Dickensfield Court Condominium
Dickensfield Court Condominium
/W\ CORPORATION BYLAWS FOR CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION NO. 852 2451 (DICKENSFIELD COURT CONDOMINIUM CORP) z^\ BYLAWS OF THE OWNERS: CONDOMINIUM PLAN NO. 8522451 DICKENSFIELD COURT CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION !♦ DEFINITIONS AND APPLICATIONS A. These Bylaws have been enacted by The Owners: Condominium Plan No. 8522451 to replace all statutory Bylaws. The following definitions shall apply to all parts of these Bylaws: (a) "Act" shall mean Condominium Property Act, being Chapter C-22 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta, 1980, as amended, and any statute or statutes to which may be passed in substitution for or replacement of such Act; (b) "Board" means the Board of Managers elected pursuant to these Bylaws and as provided for in Section 23 of the Act or any section passed in substitution therefor. Members may be referred to as Directors; (c) Board "Bylaws" mean the Bylaws of the Corporation, as amended from time to time; (d) "Capital Replacement Reserve Fund" means the fund created for the purposes as outlined in Bylaw 14(j); (e) "Common expense" means all expenses for the performance of the objects and duties of the Corporation and all other expenses specified as common expenses in these Bylaws. Common expense may also be described as an assessment or condominium fee; '*"% 2 (f) "Common property" means - so much of the Parcel as is not comprised in any Unit shown on the Condominium Plan; (g) "Condominium Plan" means the plan registered by KY-ZUR INVESTMENTS LTD. as Developer under the Act and referred to as Condominium Plan No. 8522451; (h) "Corporation" means the Corporation constituted under the Act by the registration of the Condominium Plan; (i) "Insurance Trustee" means any company or person authorized to act as an Insurance Trustee under the laws of the Province of Alberta and who may be appointed from time to time on Ordinary Resolution Insurance Trustee is of the Corporation. If no- appointed then the Insurance Trustee shall be the Corporation; (j) "Manager" means a person, firm or Corporation appointed as Manager pursuant to Bylaw 15<f) hereof; (k) "Maintenance Area" means those areas, being part of the Common property, which includes any sidewalks in the front or back, and fence-enclosed yards immediately adjacent to each Unit, the area and location of which shall be determined by the Board from time to time, and which areas ^the Board deems suitable for private use in conjunction with the respective adjoining Unit; (1) "Mortgagee" means the holder of a mortgage registered against the title to one or more Units in the Condominium Plan; (m) "Ordinary Resolution" means a resolution: - (i) 3 passed at a properly convened meeting of t. Corporation by a simple majority of all the persons present entitled to exercise the powers of voting conferred by the Act or by the Bylaws; or (ii) signed by not less than Fifty One (51%) percent of all of the persons who, at a properly convened meeting of the Corporation, would be entitled to exercise the powers of voting conferred by the Act or the Bylaws and representing not less than Fifty One (51%) percent of the total Unit factors for all of the Units; (n) "Owner" means the Owner of a Unit in the Condominium Plan; (o) "Parcel" means the land comprised in the Condominium Plan; (p) "Special Resolution" means a resolution: (i) passed at a properly convened meeting of t.'^ Corporation by a majority of not less than Seventy five (75%) Percent of all the persons entitled to exercise the powers of voting conferred by the Act or by the Bylaws and representing not less than Seventy Five (75%) Percent of the total Unit factors for all the Units, or (ii) signed by not less than Seventy Five (75) Percent of all the persons who, at a properly convened meeting of the Corporation, would be entitled to exercise the powers of voting conferred by the Act or the Bylaws and representing not less than Seventy Five (75%) Percent of the total Unit factors for all the Units; (q) "Unanimous Resolution" means a resolution: (i) passed unanimously at a properly convened meeting o^ the Corporation by all the persons entitled t ' exercise the powers of voting conferred by the Act or - the Bylaws, and 4 - representing the total Unit factors for all the Units; or (ii) signed by meeting all of persons the who, at Corporation, a properly would be convened entitled to exercise the powers of voting conferred by the Act or the Bylaws; (r) "Unit" means an area designated as a Unit by the Condominium Plan; (s) "Unit factor" means the Unit factor for each Unit as more particularly described in the Condominium Plan. B. Words and expressions which have a special meaning assigned to them in the Act have the same meaning in these Bylaws and other expressions used in these Bylaws and not defined in the Act or in these Bylaws have the same meaning as may be assigned to them in the Land Titles Act of Alberta, as amended from time to time, or in any statute or statutes passed in substitution therefor or replacement thereof, unless the context otherwise requires. C. These Bylaws gender as "Owners" Residents" are to required shall or be be by read the read "Occupier with context, "Tenant" or all or changes and the of word "Tenants", Occupiers" as the number and "Owner" or "Resident or context may require. D. The headings in the body of these Bylaws form no part of these Bylaws but shall be deemed to be inserted for the convenience of reference only. In the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and the Act, the Act shall prevail. Q\^ ' E. 'for—the--purposes—of-~t-he--AGt—and—these—By-laws-?—Developer—ffleafts- tfS^i$J$X-^ZUR—4ENVE-STMENTS—LTDr^—irt-s—snccegsor-97—as&iqns-and-desigpees^ - F. 5 - In these Bylaws, common assessments or Common expense levies may sometimes be referred to as Condominium Fees. 2. THE OWNERS A. Duties of Owners ' An Owner shall: (a) permit the Corporation and its agents, at all reasonable times on notice (except in case of emergency when no notice is required), to enter in or on his Unit for the purpose of inspecting the Unit and maintaining, repairing or renewing pipes, wires,, cables, ducts, conduits, plumbing, sewers and other facilities for the furnishing of utilities for the time being existing in the Unit and capable of being used in connection with the enjoyment of any other Unit or Common property, or for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and renewing Common Property, or for the purpose^ of ensuring that the Bylaws are being observed; (b) forthwith carry out all work that may be ordered by any municipal or public authority in respect of his Unit, and pay all rates, taxes, charges, outgoings and assessments, that may be payable in respect of his Unit; (c) repair and maintain his Unit including all Unit windows, doors, mailbox, screen doors, door bell buttons, and light fixtures and their bulbs attached to the exterior of the Unit and keep it in a state of good repair; (d) not paint any of the exterior of the Units or the Common Property, including the fence which encloses the yards immediately adjacent to each Unit, or alter the appearance thereof or do or permit to be done anything which would - (^ 6 - alter the appearance of any Unit or the Common Property without the prior written permission of the Board; (e) use and enjoy the Common property in such a manner so as to not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment thereof by other Owners or their families or visitors; (f) not use his Unit or permit it to be used in any manner for any purpose which may be illegal or injurious, or that will cause nuisance or hazard to any Occupier of a Unit (whether an Owner or not), or the family of such an Occupier; (g) notify the Corporation forthwith, in writing, upon any change of Ownership or of any mortgage or other dealing in connection with his Unit; (h) f comply with and cause all his Tenants, family, visitors and other occupants of his Unit to comply with the Bylaws, the Act, and regulations in force; (i) pay to the Corporation when due all Common expenses levied or assessed against his Unit together with interest on any arrears thereof at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum, compounded annually, or at the rate of interest as may be approved from time to time by Special Resolution, calculated from the due date until payment; (j) pay to the Corporation all legal expenses incurred as a result of having to take proceedings to collect any Common expenses levied or assessed against his Unit, and such legal expenses shall be paid on solicitor and his own client indemnification basis; f^ (k) observe all Bylaws pertaining to the use of the Common property and comply strictly with the Bylaws; - 7 - (1) allow the Corporation entry to his Unit in the event of an^ emergency, for the purposes of protecting the property of other Owners or Occupiers and the property of the Corporation, and in the event his Unit is so entered, the Owner shall save harmless and indemnify the Corporation, its agents and employees from any claims arising from such entry. B. Should any Owner have any suggestions, questions or complaints for the Corporation, they shall be in writing and addressed to the Corporation in an envelope marked to the attention of the Board. The Board shall not be required to act on any suggestion, question or complaint that is not in writing and properly submitted to the Corporation. BOARD MEMBERS - (ELECTION/QUALIFICATIONS) (a) The Board, for the benefit of the Corporation and alJ^ Owners and Mortgagees, shall have vested in it the powers of the Corporation and shall enforce the provisions hereof. Until the first Annual General Meeting of the Owners, the Board shall only consist of a representative or representatives' of the Developer. Thereafter, the Board shall consist of not less than three nor more than seven persons and shall be elected at each annual general meeting, except for vacancies, (although members may also be elected at an extra-ordinary general meeting) but where there are no Mortgagees and not more than three Owners, the Board shall consist of all Owners or such person or persons in such number as the Owners of all Units may designate. If a Unit has more than one Owner, only one such Owner may sit on the Board at one time. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, until the Developer has sold and transferred ownership in Ninety (90%) Percent of the Units, the majority of the Board, unless otherwise agreed^ to by the Developer, shall consist of representatives of the Developer; - f' (b) 8 - Ownership of a Unit is not necessary for election to and membership on the Board. age of majority election to indebted the to shall Board, the Any person who has attained the be eligible provided Corporation that for for any an nomination Owner and who assessment is or assessments which are more than thirty (30) days overdue shall not be eligible for election or membership on the Board; (c) At any election of the Board each person entitled to vote shall be entitled to vote for as many nominees as there are vacancies to be filled on the Board; (d) No more than two registered Mortgagees or representatives of them may be members of the Board at any one time; (e) All Board Members shall, as a condition of nomination to the Board, make full disclosure of any direct or indirect relationships to the Corporation such as a private company, public company, partnership or proprietorship employed by the Corporation or any pecuniary interest not mentioned. DISQUALIFICATION/REMOVAL FROM THE BOARD (a) Except where the Board consists of less than three Owners, Jthe Corporation may by resolution at a properly convened meeting remove any member of the Board before the expiration of his term of office and appoint another person in his place to hold office until the next annual general meeting; (b) The office of a member of the Board shall, ipso facto, be vacated if he: (i) becomes bankrupt under the Bankruptcy Act (Canada) or any Act passed in substitution therefor; 9 - (ii) is more than thirty (30) days in arrears in payment o any contribution required to be made by him as an Owner pursuant to these Bylaws; (iii) becomes of unsound mind or mentally incompetent, or is the subject of a certificate of incapacity issued under the Dependent Adults Act, or any Act passed in substitution therefor; (iv) resigns his office by writing, under his hand, sent to or left at the registered address of the Corporation or delivered to an office of the Corporation; (v) is convicted of an indictable offence; (vi) is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board without permission of the Board and it is resolved at the subsequent meeting of the Board that his office b^ vacated; (vii) is refusing bonding, at a reasonable premium, by a recognized bonding Institution; or (viii) 5. dies. VACANCY ON THE BOARD Where a vacancy occurs on the Board pursuant to Bylaw 4(b), the Board may appoint a person to fill that vacancy for the remainder of the former member's term, provided such person qualifies for membership pursuant to Bylaw 3(b). 