. Sachsse, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH 112.5 10 K. Kim, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 112.0 10 P. Smyth, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 112.0 10 C. Birnbaum, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 111.0 10 Z. Schuetz, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH 110.0 10 B. Choi, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 109.5 9 S. Choi, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 109.0 10 D. Dickson, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 109.0 10 K. Champion, Alvirne HS, Hudson, NH 108.5 10 S. Fogarty, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 108.5 10 D. Damora, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 107.5 9 D. Lam, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 107.5 10 M. Cassel, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 106.5 10 D. Nichols, Souhegan HS, Amherst, NH 106.5 10 R. Caro, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 106.5 A. Nalan, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 106.5 9 S. Lee, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 106.5 10 R. Nelson, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 106.5 10 N. Doiron, Alvirne HS, Hudson, NH 105.5 10 M. Gamber, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 105.5 9 S. K G, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 105.5 10 N. Min, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 105.5 10 I. Dominguez, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 105.0 10 M. Min, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 105.0 10 B. Petrin, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH 105.0 10 J. Quinn, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH 104.5 10 . Hi Melstein, Hanover HS, Hanover, NH 104.0 9 C. Reinhold, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH 104.0 10 L. Spencer, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 104.0 10 D. Zaharee, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH 103.5 10 S. Hong, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 103.0 10 M. Han, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 103.0 10 T. Mandel, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 103.0 10 K. Kim, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 103.0 10 E. Runge, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH 103.0 9 R. Harris, Merrimack HS, Merrimack, NH 102.5 10 A. Sim, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 102.5 9 E. Yoon, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 102.0 10 L. Williams, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 102.0 9 B. Murphy, Monadnock Reg HS, E Swanzey, NH 102.0 10 W. Braasch, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH 102.0 10 K. Mueller, Manchester West HS, Manchester, NH 101.5 10 E. Mcdaniel, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH 198 Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 10 10 10 9 9 9 S. Pease, Oyster River HS, Durham, NH B. Nute, Alvirne HS, Hudson, NH U. Hernandez, St Pauls Sch, Concord, NH J. Taylor, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH L. Ayers, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH J. Ettinger, Phillips Exeter Acad, Exeter, NH Pennsylvania 119.510H. Korn, Council Rock HS-South, Holland, PA 118.5 9 M. Groth, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA 118.0 9 M. Pantano, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA 118.0 9 K. Pastore, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA 117.0 10 T. Wang, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA 117.0 9 P. Kim, Hampton HS, Allison Park, PA 117.0 9 N. Biemiller, Manheim Twp HS, Lancaster, PA 117.0 10 R. Kreider, Penncrest HS, Media, PA 117.0 10 M. Jia, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA 117.0 9 T. Li U, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA 117.0 10 E. Mosenkis, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA 117.0 10 J. Milestone, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA 116.0 10 A. Rosen, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA 116.0 9 B. Schenkel, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA 115.5 10 E. Zhu, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA 115.5 10 M. Wang, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA 115.5 6 K. Borisov, State Col Area HS, State College, PA 114.5 10 B. Rycek, Wissahickon HS, Ambler, PA 114.5 10 M. Kissinger, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA 114.5 10 F. Carlson, Gateway SHS, Monroeville, PA 114.5 10 S. Lawrie, George Sch, Newtown, PA 114.5 10 K. Tran, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA 114.5 10 J. White, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA 114.0 10 C. Ostrowski, Riverview HS, Oakmont, PA 113.5 10 K. Zhang, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA 113.5 9 I. Jain, Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA 113.5 10 J. Chen, Veritas Acad, Leola, PA 112.5 9 J. Gordon, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA 112.5 10 M. Liu, J R Masterman Sch, Philadelphia, PA 112.5 9 T. Decastro, State Col Area HS, State College, PA 112.0 10 C. Wu, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA 112.0 9 Z. Chonoles, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA 112.0 10 J. Brennecke, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA 112.0 10 J. Kardos, George