2016-05-29 eBulletin


2016-05-29 eBulletin
May 29, 2016
Contemporary Service
General Order of Our Contemporary Worship
Welcome to our visitors! Thank you for joining us today. We would appreciate you
completing the Visitor Card you’ll find in your gift bag (available during the service
or at our Welcome Center.) Please join us for coffee and doughnuts in the Fellowship Hall between services.
“Meet and Greet”
*Praise and Worship Music
Holy Baptism
Ella Jacklyn Thomen
Pastoral Prayer
Genesis 39:1-5
The Message
Remember Me?
*Praise and Worship Music
* Standing Optional
Pastor Mark Wilkins
Senior Pastor
Sermon Notes: Remember Me?
Memorial Day: A day to honor; A day to give thanks; A day to
those who
gave their lives for our freedom.
To REMEMBER is a holy activity. It means so much more than just not forgetting. To REMEMBER is
to “
” “renew” “reestablish
There is nothing better than being REMEMBERED and nothing worse than being
But in life sometimes it’s easy to feel anonymous;
; forgotten even
. “Sometimes I ask God, my rock-solid God, ‘Why did you let me down?
Why am I walking around in tears, harassed by enemies?’” Psalm 42:9
Now maybe you’ve never put it that dramatically, but we’ve all been there at some point,
Here’s a story about a guy who sure felt that way at moments too… (Genesis 37:3-4)
And He really doesn't do himself any
… (Genesis 37: 5-6)
So things turn
… (Genesis 37:12-13;17-18)
And then
! (Genesis 37:25;28)
He’s been betrayed,
and sold…BUT NOT
(Genesis 39:2)
And even then this guy can’t
… (Genesis 39:20-2)
?” “Steadfast LOVE?”
???? Bet it didn’t
feel that way at the time.
But the story doesn't end there… (Genesis 41:41)
So what’s the point? That God
in the end of the story?
No, the moral of the story is that God remembered Him
even when he was in a
; even when he was rotting in jail;
Even when circumstances led him to feel like God
Even when life left him feeling
; overlooked;
The moral of the story is that REMEMBERED AND
God REMEMBERS His promises;
Even when your circumstances make you feel
; His people;
“…for he has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’ ” Hebrews 13:5
We have the joy of celebrating the baptism of Ella Jacklyn Thomen at our 9:30 am service this
morning. Ella is the daughter of Ann and Tom Thomen.
Alice Jenkins Memorial Scholarship Recipients will be recognized at our 9:30 am service this
morning. Congratulations to Emily Fender (Indiana University, Bloomington), Nicholas Cantley
(Purdue North Central, Westville) and Andrea Kutemeier (Valparaiso University, Valparaiso).
Cornhole Tournament to support Summer Missions! Tournament will take place in the East
Parking Lot of the Church NEXT Sunday. There will be concessions, Kids games, Prizes, Multiple
Tournaments for all ages. It will be a great time for the whole family. Registrations can be
found at the welcome center, or by any of the Youth Students throughout the week and on
Sundays. Cost per team is $25 and winners will receive a Custom Set of Bean Bag Boards
made by Fan Boards Cornhole!
VBS enrollment is open! We will be gearing up for an over-the-top underground adventure!
We will be grounding kids in the rock solid foundation of God's love, a love that can take us
through dark times! We look forward to a great week together experiencing God — please
join us! VBS is the week of June 20—June 24, from 9 am—12 pm (11:30 am Preschool). Children ages 3 (potty trained) through 5th grade may enroll. There is an $8 fee per child (max
$30/family) and if you pay online, there is a $0.50 charge to cover the PayPal fees. Please
enroll participants AND volunteers at: http://cpumcvbs.yolasite.com/ If you have any questions, please contact the church office. Requests for VBS donations have been posted on the
dividers in Fellowship Hall. Please take a look ~ we always appreciate your generosity. Items
that need to be returned should be labeled with your name. Thank you so much!
VBS Set Up We are asking for volunteers to come help set up our Vacation Bible School on
Sunday, June 20 immediately following the 11 am worship service. Please join us as we kick
off an awesome week!
Awestruck Volunteers Needed Last year, volunteers from FUMC provided dinner for 110
youth at Awestruck. Along with the meal, people are needed to serve the meal and clean
up afterwards. People can participate in this worthwhile youth project by praying for the 110
youth, donating ingredients, prepping, cooking, serving, cleaning up, etc. This year’s meal,
should we choose to accept the request, is for Tuesday, July 26 th. Interested in helping with
the Awestruck project??