6- BOARD QUORUM AND VOTING (a) A quorum at a meeting of the Board shall be a simple^ majority of the members of the Board. Any member of tht^ - 10 - Board may waive notice of a meeting before, during or after the meeting and such waiver shall be deemed the equivalent of due notice of the meeting; (b) At meetings of the Board, by majority vote and, in all matters shall be determined the event of a tie vote, the Chairman is entitled to a casting vote in addition to his original vote. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The President and in his absence, the Vice-president, shall act as Chairman of the Board meetings. and Vice-president be absent, Should both the President then at the commencement of the meeting the Board shall elect a Chairman for the meeting. If any Chairman vacates the Chair during the course of the meeting, the Board shall elect in his stead another Chairman who shall have the same rights of voting. 8. DUTIES OF THE CORPORATION The Corporation shall: (a) control, manage and administer the Common property for the benefit of all the Owners and for the benefit of the entire Condominium Corporation; (b) do all things required of it by the Act, these Bylaws, and any other resolutions of the Corporation in force from time to time; (c) where practical, establish and maintain suitable lawns and gardens on the Common property. The Corporation shall not be responsible for the establishment or maintenance of lawn areas within an Owner's Maintenance Area; f^ (d) maintain and repair (including renewal where reasonably necessary) pipes, wires, cables, ducts, conduits, sewers, and other facilities for the furnishing of utilities for - 11 - the time being existing in the Parcel and capable of beinc* used in connection with the enjoyment of more than one Unit or the Common property; (e) upon written request therefor made by a Unit Owner or the holder of any mortgage registered against a Unit, or the duly authorized agent of such Owner or Mortgagee, provide such Owner or Mortgagee with either a photocopy or certified copy of all insurance appraisals obtained by the Corporation and all fire and other peril, and all liability insurance policies and endorsements maintained by the Corporation, as well as all renewal certificates or certified copies of replacing policies or a photocopy of the same; (f) subject to section 24 of the Act, call a general meeting of the Owners, and those Mortgagees who have notified the Corporation of their interest, once in each calendar year^4 and in all cases allow no more than fifteen months to elapse from one annual general meeting to the next; (g) control, manage, administer, maintain and repair all chattels and other property whatsoever owned or leased by the Corporation; (h) provide for necessary, regular collection of provide adequate garbage garbage receptacles and, if on the Common property for use by all of the Owners and provide for regular collection therefrom; (i) subject to any obligations imposed by the Bylaws or by the Corporation upon any Owners to maintain any part of the Common property over which such Owners are granted exclusive rights of use by the Corporation (including without limitation, Maintenance Areas), maintain the Commor' property notwithstanding that maintenance may be required - as a result of 12 reasonable wear and tear, or otherwise; provide and maintain the existing parking facilities for all the Owners; and provide and maintain reasonable outside lighting; (j) maintain and keep in a state of good repair, as may be required as a result of reasonable wear and tear or otherwise the following: (i) all outside surfaces of the Units, limiting the generality of the including without foregoing, exterior walls, exterior of the roof and all roofing materials, eavestroughs and exterior drains, trim, but windows, excluding all Unit exterior beams and screen doors, doors, decks adjacent to the Unit, fences installed enclosing an exclusive use area for a Unit, door bell buttons, mailbox, and light fixtures and their bulbs attached to exterior of Unit, all of which shall be the responsibility of the Unit Owners; (ii) all fencing, posts, driveways, roadways, curbs, sidewalks, parking areas, and other common facilities; (iii) all other affecting outside the hardware appearance, and accoutrements usability, value or safety of the Parcel or the Units; (iv) all utility services within, on, in, under or through the Common property. (k) provide and maintain in full force all such insurance as is required by the Act and by the provisions of these Bylaws to be maintained by the Corporation; (1) indemnify every Board Member, employee or officer, and his or her heirs, executors and administrators against all damages, judgements, settlements, costs and expense, - including counsel 13 fees, - reasonably incurred by him i connection with any action, suit or proceeding to which he may be made a party by reason of his being or having been a Board Member, employee or officer of the Corporation, except as to matters as to which he shall be finally adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for fines or penalties imposed in a criminal suit or action or for unjustified profit or advantage or for any wrongful act done or attempted in bad faith or dishonesty. All liability, loss, damage, costs and expense incurred or suffered by the Corporation by reason of or arising out of or in connection with the foregoing indemnification provisions shall be treated and handled by the Corporation as Common expenses. POWERS OF THE CORPORATION sm^ The Corporation may: (a) purchase, hire or otherwise acquire or dispose of or deal with personal and real property for use by Owners in connection with their enjoyment of Common property or their Units or any of them, provided that real property shall only be acquired or disposed of on approval by a Special Resolution of the Corporation; (b) borrow monies required by it in the performance of its duties or the exercise of its powers provided that the Corporation shall not borrow in excess of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) dollars on any occasion or incur aggregate indebtedness at any time exceeding Twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars without such borrowing or incurring of debt being approved by Ordinary Resolution of the persons entitled to vote at meetings of the Corporation; (c) secure the payment of monies borrowed by it, and th payment of interest thereon, by negotiable instrument, or - j«?n 14 - mortgage of unpaid contributions (whether levied or not) or mortgage of any property vested in it, or by combination of those means; (d) invest as it may determine, any monies in the funds for administrative expenses, to the extent permitted by law for trustees under the Trustee Act or any act passed in substitution therefor; (e) make an agreement with any Owner or Occupier of a Unit for the provision of amenities or services by it to the Unit or to the Owner or Occupier thereof and may grant a lease to an Owner under Section 41 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution therefor); (f) grant to an Owner the right to exclusive use and enjoyment of f^ . Common property or special privileges in respect thereof, but, except for the provisions of these Bylaws relating to parking privileges, any such grant shall be terminated on reasonable notice unless the Corporation by Unanimous resolution otherwise resolves; (g) do all things reasonably necessary. for the enforcement of the Bylaws and the control, management and administration of the Common property and any part of a Unit with which it may be concerned, including without restriction the *1 'following: (i) commencement and prosecution of proceedings under Section 29 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution therefor) to collect a penalty of up to $200.00 as contemplated under the Act; (ii) impose, collect and deal with deposits for the rental /0&S of a Unit under Section 44 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution therefor), provided that the deposit for the rental of a Unit shall not - 15 - exceed the maximum allowable under the Act. At th time of passing these Bylaws the maximum deposit allowable under the Act is one (1) month's rent for the Unit; (iii) give notice to give up possession of a Unit pursuant to Section 45 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution therefor) and make application to the Court under Section 46 or 47 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution for Sections) provided that such notices applications shall be in accordance the said and such with the provisions of the Act; (h) pay an annual honorarium, salary or stipend, to a member of the Board, as may be determined from time to time by Ordinary Resolution of the Corporation; (i) in the event of fire, gas, water leakage or other emergency situation, force entry into any Unit for the purpose of dealing with such emergency and for the purpose of protecting the property of other Owners, Occupiers and the Corporation as the case may be. The Owner or Occupier of the Unit so entered shall save harmless the Corporation, its agents and employees for any claim or damage arising from such forced entry; -< (j) impose and exact the fees and charges referred to in Bylaw 15(d); <k) exercise all of the rights, powers and duties conferred on the Corporation by the Act as amended from time to time, and the Bylaws of the Corporation. - 10. 16 - OFFICERS At the shall first elect Annual from General its Meeting of members a the President, Owners the Board Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporation, and the persons who are elected President and Vice President shall not be elected as Secretary and Treasurer. of the Owners, foregoing, until and Until the first Annual General Meeting notwithstanding the Developer the has generality sold and of the transferred ownership of all the Units, a representative or representatives of the Developer shall act as President and Secretary of the Corporation. 11. DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS The following duties are assigned to the Officers; however, the Board may make other allocations: (a) the President, or in the event of his absence or disability, the Vice-president: /0&S (i) is responsible for the daily execution of the business of the Corporation; (ii) shall act as Chairman of the meetings of the Board. (b) the Secretary, or in the event of his absence or disability, another member of the Board designated by the Board: (i) shall record and maintain all the Minutes of the Board, and all meetings of the Corporation; and shall record votes for and against on all decisions; (ii) is responsible for all the correspondence of the Corporation; (iii) shall carry out his duties under the direction of the President and the Board. (c) the Treasurer, or, in the event of his absence or disability, another member of the Board designated by the Board: 17 - (i) shall receive all monies paid to the Corporation an>"^ deposit it as the Board may direct; (ii) properly account for the funds of the Corporation and keep such books as the Board may direct; (iii) present to the Board when required to do so by the Board, a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements of the Corporation; (iv) prepare for submission at the annual general meeting, a budget for the forthcoming fiscal year of the Corporation, and if required by Ordinary Resolution of the members of the Corporation, an audited statement for the most recently completed fiscal year of the Corporation. The Secretary and Treasurer may, on resolution of the Board, allow the Manager to carry out their duties provided that th^ Secretary and Treasurer, as the case may be, supervises those duties of the Manager. 12. SEAL OF CORPORATION The Corporation shall have a seal which shall be used as authorized by resolution of the Board and in the event no such resolution has been passed then the seal shall be used in the presence of at least two (2) members of the Board, who shall sign the instrument to which the seal is affixed. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, until the Developer has sold and transferred ownership of all of the Units, the seal can be used in the presence of only one (1) member of the Board. 13. SIGNING AUTHORITIES The Board shall determine, by resolution from time to time^. which Officers shall sign cheques, drafts and other instruments and documents not required to be under corporate seal and may - authorize the Manager 18 to - sign the same with or without co-signing by any Officer or Officers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Manager shall not sign Corporation cheques. 14. DUTIES OF BOARD The Board shall: (a) Cause minutes to be kept of its proceedings which shall, unless the Board otherwise decides, be kept by the Secretary; (b) Cause minutes to be kept of general meetings which shall, unless the Board otherwise decides, be kept by the Secretary; (c) Cause proper books of account to be kept in respect of all sums of money received and expended by the Corporation, and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures take place, the keeping of said books, unless the Board otherwise decides, to be the responsibility of the Treasurer; (d) Cause to be prepared proper accounts relating to all monies of the Corporation therefor, for and each the annual income and general expenditures meeting, such preparation, unless the Board otherwise decides, to be the responsibility of the Treasurer; (e) On application of an Owner or authorized in writing by one of Mortgagee them, or any person make the books of account and all minutes of the meetings of the Corporation and the times, Board available and specific further for inspection at all reasonable provide request thereof, to any Mortgagee who copies of all minutes meetings of the Corporation and of the Board; makes of all - (f) 19 - On application of an Owner or Mortgagee, or any perso^ authorized in writing by one of them, statement of assessments any and Unit with with regard regard to to give a complete Common fulfillment expense of all the Owners' obligations in connection with the Corporation or his Unit; (g) Cause to be assessed to each Owner in proper proportion his contribution towards Common expenses and enforce payment of same, as more particularly set out in these Bylaws; (h) Upon the written request of an Owner, Purchaser or Mortgagee of a Unit, provide the particulars and materials pursuant to Sections 31(3), 36 and 39 of the Act (or any provisions passed in substitution for the said sections); (i) At all times keep and maintain in force all insurance required hereunder and by the Act,, to be maintained by tb-^% Corporation and from time to time settle and enter into insurance trust agreements as required by the Corporation; (j) Create and maintain by Common expense levy a Capital Replacement •Reserve Fund for the replacement and refurbishment of the any real or personal property owned with the Board applying such funds and from time to time for such purposes. purpose of repair, Common property and by the Corporation, the proceeds thereof Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, the calculations of and contributions to the Capital Replacement Fund shall commence after the Developer has sold and transferred ownership of all of the Units. 15. THE POWERS OF THE BOARD The Board may: (a) meet together for the conduct of business, adjourn, an. otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit, but it - f 20 - shall meet when any member gives to the other members not less than seven (7) days' notice of a meeting proposed by him specifying the reason for calling the meeting; (b) employ or authorize the Manager, if any, to employ for and on behalf of the Corporation such other agents and servants as it thinks fit in connection with the control, management and administration of the Common property, and the exercise and performance of the powers and duties of the Corporation; (c) subject to any restriction imposed or direction given at a general meeting, delegate to one or more of its members such of its powers and duties as it thinks fit, and at any time revoke such delegation; (d) • set and charge for and on behalf of the Corporation reasonable fees to compensate the Corporation for expenses it incurs in producing and providing any documents or copies required under the Act or pursuant to these Bylaws; (e) do all things reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the Bylaws and the control, management and administration of the Common property and any part of a Unit with which it may be connected, including without limitation the ^following: (i) commencement Section 29 and of prosecution the Act (or of proceedings under any provision passed in substitution therefor) to collect a penalty of up to $200.00 as contemplated under the Act; (ii) impose, collect and deal with deposits for the rental f^ of a Unit under Section 44 of the Act (or any provision that the passed in deposit substitution therefor) shall not exceed the provided maximum 21 - allowable under the Act. At the time of passing thes Bylaws the maximum deposit allowable under the Act was, one (1) month's rent for the Unit; (iii) give notice to give up possession of a Unit pursuant to Section 45 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution therefor) and make applications to the Court under Sections 46 and 47 of the Act (or any provision passed in substitution for the said sections), provided that such notices and such applications shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Act; (f) employ for and on behalf of the Corporation an independent professional management agency, agent or Manager (herein referred to as the "Manager") to supervise, manage, carry out and perform any and all of the duties of the Corporation set out in Bylaws (a), (c), (d), (e), (g), (h (i), (j), and (k) of Bylaw 8 hereof and such other duties as the Board may determine from time to time, subject always to the control and direction of the Corporation and the Board, such Manager to be reasonably fit and suited to perform such duties. Bylaw 17 hereafter, Without limiting the generality of if any group of vote representing Twenty Five persons entitled to (25%) Percent of the total Unit factors of the Units shall at any time be dissatisfied with the fitness or suitability of such Manager employed as aforesaid or the adequacy of the work or service performed by him, such group of persons may by requisition addressed to the Corporation require the calling of an extra—ordinary general meeting; and upon such a requisition being made as aforesaid, the Board shall forthwith call an extra-ordinary general meeting of the Corporation to consider complaint or complaints by such group of persons, continuance or termination of the employment the and the of su Manager, and/or the terms thereof, and/or the employment of 22 a replacement, Ordinary shall Resolution - be at considered and determined such meeting and the govern itself according to such resolution. Board by shall The Manager employed by the Board as aforesaid need not devote his full time to the performance of the duties of the Corporation so long as those duties are performed in good and sufficient fashion and may (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) act as rental or leasing agent for Unit Owners to the extent that so doing will not interfere with or unreasonably impede the performance of his duties for the Corporation; (g) From time to administer time pass and control resolutions the use of to regulate, the Common manage, property including but not restricted to deposits, the hours of use, supervision of, reservations for, security of, privacy and access to the Common property. /jSPN 16. MEETINGS (a) All meetings of the Board and general meetings of the Corporation shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order; (b) All general meetings of the Corporation other than annual general meetings shall be called extra-ordinary general meetings. 17. CONVENING OF MEETINGS The Board may, whenever it thinks fit, and shall within Twenty One (21) days, upon a requisition in writing made by persons entitled to vote representing one third (1/3) of the total Unit factors convene an extra-ordinary general meeting. The Board will convene annual general meetings of the Corporation as and whenever required by the provisions of these Bylaws. - 18. 23 - NOTICE OF MEETINGS Seven (7) days' notice of every general or extra-ordinary general meeting of the Corporation specifying the place, the date and the hour of meeting and, in case of special business, the general nature of that business, shall be given to all Owners and registered Mortgagees who have notified their interests to the Corporation, but accidental omission to give notice to any Owner or to any registered Mortgagee or non-receipt of notice by any Owner or any Mortgagee does not invalidate any proceedings at any such meeting. 19. BUSINESS Subject to the provisions of the Act, all business shall be deemed ordinary that is transacted at an annual general meeting of the Corporation. All business whatsoever that is transacted at an extra-ordinary general meeting shall be deemed special. 20. CHAIRMAN OF CORPORATION MEETING The President, and in his absence, the Vice-President of the Corporation shall act as Chairman of the meeting of the members of the Corporation. In the absence of both the President •and Vice-President, then at the commencement of the meeting, a Chairman of the meeting shall be elected. 21. ORDER OF BUSINESS AT CORPORATION MEETING The order of business in any properly convened meeting of the Corporation, unless altered by a majority of those in attendance who are entitled to vote, shall be as follows: (a) Call to order by the Chairman; (b) Call the roll and certify proxies; 24 - (d Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice; Reading and disposal of any unapproved minutes; (e Reports of Officers; (f Reports of Committees; (g Financial Report/Budget and Appointment of Auditors (c (if necessary); 22. (h Unfinished Business; (i Ratification of Past Acts of Board Members & Officers; (j New Business; (k Election of Members of the Board; (1 Adjournment. QUORUM REQUIRED Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, and in particular Bylaw 23, no business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Corporation unless a quorum of persons entitled to vote is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to do business. A quorum at any meeting of the Corporation shall consist of persons entitled to vote present in person or by proxy, representing no less than one third (1/3) of the total Unit factors. 23. ADJOURNMENT FOR LACK OF QUORUM If within fifteen (15) minutes from the time appointed for a meeting of the Corporation, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned for a further fifteen (15) minutes and if after the fifteen minute adjournment a quorum is not present, the persons entitled to vote who are present constitute a quorum. 24. RESOLUTIONS At any meeting of the Corporation a resolution moved or proposed at a meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll - 25 - is demanded by a person entitled to vote present in person or by-^. proxy, and unless a poll is so demanded, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on the show of hands, been carried, is conclusive proof of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of votes recorded in favor of or against such resolution. If a person demands a poll, that person may withdraw that demand and, upon the demand being withdrawn, the vote shall be taken by a show of hands. 25. METHOD OF TAKING A POLL A poll, if demanded, shall be taken in such a manner as the Chairman thinks fair and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting of the Corporation at which the poll was demanded. 26. EQUALITY OF VOTES In the case of equality in the votes whether on a show of hands or on a poll, the Chairman of a meeting of the Corporation i entitled to a casting vote in addition to his original vote. 27. VOTING On a show of hands each person entitled to vote shall have one vote; on a poll the votes of persons entitled to vote shall correspond with the Unit factors for the respective Units owned by or mortgaged to them. Except for those matters requiring a Special resolution or Unanimous resolution all matters shall be determined by an Ordinary resolution. 