Jan - Coral Reef High School
Jan - Coral Reef High School
Floetry rocks page 10 BAITLINE Coral Reef Sr. High School Reefers look to the future pages 8-9 January 2010 Volume 13 Issue 4 Get Ho ked online at www.crhs.dadeschools.net 10101 SW 152 Street Miami, FL 33157 THEN NOW S U R I V H1N1 2 News Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 Graphic design creates a new world for artists New technology and programs offer new artistic opportunities for students and aspiring artists Maria Espinal Staff Writer What first comes to mind when you hear the word “art”? Is it a painting? Or perhaps it may be a sculpture. It might even be your favorite song! Whatever it is, the certain thing is that art is a way to express yourself creatively and productively. People usually imagine art to be paint on canvas, lines on a flat surface. That may be true, but paintings do not always have to be two-dimensional. Think of the animated movies you have watched recently, or the video games you have played. They are examples of a new and exciting version of art: three-dimensional graphic design. In order to design an object as simple as a vase graphically in three dimensions, you need much patience and a lot of creativity. To start, you need an image in your mind to bring to life. In this example, it is a vase. You then have to give the image its shape and texture. Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” This is especially true in the art of graphic designing. The good thing about graphic designs is that one does not necessarily have to come up with an object out of the blue. It sure would be interesting, but one can choose an object that already exists and replicate it graphically. Of course, that might be a little boring. After all, if you can add your own personality to something, then you might as well go for it. “Graphic designs are great in the way that you can create you can make it do virtually something anything. Let’s suppose that using the you want your creature to template of jump off a mountain and something land unscathed. With graphic that has design, this deed is fully already been possible and under your created. control. In other “Three-dimensional words, you imaging is definitely going can modify to grow in the future,” said existing Business junior, Brandon objects,” Rodriguez. “People seem to said VPA be interested in computerized sophomore, technology and messing Cellini Kim. around with the various The use possible things one can do of the art with it.” GRAPHIC: MARIA ESPINAL of graphic Graphic design enables the student to creation an new and exciting Many people regard design is landscape from her imaginations Program Blender was the program graphic designing as a portal bound to used to create this Graphic. into the future. What if one multiply day people find a way to greatly over transport themselves into the years. For making movies, it is easier to construct your another world, one that was created by the user? What if own creatures, which might not even be human, than to you can somehow put yourself into the midst of the action hire an actor or actress to play the part. of a movie? Questions like these are the ones considered For one thing, the creature will look exactly as you by many in the industry of three-dimensional imaging. imagined it. Another good portion of this is the fact that Will you be the one to unravel these mysteries? Sporadic weather thoroughly baffles the residents of Miami Despite a warm Christmas, temperatures drop in January Nevertheless, some people welcomed the change. “I like to be reminded that seasons actually exist, so the cold has helped me in doing so. I like it, I just hope it doesn’t get any colder,” said Medical junior James This winter many people who live in Miami were, Germy. once again, disappointed with yet another hot Christmas. The weather attracts most of the vacationers and Not to say that it wasn’t expected, but people definitely the people living here. Most of Florida’s money comes wished for a crisp Christmas morning. from tourism. People from Michigan to Germany come The winter to Florida to take a holidays in Miami are break from frigid different from most other winters. If it wasn’t places in the world. The for the money Caribbean temperatures gained from the can be overwhelming, numerous amounts though for some, they are of people that are just right. Not all people attracted to Florida choose to have a cold due to the weather, Christmas, and for those Florida would be a types of people, Miami is very different place. the perfect place to be. “I have several This year Christmas family members day was recorded at about that come here to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, visit me during the fairly hot, considering winter, not only the season. But when because of me, but all hope for a speck of because they love cold to hit Miami was the weather,” said about to diminish, a VPA senior Ignacio sudden cold front hit the Lutty. southeast Florida on 4th Overall, the of January, leaving most weather lately Miamians searching has been sporadic for the dusty sweaters in Miami, with thrown in the back of the temperature their closets. Some even dropping into high chose to wear boots and 20’s and back up scarves. To keep warm PHOTO CREDIT: JULIAN ORTIZ again to low 80’s. at home, heaters were Julian Bernal wears a sweater to combat the cold weather. “I remember finally activated after it was cold right months of not even before Christmas touching the dial. and during Christmas it was hot. Then a couple of days On January 4th, temperature was recorded in the passed, and it became freezing, I wish it was just cold for 30’s, again, leaving most people in Miami with chapped Christmas and New Years, for everything else, I prefer lips and crusty skin, in shock of this cold weather. warmth,” said VPA senior Jonathan Lee. julian ortiz Staff Writer Jerkin is a habit Cudas are swept up in a new dance craze for the new century DEVANTE MUHAMMad Staff Writer The “jerk” dance has become a hit with the students of Coral Reef Senior high school. Almost every one is raving about it. This dance, however, is not a new invention; it was actually created in the sixties by Don Julian. So how did it happen? In 2008 the jerk movement started in Los Angeles and spread across Southern California. The rap group New Boyz wrote and recorded a hit in Los Angeles entitled “You’re a Jerk” then other groups such as Audio Push came out with “Teach Me How to Jerk.” Soon, people started competing at performing events. Now, groups compete for money at events not only in California, but it spread to parts of the world. Jerkin has made skinny jeans the new fashion trend, and lately students have been Jerkin off the walls. Skinny jeans makes it easier to do the dance move, and people are moving towards it as a fashion just because of the popularity of the song “Tight Jeans” by the New Boyz. It’s a rock star fashion that others imitate. Stores have continually stoked their shelves with skinny jeans, and the public always wants more. As crews continue to form, some say this dance will remain the most popular dance in and out of 2010, but who could make an emphasis when there are a variety of dances to come. The Rude Rejecterzz is a new hot crew that is blowing Coral Reef Senior high school students away with their new video on YouTube. “It’s crazy how the internet can promote a crew so quickly. Within the first day of our video being posted we had two thousand hits for each video,” said Danny Dranoff sophomore IB academy. Students are crazed by Adam Kendrix flashy move, when he is launched into the air off the shoulder of Eric Ham into a flip that astonishes the audience in the middle of the dance circle. “When we jerk we go all out, not only because it’s fun but also because we love performing and that’s how we get the crowd going,” said Adam Kendrix junior IB academy. The jerk has taken over the most popular dances chart. Now, jerkin is definitely a habit. News Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 3 Japanese Anime gaining popularity Anime collections grow among teenagers and adults alike MARIA ESPINAL Staff Writer PHOTO CREDIT: SHAWN ROBINSON IB Senior, Matt Martinez, shows off his favorite hand sanitizers. Hand sanitizer craze Hand sanitizer does not actually kill 99.9% of germs SHAWN ROBINSON Staff Writer They can be found everywhere, at the gym, at the mall, the airport, in almost every public