Weekly Mirror - Morrow First United Methodist Church


Weekly Mirror - Morrow First United Methodist Church
Weekly Mirr or
October 4,2015
U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t Wo m e n ’s
10:55 a.m. Service
Liturgical Color: Green
Purpose Statement of the UMW
United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose
is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus
Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts
of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
History of Morrow First United Methodist Women at Morrow First UMC
Wesleyan Service Guild [WSG] Meeting in the evening, the WSG was organized to provide employed women the
opportunity to achieve spiritual enrichment and Christian fellowship. Marline Sargent – Charter Member.
1958 The Women’s Society of Christian Service [WSCS] Meeting during the day, the WSCS was organized to “provide
opportunities and resources to meet the need and interest of women.” Both groups worked together for the purpose
of enriching lives by ministry through service, locally and beyond.
1968 On October 8, Charter Meeting of the WSCS and WSG under The United Methodist Church, following the merger of
The Methodist Church and The Evangelical United Brethren Church. Joan Deason, Ruby Henley, Jean Peacock, Shirley
Watterson – listed as present at the Charter Meeting.
1972 WSCS and WSG were organized under The United Methodist Women [UMW] and designated to continue ministry
through the Women’s Division of The United Methodist Church.
And our mission goes on. Today we provide financial support to New Bethlehem Community Center in Augusta; Wesley
Community Center in Atlanta; Murphy-Harpst Children’s Home in Cedartown; Global Health Action; Clark Atlanta University
and Paine College; and every day, a World Thank Offering. The Morrow UMW provides dinner to the Good Shepherd Clinic
volunteers on a monthly basis; financial support and seasonal candy to Clayton County Service Center; contributions to special
mission needs through the collection of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Gifts to Missions; Christmas baskets to our home-bound;
card ministry to our church family; non-medical supplies to the Good Shepherd Clinic; and host Wednesday Night Suppers.
Morrow United Methodist Women get the job done and have been doing so for over 58 years.
(Mary Anne Brannon, Weekly Mirror, October 6, 2013)
Morrow First UMW President: Nadine Hoenes
There are two share groups at Morrow First. All ladies are cordially invited to attend the meetings. If there
are any women who would like to form another share group, please see Nadine Hoenes.
Electa Share
Thursday Friendship Share
Meets on the 3rd Monday of each month
6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month
10:00 a.m. in the Searchers Class
Leader: Kathy Gailey
Leader: Karen Kelly
Morrow First United Methodist Church
5985 Jonesboro Road • P. O. Box 143, Morrow, GA 30260
770-961-4668 (BUS) 770-961-8204 (FAX)
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
Closed on Friday
Church Staff
Rev. Luis Ortiz, Senior Pastor
Cyndie Combs, Office Admn, Editor Becky Griffin, Financial Secretary
Donna Weeks, Director of Music
Jackie Davis, Accompanist
Nannette Dooley, Nursery
Elizabeth Lee, Nursery
2015 Charge
Charge Conference will be held on
Tuesday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. in
the sanctuary of Morrow First. The
United Methodist Book of Disciple requires all ministry
team leaders to attend the church's annual conference as
well as all lay servant ministers, candidates for ministry,
delegates to annual conference and members of the
Administrative Council.
Lay Servants and Committee Team Leaders should have
their reports in the church office by Monday, October 19.
Accepting Yard Sale
Continue cleaning out your closets
and garages for your gently used
items and bring them to the church
for the Yard Sale, that will be held
in conjunction with the Annual Church BBQ on Saturday,
October 24. When bringing your items for the Yard Sale,
please note there are signs on the table telling where
donations should be placed. Check both conference rooms
for placement notices.
 No desktop computers, printers, TV’s, etc., will be
accepted for the yard sale. However, we will accept
small electric appliances that are in good working
 If you are donating large pieces of furniture, please do
not bring the furniture to the church until October 5
 If you are unable to get your discarded items to the
church and need a pick-up, please call:
Liz Haynie at 770-477-7522 or
the church office 770-961-4668
Tracy Holland, Custodian
Jamie Bales, Chef
Welcome Guests!
We’re Glad You Are Here!
Welcome to Morrow First UMC! We hope that our
worship service will be a blessing to you and your
family. We pray that the Spirit of God will touch your
heart as we worship together. For your
convenience, an information card can
be found in each hymnal. This card
will help you as we proceed through
the worship service. The card also
explains some of the areas of the
church and the worship leaders involved in the service.
