From the Principal - Havelock North High School
From the Principal - Havelock North High School
From the Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, The blossoms on the trees indicate the onset of the new season, one of hope, excitement and change. Change in education, as in many other sectors of society, has been led by the increasing use of technology. According to author Don Tapscott, chances are that as a parent or caregiver you have seen your young person regularly “doing five things at once: texting friends, downloading music, uploading videos, watching a ‘You-Tube’ video on a two-inch screen and doing who-knows-what on Facebook.” They are part of a digital generation, and part of the cultural phenomenon that will shape the future. As far back as 2007, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in deference to this shift in behaviour, posted on the web through the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement, all of the 1,800 courses taught at this world famous university. They did so because they believed that by opening up their intellectual property for the world, they would help advance the frontiers of knowledge. Nowadays this is increasingly common practice at many educational institutions, and is part of the world our young people are being schooled in. While we have attempted to enable students and stakeholders of the school to be digitally connected through the provision of infrastructure, regular hardware and software upgrades, along with the development of connections such as Havenet and the associated parent portal, technology and its impact on learning continues to advance. More and more students have their own digital devices and an expectation that they are able to use them to enhance their learning. This generation understands that their access to information is no longer controlled by their teachers, is available 24/7, and that through constructive use of a variety of technologies, their learning will be enhanced. Included in this newsletter is a draft plan of how we see the future of information communication technology (ICT) at Havelock North High School, along with timelines of implementation. As a plan it will continue to evolve. However, it is inevitable that our education system, whilst retaining what is good from the past, will be implementing changes which acknowledge the requirements of the digital generation. The past month has been highlighted by the outstanding School Fair. Again, can I express my thanks to everyone who supported this most worthwhile activity. In particular, the efforts of the PTA warrant special mention, and I was pleased, therefore, to be able to acknowledge the four key organisers in a full school assembly recently. Members of the PTA form part of the working group that I have established to review our school uniform. Along with student and staff representation, we will be looking at both the school and sports uniform. This whole area has certainly provoked much comment in my discussions with staff, students and members of the community throughout the term. While adding more people to the working group would prove unwieldy, should you have a strong feeling over a particular aspect of the uniform that you would like the group to consider, please feel free to drop a note in the suggestion box that will be kept in the main office. Because of the lateness in the year and the current arrangement we have with retailers and suppliers, any changes for 2013 will be minor only; the reality is that the transition period to accommodate any variations to the uniform, will be over a period of two years. In the previous newsletter I outlined my concern at the way some of our students are presenting themselves. I have spoken to the student body specifically about the concerns I have around rules pertaining to uniform, make-up and jewellery. While the majority of students wear the uniform well, it is my intention from the start of the new term to enforce rigidly, rules relating to these areas. Students have been advised to use the holidays to make sure uniform is up to standard and to ensure they are fully aware of rules relating to make-up and jewellery. These rules are published in the student diary. While senior students deserve a little respite after the recent exams, their results will have given a clear indication of what areas need attention, as they look ahead to the end of