Sch, Newtown, PA 112.0 10 A. Maurer, Strath Haven HS, Wallingford, PA 111.5 9 J. Galebach, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA 111.5 10 C. Graham, Brentwood MS/HS, Pittsburgh, PA 111.0 10 J. Conway, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA 111.0 9 J. Wu, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA 111.0 9 B. Wastvedt, Wilmington Area HS, New Wilmington, PA 111.0 10 B. Denkin, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA 111.0 9 J. Pan, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA 110.5 9 C. Nickell, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA 110.0 9 A. Anderson, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA 110.0 10 C. Rose, Gateway SHS, Monroeville, PA 110.0 10 A. Yeh, Gateway SHS, Monroeville, PA 110.0 9 A. Ondeck, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA 110.0 9 R. Ayene, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA 110.0 8 M. Steele, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA 109.5 10 C. Sears, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA 109.0 10 K. Shum, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA 109.0 10 J. Tao, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA 109.0 10 C. Lamont, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA 109.0 10 J. Dudik, Kiski Area HS, Leechburg, PA 109.0 10 S. Klingensmith, Kiski Area HS, Leechburg, PA 109.0 9 E. Rowan, George Sch, Newtown, PA 108.5 8 J. Colbert, Tredyffrin-Easttown MS, Berwyn, PA 108.5 7 A. Kouriatov, Tredyffrin-Easttown MS, Berwyn, PA 108.5 10 W. Anderson, Dallastown Area SHS, Dallastown, PA 108.0 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.0 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 103.5 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 103.0 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.5 102.0 199 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 9 8 10 10 9 10 10 9 8 S. Liu, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA J. Sullivan, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA J. Akerson, Northampton Area SHS, Northampton, PA F. Zhang, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA G. Sanders, Abington Heights HS, Clarks Summit, PA S. Slaugh, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA J. Weimer, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA M. Superdock, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA K. Leiby, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA A. Orourke, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA W. Baer, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA B. Greenberger, Sewickley Acad, Sewickley, PA M. Qin, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA D. Kane, Abington Heights HS, Clarks Summit, PA J. Denis, Abington Heights HS, Clarks Summit, PA W. Shope, Phil-Mtgmry Chr. Acad, Erdenheim, PA M. Wang, Great Valley HS, Malvern, PA A. Venkatesan, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA T. Knowlton, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA K. Voigt, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA D. Grieneisen, Carlisle HS, Carlisle, PA K. Oleksa, Palisades HS, Kintnersville, PA W. Witt, Northern HS, Dillsburg, PA A. Yau, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA V. Vemuri, Franklin Reg SHS, Murrysville, PA D. Hubsher, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA M. Collins, Northampton Area SHS, Northampton, PA J. Walsh, St Joseph’s Prep Sch, Philadelphia, PA T. Pric, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA J. Digorio, South Park HS, South Park, PA C. Corcoran, La Salle Col HS, Wyndmoor, PA J. Geiger, Cumberland Valley Chr. Sch, Chambersburg, PA C. Yespelkis, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA N. Rieder, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA S. Friedman, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA D. Browe, Indiana Area SHS, Indiana, PA K. Mcnamee, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, PA A. Niederle, Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA S. Shine, Freedom HS, Bethlehem, PA J. Kirkendall, Easton Area HS, Easton, PA A. Brubaker, Elizabethtown Area SHS, Elizabethtown, PA X. Li, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA K. Akubathini, Shaler Area HS, Pittsburgh, PA J. Cheng, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA K. Su, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA A. Chansky, Radnor HS, Radnor, PA E. Yanyo, South Park HS, South Park, PA B. Coutifaris, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA D. Barron, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA M. Mccarry, Springfield HS, Springfield, PA B. Oneill, Honesdale HS, Honesdale, PA S. Zeng, Unionville HS, Kennett Square, PA T. Kuhlengel, Lancaster Mennonite HS, Lancaster, PA J. Dombek, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA J. Mcmullen, Penncrest HS, Media, PA R. Day, Merion Mercy Acad, Merion Statn, PA J. Luff, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA T. Kim, Delaware Co Chr. Sch, Newtown Square, PA J. Mansky, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA N. Lebowitzlockard, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA S. Weinrott, William Penn Charter Sch, Philadelphia, PA J. Abel, Friends Ctr’l Sch, Wynnewood, PA J. Choi, Emmaus HS, Emmaus, PA D. Giles, Gateway SHS, Monroeville, PA M. Sliozberg, Ctr’l HS, Philadelphia, PA B. Washburn, Winchester