April - Two O Nine
April - Two O Nine
APRIL 2008 ISSUE Prince of Peace Lutheran Church * 209 Eastern Avenue * Augusta, ME 04330-5951 * (207) 623-9486 Inside This Issue Cover —POP is Moving Ahead Page 2—Pastor’s Message Page 3—Intimate Encounters Let’s Talk About Sex Page 4— Ascension / Pentecost Baptism & Stewardship Page 5—Synodical Hearing Page 6—Trading Graces Acceptances Gifts in Action/Opportunities Sun. Nursery Coordinator Transportation Coordinator Community Dinner Shelter Needs Insert -Synod Assembly Elections Page 7— Apr. Birthdays & Anniversaries Breaking News for Seniors Serving Our Country Page 8—Council Officers Reaching Out Ministries We celebrate with Erin Rhoda Addie’s Attic May Newsletter Deadline How to Reach Pastor Page 9 Letter from Scott Schul Walk to stop Hunger Weekly Openings Youth Coordinator/Kids Nite Page 10- Mother/Father’s Day Event From larger church ELCJHL Sonshine Nursery School Education Meeting Page 11 April Calendar Back Page - Church Schedule Prince of Peace Lutheran Church MISSION STATEMENT Recognizing the love of God in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we confess Jesus as our Savior. Further being empowered by the Holy spirit to respond to the love of God, we confess Jesus as our Lord. It is the mission of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior, and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we grow following Jesus Christ as our Lord. PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH IS MOVING AHEAD! On March 10 the Congregational Council approved five recommendations from the Staff Planning Team: 1. That the Staff position be part time initially; 2. That Prince of Peace begin advertising the position immediately; 3. That Council appoint a Search Committee; 4. That Council recommend at the May Congregational Meeting to amend the budget by adding $8,000 (compensation for the staff position) plus $2,500 (other youth and family ministry expenses); That, subject to action at the May Congregational Meeting, Council seek to hire a Youth and Family Ministries Director by July 1, 2008. Our goal and intent is that by the end of 2009 this will become a full time position! (The opportunities for ministry call for this.) However, the funding is here now, the need is present, and we are ready to move ahead! It is time to do what our Congregation directed in January, 2007: We, the Congregation of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, commit to creating a new, half-time (20 hour / week) staff position for youth and family ministry in 2008. There will be time for all our members to share their thoughts and concerns. No contracts or commitments will be made before the Congregational Meeting in May, and then only with the approval of the Congregation. Join us April 11 at 5:30 (the same as Kids’ Night!) for a Congregational Supper, conversation, Q & A, and prayer! So that we may move ahead without further delay, we are asking for your prayers and for your assistance in finding the person God has anointed as Prince of Peace’s Youth and Family Ministries Director. Adventures in Ministry! We had an . . . unusual . . . beginning to worship a few weeks ago. It was a few minutes before the 8:00 AM service. People were seated and the Deacon (Karl) and I were in the back of the Sanctuary, just about ready to walk up front. Shawn and Priscilla came in the outside entrance at that point. If you haven’t met Shawn I hope you get that chance. He helps me greet people after worship. He is warm and welcoming. Shawn hasn’t let Down’s Syndrome slow him any. He takes on life with energy! Well, Shawn hadn’t seen me the previous Sunday (I had been away with family), and this was apparently a disappointment to him. The timing couldn’t have been better. The prelude had just ended and we were in our time of silence before worship began. That was when Shawn saw me. Into the silence, across the Narthex and filling the Sanctuary came the bellow: ―PASTOR JON!