Contact Cheryl Lucas cpumc@sbcglobal.net, call the office, or
text 781-8548.
We like to give our regular Sunday School teachers a summer break. Please consider signing
up to teach a Sunday School class this summer! Everything you need is provided and it's fun
to connect with our kids! Even teaching one class for one Sunday is a huge help! To sign up,
please go to: http://vols.pt/BZFhmp or call the church office (219-663-1515.) Thank you so
Seeking 1 Hour Servants We have several volunteer positions that we could really use your
help with. Each requires about an hour. Every volunteer is so appreciated and we’d bet
you’d be surprised at what one hour can do! Might you be able to spare an hour once in a
while? If so, please contact the church office or a staff member to discuss opportunities. See
the Beacon for more information.
fumc schedule beginning
8 & 11 am Traditional Worship
8/30 am Finance Committee►
9/30 am Contemporary Worship
10/30 am Actively Fit
9/30 am Children’s Sunday School♦♥
6/30 pm Freeflow Rehearsal ♫
9/30 am Adult Sunday School♦
10/45 am High School Sunday School☺
12/30 pm Disciple 4 Study♦
2-3/30 pm Jr. High Youth Group☺
3/30—5 pm Sr. High Youth
9/30 am Peace & Joy Circle♦
10 am Art Class
10/30 am Actively Fit
11 am Education Com♦
1 pm Love Circle♦
7/30 pm Young Adults Meeting
8 am Christian Caregivers
9 am Senior Men☼
10 am Crafty Grannies
10/30 am Actively Fit
{Next Sunday}
Private Party
8 & 11 am Traditional Worship
9/30 am Contemporary Worship
9/30 am Children’s Sunday School♦♥
☺YOUTH Event
♥Children's Event
☼SENIOR’s Event
♫MUSIC Event
9/30 am Adult Sunday School♦
6 pm Blessed Bells♫
5-7 pm Youth Group☺
7 pm Wesley Choir♫
am High School Sunday School☺
12 pm Cornhole Tournament
12/30 pm Disciple 4 Study♦
have no symbol
our joys & concerns
We had the joy of celebrating the baptism of Ella Jacklyn Thomen. Ella is the daughter of Ann and Tom
Health & Other Concerns
(*new request, **on going request)
**Helen Bach, Julie Schultz’ mom
Betty Campion
**Elwood Canady, Christian Village
**Dick Craig
**Paulette Decker, Jerry Nibert’s sister-in-law
**Bill Gray, St. Margaret
**Madison Hargreaves
**Beth Huebner
**Darrell Josleyn, CP Police Officer
**Michael Lewis
**Alan Lukow, Barb Gillan’s brother
*Phyllis Meyers, St. Anthony
**Maria, Bean Miller’s niece
**Jeff Mullins, Donna and Jim Saqui’s friend
Papa Joe Orosz
Charlie Sergent, Sharon Sylvie’s friend
**Chris, Kim, Hope, and Leah Smith
**Linda St. Myers
Joyce Stuhlmacher, Betty Stuhlmacher’s sister-in-law
Jeff Torreson
*Betty Jane Wagner
*Margaret Ward, Paul Fleming’s mother-in-law
Friend of Mark and Jane Wilkins
Norma Wisniewski, Tom’s mom
Karen Wszolek
Kathie Yeagley, Elaine Hough’s friend
Dan Gordon passed away on May 23.
Special Concerns (*new request)
All children who are living in abusive situations, that they may find peace and love.
All those who struggle with addiction
All who have been recipients of Prayer Blankets
All Service men and women who might be in harm’s way and separated from family:
Christopher Baughan, Dover AFB
Robert & Donna Bossick’s nephew
Cpl Sam Neff USMC, Okinawa
Jack and Diane Kemp’s grandson
Justin Cunnane
Cpt. Adam Vetter
Master Chief Richard Haninger, Jr.
Sgt. Jessica Villagran, Alaska
Dorothy Scrivner’s grandson
Debbie Robertson’s son & Kelly Haninger’s
Joe & Kathy’s son
Bob Votaw’s granddaughter
Nathan Harding, Afghanistan
Karen Harding’s son
To enter a joy or prayer request, please send an email to Prayer@FUMCCP.org, fill out a prayer request form
(found in pew), or call the church office (219-663-1515) each week by Wednesday at noon to have it printed in
the bulletin. All prayer concerns are welcome. Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for four weeks unless
you renew the request. Thank you!