28. >v MANNER OF VOTING On a show of hands or on a poll, votes may be given either personally or by proxy, and on a show of hands, the person entitled to vote may indicate that he is showing hands with respect to a number of votes, provided that his proxy is in order if he is voting as proxy, counted. and the votes shall be so 1 - 29. 26 - PROXIES An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer or his attorney, and may be either general or for a particular meeting, but the holder of a proxy need not be an Owner or Mortgagee. 30. ENTITLEMENT TO VOTE There are no restrictions or limitations on the right to vote other than the following: (a) such restrictions (if any) as are set out in the Act; (b) where an Owner's registered given to voting interest mortgage, the in notice Corporation by a of Unit which the is subject mortgage Mortgagee, conferred upon such Owner by the Act to has a a been power of or by these Bylaws: (i) if a Unanimous exercised by resolution the Owner, is but required, is may exercisable not be by the registered Mortgagee first entitled in priority, and (ii) in other cases, is exercisable by the Mortgagee first entitled in priority, and may not be exercised by the Owner, if the Mortgagee is present personally or by proxy. These provisions continues in shall apply only if Section 21 of the Act force unless the Act is amended to provide otherwise; (c) no Owner shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting (annual or otherwise) or extra-ordinary meeting if he is more than thirty (30) days in arrears in sums payable to the Corporation in respect of his Unit, provided that such inability on the part of the Owner shall not in any way affect the ability of a Mortgagee of the Owner's Unit, first entitled in priority, who has given notice of his - 27 - mortgage to the Corporation and whose mortgage wa registered prior to the occurrence of the Owner's arrears from exercising voting privileges for his Unit. 31. VOTE BY CO-OWNERS Co-Owners may vote by proxy jointly appointed by them, and in the absence of such a proxy are entitled to vote on a show of hands, with each person having one vote, except when a Unanimous Resolution of Owners is required by the Act, but any one co-Owner may demand a poll, and on any poll each co-Owner is entitled to such part of the vote applicable to a Unit as is proportionate to his interest in the Unit, and the joint proxy, if any, on a poll has a vote proportionate to the interest in the Unit of such of the joint Owners as do not vote personally or by individual proxy. 32. SUCCESSIVE INTEREST Where Owners are entitled to successive interests in a Unit, th""^ Owner entitled to the first interest is alone entitled to vote, whether on a show of hands or a poll, and this Bylaw is applicable whether or not the Act requires the Unanimous resolution of Owners. 33. TRUSTEE VOTE Where an Owner is a trustee he shall exercise the voting rights in respect of the Unit to the exclusion of persons beneficially interested in the trust, and the latter may not vote. 34. SIGNED RESOLUTIONS (a) A resolution of the Board in writing signed by all of the members shall be as effective as a resolution passed at a meeting of the Board duly convened and held; /fl^v - (b) 28 Subject to the provisions of the Act, any resolution of the Corporation determined upon or made without a meeting and evidenced by writing, signed in person or by proxy as contemplated effectual in as these Bylaws shall be a resolution duly passed as at valid and a properly convened meeting of the Corporation and shall take effect and be an Ordinary Resolution, Special resolution or a Unanimous resolution as the case may be in accordance with the requirement of these Bylaws and the Act. 35. OBSERVANCE OF BYLAWS/SEVERANCE The Corporation, the Board and all Owners, Tenants and other occupants of the Units shall observe and obey all such Bylaws as are applicable to each of them and as amended from time to time whether or not such Bylaws or any parts thereof are registered at the Land Titles Office. If any provision or provisions of ' these Bylaws are or become illegal or not enforceable, it or they shall be deemed to be and shall be separate and severable from these Bylaws and the remaining provisions of these Bylaws shall remain in full force and effect as if the severable provision or provisions had not been included in these Bylaws. 36. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These^Bylaws may be added to, replaced, amended, or repealed by Special Resolution of the Corporation and not otherwise. 37. FINANCIAL STATEMENT If required by any general meeting, the annual financial statements produced by the Board shall be audited and certified by auditors or certified accountants appointed by the Board. - 38. 29 - EXPENDITURES BY MANAGER Any Manager Board, employed by the Board may, by Resolution of the from time to time, make expenditures not to exceed One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars per month without specific approval of the Board, but any expenditure in excess of One ($1,000.00) Dollars must be approved by the Board. Thousand The Board may revoke such Resolution at any time by a further Resolution of the Board. 39. BONDING OF MANAGER/BOARD (a) Any Manager shall be bonded for the loss of any money or other property through any fraudulent or dishonest acts of the Manager, its agents or employees for an amount determined by the Board, in its sole discretion; (b) The Board on behalf of the Corporation shall obtain a bond from a recognized bonding fraudulent or dishonest Corporation and extended institution acts to by bond covering employees all Officers loss by of tr and all members of the Board for los6 of funds or other property of the Corporation in an amount of not less than Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars; (c) The Owners may, require that on Ordinary Resolution of the Corporation, all members of the Board be bonded by recognized bonding institution in an amount not less than one year's common expenses. The cost of any bonding of the Board shall be a Common expense of the Corporation. 40. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE Any certificate, required in writing, as to the Owners' position with regard to Common expense assessments or otherwise, issue4x by the Corporation under the corporate seal, shall be deemed t»„ estoppel certificate, and the Corporation and all of the Owners 30 '• - shall be estopped from denying the accuracy of such certificate against any Mortgagee, purchaser or other person dealing with the Unit Owner; but this shall not prevent the enforcement against the Unit Owners of all obligations of the Unit Owners whether improperly stated in such estoppel certificate or not. 41. NOTICE OF DEFAULT TO MORTGAGEE Any notice of default sent to an Owner shall also be sent to all those Mortgagees holding registered mortgages of such Owner's Unit who have notified the Corporation of their mortgages. 42. NOTICE Every notice, demand or request permitted or required to be given or served hereunder shall be deemed to be properly and effectively given or served: (a) upon the Corporation if delivered by hand to the office of the Manager of the Corporation, if any, or mailed by depositing the same in a post box, enclosed in a postage-prepaid envelope addressed to the Corporation at its registered address as filed at the Land Titles Office; (b) upon an Owner by delivery by hand to the Owner (and if there is more than one Owner then to any one of such Owners), by leaving same at the Unit, or by mail by depositing the notice in a post box, enclosed in a •<postage-prepaid envelope addressed to the Owner at the municipal address of his Unit or to an address provided by the Owner pursuant to Bylaw 59(a); (c) upon a Mortgagee of a Unit by delivery by hand to the Mortgagee (or if the Mortgagee is a company to a person in authority with such Mortgagee) or by mail by depositing the notice in a post box, enclosed in a postage-prepaid envelope addressed to the Mortgagee at the municipal address of such Mortgagee notified to the Corporation; provided, however, that any notice providing for or - 31 - contemplating any meeting or any acts or steps that woul'^^\ if approved or Corporation, taken shall be involve given the by winding prepaid up of the registered mail addressed to the Mortgagee as aforesaid. The Corporation may change its address for service by resolution of the Board causing the change in address to be recorded at the appropriate Land Titles Office. A Mortgagee of a Unit may change its address for service by giving notice, in writing, of the change to the Corporation in the manner aforesaid. Any notices, demands or requests served by mail as aforesaid shall be deemed to have been received seven (7) days after the time of mailing, provided, however, that if there is an interruption of mail service, the notice shall not be deemed to have been received until the seventh day following restoration of normal mail service. 43. INSURANCE The Board, on behalf of the Corporation, shall obtain and maintain the following insurance: i) Property Insurance Insurance kitchen on all and .cdeveloper, of other the Units fixtures excluding including initially furnishings, the bathroom, installed improvements, by the fixtures and any property brought into or installed in a Unit by an Owner, and all the insurable insurable property both real whatsoever of the and Corporation, generality of the foregoing, Common property personal and and all of any nature without limiting the such insurance shall provide and include the following: (a) the perils insured against shall be generally understood in physical loss or damage; the "All Risks" insurance business) («*>% o^ - V (b) 32 - the coverage will provide for settlement on the basis of replacement cost and that no deduction shall be made from any settlement for depreciation; (c) adequate coverage for boiler insurance if any boilers or pressure vessels exist; (d) that no breach of a statutory or other condition of the policy by any one insured will cause the policy to become void as respects the interests of the other Insureds and that the provisions of Standard Mortgage Clause IBC 3000 (or its equivalent) shall be read into the insurance for the benefit of all Mortgagees; (e) any co-insurance clause shall be on a stated amount basis (and not on any other basis) and only in such a fashion as to not diminish the amount of any claim gm\ settlement; (f) the insurers' Corporation and rights of the members recovery of the against the Board are waived and that the insurers' rights of recovery against any Owner (and any residents of an Owner's household, his spouse, the relatives of either and any other person under the age of majority in the care of an Owner or .