‖ Immediately followed by what could only be described as a full–out charge across the entryway, into the Sanctuary, and into my arms. Now, I don’t consider myself a small or light person, but I was knocked back several steps by the bear hug I received. It was a . . . power—full . . . greeting! You know, we should all be so blessed to be the targets of such unconditional joy and welcome! I’ve got to say, I was kind of floating for a good part of the rest of that morning. What a gift! Shawn made my week! Most of us can’t do that for others. At least not easily. Shawn can teach us a great deal in this regard! We have been so trained — by rejection, by fear of embarrassment, by life — that we go through our days guarded. Reserved. Impassive. We hesitate to let others know how we feel inside, because to do so means we risk ourselves. We have been taught that if we let others know what is really important to us, we will be laughed at, and our precious offering scorned. What a gift to hear from another person: “Oh! It’s YOU! I’m so glad to see YOU!” To be allowed to understand through tone or action or displayed emotion how important we really are in another’s life. I can tell you, it leaves you floating for a good part of a day! Can we provide that gift for another? Difficult, certainly. We’d have to overcome a lot of conditioning. But, maybe, just once in a while . . . . Maybe with a family member, or a close friend, just as a start . . . . Maybe when we see that person we love, and who has blessed our lives, we can jump up and run to them and gasp: “Oh! Hurray! It’s YOU!‖ Could it be that maybe, just maybe, that’s how Christ will greet us, when the veils and fog of this world are no more? Pastor Jon Intimate ENCOUNTERS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DISCOVERING THE SECRETS OF A REALLY GREAT MARRIAGE Beginning Tuesday, April 22nd Intimate Encounters can give you the tools you need to find the closeness you desire. Adopt new ways of communicating with each other. Block the actions that destroy trust and intimacy. Think straight about your marriage and life. Forgive each other and move beyond your hurts. Reject the games couples play by forging an honest relationship. Leave your childhood home and come together as adults. Mourn your past hurts and heal present relationships. Understand each other and how to meet one another’s needs. Identify and put into practice the key elements of a successful marriage. Maintain intimacy through thick and thin, for a lifetime. An 8 week Intimate Encounters session begins on Tuesday, April 22nd at 7:00 PM. (Concluding Class Tuesday, June 10th.) The session will be taught by the Rev. Denny and Pat Daily: www.dailylifeministries.com. Cost is $80 per couple, and includes the books, snacks, and childcare. If cost would keep you away, please speak with Pastor Jon about confidential assistance. Please see Pastor Jon or Dick and Kathy Belisle for more information. Sign up on the poster in the Narthex, or call the Church Office to register! God has created us as sexual beings. There isn’t one part of our lives that isn’t affected by this element of life, from our relationships with others to our attitudes about ourselves. Supposedly in our society sex is an open topic that can be freely discussed. Certainly it is true that advertizing, movies, and other media is filled with sexual references. Yet most people find it at least uncomfortable — if not impossible — to talk about sex with family members, much less as a community of God’s faithful. Yet when God’s people can talk faithfully about God’s gift of sex, our media and our world will not be the only ones talking. Yet when our Congregation and our Church speaks clearly and faithfully about God’s purpose for our sexuality, we will be a strength and a blessing to countless people. In March our Church (the ELCA) released the DRAFT Social Statement on Human Sexuality. (The three congregational studies over the past years have led to this Statement.) Our Church is now asking us to revise, edit, and improve this document. The Reverend Nancy Platt will be facilitating OPEN GATHERINGS at Prince of Peace. These will take place: 6:30 to 8:00 PM, May 8, 15, 22, and 29 and 9:00 to 10:30 AM May 15 and 22. Please pray for these gatherings, that they may be times of honest discussion, learning, and growth. Please pray that — by God’s grace and power — these may be times for all of us to grow in faith and understanding of God’s will. Please come! Baptism and Stewardship The beginning of Acts tells us: “In the first book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day when he was taken up to heaven.... After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days.... (Jesus) ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father…. ‘. . . you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.” On Sunday, May 11 we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday. This