September 6, 2015 Bulletin - Northminster Presbyterian Church


September 6, 2015 Bulletin - Northminster Presbyterian Church
Prayers for the Sick and/or Hospitalized
We’re so pleased you’re here today— rejoicing
in God’s victory of life, and how that changes
our lives.
Please use the Welcome Card in your bulletin to
let us know you were here. You can share or
update your contact information, write prayer
requests, ask questions and help us get to know
you. Visit our Welcome Center outside the North
Sanctuary doors to speak with a friendly greeter
Pastor Andy Ross
and pick up information to help you get
connected at NPC.
May God bless you on this glorious day!
Rowley Courtyard, just
outside the north Sanctuary
Enjoy cookies, coffee and
lemonade as you catch up
with friends and make new
ones! Feel free to bring your
refreshments with you to
The Gathering in the Parlor
if you’d like to linger and relax
on comfortable chairs and
couches to visit.
and the
Willy Nshimirimana
Pat Price
Christine Riggs
Ndagiro K. Rurambira
Mary Ruth Shropshire
Judy Stickle
Roy Vanderwall
We’re Praying for You this Week
This list of our Northminster family rotates alphabetically each week throughout the year.
Sunday, September 6
Alina Kanaski
Russ & June Kanaski
Monday, Sept. 7
Sloan Kanaski
Alexis Kaneza &
Nyirambonigabe and
Sign up on your Welcome Card or online at to receive the digital eV&B monthly
email in beautiful color, right in your inbox!
Print copies of the latest issue are available in the
Narthex, (lobby) Welcome Center or Church Office.
To receive our weekly email blast, Northminster News, text
NPCNEWS to 33733 or use your Welcome Card and submit
your email address.
Sally Kapfer
Cheryl Lemaux
Allan & Sandra J. Marshall
Juan & Christine Mendivil
Maxine McKee
Bill Miller
David Newton
Tuesday, Sept. 8
Anaise Kaneza and
Cynthia Kaneza
Wednesday, Sept. 9
Linka Kaneza
Ornella Kaneza
Thursday, Sept. 10
Bill & Sally Kapfer
Jim & Janine Kaucher and
Friday, Sept. 11
Alex Kaucher
Ed Kellerman
Saturday, Sept. 12
Howard & Karen Kendall
Jack & Miriam Kennedy
 For the birth of Olivia Hayward Leon, August 29, 2015,
Get your copy of our monthly newsletter,
The Vine
Pat & Ted Belwish
Mary Burnett
Rick Crandell
Debbi Gagliano
Mairi & Peter Gray
Georgia Halloran
Christine Hawley
Celebrations of Joy!
Stay up to date on all the happenings at NPC
*Names must be submitted by the individual or an immediate family member, and will
remain (as space permits) for three weeks, unless otherwise requested.
(granddaughter of Carolyn Leon and the late Rev. Dr. Richard
For our special guests visiting with us this week from Iglesia
Nacional Presbiteriana Dios con Nosotros church in Chiapas,
Chancel Flower Dedications
If you would like to give the Chancel flowers in memory or in honor of
someone, please contact Kathy Lee in the Church Office, Monday
through Friday at 327-7121.
To spend quiet time alone in prayer after the service or have someone
pray with you, visit the Prayer Garden, next to the Rowley Courtyard,
where a member of our Prayer Team will gladly pray with you.
Financial Focus
Your weekly tithes, offerings and financial gifts mean so much
for the work of Christ at Northminster and beyond!
Please remember you can also give online at
September 6, 2015
8:00am Service of Worship
Welcome! Thank you for silencing personal devices during the
worship service. Feel free to join the worship leaders in singing or
reflect in silence as we prepare for worship.
Gathering Music
Praise Band
Everlasting God
Ken Skodiak
Invitation to Worship
Julia Hollis
Yesterday, Today and Forever
My Lighthouse
Andy Ross
In the Sweet By and By
J. Webster
Daniel Gomez Hernandez, pianist
Pastor Skodiak
Back to Church
Hebrews 6:13-20
I Find Refuge!
My Anchor
Senior High Youth Group Not Meeting Tonight—We’ll resume
next week,4:30-6:00pm, Senior High Room. Meetings are a mix
of connecting, learning, and fun for grades 9-12.
Ladies: Last Day to Sign Up!—For WOW Bible Study`s threeweek presentation of Beth Moore`s "Living Proof" Simulcast.