< his spouse) are waived, except with respect to arson, fraud and vehicle impact; (g) such policies may not be cancelled or substantially modified without a least written notice to all thirty (30) days' prior of the Insureds including all registered Mortgagees of Units; V (h) such policies shall also provide that the Corporation (or, if the Bylaws designate an Insurance Trustee, the - 33 - Insurance Trustee) shall have the right at its sol option to obtain a cash settlement (without deduction for depreciation) in the event of substantial damage to the property insured. This shall occur if the Corporation is terminated by Unanimous Resolution of the Corporation or by order of a Court having jurisdiction in that behalf to settle a scheme or to terminate the Condominium status of the building or parcel. In such instance, the Insurers' option to repair, rebuild or replace the property damaged or lost shall be deleted or waived; (i) the Insurance Trustee, Insurance Trustee, if the Bylaws designate an shall act as and be an agent on behalf of the Corporation and Owners for the purpose of and with authority to adjust and settle losses in respect of all property and boiler and machinery insurance policies effected by the Corporation. ii) Liability Insurance The Board shall also obtain and maintain public liability insurance insuring the Corporation, the Board and the Owners against their liability for bodily injury, death and damage to property, to third parties or to the Owners and their invitees, licencees or tenants, incidental to the enforcement of Bylaws and ^the control, Corporation's real property. management and administration of the and personal property and the Common Limits of liability under such insurance shall not be less than two million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property including loss of use thereof. All policies of insurance shall include as Insureds the Corporation, the Board and the members of the Boards while acting within the scope of their duties as such, and any Owners while acting on behalf of the Board, an^ the Insurance Trustee if there be one. Such liability insurance shall contain a cross liability clause whereby the insurance - 34 - indemnifies each Insured as if a separate policy had been issued to each, subject to the limit of Insurance indemnity otherwise applicable not being affected. iii) Errors and Omission Insurance The Board shall also obtain and maintain Directors and Officers Liability Insurance in an amount deemed appropriate by the Board so long as such insurance is obtainable at reasonable costs. iv) Other Insurance Considerations Prior to obtaining thereof the Board update) from a any policy shall of fire insurance obtain an appraisal qualified and reputable or (or renewal appraisal appraiser of real property, of the full replacement value of all of the property required to be insured by the Corporation, and the Board shall /Pn maintain insurance at the levels required by the Act and by these Bylaws and as suggested by the appraisals, provided that failure to obtain a prior or any appraisal shall not invalidate or affect any insurance placed by the Corporation. The Board shall review the insurance coverage at least annually and shall increase insurance at its discretion. An Owner may liability of Corporation carry the shall insurance on insurers not his Unit providing the provided that the of the insurance be affected or diminished by reason of insurance carried by an Owner. Nothing in these bylaws shall restrict the right of any Owner to obtain and maintain insurance of any kind in respect of the ownership or use or occupation of their units and their personal liability as permitted by the Act or otherwise permitted by law. /J^N In no event shall the insurance coverage obtained and maintained by the Corporation be brought into contribution with insurance purchased by any Owners or their Mortgagees. - 44. 35 - DEDUCTIBLE A. For Damage Caused by Owner In the event that a claim is made under any policy of insurance maintained by which the Owner, the Corporation and the cause claim is occupier or made is tenant due of to an of the loss for an act or omission of an Owner or member of their families or the guests, invitees or licensees of such Owner, then the Owner shall immediately reimburse the Corporation for any insurance deductible paid by the Corporation with respect to the loss for which the claim is made, the amount of same to be recoverable by the Corporation as a contribution against all other costs, charges and liabilities arising out of any loss that may be sustained or incurred by the Corporation. B. Damage Caused by Corporation In the event that a claim is made under any policy of insurance maintained by the Corporation and the cause of the loss for which the claim is made is due to an act or omission of th'*"^ Corporation, its officers, the Board of Managers or its Members or the employees or agents of any of the foregoing, the Corporation shall bear any insurance deductible with respect to the loss for which the claim is made, otherwise the Owner of the Unit shall bear the cost of the deductible. The onus of proof of cause or neglect shall be upon the Owner. •< 45. OWNER'S USAGE (a) An Owner shall not: (i) use his Unit for any purpose that may be illegal or injurious to the regulation of amenities comprising the Parcel; the buildings and (ii) make or permit any disturbing noises on the Common Property or do or permit anything to be done therei which will interfere with the rights, comfort Oi. convenience of other occupants of the Parcel. No 36 Owner shall play or permit to be played loudly any musical instrument, television, nor phonograph, shall any stereo, Owner radio practice or or allow either vocal or instrumental music at any time in such a manner as to disturb or annoy other members or on the or occupants of the buildings; (iii) keep any animals in his Unit Common property other than the pets authorized by these Bylaws; (b) when the purpose for which a Unit is intended to be used is shown expressly or by necessary registered Condominium Plan, implication upon the use or permit the use of such Unit for any other purpose; (c) render a Unit unfit for human habitation; (d) allow his heating furnace season. to be An rendered Owner inoperable shall take during the appropriate winterization steps to ensure that all heating systems are in working order and that they are repaired, maintained and replaced where necessary. The Corporation shall not be liable for any loss that is sustained due to failure of any heating equipment in the Unit and an Owner shall be .^responsible for any loss to the Corporation or other Owners or Occupiers should an Owner fail to observe this Bylaw. 46. ONE FAMILY UNIT (a) Each Unit shall be occupied only as a one-family residence by the Owner of the Unit, his family and guests or a Tenant of the Owner, his family and guests, and for the purpose of these Bylaws: (i) "one family residence" means a Unit occupied intended to be occupied as residence by one or family 37 - alone and containing one kitchen and in which n Roomer or Boarder is allowed; (11) "Boarder" means a person to whom room and board is regularly supplied for consideration; (iii) "Roomer" is a person to whom a room is regularly supplied for consideration. (b) No Unit shall be used in whole or in part for any commercial or professional purpose involving the attendance of the public at such Unit, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no Unit or part thereof shall be used as an office by a doctor, dentist, chiropractor, drugless practitioner, or other professional person, except as otherwise authorized by the Board in writing, which approval may be arbitrarily withheld and if given, be withdrawn at any time on thirty (30) days notice. (c) "*•*} In the event the Board grants permission to use a Unit other than as a one family residence, it shall be the responsibility of the Owner or Occupier of the Unit, as the case may be, to ensure that compliance has been met with all rules, regulations, Bylaws and statutes that apply in the circumstances. (d) The number of persons, adult and children, occupying a Unit shall not exceed the numbers permitted by any municipal or provincial law or authorities. 47. STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS An Owner shall ensure that: (a) no alterations, additions, decoration, redecoration,^ changes or installations be made on or adjoining the ' - ^ 38 - outside of any Unit by any Owner without the prior consent in writing of the Board; (b) no structural alteration be made to the outer boundary of any Unit including walls (whether partition walls, bearing walls, or otherwise), ceiling and floor or to any bearing walls or structures within the Unit or to any exterior door or window, without the prior written consent of the Board; (c) no changes be made in the plumbing, drainage, electrical or gas system within or outside any Unit, without the prior written consent of the Board. Failure to comply with this Bylaw will result in the responsible Owner being liable for all costs incurred by the Corporation including indemnification of its legal costs, for restoring any alterations or changes made by the Owner; (d) any changes to a Unit comply with all Municipal, Provincial, and Federal laws. 48. FIRE HAZARD No Owner shall do or permit anything to be done in the Unit or on the Parcel or bring or keep anything thereon which will in any way increase the risk of fire or the rate of fire insurance on any building comprising part of the Parcel, or on the property kept therein, or obstruct or interfere with the rights of other Owners or in any way injure or unreasonably annoy them or conflict with the laws relating to fires or with the regulations of the local Fire Department or with any insurance policy on any building comprising part of the condominium or any part thereof or conflict f^ Municipal with any Health of the rules Department or and with ordinances any of statute Municipal Bylaw or with any other law whatsoever. the or - 49. 39 - WATER /<^S\ Water shall not be left running unless in actual use in any Unit and all taps and washers shall be kept in good repair. Water must be turned off in vacant Units. 50. PLUMBING Toilets, sinks, tubs, drains, and other water apparatus shall not be used for any purpose other than those for which they are constructed, and no sweepings, garbage, grease, rubbish, rags, ashes, or other substances shall be deposited or flushed through such apparatus. 51. COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS No stores of gasoline or other combustible or inflammable goods or materials and no offensive goods, provisions or materials shall be kept in any Unit, normal cleaning products and relate^ household goods excepted. 52. SIGNS (UNITS) No signs, billboards, notices or other advertising matter of any kind shall be placed on any part of a Unit without the prior written consent of the Board, which consent may be arbitrarily withheld. 53. ANTENNA No antenna, aerial, satellite dish, tower or similar structure and appurtenances thereto shall be erected on or fastened to any Unit or the Common property, except by the Corporation for or in connection with a common television cable or other distribution or reception system. 40 f 54. DECORATING No portion of any Unit required to be maintained by the Corporation shall be painted, decorated or otherwise affected by anyone other than the Corporation without the consent, in writing, of the Board. 55. LAUNDRY No laundry shall be hung outside any Unit. 56. AWNINGS Neither awnings nor shades shall be erected over the outside of the windows, nor shall any articles be hung or placed outside window sills of any Unit without the prior written consent of the Board. 57. PETS (a) No animal, livestock, fowl, or reptile (all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as a "pet") of any kind over 40 kilograms shall be kept in any Unit unless approved by the Board, which approval the Board may on reasonable grounds withhold, and may, if given, withdraw upon breach of the Act or the Bylaws by'• the Owner or his pet, at any time on fifteen (15) days notice. (b) Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, if the Board, in its sole discretion, deems any pet whatsoever to be or be causing unreasonable disturbance to other Unit occupiers or to be a hazard to or harmful to any common property or to other Owners or Unit occupiers, then the Owner of the Unit or the occupier of the Unit in which such pet is kept shall forthwith, on notice from the Board, remove or cause to be removed such pet from his Unit and such animal shall thereafter not be kept in that Unit or on the Common Property at any time. 41 - (c) Any municipal Bylaws in effect in the City of Edmonto^ shall have effect within the common property of the Corporation. Municipal Enforcement Officers are hereby authorized to enforce the City of Edmonton Bylaws in the common property of the Corporation. (d) Any and all permitted pets which may bear a leash will be required to bear one when on the Common property. No Owner shall feed pigeons, gulls or other birds from the windows or patios of their Unit, or anywhere in close proximity to the Units without the written approval of the Board. (e) Any Owner of a pet at the time these Bylaws are registered shall be entitled to keep that pet (subject to these Bylaws), however, all new pets must be approved as contemplated in Bylaw 57(a). 58. DEBRIS Nothing may be thrown out of the windows or doors of a Unit. 59. ' TENANTS AND OCCUPIERS An Owner shall not lease or grant possession of his Unit to any Tenant or Occupier: (a) until the Owner complies with the deposit requirements (if any) of the Corporation and provides the Corporation with an address for service of any notice that may be served pursuant to the Act or the Bylaws as well as the name of the Tenant or Occupier; (b) unless the Tenant, or Occupier undertakes in writing to be bound by and comply with the Bylaws of the Corporation; (c) until the Owner gives notice in writing to the Corporation of the tenancy or other occupancy accompanied by the - f^ 42 - written undertaking of the Tenant, or Occupier to be bound by the Bylaws of the Corporation; No Tenant or Occupier shall move into or occupy a Unit unless Bylaws 59(a), 59(b) and 59(c) have been complied with. Nothing in these Bylaws shall in any way remove, waive or alter the responsibility of each Owner for the performance of all Bylaws by all persons using or occupying his Unit. Any Tenant or Occupier of a Unit on receiving notice from the Corporation that the Owner of the Unit is in default of a payment or contribution or assessment levied by the Corporation or an installment or installments thereof, shall deduct from the rent payable to the Owner the contribution or assessment levied or the installment or installments in arrears (Condominium fees and arrears) and any interest owing thereon and the Tenant or Occupier shall pay the same to the Corporation and the amount so V paid shall be deemed to constitute rent paid to the Owner by the Tenant or Occupier. 