is a familiar festival for many: the day the first Christians received God’s Holy Spirit; the birth of the mission of the Church! This day takes place fifty days after the Resurrection. A less familiar celebration will take place on Thursday, May 1, as we celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord! This event took place forty days after Christ rose from the dead. Please join us in the Sanctuary Thursday, May 1 at 7:00 PM for Ascension Worship I recently read an interesting quote from Dennis Anderson, the former president of Trinity Lutheran Seminary and bishop of the Nebraska Synod, that I believe is worth sharing. It’s about the connection between baptism and stewardship. Perhaps you’ve never considered the responsibilities of stewardship we take on when baptized as Christians. Perhaps you thought being a good steward for God was something you accomplish through your work at Prince of Peace or simply by attending worship services every week. Read on…this is a wonderful reminder of who we’re meant to be as children of God. “Once you are baptized it means the rest of your life is a stewardship struggle. You struggle in prayer and conversation to discern how you can best be a steward for God, a servant of God to your neighbor through your job, your relationships. In fact, you no longer have just a job or a business. You have a vocation, which means your work is more than a way to make a living; it is a way to serve as you make a living. It means you are accountable to God for your work. It means work is holy. It means life is holy.” - Dennis Anderson This article was provided by Betty Balderston, POP Stewardship Chair. Interested in learning more about being a good steward? Check out the book of Genesis, where stewardship was building a boat even when all the neighbors were laughing. Look in Acts, where stewardship is giving what you have - if you don’t have a nickel to your name, it is giving forgiveness and God’s healing. Read Romans, where stewardship is not just gospel, but law and gospel - and avoiding running up debt. Stewardship…it’s a way of life. TRADING GRACES "Trading Graces". Trading Graces is an opportunity to offer assistance to and seek assistance from our brothers and sisters at Prince of Peace. Please call the church office to submit your information. ACCEPTANCES ACCEPTANCES ALTAR CARE HELP Looking for a volunteer to take responsibility for the POP sign on the front lawn. Duties include changing the message regularly and advertising any special events. If interested, contact Bill Woodward at 933-3002. Additional volunteers are needed for altar care. Our altar care volunteers serve a very important role in worship as they prepare the altar for Communion each Sunday. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please see or contact Heidi Joslyn, 623-2284. SUGGESTIONS FOR SEXTONS ACCEPTANCES Bread of Life is looking for a volunteer to update their website. If interested, contact the BOLM office at 626-3434. A cobweb has been missed! Dust has set too long! Tell us what we missed, or how we can improve Prince of Peace’s appearance. There’s a notepad on the sexton’s door. Write your “suggestion” and slip it under the door. Thanks for your help - Karl & Flo COMMUNITY ANGEL FOOD NETWORK DINNER PERHAPS YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW CAN PUT YOUR GIFTS TO USE IN ONE OF THESE WAYS! Transportation Coordinator — Every child of God who participates here is a blessing and a joy! Some do not drive. Others could be blessed by providing rides to worship or other congregational activities. Would you be willing to help bring such people together? Contact the Church Office. Sunday Nursery Coordinator Needed A coordinator for our Sunday morning nursery care is needed, as soon as possible. This volunteer position has responsibility for obtaining nursery care workers each Sunday during regularly scheduled worship services. Providing nursery care to parents of young children is essential for some families to attend worship services. If you are called to work with children and wish to serve with this important ministry, please contact Sandy Bernard, Worship Committee Chair, at 622-7918, evenings. The dinners are sponsored by local Augusta Area Churches. Please check your local newspaper for the Church that is sponsoring the next Saturday Community Dinner. Prince of Peace sponsors a dinner every fifth Saturday of a month (with the exception of