the year. The spring holidays, while providing an opportunity to recharge and gear up for the final surge through to the end of year, should also be seen as an opportunity for students to consolidate their study notes and to learn from the experiences of the benchmark exams. My advice to all seniors is to spend at least half of their break focused on study, so that when they return for the final few weeks of formal classes, they can concentrate fully on refinement of their understandings, along with exam strategy. Yes, it is something of a sacrifice; but the sacrifice is relatively short term and the end of the school year will present many opportunities for relaxation, or for finding seasonal holiday work. Finally can I express my gratitude to those many parents and friends of the school who have helped with winter sport this past season. A large number of people are involved in the coaching and management of our teams and the time, effort and energy that you give to our students are greatly appreciated. It would be remiss of me not to also mention the role of parents. Be it with transportation, the cleaning and provision of sports gear, providing food and catering for the teams at tournament, may I assure you that your efforts do not go unnoticed. Best wishes, G. J. Fenton Key Dates September • • • • 28th (Fri) - Benchmark results emailed home and available on the Parent Portal 28th (Fri) - Ben Fulton Induction into Business Hall of Fame 28th (Fri) - 10th Oct - Senior students choose 2013 options using Parent Portal Science Department News Science Fair Kelly Mulvay and Tobias Kuhlmann take second place in BP Technology Challenge 28th (Fri) - Last day of Term 3 October • • • • • • • • • • • • 15th (Mon) - First day of Term 4 15th (Mon) - 17 (Wed) - Yr 9 and 10 Business Challenge 24th (Wed) - 25th (Thurs) - Tom McFaddon Special Presentations (Yrs 9-11) 25th (Thurs) - Sports Dinner 26th (Fri) - Mufti Day and Skate Demonstration 26th (Fri) - Reading Lydiard Athletics 27th (Sat) - 28th (Sun) - Yr 9 2013 Enrolment Interviews 28th (Sun) - 29th (Mon) Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition 29th (Mon) - Yr 11 Course Registration 30th (Tues) - Yr 12 Course Registration 30th (Tues) - Manu Tauira 31st (Wed) - Sleeping Giant Showcase November • 7th (Wed) - Last day for Yr 13. Yr 13 prizegiving rehearsal • 7th (Wed) - Yr 13 Prizegiving (5.00 pm) followed by Yr 13 • • • • 9th (Fri) - Yrs 11 and 12 Prizegiving (1.30 pm) 11th (Sun) - Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Tramp 13th (Tues) - 16 (Fri) - Yr 10 Course Registration 23rd (Fri) - Central Six Summer Exchange Leavers’ Function (7.00 pm) December • 5th (Wed) - Year 13 students sign out • 5th (Wed) - Special Needs Unit Concert • 6th (Thurs) - Year 11 and 12 students sign out • 7th (Fri) - Yrs 9 and 10 Prizegiving (1.30 pm) • 7th (Fri) - Junior Reports issued • 7th (Fri) - 9th (Sun) - Silver Duke of Edinburgh Expedition (Tongariro) • 7th (Fri) - 10th (Mon) - NZSS Girls’ Cricket Final • 8th (Sat) - 9th (Sun) NZSS Athletic Championships • 10th (Mon) - Core Class Sports - Last Day for Junior Students • 11th (Tues) - Teacher Only Day This newsletter is proudly supported by Kelly Mulvay and Tobias Kuhlmann During Hawke’s Bay Science Fair Week, Tobias Kuhlmann and I participated in the BP Technology Challenge. We were given a bag of materials and a task to complete - we had to build a mechanically-powered vehicle within an hour. Our vehicle had to have a part of each kind of material given to us. These included things such as a 50g metal weight, polystyrene cups and rubber bands. Our design (left), a rubber band wound around the rear axle, was one of the few fully-functional designs which travelled more than 10cm. With a fantastic 60cm run, our small cart gave us second place. - Kelly Mulvay, Yr 13 student Year 10 Science Quiz team wins second place at the Hawke’s Bay Science Fair This team of clever young scientists competed against teams from schools around Hawke’s Bay in an evening of challenging, quick-fire questions. Rapid responses and an extensive combined scientific knowledge saw our Havelock North High School team come through with this great achievement. L-R: Andrew Russell, Brandon Jones and James Barclay Tumu Building Centre Community Sponsorship Programme Thank you to those members of the community who have gifted sponsorship dollars to Havelock North High School through making