60. GARBAGE At no time shall mops, brooms, rugs and so forth be cleaned out of a door or window of a Unit. Owners shall tightly wrap, tie and. containerize their garbage and shall deal with and locate garbage and garbage containers as directed by the Board from time to time and shall observe all Bylaws and regulations of the Municipal authority in that regard. The following rules must be observed with respect to trash equipment: (a) Debris shall be completely drip free before it leaves the Unit and carried to the pick-up areas in a careful manner and in a drip proof container; 0**\ (b) Cartons, solid boxes, matter crates, shall be sticks of wood, placed in a bottles or other neat manner for 43 collection from the appropriate pick-up area. Bulky item must be taken by the Owner to the Municipal dump; (c) Vacuum cleaner bags must be wrapped in a securely tied bag or package and then placed in the appropriate area for pick-up. 61. NOISE Owners, their families, guests, Tenants, visitors, and servants shall not create or permit the creation of or continuation of any noise or nuisance which, in the opinion of the Board or the Manager, may or does disturb the comfort and quiet enjoyment of the property by other Owners, their families, guests, visitors, and persons having business with them and no noise caused by any instrument or other device or otherwise, which, in the opinion of the Board may disturb the comfort of the other Owners, shall be permitted. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing no noises shall be permitted or caused that exceed the following decibel (db) limits (as measured by a sound meter approved by the Board for use): (a) 15 db on the c Scale between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., and (b) 30 db on the C Scale between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. 62. CONSTRUCTION No Owner shall do any work or permit any work to be done in the Unit that would disturb any other Owner between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. on weekdays or at anytime on Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays without the prior written consent of the Board. /•^ - 63. 44 SALES AND EXHIBITS No group tour or exhibition of any Unit or its contents shall be conducted, and no auction sales, garage sales or other sales shall be held in any Unit or upon the Common property without the prior written consent of the Board. 64. PRIVACY No Owner shall trespass, or permit any occupant of his Unit to trespass, on any part of the Parcel or Common Property to which another Owner is entitled to exclusive use. 65. OBSTRUCTION No Owner shall erect or plant or cause to be erected or planted, any fence, screen, barrier, awning shade, partition, tree, shrub or flower on or which overhangs any part of the property not exclusively occupied by such Owner without the prior written /0»s consent of the Board. No Owner shall erect or plant or cause to be erected or planted any fence, screen, barrier, awning shade, partition, tree or hedge upon the Maintenance Areas surrounding his Unit without the prior written consent of the Board. Any consent required by this Bylaw may be arbitrarily withheld. 66. HEALTH (a) "'No Owner shall do anything or permit anything to be done that is contrary to any of the provisions, rules or ordinances of any statute or Municipal Bylaw or injurious to health or the regulation of the Units or in any way in violation of any laws whatsoever; (b) Units must be kept clean and in good order and free of insects and vermin. - 67. 45 PERSONAL BELONGING All Owners will cause all articles belonging to their householc other than patio furniture and other articles appropriately kept on the patio or at the entranceways to their Units, in their Units when not in actual use. to be kept Each Owner will comply with all reasonable requests of the Board or its representative that bicycles, household be toys and like articles belonging to the Owner's put away inside such Owner's Unit when not in actual use,' or stored in appropriate places as may be designated by the Board from time to time. 68. PARKING AREAS (a) Parking of Owners' vehicles shall be confined to the areas set out in Schedule "A". Each Unit shall have the irrevocable right to the exclusive use and enjoyment of one (1) parking stall which is set out in Schedule "A" and designated with the same number of that of the municipc suite number for the Unit; (b) No Owner shall park his motor vehicle or automobile on any part of the Common property unless the area is designated or allotted by the Board for his exclusive use or as set out in Schedule "A"; (c) A visitor may only park his motor vehicle or automobile in a stall designated by the Board for 6uch visitor parking. (d) The stalls marked "RN on Schedule "A" shall be dealt with and used in the sole discretion of the Developer. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Developer may enter into lease agreements of the stalls. The stalls are subject or to be subject to a lease to the Developer. (e) If any parking plug-in facility is provided with or /"^ connection with any parking stall, any person given the - 46 - right to exclusive use of such stall shall be responsible for keeping such facility in good repaired condition at all time during the period of such Owner's entitlement to exclusive use; and in the event that the parking plug-in is damaged, it shall be the responsibility of the Owner to repair and if the Owner fails to repair, the Corporation may repair and charge to the Owner the full costs of repair, including if necessary, indemnification of the Corporation's legal costs on a solicitor and his own client indemnification basis. Any repairs made by the Corporation of an Owner's plug-in shall be a charge against the Owner's Unit that necessitated the repairs. Further, the Owner of the Unit shall be responsible for the electricity consumed by the use of the parking plug-in and the Board, in its sole discretion shall determine and set the rates for same; (f) No motor vehicle or automobile or any other obstacles may be left on or parked in the emergency access routes by an Owner or Occupier of a Unit. There are no long term parking facilities for recreational vehicles or motor homes for either Owners or visitors on the parking stall. 69. MOTOR VEHICLES (a) No motor vehicles other than a private passenger vehicle, half-ton truck, pick-up truck or van, shall be parked in tany parking space within the Common property without the written consent of the Board, which consent the Board may arbitrarily withhold and may, if given, withdraw at any time on fifteen (15) days notice. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, no motor vehicle over 3000 kg. shall be brought on to any part of the Common property without the written permission of the Board; <0t*\ (b) No motor vehicle including vehicles used for furniture moving, shall be driven on any part of the Common property other than on a driveway, roadway, or parking space; - (c) No motor trailer, - vehicle, housetrailer, tent snowmobile, mechanical toboggan, equipment of Common 47 trailer, boat, machinery or any kind shall be parked on any part of the property other than as provided for under these Bylaws or as approved by the Board in writing; (d) No repairs or adjustments to motor vehicles or automobiles may be carried out on the Common property; (e) A motor vehicle or automobile which is not being used from day to day or which is undergoing repairs of any nature shall not be parked or located upon the Parcel or any part thereof except as permitted by the Board; (f) Parking of motorcycles requires a base beneath the kick stand to prevent damage to the parking stall. 70. USE AND ENJOYMENT The Owner of each Unit shall have the right to the exclusive us*, and enjoyment of such portions of the Common property as may be designated by the Corporation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Corporation may grant to the Owner of each Unit, on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine, the right and license to exclusive use of the Maintenance Area immediately surrounding his Unit, including any fence-enclosed yardsy provided however, that the Corporation at its sole option may at any time and from time to time withdraw and terminate such right for any or all Units upon giving sixty (60) days notice to terminated. exclusive all Owners of Units Each Owner shall, and irrevocable for which such subject to By-law 71, right to the exclusive right is have the use and possession of any balcony or balconies, patio or patios, yard or yards, adjacent to his Unit, provided that the Owner shall observe and perform all obligations relating to such exclusive use areas. ) - 71. 48 - CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF MAINTENANCE AREAS Each Owner shall (whether or not he is granted any exclusivc right or license to use) keep and maintain all portions of all lawns, shrubs, and other landscaping in or upon the Maintenance Area immediately adjacent to his Unit in a neat, trim, clean and well-groomed condition and in a generally well cared for state consistent with good and proper lawn and landscaping care, and shall keep all walkways, front and back steps, fence-enclosed yards and sidewalks within or upon such Maintenance Area free and clear of all obstruction, dirt, snow, ice and refuse of any kind; provided however, that such obligations to provide care and maintenance may be terminated or suspended by the Corporation in its sole discretion for any Maintenance Area as to which no right to exclusive use is enjoyed or held by any Owner at or during the time or such termination of suspension. Subject to Bylaw 70, (and the Plan) the area and location of the Maintenance Area for each Unit shall be determined by the Board. The Corporation and its servants and agents shall, notwithstanding the grant of any right, license or privilege ot exclusive use of any Maintenance Area to any Owner, have and enjoy free and uninterrupted right at any and all times and from time to time to enter upon, pass and repass over, and occupy any and all parts of such Maintenance Area for the purpose of carrying out of any of the duties or functions of the Corporation. 72. EXCLUSIVE USE The Owner of a Unit has no right to use any portion of the Common property designated by the Corporation for the exclusive use of an Owner of any other Unit. /S*N - 73. 49 - SIDEWALKS, WALKWAYS AND PARKING AREAS — — — ^ The '"*%. sidewalks, walkways, passages, shall not be obstructed by roadways any Owner, and his parking aret family, guests, Tenants or visitors or used by them for any other purpose than for entering and leaving their Unit; parking areas shall not be used for any purpose other than the parking of motor vehicles and no Owner shall trespass in any parking areas which the Owner of another Unit is entitled to use and occupy. 74. LANDSCAPING AND OTHER COMMON PROPERTY Owners, Tenants, visitors and servants shall not harm, mutilate, destroy, waste, alter or litter their pets, any property part (real their families, or parts or of personal) the of guests, Common the property or of the Corporation, including without limitation any and all parts of the buildings and other fixed improvements landscaping works forming part of the (including trees, Common grass, property, shrubs, any hedge^ flowers, and flower beds) and any and all chattels owned or ke^by the Corporation. 75. ANIMALS ON COMMON PROPERTY No animal, livestock, fowl, reptile or pet in excess of 40 kilograms of any kind shall be kept on or allowed to run at large over any part of the Common property. 76. COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL ON COMMON PROPERTY No stores of gasoline or any other combustible or inflammable goods or materials, and no offensive goods, provisions or materials of any kind shall be kept on any part of the Common property except as permitted, in writing, by the Board. •*^\ - 77. 