bathroom. It’s the new trend for the New Year; the hand sanitizer craze. Worldwide, people are carrying around hand sanitizer because they believe it’s basically washing your hands without the hassle. Many have even began to style up their bottles of Purrel and take it with them everywhere they go. Many students here at Coral Reef have also caught on to this trend, as many of the faculty and staff. “I always carry my hand sanitizer, I love it. It makes me feel germ free especially when I eat,” said VPA Senior, Cera Arthur. But does hand sanitizer really work? Do they actually kill 99.9% of the germs on your hands? No, in fact hand sanitizer in some cases can actually cause the hand to create more bacteria than it normally had. It’s still a lot healthier to wash your hands with the traditional soap and water. “I think using hand sanitizer is all mental, when people use it they think they are germ free when really there not,” said Medical junior, Chris Robinson. The reason companies such as Purrel and Publix say that hand sanitizers kill 99.9% of germs is because it actually does, but they don’t test this theory when it’s actually on someone’s hand. They test theses products when there on neutral bases such as counter tops. “Yeah, I sort of figured that hand sanitizer doesn’t really do anything. Oh well I’ll just stick with soap and water,” IB Senior, Matthew Martinez. Although it isn’t a bad thing to use hand sanitizer before anyone eats, or does anything involving hands and oral cavities, we should still use the old fashioned soap and water. It’s said to believe that hand soap actually goes through germ pores and removes them instead of hand sanitizer that only kills a slim percentage of germs on the outer layer of the skin. Also, it’s a lot more expensive for many due to the fact that they have to go out and buy lotion because hand sanitizer dries hands when applied. The way the economy is today, it’s better to go the cheaper and safer way: soap and water. Anime, as defined by the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary, is “A style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in actionfilled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes.” To many people, anime is the greatest thing since sliced bread. For example, those making their residence in the Americas claim that American cartoons are plain and simple, as opposed to Japanese animations that are lively and full of detail. There are many genres of anime, each one containing plenty of sub-genres, thus appealing to various individuals with diverse likes. One of the more-liked genres is Adventure, which typically depicts a character or set of characters embarking on a perilous adventure to fulfill some aspiration. Fullmetal Alchemist would appeal to people with this liking. Another popular genre is Mystery. With this genre, what usually happens is that an unexplained event occurs, causing the main protagonist to attempt to find out what caused it. Case Closed has one of the more illustrious anime styles of this genre. For new anime viewers, the question of whether to watch anime subtitled or dubbed might pop up. For those who have been watching it for longer periods of time, this question has most likely been resolved, most of which prefer to watch it with FCAT is fast approaching What you need to do to get top scores this year DEIBBYS CARDOSO Staff Writer The FCAT is coming up, and we need to be ready for it. “I’m training my students, working on the booklet with them, doing projects, and different assignments. I believe that working every week will prepare them for it,” said Carta Manuel, Biology teacher. If someone wants to be prepared, they need to practice, need to keep doing it and doing it. You can’t get tired or bored, and you need to be happy when you do it and enjoying it in the same way you enjoy a sport. Is all about your purposed and the future you have in mind. The students need to take it seriously and get prepared, paying attention to the class is the best thing they can do. For example if you do not pay attention in the class when you get in the house maybe the homework will take you more time that is necessary, and it is obvious that some people don’t do it. Is like your mother telling you what you know you need to do but you don’t… In conclusion, there is one lesson that students need to learn: Listen to your teachers; they know what’s best. PHOTO CREDIT: MARIA ESPINAL Many students at Coral Reef have extensive collections of anime novels. These novels are written like comic books, and are read from left to right. These comic books are series, many of them consist of over 50 editions. subtitles. What is the big deal about watching anime in its original language? Isn’t it easier just to watch it dubbed, where you don’t have to focus half of your attention on reading the subtitles? Questions like these are very common among anime fans, but most would agree that because anime is a form of art, any alteration to its originality would ruin its entire quality. With dubbing, people have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the anime as opposed to splitting their attention between the subtitles and the actual characters. Whatever point of view people have on how they watch anime, it is sure that individuals all over the world appreciate the detailed, lively form of animated art that made its origins in Japan. Remember to M (Main Idea) O (Organization) P (Purpose) .... and MOPP What is the main idea? What is it all about? How did the writer organize his ideas? What was the author’s purpose? P What point of view does the (Point of View) writer have? 4 Opinions Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 Dade-County mandated Wrestling and weight loss: morally announcements: acceptable? helpful or not? What are the consequences of pressuring teenage boys to lose weight? Staff Writer Staff Writer monologues are flabby, littered with poor word choice. The lessons are vague and simplistic, ignoring the rich complexities of a young person’s world. In response to these blubbery calls to responsibility, students yawn and treat the message like a commercial for hair removal. In a world that was just recently charmed by PHOTO CREDIT: ANNA MEBEL President Obama’s Daily bullying announcements, made from this phone system articulate speeches, every morning at 7:35, the entire school has the privilege of it is plausible that listening to the Dade-County mandated speeches. we would listen, if The beginning of the school year was the speeches were marked by a series of tragedies—violence actually created to be relevant to our lives. raged in the classrooms and the school The discussions of bullying show board rushed to find a solution. What they a similar ignorance of the adolescent decided on was to promote core values and experience. What is most glaring is that it educate the student body about bullying. only targets male bullying. It would seem And thus, for a couple of months, came that it would be important to discuss the over the PA to inform students about the problems of more than half of the school (at wonders of teamwork and the horrors of Coral Reef, 60% of the student population anti-social behavior. Social studies classes is female); however, it is ignored in favor were required to discuss bullying. of dealing with outright demonstrations of Perhaps the brains behind this plan aggression. imagined the grimaces of wayward The truth is, a female bully is much more teenagers melting into warm smiles as they likely to hurt someone not by shoving them heard the buzzwords “community” and into a locker, but by spreading nasty rumors “responsibility.” Perhaps it was a skillful and sowing seeds of insecurity. tactic aimed to improve public relations. Thus, the problem with the “core values” If concerned parents started pressing announcements is their lack of substance. the superintendent about solutions for They close the minds of the students. adolescent brutality, he could say, wearing If, however, these speeches demonstrated a carefully constructed smile, “Well, I tried an understanding of our lives and presented to talk to them, but teenagers these days information valuable to us, they could just don’t listen.” motivate us to become infinitely more Though the idea is indeed appealing, involved in our community and avoid acts its execution is far from eloquent. The of senseless violence. Could this be the next malnutrition topic doing it because I