Should you need any assistance during the worship
service, an usher will be happy to help you. Please
complete a guest/visitor card found in the pew pocket
and drop the card in the offering plate so that we might
know of your presence in our Lord’s house. We will
not contact you unless you check the “ I would like a
call from the minister” box, except for a letter
thanking you for being a part of our service. If you
would like more information about our church or
scheduled activities, please call the church office or
email Rev. Luis Ortiz or Cyndie Combs. All church
contact information can be found on page two, at the
top of the page. God bless you and thank you for
worshipping with us!
October 7
6:00 pm
Devotional: Judy Jaeger Cashier: Larry Cochran
Menu: Vegetable dinner: Cabbage, English Peas,
Mashed Potatoes and Corn, Bread, Salad, and
Program: To Be Determined.
Cost: Adults 12 and up: $6.00
We've missed you and would love to
have you back. Come and join us on
Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM for
Bible study, fellowship and fun!
Morrow First UMC
Youth & Children’s Choir
meets every
Wednesday (after WWNS )
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
in the Music Room
October 28, After WWNS
Come in costume!
He said to them, “Let the little children
come to me, and do not hinder them, for
the kingdom of God belongs to such as
these. Mark 10:14
Copyright © Sermons4Kids, Inc.
The Sick and Shut-in
through cards, calls,
prayers and visitations.
Stationed in Okinawa
Kameron Burrell (great nephew of Linda McElhannon)
Stationed Stateside
Matt Allen (husband of Darcy Bloom Allen)
Jayson Dooley (son of Nannette Dooley)
David Key (son-in-law of Bil & Melanie Johnson)
Ellen Betsill, Mary & Jerry Brazeal, Betty
Hargis, Paul Kendrick and Doris Melear.
Nursing Home /Independent
Living/ Rehab Patients
Bright View North Andover: Ethel Jewett, 1275
Turnpike St, #1211, North Andover, MA 01845.
Aviano AFB - Italy
GA War Veterans Home, Wood Bldg,
1st Lt. Kyle L. J. Phillips (grandson of Larry Phillips)
Milledgeville: Charles Mixon, Rm. 213.
Stationed in North Carolina
Golden Crest (Morrow): Toni Bish, Rm 10B.
Alex McKenzie (North Carolina for 39 days)
Governor’s Glen Assisted Living: Marline
Sargent, Pod B.
Jonesboro Nursing & Rehab: Tootsie Callaway,
Rm 116A.
Summer’s Landing Bayberry Trace: Linda
Jenkins, Rm. 119 (315 Arrowhead Blvd,
Jonesboro, GA 30236).
Names placed on the Prayer List will remain on the list for Brightmoor Senior Living: Ellen Kovaleski,
one month and then be removed to make room for Rm.2 (3223 Newnan Road, Griffin, GA 30223).
additional names. If someone needs to remain on the Prayer
List after the initial 30 days, call or email the church office
and the name will be added for the next 30 days.
A gift has been received
Please remember to include your name when you place
Bob and Tippi Hill in
someone on the prayer list so we will know whom to contact
of Sandra Milford.
for updated information.
...Anita Tate (a friend of Kathy Munson),
Someone In
Aunt Pat and Uncle Lee, Braden Gailey,
Lisa Sturgies Neely, Alex McKenzie,
Need of
Bradley Langston, Debbie Standford and
Family, Dennis Fox, Evelyn Singletary,
in which to
Frank Arnold, Joyce Mitchell, Refugees fleeing terrorism in
requests are at each entrance
their country, The Murrey Family.
to the sanctuary. Please remember to include
your name when you place someone on the
prayer list.
The World’s Greatest Wireless
Order of Worship Oct 4, 2015
Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
As we gather to worship our Lord, feel free to greet your neighbors in Christian love. However, when the
announcements begin, please take your seats and at the chiming of the hour prepare your hearts and minds for
worship. Out of courtesy for your brothers and sisters in faith, silence your cell phones so we can be in a spirit of
worship throughout the service.