50 - STRUCTURES ON COMMON PROPERTY (a) No building, structure or tent shall be erected on the Common property except only by the Corporation; (b) No trailer either with or without living, eating accommodation and no tent, shed, building shall be placed, located, sleeping, or or portable kept or maintained on the Common property except with the prior approval of the Board. If any such chattel or other item has been approved by Board, the the Board may subsequently withdraw such approval in which event the chattel or other item shall be forthwith removed by the Owner; (c) No part of erection, the Common placing incinerators, or garbage property shall maintenance containers, be of used for clothes recreation or the lines, athletic equipment, fences or other barriers, hedges, trees, gardens or other vegetation, or for the disposal of rubbish, garbage or waste except only with the prior written approval of the Board. If such approval has been given the Board may subsequently withdraw such approval and in such event the Owner shall comply with the direction of the Board to remove such item, or items, forthwith. 78. SIGNS (COMMON PROPERTY) Except as billboards otherwise or other permitted advertising by the matter Bylaws, of any no kind signs, and no notices of any kind shall be placed on any part of the Common property without the prior written consent of the Board. 79. APPEARANCE Nothing OF UNIT shall be hung or placed on any part of the Common property, or within a Unit that is, in the opinion of the Board, aesthetically displeasing when viewed from the outside of the Unit. - 80. 51 - PERSONAL PROPERTY AND INJURY A The Corporation or its Board Members, Officers, Agents or employees will not be responsible to any Owner, Tenant or occupier of a Unit, for any injury, death, damage or loss whatsoever caused by or to the person or property of any Owner, Tenant or occupier of a Unit including but not limited to: (a) the parking areas provided on the Common property; (b) any part exclusive of the Common property designated for the use and enjoyment of any Owner, Tenant or occupier; (c) any contents, personal property, or improvements in or to any Unit; or (d) any personal injury occurring on the Parcel. Subject to the Act and the Bylaws, the insuring of any contents or improvements within or to a Unit is the sole responsibility of the Owner, Tenant or Occupier of the Unit, and an Owner, Tenant or Occupier of a Unit shall not require the Corporation or its Board Members, Officers, Agents or employees to repair any damage to any contents, personal property, or. improvements within or to the Unit however caused. No Owner, Tenant or Occupier of a Unit shall be entitled to claim or shall claim any compensation from the Corporation for any loss or damage to the property or person of the Owner, Tenant or Occupier of a Unit arising from any defect or want of repair to any part of the Parcel. 81. SALES No auction sale or other sale shall be held in or about the Common Property without the consent in writing of the Board. - 'f^ 82. 52 - FURNITURE MOVING Furniture moving shall be limited to the times established by the Board. The Board in its sole discretion may establish a schedule of permitted moving times so as to cause the least disturbance to other Owners. 83. RECREATION USE No portions of the Common Property shall be used for recreational purposes by any Owner and no Owner shall permit any other person to use such areas except as otherwise permitted in the Board's absolute discretion and only then if the consent of the Board is first obtained in writing. 84. MAINTENANCE (a) Each Owner shall be responsible for ice and snow removal from his Unit's front and back steps and from the exclusive use sidewalks adjoining such Unit. The Corporation shall regularly maintain grass, trees, shrubs and all other walks in or about the common areas on behalf of the Owners and the Corporation shall maintain roadways, parking areas and common area lighting; provided/ however, that the Corporation shall not be responsible for such care and maintenance of any Maintenance Areas which are the responsibility of individual Owners pursuant to the provisions of the Bylaws; (b) Each Owner shall be responsible maintenance of his Unit. for the repair and Should any Owner fail to maintain and/or repair in a manner satisfactory to the Board or its representative those items for which he is responsible after ten (10) days' written notice to do so given by the Board or its representative, then the Board or its representative, may do or cause to be done the maintenance and/or repair and the Owner affected is obliged to and shall reimburse the Corporation for all monies expended for 53 labor, materials, normal overhead and all costs, includin indemnification of the Corporation's solicitor and his own client costs, incurred in respect of such maintenance and/or repairs and the Board or its representative may use all or any of the remedies open to it or as hereinafter set out, to recover such monies for the Corporation and such monies shall be a charge upon his Unit; (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein expressed or implied each Owner shall be responsible for damage caused to any of the Common property [and including all items set out in Bylaw 8(j)], by any willful or negligent acts of himself, his pets, members of his family, Tenants, invitees, contractors or licensees and should any Owner fail to repair in a manner satisfactory to the Board or its representative, then the Board, or its representative, may do or cause to be done such repair and the Owner affected agrees to and shall reimburse the monies expended for labor, materials, Corporation for al^*s normal overhead ana all costs, including indemnification of the Corporation's solicitor and his own client costs, incurred in collection in respect of the doing of such repairs and the Board or its representative may use all or any of the remedies open to it as hereinafter set out, to recover such monies for the Corporation and such monies shall be a charge upon his Unit to the same extent as they would be if they were unpaid Common expense charges assessed upon his Unit. 85. COMMON EXPENSES The Common expenses (also described as Condominium Fees) of the Corporation shall, without limiting the generality of the definition thereof, include the following: -/*^\ - (a) 54 - All levies or charges on account of electricity, garbage removal, water, gas and utility services supplied to the Corporation; (b) The cost of and charges for all management fees; (c) All costs and charges on account of landscaping, maintenance and snow removal from Common property; (d) All reserves for repairs and replacements of Common property and portions of Units or buildings, the repair or replacement of which is the responsibility of the Corporation; (e) All costs of and charges for maintenance and repair of those portions of each Unit for which the Corporation is responsible; J0&S (f) All costs of and charges for maintenance and repair of the Common property for which the Corporation is responsible; (g) All costs of and charges for all manner of professional Corporation the and servicing including without foregoing all auditing, assistance consultation, required limiting the accounting, by the generality of engineering and Legal fees and disbursements; (h) The amount of all costs and expenses whatsoever, including (without limitation) all maintenance and repair costs, financing charges, Common expenses, municipal taxes, Unit charges, and all utilities charges, for or in respect of any Unit owned by the Corporation itself; ^ (i) Reserves for future maintenance Capital Replacement Reserve Fund; and expenses and the - (j) All fees and Corporation is 55 - charges for responsible insurance and that for of which the the, Insurance Trustee; (k) All obligations of the Corporation or the Board created by the Act or these Bylaws; (1) All newsletter, memberships, subscriptions, office equipment, supplies, printing and postage costs; and (m) The cost of borrowing money for the purpose of carrying out the objects and duties of the Corporation. 86. ASSESSMENT FOR COMMON EXPENSES (a) At least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board or, at its request, the Manager, shall estimate the amount of the Common expenses that will be incurred or required in such fiscal year (including reasonable replacements allowance for contingencies and plus any deficiencies from the previous year and less any expected income and any surplus from the fund collected in the previous year) which estimate, of Common expenses, is herein called "Common expenses". Each year's Common expenses shall be apportioned, levied and assessed to and upon the Owners in proportion to the Unit factors as shown on the Condominium plan. The Corporation shall be liable for the amount of any assessment against Units owned by the Corporation. In addition thereto, the Board may levy and assess the Owners in like proportion for costs and charges for Common expenses, estimated or incurred. If at any time it appears that the estimated assessment or contribution towards the Common expenses will be insufficient the needs of the collect a special Corporation, to meet the Board may assess and contribution or contributions against each Unit in an amount sufficient to cover the additions anticipated Common expenses, the amount or amounts so - v 56 - assessed to and upon the Owners in proportion to the Unit factors as shown on the Condominium plan. The Board shall give notice of such further assessment to all Owners which shall include a written statement setting out the reasons for the assessment and each assessment shall be due and payable by each Owner in the manner and on the date or dates specified in the notice. If the special assessment is not paid in accordance with the notice, then it shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve (12%) percent per annum, compounded annually, until paid. calculated from the date due A special assessment can be levied for any reason including the non-payment of an Owner's assessment. (b) Each Owner shall be obligated to pay any and all assessments made pursuant to this provision to the Board or the Manager to the account of the Corporation, as directed bY notice, in equal monthly instalments on or before the jps first day of each month during the fiscal year for which such assessment is made or in such other manner as the Board or the Manager with the consent of the Board (as the case may be) shall designate, and further pay interest on all assessments or payments in arrears Twelve (12%) calculated Percent from the per date annum, due of at the compounded the rate of annually, same, and the Corporation shall be entitled to enforce its lien, charge .