
Project Title:
“Illinois……….Where Fresh Is”
a State wide, multi media advertising campaign including
television, internet and outdoor
Project Summary:
According to an Illinois Specialty Crop Survey, more than 117,000 acres of farmland is
devoted to growing specialty crops which produced nearly $137 million in sales for Illinois
farmers. Since such a significant amount of land is focused on these crops, we have a
distinct need to increase demand on them, hence growing industry sales at the same time.
The “Illinois Where Fresh Is” campaign is important because it educated and encouraged
consumers to buy locally produced Specialty Crops, thereby changing their purchasing
habits. This behavior change resulted in keeping monies in the State and enhancing the
competitiveness of Specialty Crops.
This project is also important because increased education and outreach about Specialty
Crops stimulates better nutritional choices increasing the purchase of Illinois grown Specialty
The project was timely as it ran in the spring and summer when various Specialty Crops are
at their peak.
The project complimented our previous campaigns which ran in 2010 and 2012 by building on
the core foundation of viewers already familiar with the initiative and grew awareness among
new consumers.
Project Approach:
The CBS Community Partnership Division and the Illinois Department of Agriculture combined
forces to launch an integrated, multi media campaign, “Illinois Where Fresh Is”! The
campaign promoted Specialty Crops with consumers and encouraged healthier eating habits.
The outreach increased the Illinois Where Fresh Is web site’s traffic which, in turn, helped to
boost industry sales, having a positive effect on the Illinois economy by keeping dollars in the
CBS 2 – TV, (the combined web sites of CBS 2 (WBBM) TV, the SCORE
(WSCR) radio station and WBBM Newsradio 780/ 105.9 and CBS outdoor collaborated to
share important messages regarding Specialty Crops.
In kind the CBS community Partnership Division produced customized and cohesive creative
for all media which explained the importance of choosing Specialty Crops, and the benefits of
healthy eating habits.
Project Approach:
Broadcast media ran the commercials in program environments that delivered your target
consumer, including both paid and in kind inventory.
Outdoor billboards were strategically placed to extend the statewide delivery of the message and
support the Illinois Department of Agriculture’s statewide campaign. We distributed materials to
the cable networks free of charge.
In addition to grant fulfillment, we updated the banner creative for the Illinois State Fair at no
We over delivered on guaranteed impressions for all mediums; broadcast, digital and outdoor.
We executed a pre and post campaign survey to measure the effectiveness of our outreach
Goals and Outcomes Achieved- broadcast:
• The television production component of our agreement included:
3x :30 vignettes
2x :15 vignettes
1x :05 ID
4x :30 vignettes
3x :15 vignettes
1x :05 ID
• The television on air component of our agreement guaranteed:
28,014,000* Adult 18+ impressions
33,427,000* Adult 18+ impressions
The campaign ran 9 weeks, highlights include prime exposure in Mike & Molly,
Blue Bloods, Hawaii 5-0, Elementary, CBS 2 Late News @ 10pm, Dr. Phil,
Letterman and more
*deliveries based on Nielsen ratings- impression = total number of times viewed (not unduplicated viewing)
Work Plan:
The advertisements aired across the 16 county Chicago “designated market area” on CBS 2
Goals and Outcomes Achieved- Outdoor:
• The outdoor component of our agreement included 7 billboards posted from 5/13-7/7/13.
We selected seven outdoor locations to coincide with the 5 zones the IDOA targeted with
their cable campaign. The boards were located close to : Peoria, Champaign,
Charleston, Carlinville, Salem, Benton and Taylorville. We guaranteed 1,476,084 adults
18+ impressions and as of 8/5/13 had delivered over 7.3 Million impressions! As of
10/9/13 6 of the 7 boards are still up at no cost! We value your partnership.
Project Approach:
Goals and Outcomes Achieved-Digital:
The agreed upon digital campaign guaranteed 725,000 impressions.
delivered 1,520,538 impressions, 210% of goal! We provided additional “in kind” inventory.
Following please find itemized deliveries:
Data provided by the Illinois Department of Agriculture reflects 1,089 total page views from
April to June of 2012 when the previous campaign ran. The campaign which ran in May,
June and July of 2013 averaged 12,711 total page views, an increase of 11,622 page views
year to year. That’s a 1067% increase!
Beneficiaries :
•The beneficiaries of the project are Illinois residents, Specialty Crop farmers and the
Illinois General Economy
•Viewers, beneficiaries touched by outreach detailed by medium:
33,427,000 duplicated adults 18+ via television; according to Nielsen
1,520,538 impressions on
7,345,889 Adults 18+ impressions via outdoor (includes duplication)
42,293,427 Total impressions delivered
• In fulfillment of the grant the CBS Community Partnership Division guaranteed 30,215,084
impressions, we over delivered by 12,078,343 or 40%!
•The beneficiaries are impacted by the campaign to purchase Illinois grown Specialty
Crops which keeps money in the State and supports the Specialty Crop Industry
• if just 3% of the TV campaign’s impressions alone (1,002,810), translate to first time
buyers of specialty crops that shifted $5 per week of their current grocery budget to the
Specialty Crop Industry, the State would realize over $5M of incremental dollars! That’s
over 5 Million dollars circulating in the Illinois economy.
• The impact and dollars are increased through the extended reach delivered by the
additional media outlets (digital, radio, and outdoor)
• Based on the USDA-NASS-Illinois Field Office 2010 Specialty Crops Survey: one acre of
Specialty Crop Production generates $3,884 in sales for a farmer. If our education and
outreach effort increases sales by only 1% per acre ($3,922) that’s a 3.8M gain to Illinois
Specialty Crop Farmers based on the Illinois acreage of 101,058.
•In addition beneficiaries were educated about the nutritional advantages of Specialty
Lessons Learned :
1) After producing the broadcast, outdoor and online creative we discovered the phrase “Buy
Fresh Buy Local” which we had used in all of our copy was trade marked by a group
( We, therefore, redesigned all elements (television, outdoor, and digital) to
prevent any possible infringements.
2) We formulated questions for the pre campaign survey which we conducted at the Farmers
Market at Daley Plaza in the Chicago loop on Thursday, 5/16/13. The survey was executed
18 days after the campaign commenced 4/29/13, ideally it would have taken place prior to
the start however 4/29 was the first available. We surveyed a cross section of 193 people to
set a baseline regarding consumers’ knowledge of Illinois Specialty Crops, the benefits of
buying fresh, locally grown, specialty crops and asked them if they recognized the logo, and
if so, did they know it from television, online or on a billboard. A video of the commercial was
played and the logo was prominently displayed on a poster board. We also displayed a
billboard replica. While performing the survey we realized formatting concerns in the
practical application. Our questions were challenging for people to understand and
consequently we had to help them digest the questions. To overcome this issue we
implemented more of a “choice” format for the post campaign survey. We gathered 193 pre
survey questionnaires; the grant agreement required 100 surveys.
The post campaign survey was performed at the Farmers market on Thursday, 7/18, three
days prior to the campaign’s 7/21/13 end date. We updated the questionnaire to be more
“user friendly” and surveyed over 200 people to assess their knowledge of Specialty Crops
and their recognition of the logo and our campaign. The grant required us to survey 100
people. In the booth we shared a visual of the television vignette and displayed examples of
the outdoor and digital messaging.
Pre/ Post Survey Analysis:
Contact Person:
Sharon Buchanan 312-899-2711 22 W. Washington, Chicago Il. 60201