love this sport,” said or does losing weight for a sport to meet Julian Vahuerdi, Agriscience sophomore. Competitive wrestlers traditionally the requirements? Wrestlers are losing too wrestle at the lowest weight class possible much weight to make weight. Some are not in order to gain a competitive advantage. eating enough, is that safe? It’s reasonable The pressure to for the sport but be at a low weight not to human before a match life. Of course comes from cutting starvation will cause a large amount of malnutrition and weight through lead to serious health dehydration. Several problems. However, state high school maybe they are athletic associations eating healthy and have made rules balancing their that allow wrestlers weight at the same to lose weight but time. only to a certain It’s necessary to extent. However lose weight and only four states have stay healthy only if mandatory weight you’re already over standards. weight and you need Roberto Dubarry, Business These to tone it down a bit. sophomore, wins a match after losing standards are based Most people do not weight. However, he suffered severe on percentage body understand why a medical consequences. High school fat because of the wrestler must lose wrestling requires a minimum BMI of arguments that losing weight. 7%, and Dubarry had only 3%. He weight is dangerous. “When people was forced to seek automatic medical “We only want to hear that I have to attention. lose weight to change lose weight, they our appearance and freak out. My only performance during a match. After weighanswer is I want to win states this year,” in we can eat as much as we want. We said Kevin Murphy, Legal junior. essentially just have to make weight at They want to be victorious, so our that moment,” said Carlos Green, business young professional sports stars practice academy sophomore. three hours a day and six days a week. So the essential question emerges: is it “It’s a potential state championship morally correct to ask growing teenage team that puts forth the effort being present boys to lose weight? Additionally, the in practice and train hard until the very weight loss is almost always done without last period of practice. We have it in us,” the support of a nutritionist or trained Ramon Vega, Medical academy freshman. doctor. When these boys are asked to lose Wrestling teams are like a family: all weight, their method is to simply stop you have is your team. Your team is what eating. This can have serious consequences makes you better. It’s a sport that people on their height, bone strength, and physical must love and be dedicated to in order to maturity. It also teaches them bad lessons be successful. about how to maintain a healthy body, and “This is tough and nothing can compete reinforces bad body image. to it. It’s a 365 day sport, but I can’t stop BAITLINE Editor-in-Chief Emma Singer 2009-2010 Staff Sports Editor Sebastian Berti Julian Ortiz News Editors Anna Mebel Spotlight Editor Devante Muhammed Meghann Bailey Opinions Editor Rhea Cashmire Valerie Diaz Submerge Yourself Editors Lauren Garner Camila Bernal A&E Editor Gabriella Reyes Rahnika Jones PHOTO CREDIT: FOX-MAR PHOTOGRAPHY The daily bullying announcements have become a source of complaint from students Features Editor Justin Soler Spanish Editor Deibbys Cardoso Just For Fun Editor Rhea Cassimire Staff Writers Meghann Bailey Camila Bernal Sebastian Berti Deibbys Cardoso Rhea Cassimire Valierie Diaz Maria Espinal Lauren Garner Rahnika Jones Jeremy Mathurin Anna Mebel Devante Muhammed Julian Ortiz Gabriela Reyes Emma Singer Justin Soler Advisor Cheri MitchellSantiago Principal Adrianne Leal Baitline strives to provide quality student-led publications to the student body providing the school community with an open forum of public expression. In the publications class, students will make all editorial decisions including, but not limited to: generating story ideas, writing copy, editing copy, laying out copy, taking photographs, and handling all aspects of running the business end of a school publication. Because of this, any comments or concerns should be addressed to the editorial staff. It should be understood that the newspaper is not a professional publication; therefore, students will make mistakes during the learning process. As a staff, we will make every effort to learn from these mistakes and continually improve the publication. While our primary goal is to inform and entertain the school community, we also strive to maintain high journalistic standards. All opinions expressed in the publications are the students’ or the individual sources, and not the staff’s as a whole, the advisor, or school officials. Letters to the editor are appreciated and can be delivered to room 305 or e-mailed to baitline@coralreef.dadeschools.net. All letters submitted may be condensed or edited for grammar and spelling. Libelous material will not be printed. Information about submitting ads can be obtained by e-mailing baitline@coralreef.dadeschools.net. Past issues can be viewed at http://crhs.dadeschools.net. Opinions Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 5 Is deferrment from college equivalent to rejection? Each deferred studies has to face the ambiguities such a decision details ANNA MEBEL Staff Writer In modern times, a motivated high school student is faced with sky-high standards and brutal competition. Going to college is no longer a privilege sought after by the upper middle class, but a must for success. Because of financial aid and college applications becoming accessible through the Internet, everyone has the means to apply and attend college, leveling the playing field economically. Due to these changes, colleges have the luxury of choice, meaning that students have to look even better on paper. “It’s ridiculous. It seems like you need a sob story along with excellent credentials to get accepted,” said Jennifer McCord, VPA Senior. This competitiveness extends beyond the Ivy League, and many other schools have upped the ante for applicants. With the increase of hopefuls, colleges have become more adept at saying no. Yet, “yes” and “no” are not the only responses a student can get from colleges. Deferral offers a strange, hazy middle ground. If an individual applies for Early Action, which is non-binding, or Early Decision, an application choice that forces the person to attend if he or she is accepted into the college, the admission staff can decide to view his or her application in the context in to my safety school. Then I froze because I had to tell my parents,” said Shari Thompson, Legal Senior. It is logical to presume that not all deferred students are equal. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, accepts one-third of their deferred applicants, but the questions haunting every student’s minds are whether they are instead in the rejected 66%. “Well, I wasn’t really expecting to get in. I still decided to give it a try, though the application process was stressful and time-consuming,” said Sophia Meziani, IB Senior and deferred student. When applying to an extremely selective school, it is important to remember that the GRAPHIC: ANNA MEBEL. odds are stacked against you. Yale University deferred a total of 51% of its Early Action pool. When receiving a deferral, it should be a confidence boost because you were chosen to be of the Regular Decision pool and give a gets deferred, and the chances of getting part of a pool of absolutely extraordinary decision later. accepted for regular decision are generally people. Nevertheless, a deferral is a It is strange to be a deferred student. lower than in the early action or early whisper away from a “no” and keeping Though you are not exactly a reject, you decision pool. one’s hopes up is self-destructive. are not accepted either. The majority “At first I was like, ah man, I didn’t get Fire drills are dangerous, bringing more harm than good Fire drills become an outdated precaution in this new age of technology and sprinklers jeremy mathurin Staff Writer Fire drills have been practiced in schools since 1948, and are regarded as one the most useful ways to prevent injuries during fire in schools, office buildings, and even homes. A fire drill is a method of practicing the evacuation of a building for a fire. Most of the time, the emergency system, usually an alarm, is activated and the building is evacuated as though a real fire had occurred. Usually, the time it takes to evacuate is