purchases at Tumu ITM Building Centre. Rebates from sponsorship have seen the school receive a generous cheque to go towards school resources. Kayla Austin graduates as a Naval Cadet On the last day of term one, Yr 13 student Kayla Austin found out that she had been accepted into the New Zealand Navy. She then completed fourteen weeks of intensive training. During the first six weeks, the trainees had no contact with the outside world. Physical training, military duties and disciplines were thoroughly developed. Kayla graduated on 17 August and has begun work in the stores and accounting section at Devonport Naval Headquarters. Kayla will live on the naval base and her hours of work are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. In December, Kayla hopes to be part of a naval expedition to Antarctica. Spring Fair a huge success Thank you for your support The School Fair raised over $30,000. Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make it successful. Thank you for your support photo Tim Whittaker Thank you to all these sponsors: 2 ‘n’ 5 Dollar Shop, Adam & Evas, Adamo, Amazing Maze ‘n Maize, Andrea’s Hair and Beauty, Apple Activities, Arataki Honey, ASB Bank, Askerne Winery, At E’s Cafe, Avanti, Barking Mad Landscapes, Bay Blueberries, Bayleys Real Estate, Beds R Us, Bellatinos, Black Barn, Blackboard Jungle, Blanchett Florist, BNZ Bank, Brent and Belinda Chamberlain, Bubbles Swim Lessons, Bucket Tree Lodge, Cable Car, Cadeaux, Cape Kidnappers Golf & Lodge, Clearview Estate Winery, Coca-Cola Amatil (NZ) Ltd, Core Fitness, Craig Foss, Cuccini Café, Curry India Restaurant, Curves Gym, Danske Mobler, Denton’s Peak Pharmacy, Diahann Boutique, East Coast Packaging, Edge Picture Framers, Farmlands, Furnware, Gannet Adventures, Gemco, Gilmours Pharmacy, Gina Guerin, Gourmet Direct, Graham & Margaret Ellis, Green Door, Haha Wines, Harvey Norman, Hastings District Council, Hastings Opera House, Havelock Tyres, Hawke’s Bay United, Hawthorne Coffee, HBS Hastings, Health 2000, Hilton Brown, House of Travel, Hunt & Seek, Interislander, Janeff Books, Jo Farmery, Kathmandu, Kinetic Electrical, KiwiRail, Kooga NZ Ltd, Lads and Dads, Leaders Real Estate, Lighting Direct, Loading Ramp, Magpies Rugby, Milton Andrews Hair Design, Natasha & Brendan Duck, National Bank, New World Hastings, NZ House & Garden Magazine, NZ Life & Leisure Magazine, Pack n Save, Paintball 007, Peak Appearance, Peak Fitness, Peak Pizza, Pipi Restaurant, Poppies, Rae West (artist), Ridgeline, Rose & Shamrock, Sacred Hill Winery, Sam Newbigin, Sileni Estates, Soccer Mad, Spotlight, Starlake Thai Restaurant, Staples Rodway, Strawberry Patch, Style Angel, SuperStrike Hastings, Sushi Plus, Suzuki Hastings, Te Awa Winery, Tegal Chicken, Telecom, Thorps, Thornton Reality, Tim Whittaker Photography, Tuki Tuki Wines, Unique Nailz & Visage, Unison, Vidals , Village Cobbler, Visique, VTNZ Hastings, The Warehouse Hastings, Westpac, Whittakers Pharmacy, Zinnia Florist Four HNHS students and their teacher plan to visit Japan to present cranes by Travis Wainwright, Yr 11 After the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on the 22nd of March last year, 39 schools across New Zealand took part in a project known as the ‘Paper Crane Project’. The project was coordinated by students from Havelock North High School. The project has been very successful and has raised money for both Save the Children and the Japan Red Cross. In Japanese custom, paper cranes represent wishes and legend has it that if one can fold a thousand paper cranes you shall be granted a wish. The students of Havelock High School have strung together over ten thousand paper cranes, which have been folded in the 39 schools across New Zealand who participated in the project. Pan Pac Forest Products has also offered (free of charge) to take all of these strings of paper cranes to Japan, where they will be handed over at an official ceremony to Japanese dignitaries and politicians at the New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo. Singapore airlines have also heavily discounted the price of the participants’ flights to Japan. Four students, Travis Wainwright and Ben Green, Yr 11, Nathan and Clarke Scrimshaw, Yr 12, and their teacher, Mr Yamada, have been instrumental in bringing about the success of this project, and the intention is that these four students and their teacher will attend a ceremony in