Mike Feazel and Roofers` Success International
Mike Feazel and Roofers` Success International
A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:31 AM Page 1 BEN, ONE HOUR REACH $370 MILLION IN SALES HOW TO BECOME A BETTER LEADER SPRING 2006 ® The magazine of winning business strategies from today’s most profitable independent contractors Welcome Roofing Contractors! Mike Feazel and Roofers’Success International™ $1 MILLION PRODUCERS AND THEIR SECRETS www.thesuccessfulcontractor.com PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 113 Long Prairie, MN WHY IAQ IS SO COOL A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:31 AM Page 2 Introducing Your Best New HVAC Salesman. He’s guaranteed to generate business during slow times and keep the customers you sell today sold tomorrow – all without costing you another cent! Welcome to the Talking Thermostat®, the master “salesman on the wall” designed to help you offer something better to homeowners, reduce hassles, generate business during slow times, and keep your customers sold on you long after today. An On The Wall Idea That Works The beauty of this thermostat is that it talks to homeowners and tells them what’s going on and what to do. Your customers can easily program it without instructions – and without calling you. A Master Salesman – Without Pay! For HVAC companies, the Talking Thermostat is a salesman who fills up your dispatch board during your slowest times with service and tune-up calls and equipment replacement leads. You program the thermostat to alert your customers to call you! The Best Part – Your Cost! Since the Talking Thermostat costs about the same (or less than most programmable thermostats), it’s a no-brainer that you should be installing this revenuegenerating, profit-making, customer retention tool every time on every call. For a demonstration of how the Talking Thermostat works, go to our web site or call toll free 1-866-512-8255 for more information. Let your best salesperson keep you busy all year long! “The Talking Thermostat” www.talkingthermostat.com/hvac Ad 1 ® The Yellow Yellow Pages Page Eliminator The Eliminator TM A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:32 AM Page 3 THE EDITOR’S NOTE About Success, And A Welcome To Roofers Because the goal of The Successful Contractor has always been to help contractors run their businesses more effectively and become more profitable. It has never been about helping you troubleshoot a service problem, do an install, or pound a nail. So welcome, roofers, and check out stories starting on page 18 about a new roofing organization designed to help you win. You can also learn how plumber Luis Niebla found success; get key tips about how $1 million salespeople do it; and read an entertaining story about Dish, TX, and the unusual marketing campaign that suddenly put this tiny town on the map. Finally, learn how to use leadership skills to motivate your employees and read a fast-paced interview with Success Group International’s Terry Nicholson. Nicholson talks about what contractors need to do to be successful in today’s competitive marketplace. The Spring issue is designed to help you create one more success story. Namely, your own! CONTENTS 8 10 14 18 20 22 24 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ONE HOUR Set Sales Records, Earn National Press Accolades Leadership HOW TO USE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS To Motivate Your Employees 14 How Contractors Can Win 10 MINUTES WITH TERRY NICHOLSON And How To Win In Today’s Competitive Marketplace Special Section For Roofers! NEW GROUP HELPS ROOFERS Become More Successful Special Section For Roofers! MIKE FEAZEL WELL GROUNDED As He Tries To Elevate An Industry Special Section For Roofers! WHY RANDY FERN JOINED Roofers’ Success International™ 18 Winning Tips From Top Salespeople $1 MILLION PRODUCERS And Their Sales Secrets! PLUS! NINE QUICK STRATEGIES TO LOWER YOUR AUTO INSURANCE COSTS 6 HOW PLUMBER LUIS NIEBLA SURVIVED IT ALL AND BECAME SUCCESSFUL 30 DEPARTMENTS 3 Editor’s Note 5 Events Best regards, SPRING 2006 Franchises SPECIAL SECTION FOR ROOFERS! What does roofing have to do with the HVAC, plumbing and electrical businesses, and why has The Successful Contractor welcomed roofers into the fold with this issue? ® 4 Ask The Experts 7 Cool Tools Spotlight 24 UNUSUAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN PUTS TINY TEXAS TOWN ON THE MAP 32 HUMOR: RESCUED FROM A TURBULENT TOILET 34 5 Industry News The Successful Contractor is published four times a year by Clockwork Home Services, Incorporated, as a business information and educational service to the contracting community. Copyright 2006 by Clockwork Home Services, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Tom Ward Managing Editor PUBLIC RELATIONS CONTACT Dominic Garvey 941-366-9692 dgarvey@clockworkhomeservices.com MANAGING EDITOR Tom Ward 877-390-5849 ncs@tampabay.rr.com ART DIRECTOR Dale Novak 877-390-5849 ncs@tampabay.rr.com ADVERTISING Julie Novak 877-390-5849 julienovak@tampabay.rr.com PUBLISHED BY Clockwork Home Services, Incorporated, 2 North Tamiami Trail, Suite 506, Sarasota, FL 34236. For inquiries about any of the Clockwork Home Services portfolio companies please call (941) 366-9692 or fax (941) 366-9592. To contact the advertising and publishing departments of The Successful Contractor magazine please call 877-390-5849. Please send reprint requests, letters and questions about editorial content to: Editor, The Successful Contractor, P.O. Box 18567, Tampa, FL 33679-8567. Visit us on the web at www.thesuccessfulcontractor.com A NOTE ABOUT CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS. For those of you who wish to change, add or delete your address from our list, please mail your request to The Successful Contractor, P.O. Box 18567, Tampa, FL 33679-8567. Or, you may email us at ncs@tampabay.rr.com. Publisher reserves the right to reject all advertising material. All unsolicited manuscripts, editorials, photographs or art will not be returned. Written permission from Clockwork Home Services, Incorporated, is required to reproduce any part of this magazine. THE SUCCESSFUL CONTRACTOR ADVISORY BOARD Jim Abrams John Young Terry Nicholson Lon Cassel Rebecca Cassel Michelle Schlingmann Printed in the USA SPRING 2006 TSC 3 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:32 AM Page 4 Ask The Experts PRACTICAL Do you have a question about how to run your business more effectively, improve your operations, manage your employees, get the most out of your training, jump-start your marketing or maximize your sales results? Ask The Experts at Clockwork Home Services. Just e-mail, mail or fax your question to: Ask the Experts, Clockwork Home Services, Attention, The Successful Contractor, 2 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite 806, Sarasota, FL 34236. E-mail: info@clockworkhomeservices or fax the question to (941) 366-9592. ADVICE FOR THE REAL WORLD technician makes a serious mistake on the job due to drugs, your whole company could crumble because of it. The real question then becomes “What if you don’t drug test your employees and that technician stays?” Creating a drug-free company is one of the strongest choices you can make for your long-term success. If you want to protect your clients, your employees and your company, then you should definitely drug test. – Terry Nicholson name will allow you to optimize the use of your vehicles in both markets. Many times a contractor who is well known in one field, HVAC for instance, will use a new name to expand into another field, such as plumbing, because its name recognition will be based on the prior field. For example, everyone knows Heinz as catsup, but would you buy Heinz mustard? If you are changing fields, you may want to begin operating as a completely separate company. From a marketing perspective, it is important to grow your Terry Nicholson is president of Success Group International™. name recognition and maintain a constant message to your customers. You should consider conducting a ranQ: We are a small electrical contractor dom survey to determine the awareness of your name in Q: Should I drug test my employees? and we are expanding to provide servicthe area where you are now and the area where you want I’m afraid if I do, I’ll lose my best tech- es in the next county. When we make nician. to go. Typically, this would involve brief surveys in both this move, should we keep this under – John, New Hampshire areas of consumers, who are asked to give the names of the same company, or do everything contractors across four or five different fields. If 20 perA: That’s the most common reason why business owners separately? cent of those surveyed in your home county identify you as don’t randomly drug test their employees. However, if you – Stephanie, California institute random drug testing in your company, the A: The question you are asking is a good one and there an electrical contractor, and say nine percent identify you in the area you are expanding into, you have the name employees who are drug-free won’t have anything to hide is no right answer. It depends on your circumstances recognition to build upon in the new area. If the two and they won’t fight the test. because this expansion will have ramifications from an counties share a common marketing area for Yellow So, if your best technician is drug-free, you probably have operations and marketing perspective. nothing to worry about. From an operations perspective, you want to at least cre- Pages, radio and television, you can maximize your advertising dollars by retaining your name in the new location However, if you’re worried because your best technician is ate a profit center within your existing business to track when you are expanding in the same field. the sales and expenses in the new county to monitor the on drugs, you have more issues to consider than the But again, make sure you track your operations costs and profitability of the expansion. You can do this without crethreat of that person leaving. Think of the potential liabiliyour profits separately to determine the viability of this ating a separate company by creating a separate departty you have hanging over your head. There have been sevnew business. ment for your new operation within your current company. eral cases in the past few years where service people have If you do not keep track of the revenue and expenses of – Rebecca Cassel robbed or killed homeowners because of drugs. Plus, Rebecca Cassel is president of Franchise Operations for the new operation separately, you will not be able to you’re putting the rest of your team at risk by keeping a determine how much your established business is carrying Clockwork Home Services. drug-addicted employee around. your company to fund the expansion. Keeping the same That’s not to mention the risk to your company. If that The Inspector™ Goes Digital The Inspector™ Heat Exchanger Video Inspection Camera has gone digital and become easier and more convenient for contractors to use. The new Inspector with DVR (digital video recorder) was introduced by Shamrock Industries on March 31 and allows contractors to record images of problems and play them using the camera itself. Previously, The Inspector recorded the images on a VHS tape. The contractor then relied on the homeowner to have a VCR to play the tapes back to show the problem areas. Sometimes, contractors carried along VCRs to hook up at the customers’ locations. Now, The Inspector with DVR stores the image in the camera for playback to the customer. At the end of the day, the tech simply hands the flash card in to the office so the images can be loaded onto a computer and archived. 4 TSC SPRING 2006 The camera with the flash card for storage provides everything they need. That’s particularly important as more and more contractors seek to document problems with furnaces, lest they be called back after routine service and blamed for something that occurs afterward. Plus, there’s still the biggest benefit of all, said Tom O’Connor, Shamrock’s CEO. O’Connor said when contractors use the cameras to detect hidden problems, they will increase their closure rates for new furnaces by 25 to 50 percent because, for customers, seeing is believing. O’Connor said the DVR function can be retrofitted to contractors’ existing cameras, too. More information is available by calling toll free at 1-888-814-8540. In Canada, call 630-690-0352. A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:32 AM Page 5 Nuts & Bolts INDUSTRY Inventor Found A Cool Way To Create Air Conditioning Alexander Graham Bell is known for inventing the telephone, but he also had an innovative way of cooling his home. He created an “Ice Stove” to cool his rooms in the summer, just as a coal stove made them hot in the winter, according to a 1911 story in The New York Times. It was the only private house in the world cooled simply by ice and air. NEWS AND NOTES OF Man’s Best Friend On The Hunt – For Mold Dogs are being used to sniff out mold, and they’re much better at it than humans, according to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America. Many mold detection companies are using dogs to find mold in the same way they are being used to sniff out bombs and drugs. A beagle rescued in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina is one of three dogs used by a Connecticut company to hunt mold. The owner said dogs are accurate about 97 percent of the time, compared to humans, who are accurate about 35 percent of the time. Bell used an electric fan to draw air from the outdoors through a pipe attached to a wooden box filled with ice. Another pipe led from the box to his study. The fan blew air over the ice, in turn cooling down the study. When inventing the device, Bell drained his large indoor swimming pool and turned it into an ice-cooled living room. He furnished the pool with a carpet, desk, sofa and armchair, according to The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Cows Power Customers’ Homes In Vermont Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® ® & One HourAir Conditioning & Heating Announce New Franchises Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® and One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating® recently announced the following new franchises: One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® – Pacific, MO #109 Owners: Ronald & Cheryl McQuerry One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® – Casper, WY #110 Owners: James & Diana Tucker Dairy cows are generating electricity at a farm in Montpelier, VT. The methane gas from their manure is producing electricity for Vermont’s largest utility. One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® – Boylston, MA #111 Owners: Lisa Mari & Paul Johnson Lisa Mari & Paul also own a Benjamin Franklin Plumbing franchise. It’s the first time in the United States that farm-based power generation has been offered to customers as a renewable choice, although other farms have generated power for their own use. One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® – Evansville, IN #112 Owner: Lance Leithliter The manure is heated and produces methane gas as it decomposes. The gas is then used to power a generator that sends electricity to the power grid. Customers pay about four cents more per kilowatt-hour for the power to support the farm and its cows. Extracting gas from the manure has another advantage – it gets rid of most of the smell. One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning® - Chardon, OH #113 Owner: Dennis Kratochvil Dennis also owns two Benjamin Franklin franchises. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Chardon, OH #102 And Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Pepper Pike, OH #103 Owner: Dennis Kratochvil, Chardon, OH Dennis also purchased a One Hour Franchise. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Bellevue, WA #104 Owners: Gary Jessen and Rodney Jessen, Bellevue, WA This is Gary & Rodney’s 2nd Ben Franklin Franchise. They also own a One Hour Franchise. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Sugar Land, TX #105 Owner: Marvin Ohl, Sugar Land, TX INTEREST This is Marvin’s 2nd franchise. He is also the proud owner of Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® – Rosenberg #65. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - El Cajon, CA #106 Owner: Mary Jean Anderson, El Cajon, CA Mary Jean is also the proud owner of a One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating franchise. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Hudson, OH #107 Owner: Michael Hudson, Hudson, OH Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Upper Lake, CA #108 Owner: Stan Kincannon, Upper Lake, CA Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® - Loveland, CO #109 Owner: Barton Palmer Success Group International™ Calendar of Events 22-Apr Apr 24-27 Apr. 28-29 Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas RSI Profit Day PSI SUMMIT Focus on the Future (all groups) May 1-2 Las Vegas Secrets of Residential Excellence –(AT500) 3-May Tampa ESI Profit Day 4-May Tampa AT500 Profit Day 5-May Tampa PSI Profit Day 6-May Denver RSI Profit Day 10-May Fort Lauderdale ESI Profit Day 11-May Fort Lauderdale AT500 Profit Day 12-May Fort Lauderdale PSI Profit Day 17-May Minneapolis ESI Profit Day 18-May Minneapolis AT500 Profit Day 19-May Minneapolis PSI Profit Day Jun 6-9 Albuquerque RSI EXPO 14-Jun Albany ESI Profit Day 15-Jun Albany AT500 Profit Day 16-Jun Albany PSI Profit Day 21-Jun Providence ESI Profit Day 22-Jun Providence AT500 Profit Day 23-Jun Providence PSI Profit Day 21-Jul Chicago RSI Profit Day 16-Aug Charlotte ESI Profit Day 17-Aug Charlotte AT500 Profit Day 18-Aug Charlotte PSI Profit Day 19-Aug Charlotte RSI Profit Day 23-Aug Savannah ESI Profit Day 24-Aug Atlanta AT500 Profit Day 25-Aug Atlanta PSI Profit Day For more information on any of these events please contact: AT500 and PSI at 800-505-8885 ESI at 877-374-3676 • RSI at 877-774-5646 SPRING 2006 TSC 5 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:33 AM Page 6 Saving Money Nine Quick Strategies To Lower Your Auto Insurance Costs By Mike Diamond s the owner of a contracting company, you’re most conA cerned with three types of insurance – general liability, auto, and workers’ compensation. Not too long ago, we looked at six strategies for lowering your general liability insurance costs and increasing protection. Now, let’s talk about your auto insurance. It’s hard to control auto insurance costs because so much of it is out of your control. After all, it’s up to your employees to make sure they drive safely and notice that person changing lanes. But here are nine premium-reducing things you can do: 1. Find your fleet’s deductible “comfort zone.” I recommend a thorough inspection of your trucks each week. In fact, I believe in this so much that I presented my truck inspection program to the members of Plumbers’ Success International®. Why? Because inspections and cleanliness will cut down on the number of claims contractors file every year. This goes beyond checking your lights and signals. Are your wipers working properly? Are your tires inflated properly? Are there soda cans littering the inside of the cab? This may not sound like a safety hazard, but as soon as that can wedges itself under your technician’s brake pedal, it spells disaster. Believe me … this happens! 4. Handle it on your own. Just as with your general liability insurance, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. The insurance company will reward you for removing some of the risk. So, if you have a $500 deductible but are willing to fix a $1,000 repair on your service truck, why not raise your deductible from $500 to $1,000? This will save you money on your premiums without taking on any more risk than you would handle anyway. Just as with liability, sometimes it’s best to take matters into your own hands. Let’s say your technician hits a parked car. It might be in your best interest to simply get an estimate from the owner of the car and pay them directly to avoid a costly claim. However, if there is bodily injury in any accident, it’s in your best interest to submit the claim to your insurance company. In any case, you still should get an accident report from the police. 2. Breed a culture of safety. 5. A picture is worth a thousand words. Keeping your auto claims down comes with preaching safety in all your people do. This culture should include everything from wearing seat belts and following the speed limits to the location of your pipe racks. On our trucks, we put the pipe racks on the driver’s side of the truck because we’ve found there are fewer claims when the oversized pipes are where the driver can see them. Pipes should always be transported with red flags at the end and then removed upon arrival at the work site. Emphasizing these types of safety procedures consistently, whatever contracting business you’re in, will help you reduce your claims. My team carries cameras on every truck to give our clients a look at the state of their plumbing system. However, the cameras are also invaluable when accidents happen. Take pictures of everything if your truck is involved in an accident. Get pictures of your truck, the other vehicles, and the people involved. If you have photos afterwards, you’ll have a better idea if their estimate is on track and if the people claiming injury were even in the car at all. Pictures will help your insurance company save money on faulty claims, which will help you save money, too. 3. Give your trucks a weekly “once-over.” The point of auto insurance is to protect your trucks, your people, and yourself from a huge claim. But you have to do your part, too. Are you inspecting your trucks every week to make sure your technicians are driving away in the safest vehicles possible? 6 TSC SPRING 2006 6. Know your history. In California, we have a great program called the Employer Pull Notice Program. The Pull program allows me to receive a notice whenever one of my employees is involved in an incident that goes on their driving records. Since insurance companies look at the driving records of all of your insured employees, this will keep you abreast of anything that may affect your rates now or in the future. Check with your local DMV to see if this type of program exists in your state. 7. Do your people pass the test? I can’t stress enough the importance of drug and alcohol testing. You should test your employees before you hire them, of course, but you should also be testing them immediately after any accidents occur. This will protect you, and knowing that they’ll be tested may reduce the likelihood of your employees being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 8. Review what you need. One quick way to reduce the costs of your auto insurance is to determine if you really need what you have. If you have a service van that only has a value of $3,000, does it make sense to carry full coverage on it? It may make more sense to simply carry liability insurance on that vehicle, and purchase a different van if it is ever in a wreck. You have to determine how much risk you are comfortable with, but this could save you 20 percent per truck on insurance. 9. Know your coverage. If your technician is driving to a job and is injured in an accident, he’s most likely covered under your workers’ compensation insurance. Many insurance companies will let you carry uninsured motorist coverage to cover anyone in your vehicles that is not covered under your workers’ comp. So, the fact is you may only need this type of coverage on vehicles carrying non-employees, since employees will all be covered for injury under your workers’ comp. At our company, we have a policy that prohibits non-employees from riding in any of our company vehicles. You may not have to insure your employees against injury under your auto insurance. Check with your carrier. This could save you about 10 percent per truck. It’s tough to save money on your insurance bill, and especially tough with auto insurance. But an evaluation of your current coverage using this dollars-and-sense approach can help you generate savings that add up. TSC Mike Diamond is CEO of Plumbers’ Success International® and owner of the largest independent plumbing service company in the country, Mike Diamond Plumbing, in Orange County, CA. A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:33 AM Page 7 Cool Tools Spotlight By Steve Mores Spring Season Provides Best Opportunity To Offer IAQ Solutions To Customers f you’re an HVAC contractor facing slow times during the Spring, you probably have been overlooking the one product that can generate higher sales and better profits for you, now and in the future. Spring is a time many people dread. It’s the allergy and hay fever season, and if you doubt that, just take a look at the runny noses, nasal voices and downright torture this season can mean for those who must suffer through it. That’s why this is the best time for you to offer indoor air quality products. Many of your customers will be seeking solutions to improve the quality of their air and reduce the “triggers” that cause problems. Many HVAC contractors use this slow time of the year to perform routine system maintenance. That also makes this the perfect time for you to discuss IAQ products with your customers. The Nature’s Home® indoor air quality system favors a low-key sales approach that many contractors find very effective. The tech can start by asking, “Who in the home suffers from asthma or allergies?” The response to this question will often surprise the tech. From there, the tech will give the homeowner the Nature’s Home® information for their review. Typically, the customer reads the information and will ask specific questions regarding it, which leaves the door open for the tech to talk about air cleaning versus filtration. That leads to more questions from the customer about what is available – and the opportunity to create a more comprehensive whole-house solution. Consumers are already spending about $500 million a year on IAQ products, mostly on single-room cleaners that one leading consumer magazine has labeled marginally effective, and even, occasionally, injurious to your health. So why do consumers spend so much money on products that, at best, have marginal effectiveness, when they can receive whole-house solutions from HVAC contractors that really do work? Why do people buy one-room units that are designed to control just particles when they could be spending I Consumers are already spending about $500 million a year on IAQ products, mostly on single-room cleaners that one leading consumer magazine has labeled marginally effective, and even, occasionally, injurious to your health. less, per room, to have a safer, more effective whole-house solution that controls particles, germs and gases? Because they do not know any better. Consumers are searching for IAQ products they can believe in, and HVAC contractors who are willing to learn how they work, install them correctly, and provide these solutions to their customers are going to be winners. With their customers and with their bottom lines, because profit margins will gross 50 percent or more. Of course, I’m talking about products that are proven effective and are not “smoke and mirrors.” And contractors who are willing to get educated and not be misinformed. For those contractors, now is the time. TSC Steve Mores is president of BuyMax®, the national distributor of Nature’s Home® products. If you are interested