10:55 a.m. Ritual of Friendship
10:57 a.m. Parish Notices
Chiming of the Hour
Lighting of the Altar Candles
Choral Call to Worship
Prayer Song
Through It All
Judy Jaeger, Liturgist
Bell Toller
Kathy Gailey and Beth Matthews, Acolytes
Andraė Crouch
Praise & Worship
*Hymn of Praise, UMH p. 117 vv 1-4, 6
Celebration of Our Children
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Laura Wiley
Children, ages 2 through Kindergarten leave for Children Church
Congregational Praises and Concerns/Announcements (From the Prayer Books)
Morning Prayer & (Lord’s Prayer)
*Hymn of Celebration, UMH p. 377 vv 1,1-3
It Is Well with My Soul
Offertory Prayer
Musical Offering
To God Be the Glory
*Presentation of God’s Tithes and Our Offering
*The Doxology UMH p.95
Susan Crawford
arr. Larson
The Acolytes
The Word Read & Shared
Anthem, Chancel Choir
Old Testament Reading, p. 244-245
God and God Alone
1 Samuel 1:1-11, 20, 24 (NRSV)
“God and Possibilities”
arr. Tom Fettke
Mary Anne Brannon
Mary Anne Brannon
We Depart to Love & Serve
*Hymn of Going Forth, UMH p. 128 vv 1-3
*Extinguishing of the Candles
*The Light Goes Forth
He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought
Come Thou Fount
The Acolytes
Mary Anne Brannon
The Acolytes
* stand, as you are able CCLI # 1090020
ΦBefore you leave, please check your area to make sure you have all your items, pick up any loose papers and return
hymnals/Bibles to the rack; thank you for keeping the Sanctuary clean and organized.
World Communion Sunday
Your gift on World Communion Sunday makes scholarships
possible for graduate national and international students and helps
promising scholars to become leaders. The Lenten Mission
Offering will provide $100.00 to this ministry. Additional
donations collected today will also be sent. Make your check
payable to Morrow First UMC for World Communion Sunday.
This Week at MFUMC
Oct 4-Oct 11, 2015
Chancel Choir Director: Church Accompanist:
Donna Weeks
Jackie Davis
Bell Choir Director:
Anna Cox
Acolyte Assistant:
Altar Guild:
Kathy Gailey
Children’s Church:
Tracy Larson
Worship Leader:
Mary Anne Brannon
Sound Engineer:
Tracy Larson
Video Technician:
Laura Wiley
Brenda Munson
Worship Greeters:
Ruth Matthews
Hall: Janice Bales
Pam Boyd (Head),
Nelda Dunson, Kathy
Gailey and Shannon
The Sanctuary
Sunday, Oct 4
UMW Sunday - No Communion
9:00 a.m.
Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal, Music Room.
9:45 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages.
10:55 a.m.
Monday, Oct 5
10:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Comfort & Joy Prayer Shawl Ministry, Conference
Thursday Friendship Share provides dinner to
Good Shepherd Clinic.
Tuesday, Oct 6
8:30 a.m.
are presented in honor of
Kathy Munson in celebration Wednesday, Oct 7
of her birthday on October 6,
6:00 p.m.
given by Keith Munson.
6:30 p.m.
A Huge Thank
You From
Jimmy Bales...
Worship Service, Sanctuary - Mary Anne Brannon will
deliver the message.
Ramblers Breakfast, Fellowship Hall. All adults
Wednesday Night Supper/Activities.
Youth Choir Rehearsal, Music Room.
6:30 p.m.
Children’s Choir/Program, Children’s Room.
7:30 p.m.
Chancel Choir Practice, Music Room.
Thursday, Oct 8
...to all who helped with
10:00 a.m.
the wood cutting &
splitting for the Church
10:00 a.m.
BBQ last Sunday, September 27. A special
thanks to Joey Henley and Paul Deason for Sunday, Oct 11
their log splitting equipment.
9:00 a.m.
You are welcome to join the
Ramblers for breakfast,
Tuesday, October 6, at 8:30
a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Ramblers On
The Go
Ramblers will be going to
Mercier Orchards located
in Blue Ridge Georgia,
Friday, October 13. The bus
will be leaving from Morrow First UMC at
9:00 a.m. If interested in going, please sign up.
The sign up sheet is located on the Ramblers
board across from the church office.
FOOD PANTRY open until noon.
Thursday Friendship Share, Searchers Classroom.
Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal, Music Room.
9:45 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages.
10:55 a.m.
Worship Service, Sanctuary.
Thursday Friendship Share Group
Searchers classroom
Thursday Oct 8, at 10:00 a.m.
One of our missions that support the community is the Food Pantry. The
Food Pantry in need of your help one day a week for two hours. No
experience is necessary , just a willing heart to help others. If you are
interested in lending a helping hand for a good cause, please write your name
on the calendar located on the door of the food pantry. Times and Dates are:
Every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 12 noon.
Please see Glenn Barnett for more information.