Japan to officially hand over the chains of paper cranes. The party leaves Napier for Tokyo, Japan on 13 April 2013 and returns on 4 May 2013. In addition, this year is the New Zealand-Japan diplomatic relationship’s 60th anniversary. This project both supports and endorses the special relationship between the two countries and has received backing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. URGENT: Host Families needed for International Students Havelock North High School is looking for families who would like to host an international student in 2012 and/or 2013. The length of the students’ stay in New Zealand varies from three months to one year. The requirements for hosting a student are:- that you are willing to care for and supervise the student as you do for your own children; that you live in the Havelock North area; that the student has his or her own bedroom and access to the Internet. Host families are supported by the school’s pastoral care programme and a homestay payment is made fortnightly to host families. If this sounds like you, please contact Christine Bird, HNHS Homestay Co-ordinator, Phone work 877 8129 or Home 877 6671 PTA Uniform Shop Open: Wednesday 1:30 - 2:25 pm Friday 1:30 - 2:25 pm We accept clean and tidy second hand uniforms to sell on your behalf. Please leave them at the front office with your contact details. Any queries please phone: Amanda Milne, (Hm) 877 4955, PTA Uniform Shop Co-ordinator. Careers Centre News Considering a trade? Careers Centre Events Otago University Liaison Visit 24th October, 11:10am – 12:10pm, Room 311. EIT Trades Expo 26th and 27th October, both days open to the public. Friday 26th: HNHS may organise a group of students to attend. Details will be given via the school notices. Saturday 27th: Open to all students, parents and the public. The expo aims to give an insight into careers in trades. Engineering, Hospitality, Automotive, Hairdressing, Carpentry, Computer Aided Design, Agriculture, Horticulture and Electro-technology Whether you are a budding builder, hairdresser, electrician or plumber - the choices are endless, then the 2013 Gateway Programme could be for you! Senior students considering a career as a trades person when leaving school could take a huge step towards their goal by enrolling in the Gateway Programme in 2013. Gateway students will study a trades specific course and attend a workplace one day a week to gain practical knowledge with a local business. Other Gateway and short courses are also offered. Contact the Careers Centre staff (06) 8778129 ext 4 or Gateway Automotive 2012 Karira Maurirere at Rex Mudgway Motors The Cultural Scene Music Matters Music Festival 2012 We were delighted with the success of our Music Festival, 2012. Our students performed superbly on two separate nights to a packed auditorium. The Festival again demonstrated the huge musical diversity that we have here at HNHS in a programme that included: • the HNHS Orchestra who were joined by Harrison and Hinckley Pogai on Bagpipes • the HNHS Concert Band with featured violin soloist Natalie de Burgh • regional Big Sing winners, Voix de Femmes • New Zealand Composition award winners, Colla Voce • all-comers choir, Havelock Singers • Yr 11 Blues Band • original composition by Yr 12 and Yr 13 Musicianship students following workshops with Ben Throp and Warren Maxwell • Stage - newly formed Junior Jazz Band, made up of HNI and Yr 9 and 10 HNHS students • our world famous Staff Band • Future Prospect - a newly-formed boys’ Vocal Quartet of Y11 students, Sam Frost, Sam McKeever, Chris Clark and Tim Keip • a stunning electric guitar solo by Yr 13 student, Andrew Dennison, supported by Joseph Nisbet on drums and Jordan Agnew on bass All this packed into a two-hour concert! Music Festival 2013 is not to be missed so make sure you buy your tickets early or you may be disappointed! Around the festival our busy students have also managed to squeeze in the Lindisfarne Concert Band Festival, an intermediate and primary school cultural tour, the Central Six Schools’ cultural exchange, a performance by Waikato University students, our NCEA Solo Performance Evening, three assembly performances and four hours of music at the Spring Fair. Thanks to you all for your hard work! HNHS Senior Musicianship presents The Sleeping Giant Showcase October, Wednesday 31st, at 7.30pm Tickets $10 from Musicianship Students Lowe