measured to ensure that it occurs within a reasonable length of time. But many are beginning to question their usefulness. “Fire drills are useless and in fact, people would probably get hurt because they think it’s just a drill that they’re pushing really hard, plus when was the last time A new study by the homeland security concluded that almost all fires in the state have been confined to their origin. Moreover, this school has not seen a fire in years in part to technology and also extinguishers all over the school “I like them because they get me out of class but when it comes to actually helping during a fire, chances are it won’t do much. I don’t think people will be all that PHOTO CREDIT: jeremy mathurin. concerned with getting The school follows strict safety precautions by placing fire alarms out the building in an throughout the school. orderly fashion when there’s a fire near by,” there was a fire at this school are becoming less common. said Brittany Alabre anyways,” said Matthew Duncan Students are becoming skeptical Business Sophomore. Business Sophomore. of the positive effects of fire Expecting an entire school of With today’s efficient technology drills and are questioning their teenagers to get out of a building and appliances, fires in buildings effectiveness. in a calm and organized manner is extremely difficult, and can actually add to the confusion and even lead innocent students toward a fire. Why risk it when the chances of a fire spreading are slim to none? “Here at Coral Reef, we have ten required fire drills per year, which means one per month of the school year. Some might say it’s more than enough and that it disrupts the class room, but any drill that could potentially save lives is not useless and is defiantly necessary. We’ve accomplished to evacuate 3000 students in three minutes. This will really help if there is an actual fire in the school,” said Assistant Principal Mr. Mejia. Yes, preparation makes perfect, but why risk keeping a practice in place that might save lives once, but puts them in jeopardy at least ten times. In the end, it can be concluded that fire drills are useless. Submit to Elysium, Coral Reef’s literary-arts magazine Poetry-Stories-Essays-Plays-Raps-Photography-Painting-Sculpture-Digital MediaProse-Graphic Design-Comic Strips-Animation-Fashion Design-Musical Compositions SUBMIT TO ROOM 310 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: FEBRUARY 26 Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 6 SUBMERGE Out with the old, in with the new Are New Year’s resolutions a joke, or do Coral Reef students actually keep their promises? RHEA CASSIMIRE Staff Writer Three, Two, One…Happy New Year! It’s time for those resolutions to go into effect. You know, the one where you promise to do better in school by actually studying for tests, or to not text so much this month so the bill isn’t high. How many times have you actually stuck to your resolution or even made a resolution? Some people don’t even remember to make resolutions because they don’t think that they are actually going to stick to them, while others make them consistently in order to achieve a goal. It has been said that New Year resolutions are not real. In fact, the tradition of making a New Year resolution goes back to the early Babylonians who made promises to return things like borrowed farm equipment. Fast forwarding to 2010, our current resolutions are to do things like being a better person, or building up the courage to talk to that special guy or girl. It could even be forgetting someone, burying your past and starting over. “I don’t believe in New Year resolutions because I know that I’m not going to remember them first of all, and I know that I’m probably not going to keep them,” said Engineering sophomore, Melanie Lipps. Some people don’t see the point in a resolutions because we all know we make promises to ourselves to do this, that and the next thing, but we also know that after the promise come the words, “maybe tomorrow.” “I think that New Year resolutions are great because they help people who have tried over and over and over again to meet a certain goal, get it accomplished. Which is why I try so hard to remember to make a resolution and to stay with it, as a way of motivation to help me stick with my promise,” said Legal sophomore, Regine Commissiong. Whether you decide to stick to your plan or not, making a resolution can be the jump start you need to have a good year, or turn over a new leaf for yourself. It’s never too late to make a resolution or put it into effect. My New Year’s Resolutions 1. Get better grades in math class 2. Stop cursing so much 3. Spend less time playing video games 4. Find time to work out/exercise 5. Eat healthier food 6. Be nicer to my little sisters and brothers 7. Get a job 8. Spend less money on clothes 9. Help my parents around the house more often 10. Stop texting while I drive 11. Stop spending so much time on Facebook 12. Save money for college/my future Fashion keeps moving forward into the new decade Are you up with this years fashion statements? Make sure to keep up with the newest trends! GABRIELA REYES Staff Writer pieces to the new ones. Even though we might have to update our ripped jeans just a little bit to be in style this year, luckily for us the big fashion trend, skinny jeans, is still playing a big part of our clothing trends in 2010. How relieving does it feel to know that all that money wasted on every color skinny jeans has not gone to waste! For those of us students though that like to have a variety of clothing to dress up to school and to everywhere else, slouchy bottoms are also in. Yes, these are those pants that are really fitting at the waist and immensely loose throughout your legs. These aren’t often seen since they As we all know, a new year calls for new fashion trends. It’s time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new. Luckily though, 2010’s fashion trends are working cooperatively with the pockets of those who spent money on clothing in 2009. There are many ways to look hip in the new decade just by dressing up clothing pieces that were bought last year. The most shocking 2010 fashion trend is the patched jeans. In 2009 we loved ripped jeans, right? Well, hopefully you saved those pieces you ripped off because they will surely make your pair of jeans go from 2009 to 2010 chic. The good thing is though, that the pieces patched on to the jeans don’t have to be the same color as the jeans. PHOTO CREDIT: GABRIELA REYES They could The scarves, the boots, and comfty sweaters are the newest trends. shade in anywhere from the are extremely hard to dress up. But, the darkest to the lightest shade as long as trick to fashionably wearing them and they look correctly patched. Therefore, not looking like you’re wearing your if you didn’t save those old pieces that pajamas, is wearing them with a really you ripped in the beginning of 2009, you have nothing to worry about students; just fitting top, and if possible, heels. “I really like these big pants because I rip another pair of old pants and patch its don’t only feel high fashion in them but also comfortable. It’s as if I were wearing Victoria Secret sweats, except I look way more chic,” said Stefania Garcia, VPA Junior. There are two 2010 trends that are undoubtedly some of the most wanted styles that this new year brings, but unfortunately, violate the dress code here at Coral Reef. The very first one is the very stylish one shoulder clothing pieces. These pieces range anywhere from shirts to dresses. The other big statement fashion piece is really short shorts. And no, I don’t mean those that are cut out from jeans. These short shorts are only ideal if worn properly. In order to do this, they should be of leather material or of very loose fabric. They must be worn with a very edgy top in order to stay sophisticated and not cross the “trashy” line. The biggest fashion trend of this year is zippers! Zippers everywhere is all fashion experts want to see! They’re cool on your jeans, shirts, dresses, t-shirts, even your head pieces. As expected, zippers make a simple little black dress go from boring to trendsetting. The only thing to be worried about when shopping for zippered-clothing is the fact that a zipper should never take away from the design, but only enhance it. Keep this in mind when shopping to ensure you don’t commit a fashion sin. Remember, any clothing will look good as long as it is worn with confidence. That perhaps is the fashion trend that will forever remain in style. Love how you feel in your clothes and others will love how you look in them! PHOTO CREDIT: ELIZABETH GONZALEZ This year, expect to see more form-fitting jeans for guys, as well as hoodies with rolled up sleeves. Comfort is coming back into style! 