in learning about Nature’s Home products and the managed territories available to contractors; proven IAQ results; training for your technicians and salespeople; or the low-key no-pressure sales approach the company advocates, call toll free at 1-800-467-0366. How To Be Successful Selling IAQ Products Be proactive in offering them to your customers. Understand and use your competitive advantage of being able to offer proven, whole-house solutions. Evaluate products by installing them in your own home. Gauge effectiveness by garnering specific, measurable evidence – and presenting it to your customers. Train, train and train your people some more. Track IAQ sales and profitability to reaffirm your commitment. Package your IAQ systems in good/better/best categories to make customer buying decisions easier. Make sure your people understand the products, otherwise they won’t sell them. Compensate your people for sales and installations. Nature’s Home products range from the very basic, upper left, to more comprehensive – and offer whole-house solutions. SPRING 2006 TSC 7 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:34 AM Page 8 Franchises BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ONE HOUR FRANCHISES SET SALES RECORDS, EARN NATIONAL PRESS ACCOLADES Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® and One Hour Air Conditioning & ® Heating , two franchises that are prompting accolades both within and outside their industries, got a double-dose of good news during the first quarter of this year. irst, the two franchises and their franchisees set a new sales record, with an annual run rate for owned and managed operations of more than $370 million. Second, business publications continued to heap praise on the franchises for their strong performance and growth. Benjamin Franklin earned four separate accolades from Entrepreneur Magazine. That included being named the magazine’s No. 3 performer in the plumbing category; No. 38 in Top New Franchises; and No. 93 on the magazine’s list of Fastest Growing Franchises. The magazine also named Benjamin Franklin as No. 454 on its Franchise 500 list. In addition, the franchise was ranked No. 39 by Franchise Times on its Fast 55 list. Entrepreneur Magazine ranked One Hour as the No. 6 company on its Miscellaneous Home Repairs listing; No. 24 in Top New Franchises; No. 98 on its list of Fastest Growing Franchises; and No. 367 on its Franchise 500 list. One Hour was also recently ranked No. 2 by Franchise Times on its Fast 55 listing. The strong performances have come in a relatively short period of time. Benjamin Franklin was formed in 2001 and at the end of March, had 117 franchises serving 186 territories in the United States. One Hour is less than three years old, having been formed in July 2003. It has 116 franchises serving 153 territories. Rebecca Cassel, president of F 8 TSC SPRING 2006 Franchise Operations for Clockwork Home Services, the parent company of the franchises, said the success of Benjamin Franklin and One Hour is based on providing real, measurable value every step of the way. “Our philosophy is that no franchisee will fail,” she said. Each franchisee gets to take advantage of operating expertise, business practices and brand marketing designed to make the franchise dominant in its marketplace. Benjamin Franklin and One Hour stress on-time service from drug-free, background-checked service professionals, and overall operational and service excellence across the country. “These franchises create an environment of fully guaranteed service in which they deliver what the customer values, each and every time,” Cassel said. “No matter what, there’s a philosophy that the customer cannot lose. “When you provide quality, ontime service the customer can depend on and back it up with a value statement that customers simply cannot lose, it really makes a difference,” she said. If you would like to know more about the franchise opportunities with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing (1-800-695-3579) or One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating (1-800-746-0458), call toll free. More information is also available at www.benfranklinplumbing.com or www.onehourair.com. TSC So What Do Franchise Owners Actually Get? OpX, the complete operational manual for the successful residential contractor. How to take, book and prosper from service calls. How to dispatch service calls to be on time, every time. The financial model for their contracting business. Key financial numbers to track every day and how to track them. Critical success factors for their business and how to track them. The right forms to use – and why. Strategies designed to grow market share, increase the value of their business and boost their return should they decide to sell and retire. The Straight Forward Pricing™ Guide, designed to make things easier and clearer for contractors, techs and customers. Branding & national name recognition developed to promote top-ofmind awareness with customers in their marketplace. Dynamic marketing ideas to help contractors stand out and capture market share with, for example, templates to increase Yellow Pages response 13 times over. How to locate, recruit, train, manage and motivate employees. Training to reinforce all franchise initiatives. Active support to help franchises reach their goals and deal with problems. A national buying service that uses its clout to provide deep discounts, extended manufacturers’ warranties and rebates. Yellow: One Hour franchise locations Blue: Benjamin Franklin franchise locations Benjamin Franklin was formed in 2001 and at the end of March, had 117 franchises serving 186 territories in the United States. One Hour is less than three years old, having been formed in July 2003. It has 116 franchises serving 153 territories. A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:36 AM Page 9 How to profit from millions of dollars in advertising without spending a dime! Huge companies all across America are now spending millions of dollars in advertising to grab a piece of the $500 million consumers spend every year to improve the quality of the air they breathe. The advertising has worked – people are now scared of the effects of mold, bacteria, viruses, toxic gases and allergens – and Americans are demanding solutions. Your customers are “primed” to buy, but there’s just one problem. Leading consumer magazines have labeled these room cleaners ineffective, and in some cases, potentially harmful. MicroPower Guard MicroGuardian AirScrubber But you can offer them a solution that does work. The high consumer demand has created the perfect environment for a welltrained, educated, IAQ professional to discuss whole-house IAQ solutions that are cheaper per room and much more effective than what’s out there. Nature’s Home® offers HVAC contractors a proven product line backed by extensive training to get your techs and sales team up to speed quickly. Our support to you doesn’t stop after you buy our products, it’s just getting started. The profit potential is huge! You can boost the average service call or replacement sale ticket by PureSept HEPA TM Nature’s Home Humidifiers $1,200 – without any additional staff or sales calls! Your customers are demanding answers. The only question is whether you will provide them. Products that work. Real training with a proven method for selling IAQ products successfully. And real profits! With Nature’s Home. Tap into it all today – without spending a dime! NATURE S HOME Superior Indoor Air Quality Solutions 1-800-467-0366 www.4natureshome.com Quantum OxyQuantum 254 Basic LED LED Ad 2 MicroGuardian AirScrubber III A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:36 AM Page 10 Leadership HOW TO USE YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS TO MOTIVATE YOUR EMPLOYEES Here are some keys to improving your leadership,including seven things you can put to work immediately! By Rebecca Cassel know a business owner who leader; you also must be a barks orders, doesn’t train his good manager. One comIemployees and has a bad tem- plements the other, and per. After 11 years in business, he can’t figure out why he isn’t making a profit! As the company’s owner, shouldn’t he know what’s going on? Shouldn’t he be able to recognize the problem and fix it? Not necessarily. Just because he’s the owner doesn’t mean he’s a good leader, or even a good manager. The fact is, he has such a huge ego he doesn’t see how his leadership style is getting in the way of his company’s success. He doesn’t realize that he’s mainly responsible for his company’s failures. As long as he’s in charge, his company will never be successful. He needs to take a step back, look in the mirror and change his leadership style. It is much more effective to motivate people in a positive way by setting goals and rewarding them when they accomplish their goals. Using fear and intimidation may work in the short term, but it almost always winds up hurting morale and job performance. If you have a confrontational style, you should understand that it probably will do you and your company more harm than good. The first point I want to make about the value of leadership is that it’s only part of the equation in running a business. To run a company successfully, you can’t just be a 10 TSC SPRING 2006 both are essential. The leader in you should create a vision, set goals and inspire employees. The manager in you should implement systems and processes and watch the numbers so you can fulfill that vision. The manager in you follows up to take corrective action for failed performance and rewards accomplishments. If you lead but don’t manage, you’re heading for disaster. Look at it this way – if you step away from your business, even for a short period, will another person be able to run your business? On the other hand, if you manage but don’t lead, will your employees know where you’re headed? Will they be inspired? If you manage and lead, your company will flourish. If you’re already a good manager and want to become a better leader, here are some ways to get started: Create a vision and establish achievable goals for your company. Then figure out what steps you need to take to get there. Once you’ve done that, share your vision with employees and explain how they can help the company achieve its vision and reach its goals. Communicate. A business always works better if everyone understands what they’re supposed to do. As a leader, it’s your job to let employees know what their key responsibilities are and what you expect of them. Help them understand why their responsibilities are so important to the organization, and make sure they get the tools and training they need to succeed. Set a good example. If you want people to follow you, be a good role model. Remember, how you conduct your business sets the tone for how your company does business. Have integrity, be good to your customers and treat people the way you’d like to be treated. You can also set a good example by learning your employees’ jobs. When I ran my first HVAC business in 1997, I learned to sell replacement equipment so I could set a good example. I even went to classes to get my contractor’s license and worked with my technicians to install equipment. This helped me earn the respect of my sales staff and technicians. Continued on page 12 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:37 AM Page 11 Ad 3 Ad 4 SPRING 2006 TSC 11 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 Leadership 11:37 AM Page 12 Continued from page 10 Get to know your employees Be consistent! Are your employees worand show that you care about ried about which business owner will show them. Your employees will know if you care up on a given day? Does how you’re feeling about them, and they’ll perform better if you do. Meet with them to discuss their professional goals and career path. Then help them get there with training, encouragement and rewards. Find out what motivates your employees. Why do they work at your company, what do they value, and what does their job help them accomplish outside the office? Once you find this out, you can relate your company goals to their own personal goals. Take responsibility. Good leaders take ownership of their actions, even if they make a mistake – especially if they really screw up. Admit your mistake, learn from it, correct your actions and go forward. Make decisions in a timely manner. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is for some leaders to make a decision! If you keep waffling, nothing gets done and your employees will lose confidence in you, especially if you avoid an issue that’s causing problems. SEVEN LEADERSHIP STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TODAY! You won’t become a leader overnight, but you can start affect the consistency of your management or doing a few things immediately that will help you build your business decisions? leadership skills. Always remain positive and When you implement these suggestions, make sure don’t complain. Your employees should you’re sincere or your employees will see right through never hear you complain about the hours you you. work or what it takes to do the job. Your Hop into a service technician’s truck and ride on potential reward is greater than your employa service call with him or her every 200 calls. ees’, and if you stay positive, they’re more This will help you build a relationship and likely to do so, too. communicate you want to help. (And that you care!) Know your weaknesses. You’re Ask your employees for ideas.Then implement good at many things, but admit it – there are the good ones. probably a few things you don’t excel at. If that’s the case, find someone who is better Schedule a training session on improving revenue. than you and ask him or her to take on those Share your weekly revenue budget by department responsibilities. For example, if you are not with all employees and how they can help reach it. comfortable in a sales role, hire excellent peoTalk to one employee about goals and let him or ple to sell for you. her know what you expect. (Then, talk to everyone!) If you’re really serious about improving Make a decision about something you’ve been your leadership, first look in the mirror and putting off. assess where you are today. Then do the If you are uncomfortable about public speaking, things necessary to get better. offer to make a presentation to a professional There’s always room for improvement. TSC organization so you can practice this skill. Rebecca Cassel is president of Franchise Operations, Clockwork Home Services. – Rebecca Cassel “You Want Me To Go Where?” Introducing the new, digital Inspector™ Video Inspection Camera. It’s so easy and convenient to use that it gets you – and your customers – out of tight spots. Forever! The Inspector with DVR (digital video recorder) allows instant playback to the customer from the camera itself and the crystal-clear images are loaded onto a flash card for archiving and permanent storage. So keep your techs – and your customers – out of tight spots. And increase your closure rates for replacement sales 25 to 50 percent – easily and more conveniently than ever before! Call toll free to learn more. Ask about retrofitting your existing Inspector cameras! 1-888-814-8540 Note: The first 100 contractors who call Shamrock Industries to inquire about the new Inspector with DVR will be sent a free brochure titled “How To Document Furnace Problems To Protect Your Company After A Routine Service Call.” Call today! Ad 5 12 TSC SPRING 2006 www.shamrockindustries.com A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:38 AM Page 13 “Since becoming a franchise, my sales have increased over 60%.” My name is Tab Hunter. No, I’m not a movie star. And I don’t play a plumber on TV. I’m the owner/operator of a Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® franchise in Nashville. While people tend to remember my famous name, my company’s name wasn’t exactly a household word when I switched from newconstruction plumbing to service in the late 1990s. In 2000, I added air conditioning and heating. That helped grow the business, but it still wasn’t doing as well as I knew it could. And I was spending too much of my time trying to re-invent the wheel - coming up with systems I thought would work, to train my employees and build my business and my bottom line. Then in early 2005 I became a franchisee of Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® and One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®. Thanks to the folks at Clockwork Home Services - the parent company of Benjamin Franklin and One Hour now my business is running like clockwork. My company’s sales and revenue jumped from $2.7 million in 2004 to $4.2 million in 2005. And just last month, my revenue was more than $100,000 over the same month last year. What makes the Benjamin Franklin approach work so well? Basically, they’ve got the plumbing business down to a science. Their national branding and marketing campaigns literally make the phone ring, so you can concentrate on running your business while the customers find you. And their operations manuals help you train your people so they know exactly what to do and your customers know what to expect. In fact, because the Benjamin Franklin systems and marketing work so well, my business is designed to run without me. My goal for my company was always to be the most professional plumbing service company in Nashville. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing and Clockwork Home Services have helped me achieve that goal. People know the big blue trucks, the phone number and the jingle - and they know that all these things mean quality, on-time service. Believe me, it’s like having movie-star name recognition - or my name’s not Tab Hunter. Intrigued? Want to find out more about the Benjamin Franklin Plumbing success package? Our unique system includes proven operational practices, complete access to cutting-edge technology, hands-on support from “model center” franchises on the front lines of the plumbing industry, professional training for everyone in your company, and much more. Find out why the Benjamin Franklin philosophy is that no franchisee will fail. Call now for your free email video “The Road To Brand Dominance” 1-800-695-3579 Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is ranked #38 for the top new franchises in the U.S. by Entrepreneur® magazine 2005! www.benfranklinplumbing.com or email your request to info@clockworksservices.com You have nothing to lose, and you may just discover a revolutionary new approach to your business. “When the Benjamin Franklin Plumbing people say that ‘franchisees and customers can’t lose’ if they use this proven success system, they’re right.” Ad 6 ©2006 CLOCKWORK HOME SERVICES, INC. A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:38 AM Page 14 Management 10 MINUTES WITH TERRY NICHOLSON The Success Group International™ president discusses winning in today’s competitive marketplace, how his companies help contractors become successful,and why improving service to consumers is critical. The Successful Contractor: Success Group International ™ is made up of four companies – Plumbers’ Success International ®, AirTime™ 500, Electricians’ Success International™, and now, Roofers’ Success International ™. Plus, there are two companies that support the efforts of members, BuyMax®, the buying service, and The Success Academy™, which is the training arm for members. What’s the overall goal? Terry Nicholson: For all of our member contractors, it boils down to three things. First, our organization is designed to maximize the potential of their business and help them become dominant in their marketplaces by delivering a higher level of customer service. Second, we help them achieve wealth. Third, we help them simplify their lives by implementing proven systems and processes that give them the freedom of time to have a life outside the office with their family. This is a proven business model that still gives them 100 percent control. They can deviate or enhance what they learn to customize it for their own company. TSC: Frankly, if I’m a contractor working 70 hours a week and listening to you tell me this, I don’t believe it. It sounds too good to be true. Nicholson: Let me say, if you’re working 70 hours a week consistently, something’s wrong. Your business depends too much upon you being there every day. When contractors work those kinds of hours, they often become resigned to being enslaved by their business. If they do seek help, they sometimes are looking for what I call “the magic bullet.” By that I mean that they want an instant fix that will automatically transform their company into a successful business overnight. But there is no such thing … there is no magic bullet. The reality is that if you are operating a failed or struggling business, you are working the wrong plan and have to change what you are doing to chart a profitable direction. So contractors who have been beaten down by too many calls and too many hours look at what it takes to turn their business around and say to themselves, “I’m working too hard now. I can’t possibly work twice as hard.” So they resign themselves to their current situation. 14 TSC SPRING 2006 But working twice as hard is not what we ask contractors to do; we ask them to work smarter. We provide a proven system to make them successful, though there’s still a lot of sweat equity involved. Our member contractors have full control of their business; their business does not control them. There’s a difference. TSC: What type of contractor should consider becoming a member of Success Group International? Nicholson: Over the years, we have found that there are generally six types of contractors who become members of SGI companies. “Contractors don’t struggle or fail over a lack of technical competency.They fail over a lack of business competency.” A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:38 AM Page 15 One group is new construction or residential services contractors who start to realize over the years how volatile and high risk their construction business is. They’re tired of having the health of their business tied so closely to how the economy is doing, and they’re fed up with being the “banker” for a general contractor, always waiting to get paid long after the job is completed. They either want to transition into residential services for the first time, or if they are already providing residential services, they want to grow that side of their business significantly to diversify and stabilize their company. They really like the idea of getting paid cash at the time of service. They want the help and expertise to make the transition. Another group of contractors who join may already be in residential service, see the potential, and are looking for the systems and processes to grow and dominate their marketplaces. Third, there are contractors who are just starting their business – they’re a startup company. Or they may not be a startup, but be in a situation where they’re growing quickly and it’s time for the business owner to get out of the truck. Instead of running service calls, the owner understands that he or she now needs to work on their business, not in their business. They want help to make that transition, from something they may be comfortable doing to something they are really not comfortable doing. That can be a difficult transition. We can make it easier. Fourth, there are those companies out there that have the outward appearance of being very successful, a very good business, but really are not. At the end of the year, the business owners add up the W-2s and find out they’re making minimum wage for all the hours they’re working, and that their employees make more than they do. They understand that, appearances aside, there’s something wrong and they need to fix it. Fifth, we encounter some very successful contractors who are making a lot of money, but working 60 to 80 hours a week. It takes every bit of that to generate that kind of income. But they realize that they cannot get back that time with their families, that they cannot make up that time with their kids as they grow up. They miss a lot of their kids’ ballgames and plays and the family events. So they want to find a way to make the same money but put a system in place that will allow them to accomplish it with half the time or effort. Finally, there are the contractors who are already the most successful, most dominant in their marketplace. Yet, they understand that what it took them to get there is not nearly enough to keep them there, because it’s much harder to stay on top. The contracting world is full of stories of smaller, weaker competitors with less talent sneaking up on bigger companies and becoming dominant because the original market leader became complacent, and did- n’t realize what was happening until it was too late. These contractors who are at the top of their game and want to remain dominant realize that if they stop staying abreast of what’s happening, they’re standing still. They become complacent and lose their edge. TSC: You have traveled the country for more than 12 years helping contractors to achieve success. Is there one thing, in general, that independent contractors need to do to be more successful? Ad 7 SPRING 2006 TSC 15 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:39 AM Page 16 Management “Great companies are obsessed with serving the customer.They understand what the customer values and go beyond that to create a memorable experience that keeps the customer they gain today their customer tomorrow.” Nicholson: From my experience, the contractors who are struggling either do not know the proven business strategies and processes of how to run their business or are ignoring them. By contrast, those who do well are contractors who have the greatest return for the hours they work … they work smarter. Contractors don’t struggle or fail over a lack of technical competency. They fail over a lack of business competency. The majority of business owners were skilled technical craftsmen who could do it better than their peers. This was what led them to go into business for themselves. But despite that technical competency, few have the business expertise to handle cash flow correctly, deal with Human Resources issues, oversee the finances, and do the accounting and financial analysis required. So these contractors are very good technically, but not good at running the business, and they are often reluctant to seek help. If someone at their company wants to spend $20,000 or even $40,000 on new trucks or equipment, they will probably see that as a legitimate business expense and somehow, scrape up the money. But if you were to ask them about spending the money to increase their expertise and knowledge in how to run a business, well, it’s harder for them to relate to and understand making that kind of investment. Their business manager could walk into their office today, and instead of asking for money for new equipment, ask to join an organization so that he or she could learn and implement a successful business model. The owner might view that expense as discretionary and say no, or simply, “we can’t afford it.” That is the very reason they need it! That has always surprised me. People go to college and spend a lot of money to get an education with no assurance that they will have a guaranteed, specific level of income. But a business owner can adopt our proven business systems and generate a six-figure income, and we’ve proven