Family Performing Arts Centre, Hastings From the Drama Department This has been a very busy month for our drama department. The school’s theatresports team toured our contributing schools as part of a highly successful cultural tour. Junior drama students also travelled to Feilding to take part in the Central Six cultural exchange. Since drama is first and foremost about performing, these have been wonderful opportunities for Havelock North High School students. Initial auditions for next year’s major production of Les Miserables will take place on Sunday 16th September, girls from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and boys from 1.15 p.m. to 3.15 p.m. The students are buzzing about this and have already worked out several casting options for themselves! Our Year 13 students recently exceeded all expectations when acting for the Blue Light driver education program, with several passers-by being convinced that the mock crash was real and wanting to call the police. We have been doing this for many years now and are grateful for the opportunity to provide a service for our local community. Finally, the exciting news is that the 2013 Sydney drama trip will be going ahead. 18 students have confirmed their intention to travel and Mr Walton, Mrs Fitzsimons and Ms Hausler are already busy planning the programme. These trips are offered to Year 11 and 12 students every two years, and this will be the fourth time we have gone. It is a valuable and rewarding experience which many past students have said was the highlight of their school career. Cultural Showcase Tour Havelock North High School cultural students recently toured six local schools. The Cultural Showcase comprised students from music, drama, dance and Kapa Haka groups. They performed at Hereworth, Havelock North Primary, Lucknow Primary, Te Mata Primary, Havelock North Intermediate and Hastings Intermediate. The performances were well received by the younger students and we have been flooded with letters expressing their thanks. We hope to repeat the tour again next year. Pictured below is the group at Hastings Intermediate School. Sports News Mitch selected for NZ Futsal Whites Mitch Webber has been selected into the New Zealand Football Futsal Whites who will be participating in the three-game Asia Pacific series vs Australia in Auckland. He is one of three keepers in the squad, but regardless of whether he plays or not, he has made the most of the specialist goalkeeping coaching delivered by Englishman, Andy Reading. Andy is the Futsal goalkeeping coach for England, after playing throughout Europe professionally. He has worked with some of the world’s best club and national teams. HNHS wins three HBSS Titles at Badminton Singles Championships HNHS took away three titles at the HBSS badminton singles championships recently. Despite not winning, the star of the day was A grader, Nathan Robertson, who took top seed, Scott Ormond of Hastings Boys’ High School, to three sets in the final. Unfortunately for Nathan, he broke a string in his racquet at the beginning of the third set, and finished the game with a borrowed racquet. It was a riveting final to watch, with high quality badminton and terrific athleticism. Hannah Pike won B grade while Olivia Addis fought off all of her opponents before defeating fellow HNHS player Megan Baker in her final. The other winner was Tayne Aitchison in the D grade boys’ section after beguiling all opponents with his deft drop shots and touch play. Olivia Addis (left) HBSS titleholder Central 6 Junior Tournament Mitch Webber (third from right, middle row) with the NZ Futsal Whites Summer Blues Presented At the recent house assemblies, the summer sports blues and golds were awarded. Blues are awarded to those who have won or been in a team that has won Hawke’s Bay or North Island titles. They also are awarded to those who have represented the school with distinction. Cricket: Harrison Gregory, Callum Bensemann, Carl Shackleton, Nathan Robertson, Tammy Welsh, Holly Macdonald, Bhamini Rangnekar, Ella Richardson, Erica Sinclair, Olivia Addis, Cheyenne Welsh, Neesha Johnson, Grace Fulford, Caitlin King, Monique Yule, Francy Sulikosky and Natalya Taylor. Tennis: Max Brewster, Frank Kight, Nathan Robertson, Chris Marffy and Sophie Addis. Canoe Polo: Wade Miller, Ella Richardson, Alexia Hinton and Elise Legarth. Golf Croquet: Josh Chamberlain. Triathlon: Marcus