Terumbu Karang dan Perubahan Iklim Coral Reefs
Terumbu Karang dan Perubahan Iklim Coral Reefs
BOOK RELEASE Terumbu Karang dan Perubahan Iklim Coral Reefs and Climate Change Panduan Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Kesadartahuan The Guide for Education and Awareness This comprehensive guide is a unique collaboration between educators and researchers, explaining the effects of climate change by using coral reefs as an example. Its aim is to inform, educate and enable people to begin to question the future that we are creating right now. It combines some of the latest scientific research with informative imagery to cover topics such as oceanography, coral reef biology, the issues of climate change and suggestions for ways forward. The book is not aimed at scientists but at educators, students, reef enthusiasts, professionals and interested people. INCLUDES CORAL HEALTH CHART B4 B5 B6 C1 B3 C4 E5 C3 E6 C2 B2 B1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E4 E1 D1 E2 C6 E3 C5 TABEL SEBUAH RANG TAN KA KESEHA The Coral Health Chart is a flexible tool that allows you to contribute to a global reef database by monitoring coral health in the field or classroom by simply comparing the colour of a coral with the colours on the chart and recording the matching codes. English edition also comes with Activity CD. BOOK INFORMATION Coral Reefs and Climate Change English edition 256 pages, PB Includes Coral Health Chart and Activity CD ISBN: 978-0-646-52360-6 $45.00 AUS Terumbu Karang dan Perubuhan Iklim Bahasa Indonesia edition 272 pages, PB Coral Health Chart only ISBN: 978-0-646-55619-2 $22.50 AUS Authors: Craig Reid, Justin Marshall, Dave Logan and Diana Kleine Published by CoralWatch, The University of Queensland, Australia. Please note: This page becomes a TAX INVOICE upon receipt of payment. ABN: 639 429 126 84 Please send me _________ copies of: Coral Reefs and Climate Change Bahasa edition AU$22.50 each Please send me _________ copies of: Coral Reefs and Climate Change English edition AU$45.00 each SUBTOTAL $ __________ Postage and Handling To cover air freight delivery and handling, please contact CoralWatch at info@coralwatch.org TOTAL $ __________ □ Mastercard □ Visa Name on card Card no. Expiry date / Ver. Code Phone # Organisation Address Tel or charge my Signature Name Postcode My cheque/money order for $ __________ Payable to CoralWatch is enclosed, Fax Email Prices are in Australian dollars and are subject to change without notice. When complete, please return to: CoralWatch, Queensland Brain Institute The University of Queensland St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia Phone +61 (07) 3365 3127 Fax +61 (07) 3365 4522 Email: info@coralwatch.org Web: www.coralwatch.org