December). Please check your weekly bulletins in the scheduled month. If interested or for more information, please call Beth Pfeffer (582-3651). SHELTER NEEDS Donated cars, and mattresses & box springs. All of the mattresses & boxsprings at the shelter need to be replaced. If you can help in this way could you please call Mara at 485-2511. BIRTHDAYS 2. Beth J. Theberge Doug Nelson 3. Bill Nave Cathryn Olson Betty Story 4. Ethan McGuire ‘93 5. Nancy Grover 6. Danica Koenig 7. Joe McVety 8. Willi Hartung 8. Catherine Doughty 9. Tom Benn 11. Dick Belisle Beth Brooke Becky Maddox Brenda Maddox Perry Aaron Seaman 14. Kathi Ruopp 15. Bill Burgess 16. Gary Peachey Emilio Schul ‘05 16. Rae Tjelmeland 17. Betty Balderston Adam McLaughlin Chris Vogel ‘93 20. Joe Scott 25. JackieMcConkie Bunnie Picher Dick Theberge 27. Dan Hewins 29. Paul Joslyn ‘93 ANNIVERSARIES 9. Danny & Jennie Dawe 12. Laurie & Dennis Curtis 17. Doug & Bobbi-Jo Burdin 19. Darryl & Erika Praul 29. Gary & Leah Peachey Breaking News for Seniors! Congress recently passed a new economic stimulus package that allows $300 rebates for retired seniors. If you're a retiree who doesn't normally have to file a tax return because your source of income is Social Security, be aware that you must file a tax return for 2007 using either Form 1040 or 1040A if you want to receive this $300 rebate. If you need assistance, contact your local Area Agency on Aging at 1-877353-3771. MILITARY PERSONS, SERVING OUR COUNTRY that are connected to Prince of Peace members. Co-Worker of Bill Burgess - Michael Stultz Ed & Shirley Churchill’s Family - Son, Edwin Churchill II. LouAnne Story’s Family - Son, Brady Joslyn. Bill & Jane Peterson’s Family - Son, Kurt and his wife, Jayne; Granddaughter, Alicia Peterson. Bob & Kelly Landry’s Family - Grandsons: Patrick Landry, and Scott & Michael Wirth Paul & Joanie Rhoda’s Family - Nephews, David & Joseph Quimby. Paul & Kathi Ruopp’s Family - Son, Paul III & Daughter, Shannon Ruopp Alice VanDerwerken & David Sprague’s Family - Alice’s brothers: Roger & Mark. Michael & Phyllis Tessman’s Family - Grandson, Rodney Fontaine Catherine (Couture) & Robert Whittemore’s Family - Son, Steven. Karl & Flo Wilkins’ Family - Son, Sean Wilkins. Please keep these families in your prayers and the other names of those serving our country: Allan Proctor, Bill Pieyton, Chris Soucy, Heidi, Jeff Mason, Josh Kurtzman, Scott Ludwig, Zach Benson. PRAYER FOR OUR SOLDIERS, SAILORS, and AIRMEN “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen” CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS President Bill Woodward 933-3002 whisperwood15@fairpoint.net V-President Jean Davenport 446-6611 JLDport@roadrunner.com Secretary Joan Morgan 622-1761 jlmorgan@gwi.net Education Beth Pfeffer 582-3651 bethpfeffer@peoplepc.com Evangelism Jeff Crate 582-4206 jscrate@aol.com Stewardship Betty Balderston 377-4293 bettyb969@fairpoint.net Fellowship Linda Lowell 623-1532 Worship Sandy Bernard 622-7918 sabernard@roadrunner.com Finance Bill Burgess 622-3570 weburgess@gmail.com Soc. Awareness Bev Savage 446-1238 bevjeansavage@aol.com Property Doug Ames 582-8262 mmae84@roadrunner.com Youth Joe McVety 621-9920 ajmcvety@roadrunner.com SNS Board Nancy Grover 622-9272 ngrover@roadrunner.com Trustees: Jeff Crate, Jean Davenport, Joan Morgan, Joe McVety, Bill Woodward. Nominating Com.: Bev Savage, Darryl Praul, Myrna Duplessie, Joe McVety, Karl Wilkins. “WE CELEBRATE WITH...” is a column for those in our congregation who have been honored, achieved some-thing special, or had some recent success. If you have such news, please write the news and leave it in the office, or send it by e-mail or snail mail. We celebrate with Erin Rhoda who was awarded the prestigious George J. Mitchell Scholarship in November to pursue a year of post-graduate study at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. The national scholarship program, named after Senator George Mitchell who successfully chaired the Northern Ireland peace talks, recognizes each year 12 outstanding Americans who exhibit the highest standards of academic excellence, leadership, and community service. This year there were more than 300 applicants. Erin will study Creative Writing next fall. POP’s REACHING OUT MINISTRIES Please read your bulletin for current info on the ministries or get in touch with the contact person listed. Head Deacon - Duane Scott (623-2092) Men’s Prayer Breakfast - Bill Burgess (622-3570) Women’s Prayer Breakfast-Nancy Merrill (737-8105) Prayer Shawl - Liz Burgess (622-3570) At Your Side Committee - Liz Burgess (622-3570) Helping Fund - POP (623-9486) Heavenly Bodies - Lauret Crommett (622-7437) POP Quilter’s Group - Millie Mauthe (547-3752) Kid’s Nite - Beth Pfeffer (582-3651) Nursery School - Donna Bansmer (623-4845) Women of the Church - Joan Morgan (622-1761) Dorcas Circle - Jutta Hartung (623-2040) Miriam Circle - Ellen Woodward (933-3002) We Celebrate with... - Church Office (623-9486) Bread of Life Ministries - Office-Karen *Soup Kitchen on Water St. *Shelter on Hospital St. (626-3434) (621-2541) (626-3479) Food Bank at St. Mark’s, Augusta POP’s contact— Bud Walters (622-5225) (685-3676) ADDIE’S ATTIC A community clothing exchange housed at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 9 Summer St. in Augusta is open Tuesday & Thursday, 9 to 11a.m. We provide clothing free of charge to anyone who comes in. We accept donations of clean, usable clothing only during operating hours, please. Anyone interested in volunteering or getting more information, please call Anne Cormier at 623-9434. Please call Laura Peckham at 582-1882 for all other inquiries. MAY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE APRIL 15th is the deadline for MAY 2008 edition of the “Peace Chimes”. Please have your articles in the office by 9AM on April 15 for the May edition of “The Peace Chimes”. . If possible, please send by our e-mail: bunnie@poplink.org. IF YOU NEED TO REACH PASTOR JON Please try the church office first (623-9486). Next number would be his cell phone (557-3637). His home number should be the last number you try (445-2705) From Scott Schul, February 18, 2008 Walk to Stop Hunger Dear Pastor Vogel & POP Congregation: The Maine State Credit Union will be sponsoring the 3rd annual, Walk to Stop Hunger on Saturday, April 26 at the Kennebec River Rail Trail. I wish to again express my appreciation for the scholarship you recently provided to me in connection with my studies at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg. Your financial and spiritual support continues to make a huge difference in my family’s ability to make this journey in ministry. I had very successful Fall and January terms and an now deep into the Spring 2008 semester. Classes this term include Preaching Shaped by the Gospel of Matthew; Intro to Systematic Theology; Church’s Worship; Integrative Seminar 1 (this seminar provides the classroom framework for the parish work I do each Sunday at Trindle Spring Lutheran Church in Mechanicsburg); Witness of the Gospels; and Luther and the Reformations. I am also singing in two choirs and continue to serve as President of the Junior Class. Linda is also busy, working a few hours a week in the LTSG Development Office and is now coordinating the Seminary Food Pantry. Our Shelter Manager, Garry Clark is excited to be this year's team leader for Bread of Life, but he doesn't want to walk alone! To be part of our team, please give Garry a call (626-3479) and he'll add you to the roster. He can mail you a registration form and pledge sheet, or you can obtain them at www.mainestatecu.org/hungerwalk.htm. The more people who participate with us, the more we can earn. Once you've registered, start collecting pledges from your family, friends, and co-workers. Anyone raising $100 or more will receive a Walk to Stop Hunger t-shirt. There will also be prizes awarded for the individual and team that raises the most money. There is no registration fee for the walk, but participants are encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item to donate. There will be a Fun Run for children 4-10 years old. Call Garry today to join! Weekly Opening Planned Youth Coordinator + Kids Night Beginning March 30th: Sunday School Opening will take the place of the closing we have trialed since September. We are making this change after much deliberation. The team believes that an opening will be best for several reasons. Opening allows those who are late a little wiggle room so they don’t miss the instructions for activities, or the bible story or important announcements. The opening also allows us to get into the mood for study. Through prayers, scripture and song we ready our minds to study God/s Word. What a combination! Kid’s Night is being MOVED to April 11th. The entire congregation is invited to join the youth for Breakfast for Dinner! The event will