<and security and pursue such remedies as may be available to it at law or in equity, from time to time, and any legal costs incurred by the Corporation shall be payable on a solicitor and his client basis. Nothing herein shall restrict or abrogate any rights or remedies given to the Corporation by or under the Act. (c) \ The omission by the Board before the expiration of any year, to fix the assessments hereunder for that year or for the next year, shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the provisions of these Bylaws, or - release of 57 - the Owner or Owners from their obligations to pay the assessments, or any instalments thereof for that or any subsequent year, but the monthly instalments for the preceding fiscal year shall continue until new instalments are fixed. No Owner can exempt himself from liability for his contributions toward the Common expenses by waiver of use or enjoyment of any of the Common property or by vacating or abandoning his Unit; (d) The treasurer of the detailed accurate Board or the Manager records in chronological shall keep order of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common property, specifying and itemizing the maintenance incurred. Records and vouchers available authorizing the for examination payments by an involved Owner at shall be convenient business hours on week days. 87. DEFAULT IN PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS AND LIEN FOR UNPAID ASSESSMENT, (a) INSTALMENTS AND PAYMENTS The Corporation shall and does have a lien and charge upon and against the estate or interest of the Owner for any unpaid common assessment (Condominium Fee), instalment or payment (including interest on arrears) due to the Corporation in respect of his Unit, which lien shall be a first, paramount lien against such estate or interest subject only to the rights and priorities of the Mortgagee under any mortgage registered against such Unit prior to the date that the assessment, instalment or payment fell due and the rights of any Municipal or local authority in respect of unpaid realty taxes, assessments or levies of any kind against the Unit title or interest of such Owner but subject also to the provisions of the Act, and the Land Titles Act of Alberta. The Corporation shall have the right to file a caveat against the Unit title or interet of such Owner in respect of the lien or charge for the } - f^ 58 - amount of such unpaid assessment, instalment or payment, provided that each such caveat shall not be registered until after the expiration of thirty (30) days following the due date for the first payment in arrears. The Corporation shall be entitled to be paid by the defaulting Owner on an indemnification basis, the Corporation's solicitor and his own client costs incurred in preparing and registering the caveat and in discharging the caveat and shall not be obligated to discharge any caveat until all arrears of the Owner, including interest and all such legal costs are fully paid. As further and better security, each Owner responsible for any such unpaid assessment, instalment or payment which is in arrears for more than thirty (30) days shall, upon demand of and at the sole option of the Corporation, give to the Corporation a mortgage or encumbrance for the full amount thereof providing for their payment on demand with interest thereon v at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum, compounded annually, or such other rate of interest as may be approved by Special resolution, calculated from the due date of the same, and the Corporation shall be entitled to enforce its lien, charge and security and pursue such remedies as may be available to it at law or in equity, from time to time, and any legal costs incurred by the Corporation shall be payable on a solicitor and his own client indemnification basis. Nothing herein shall restrict or abrogate any rights or remedies given to the Corporation by or under the Act; (b) Any other Owner or person, firm or company whatsoever may pay any unpaid assessment, instalment or payment after the expiration of thirty (30) days following the due date for payment by the Owner in default, with respect to a Unit, ^ and upon such payment be^ng made, such person, firm or company shall have a first, paramount lien, subject to the estates or interests hereinbefore mentioned, and shall be - 59 - entitled to file a caveat in respect of the amount so paid on behalf of the Owner in default, and shall be entitled tc enforce his lien, thereby created, in accordance with the other terms and conditions of this provision; (c) Notwithstanding any other term, herein contained or implied, condition each or provision unpaid assessment, instalment or payment shall be a separate, distinct and personal debt and obligation of the Owner against whom the same is assessed and collectible as such. Any action, suit or proceeding to recover such debt or to realize on any judgment therefor shall be maintainable as a separate action, suit, or proceeding without foreclosing, or waiving the lien, charge or security securing the same, and the Corporation shall be entitled to recover its legal costs on a solicitor and his own client indemnity basis; (d) The Board may, by resolution, accelerate all payments in the balance of the budgetary year from any Owner i. arrears, and all such payments shall become due and payable forthwith and may be collected in the manner as set out in these Bylaws, including all legal costs of the Corporation on a solicitor and his own client indemnity basis. 88. COLLECTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS The Board, on behalf contribution administration of of the Corporation, Owners expense (condominium for the fees) Common may on property collect the account and of other obligations of the Corporation by monthly instalments and in that regard, may require post-dated cheques. The monthly instalments may be accelerated as provided for in the Bylaws. 60 89. - CONDOMINIUM FEE PRIORITY Should the Condominium Corporation file a Caveat for unpaid condominium fees, it shall be entitled to maintain and shall maintain a priority over all other claims and the Caveat may be enforced as contemplated under Section 31 of the Act (or any Section passed in substitution thereto). 90. VIOLATION OF BYLAWS Any infraction, violation or default of these Bylaws or any rules and regulations established pursuant to these Bylaws on the part of an Owner, his servants, agents, licensees, invitees or Tenants may be corrected, remedied or cured by the Corporation (including without restriction actions, damages, or injunctive relief) and any fines, costs or expenses expended or incurred by the Corporation in correcting, remedying or curing such infraction, violation or default shall be charged to such Owner and shall be added to and become part of that Owner's assessment and shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum, compounded annually, until paid. 91. RECOVERY OF COSTS The Corporation may recover from an Owner by an action for debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction any sum of money, including its costs on a solicitor and his own client indemnity basis, which the Corporation is required to expend as a result of any act or omission by an Owner, his servants, agents, licensees, invitees or Tenants which violates these Bylaws or any resolutions established pursuant to these Bylaws and there shall be added to any judgment all costs of such action including indemnification of the Corporation's legal costs as between solicitor and his own client. Nothing herein shall be f^ deemed to limit any right of any Owner to bring an action or proceeding for the enforcement and protection of his rights and the exercise of his remedies. - 92. 61 TRAFFIC SPEED AND DIRECTIONAL CONTROL All Owners shall observe and abide by all rules and regulations established from time to time by the Board for the safe and orderly flow of traffic in or on the Parcel including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) speed limits, restricted parking, emergency access routes, and directional controls. 93. CHANGE OF LEGISLATION Should the Act in future change, then these Bylaws shall, in the future, adopt any and all changes to the Act and specifically adopt those changes to the Act which are required to be adopted to enable the Corporation to operate, at all times, within the full power of the Act and to use all remedies available to it pursuant to the Act. 94. PURPOSE OF RESTRICTING USE OF UNITS The restrictions in use have the following purposes: (a) To provide for the health and safety of condominium occupants; (b) To maintain the Common property and Units in such a manner as to preserve property values; (c) To provide for the peace, comfort and convenience of the Owners and occupants; (d) 95. To develop a sense of community. REALTY TAXES The realty taxes and other municipal and governmental levies or assessments against the land, including improvements, comprising all or any part of the Units and the Common Property comprising - 62 - .^stev the Parcel shall be assessed and imposed in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Until such a time as the assessing authority assesses each Unit and the share in the Common Property appurtenant thereto pursuant to the Act, such realty taxes and other municipal and governmental levies or assessments shall be apportioned and adjusted amongst all the owners according to their respective Unit factors. 96. NON-PROFIT CORPORATION The Corporation is not organized for profit. 97 • COMPANY WHICH IS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD A Company which is a Member of the Board may, by proxy, Power of Attorney, or Resolution of its Directors, appoint such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative on the Board and to attend meetings thereof and vote at such meetings on behalf of the Company and such representative shall be entitled to so C act provided notice in writing thereof shall have been given to the Board. where a Company is the only Member of the Board, a Minute or Resolution signed by its representative or by the alternate of its representative duly appointed pursuant to the paragraph following shall be deemed to be a Resolution of the Board. A representative of the Company on the Board may appoint any person, whether another Owner or not, and whether a Member of the Board or not, to serve as his alternate representative on the Board and as such to attend and vote in his stead at meetings of the Board and to do anything specifically provided for in these Bylaws. Such alternate shall, if present, be included in the count for quorum and if he be a Member of the Board, he shall be entitled to two votes, one as a Member of the Board and the other as an alternate representative of a Member f* of the Board. If the representative so directs, notice of meetings of the representative of Board shall a Member of be sent to the alternate the Board if and when the - appointing 6 3 representative - vacates the offices of a representative of a Member of the Board or removes the alternate representative from office as alternate representative, and any appointment or removal under this Bylaw shall be made in writing under the hand of the representative making the same. 98. MORTGAGEE PROTECTION Notwithstanding all other provisions hereof, the Corporation's lien, charge or security provided for in these Bylaws shall be subject always and subordinate to,' and shall not affect the rights of the holder of any mortgage registered against a Unit prior to the recording of the Corporation's lien or charge upon the Unit title, and the Corporation or the Board shall, upon the request of such registered Mortgagee, at the expense of the Corporation, execute and deliver such postponements, agreements or instruments of subordination as the Mortgagee shall reasonably require to fully and effectively establish or maintain its priority over the assessments, instalments o payment due to the Corporation, unless otherwise stipulated by statute or law. 99. DEVELOPER USE OF UNITS/COMMON PROPERTY During such time as the Developer is the Owner of one or more Units, it shall have: a) the right to maintain a reasonable number of Units, whether owned or leased and to carry on all sale functions it considers necessary from such Units. have the unfettered right to the The Developer shall exclusive use of the Common Property for so long as the Developer owns a Unit in the Parcel; b) place signs about the Parcel relating to the sales of Units within the Parcel; /^S\ - 64 - free and unhampered right to use all parts of i-h. ^ Property and those Units for which it oL ^^ The rights of the Developer in this Bylaw may not be altered in any way without the written consent of the Developer. 100. DEVELOPER CONDOMINIUM FEES While the Developer is an Owner of any Unit in the Project the Developer will not have to pay condemn fees for any u„l'ts it owns untxl the first of the .onth following the convening of tne second „,eetlng of the Corporation in accordance with SeLon 24 101- DEVELOPER EXEMPTION FROM BYLAWS r^etpe'r.45'46-52-s9-M-"- 7s — - «.*. FORM 3 /^$&\ NOTICE OF CHANGE OF BYLAWS (The Condominium Property Act, S. 26) DICKENSFIELD COURT CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION The Owners: Condominium Plan No. 8522451 (the Corporation hereby certifies that by a special resolution passed on the /</- day of fat>^*-^ . , A.DW!l#3t the Bylaws of the Corporation were added to, amended or repealed as follows: "Be it resolved as a special resolution of The Owners: Condominium Plan No. 8522451 (the Corporation) that the Bylaws of the Corporation as previously registered either Statutory or otherwise, be and they are hereby repealed and the Bylaws hereto annexed are hereby adopted as and made the Bylaws of and applicable to the Corporation and the parcel referred to in Condominium Plan No. 8522451 from and after the date of this resolution." IN WITNESS WHEREOF the seal of The Owners: Condominium •Plan No. 8522451 was affixed on the fa day of A-4~~^. 1994, in the presence of: / A.D. •"^SfBs. THE OWNERS: PLAN NO. CONDOM 8522451 jS Per: ^^vtYvyr*^ /"^^\ 0>\ \ To Whom It May Concern: We hereby authorize HOWARD STEINBERG to act as our representative with respect to the management of DICKENSFIELD COURT-CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION. wnuumaiun