7 YOURSELF Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 What will the new decade have in store for us Students at Coral Reef make predictions about the upcoming future CAMILA BERNAL Staff Writer Throughout the entire nation, predictions are being made about the future of our economy and political agenda, technological advancements, and the prosperity and peace of our homes. But 2010 has arrived and Coral Reef students have expectations of their own, there is this romantic effervescent aroma in the occasional cool winter air that is making Coral Reef students excited for what this New Year bringing. Off course, the seniors: class of 2010 will feel in their element because the few months ahead should and will be filled with the last and probably most memorable experiences of their journey through high school. “I think prom and graduation are going to be like stepping stones, solidifying my last days here at Coral Reef, I know that by that time I will have lost friends, but hopefully I will gain new ones,” said Lynett Vargas, VPA Senior. Prom is supposed to take place Friday, May 14th and graduation is supposed to take place June 11th, and if this is not enough, seniors are also expecting to receive and finalize their college admissions. It’s going to be a year of change for seniors and hopefully they can all open their arms and welcome it with a positive attitude. “This year I predict that I will find someone who is going to make a difference in my life, and hopefully that I find a sexy dress for Prom… I’m trying something new,” said Scarlett Torres, Legal Senior. On the other hand, the rest of the student body has different expectations and predictions for what this New Year will bring. “I predict that this year I will increase my status with women, that I will stay away from trouble, and get a job, and that I won’t be too scared for the beginning of senior year,” Andrew Dilone, Business Junior. On top of all, AP exams are coming and everyone feels differently on how they predict the exams will be and their expectations on how good they will do. The teachers also had their say on what they hoped 2010 would be like. “I hope this year my kids will have amazing scores in their AP exams,” said Vonica Barno, AP Government teacher. We have many expectations and predictions for this year, some mixed with hopeful thinking, and a yearning for desirable events, but in the end this New Year started with the anticipation and joy of starting fresh. PHOTO CREDIT: CAMILA BERNAL Jessica Sanchez, Medical Senior looks pensively towards the future. “I can see flying cars, robotic teachers, and cities on the moon coming closer to our grasp,” said Sanchez. Giving organ-transplant patients hope for the future IB Sophomore organizes a foundation to help those in need of organ transplants Guest Writer Knots of Hope is a community-service organization that is dedicated to raising funds as well as local awareness for the Transplant Foundation, Inc. affiliated with the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami. Created and founded by high school student and avid community service volunteer Priscilla Suzal-Wright, IB Sophomore, and a band of loyal, devoted and equally committed friends; Lauren Martin, Nikki Baralt, Gaby Baralt, Rachel Jara, Nati Aguirre and Nicole Aguirre - Knots of Hope has flourished as a way of bonding with friends while giving back to the community. By designing, producing and events hosted selling colorful, fashionable and throughout the charming hand-made string and year. beaded “knots of hope” Knots bracelets, the girls have of Hope bonded together for a cause that is close to their hearts, helping the Transplant Foundation gain necessary funding while volunteering their time at PHOTO CREDIT: PRISCILLA SUZAL various WalkPriscilla Suzal, IB Sophomore, and her friends have raised a lot A-Thons and of money for organ-transplant patients. She hopes to expand her other charitable community service group in order to help more people. continues to grow day by day with the charitable goal of raising awareness and drawing attention to the importance of organ donation. Knots of Hope instills hope in those who are in need of transplants as well as their loving families by fundraising and earning vital funds for the Transplant Foundation – a foundation with a mission to provide services for transplant recipients, increase organ donation through community education and fund trans- plant research. Knots of Hope enjoys a bright and hopeful vision, with optimism that their organization will grow and eventually evolve into a nationally recognized charity that will continue to make a major difference in people’s lives. Celebrate the New Year with people you love Bringing in the a decade new decade is a memorable event best shared with loved ones MEGHANN BAILEY Staff Writer PHOTO CREDIT: DIANA GARDNER Diana Gardner, VPA Senior, celebrates the New Year with her family in Kentucky. “I love New Year’s Eve because I get to spend time with my favorite people in the world, my family. I have such a great time, I never want to leave,” said Gardner. Every December 31st, people gather together and wait up until twelve to celebrate the coming of a new year. Most people look at New Years as a day to party and spend time with family and friends, but many don’t know the true meaning of this traditional day. New Years is a holiday celebrated all around the world in which a brand new year begins, but for many, the New Year brings more than just that. Individuals everywhere use New Years as a new beginning to start over; a reason to finally let go of all of their problems and present themselves with new resolutions. “New Years is a time to celebrate and start fresh. If someone had a bad year last year, this year gives them a way to make things better,” said Kristians Musquera, VPA Freshman. There are variety of ways that people choose to celebrate this holiday, whether they are with friends, family, or simply by themselves. Many spend time with their family on New Years Eve and watch the countdown on television that is shown live from Times Square in New York. Another way to celebrate is by drinking champagne, and eating twelve grapes.. This belief is said to bring good luck to the twelve months of the New Year. But the most traditional way that people spend New Years Eve is by lighting off fireworks when the clock hits midnight and using different forms of noise makers. This is known to start the New Year off in good spirits and to celebrate all that is to come that year. “On New Years I visited my family in Louisville, Kentucky. I ended up staying at my grandma’s house and watching ‘Terminator the Salvation’ and ‘Surogates’, until Jennifer Lopez performed, then we watched the New Years countdown. During the countdown, we all gave hugs and said ‘Happy New Years!’ then we all went to bed. Overall it was nice and simple though,” said Diana Gardner, VPA Senior. Overall, there are many ways that people choose to celebrate the New Year, and although they aren’t always celebrated the same way, the New Year still represents the same thing everywhere. So let’s welcome the year of 2010 with the best of wishes and new resolutions. “Personally, I don’t believe in New Years resolutions, because if someone really wanted to accomplish something, they wouldn’t have to wait until January 1st,” said Chelsea Leather, VPA Junior. 