Order of Worship
A time of meditation, prayer, and prelude.
Welcome &
Welcome to our visitors! Please complete the Visitor Card you’ll find in your
gift bag (available during the service or at our Welcome Center.) Please
join us for coffee and doughnuts in the Fellowship Hall between services.
Responsive Call to Worship
We enter into God’s sanctuary praising God’s name for all to hear.
We kneel at the altar and offer thanks for your steadfast love.
In our hour of need, we cry out to you.
And you answer, increasing our strength and resolve. You never abandon us
or forget us.
Reader: We will sing of the faithfulness of the Lord.
People: For your steadfast love endures forever!
America the Beautiful
Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer and Silent Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
Word in Music (11:00 am)
Wesley Choir
The Offering & Doxology
Hymn Please Remain Seated
This Is My Song
Genesis 39:1-5
The Message
Remember Me?
* Standing Optional
Pastor Mark Wilkins
Senior Pastor
email addresses needed Please consider choosing to receive your
Beacon, Meeting Notices, and Special Announcements via email. Using email helps preserve natural resources and saves our church valuable time and resources. Place this in
the offering plate or email/call the church office. Thank you!
E-Mail Address
Email me:
_____Meeting Notices
_____ Special Announcements
Christ Caring for People through People Our Stephen Ministry program equips lay persons to provide distinctively Christian, one-to-one care to anyone in our congregation or
community who is going through a difficult time and in need of support from a Christian
Meeting the Needs of People There are times when each of us needs the care of another person...a
Christian friend...a Stephen Minister. If you are dealing with any of the following challenges in your life,
please contact us so that we can help:
Moving into/out of community
Homebound and institutionalized
In job crisis
Disabled (and their families)
Facing life transitions
Experiencing birth or adoption
Terminally ill and their families
Grieving a death or serious loss
Prisoners, ex-offenders and their families
Aging and elderly
Needing the support of a Christian friend
Separated or divorced
In spiritual crisis
Please contact Barb Seibel (219) 310-8897 for confidential assistance.
Flower Arrangements
The yellow flower on the altar is to honor all service men and women and their families.
You are welcome to take your donated Altar Flower Arrangement with you after the 11 am service.
Any arrangements remaining on Monday will be taken to nursing homes, shut-ins, or hospitals.
Weekly Year to Date
Budget Needs
Ahead/Behind Budget
Sunday School Attendance
Worship Attendance
In the End, we will
remember not the
words of our enemies,
but the silence of our
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
All Bulletin Announcements must be submitted to the church office no later than 12 pm each
Wednesday. You can email announcements to bulletin@fumccp.org.
available for those who need them at the Welcome Center. Please feel free to request them from your usher.
Assisting in Worship Today
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
Rick Lloyd, John Cotton, Elwood
Canady, Jeff Polacek, Paul
Sandilla, Jason Cotton
Lynn Clay, Ron Clay, John
Frisinger, Janelle Haack
Cheryl Kalshan
Cynthia Klee, Jack Klee,
Brenda Mowry, Floyd Mowry
Sharon Springsteen
Hospitality Time
Harry and Joey Eitel
Our Mission Statement
We choose to place our energy into showing our love for God by
accepting each other as we are. We choose to seek the good in a
broken world as we discover who Christ would have us be.
Sunday Worship Times
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Traditional Service
Contemporary Service
Traditional Service
Sunday School Hour
9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Classes for Children, ages 3 through Jr. High & Adults
High School Sunday School
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Children are welcome in any of our services. We also offer professional childcare for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers ages 0-3.
Hospitality Time
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Please join us for coffee & donuts in our Fellowship Hall.
Please visit our Welcome Center or ask a member. We also encourage you to visit our website.
sermons available for download each week
Contact Information
Telephone 219.663.1515
Fax 219.662.2714
Ministry Contacts
Senior Pastor
Reverend Mark Wilkins
Associate Pastor
Reverend Tom Shanahan
Youth Ministries
Danno Lambert
Outreach Ministries
Bonnie Meyer
Associate Director Visitation Ministries
Joan Goletz
Kimberly Smith
Music Ministries
Cheryl Lucas
Praise Team Director
Karen Piercy
Stephen Ministry
Paul Sandilla
Finance Secretary
Jayne Gibbs
Church Secretary
Cheryl Lucas
352 South Main Street
Crown Point IN 46307
Office Hours Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.