sau family


sau family
Intermountain Suzuki String Institute:
What is it all about?
By Trina Christensen, Assistant Director
You may have heard about institute in the past and won- In addition to our programs, we have enrichment classes
dered “should I register my child?”
that you can enroll non-Suzuki siblings for or add to your
student’s curriculum for an extra fee.
The Institute experience is unlike any other that you will
come across in the Suzuki Method. Institute is a mini- We also have guest artist concerts, student recitals and
workshop, masterclass, recital, group class and fun all concerts throughout the week.
rolled into one.
As a parent, there are parent lectures that you can attend
We hire the best faculty from around the world to teach at that every parent looks forward to. Do you wish that you
our Institute. Not only do we get the best teachers from could meet other parents that are experiencing the same
the U.S., but we have teachers from Europe and Asia as joys and trials with practicing? The parent lectures and netwell.
working with other parents in your student’s classes do just
The Intermountain Suzuki
String Institute is perfect for
I have seen the joy and fire
the beginning student as well
that comes from institute not
as the advanced student. We
only in my students, but also
offer the following programs
in my own daughter. Every
at our institute:
year she looks forward to institute and gets excited for it.
• Twinkle Curriculum - InShe even remembers in detail
cludes two hours of class
what her teachers have indaily. A Twinkle masterclass
structed her to do and the
group and a music and movegames that she has played. It
ment class.
is reassuring to every student
• Lower Suzuki Book Curricuthat attends—beginner on
lum - Includes four hours of
up—to know that there are
class daily. Masterclass, repother children their same age
ertoire class, technique class
going through the same problems and trials with the same
and music fundamentals class.
songs that they are on. If you have a child that has been
• Upper Suzuki Book Curriculum - Includes five hours of
struggling with their self-confidence in their instrument or
class daily. Masterclass, repertoire/technique class, perhas maybe even wanted to quit, I suggest that you come
formance class, orchestra and a chamber group.
to institute. It is amazing the transformation that can hap• Advanced String Camp - Includes five hours of class daily.
pen in just one week. I have seen it happen.
Masterclass, chamber group, performance class and two
hours of orchestra.
Let’s enrich our children’s lives with music and help them to
• Chamber Days with the Fry Street Quartet - We also have
have fun with their instrument at institute!!
an advanced chamber music camp with the Fry Street
Quartet the Thursday through Saturday before institute
You can find more information on our website listed below
starts where the students work one on one with our wonor to register and pay with a credit card. Registration
derful quartet. We would encourage all advanced string
opens the last week in January. Our Earlybird registration
camp students, pre-formed quartets and upper Suzuki book
deadline is March 1st where you will save $25 on the regisstudents (violin books 6-8, viola books 4-5, cello books 5-6)
tration fee. There are also student scholarships available
to register for it. It is truly an amazing experience.
and the deadline for submission is February 20th.
We also offer a bass curriculum that includes a masterWe hope to see you all at institute this June 17-22, 2013!!
class, group class and at least one orchestra depending on
their level.
Join us for our 35th Anniversary!
Featuring “ISSI Gettin’ Down” by Michael McLean which will be played throughout the week
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