Yule, James Cruickshank and Mike Garrity. BMX: Jed Oliver. Equestrian: Oliver Jarden. Rowing: Henry Hutton. Athletics: Savannah Dalzell, Jessica Ford, Emily Gallagher, Mitchell Keip, Laila Franklin, Holly Macdonald, Sean Morrison, Tim Keip, and Callum Wilkie. Volleyball: Evelyn Hunsberger, Te Kotuku Brown, Ellerie Hawkins, Rebecca Hulls, Paige James, Neesha Johnson, Jessica Gates, Sophie Addis, Ella Richardson, Tiniwai Wainohu, Chris Cooper, Sean Gates, and Brandon Weekes. Futsal: Carl Shackleton, Mitch Webber, Harrison Gregory, and Mitchell Keip. Softball: Isaiah Tangaroa, Karlyn Lockwood, and Ben Joe. There were six Gold badges also awarded. These are presented to those who have either won New Zealand titles or represented New Zealand. They were awareded to: Naomi Smit (swimming), Koene Smit (swimming), Olivia Addis (tennis), Liam Reeves (golf croquet), Zoe Gordon (equestrian) and Ashleigh White (equestrian). The winter blues will be awarded early in the new term. Junior boys’ teams place in ECSS Road Race The junior boys starred for HNHS at the ECSS road racing champs held at the Hastings Regional Park recently. The team won the 6-man category, beating the powerful Napier BHS team by just one point. Sean Morrison (4th), Jarrod Lobb (5th), Daniel Way (7th) and Callum Wilkie (8th) all had top 10 finishes. They finished 2nd in the 3-man competition Meanwhile, the Yr 9 girls were second in the 3-man team race, with Libby Ford (5th) and Olivia Wilkey (6th), the best of the runners. Unfortunately, the withdrawal of two of the team left them unable to have a 6-man team, an event they would have had a very good chance of winning. They were just beaten in the 3-man race by Woodford House. Abbie Lochhead ran steadily throughout to come 8th in the junior girls race. Left: Year 9 girls running into second place Boys’ hockey was the big winner in the recent Central Six junior tournament. With schools from Wanganui High, Freyberg High, Taradale High, Kapiti College and Tawa College taking part, the competition was very keen for the teams of Yr 9 and10 students. This year the venue was Palmerston North, and the teams were greeted with a beautiful Manawatu day, with near perfect conditions prevailing. As the smallest school competing, any victory is always one to savour for HNHS. The hockey boys, with a number of 1st XI players in their ranks, were never under much threat of losing the title most of them had won the year before. They defeated Taradale 4-0, Wanganui 3-1, Tawa 5-2, Kapiti 7-0 and finally Freyberg 7-0. Best of the other teams was the basketball boys’ team, which finished 3rd behind Wanganui and Tawa, while the football boys were beaten only once, but had three draws, and with just the one victory, ended up 3rd as well. The rugby team competed very bravely, ending up 4th. Best of the girls’ sides was the football team who also finished 4th. They had one win, 2 draws and 2 losses. HNHS wins CHB College Exchange 11-3 The recent Central Hawke’s Bay College junior exchange, was very successful for the school, with HNHS winning the contest 11-3. Over 140 Year 9 and 10 pupils from each school took part in the event. The school won both road race relays, the girls by just 34 seconds after trailing the first leg, while the boys’ team won comfortably by over 4 minutes. While that was happening, the girls’ badminton team showed their strength by winning decisively 8-1. Netball had four teams in action, with the Junior premiers, 10B and 9B all winning, while the 9A’s suffered a loss. On the football field, the makeshift boys B side played like old hands, winning 5-0. The team was a mix of some from other codes and players who don’t get much game time for the Junior A team. The Junior A team won a close encounter 3-1, while the girls’ team won comfortably enough, 4-0. Unfortunately the rugby teams both lost. The E grade played in a terrific match, with the score fluctuating throughout, before CHB scored last, to just get up to win with 3 minutes to go. The basketball team had a 20 point win with Andrew Wilson scoring 24 points, while the mixed hockey team cruised to victory, 11-0. Jarrod Lobb notably scored a goal for the B football team and a goal in the hockey within an hour of each other! Rogan McNamara controls the ball for our boys’ football team during the CHB Exchange M. Fitzsimons Deputy Principal Editor
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