8 Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 Emily Hudson: Designer Spotlight Created her own successful clothing line SEBASTIAN BERTI Staff Writer In a time where many businesses are struggling to even stay open or avoid bankruptcy, a new business has emerged from a very artistic, beautiful and very talented clothes designer in our very own school! Emily Hudson sophomore in the VPA academy has started her own clothing line called “Emily Hudson Design.” Her clothing line consists of all types of amazing, colorful, unique, quality, stunning and eye catching designs. Some of her designs consist of innovative T-shirts that can’t be compared to any other. “She has a fresh creative eye for fashion, her clothes are excellent quality, the price is stunningly affordable, and she’s going to have her own store for sure,” said Lori Weaverling, VPA Sophomore Hudson also makes a variety of dresses that have so much personality and sense of style that one would wonder how this company is not a corporation yet? She also makes a variety of women’s bags, hoodies, and all different types of clothing accessories. Hudson has managed to sell a large amount of her products to students in Coral Reef and to a number of people outside of Reef. “When I think of the clothes I’ve bought from Emily Hudson Design and the other products I have seen on her website the thought interesting comes to mind. I think it’s interesting that such a young person can make such outstanding clothes, and she also has a really good sense of style, and when people buy her clothes it makes them have a better sense of their own style,” said Guillermo Escobar Legal sophomore. Another thing that Emily Hudson provides in her business is one of the most recognizable ones, her excellent customer service. “If I had to sum up Emily Hudson Design in a brief summary I would say it’s unique, beautiful, and stands alone compared to any other clothes, plus her customer service is really helpful,” said Jessica Gamiotea ,VPA Sophomore. This stylish, yet urban approach that Hudson’s designs bring to the table is recognized by her customers. “It’s very creative, I think it’s pretty cool how she’s doing her hustle and her shirts are original and very imaginative.” Jonathan Knight, VPA junior. Check out Hudson’s website to see her designs, www.emilyhudsondesign.piczo. com. PHOTO CREDIT: SEBASTIAN BERTI Emily Hudson of “Emily Hudson Design.” Sisters and brother swimming around the Reef Siblings talk about the pros and cons of attending Coral Reef Senior High School together RAH’NIKA JONES Staff Writer In Hollywood there is a ton of brotherly- sisterly love going on. Twins Mary-Kate and Ashley forge in the movie industry. The Jonas Brothers pioneer in youth pop-rock culture. And in athletics, sister’s Venus and Serena Williams tear up the floors of the tennis courts. Throughout the media, there are siblings everywhere. But where are the siblings here at Coral Reef? It seems to be that their fishing around the tank everywhere, it’s just that they’re so unique no one would ever recognize them amongst all the Cuda chaos. Take the Rahming twins for example. Shoshanna and Devin Rahming are fraternal twins, both seniors in IB program. These two have grown to look similar but yet be so different. They were both born June 24th 1992 to their mother, Mrs. Hawatha Rahming. “Shoshanna is older than me by two minutes, so what. She still can’t beat me up and I’m smarter than her; that takes over everything,” said Devin. “Devin and I are totally different in regards to looks and personality but we are always going to be there for each other. We actually are closer than what people think. I love my brother but I’m still his older sister, he better not get out of line, or I’m going to tell my momma,” said Shoshanna. These two both play sports and excel in the IB program. “It’s funny being in the IB program. Devin and I have been in IB since the 9th grade. They say we are supposed to be among “Yes, I know I don’t resemble academy and involved in track the some of the smartest people in my two older sisters but I like and field,” says Shannon Wright, Dade County. Funny, we still have looking different. It gives me Business junior. teachers and students that don’t more individuality. We are Being a triplet, things can get know we are twins. And they’ve always together so it’s hard to real rough having two siblings known us since 9th grade!” said be independent,” says Paula and everyone trying to get Shoshanna. Feliciano, Business junior. along. Luckily, with the Wrights, Although these two don’t get In case of the Wrights it’s they all do this very well, but seen much in school together, just an all around mix. Like the there’s nothing like when put together they are double Feliciano’s we have two girls in a little friendly trouble. this group, but with the competition. “I’ve had Shoshanna and Devin addition of an “Being the in my French class together for older brother. oldest my sisters three years. They are good kids Although these have to keep but, oh my, they can be a pain due up with to their clashing at each other,” m e . says IB French teacher, Mrs. I ’ m Lochet t h e Picturing it could get no worst than twins, you wouldn’t believe how many triplets we have amongst us. And boy do they come in different packages. The Feliciano sister’s and Wright trio are a prime example. In the Feliciano clan, there are three lovely young ladies by the names of Alexandra, Elisa, and Paula. In in the Wright trio there is oldest brother Sterling, and then younger sisters Shannon and Shawn. Now when one thinks of triplets they think of everything PHOTO CREDIT: RAH’NIKA JONES tripled right? The Wright siblings love attending the same school, and hope to In the case of the maybe even attend the same college. Feliciano sister’s it seems to be a double plus one. “Alex and I are identical. Paula three may all be visually unique smartest, and our mom loves me on the other hand, is our fraternal they are all rather similar on a lot the most,” says oldest brother sister. Along with that she’s also of things. Sterling. shorter than me and Alex. So “Well we all look different but “I love my brother and sister if you saw us all together you I think we are very similar. We but being the youngest I have probably couldn’t tell that we are have the same personality’s just to compete with them the most all really related,” says Elisa, IB different energy levels. But other so my opinion and actions can junior. than that we are all in the same get recognized. And as for Sterling, he swears he’s right about everything. He may be the oldest but still can’t beat me and Shannon at racing. We are faster than him,” says younger sister Shawn. Getting away from the twin mood we still have a large amount of siblings that attend this school that you could both picture being and not being related. IB senior Ashley Subaran and Medical Freshman Renee Subaran are what you can call picture perfect sisters, but in regards to total opposites, brothers Oliver and Austin Acstoca could be no more different. From their eyes to their hair these brothers couldn’t bare to be anymore different than they already are physically. One would think they’d connect on a more mental level, but while older brother Oliver enjoys listening to the Phantom of the Opera younger brother Austin likes rock away to Blink 182. Although these two are unlike in so many ways their relationship is great. “Going to the same school with my brother Oliver is cool. Yes we are complete opposites but I love the advantages of him being around, having a car is cool and getting to all the cool upper classman parties is awesome. What more can a younger brother asks for,” says Austin, Engineering freshman. As for sisters Ashley and Renee things are almost singular besides the different academies. Like in Hollywood, the Tank has it share of siblings to. No matter how similar or how different brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. Sports Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 Horseback riding: no longer just for cowboys 9 Many of Coral Reef’s students have a passion for horseback riding and competition LAUREN GARNER Staff Writer Horseback riding is one of those things that isn’t really labeled as a sport but a hobby; in truth horseback riding is so much more than sitting on a horse and going for a ride. When riding a horse you have to search for a silent connection, a connection hidden under many layers of emotions. Telling the horse to do something isn’t an option it’s more like asking your best friend to give you a piggy back ride for hours. Try connecting with something you can’t talk to? Nearly impossible, which is what makes it so difficult and at times even terrifying, it’s not fun when1500 pounds of raw power could toss and crush you in seconds. Aside from all the emotions and fears of dying, riding a horse can be the most amazing experience, like flying without wings, like freedom with no regrets, like being so happy that you crave the very creature that gave you such feelings. It may seem exaggerated but coming from someone who has ridden a horse “There’s no greater feeling than coming home from school and riding away