Descriptions Ex SRI - Ruffing Montessori School


Descriptions Ex SRI - Ruffing Montessori School
Extreme! SRI 2013
Grades 6-8
Kristie Fleischhacker
Mike Stringer
eo Borchert-Isaacs
Weekly in Extreme! SRI you will engage with friends in morning workshops on topics selected by Extreme!
SRI campers last summer. In addition you select afternoon classes to complete your schedule. Off site Fridays
include field trips to various sites linked to the week to week topics - bakeries, ice cream shops, a local green
farm, cliff walls, canoe waterways, outdoor theatre under the stars, overnight camping and more.
Week 1: COOK! BAKE! SHAKE! You will cook, bake and shake (when necessary) to create yummy meals
and treats. In addition you will learn about micro economies through organizing and serving hot lunches for
our summer program provided by a local business. is first week begins summer long "craft" projects too,
such as kite, hammock and the great big fat book making projects that continue through out the weeks ahead.
You will end the week with an off site visit to one of Cleveland's great bakeries and ice cream shops.
Week 2: ORIENT! GEOCACHE! Continuing our summer long projects, new endeavors in orienteering and
geo-caching will be introduced by an expert outdoorsman in the mornings. is week your offsite trip will be
to Starre Acres in Medina where you can fly your hand made kite if you have it completed.
Week 3: ADVENTURE CHALLENGE! You begin your week with a three full day outdoor adventure at
Whipps Ledges including rock climbing, geocaching, orienteering and hiking. ere is no camp on the
holiday ursday, July 4. You will return on Friday for your all day canoe trip.
So why Shakespeare at summer camp? Because you will love this guy! You will engage in morning interactive
tours through selected plays with entertaining plots and captivating characters and will try some on for size.
With others in a comfortable Reader’s eatre setting, you will perform a youth friendly scene from one of the
plays. You will learn expressive language techniques!
Percussion: In the class Drumming of Africa and e African Diaspora, you will learn rhythms and the
philosophy behind the music and culture of Africa through drumming, games, songs and dance. ese age old
ideas can still be found today in the music of the Caribbean, Cuba, the Middle East, and the United States. A
short and stimulating performance, rocking the campers and walls, will complete your musical tour!
Week 5: CAMPING AND OUTDOOR THEATRE: Enjoy a fascinating week exploring Ohio and Ohio’s
Native American history and culture! During this week you will travel to Southwestern Ohio to spend two
spectacular nights camping under the stars, swimming and playing games at your campsite, while also taking
in the critically acclaimed night time under the stars outdoor drama Tecumseh!
Week 6: ROUND UP! You will finish with a bang! Not-to-be-missed is your annual amusement park trip
Tuesday at Geauga Lake. You will complete your memory books and plan a special event for yourselves for
Wednesday. ursday Festival Day will bring more surprises but count on ice cream, a great Festival Day
Performance and Parade, followed by Friday Camper Day T-Shirt signing, a pizza party, a wide range
Watermelon Hunt with AWARD ceremonies, and one new chorus for Summer Ruffing It Forever!