provide the opportunity for the congregation to meet with the staff development committee to answer any questions about the new youth coordinator position AND play a game or two. Join us at 5:30 for some food, games and fellowship. Bring your favorite game and friend. We welcome all Prince of Peace members and friends to join us for weekly study in our various Sunday school options and encourage all to attend the weekly opening. Attendance by adults sends a powerful message to our youth about the important of continued study. Attendance by high school and confirmation youth presents a wonderful model for the very young here at POP. I might also add that your presence is an asset to the opening activities. We all play a role in making the environment positive and energized. As education chairperson, I invite you to join us as we Dive Deep Into God’s Word. From the larger church: (ELCA) From discussing the latest in molecular biology to the use of genetically modified organisms, 18 members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Task Force on Genetics met in Chicago Feb. 22-23 to share scientific and theological information as they work toward creating a study on genetics for the church. The study is expected to be available Nov. 1. -wh- MOTHER/FATHER RECOGNITION EVENT This year we are combining Mother/ Daughter and Father/Son Recognition Day into one event. We need your ideas and help in planning this fun-filled event. Our first planning meeting to choose theme, entertainment and food will be April 21st at 6:30. Please join us. Contact Linda Lowell at 623-1532 if there are any questions. EDUCATION MEETING There will be no Education Meeting in April. We will meet again on may 19th at 6:30 to review the 07/08 school year and plan for the 08/09 school year. All members are invited to join us. From the larger church: (ELCJHL) Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) has issued a news letter on March 7th addressing the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza. Only excerpts are shown here, the full text can be found on the ELCA web site. We are profoundly and deeply saddened by the recent escalation of violence that killed 8 in the Yeshiva last night and 120 in Gaza in the last week. We express our sincere condolences to all who are mourning the loss of loved ones. We in the church have been steady and strong voices for nonviolence. As it says in one of our Lutheran schools, "violence is the tool of the incompetent." I believe it is also the tool of the desperate and the hopeless. This is not to excuse any violence on any side but to face the hard reality that unless people have something to live for they have nothing to lose. We must not allow the deterioration of the situation to accelerate the vicious cycle of violence. Lasting peace and security will never come at the point of a gun or in the rubble of the shelling, but only through hard and tough dialogue and the upholding of equal human rights and international law. is our duty to work for the sanctity of all human life and to raise the voices of the moderates who comprise a vast majority of the people on both sides. We cannot allow the extremists and the cycle of revenge and counter-revenge to hold the prospects of justice and peace hostage. Only through dialogue that represents all parties, including those we deem enemies, will bring (sic) a lasting and durable peace based on justice. We ask all our partner churches in the world and all people of good conscience to make time in their services for prayers of mercy for all people in the Holy Land. -wh- SONSHINE NURSERY SCHOOL A Christian based Nursery School NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS CAMPBELL’S UPC BAR CODES We accept registrations for preschoolers who are 33 months old, up to and including kindergarten age for our nursery school. They must be toilet trained at the beginning of school in September. Our younger students attend Tuesday & Thursday mornings, 8:30 to 11:30 and our 4/5 year olds attend Monday, Wednesday, & Friday mornings, 8:30 to 11:30. The Campbell Company is now requesting UPC CODE labels, with the kid picture next to it on some of the products. Products that labels should come from are: Campbell’s, Chef’s Kettle, Franco-American, Goldfish, Healthy Request, Market Day, Pepperidge Farm, & Swanson - Lids from Prego, V8, V8 Splash & VFusion - # # -2 Code Numbers from outer case of Food Service Products. All