Contact Linda Carey today, 760-0596 for further information.
Upcoming Events
Abigail Circle Women’s Bible Study—Wednesday, September 9,
12:00pm, Grundstrom Room.
Children’s Message
Adult Sunday School Classes—
 8:00am, Bible Study for adults, Multipurpose Room. With a
focus on prayer and accountability to living God's Word.
 11:00am, A Survey of Church History, Library.
Pool Party at Pastor Ken’s TODAY, 4:30-7:30pm—College–
age students and those in grades 9-12 are invited for a time of
fun and fellowship! Free to attend, just bring a food item to share.
Offering Song
September V&B’s Now Available!—Pick up the latest edition of
our newsletter, The Vine and the Branches in the Narthex (lobby),
Welcome Center, or Church Office today.
Nursery Care Available—(infants-three years) 7:45am—12:15pm
and from 12:45—3:15pm, CE Building, Room 2.
 Youth Sunday School—Mid and Senior High students meet
from 9:30-10:30am weekly in the Youth Rooms, Multipurpose
Songs of Praise
Prayer and Offerings
All Worship Sunday—Regular children’s and youth programs
are not offered this morning to encourage families to worship
together. Our regular schedule resumes next Sunday.
Sanctuary Choir Resumes—Thursday, September 10, with a
potluck dinner at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall and rehearsal at
7:30pm in the Choir Loft. All adults/senior high students invited.
Andy Ross
September 13—Who will you invite? Invitation
Cards are included in your bulletin today to pass
along to someone you’d like to share our church
Ladies, Let’s Talk About the Future!—Join Women’s Ministry
liaison, Pastor John Cheek to share your ideas for women’s
programs and activities you’d like to see at NPC. Choose the time
below that works for you and meet in the Fellowship Hall:
 Sunday, September 13, 12:00-2:00pm
 Tuesday, September 15, 930-11:30am or 6:00-8:00pm.
Financial Peace University Preview—Wednesday, September
16, 6:00pm. Popular 9-week video curriculum on personal
budgeting and avoiding debt. Find out if this class is right for you.
Midweek Friends Begins September 16!—Ages 4—grade 5
learn, pray and play together each Wednesday at a new time:
Sign in at 5:40pm. Event: 6:00-7:30pm. Meet in the Children’s
Courtyard. Contact Kathy Mallgren at 327-7121, ext. 223.
Be Living Believing!—The focus of our upcoming BELIEVE
series is to gain a deeper commitment to Think, Act and Be More
Like Jesus. Andy Ross and Marshall Worden invite you to be
part of our church-wide discipleship ministry and Wednesday
night experience with a special introduction to this ten-week
series Wednesday, September 16, 6:00—7:30pm.
Calling All Young Adults!—Come for lively discussion Sundays
at 9:30am, September 20—November 15 on young people’s
relationship with the church, studying Rachel Held Evan’s book,
Searching for Sunday. Email Pastor Mary Beth,
Women's Fall Gathering—Saturday, September 26, 9:30—
11:30am, Fellowship Hall. Pastor Ken and Bob & Anne Krepps
are the featured speakers. Refreshments provided. Childcare
available. Sign up in the Rowley Courtyard between services.
Working Together to Nominate Church Leadership—Each
NPC member has a voice in choosing the men and women
nominated to serve in leadership roles for 2016. Pick up forms
with details in the Narthex or Church Office today and return by
Sunday, September 27.
Lost an Item?—Please check at the Lost & Found table in the
Rowley Courtyard between services this morning until 11:00am.
Back to Church Sunday is for Kids, Too!—Hey kids, there’s
something different on the front of your worship bulletin today!
Pick up an extra copy to share with a friend when you invite them
to come to church with you next week.
Love to Bake?—Please pick up a container of cookie dough
(with instructions) in the Fellowship Hall kitchen refrigerator and
return the baked cookies to the Church Office for all to enjoy
Sunday mornings in the Rowley Courtyard.
Northminster Bridge Club—Second and fourth Monday each
month, beginning September 14 at 12:00pm. *Contact Revell,
(520) 235-1812 by this Thursday, September 10 to reserve.
Deacons Pantry Needs Donations—Canned beans, fruit,
green beans, soup, tuna; pasta, toiletries (small sizes) and toilet
tissue. We gave out 59 bags this week for a total of 235 in