all my worries,” says Agriscience Junior, PHOTO CREDIT: LAUREN GARNER The beauty of horses and riding attracts many fans. Students such as Lauren Garner, Agriscience junior, adore the feeling of connection that comes with horseback riding. “I feel like I have this deep connection with my horse... That we become one, and all is right in my world.” Samantha Borek. Among the increasing number of horseback riders, there are those who enjoy riding just because they love it, these riders are called pleasure riders. A basic description of a pleasure rider is someone like Samantha who enjoys riding for the pleasure of being with something that doesn’t mind listening. Samantha may go to a show occasionally but that’s not her goal she just enjoys riding period. “I love showing, don’t get me wrong, everyone has a little competitive blood in them but id much rather be riding around on the beach or in the woods,” says Borek. Along with the common pleasure rider you have a competitive rider who lives, eats, breathes horses, they practice just as much as any football player, but everyday all year long and they can compete anywhere around once a month to once a week. Coral Reef doesn’t have many competitive riders, for they are rare. The reason for there scarceness is the fact that the line that runs between riding as a hobby and riding as a sport is very rough, you have to ride and you have to ride good. Being a good rider doesn’t involve just sitting there you have to be intelligent enough to control a horse’s body as well as your own. For those who do show jumping (riding a horse through course of jumps as fast as you can) you have to remember up to 20 jumps and exactly how your going to make your way to and through them. Although horseback riding seems like nothing but a hobby, there are soccer player’s football players, and basketball players that play for fun not really as a sport, horseback riding is the same way. In fact, in Europe horseback riding is just as famous as any other sport played. Next time you see someone on a horse imagine how much fun there having and maybe you’ll give it a try. Super Bowl XLIV returns to Miami But it’s the half-time show and commercials that command everyone’s attention JUSTIN SOLER Staff Writer The Bridgestone Super Bowl halftime show is one of the most anticipated musical events of the year. More than 151 million viewers in the U.S. watched last year’s show. The Super Bowl and halftime show will be broadcast worldwide in more than 230 countries and territories. The Who join an esteemed list of recent halftime acts that includes Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Prince, the Rolling Stones, and Paul McCartney. Few bands have had a more lasting impact on the rock era and the reverberating pop culture than The Who. Emerging in the mid-1960s as a new and incendiary force in rock ‘n roll, their brash style and poignant storytelling garnered them one of music’s most passionate followings, with the legendary foursome blazing a searing new template for rock, punk, and everything after. Inducted into the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame in 1990, the band has sold more than 100 million records worldwide, placing 27 Top 40 singles in the United States and United Kingdom and earning 17 Top 10 albums, including the 1969 ground-breaking rock opera Tommy, 1971’s pummeling Live At Leeds, 1973’s Quadrophenia, 1978’s Who Are You, and their most recently acclaimed Endless Wire, their first full-length album of new material in nearly two decades. Last year, they became the first rock band ever to be awarded the prestigious Kennedy Center Honors. Singer Roger Daltrey and guitarist/songwriter Pete Townshend, The Who’s two remaining original members, are once again being hailed as rock standard bearers. Daltrey and Townshend debuted in 1964 with a trio of anthems -“I Can’t Explain,” “The Kids Are Alright” and “My Generation.” Since then they have delivered to the world hits such as “Baba O’Riley,” “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” “Pinball Wizard,” “Who Are You,” and “You Better You Bet.” Unprecedented demand for their sold-out trek across the globe, which began in 2007 and ended in the first half of 2009, reaffirmed their reputation as rock’s most influential and robust performing artists. This year marks the third time the Bridgestone brand has sponsored the Super Bowl halftime show. The Bridgestone Super Bowl XLIV Halftime Show is an NFL Network production and will be executive produced by Ricky Kirshner and directed by Hamish Hamilton. Another big part of the Super bowl is the commercials. Companies pay the big bucks for the small slots that are broadcasted all over the world. This year a 30 second time slot will cost about $2 million, rising from last year’s $1 million dollars. Nevertheless, a few million dollars is a small price to pay to advertise to over a predicted one billion viewers. Also, Super bowl are known for their comical originality. This year’s super bowl, taking place in Miami’s very own Landshark Stadium, is predicted to have the largest turn out ever. DONATE TO THE HAITIAN RELIEF EFFORT! Bring blankets, clothes, canned food, and water bottles or jugs to the Activities Office at any time. 10 A&E Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 Album Reviews: New albums excite listeners Coral Reef’s very own music expert discusses January’s hottest albums in a variety of genres VALERIE DIAZ Staff Writer Ollusion Omarion Ollusion is Omarion’s third studio album release. His previous album, 21 was very successful. It sold over 390,000 copies in the United States alone. It also earned a #1 spot on the Billboard 200, which is not an easy feat. Hopefully, Ollusion will receive just as much recognition. The album is expected to be a big hit, as it was produced by T-Pain and Marques Houston. “I Get It In,” the first single from Ollusion, has made quite some noise already. And it was just released on November 24, 2009. “Hoodie” will be the next single and it features Jay Rock. Ollusion will be in stores on January 12th. COLUMBIA RECORD LABEL My Dinosaur Life Motion City Soundtrack Motion City Soundtrack’s upcoming fourth studio album is My Dinosaur Life. It was produced by Blink-182 bassist and cofrontman Mark Hoppus, who also produced their second album Commit This To Memory. He says the album will feature a new and heavier side of the band, but stays true to their sound. “There’s an edge on this record that I’m really excited about getting into,” he said. “But it still has all the catchiness of everything that I personally love about Motion City Soundtrack.” My Dinosaur Life will be released on January 19th. EPITAPH RECORD LABEL Somebody to Love Leighton Meester Leighton Meester is a rising actress who is becoming increasingly popular for her role as Blair Waldorf on the hit TV series Gossip Girl. She also was featured on the single “Good Girls Go Bad” by Cobra Starship. Now, she’s releasing her debut album, Love is a Drug which she describes as having an “electro-pop” edge. Meester claims that her influences for the album include Madonna, Britney Spears, and Debbie Harry. “Somebody to Love” features Robin Thicke and was chosen as the lead single from the album. “Make It Rain” features Lil Wayne, has been confirmed as the second single. Love is a Drug will be released on January 25th. UNIVERSAL REPUBLIC No Ordinary Love was anything but ordinary PHOTO CREDITS: AMY SCOTT Floetry show dazzled with its wide range of talented performers and original works RHEA CASSIMIRE Staff Writer From fast paced rhymes and beautiful high notes to inspirational and moving poems, Floetry is the show that has it all. This is the second year that Floetry has been running and it’s Coral Reef’s way of introducing the styles of Spoken Word performances to students. “This is an awesome opportunity to experience a cool form of modern poetry. I love spoken word poetry because there is such a huge depth of emotion to it,” said Ely Benhamo, Engineering Junior. Over 50 students auditioned and only 25 were the lucky ones who made the cut. One of the 25 students who made the cut, Legal sophomore, Kymone Fuller, is a gifted writer who is very good and putting soul, emotion, and meaning into her poems. Most of which come from her every day experiences and hardships she’s over come in her life. “I joined Floetry because my favorite teacher heard one of my pieces and told me that I should do it,” said Fuller. But