this over and over again. They will make more than most college graduates. And yet, the business owner will not invest in their own education of how to run their business cor16 TSC SPRING 2006 rectly. They are out there every day, skinning their knuckles, reinventing the wheel, and laboring in the School of Hard Knocks. Successful business owners in our industry make a commitment to gain the knowledge they need to run their business well. When they invest in that, the benefits to them are far greater than the return from any new equipment or a truck. But there is a stubborn resistance to ask for help. They think this is something they should figure out on their own. So contractors most often fail because they do not know how to run their business, and they do not invest in getting the knowledge to do it. But as Benjamin Franklin once said, “Empty the coins of your purse into your mind and the mind will fill your purse with coins.” As I alluded to before, contractors do not have to work twice as hard as they are now to be successful in today’s competitive environment. But they do have to be smarter in how they run their business. TSC: You frequently talk about the need for contractors to improve their level of service to consumers. Why do you feel so passionately about this subject? Nicholson: There are several reasons. First, in today’s world, it is just so easy for contractors to have a false sense of security that their service is great, when in truth, it does not meet customers’ expectations. In those cases, the customer goes someplace else and generally does not tell the contractor why. Second, customers’ expectations have increased dramatically over the last 10 years. Now, we have banks that stay open until midnight, not just until 5 p.m. Car dealers provide service on weekends until 9 p.m. Yet, contractors may not see the correlation between that and their own industry. Instead, they look at a competitor who answers the phones directly until 5 p.m. and pat themselves on the back because they handle calls directly until 7 p.m. So they conclude, and it’s reasonable on their part, that they are much more service oriented and customer focused because they handle calls for two extra hours. The reality is that consumers expect so much more than that. They are frustrated because there’s a gap between what their expectations are and the level of service the contractor provides. I tell contractors that if they really want to measure their commitment to serving the customer, they should compare themselves to the absolute best in other industries. Great companies are obsessed with serving the customer. They understand what the customer values and go beyond that to create a memorable experience that keeps the customer they gain today their customer tomorrow. It’s like when you go to a new restaurant for the first time. If you have a great experience, you’re likely to go back there. But even if the service is good the second time, but was below the service you experienced the first time, you may be disappointed. That’s because the first experience has increased your expectations. This is why I believe so strongly that contractors must focus on continuous improvement in how they serve their customers, and measure themselves not based on what their competitor is doing, but rather, whether they exceeded the customer’s expectation and created a positive, memorable experience. The grade your customer gives you is the only grade that matters. TSC A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:39 AM Page 17 Ad 8 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:40 AM Page 18 Roofing NEW GROUP HELPS RO BECOME MORE SUCCE Mike Feazel, the CEO of Roofers’ Success International™, has paid his dues. Now, he seeks to help others. new group dedicated to helping roofers be more successful is gaining momentum and signing up new members nationally. Roofers’ Success International™ was introduced at special “profit days” around the country, starting last August. By last month, the new group had 67 members. Terry Nicholson, president of Success Group International™, RSI’s parent company, said the organization’s message of learning to run your roofing business more A 18 TSC SPRING 2006 successfully hits home with many business owners. They want to remain independent, yet have access to the best outside expertise to maximize the potential and profitability of their companies. “Roofers’ Success International is here for one reason,” Nicholson said. “To provide the knowledge and inspiration to help every contractor in our organization succeed beyond what they thought possible.” Roofers’ Success International CEO Michael Feazel said company owners are often so busy chasing after new business they don’t take the time to run their business effectively. “They just assume that when they increase their volume they are becoming more successful,” he said. “Sometimes, they’re not comfortable running their business or they may not know how to run it.” Feazel and his brother, Todd Feazel, run Florida-based Feazel Roofing, which projects sales in excess of $20 million and double-digit profitability in 2006. But A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 3:57 PM Page 19 ROOFERS CESSFUL despite his status as the owner of one of the premier roofing businesses in the country, Feazel said he and his brother can relate to the struggles smaller companies go through. Feazel started Feazel Roofing in 1988 with little business expertise and one small, beat-up car with a ladder strapped to it. His brother joined him in business the following year. From those humble beginnings, he had no problem growing, and he freely admits that he and his brother have first-hand knowledge of the mistakes most roofing contractors make. During one year in business, Feazel Roofing went from $1.3 million to $4.4 million in sales, suffering all the way because the company had no goals or strong management in place. “You assume that when that happens you would be making a lot of money,” he said. “But the reality is that we had no business plan, we grew too quickly, and we knew nothing about the profit leaks that occur when you go through something like that. “We had no plan and little control over costs or what was happening.” Today, Feazel said that roofers in general need to improve their image; sell and deliver quality rather than low price; put strict cost controls in place; and understand their total overhead costs, not just their costs for labor or materials. Understanding total costs is the only way to be able to price correctly, he said. Roofers’Success International™ is dedicated to helping roofers make more money,accumulate wealth,run their businesses more effectively and have a life outside the office. Feazel Roofing has grown mostly by providing a quality job that exceeds expectations, which results in a tremendous number of referrals. Roofing companies also need to invest in marketing, training for their people, and in benefits and higher salaries for their installers, Feazel said. “If you preach quality, if you sell quality, and most importantly, if you deliver quality, you will have happier customers, more referrals and more business than anyone who sells on price,” he said. “I have always firmly believed in doing things the right way and it’s proven very successful for us.” TSC For more information about Roofers’ Success International, call toll free at 1-877-774-5646. “ If you preach quality, if you sell quality, and most importantly, if you deliver quality, you will have happier customers, more referrals and more business than anyone who sells on price – Mi c h a e l Fe a ze l ” How Does RSI Help? Business systems and operations. Accounting,financials and tax expertise. Trouble-shooting and turning around problem operations. Pricing and managing costs. Branding,marketing and advertising. Negotiating and managing vendor relationships. Increased buying power. Recruiting,managing and motivating employees. Training. SPRING 2006 TSC 19 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 4:21 PM Page 20 Roofing FEAZEL WELL GROUNDED AS HE TRIES TO ELEVATE ROOFING INDUSTRY Mike Feazel, the new CEO of Roofers’ Success International™ , is dressed for success as he stares out at you from the photo in the full-page RSI ad. Crisp white shirt. Red power tie. Dark dress suit. o what does this 39-year-old man in the business suit really know about roofing? Yes, he runs a very successful business that generates in excess of $20 million a year in sales, but was it handed to him? Has he skinned his knuckles, paid the price and really earned it? These are the questions you ask him. “Two years in, I was electrocuted,” Feazel said. “Seven-thousand-six-hundredand-twenty volts! It completely picked me up and threw me down, got me off that roof in a hurry. Spent a week in the hospital. “Does that count? “As far as the suit, I’m a little more comfortable in other clothes, but I like to dress professionally,” he said. “Normally, I only wear them (suits) for weddings, funerals and special events.” Then he laughs, first at the questions he’s been asked and then at himself. It’s easy to like Mike Feazel. He’s earned his success and is well grounded by his past experiences. He’s also remarkably candid. He was raised in the farming community of Sunbury, OH, and though he himself was not on a farm, it still taught him from an early age to be careful where you step. That was great training, as it turned out, for being on rooftops later. S 20 TSC SPRING 2006 He and his brother built the business; nothing was handed down to either of them. Feazel Roofing has locations in Columbus and in Fort Pierce, FL. Now about that rooftop accident. Feazel was working on a commercial project, pulling out boards that needed to be replaced. A power line, not identified as such, but as every roofer knows something to be respected as one anyway, was diagonal to the corner of the roof. As he raised his hammer, the electricity from the line arced, perhaps because of the high humidity, and went into the hammer, down through his body and out through his feet. He was doing things right, and yet, was almost dead wrong. “ ” Too many contractors devalue their services and are enslaved by a business that often sells on price. – Mi c h a e l Fe a ze l Feazel can recount a lot of other stories in which he made mistakes over the years. But they are mistakes Feazel Roofing no longer makes. He is also a master innovator. His company was the first to have a roofing banner pulled through the air at Ohio State football games. Now, his three closest competitors have followed suit with similar banners. There are other innovations, too, but these will be made available in the future only to RSI members. He is asked why he is a part of the founding of RSI and he pauses for a moment to consider the answer. “I did not have a mentor or a person to turn to when I built my business,” he said. “I really want to be a person who makes a difference in the lives of other people.” He mentions that there are few dominant roofing companies in the markets across the United States, which means there are tremendous opportunities for growth. He talks about how too many contractors devalue their services and are enslaved by a business that often sells on price. He laments the fact that roofers are the leading cause of consumer complaints among all industries, and this black eye tarnishes the industry’s reputation and unfairly damages the image of the companies that do quality work. “I wanted the challenge of trying to make our industry better,” he said. TSC A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:41 AM Page 21 Ad 9 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:43 AM Page 22 Roofing The ‘Doctor’Is In: Why Randy Fern Joined ™ Roofers’Success International Randy Fern was determined to build a better business late last year, but he wasn’t ready to take a gamble. o when the owner of the “Roof Doctor” made a house call to Las Vegas to find out what the new S Roofers’ Success International was all about, he Photo by Christina Straughan ™ brought along a healthy dose of skepticism. “I figured the worst that could happen would be that if it didn’t work out, I could spend a fun weekend in Las Vegas anyway,” Fern said. “I went there with an open mind, but I wasn’t going to jump into anything.” The Roof Doctor is based in San Antonio, TX. Fern projects an increase in sales of almost 20 percent in 2006 to reach $670,000 in re-roofing and repairs. His sister Sharrich helps out in the office, but Fern is pretty much a lone wolf, doing almost everything himself. He regularly contracts with the same installers to provide labor, but also still gets “plenty dirty” doing the installation and repair work himself. He handles estimating, accounting, marketing and all other aspects of his business except for running the office. He is passionate about his business. He founded the Roof Doctor in 1999 and the business is very profitable, but Fern sees the company at a crossroads. He wants to grow to $2 million in sales, but understands that he will have to put a system in place to make it happen. He regularly works 12-hour days a minimum of five days a week, and puts in time on the weekends as needed. If that sounds excessive, consider that he used to work 18-hour days until two consecutive health problems delivered a wakeup call to scale back. He is but 32. So he went to Las Vegas, listened to the presentations, asked questions about the specific benefits of being an RSI member, and grilled RSI CEO Mike Feazel. He liked the opportunity to put proven systems and processes in place to prompt growth and yet help him keep control of his He went to Las Vegas, listened to the presentations, asked questions about the specific benefits of being an RSI member, and grilled RSI CEO Mike Feazel. 