Thurston HS, Pittsburgh, PA D. Chia, Tredyffrin-Easttown MS, Berwyn, PA Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 A. Zambrana, Susquenita HS, Duncannon, PA I. Johnson, Fairfield Area HS, Fairfield, PA E. Rich, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA P. Stager, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA N. Johnson, Williamsport Area HS, Williamsport, PA T. Godshalk, Hempfield SHS, Landisville, PA M. Lengel, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA A. Chiao, Gateway SHS, Monroeville, PA W. Santivasi, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA J. Dailey, Marple Newtown HS, Newtown Square, PA S. Perr Y, Owen J Roberts HS, Pottstown, PA M. Blakely, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA E. Anthony, Parkland HS, Allentown, PA N. Jain, Moravian Acad, Bethlehem, PA J. Young, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA D. Zollers, Methacton HS, Norristown, PA V. Stalam, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA M. Perrin, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA M. Meloro, Germantown Acad, Ft Washington, PA E. Fretz, Manheim Twp HS, Lancaster, PA B. Woolheater, Kiski Area HS, Leechburg, PA B. Lookabaugh, Kiski Area HS, Leechburg, PA B. Soulliard, Mechanicsburg Area SHS, Mechanicsburg, PA M. Pine, Council Rock HS-North, Newtown, PA J. Gao, Upper St Clair HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Boehner, Winchester Thurston HS, Pittsburgh, PA S. Simon, Plymouth-Whitemarsh HS, Plymouth Meeting, PA K. Berman, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA G. Burwell, Shipley Sch, Bryn Mawr, PA L. Harter, Cumberland Valley HS, Mechanicsburg, PA J. Marvin, Bishop McDevitt HS, Wyncote, PA A. Bensinger, Wyomissing Area HS, Wyomissing, PA 113.5 10 112.5 10 112.0 10 112.0 9 111.5 10 109.0 10 109.0 10 107.5 10 102.0 101.5 10 101.5 9 101.0 9 101.0 10 100.5 10 D. Zheng, Barrington HS, Barrington, RI V. Moussavi, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI H. Brinkkerhoff, Barrington HS, Barrington, RI M. Hoffman, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI K. Huang, North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI T. Howarth, Cranston HS West, Cranston, RI D. Francazio, Wheeler Sch, Providence, RI T. Tischio, Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI W. Filkins, Rocky Hill Sch, East Greenwich, RI D. Blau, Cranston HS West, Cranston, RI J. Samorajski, Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI J. Chase, North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI R. Morley, North Kingstown HS, North Kingstown, RI S. Yang, Portsmouth Abbey Sch, Portsmouth, RI 114.0 105.5 104.0 102.0 100.5 H. Yu, South Burlington HS, South Burlington, VT J. Leavitt, Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT R. Hogan, Lamoille Union HS, Hyde Park, VT E. Smithayer, Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT M. Resnik, Burlington SHS, Burlington, VT 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 102.0 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 101.0 101.0 101.0 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Rhode Island Vermont 10 10 10 9 10 Region 1 ScoreGrName, School, City, State New Jersey 119.5 119.5 119.0 118.5 118.0 118.0 118.0 118.0 9 9 9 10 8 10 10 10 V. Ramakrishnan, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ S. Saxena, South Brunswick HS, Monmouth Jnct, NJ H. Le, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ M. Chernyavskiy, Cherry Hill HS West, Cherry Hill, NJ I. Liu, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ K. Tang, Piscataway Twp HS, Piscataway, NJ J. Xu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ C. Cai, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ 118.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.0 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.5 114.0 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.0 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.5 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.5 110.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 200 9 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 R. Patel, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ A. Ng, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ R. Chasin, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Y. Yamada, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ C. Shiao, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ K. Li, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ N. Sureshkumar, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ F. Tong, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ P. Garg, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ K. Kim, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ K. Twardock, Summit HS, Summit, NJ S. Tietz, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ T. Self, James Caldwell HS, West Caldwell, NJ A. Tungare, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ T. Jin, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ C. Chu, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ J. Xu, Piscataway Twp HS, Piscataway, NJ A. Xiao, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ M. Lin, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ C. Mau, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Hilal, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Tamarov, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ I. Chen, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ J. Zhao, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ H. Yan, Marlboro HS, Marlboro, NJ S. Chen, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ E. Yih, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ M. Oh, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ K. Lee, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Gurak, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ W. Liu, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ S. Dittmeier, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ T. She, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Rozenshteyn, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ S. Paek, Madison HS, Madison, NJ Z. George, Summit HS, Summit, NJ Y. Ma, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Y. Park, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ S. Huang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ E. Yaroni, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ B. Qiu, South Brunswick HS, Monmouth Junction, NJ V. Chandar, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ R. Barsa, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Burkholder, Cherry Hill HS West, Cherry Hill, NJ W. Buehler, Voorhees HS, Glen Gardner, NJ H. Suh, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Wang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ Y. Liao, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ V. Lyu, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ P. Yau, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ W. Litner, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ C. Jaworsky, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ M. Mostowy, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ K. Merrill, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ J. Kim, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ T. Zhang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ A. Mckee, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ A. Wu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ M. Fitzpatrick, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ P. Yeh, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ A. Liu, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ D. Ricker, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ G. Welt, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ K. Fischl, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ B. Deangelis, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ W. Zhuang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.5 107.0 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.5 106.0 106.0 106.0 106.0 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.0 104.0 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 8 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 J. Thel, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ K. Haggerty, Summit HS, Summit, NJ B. Gallagher, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ M. Klein, West Orange HS, West Orange, NJ J. Newman, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ E. Tong, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ A. Yan, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ B. Solomon, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ K. Hozer, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ C. Wei, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ Y. Kang, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ S. Wu, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ A. Chatterjee, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ E. Sherwood, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ R. Kenney, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ M. Wyatt, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ C. Tseng, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ V. Patel, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ S. Park, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Tai, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ S. Devitt, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ T. Jahl, Summit HS, Summit, NJ A. Kustanovidh, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ E. Che, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ J. Chu, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ N. Jan, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ T. Critelli, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ J. Kang, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ M. Choi, MEK Review, Palisades, NJ P. Yu, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ A. Spector, Princeton DS, Princeton, NJ W. Steinhardt, Princeton HS, Princeton, NJ P. Lai, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ K. Smit H, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ B. Zhou, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ S. Guo, Hillsborough HS, Hillsborough, NJ A. Verma, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ G. Hoerner, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ J. Lee, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ D. Glass, Frisch Yeshiva HS, Paramus, NJ A. Valero, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ T. Liang, Secaucus HS, Secaucus, NJ S. Boutin, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ A. Gakos, Kent Place Sch, Summit, NJ E. Yang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ S. Lim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Pranatharthikar, South Brunswick HS, Monmouth Jnct, NJ J. E, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS- S, Princeton Jnct, NJ E. Lin, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ J. Um, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ M. Pocius, Metuchen HS, Metuchen, NJ B. Farber, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ D. Gorman, Moorestown HS, Moorestown, NJ M. Ashby, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ N. Srivastava, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ N. Mehta, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ N. Patel, South Brunswick HS, Monmouth Junction, NJ J. Tanner, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ N. Salazar, Summit HS, Summit, NJ R. Korkmazsky, Summit HS, Summit, NJ M. Tricanowicz, Summit HS, Summit, NJ J. Im, Northern Valley Reg HS, Demarest, NJ S. Han, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ Z. Zhang, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ S. Gil, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ M. Zhang, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 10 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 10 104.0 10 104.0 9 104.0 10 103.5 10 103.0 8 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 10 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 103.0 9 102.5 10 102.5 9 102.5 10 102.5 10 102.0 9 102.0 10 102.0 9 102.0 10 102.0 8 102.0 10 102.0 8 102.0 10 102.0 10 102.0 8 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 9 101.5 9 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 9 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.5 10 101.0 101.0 10 100.5 10 100.5 9 100.5 9 100.5 100.5 9 201 J. Newman, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ G. Arno, Ramapo HS, Franklin Lakes, NJ S. Mehta, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ S. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ J. Yoon, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ H. Kim, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ M. Chen, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ J. Ouyang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ T. Xu, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ C. Fan, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ F. Piscotta, Secaucus HS, Secaucus, NJ V. Mehta, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ T. Yeskoo, Summit HS, Summit, NJ S. Yeom, Tenafly HS, Tenafly, NJ J. Molisani, Monmouth Reg HS, Tinton Falls, NJ R. Say, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ P. Breslow, Dwight-Englewood Sch, Englewood, NJ E. Chiang, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ P. Lobaccaro, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ C. Wang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ E. Goodell, Lawrence HS, Lawrenceville, NJ M. Dolly, Notre Dame HS, Lawrenceville, NJ J. Koerwer, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ G. Cherichello, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ B. Rajaram, Newark Acad, Livingston, NJ D. Fennelly, Madison HS, Madison, NJ K. Eichorn, Ocean Twp HS, Oakhurst, NJ T. Arbit, Frisch Yeshiva HS, Paramus, NJ A. Simi, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ S. Ch Ung, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ B. Lee, Union Voc’l Tech Schs, Scotch Plains, NJ Z. Brill, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ A. Simpson, Franklin HS, Somerset, NJ D. Wang, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ A. Dedov, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ K. Tsuo, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ Y. Chen, South Brunswick HS, Monmouth Junction, NJ B. Sung, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ C. Humenuk, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ C. Jin, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ A. Bader, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ G. Hung, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ S. Bhargava, Marlboro HS, Marlboro, NJ Z. Mannan, Pingry Sch, Martinsville, NJ S. Su, Parsippany Hills HS, Parsippany, NJ S. Kim, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ J. Maniscal, West Orange HS, West Orange, NJ F. Wu, Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ B. Goldman, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ M. Shimmings, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ J. Goldman, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ A. Safira, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ S. Pan, Highland Park HS, Highland Park, NJ J. Chu, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ K. Shen, Livingston SHS, Livingston, NJ R. Thorman, Mahwah HS, Mahwah, NJ S. Shah, Metuchen HS, Metuchen, NJ H. Ha O, Summit HS, Summit, NJ T. Donnally, Summit HS, Summit, NJ S. Ki M, Ridge HS, Basking Ridge, NJ H. Munoz, Morris Knolls HS, Rockaway, NJ P. Panahon, Edison HS, Edison, NJ J. Agarwal, Edison HS, Edison, NJ M. Kim, J P Stevens HS, Edison, NJ T. Motto, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ M. Liu, Manalapan HS, Englishtown, NJ Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 J. Park, Fort Lee HS, Fort Lee, NJ J. Varod, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ D. Rodericks, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ R. Zhou, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Friedman, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ J. Lengyel, Notre Dame HS, Lawrenceville, NJ C. Rorke, Chr Brothers Acad, Lincroft, NJ T. Salaway, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ N. Maisonave, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ J. Pearson, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ N. Choi, N Valley Reg-Old Tappan HS, Old Tappan, NJ A. Mukherjee, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ M. Hasling, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-S, Princeton Jnct, NJ T. Han, Ridgewood HS, Ridgewood, NJ D. Verderamo, West Orange HS, West Orange, NJ C. Burnett, Bayonne HS, Bayonne, NJ R. Schneider, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ L. Kurlander, Freehold HS, Freehold, NJ A. Ito, Acad Adv Sci & Tech, Hackensack, NJ D. Chuang, Holmdel HS, Holmdel, NJ S. Fung, High Technology HS, Lincroft, NJ A. Melman, Hopewell Valley Ctr’l HS, Pennington, NJ Y. Yao, W Windsor-Plainsboro HS-N, Plainsboro, NJ New York 119.59K. Lai, John Jay SHS, Hopewell Junction, NY 119.5 10 R. Tarziu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 119.5 9 A. Davis, Vestal SHS, Vestal, NY 119.0 10 M. Strax Haber, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 119.0 10 E. Sung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 118.0 9 J. Kalmus, John F Kennedy HS, Bellmore, NY 118.0 10 J. Ma, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY 118.0 9 J. Zhang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 118.0 10 J. Taylor, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 118.0 9 A. Lazar, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 118.0 10 R. Liu, White Plains HS, White Plains, NY 117.0 10 M. Kuchta, Cold Spring Harbor HS, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 117.0 10 D. Mauskop, Mamaroneck HS, Mamaroneck, NY 117.0 10 S. Kung, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 117.0 10 G. Yang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 117.0 10 W. Di, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 117.0 J. U, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 117.0 9 R. Lam, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 117.0 9 J. Newman, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 117.0 9 R. Terbush, Smithtown HS, Smithtown, NY 116.5 10 Z. Abzug, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY 116.0 10 P. Farooq, Arlington HS, La Grangeville, NY 116.0 9 R. Fayvisovich, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 116.0 9 S. Hu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 116.0 10 F. Laham, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 116.0 8 K. Whitaker, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY 115.5 10 A. Cheung, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY 115.5 10 C. Ye, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY 115.5 9 B. Lerne R, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 114.5 9 F. Wu, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY 114.5 10 P. Zhu, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY 114.5 9 A. Peacocke, Brearley Sch, New York, NY 114.5 10 Z. Liu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 114.5 10 S. Miller, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 114.5 9 C. Heidelberger, Northport SHS, Northport, NY 114.5 9 E. Zhang, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY 114.0 10 E. Ahn, Jericho SHS, Jericho, NY 114.0 10 X. Tang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 114.0 B. Demirci, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY 113.5 10 S. Lai, Bayside HS, Bayside, NY 113.5 10 M. Panico, Onteora Ctr’l J/S HS, Boiceville, NY 113.5 10 K. Tan, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.0 113.0 112.5 112.0 111.5 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 110.5 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 109.5 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 109.0 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.0 108.0 202 10 9 10 9 9 9 8 10 10 9 10 9 8 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 10 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 8 10 10 8 10 9 9 K. Panjwani, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY A. Dong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Bao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Hubbard, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Madnick, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Grondahl, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY P. Shah, Ward Melville SHS, Setauket, NY B. Swiatek, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY B. Kwag, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY A. Griffith, Clarkstown South SHS, West Nyack, NY M. Lam, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Xu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY L. Chan, Mark Twain Sch-Gifed, Brooklyn, NY C. Jin, Ardsley HS, Ardsley, NY E. Vanwyk, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY V. Wong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Shu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Buyalskaya, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Mac, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Maritato, Northport SHS, Northport, NY M. Koo, Greece Olympia SHS, Rochester, NY R. Men Zes, Webster Schroeder HS, Webster, NY J. Goldstein, John F Kennedy HS, Bellmore, NY J. Sun, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY S. Lee, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY R. Anthony, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY H. Grabar Sage, St Ann’s Sch, Brooklyn, NY K. Dryden, Buffalo Seminary, Buffalo, NY A. Wu, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY S. Panzer, John Miller Gr Neck N HS, Great Neck, NY B. Folie, Clarkstown HS-North, New City, NY A. Tschumi, Collegiate Sch, New York, NY E. Feasley, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Yee, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY P. Kumar, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Lin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. French, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Z. Zhang, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Wei, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY Y. Kim, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Li, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Saviano, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY T. Chou, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Cockrell, Gates-Chili SHS, Rochester, NY B. Potter, Gates-Chili SHS, Rochester, NY J. Dobler, Gates-Chili SHS, Rochester, NY J. Dsouza, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY T. Sochia, Spencerport HS, Spencerport, NY T. Ho, Queens HS, Sci-York Col, Jamaica, NY S. Erfani, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY D. Shah, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY K. Chao, Half Hollow Hills HS-W, Dix Hills, NY J. Hecht, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Moy, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Leibler, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Connuck, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY V. Skobelev, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Epstein, Hackley Sch, Tarrytown, NY M. Chen, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY A. Lo, Mark Twain Sch-Gifed, Brooklyn, NY L. Zhou, Brearley Sch, New York, NY C. Duong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Kiriy, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY A. Deliou, Troy HS, Troy, NY M. Vogel, East Meadow HS, East Meadow, NY M. Ivanov, Hauppauge HS, Hauppauge, NY Student Honor Roll AMC 10A (United States), Continued 108.0 10 108.0 10 108.0 10 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 9 107.5 10 107.5 9 107.5 10 107.5 9 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 9 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 9 107.5 10 107.5 10 107.5 9 107.5 9 107.5 10 107.0 106.5 10 106.5 10 106.5 9 106.5 9 106.5 10 106.5 10 106.5 10 106.5 7 106.5 10 106.5 9 106.5 10 106.5 9 106.5 10 106.5 10 106.5 9 106.5 10 106.5 10 106.5 10 106.5 9 106.5 9 106.5 9 106.0 10 106.0 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 9 105.5 10 105.5 9 105.5 105.5 10 105.5 9 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.5 10 105.0 10 105.0 10 105.0 8 M. Orman, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Ne Lson, Oneida HS, Oneida, NY B. Leach, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY E. Goldbeck, Onteora Ctr’l J/S HS, Boiceville, NY M. Singh, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY W. Wang, Horace Greeley HS, Chappaqua, NY Y. Zhao, Geneva HS, Geneva, NY R. Dygert, Guilderland Ctr’l Sh, Guilderland Ctr, NY H. Sridhar, Kings Park HS, Kings Park, NY J. Tannen, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle, NY B. Wong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Alexa Nder, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Sachdev, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY R. Singla, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY C. Tang Foon, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Cho W, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY K. Zhao, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Gonzalez Goodma, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY S. Sur, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY I. Gershgorin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY A. Duckles, Harley Sch, Rochester, NY J. Qia O, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY Y. Li, Niskayuna HS, Schenectady, NY J. Hube, Webster Thomas HS, Webster, NY N. Lawrence, Ardsley HS, Ardsley, NY Q. Yang, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY K. Yan, Bronx HS of Sci, Bronx, NY L. Deng, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY R. Hwang, Brooklyn Tech HS, Brooklyn, NY W. Grebe, Shenendehowa HS-East, Clifton Park, NY C. Perry, Kings Park HS, Kings Park, NY Z. Mirza, Kingston SHS, Kingston, NY C. Chan, NYC Lab Sch Collab Std, New York, NY J. Lin, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY D. Truong, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Wu, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY J. Kefeli, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY N. Singh, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY B. Berkowitz, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY H. Kwak, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY E. Fuchs, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY U. Chio, Stuyvesant HS, New York, NY G. Jiang, Trinity Sch, New York, NY P. Willemann, Pleasantville HS, Pleasantville, NY C. Yu, Spackenkill HS, Poughkeepsie, NY J. Mcgreevy, Spencerport HS, Spencerport, NY J. Porci