her language arts teacher Ms. Krieger wasn’t the only source of motivation Kymone has, her family is a very important part of her life, and they’re also very supportive of her talents and they make contributions to her many powerful pieces. In fact, it was Kymone’s sister who got her to start writing in the first place. “I don’t see Floetry as a competition, I believe that we were all great and had wonderful work to offer to the show,” said Kymone. Floetry is also a time for the non VPA students to shine as well as VPA students who are multi-talented. Featured was a mixture of different writing styles such as poems, raps and much more, and you will also hear singing of songs, both original and covered by Coral Reef students. “Last year it was amazing…the words were powerful and moving. These kids have incredible talent,” said Leah Singer, IB sophomore. The theme for this year’s show was “No ordinary Love” and it was just that... no ordinary show. Floetry perfomers poured their souls into this show. Features Coral Reef Sr. High January 2010 11 My dog ate my homework... again and again Students are the masters in the art of excuses, and teachers have learned to recognize them ELIZABETH GONZALEZ hear us out. Of course from a teacher’s point of view, hearing Staff Writer while others do. Other popular excuses of course the same excuse include: My mom threw three-hundred times away my homework, I left in one week makes it hearing the same excuse three-hundred times in one it on the bus, it’s in my very difficult to pick car, my computer broke, week makes it very difficult to pick out the honest out the honest ones I forgot today was an ‘A’ from the liars. day, and the power went ones from the liars “One girl told me out in my neighborhood. she couldn’t do her “I was at the hospital project because her mom was sick. experienced liars do have the last night because my uncle was She had cancer in her heart. She advantage. For example, the drama sick,” said Sandra Ferret, Medical even started crying and I started academy has the upper hand on Senior. She wasn’t anywhere near crying with her. Then, a few this case. I’m sure teachers even a hospital and has no sick uncle. weeks later I call home because take the time to think it unfair that “The printer is always I was getting worried. Her mom some students can’t even act the broken,” said Stephanie Cramer, was perfectly fine,” said Zenaida part or sound believable enough U.S. History Teacher. Cramer “ “ It seems like the regular, probably truthful, but excuses don’t make the cut anymore. Teachers are tired of hearing it over and over again, so what choice do we have but to change it up a bit and get creative? Trust me teachers, we’re doing it for your sake just so you don’t get bored to death with the same day to day excuses. Whether it’s homework or tardiness, we’ve got a reason so Becerra, Spanish Teacher. From an acting point of view, claims it’s one of the most popular excuses for not turning in homework. One kid actually got away with his mischievous scheme. “My cell phone had internet and I knew my mom’s e-mail and password. I logged on to her e-mail and wrote to my teacher pretending to be my mom,” said an anonymous, Business Junior. But either way it’s not like they’re going accept the truth. We have no other choice but to turn to our creative sides. Electronics will render books obsolete New technologies push the boundaries of the simple act of reading JEREMY MATHURIN Staff Writer PHOTO CREDIT: CAMILA BERNAL. VPA Senior, Dylan Golden pores over the pages of the traditional reading device, a book. Tradition overcomes technological advances Holding a classic book in your hands just isn’t the same as reading on an electronic device CAMILA BERNAL Staff Writer E-books, the new technologic buzz. No paper necessary. The reader must purchase the title they desire and then they have the book electronically available. The question remains through, will the E-book become more popular than paper books? Do they have the power to replace books? The answer is a very solid “no.” Technology passes, it moves forward leaving us behind to catch up, and even though progress is necessary and positive, when it comes to books, to the enchantment of literature and the adventure of climaxes and resolutions, the charm and intimacy of flipping a page will be eternal. “I am a book junkie, E-books just don’t attract me, and I like the feeling of holding an authentic, substantial, book in my hands,” said Denise Arnold, English Teacher. There are of course different arguments to the benefits of the E-book, many support this new technology because it would be healthy for the environment, if more people switched to E-books, the production of paper books would decrease. “I think E-books is an amazing idea. My mom reads lots of books and she throws them away afterwards, I feel like it’s such a waste of paper, if she had an E-book that just wouldn’t be necessary. Plus E-books are much cheaper,” said Bianca Dansoh, Legal Senior. Opinions differ, but in the end, it’s undeniable that the popularity of books will always maintain it’s prestige in preference. There are still those “book junkies” out there who will not settle for an electronic imitation of the reading experience. “I definitely prefer books, I like looking at my progress while I read them, and how I go from just a few pages to my book mark being under a thick layer of pages,” said Chloe Castro, VPA Senior. “Also, afterwards I love looking at what happened to it as I read it, the tears, the food stains, the wrinkled pages from a weekend at the beach, the journey that the book and I went through,” said Castro. In the end, most would agree, books are treasures that hold with them the sentiments of generations. And above technology, above this idea of “easier” or “faster” or “better” is tradition. The charm of blowing dust of off a classic will never fade. The Kindle is a device developed by Nevertheless, the supporters of the EAmazon as a way to carry several books at book have more than mere sentiment on the same time. The first device was released their side. in the United States on November 19, 2007. “I personally love to read, and the These devises use an electronic paper Kindle simplifies reading and takes it to a display, which makes pages look like actual whole new level. For those who think it book pages. The device allows the user to is too expensive, you can get any book at download books and even applications 40% off list price. It saves paper, and the over Amazon wirelessly via the AT&T’s pages actually look like paper. You also get network internationally. The Kindle basic web browsing, not to mention that hardware device can be used without a computer and has free web browsing capabilities. “The Kindle is really cool, I don’t have one but the concept s e e m s great,” said Chelsea PHOTO CREDIT: ANNA MEBEL. Espina, The Sony Reader is another electronic reader similar to the Kindle. L e g a l Freshman. According to some estimates based on official it’s free. You can get absolutely anything statements, as of April 2009 there were from magazines to the bible. I still love about 1.5 million devices sold. Amazon e- books but the Kindle makes it… more book sales overtook actual book sales for convenient,” said Stacey Fradera, Library the first time on Christmas day of 2009. Media Specialist. Although the Kindle is an amazing device, E-books have become a there has been opposition against such revolutionary device that has students devices. Many imply that having a book and staff raving. Now, avid readers can in your hand, physically turning pages, purchase any book, without having to even the smell will always beat having a go to the store, and for a lot less money. hand held book. Another major point of the Some teachers are even allowing students opposition is the price which ranges from to annotate in their e-books and email their $200 up to $400. work over the internet. “You still have to pay for individual You can even purchase textbooks books, and if you lose it, it’s going be hard and highlight them to study, something to get all your books back. Why do that you can’t do in school textbooks. The when you can borrow from a library, and electronic world has finally over taken one return it when you’re done?” said Rolando of the oldest ways of story telling and is by Alayeto Legal sophomore far more prevalent and convenient. 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