22 TSC SPRING 2006 Randy Fern, center, is flanked by his sister, Sharrich Scott, at right, and Sharrich’s husband, Wayne Scott. They are planning for a lot more house calls from the Roof Doctor. company even as he gives responsibility for some things to others. He liked the marketing efforts planned to help members, and he particularly appreciated being able to bounce ideas off other contractors who were not direct competitors. (RSI limits members in any one area to avoid too many of its contractors competing directly against one another.) Finally, as a small company, the Roof Doctor was interested in the buying clout and lower prices for materials and equipment available through BuyMax®, the buying service for RSI members. Based on that, he joined and went to an expo in December to learn about the operating systems and processes. Since then, his workload has increased significantly as he has implemented those systems and procedures. He was pleased with his accounting system before, but now understands that it will not be adequate as he moves forward. RSI advocates a financial tracking system that gives the contractor a handle on profitability on every job, and how the company is doing on any single day. “The thing that impressed me the most is that they’re going to help me develop a plan to grow over the long term to get where I want to go,” Fern said. There is one more benefit … a life outside the office. Since he regularly works an average of 64 hours a week, there is little time for a personal life. “It’s kind of hard to have a relationship with someone when you’re always at work,” he said. Randy Fern hopes that will change, too. TSC $1 A_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 11:42 AM Page 23 “I guarantee you can turn your struggling electrical contracting business into $1,000,000!” INTRODUCING PROVEN METHODS GUARANTEED TO CREATE MARKET DOMINANCE, IMMENSE WEALTH, AND FREEDOM OF TIME. That’s correct! With Electricians’ Success InternationalTM, you will have access to systems, tools, and strategies designed to create record-breaking profits, more time to spend at home with your family, and the dominance to dismantle all of your competitors. And I’m so confident they work that I’m willing to put my name and my reputation behind my guarantee. My name is Patrick Kennedy, and I am the CEO of Electricians’ Success International. At the age of 14, I left school, became an electrician’s apprentice in my native Ireland, and after some time, settled in the United States determined to live out my very own American dream. After much trial and error, I dedicated myself to residential electrical service, and in 1996, founded Mister Sparky, Inc. Today, Mister Sparky is the largest residential electric service and repair company in the eastern United States and one of the largest in North America. At Success Day, you will discover the precise methods and procedures that took me over 30 years to obtain and created immeasurable wealth and free time for me to spend with my family. YOU WILL ALSO DISCOVER : · How to make a personal income of $187,213 with only 3 trucks; · How to create qualified leads for only $8.52 of advertising a week; · How to assemble a “Dream Team” of highly qualified technicians; · And, much, much more... You have NOTHING to lose by attending a Success Day Seminar... that is if you aren’t counting the MILLIONS you could make by attending! Call 1-877-ESI-FOR-ME 1-877-(374-3676) To register for your 100% A BSOLUTELY F REE Electricians’ Success InternationalTM Success Day WWW.JOINESI.COM © ESI 2005 Ad 10 B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:52 PM Page 1 Sales $ELLING A MILLION:HOW TOP PRODUCERS MAKE THE SALES These four HVAC comfort advisors did it… many in their first year in HVAC sales and, amazingly,every year since. By Sandy Townsend or Jim Steigner, the million-dollar door swung open his first week on the job when another salesperson went on vacation during a summer heat wave in Ohio. “When the salesman came back from vacation, I had the crews booked through October,” said Steigner, president of E.H. Roberts in Elyria and Huron, OH. During the next six months, Steigner brought in $700,000 in sales. The next year, his first full year on the job, he brought in over $1 million, and he’s produced at least $1 million in revenue every year since. In 2005, his sales reached a whopping $3.098 million – the highest per-person sales F 24 TSC SPRING 2006 in AirTime™ 500 last year. “It was tough,” Steigner said. “I worked a lot of Saturdays and Sundays.” His aggressive sales also helped grow the company; Steigner purchased E.H. Roberts last year. The driving forces behind sales success for HVAC comfort advisors are as varied as the people themselves. But one thing is for sure – they know how to set goals, close the deal and profit from it. Most set yearly goals and break them down into monthly and weekly goals. Becoming a star in sales takes hard work, an interest in people, determination and flexibility. Other than that, these top performers claim there are no big secrets to their success. Take Steigner, for example. He stresses that comfort advisors should get to know their customers. Personality has a lot to do with sales. “If you have an interest in what the customer is interested in, a salesperson can do very well,” he said. “There’s been times I’ve talked about nothing but NASCAR or botany.” Know a little about everything, so you’re always prepared to discuss anything and give relevant advice, he advises. “Listen to Bloomberg Radio, CNN, the local news and the weather,” he said. “Read the local paper. In B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:52 PM Page 2 After reaching sales of over $3 million in 2005, Jim Steigner had good reason to smile. Photo by David Harris our meetings, I ask salespeople what the gas futures are and about utility rates – if gas rates are really high, the heat pump is a better option. If gas rates drop, a dual-fuel system or hybrid system is better.” To reach $3 million in sales last year, Steigner didn’t set a monthly, daily or weekly goal. Instead, he wrote “$3 million” in a journal and subtracted the sales he made each day. His closing rate of over 72 percent helped him reach $3 million in residential replacement sales. Steigner said he also learned how to reach his sales goals with the help of AirTime™ 500 and training through the Success Academy. The academy’s Sales Persuasion System, for example, provides a specific selling methodology, comprehensive training, and customer presentation templates, all designed to work together to help salespeople increase their closing rates. Steigner also uses the Straight Forward Pricing™ Guide, which increased prices, but took the guesswork out of the costs to the customer. Like Steigner, Allen Smith, residential specialist at Morris-Jenkins Heating & Air Conditioning in Charlotte, NC, takes time to get to know his customers’ needs so he can design the optimum HVAC system for them. His relaxed, Southern style has led to a tremendous amount of referrals. “We’ve done just about every furnace on the street on a lot of streets in Charlotte,” he said. Smith sold his first million with Morris-Jenkins when he joined the company six years ago. He’s sold a million every year since and sold $2.244 million in 2005. He draws a lot of inspiration from his father, David Smith, the sales manager at Morris-Jenkins. “He’s been selling over a million a year for as long as I can remember,” Smith said. “There are other people at Morris-Jenkins who sell over a million a year as well.” The friendly competition pushes them to excel. “We’re competitive, but we’re all good friends,” Smith said. “I’d like us to sell as much as we can every month, and so would everybody else.” The company uses scoreboards to motivate Smith and the rest of the sales team. The scoreboard allows them to compare their sales with each other and other top performers within AirTime nationally. Smith aims for a closing rate of 60 percent, with an average sale of $6,200 per ticket. He tries to run three leads a day. SPRING 2006 TSC 25 B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:53 PM Page 3 Sales Allen Smith, in background, says his father, Morris-Jenkins Sales Manager David Smith, was front and center when it came to inspiring him to reach $2.24 million in sales in 2005. Photo by Chuck Eaton “If I can do that, it will put me on target for $2 million,” he said. “If I’m not meeting those goals, I need to find out what I’m doing wrong and sharpen my ax.” Sales are heating up in Canada, Perry Maza had plenty of company at his company. He was one of three salespeople to reach $1 million. Photo by Chris Kepron 26 TSC SPRING 2006 where three salespeople from One Hour Canada each generated $1 million in revenue last year. The top Canadian performer in 2005 was Perry Maza, a home comfort advisor at Furnasman’s One Hour™ Heating & Air Conditioning in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 2005, his first full year at Furnasman’s, Maza brought in just over $1.2 million. Maza starts his day early enough to talk to the installation crews and technicians. The professionalism and competence of the techs go a long way towards helping him make sales. “By doing an exceptional job, the installers make you look good in front of the customers.” In turn, the customers are happy and refer Maza to their friends. Maza also attended the Success Academy’s Sales Persuasion training and uses the skills he learned there every day. “It’s become my backbone, and the presentation skills allow customers to become more comfortable with me.” Networking also pays for Maza. He goes to community events where he meets new people. When the conversation turns to jobs, he uses the opportunity to tell them he sells HVAC equipment. He follows up conversations with a letter telling his new contacts it was a pleasure to meet them. That generates leads. In Myrtle Beach, SC, Chris Hudspeth went from enforcing the law to becoming a million-dollar producer for Myrtle Beach’s One Hour™ Heating & Air Conditioning. After he made the move to HVAC sales, his yearly policeman’s salary of $26,000 eventually soared to $92,000 in 2005, more than three times what he made as a police officer. “It thrills me, my wife and my family,” Hudspeth said. “It lets us do B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 2:44 PM Page 4 Million-Dollar Advice From The Pros “The best thing you can do is know a little bit about everything so you can talk to your customers about their interests. This helps build relationships and makes people happy. Customers buy from people they like.” – Jim Steigner, president, E.H. Roberts, Elyria and Huron, OH. “Slow down and spend time with your customer. It takes time to gain their confidence. I also focus on what’s best for the customer.” – Allen Smith, residential specialist, Morris-Jenkins Heating & Air Conditioning, Charlotte, NC. things we’ve always wanted to do, and I don’t have to worry about being shot tomorrow.” Hudspeth credits his success to Joe Mascetti, general manager at Myrtle Beach and a 2004 $1 million producer. “He helps me stay focused on my goals and lets me know how much I need every day to achieve those goals,” Hudspeth said. With Mascetti’s help, Hudspeth reached his goal of $1.22 million in sales in 2005. Training also plays a major role in his success. Hudspeth improved his sales skills at the Success Academy and fine-tunes his skills with role-playing every day. “The training at the Success Academy was wonderful,” he said. “It really helped me become a better salesperson.” Steigner, Smith, Maza and Hudspeth admit their advice to reach million-dollar success isn’t captivating. They understand that setting goals and tracking your progress, working hard, generating more leads, doing the legwork to run down every lead and being able to relate better to your customers aren’t sexy answers. They know that the idea of more training and role-playing won’t get most contractors’ hearts racing. But, they work! TSC “The harder you work, the more opportunities you’ll have. To reach $1 million, come in early, practice your sales skills and let the office staff know you’re available to call on customers.” – Perry Maza, home comfort advisor, Furnasman’s One Hour™ Heating & Air Conditioning in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For Chris Hudspeth, it’s no cushy desk job. He focuses on keeping his customers happy. Photo by Bill Woodward “Keep your clients as happy as you can. If you do that, the million will come.” – Chris Hudspeth, comfort advisor, Myrtle Beach’s One Hour™ Heating & Air Conditioning in South Carolina. B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:54 PM Page 5 Sales The Makers Of $3 Million Salespeople, ™ AirTime 500 And One Hour,Announce Top Producers For 2005 AirTime™ 500 Crown Champions celebrate their sales success. Next year, AirTime predicts it will need a bigger stage. orty salespeople were recognized at the AirTime™ 500 Expo in Chicago earlier this year for generating over $1 million in replacement sales in 2005. They each earned the title of Crown Champion. Jim Steigner, president of E.H. Roberts in Elyria and Huron, OH, generated over $3 million in replacement sales. Two salespeople made over $2 million in sales. In addition, 16 salespeople from One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating® franchises in the United States and Canada sold over $1 million. Terry Nicholson, president of Success Group International™, the parent company of AirTime™ 500, said a $1 million salesperson was once rare in the HVAC industry, but is now quite common and expected for AirTime and One Hour companies. The straight-commission salespeople who reached $1 million in sales or beyond were all in residential replacement sales, not new construction, and traditionally averaged two presentations to potential replacement customers a day. Nicholson said contractors looking to produce a $1 million salesperson should follow a proven hiring, training and selling system. It starts with hiring the right person, and then training them to do the right thing by the customer in designing the optimum F 28 TSC SPRING 2006 comfort system. A little healthy competition doesn’t hurt, either. Salespeople who are members of AirTime, for example, compare their performances against the best from all across the country. “When you have organizations of champions competing against each other, the bar continues to be raised,” Nicholson said. Nicholson compared the large number of $1 million salespeople to Roger Bannister’s breaking of the four-minute mile in 1954. Bannister’s record, once thought by doctors to be physically impossible to accomplish, lasted only 36 days. Within seven months, 46 other people had broken the four-minute mile. “Just like the four-minute mile, some people in the HVAC industry thought at one time that a salesperson reaching the $1 million mark was not possible,” Nicholson said. “To do it, first you have to break that mental mind barrier that it cannot be done. “That’s what has been happening at our organizations, and in particular, with Jim Steigner breaking the $3 million barrier,” he said. “Now, we predict there will be several people who go over the $3 million mark in 2006, a handful who will go over the $2 million mark and double the number of AirTime members who went over the $1 million mark in 2005 who will achieve that amount in sales in 2006.” TSC B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:55 PM Page 6 The Crown Champions from AirTime™ 500 are: Jim Steigner Huron, OH $3,098,502 Buff Brown Palm Springs, CA $1,206,798 Richard Picard Lincoln, RI $2,331,393 Gary Wilson Abilene, TX $1,197,000 Allen Smith Charlotte, NC $2,244,307 Frank Konrath San Ramon, CA $1,196,577 Jonathan Bancroft Charlotte, NC $1,925,459 Jerry Jackson Columbus, OH $1,180,975 Joe Martin Sacramento, CA $1,760,126 Bernard Smith Charlotte, NC $1,159,491 Tom Andren Roseville, MI $1,666,661 David Thatcher Lincoln, RI $1,139,805 Mike Driscoll Columbus, OH $1,638,128 Al Peterson San Ramon, CA $1,120,250 Dan Nevels Walnut Creek, CA $1,563,223 Chris Donzelli San Ramon, CA $1,109,350 Gilbert Sanchez Del Rio, TX $1,519,532 Mark Peel Weatherford, TX $1,089,721 Conrad Waricka Columbus, OH $1,470,855 Dan McIntire Dixon, CA $1,083,601 Micah Gilmore Sacramento, CA $1,467,663 Nathan Breeding Dixon, CA $1,081,736 Bo Smith Weatherford, TX $1,457,482 Tim Hodges Wilmington, DE $1,074,801 Scott Wipf Venice, FL $1,369,335 Frank Speer Yorba Linda, CA $1,073,135 Ken Finch Ventura, CA $1,272,865 Scott Bell Elk Grove, CA $1,050,871 Harold Burton Jasper, AL $1,269,127 Michael Monahan Port Chester, NY Chris Morimoto Benicia, CA $1,251,958 Matt Stout Charlottesville, VA $1,040,284 Eric Uhart Yorba Linda, CA $1,228,618 Barry Andrews Tampa, FL $1,027,882 Brian Spitler Charlotte, NC $1,223,681 Steve Moon Elkton, MD $1,021,844 Greg Jameroz Ventura, CA $1,218,350 Steve Smith Yorba Linda, CA $1,017,561 Cliff Smith Columbus, OH $1,214,344 Jim Mullaney Dixon, CA $1,017,350 $1,050,575 The $1 million salespeople from One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating® locations in the United States and Canada are: William Malin Chris Hudspeth Perry Mazza Gary Bidwell Mark Rawlins Steve Carruth John Fletcher Oscar Poort David Dami Randy Norton Carl Jennings Brent Fedorchuk Tom Harbun Jeremy Anderson James Dawson Kenny Brooks $1,376,697 $1,221,916 $1,212,617 $1,212,477 $1,139,940 $1,135,237 $1,119,429 $1,104,567 $1,094,289 $1,074,361 $1,043,303 $1,032,765 $1,029,209 $1,022,079 $1,006,435 $1,002,264 Ad 11 B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:56 PM Page 7 Success Story LIFE ON THE EDGE: A story of hard work, heartbreak and then success, and what you can learn from it. MR.RESILIENT: HOW LUIS NIEBLA SURVIVED IT ALL TO BECOME A SUCCESS STORY AT AGE 35 For Luis Niebla, making it in the plumbing business has been a series of hard knocks. But the lessons he learned early in life helped him get ahead. By Sandy Townsend Want the real dirt on Luis Niebla? He started by digging ditches, and from that day on, he earned every bit of his success. Now, he gives back. Photo by Nathan Trujillo Success, he said, takes perseverance and a lot of hard work. Now, at the young age of 35, Niebla has emerged from childhood poverty and owns a million-dollar plumbing business, Inline Plumbing Contractor in Chino, CA. He inspires others as a business mentor and community volunteer. Niebla was introduced to a strong work ethic early on, when his mother left Mexico to come to the United States. She initially cleaned homes, then later worked as a seamstress by day and a waitress at night to support her family. Meanwhile, Niebla grew up surrounded by violence and temptation in the Los Angeles ghetto. “But I knew what I wanted to do, and I was very aggressive at pursuing my goals,” Niebla said. “I left home at 17 and made life happen.” He learned his first hard lesson, and discovered his career path, by accident while in high school. He was digging trenches for $40 a week when he inadvertently broke a water line. “My boss called a plumber, who fixed it in an hour and charged $60,” Niebla said. “The guy I worked for took it out of my paycheck, so I worked one and a half weeks for free. “That was a good lesson learned,” he said “I wanted to find out how to do that so I could charge $60 an hour.” Niebla kept digging ditches. With dogged determination, he also went to high school in the day and trade school at night. The first company he worked for went bankrupt and let him go – two months after he bought a new house. He continued working in plumbing and eventually landed a $5.8 million, four-year plumbing contract at a cheese plant and slaughterhouse. Several years into the contract, the general contractor hired most of Niebla’s employees right out from under him at $4 an hour more than Niebla paid. The general contractor told Niebla to walk away or they’d sue him for non-performance. “That’s when I learned another lesson – to hire a lawyer to review my contracts,” Niebla said. Niebla then formed Inline Plumbing and Fire Protection with a partner. “One day, my partner didn’t show up and left me with a debt 30 TSC SPRING 2006 of $138,000,” he said. “He decided we weren’t partners anymore. It cost me about $200,000 to clean up that mess.” Niebla’s lesson: trust but verify. Know your business and understand the numbers. Despite his debt, Niebla would not file for bankruptcy. He owed money and wanted to pay it back. “I worked the next two years for free,” he said. “I went to my vendors and arranged payments. To this day, I still have a very good relationship with my vendors. This gave me credibility at a very young age.” Niebla rebuilt his company while focusing on commercial projects from New York to Arizona, and eventually dropped fire protection services. But he had another lesson coming, and it’s one that contractors learn every day: commercial construction is not always good for your business. B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:56 PM Page 8 “It was feast or famine,” he said. In 2001, he had to wait nine months to get paid nearly $700,000 on a commercial project. “That project almost put us out of business,” he said. “I finally said, ‘this is not the way to do business.’” He was slowly becoming aware of something that finally saved his business: residential work was consistent, it paid well, and he got paid for jobs within a few days … not nine months. Inline Plumbing finished its last commercial job in February 2005, and Niebla hasn’t looked back. In 2005, Inline’s revenue from residential service and repairs was $1.293 million, with profits of 11.7 percent. Niebla also spends less time at the business, which allows him to focus on his family, investment property and giving back to his community. Since joining Plumbers’ Success International® in 2002, he learned something else: acquiring other companies is a great way to grow your business. He’s purchased two plumbing companies and is looking for more. During his growth, Niebla implemented PSI systems and procedures that helped his company increase its closing rates and grow its profits. For example, Inline Plumbing: • Implemented a service charge for diagnostics for visiting a customer’s home, instead of simply going to the home and providing a quote. Even though the company’s call volume dropped, its revenue and closing ratio increased. • Trained techs on the Straight Forward Pricing™ Guide, which increased their prices, but took the guesswork out of the costs to the customer. His customers now know what something will cost before any work begins; there are no surprises. • Stays in contact with customers, which increased calls. Inline Plumbing sends a thank you note to customers after each visit, and calls the customer as soon as the technician leaves the home. As part of the call, they ask for feedback and recommendations on how to improve service. • Implemented a scoreboard system to benchmark employee performance against the top performers in Plumbers’ Success International®. These scoreboards are updated daily to motivate technicians. Niebla also learned that when hiring, you don’t have to hire trained plumbers. He’s hired former managers from Papa John’s, a route manager for 7-Up and a man who delivered factory merchandise. “I take a guy with a great attitude and teach him plumbing,” he said. Now he’s sharing what he learned with another member of PSI. He offered to buy the member’s plumbing company, but the owners were astonished that the offer was much lower than what they thought their company was worth. Instead of selling, the owners decided to keep the company. “The owners looked me in the eye and said, ‘can you help us?’” Since then, Niebla’s been acting as their mentor. He is helping because it’s easy to identify with them. “I’ve been there,” he said. “There were times when I sat on the curb with tears in my eyes, wondering how I was going to come up with payroll. “I went through a whole lot in my career, but I learned to run a business. I owe it to the industry to give something back.” A graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, Luis Niebla now helps others. TSC WHAT LUIS NIEBLA LEARNED TRUST PEOPLE, BUT VERIFY THEIR ACTIONS. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, GO GET IT. NO ONE WILL GIVE IT TO YOU. IT’S OK TO MAKE A WRONG DECISION. JUST MAKE MORE RIGHT ONES THAN WRONG ONES. LEARN FROM YOUR BAD DECISIONS. VIEW YOUR WORK AS YOUR PASSION AND IT WILL BE LESS STRESSFUL. LOOK AT PROBLEMS AS CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Ad 12 SPRING 2006 TSC 31 B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:57 PM Page 9 Marketing A MADE-FOR-TELEVISION STORY UNUSUAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN PUTS TINY TEXAS TOWN ON THE MAP By Ryan McKenna DISH, TX – The older gentlemen exhaled a plume of cigarette smoke, enjoying his morning coffee and donut at Williams Drive-In Grocery in Justin, TX. He coyly answered the question. “Dish? What is Dish?” Dish is about three miles north of the coffee shop, where County Road 156 intersects with Eakin Cemetery Road. There isn’t much to see except a wide expanse of open road and a couple of signs inconspicuously positioned on the southwest corner. Yet, Dish, TX, despite the blandness of its surroundings, is now on the map thanks to one of the best marketing campaigns in central Texas, or anywhere. A sign now reads: “DISH, Texas – Home of Free DISH Network Satellite TV.” A mile or so west of the intersection is the actual town of Dish. It was renamed as part of a national marketing campaign to find a community that was willing to exchange its name for 10 years of free basic satellite TV. If you go, though, don’t drive too fast, or you’ll miss the small community of 53 homes and one commercial building. Of course, some 32 TSC SPRING 2006 Signs of the times: With a new name, Dish, TX, is hoping for successful development. town members are a little low key about the change. Asked about whether there are any commercial buildings, one utility worker replied, “What’s a commercial building?” Though there is only one commercial building, that may change soon, thanks to this marketing “gold mine.” On August 23, 2005, EchoStar Communications Corporation, parent company of DISH Network, announced the campaign. In the press release, EchoStar President Michael Neuman gushed, “The DISH City Makeover is an opportunity for an entire town to experience all-digital television free for 10 years while ridding themselves of cable TV’s high prices and poor customer service.” As the winner of the contest, the town government of the former Clark, TX (25 miles northwest of Fort Worth) agreed to change its name legally and permanently on government buildings, post offices, official letterhead, schools if applicable, street signs where necessary, and any other government signage that contains the town’s name. Clark had to file all necessary state and federal documentation. In exchange, DISH Network agreed to provide every household within the town limits a free DISH Network satellite TV receiver, free standard installation, and America's Top 60 pro- B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:57 PM gramming package free for 10 years. The results of this outof-the-box marketing idea have been better than expected. Dish Gets Global Recognition Bill Merritt, the mayor of Dish and a real estate developer, won the recent mayoral election by one vote over L.E. Clark, the former mayor the town was named after. Merritt owns the only commercial building in the community of 125 residents. But he said the name change was not an effort to rename the town from his former opponent’s name. “A resident came to my office after I was elected, telling me he had heard about the offer from Dish,” Merritt said. Merritt was interested so he e-mailed to Dish. “A couple of days later the Dish director of communications interviewed me,” he continued. “A month went by and I was called and told that our Technicians install “the dish” in Dish. Page 10 town made it to the ‘short list.’ Three weeks later, they picked us.” The town is less than six years old and Merritt looked at the offer as a way for it to grow and get publicity. After all, people do not have a tendency to move to your town if they don’t even know you exist. That was the problem. “The coverage has blown me away,” Merritt said. “I thought we would only get local coverage. Within a week after we launched the new name, I did a radio talk show in Australia, the BBC in London, MSNBC, Today Show, Good Morning America, and others. The first week after our launch, we had over 750 newspaper articles and over 500 television spots.” The notoriety has not been lost on the good folks at Dish Network, either. Their marketing director told Merritt that when Apple launched IPOD they had 1,000 newspaper articles. “Dish was elated with Those shocked by the national and international acclaim the marketing campaign generated may well have underestimated the value of two things some people hold dear – publicity and television. In this case, both came free! the response,” Merritt said. “The value of the publicity was worth millions and millions of dollars to them.” The community might be a good spot for Dish Network to place a satellite office, too (no pun intended). That would be fine for Tony Polak, EchoStar Satellite’s Dallas area manager – Southwest Region. “I’d like to get an independent sales rep. up here,” Polak said while signing up new subscribers at Dish Town Hall. “Residents will get 10 years of the $31.99 [monthly] service free.” That’s a value of over $3,800. Will Development Follow? Merritt said his overall plan is to continue to grow Dish, and the positive results are already coming in. In the first 72 hours, there were 27 requests by people who wanted to be annexed into Dish. “This was the reason why I did the deal,” Merritt said. “The great thing about the deal was to grow the town where there really wasn’t much opportunity for growth (before). If a landowner is interested in coming into the city and they meet the technical requirements or hoops to jump through, they can petition the town council. My plan is to bring in a new group of people every quarter who want to be annexed.” That’s just the start. Merritt hopes the notoriety can help prompt retail and commercial development. Already, the new name and free satellite television are proving popular with the former residents of Clark. A total of 51 of the 53 households in Dish had equipment installed, an acceptance rate of better than 96 percent. “Three days before we changed the name of the town nobody knew where Clark, TX was,” Merritt said. “People living three miles away didn’t know us. Even the old mayor (Clark), who supposedly didn’t like the idea, was shown in a picture with the dish being installed on his home. The biggest naysayer of them all took the deal.” In a town in Texas so small you could blink and miss it, residents now have a new name, a new identity, free satellite television, and a chance to grow. That’s not a bad marketing effort, for all concerned. TSC SPRING 2006 TSC 33 B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:58 PM Page 11 Humor By Dawn Zamanis RESCUED FROM A TURBULENT TOILET Friday morning, my toilet exploded. One minute everything was fine. The next minute I was a tiny screaming woman knee high in toxic waste, poised with one foot on the edge of the toilet seat like a contortionist with my head buried in the tank, feeling around with one rubber-gloved hand for a valve, a switch, anything to stop the flow of water. I felt helpless as the water spewed continuously from the bowl and seeped into the hallway. In a desperate attempt to repair the problem myself, I had removed a few parts. My toilet was now in pieces all over the bathroom floor. The plumbing company told me they’d be there as soon as possible. So I waited. I really had no choice because I was afraid to leave the scene of the accident. But I couldn’t very well remain in that position much longer. My neck was killing me, and I felt my foot slipping off the toilet seat. And then it happened. In one felt swoop, I lost my balance, with my gloved hand still inside the tank hanging onto the ball-cock flapper thing for dear life. I tumbled onto the floor into the mess, taking the flapper thing with me. I didn’t know what to do next. I yelled for my kids to bring me some rags, disin- The idea that she could repair it herself quickly got the author – and her house – all wet! fectant spray, and an oxygen mask, but my kids were no where to be found. I stripped down to my underwear, and escaped the vile area like a fugitive on the run. I bravely returned shortly after, sporting a new pair of rubber gloves, a bucket, old sweatpants and a T-shirt and went to work, cleaning up the despicable mess. Finally, the doorbell rang. I leaped over the tank cover in the hall and threw my arms around the plumber trying to explain the problem. He told me there was no need to explain it. He could smell me from the driveway. One hour later, I had a fully function- Where Do You Read The Successful Contractor? Hey Vince, get your own darn copy! Larry Follett of Suamico, WI was visiting Lambeau Field in Green Bay when he took a time out to do a little reading. For the record, that’s just a statue of the legendary Packers’ coach, who, then, is not performing an over-the-shoulder catch of what’s in the Winter issue. Have you taken The Successful Contractor on the road or read it in an unusual, unique or historic place? Just have a friend snap a picture of you reading the publication at the place or landmark and send it to: On The Road Photo, The Successful Contractor, P.O. Box 18567, Tampa, FL 33679-8567. Or e-mail the photo to: ncs@tampabay.rr.com. Make sure to include your name, where you are from, the location of the photo, the names of the people in the photo, and your phone number. 34 TSC SPRING 2006 al toilet – something most of us take for granted. The plumber had snaked the line and replaced the parts broken during my misadventure. From now on, I will treat my precious potty as if it were a member of the family. I will not use thick rolls of tissue, which my plumber noted will clog up the toilet again. Instead, I will use the cheapest, flimsiest tissue I can find. I will do anything to prevent this from happening again. Before this incident, I had always taken plumbers and my plumbing for granted, but today, I have a newfound respect. And if something should happen, I know my plumber is only a call away and I can sleep well at night knowing that. TSC Dawn Zamanis, of Valrico, FL, is a freelance writer and a mother of five sons. Since the incident, there have been no other problems and her potty continues to work perfectly. Her plumber now attends all their family gatherings, and has received numerous plumbing referrals as a result of his great work. HOW GOOD IS YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR? If you have a funny or unusual story about an electrical, plumbing, roofing or HVAC service call and would like to share it, please write: The Successful Contractor, Humor Story, P.O. Box 18567, Tampa, FL 33679-8567, or fax it to (813) 281-9033. Please include a phone number. Success Academy Course Schedule Drain Cleaning Power June 15th & 16th AT500 & One Hour Franchisees Mastery of Sales Success August 14th – 18th October 2nd – 6th November 13th – 17th December 11th – 15th ESI The Professional Electrician July 17th – 19th October 16th – 18th November 29th – December 1st The Power Performing Technician May 22nd – 26th August 21st – 25th October 9th – 13th November 6th – 10th December 4th – 8th PSI & Ben Franklin Franchisees The Professional Plumber Mastering the Art of the Telephone & Dispatching June 12th & 13th for Profits / Marketing October 23rd & 24th Sales Lead Coordinator Repair vs Replace for the May 8th – 10th September 26th – 28th Professional Plumber November 13th – 15th June 14th October 25th All Affinity Groups & Franchisees Mastering Your Financial Numbers June 26th – 28th December 4th – 6th For more information on any of these events please contact: AT500 and PSI at 800.505.8885 • ESI at 877.374.3676 • RSI at 877.774.5646 One Hour at 800.746.0458 • Benjamin Franklin at 800.695.3579 All of the above classes are held in St. Louis, MO unless otherwise denoted. Class dates are subject to change. You must be a Member of AT500, PSI, ESI, RSI or a One Hour or Benjamin Franklin Franchisee to attend. B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 1:59 PM Page 12 If I can’t show you how to increase your plumbing sales by a minimum of $127,388.00, I’ll write you a check* for your flight and your hotel room! ANNOUNCING A GUARANTEEDWAY TO SKYROCKET YOUR PLUMBING PROFITS. Yes! You read this correctly. I’m so confident in our message, I personally guarantee the results. In fact, the information you’ll receive is so powerful, proprietary and essential that it’s turned many Plumbing Contractors into millionaires! My name is Mike Diamond, and I am the CEO of Plumbers’ Success International®. Starting from my parents’ garage at the age of 19, I slugged my way to the top to build the world’s largest independent plumbing service. Along the way I learned a few thousand things – some the easy way, most the hard way. At the Profit Day Seminar, you will discover the EXACT methods to provide you with the freedom of time and the wealth you’ve always wanted. You’ll Discover: • How to make a personal income of $187,213.00 with only 3 trucks; • How to create qualified leads for only $8.52 of advertising a week; • How to assemble a “Dream Team” of highly qualified technicians; • And much, much more... This Plumbers Profit Day Seminar is absolutely FREE! You have nothing to lose and millions to gain. Register today for the FREE Plumbers Profit Day Seminar in your area by calling 800-505-8885. PSI Seminar Event FREE! Seating is limited * Limited to $500 ® Ad 13 B_TSC_Spring_06 4/11/06 2:01 PM Page 13 “Becoming a One Hour franchise was just the shot in the arm we needed to boost us to the next level.” “I wanted to be a part of the largest & greatest home service company in the world.” Richard Drew, Sr. Richard Drew, Jr. My name is Richie Drew. My family’s been in the HVAC business since my father - Richard Drew, Sr. - started Drew Air Conditioning and Heating in 1978. In 2004, after doing business for more than 25 years in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, we thought we had some name recognition. But an analysis showed that when people were presented with various company names, no one remembered ours. At that moment, my dad and I instantly realized the power of branding. We met the folks behind One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning and we liked their approach to franchising. We thought it was a good fit for a small, independent company like ours - a business dedicated to service. So we decided to become a One Hour franchise. The business concept made sense to us. The One Hour trucks look the same all over the country, and the training, marketing and operating systems are standardized. While each franchisee is independent, there’s no need to “reinvent the wheel” at every turn. In theory, it all sounded great. In practice it was even better. In 2004 we recorded $2.8 million in sales, and after one year as a One Hour franchisee 2005 sales were $3.5 million. Our profit margin went up about 10 percent - the most growth we’d ever had in a single year. The One Hour marketing materials - including direct mail pieces, print ads and TV spots - have been very powerful. But there’s a solid training system behind the marketing. We receive letter after letter from satisfied customers who are pleased with the high level of service we provide by following the One Hour system. One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning gave us a vehicle to accomplish our goals faster. We are “years ahead” of where we’d be if we were still Drew Air Conditioning and Heating. I have a renewed passion for the business and for being part of what’s fast becoming the largest and greatest home-service company in the world. Our customers are happy, our employees are happy, and ultimately the owners win. My dad and I are taking our business to the next level - thanks to the One Hour system. Intrigued? Want to find out more about the One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning success formula? Our unique system includes proven operational practices, complete access to cutting-edge technology, hands-on support from “model center” franchises on the front lines of the HVAC industry, professional training for everyone in your company, and much more. Find out why the One Hour philosophy is that no franchisee will fail. Call now for your free email video “The Road To Brand Dominance” 1-800-746-0458 One Hour Heating & Air ConditioningTM is ranked #98 for the fastest growing franchises in the U.S. by EntrepreneurTM magazine 2006! www.onehourair.com Ad 14 or email your request to info@clockworksservices.com You have nothing to lose, and you may just discover a revolutionary new approach to your business. “With the One Hour system you can’t lose - it’s a no-brainer. You don’t need to add a lot of new employees to make more money. You just need to work smarter, and One Hour shows you how to do that.” ©2006 CLOCKWORK HOME SERVICES, INC.