products mentioned are trademarks of Campbell’s Company. Interested families can call 623-9486 to receive a handbook and pre-registration form. Sonshine Nursery School invites students of any background and religious affiliation to attend. WISH LIST SCHOLARSHIPS - SNS periodically grants scholarships to families with children in the school. We will never turn away a child simply because they cannot afford our tuition. Old Wallets—men or women Stickers Paper Plates—inexpensive Paper Cups—5 ounce size Check our wish list in future newsletters or check the small bulletin board outside our room. GREETERS: 6-E-Tom & Dee Benn, L-Ron & Donna Bansmer; 13-E-Tom & Dee Benn, L-Millie Mauthe; 20-E-Anita Wyman, L-Dan Dawe; 27-E-Beverly Savage, L-Al & Irene Card Sun Mon Deacon Lauret Crommett Altar Care Jean Davenport Joan Morgan Tue 2008 Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 6:30-WPB 8:30-SNS 6:30-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:30-SNS 6:30 Choir Rehearsal 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 9-Bible Study-CCR 9-April Newsletter Mailing Sat 5 8:30-12:30 Girl Scouts (CCR) 5:30-Al-Anon 9:30-Dorcas Circle (Grace Room) 7:00-AA-(Lib.) 6 Home Communion & Feed the Hungry Sunday 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 7 8 9 10 11 12 8:30-SNS 6:30-WPB 8:30-SNS 6:30-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:30-SNS 9-3 Art Quilts of ME—CCR 8:30-SNS 5:30-Kid’s & Youth Nite & Congregational Supper Q/A Staff Position 5:30 Heavenly Bodies 6:30-G.S. Library 8:30-SNS 9-Bible Study-CCR 6:30 Choir Rehearsal 9:30-POP Quilters 5:30-Al-Anon (Grace Room) 10:30-Bell Choir 7-Worship Committee 13 14 15 16 17 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 8:30-SNS 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 6:30-Women’s Prayer Breakfast 2-Parkinson Support Group 6:30 COUNCIL MEETING 20 21 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 6 All Committees Night 7:00-AA-(Lib.) 6:30-MPB 8:30-SNS 5:30-Al-Anon 9-May Newsletter 6:30 Choir Rehearsal Deadline 7:00-AA-(Lib.) (Grace Room) 8 & 10:45 Serv’s 9:30 Sunday School & Confirmation Class 12:30-4:30Family Party CCR & Kitchen 28 8:30-SNS 5:30-Heavenly Bodies 19 8:30-SNS 7-Praise, Prayer & Meditation 9-Bible Study-CCR 22 23 24 6:30-Women’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30 Choir Rehearsal 9-Bible Study-CCR 9-POP Quilters 6:30-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 5:30-Al-Anon (Grace Room) 7:00-AA-(Lib.) SCHOOL SPRING VACATION 27 18 29 6:30-WPB 8:30-SNS 30 8:30-SNS 9-Bible Study-CCR 6:30 Choir 9 May Newsletter Mailing 10-Stone Tuesday Rehearsal 25 26 8:30 to 5 Girl Scouts CCR (9-3:30 Women of the ELCA Spring Gathering at Good Shepherd in Brunswick) Acolytes: 6. E-Jordan Waterman, L-Forrest Labbe; 13. E-Wiley McVety, L-Chris Vogel; 20. E-Paul Joslyn, L-Maggie Priest; 27. E-Jake McVety, L-Roland Pease. Ushers: 6,20,27. E-Dick & Kathy Belisle; 13. E-Brad & Heidi Joslyn CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. - Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri SONSHINE NURSERY SCHOOL September through May PRINCE OF PEACE CHURCH STAFF Director, Donna Bansmer PASTOR Jonathan Vogel-(O) 207-623-9486 (H) 207-445-2705 / (Cell) 207-557-3637 E-Mail: pastorjon@poplink.org 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (Monday thru Friday) 2½ to 4 year olds attend Tues. & Thurs. mornings OFFICE MANAGER, Bunnie Picher 207-623-9486 E-Mail: bunnie@poplink.org/Web Page: www.poplink.org ORGANIST, Alice VanDerwerken - 207-397-4214 MUSIC DIRECTOR, Don Davenport - 207-215-6838 To register, call the Church office - (207) 623-9486 WORSHIP SERVICES Fall Schedule (September-May) - 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Communion both Services Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. (Children & Adults) Summer Service Schedule: Memorial Weekend thru Labor Day Weekend ) - 9:00 a.m. Four/Five year olds attend Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings The Prince of Peace “Peace Chimes” is published once a month to distribute news and keep members & friends informed of our many ministries & activities. DEADLINE for articles is usually the 15th of every month. MAILING DAY is usually the last Tuesday of the month.
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EASTER SUNDAY March 23, 2008
them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask
this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen”